11: ArcAnE TricksTEr
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Written By Michael R. Kimmel
AccurATE SpEllS
Your spells are more difficult to dodge, especially
when you surprise your opponents.
Prerequisites: Sneak attack +2d6, 3+ ranks in
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all
Reflex saves against spells you cast. Add an addi-
tional +1 to the Difficulty Class for targets who are
You are able to magically conceal sounds that you
Prerequisites: 12+ ranks in Stealth, arcane trick-
ster level 5th
Benefit: You can magically conceal any sounds
that you make for 1 round. Activating this ability
is a free action and you may remain silenced for a
number of rounds equal to your caster level. These
rounds need not be consecutive. You may not
use this ability and cast a spell requiring a verbal
component during the same round.
coNFouNd ThE cASTEr
When you counter a spell, the you can confuse the
thwarted caster.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Improved Counterspell,
arcane trickster level 1st
Benefit: Whenever you successfully counter a
spell, you may cause the caster of the countered
spell to become confused for a number of rounds
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Your caster level for this effect is equal to your
caster level. You may use this effect a number of
times per day equal to your arcane trickster level.
dEviouS BloodliNE
You continue to gain spells from your sorcerous
bloodline as you advance your skills in trickery.
Prerequisites: Sorcerer bloodline class feature,
arcane trickster level 1st
Benefit: Your levels in arcane trickster stack with
your sorcerer levels for purposes of determining
which bloodline spells you know.
diSTrAcTiNg illuSioNiST
You are skilled at diverting your opponents’ atten-
tion with your illusions.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, sneak attack class feature,
able to cast at least two illusion spells
Benefit: Whenever one of your opponents fails
a Will saving throw against an illusion spell you
cast, they lose their Dexterity bonus to AC against
your attacks for a number of rounds equal to your
Charisma modifier.
ExTrA imprompTu SNEAk ATTAck [comBAT]
You can make impromptu sneak attacks more
Prerequisite: Arcane trickster level 7th
Benefit: You can make an impromptu sneak attack
2 additional times per day.
ExTrA Tricky SpEllS
You can hide your spellcasting more often than
Prerequisites: Tricky spells class feature, 10+
ranks in Stealth
Benefit: You can use your tricky spells class
feature a number of times per day equal to your
arcane trickster class level instead of the normal
ENdlESS Tricky SpEllS
You are able to conceal nearly all of your spellcasting.
Prerequisites: Tricky spells class feature, Extra Tricky
Spells, 15+ ranks in Stealth
Benefit: You can use your tricky spells class feature a
number of times per day equal to twice your arcane trick-
ster class level instead of the normal amount.
FiNAl Trick [comBAT]
You always have one last trick up your sleeve.
Prerequisites: Arcane trickster level 3rd, resiliency rogue
Benefit: When you activate your resiliency rogue talent to
gain temporary hit points, you may also activate any 1 of
the following spell effects for a duration of 1 round per 3
caster levels: invisibility; haste; levitate; or protection from
energy . Your caster level for these effects is equal to your
caster level. In order to use any of the effects listed you
must know the spell or have it scribed in your spellbook,
but you need not have it prepared.
Flummox ThE FighTEr [comBAT]
When you dodge an attack of opportunity, you can confuse
your would-be assailant.
Prerequisites: Dex and Cha 13+, Dodge, arcane trickster
level 1st
Benefit: When an opponent makes an attack of opportu-
nity against you and misses, you may cause the attacker
to become confused for a number of rounds equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Your caster level for this
effect is equal to your caster level. You may use this effect
a number of times per day equal to your arcane trickster
gNomiSh TrickS
You have learned even more tricks during your life as a
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, gnome, arcane trickster level 1st
Benefit: Twice per day you can use any one of the
following spell-like abilities: animate rope; disguise self;
grease; hypnotism; or hold portal. The caster level for these
effects is equal to your level. The saving throw DC for
these spells is equal to 11 + your Charisma modifier.
grEATEr AccurATE SpEllS
Your spells are even more difficult to dodge.
Prerequisites: Sneak attack +3d6, 5+ ranks in Spellcraft
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all Reflex
saves against spells you cast. Add an additional +1 to the
Difficulty Class for targets who are flat-footed. These
bonuses stack with the bonuses from Accurate Spells.
grEATEr dEviouS BloodliNE
Your bloodline becomes even more pronounced as you
become more devious.
Prerequisites: Sorcerer bloodline class feature, arcane
trickster level 3rd, Devious Bloodline
Benefit: Your levels in arcane trickster stack with your
sorcerer levels for purposes of determining the power of
your bloodline powers. Only your actual sorcerer levels are
used to determine which powers you possess.
grEATEr poiNT-BlANk SpEllS
Your close-range spells are even more difficult to resist.
Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Point-Blank Spells, 5
ranks in Spellcraft
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving
throws made by targets of your ranged spells who are
within 30 feet of you when you cast the spell. This bonus
stacks with the bonus from Point-Blank Spells.
imprompTu SpEll-STrikE [comBAT]
When you sneak attack opponents, you can also assault
them with magic.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Quicken Spell, impromptu sneak
attack class feature
Benefit: When you make a successful sneak attack against
an opponent, by taking a swift action you can cast on the
target any touch-range spell of 3rd level or lower that you
have prepared (it need not be prepared as a Quickened
Spell). You may use this ability a number of times per day
equal to your Intelligence modifier, but no more than once
per round.
improvEd rANgEd lEgErdEmAiN
Your ranged legerdemain is practically a form of art.
Prerequisites: Ranged legerdemain class feature, 7+ ranks
in Disable Device and Sleight of Hand
Benefit: You can used Disable Device and Sleight of
Hand at a range of 50 feet. Working at a distance does not
increase the normal skill check DC, and you can take 10 on
the check if you would normally be able to do so. You can
manipulate objects weighing 10 pounds or less.
Normal: You can use Disable Device and Sleight of Hand
at a range of 30 feet with the ranged legerdemain class
feature. The skill check DC increases by 5 and you cannot
take 10 on the check. The manipulated object must weigh 5
pounds or less.
improvEd SNEAky FAmiliAr
Your familiar has learned even more from your stealth and
tricks in combat.
Prerequisites: Arcane bond (familiar) and impromptu
sneak attack class features, sneak attack +3d6, Sneaky
Benefit: Your familiar gains an additional +2 bonus to
Stealth checks. In addition, when you make an impromptu
sneak attack, the next time your familiar attacks the target,
the target loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against your
familiars attack. This benefit only applies if the familiar
attacks the target within a number of rounds equal to your
level in arcane trickster.
improvEd TrickSTEr’S BoNd
You may perform even more tricks with your bonded
Prerequisites: Cha 15+, arcane bond (bonded object) class
feature, arcane trickster level 5th
Benefit: Add the following abilities to those you may use
while wearing or wielding your bonded object as described
by the Tricksters Bond feat: teleport (as dimension door)
up to 15 feet; re-roll a Disable Device or Sleight of Hand
check and use the new result; become invisible (as invis-
ibility) for a number of consecutive rounds equal to your
Charisma modifier; or increase the caster level of an illu-
sion spell you cast by 2. You may now use the abilities
granted by these feats up to four times per day.
Normal: With the Tricksters Bond feat you may use your
abilities up to twice per day.
iNcomprEhENSiBlE cASTEr
Your modified spells are impossible to analyze and greatly
confuse other spellcasters.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, tricky spells class feature, 1 or
more metamagic feats
Benefit: When you cast a tricky spell or any spell that
has been modified by a metamagic feat, your opponents
are unable to determine which spell you are casting, even
with a successful Spellcraft check. Any auras that these
spells leave are also impossible to analyze: they register
as magical auras of indeterminate type and strength. If
another caster attempts to identify such a spell as you cast
it, they are denied their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for
one round.
iNviSiBlE SpEll [mETAmAgic]
You can cast spells that cannot be seen.
Prerequisite: 7+ ranks in Stealth
Benefit: A spell modified by this feat is invisible. All
of the spell’s magical visual effects can only be seen by
viewers who can otherwise see invisible things. Even crea-
tures and objects created or summoned by the spell are
invisible. This increases the Difficulty Class of Spellcraft
checks made to identify the spell as it is being cast to 20
+ spell level. Any mundane effects of the spell, such as
damage that it causes or any permanent changes made to
other creatures or objects, can still be seen normally. (e.g.,
a wall of stone summoned by the spell is invisible, but the
modifications made by stone shape can be seen normally.)
Spells which depend on visual effects, such as many illu-
sions, cannot be modified by this feat. An invisible spell
uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual
mASTEr oF iNviSiBiliTy
You are able to maintain your invisibility against opposing
Prerequisites: 15+ ranks in Spellcraft and Stealth, arcane
trickster level 9th
Benefit: While you are invisible, if anything attempts to
reveal you by using a spell or magical ability which specif-
ically counteracts invisibility (such as invisibility purge or
see invisibility), you may make a caster level check (DC
11 + the effect’s caster level) in order to remain unaffected
and undetected by the effect for one round per arcane trick-
ster level. This feat does not counteract general antimagic
effects such as dispel magic and detect magic.
Spells which you conceal from your opponents are more
Prerequisites: Int 17+, 12+ ranks in Spellcraft and Stealth,
arcane trickster level 9th
Benefit: When you apply the Invisible Spell, Silent Spell,
or Still Spell feat to a spell you cast which deals hit point
damage, you may add your sneak attack damage to the
damage dealt by the spell. If the spell allows a saving
throw to negate or reduce the damage, the sneak attack
damage is also affected. The damage is of the same type as
that dealt by the spell. You may use this effect a number of
times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Special: Using the tricky spells class feature does activate
this effect. However, this effect does not stack with the
surprise spells class feature.
poiNT-BlANk SpEllS
Your close-range spells are more difficult to resist.
Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, 3 ranks in Spellcraft
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving
throws made by targets of your ranged spells who are
within 30 feet of you when you cast the spell. This bonus
only applies to saving throws made against the spell before
your next turn.
ShAdoW TrickS
Your illusion spells are extremely potent when cast trickily.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Spell Focus (Illusion), tricky
spells class feature
Benefit: When you cast an illusion spell using the tricky
spell class feature, you may either increase your caster
level for that spell by a number of levels equal to your
Charisma modifier or increase the Difficulty Class of the
Will saving throw to resist the spell by the same amount. If
the spell has the shadow descriptor and only has a partial
effect if disbelieved (e.g. shadow evocation), the spell is
considered 20% more real.
SNEAky ArcANE STrikES [comBAT]
Your ability to strike stealthily improves your magical
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike, sneak attack class feature
Benefit: Your levels in classes which grant the sneak attack
ability count as increasing your caster level for purposes of
determining the bonus you receive from the Arcane Strike
feat. A class which both grants sneak attack and increases
your caster level is not counted twice. (i.e., a Wizard 3/
Rogue 3/Arcane Trickster 4 counts as caster level 10 for
Arcane Strike.) In addition, during a round in which you
have activated the Arcane Strike feat, your sneak attacks
deal an extra +1d6 damage.
SNEAky FAmiliAr
Your familiar has learned to imitate your stealthy attacks.
Prerequisites: Arcane bond (familiar) class feature, sneak
attack +2d6
Benefit: Your familiar gains a +2 bonus to Stealth checks
and gains the sneak attack class feature at 1 fewer dice than
you possess. (e.g., if you have sneak attack +4d6, your
familiar has sneak attack +3d6.)
SpEll FEiNT [comBAT]
You are able to trick your opponents into believing you
are casting a spell in order to surprise them with an attack
Prerequisites: Int 13, 5+ ranks in Bluff and Spellcraft,
arcane trickster level 3rd
Benefit: By expending an unused 1st-level or higher spell
(or spell per day for spontaneous casters) when you feint
an opponent, you gain a bonus to your Bluff check equal
to the level of the spell expended. If the feint is successful,
your attack deals an additional +1d6 sneak attack damage
per three levels of the spell expended (minimum +1d6),
and your opponent cannot make attacks of opportunity
against you when you cast real spells for the duration of
the encounter.
SpEll muddlEr
You can counter spells with your magical sleight of hand.
Prerequisites: 10+ ranks in Sleight of Hand, Improved
Counterspell, ranged legerdemain class feature
Benefit: When an opponent within range of your ranged
legerdemain ability casts a spell while you have a readied
action to counter their spell, you can make a Sleight of
Hand check (DC 20 + the spell’s level) to counter the
spell instead of identifying the spell and countering it with
your own spell. If this check fails, you may not choose to
counter with a spell instead.
Normal: You can counter a spell by making a Spellcraft
check to identify it and casting the same spell.
Your rogue and arcane training complement one another.
Prerequisites: 3 ranks in Spellcraft and Stealth, rogue
level 1st, arcane spellcaster level 1st
Benefit: Choose one arcane spellcasting class. Your caster
level for that class increases by one for each level in the
rogue class you possess, up to a maximum of 3 higher than
your actual spellcaster level. In addition, when you become
able to cast 3rd-level spells with an arcane spellcasting
class, your sneak attack damage increases by +1d6.
Special: If you have fewer than 3 rogue levels when you
take this feat, and later take additional rogue levels, your
caster level continues to increase. This increased caster
level only benefits the power of the spells you cast: for all
other purposes, such as qualifying for feats, your caster
level is still equal to your actual spellcaster level. This feat
has no effect on which spells you know or how many you
can cast per day.
Trick ThE TrAp
You are able to meddle with traps so they behave the way
you desire.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, trapfinding and trap sense class
features, ranged legerdemain
Benefit: When you discover a trap with a successful
Perception check you are able to discern precisely how
the trap is triggered. While this knowledge does not allow
you to bypass or disarm the trap without making the usual
Disable Device check, it does allow you to purposefully
trip the trap by hand or using your ranged legerdemain
ability. You do not need to make a skill check to trip the
trap in this manner. If you do make a successful Disable
Device skill check as you trip the trap (DC equal to the
trap’s usual Disable Device DC), you are able modify
the trap with 1 of the following effects, plus 1 for every
5 points by which you beat the DC: increase or decrease
the saving throw DC or the trap’s attack modifier by 2;
increase the damage dealt by the trap, if applicable, by 2d6;
increase the area the trap effects by one 5-foot square; or
cause the trap to go off 2d4 rounds later instead of imme-
Special: You must have 5 or more ranks in Spellcraft to
modify magical traps.
Tricky SpEll mASTEry
You are able to quickly modify your mastered spells when
you cast them trickily.
Prerequisites: Spell Mastery and one or more metamagic
feats, tricky spells class feature, wizard level 1st
Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell that you have mastered
with the Spell Mastery feat as a tricky spell, you may
spontaneously apply a single metamagic feat (other than
Silent Spell or Still Spell) you have to that spell. You may
not apply a metamagic feat which would normally raise the
level of the spell greater than the highest level of spell that
you can cast. (When applied with the tricky spells ability,
Silent Spell and Still Spell do not increase the level of the
TrickSTEr’S BoNd
You may perform various tricks with your bonded object.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, arcane bond (bonded object) class
feature, arcane trickster level 1st
Benefit: Twice per day you may use any one of the
following abilities as a swift action as long as you are
wearing or wielding (as appropriate) your bonded object:
add your Charisma modifier to a Disable Device or Sleight
of Hand check; make your bonded object invisible for one
hour (or until dismissed); use the Stealth skill even while
being observed for a number of consecutive rounds equal
to your Charisma modifier; or inflict a -2 penalty to an
opponent’s Will saving throw against an illusion spell you
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott
Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson,
Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb;
Based on original content from TSR.
101 Feats Copyright 2005 Philip Reed. Published by Ronin Arts.
Feats Copyright 2000, AEG
Open game content from The Quintessential Samurai copyright 2002,
Mongoose Publishing, Ltd..
Undefeated 11, Copyright 2009, Louis Porter Jr. Design, Inc.
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