Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats
Collected by Chet Erez (cere[email protected]
) and Outlands (d20@outlands.com)
Report Suggestions or Errors at http://www.crystalkeep.com/forums/index.php
October 1, 2007
Table of Contents Page
General Feats.............................................10
Skill Feats ..................................................... 10
Feats that Add to Class Skill Lists................ 13
Feats that Give New Uses for Skill .............. 14
Skill Trick Feats............................................ 15
Saving Throw Feats ...................................... 16
Movement Feats............................................ 17
Armor & Shield Feats................................... 18
Hit-Point & Healing Feats ............................ 18
Social Feats ................................................... 19
Leadership Feats ...........................................20
Feats that Grant Spells .................................. 21
Flying Feats................................................... 22
Misc. Feats .................................................... 22
Combat Feats.............................................24
General Combat Feats................................... 24
General Melee Feats ..................................... 25
Two-Weapon Feats....................................... 26
Weapon Specific Feats ................................. 27
Weapon Mastery Feats ................................. 28
Defensive Feats............................................. 28
Shield Feats................................................... 29
Mounted Combat Feats................................. 30
Ranged Combat Feats ................................... 31
Weapon Style Feats ...................................... 33
Charging Feats .............................................. 35
Polearm Feats................................................ 36
Attack of Opportunity Feats ......................... 37
Unarmed Combat Feats ................................ 39
Stunning Fist Feats ....................................... 40
Group Tactics Feats ...................................... 42
Commander Feats ......................................... 42
Feats Based on Combat Expertise ................ 43
Feats Based on Combat Reflexes ................. 45
Feats Based on Dodge .................................. 46
Feats Based on Power Attack ....................... 48
Feats Based on Combat Focus...................... 50
Enemy-Specific Feats................................51
vs. Casters ..................................................... 51
vs. Dragons ................................................... 51
vs. Undead .................................................... 51
vs. Big Creatures........................................... 52
Spellcaster Feats........................................53
Item Creation Feats....................................... 53
Feats Related to Item Creation ..................... 54
Imbued Staff Feats ........................................ 54
Graft Feats..................................................... 55
Feats that Increase a Spell’s DC................... 55
Metamagic Feats ........................................... 56
Sudden Metamagic Feats.............................. 59
Feats for Making Undead ............................. 59
Arcane Caster Feats ...................................... 59
Feats that Grant Access to Additional Spells62
Arcane Focus Feats ....................................... 63
Other Spellcasting Feats ............................... 64
Class & Class-Ability Feats.......................66
Assassin......................................................... 66
Poison Use Feats..................................... 66
Barbarian....................................................... 66
Barbarian Only Feats .............................. 66
Rage & Frenzy Feats ..............................67
Damage Reduction Feats ........................ 67
Bard............................................................... 68
Bardic Knowledge Feats......................... 68
Bardic Music Feats ................................. 68
Cleric............................................................. 70
Domain Feats (general)........................... 70
Domain Feats (specific).......................... 71
Turning Undead Feats............................. 71
Rebuking Undead Feats.......................... 72
Turning or Rebuking Undead Feats .......72
Other Turning / Rebuking Feats ............. 74
Initiate Feats............................................ 75
Druid ............................................................. 76
Druid Only Feats..................................... 76
Animal Companion Feats ....................... 76
Wild Empathy Feats ...............................76
Wild Shape Feats .................................... 77
Favored Soul ................................................. 78
Energy Resistance Feats ......................... 78
Fighter ........................................................... 78
Fighter Only ............................................78
Hexblade ....................................................... 79
Curse Feats.............................................. 79
Monk ............................................................. 79
Monk Only Feats ....................................79
Bonus Monk Feat Options...................... 80
Evasion Feats .......................................... 81
Flurry of Blows Feats ............................. 81
Ki Strike Feats......................................... 81
Ki Power Feats ........................................ 82
Sudden Strike Feats ................................ 83
Paladin........................................................... 83
Paladin Only Feats .................................. 83
Special Mount Feats ............................... 83
Divine Grace Feats .................................83
Lay-on-Hands Feats................................83
Remove Disease Feats ............................ 84
Smiting Feats ..........................................84
Ranger ...........................................................85
Favored Enemy Feats..............................85
Bonus Ranger Feat Options ....................86
Rogue ............................................................86
Rogue Special Ability Feats ...................86
Sneak Attack Feats..................................87
Skirmish Feats.........................................88
Sorcerer .........................................................89
Sorcerer Only Feats ................................89
Familiar Feats.......................................... 90
Shugenja........................................................ 91
Sense Elements Feats..............................91
Elemental Focus Feats ............................ 91
Spirit Shaman................................................91
Chastise Spirits Feats ..............................91
Swashbuckler ................................................92
Improved Flanking Feats ........................ 92
Warlock .........................................................92
Warlock Only Feats ................................92
Feats that Improve Eldritch Blast ...........92
Wizard ...........................................................93
Wizard Only Feats ..................................93
Feats for Other Classes .................................93
Feats Aiding Multiclassed Characters .......... 94
Racial Feats .............................................. 97
Changeling Feats........................................... 97
Drow Feats .................................................... 98
Dwarf Feats ...................................................99
Elf Feats ........................................................99
Gnome Feats ...............................................100
Goliath Feats ...............................................101
Half-Elf Feats..............................................101
Half-Orc Feats............................................. 102
Halfling Feats..............................................103
Human Feats ...............................................103
Illumian Feats..............................................104
Shifter Feats ................................................105
Umbragen Feats ..........................................107
Warforged Feats..........................................107
Feats for Small Races .................................109
Feats for Aquatic Races ..............................109
Feats for Other Races..................................109
Non-Specific Racial Feats ..........................111
Birthright Feats....................................... 112
Native Bloodlines........................................112
Inner Plane Bloodlines................................112
Outer Plane Bloodlines ...............................113
Other Hereditary Bloodlines.......................114
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Table of Contents Page 2
Bloodlines Due to Experiments.................. 115
Feats for any Bloodline............................... 115
Draconic Heritage Feats .............................116
Abyss-Related Feats ................................... 116
Feats related to Time of Birth..................... 117
Feats with a Skill Prerequisite .................118
Appraise ...................................................... 118
Balance........................................................ 118
Bluff ............................................................ 119
Climb........................................................... 119
Concentration.............................................. 120
Craft ............................................................ 121
Diplomacy................................................... 122
Disguise ...................................................... 122
Escape Artist ............................................... 122
Handle Animal............................................ 122
Heal ............................................................. 123
Hide............................................................. 123
Intimidate .................................................... 124
Jump............................................................ 125
Knowledge – arcana ................................... 126
Knowledge – architecture & engineering... 127
Knowledge – geography ............................. 127
Knowledge – local ...................................... 127
Knowledge – history................................... 127
Knowledge – nature.................................... 128
Knowledge – religion .................................128
Knowledge – the planes.............................. 129
Listen........................................................... 130
Move Silently.............................................. 130
Perform – any.............................................. 130
Perform – specific .......................................133
Profession.................................................... 133
Ride ............................................................. 134
Sense Motive............................................... 134
Sleight of Hand ........................................... 135
Spellcraft ..................................................... 135
Spot ............................................................. 135
Survival ....................................................... 136
Swim ........................................................... 136
Tumble ........................................................ 137
Use Magic Device.......................................138
Forgotten Realms Specific Feats .............139
Initiate Feats................................................139
Shadow Weave ........................................... 140
Misc. Forgotten Realms Feats .................... 141
Regional Feats............................................. 141
Eberron Specific Feats.............................149
Action Point Feats....................................... 149
Dragonmark Feats....................................... 151
Aberrant Dragonmark Feats .......................152
Eberron Elf Feats ........................................ 153
Druidic Sect Feats .......................................153
Religion-Specific Feats............................... 155
Sharn-Specific Feats ................................... 155
Eberron Region-Specific Feats ................... 155
Dragon Below Feats.................................... 156
Other Eberron Feats ....................................156
Greyhawk Specific Feats.........................158
Regional Feats............................................. 158
Selected Feats by Category..................... 164
Feats for 1
level Characters.......................164
Anarchic Feats ............................................165
Exalted Feats ...............................................166
Tactical Feats ..............................................168
Fighter Feats................................................172
Scout Feats ..................................................185
Wizard Feats ...............................................187
Initiate Feats................................................188
Variant Feats........................................... 193
Ceremonial Feats ........................................193
Spell-Touched .............................................194
Skipped Feats ......................................... 196
Epic Feats....................................................196
Psionics .......................................................196
Feats for Monsters.......................................196
Feats Tied to Old Campaign Worlds ..........197
Truename Feats ...........................................197
Commander Feats .......................................197
Luck Feats ...................................................197
Requiring Changes of Core Rules ..............197
Missing Prerequisites ..................................197
Skipped From Dragon Magazine................197
Miscellaneous Skipped Feats......................197
Appendix ................................................ 198
Revision History .........................................198
Key to Sourcebooks ....................................198
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Index Page 3
Aberrant Dragonmark ..........152
Aberrant Dragonmark Gift ..152
Aberrant Dragonmark Mystery
Aberrant Dragonmark Vigor152
Ability Enhancer....................93
Ability Focus..................92, 196
Abjurative Potency ................93
Able Learner ...10, 13, 103, 109,
Able Sniper ....................31, 123
Accurate Jaunt......................194
Acrobatic........................10, 185
Acrobatic Skirmisher ....88, 137,
Acrobatic Strike ...........137, 172
Action Boost ........................149
Action Healing...............83, 149
Action Surge ........................149
Active Shield Defense ...29, 172
Adamantine Body ........107, 164
Adamantine Mind Blade......196
Adaptable Flanker..........45, 172
Advantageous Avoidance ....197
Adventurous Explorer..........197
Aerenal Arcanist ..................153
Aerenal Beastmaster ............153
Aerenal Half-Life.........149, 153
Aereni Focus ................153, 164
Aerial Reflexes ......................22
Aerial Superiority ..................22
Agile...............................10, 185
Agile Athlete..........10, 119, 125
Agile Shield Fighter.......29, 172
Agile Tyrant.........................196
Agitated Causticity ..............196
Aid Giver ...............................43
Air Bloodline .......................112
Alertness ........................10, 185
Align Mind Blade ................196
Aligned Theurgy ....................94
Ally of the Ki-Rin ................197
Alter Appearance .................197
Altered State ..........................66
Alternative Source Spell..56, 94
Anarchic Bloodline..............113
Ancestral Guidance......149, 153
Ancestral Knowledge.............99
Ancestral Relic.......................22
Ancestral Whispers........71, 155
Animal Affinity..............10, 197
Animal Friend ................76, 166
Anti-Psionic Magic..............196
Anvil of Thunder ...................33
Appraise Magic Value ..14, 118,
126, 135
Aquatic Fey Bloodline.........114
Aquatic Shot ........................172
Arcane Accompaniment 68, 130
Arcane Consumption .............59
Arcane Defense................16, 64
Arcane Disciple......59, 128, 135
Arcane Flourish..............59, 130
Arcane Focus .................63, 187
Arcane Insight................75, 188
Arcane Kinship ....................115
Arcane Mastery......................59
Arcane Preparation ................59
Arcane Schooling.................141
Arcane Strike .........................59
Arcane Thesis.................60, 126
Arcane Toughness..................60
Arcane Watchfulness .....63, 187
Armor Dance........................197
Armor Proficiency (heavy) ....18
Armor Proficiency (light) ......18
Armor Proficiency (medium) 18
Armor Skin (epic) ................196
Armor Specialization .....18, 172
Arterial Strike.........................87
Artful Commander...............197
Ascetic Hunter .......................94
Ascetic Knight .......................94
Ascetic Mage .........................94
Ascetic Rogue ........................94
Ascetic Stalker .......................94
Ashbound .....................153, 188
Assemble the Horde...............20
Astral Fire ............................196
Astral Tracking .... 14, 129, 135,
Athletic...........................10, 185
Atlan’s Mark ........................158
Attune Magic Weapon ...........53
Audacious Attempt ..............197
Augment Healing ...........64, 123
Augment Summoning ............64
Augmented Alchemy (epic).196
Aura of Bravery .....................16
Aura of Life Energy.......71, 128
Auspicious Marking.............101
Automatic Quicken Spell (epic)
Automatic Silent Spell (epic)
Automatic Still Spell (epic) .196
Awesome Blow....................196
Axeshield .....................109, 172
Axethrower ..........................141
Axiomatic Bloodline............113
Axiomatic Strike ....................81
Axiomatic Strike (epic)........196
Backstab ...................37, 45, 172
Backstabbing Traitor............197
Badge of Bondage................158
Baleful Moan .......................196
Bane of Decay........................84
Bareback Soul ......................158
Battle Caster...........................60
Battle Casting.................64, 120
Battle Dancer .................68, 172
Battle Hardened .....................99
Battle Hardened’ ............28, 172
Battle Weaver.......................196
Battlefield Inspiration ............16
Battleshifter Training..105, 149,
Bear Fang ...............................33
Beast Shape ............................77
Beast Strike ........... 39, 105, 172
Beast Totem ...........................76
Beasthide Elite .....................105
Betrayal of the Spirit Linked 90,
Better Lucky than Good.......197
Bind Elemental.......................53
Binding Brand............... 21, 155
Bioelectrical Surge...............196
Bite of Steel............................33
Black Lore of Moil.................56
Blackmoorian Rhymes.........158
Blackwater Invocation ...........72
Blade Communion of Slashing
Bladebearer of the Valenar .149,
Bladeproof Skin ...................194
Blasphemous Utterance 68, 130
Blessed of Osprem ...............158
Blind-Fight ............ 25, 172, 185
Blinding Strike ...... 48, 168, 172
Blindsense ..................... 77, 130
Blistering Spell.......................56
Blood of Kord ......................158
Blood of the Witch Queen ...116
Blooded ................................141
Bloodline of Fire ..................141
Blood-Spiked Charger ....29, 35,
48, 168, 173
Boar’s Ferocity.......................77
Body Awareness ........... 63, 187
Body Guard ............................42
Bolster Power.......................196
Bolster Resistance..................59
Bonded Familiar.....................90
Bonus Domain (epic) ...........196
Boomerang Daze.. 98, 103, 156,
Boomerang Ricochet.... 98, 103,
156, 173
Border Watch .......................158
Born Flyer ..............................22
Born Follower ......................158
Born of The Three Thunders…
................................. 56, 128
Born under a High Sun…10, 16,
117, 164
Born under a Rising Sun.10, 16,
117, 164
Born under a Setting Sun10, 13,
117, 164
Born under the Crescent Moon
................... 10, 21, 117, 164
Born under the Full Moon… 10,
21, 117, 164
Born under the Gibbous Moon.
................... 10, 21, 117, 164
Born under the Half Moon…10,
21, 117, 164
Born under the New Moon…10,
21, 117, 164
Bounding Assault...................46
Bow Feint...................... 31, 173
Bowslinger .................... 31, 173
Braced for Charge ..................36
Brachiation .... 17, 119, 125, 185
Brawling Commander..........197
Breadth of Knowledge .........194
Breath Control....... 14, 133, 173
Breathing Link .....................109
Brew Potion............................53
Bright Sigil...........................104
Bronze Solaris Member ...13, 89
Brutal Strike .................. 48, 173
Brutal Throw ................. 31, 173
Brute Fighting ............. 107, 168
Bull Blast............................. 196
Bullheaded........................... 141
Burning Focus ....................... 64
Burning Link ......... 87, 126, 128
Burning Rage ...................... 196
Burrow Friend ..................... 100
Call of the Undying............. 153
Cannibalize Spell ................ 196
Canny Opportunist .. 37, 43, 173
Catfolk Pounce............ 109, 173
Caustic Adaptation.............. 109
Cavalry Charger .... 30, 168, 173
Cavalry Commander ........... 197
Caver ................................... 141
Celestial Bloodline.............. 113
Celestial Boon ....................... 89
Celestial Familiar .......... 90, 166
Celestial Light ..................... 113
Celestial Mount ............. 83, 166
Celestial Scion – Cranden... 158
Celestial Scion – Darmen.... 158
Celestial Scion – Garasteth . 158
Celestial Scion – Naelax ..... 158
Celestial Scion – Rax-Nyrond
....................................... 158
Celestial Scion – Torquaan . 159
Celestial Sorcerer Aura ....... 113
Celestial Sorcerer Heritage . 113
Celestial Sorcerer Lance ..... 113
Celestial Sorcerer Lore ....... 113
Celestial Sorcerer Wings..... 113
Centaur Trample ......... 109, 173
Cerebremetamagic .............. 196
Cerebrosis.............................. 62
Chain Spell ............................ 58
Chameleon Blood................ 196
Chameleon Crafting ............ 196
Channeled Rage ............ 67, 102
Chant of the Long Road 68, 130
Chaos Music.. 68, 120, 130, 165
Chaos Rage............ 67, 124, 165
Character Reading............... 197
Charioteer Commander ....... 197
Charmer................................. 93
Charming............................... 64
Cheetah’s Speed .................... 77
Child of the Swamps ........... 155
Child of Winter ........... 153, 188
Chord of Distraction...... 68, 131
Chosen Weapon Specialization
(epic) ............................. 196
Chronicle ............................. 118
City Slicker.................... 13, 164
Clan Prestige ......................... 99
Class Champion .................... 20
Clawed Spell ....................... 197
Cleave............................ 48, 173
Clever Wrestling ............. 39, 52
Cliffwalk Elite..................... 105
Climb Like an Ape ................ 77
Cloak of Shadows ............... 107
Close Cohort.......................... 20
Close-Quarter Defense... 37, 45,
Close-Quarters Fighting. 28, 37,
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Index Page 4
Cold Iron Tracery.................107
Collegiate Wizard ..........93, 164
Combat Acrobat....14, 118, 137,
Combat Archery (epic) ........196
Combat Awareness ........50, 174
Combat Brute...35, 48, 168, 174
Combat Casting......................10
Combat Charm .......................64
Combat Cloak Expert .....43, 46,
168, 174
Combat Defense.............50, 174
Combat Engineer ...48, 127, 174
Combat Expertise...43, 174, 185
Combat Familiar ....................90
Combat Focus ................50, 174
Combat Insight (epic) ..........196
Combat Intuition ....24, 134, 174
Combat Panache .119, 124, 131,
169, 174
Combat Reflexes37, 45, 80, 174
Combat Stability ............50, 174
Combat Strike ................50, 174
Combat Tactician ...................46
Combat Vigor ................50, 174
Combined Empathy .........76, 94
Cometary Collision........48, 175
Comforting Madness ...........156
Communicator .......................21
Companion Guard Style ......159
Companion Spellbond ...........76
Compelling Madness ...........156
Complementary Insight .10, 101
Concealed Ambush 31, 123, 130
Concussion Attack .................87
Concussive Blast..................196
Confound the Big Folk .52, 109,
137, 169
Consecrate Spell ....................56
Consecrate Spell Trigger71, 166
Consecrate Spell-Like Ability
Construct Lock.............107, 149
Contagious Paralysis............196
Controlled Immolation.........194
Cool Head ..............................15
Cooperative Spell...................56
Coordinated Strike ...76, 83, 122
Corona............................71, 128
Corrupt Spell..........................56
Corrupted Wild Shape .........196
Cosmopolitan .......................141
Cougar’s Vision .....................77
Countenance of the Mage ......60
Counterspell ...........................64
Craft Construct.......................53
Craft Contingent Spell ...........53
Craft Expertise .......................10
Craft Magic Arms and Armor53
Craft Masterwork.................197
Craft Rod................................53
Craft Rune Circle ...................53
Craft Staff...............................53
Craft Wand.............................53
Craft Wondrous Item .............53
Crescent Moon .......................33
Crossbow Sniper31, 87, 88, 175
Crowd Tactics ........22, 123, 169
Crushing Hug.......................196
Crushing Strike ......................28
Cultured Courtier .................197
Cunning Evasion............81, 123
Cunning Sidestep .............39, 52
Curling Wave Strike ......43, 175
Curse of Distraction ...............79
Curse of Failure......................79
Curse of Ignorance.................79
Curse of Paranoia...................79
Curse of Sloth ........................79
Curse of the Soften Blade ......79
Curse of the Stricken..............79
Customize Domain ................70
Cutpurse .........................39, 135
Dallah Thaun’s Luck ...........103
Damage Mastery ....................98
Damage Reduction (epic) ....196
Dampen Spell.........................64
Danger Sense .................22, 185
Daredevil Athlete ...................10
Darguun Mauler.. 109, 149, 156
Daring Outlaw........................94
Daring Warrior...............94, 175
Dark Blood...........................107
Darkness Adaptation..............22
Darkness Familiar ..................90
Dash .......................................17
Daunting Nuisance.........43, 175
Daunting Presence .........24, 175
Daylight Adaptation...............98
Dazzling Strike.......................87
Dderwydd Chymdeithas Initiate
..................................76, 188
Deadeye Shot .... 31, 87, 88, 175
Deadly Chill ...........................59
Deadly Concussion 48, 133, 175
Deadly Defense..............24, 175
Deafening Blow .... 48, 169, 175
Deafening Strike ....................87
Death Blow ............................25
Death Curse..........................196
Death Frost Spell....................56
Death Master........................196
Deep Breather ........................22
Deep Poisoning ......................66
Deep Vision .........................196
Defense of the Righteous.......42
Defensive Archery .........31, 175
Defensive Climber .................10
Defensive Expert..................159
Defensive Magic ............63, 187
Defensive Metered Foot.39, 120
Defensive Opportunity....37, 43,
137, 175
Defensive Strike.............43, 175
Defensive Sweep............37, 175
Defensive Throw. 37, 43, 45, 46
Defiler ..................................197
Deflect Arrows.........39, 80, 175
Deflect Energy .......................78
Deflective Armor .................196
Deft Fist..................................39
Deft Hands .............................10
Deft Opportunist ..............37, 45
Deft Strike ......................87, 135
Delay Spell.............................58
Denouncement of Energy ....197
Denouncement of Focused
Aggression .....................197
Denouncement of Garbled
Words .............................197
Denouncement of the Stalwart
Shield .............................197
Denouncement of the
Unleashed Spell .............197
Denouncement of Untoucheable
Form ...............................197
Desert Fighter.......................159
Desertborn ..............................10
Destructive Rage ....................67
Destructive Retribution..........59
Detoxifying Touch .................84
Devastating Thunder..............33
Devoted Inquisitor .................94
Devoted Performer.................94
Devoted Tracker.....................94
Dinosaur Hunter. 103, 128, 136,
Dinosaur Wrangler..... 103, 122,
Direction Sense ....................197
Disabling Strike......................85
Disciple ................................197
Disciple of the Sun.................71
Discipline .............................142
Disease Bolt ...........................98
Disease Shield ........................98
Disemboweling Strike............87
Disguise Spell ............... 68, 131
Disrupting Strike.... 39, 40, 105,
Distant Touch.......................197
Distracting Attack ......... 24, 175
Disturbing Spell ...................156
Disturbing Visage . 97, 119, 169
Dive for Cover .......................16
Diverse Background... 101, 102,
Diversified Casting ................93
Divine Accuracy ....................72
Divine Alacrity........ 71, 72, 155
Divine Armor .........................72
Divine Cleansing....................72
Divine Countermagic...........155
Divine Damage Reduction.....74
Divine Fortune .......................72
Divine Inspiration ............13, 94
Divine Justice.........................72
Divine Metamagic..................72
Divine Might ..........................72
Divine Resistance...................72
Divine Shield..........................72
Divine Sorcery .......................89
Divine Spell Penetration (epic)
Divine Spell Power ................72
Divine Spellshield ..................74
Divine Vigor ..........................72
Divine Ward ...........................73
Divine Warrior .............. 73, 155
Diving Charge ........................22
Dodge .................... 46, 175, 185
Domain Focus ........................70
Domain Spontaneity.........71, 73
Double Hit................. 26, 37, 45
Double Steel Strike ................81
Double Wand Wielder ...........54
Double Weapon Disarm 43, 176
Draconic Bloodline ..............114
Draconic Breath ...................116
Draconic Claw......................116
Draconic Flight ................... 116
Draconic Heritage ......... 13, 116
Draconic Legacy ................. 116
Draconic Power................... 116
Draconic Presence............... 116
Draconic Resistance............ 116
Draconic Skin...................... 116
Dragon Cohort....................... 20
Dragon Familiar .................... 90
Dragon Foe............................ 51
Dragon Friend ....................... 22
Dragon Hunter....................... 51
Dragon Hunter Bravery......... 51
Dragon Hunter Defense ........ 51
Dragon Rage.......................... 67
Dragon Sight ....................... 114
Dragon Song.......... 68, 126, 131
Dragon Steed........... 20, 83, 134
Dragon Totem ....................... 22
Dragon Wild Shape....... 77, 128
Dragon’s Insight.................. 151
Dragonbane ........................... 51
Dragoncrafter ................ 54, 126
Dragondoom.......................... 51
Dragonmarked Sorcerer ...... 151
Dragonthrall .......................... 23
Dread Shadow ..................... 107
Dread Tyranny .............. 75, 188
Dreadful Wrath.................... 142
Dream Haunting.................. 196
Dreamsight Elite ................. 105
Driftwalker .......................... 159
Driving Attack....................... 28
Drow Skirmisher ... 98, 149, 156
Druidic Theurgy .................... 94
Du’ulora Ancestor............... 196
Dual Strike .................... 26, 176
Dual-Plane Summons.......... 196
Dumb Luck.......................... 197
Dwarf Lore .......................... 159
Dwarven Ancestry... 90, 99, 112
Dwarven Armor Proficiency 18,
Eagle Claw Attack .......... 39, 48
Eagle’s Wings ....................... 77
Ears of the Mage ................... 60
Earth Adept ........................... 24
Earth Bloodline ................... 112
Earth Fist ............... 99, 100, 176
Earth Focus............................ 55
Earth Master .......................... 24
Earth Power......................... 196
Earth Sense............................ 23
Earth Spell ............................. 64
Earth’s Embrace .................... 39
Earth’s Warding .................... 74
Earthbound Spell................... 57
Earthcraft............................... 10
Easy Metamagic .................... 58
Ecclesiarch .............. 13, 20, 128
Education......... 10, 13, 142, 164
Efficient Hunter............. 11, 136
Efficient Pull ................. 31, 176
Ehlonna’s Way .................... 159
Einhander ............ 137, 169, 176
Eldritch Erosion ............ 87, 126
Elemalefic Spellcaster......... 193
Elemental Focus.................. 159
Elemental Healing................. 74
Elemental Smiting................. 74
Elemental Stalker ............ 91, 94
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Elemental Strike.....................91
Elemental Theurgy.................94
Elephant’s Hide......................77
Elf Dilettante..........................99
Elf Lore ................................159
Elfhunter ................................98
Elusive Dance ........25, 133, 176
Elusive Target ................46, 169
Elven Spell Lore ......64, 99, 126
Empower Curse......................79
Empower Spell.......................57
Empower Spell-Like Ability 92,
Empower Turning ..................73
Empowered Ability Damage196
Enchant Staff..........................54
Enchanting Song............68, 131
Endurance ................18, 86, 185
Endure Sunlight ...................196
Enduring Ki............................82
Enduring Life.........................16
Energize Armor....................196
Energize Spell ........................56
Energy Admixture..................58
Energy Flare.........................196
Energy Strike .........................78
Energy Substitution .......56, 126
Enervate Spell ........................57
Enhance Effect (epic) ..........196
Enhance Spell (epic) ............196
Enhanced Adhesive..............109
Enhanced Power Sigils ........104
Enhanced Shadow Reality .....93
Enlarge Spell..........................56
Epic Combat Expertise (epic)
Epic Counterspell (epic) ......196
Epic Devotion (epic)............196
Epic Dodge (epic) ................196
Epic of the Lost King.....68, 131
Epic Prowess (epic) .............196
Epic Reputation (epic) .........196
Epic Spell Focus (epic)........196
Epic Spell Penetration (epic)196
Epic Spellfire Wielder (epic)
Epic Sunder (epic) ...............196
Epic Toughness (epic) .........196
Epic Weapon Focus (epic)...196
Eschew Materials...................56
Etch Rune...............................53
Eternal Strength .............75, 188
Ethereal Tendril ...................193
Eviscerator ...........................196
Evocation Resistance .............93
Evolved ................................196
Exalted Companion .......76, 166
Exalted Smite.................84, 166
Exalted Spell Resistance......196
Exalted Turning .............71, 166
Exalted Wild Shape .......77, 166
Exceptional Artisan ...............53
Excised from the Web of Life
..................................64, 187
Exercises of Arn...................159
Exhausting Defense 43, 46, 170,
Exotic Armor Proficiency.....18,
Exotic Shield Proficiency .....18,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency ..27,
Expanded Ki Pool ..................82
Expeditious Dodge.........46, 176
Expert Dungeoneer ..............159
Expert Swimmer ..................136
Expert Tactician ...............37, 45
Expert Tumbler ....................137
Exploit Adjustment..37, 43, 176
Explosive Spell ......................57
Extend Curse ..........................79
Extend Defense ......................43
Extend Rage ...........................67
Extend Spell ...........................56
Extended Spirit Form.............91
Extra Curse.............................79
Extra Divine Power................61
Extra Edge..............................93
Extra Invocation.....................92
Extra Music ............................68
Extra Rage..............................67
Extra Remove Disease ...........84
Extra Rings.............................53
Extra Shifter Trait ................105
Extra Silence ........................100
Extra Slot................................64
Extra Smiting .........................84
Extra Spell..............................64
Extra Spell Secret...................93
Extra Stunning .......................40
Extra Tricks..........................196
Extra Turning ...................73, 74
Extra Wild Shape ...................77
Extraordinary Artisan ............53
Extraordinary Concentration 11,
Extraordinary Spell Aim.14, 64,
Eye for Talent ................20, 134
Eyes in the Back of Your Head
Eyes of the Mage ...................60
Eyes to the Sky.....................194
Fade into Violence .......119, 123
Faerie Mysteries...................159
False Pretenses .....................194
Familiar Spell...................91, 93
Familiar Spell (epic) ............196
Fanatical Devotion .................20
Far Horizons...................75, 188
Far Look...............................197
Far Shot ................. 31, 176, 185
Fast Wild Shape .....................77
Faster Healing ........................18
Favored Dodge.......................85
Favored in House .................151
Favored of the Companions..19,
Favored Power Attack ...........85
Fear No Binds ....... 39, 122, 176
Fell Animate...........................58
Fell Drain ...............................57
Fell Energy Spell....................56
Fell Frighten...........................57
Fell Weaken ...........................56
Fey Bloodline.......................114
Fey Prescience .....................114
Fey’s Fate.............................114
Fickle Fate............................113
Fiendish Bloodline...............114
Fiendish Pact ..........................90
Fierce Mind ................. 105, 176
Fiery Fist ................. 40, 80, 176
Fiery Ki Defense ..... 40, 80, 177
Filth Eater...............................16
Find Flaw ...................... 49, 177
Find Relic ...............................64
Fire Bloodline ......................112
Fire Feet ...............................112
Fist of the Heavens........ 81, 177
Fists of Iron ............................40
Flash Casting..........................64
Flash Frost Spell ....................57
Flay................................ 49, 177
Fleet of Foot .........................142
Fleet of Foot’..........................17
Flensing Strike .................25, 80
Flesh of the Ice Tomb ............23
Flexible Mind................ 11, 165
Flick of the Wrist .......... 24, 135
Fling Ally .............................101
Fling Foe ..............................101
Floatation ...................... 17, 136
Flow with the Current ... 17, 136
Flurry of Throws ....................83
Flyby Attack.........................196
Flying Fish Leap ......... 125, 136
Flying Kick ....... 35, 39, 49, 125
Focused Mind................ 99, 120
Focused Performance... 69, 120,
Focused Performer 69, 120, 131
Focused Specialist......... 63, 187
Foe Hunter............................142
Foe of the Unlucky.................79
Foe Specialist .........................87
Footsteps of the Mage............60
Force of Personality ...............16
Forest Ambusher..................197
Forge Ring..............................53
Forgeheart ............................142
Formation Expert ..... 29, 36, 42,
170, 177
Fortify Spell ...........................58
Fortuitous Strike...................197
Frantic Rage .....................67, 71
Freerunner ..............................15
Freezing the Lifeblood.. 40, 177
Frenzied Hunt.........................73
Friend of Earth .......................19
Friend of the Earth ...............112
Friend of the Tribes..............156
Friend to the Tribe ...............197
Frightful Presence ... 24, 35, 124
Frontline Archer.....................33
Furious Charge.....................142
Fury of Stone..........................67
Galifaran Scholar .................156
Gang Tactics ..........................42
Gatekeeper Initiate ...... 154, 188
Gestalt Anchor .....................196
Ghost Attack ........................196
Ghost Attack, Greater ..........196
Ghost Scarred................ 51, 128
Ghostly Grasp ......................196
Giantbane 25, 52, 137, 170, 177
Giantkiller ............................159
Gift of Faith................... 16, 166
Gift of Grace ................. 83, 166
Gift of the Xoriat........... 21, 156
Gifted General..................... 197
Girded Soul ........................... 93
Glorious Weapons................. 73
Gnoll Ferocity ..................... 109
Gnome Foe Killer................ 100
Gnome Lore ........................ 159
Goad .............................. 24, 177
Good Karma........................ 197
Gore Toss ............................ 196
Gorebrute Elite .................... 105
Gout of Flame ..................... 196
Graceful Edge................ 27, 177
Graft Flesh – Aboleth.... 55, 123
Graft Flesh – Beholder.. 55, 123
Graft Flesh – Fiendish... 55, 123
Graft Flesh – Illithid...... 55, 123
Graft Flesh – Undead .... 55, 123
Graft Flesh – Yuan-ti .... 55, 123
Grave Friend........................ 114
Graveborn Expert................ 196
Graveborn Warrior.............. 196
Great Bite ............................ 105
Great Captain ........ 20, 127, 133
Great Cleave.................. 49, 177
Great Fervor ........................ 159
Great Fortitude .............. 16, 185
Great Rend .......................... 105
Great Smiting (epic)............ 196
Greater Combat Reflexes37, 45,
Greater Dragonmark ........... 151
Greater Heavy Armor
Optimization............ 18, 177
Greater Kiai Shout ................ 23
Greater Mind Shield............ 196
Greater Named Spell........... 197
Greater Powerful Charge ..... 35,
Greater Resiliency................. 67
Greater Shifter Defense....... 106
Greater Spell Focus ............... 55
Greater Spell Penetration ...... 64
Greater Two-Weapon Defense
................................. 26, 177
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
........................... 26, 86, 178
Greater Weapon Focus... 27, 78,
Greater Weapon Specialization
........................... 27, 78, 178
Green Ear ...................... 69, 131
Green Heart ......................... 115
Greensinger Initiate..... 154, 189
Grenadier....................... 31, 178
Greyhawk Method............... 159
Grizzly’s Claws..................... 77
Group Inspiration (epic)...... 196
Guard Commander.............. 197
Guardian Spirit ...................... 93
Guerilla Commander........... 197
Guerilla Trapsmith ................ 11
Haft Strike ....................... 26, 36
Halfling Lore....................... 159
Halfling’s Cunning................ 42
Hammer’s Edge..................... 33
Hamstring .............................. 87
Hamstring Attack ................ 196
Hands of the Healer. 83, 84, 166
Hands of the Mage ................ 60
Hard to Fool .................... 11, 16
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Harden Energy .....................196
Hardened Flesh ......................59
Hardy Commander...............197
Hardy Soul ...........................197
Hashalaq Ancestor ...............196
Haunting Melody ...........69, 131
Haunting Similarity ...............11
Haunting Weapons.73, 128, 129
Hawk’s Vision .......................77
Head Shot...............................87
Heads Up................................64
Healer’s Luck.......................197
Healing Factor......................105
Hear the Unseen....25, 130, 178,
Heavy Armor Optimization ..18,
Heavy Lithoderms................101
Heavy Teleport ......................93
Heighten Spell........................58
Heighten Spell-Like Ability 196
Heighten Turning...................73
Heightened Agility...............196
Heightened Strength ............196
Heir of Lendore....................160
Heroic Destiny ......23, 101, 102,
Heroic Metamagic........149, 156
Hidden Kingdom Jutsu ..........82
Hidden Thoughts....................93
High Society ..................11, 122
High Sword Low Axe............33
Highborn Drow ......................98
Hinder ............................88, 185
Hindering Opportunist .....37, 45
Hold the Line ...................37, 45
Holy Calling...........................73
Holy Ki Strike ................81, 166
Holy Mount......................83, 94
Holy Radiance......................166
Holy Strike (epic).................196
Holy Subdual .................24, 178
Horse Lore ...........................160
Horse Nomad .......................142
Horse Nomad’......................197
Human Blood......101, 102, 109,
Human Heritage....23, 103, 110,
Hurling Charge ......................35
Hymnist......................13, 69, 94
Hypnotic Focus ....................196
Illithid Bloodline..................115
Imbue Summoning.................57
Imbue Weapon .................73, 74
Imbued Defense .....................54
Imbued Strength.....................54
Impeding Attack ....................87
Improved Acrobatic Skirmisher
..........................88, 137, 185
Improved Aid Other...............42
Improved Armor Dance.......197
Improved Buckler Defense...29,
Improved Combat Casting
(epic) ..............................196
Improved Combat Expertise.43,
Improved Combat Reflexes ..37,
45, 178
Improved Cooperative
Metamagic (epic) ...........196
Improved Critical...........27, 178
Improved Damage Reduction
Improved Disarm .....43, 80, 178
Improved Disguise 11, 122, 134
Improved Diversion ......11, 119,
Improved Domination..........196
Improved Elemental Wild
Shape (epic) ...................196
Improved Energy Drain .......196
Improved Familiar .................91
Improved Favored Enemy .....85
Improved Favored Enemy
(epic) ..............................196
Improved Feint...............44, 178
Improved Fiendish Servant....93
Improved Flight ...............17, 22
Improved Flight Item...129, 155
Improved Fortification.........108
Improved Grapple....39, 80, 178
Improved Initiative 24, 178, 185
Improved Leadership .............20
Improved Levitation ..............98
Improved Metamagic (epic) 196
Improved Mounted Archery .30,
134, 178
Improved Natural Armor .....196
Improved Natural Attack ....105,
Improved Overrun..........49, 178
Improved Paralysis ..............196
Improved Power.....................71
Improved Precise Shot ....31, 86,
Improved Rapid Shot.....31, 178
Improved Resiliency ............108
Improved Rock Hurling.......101
Improved Shield Bash....29, 178
Improved Shield Snare....29, 37,
45, 179
Improved Shieldmate.....29, 179
Improved Sigil (Aesh)..........104
Improved Sigil (Hoon).........104
Improved Sigil (Krau) .........104
Improved Sigil (Naen) .........104
Improved Sigil (Uur) ...........104
Improved Sigil (Vaul) ..........104
Improved Skirmish ........88, 185
Improved Skirmish (epic) ....196
Improved Smiting ..................84
Improved Snatch Spell (epic)
Improved Sneak Attack (epic)
Improved Spell Capacity (epic)
Improved Spellpool Access
(epic) ..............................196
Improved Stunning Fist (epic)
Improved Sudden Strike (epic)
Improved Sunder............49, 179
Improved Swimming ....17, 136,
Improved Toughness......18, 179
Improved Trip ..........44, 80, 179
Improved Turn Resistance...196
Improved Turning ..................73
Improved Two-Weapon
Defense.................... 26, 179
Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting ............. 26, 86, 179
Improved Unarmed Strike ....39,
80, 179
Improved Weapon Familiarity
............................... 111, 179
Improved Whirlwind Attack.44,
Increased Carrying Capacity..98
Indomitable Soul....................16
Ineluctable Echo...................194
Infernal Sorcerer Aura .........114
Infernal Sorcerer Eyes..........114
Infernal Sorcerer Howl ........114
Infernal Sorcerer Resistance 114
Initiate of Bane............ 139, 189
Initiate of Boccob.......... 61, 189
Initiate of Cyric ........... 139, 189
Initiate of Ehlonna......... 61, 189
Initiate of Erythnul........ 61, 189
Initiate of Fharlanghn.... 61, 189
Initiate of Gond ........... 139, 189
Initiate of Heironeous ... 61, 189
Initiate of Helm ........... 139, 190
Initiate of Hextor........... 61, 190
Initiate of Ilmater ........ 139, 190
Initiate of Kord.............. 61, 190
Initiate of Lathander.... 139, 190
Initiate of Malar .......... 139, 190
Initiate of Mystra......... 140, 190
Initiate of Nature ......... 140, 190
Initiate of Nerull............ 61, 190
Initiate of Obad-Hai ...... 61, 191
Initiate of Olidammara.. 61, 191
Initiate of Pelor.............. 61, 191
Initiate of Selûne ......... 140, 191
Initiate of St. Cuthbert... 62, 191
Initiate of Tyr .............. 140, 191
Initiate of Vecna............ 62, 191
Initiate of Wee Jas......... 62, 191
Innate Magic ............... 111, 164
Innate Spell ............................58
Innate Spell’ ...........................64
Inscribe Epic Rune (epic) ....196
Inscribe Rune .........................53
Inside Connections.................11
Insidious Magic....................140
Insightful ................................21
Insightful Reflexes .................16
Inspire Beast.................. 76, 122
Inspire Bloodletting ...............42
Inspire Bloodthirst .................42
Inspire Spellpower ........ 69, 131
Inspired Master ......................23
Inspiring Commander ..........197
Inspiring Leader ...................197
Instantaneous Rage ................67
Instinctive Consummator.....196
Instinctive Dispatcher ..........196
Intimidate the Enemy.... 85, 124
Intimidating Rage...................67
Intimidating Strike ...... 124, 179
Intuitive Attack ............. 24, 179
Intuitive Trapsmith.................82
Invest Armor ........................196
Invest Spell.............................54
Investigate ..............................14
Invigorating Spellcaster .......193
Iron Will ........................ 16, 185
Ironskin Chant....... 69, 120, 131
Ironwood Body ................... 108
Item Familiar......................... 23
Jack of All Trades ................. 11
Jaws of Death ...................... 108
Jinnbound – Dao ................. 160
Jinnbound – Djinni.............. 160
Jinnbound – Efreeti ............. 160
Jinnbound – Marid .............. 160
Jungle Fighter...................... 160
Jutsu Focus ............................ 82
Kaiko ................................... 197
Kaiko Master....................... 197
Karmic Healing ..................... 82
Karmic Strike ............ 37, 44, 46
Keen-Eared Scout ......... 14, 130
Khyber’s Fury ............... 67, 156
Ki Blast.................... 40, 80, 179
Ki Smite........................... 82, 83
Kiai Shout.............................. 23
Killoren Ancient.................. 110
Killoren Destroyer............... 110
Killoren Hunter ................... 110
Kin Mastery......................... 115
Knifefighter......................... 143
Knight of Stars .............. 19, 166
Knight Training............. 83, 164
Knockback................... 101, 179
Kung Fu Genius .................... 79
Lacerate ..................... 44, 49, 87
Lady’s Gambit....................... 49
Landless Nobility ................ 160
Landwalker.......................... 109
Last Survivor....................... 160
Lasting Inspiration (epic).... 196
Lasting Life ........................... 16
Law Inviolate ................ 75, 191
Lawful Disciple................... 113
Lays of the Northern Adepts160
Leadership ............................. 20
League Militiaman .............. 103
Leap Attack ................... 35, 125
Leap of the Heavens............ 125
Least Dragonmark............... 151
Legendary Acrobat (epic) ... 196
Legendary Artisan................. 53
Legendary Climber (epic) ... 196
Legendary Leaper (epic) ..... 196
Legendary Rider (epic) ....... 196
Legendary Tracker .............. 197
Legendary Tracker (epic).... 196
Lesser Dragonmark............. 151
Life Drain ............................ 196
Life Leech ........................... 194
Life Tap ................................. 98
Lifebond .............................. 196
Lifesense ............................. 196
Lightfeet ................ 99, 118, 130
Lightning Mace ..................... 33
Lightning Reflexes........ 16, 186
Lingering Song...................... 69
Lion’s Pounce........................ 77
Live My Nightmare............. 194
Lolth’s Meat .......................... 98
Long Strike............................ 36
Longstride Elite................... 105
Longtooth Elite ................... 105
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
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Lord of the Uttercold .....56, 129
Lore of the Ur-Flan ..............160
Low Profile ..........................197
Lucid Channeling.................156
Luck of Heroes.....................143
Lucky Break.........................197
Lucky Catch .........................197
Lucky Fingers ......................197
Lucky Start...........................197
Lunging Strike ...............25, 179
Lurking Familiar ....................91
Lyric Spell......................69, 120
Mad Alchemist.............121, 170
Mad Foam Rager ...................67
Mage Slayer ...........51, 135, 179
Magic in the Blood ..............143
Magic of the Land.65, 120, 128,
Magical Aptitude ...................11
Magical Artisan......................54
Magical Beast Wild Shape
(epic) ..............................196
Magical Fortune...................197
Magical Insight ..............63, 187
Magical Training..................143
Make Your Own Luck .........197
Manifest Flight.............129, 155
Manifest Leap ......125, 129, 155
Manyshot..................31, 86, 179
Mark of Lemoriax................116
Marking of the Blessed........101
Marking of the Hunter .........101
Marking of the Magi............101
Marking of the Maker..........101
Marking of the Warrior........101
Martial Stalker ...............94, 179
Martial Throw ................39, 179
Martial Weapon Proficiency..27
Master Bowyer...............11, 121
Master Linguist ....................157
Master Manipulator........14, 122
Master of Mockery 14, 133, 180
Master Spellthief....................95
Master Staff (epic) ...............196
Master Swimmer....................11
Master Wand (epic) .............196
Maw of Power......................196
Maximize Spell ......................58
Megaraptor’s Leap...............197
Melee Evasion..........44, 46, 180
Melee Weapon Mastery –
Bludgeoning.............28, 180
Melee Weapon Mastery –
Piercing ....................28, 180
Melee Weapon Mastery –
Slashing....................28, 180
Menacing Demeanor......11, 102
Mercantile Background143, 160
Mercantile Background’ ......197
Mercenary Background .......160
Merciful Strike .......................87
Mercurial Strike .....................37
Metamagic Song ....................69
Metanode Spell ....................141
Mighty Are Fallen..........44, 180
Mind Daggers ......................196
Mind Drain...........................196
Mind over Body ...........143, 197
Mind Shield..........................196
Mind Weapon ......................115
Miser’s Fortune....................197
Misleading Song ............69, 131
Mithral Body................108, 164
Mithral Fluidity....................108
Mixed Omens.......................196
Mobile Spellcasting .14, 65, 120
Mobility................. 46, 180, 186
Momentary Alteration..........194
Monastic Training............79, 80
Monkey Grip..........................24
Monstrous Animal Companion
Moonwarrior ........................111
Moradin’s Smile.....................99
Mother Cyst ...................62, 128
Mountain Fighter .................160
Mountain Hunter..................197
Mountain Warrior ..........24, 136
Mounted Archery.. 30, 134, 180
Mounted Casting......11, 30, 134
Mounted Combat .. 30, 134, 180
Mounted Fighting 30, 134, 180,
Mourning Mutate .................155
Mror Stalwart ........ 99, 150, 157
Multiattack ...........................196
Multiweapon Fighting..........196
Music of Growth ............69, 132
Music of Making............69, 132
Mutable Body 97, 105, 111, 150
Mystic Companion.........76, 128
Mystic Focus........................196
Mystic Stability....................196
Name of the Mage..................60
Named Spell.........................197
Natural Bond ..........................76
Natural Dowser ..............11, 136
Natural Leader .......................20
Natural Spell ..........................77
Natural Trickster ..................100
Naturalized Denizen ............194
Nature’s Fists .........................77
Naval Commander ...............197
Necromatic Bloodline ..........114
Necromatic Might ..................65
Necromatic Presence..............65
Necropolis Born .....................21
Necropotent....... 27, 51, 78, 180
Necrotic Reserve..................196
Negative Energy Burst (epic)
Nemesis..........................85, 166
Net and Trident ......................33
Nexus Method......................160
Night Haunt............................21
Nightbringer Initiate ....154, 192
Nimble Bones.........................59
Nimble Deflections 47, 133, 180
Nimble Fingers.......................11
Nimble Flier .........................196
Nimbus of Light...................166
No Threat to Me.....................85
Noble Born........ 13, 19, 20, 164
Noble Soul ...........................160
Noble Warrior ........................11
Node Defense.......................141
Node Sensitive .....................141
Node Spellcasting ..........62, 141
Node Store ...........................141
Nonlethal Substitution ...57, 126
Nymph’s Kiss................ 23, 166
Oaken Resilience ...................77
Obscure Lore..........................68
Obtain Familiar ............. 60, 126
Occult Opportunist 38, 126, 135
Offensive Metered Foot 39, 120
Old Salt.......................... 11, 133
Omen of Bones.....................196
Omen of Crows ....................196
Omen of Flies.......................196
Omen of Loss .......................196
Omen of Snakes ...................196
Omen of Storms ...................196
Omniscient Whispers...........194
One with Earth and Water .....82
One with the Darkness .........107
Opportunist Tactician38, 45, 47,
Orc Blooded .........................160
Orc Descent... 90, 102, 110, 112
Orcus’ Bloodthirst Ritual.......23
Otherwordly .........................143
Overhead Thrust........ 38, 49, 52
Overload Metabolism...........108
Oversized Two-Weapon
Fighting ................... 26, 180
Overwhelming Assault...........24
Overwhelming Critical (epic)
Pack Feint...................... 42, 119
Pack Tactics ...........................42
Pain Touch .............................41
Painful Strike....................49, 88
Passive Reconnoiter ..... 11, 136,
Path of Shadows...................196
Pathfinder .............. 14, 127, 136
Penetrating Shot ............ 31, 180
Penumbra Bloodline.............113
Perfect Reflection...................97
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
(epic) ..............................196
Pernicious Magic .................140
Persistent Attacker .................88
Persistent Spell.......................58
Persona Immersion.................97
Phalanx Fighting ........... 42, 180
Photosynthetic Skin .............194
Phrenic Blast ........................196
Phrenic Leech.......................196
Picket Commander...............197
Pierce Magical Concealment 51,
Pierce Magical Protection .....51,
Pierce the Darkness................71
Piercing Sight................ 16, 100
Piercing Spell .......................197
Pike Hedge .............. 36, 45, 180
Pilgrim..................... 11, 16, 127
Pin Shield ...............................26
Pious Defense.......................197
Pious Soul ............................197
Pious Spellsurge...................197
Pirate Luck .............................16
Planar Turning (epic) ...........196
Plant Bloodline.....................115
Plunging Shot........................ 31
Point Blank Shot ... 31, 181, 186
Poison Expert ................ 66, 121
Poison Master................ 66, 121
Polar Chill ........................... 194
Pole Balance.......................... 36
Pole Fighting ................... 36, 81
Polyglot (epic)..................... 196
Polyglot’ ................................ 13
Portal Master ......................... 53
Portal Sensitive ................... 110
Positive Energy Aura (epic) 196
Positive Energy Resistance . 196
Potent Dweomercraft .... 63, 187
Potent Enchantment .............. 93
Power Attack................. 49, 181
Power Critical................ 27, 181
Power in the Blood.............. 115
Power Soar .......................... 196
Power Surge ........................ 196
Power Throw................. 31, 181
Powerful Charge ........... 35, 181
Powerful Wild Shape ............ 78
Practiced Mind Blade.......... 196
Practiced Spellcaster ..... 95, 135
Precise Shot........... 31, 181, 186
Precise Strike......................... 88
Precise Swing ........................ 25
Precocious Apprentice .. 60, 165
Predator’s Step .................... 197
Presence of the Mage ............ 60
Pressure Point Strike41, 81, 126
Pressure Resistance ............. 197
Profane Aura ......................... 72
Profane Boost ........................ 72
Profane Lifeleech .................. 72
Profane Vigor ........................ 72
Prone Attack.................. 25, 181
Protected Destiny . 16, 101, 102,
Psiomancer .......................... 196
Psionic Feedback................. 196
Psiotheurgist........................ 196
Psithief................................. 196
Psychic Luck ............... 196, 197
Psymbiot.............................. 196
Puppet Master........................ 65
Pureblooded Suel ................ 161
Pureheart ............................. 143
Purify Spell............................ 57
Purify Spell Trigger ...... 71, 166
Purify Spell-Like Ability .... 196
Pursue.................................. 150
Pushback ....................... 49, 181
Quell the Profane .. 49, 124, 166
Quick Change................ 97, 196
Quick Cleave................. 49, 181
Quick Draw ........... 24, 181, 186
Quick Reconnoiter 11, 130, 135,
Quick Staff ............................ 33
Quicken Manifestation........ 196
Quicken Spell ........................ 58
Quicken Spell-Like Ability.. 92,
Quicken Turning ........... 73, 149
Quiet Feet .............................. 23
Rabbit Prince Jutsu................ 82
Racial Emulation................... 97
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Index Page 8
Radiant Fire....................75, 192
Radiant Spell..........................57
Rage Casting ..................95, 121
Rage of the Raptor ...............197
Ragewild Fighter..105, 150, 170
Raging Bull Rush...................67
Raging Luck.........................150
Raging Overrun......................67
Raging Spell Penetration95, 121
Raging Sunder........................67
Raider’s Spirit ......................161
Rampaging Bull Rush..........101
Rampart Commander...........197
Ranged Disarm ..............31, 181
Ranged Pin.....................32, 181
Ranged Skirmisher.........88, 186
Ranged Smite Evil .........84, 166
Ranged Spell Specialization ..65
Ranged Sunder...............32, 181
Ranged Threat....32, 38, 45, 181
Ranged Weapon Mastery –
Bludgeoning.............32, 181
Ranged Weapon Mastery –
Piercing ....................32, 181
Ranged Weapon Mastery –
Slashing....................32, 181
Rapid Blitz .............................47
Rapid Reload..........32, 182, 186
Rapid Shot................32, 86, 182
Rapid Spell.............................57
Rapid Stunning ..............41, 182
Rapid Swimming ...........17, 110
Raptor School ..25, 35, 125, 170
Raumathar Heritor ...............143
Razing Strike..........................95
Razorclaw Elite....................105
Reach Spell ............................57
Reactive Counterspell............65
Reactive Shifting..................105
Recharge Staff........................54
Reckless Charge.............35, 182
Reckless Rage ........................67
Reckless Wand Wielder.54, 138
Recognize Imposter11, 134, 135
Recognized Leader ..........13, 20
Relic Hunter.........118, 127, 157
Relicguard Spell.....................56
Renown ................................197
Renowned Courtesan ...........197
Repeat Spell ...........................58
Repel Aberration..................154
Reptilian Healing .................196
Requiem .........................69, 132
Reshape Mind Blade............196
Residual Rebound................194
Resinbond ..............................60
Resist Poison........................143
Resist Telekinesis ..........16, 135
Resounding Blow...49, 124, 182
Resourceful Buyer .................19
Retribution .............................49
Rhenn Lore...........................161
Ricochet ...................31, 32, 182
Ride-By Attack ......30, 134, 182
Right of Counsel ..................153
Righteous Wrath ............67, 166
Ring the Ear .....................40, 88
Ring the Gold Bell .................41
Ringing Fist Jutsu ..................82
Ritual Blessing.....................129
Ritual Blood Bonds.....102, 110,
River Eel Jutsu .......................82
Robilar’s Gambit......38, 45, 182
Rock Hurling........................101
Roofwalker.... 17, 118, 125, 170
Roundabout Kick .............40, 50
Rouse Courage .......................42
Run .........................................17
Rustic Charm .......................161
Sacred Boost ..........................71
Sacred Healing ...............71, 123
Sacred Healing’......................71
Sacred Outlaw ........................95
Sacred Performer ...................95
Sacred Purification.................71
Sacred Radiance.....................71
Sacred Resilience ...................71
Sacred Strike ..................88, 166
Sacred Vitality .......................71
Sacred Vow..........................166
Sacrificial Divination...........197
Saddleback ...................143, 197
Sagacious Method................161
Sahuagin Flip .. 17, 47, 110, 182
Sailor Will ..............................16
Sailor’s Balance .............11, 133
Sanctify Ki Strike...........81, 167
Sanctify Martial Strike..27, 167,
Sanctify Natural Attack .......196
Sanctify Relic Item ................53
Sanctify Water .......................71
Sanctify Weapon............65, 167
Sanctum Spell ........................56
Sandstep .................................17
Savage Empathy.....................76
Savage Grapple ................78, 95
Savage Mobility .....................78
Savvy Rogue ..........................86
Savvy Swimmer .............12, 136
Scorpion’s Grasp....................40
Scourge of the Seas..............124
Scout the Path ....... 12, 136, 186
Scribe Scroll...........................53
Sculpt Spell ............................57
Sea Legs .................................12
Seafarer ............................12, 13
Second Sight ........................161
Second Slam.........................108
Second Wind..........................18
Secret Society.......................197
Secrets of Dusk ..............12, 117
Sense Weakness .....................44
Serpent Bloodline.................115
Serpent Strike.........................81
Serpent’s Venom....................78
Servant of the Heavens ..19, 167
Shadow Marches Warmonger
............... 102, 110, 150, 157
Shadow Puppet Jutsu .............82
Shadow Shift........................107
Shadow Striker... 123, 130, 170,
Shadow Weave Magic .........140
Shaped Splash ..............103, 157
Shared Fury ....................95, 122
Sharp-Shooting ..............32, 182
Shield and Pike Style ......29, 36,
Shield Charge................ 29, 182
Shield of Deneith .................151
Shield of Thought ................196
Shield Proficiency......... 18, 182
Shield Slam ................... 29, 182
Shield Sling ................... 29, 182
Shield Snare .................. 29, 182
Shield Ward................... 29, 182
Shielded Axe ..........................33
Shielded Casting ........... 65, 121
Shielded Manifesting ...........196
Shieldmate..................... 29, 183
Shifter Acrobatics ................105
Shifter Agility ......................105
Shifter Defense.....................106
Shifter Ferocity ....................106
Shifter Instincts ....................106
Shifter Magnetism................106
Shifter Multiattack ...............106
Shifter Savagery...................106
Shifter Stamina.....................106
Shifter Stealth.......................106
Shiftsilver Mastery...... 106, 183
Ship Savvy .. 100, 118, 133, 157
Ship’s Mage .......... 65, 133, 135
Shipborn .................................12
Shock Trooper. 35, 50, 171, 183
Shocking Fist........................108
Short Haft..................... 36, 183
Shorten Grip ...........................36
Shot on the Run....... 32, 47, 186
Sickening Sonata........... 69, 132
Sidestep ................... 38, 47, 137
Siege Commander................197
Signature Spell .......................93
Silencing Strike....................100
Silent Method.......................161
Silent Spell .............................57
Silver Mind Blade ................196
Silver Palm...........................143
Silver Smite............................84
Silver Tracery.......................108
Simple Weapon Proficiency .24,
Skill Attunement ....................82
Skill Focus..................... 12, 186
Skilled Telekinetic ...............196
Skincaster ...............................65
Slashing Flurry.......................28
Slave Seeker.........................197
Slender......................... 111, 165
Slow Maturation.......... 111, 165
Sly Fortune...........................197
Smite Carrier ..........................84
Smooth Talk.........................143
Smooth Talk’........................197
Snake Blood .........................144
Snatch Arrows............... 40, 183
Sneak Attack of Opportunity 38,
45, 88
Sociable Personality...... 12, 101
Solid Freeze..........................196
Song of the Dead....................57
Song of the Heart .......... 70, 132
Soothe the Beast............ 70, 132
Soul of the North....................21
Soulblade Warrior ................196
Sound of Silence ........... 70, 132
Spawn of the Dark Prince ....116
Speak to the Masses ...... 70, 132
Spear Master ........... 25, 26, 183
Spectral Skirmisher....... 24, 183
Spectral Strike (epic)........... 196
Spell Drain .......................... 196
Spell Focus ............................ 55
Spell Focus (Chaos) .............. 55
Spell Focus (Evil).................. 55
Spell Focus (Good) ............... 55
Spell Focus (Good)’ .............. 55
Spell Focus (Law) ................. 55
Spell Graft ..................... 55, 126
Spell Hand............................. 21
Spell Knowledge (epic)....... 196
Spell Mastery ................ 93, 187
Spell Penetration ................... 65
Spell Thematics..................... 60
Spellbinder .......................... 193
Spellcasting Prodigy ..... 65, 165
Spell-Linked Familiar ........... 91
Spellrazor ...................... 34, 121
Spellstrike............................ 193
Spellwise ............................. 144
Spiked Body........................ 108
Spinning Defense ............ 36, 44
Spinning Halberd ............ 34, 36
Spirit of Dawn ....... 16, 117, 122
Spirit of the Beast................ 196
Spirit of the Sea................... 161
Spirit Spell............................. 91
Spirited Charge ..... 30, 134, 183
Spiritual Force..................... 196
Spit Venom.......................... 196
Split Ray................................ 57
Spontaneous Casting........... 150
Spontaneous Healer....... 62, 129
Spontaneous Summoner 62, 128
Spontaneous Wounder .. 62, 129
Spring Attack ........ 47, 183, 186
Sprinter .................................. 17
Spurn Death’s Touch ............ 71
Stable Footing ............... 99, 108
Staggering Strike................... 88
Stalwart.................................. 25
Stalwart Defender ............... 197
Stalwart Defense ................... 45
Starblessed........................... 195
Starborn ............................... 195
Startouched.................. 165, 195
Steadfast Determination........ 16
Steady Concentration .... 12, 121
Steady Mountaineer ..... 12, 101,
119, 125
Stealthy.................................. 12
Steam Magic.................. 65, 135
Stench of the Dead .............. 194
Stigmata............................... 167
Still Spell............................... 57
Sting Strike............................ 98
Stitched Flesh Familiar ......... 91
Stocky.......................... 111, 165
Stone Form ............................ 78
Stone Monkey ....................... 41
Stone Rage ............................ 67
Stone Soul ........................... 110
Stoneback ...................... 28, 183
Storm Magic.......................... 65
Storm of Flying Strikes......... 34
Stormheart ........................... 144
Stowaway ............................ 161
Strategic Reassignment....... 196
Street Smart......................... 144
Strength of the Shadows ..... 107
Strength of Two .................. 196
Strengthen Bloodline........... 197
Strengthen Resilience............ 84
Strong Coils......................... 196
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Index Page 9
Strong Mind ...........................16
Strong Soul...........................144
Strong Stomach......................17
Stunning Fist ............41, 80, 183
Subduing Strike........25, 88, 183
Subsonics .......................70, 132
Subtle Sigil...........................104
Sudden Empower...................59
Sudden Energy Substitution ..59
Sudden Extend .......................59
Sudden Maximize ..................59
Sudden Quicken.....................59
Sudden Silent .........................59
Sudden Still............................59
Sudden Widen........................59
Sudden Willow Strike............41
Sun School .....................81, 171
Sunken Song ..................70, 133
Superior Flanking ..................92
Superior Hearing..........111, 165
Superior Sense of Smell......111,
Superior Summons...............193
Superior Taste ..............111, 165
Superior Touch ............111, 165
Superior Vision ............111, 165
Suppress Presence............14, 51
Supremely Confident ....14, 133,
Sure Hand...............................15
Survivor ..............................197
Survivor’s Luck ...................197
Sustaining Darkness.............107
Swarm Fighting..............42, 109
Swarm’s Embrace................153
Sweeping Trip................44, 183
Sweet Talker ..........................15
Swift Ambusher .............95, 186
Swift and Silent....................144
Swift Avenger ................95, 186
Swift Hunter...........................95
Swiftness of Orien ...............151
Swiftwing Elite ....................106
Swim like a Fish ....................78
Swim-By Attack ............17, 110
Tactical Advantage ................85
Tactical Reassignment .........196
Tactile Trapsmith...................12
Tail Snap ..............................196
Tainted Strike.........................98
Talenta Dinosaur Bond 134, 157
Talenta Drifter......................157
Talenta Warrior....103, 150, 157
Tattoo Focus ........................144
Technomagical Implant .........23
Telling Blow ..........................88
Tempting Fate ......................197
Tenacious Magic..................140
Tentacular Stalk ...................196
Terrifying Rage (epic) .........196
Terrifying Warrior .........50, 183
Tested – Gift of Prophesy ....161
Tested – Gift of Sight...........161
Tested – Ye’Cind’s Ear........161
Theurgic Bond .......................95
Theurgic Creationist ..............54
Theurgic Empathy..................95
Theurgic Mount ...............83, 95
Theurgic Specialist ..........93, 95
Third Time’s the Charm ......197
Thousand Faces Jutsu ............82
Three Mountains ....................34
Throat Punch ....................40, 88
Throw Anything.............32, 183
Thug .....................................144
Thunder Twin.......................144
Tireless .................................144
Titan Fighting.. 47, 99, 100, 183
Tomb-Born Fortitude.............23
Tomb-Born Resilience ...........17
Tomb-Born Vitality ...............23
Tomb-Tainted Soul ................23
Tongue of Mouqol ...............161
Toothed Blow.........................40
Totem Companion .................77
Touch of Captivation .....21, 155
Touch of Deception .......21, 155
Touch of Golden Ice ............167
Touch of Madness................156
Touch of Silver ......................83
Touch of Summoning ....21, 155
Touch Spell Specialization ....65
Touched by Ether...................23
Toughness ..............................18
Tower Shield Proficiency .....18,
Track ........................14, 86, 186
Trample ................. 30, 134, 183
Transdimensional Spell..........57
Trap Mastery........................127
Treetopper ............................144
Tribal Traits .........................197
Triceratop’s Charge .............197
Trivial Knowledge ...............100
Troll Blooded .......................161
Trophy Collector..................121
Trophy Hunter........................85
True Believer .........................19
Truedive Elite.......................106
Truename .............................197
Truename Scholar ................197
Tumbling Feint.... 119, 137, 183
Tunnel Fighting..............25, 184
Tunnel Rat......................17, 122
Tunnel Riding ........................30
Turn Elemental.......................91
Turtle Dart..............................34
Twin Spell ..............................58
Twin-Sword Style ................144
Two-Weapon Attack of
Opportunity . 26, 38, 46, 184
Two-Weapon Defense .. 26, 184
Two-Weapon Fighting....26, 86,
Two-Weapon Pounce......26, 86,
Two-Weapon Rend . 26, 86, 184
Unarmored Body..................108
Unbelievable Luck ...............197
Uncanny Speed ....................196
Undead Command .................98
Undead Empathy....................12
Undead Leadership ....... 20, 129
Undead Mastery (epic).........196
Underfoot Combat 52, 109, 137
Undertone of Heresy ..... 70, 132
Undying Fate................. 75, 192
Unholy Strike (epic).............196
Unquenchable Flame of Life 17,
51, 85
Unyielding Bond of Soul .17, 85
Urban Stealth................. 12, 127
Urban Tracking ......................14
Vampire Hunter............. 51, 129
Vathrin Stigmata ..................161
Vatic Gaze........................14, 60
Vatun’s Touch......................161
Vault.............................. 36, 125
Venerable Elder......................20
Vengeance of Noon....... 17, 117
Vermin Companion..............153
Vermin Shape.......................153
Verminous Graft ........... 65, 187
Versatile Performer....... 12, 132
Versatile Tyrant....................196
Versatile Unarmed Strike......40,
Vexing Flanker.............. 46, 184
Vicious Claws ......................196
Victor’s Luck .......................197
Vohoun Eye..........................162
Voice of the Green ...............115
Voice of the Mage..................60
Voice of the Void.................107
Voice of Winds ....................112
Volley Commander..............197
Vow of Abstinence ..............167
Vow of Chastity ...................167
Vow of Nonviolence ..... 55, 167
Vow of Obedience ...............167
Vow of Peace .......................167
Vow of Poverty ....................167
Vow of Purity.......................167
Wand Mastery ........................53
Wanderer’s Diplomacy 15, 103,
119, 122, 134
Wandstrike .................... 54, 138
War Chant ............. 15, 133, 184
War Magic Study .................. 62
Warden Initiate............ 154, 192
Warning Shout .............. 70, 132
Wastri’s Blessing ................ 162
Water Adaptation ................ 109
Water Bloodline .................. 113
Water Focus .......................... 55
Water Splitting Stone ..... 41, 80,
Waterborn............................ 113
We Few, We Happy Few ..... 17,
133, 184
Weaken the Heart.................. 88
Weakening Touch ......... 41, 184
Weapon Finesse ............ 25, 184
Weapon Focus............... 27, 184
Weapon Groups................... 197
Weapon Specialization... 27, 78,
Weapon Supremacy .............. 27
Well Read............................ 162
Well Traveled...................... 162
Whirling Steel Strike............. 81
Whirlwind Attack.......... 44, 184
Whispered Secrets......... 75, 192
White Scorpion Strike... 98, 157
Wholesome Fare ................... 84
Widen Spell ........................... 58
Wield Oversized Weapon (epic)
....................................... 196
Wightblade .......................... 196
Wild Touch............ 23, 138, 165
Wildhunt Elite ..................... 106
Wind Oxen Jutsu ................... 82
Windsinger .................... 70, 133
Winged Warrior .... 22, 171, 184
Wingover............................. 196
Wings of the Wraith............ 107
Wisdom Breeds Caution ..... 110
Wise Elder....................... 19, 20
Wolf’s Bite ............................ 82
Wolfpack ........... 38, 42, 47, 171
Wolverine’s Rage.................. 78
Woodland Archer.. 32, 171, 185
Words of Creation............... 167
World Weary....................... 162
Worldly Focus..................... 155
Wormbound........................... 62
Wrest Possession................. 157
Yondalla’s Sense................. 103
Zagyg’s Favor ..................... 162
Zen Archery .......................... 32
Zen Fortitude......................... 82
Zone of Animation (epic).... 196
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 10
General Feats
Skill Feats
Skill Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Able Learner
(RoD p150)
Human or Doppelganger
Level only
All skills are “in-class” and only cost 1 skill point.
Does not effect the cost of learning a language or gaining literacy.
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Jump & Tumble checks.
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Balance & Escape Artist checks.
Agile Athlete
(RotW p148)
Climb: 1 rank
Jump: 1 rank
When making Climb and Jump checks, add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier.
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Listen & Spot checks.
Animal Affinity
(PH p89)
+2 bonus to Handle Animal & Ride checks.
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Climb & Swim checks.
Born under a High Sun
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate checks.
+2 bonus on saves vs. Fire effects.
+1 bonus on all other Fortitude saves.
Born under a Rising
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Heal checks.
+2 bonus on Will saves vs. Fear.
+1 bonus on all other Will saves.
Born under a Setting
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
Concentration is always an in-class skill for you.
+1 bonus on any two Knowledge skills.
Born under the
Crescent Moon
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Sense Motive & Spot checks.
Detect Thoughts, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Full
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate & Use Magical Device checks.
Command, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the
Gibbous Moon
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Bluff & Gather Information checks.
Calm Animals, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Half
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Balance & Concentration checks.
Expeditious Retreat, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the New
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Hide & Sleight of Hand checks.
Disguise Self, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
Combat Casting
(PH p92)
+4 bonus on Concentration checks to cast a spell defensively, while grappled, or while pinned.
(RoD p150)
Half-Elf only
Having 5 or more ranks gives you a +3 bonus on skill checks with each of its synergistic skills, instead of
the usual +2.
Craft Expertise
(DR339 p34)
When using a Craft check to create items ‘by the day’ or ‘by the week’, you generate 2x the normal value
Daredevil Athlete
(CSco p076)
As an Immediate Action, gain a +5 Competence bonus on one Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Ride,
Swim, or Tumble check. Usable 3/day.
(PH p93)
+2 bonus to Disguise & Forgery checks.
Defensive Climber
(DR343 p32)
Dexterity 15
By taking a –10 penalty on your Climb check, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing –and–
do not need to make a Climb check each time you are hit.
Deft Hands
(PH p93)
+2 bonus to Sleight of Hand & Use Rope checks.
(DR323 p90)
+2 bonus to Survival checks made while in a desert.
You may treat heat condition as if they were 20 degrees cooler
(DMG p303).
(PH p93)
+2 bonus to Appraise & Decipher Script checks.
(DR314 p29)
+2 bonus to Knowledge (architecture & engineering) & Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks.
(Eb p52)
level only
All Knowledge skills are added to your In-Class Skill List.
+1 bonus on two specific Knowledge skills of your choice.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 11
Skill Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Efficient Hunter
(DR333 p84)
Survival: 1 rank
Raised in a plains
+2 bonus on Survival checks.
When you are “living off the land”, you may provide food for a number of people equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum 1) without a change in the DC of your Survival check.
(CAdv p109)
Concentration: 10 ranks
You may maintain Concentration on a spell as a Move Action (DC 25 + spell level). If you beat the DC by
10 or more, you can maintain concentration as a Swift Action. If you fail your check, you lose
Flexible Mind
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment Choose two skills that you have ranks in. These skills are always in-class for you from now on. Both skills
receive a +1 bonus.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Guerilla Trapsmith
(DR342 p85)
+2 bonus to Craft(trapmaking) checks.
The DC on Search and Disable Device checks against your traps is at +2.
You may create a Booby Trap (CR ½) in 5 rounds (instead of 1 minute). More details in DMG2 p31.
Hard to Fool
(DR317 p82)
+2 bonus on Will saves vs. Illusion.
+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
Haunting Similarity
(DU127 p49)
Ability to assume
another’s appearance,
either naturally, using
Alter Self, etc.
+2 bonus on Disguise checks to impersonate a specific individual. If the creature you are impersonating
damages you, he/she is Shaken for 1 round (no save). This is a Fear effect.
High Society
(DR333 p89)
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
+3 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, & Disguise checks made when interacting with members of the highest level
of society.
Improved Disguise
(DR335 p92)
Charisma 13
Disguise: 7 ranks
Sense Motive: 5 ranks
You do not suffer the normal –2 penalty when disguising yourself as another gender, race, or age category.
You can don a disguise in half the normal time.
Improved Diversion
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p110)
Bluff: 4 ranks
You can use Bluff to create a diversion as a Move Action. You gain a +4 bonus when doing so.
Inside Connections
(RoD p153)
Choose a specific organization of which you have knowledge and with which you are on neutral or better
terms. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (local), and
Sense Motive checks made in conjunction with that organization.
(PH p97)
+2 bonus to Gather Information & Search checks.
Jack of All Trades
(CAdv p110)
Intelligence 13
You can use any skill as if you had trained ½ rank in that skill.
Magical Aptitude
(PH p97)
+2 bonus to Spellcraft & Use Magical Device checks.
Master Bowyer
(DR350 p90)
Craft(bowyer): 6 ranks
You may create Masterwork Bows & Arrows in half the standard time & for half the standard cost.
Master Swimmer
(DR343 p32)
Strength 15
When swimming, you only take the normal Armor Check penalty & Encumbrance penalty (instead of 2x).
Menacing Demeanor
(RoS p142)
Orc or Orc blood only
+4 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Mounted Casting
(Mini p27)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
Receive a +10 bonus on Concentration checks to cast while mounted.
Natural Dowser
(DR323 p90)
Survival: 4 ranks
+4 bonus on Survival checks to get along in the wild.
(PH p98)
+2 bonus to Diplomacy & Sense Motive checks.
Nimble Fingers
(PH p98)
+2 bonus to Disable Device & Open Lock checks.
Noble Warrior
(DR317 p83)
+2 Competence bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks.
Old Salt
(Storm p93)
Profession(sailor): 5 ranks
Gain a +1 bonus on Balance, Profession (sailor), and Use Rope checks.
You may use Profession (sailor) when making a ‘Predict Weather’ check (usually uses Survival).
Passive Reconnoiter
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Survival: 4 ranks
When you spend a Full Round Action looking for opponents, you receive a +3 Circumstance bonus on
Listen and Spot checks.
(PH p98)
+2 bonus to Bluff & Intimidate checks.
(DU142 p93)
Know(geography): 5 ranks
Able to speak at least 3
When undertaking a pilgrimage, you receive a +1 Morale bonus on Will saves & on all Charisma-based
skill checks for 1 month. After this time, you instead receive a –1 penalty on both until you reach your
Once at your destination & you have undertaken the appropriate rituals, you receive a +4 Competence
bonus on a skill related to the destination (but loose the bonus / penalty indicated above).
When you decide to undertake a new pilgrimage, you love the skill bonus but again gain the bonus on Will
saves & Charisma-based skill checks.
Quick Reconnoiter
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p112)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
Spot: 5 ranks
You can make one Spot check and one Listen check each round as a Free Action.
Recognize Imposter
(Eb p58)
Sense Motive: 3 ranks
Spot: 3 ranks
+4 bonus on Spot check to oppose Disguise checks.
+4 bonus on Sense Motive checks to oppose Bluff checks.
Sailor’s Balance
(Storm p93)
Profession(sailor): 4 ranks
Gain a +5 Competence bonus on Balance checks made while on a deck or in the ship’s riggings.
You may move across a slipper deck at your normal speed.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 12
Skill Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Savvy Swimmer
(DR323 p90)
Swim: 4 ranks
When swimming in armor that you have proficiency with, you only receive ½ the Armor Check Penalty
(instead of 2x) on your Swim check.
Scout the Path
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Survival: 4 ranks
+3 bonus when making a Survival check to Trailblaze (see the Skill Index for details).
In addition, all allies within 20’ receive a +1 bonus on their Hide and Move Silently checks.
Sea Legs
(Storm p93)
(DR314 p45)
+2 bonus to Balance & Tumble checks –and– +1 bonus on Initiative checks, as long as you are on a floating
(DR337 p96)
Profession (sailor) and Survival are always class skills for you.
+2 bonus to Profession (sailor) checks.
+2 bonus to Survival checks while on a ship or boat.
Secrets of Dusk
(DR340 p48)
Character level 6
Born under a Setting Sun
Skill Focus (any
You may ‘Take 10’ on Concentration checks at any time.
You may ‘Take 20’ with a Knowledge skill that you have Skill Focus with, usable 1/day.
(PH p100)
+2 bonus to Heal & Survival checks.
(DR323 p90)
+2 Circumstance bonus on skill checks made in the operation of a ship. These include Balance, Climb,
Craft (shipbuilding), & Profession (sailor) checks. Only applies when on a ship or repairing one in dock.
Skill Focus
[General, Scout]
(PH p100)
(CAdv p10)+
+3 bonus to all checks involving one skill.
This feat may be taken multiple times, once per skill.
Sociable Personality
(RoD p153)
Half-Elf only
Charisma 13
You may reroll any Diplomacy or Gather Information check. You must take the new result.
Steady Concentration
(RoS p144)
Concentration: 8 ranks
You can always ‘Take 10’ on Concentration checks.
Steady Mountaineer
(RoS p144)
Climb: 8 ranks
Jump: 8 ranks
You can always ‘Take 10’ on Climb checks.
(PH p101)
+2 bonus to Hide & Move Silently checks.
Tactile Trapsmith
(CAdv p112)
Use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Intelligence modifier for Disable Device and Search checks.
You receive no penalty on these checks due to darkness or blindness.
(DR310 p70)
Intelligence 13 You grant another character a +2 Competence bonus in a skill that you have at least one rank in (including
cross-class skills) by training him/her for 4 days. Your trainee loses the bonus if you do not spend one
hour each day refreshing his/her knowledge. You may have your Intelligence modifier in trainees at one
time & each trainee may only have such a bonus in one skill.
Undead Empathy
(Eb p61)
Charisma 13 +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to change the attitude of Intelligent Undead.
You can also use your Diplomacy to influence Mindless Undead (such as Skeletons, Zombies, etc.).
Mindless Undead initially have the attitude of Hostile.
Action Target Attitude Target DC
Stop a random Mindless Undead from attacking Indifferent 25
Stop a Mindless Undead under orders from attacking Friendly 35
Make a Mindless Undead abandon what it has been ordered to guard Helpful 50
Urban Stealth
(RoD p154)
Know (local): 4 ranks
+3 bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks in a small city (or larger) community.
Versatile Performer
(CAdv p112)
Perform: 5 ranks Pick a number of Perform categories equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). When making
checks, treat all categories as if they had as many ranks as your highest-ranked category.
You gain a +2 bonus to check when using more than one of these Performance categories together.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 13
Feats that Add to Class Skill Lists
Add to Skill Lists
Source Prerequisite Description
Able Learner
(RoD p150)
Human or Doppelganger
level only
All skills are “in-class” and only cost 1 skill point.
Does not effect the cost of learning a language or gaining literacy.
Born under a Setting
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
Concentration is always an in-class skill for you.
+1 bonus on any two Knowledge skills.
Bronze Solaris Membe
(DR334 p93)
Sorcerer level 1
Level only
You descended from an Ancient Deity and are a member of The Order of the Bronze Solaris.
1. Knowledge (religion) is a Sorcerer class skill for you. Receive a +3 bonus on Knowledge (religion)
checks related to your Ancestor Deity.
2. You are proficient with the Favored Weapon of your Ancestor Deity.
City Slicker
(RoD p150)
Level only
Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you.
Divine Inspiration
(DR330 p85)
Ability to Turn Undead
Bardic Music class
1. Your Bard and Cleric levels stack to determine what Bardic Music abilities are available to you.
2. Perform is always a Class skill for you.
Draconic Heritage
(CArc p77)
Sorcerer level 1
Choose one of the following types of Dragons.
1. Gain the listed skill as an in-class skill.
2. You receive a +1 bonus per Draconic feat on save vs. Sleep, Paralysis, & spells of the listed Energy Type.
Energy Type Skill Dragon Energy Type Skill
Black Acid Hide Brass Fire Gather Info.
Blue Electricity Listen Bronze Electricity Survival
Green Acid Move Silently Copper Acid Hide
Red Fire Intimidate Gold Fire Heal
White Cold Balance Silver Cold Disguise
(Eb p52)
Know (religion): 6 ranks You are respected by a church hierarchy.
Add Gather Information and Know (local) to your In-Class Skill List.
If you have the Leadership Feat, receive a +2 bonus on your Leadership score.
(Eb p52)
level only
All Knowledge skills are added to your In-Class Skill List.
+1 bonus on two specific Knowledge skills of your choice.
(DR325 p62)
Bardic Music class ability
Ability to cast Divine
Perform is always a Class skill for you.
Receive your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to all Perform checks.
Noble Born
(DR333 p45)
Level only
Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility & royalty) are always class skills for you.
If you take the feat Leadership, receive +2 bonus on your Leadership score.
(DR323 p90)
Gain one language immediately upon taking this feat.
Speak Language is always a Class skill for you.
Recognized Leader
(DR334 p84)
Old age
Membership in a tribe
Diplomacy & Knowledge (history) are always in-class skills for you.
Receive a +1 bonus on Diplomacy & Knowledge (history) checks.
You may gain a Cohort with levels in Barbarian as if your Leadership score was +1.
(DR337 p96)
Profession (sailor) and Survival are always class skills for you.
+2 bonus to Profession (sailor) checks.
+2 bonus to Survival checks while on a ship or boat.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 14
Feats that Give New Uses for Skill
News Uses for Skill
Source Prerequisite Description
Appraise Magic Value
(CAdv p103
Appraise: 5 ranks
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
If you know an item is magical, you may spend 8 hours and 25 gp in special materials to make an Appraise
check (DC 10 + item’s caster level) to determine its exact properties.
Astral Tracking
(DR313 p110
Know (planes): 11 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Survival: 10 ranks
You may make Survival checks to track creatures through the planes.
1. Track through the featureless Astral Plane – DC 25.
2. Determine the destination of a Teleport spell or effect when standing at the point of departure – DC 30.
If you succeed and can teleport, then you may attempt to follow as if you had viewed the destination once.
Breath Control
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform (wind
instrument): 5 ranks
+2 bonus on Perform (wind instrument) checks.
+2 bonus on saves vs. inhaled poisons and nauseating vapors.
Able to hold your breath for either 2 times Constitution score –or– Perform (wind instrument) check rounds,
whichever is higher
Combat Acrobat
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p76)
Balance: 9 ranks
Tumble: 2 ranks
Acrobatic Recovery – make a Balance check vs. DC 20 to avoid being knocked Prone.
Sure Footed Maneuver
– make a Balance check vs. DC 15 to treat up to 4 squares of Difficult Terrain as
normal terrain with regards to movement.
Extraordinary Spell
(CAdv p109)
Spellcraft: 15 ranks
With a Spellcraft check (DC 25 + spell level) you can shape an area spell so it does not affect one creature
within its area. Casting a spell affected by this feat is a Full Round action, unless the spell’s casting time is
greater, in which case the casting time in unchanged.
(Eb p55)
You may attempt to locate and interpret clues left at a crime scene by making a Search check. The DC of
the check is determined by the factors listed at Eb p56.
Keen-Eared Scout
(PH2 p80)
Listen: 6 ranks
Alertness –or– Skill
Focus (listen)
If your Listen check exceeds the DC by the indicated amount, you lead additional information (cumulative):
Exceed DC
Additional Information
+5 Size, Speed, & Direction of noise source
+10 Exact current position of noise source
+15 Armor worn & items carried by noise source (if any)
+20 Type & Subtype of the noise source
Also, you gain a +5 bonus to pinpoint the location of Invisible creatures.
Master Manipulator
(PH2 p80)
Diplomacy: 9 ranks
Charisma 13
Gain the following two abilities. Each cannot be used in combat & you must share a language with your
Captivating Speech
– you may distract (1 + Charisma modifier) creatures within 20’ as long as you
speak, inflicting a –4 penalty on each ones Listen, Sense Motive, & Spot checks. You must make a
Diplomacy check opposed by the target’s Diplomacy or Will save (whichever is better).
Trap of Words
– if a creature attempts a Bluff vs. Sense Motive check against you and you win, you lead
the creature to believe his/her “lie” worked. After 1 minute, make a Diplomacy check opposed by the
creature’s Bluff check. If successful, you trick the creature into revealing the lie & the reason making it
Master of Mockery
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform(comedy): 8 ranks As a Standard Action, you may attempt to enrage a single melee opponent. If your opponent fails his/her
Will save (DC = your Perform (comedy) check), the enraged opponent must focus all his/her attacks on
you (ignoring all others). The enraged opponent gains a +2 Morale bonus on attack rolls against you, but
receives a –2 penalty to AC.
This is a mind-affecting, language-dependant effect.
Mobile Spellcasting
(CAdv p111)
Concentration: 8 ranks You can make a special Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) to cast a spell and move as one Standard
Action. You can’t use this ability to cast spells that normally take longer than a Standard Action to cast.
If you fail the check, you lose the spell. You may combine the effect of this feat with casting on the
defensive, by raising the DC by 5.
(DR339 p87)
Know(geography): 1 rank
Survival: 1 rank
You may not become lost due to poor visibility or difficult terrain.
By making a Survival check vs. DC 20, you may reduce the effect of difficult terrain on movement by
By making a Survival check vs. DC 30, you may reduce the effect of difficult terrain on movement by
(max 1x).
(Eb p59)
You may attempt to glean information from books, scrolls, etc., by making a Knowledge check. The DC of
the check is determined by the factors listed at Eb p59.
Suppress Presence
(DR343 p32)
Dexterity 15
Creatures with the ‘blindsense’ special ability must make a Listen or Spot check (as appropriate for the
creature) vs. your Hide check to perceive you. You must have Cover to hide from ‘blindsense’.
Supremely Confident
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (act): 7 ranks When making a Demoralize actions, you may use a Perform (act) check in place of an Intimidate check.
On a confirmed Critical Hit, you immediately may attempt a Demoralize action on the foe you struck as a
Free Action.
[General, Scout]
(PH p101)
(CAdv p10)+
Ranger 1
You may attempt to follow tracks by making a Survival check each mile. The DC of the check is
determined by the factors listed at PH p101.
Urban Tracking
(Eb p61)
(RoD p154)
You may attempt to locate or trail an individual by making a Gather Information check each hour. The DC
of the check is determined by the factors listed at Eb p61.
Vatic Gaze
(PH2 p85)
Arcane spellcaster 9
lvl 1. Detect Magic, at will.
2. By making a Sense Motive check vs. DC (5 + target’s caster level), you may determine the highest level
spell the target is still capable of casting.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 15
News Uses for Skill
Source Prerequisite Description
Wanderer’s Diplomacy
(PH2 p85)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
Gain the following abilities:
Canny Merchant
– you can make a Diplomacy check to locate a desired object that is normally too
expensive for the current settlement to sell. You must still purchase the object after locating it. The DC of
the check is 10 + ((item’s gp cost – settlement’s gp limit) / 1000).
Intuitive Communication
– you may communicate in a simple way with a creature whose language you do
not share by spending 1 minute interacting with it and then making a Sense Motive check vs. DC 20 if you
and the creature are of the same type, otherwise DC 30.
Social Agility
– you may temporarily change a creature’s Attitude towards you by using Bluff (instead of
Diplomacy as usual). The attempt takes a Standard Action and its DC is the same as changing an Attitude
with Diplomacy. You may not use this ability on a creature with the Attitude of ‘Hostile’. If successful,
the effect lasts for 1 minute, after which the creature’s Attitude becomes one category worse than it started
for 10 minutes.
War Chant
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (sing): 7 ranks By chanting for at least 3 rounds before combat begins (a Free Action each round), the following occur:
1. You gain a +2 bonus on your Initiative check.
2. Allies within 30’ who were listening to the chant receive a +1 Morale bonus on their Initiative check.
The effects of multiple chanters on their allies stack (up to a max of +4).
Skill Trick Feats
Skill Trick Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Cool Head
(CSco p075)
any 2 Mental Skill
Gain 2 extra Mental Skill Tricks that do not count against your maximum.
(CSco p077)
any 2 Movement Skill
Gain 2 extra Movement Skill Tricks that do not count against your maximum.
Sure Hand
(CSco p081)
any 2 Manipulation Skill
Gain 2 extra Manipulation Skill Tricks that do not count against your maximum.
Sweet Talker
(CSco p081)
any 2 Interaction Skill
Gain 2 extra Interaction Skill Tricks that do not count against your maximum.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 16
Saving Throw Feats
Saving Throw Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Defense
(CArc p73)
Spell Focus in the
chosen School of
+3 bonus on saves vs. spells from the chosen School of Magic.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time choosing a different School of Magic.
Aura of Bravery
(DR323 p96)
All allies within 10’ of you gain a +2 Morale bonus on saves vs. Fear as long as you are not affected by the
Fear effect. You do not
receive the bonus.
Battlefield Inspiration
(Mini p25)
Charisma 13 As a Free Action, you may grant a +2 XXX bonus to saves vs. Fear to allies 30’ with an Intelligence of 3+
who can hear you for XXX rounds.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increasing the bon us by an additional +2.
Born under a High Sun
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate checks.
+2 bonus on saves vs. Fire effects.
+1 bonus on all other Fortitude saves.
Born under a Rising
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Heal checks.
+2 bonus on Will saves vs. Fear.
+1 bonus on all other Will saves.
Dive for Cover
(CArc p108)
Base Reflex Save: +4
If you fail a Reflex saving throw, you may immediately attempt the saving throw again.
You become Prone immediately after attempting the second saving throw.
Enduring Life
(LM p26)
Whenever you gain a Negative Level, you can ignore the penalties and other ill effects associated with that
Negative Level for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier (if any).
Gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves to remove Negative Levels.
Filth Eater
(Sharn p157)
+4 bonus on saves vs. Disease or Ingested Poisons. Even if you fail the save, the ability damage you take
from either of these sources is reduced by 1 point (minimum 1)
Force of Personality
(CAdv p109)
Charisma 13
Add your Charisma modifier instead of you Wisdom modifier as a bonus when making a Will save vs.
mind-affecting spells and abilities.
Gift of Faith
(BoED p43)
Wisdom 13
+2 bonus on saving throws to resist [fear], despair effects, or similar mind-affecting conditions (but not
charms or compulsions).
Great Fortitude
[General, Scout]
(PH p94)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws.
Hard to Fool
(DR317 p82)
+2 bonus on Will saves vs. Illusion.
+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
Indomitable Soul
(PH2 p80)
Iron Will
When making a Will save vs. a Mind-Affecting or Fear ability, roll two d20’s and take the better.
Insightful Reflexes
(CAdv p110)
Add your Intelligence moodier instead of your Dexterity modifier as a bonus to Reflex saves.
Iron Will
[General, Scout]
(PH p97)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to all Will saving throws.
Lasting Life
(LM p28)
Enduring Life
Once per round as a Standard Action, you can attempt to remove one Negative Level from yourself with a
Will save (DC 10 + ½ attacker’s HD + attacker’s Charisma modifier).
Lightning Reflexes
[General, Scout]
(PH p97)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to all Reflex saving throws.
Piercing Sight
(RoS p143)
+4 bonus on saving throws to disbelieve Illusions (must have “disbelief” in the saving throw entry).
(DU142 p93)
Know(geography): 5 ranks
Able to speak at least 3
When undertaking a pilgrimage, you receive a +1 Morale bonus on Will saves & on all Charisma-based
skill checks for 1 month. After this time, you instead receive a –1 penalty on both until you reach your
Once at your destination & you have undertaken the appropriate rituals, you receive a +4 Competence
bonus on a skill related to the destination (but loose the bonus / penalty indicated above).
When you decide to undertake a new pilgrimage, you love the skill bonus but again gain the bonus on Will
saves & Charisma-based skill checks.
Pirate Luck
(DR323 p90)
Charisma 13
You may reroll one saving throw per day before
the DM declares if it was successful or not. You must take
the second roll.
Protected Destiny
(RoD p153)
Human or Half-Human
Character level 3
Heroic Destiny
If you roll a ‘natural 1’ on a saving throw, you may reroll it. Usable once per day.
Resist Telekinesis
(DR309 p110
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Spellcraft: 2 ranks
You are practiced at avoiding the various effects of Telekinesis.
1. +8 bonus to resist the effects of Telekinesis (combat maneuver) (which includes Bull Rush, etc.).
2. +4 bonus on Will saves to avoid Telekinesis (violent thrust).
Sailor Will
(DR323 p90)
Base Will Save +2
+1 bonus on Will saves.
+4 bonus on your check to avoid being Demoralized (see the Intimidate skill).
Spirit of Dawn
(DR340 p48)
Character level 6
Born under a Rising Sun
Diplomacy: 2 ranks
+4 bonus on Will saves vs. Fear (supersedes the bonus from Feat: Born under a Rising Sun
You may encourage all allies that can hear & understand you. Each ally (and yourself) receives a
+2 Moral bonus on Will saves for Charisma modifier rounds. This is a Swift Action, usable 1/day.
(PH2 p83)
1. Use your Constitution modifier in place
of your Wisdom modifier on Will saves.
2. You do not automatically fail Fortitude saves on a roll of ‘natural 1’.
Strong Mind
(Eb p61)
(Und p27)
Wisdom 11
Receive a +3 bonus on saving throws vs. Psionic abilities and mind attacks.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 17
Saving Throw Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Strong Stomach
(DR326 p55)
Receive a +4 bonus on saving throws vs. extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like effects that cause Nausea
or any other scent-based effect.
Tomb-Born Resilience
(LM p30)
Non-Good Alignment
Tomb-Tainted Soul
+2 bonus on saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, and disease.
Unquenchable Flame
of Life
(FoE p148)
Receive a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. the Extraordinary & Supernatural abilities of Undead.
If Undead are your Favored Enemy, you receive your Favored Enemy bonus vs. Undead instead of the +2.
Unyielding Bond of
(FoE p148)
Receive a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. the Extraordinary & Supernatural abilities of Outsiders.
If Outsiders are your Favored Enemy, you receive your Favored Enemy bonus vs. Outsiders instead of the +2
Vengeance of Noon
(DR340 p48)
Character level 6
Born under a High Sun
Power Attack
+4 bonus on saves vs. Fire effects (supersedes the bonus from Feat: Born under a High Sun).
One of your weapons gains the ‘Flaming’ weapon quality (doing +1d6 Fire damage) for Charisma modifier
rounds. This is a Swift Action, usable 1/day.
We Few, We Happy
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (oratory):
7 ranks
Following a 1 minute speech, you may make a Perform (oratory) check. Any ally who listened to the whole
speech and understood it may use this check in place of his/her next Will save (though the subject must
decide before rolling). If not used within 10 minutes, the effect dissipates.
Movement Feats
Movement Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p106)
(CAdv p10)+
Climb: 4 ranks
Jump: 4 ranks
You can move through medium and dense forest area at your normal land speed.
You must be at least 20’ from the ground to use this ability.
(CWar p97)
(Mini p25)
You may increase your movement by 5’ as long as you are wearing no more than Light armor and are no
more than Lightly Encumbered.
Fleet of Foot’
(CWar p99)
Dexterity 15
When running or charging, you can make one turn of up to 90 degrees. To maintain a charge, the last 10’
must still be in a straight line.
You can only use this Feat when wearing no more than Light Armor and no more than Lightly Encumbered.
(DR314 p45)
Skill Focus (Swim)
Swim: 4 ranks
You may float on calm water as a Free Action. You are considered Prone, but otherwise may cast spell
and/or attack. You may sleep while floating on the water.
Flow with the
(DR314 p45)
Skill Focus (Swim)
Swim: 4 ranks
While swimming, you receive a +2 bonus to Initiative checks & Reflex saving throws.
Improved Flight
(CAdv p110)
Ability to fly
Your maneuverability while flying improves one step (clumsy poor average good perfect).
Improved Swimming
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p110)
(CAdv p10)+
Swim: 6 ranks
You can swim half your speed as a Move Action, or your speed as a Full Round Action.
Rapid Swimming
(Storm p93)
Racial Swim speed
Base Fortitude Save +2
Swim speed increases by +20’.
(RoD p156)
Balance: 5 ranks
Jump: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fleet of Feet
– You can walk across a precarious surface at full speed without a penalty on your Balance
Graceful Drop
– If you intentionally jump from a height, you take less damage than if you had fallen. On a
successful Jump check, you take falling damage as if you had dropped 20’ fewer.
Master of the Roof
– Gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC against any opponent at a different elevation than you.
(PH p99)
When running, the following apply:
1. You move at 5x your normal movement if wearing no more than Light armor & carrying no more than
Light encumbrance.
2. You move at 4x your normal movement if wearing heavier armor or carrying more encumbrance.
3. You receive a +4 bonus on Jump checks when making a jump after a running start.
4. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Sahuagin Flip
[General, Fighter]
(Storm p93)
Racial Swim speed
After making a Standard Action melee attack, you may ‘withdraw’ (i.e., 2x movement) as a Move Action as
long as your are swimming away.
(DR323 p90)
The DC’s of your Balance, Move Silently, and Tumble checks are not increase by the light / dense rubble &
light undergrowth of a desert.
Also, entering a square of light undergrowth in a desert only costs you 1 square of movement (instead of 2).
(DR313 p31)
Dexterity 15
Constitution 15
You may increase your movement by 10’ for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.
This ability may be used up to 3 times per day.
Swim-By Attack
(Storm p94)
Racial Swim speed
You may take a Move Action and have a Standard Action (typically an attack) occur at some point in the
movement. In effect, ‘Spring Attack’ when you are swimming.
Tunnel Rat
(DR326 p55)
Escape Artist: 4 ranks
When squeezing, each space counts as 1 square of movement and you only suffer a –2 penalty on attack
rolls. Normally, each space squeezed through costs 2 squares of movement and the penalty is –4.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 18
Armor & Shield Feats
Armor & Shield
Source Prerequisite Description
Armor Proficiency
(PH p89)
Armor Proficiency
You are proficient with all normal Heavy Armors.
Armor Proficiency
(PH p89)
You are proficient with all normal Light Armors.
Armor Proficiency
(PH p89)
Armor Proficiency
You are proficient with all normal Medium Armors.
Armor Specialization
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p75)
Armor Proficiency
(appropriate type)
Base Attack Bonus +12
Choose a type of Medium or Heavy Armor that you are proficient with. When wearing a Masterwork
(including Magical) version of this armor, you gain Damage Reduction 2 / —. Does not apply when you
loose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
May be taken multiple times, each time with a different type of armor.
Dwarven Armor
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p138)
Dwarf only
Armor Proficiency
You are proficient with Battle Plate, Interlocking Plate, Interlocking Scale, and Mountain Plate.
Exotic Armor
[General, Fighter]
(Und p25)
(RoS p139)
Armor Proficiency
(appropriate type)
You are proficient with a specific type of Exotic Armor.
Exotic Shield
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p139)
Shield Proficiency
Base Attack Bonus +1
You are proficient with a specific type of Exotic Shield.
Greater Heavy Armor
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p141)
Armor Proficiency
Heavy Armor
Base Attack Bonus +8
When wearing Heavy Armor, increase the AC by 1 and reduce the Armor Check penalty by 2.
These benefits stack with those of Heavy Armor Optimization, for a total increase in AC of 2 and a total
reduction of Armor Check penalty of 3.
Heavy Armor
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p141)
Armor Proficiency
Base Attack Bonus +4
When wearing Heavy Armor, increase the AC by 1 and reduce the Armor Check penalty by 1.
Shield Proficiency
(PH p100)
You are proficient with all shields (except Tower Shields).
Tower Shield
(PH p101)
Shield Proficiency
You are proficient with Tower Shields.
Hit-Point & Healing Feats
Hit-Point / Healing
Source Prerequisite Description
(PH p93)
Endurance 1. You automatically stabilize if you are reduced to –1 hp or lower.
2. When reduced to –1 hp or lower, you have the option of not going Unconscious. If you stay awake, you
are considered Disabled. This means you can make one Move Action or one Standard Action each
round. If you use a Standard Action (or a Free Action that is strenuous), you take 1 hp of damage.
[General, Scout]
(PH p93)
(CAdv p10)+
Ranger 3
1. +4 bonus on checks for performing a physical action over a period of time, such as swimming or
2. +4 bonus on Constitution checks to avoid damage from starvation or thirst.
3. +4 bonus on Fortitude checks to avoid damage from hot or cold weather or from oxygen deprivation.
Faster Healing
(CWar p98)
Base Fortitude Save +5 The rate of your natural healing of hit-points and ability damage increases.
The hp value is multiplied by the Character level. Additional values are listed at
(CWar p98).
Day’s Activity
Normal with Faster Healing
Strenuous Activity 0 hp & 0 ability score 1 hp & 2 ability score
Light Activity 1 hp & 1 ability score 1½ hp & 2 ability score
Complete Bed Rest 1½ hp & 2 ability score 2 hp & 2 ability score
(DR313 p30)
Constitution 13
If you sleep for 8 uninterrupted hours, you regain 2x your Character level in hit-points –and– 2 points of
ability damage to each affected score.
If you sleep for 24 uninterrupted hours, you regain 4x your Character level in hit-points –and– 4 points of
ability damage to each affected score.
Improved Toughness
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
(MM3 p207)
Base Fortitude Save +2
Gain 1hp per hit-die. This applies to future hit-dice too. If a hit-die is permanently lost, you lose the bonus
Second Wind
(Mini p28)
You may heal yourself (Constitution modifier) hit-points (minimum 1), usable once per day.
(PH p101)
Gain +3 hit points.
This feat may be taken multiple times.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 19
Social Feats
Social Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Favored of the
(BoED p43)
Pledged fealty to one of
the Paragon of the
Guardinals (NG)
Once per day, you receive a +1 Luck bonus on any one roll or check. You must be performing a good act.
You may not take ‘Knight of Stars’ or ‘Servant of the Heavens’ after taking this feat.
Friend of Earth
(DR314 p29)
Member of an earth-
focused sect or a
follower of an earth-
based deity
You receives a +4 bonus on any Charisma-based check to influence earth creatures, including creatures with
the [earth] subtype, intelligence Constructs made from stone, etc.
You receives a +2 bonus on any Charisma-based check to influence any created associated with earth or
stone that does not have an [earth] subtype, such as Dwarves.
Knight of Stars
(BoED p44)
Pledged fealty to a
member of the Court of
Stars (CG)
Once per day, you receive a +1 Luck bonus on any one roll or check. You must be performing a good act.
You may not take ‘Favored of the Companions’ or ‘Servant of the Heavens’ after taking this feat.
Noble Born
(DR333 p45)
Level only
Diplomacy & Knowledge (nobility & royalty) are always class skills for you.
If you take the feat Leadership, receive +2 bonus on your Leadership score.
Resourceful Buyer
(RoD p153)
Whenever you are buying goods, the community is treated as one category larger for determining the value
of the most expensive items available. This benefit does not stack with any other effect with a similar
Servant of the
(BoED p46)
Pledged fealty to one of
the rulers of the Seven
Heavens (LG)
Once per day, you receive a +1 Luck bonus on any one roll or check. You must be performing a good act.
You may not take ‘Favored of the Companions’ or ‘Knight of Stars’ after taking this feat.
(RoD p153)
Intelligence 13
You can quickly learn enough of a language to ask and understand simples questions, explanations, and
instructions. It takes 2d6 days to gain the benefit the first time you encounter the language, but only 1d4
days for subsequent encounters.
This benefit only applies to verbal communication.
True Believer
(CDiv p86)
(DR333 p50)
Must have a Patron
Deity & be within one
step of the Deity’s
+2 Insight bonus on one Saving Throw per day, decided before making the save.
May use Relics of your Deity.
Wise Elder
(DR334 p84)
Recognized Leader
Old age
Membership in a tribe
When using Diplomacy or Intimidate to influence your own trip, you may reroll a check, though you must
take the second roll (even if worse). Usable 1/day.
You may gain a Cohort with levels in Barbarian as if your Leadership score was +2 (supersedes
bonus from
Recognized Leader).
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 20
Leadership Feats
Leadership Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Assemble the Horde
(DR346 p52)
Character level 6
Leadership score 4
higher than your level
+1 bonus on your Leadership score.
For each Follower who is above 1
level, gain an extra 1
level follower.
Class Champion
(DR346 p53)
Character level 6
Leadership score 4
higher than your level
+1 bonus on your Leadership score.
Gain two additional Followers of the highest level available for your Leadership score, but they must be the
same class (i.e., Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, etc.) as you.
Close Cohort
(DR346 p53)
Character level 6
Leadership score 2
higher than your level
Your Cohort may be one level below your level (instead of two below, as usual).
Dragon Cohort
(Dcn p105)
Character level 9
Speak Language
You gain a Dragon Cohort
(Dcn p139), just as you would have with the Leadership feat; however, you may
treat the Dragon’s ELC as if it were 3 lower than indicated.
Dragon Steed
(Dcn p105)
Ride: 8 ranks
Charisma 13
Speak Language
You gain the service of a Dragonnel
(Dcn p150) as a steed. It serves you loyally, like a Cohort.
If you have the Special Mount class feature (i.e., a Paladin or similar), the Dragonnel replaces your special
(Eb p52)
Know (religion): 6 ranks You are respected by a church hierarchy.
Add Gather Information and Know (local) to your In-Class Skill List.
If you have the Leadership Feat, receive a +2 bonus on your Leadership score.
Eye for Talent
(DR346 p53)
Character level 6
Leadership score 2
higher than your level
Sense Motive: 9 ranks
+1 bonus on your Leadership score.
You can replace Followers in 1d4 weeks (instead of the usual 1d4 months).
Fanatical Devotion
(DR346 p53)
Character level 6
Leadership score 3
higher than your level
+1 bonus on your Leadership score.
You do not receive a penalty on your Leadership score when a Follower dies.
Great Captain
(Storm p92)
Know(geography):7 ranks
Profession(sailor): 7 ranks
1. You may command your vessel in combat as a Move Action (normally a Standard Action).
2. You may perform an Aid Other action that applies to all on board the vessel you command. The action
applies to one check, typically ‘Profession (sailor)’ or ‘Profession (siege engineer)’.
Improved Leadership
(DR317 p82)
Charisma 15
+2 bonus on your Leadership score.
(PH p106)
(DMG p106)+
Character level 6
You attract a cohort and/or followers to help you in your goals.
Natural Leader
(DR346 p53)
Character level 6
+2 bonus on your Leadership score.
Noble Born
(DR333 p45)
Level only
Diplomacy & Knowledge (nobility & royalty) are always class skills for you.
If you take the feat Leadership, receive +2 bonus on your Leadership score.
Recognized Leader
(DR334 p84)
Old age
Membership in a tribe
Diplomacy & Knowledge (history) are always in-class skills for you.
Receive a +1 bonus on Diplomacy & Knowledge (history) checks.
You may gain a Cohort with levels in Barbarian as if your Leadership score was +1.
Undead Leadership
(LM p31)
Character level 6
Non-Good Alignment
Know (religion): 1 rank
You attract followers and a Cohort as if you had the Leadership Feat. Your Leadership score is +2 for
attracting Undead, and –4 for attracting living followers. If you decide to attract an Undead Cohort, its
maximum ECL is two below yours.
Venerable Elder
(DR334 p84)
Recognized Leader
Wise Elder
Venerable age
Membership in a tribe
+10 Insight bonus on any Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Usable 1/day.
You may gain a Cohort with levels in Barbarian as if your Leadership score was +4 (supersedes
bonus from
Wise Elder).
Wise Elder
(DR334 p84)
Recognized Leader
Old age
Membership in a tribe
When using Diplomacy or Intimidate to influence your own trip, you may reroll a check, though you must
take the second roll (even if worse). Usable 1/day.
You may gain a Cohort with levels in Barbarian as if your Leadership score was +2 (supersedes
bonus from
Recognized Leader).
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 21
Feats that Grant Spells
Spell Granting Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Binding Brand
(PGE p36)
You have the mark of the Binding Brand, a stylized flame.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Guidance, Protection from Evil, Resistance. DC is Charisma-based.
Born under the
Crescent Moon
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Sense Motive & Spot checks.
Detect Thoughts, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Full
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate & Use Magical Device checks.
Command, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the
Gibbous Moon
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Bluff & Gather Information checks.
Calm Animals, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Half
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Balance & Concentration checks.
Expeditious Retreat, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the New
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Hide & Sleight of Hand checks.
Disguise Self, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
(CArc p76)
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message
Gift of the Xoriat
(DR332 p45)
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Daze, Lesser Confusion, Lullaby. DC is Charisma-based.
(CArc p80)
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Detect Magic, Detect Secret Doors, Read Magic.
Necropolis Born
(CArc p81)
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Cause Fear, Ghost Sound, Touch of Fatigue. DC is Charisma-based.
Night Haunt
(CArc p81)
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Unseen Servant. DC is Charisma-based.
Soul of the North
(CArc p83)
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Chill Touch, Ray of Frost, Resistance. DC is Charisma-based.
Spell Hand
(CArc p83)
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Mage Hand, Open/Close, Tenser’s Floating Disk. DC is Charisma-based.
Touch of Captivation
(PGE p35)
From the Demon Wastes
region of Eberron
Your eyes look unnatural, such as being slitted or having strangely colored pupils.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Charm Person, Daze, Prestidigitation. DC is Charisma-based.
Touch of Deception
(PGE p35)
From the Demon Wastes
region of Eberron
When not disguised, your hair looks unusual, such as a strange color or unusual pattern.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Disguise Self, Ghost Sound, Open/Close. DC is Charisma-based.
Touch of
(PGE p35)
From the Demon Wastes
region of Eberron
Your facial features look unusual, such as a heavy brow ridge, deeply sunken eyes, etc.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Summon Monster I (fiendish creatures only). DC is Charisma-based.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 22
Flying Feats
Flying Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Aerial Reflexes
(RotW p148)
When flying, gain a bonus on Reflex saves based on your Maneuverability:
Maneuverability Bonus
Maneuverability Bonus
Perfect +4 Poor +1
Good +3 Clumsy +0
Average +2
Aerial Superiority
(RotW p148)
When flying, gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC against opponents who cannot fly or who have a worse
Maneuverability rating then you.
Born Flyer
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 13 Gain a +4 Competence bonus on saves or checks you make to maneuver in the air or to stay aloft.
Note: This feat allows you to qualify for other feats that have a natural Fly speed as the prerequisite.
Diving Charge
(RotW p150)
If you make a Charge action while Flying, move at least 30’ while descending at least 10’, you gain a
damage bonus based on your Flying speed
, plus you have the option of ‘turning in place’ after the attack so
that you are now flying parallel to the ground (instead of crashing into it).
Fly Speed Bonus
up to 30’ +1d6
31’ – 90’ +2d6
91’+ +3d6
Improved Flight
(RotW p151)
Natural Fly Speed
Your maneuverability category while flying improves by one category.
Winged Warrior
[Tactical, Fighter]
(RotW p153)
Must have Wings
Base Attack Bonus +4
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
– If you are standing in or flying no more than 10’ above an area of lots of loose debris, you can use
a Move Action to create a 20’ radius hemispherical cloud. Creatures looking through 10’ of the cloud
have Concealment, while 20’ grants Total Concealment & any within the cloud must make a
Concentration check vs. DC 10 + ½ your character level to cast a spell.
Flying Leap
– If you move greater than your base Land speed, you a +4 bonus on Jump, Balance, and Climb
checks due to the lift and stabilization effects of your wings.
Shroud of Feathers
– By spending a Move Action to surround your body with your wings, you can make a
Feint in combat as part of an attack. You cannot be flying to use this maneuver. You can only use this
maneuver once per foe per combat.
Misc. Feats
Misc. Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Ancestral Relic
(BoED p39)
Good Alignment
Character level 3
Receive an item of masterwork quality that previously belonged to a family member or a member of your
religious order.
As you go up in level, the item can gain power to match your character level.
Crowd Tactics
(RoD p156)
Hide: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers when in a crowd that is Indifferent or Friendly to you:
Moving with the Flow
– Entering a crowd square does not cost you extra movement.
One with the Crowd
– +4 bonus to Hide checks while in a crowd square.
Master of the Mob
– +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to direct a crowd.
Danger Sense
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p106)
(CAdv p10)+
(Mini p25)
Improved Initiative
You may roll two dice when making your Initiative check and take the better roll. Usable 1/day.
Darkness Adaptation
(DR333 p84)
Raised in an arctic
You see twice as far as normal in areas of poor illumination. If you possess Low-Light Vision, you can see
three times the normal distance.
Deep Breather
(DR335 p56)
Constitution 16
You may hold your breath 2x the normal number of rounds for your race before you risk drowning.
For example, a Human with this feat could hold his/her breath (4 * Constitution score) rounds.
Dragon Friend
(Dcn p105)
Charisma 11
Speak Language
You are a known and respected ally of dragons.
+4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to adjust the attitude of a Dragon.
+2 bonus to Ride checks made when you are mounted on a Dragon.
+4 bonus on saves against the Frightful Presence of Good Dragons.
You cannot take this feat if you have already taken the Dragonthrall feat.
Dragon Totem
(Eb p52)
Region of origin
Argonnesssen or Seren.
Base Attack Bonus +1
Choose one of the following Dragons to be your Totem. You gain Energy Resistance 5 against the listed
Totem Energy
Totem Energy
Black Acid Gold Fire
Blue Electricity Green Acid
Brass Fire Red Fire
Bronze Electricity Silver Cold
Copper Acid White Cold
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
General Feats Page 23
Misc. Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(Dcn p105)
Speak Language
You have pledged your life to the service of evil dragonkind.
+4 bonus on Bluff checks against a Dragon.
+2 bonus to Ride checks made when you are mounted on a Dragon.
+4 bonus on saves against the Frightful Presence of Evil Dragons.
–2 to your saves vs. Enchantment spells & effects cast by Dragons.
You cannot take this feat if you have already taken the Dragonfriend feat.
Earth Sense
(RoS p138)
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
While touching the ground, you can take a Move Action to sense the number of creatures within 20’ who
are also touching the ground. You cannot pinpoint the location of any creature with this feat.
Note: Creatures with the Air or Aquatic subtypes may not select this feat.
Flesh of the Ice
(DU109 p50)
Non-Good Alignment
Tomb-Tainted Soul
Cold damage you take becomes non-lethal damage.
Greater Kiai Shout
(CWar p99
Charisma 13
Base Attack Bonus +9
Kiai Shout
When you make a Kiai Shout, your opponents are Panicked for 2d6 rounds.
Heroic Destiny
(RoD p152)
Human or Half-Human
Once per day, before you make an attack roll, ability check, skill check, saving throw, or caster level check,
you may roll 1d6 and add it as a bonus to the roll, check, or save.
Human Heritage
(RoD p152)
level only
Half-Human or Human-
(RoD p150)
You are considered Humanoid(human) for the purpose of adjudicating all effects.
You retain any other subtypes you had (such as orc or extraplanar).
You gain 4 additional skill points.
Inspired Master
(DR339 p34)
Any magic item you use has its ‘Caster level’ treated as if it were +1 level.
Item Familiar
(UA p170)
Character level 3
You bond with an object similarly to how a wizard bonds with a familiar. Your ‘item familiar’ gains
aspects of your life-force (which grants you abilities) as you go up in level. See Unearthed Arcana p170.
Kiai Shout
(CWar p102
Charisma 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
As a Standard Action, you may make a shout that causes all opponents within 30’ that have fewer HD /
Character levels than you to become Shaken (WillNeg DC is Charisma-based).
You may use this ability 3 times per day.
Nymph’s Kiss
(BoED p44)
1. +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks.
2. +1 bonus on saving throws against spells & spell-like abilities.
3. +1 skill point per level, starting at this level.
Orcus’ Bloodthirst
(DR315 p58)
Patron Deity: Orcus
Evil alignment
On a successful Sneak Attack or confirmed Critical Hit, you may declare that you are also inflicting extreme
pain upon your foe, who is Stunned for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is Wisdom based). Foes that are immune to
pain, Sneak Attacks, and/or Criticals are immune to this ability. Usable 1/day.
For purposes of Detect Evil (and similar spells & effects), you have an ‘Evil Aura’ as powerful as an Evil
Cleric of your same level.
Intelligent Undead typically have a starting attitude towards you of Indifferent.
Quiet Feet
(DR343 p32)
Dexterity 15
You are not detectable by the ‘tremorsense’ special ability as long as you only move at ½ speed –and– do
not attack.
(DR351 p92)
Constitution 13
Character level 3
You may be implanted with Technomagical Implants (magic items that bond to the skin).
There is a list on DR351 p93.
Tomb-Born Fortitude
(LM p30)
Non-Good Alignment
Tomb-Tainted Soul
You have a 25% chance to resist Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks.
You do not risk death from massive damage.
Tomb-Born Vitality
(LM p31)
Non-Good Alignment
Tomb-Tainted Soul
You to not need to sleep, and are immune to magical sleep effects.
If you are a spellcaster, you still require 8 hours of rest to prepare spells.
Tomb-Tainted Soul
(LM p31)
Non-Good Alignment
You are healed by Negative Energy (such as Inflict Wounds spells) and damaged by Positive Energy (such
as Cure Wounds spells).
Touched by Ether
(DR343 p32)
Charisma 13
You always have Concealment vs. Incorporeal creatures (20% miss chance), since you are hard for them to
Wild Touch
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment
Use Magic Device:
8 ranks
When determining the random effect of a magic item (i.e., drawing a card from a Deck of Many Things,
activating a Rod of Wonder, etc.), you may roll twice and choose the more appropriate of the two. This
ability may be used once per day.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Combat Feats Page 24
Combat Feats
General Combat Feats
General Combat
Source Prerequisite Description
Combat Intuition
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p106)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
As a Free Action, you can make a Sense Motive check to assess the challenge presented by an
(CAdv p102). You gain a +4 bonus to the check, and narrow the result to a single category.
Whenever you make a melee attack against a creature you also attacked in melee last round, gain a
+1 Insight bonus to your attack roll.
Daunting Presence
[General, Fighter]
(LM p25)
(Mini p25)
Charisma 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
You may take a Standard Action to ‘Awe’ an opponent with 30’, who can see you, and who has an
Intelligence score. If the opponent fails a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your
Charisma modifier) it is Shaken for 10 minutes. This fear has no effect on a creature that is already Shaken
Deadly Defense
[General, Fighter]
(CSco p076)
When ‘Fighting Defensively’ or using Combat Expertise with at least a –2 penalty, you do +1d6 damage
with a Light or Finesse melee weapon. You may only use this feat if you are wearing Light Armor or less.
Distracting Attack
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p25)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Any creature who attacks an opponent you attacked in the last round (even if you missed), receives a +1
Circumstance bonus on attack rolls against the opponent.
Earth Adept
(RoS p138)
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Earth Sense
+1 bonus on weapon damage if both you and your opponent are touching the ground.
Earth Master
(RoS p138)
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Earth Adept
Earth Sense
+1 bonus on attack rolls if both you and your opponent are touching the ground.
Flick of the Wrist
(CWar p99)
(RotW p150)
Dexterity 17
Quick Draw
Sleight of Hand: 5 ranks
If you draw a Light weapon and attack with it in the same round, your opponent is Flat-Footed for the first
This ability can only be used once per round and only once per opponent in a given battle.
Frightful Presence
(Dcn p106)
Charisma 15
Intimidate: 9 ranks
Whenever you attack or charge, all opponents within a 30’ radius, who have fewer levels/HD than you do
become Shaken for (1d6 + Charisma modifier) rounds (WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ character level + Charisma
modifier). On a successful save, the opponent is immune to your Frightful Presence for 24 hours.
This ability cannot affect creatures with Intelligence 3 or lower, nor does it work on Dragons.
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p109)
(Mini p26)
Charisma 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
As a Move Action, you can goad an opponent who threatens you, has line of sight on you, can hear you, and
has an Intelligence of 3 or higher (Goad is mind-affecting). On the goaded opponent’s next turn, if the
above still applies, it cannot make melee attacks
against anyone but you (WillNeg, DC = 10+ ½ character
level + Charisma modifier). The opponent may still move, cast spells, and use ranged attacks normally.
Holy Subdual
[Exalted, Fighter]
(BoED p44)
Subduing Strike If you cause your weapon to do nonlethal damage, you have the option of making the following do
nonlethal damage too: bonus damage from a Holy Sword, Smite Evil class ability, or any other Smite
Improved Initiative
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p96)
(CAdv p10)+
Gain a +4 bonus on Initiative checks.
Intuitive Attack
[Exalted, Fighter]
(BoED p44)
Base Attack Bonus +1
When fighting with a Simple Weapon appropriate for your size, or a natural attack, you have the option of
using your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier as a bonus on your attacks.
Monkey Grip
(CWar p103)
Base Attack Bonus +1 You may use some weapons one size category larger than normal in exchange for a –2 penalty on attacks.
A Medium-sized character could use a Large-sized Longsword as a One-Handed Weapon.
This feat does not allow you to use an oversized double weapon or to wield an oversized Light weapon in
your off-hand.
Mountain Warrior
(RoS p142)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Survival: 5 ranks
+1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks made from higher ground.
+1 bonus to damage rolls on melee attacks made from higher ground.
Opponents making a melee attack from higher ground do not receive the normal +1 to attack roll.
+2 bonus on Balance checks made when moving on steep slopes.
Overwhelming Assault
(PH2 p81)
Base Attack Bonus +15 As a Free Action, designate a foe. If this foe is adjacent to you at the start and end of his/her round and does
attack you, cast a spell on you, or use a special ability on you, you receive a +4 melee attack bonus vs.
that foe on the next round.
Quick Draw
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Base Attack Bonus +1 You may draw a weapon as a Free Action.
You may draw a hidden weapon as a Move Action.
You may draw thrown weapons as Free Actions, which allows you to make multiple attacks as part of a Full
Round Attack (if your BAB is high enough).
Simple Weapon
(PH p100)
Become proficient with all
simple weapons (which includes Daggers, Maces, Sickles, Clubs, Morningstars,
Spears, Quarterstaffs, Crossbows, Darts, Javelins, & Slings).
Spectral Skirmisher
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p83)
Base Attack Bonus +6 When you are Invisible, you gain the following benefits:
a) creatures who cannot see you receive a –5 penalty on Listen checks to hear you.
b) a creature attempting a melee attack against the square you are in generates an Attack of Opportunity.
If you attack the creature, then he/she automatically knows where you are (assuming you are still
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Combat Feats Page 25
General Melee Feats
General Melee Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
If you miss a melee attack due to Concealment, you may reroll the miss chance to see if you can attempt to
You keep your Dexterity bonus to AC when attacked in melee by an invisible attacker. Also, your attacker
does not get a +2 bonus due to being invisible.
Darkness & poor lighting only reduce your movement to 75%, instead of 50%.
Death Blow
(CAdv p106)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Improved Initiative
You may perform a Coup de Grace as a Standard Action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity.
Elusive Dance
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform (dance): 5 ranks During your action, you may designate an opponent who may not make Attacks of Opportunity against you.
If you have the feat Dodge, your designated Dodge and Elusive Dance opponent must
be the same creature.
Flensing Strike
(Eb p53)
Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (kama)
Weapon Focus (kama)
Monk 2
, Monk 6
As a Full Round Attack, make a single attack roll with a Kama. If it hits, your opponent takes the normal
damage and is wracked with pain for 1 minute, receiving a –4 penalty on attacks, saves, & checks for
1 minute unless he/she makes a Fortitude save. The DC is 10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom modifier.
This ability may only be used on living, corporeal creatures that feel pain and are subject to critical hits.
An Evil Monk may take this feat for their 2
or 6
level bonus Monk Feats.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p111)
Medium-size or smaller
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Duck Underneath
– If you take a Total Defense action against a foe who is at least two size categories larger
than you, you gain an additional +4 bonus on your AC. If your foe misses on his/her attack, you may
make a Tumble check vs. DC 15 to move to the opposite side of your foe.
Death from Below
– If you successfully performed a Duck Underneath maneuver the round before, you can
make an immediate single attack on the foe you ducked under. Your foe is Flat-Footed & you gain a +4
bonus on your attack.
Climb Aboard
– If you are adjacent to a foe at least two size categories larger than you, you may make a
Climb check vs. DC 10 to climb onto your foe. As long as you are on your foe, he/she has a –4 penalty on
attack rolls to hit you & you are carried with him/her. Your foe may get you off with a Grapple check
opposed by your Climb check.
Hear the Unseen
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(CAdv p119)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
As a Move Action, you can attempt a Listen check vs. DC 25 to pinpoint all foes within 30’ (as long as you
have line of effect on them). This benefit does not eliminate your miss chance.
If an opponent is using Move Silently, it is an opposed check, with a +15 bonus for your opponent.
If you are Deafened, or in an area of Silence, you cannot use this feat.
Lunging Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p80)
Base Attack Bonus +6
As a Full Round Attack, you may make one attack with +5’ reach. May be used with armed, unarmed, &
touch attacks.
Precise Swing
(Eb p58)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Ignore the effects of Cover (but not Total Cover) when making any melee attack.
Prone Attack
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +2
Lightning Reflexes
1. Opponents do not receive a bonus on their melee attack roll when you are Prone.
2. If you attack while Prone, you receive no penalty on the attack roll. If it is successful, you regain your
feet as a Free Action.
Raptor School
(CWar p111)
Wisdom 13
Jump: 5 ranks
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Eagle’s Swoop
– If you Charge or jump down at least 10’ onto your foe, you may make a Jump check to do
extra damage. You DC is 15 to do +2 damage –or– DC 25 to do +4 damage. If you fail the Jump check,
you miss your foe entirely & if the check misses by 5+, you end up Prone.
Falcon’s Feathers
– As a Standard Action, you may attempt a Feint action using a cloak to cause the
distraction. For this maneuver, you use your Base Attack Bonus in place of your ranks in Bluff for the
Feint. If successful, your opponent is Flat-Footed for the next melee attack you make against him/her.
Hawk’s Eye
– As a Full Round Action, you observe your opponent (you can do this for up to 3 consecutive
rounds). The next melee attack you make on that opponent receives a +2 bonus to attack & damage for
each round you observed (maximum of +6). If you do not attack within 3 round of observing or your
opponent attacks you first, the bonuses are lost.
Spear Master
[General, Fighter]
(DR30 p89)
You may choose to wield a Spear or Shortspear as a Double Weapon. The blunt end does Bludgeoning
damage in the same amount as the Piercing end. Each end must be Enchanted separately.
(DR323 p96)
You receive a +4 bonus on opposed Strength checks made to resist Bull Rush, Overrun, and Trip attacks.
Subduing Strike
[General, Fighter]
(BoED p46)
You may deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon without
taking a –4 penalty on the attack roll.
If you have Sneak Attack dice, you may do nonlethal Sneak Attack damage with any weapon.
Tunnel Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p145)
Base Attack Bonus +1
You do not take a penalty on your attack rolls or to your AC when squeezing into or through a tight space.
(Und p27)
Dexterity 13 –or
You ignore the penalty for hampered melee in a narrow or low space; your penalty for using a two-handed
weapon in such conditions is only -4; you do not lose your Dexterity bonus to armor class in such places.
If a space is both low and
narrow, you function as if only one of the penalties applied.
Weapon Finesse
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Base Attack Bonus +1 Use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier as the bonus to your melee attacks when
using any Light Weapon, a Rapier, a Spiked Chain, or a Whip. (note: this feat now applies to all
appropriate weapons).
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Two-Weapon Feats
Two-Weapon Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Double Hit
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p25)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
Before you make an Attack of Opportunity, you may choose to attack with both
weapons, taking the
standard penalties for fighting with two weapons.
Dual Strike
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p108)
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon
As a Standard Action, you can make a melee attack with your primary and off-hand weapon. Both attacks
use the same attack roll and the worse of the two weapon’s attack modifier. If you are using a one-handed
or light weapon in your off-hand, you take a –4 penalty; otherwise the penalty is –10.
Each weapon deals its damage normally and reduction/resistance is applied separately. Precision damage
(such as sneak attack) is only applied once. A critical hit only deals critical damage from the primary.
Greater Two-Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p100)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Improved Two-Weapon
Two-Weapon Defense
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding two weapons (but not
when using Unarmed Strikes or Natural Weapons), you gain a +3
Shield bonus to AC.
If Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, you gain a +6 Shield bonus to AC.
Greater Two-Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Improved Two-Weapon
Ranger 11
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make an attack with your secondary weapon at –2, a second
attack at –7, and a third attack at –12.
Haft Strike
(DR331 p28)
Two-Weapon Fighting
When making a Full Attack Action with a Polearm that is not a Double weapon, you may make an off-hand
attack with the haft of the Polearm that does damage as if it were a Club. All normal Two-Weapon
Fighting rules apply.
If the Polearm is magical, its haft counts as magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Normally, the haft of a non-double weapon counts as an Improvised weapon and cannot be used as part of a
Full Attack Action.
Improved Two-
Weapon Defense
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Defense
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding two weapons (but not
when using Unarmed Strikes or Natural Weapons), you gain a +2
Shield bonus to AC.
If Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, you gain a +4 Shield bonus to AC.
Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 6
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make an attack with your secondary weapon at –2, a second
attack at –7.
Oversized Two-
Weapon Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p111)
Strength 13
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding a One-Handed weapon in your off hand, you only take penalties as if it were a Light
Pin Shield
(CWar p103)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Two-Weapon Fighting
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may skip your off-hand attacks (but still take the –2 penalty) in order to
grab your opponent’s shield during the attack. This deprives your opponent of his/her Shield Bonus to
AC. You may only use this ability when fighting an opponent within one size category larger or smaller
than you who is using a shield and you are fighting with two weapons.
Spear Master
[General, Fighter]
(DR30 p89)
You may choose to wield a Spear or Shortspear as a Double Weapon. The blunt end does Bludgeoning
damage in the same amount as the Piercing end. Each end must be Enchanted separately.
Two-Weapon Attack
of Opportunity
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 17
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed an attack with each of your weapons, with the
normal penalties for doing so. This counts as two of your Attacks of Opportunity per round and your
maximum is not increased.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Dexterity 15
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding two weapons or a double weapon (but not
when using Unarmed Strikes or Natural
Weapons), you gain a +1 Shield bonus to AC.
If Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, you gain a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Dexterity 15 Ranger 2
Your penalty for fighting with two weapons simultaneously (or with a double weapon) is reduced by –2 on
your primary hand & –6 on your secondary hand. This works out to –2 on both hands when wielding a
Light or One-Handed weapon in your primary hand and a Light weapon in your secondary hand.
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make a single attack with your secondary weapon.
Two-Weapon Pounce
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 6
At the end of a Charge, you may attack with both your primary & off-hand weapons. The +2 attack bonus
for the Charge and the –2 penalty for fighting with two weapons cancel out. You still receive the –2
penalty to AC for the Charge.
Two-Weapon Rend
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +11
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 11
If you damage an opponent with each of your weapons in a given round, you do extra damage equal to
1d6 + 1 ½ Strength modifier. With regards to Damage Reduction, use the off-hand weapon’s
A given creature may only take this rending damage once per round.
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Combat Feats Page 27
Weapon Specific Feats
Each of these feats can be taken multiple times, each with a different ‘chosen’ weapon.
Weapon Specific
Source Prerequisite Description
Exotic Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p94)
Base Attack Bonus +1
For Dwarven Waraxe or
Bastard Sword, Str 13
Become proficient in chosen exotic weapon (i.e., Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain)) grants
proficiency with a Spiked Chain.
Graceful Edge
[General, Fighter]
(DU128 p44)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus with the
chosen One-Handed
Slashing weapon
When fighting with the chosen weapon in your primary hand and no weapon or shield in your off-hand,
receive the following benefits:
a) treat the chosen weapon as ‘Light’ (i.e., Weapon Finesse applies to it);
b) receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC; and
c) if Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
Greater Weapon Focus
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Fighter 8
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Greater Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Fighter 12
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Greater Weapon Focus
with the chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
Gain an additional +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen weapon.
Improved Critical
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Proficiency with the
chosen weapon
The threat range for the chosen weapon is doubled (20 becomes 19-20, 19-20 becomes 17-20, 18-20
becomes 15-20).
Does not
stack with Keen Edge or any other effect which also improves threat range.
Martial Weapon
(PH p97)
Become proficient in chosen martial weapon.
Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins, and Rangers receive proficiency in all
Martial Weapons.
[General, Fighter]
(LM p29)
Fighter 4
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
You gain a +4 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the chosen weapon against Undead.
Power Critical
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Weapon Focus
Base Attack Bonus +4
Gain a +4 bonus to confirm a threatened critical with your chosen weapon.
Sanctify Martial
(BoED p46)
Charisma 15
Weapon Focus
Damage done by chosen weapon is considered ‘Good for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
In addition, the chosen weapon does +1 hp of damage to Evil creatures and +1d4 damage to Evil Outsiders
& Evil Undead.
Weapon Focus
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Proficiency with the
chosen weapon
Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
You may take this feat with Unarmed Attacks, Ranged Spells, Grapple, or even a Natural Attack.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Fighter 4
Weapon Focus
Gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen weapon.
Weapon Supremacy
(PH2 p85)
Fighter 18
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Greater Weapon Focus
with the chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
Greater Weapon
Specialization with the
chosen weapon
Weapon Mastery with the
chosen weapon’s type
When fighting with the chosen weapon, receive the following benefits:
a) +4 bonus to avoid being Disarmed;
b) if Grappled, you may still attack with the chosen weapon as a Standard Attack or a Full Round Attack
without penalty;
c) when you make a Full Round Attack, you may assign a +5 bonus on any attack roll after the 1
d) you may “Take 10” on your attack roll, once per round; and
e) +1 bonus to AC.
Note: unlike Weapon Focus & other weapon specific feats, this feat may only be taken once
(you may only
have supremacy with one type of weapon).
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Combat Feats Page 28
Weapon Mastery Feats
Weapon Mastery
Source Prerequisite Description
Crushing Strike
(PH2 p78)
Base Attack Bonus +14
Weapon Focus (any
Weapon Specialization
(any bludgeoning)
Melee Weapon Master –
When making a Full Round Attack with any Bludgeoning melee weapon, you receive a +1 cumulative
bonus on attack rolls for each roll that has hit this
round (i.e., it restarts at +0 at the start of each round).
Driving Attack
(PH2 p78)
Base Attack Bonus +14
Weapon Focus (any
Weapon Specialization
(any piercing)
Melee Weapon Master –
Spend a Full Round Attack action to make a single melee attack with any Piercing weapon. If the attack
hits, you do damage and make a modified Bull Rush that uses your damage in place of your Strength
modifier, does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity, and does not cause you to move. If you move your
opponent 10’ or more, you may reduce the distance moved by your opponent to have him/her fall Prone at
the end of the movement.
Melee Weapon
Mastery –
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
bludgeoning melee)
Weapon Specialization
(any bludgeoning
Melee Bludgeoning weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls.
Melee Weapon
Mastery – Piercing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
piercing melee)
Weapon Specialization
(any piercing melee)
Melee Piercing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls.
Melee Weapon
Mastery – Slashing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
slashing melee)
Weapon Specialization
(any slashing melee)
Melee Slashing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls.
Slashing Flurry
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +14
Weapon Focus (any
Weapon Specialization
(any slashing)
Melee Weapon Master –
When making a Standard Attack with a melee Slashing weapon, you may make two attacks – the first is at a
–5 penalty, the second is at a –10 penalty.
When making a Full Round Attack with a melee Slashing weapon, you may make an extra attack at your
highest attack bonus, but all attacks have a –5 penalty.
Defensive Feats
Defensive Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Battle Hardened’
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Base Attack Bonus +4
You gain a +1 Circumstance bonus to your AC if two (or more) opponents who threaten you.
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p97)
Base Attack Bonus +3 You receive an Attack of Opportunity when a creature attempts to Grapple you, even if the creature has
Improved Grapple or an ability that lets its start a Grapple without an Attack of Opportunity.
If you cause damage on your Attack of Opportunity, the Grapple attempt automatically fails unless the
attacker has Improved Grapple or a similar ability. In this case, add you damage to the initial Grapple
check to see if the creature starts its Grapple.
This Feat does not grant an extra Attack of Opportunity.
Eyes in the Back of
Your Head
(CWar p98)
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
Attackers who are flanking you do not receive a +2 attack bonus. You still are considered Flanked, so you
can still be Sneak Attacked. This ability does not apply if you are Flat-Footed or deprived of your Dex.
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p144)
Shield Proficiency
Tunnel Fighting
If you have a ready Shield (with which you are proficient) and one side of your space is entirely in contact
with a solid wall, you cannot be Flanked.
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Combat Feats Page 29
Shield Feats
Shield Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Active Shield
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p 71)
Shield Proficiency
Shield Specialization
When Fighting Defensively while using a Shield, you do not take the normal –4 penalty on attack when you
make an Attack of Opportunity.
When using an All Out Defense action using a Shield, you still threaten the area around you as normal and
can make Attacks of Opportunity at a –4 penalty on the attack roll.
Agile Shield Fighter
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p74)
Shield Proficiency
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Specialization
When making a Full Round Attack with a weapon and a Shield Bash, the penalty is –2 on each, instead of
whatever the penalty would have been (i.e., due to not having Two-Weapon Fighting, etc.).
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p92)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (spiked
Weapon Focus (spiked
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Spiked Avalanche
– If you make a Charge while wearing Spiked Armor and using a Spiked Shield (or with
your hands empty), you may make a single attack with the Spiked Armor or the Spiked Shield that
receives a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage –or– attacks with both
your Spiked Armor and your
Spiked Shield that each receive a 1x Strength modifier bonus to damage (two weapon penalties apply).
Spiked Rebuke
– When you Fight Defensively with a Spiked Shield and an opponent missed your AC but
would have hit if not for your Shield, your next attack against that opponent with your Spiked Shield (if in
the next round) receives a +2 bonus on its attack roll.
Spiked Slam
– As a Full Round Action, you may make a single attack with your Spiked Shield that
generates an Attack of Opportunity, has a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage in addition to the damage
below. You do not threaten adjacent squares until the start of your next round.
Size Bonus Dmg
Size Bonus Dmg Size Bonus Dmg
Small +1d4 Large +1d8 Gargantuan +2d8
Medium +1d6 Huge +2d6 Colossal +3d6
Formation Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +5
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers, even if your allies do not have the feat too:
Lock Shield – If you and the two allies on either side of you are wielding shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Step into the Breach
– If there is a line of adjacent allies and one ally within a single move falls, you may
make a single move to that ally’s location as if you had a Readied Action.
Wall of Polearms
– Gain a +2 attack bonus if you and your adjacent allies are each wielding the same
weapon, which must be off the following list: Shortspear, Longspear, Trident, Glaive, Gisarme, Halberd,
or Ranseur.
Improved Buckler
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p100)
Shield Proficiency
When you attack with a weapon in your off-hand, you may still apply your Buckler’s Shield bonus to your
Improved Shield Bash
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Shield Proficiency
You may attack with your shield and still keep your Shield bonus to AC.
Improved Shield Snare
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Shield Proficiency
Combat Reflexes
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Snare
If your opponent is disarmed due to the use of your Shield Snare feat, you can make an Attack of
Opportunity against your opponent immediately. You gain a +2 bonus on your attacks against this
opponent as long as he/she remains disarmed.
Improved Shieldmate
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Adjacent allies receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC when you are using a Shield with which you are proficient
and can take actions. The bonus increases to +3 if you are using a Tower Shield.
Shield and Pike Style
[General, Fighter]
(DR338 p92)
Proficient with Light
When wielding a Piercing Two-Handed Polearm with Reach with which you have proficiency, you receive
the full Shield bonus to AC of a Light Shield you are wearing.
Note: Normally, you cannot wield a Two-Handed weapon and use a Light Shield simultaneously.
Shield Charge
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Improved Shield Bash
If you successful hit your opponent with your Shield at the end of a Charge, you may make a Trip attack
immediately without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If it fails, your opponent does not get an
attempt to trip you.
Shield Slam
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Charge
You may make a ‘Shield Slam’ as a Full Attack or at the end of a Charge. If it hits, your opponent takes
normal damage and is Dazed for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is Strength-based).
Shield Sling
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p 82)
Shield Proficiency
Base Attack Bonus +9
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Specialization
You can use your Light Shield or Heavy Shield as a Thrown Weapon. It does its normal bashing damage
plus your Strength modifier.
The Shield can also be used to make a Ranged Trip, though the Size modifier on the attempt can be no more
than +0 (though it can be lower for a Small sized creature).
Shield Snare
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Shield Proficiency
Improved Shield Bash
To use this Feat, you must ready a Shield Snare action in response to an opponent’s melee attack. When
your opponent attacks, you immediately make a Disarm attempt with your shield that does not generate an
Attack of Opportunity. If you fail, your opponent cannot attempt to disarm you in response.
When making the disarm check, treat a Buckler as a Light weapon, a Light Shield as a One-Handed
weapon, and a Heavy or Tower Shield as a Two-Handed weapon.
If you attempt a Shield Snare action, you lose your Shield Bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
Shield Specialization
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Shield Proficiency When you take this feat, choose between ‘Buckler’, ‘Light Shields’, and ‘Heavy Shields’. You receive a +1
improvement to your Shield bonus to AC when using that type of Shield.
You may take this feat multiple types, each with a different type of Shield.
Shield Ward
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Shield Proficiency
Shield Specialization
Add your Shield bonus to AC to the following:
a) Touch AC; and
b) resisting Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, & Trip attempts.
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p28)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Adjacent allies receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC when you are using a Shield with which you are proficient
and can take actions. The bonus increases to +2 if you are using a Tower Shield.
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Combat Feats Page 30
Mounted Combat Feats
Mounted Combat
Source Prerequisite Description
Cavalry Charger
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p108)
Base Attack Bonus +7
Mounted Combat
Spirited Charge
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
– While mounted, if you Charge and successfully hit a mounted opponent, you may make an
immediate Bull Rush attempt. If successful, your opponent moves back but his/her mount does not.
Leaping Charge
– While mounted, if you Charge a foe at least one size category smaller than you, you may
choose to make a Ride check at the end of movement to do extra damage (either DC 10 for +2 damage or
DC 20 for +4 damage). If you fail, you do not get an attack. If you fail by 5+, you also fall off your mount.
Fell Trample
– While mounted, you may Overrun more than one foe. Each successfully Overrun foe
receives an attack (typically a hoof).
Improved Mounted
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery
Ride: 1 rank
If you make a ranged attack from the back of a mount making a double-move, you receive no penalty on the
attack roll. If your mount is running, you receive a –2 penalty.
You may attack at any point in your mount’s movement.
Mounted Archery
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
If you make a ranged attack from the back of a mount making a double-move, you receive a –2 penalty on
the attack roll (instead of the standard –4 penalty). If your mount is running, you receive a –4 penalty
(instead of –8).
Mounted Casting
(Mini p27)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
Receive a +10 bonus on Concentration checks to cast while mounted.
Mounted Combat
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Ride: 1 rank
Once per round, if your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check. If this check is greater than
the attack roll, you negate the hit.
Mounted Fighting
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Mounted Combat
Base Attack Bonus +8
Ride: 11 ranks
+1 bonus on attack and damage while mounted.
Ride-By Attack
[General, Fighter]
(PH p99)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
When doing a Charge action on your mount, you may move, attack, and then continue the movement (up to
a double move). This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the creature you attack.
Spirited Charge
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack
Ride: 1 rank
When attacking as part of a Charge action while on a mount, you do double damage (triple with a Lance).
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
When doing an Overrun action while mounted, your foe may not avoid you. If you knock the foe down,
your mount may make one hoof attack (including the +4 bonus because the foe is Prone).
Tunnel Riding
(RoS p145)
Mounted Combat
Tunnel Fighting
You and your mount do not take penalties on attack rolls or to AC when squeezing into or through tight
spaces. You can fight in any space large enough for the mount to squeeze through.
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Combat Feats Page 31
Ranged Combat Feats
Ranged Combat
Source Prerequisite Description
Able Sniper
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 13
Hide: 5 ranks
When using at ranged attack on a flat-footed opponent who is at least
30’ away, you gain a +2 bonus on the
attack roll.
Gain a +4 bonus on Hide checks to hide again after making an attack roll from hiding
(PH p76).
Bow Feint
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Intelligence 13
Point Blank Shot
You may make a ‘Feint in Combat’ action with a ranged weapon (this feat is not
bow-specific). Your target
must be within 30’ and be able to see you. This action requires a Standard Action with a loaded weapon.
Normally, you may only ‘Feint in Combat’ with a melee weapon.
[General, Fighter]
(Und p24)
Base Attack Bonus +1
+2 bonus on your attack roll when you fire or throw a ranged weapon at a Flat Footed opponent.
Brutal Throw
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p106)
Use your Strength modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier as a bonus to attack rolls with thrown
Concealed Ambush
(DR339 p87)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Hide: 10 ranks
Move Silently: 10 ranks
When attempting a Hide check after making a ranged attack while hidden (i.e., ‘Sniping’), you only receive
a –10 penalty on your Hide check (instead of the standard –20).
Coordinated Archery
(DR316 p84)
Base Attack Bonus +1
To use this ability, you must be adjacent to at least one other character that has the Coordinated Archery feat
and who is executing the Coordinated Archery action.
Each member of the group using the Coordinated Archery action Delays his/her action to the lowest group
member’s Initiative. Each member then makes at least one non-magical ranged attack (but may make up
to a Full Round Attack if desired) at one or more targets within a 30’ area. Each member of the
Coordinated attack receives a +2 on the Attack roll –and– +1 on the Damage roll.
Note: Since each group member ‘Delays’ instead of ‘Readying’, he/she receives a Full Round Action.
Crossbow Sniper
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p77)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Weapon Focus (any
When firing a Crossbow with which you have Weapon Focus, you receive the following:
1. +½ Dexterity modifier damage;
2. Sneak Attack & Skirmish class abilities may be used at a range of 60’ (instead of 30’).
Deadeye Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p78)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Skirmish or Sneak
Attack class ability
Follow these steps to use this feat:
1) Ready an Action to make a Ranged Attack on an opponent when any of your allies hit it in melee.
2) If the Action is triggered, the opponent looses its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack only
Defensive Archery
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p148)
Point Blank Shot
+4 bonus to AC vs. Attacks of Opportunity provoked when you make a ranged attack.
Efficient Pull
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Point Blank Shot
Treat your Strength as being +2 when wielding a Strength-rated (i.e., Mighty) Longbow.
Far Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p94)
(CAdv p10)+
Point Blank Shot
Range increment of projectile weapons you use is multiplied by 1.5.
Range increment for thrown weapons is multiplied by 2.
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
You receive a +1 bonus to hit with ‘splash’ weapons and do +1 damage with them (including those only
subjected to the splash).
Improved Precise Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Ranger 11
When you are making a ranged attack, the following apply:
Ignore the AC bonus granted by Cover (but Total Cover still applies).
Ignore the miss chance granted by Concealment (but Total Concealment still applies).
When attacking an opponent that is being Grappled, you have no chance of hitting the wrong target.
Improved Rapid Shot
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
When making a Full Attack action with a ranged weapon, you may take one extra attack (at your highest
base attack bonus) without
the standard –2 penalty.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p97)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
Ranger 6
As part of a Standard Action
, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30’. You make a single
attack roll with a –4 penalty. If it hits, then the opponent takes the damage from both arrows, but only
takes “precision based” damage once (this includes Sneak Attack, Ranger Favored Enemy, Critical hits,
etc.). Damage Reduction applies to each arrow separately.
If your Base Attack Bonus is +11 or higher, you may shoot 3 arrows at once at a penalty of –6.
If your Base Attack Bonus is +16 or higher, you may shoot 4 arrows at once at a penalty of –8.
Penetrating Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Strength 15
Base Attack Bonus +10
Point Blank Shot
As a Standard Action, you may attack all creatures in a 60’ Line with a single projectile weapon attack.
Roll separately for each creature and special damage (i.e., Sneak Attack, Flaming weapon, etc.) only
applies to the first.
Plunging Shot
(RotW p152)
Dexterity 13
Point Blank Shot
If your target is at least 30’ lower than you, your ranged attack does +1d6 damage.
Point Blank Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
+1 bonus on attack & damage rolls with ranged weapons when used within 30’ of their target.
A spellcaster receives this bonus when using a Ray or Energy Missile spell.
Power Throw
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p111)
Strength 13
Brutal Throw
Power Attack
On your round before making an attack, you may choose a number X to subtract from all thrown weapon
attacks and add it to your damage until your next round. The number X may be no more than your base
attack bonus.
Precise Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Point Blank Shot
You can use ranged weapons into melee without taking a –4 penalty on your attack.
A spellcaster receives this bonus when using a Ray or Energy Missile spell.
Ranged Disarm
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +5
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
This feat applies to one ranged weapon with which you are proficient.
You may make a Disarm Attempt with the chosen weapon as long as you are within 30’ of your opponent.
This feat does not
stack with Improved Disarm.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon.
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Combat Feats Page 32
Ranged Combat
Source Prerequisite Description
Ranged Pin
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p104)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +5
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
You may pin your opponent’s clothes / armor to a wall, tree, etc., that is within 5’. You must succeed on a
Ranged Attack and then win an Opposed Grapple Check (size modifier still apply). If successful, you
opponent must make an Escape Artist check vs. DC 15 as a Standard Action to become free.
This feat does not
stack with Improved Grapple.
Ranged Sunder
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p104)
Strength 13
Base Attack Bonus +5
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
When attacking an object, you deal full damage (instead of ½ damage) with Slashing or Bludgeoning
Ranged Weapons –or– ½ damage (instead of no damage) with Piercing Ranged Weapons. You must be
within 30’ of your target to use this feat.
This feat does not
stack with Improved Sunder.
Ranged Threat
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
If a creature within 15’ of you takes an action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity, you may make a
single ranged attack against him/her/it at your highest attack bonus. This consumes all
of your remaining
Attacks of Opportunity for the round.
Ranged Weapon
Mastery –
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
bludgeoning ranged)
Weapon Specialization
(any bludgeoning
Ranged Bludgeoning weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage –and– +20’ range
Ranged Weapon
Mastery – Piercing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
piercing ranged)
Weapon Specialization
(any piercing ranged)
Ranged Piercing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls –and– +20’ range
Ranged Weapon
Mastery – Slashing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
slashing ranged)
Weapon Specialization
(any slashing ranged)
Ranged Slashing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls –and– +20’ range
Rapid Reload
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p99)
(CAdv p10)+
Weapon Proficiency
with a Crossbow
You may reload a specific type of Crossbow more quickly than is standard.
A Hand Crossbow or a Light Crossbow may be reloaded as a Free Action (which allows you to make
multiple attacks as part of a Full Round Attack (if your BAB is high enough)).
A Heavy Crossbow may be reloaded as a Move Action.
Note: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a different type of crossbow.
Rapid Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH p99)
Dexterity 13
Point Blank Shot
Ranger 2
When making a Full Attack action with a ranged weapon, you may take one extra attack (at your highest
base attack bonus), but all your attacks are at –2.
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Dexterity 19
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Improved Precise Shot
Base Attack Bonus +15
When you hit a creature with a thrown weapon that does Bludgeoning damage, you may make an additional
attack at a creature adjacent to your initial target. The second attack roll receives a –5 penalty to hit. If
successful, the second target takes ½ * (weapon damage + Strength modifier), and cannot be used for a
Sneak Attack.
Usable once per round. Only one additional target can be struck by a ricochet.
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
If your target has Cover (but not Total Cover), he/she only gain a +2 bonus to AC (instead of the standard
+4 bonus to AC).
Shot on the Run
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p100)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Point Blank Shot
When making a Standard Action attack with a ranged weapon, you can move before and after the attack, up
to your base movement.
Throw Anything
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +2
You may throw a melee weapon with which you are proficient as if it were a ranged weapon with a range
increment of 10’ with no penalty on the attack roll.
Woodland Archer
[Tactical, Fighter]
(RotW p154)
Point Blank Shot
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Adjust for Range – If you miss a foe with a projectile weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on all other attacks in
the same round to hit the same foe.
Pierce the Foliage
– If you hit a foe with a Miss Chance due to Concealment with a ranged attack, you can
ignore the Miss Chance against the same foe in the following round.
Moving Sniper
– If you succeed in a Sniping Attack (i.e., hit your foe and make a Hide check to remain
hidden), the following round you can make a single attack, take a Move Action (normally not allowed),
and then make a Hide check to remain hidden. As long as you remain unseen, you can continue making
Sniping Attacks.
Zen Archery
(CWar p106)
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
You may use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when making ranged attacks.
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Combat Feats Page 33
Weapon Style Feats
Weapon Style Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Anvil of Thunder
(CWar p112)
Strength 13
Improved Sunder
Power Attack
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (light hammer –or–
Weapon Focus (battleaxe –or–
dwarven waraxe –or– handaxe)
If you hit the same creature with both your Axe & your Hammer on the same round, your
opponent is Dazed for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is Strength-based).
(RoS p137)
Weapon Proficiency (armor spikes)
Weapon Proficiency (greataxe)
Armor Proficiency (heavy)
Weapon Focus (armor spikes)
When you make a Full Attack with your Greataxe, you can make an additional attack with your
Armor Spikes at a –5 penalty. You can only add ½ your Strength modifier to this attack.
Bear Fang
(CWar p112)
Strength 15
Power Attack
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (dagger)
Weapon Focus (battleaxe –or–
dwarven waraxe –or– handaxe)
If you hit the same creature with both your Axe & your Dagger on the same round, you have
the option of starting a Grapple as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.
If successful, you drop your Axe, but gain an additional attack with your Dagger against your
foe at your highest attack bonus (with the standard –4 penalty).
Bite of Steel
(DR332 p88)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sai)
Weapon Focus (sai)
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
When making a Full Round Attack with a Sai in your off-hand, you may use your Sai attacks to
attempt to pin your opponent’s off-hand weapon (if any). Make an Opposed Attack roll (with
a +4 bonus due to the Sai). If successful, your opponent may not use his/her off-hand weapon
in the following round (unless he/she moves outside your reach).
You may make an attempt for each attack you have with your off-hand weapon, though once
successful, you loose the remainder of your attacks with that weapon (since it is pinned too).
Crescent Moon
(CWar p113)
Improved Disarm
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (dagger)
Weapon Focus (bastard sword –or–
longsword –or– scimitar –or–
short sword)
If you hit the same creature with both your Sword & your Dagger on the same round, you can
make an immediate Disarm attempt as a Free Action.
Devastating Thunder
(DR332 p88)
Mounted Combat
Spirited Charge
When you make a successful Spirited Charge, all opponents within 30’ of the trampled creature
are Shaken for 1 round (WillNeg, DC = 5 + ½ damage dealt). This is a Fear effect.
Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be affected by your Devastating
Thunder more than once per hour.
Frontline Archer
(DR332 p88)
Dexterity 15
Weapon Focus (longbow)
Combat Reflexes
Improved Trip
You may use your Longbow to make a Melee Trip attack. If successful, you may the follow-
up attack granted by Improved Trip with the Longbow, which does damage equal to a Club of
the same size.
If the bow is magical, it is treated as a magic weapon for overcoming Damage Reduction.
Hammer’s Edge
(CWar p113)
Strength 15
Improved Bull Rush
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (bastard sword –or–
longsword –or– scimitar)
Weapon Focus (light hammer –or–
If you hit the same creature with both your Sword & your Hammer on the same round, your
opponent is knocked Prone (FortNeg, DC is Strength-based).
High Sword Low Axe
(CWar p113)
Improved Trip
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (bastard sword –or–
longsword –or– scimitar)
Weapon Focus (battleaxe –or–
dwarven waraxe –or– handaxe)
If you hit the same creature with both your Sword & your Axe on the same round, you may
attempt a Trip action as a Free Action. If successful, you may make your Improve Trip
attack immediately.
Lightning Mace
(CWar p113)
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (light mace)
If fighting with a Light Mace in each hand, anytime you threaten
a Critical, you gain an
additional attack at the same attack bonus.
Net and Trident
(CWar p114)
Dexterity 15
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net)
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (trident)
As a Full Round Action, make a combined Net & Trident attack.
1. Throw your Net.
2. ‘Control’ your opponent with an opposed Strength check. This must succeed to proceed to
steps 3 & 4.
3. Take a 5’ step.
4. Make a Full Round Attack with your Trident.
Quick Staff
(CWar p114)
Combat Expertise
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (quarterstaff)
When fighting with your Quarterstaff, if you use Combat Expertise to gain a Dodge bonus, the
Dodge bonus is 2 better than your attack penalty.
Shielded Axe
(RoS p144)
Proficiency with Dwarven Waraxe
Proficiency with Handaxe
Shield Proficiency
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you make a Full Attack with your Dwarven Waraxe (primary hand) and Handaxe
(offhand), you still gain the shield bonus for a Buckler.
Additionally, you do not take the usual –1 penalty to attack rolls while using a Buckler.
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Combat Feats Page 34
Weapon Style Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(RoS p144)
Combat Casting
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gnome
Two-Weapon Fighting
Concentration: 5 ranks
As a Full-Round action, you can cast a melee touch attack spell, attack with the spell, and make
an off-hand attack with your Gnome Quickrazor.
Spinning Halberd
(CWar p114)
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (halberd)
When you make a Full Round Attack with a Halberd, you receive a +1 Dodge bonus to AC &
an additional attack with the staff end at a –5 penalty which is a 1d6 + ½ Strength modifier
Bludgeoning damage.
Storm of Flying Strikes
(DR332 p88)
Strength 15
Base Attack Bonus +6
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Two-Weapon Fighting
When using Power Attack with at least a –5 penalty, if you hit your opponent more than once
in a single round, your opponent is knocked Prone at the end of your round (FortNeg, DC =
10 + your Strength modifier + number of times you hit this round). Your opponent may add
any Stability bonuses to this saving throw.
This ability has no effect on an opponent who is already Prone.
Three Mountains
(CWar p114)
Strength 13
Improved Bull Rush
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (heavy mace –or–
morningstar –or– greatclub)
If you strike the same creature twice in the same round with your Heavy Mace, Morningstar, or
Greatclub, your opponent is Nauseated for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is Strength-based)
Turtle Dart
(RoS p145)
Exotic Armor Proficiency (Battle
Plate –or– Mountain Plate)
Tower Shield Proficiency –or–Exotic
Shield Proficiency (Extreme Shield)
Weapon Focus (shortsword)
When wearing Exotic Heavy Armor and using an Extreme or Tower Shield, you do not
provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving away from a creature which you attacked with
Shortsword in the same round.
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Combat Feats Page 35
Charging Feats
Charging Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p92)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (spiked
Weapon Focus (spiked
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Spiked Avalanche
– If you make a Charge while wearing Spiked Armor and using a Spiked Shield (or with
your hands empty), you may make a single attack with the Spiked Armor or the Spiked Shield that
receives a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage –or– attacks with both
your Spiked Armor and your
Spiked Shield that each receive a 1x Strength modifier bonus to damage (two weapon penalties apply).
Spiked Rebuke
– When you Fight Defensively with a Spiked Shield and an opponent missed your AC but
would have hit if not for your Shield, your next attack against that opponent with your Spiked Shield (if in
the next round) receives a +2 bonus on its attack roll.
Spiked Slam
– As a Full Round Action, you may make a single attack with your Spiked Shield that
generates an Attack of Opportunity, has a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage in addition to the damage
below. You do not threaten adjacent squares until the start of your next round.
Size Bonus Dmg
Size Bonus Dmg Size Bonus Dmg
Small +1d4 Large +1d8 Gargantuan +2d8
Medium +1d6 Huge +2d6 Colossal +3d6
Combat Brute
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Sunder
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Advancing Blows
– If you successfully Bull Rush an opponent, you receive a +1 bonus per 5’ you moved
the opponent on attack & damage rolls against that opponent on the next round only.
Sundering Cleave
– If you destroy an opponent’s weapon or shield with a Sunder action, you receive an
immediate melee attack on the opponent at the same attack bonus which the Sunder used.
Momentum Swing
– If you successfully Charge an opponent, and then on the following round use Power
Attack with at least a –5 penalty, the bonus damage for the power attack is x1½ for a One-Handed weapon
or x3 for a Two-Handed weapon.
Flying Kick
(CWar p99)
Strength 13
Jump: 4 ranks
Improved Unarmed Strike
Power Attack
You do +1d12 damage when you Charge & end with an Unarmed Strike.
Frightful Presence
(Dcn p106)
Charisma 15
Intimidate: 9 ranks
Whenever you attack or charge, all opponents within a 30’ radius, who have fewer levels/HD than you do
become Shaken for (1d6 + Charisma modifier) rounds (WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ character level + Charisma
modifier). On a successful save, the opponent is immune to your Frightful Presence for 24 hours.
This ability cannot affect creatures with Intelligence 3 or lower, nor does it work on Dragons.
Greater Powerful
[General, Fighter]
(Eb p54)
(Mini p27)
Medium-size or larger
Base Attack Bonus +4
Powerful Charge
As Powerful Charge, but treat yourself as one size category larger.
Hurling Charge
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Quick Draw
When making a Charge, you may make an attack with a Thrown Weapon during your charge, then draw a
Melee Weapon for your attack at the end
of your Charge.
Note: if you kill the creature you are charging at with your thrown attack, you must still stop when you
reach it and still have the penalty to AC until your next round.
Note: if you take the ‘Hurling Charge’ attack, you only
receive one attack at the end of your Charge (some
creatures / classes are entitled to extra, often due to the ‘Pounce’ special ability).
Leap Attack
(CAdv p110)
Power Attack
Jump: 8 ranks
You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If your jump covers at least 10’ of horizontal
distance and end in a square which threatens your opponent, you deal +100% Power Attack damage.
Powerful Charge
[General, Fighter]
(Eb p57)
(MM3 p207)
(Mini p27)
Medium-size or larger
Base Attack Bonus +1
If the melee attack you make at the end of a Charge hits, you do extra damage. If you have multiple attacks
at the end of a Charge, the bonus damage only applies to one of them.
Size Bonus Damage
Size Bonus Damage
Medium +1d8 Gargantuan +4d6
Large +2d6 Colossal +6d6
Huge +3d6
Raptor School
(CWar p111)
Wisdom 13
Jump: 5 ranks
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Eagle’s Swoop
– If you Charge or jump down at least 10’ onto your foe, you may make a Jump check to do
extra damage. You DC is 15 to do +2 damage –or– DC 25 to do +4 damage. If you fail the Jump check,
you miss your foe entirely & if the check misses by 5+, you end up Prone.
Falcon’s Feathers
– As a Standard Action, you may attempt a Feint action using a cloak to cause the
distraction. For this maneuver, you use your Base Attack Bonus in place of your ranks in Bluff for the
Feint. If successful, your opponent is Flat-Footed for the next melee attack you make against him/her.
Hawk’s Eye
– As a Full Round Action, you observe your opponent (you can do this for up to 3 consecutive
rounds). The next melee attack you make on that opponent receives a +2 bonus to attack & damage for
each round you observed (maximum of +6). If you do not attack within 3 round of observing or your
opponent attacks you first, the bonuses are lost.
Reckless Charge
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
When you Charge, you may increase the penalty to your AC to –4 and increase your attack bonus to +4.
Shock Trooper
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p112)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Bull Rush
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Directed Bull Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush at the end of a Charge, you may move your opponent one
hex to the left or right for each hex you move him/her backwards.
Domino Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush that pushes your opponent into the same hex as another
opponent, you may attempt to Trip both opponents & they cannot attempt to trip you if you fail.
Heedless Charge
– If you make a Charge that ends in an attack that uses Power Attack (at least a –5 to your
attack roll), you may transfer part or all of the attack roll penalty to your AC as a penalty. This is in
additional to the –2 AC due to the Charge.
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Combat Feats Page 36
Polearm Feats
Unless otherwise noted, the following are considered Polearms (see the Equipment Index for more details): Ankus; Awl Pike; Axe, Lochaber;
Axe, Orc Double; Bardiche; Bec de Corbin; Duom; Fauchard; Glaive; Goad; Greatspear; Halberd; Hammer, Lucerne; Longspear; Longstaff; Naginata;
Partisan; Pilum; Poleaxe, Heavy; Quarterstaff; Ranseur; Ritiik; Sasumata; Sharrash, Talenta; Sodegarami; Spear; Spetum; Urgrosh, Dwarven; Voulge;
Warpike, Dwarven.
Polearm Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Braced for Charge
(DR331 p28)
Base Attack Bonus +1
If you ready a Polearm to receive a Charge, it does double damage. This does not effect Polearms that
already do double damage against a charge.
Formation Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +5
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers, even if your allies do not have the feat too:
Lock Shield
– If you and the two allies on either side of you are wielding shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Step into the Breach
– If there is a line of adjacent allies and one ally within a single move falls, you may
make a single move to that ally’s location as if you had a Readied Action.
Wall of Polearms
– Gain a +2 attack bonus if you and your adjacent allies are each wielding the same
weapon, which must be off the following list: Shortspear, Longspear, Trident, Glaive, Gisarme, Halberd,
or Ranseur.
Haft Strike
(DR331 p28)
Two-Weapon Fighting
When making a Full Attack Action with a Polearm that is not a Double weapon, you may make an off-hand
attack with the haft of the Polearm that does damage as if it were a Club. All normal Two-Weapon
Fighting rules apply.
If the Polearm is magical, its haft counts as magic for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Normally, the haft of a non-double weapon counts as an Improvised weapon and cannot be used as part of a
Full Attack Action.
Long Strike
(DR331 p28)
Base Attack Bonus +2
As a Full Attack Action, you may make one
attack with your Polearm as if it had Reach +5’ than normal
(which grants non-reach Polearms Reach 10’).
Pike Hedge
[General, Fighter]
(DR317 p83)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Reflexes
Hold the Line
When readying an action to receive a charge, weapons that normally do 2x vs. a charge (such as a Spear,
Halberd, etc.) do 3x, while all other melee weapons do 2x.
Pole Balance
(DR331 p28)
When wielding a Polearm with two hands, you receive a +4 Circumstance bonus to resist being Bull Rushed
and being Tripped. The bonus also applies to Balance checks to keep your footing as long as there is a
solid surface to brace the Polearm against.
You may not use this feat while Flat-Footed.
Pole Fighting
(DR331 p28)
Flurry of Blows class
Weapon Focus (chosen
You may perform Flurry of Blows with the chosen Polearm.
Shield and Pike Style
[General, Fighter]
(DR338 p92)
Proficient with Light
When wielding a Piercing Two-Handed Polearm with Reach with which you have proficiency, you receive
the full Shield bonus to AC of a Light Shield you are wearing.
Note: Normally, you cannot wield a Two-Handed weapon and use a Light Shield simultaneously.
Short Haft
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Weapon Focus (reach
As a Swift Action, you may reduce the Reach of any reach weapon (other than Spiked Chain & Whip) by
5’. This changed the squares that you ‘threaten’.
Returning the weapon to its normal reach is also a Swift Action.
Shorten Grip
(DR331 p28)
When wielding a Polearm with Reach with which you have proficiency, you may attack adjacent foes at a
–2 penalty.
Note: you cannot use this feat with an Awl Pike.
Spinning Defense
(DR331 p28)
Combat Expertise
Deflect Arrows
While wielding a Polearm during a Total Defense Action, you gain the following:
a) an additional +1 Dodge bonus to AC; and
b) you may use Deflect Arrows any number of times until your next turn, but you cannot use the Snatch
Arrow (if you have it). You do not need a free hand to Deflect Arrows.
Spinning Halberd
(CWar p114)
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (halberd)
When you make a Full Round Attack with a Halberd, you receive a +1 Dodge bonus to AC & an additional
attack with the staff end at a –5 penalty which is a 1d6 + ½ Strength modifier Bludgeoning damage.
(DR331 p28)
Strength 13
Jump: 4 ranks
While wielding a Polearm during a Total Defense Action, you gain the following:
a) the DC for a Long Jump is reduced by 5; and
b) the DC for a High Jump is equal to 3x the distance to be cleared (instead of 4x).
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Combat Feats Page 37
Attack of Opportunity Feats
Attack of
Opportunity Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p86)
Combat Reflexes
You may make an Attack of Opportunity against an opponent that you flank who attacks a target other than
Canny Opportunist
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p86)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
If an opponent you threaten does any of the following, you may make an Attack of Opportunity on him/her,
even if you are Flat-Footed: Draw a Weapon, Ready / Loosen a Shield, or Attempts a Feint in Combat.
Close-Quarter Defense
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Combat Reflexes You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls for an Attack of Opportunity generated by any of the following actions:
an opponent entering your hex, making an unarmed attack, starting a grapple, bull rushing you, sundering
your weapon or armor, etc.
If your opponent has a Feat that allows them to do one of the above actions without generating an Attack of
Opportunity, you may still take an Attack of Opportunity with a –10 penalty to your attack roll (instead of
a +2).
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p97)
Base Attack Bonus +3 You receive an Attack of Opportunity when a creature attempts to Grapple you, even if the creature has
Improved Grapple or an ability that lets its start a Grapple without an Attack of Opportunity.
If you cause damage on your Attack of Opportunity, the Grapple attempt automatically fails unless the
attacker has Improved Grapple or a similar ability. In this case, add you damage to the initial Grapple
check to see if the creature starts its Grapple.
This Feat does not grant an extra Attack of Opportunity.
Combat Reflexes
[General, Fighter]
(PH p92)
Monk 2
1. You may make Attacks of Opportunity while Flat-Footed.
2. You may make up to your Dexterity modifier in extra Attacks of Opportunity per round (instead of the
normal limit of 1), but only one such attack per creature each round.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Tumble: 5 ranks
If you make an Attack of Opportunity while Fighting Defensively, the attack does not receive the normal
penalty for Fighting Defensibly.
Defensive Sweep
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p78)
Base Attack Bonus +15
If an opponent begins his/her round adjacent to you and does not move for the entire round (including a 5’
Step), he/she generates an Attack of Opportunity for you just after his/her round ends.
Defensive Throw
(CWar p97)
Dexterity 13
Combat Reflexes
Improved Trip
Improved Unarmed Strike
If the opponent that you have designated to receive your Dodge bonus to AC attacks you and misses, you
can make an Attack of Opportunity against that opponent to attempt to trip him.
Deft Opportunist
(CAdv p106)
(Mini p25)
Dexterity 15
Combat Reflexes
+4 bonus on attack rolls when making Attacks of Opportunity.
Double Hit
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p25)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
Before you make an Attack of Opportunity, you may choose to attack with both
weapons, taking the
standard penalties for fighting with two weapons.
Expert Tactician
(CAdv p109)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Reflexes
If you hit a creature with an Attack of Opportunity, you and your allies gain a +2 Circumstance bonus on
melee attack rolls and damage rolls against that opponent for 1 round.
Exploit Adjustment
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Canny Opportunist
You may make an Attack of Opportunity on an opponent you threaten who takes a 5’ step from one square
adjacent to you to another square adjacent to you.
Greater Combat
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +11
Combat Reflexes
Improved Combat
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed three attacks. The first is at your normal attack
bonus, the second is at –5, and the third is at –10. This counts as three of your Attacks of Opportunity per
round and your maximum is not increased.
(PH2 p79)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Combat Reflexes
When an opponent generates an Attack of Opportunity, you may forgo the attack and instead take an ‘Aid
Other’ action to help an ally attacking the same opponent.
Hold the Line
(CWar p100)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Reflexes
You receive an Attack of Opportunity against an opponent who is charging and that enters a hex that you
threaten. Your attack is resolved before the charge finishes.
Improved Combat
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed two attacks. The first is at your normal attack
bonus, while the second is at –5. This counts as two of your Attacks of Opportunity per round and your
maximum is not increased.
Improved Shield Snare
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Shield Proficiency
Combat Reflexes
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Snare
If your opponent is disarmed due to the use of your Shield Snare feat, you can make an Attack of
Opportunity against your opponent immediately. You gain a +2 bonus on your attacks against this
opponent as long as he/she remains disarmed.
Karmic Strike
(CWar p102)
Dexterity 13
Combat Expertise
On your turn, you may choose to take a –4 penalty to your AC in exchange for the option of taking an
Attack of Opportunity on any creatures that successfully makes a melee or touch attack on you.
This feat does not
grant additional Attacks of Opportunity.
Mercurial Strike
(DR310 p69)
Quick Draw
Base Attack Bonus +5
If an opponent generates an Attack of Opportunity and you are unarmed, you may draw a melee weapon and
make your Attack of Opportunity, with your opponent being Flat-Footed.
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Attack of
Opportunity Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Occult Opportunist
(DR340 p87)
Know(arcana): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
If an opponent you threaten does any of the following, you may make an Attack of Opportunity on him/her:
Dismiss a Spell, Direct / Redirect an Active Spell, cast a Quickened or Swift Spell, makes a Turn / Rebuke
If damage, your opponent looses the spell / action attempted unless he/she makes a Concentration check vs.
DC (10 + damage).
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Combat Reflexes
After making an Attack of Opportunity, you may take a bonus 5’ step.
Overhead Thrust
(Dcn p106)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Close-Quarters Fighting
Power Attack
You can use a Slashing or Piercing weapon to make an Attack of Opportunity against a foe using an attack
designed to batter you from above (Overrun, Trample, Power Dive, Dragon Crush). You cannot use this
feat if you are flat-footed or already grappled.
You gain a special attack modifier based on your opponent’s size:
Medium or smaller (+0), Large (+4), Huge (+8), Gargantuan (+12), Colossal (+16)
If your attack succeeds, you do triple damage.
Ranged Threat
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
If a creature within 15’ of you takes an action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity, you may make a
single ranged attack against him/her/it at your highest attack bonus. This consumes all
of your remaining
Attacks of Opportunity for the round.
Robilar’s Gambit
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +12
Combat Reflexes
If you activate this ability at the start of your turn, you gain the following:
a) foes receive a +4 bonus on their attack & damage rolls against you;
b) after a foe strikes you, you receive an Attack of Opportunity against that foe which is resolved after
his/her attack.
(Mini p28)
Dexterity 15
Tumble: 7 ranks
After making an Attack of Opportunity, you may take a bonus 5’ step.
Sneak Attack of
(DR340 p87)
Combat Reflexes
Sneak Attack class ability
with at least +3d6
On your first Attack of Opportunity of the round, add your Sneak Attack damage to the attack’s damage.
Two-Weapon Attack
of Opportunity
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 17
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed an attack with each of your weapons, with the
normal penalties for doing so. This counts as two of your Attacks of Opportunity per round and your
maximum is not increased.
(RotW p153)
Dexterity 15
Spring Attack
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Distract Foe
– You and an ally must have Flanked your foe for at least one round to use this ability. As a
Full Round Action, make a single melee attack. If it hits, make a Bluff check with the damage as a bonus
vs. your foes Sense Motive check with his/her BAB as a bonus. If you are successful, all of your allies that
give you a Flanking bonus receives an Attack of Opportunity on the foe.
Drive Back
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe and an ally must perform an Aid Other
action to help your attack on t hat foe. As a Full Round Action, make a melee attack. If you hit, you do
damage and initiate a Bull Rush that does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity or move you into your
foe’s square. Resolve the Bull Rush normally, except the damage you did is a bonus on your Strength
check and your foe cannot be moved back more than 5’.
Gang Dodge
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe. Perform an Aid Other action to give
every one of your allies that threaten the same foe a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus lasts until your next turn,
provided you still threaten the same foe.
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Combat Feats Page 39
Unarmed Combat Feats
Unarmed Combat
Source Prerequisite Description
Beast Strike
[General, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Base Attack Bonus +5
Claw or Slam attack
When making an Unarmed Strike or Grapple check to deal damage, add your Claw or Slam damage.
Clever Wrestling
(CWar p97)
(Dcn p103)
(Storm p92)
Small or Medium size
Improved Unarmed Strike
When grappling with an opponent greater than Medium size, you gain a bonus when attempting to escape a
Grapple or Pin. The size of the bonus depends on the opponent’s size:
Large – +2 Huge – +4 Gargantuan – +6 Colossal – +8
Cunning Sidestep
(Dcn p103)
Small or Medium size
Improved Unarmed Strike
Clever Wrestling
When your opponent is larger than Medium size, you gain a bonus on any opposed check you make to avoid
being Bull Rushed, Tripped, Knocked Down, or Pushed. The bonus depends on the opponent’s size:
Large – +2 Huge – +4 Gargantuan – +6 Colossal – +8
This feat is effective against the Large and in Charge feat.
The bonus from this feat does not
stack with Clever Wrestling.
(DR322 p37)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Sleight of Hand: 5 ranks
When is melee combat, you may attempt a Sleight of Hand check to pickpocket your opponent without
generating an Attack of Opportunity. If you beat his/her Spot check, opponent thinks the attempt was
some type of combat movement.
Defensive Metered
(DR337 p97)
Concentration: 6 ranks
Improved Unarmed Strike
Choose an opponent as a Free Action. Each time this opponent misses you consecutively, you gain a
cumulative +1 Dodge bonus to AC (max +5). If this opponent hits you, the bonus is lost. If this opponent
misses you again, the count restarts at +1. This feat only applies on one opponent at a time.
Deflect Arrows
[General, Fighter]
(PH p93)
Dexterity 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 2
You may deflect one projectile per round that would have hit you, but only if the following are true:
1. you are not Flat-Footed and aware of the attack.
2. one of your hands is free.
3. the projectile is not purely magic (such as Melf’s Acid Arrow) or massive (such as a giant’s boulder).
Deft Fist
(DR319 p71)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus (unarmed
When making an unarmed melee attack against a foe with Cover (but not Total Cover), your target does not
receive the Cover bonus to AC.
Disrupting Strike
[Shifter, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
You must declare you are using this ability before you make an Attack with your Unarmed Strike. If your
foe is damaged by the attack, he/she must make a Fortitude save vs. DC (10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom
modifier). If your foe fails –and– is a shapechanger, he/she reverts immediately to his/her natural form.
This also ends a Shifter’s ‘Shifting’ racial ability.
Creature immune to critical hits are immune to being Stunned.
You may use this ability once per four non-Monk levels + once per Monk levels each day.
You may use this ability only once per round.
Eagle Claw Attack
(CWar p97)
Wisdom 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Improved Unarmed Strike
When you make an Unarmed Strike against an object, add your Wisdom modifier to your damage.
Earth’s Embrace
(CWar p97)
Strength 15
Improved Grapple or
improved grab ability
Improved Unarmed Strike
Each round you Maintain a Pin, you do an extra +1d12 damage as long as you and the person you are
grappling both remain immobile (granting opponents a +4 bonus to attack you).
You do not do extra damage on creatures immune to critical hits.
Fear No Binds
[General, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Escape Artist: 4 ranks
You are difficult to contain:
1. you do not receive penalties on attack rolls while grappling
2. you may make Unarmed Strike attacks while bound with non-magical bindings
3. you do not receive penalties on attack or Dexterity when Entangled
4. if you are targeted with a Net and defeat your opponent’s Strength check to “control” your
movement, you may drag your opponent around instead (if he/she does not release the Net)
Flying Kick
(CWar p99)
Strength 13
Jump: 4 ranks
Improved Unarmed Strike
Power Attack
You do +1d12 damage when you Charge & end with an Unarmed Strike.
Improved Grapple
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Dexterity 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 1
When you make a Grapple action, the following apply:
Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you when you make the touch attack to being
a Grapple.
You receive a +4 bonus on all Grapple checks, no matter who began the Grapple.
Improved Unarmed
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Monk 1
You are considered ‘armed’ when not using a weapon (i.e., an armed opponent does not get an Attack of
Opportunity against you when you attack).
Your Unarmed Strike does Lethal or Nonlethal damage, as you desire.
Martial Throw
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
Dexterity 17
Improved Unarmed Strike
If you hit an opponent up to your size with an Unarmed Strike, you may initiate a Dexterity-based Grapple
check. If you win, you and your opponent swap positions. This does not
generate Attacks of Opportunity.
Usable once per round.
Offensive Metered
(DR337 p97)
Concentration: 6 ranks
Improved Unarmed Strike
Choose an opponent as a Free Action. Each time you hit this opponent consecutively, you gain a
cumulative +1 Insight bonus on attacks against that opponent (max +5). If you miss this opponent, the
bonus is lost. If you hit this opponent again, the count restarts at +1. This feat only applies on one
opponent at a time.
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Combat Feats Page 40
Unarmed Combat
Source Prerequisite Description
Ring the Ear
(DR344 p103)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +2d6
On a successful Sneak Attack using an Unarmed Strike
, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 1d6 to
Deafen your foe for 1 minute (FortNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Character level + Strength modifier).
Roundabout Kick
(CWar p105)
Strength 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Power Attack
If you confirm a Critical Hit with an Unarmed Strike, you can immediately make another unarmed attack at
the same bonus on the opponent that received your Critical Hit.
Scorpion’s Grasp
(DU120 p35)
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Improved Grapple
Improved Unarmed Strike
If you hit a creature with a One-Handed or Light weapon, deal damage normally and then you have the
option of starting a Grapple as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity (no touch
If a grapple is started and you were wielding a One-Handed weapon, you drop it.
If a grapple is started and you were wielding a Light weapon, you may continue holding it. Each round, you
may attack your grappled foe as normal with it, except you do not have the standard –4 penalty.
Snatch Arrows
[General, Fighter]
(PH p100)
Dexterity 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
You may catch one projectile per round that would have hit you, but only if the following are true:
1. you are not Flat-Footed and aware of the attack.
2. one of your hands is free.
3. the projectile is not magic (such as Melf’s Acid Arrow) or massive (such as a Giant’s boulder).
If you catch a thrown weapon (such as a Spear), you may throw it immediately at the person who threw it at
you, even though it is not your turn.
Throat Punch
(CSco p082)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
Improved Unarmed Strike
On a successful Sneak Attack with an Unarmed Strike, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to
impede your foe’s ability to speak for 3 rounds. The foe receives a –5 penalty on skill checks related to
speech and has a 50% failure chance when casting a spell with a Verbal component.
Subsequent uses of this ability do not stack, but do reset the ability’s duration.
Toothed Blow
(Storm p94)
Strength 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Your Unarmed Strikes now do Bludgeoning & Piercing damage. You may make Unarmed Strikes
underwater without taking a penalty.
Versatile Unarmed
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p85)
Improved Unarmed Strike
As a Swift Action, you may change the damage type of your Unarmed Strikes to ‘bludgeoning’ (default),
‘piercing’, or ‘slashing’. The damage type remains until you use this ability again to change it.
Stunning Fist Feats
Stunning Fist Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Disrupting Strike
[Shifter, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
You must declare you are using this ability before you make an Attack with your Unarmed Strike. If your
foe is damaged by the attack, he/she must make a Fortitude save vs. DC (10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom
modifier). If your foe fails –and– is a shapechanger, he/she reverts immediately to his/her natural form.
This also ends a Shifter’s ‘Shifting’ racial ability.
Creature immune to critical hits are immune to being Stunned.
You may use this ability once per four non-Monk levels + once per Monk levels each day.
You may use this ability only once per round.
Extra Stunning
(CWar p98)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
You can use Stunning Fist +3 times per day.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Fiery Fist
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Monk 2
1. By using up one of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Swift Action, your Unarmed Strikes do +1d6
Fire damage for the rest of your turn.
2. You receive +1 Stunning Fist use per day.
Fiery Ki Defense
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Fiery Fist
Monk 6
By using up one of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Swift Action, your body is covered in flames, cause
1d6 Fire damage to anyone to hits you in melee for the rest of your turn.
Fists of Iron
(CWar p99)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
By using up one of your daily Stunning Fist attacks, you cause +1d6 damage. You must declare the use of
this ability before making your attack roll & the use is lost if you miss.
Freezing the
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p99)
Wisdom 17
Base Attack Bonus +10
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
You must declare that you are using this ability before you attack. If it hits, you do no damage, but your
Humanoid opponent is Paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds unless it makes a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + Character
level + Wisdom modifier). Does not effect non-Humanoids & opponents immune to Stunning.
Depletes one use of Stunning Fist even if the attack misses.
Ki Blast
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p80)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Fiery Fist
Monk 6
1. By using up two
of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Move Action, you may form an orb of force
energy in your hand. As a Standard Action, you may throw the orb up to 60’. If you hit on a Ranged
Touch attack, you do (3d6 + Wisdom modifier) Force damage. If not thrown by the end of your round,
the orb dissipates.
2. You receive +1 Stunning Fist use per day.
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Combat Feats Page 41
Stunning Fist Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Pain Touch
(CWar p103)
Wisdom 15
Base Attack Bonus +2
Stunning Fist
The target of a successful Stunning Fist attack is Nauseated for 1 round after the round which he/she was
Stunned. This ability may not be used on creatures two size categories or more larger than the user.
Pressure Point Strike
(DR336 p103)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Ki Strike (magic) class
The following abilities must be declared before the strike is attempted and the indicated number of Stunning
Fist uses are consumed even if it misses. May only be used on Humanoids, Monstrous Humanoids, and
Harmful effects allow a Fortitude save vs. DC = 10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom modifier.
Beneficial effects may require a Level check against the level of the detriment being overcome (if magical).
#StunFist Effect
1 Target Stunned for 1 round (i.e., base Stunning Fist ability).
1 Remove Stunned, Sickened, or Fatigued.
2 Blind, Deafen, –or– Paralyze opponent for 1d4 rounds.
2 Remove Paralysis, Blindness, or Deafness
3 Lower target’s Spell Resistance by 1d6 + Wisdom modifier for 1 round.
3 Increase ally’s natural or magical Spell Resistance by 1d6 + Wisdom modifier for 1 round.
3 Delay Poison for 1d4 hours.
3 Foe effected by Injury Poison (1d4 Con / 1d4 Con, DC is Constitution-based).
4 Neutralize Poison.
4 Target receives a penalty of saves vs. Poison of 1 + Wisdom modifier for 1d4 rounds.
5 Target prevented from casting Spells or using Spell-Like Abilities for 1d4 rounds.
5 Target receives Greater Dispel Magic to remove a Spell or Spell-Like Ability effect.
Rapid Stunning
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p104)
Combat Reflexes
Base Attack Bonus +6
Stunning Fist
You may make one extra Stunning Fist-based attack in a round (normally you can only make one such
attack each round). This feat does not
grant extra uses overall, just the ability to try more than once in a
single round.
You make take this feat multiple times. Their effects stack.
Ring the Gold Bell
(DR319 p71)
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +5
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Weapon Focus (unarmed
You may inflict Unarmed Strike damage, plus effects such as Stunning Fist that are inflicted along with
your Unarmed Strike, as a Ranged Attack with a maximum range of 5’ + 5’ per Wisdom modifier.
Usable (1 + Wisdom modifier) times per day.
Stone Monkey
(DR309 p68)
Wisdom 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
When Grappling, you gain the new Grapple Option of partially disabling an opponent’s arm or leg. On a
successful check, your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC is Wisdom-based) to avoid receiving a
–2 penalties on all rolls & checks using the targeted limb for 1d6+1 rounds. If the limb is also used for
movement (legs for walking, arms for climbing, etc.), the movement is reduced by 5’ (minimum 0’). Once
partially disabled, targeting the same limb again has no additional effect.
Stunning Fist
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 1
You must declare you are using this ability before you make an Attack with your Unarmed Strike. If your
foe is damaged by the attack, he/she must make a Fortitude save vs. DC (10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom
modifier). If your foe fails, he/she is Stunned for 1 round (i.e., until your next action). A Stunned creature
cannot take any Action, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, & has an additional –2 penalty to AC.
Creature immune to critical hits are immune to being Stunned.
You may use this ability once per four non-Monk levels + once per Monk levels each day.
You may use this ability only once per round.
Sudden Willow Strike
(PGE p109)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Weapon Focus
You can use your Stunning Fist feat with Quarterstaff attacks.
Water Splitting Stone
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p85)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +9
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Monk 6
If you hit with an Unarmed Strike and its damage would be reduced due to Damage Reduction, receive a +4
bonus to damage (i.e., ignore 4 points of Damage Reduction).
Weakening Touch
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p106)
Wisdom 17
Base Attack Bonus +2
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
On a successful Unarmed Strike, you cause no damage, but your opponent receives a –6 penalty to his/her
Strength for 1 minute. Multiple uses do not
stack, but reset the duration.
Depletes one use of Stunning Fist even if the attack misses.
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Combat Feats Page 42
Group Tactics Feats
Group Tactics Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Body Guard
(DR339 p34)
To use this feat, you must be adjacent to another character with this feat.
If both characters need to make a saving throw against the same effect, the two of you may swap your
saving throw bonus for this single save (though you may do it again later). Both characters must be
Formation Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +5 You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers, even if your allies do not have the feat too:
Lock Shield
– If you and the two allies on either side of you are wielding shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Step into the Breach
– If there is a line of adjacent allies and one ally within a single move falls, you may
make a single move to that ally’s location as if you had a Readied Action.
Wall of Polearms
– Gain a +2 attack bonus if you and your adjacent allies are each wielding the same
weapon, which must be off the following list: Shortspear, Longspear, Trident, Glaive, Gisarme, Halberd,
or Ranseur.
Improved Aid Other
(DR339 p34)
When you use the Aid Other action to improve an allies AC, Attack bonus, or Skill check, you grant an
additional +1 bonus (usually +3).
Pack Feint
(DR313 p31)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +3
Bluff: 3 ranks
When you successfully use Bluff to ‘Feint in Combat’, the target loses its Dexterity bonus to AC for your
next attack and the next attack of any allies adjacent to the foe when you made your Bluff check. To
benefit from this Feat, each ally’s next attack and your next attack must be made on or before your next
Pack Tactics
(DR313 p31)
Wisdom 13
When you are flanking an opponent, your allies that are not flanking the same opponent receives a +1
bonus to their melee attacks. Your flanking allies retain their normal +2 bonus.
Phalanx Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Shield Proficiency
1. If you are fighting with a Light Weapon and a Heavy Shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
2. If you are fighting as above and within 5’ of an ally who is also fighting with a Light Weapon and a
Heavy Shield, you may form a Shield Wall, which grants an additional +2 bonus to AC & a +1 bonus
on Reflex saves to all members of the Shield Wall.
Swarm Fighting
(CWar p105)
Small size
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
You may share a 5’ hex with your Small-sized allies that also have this feat. Against a creature of at least
Medium-size, each attacker with Swarm Fighting who also has this feat (after the first) grants all of his/her
allies a +1 Morale bonus on the attack roll, up to a maximum of your Dexterity modifier.
For example, if 4 Halflings swarm fight an Ogre, each receives a +3 Moral bonus to attack.
(RotW p153)
Dexterity 15
Spring Attack
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Distract Foe
– You and an ally must have Flanked your foe for at least one round to use this ability. As a
Full Round Action, make a single melee attack. If it hits, make a Bluff check with the damage as a bonus
vs. your foes Sense Motive check with his/her BAB as a bonus. If you are successful, all of your allies that
give you a Flanking bonus receives an Attack of Opportunity on the foe.
Drive Back
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe and an ally must perform an Aid Other
action to help your attack on that foe. As a Full Round Action, make a melee attack. If you hit, you do
damage and initiate a Bull Rush that does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity or move you into your
foe’s square. Resolve the Bull Rush normally, except the damage you did is a bonus on your Strength
check and your foe cannot be moved back more than 5’.
Gang Dodge
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe. Perform an Aid Other action to give
every one of your allies
that threaten the same foe a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus lasts until your next turn,
provided you still threaten the same foe.
Commander Feats
Commander Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(DR323 p28)
Charisma 13
All allies within 30’ gain a +1 Morale bonus on saves vs. Fear effects.
Defense of the
(DR323 p28)
Charisma 17
Good alignment
All allies within 30’ gain a +1 Morale bonus on Fortitude saves
Gang Tactics
(DR323 p28)
Charisma 15
Evil alignment
All allies within 30’ deal +1 damage when Flanking a creature vulnerable to flanking.
Halfling’s Cunning
(DR323 p29)
Charisma 13
Small size or smaller
All allies within 30’ receive a +1 Morale bonus on attacks vs. creatures at lease one size category larger then
Inspire Bloodletting
(DR323 p29)
Charisma 13
All allies within 30’ receive a +1 Morale bonus on rolls to Confirm a Threatened Critical Hit.
Inspire Bloodthirst
(DR323 p29)
Charisma 15
Weapon Focus (any
melee weapon)
Intimidate: 5 ranks
All allies within 30’ receive a +1 Morale bonus on all Melee attack rolls.
Rouse Courage
(DR323 p29)
Charisma 13
All allies within 30’ may reroll a failed save vs. a Fear effect.
An ally affected by a Fear effect that moves within 30’ of you can make one additional save to resist the
Fear effect.
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Combat Feats Page 43
Feats Based on Combat Expertise
Combat Expertise
Source Prerequisite Description
Aid Giver
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p92)
Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
As a Full Round Action, you may use an Aid Other action to benefit every adjacent ally, granting either a
+2 bonus on Attack rolls or a +2 bonus to AC.
Canny Opportunist
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p86)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
If an opponent you threaten does any of the following, you may make an Attack of Opportunity on him/her,
even if you are Flat-Footed: Draw a Weapon, Ready / Loosen a Shield, or Attempts a Feint in Combat.
Combat Cloak Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Dexterity 15
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Cloak Defense
– When Fighting Defensively while wearing a cloak, receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC. If
you take a Total Defense Action, you receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
Cloaked Strike
– In the first round, advance without wielding a weapon until you are adjacent to your
opponent. On the next round, make an opposed Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action while you
draw your Light weapon. If successful, your opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC –or– his/her
Shield bonus to AC (your choice) until the end of your round.
Whirling Cloak
– After striking an opponent in melee, you may spend a Move Action to make a melee
touch attack against the same opponent. If successful, the opponent may not
make Attacks of Opportunity
against an ally of your choice until the start of your opponent’s next round.
Combat Expertise
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p92)
(CAdv p10)+
Intelligence 13
When you take an Attack action or a Full Attack action, you may take –X to hit and get +X to your AC until
your next action. X can be up to your base attack bonus, with a maximum of 5.
Curling Wave Strike
[General, Fighter]
(Storm p92)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
If you successfully trip an opponent in melee, you may forgo your free follow-up attack to instead attempt
to trip another opponent within reach at the same attack bonus total as the previous attack.
You may only use this feat once per round (i.e., if you trip the second opponent, you don’t
get to try to trip a
Daunting Nuisance
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Base Attack Bonus +4
By making a successful Touch Attack, your opponent is treated as being Flat-Footed by all creatures
adjacent to it, except for you. This is a Mind-Affecting Extraordinary effect.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Tumble: 5 ranks
If you make an Attack of Opportunity while Fighting Defensively, the attack does not receive the normal
penalty for Fighting Defensibly.
Defensive Strike
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p97)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
If you take a Total Defense action and an opponent attacks & misses you, on your next turn, you receive a
+4 bonus to attack that opponent.
Defensive Throw
(CWar p97)
Dexterity 13
Combat Reflexes
Improved Trip
Improved Unarmed Strike
If the opponent that you have designated to receive your Dodge bonus to AC attacks you and misses, you
can make an Attack of Opportunity against that opponent to attempt to Trip him.
Double Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
When you attempt to disarm an opponent wielding a double weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on the check (in
addition to the bonus from Improved Disarm).
Exhausting Defense
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p91)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fatigue the Foe
– If you fight the same foe for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat Expertise of at least –2
the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must make a Fortitude save vs.
DC 15 or become Fatigued until the end of the encounter.
Exhaust the Foe
– If you fight the same foe who is already Fatigued for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat
Expertise of at least –4 and
the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must
make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or become Exhausted until the end of the encounter (at which point
he/she becomes Fatigued).
The Best Offense
– If you fight a foe who is already Fatigued or Exhausted for 1 round using the All-Out
Defense Action and then on the following round attack without using Combat Expertise, the foe is
considered Flat-Footed against your attacks and
you receive a +2 bonus on attacks vs. that foe for 1 round.
Exploit Adjustment
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Canny Opportunist
You may make an Attack of Opportunity on an opponent you threaten who takes a 5’ step from one square
adjacent to you to another square adjacent to you.
Extend Defense
(DR339 p87)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
As a Standard Action, you may grant an adjacent creature a +2 Cover bonus to AC. If this creature is
attacked, there is a 50% chance the attack ends up being targeted at you (with regards to AC, who takes the
damage, etc.).
This effect lasts until the start of your next round or until the creature move more than 5’ from you.
Improved Combat
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p100)
Intelligence 13
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Expertise
When you take an Attack action or a Full Attack action, you may take –X to hit and get +X to your AC until
your next action. X can be up to your base attack bonus, with a maximum of your Base Attack Bonus
(instead of +5).
Improved Disarm
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Monk 6
When you do a Disarm Action, the following apply:
Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
You receive a +4 bonus on the Disarm check.
If your Disarm attempt fails, your opponent does not get a chance to try to disarm you.
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Combat Feats Page 44
Combat Expertise
Source Prerequisite Description
Improved Feint
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may make a Feint in Combat as a Move Action (instead of a Full Round Action).
Improved Trip
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Monk 6
When you do a Trip Action, the following apply:
1. Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
2. You gain a +4 bonus on the Strength roll to knock your opponent prone.
3. If you succeed in tripping your opponent in melee combat, you may immediately make a follow-up
attack on him/her at the same attack bonus of the action you used to make the trip.
Improved Whirlwind
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Intelligence 13
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Expertise
Spring Attack
Whirlwind Attack
When making a Full Round Attack, you get one attack on each opponent within your reach at your best
attack bonus, plus a single attack at each of your other attack bonuses vs. a legal target of your choice.
For example, an 11
level Fighter has a Base Attack Bonus of +11 / +6 / +1. He/she would take an attack
at +11 (plus modifiers) against all opponents within reach, plus one
attack at +6 and one attack at +1.
Using this feat means you forfeit all bonus attacks, such as those from Cleave, Haste, etc.
Karmic Strike
(CWar p102)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
On your turn, you may choose to take a –4 penalty to your AC in exchange for the option of taking an
Attack of Opportunity on any creatures that successfully makes a melee or touch attack on you.
This feat does not
grant additional Attacks of Opportunity.
(DR344 p103)
Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Power Attack
Painful Strike
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 3d6 to cause your foe to loose use
of one of his/her hands for 1 minute (FortNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Character level + damage dealt). Any object
is the disabled hand is dropped, the foe cannot wield two-handed weapons, etc.
This ability only applies to living creatures who can feel pain.
Melee Evasion
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
When Fighting Defensively, you may use an Immediate Action to improve your AC against one
made by the creature that is your designated ‘dodge’ target. Against this attack only, your Normal &
Touch AC is (d20 + your Base Attack Bonus).
Note: Your Dexterity bonus to AC must apply to the designated attack.
Mighty Are Fallen
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You receive a +4 bonus to AC when your opponent is using Power Attack on his/her attack.
Sense Weakness
(Dcn p106)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Weapon Focus (any)
Whenever you attack with a weapon with which you have Weapon Focus, you may ignore up to 5 points of
the target’s Damage Reduction. This benefit cannot reduce the effective DR to less than 0.
Spinning Defense
(DR331 p28)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Deflect Arrows
While wielding a Polearm during a Total Defense Action, you gain the following:
a) an additional +1 Dodge bonus to AC; and
b) you may use Deflect Arrows any number of times until your next turn, but you cannot use the Snatch
Arrow (if you have it). You do not need a free hand to Deflect Arrows.
Sweeping Trip
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
When you successfully Trip an opponent, you may forgo the “follow-up” attack and instead make a Trip
attack against a new opponent that is adjacent to both you and the tripped opponent (i.e., you are trying to
knock the first opponent into the second). This action does not
provoke an Attack of Opportunity, but if it
fails, the second opponent may attempt to Trip you.
You may only use this ability once per round.
Whirlwind Attack
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Intelligence 13
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Expertise
Spring Attack
When making a Full Round Attack, you get one attack on each opponent within your reach at your best
attack bonus.
Using this feat means you forfeit all bonus attacks, such as those from Cleave, Haste, etc.
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Combat Feats Page 45
Feats Based on Combat Reflexes
Combat Reflexes
Source Prerequisite Description
Adaptable Flanker
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p71)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Reflexes
Vexing Flanker
Designate an opponent as a Swift Action. When adjacent to that opponent, your current hex and one other
you threaten count as being occupied by you for purposes of determining whether you and your allies gain
Flanking bonuses.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p86)
Combat Reflexes
You may make an Attack of Opportunity against an opponent that you flank who attacks a target other than
Close-Quarter Defense
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Combat Reflexes You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls for an Attack of Opportunity generated by any of the following actions:
an opponent entering your hex, making an unarmed attack, starting a grapple, bull rushing you, sundering
your weapon or armor, etc.
If your opponent has a Feat that allows them to do one of the above actions without generating an Attack of
Opportunity, you may still take an Attack of Opportunity with a –10 penalty to your attack roll (instead of
a +2).
Combat Reflexes
[General, Fighter]
(PH p92)
Monk 2
1. You may make Attacks of Opportunity while Flat-Footed.
2. You may make up to your Dexterity modifier in extra Attacks of Opportunity per round (instead of the
normal limit of 1), but only one such attack per creature each round.
Defensive Throw
(CWar p97)
Dexterity 13
Combat Reflexes
Improved Trip
Improved Unarmed Strike
If the opponent that you have designated to receive your Dodge bonus to AC attacks you and misses, you
can make an Attack of Opportunity against that opponent to attempt to Trip him/her.
Deft Opportunist
(CAdv p106)
(Mini p25)
Dexterity 15
Combat Reflexes
+4 bonus on attack rolls when making Attacks of Opportunity.
Double Hit
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p25)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
Before you make an Attack of Opportunity, you may choose to attack with both
weapons, taking the
standard penalties for fighting with two weapons.
Expert Tactician
(CAdv p109)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Reflexes
If you hit a creature with an Attack of Opportunity, you and your allies gain a +2 Circumstance bonus on
melee attack rolls and damage rolls against that opponent for 1 round.
Greater Combat
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +11
Combat Reflexes
Improved Combat
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed three attacks. The first is at your normal attack
bonus, the second is at –5, and the third is at –10. This counts as three of your Attacks of Opportunity per
round and your maximum is not increased.
(PH2 p79)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Combat Reflexes
When an opponent generates an Attack of Opportunity, you may forgo the attack and instead take an ‘Aid
Other’ action to help an ally attacking the same opponent.
Hold the Line
(CWar p100)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Reflexes
You receive an Attack of Opportunity against an opponent who is charging and that enters a hex that you
threaten. Your attack is resolved before the charge finishes.
Improved Combat
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed two attacks. The first is at your normal attack
bonus, while the second is at –5. This counts as two of your Attacks of Opportunity per round and your
maximum is not increased.
Improved Shield Snare
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Shield Proficiency
Combat Reflexes
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Snare
If your opponent is disarmed due to the use of your Shield Snare feat, you can make an Attack of
Opportunity against your opponent immediately. You gain a +2 bonus on your attacks against this
opponent as long as he/she remains disarmed.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Combat Reflexes
After making an Attack of Opportunity, you may take a bonus 5’ step.
Pike Hedge
[General, Fighter]
(DR317 p83)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Reflexes
Hold the Line
When readying an action to receive a charge, weapons that normally do 2x vs. a charge (such as a Spear,
Halberd, etc.) do 3x, while all other melee weapons do 2x.
Ranged Threat
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
If a creature within 15’ of you takes an action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity, you may make a
single ranged attack against him/her/it at your highest attack bonus. This consumes all
of your remaining
Attacks of Opportunity for the round.
Robilar’s Gambit
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +12
Combat Reflexes
If you activate this ability at the start of your turn, you gain the following:
a) foes receive a +4 bonus on their attack & damage rolls against you;
b) after a foe strikes you, you receive an Attack of Opportunity against that foe which is resolved after
his/her attack.
Sneak Attack of
(DR340 p87)
Combat Reflexes
Sneak Attack class ability
with at least +3d6
On your first Attack of Opportunity of the round, add your Sneak Attack damage to the attack’s damage.
Stalwart Defense
(PH2 p83)
Base Attack Bonus +9
Combat Reflexes
Hindering Opportunist
If an opponent you threaten makes a melee attack against one of your allies, you may expend one of
‘Attacks of Opportunity’ to do an ‘Aid Other’ action for your ally in order to grant him/her a +2 bonus to
AC vs. this attack.
You may only use this ability against a given opponent once per round.
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Combat Feats Page 46
Combat Reflexes
Source Prerequisite Description
Two-Weapon Attack
of Opportunity
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 17
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed an attack with each of your weapons, with the
normal penalties for doing so. This counts as two of your Attacks of Opportunity per round and your
maximum is not increased.
Vexing Flanker
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p85)
Combat Reflexes
You receive a +4 bonus on attack rolls to hit a Flanked opponent (instead of the normal +2).
Feats Based on Dodge
Dodge Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Bounding Assault
(PH2 p75)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +12
Spring Attack
When doing an Attack Action with a melee weapon, you may move, attack twice (with the second attack at
–5), and then continue the movement (up to your speed). This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity
from two
creatures (at least one of which you must attack). You must move at least 5’ before and after the
attack to make use of this feat.
You may attack both creatures you have designated –or– attack one with both attacks.
Combat Cloak Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Dexterity 15
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Cloak Defense
– When Fighting Defensively while wearing a cloak, receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC. If
you take a Total Defense Action, you receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
Cloaked Strike
– In the first round, advance without wielding a weapon until you are adjacent to your
opponent. On the next round, make an opposed Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action while you
draw your Light weapon. If successful, your opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC –or– his/her
Shield bonus to AC (your choice) until the end of your round.
Whirling Cloak
– After striking an opponent in melee, you may spend a Move Action to make a melee
touch attack against the same opponent. If successful, the opponent may not
make Attacks of Opportunity
against an ally of your choice until the start of your opponent’s next round.
Combat Tactician
(PH2 p77)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +12
Designate a creature to be target of this feat as a Free Action. If neither you or the target threaten each other
at the start of your turn, you receive a +2 bonus on melee damage against that target during your turn.
Defensive Throw
(CWar p97)
Dexterity 13
Combat Reflexes
Improved Trip
Improved Unarmed Strike
If the opponent that you have designated to receive your Dodge bonus to AC attacks you and misses, you
can make an Attack of Opportunity against that opponent to attempt to trip him.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p93)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
During your action, you may specify one opponent against which you gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC until
your next action. If you lose your Dex bonus to AC for any reason, you also lose your Dodge bonus.
Elusive Target
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Dexterity 13
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Negate Power Attack
– If the opponent that you have chosen to use your Dodge against uses Power Attack
on you, he/she still takes the penalty on the attack, but does not
gain the bonus on the damage.
Diverting Defense
– If you are flanked and have chosen one of the flankers as your Dodge opponent, that
opponent’s first attack on you each round actually target’s the other flanker, who is considered Flat-
Footed. Any additional attacks that round are treated normally.
Cause Overreach
– If you provoke an Attack of Opportunity by moving out of a threatened hex and your
opponent misses, you receive an automatic Trip attempt against the foe. If the Trip attempt misses, your
opponent does not get an attempt to trip you.
Exhausting Defense
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p91)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fatigue the Foe
– If you fight the same foe for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat Expertise of at least –2
the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must make a Fortitude save vs.
DC 15 or become Fatigued until the end of the encounter.
Exhaust the Foe
– If you fight the same foe who is already Fatigued for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat
Expertise of at least –4 and
the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must
make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or become Exhausted until the end of the encounter (at which point
he/she becomes Fatigued).
The Best Offense
– If you fight a foe who is already Fatigued or Exhausted for 1 round using the All-Out
Defense Action and then on the following round attack without using Combat Expertise, the foe is
considered Flat-Footed against your attacks and
you receive a +2 bonus on attacks vs. that foe for 1 round.
Expeditious Dodge
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p150)
Dexterity 13
Gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC when you move 40’ or more in a single turn. Lasts until your next turn.
Note: This feat counts as ‘Dodge’ for purposes of qualifying for other feats, prestige classes, etc.
Karmic Strike
(CWar p102)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
On your turn, you may choose to take a –4 penalty to your AC in exchange for the option of taking an
Attack of Opportunity on any creatures that successfully makes a melee or touch attack on you.
This feat does not
grant additional Attacks of Opportunity.
Melee Evasion
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
When Fighting Defensively, you may use an Immediate Action to improve your AC against one
made by the creature that is your designated ‘dodge’ target. Against this attack only, your Normal &
Touch AC is (d20 + your Base Attack Bonus).
Note: Your Dexterity bonus to AC must apply to the designated attack.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
+4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. Attacks of Opportunity due to moving out of or within a threatened area. Any
condition that could cause you to lose your Dexterity bonus to AC against an attack causes you to lose this
bonus too.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Combat Feats Page 47
Dodge Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Nimble Deflections
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Dexterity 13
Perform (keyboard):
7 ranks
When wielding a two-handed weapon, you receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC against your Dodge opponent.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 13
Combat Reflexes
After making an Attack of Opportunity, you may take a bonus 5’ step.
Rapid Blitz
(PH2 p82)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +18
Spring Attack
Bounding Assault
When doing an Attack Action with a melee weapon, you may move, attack three
times (with the second
attack at –5 & the 3
at –10), and then continue the movement (up to your speed). This does not provoke
an Attack of Opportunity from three
creatures (at least one of which you must attack). You must move at
least 5’ before and after the attack to make use of this feat.
You may distribute your attacks between the three designated creatures as you wish.
Sahuagin Flip
[General, Fighter]
(Storm p93)
Racial Swim speed
After making a Standard Action melee attack, you may ‘withdraw’ (i.e., 2x movement) as a Move Action as
long as your are swimming away.
Shot on the Run
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p100)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Point Blank Shot
When making a Standard Action attack with a ranged weapon, you can move before and after the attack, up
to your base movement.
(Mini p28)
Dexterity 15
Tumble: 7 ranks
After making an Attack of Opportunity, you may take a bonus 5’ step.
Spring Attack
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p101)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
When doing an Attack Action with a melee weapon, you may move, attack, and then continue the
movement (up to your speed). This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the person you are
attacking. You must move at least 5’ before and after the attack to make use of this feat.
Titan Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p145)
Dexterity 13
Racial Dodge bonus
against Giants
Against your Dodge-designated Giant-type opponent, you gain your Racial Dodge bonus, instead of the
usual +1 for Dodge (e.g. a typical Dwarf would gain a +4 Dodge bonus from this feat against one giant,
which stacks with his usual +4 Dodge bonus – so +8 AC against one Giant, and +4 AC against all others).
(RotW p153)
Dexterity 15
Spring Attack
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Distract Foe
– You and an ally must have Flanked your foe for at least one round to use this ability. As a
Full Round Action, make a single melee attack. If it hits, make a Bluff check with the damage as a bonus
vs. your foes Sense Motive check with his/her BAB as a bonus. If you are successful, all of your allies that
give you a Flanking bonus receives an Attack of Opportunity on the foe.
Drive Back
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe and an ally must perform an Aid Other
action to help your attack on t hat foe. As a Full Round Action, make a melee attack. If you hit, you do
damage and initiate a Bull Rush that does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity or move you into your
foe’s square. Resolve the Bull Rush normally, except the damage you did is a bonus on your Strength
check and your foe cannot be moved back more than 5’.
Gang Dodge
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe. Perform an Aid Other action to give
every one of your allies
that threaten the same foe a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus lasts until your next turn,
provided you still threaten the same foe.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Combat Feats Page 48
Feats Based on Power Attack
Power Attack Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Blinding Strike
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p90)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Blind the Foe
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –5,
your foe takes no damage, but becomes Blind for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Weaken Gaze
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least
–5, your foe takes normal damage and
the DC of one of the creature’s Gaze Attacks has its DC reduced by
2 for 10 rounds. Multiple uses of this maneuver stack.
Eye Gouge
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –5,
your foe takes normal damage and looses the use of one of its Gaze Attacks for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg,
DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Unlike the other two maneuvers, ‘Eye Gouge’ generates and Attack of Opportunity. If you take damage
from the attack, the maneuver is negated.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p92)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (spiked
Weapon Focus (spiked
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Spiked Avalanche
– If you make a Charge while wearing Spiked Armor and using a Spiked Shield (or with
your hands empty), you may make a single attack with the Spiked Armor or the Spiked Shield that
receives a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage –or– attacks with both
your Spiked Armor and your
Spiked Shield that each receive a 1x Strength modifier bonus to damage (two weapon penalties apply).
Spiked Rebuke
– When you Fight Defensively with a Spiked Shield and an opponent missed your AC but
would have hit if not for your Shield, your next attack against that opponent with your Spiked Shield (if in
the next round) receives a +2 bonus on its attack roll.
Spiked Slam
– As a Full Round Action, you may make a single attack with your Spiked Shield that
generates an Attack of Opportunity, has a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage in addition to the damage
below. You do not threaten adjacent squares until the start of your next round.
Size Bonus Dmg
Size Bonus Dmg Size Bonus Dmg
Small +1d4 Large +1d8 Gargantuan +2d8
Medium +1d6 Huge +2d6 Colossal +3d6
Brutal Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p76)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
You must declare you are attempting a ‘Brutal Strike’ before attacking with a Bludgeoning weapon & only
one ‘Brutal Strike’ can be attempted each round.
If your ‘Brutal Strike’ hits, your foe is Sickened
for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is 10 + the number you
subtracted from your attack roll). Creatures not vulnerable to Critical Hits are immune.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p92)
Strength 13
Power Attack
If you drop a creature (i.e., put it to 0 hp or below, or simply kill it) in melee, you can immediately make a
melee attack with the same weapon and at the same attack bonus against a creature within reach. You may
take a 5’ step.
This ability may be used once per round.
Combat Brute
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Advancing Blows
– If you successfully Bull Rush an opponent, you receive a +1 bonus per 5’ you moved
the opponent on attack & damage rolls against that opponent on the next round only.
Sundering Cleave
– If you destroy an opponent’s weapon or shield with a Sunder action, you receive an
immediate melee attack on the opponent at the same attack bonus which the Sunder used.
Momentum Swing
– If you successfully Charge an opponent, and then on the following round use Power
Attack with at least a –5 penalty, the bonus damage for the power attack is x1½ for a One-Handed weapon
or x3 for a Two-Handed weapon.
Combat Engineer
[General, Fighter]
(DR334 p88)
Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Know (architecture and
engineering): 4 ranks
+2 bonus on attack & damage when making a Sunder attempt.
If you attack an unattended inanimate object (including a wall or structure), you may ignore up to 10 points
of its Hardness.
Cometary Collision
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p77)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
This feat is used to derail an opponent in the process of a charge. To use it, you must Ready an Action to
Charge an opponent who is charging you or an ally.
When an opponent charges, it triggers your Readied Action. If you can Charge a minimum of 10’ to meet
the foe, the following occurs:
a) the foe’s Charge ends at the point there your two paths cross;
b) in addition to the normal benefits / penalties of a Charge, you receive a +4 bonus on damage;
c) your foe does not receive the benefits of a Charge, but retains the penalties. He/she may switch the
target of the charge attack to you.
Deadly Concussion
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Perform (percussion):
6 ranks
When you take a Sunder action with a Bludgeoning weapon against a foe’s armor or shield –and– you
destroy it in one blow, you deal the same damage to the foe that you dealt to the armor or shield.
Deafening Blow
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p91)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Strength 13
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Battle Clangor
– If you succeed on a bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –4, your foe
takes no damage, but receives a –4 penalty on saves vs. sonic & language-dependent effects for 1 minute.
Disorienting Blow
– If you succeed on a bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –4, your
foe takes no damage, but becomes Shaken for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Note: the bludgeoning weapon must weigh at least 4 pounds).
Deafen Foe
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of
at least –4, your foe takes normal damage and
becomes Deaf for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power
Attack value).
Eagle Claw Attack
(CWar p97)
Wisdom 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Improved Unarmed Strike
When you make an Unarmed Strike against an object, add your Wisdom modifier to your damage.
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Combat Feats Page 49
Power Attack Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Find Flaw
[General, Fighter]
(DR359 p123)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you use Power Attack while attacking an object, reduce the Hardness of the target by 1 for each point
of Power Attack you do.
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you hit a creature without a Natural Armor bonus to AC with a Slashing or Piercing weapon while
doing a Power Attack, the creature receives a –2 penalty on attacks for 1 round (FortNeg, DC = 10 + the
Power Attack amount). This ability may only be used on a given creature once per round.
Flying Kick
(CWar p99)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Unarmed Strike
Jump: 4 ranks
You do +1d12 damage when you Charge & end with an Unarmed Strike.
Great Cleave
[General, Fighter]
(PH p94)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Strength 13
Power Attack
As ‘Cleave’, but you may use the ability as many times per round as you are able to drop creatures.
Improved Overrun
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you do an Overrun Action, the following apply:
Your opponent does not have the option of avoiding being Overrun.
You receive a +4 bonus on the Overrun check to knock your opponent prone.
Improved Sunder
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you strike at an object held or carried by an opponent, the following apply:
Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
You gain a +4 bonus on the attack roll.
(DR344 p103)
Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Power Attack
Painful Strike
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 3d6 to cause your foe to loose use
of one of his/her hands for 1 minute (FortNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Character level + damage dealt). Any object
is the disabled hand is dropped, the foe cannot wield two-handed weapons, etc.
This ability only applies to living creatures who can feel pain.
Lady’s Gambit
(DR317 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Iron Will
Power Attack
Once per round as a Free Action, you may sacrifice up to your Character Level in hit-points (treat this as
lethal damage that bypasses Damage Reduction). For the 1 round, you receive +N bonus on Attack and
Damage, where N equals (hp sacrificed / 2).
Overhead Thrust
(Dcn p106)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
Close-Quarters Fighting
You can use a Slashing or Piercing weapon to make an Attack of Opportunity against a foe using an attack
designed to batter you from above (Overrun, Trample, Power Dive, Dragon Crush). You cannot use this
feat if you are flat-footed or already grappled.
You gain a special attack modifier based on your opponent’s size:
Medium or smaller (+0), Large (+4), Huge (+8), Gargantuan (+12), Colossal (+16)
If your attack succeeds, you do triple damage.
Painful Strike
(DR344 p103)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to cause your foe intense pain
for 1 minute, resulting in a –2 penalty on attacks, skill checks, & ability check.
This ability only applies to living creatures who can feel pain.
Power Attack
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Strength 13 On your round before making an attack, you may choose a number X to subtract from all melee attacks and
add it to your damage (as indicated below) until your next round. The number X may be no more than
your Base Attack Bonus.
Damage bonus:
No damage bonus – Light Weapon; secondary end of a Double-Weapon
+X damage bonus – One-Handed Weapon used in one hand; primary end of a Double-Weapon
+2X damage bonus – Two-Handed Weapon; One-Handed Weapon used in two hands; Double-Weapon
when only one end is being used for an attack.
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
If you hit an opponent of up to your size with a Melee attack, you may initiate a special Bull Rush against
that opponent. If successful, you force your opponent back 5’ (straight or diagonally) and you move into
the square he/she previously occupied. Neither movement generates Attacks of Opportunity. Usable once
per round.
Quell the Profane
(BoED p45)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Strength 13
Power Attack
Resounding Blow
Intimidate: 7 ranks
On a confirmed critical hit upon an Evil creature using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, your
opponent takes 1d4+1 Strength damage (FortNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
This feat applies to a Monk’s Unarmed Strike.
Quick Cleave
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Power Attack
Receive a +2 Circumstance bonus on attacks made because of Cleave and/or Great Cleave.
Resounding Blow
[General, Fighter]
(BoED p45)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Intimidate: 7 ranks
On a confirmed critical hit using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, your opponent is Cowered
for 1 round (WillNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
This feat applies to a Monk’s Unarmed Strike.
(DR326 p33)
Power Attack For each 5 hp of damage (round down) inflicted on you by a specific foe in a single round, you gain a +1 on
your next attack roll if it is against that foe that takes place in the following round.
For example, if a Wizard does 13 hp of damage to you with Magic Missile, you receive a +2 to attack that
Wizard if
it is the next attack roll you make and it occurs before the end of your turn.
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Combat Feats Page 50
Power Attack Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Roundabout Kick
(CWar p105)
Strength 15
Power Attack
Improved Unarmed Strike
If you confirm a Critical Hit with an Unarmed Strike, you can immediately make another unarmed attack at
the same bonus on the opponent that received your Critical Hit.
Shock Trooper
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p112)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Directed Bull Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush at the end of a Charge, you may move your opponent one
hex to the left or right for each hex you move him/her backwards.
Domino Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush that pushes your opponent into the same hex as another
opponent, you may attempt to Trip both opponents & they cannot attempt to trip you if you fail.
Heedless Charge
– If you make a Charge that ends in an attack that uses Power Attack (at least a –5 to your
attack roll), you may transfer part or all of the attack roll penalty to your AC as a penalty. This is in
additional to the –2 AC due to the Charge.
Terrifying Warrior
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Strength 13
Power Attack
If you drop a creature with a Cleave attack (i.e., you dropped two creatures in a row), all opponents within
your reach are Panicked for 1d4 rounds (WillNeg, DC is Charisma-based). Creatures with HD equal or
greater than you are not effected. This is an Extraordinary Mind-Affecting Fear Effect.
Feats Based on Combat Focus
Combat Focus Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Combat Awareness
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p86)
Base Attack Bonus +12
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you know the number of hit-points of each adjacent creature.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, you also gain Blindsight 5’.
Combat Defense
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you can change your Dodge opponent as an Immediate Action.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, you receive an extra +1 Dodge bonus to AC vs. your Dodge opponent.
Combat Focus
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Wisdom 13
The first time you successfully hit an opponent in an encounter, you enter ‘Combat Focus’, which lasts for
10 round + 1 per ‘Combat Focus’ feat. You may only enter ‘Combat Focus’ once per encounter.
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you receive a +2 bonus on Will saves. If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, the
bonus improves to +4.
Combat Stability
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you receive a +4 bonus on checks to resist Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun,
& Trip actions.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, the bonus improves to +8.
Combat Strike
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Base Attack Bonus +15
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
any two other Combat
Focus feats
By ending ‘Combat Focus’ early as a Swift Action, you receive a bonus on all attack and damage rolls equal
to your number of ‘Combat Focus’ feats for the remainder of the current round.
Combat Vigor
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p88)
Base Attack Bonus +9
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you gain Fast Healing 2.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, you gain Fast Healing 4.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Enemy-Specific Feats Page 51
Enemy-Specific Feats
vs. Casters
vs. Casters
Source Prerequisite Description
Mage Slayer
[General, Fighter]
(CArc p81)
(Mini p27)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Spellcraft: 2 ranks
1. You receive a +1 bonus on Will saves.
2. If you threaten a spellcaster, he/her cannot take the ‘cast defensively’ action.
3. Your Caster level (if any) of all spell and spell-like abilities is reduced
by 4.
Pierce Magical
[General, Fighter]
(CArc p81)
Constitution 13
Mage Slayer
1. You may disregard a Miss Chance that results from a spell or spell-like abilities, such as from Blur,
Darkness, Invisibility, Obscuring Mist, etc. You can not ignore non-magical Concealment (such as fog).
2. When fighting a creature under the effect of Mirror Image, you automatically know which image is real.
3. Your Caster level (if any) of all spell and spell-like abilities is reduced
by 4.
Pierce Magical
[General, Fighter]
(CArc p82)
Constitution 13
Mage Slayer
1. As a Standard Action, you may make a melee attack that ignores bonuses to AC granted by spells. If this
attack deals damage, all spells and spell effects that grant a bonus to AC are immediately dispelled.
2. Your Caster level (if any) of all spell and spell-like abilities is reduced
by 4.
vs. Dragons
vs. Dragons
Source Prerequisite Description
Dragon Foe
(Dcn p105)
Intelligence 13 +2 bonus on attack rolls vs. Dragons.
+2 bonus on Caster level checks to overcome a Dragon’s Spell Resistance.
Dragon are a –2 on saving throws against your spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities.
Dragon Hunter
(Dcn p104)
Wisdom 13 +2 Dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by Dragons
+2 Competence bonus to saving throws against the spells, attacks, and special abilities of Dragons
+2 Competence bonus on any opposed check (ex: bull rush, grapple) against a Dragon
Dragon Hunter
(Dcn p104)
Wisdom 13
Dragon Hunter
You and all your allies within 30’ that can see you are treated as having +4HD for purposes of being
exempt from a Dragon’s Frightful Presence. If you are not affected, you Animal Companion, Familiar,
and/or Special Mount is not effected either.
If you and/or you allies are affected, receive a +4 Morale bonus on the Will save to resist the effect.
Dragon Hunter
(Dcn p104)
Wisdom 13
Dragon Hunter
You gain Evasion against the breath weapons of Dragons.
You also gain a bonus of half your Character level on saves against the Supernatural or Spell-like Abilities
of Dragons.
(Dcn p105)
Intelligence 13
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use a Full Round Action to make a single attack (melee or ranged within 30’) against a Dragon.
You gain a +4 bonus on your attack roll, and +2d6 extra damage if you hit.
(Dcn p105)
Intelligence 13
Base Attack Bonus +10
When attacking a dragon, your critical multiplier increases:
x2 becomes x3 x3 becomes x5 x4 becomes x7
The benefit of this feat does not stack with any other ability or effect that changes the multiplier.
Suppress Presence
(DR343 p32)
Dexterity 15
Creatures with the ‘blindsense’ special ability must make a Listen or Spot check (as appropriate for the
creature) vs. your Hide check to perceive you. You must have Cover to hide from ‘blindsense’.
vs. Undead
vs. Undead
Source Prerequisite Description
Ghost Scarred
(LM p27)
Know (religion): 8 ranks
+2 Insight bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage against Incorporeal Undead.
+2 bonus on all saving throws to resist the spells and abilities of Incorporeal Undead.
[General, Fighter]
(LM p29)
Fighter 4th
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
You gain a +4 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the chosen weapon against Undead.
Unquenchable Flame
of Life
(LM p31)
+2 bonus on saving throws vs. the Extraordinary and Supernatural abilities of Undead. If you have Undead
as a Favored Enemy, your saving throw bonus is instead equal to your Favored Enemy bonus.
Vampire Hunter
(LM p31)
Know (religion): 6 ranks
As a Move Action, you can unfailingly determine if a Vampire or Vampire Spawn is within 30’.
You are immune to the Dominating Gaze ability of Vampires and Vampire Spawn.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Enemy-Specific Feats Page 52
vs. Big Creatures
vs. Big Creatures
Source Prerequisite Description
Clever Wrestling
(CWar p97)
(Dcn p103)
(Storm p92)
Small or Medium size
Improved Unarmed Strike
When grappling with an opponent greater than Medium size, you gain a bonus when attempting to escape a
Grapple or Pin. The size of the bonus depends on the opponent’s size:
Large – +2 Huge – +4 Gargantuan – +6 Colossal – +8
Confound the Big Folk
(RotW p153)
Small size (or smaller)
Underfoot Combat
Tumble: 10 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Knee Striker
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you, the
creature is considered Flat-Footed against you and you receive a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits.
Underfoot Defense
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
and you Fight Defensively, use Total Defense, or use Combat Expertise, any melee or ranged attack on
you has a 50% chance of striking the creature who shares the square with you (that creature does not have
a 50% chance of striking itself).
Unsteady Footing
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
you may initiate a Trip attack on the creature you share the square with and not provoke an Attack of
Opportunity. You can add your choice of Strength or Dexterity modifier to you check (your opponent gets
the better of its Strength or Dexterity as usual). Your opponent does not get to add his/her size bonus to its
roll. If the Trip attempt fails, your opponent does not get to try to trip you.
Cunning Sidestep
(Dcn p103)
Small or Medium size
Improved Unarmed
Clever Wrestling
When your opponent is larger than Medium size, you gain a bonus on any opposed check you make to avoid
being Bull Rushed, Tripped, Knocked Down, or Pushed. The bonus depends on the opponent’s size:
Large – +2 Huge – +4 Gargantuan – +6 Colossal – +8
This feat is effective against the Large and in Charge feat.
The bonus from this feat does not stack with Clever Wrestling.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p111)
Medium-size or smaller
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Duck Underneath
– If you take a Total Defense action against a foe who is at least two size categories larger
than you, you gain an additional +4 bonus on your AC. If your foe misses on his/her attack, you may
make a Tumble check vs. DC 15 to move to the opposite side of your foe.
Death from Below
– If you successfully performed a Duck Underneath maneuver the round before, you can
make an immediate single attack on the foe you ducked under. Your foe is Flat-Footed & you gain a +4
bonus on your attack.
Climb Aboard
– If you are adjacent to a foe at least two size categories larger than you, you may make a
Climb check vs. DC 10 to climb onto your foe. As long as you are on your foe, he/she has a –4 penalty on
attack rolls to hit you & you are carried with him/her. Your foe may get you off with a Grapple check
opposed by your Climb check.
Overhead Thrust
(Dcn p106)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Close-Quarters Fighting
Power Attack
You can use a Slashing or Piercing weapon to make an Attack of Opportunity against a foe using an attack
designed to batter you from above (Overrun, Trample, Power Dive, Dragon Crush). You cannot use this
feat if you are flat-footed or already grappled.
You gain a special attack modifier based on your opponent’s size:
Medium or smaller (+0), Large (+4), Huge (+8), Gargantuan (+12), Colossal (+16)
If your attack succeeds, you do triple damage.
Underfoot Combat
(RotW p152)
Small size (or smaller)
Tumble: 10 ranks
You can move into or through a square occupied by a creature at least two size categories larger than you.
You do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for doing so.
When you are in a square occupied by a creature at least two size categories larger than you, you gain the
benefit of Soft Cover (+4 bonus to AC) again all attacks (including those of the creature whose space you
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Spellcaster Feats Page 53
Spellcaster Feats
Item Creation Feats
Item Creation
Source Prerequisite Description
Attune Magic Weapon
[Item Creation]
(Eb p50)
Craft Magic Arms and
Caster level 5
After spending 24 hours with a new magic weapon, you gain a +1 Insight bonus on attack roll & damage
with it.
Bind Elemental
[Item Creation]
(Eb p51)
Craft Wondrous Item
Caser level 9
Able to create items with bound elements, including vehicles such as flying boats.
Brew Potion
[Item Creation]
(PH p89)
Caster level 3
Create a potion of a spell up to 3
level that you know.
Craft Construct
[Item Creation]
(MM p303)
(MM3 p206)
Craft Magic Arms and
Craft Wondrous Item
Create any Construct whose prerequisites you meet.
Craft Contingent Spell
[Item Creation]
(CArc p77)
Caster level 11
Creates a one-shot spell that is triggered on the willing subject that is automatically cast when a set of
conditions are true.
Craft Magic Arms
and Armor
[Item Creation]
(PH p92)
Caster level 5
Create any magic weapon, armor or shield whose prerequisites you meet.
Craft Rod
[Item Creation]
(PH p92)
Caster level 9
Create any magic rod whose prerequisites you meet.
Craft Rune Circle
[Item Creation]
(RoS p137)
Caster level 5
Create any rune circle whose prerequisites you meet.
Craft Staff [Item
(PH p92)
Caster level 13
Create any magic staff whose prerequisites you meet.
Craft Wand [Item
(PH p92)
Caster level 5
Create any magic wand whose prerequisites you meet.
Craft Wondrous Item
[Item Creation]
(PH p92)
Caster level 3
Create any wondrous item whose prerequisites you meet.
Etch Rune
[Item Creation]
(DR324 p26)
Scribe Scroll
Imbues an item with a single-use spell that anyone can activate.
Exceptional Artisan
[Item Creation]
(Eb p52)
any Item Creation feat
Reduce the base time for crafting any magical item by 25%.
Extra Rings
[Item Creation]
(Eb p53)
Forge Ring
Caster level 12
You may benefit from up to two magical ring on each hand, to a total of 4 rings.
Extraordinary Artisan
[Item Creation]
(Eb p53)
any Item Creation feat
Reduce the cost of raw material for crafting any magical item by 25%.
Forge Ring
[Item Creation]
(PH p94)
Caster level 12
Create any magic ring whose prerequisites you meet.
Inscribe Rune
[Item Creation]
(PGF p40)
Intelligence 13
Divine Caster level 3
appropriate Craft skill
You may imbue an object with a single-use Divine spell by inscribing the appropriate Rune upon it.
Creatures may not have Runes place upon them, but may have them on their objects.
The Cost Multiplier of a Rune is 50.
Legendary Artisan
[Item Creation]
(Eb p56)
any Item Creation feat
Reduce the cost of XP for crafting any magical item by 25%.
Portal Master
[Item Creation]
(PGF p42)
Craft Wondrous Item
You understand Portals (i.e., teleportation tunnels with fixed ends) better than most.
1. You may create a Portal at ½ cost (this bonus does not stack with the Magical Artisan feat).
2. You may attempt to stabilize a ‘dangerous’ Portal for 1 minute with a Spellcraft check.
Sanctify Relic Item
[Item Creation]
(CDiv p84)
any other Item Creation
You can create a relic, which has a special relationship to a deity and its followers.
Scribe Scroll
[Item Creation]
(PH p99)
Caster level 1
Create any magic scroll whose prerequisites you meet.
Wand Mastery
[Item Creation]
(Eb p62)
Caster level 9
Craft Wand
Any spell you cast from a wand has its DC increased by 2 and its effective caster level increased by 2.
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Feats Related to Item Creation
Item Creation
Source Prerequisite Description
Double Wand Wielder
(CArc p77)
Craft Wand
Two-Weapon Fighting
As a Full Round Action, you can fire a Wand in each hand. The Wand in your secondary hand (your choice)
uses up 2 charges, while one in your primary hand uses up 1 charge.
(Dcn p105)
Know (arcana): 2 ranks
You can create Dragoncraft Items whose prerequisites you meet.
See Dcn p116 for details on Dragoncrafted Items.
Magical Artisan
(PGF p41)
any Item Creation Feat Choose one Item Creation feat that you posses. When you make an item with that feat, you pay only 75%
of the normal cost to creation the item.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a new Item Creation feat.
Reckless Wand
(CArc p82)
Craft Wand
Use Magic Device:
1 rank
You may increase a Wand’s caster level by +2 by consuming one extra charge when using it.
Theurgic Creationist
(DR325 p62)
any Item Creation feat
ability to cast spells
from at least two spell
Add the levels from all your spellcasting classes to determine your Caster lvl for taking an Item Creation feat
Also, your combined spellcaster level is your Caster level for the items you create. Note that you must still
have access to the spells needed for making an item.
(CArc p84)
Use Magic Device:
4 rank
You may make a Melee Touch Attack with a Wand which does 1d6 damage & consumes 1 charge.
Since it is a touch attack, you may not
apply extra damage bonuses (such as your Strength modifier) or
bonus dice (such as Sneak Attack or Smite enemy).
The Wand’s effect automatically hits (in the case of a Ray or Touch attack) or is centered on the opponent.
A Wand’s spell effect that does not cover an area (such as Summon Monster I) cannot be used with this
Imbued Staff Feats
As an alternative to having a Familiar, a Sorcerer / Wizard may imbue some of his/her power to a staff. This Imbued Staff gains abilities as the Master goes up in
level (see the Creature Index for details). The following feats may also be applied.
Imbued Staff Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Enchant Staff
[Item Creation]
(DR338 p60)
Caster level 5
ability to Imbue a Staff
Choose a spell you can cast that is no higher than one level below the highest you can cast. Your Imbued
Staff grants you (and only you) ability to cast this spell as a Spell-like ability once per day when held.
Requires a 24 hour ritual that consumes 100 gp per spell level.
This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time a new spell is added.
Imbued Defense
[Item Creation]
(DR338 p60)
Caster level 1
ability to Imbue a Staff
When defensively casting a spell while holding your Imbued Staff, receive your Wisdom modifier as a
bonus to your AC (in addition
to your Dexterity modifier) until your next Action.
Requires a 12 hour ritual that consumes 500 gp.
Imbued Strength
[Item Creation]
(DR338 p60)
Caster level 3
ability to Imbue a Staff
When attacking with your Imbued Staff, add your Wisdom modifier to the damage instead of your Strength
Requires a 12 hour ritual that consumes 500 gp.
Invest Spell
[Item Creation]
(DR338 p60)
Caster level 9
ability to Imbue a Staff
Choose a spell you can cast that is no higher than two levels below the highest you can cast. Your Imbued
Staff grants you (and only you) ability to cast this spell as a Spell-like ability three times per day when
held. You permanently loose a spell slot of the same level as the invested spell.
Requires a 24 hour ritual that consumes 250 gp per spell level.
This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time a new spell is added.
Recharge Staff
[Item Creation]
(DR338 p60)
Caster level 12
Craft Staff
ability to Imbue a Staff
If you have used Craft Staff to add spell charges to your Imbued Staff, you may expend prepared spell /
unused spell slots to add charges back into your Imbued Staff. For each 5 Spell levels expended, the Staff
regains one charge (max 50 charges).
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Graft Feats
Graft Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Graft Flesh – Aboleth
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Aboleth only
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Aboleth Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh –
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Beholder Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh –
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Fiends only
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Fiendish Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh – Undead
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Undead Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself). Examples are given at
LM p79.
Graft Flesh – Yuan-ti
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Yuan-ti Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh –Illithid
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
(Und p25)
Illithids only
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Illithid Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Spell Graft
[Item Creation]
(DR337 p101)
Craft Wondrous Item
Know (arcana): 8 ranks
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
You may sacrifice the ability to cast one spell permanently to imbue a part of your body with a Supernatural
ability. Examples are given at DR337 p101.
For example, by permanently sacrificing Burning Hands, you gain the ability to set your hands on fire. This
grants your hands (and only your hands) immunity to fire, your unarmed strikes do +1d4 Fire damage, etc.
This is usable 1 round per caster level and is usable each day once per 4 caster levels.
This feat may be taken multiple times.
Feats that Increase a Spell’s DC
Increases Spell DC
Source Prerequisite Description
(DR312 p51)
Charisma 15
Spells with the ‘compulsion’ subtype that you cast receive a +1 DC.
Earth Focus
(DR314 p29)
Any spell you cast with the [earth] subtype receives a +1 bonus to its DC.
If the spell has not saving throw, you cast it with a +1 effective level.
Greater Spell Focus
(PH p94)
Spell Focus
All spells from the chosen School of Magic receives an additional +1 DC.
May be taken more than once, each time with a different School of Magic.
Spell Focus (Chaos)
(CDiv p84)
any Chaotic alignment
Any spell you cast with the [chaotic] subtype receives a +1 bonus to its DC.
This does not stack with other Spell Focus feats.
Spell Focus (Evil)
(CDiv p84)
any Evil alignment
Any spell you cast with the [evil] subtype receives a +1 bonus to its DC.
This does not stack with other Spell Focus feats.
Spell Focus (Good)
(CDiv p84)
any Good alignment
Any spell you cast with the [good] subtype receives a +1 bonus to its DC.
This does not stack with other Spell Focus feats.
Spell Focus (Good)’
(BoED p46)
any Good alignment. Any spell you cast with the [good] subtype receives a +2 bonus to its DC.
When you are using Detect Evil or Magic Circle against Evil to find a Fiend who has possessed a creature,
it has a +2 to its Hide DC to avoid being found.
Spell Focus (Law)
(CDiv p84)
any Lawful alignment
Any spell you cast with the [lawful] subtype receives a +1 bonus to its DC.
This does not stack with other Spell Focus feats.
Spell Focus
(PH p100)
All spells from the chosen school of magic receives +1 DC.
May be taken more than once, each time with a different School of Magic.
Vow of Nonviolence
(BoED p47)
Sacred Vow
Pledge to avoid violence
against Humanoids and
Monstrous Humanoids
+4 DC on spells & special abilities used on Humanoids & Monstrous Humanoids that do not cause lethal
damage, ability damage, negative levels, automatic death, etc.
If any of your allies slay a helpless / defenseless foe within 120’ of you, your ally
receives a cumulative –1
Morale penalty for 1 hour per your Character level (max penalty is equal to your Character level). You
may ask the helpless foe to make an oath of surrender. If it makes the oath and then breaks it, your allies
may slay it without any negative effect.
Water Focus
(DR314 p45)
Any spell you cast with the [water] subtype receives a +1 bonus to its DC.
If the spell has not saving throw, you cast it with a +1 effective level.
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Metamagic Feats
Metamagic Feats
Source Prerequisite
Alternative Source
(DR325 p61)
Able to cast both Arcane
and Divine spells
You may prepare an Arcane spell in a Divine spell slot of the same level and/or a Divine
spell in an Arcane spell slot of the same level. In each case, the Caster level of that
spell is one lower
than usual.
Black Lore of Moil
(CArc p75)
Caster level 7
Spell Focus (necromancy)
Any Necromancy spell you cast does an additional +1d6 per two spell levels of Negative
Energy Damage (i.e., +1d6 for a 1
level spell, +2d6 for a 2
& 3
level spell, etc.).
If the Necromancy spell allows a saving throw, the target takes ½ Negative Energy
Damage on a successful save.
A ‘Moil’ spell requires a special material component – a small bone inscribed with 25gp
per Negative Energy die the spell is to cause. Only someone with this feat can create or
use these components, which require an hour each to create.
Thus, the extra dice of damage a ‘Moil’ spells does is limited by both the spell level and
the cost of the material component expended with that spell.
Born of The Three
(CArc p76)
Energy Substitution
Know (nature): 4 ranks
At cast time, you may declare a spell whose type is [electricity] or [sonic] to be a spell of
‘three thunders’, which does the following:
1. The spell’s type changes to [electricity][sonic].
2. Damage done by the spell is ½ Electricity and ½ Sonic;
3. Any creature damaged by the spell is Stunned
for 1 round (FortNeg);
4. Any creature Stunned by the spell is knocked Prone
5. The caster of the spell is Dazed
for 1 round (no save).
Cooperative Spell
(CArc p76)
any other Metamagic
Using this feat, multiple casters can cast the same spell at the same time to result in a
single spell with a higher DC and a better chance of penetrating Spell Resistance.
To cast a cooperative spell, the following must be true:
1. Each caster must cast the same spell modified by this feat at the same time.
2. Each caster must be next to another cooperative spell caster.
The result is a single spell with the following modifications:
1. The spell’s DC is the highest DC of the cooperative casters (based on stats, feats,
etc.) +2 for 1
additional cooperative caster +1 for each additional cooperative
2. The spell’s chance of penetrating the target’s Spell Resistance is the highest
cooperative caster’s chance of defeating the Spell Resistance (based on level, feats,
etc.) +1 per additional cooperative caster.
Energy Substitution
(CArc p79)
(DR325 p58)
any other Metamagic
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Choose one Energy Type when you take this feat (i.e., Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire).
You may change any spell with a different Energy Type to this Energy Type. All other
effects of the spell remain the same.
You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different Energy Type.
Eschew Materials
(PH p94)
Material components worth 1 gp or less are no longer needed for the target spell.
Lord of the Uttercold
(CArc p80)
Energy Substitution (cold)
Know(planes): 9 rank
A [cold] spell can be modified to do ½ Cold damage and ½ Negative Energy Damage
All other aspects of the spell remain the same.
Relicguard Spell
(DR347 p89)
Spell does not affect objects and other nonliving things (including Constructs & Undead).
Sanctum Spell
(CArc p82)
any other Metamagic
A spell effected by this feat is cast at +1 Caster level if within your ‘Sanctum’ and at
–1 Caster level if cast outside your ‘Sanctum’.
A caster can only have one Sanctum, which requires several months to set up and can be
no larger than 20’ per level in diameter.
Blistering Spell
(PH2 p91)
May only be applied to a [fire] spell.
1. +2 hp Fire damage per Spell level.
2. Targets that fail their save receive a –2 penalty on attacks & skill checks until the start
of the caster’s next round.
Consecrate Spell
(BoED p42)
(CDiv p79)
Good alignment
1. Spell gains the [good] subtype.
2. Half the damage dealt by the spell is Untyped, so it is not blocked by any form of
energy resistance.
Corrupt Spell
(CDiv p79)
Evil alignment
1. Spell gains the [evil] subtype.
2. Half the damage dealt by the spell is Untyped, so it is not blocked by any form of
energy resistance.
Death Frost Spell
(DU109 p50)
Spell Focus (necromancy)
May only be applied to a Necromancy spell:
1. Spell gains the [cold] subtype.
2. Does +2d6 Cold damage (1
round only). Uses the same save as the base spell.
Energize Spell
(LM p26)
Non-Evil Alignment
Must not
have the ability
to Rebuke Undead
Effected spell does 150% damage to Undead, but 50% damage to all other targets.
Enlarge Spell
(PH p94)
Spells whose range is defined as “Close-range”, “Medium-range”, or “Long-range” have
their range doubled.
Extend Spell
(PH p94)
Target spell has its duration doubled.
Does not effect spells with duration of “Instantaneous”, “Concentration”, or “Permanent”
Fell Energy Spell
(DR312 p37)
Any numerical bonuses granted by the target spell (such as Bull’s Strength granting a
bonus to Strength) increases by +2 if cast upon an Undead.
Fell Weaken
(LM p27)
Any living creature damaged by a Fell Weakened spell receives a –4 penalty to Strength
for 1 minute. This penalty does not stack with itself.
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Spellcaster Feats Page 57
Metamagic Feats
Source Prerequisite
Flash Frost Spell
(PH2 p91)
May only be applied to a [cold] spell.
1. +2 hp Cold damage per Spell level.
2. The area-of-effect is coated with frost for 1 round. Any creature moving through the
area must make a Balance check or fall Prone (DC 20 if Running or Charging,
otherwise DC 10).
Imbue Summoning
(PH2 p92)
Spell Focus (conjuration)
Augment Summoning
May only be applied to a (summoning) spell.
You may cast one spell of up to 3
level with the range of Touch on the creature(s)
summoned by the affected spell. For example, the creature could be summoned with
Invisibility already in effect.
(CArc p81)
(BoED p44)
any other Metamagic
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Choose one Energy Type
when you take this feat. You may change the damage from
that spell from its energy type to Nonlethal.
You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different Energy Type.
Purify Spell
(BoED p44)
Good alignment
1. The spell gains the [good] subtype.
2. Neutral creatures take ½ damage.
3. Good creatures take no damage.
4. Evil Outsiders have the die size of the damage dice increased by one category (i.e.,
1d6 becomes a 1d8, a 1d8 becomes 2d6, etc.)
Rapid Spell
(CDiv p84)
Decreases the casting time for spells.
Old Cast Time New Cast Time
Old Cast Time New Cast Time
1 Full Round 1 Standard Action Multiple Minutes 1 Minute
Multiple Rounds 1 Full Round Multiple Hours 1 Hour
Sculpt Spell
(CArc p83)
any other Metamagic
An area of effect spell can have its area changed to one of the following:
1. Cylinder with a 10’ radius & 30’height;
2. 40’ Cone;
3. four 10’ cubes;
4. 20’ radius Sphere; or
5. 120’ Line.
Silent Spell
(PH p100)
The target spell no longer has a verbal component.
Cannot be used with Bard spells.
Smiting Spell
(PH2 p92)
Baste Attack Bonus +1
When cast, the affected Touch-range spell charges the weapon or piece of ammunition
you hold. The spell discharges on a successful attack if made within one minute,
otherwise the spell is lost.
Note: Bows, Slings, and other projectile weapons cannot
be targeted.
Song of the Dead
(DR312 p37)
Mind-Affecting spells prepared with this feat effect Intelligence Undead, but not
Mindless Undead, Constructs, or any living creatures of any
Any spell prepared with this Feat becomes a Necromancy spell.
Still Spell
(PH p101)
The target spell no longer has a somatic component. Casting such a spell in armor does
not require an Arcane Penalty check.
(CDiv p85)
(CArc p84)
Spells modified with this metamagic have full effect on targets that are Incorporeal,
Ethereal, using Blink or Rope Trick, etc. You must still perceive a foe to target it
with a spell, but area of effect spells work normally.
Earthbound Spell
(PH2 p91)
Place a non-Personal spell onto a square adjacent to you. If this square is stepped on
within 1 hour, the spell does off centered / targeting the creature that trod on it (after 1
hour, the spell dissipates). All decision about the spell (such as the direction of a Cone
attack, etc.) must be made when the spell is cast.
An Earthbound spell may be located with a Search check vs. DC (25 + Spell level) and
removed with a Disable Device check vs. the same DC.
Empower Spell
(PH p93)
All variable numeric values (typically the dice of damage) of the target spell are
increased by +50%.
Enervate Spell
(LM p26)
Non-Good Alignment
Must not
have the ability
to Turn Undead
Effected spell does 150% damage to Living Creatures, but 50% damage to Constructs,
Undead, and objects.
Explosive Spell
(CArc p79)
A spell that has a Cone, Cylinder, Line, or Burst that allows a Reflex save will now push
any creature that fails its Reflex save out of the area of effect. For every full 10’ a target
is moved, he/she takes an additional 1d6 damage, plus an extra 1d6 if he/she strikes a
barrier. In addition, the target is knocked Prone
Fell Drain
(LM p27)
Any living creature that is dealt damage by a Fell Draining spell gains 1 Negative Level.
If the subject has at least as many Negative Level as HD, it dies. Negative Levels gained
as a result of Fell Draining spells last one hour per Caster level (max 15 hours).
Fell Frighten
(LM p27)
Any creature damaged by a Fell Frightening spell, are Shaken for 1 minute, assuming it
is subject to Fear effects and Mind-Affecting spells.
Radiant Spell
(DR314 p21)
Charisma 15
Ability to cast a spell
with the [fire] subtype
Can only target spells with the [fire] subtype that does damage.
Each time an opponent is damaged by the Radiant spell, he/she is Blinded for one round
per Spell Level prior to adjustment (Will save to only be Dazzled for 1 round).
Reach Spell
(CDiv p84)
A spell with range ‘touch’ now has a range of 30’ and effectively becomes a ray
(requiring a Ranged Touch attack).
Split Ray
(CArc p83)
any other Metamagic
A ray spell generates an additional ray when cast. It must be target within 30’ of another
ray (a single creature can be targeted twice) and a separate attack roll is needed.
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Spellcaster Feats Page 58
Metamagic Feats
Source Prerequisite
Chain Spell
(CArc p76)
any other Metamagic
A spell with a single target whose range is greater than ‘touch’ now effects a primary
target normally and also a number of secondary target up to your Caster level (max 20).
No creature can be targeted more than once.
If the spell does damage, the secondary targets take ½ damage and are allowed a Reflex
save to cut the damage in half again (even if the original spell did not allow a save).
If the spell does not
do damage, the secondary targets have a saving throw that is 4 easier.
Delay Spell
(CArc p77)
any other Metamagic
A spell with the range of ‘touch’, ‘personal’, or that effects an area can be delayed for 1 to
5 rounds. All decisions, such as where to target, are determined at cast time. Once the
delay and other decisions are made, they cannot be changed.
A delayed spell can be detected and dispelled.
Fell Animate
(LM p26)
Any living creature that could normally be raised as a Zombie and that does not possess
more than double your HD, when slain outright by damage from a Fell Animated spell,
rises as a Zombie under your control at the beginning of your next turn.
Even if you kill several creatures with a single Fell Animated spell, you can’t create
more HD of undead than twice your Caster level. The standard rules for controlling
Undead (PH p198) apply to Zombies created with this feat.
Maximize Spell
(PH p97)
All variable numeric values (typically the dice of damage) of the target spell
automatically roll maximum (i.e., all d6 count as ‘6’).
Repeat Spell
(CArc p82)
any other Metamagic
On round after a Repeat spell was cast, it is cast again from the same starting location
(even if the caster has moved) and at the same target. If targeted on a creature, the spell
will target that creature again as long as he/she has not moved more than 30’.
Otherwise, the spell fails. Spells with range ‘touch’ cannot be effected by this feat.
Widen Spell
(PH p102)
A spell with an area of effect of ‘Burst’, ‘Emanation’, ‘Line’, or ‘Spread’ has its
dimensions doubled.
Energy Admixture
(CArc p78)
Energy Substitution
Choose an Energy Type that you took with the Energy Substitution feat. Any spell with a
energy subtype can be modified to do its damage again with the chosen energy type in
addition to its own.
For example Energy Admixture (acid) could make a Fireball that does 6d6 Fire damage
6d6 Acid damage. Alternatively, the same Fireball modified by Energy Admixture
(fire) would do 12d6 Fire damage.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time choosing a different Energy Type
Quicken Spell
(PH p98)
The target spell may be cast as a Swift Action.
This feat may only be used with Prepared spells whose cast time is no more than 1 Round.
Twin Spell
(CArc p84)
(PGF p46)
any other Metamagic
The target spell takes effect twice, as if you cast it two times simultaneously on the same
target & with the same choices. Each must be saved against and/or dispelled separately.
Persistent Spell
(CArc p81)
(PGF p42)
Extend Spell
The duration of the target spell becomes 24 hours. The spell must be Personal or have a
fixed range (such as Detect Magic), cannot have an Instantaneous duration, and cannot
be an effect that is discharged (such as Protection from Element).
Spells that require concentration (such as Detect Magic) persists even when not being
concentrated upon. The first round detection occurs at all times, but the caster must use
a Standard Action to begin concentrating again to get extra details.
Fortify Spell
(CArc p80)
By increasing a spell’s level by +1, the spell receives a +2 bonus on the Caster check to
overcome Spell Resistance.
This feat may be applied multiple times, each time increasing the spell’s level by +1 and
granting an extra +2 on the roll to overcome Spell Resistance.
For example, a Fireball could be fortified to receive a +2 bonus to overcome Spell
Resistance, but it would take up a 4
level slot (and still be a 3
level spell for purposes
of DC, Sphere of Invulnerability, etc.). The Fireball could also receive a +4 bonus, but
it would then take up the slot of a 5
level spell.
Heighten Spell
(PH p95)
The target spell is treated as if it were a higher level spell. This effects a spell’s DC,
whether it is blocked by a Sphere of Invulnerability, etc.
Easy Metamagic
(DR325 p62)
any other Metamagic
with at least a +2 Level
Choose a Metamagic feat you know. When preparing or casting spells with this feat,
treat the Level Adjustment as being one lower than it actually is (min +1). For
example, Easy Metamagic could reduce Quicken Spell from +4 to +3.
You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a new Metamagic Feat.
Innate Spell
(PGF p39)
Silent Spell
Still Spell
Choose a spell you know. You may use this spell 3 times per day as a Spell-Like Ability
(i.e., no need for verbal, somatic, & material components). You lose one spell slot of
an identical level to your Innate Spell.
You may take this Feat more than once, choosing a different spell each time.
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Spellcaster Feats Page 59
Sudden Metamagic Feats
Sudden Metamagic
Source Prerequisite Description
Sudden Empower
(CArc p83)
(Mini p28)
any other Metamagic
Once per day, you may apply Empower Spell to a spell you cast without increasing the spell’s level.
Sudden Energy
(Mini p28)
Energy Substitution (any)
Once per day, you may apply an Energy Substitution feat that you know to a spell you cast without
increasing the spell’s level.
Sudden Extend
(CArc p83)
(Mini p28)
Once per day, you may apply Extend Spell to a spell you cast without increasing the spell’s level.
Sudden Maximize
(CArc p83)
(Mini p28)
any other Metamagic
Once per day, you may apply Maximize Spell to a spell you cast without increasing the spell’s level.
Sudden Quicken
(CArc p83)
(Mini p28)
Quicken Spell
Sudden Empower
Sudden Extend
Sudden Maximize
Sudden Silent
Sudden Still
Once per day, you may apply Quicken Spell to a spell you cast without increasing the spell’s level.
Sudden Silent
(CArc p83)
(Mini p28)
Once per day, you may apply Silent Spell to a spell you cast without increasing the spell’s level.
Sudden Still
(CArc p83)
(Mini p28)
Once per day, you may apply Still Spell to a spell you cast without increasing the spell’s level.
Sudden Widen
(CArc p83)
(Mini p28)
Once per day, you may apply Widen Spell to a spell you cast without increasing the spell’s level.
Feats for Making Undead
Undead Creation
Source Prerequisite Description
Bolster Resistance
(LM p25)
Each Undead you animate or create with a Necromancy spell gains +4 Turn Resistance.
(LM p25)
Each Corporeal Undead you animate or create with a Necromancy spell gains a +4 Enhancement bonus to
Strength and +2 hit-points per Hit Die.
Deadly Chill
(LM p25)
Each Undead you animate or create with a Necromancy spell deals +1d6 Cold damage with its natural
Destructive Retribution
(LM p26)
Each Corporeal Undead you animate or create with a Necromancy spell releases a 10’ burst of Negative
Energy upon its destruction, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 per 2 HD (Ref½, DC 15).
Hardened Flesh
(LM p27)
Each Corporeal Undead you animate or create with a Necromancy spell gains a +2 Natural Armor bonus to
Nimble Bones
(LM p29)
Each Undead you animate or create with a Necromancy spell gains a +4 bonus on Initiative checks and a
+10’ increase to its base land speed.
Arcane Caster Feats
Arcane Caster Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Consumption
(PH2 p74)
Arcane spellcaster 6
Arcane Toughness
As a Swift Action, you increase the DC of a spell you cast in the current round by +4. Using this ability
causes you to receive a –4 penalty on Constitution for 12 hours and to become Fatigued.
Arcane Disciple
(CDiv p79)
Know (religion): 4 ranks
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
Able to cast Arcane spells
Same alignment as your
Patron deity
Spells from of one
of your Patron Deity’s Domains are added to your Arcane spell list. You may memorize
or spontaneously cast one per level each day. The availability of the spell is based on your Wisdom (i.e.,
you must have a Wisdom of 10 + spell level to use a given spell) and all save DC’s are calculated from
your Wisdom score.
You may take this feat more than once. Each time, you gain a different Domain from you Patron Deity.
Arcane Flourish
(PH2 p74)
Arcane spellcaster 1
Perform (any): 4 ranks
You may expend a Prepared Spell or a Spell Slot as a Swift Action to grant yourself a Competence bonus
on your next Perform check equal to (1 + spell level expended). The Perform check must be made within
1 minute or the bonus is lost.
Arcane Mastery
(CArc p73)
Ability to cast Arcane
spells or use spell-like
You may “Take 10” on Caster level checks (such as with Dispel Magic), even if under stress.
Arcane Preparation
(CArc p73)
(PGF p32)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
You may use one or more of your spell slots to prepare spells with Metamagic Feats. These prepared spells
can be base as a Standard Action. The prepared spell slots cannot be used for any other spell.
Normal: Sorcerers & Bards can only apply Metamagics to their spells by increasing their casting time to a
Full Round Action.
Arcane Strike
(CWar p96)
(DR310 p58)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Able to cast Arcane spells
Once per round as a Free Action, you can sacrifice an Arcane spell for the day to receive a bonus on your
next melee or ranged attack. You gain a +2 bonus per spell level (up to your Base Attack Bonus) and
+1d4 damage per spell level.
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Spellcaster Feats Page 60
Arcane Caster Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Thesis
(PH2 p74)
Able to cast Arcane
Know (arcana): 9 ranks
Chose an Arcane spell you can cast. When casting this spell, you gain the following benefits:
1. effective Caster Level is +2;
2. when you apply a Metamagic to your Thesis spell, it increases the spell level by one less.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different spell.
Arcane Toughness
(PH2 p75)
Arcane spellcaster 3
You may expend a Prepared Spell or a Spell Slot as an Immediate Action to heal yourself (spell level
expended) hp. Only usable when you are reduced to 0 or less hp. The healing also Stabilizes you.
Battle Caster
(CArc p75)
Class ability to ignore
Arcane Spell Failure
Chance from Armor
You may wear armor one category heavier than you could normally wear while avoiding Arcane Spell
Failure checks. For example, a Bard with this feat could wear Medium Armor without needing to make an
Arcane Spell Failure check.
Countenance of the
(DR359 p124)
Arcane spellcaster 9
Intelligence 13
Charisma 11
1. As a Full-Round Action, you may do any of the following: clean your body / clothes, dry your body /
clothes, color / trim your hair (including facial & body hair), etc.
2. When you take this feat, you may make one single, permanent affectation. Examples include unusually
colored eyes, unusually shaped pupils, an unusual shadow, always surrounded by a specific,
unexpected scent, etc. The affectation has no game effect.
3. You may designate a 3’ x 3’ x 3’ container that can be filled with non-magical clothes & jewelry. As a
Full-Round Action, you may swap the clothes & jewelry you are wearing for some of those in your
“closet”. This affect my not
be used to conjure weapons or gear.
Ears of the Mage
(DR359 p125)
Arcane spellcaster 14
Intelligence 13
Choose a proper name. If anyone speaks this name within a radius of (10 * Arcane spellcaster level) miles,
you immediately know the speaker’s name, direction, & distance from you. Note that this information
does not distract you.
You may change the proper name once per year as a Standard Action.
Eyes of the Mage
(DR359 p125)
Arcane spellcaster 12
Intelligence 13
Gain the following:
1. Low-Light Vision;
2. Darkvision improves by 60’;
3. +1 bonus on Search checks;
4. +1 Insight bonus on ranged attacks
Footsteps of the Mage
(DR359 p125)
Arcane spellcaster 12
Intelligence 13
You can now move at your normal speed by gliding along the ground:
1. You may “walk” even if your ankles are bound;
2. +2 bonus on Balance checks;
3. +4 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid falling and/or traps triggered by stepping onto them.
Hands of the Mage
(DR359 p125)
Arcane spellcaster 14
Intelligence 13
Designate an object you can lift without magical help that has been in your possession for at least 8 days.
As a Free Action, you may have the designated object fly to your hand. It must be within line-of-sight
and– line-of-effect. It arrives in 1 round. Usable at will.
As a Full Round Action, you may summon the designated object from any distance. Usable 1/week.
A new object can only be designated if the previous one has been destroyed.
You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different object.
Name of the Mage
(DR359 p125)
Arcane spellcaster 20
Your name gains magical properties, which affect any creature that speaks or hears your name (other than
yourself). This is a Mind-Affecting Fear effect.
Speaking – if the creature has as many HD as you (or greater), he/she is Shaken for 3 rounds (no save).
Otherwise, he/she is Frightened for 1d4+1 rounds (no save).
Hearing – Frightened for 3 rounds (Will save to reduce this to being Shaken for 1 round. DC is 10 +
Arcane spellcaster level + your Charisma modifier).
Obtain Familiar
(CArc p81)
Arcane spellcaster 3
Know (arcana): 4 ranks
You may obtain a Familiar as if you were a Sorcerer or a Wizard.
Precocious Apprentice
(CArc p181)
Arcane spellcaster 1
Spellcasting Ability
score (Int or Cha) 15+
level only
+2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Choose a 2
level spell from a school of magic to which you have access. You may cast this spell once per
day by making a Caster level check vs. DC 8 (failure means the spell is depleted for the day).
When you gain 2
level spells, you continue to have an extra spell slot, though it no longer has to be
dedicated to the originally chosen spell.
Presence of the Mage
(DR359 p125)
Arcane spellcaster 18
Intelligence 11
Charisma 17
Your presence of overwhelming:
1. Allies within 25’ gain a +1 Morale bonus on attacks & saves;
2. Non-allied creatures within 25’ receive a –1 penalty on attacks & saves (Mind-Affecting Fear effect);
3. Natural animals do not like to come within 25’ of you. Handle Animal & Wild Empathy checks within
that radius receive a –1 penalty, while Ride check receive a –2 penalty (Mind-Affecting Fear effect).
(DU118 p42)
Ability to cast Arcane
+2 bonus on opposed checks to avoid being Disarmed of a Kaorti Resin Weapon.
When wearing Kaorti Resin Armor, its max Dex bonus increases by +2, its Armor check penalty decreases
by 2, and its Arcane Spell Failure chance decreases by 10%.
Spell Thematics
(PGF p44)
Arcane spellcaster 1
lvl Your spells have a visual theme, such as ‘sphere’ or ‘lightning’. Spells you cast have special effects based
on your theme, such as Summon Monster I manifesting as the creature springing from a thrown sphere.
1. Since your spells look different, Spellcraft checks to identify what spell you are casting are at +4 DC.
2. For each of your current and future caster levels, you may designate one spell as a ‘thematic spell’, which
is thereafter cast at +1 effective Caster level.
Note: you cannot make your spell invisible & the effects of your spells are not changed in any way.
Vatic Gaze
(PH2 p85)
Arcane spellcaster 9
lvl 1. Detect Magic, at will.
2. By making a Sense Motive check vs. DC (5 + target’s caster level), you may determine the highest level
spell the target is still capable of casting.
Voice of the Mage
(DR359 p125)
Arcane spellcaster 16
Intelligence 13
Your voice becomes magical:
1. +1 bonus on Disguise, Intimidate, & Perform checks related to voice;
2. You may speak to an individual or group within 1 mile. You do not
need line of effect, but you must
know where you want your voice to be heard (such as in your sanctum).
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Spellcaster Feats Page 61
Divine Caster Feats
Divine Caster Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Extra Divine Power
(DR343 p91)
Divinely granted class
ability with a set
number of uses per day
Receive +2 uses of your Divinely granted class ability each day. This includes a Shugenja’s Sense
Elements ability and a Spirit Shaman’s Spirit Form ability, but not
abilities granted by Domains.
This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it applies to a different
class ability.
Initiate of Boccob
(DR342 p49)
Patron Deity: Boccob
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You can make all Knowledge checks Untrained.
+1 caster level on Divination spells.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Memory Jar(DR342 p54) The target gains a bonus on Knowledge checks.
: Identify(PH p243) – Determines properties of a magic item.
: Research Aid(DR342 p55) – Get assistance when performing research.
Initiate of Ehlonna
(DR342 p50)
Patron Deity: Ehlonna
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
Pass without Trace (self only), 1/day as a Spell-like ability.
Add Handle Animal and Survival to the skill list of one of your Divine spellcasting classes.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Longstrider(PH p249) – Increases your speed.
: Snare(PH p280) – Creates a magical booby trap.
: Commune with Nature(PH p211) – Learn about terrain for one mile per level.
: Animal Shapes(PH p198) – One ally per level polymorphs into chosen animal.
Initiate of Erythnul
(DR342 p50)
Patron Deity: Erythnul
Able to cast 4
Divine spells
When you bring a creature to –10 hp (i.e., kill it) with a Critical Hit, you automatically receive a Death
Knell. Does not
apply to the Coup de Grace action.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Cause Fear, Greater(DR342 p52) – As Cause Fear, but affects creatures up to 15 HD.
: Erythnul’s Slaughter(DR342 p53) – Doubles critical threat ranges and prevents stabilization.
: Rage, Mass(DR342 p55) – As Rage, but affects one subject per level.
Initiate of Fharlanghn
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Fharlanghn
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
Your land speed improves by +10’.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Alarm(PH p197) – Wards an area for 2 hours per level.
: Expeditious Retreat(PH p228) – Your land speed increases by 30’
: Dimension Door(PH p221) – Teleports you a short distance.
: Phase Door(PH p261) – Invisible passage through wood or stone.
Initiate of Heironeous
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Heironeous
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You do the following bonus damage when wielding a Longsword – against an Evil-aligned Outsider, +1d6;
against a creature with an Aura of Evil (such as a Cleric of an Evil Deity), +1d4.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Mark of Justice, Lesser(DR342 p54) – Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
: Bless, Greater(DR342 p52) – Allies gain +1 per 4 levels on attack rolls and saves against fear.
: Righteousness of Heironeous(DR342 p55) – You deal extra damage against evil targets.
Initiate of Hextor
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Hextor
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You do the following bonus damage when wielding a Flail – against an Good-aligned Outsider, +1d6;
against a creature with an Aura of Good (such as a Cleric of a Good Deity), +1d4.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Scare(PH p274) – Panics creatures up to 5HD.
: Bane, Greater(DR342 p52) – Enemies gain –1 per 4 levels on attack rolls and saves against fear.
: Wrath of Hextor(DR342 p56) – You deal extra damage against good.
Initiate of Kord
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Kord
Able to cast 2
Divine spells
You receive a +4 Size bonus on all Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder, & Trip attempts.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Kord’s Power Surge(DR342 p54) Receive a bonus on Strength-based ability checks and skills.
: Kord’s Greeting(DR342 p54) – Bonuses for charging double and penalties reduce to half.
: Champion of Kord(DR342 p53) – Receive bonuses on acts of strength.
Initiate of Nerull
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Nerull
Able to cast 4
Divine spells
When using the Death Touch ability granted by the Death Domain, use d8’s (instead of d6’s) for damage.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Cause Fear, Greater(DR342 p52) – As Cause Fear, but affects creatures up to 15 HD.
: Nerull’s Scythe(DR342 p54) – You bring a magical scythe into existence.
: Wail of the Banshee(PH p298) – Kills one creature per level.
Initiate of Obad-Hai
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Obad-Hai
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
In addition to being able to convert your Prepared Divine spells spontaneously into healing spells, you may
convert them into Summon Nature’s Ally spells (as a Druid does).
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Summer Breezes(DR342 p56) – Cools you in uncomfortable environments.
: Spontaneous Combustion(DR342 p56) – Target touched catches fire.
: Quicksand(DR342 p54) – Creates an area of quicksand.
: Waves of Destruction(DR342 p56) – Seawater crashes down upon your targets.
Initiate of
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Olidammara
Able to cast 2
Divine spells
Add Gather Information, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble to the skill list of one of your Divine spellcasting
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Festival Feast(DR342 p41) – Creates delicious food for 3 humans per level.
: Olidammara’s Bard Spell(DR342 p42) – You can prepare spell from the Bard spell list.
: Olidammara’s Carapace(DR342 p42) – Creates a protective shell around you, which you can teleport out
of secretly.
Initiate of Pelor
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: Pelor
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You receive a +2 Sacred bonus on Turning Checks and Turning Damage rolls.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: True Turning(DR342 p56) – You gain bonuses on your next Turn Undead attempt.
: Bless, Greater(DR342 p52) – Allies gain +1 per 4 levels on attack rolls and saves against fear.
: Immolate the Wicked(DR342 p54) – Undead you have turned burst into flames.
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Spellcaster Feats Page 62
Divine Caster Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Initiate of St.
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: St. Cuthbert
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
‘Protective Ward’ once per day per 4 Divine caster levels – The touched target gets a Resistance bonus on
his/her next saving throw equal to your Divine caster level. If not used in one hour, the ward dissipates.
Activation is a Standard Action.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Mark of Justice, Lesser(DR342 p54) – Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
: Retributive Strike(DR342 p55) – You gain an attack of opportunity when attacked.
: Spell Turning(PH p282)(PH3.5e)+ – Reflects 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.
Initiate of Vecna
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: Vecna
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You may use Scrolls, Wands, and other Spell Completion / Spell Trigger items as a Wizard whose level is
equal to your Divine Caster level (plus your Wizard level, if any).
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Vecna’s Courier(DR342 p56) – Deliver secrets without fear of having them revealed.
: Arcane Eye(PH p200) – Invisible floating eye moves 30’ per round.
: Eyebite(PH p228) – Target becomes panics, sickened, and comatose.
Initiate of Wee Jas
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: Wee Jas
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
By expending one of your Turning / Rebuking Attempts, you release a wave of Positive or Negative energy
in a 20’ radius Burst. If you channel Positive Energy, all Undead in the area of effect take 1d6 per two
Divine Caster levels (Will½, DC is Charisma-based). If you channel Negative energy, all Undead in the
area of effect are cured 1d6 per two Divine Caster levels (up to their maximum, extra hp are lost).
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Disguise Undead(Spell p66) – Change appearance of one corporeal undead for 10 minutes per level.
: Magic Jar(PH p250) – Enables possession of another creature.
: Circle of Death(PH p209) – Kills 1d4 HD per level of creatures.
Spontaneous Healer
(CDiv p84)
Know (religion): 4 ranks
non-Evil alignment
Able to cast Cure
Wounds spells
You may convert your spells into Cure Wound spells of equal or lower level (as a Cleric). You may do this
up to Wisdom modifier times per day.
(CDiv p85)
Wisdom 13
Know (nature): 4 ranks
any Neutral alignment
Able to cast Summon
Nature’s Ally spells
You may convert your spells into Summon Nature’s Ally spells of equal or lower level (as a Druid). You
may do this up to Wisdom modifier times per day.
(CDiv p84)
Wisdom 13
Know (religion): 4 ranks
non-Good alignment
Able to cast Inflict
Wounds spells
You may convert your spells into Inflict Wound spells of equal or lower level (as a Cleric). You may do this
up to Wisdom modifier times per day.
Feats that Grant Access to Additional Spells
Spell Access Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(DR330 p27)
Mother Cyst
(LM p28)
Caster level 1
Know (religion): 2 ranks
You grow an internal cyst of Undead flesh which adds the following spells to your known list:
Necrotic Awareness 2
Necrotic Cyst 3
Necrotic Bloat
Necrotic Domination 5
Necrotic Burst 6
Necrotic Eruption
Necrotic Tumor 8
Necrotic Empowerment 9
Necrotic Termination
If you are a caster who prepares spells, you can prepare all necrotic spells without your spellbook.
Node Spellcasting
(Und p26)
Caster level 1
Allows a Spellcraft check (instead of an Intelligence check) to notice nearby Nodes and manipulate their
powers. Also a prerequisite for other Node-related feats.
War Magic Study
(DR309 p46)
Great Fortitude
Iron Will
Caster level 3
You may acquire & cast spells with the [war] subtype. These spells cover a huge area, can feed whole
armies, etc., but have very expensive Material Components & long casting times.
See DR309 p44 for details.
(DR343 p76)
Living creature
Host of a living Kyuss
The living Kyuss Worm inside you grants you the knowledge of spells. If the worm dies (such as due to
Dispel Evil, Remove Curse, Consume the Parasite, etc.), you loose access to the spells until you consume
an new worm. If you die with a living worm inside, you automatically rise as a Spawn of Kyuss in 1d6
: Path of Worms(DR343 p78) – Receive a +6 Insight bonus on one roll or your AC vs. one attack.
: Consume the Parasite(DR343 p78) – Consume the Kyuss Worm inside you for a temporary bonus to your
hit-points, Strength, Dexterity, effective caster level, etc.
: The Worm Within(DR343 p79) – Create a Kyuss inside of a living creature. If not removed quickly, the
creature dies and becomes a Spawn of Kyuss.
: Mindworms(DR343 p78) – Does Wisdom damage and causes the target to loose spells (if applicable). If
the target looses spells, the caster can make use of energy to regain his/her own spells, etc..
: Servant of the Green Corruption(DR343 p79) – Target gains bonus on attacks, AC, & movement, but
receives a penalty on saves vs. Wormbound spells.
: Extrude Wormspawn(DR343 p79) – Creates a Wormswarm (i.e., a Swarm of Kyuss Worms).
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Spellcaster Feats Page 63
Arcane Focus Feats
Arcane Focus Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Focus
[General, Wizard]
(DR351 p88)
Able to cast 1
Arcane spells
If you have at least one prepared Arcane spell –or– one Arcane spell slot remaining, you may spend a Full
Round action to attempt a Concentration check vs. DC 20. If successful, you enter the ‘Arcane Focus’
state. Once in ‘Arcane Focus’, you remain in it until you expend it, become unconscious, go to sleep, or
use your last Arcane spell.
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to ‘Take 15
’ on a Concentration check. This
option is available even if you are in combat, etc.
Arcane Watchfulness
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p88)
Wisdom 13
Arcane Focus
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Danger Sense – gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on Spot checks for 1 minute.
Empathic Potential – gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on Sense Motive checks for 1 minute.
Spatial Awareness – gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on Search checks for 1 minute.
Body Awareness
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Wisdom 13
Arcane Focus
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Overcome Distraction – you may do one
of the following for (Wisdom modifier) round (min 1):
ignore Fatigue, treat Exhaustion as Fatigue, ignore Nausea, ignore being Shaken, treat being Frightened
as being Shaken, ignore being Sickened.
Slowed Breathing – you receive a +4 Circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves to resist toxic fumes &
inhaled poisons, holding your breath for 1 minute only counts as 5 round, and (assuming you don’t
move) you can appear dead (Heal check vs. DC 20 to realize the deception).
Sudden Effort – +4 Circumstance bonus on your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution until your next turn.
Using this ability a second (or further) time each day results in you becoming Fatigued. If you used
this ability while Fatigued, you become Exhausted.
Defensive Magic
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Arcane Focus You may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Absorb Damage – as an Immediate Action, you may expend an Arcane spell / spell slot along with your
‘Arcane Focus’ to gain Damage Reduction (level of expended spell) / — until the start of your next turn
Iron Magic – as a Swift Action, each spell that grants you an Armor or Shield bonus to AC improves by
+2 until the start of your next turn.
Protective Aura – as an Immediate Action, you may expend one spell that you cast upon yourself along
with your ‘Arcane Focus’ to gain a +(level of expended spell) bonus on your next saving throw. If not
used within 1 minute, the bonus fades.
Focused Specialist
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Arcane Focus
Specialized Wizard
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Spell Boost – +1 Caster level on the next spell you cast from your specialized school within 1 round.
Spell Endowment – +1 DC on the next spell you cast from your specialized school within 1 round.
Spell Intensity – +2 bonus to overcome Spell Resistance on the next spell you cast from your specialized
school within 1 round.
Magical Insight
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Intelligence 13
Arcane Focus
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Detection Enhancement – one Divination spell that you are using which gives information over the
course of round (e.g., Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts, etc.) give you information on all targets as if you
had been using it for an extra round.
Spell Interpretation – +4 Insight bonus on Spellcraft checks for 1 minute.
Spell Intensity – +4 Insight bonus on Knowledge(arcana) checks for 1 minute.
Potent Dweomercraft
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Wisdom 13
Arcane Focus
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one
of the following:
Damaging Spell – the next melee touch attack spell you cast does +25% damage. Must be used within 1
Spell Critical – the threat range of the next melee touch attack spell you cast is 19-20 for 1 round.
Weaving Strike – receive a +2 Competence bonus on your next melee touch attack spell to-hit roll.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Spellcaster Feats Page 64
Other Spellcasting Feats
Other Spellcasting
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Defense
(CArc p73)
Spell Focus (any school) You receive a +3 bonus on your saves vs. the chosen school of magic.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying to a different school of magic that you have Spell
Focus in.
Augment Healing
(CDiv p79)
Heal: 4 ranks
Any Conjuration (healing) spell you cast that heals damage heals an additional +2 hp per level.
Augment Summoning
(PH p89)
Spell Focus (conjuration)
All creatures you conjure with Summon spells gain a +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution
for the duration of the spell.
Battle Casting
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 13
Combat Casting
Concentration: 5 ranks
When casting a spell, gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn. You cannot make
Attacks of Opportunity when claiming the Dodge bonus from this feat.
Burning Focus
(DR314 p21)
Charisma 13
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
If you fail to beat a creature’s Spell Resistance, you may cast another spell on that creature within one
minute that has a Spell Resistance check & receive a +1 Morale bonus on the Spell Resistance check.
Each time your spell fails to get through, you may try again with a cumulative +1 bonus (up to +10 Morale
bonus after 10 consecutive failed spells).
If a minute goes by with out an attempt to beat the creature’s Spell Resistance, you lose the bonus.
If you beat the creature’s Spell Resistance, you lose the bonus.
(DR312 p51)
Charisma 13
You receive a +3 bonus on rolls to exert control over the target a Mind-Affecting spell cast by you. This
includes opposed Charisma checks when two casters are giving conflicting orders, causing the target to
take an action it normally would not, etc.
Combat Charm
(DR312 p51)
Wisdom 13
When you cast a Charm Person, Charm Monster, Charm Animal, etc., on a target that is being threatened
by you or your allies, it does not
receive a +5 bonus on its saving throw.
Dampen Spell
(PH2 p78)
Improved Counterspell
As an Immediate Action, you may attempt to identify a spell being cast with a Spellcraft check. If
successful, you may expend any spell or spell slot to reduce
the target spell’s DC by your spell’s level.
Earth Spell
(RoS p138)
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Earth Sense
Heighten Spell
As long as you are standing on stone or unworked earth, your Heighten Spell feat adds one extra spell level
and caster level per level adjustment (i.e. casting a spell with a +2 level adjustment treats the spell as if it
were three levels higher, and your caster level is treated as two levels higher).
Elven Spell Lore
(PH2 p78)
Elf –or– Intelligence 17
Know(arcana): 12 ranks
1. When using Dispel Magic (and its variants), you receive a +2 bonus on the Caster check.
2. Choose a single spell that you can prepare. From this point forward, you may prepare this spell to do a
different type of damage. You may even memorize the spell multiple times in the same day doing
different damage in each memorization. Spontaneous spellcasters do not receive this benefit.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying it to a different spell (benefit 1. does not stack).
Excised from the
Web of Life
[General, Wizard]
(DR336 p108)
Able to cast Blight as a
Prepared spell
Any spell you cast on an Animal, Fey, or Plant does damage equal to the Caster level (at your option) in
addition to its normal effect. If the spell allows a save, then success means the creature does not take the
extra damage. If it does not normally allow a save, then the target(s) receive a Fortitude save for ½ dmg.
When dealing with an Animal, Fey, Plant or anyone who has Wild Empathy, you receive a penalty on all
Charisma-based skills and checks equal to your Character level.
Extra Slot
(CArc p79)
Ability to cast Impromptu
Caster level 4
Gain an extra spell slot at any level one lower than your highest spell level.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Extra Spell
(CArc p79)
Caster level 3
You learn an extra spell whose level is at least one lower than your highest spell level.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Extraordinary Spell
(CAdv p109)
Spellcraft: 15 ranks
With a Spellcraft check (DC 25 + spell level) you can shape an area spell so it does not affect one creature
within its area. Casting a spell affected by this feat is a Full Round action, unless the spell’s casting time is
greater, in which case the casting time in unchanged.
Find Relic
(DR347 p89)
Ability to cast Locate
When you pass within 10’ of an object worth 1,000+ gp, you receive an automatic Search check to notice it.
Flash Casting
(DR314 p21)
Charisma 13
Ability to cast a spell
with the [fire] or [light]
When you cast a spell with the [fire] and/or [light] subtype, you glow brightly for one round. You cannot
hide, but any attempt to attack you is at a –2 penalty as long as the creature can see.
Greater Spell
(PH p94)
Spell Penetration
Gain an additional +2 bonus on Caster checks to overcome Spell Resistance (total of +4)
Heads Up
(DR328 p69)
Ability to cast Arcane or
Divine spells –or–
Spell-like abilities
If you grasp the severed head of a creature with a Gaze Supernatural ability (such as the Petrifying Gaze of
a Medusa) within 1 hour of the creature being slain, you may use that creature’s head to employ the slain
creature’s gaze supernatural ability as a Standard Action up to 3 times during the next 24 hours. Aft that
time, the head is rendered useless.
Improved Counterspell
(PH p95)
When counterspelling, you may use any spell of the same school that is one spell levels higher than the
target spell.
Innate Spell’
(CArc p80)
Silent Spell
Still Spell
Quicken Spell
Choose a spell you know. You may use once per round as a Spell-Like Ability (i.e., no need for verbal,
somatic, & material components). You lose one spell slot eight levels higher than the level of your Innate
You may take this feat more than once, choosing a different spell each time.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Spellcaster Feats Page 65
Other Spellcasting
Source Prerequisite Description
Magic of the Land
(RotW p152)
Caster level 1
Concentration: 5 ranks
Know (nature): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
When casting a spell in a ‘natural setting’ (i.e., one without buildings and/or a community (unworked
underground areas count)), you can imbue some of your spells with healing.
Make a Know (nature) check vs. DC (15 + spell level) as a Free Action when casting a spell that has a
‘target’ entry. If the check succeeds, each target of the spell receives 2hp per spell level of Positive
Energy, which heal living creatures and damages Undead (WillNeg).
If the check fails, the spell is lost.
This effect cannot be applies to Necromancy spells or spells with an alignment descriptor.
Mobile Spellcasting
(CAdv p111)
Concentration: 8 ranks You can make a special Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) to cast a spell and move as one Standard
Action. You can’t use this ability to cast spells that normally take longer than a Standard Action to cast.
If you fail the check, you lose the spell. You may combine the effect of this feat with casting on the
defensive, by raising the DC by 5.
Necromatic Might
(LM p28)
Necromatic Presence
Whenever Undead you control are within 60’ of you, they gain a +2 Enhancement bonus on attack rolls and
saving throws.
Necromatic Presence
(LM p28)
Whenever Undead you control are within 60’ of you, they gain a +4 bonus to their Turn Resistance.
Puppet Master
(DR312 p51)
Wisdom 13 If the target of one of your Mind-Affecting spells is being checked for magical influence with a Sense
Motive check, the DC is at +5 (i.e., DC 20 for Dominate Person or Dominate Monster, DC 30 for most
other spells).
Ranged Spell
(CArc p82)
Caster level 4
Weapon Focus (ranged
If you cast a spell that requires a ranged touch attack roll, does hp damage, & your target is within 30’, the
spell does +2hp of damage. This only applies to one spell target (if there are more than one) and does not
apply to subsequent rounds (such as the ongoing damage of Melf’s Acid Arrow).
Reactive Counterspell
(PGF p42)
Improved Counterspell
Improved Initiative
You may attempt to counterspell an opponent’s spell even if you have not readied an action to do so. This
causes you to lose your next turn. You cannot use this feat when Flat-Footed.
Sanctify Weapon
(BoED p46)
Able to cast Align
When you cast Align Weapon, the target weapon also becomes ‘sanctified’, which results in +1 hp of Holy
damage to Evil creatures & +1d4 Holy damage to Evil Outsiders & Evil Undead. In addition, creatures
with the Corrupted template
(BoVD p186) do not heal damage done by the Sanctified weapon through
natural or Fast healing.
Shielded Casting
(RoS p144)
Combat Casting
Shield Proficiency
Concentration: 5 ranks
As long as you have a Light, Heavy or Tower Shield ready, you do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for
casting spells in combat.
Ship’s Mage
(Storm p93)
Profession(sailor):2 ranks
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
When on your ‘bonded ship’, cast your spells at +1 Caster Level & your spells do not deal damage to your
‘bonded ship’.
It takes 1 week of living & working on a ship to bond with it. You may only have one ‘bonded ship’ at a
time. If you spend 1 month away from your ‘bonded ship’, you lose the bond.
(DR359 p117)
Must prepare spells from
a Spellbook
You may transcribe your spells on to your own skin (via tattoo, scaring, etc.) at the cost of 100 gp per spell
level & a Craft (body modification) or Heal check vs. DC 10. You may then prepare your spells by simply
“reading” your skin.
Spell Penetration
(PH p100)
Gain a +2 bonus on Caster checks to overcome Spell Resistance.
Spellcasting Prodigy
(PGF p44)
level only For purposes of determining bonus spells, treat your primary spellcasting ability score (i.e., Intelligence for
Wizards, Wisdom for Clerics, Druids, Paladins, & Rangers, etc.) as 2 higher.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying to a different ability score.
Note: you do not need to be able to cast spell yet when you take this feat.
Steam Magic
(Storm p93)
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
You do not need to make a Spellcraft check to use spells or spell-like abilities with the [fire] subtype
Storm Magic
(Storm p94)
Cast spells at +1 Caster level when in a storm, either natural or magical.
Touch Spell
(CArc p83)
Caster level 4
Weapon Focus (touch
If you cast a spell that requires a melee touch attack roll and does hp damage, the spell does +2hp of
damage. If the touch spell allows multiple uses with one casting, the bonus damage only applies to the
first target of the spell.
Verminous Graft
[General, Wizard]
(DR336 p108)
Able to cast Contagion
as a Prepared spell
Loose the use of one hand by transforming it into the nest for a colony of insects.
As a Standard Action, you may make a Touch attack that does 1d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. You
are always treated as being ‘armed’ for purposes of not generating Attacks of Opportunity.
You may no longer use Two-Handed weapons, equipment, or skills (such as Climb). You also receive a
–4 penalty on all Charisma-base skills or checks, except for Intimidate which receives a +2.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 66
Class & Class-Ability Feats
Note that each Class Ability is only listed once (i.e., the Wild Empathy feats are listed under Druid and not
copied to the Ranger section too).
Poison Use Feats
Poison Use Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Deep Poisoning
(DR322 p37)
Sneak Attack class ability
Poison Use class ability
When making a Sneak Attack with a poisoned weapon, you may forgo +1d6 to gain +1 on the Poison’s DC.
You may forgo up to 5d6 to get +5.
Poison Expert
(CSco p080)
Poison Use class ability
Craft (poison): 8 ranks
Choose one type of poison: Contact, Ingested, Inhaled, Injury. When you use a poison of this type that you
created, its DC is increased by +1 (both initial & secondary). The DC does not change if someone
else uses a poison you make –or– you use someone else’s poison. Does not apply to poisons generated by
your body.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each time with a different type of poison.
Poison Master
(CSco p080)
Poison Use class ability
Poison Expert
Craft (poison): 8 ranks
Choose one type of poison that matches your Poison Expert feat: Contact, Ingested, Inhaled, Injury. When
you use a poison of this type that you also
created, its damage is increased by +1 per die (both initial &
secondary) (if the damage is a constant, then just +1). The damage does not change if someone else uses a
poison you make –or– you use someone else’s poison. Does not apply to poisons generated by your body.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each time with a different type of poison.
Barbarian Only Feats
Barbarian Only
Source Prerequisite Description
Altered State
(DR332 p84)
Barbarian level 1
You may go on a Vision Quest to gain aid from a Totem Spirit by doing the following:
1. Choose a ‘Short’ (3d20 minutes), ‘Medium’ (2d12 hours), or ‘Long’ (1d6 days) quest.
2. For the designated amount of time, you must not eat, drink, or sleep. You may end the quest without
3. Take 1d4 Wisdom damage.
4. Make a DC 20 Level check. If you fail, your quest is over, though you may restart without penalty.
5. If successful, use the following table to determine which Totem Spirit answered you. If you were on a
Short quest, roll a random Totem. A Medium quest grants you the choice of two rolls, while a Long
quest lets you choose your spirit.
Totem Bonus
1 – 12 Bear +1 Inherent bonus on Strength-based skill checks & +4 Insight bonus on
attempts to Disarm a foe when unarmed
13 – 25 Boar +1 hp per level and +2 bonus on save vs. fear effects
26 – 37 Eagle +2 bonus on Reflex saves and +1 bonus on damage dealt while Grappling
38 – 50 Hare +10’ land speed and +1 bonus on Initiative checks
51 – 62 Lion +2 bonus on Will saves and +1 Insight bonus on attack and damage rolls
when Charging
63 – 75 Rat +2 bonus on Fortitude saves and +1 Insight bonus on attack and damage rolls
when surrounded by squares threatened by foes
76 – 87 Shark Cumulative +1 Circumstance bonus on attack rolls for every successful
consecutive attack mage against the same target (max +4). The bonus
ends at the end of the encounter.
88 – 00 Wolf +4 bonus on Trip attempts and +1 Insight bonus on attack rolls made against
target suffering from Disease, Poison, or Ability damage
6. Spend 10 minutes to attempt a Handle Animal check vs. DC 20. You may retry as often as you wish.
7. Once successful, you gain the listed bonus for 1 day per Barbarian level. Once this time has expired, you
may go on a new Vision Quest.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 67
Rage & Frenzy Feats
Rage & Frenzy
Source Prerequisite Description
Channeled Rage
(RoD p150)
Rage class ability
Spend one of your uses of rage as an Immediate Action to add your Strength bonus on a Will saving throw.
Chaos Rage
(DR326 p80)
Rage class ability
Chaotic alignment
Intimidate: 4 ranks
Your effective Barbarian level for purposes of using your Barbarian Rage class ability increases by +4, up
to your HD. This benefits a multi-classed Barbarian or one with Racial HD.
Gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Destructive Rage
(CWar p97)
Rage or Frenzy class
When in a Rage or Frenzy, you receive a +8 bonus on Strength checks to breaks doors or other inanimate
Dragon Rage
(Eb p52)
Rage or Frenzy class
Base Attack Bonus +4
Dragon Totem
Region of origin
Argonnesssen or Seren.
When Raging or Frenzying, you receive the following benefits:
1. Your Natural Armor bonus to AC improves by 2.
2. The Energy Resistance granted you by the Dragon Totem feat increase to 10.
Extend Rage
(CWar p97)
(Eb p52)
Rage or Frenzy class
Each use of your Rage and / or Frenzy lasts +5 rounds.
You may take this feat multiple times. The extensions stack.
Extra Rage
(CWar p98)
Rage or Frenzy class
You receive 2 extra Rages or Frenzies per day.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Frantic Rage
(FoE p147)
Rage class ability
Access to the Madness
Each time you enter a ‘Rage’, you may choose if the bonus applies to your Strength (as usual) or your
Fury of Stone
(DR333 p84)
Rage or Frenzy class
Raised Underground
When underground, your Rage lasts twice as long.
When above ground, your Rage lasts half as long.
Instantaneous Rage
(CWar p102)
Rage or Frenzy class
You may enter a Rage or Frenzy on another creature’s turn in response to an attack that you are aware of.
This feat applies if you are Flat-Footed.
Intimidating Rage
(CWar p102)
Rage or Frenzy class
Once per Rage / Frenzy, you may attempt a Demoralize (i.e., a Intimidate check to make an opponent
Shaken) as a Free Action. If successful, the target stays Demoralized for the duration of your rage / frenzy
(instead of 1 round as usual).
Khyber’s Fury
(DR332 p45)
Rage or Frenzy class
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
Your Rage or Frenzy is changed as follows:
1. the bonus to your Strength increases by +2;
2. the penalty to your AC increases to –4;
3. you cannot
voluntarily end your Rage or Frenzy
Mad Foam Rager
(PH2 p80)
Rage or Frenzy class
Once per Rage / Frenzy, you may delay the effect of a single attack, spell, or ability used against you until
the end of your next turn.
Raging Bull Rush
(DR310 p30)
Rage or Frenzy class
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
While Raging and/or Frenzying, you receive a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength check portion of a Bull
Rush action.
This bonus stacks with the bonus from Improved Bull Rush.
Raging Overrun
(DR310 p30)
Rage or Frenzy class
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Overrun
While Raging and/or Frenzying, you receive a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength check portion of an
Overrun action.
This bonus stacks with the bonus from Improved Overrun.
Raging Sunder
(DR310 p30)
Rage or Frenzy class
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
While Raging and/or Frenzying, you receive a +4 bonus on the attack roll portion of a Sunder action.
This bonus stacks with the bonus from Improved Sunder.
Reckless Rage
(RoS p143)
Rage class ability
Constitution 13
When you Rage, you take an additional –2 on AC, but gain an additional +2 on Strength and Constitution.
These effects stack with the effects of Rage, Greater Rage, and Mighty Rage.
Righteous Wrath
(BoED p45)
Rage class ability
1. You maintain your mental abilities while Raging, allowing you to deal nonlethal damage (if desired), stop
attacking, etc.
2. The first time you hit a foe while Raging, your foe is Shaken until you leave the combat (or are defeated)
WillNeg (DC 10 + ½ Raging ability class levels + Charisma modifier).
Stone Rage
(RoS p144)
Rage class ability
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Earth Sense
As long as you are touching the ground when you being your Rage, you gain a +1 Enhancement bonus to
Natural Armor for the duration of your Rage.
Damage Reduction Feats
Damage Reduction
Source Prerequisite Description
Greater Resiliency
(CWar p99)
Damage Reduction as a
class ability –or–
Racial feature
Your Damage Reduction absorbs one extra hp. If you have more than one Damage Reduction, you must
choose which one is effected when you take this feat.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 68
Bardic Knowledge Feats
Bardic Knowledge
Source Prerequisite Description
Obscure Lore
(CAdv p111)
Bardic Knowledge or Lore
class feature
+4 Insight bonus on your Bardic Knowledge or Lore checks.
Bardic Music Feats
Bardic Music
Source Prerequisite Description
(PH2 p74)
Bardic Music class ability
Arcane spellcaster 1
Arcane Flourish
Perform (any): 4 ranks
You may expend any Arcane
Prepared Spell or a Spell Slot as a Swift Action to extend the duration after
you stop playing your current Bardic Music ability by 1 round per spell level expended. Can only be used
once for a given use of Bardic Music and does not apply to effects that are Instantaneous or Permanent.
Battle Dancer
[Bardic Music, Fighter]
(PH2 p75)
Bardic Music class ability
Base Attack Bonus +2
Gain a +2 Morale bonus on your attack roll if the following are true:
a) you are granting an ally a bonus on attack, damage or saves with one your Bardic Music abilities;
b) you move at least 1 square; and
c) you attack.
If you attack but don’t move, you loose the benefit for the current round.
If you move but don’t attack, you loose the benefit for the current round.
If you neither move nor attack, you loose the benefit for the remainder of the current use of your Bardic
[Bardic Music]
(DR336 p99)
Bardic Music class ability
Undertone of Heresy
Perform: 9 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, all creatures within 60’ that can hear you become
(if they have fewer HD than you), Frightened (if they have the same HD as you), or Shaken (if
they have more HD than you). WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ effective Bard level + Charisma modifier. Note: If
you have used this ability on a target within the last week, it receives a +2 bonus on its save. Effect lasts
(1d4 + Charisma modifier) rounds.
Aberrations are immune to this Mind-Affecting ability.
Chant of Fortitude
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 8 ranks
Perform: 9 ranks
As an Immediate Action, use your Bardic Music to give all allies (and yourself) the Diehard feat for one
Chant of the Long
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p074)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
After performing for 1 minute, expend a use of your Bardic Music to cause all allies within 60’ & yourself
from suffering nonlethal damage due to ‘hustling’ for the next hour.
Chaos Music
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 4 ranks
Your effective Bard level for purposes of using your Bard Music class ability increases by +4, up to your
HD. This means that a multi-classed Bard or one with Racial HD benefits.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Chord of Distraction
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p075)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
As an Immediate Action, expend three uses of Bardic Music to render a target within 30’ Flat-Footed
against one of your allies. The target is allowed an opposed check (your Perform vs. his/her Sense Motive
+ BAB) to resist. The effect ends one the designated ally attack the target –or– the target’s turn begins.
Disguise Spell
(CAdv p108)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
Onlookers realize you’re performing, but don’t realize you’re casting a spell unless they make an opposed
Spot check against your Perform check.
Dragon Song
(Dcn p105)
Charisma 13
Know (arcana): 4 ranks
Perform: 6 ranks
Speak Language
+2 save DC to resist your mind-affecting effects based generated by your Bardic Music.
+2 bonus on Perform checks involving song, poetry, or any other verbal/spoken form of performance.
Enchanting Song
(RoS p139)
Bardic Music class ability
Spell Focus(Enchantment)
Perform: 6 ranks
When casting a spell from the School of Enchantment, you may expend one use of Bardic Music to increase
the DC and
your caster level by 1. This effect stacks with other feats that increase DC or caster level.
Epic of the Lost King
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p077)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
As a Move Action, expend one use of Bardic Music to remove Fatigue from up to 3 allies (possibly
including yourself) within 30’.
As a Move Action, expend three uses of Bardic Music to remove Exhaustion from up to 3 allies (possibly
including yourself) within 30’.
Extra Music
(Eb p52)
(CAdv p109)
Bardic Music class ability
You may use your Bardic Music 4 extra times per day.
Note: You may take this feat multiple times.
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Feats based on Class Page 69
Bardic Music
Source Prerequisite Description
Focused Performance
[Bardic Music]
(DR338 p89)
Bardic Music class ability
Focused Performer
Concentration: 1 rank
Perform: 6 ranks
By spending one (or more) daily use of Bardic Music and making the indicated Perform check, you may
modify your Bardic Music in any of the following ways (though only one for a given use of Bardic
– spend 3 uses to perform two Bardic Music abilities simultaneously. Each round you
must make a Perform check vs. DC (20 + highest Perform ranks required) or both abilities end
immediately. You may end one of the Bardic Music abilities at any time and continue the other without
requiring any more Perform checks. Usable with all Bardic Music.
Dramatic Pause
– spend 2 uses to stop an ongoing Bardic Music ability for 1 round (in order to cast a
spell, attack, etc.) and then resume it as if you had not stopped. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (20 +
Perform ranks required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire
– spend 1 uses to make a Bardic Music that normally affects one target instead affect two.
Requires a Perform check vs. DC (20 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Inspire Competence,
Suggestion, and Song of Freedom.
Individual Performance
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music that normally affects multiple targets
instead only affect one (cannot be you). This target receives 2x the normal bonuses / penalties.
Requires a Perform check vs. DC (15 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire
Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire Heroics.
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music have 2x the normal area of effect. Requires a Perform
check vs. DC (10 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence,
Inspire Greatness, Inspire Heroics, and Song of Freedom.
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music that you have been performing for at least 3 round last
two extra rounds after you stop performing. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (10 + Perform ranks
required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire
Riveting Performance
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music affect all target in range that can hear you,
even if they cannot see you. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (15 + Perform ranks required). Usable
with Fascinate and Inspire Competence.
Focused Performer
[Bardic Music]
(DR338 p89)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 1 rank
Perform: 4 ranks
You may make a Perform check in place of a Concentration check to maintain
an Arcane spell with a
Verbal component (not applicable to a spell with the Silent Spell metamagic applied to it).
Green Ear
(CAdv p110)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 10 ranks
You may alter any of your mind-affecting Bardic Music abilities to affect Plants creatures only.
Plant creatures gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against your music.
Haunting Melody
(Eb p54)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, you can cause all enemies within 30’ that hear your
performance to become Shaken for 1 round per rank in Perform (WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Bard level +
Charisma modifier). This is a [mind][fear] effect.
(DR325 p62)
Bardic Music class ability
Ability to cast Divine
Perform is always a Class skill for you.
Receive your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to all Perform checks.
Inspire Spellpower
(RoS p141)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 8 ranks
As a Standard Action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Music to increase the effective caster level of
allies (but not yourself) by 1. This lasts for as long as they hear your performance plus 5 rounds.
Ironskin Chant
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 12 ranks
Perform: 12 ranks
As a Swift Action, use your Bardic Music to provide Damage Reduction 5 / — to yourself or one ally
within 30’ who can hear you. Lasts until the start of your next turn.
Lingering Song
(CAdv p111)
Bardic Music class ability
When you use Bardic Music to Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, or to Inspire Heroics, the effects lasts for
1 minute after your target stops hearing you perform (instead of 5 rounds).
Lyric Spell
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 12 ranks
Ability to cast 2
Spontaneous Arcane
As a Standard Action, you may cast one of your available Spontaneous Arcane Spells by expending (1 +
spell level) uses of Bardic Music.
You cannot use this feat to cast a spell with the Silent Spell metamagic feat applied to it.
Metamagic Song
(RoS p142)
Bardic Music class ability
any two Metamagic feats
When casting a spontaneous spell enhanced by a metamagic feat, you can spend a number of Bardic Music
uses equal to the level adjustment of the feat to cast the modified spell at its normal level.
You cannot partially reduce the level adjustment of a metamagic feat (either all or none).
You cannot use this feat to improve a spell with the Silent Spell feat.
Misleading Song
(RoS p142)
Bardic Music class ability
Spell Focus (Illusion)
Perform: 12 ranks
As you cast spell from the School of Illusion, you can spend one Bardic Music use to increase the caster
level and
saving throw DC of the spell by 1. This stacks with other feats that increase caster level and/or
Music of Growth
(Eb p57)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 12 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, all Animals & Plants within 30’ of you gain a +4
Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution as long as you continue performing.
Music of Making
(Eb p57)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, you may do one of the following:
1. The duration of a Conjuration (creation) spell you cast is doubled.
2. Gain a +4 Sacred bonus on your Craft check.
(LM p29)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 8 ranks
Your mind-affecting Bardic Music and Virtuoso’s Performance abilities can affect the Undead.
All Bardic Music effects on Undead creatures have only half their normal duration.
Sickening Sonata
[Bardic Music]
(DR336 p99)
Bardic Music class ability
Undertone of Heresy
Blasphemous Utterance
Perform: 12 ranks
When you use ‘Blasphemous Utterance’, the following occurs: all creatures within 60’ that can hear you
become Paralyzed
(if they have fewer HD than you), Nauseated (if they have the same HD as you), or
(if they have up to three more HD than you). WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ effective Bard level +
Charisma modifier. Note: If you have used this ability on a target within the last week, it receives a
+2 bonus on its save. Effect lasts (1d4 + Charisma modifier) rounds.
Aberrations are immune to this Mind-Affecting ability.-
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Feats based on Class Page 70
Bardic Music
Source Prerequisite Description
Song of the Heart
(Eb p60)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
Your Bardic Music abilities are improved:
Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Inspire Greatness, & Inspire Heroics have their bonuses increased
by 1.
Fascinate, Suggestion, & Mass Suggestion have their DC increased by 1.
Haunting Melody has its DC increased by 1.
Music of Growth has its Enhancement bonuses increased to +6.
Music of Making has its Craft bonus increased to +6.
Soothe the Beast receives a +2 Circumstance bonus on Perform check to improve the attitude of an
Animal or Magical Animal.
Soothe the Beast
(EB p60)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, you may attempt to change an Animal or Magical
Animal’s attitude toward you. Using the Diplomacy check table, make a Perform check to change the
creatures attitude. Magical Beasts with an Intelligence of 1 or 2 may be targeted, but you receive a –4
penalty to do so. The check takes at least 1 minute.
Most Animals start with an attitude of Indifferent & most Magical Animals start at Unfriendly.
Sound of Silence
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p081)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
As a Standard Action, expend two
uses of Bardic Music to Deafen a target for 3 rounds (WillNeg, DC =
your Perform check). The target must be within 30’ & be able to hear you.
Speak to the Masses
(DR339 p36)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
1. When using your Fascinate bardic music ability, you may affect 2x the normal number of creatures.
2. +2 DC on your Fascinate & Suggestion bardic music abilities.
(CAdv p112)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 10 ranks
You can produce music or poetry so subtly, others do not audibly realize you are the source – though they
are still affected normally.
Sunken Song
(Storm p94)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform(sing): 4 ranks
You may use Perform (sing) as the basis of your Bardic Music abilities while underwater.
Undertone of Heresy
(DR336 p99)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 4 ranks
By expending two daily uses of Bardic Music (instead of one), the DC for the subject Bardic Music effect
has +2 DC.
Warning Shout
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p082)
Bardic Music class ability
Evasion class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
As an Immediate Action, expend two
uses of Bardic Music grant one ally (not yourself) a +5 Morale bonus
on his/her next Reflex save –and– the Evasion class ability. If not used by the start of your next turn, the
ability is lost. Your ally must be within 30’ and be able to see or hear you.
(Storm p94)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform(sing): 5 ranks
–or– Perform (wind
instrument): 5 ranks
By expending one daily use of Bardic Music, you gain some control over the winds affecting your ship for
the length of your performance + 10 rounds. You may adjust the winds by one compass point –and– the
crew’s Profession (sailor) checks are treated as if the wind was one category less strong (see Storm p23)
with no loss of speed.
Domain Feats (general)
Domain (general)
Source Prerequisite Description
Customize Domain
(DR325 p61)
Access to a Domain
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You may permanently
change the spells on one of your Domain lists for spells on any spell list you have
access to, with the following restrictions:
- the new spell must be equal or lower level than the Domain spell level
- must be appropriate to the Domain, as per the following rules:
Air – [air] or [electricity] spells
Animal – spells that target Animals, summon Animals, or have an animal in its name (i.e., Bull’s
Chaos – [chaos] spells
Death – [death] spells or those that apply to Undead
Destruction – Evocation spells that deal damage
Earth – [earth] spells
Evil – [evil] spells
Fire – [fire] spells
Good – [good] spells
Healing – (healing) spells
Knowledge – Divination spells
Law – [law] spells
Luck – Abjuration spells or spells that add a bonus to any d20 roll
Magic – any spell
, but must be 1 level lower that the Domain spell level
Plant – spells that target plants & Plant creatures, summon Plant creatures, or have a plant in its name
(i.e., Treestride)
Protection – Abjuration spells
Strength – spells that grant a bonus to Strength or cause a penalty to Strength
Sun – [light] spells
Travel – spells that alter speed or provide movement
Trickery – Illusion or Transmutation spells that alter appearance
War – spells whose names begin with “Mass”
Water – [water] spells and spells which create or modify water
May be taken multiple time, each of which applies to a new Domain.
Domain Focus
(CDiv p80)
Access to a Domain
All spells you cast from the chosen Domain are at +1 Caster level. Spells on your Domain list that are cast
from non-Domain spell slots do not
receive this bonus.
You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different Domain.
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Feats based on Class Page 71
Domain (general)
Source Prerequisite Description
Domain Spontaneity
(FoE p147)
(CDiv p80)
Ability to Turn or
Rebuke Undead
Choose one of your Domains. You may now convert your Prepared Divine spells into a spell from your
chosen Domain list of equal or lower level on-the-fly, though each use requires you to also expend a Turn /
Rebuke use.
You may take this feat more than once, each time with a different Domain.
Improved Power
(DR342 p21)
Access to a Domain
Receive an additional Domain power for the indicated Domain. Examples are listed in the Base Class Index
You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different Domain.
Domain Feats (specific)
Domain (specific)
Source Prerequisite Description
Divine Alacrity
(FoE p145)
Access to the Travel
Ability to Turn or
Rebuke Undead
As a Swift Action, expend one of your Turn / Rebuke Undead uses to give yourself +30’ Enhancement
bonus to Land movement for 1 round.
Frantic Rage
(FoE p147)
Access to the Madness
Ability to Rage
Each time you enter a ‘Rage’, you may choose if the bonus applies to your Strength (as usual) or your
Dexterity instead.
Turning Undead Feats
Turning Undead
Source Prerequisite Description
Ancestral Whispers
(FoE p145)
Ability to Turn Undead
Worshiper of the
Undying Court
As a Standard Action, expend one of your Turn Undead uses to give yourself a +4 Sacred bonus on one skill
of your choice. The bonus lasts for 1 + Charisma modifier rounds. You are treated as ‘trained’ with the
designated skill and are able to ‘Take 10’ with it no matter what the circumstances.
Aura of Life Energy
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn Undead
Know (religion): 7 ranks
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn Attempt to inflict 1d8 + 1 / two levels damage on all Undead within a
20’ radius Burst (no save).
Consecrate Spell
(BoED p42)
Craft Wand –or– Craft
Able to Turn Undead
When using a Wand or Staff, you can consume one of your Turns per day to apply the Consecrate Spell feat
to the item’s effect. Charges are still used up as normal.
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn Undead
Know (religion): 4 ranks
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn Attempt to create a 20’ radius Burst of light. Undead creatures in the
area of effect that are susceptible to sunlight become Frightened for 1d4 rounds (WillNeg, DC is
Disciple of the Sun
(CDiv p80)
Ability to Turn Undead
If you spend two of your daily uses of ‘Turn Undead’ instead of one, the Undead you turn are Destroyed.
Exalted Turning
(BoED p42)
Ability to Turn Undead
Any Undead you successfully Turn also takes 3d6 damage.
Pierce the Darkness
(RoS p143)
Ability to Turn Undead
Darkvision racial ability
As a Standard Action, spend one of your Turn Attempts to double the range of your darkvision for
(Character level) minutes.
Purify Spell Trigger
(BoED p45)
Craft Wand –or– Craft
Able to Turn Undead
When using a Wand or Staff, you can consume one of your Turns per day to apply the Purify Spell feat to
the item’s effect. Charges are still used up as normal.
Sacred Boost
(CDiv p84)
Ability to Turn Undead All creatures within a 60’ radius Burst who are targeted with a Cure spell before the end of your next turn
have the Cure spell Maximized for free.
This effect requires a Standard Action and consumes one of your Turn Undead uses for the day.
Sacred Healing
(CDiv p84)
Ability to Turn Undead
Heal: 8 ranks
All living creatures within a 60’ radius Burst gain Fast Healing 3 for (1 + Charisma modifier) rounds.
This effect requires a Full Round Action and consumes one of your Turn Undead uses for the day.
Sacred Healing’
(PH2 p89)
Ability to Turn Undead
As a Swift Action, expend one of your daily Turn uses to receive a +5 bonus on Heal checks and a +2 bonus
per die on damage healed by Conjuration (healing) spells. Effect lasts until the end of your current turn.
Sacred Purification
(PH2 p89)
Ability to Turn Undead
Sacred Healing’
As a Swift Action, expend one of your daily Turn uses to heal all living creatures within a 60’ radius Burst
by (1d8 + Charisma modifier) hp –and– damage all Undead by the same amount.
Sacred Radiance
(PH2 p89)
Ability to Turn Undead
Divine Caster level 9
As a Standard Action, expend one of your daily Turn uses generate a 60’ radius Emanation
of Bright Light
around yourself and Shadowy Illumination out to 120’. All [darkness] effects up to 3
level within the
area-of-effect are suppressed. In addition, all non-Evil creatures within a 60’ radius Emanation receive a
+2 Morale bonus on saves vs. Fear, Poison, Disease, & Death effects, while Evil creatures receive a –2
penalty on saves vs. Fear. Lasts for 10 minutes.
Sacred Resilience
(FoE p147)
Ability to Turn Undead
Unquenchable Flame of
Life –or– Unyielding
Bond of Soul
You may grant your bonus with ‘Unquenchable Flame of Life’ and/or ‘Unyielding Bond of Soul’ to an ally
within 60’ as an Immediate Action. Doing so expends one of your Turn Undead uses. This must be done
before your ally rolls his/her save.
This feat can only be taken once, but applies to both feats if you have them both.
Sacred Vitality
(LM p30)
Ability to Turn Undead
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn Attempt to gain immunity to Ability Damage, Ability Drain, and
Energy Drain for 1 minute.
Sanctify Water
(Storm p93)
Ability to Turn Undead
As a Standard Action, expend one of your daily Turn uses to cause a 20’ radius of water around you to act
like Holy Water for (1 + Charisma modifier) rounds. Each creature in the area-of-effect is affected as if it
came in contact with a vial of Holy Water each round.
Spurn Death’s Touch
(LM p30)
Ability to Turn Undead As a Standard Action that does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity, spend one Turn Attempt to heal a
touched ally of one
of the following:
1. Heal 1d4 points of Ability Damage
2. Remove a Paralysis effect
3. Remove a Negative level
You can only
use this feat to heal ability damage or remove effects caused by an Undead creature.
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Feats based on Class Page 72
Rebuking Undead Feats
Rebuking Undead
Source Prerequisite Description
Blackwater Invocation
(Storm p91)
Ability to Rebuke Undead
As a Standard Action, expend one of your daily Rebuke uses to cause a 30’ radius of water around you to
become infused with negative energy. Lasts for 10 minutes.
1. A creature energy the area-of-effect that does not have protection from cold (i.e., warm clothing,
Endure Elements, any Cold resistance) takes 1d6 nonlethal damage (FortNeg DC15). The damage
occurs each time the creature leaves the area-of-effect and then returns. Creatures that can Channel
Negative Energy (including the caster) are immune.
2. The water darkens, granting all within Concealment
Profane Aura
(PH2 p89)
Ability to Rebuke Undead
Divine Caster level 9
As a Standard Action, expend one of your daily Rebuke uses to generate a 60’ radius Emanation
of mist
around yourself. Up to 5’ of mist grants Concealment, while more grants Total Concealment. In addition,
all Undead in the area-of-effect receive a +2 Deflection bonus to AC. Lasts for 10 minutes.
Profane Boost
(CDiv p84)
Ability to Rebuke Undead All Undead within a 60’ radius Burst who are targeted with an Inflict spell before the end of your next turn
have the Inflict spell Maximized for free.
This effect requires a Standard Action and consumes one of your Rebuke Undead uses for the day.
Profane Lifeleech
(LM p29)
Ability to Rebuke Undead As a Standard Action, spend two Rebuke Attempts to deal 1d6 points of damage to all living creatures
within a 30’ burst. This effect cant reduce any creature’s current hit point to less than 0. You heal the total
amount of damage dealt (but do not exceed your normal maximum).
Note: This feat deals no damage to Constructs or Undead.
Profane Vigor
(LM p29)
Ability to Rebuke Undead
Charisma 11
As a Standard Action, spend one Rebuke Attempt to heal one Undead ally within 60’ 2 hit points per Cleric
level. This does not allow the Undead to exceed their full normal hit points.
Turning or Rebuking Undead Feats
Turning or
Rebuking Undead
Source Prerequisite Description
Divine Accuracy
(LM p112)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
As a Standard Action, expend one of your Turn/Rebuke Undead uses to grant all allies in a 60’ radius Burst
(including yourself) the ability to reroll their miss chance from incorporealness (melee attacks only).
This lasts for 1 minute, and can only be used to reroll once per melee attack.
Divine Alacrity
(FoE p145)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Access to the Travel
As a Swift Action, expend one of your Turn / Rebuke Undead uses to give yourself +30’ Enhancement
bonus to Land movement for 1 round.
Divine Armor
(PH2 p88)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Divine Caster level 5
As a Swift Action, expend one of your daily Turn / Rebuke uses to gain Damage Reduction 5 / — until the
start of your next turn.
Divine Cleansing
(CWar p106)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
As a Standard Action, use up one of your daily Turn / Rebuke uses to grant all allies in a 60’ radius Burst
(including yourself) with a +2 Sacred bonus on Fortitude saves for (Charisma modifier) rounds.
Divine Fortune
(PH2 p88)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Divine Caster level 5
As an Immediate Action, use up one of your daily Turn / Rebuke uses to receive a +4 bonus on your next
saving throw. Bonus is lost if not used before the start of your next turn.
Divine Justice
(PH2 p88)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
As a Swift Action, designate a target of this feat. The first time the target damages you with an armed
melee or natural weapon attack (if within 1 minute of the target being designated), you take the damage
normally, but have an opportunity to do the same damage to the target. You must hit the target within
1 minute of taking damage, in which case you do the recorded damage –or– your weapon damage
(whichever is higher).
You may have only one outstanding target at a time. You may not designate a new one until you damage
the current one or the ability times out.
Divine Metamagic
(CDiv p80)
(DR324 p103)+
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
any Metamagic feat
Choose a Metamagic feat you possess. As a Free Action, you may apply that feat to a Divine spell you are
casting without changing its level by sacrificing (1 + the feat’s level adjustment value) of your
Turk/Rebuke attempts of the day.
You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different Metamagic feat.
Divine Might
(CWar p106)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Strength 13
Power Attack
As a Free Action, use up one of your daily Turn / Rebuke uses to add your Charisma bonus to your
weapon’s damage for 1 Full Round
Divine Resistance
(CWar p106)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Divine Cleansing
As a Standard Action, use up one of your daily Turn / Rebuke uses to grant all allies within a 60’ radius
Burst plus yourself with Cold Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 5, & Fire Resistance 5. These last for
(Charisma modifier) rounds.
Divine Shield
(CWar p106)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Shield Proficiency
As a Standard Action, use up one of your daily Turn / Rebuke uses to add you Charisma modifier to your
Shield bonus to AC for one round per two Character levels.
Divine Spell Power
(CDiv p80)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Able to cast 1
Divine spells
You may expend one of your daily uses of ‘Turn Undead’ as a Free Action to adjust the Effective Caster
level of the next Divine spell
you cast.
The adjustment is calculated by you making your Turning Check with a +3 bonus. The resulting modifier
to your level is the modifier to your Caster level (e.g., a Cleric who rolls a 16 would get a +2).
Divine Vigor
(CWar p107)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
As a Standard Action, use up one of your daily Turn / Rebuke uses to gain +10’ movement and +2
Temporary HP per Character level. Both effects last for (Charisma modifier) minutes.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 73
Turning or
Rebuking Undead
Source Prerequisite Description
Divine Ward
(PH2 p88)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Divine Caster level 5
By spending 10 minutes in contact with a willing creature, you create a ‘magic ward’ between you and the
creature that lasts 24 hours. For that duration, ‘touch’ spells (typically healing) can be cast on the warded
creature at Close-range by expending a Turn / Rebuke use.
Multiple creatures may be warded each day, though each creature warded after the 1
each day also costs a
Turn / Rebuke use.
Divine Warrior
(FoE p146)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Base Attack Bonus +6
Proficiency with Deity’s
Favored Weapon
As a Swift Action, expend one of your Turn / Rebuke Undead uses to give the copy of your Deity’s Favored
Weapon you are holding the ‘Holy’ special ability (if you Turn Undead) or the ‘Unholy’ special ability (if
you Rebuke Undead). The effect applies to the next attack you make, which must be within one turn.
Holy – +2d6 vs. Evil creatures & weapon damage is considered ‘good’ for purposes of overcoming DR.
Unholy – +2d6 vs. Good creatures & weapon damage is considered ‘evil’ for purposes of overcoming DR.
Domain Spontaneity
(FoE p147)
(CDiv p80)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Choose one of your Domains. You may now convert your Prepared Divine spells into a spell from your
chosen Domain list of equal or lower level on-the-fly, though each use requires you to also expend a Turn /
Rebuke use.
You may take this feat more than once, each time with a different Domain.
Empower Turning
(CDiv p81)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Multiple your Turning Damage (after adding in your Cleric level & your Charisma modifier) by 1.5 to
determine the number of Undead HD you effect.
Extra Turning
(PH p94)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Each time you take this feat, you gain an additional 4 uses per day of your Turning / Rebuking ability. If
you have more than one such ability, you must choose which ability it adds to when you take the feat.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Frenzied Hunt
(DR342 p89)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Base Attack Bonus +6
Must have witnessed or
been hunted by the Wild
As a Free Action, spend one Turn or Rebuke Attempt to enter a “wild state of frenzy”. To determine how
long the frenzy lasts, make a Turning check. The maximum HD Undead you could have affected is the
number of rounds the frenzy lasts on its own.
While in the frenzied state, the following apply:
1. Your Base Attack bonus equals your Character Level;
2. +4 Enhancement bonus to Dexterity;
3. +4 Enhancement bonus to Listen and Spot checks;
4. You may only make physical attacks (preferring ranged ones). You may take no action that require
5. You must seek out and kill non-Allied creatures. If you succeed in killing one, you must immediately
start hunting the next. You still know who your allies are and do not hunt them.
You may end the frenzied state by making a Will save vs. DC 15 + rounds of frenzy remaining.
Once the frenzy has ended, you are Fatigued for a number of minutes equal to the number of rounds you
spent in frenzy.
Glorious Weapons
(CDiv p82)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
All of your allies’ weapons within a 60’ radius Burst to do ‘good’ damage (if you channel positive energy)
or ‘evil’ (if you channel negative energy) for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. This effect lasts
the end of your next turn.
This effect requires a Standard Action and consumes one of your Turn Undead uses for the day.
Haunting Weapons
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Know (religion): 4 ranks
Know (planes): 4 ranks
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn or Rebuke Attempt to grant the Ghost Touch special ability to all
melee weapons (including natural weapons) of your allies within a 30’ radius burst. The effect lasts until
the end of your next turn.
Heighten Turning
(LM p27)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Charisma 13
Extra Turning
When you Turn or Rebuke Undead, you may choose a number no higher than your effective Cleric level.
Add that number to your Turning Check, then subtract it from your Turning Damage roll.
Heroic Channeling
(FoE p147)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
You may expend an Action Point in place of a Turn / Rebuke use. This lets you power other Divine feats,
even if you have no Turn / Rebuke uses left for the day. It can be combined with other Turn / Rebuke uses
for abilities that take multiple Turn / Rebuke uses, though only 1 Action Point may be spent in this way
each round.
Holy Calling
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Charisma 15
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn or Rebuke Attempt to goad one Undead within 60’ to attack only you
for 1d4 rounds (WillNeg, DC is Charisma-based). The target may attack with its choice of melee or
ranged attacks, spells, supernatural abilities, etc., and can still fight intelligently. If the target can no
longer see you, then the effect ends.
Imbue Weapon
(DR343 p91)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Extra Turning
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn / Rebuke Attempt to imbue your weapon with a bonus against a
designated target creature. The effect grants +N on attack and damage and lasts N rounds, where
N = +1 per four Cleric levels (min +1).
Improved Turning
(PH p96)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
You may Turn or Rebuke creatures as if you were one level higher in the class that grants the ability.
Quicken Turning
(CDiv p84)
(LM p20)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
You may make a Turn or Rebuke Undead attempt as Free Action. You may only make an attempt once per
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 74
Other Turning / Rebuking Feats
Other Turning /
Rebuking Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Divine Damage
(RoS p137)
Ability to Rebuke Earth
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Earth Sense
Earth’s Warding
As a Standard Action, use up one of your Rebuke Earth Creature uses to give yourself Damage Reduction 2
/ adamantine for a number of rounds equal to your character level.
You must be touching the ground to use this feat.
Divine Spellshield
(RoS p137)
Ability to Rebuke Earth
Racial bonus on saves
vs. spells
As a Standard Action, use up one of your Rebuke Earth Creature uses to grant all allies with 30’ a +2 Sacred
bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects for a number of rounds equal to your character
You must be touching the ground to use this feat.
Earth’s Warding
(RoS p137)
Ability to Rebuke Earth
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Earth Sense
As a Standard Action, use up one of your Rebuke Earth Creature uses to increase your Natural Armor bonus
to AC by 2 for (Charisma modifier) minutes.
You must be touching the ground to use this feat.
Elemental Healing
(CDiv p80)
Ability to Rebuke
creatures with an
Elemental subtype
As a Standard Action, you may expend one of your Elemental Rebuke attempts to heal of all creatures with
the matching subtype within a 60’ radius Burst by 1d8 per 2 levels.
These special types of Rebukes can be acquired with the Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Domains.
Elemental Smiting
(CDiv p81)
Ability to Turn creatures
with an Elemental
As a Free Action, you may expend one of your Elemental Turn attempts to do extra damage with a melee
attack on a creature with the matching subtype. You must decide before you roll your attack. If
successful, you do +(Cleric level) damage. This ability can only be used once per round.
These special types of Turns can be acquired with the Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Domains.
Extra Turning
(PH p94)
Ability to Turn or
Rebuke creatures
Each time you take this feat, you gain an additional 4 uses per day of your Turning / Rebuking ability. If
you have more than one such ability, you must choose which ability it adds to when you take the feat.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Imbue Weapon
(DR343 p91)
Turn or Rebuke Undead
class ability
Extra Turning
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn / Rebuke Attempt to imbue your weapon with a bonus against a
designated target creature. The effect grants +N on attack and damage and lasts N rounds, where
N = +1 per four Cleric levels (min +1).
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Feats based on Class Page 75
Initiate Feats
(see also Forgotten Realms-specific Initiate Feats)
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Insight
(RoD p154)
Patron Deity: Boccob
Cleric level: 3
Add Knowledge (arcana) to your Cleric class skills.
Gain +2 Insight bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: True Strike(PH p296) – Add +20 insight bonus to your next attack roll.
: Arcane Sight(PH p201) – Magical auras become visible to you.
: Rary’s Telepathic Bond(PH p268) – Link lets allies communicate.
: Arcane Sight, Greater(PH p201) – As Arcane Sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures & objects.
: Moment of Prescience(PH p255) – You gain insight bonus on a single attack roll, check , or save.
Dread Tyranny
(RoD p154)
Patron Deity: Hextor
Cleric level: 3
Strength 13
Add Intimidate to your Cleric class skills. Add your Strength and
Charisma modifiers to Intimidate checks.
When you use a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage, you reduce the attack roll penalty to –2.
Add the following to your Cleric spells list:
: Scare(PH p274) – Panics creatures of less than 6HD.
: Evard’s Black Tentacles(PH p228) – Tentacles grapple all within a 15’ spread.
: Dominate Person(PH p224) – Controls humanoid telepathically.
: Eyebite(PH p228) – Target becomes panics, sickened, and comatose.
: Demand(PH p217) – As Sending, plus you can send Suggestion.
: Dominate Monster(PH p224) – As Dominate Person, but any creature.
Eternal Strength
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Kord
Cleric level: 5
Strength 13
+4 bonus on saves against Strength damage or drain.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Heroism(PH p240) – Gives a +2 on attack rolls, saves, & skill checks.
: Waves of Fatigue(PH p301) – Several targets become fatigued.
: Heroism, Greater(PH p285) – Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear;
temporary hp.
: Waves of Exhaustion(PH p301) – Several targets become exhausted.
Far Horizons
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Fharlanghn
Cleric level: 1
Add Climb, Jump, and Swim to your Cleric class skills.
You always know which direction is North.
Add the following to your Cleric spells list:
: Expeditious Retreat(PH p228) – Your land speed increases by 30’.
: Leomund’s Tiny Hut(PH p247) – Creates shelter for ten creatures.
: Overland Flight(PH p259) – You fly at a speed of 40’ and can ‘hustle’ over long distances.
: Shadow Walk(PH p277) – Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
Law Inviolate
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: St. Cuthbert
Cleric level 1
Lawful alignment
Any weapons you wield (including natural) are considered Lawful-aligned for overcoming DR.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Color Spray(PH p210) – Knocks unconscious, blinds, or stuns weak creatures.
: Daze Monster(PH3.5 217) – Living creature up to 6HD or less looses next action.
: Suggestion(PH p285) – Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
: Passwall(PH p259) – Creates a passage through wood or stone walls.
: Suggestion, Mass(PH p285) – As Suggestion, plus one subject per level.
: Power Word Stun(PH p263) – Stuns creatures with 150 hp or less
Radiant Fire
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Pelor
Cleric level 3
+2 Insight bonus to damage rolls against Evil creatures.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Scorching Ray(PH p274) – Ranged touch attack, deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/4 levels (max 3).
: Summon Monster III(PH p286) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you.*
: Summon Monster V(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you. *
: Summon Monster VI(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you. *
: Summon Monster VIII(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you. *
* Fire Elementals only
Undying Fate
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Wee Jas
Cleric level 3
As a Swift Action, you can determine how close creatures are to death. This is an Extraordinary ability that
functions as the Deathwatch spell.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: False Life(PH p229) – Gain 1d10 temporary hp + 1 per level (max +10).
: Halt Undead(PH p238) – Immobilizes undead for 1 round per level.
: Blight(PH p206) – Withers one plant or deals 1d6 per level damage to a plant creature.
: Finger of Death(PH p230) – Kills one subject.
Whispered Secrets
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Vecna
Cleric level 1
Add Listen and Spot to your Cleric class skills.
You automatically become aware of any attempt to observe you by Scrying as an Extraordinary ability.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Disguise Self(PH p222) – Changes your appearance.
: Darkvision(PH p216) – See 60’ in total darkness.
: Glibness(PH p235) – You gain +30 bonus on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical discernment.
: Arcane Eye(PH p200) – Invisible floating eye moves 30’ per round.
: Prying Eyes(PH p267) – 1d4 floating eyes + 1 per level scout for you.
: Analyze Dweomer(PH p197) – Reveals magical aspects of subject.
: Mind Blank(PH p253) – Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
Editor’s Note: I think the intention was to make the next level's summon spell available, but only for Fire Elementals. That way the Follows of Pelor could get an
extra powerful Fire creature or the normal other summoned creatures. That would make the list as follows:
Scorching Ray 3
Summon Monster IV* 5
Summon Monster VI*
Summon Monster VII* 8
Summon Monster IX* * Fire Elementals only
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 76
Druid Only Feats
Druid Only Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Chymdeithas Initiate
(DR332 p87)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Dderwydd Chymdeithas Druidic Sect, who have been in hiding and are spread out.
Choose one of the following: Knowledge (geography), Know (local), Knowledge (religion),
Knowledge (the planes). Add this skill to your Druid Skill List.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Disguise Self(PH p222) – Changes our appearance.
: Undetectable Alignment(PH p297) – Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
: Helping Hand(PH p239) – Ghostly hand leads subject to you.
: Sending(PH p275) – Delivers a short message anywhere, instantly.
: Teleport(PH p292) – Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.
: Shadow Walk(PH p277) – Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
: Sequester(PH p276) – Subject is invisible to sight and scrying.
: Discern Location(PH p222) – Reveals the exact location of a creature or object.
: Etherealness(PH p228) – Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Animal Companion Feats
Animal Companion
Source Prerequisite Description
Companion Spellbond
(PH2 p77)
Animal Companion
class ability
1. You may share spell with your Animal Companion at a range of 30’ (instead of 5’).
2. You may cast Touch spells on your Animal Companion at Close-range.
Coordinated Strike
(RotW p149)
Animal Companion or
Special Mount class
Handle Animal: 5 ranks
During any round in which your Animal Companion or Special Mount makes a melee attack, you gain a +1
Competence bonus on your attack rolls again the same opponent.
Exalted Companion
(BoED p42)
Able to acquire a new
Animal Companion
Instead of gaining an Animal as your companion, you get a Magical Beast. See (BoED p42) for a full list.
Inspire Beast
(DR339 p87)
Animal Companion
class ability
Handle Animal: 6 ranks
As a Standard Action, you may make a Handle Animal check vs. DC 20 to grant your Animal Companion a
+3 Morale bonus on Attack and Damage for 1 round. Your Animal Companion must be within 30’, have
line of effect, and be able to see or hear you.
Monstrous Animal
(DR326 p32)
Animal Companion
class ability
Savage Empathy
If you can find a Magical Beast off the Monstrous Animal Companion list in the Creature Index, you can
make it your companion if you can changes its attitude towards you to ‘helpful’ or ‘friendly’ using Wild
Mystic Companion
(DR339 p87)
Animal Companion
class ability
Able to cast 1
Divine spells
Know (nature): 9 ranks
As long as you have line of sight with your Animal Companion, your effective Caster level for Ranger
spells is +4, up to your Ranger level. This does not grant you extra spells, just improves the ones you
already can cast.
Natural Bond
(CAdv p114)
Animal Companion
class ability
Add three to your Effective Druid level (not to exceed your Character level) for determining your Animal
Companion’s bonuses. If you have more than one Animal Companion, this feat applies to only one.
Wild Empathy Feats
Wild Empathy
Source Prerequisite Description
Animal Friend
(BoED p41)
Charisma 15
Wild Empathy class
Gain a +4 Exalted bonus on Wild Empathy checks to change the attitudes of animals and good aligned
magical beasts.
Beast Totem
(Eb p51)
Wild Empathy class
Choose one of the following Magical Beasts to be your Totem. You gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on
saving throws vs. the listed attack form.
Totem Attack Form
Totem Attack Form
Chimera Breath Weapons Krenshar Fear
Digester Acid Unicorn Poison
Displacer Beast Targeted Spells Winter Wolf Cold
Gorgon Petrification Yrthak Sonic
Combined Empathy
(DR325 p61)
Druid level 1+
Ranger level 1+
Add your Druid and Ranger levels to your Wild Empathy checks.
Savage Empathy
(DR326 p33)
Wild Empathy class
You no longer receive a –4 penalty when trying to use Wild Empathy on a Magical Beast.
Choose a creature type other than Animals, Construct, Humanoids, or Undead. You can now user Wild
Empathy to influence a creature of this type if it has an Intelligence of 3 or less.
You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different creature type.
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Feats based on Class Page 77
Wild Empathy
Source Prerequisite Description
Totem Companion
(Eb p61)
Wild Empathy class
Beast Totem
Ability to acquire a new
Animal Companion
Appropriate minimum
You may take the Magical Beast that you chose as your Beast Totem as an ‘Animal Companion’. Any spell
you normally could cast on an Animal can be cast on your new companion.
Your companion gains Animal Companion abilities based on the number of level you are above the
minimum needed to summon the creature. As always, a Ranger’s effective level is ½ his Ranger level.
Totem Min. Level
Totem Min. Level
Chimera 13
Krenshar 7
Digester 10
Unicorn 10
Displacer Beast 7
Winter Wolf 10
Gorgon 16
Yrthak 16
Wild Shape Feats
Wild Shape Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Beast Shape
(Eb p50)
Wild Shape class ability
into a Huge animal
Wild Empathy class
Beast Totem
You may use your Wild Shape ability to take of form of your Beast Totem. You gain its Extraordinary &
Supernatural abilities.
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability
Listen: 4 ranks
Spend a Wild Shape use to gain Blindsense (30’) for 1 minute per HD.
You retain this benefit regardless of which form you are in.
Boar’s Ferocity
(CDiv p79)
Wild Shape class ability If your hit-points are reduced to 0 or less (but you are still alive), you may spend one of your daily Wild
Shape uses as a Free Action (even if it isn’t your turn) to continue acting as if you are not Disabled or
Dying. This effect lasts 1 minute.
Cheetah’s Speed
(CDiv p79)
Wild Shape class ability
You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to set your base land speed to 50’ for 1 hour.
You may move 10x your normal speed as part of a charge, once in the hour.
Climb Like an Ape
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability
Spend a Wild Shape use to gain Climb speed equal to your land speed for 10 minutes per HD. You also gain
a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks, and can take 10 on Climb checks, even when rushed or threatened.
Cougar’s Vision
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability
Spend a Wild Shape use to gain Low-Light Vision for 1 hour per HD. You also gain a +4 bonus on all Spot
checks. You retain these benefits regardless of which form you are in.
Dragon Wild Shape
(Dcn p105)
Wild Shape class ability
Wisdom 19
Know (nature): 15 ranks
You may use your Wild Shape ability to change into a Small or Medium Dragon.
You gain all the Extraordinary and Supernatural abilities of the Dragon whose form you take, but not any
Spell-like Abilities or Spellcasting powers.
Eagle’s Wings
(CDiv p80)
Wild Shape class ability
You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to grow feathery wings, which grant you a Flying
speed of 60’ with Average maneuverability, for 1 hour.
Elephant’s Hide
(CDiv p81)
Able to Wild Shape into
a Large creature
You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to set your Natural Armor bonus to AC to 7 (i.e., does
not stack with other Natural Armor bonuses). Lasts for 10 minutes.
Exalted Wild Shape
(BoED p42)
Wild Shape class ability
Wild Shape Class lvl 8
In addition to the normal forms you can take with Wild Shape, you can also take the form of a Blink Dog,
Giant Eagle, Giant Owl, Pegasus, Unicorn, or the Celestial version of an Animal that you can normally
take the shape of.
Extra Wild Shape
(CDiv p81)
(Und p25)
Wild Shape class ability You may use your Wild Shape class ability 2 additional times per day. If you have gained the Wild Shape
ability to become an Elemental, you gain 1 additional use per day.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Fast Wild Shape
(CDiv p81)
Dexterity 13
Wild Shape class ability
You may use Wild Shape as a Move Action (instead of a Standard Action).
Grizzly’s Claws
(CDiv p82)
Wild Shape class ability You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to gain two primary Claw attacks (both at your base
attack bonus + Strength). The claws do Slashing & Piercing damage equal to a Short Sword appropriate
for your size. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
Hawk’s Vision
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability Spend a Wild Shape use to gain a +8 bonus to Spot checks for 1 hour per HD. While this benefit is in effect,
you only take –1 on ranged attacks per increment, and are at –1 to Spot per 20’ of distance. You retain
these benefits regardless of which form you are in.
Lion’s Pounce
(CDiv p82)
Wild Shape class ability
You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to receive a Full Attack at the end of a Charge
(instead of a Single Attack). This effect lasts for 1 hour.
Natural Spell
(PH p98)
Wisdom 13
Wild Shape class ability
You can complete the verbal & somatic components of spells while in a Wild Shape.
Nature’s Fists
(DR343 p91)
Wild Shape (elemental)
class ability
Spend a daily use of Wild Shape to encase your limbs in an element (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water) for 1 minute
This grant the following:
1. Gain a Magical Slam attack that does not have a 50% miss chance against Incorporeal creatures and
does 1d6 damage plus the effect listed below:
Air: +1d4 Sonic damage & foe is Deafened for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
Earth: +1d4 Acid damage & ignores Hardness.
Fire: +1d4 Fire damage & struck object may Catch Fire (DMG p303).
Water: +1d4 Cold damage & foe is Fatigued for 1d4 minutes (FortNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
2. Since your hands are encased, you may not use them for holding objects, casting spells, climbing, etc.
Oaken Resilience
(CDiv p82)
Wild Shape (plant) class
You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to receive immunity to Critical Hits, Poison, Sleep,
Paralysis, Polymorph, and Stunning. You also gain +8 bonus to avoid being Bull Rushed or Tripped due
to greater stability. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.
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Feats based on Class Page 78
Wild Shape Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(DR343 p91)
Wild Shape (plant) class
Spend a daily use of Wild Shape to make your skin photosynthesize sunlight for 24 hours, which grants the
following benefits:
1. You are immune to Suffocation.
2. For each 4 hours in natural sunlight, you gain the benefits of consuming one meal.
3. +10 Inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid the dangers of thirst.
Powerful Wild Shape
(RoS p143)
Wild Shape class ability
Powerful Build racial
You can Wild Shape into a Powerful-Build version of a creature you can normally shape into. Powerful
Built creatures count as one category larger for the purposes of opposed checks for Bull Rush, Trip, &
Grapple; whether another creature’s special attack affects him; and for the purpose of using larger
Savage Grapple
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability
Sneak Attack class
While you are in a Wild Shape, you may apply your Sneak Attack damage to your Grapple damage.
Creatures not subject to sneak attacks don’t take this extra damage.
Savage Mobility
(DR326 p33)
Dexterity 13
Wild Shape class ability
When you use Wild Shape, your speed increases by +10’. This applies to your land, burrow, climb, fly, and
swim speeds.
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability
Spend a Wild Shape use to gain the Scent ability
(DMG p314) for 1 hour per HD. In addition, if you have the
Track feat, you can track creatures by scent. You retain this benefit regardless of which form you are in.
Serpent’s Venom
(CDiv p84)
Wild Shape class ability You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to gain one secondary Bite attack (at your base attack
bonus – 5 & +(Strength modifier / 2) bonus damage). The bite does Bludgeoning, Slashing, & Piercing
damage equal to a Dagger appropriate for your size, plus poison that does 1d6 Constitution /
1d6 Constitution damage (DC is Constitution based).
Stone Form
(RoS p144)
Wild Shape class ability
Constitution 13
As a Standard Action, spend a Wild Shape use to gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves; your Natural Armor
bonus becomes +4 (though Enhancement bonuses stack).
You also gain a Slam attack which does damage equal to a Morningstar of your size (1d6/1d8/2d6)
Swim like a Fish
(CDiv p85)
Wild Shape class ability
You may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape to be able to breath underwater (in addition to air),
gain a Swim speed of 40’, and gain a +8 bonus on Swim checks. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
Wolverine’s Rage
(CDiv p86)
Wild Shape class ability If you have taken damage during the last round, you may spend one of your daily uses of Wild Shape as a
Free Action to enter a rage. You gain +2 bonus to Strength & Constitution, and –2 penalty to AC. This
effect lasts 5 rounds and cannot
be ended early.
Favored Soul
Energy Resistance Feats
Energy Resistance
Source Prerequisite Description
Deflect Energy
(DR343 p90)
Energy Resistance class
If you are targeted with a Spell, Spell-like ability, or Supernatural ability that does energy damage of the
type you have resistance against, you may deflect some of the damage back at its source. Doing so
requires you to forgo your saving throw and consume an Immediate Action.
You may deflect up to the value of your Energy Resistance class ability + your Divine Caster level + your
Charisma modifier. You take any damage not deflected.
This ability only applies to targeted effects (i.e., not area-of-effect).
Energy Strike
(DR343 p91)
Energy Resistance class
Each day, you receive a pool of (Divine Caster level / 2) d6’s of an energy type to which you have
resistance. You may generate a ray of this energy at a target within 30’ as a Standard Action. Each ray
depletes the pool by the number of d6’s of damage it does (min 1d6).
Fighter Only
Fighter Only
Source Prerequisite Description
[General, Fighter]
(LM p29)
Fighter 4
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
You gain a +4 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the chosen weapon against Undead.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Fighter 4
Weapon Focus
Gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen weapon.
Greater Weapon Focus
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Fighter 8
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Greater Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Fighter 12
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Greater Weapon Focus
with the chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
Gain an additional +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen weapon.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 79
Curse Feats
Hexblade’s Curse is a Supernatural ability that can be used on one visible target within 60’. It is resisted with a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ Hexblade level +
Charisma modifier). A Hexblade has one use per day at 1
level, two at 5
, and +1 per five levels after that. The curse is “upgraded” to Greater Hexblade’s
Curse at 7
level and Dire Hexblade’s Curse at 19
level. It can be removed by an ability that removes curses.
Curse Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Curse of Distraction
(DR339 p92)
Curse class ability
any other Hex feat
Gain a new curse. For one hour, the curse’s target must make a Concentration check in order to cast a spell.
Hexblade Curse: DC = 15 + Spell Level
Greater Hexblade’s Curse: DC = 20 + Spell Level
Dire Hexblade’s Curse: DC = 25 + Spell Level
Curse of Failure
(DR339 p92)
Curse class ability
any other Hex feat
Gain a new curse. For one hour, if your allies flank the curse’s target, they receive the following flanking
Hexblade Curse: +3 bonus
Greater Hexblade’s Curse: +4 bonus
Dire Hexblade’s Curse: +6 bonus
Curse of Ignorance
(DR339 p92)
Curse class ability Gain a new curse. For one hour, the curse’s target receives a penalty on two types of skill checks
designated by you.
Hexblade Curse: –5 penalty
Greater Hexblade’s Curse: –10 penalty
Dire Hexblade’s Curse: –15 penalty
Curse of Paranoia
(DR339 p92)
Curse class ability Gain a new curse. For one hour, the curse’s target receives a penalty on one type of saving throw
designated by you.
Hexblade Curse: –4 penalty
Greater Hexblade’s Curse: –6 penalty
Dire Hexblade’s Curse: –8 penalty
Curse of Sloth
(DR339 p93)
Curse class ability
any other Hex feat
Gain a new curse. For one hour, the movement rate of the curse’s target is reduced to the following amount
(minimum 5’).
Hexblade Curse: 75%
Greater Hexblade’s Curse: 50%
Dire Hexblade’s Curse: 25%
Curse of the Softened
(DR339 p93)
Curse class ability
any two other Hex feat
Gain a new curse. For one hour, a designated weapon has its damage reduced by the following amount
(minimum 1 hp damage).
Hexblade Curse: –2 penalty
Greater Hexblade’s Curse: –4 penalty
Dire Hexblade’s Curse: –6 penalty
Curse of the Stricken
(DR339 p93)
Curse class ability
any two other Hex feat
Gain a new curse. For one hour, the curse’s target’s Armor Bonus to AC is reduced by the following
amount (minimum +0).
Hexblade Curse: –2 penalty
Greater Hexblade’s Curse: –4 penalty
Dire Hexblade’s Curse: –6 penalty
Empower Curse
(DR339 p93)
Curse class ability
The penalty imposed by your curse improved by 1.
Extend Curse
(DR339 p93)
Curse class ability
Your curses last for 1 day instead of 1 hour.
Extra Curse
(DR339 p93)
Curse class ability You may use your Curse class ability 1 extra time per day.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Foe of the Unlucky
(DR339 p93)
Curse class ability You may expend a daily use of your Hexblade Curse ability to force an enemy who just confirmed a Critical
Hit on you to reroll his/her confirmation. The foe must take this second roll.
This ability may only be used once per round.
Monk Only Feats
Monk Only Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Kung Fu Genius
(DR319 p71)
Intelligence 13
Must be taken before or
at the same time as
gaining Monk level 1
Use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier for all Monk class abilities normally
based on Wisdom.
Monastic Training
(Eb p57)
Monk level 1
Monk 1
, Monk 2
, Monk 6
Pick one class. You may now multiclass in the chosen class and still take levels of Monk.
You may take this feat as your 1
, 2
, or 6
level Monk feat.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 80
Bonus Monk Feat Options
Monk Feat Options
Source Prerequisite Description
Improved Grapple
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Dexterity 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 1
When you make a Grapple action, the following apply:
Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you when you make the touch attack to being
a Grapple.
You receive a +4 bonus on all Grapple checks, no matter who began the Grapple.
Improved Unarmed
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Monk 1
You are considered ‘armed’ when not using a weapon (i.e., an armed opponent does not get an Attack of
Opportunity against you when you attack).
Your Unarmed Strike does Lethal or Nonlethal damage, as you desire.
Stunning Fist
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 1
You must declare you are using this ability before you make an Attack with your Unarmed Strike. If your
foe is damaged by the attack, he/she must make a Fortitude save vs. DC (10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom
modifier). If your foe fails, he/she is Stunned for 1 round (i.e., until your next action). A Stunned creature
cannot take any Action, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, & has an additional –2 penalty to AC.
Creature immune to critical hits are immune to being Stunned.
You may use this ability once per four non-Monk levels + one per Monk levels each day.
You may use this ability only once per round.
Monastic Training
(Eb p57)
Monk level 1
Monk 1
, Monk 2
, Monk 6
Pick one class. You may now multiclass in the chosen class and still take levels of Monk.
You may take this feat as your 1
, 2
, or 6
level Monk feat.
Combat Reflexes
[General, Fighter]
(PH p92)
Monk 2
1. You may make Attacks of Opportunity while Flat-Footed.
2. You may make up to your Dexterity modifier in extra Attacks of Opportunity per round (instead of the
normal limit of 1), but only one such attack per creature each round.
Deflect Arrows
[General, Fighter]
(PH p93)
Dexterity 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 2
You may deflect one projectile per round that would have hit you, but only if the following are true:
1. you are not Flat-Footed and aware of the attack.
2. one of your hands is free.
3. the projectile is not purely magic (such as Melf’s Acid Arrow) or massive (such as a giant’s boulder).
Fiery Fist
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Monk 2
1. By using up one of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Swift Action, your Unarmed Strikes do +1d6
Fire damage for the rest of your turn.
2. You receive +1 Stunning Fist use per day.
Flensing Strike
(Eb p53)
Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (kama)
Weapon Focus (kama)
Monk 2
, Monk 6
As a Full Round Attack, make a single attack roll with a Kama. If it hits, your opponent takes the normal
damage and is wracked with pain for 1 minute, receiving a –4 penalty on attacks, saves, & checks for
1 minute unless he/she makes a Fortitude save. The DC is 10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom modifier.
This ability may only be used on living, corporeal creatures that feel pain and are subject to critical hits.
An Evil Monk may take this feat for their 2
or 6
level bonus Monk Feats.
Fiery Ki Defense
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Fiery Fist
Monk 6
By using up one of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Swift Action, your body is covered in flames, cause
1d6 Fire damage to anyone to hits you in melee for the rest of your turn.
Improved Disarm
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Monk 6
When you do a Disarm Action, the following apply:
1. Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
2. You receive a +4 bonus on the Disarm check.
3. If your Disarm attempt fails, your opponent does not get a chance to try to disarm you.
Improved Trip
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Monk 6
When you do a Trip Action, the following apply:
1. Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
2. You gain a +4 bonus on the Strength roll to knock your opponent prone.
3. If you succeed in tripping your opponent in melee combat, you may immediately make a follow-up
attack on him/her at the same attack bonus of the action you used to make the trip.
Ki Blast
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p80)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Fiery Fist
Monk 6
1. By using up two
of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Move Action, you may form an orb of force
energy in your hand. As a Standard Action, you may throw the orb up to 60’. If you hit on a Ranged
Touch attack, you do (3d6 + Wisdom modifier) Force damage. If not thrown by the end of your round,
the orb dissipates.
2. You receive +1 Stunning Fist use per day.
Water Splitting Stone
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p85)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +9
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Monk 6
If you hit with an Unarmed Strike and its damage would be reduced due to Damage Reduction, receive a +4
bonus to damage (i.e., ignore 4 points of Damage Reduction).
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 81
Evasion Feats
Evasion Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Cunning Evasion
(PH2 p78)
Evasion class ability
Hide: 9 ranks
If you avoid all the damage from an Area-of-Effect attack due to your Evasion class ability, you may
use an Immediate Action to make a 5’ Step and a Hide check, assuming there is Cover within 5’.
If you have the ‘Hide in Plain Sight’ class ability, you do not need Cover to make your Hide check.
Flurry of Blows Feats
Flurry of Blows
Source Prerequisite Description
Double Steel Strike
(Eb p52)
Flurry of Blows class ability
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(two-bladed sword)
Weapon Focus (two-bladed
You may perform Flurry of Blows with a Two-Bladed Sword.
Pole Fighting
(DR331 p28)
Flurry of Blows class feature
Weapon Focus (chosen
You may perform Flurry of Blows with the chosen Polearm
Serpent Strike
(Eb p60)
Flurry of Blows class ability
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Weapon Focus (longspear)
You may perform Flurry of Blows with a Longspear.
Sun School
(CWar p112)
Flurry of Blows class ability
Base Attack Bonus +4
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Inexorable Progress of Dawn
– If you hit an opponent with the first two attack from a Flurry of
Blows, your opponent must move back 5’ and you may move forward 5’. Neither movement
provokes an Attack of Opportunity.
Blinding Sun of Noon
– If you successfully Stun an opponent on two consecutive rounds, your
opponent is Confused for 1d4 rounds after recovering from the Stun.
Flash of Sunset
– If you move next to an opponent using the Monk class ability ‘Abundant Step’ or
Dimensional Door, you may make one attack at your highest bonus at the end of your action.
Whirling Steel Strike
(Eb p62)
Flurry of Blows class ability
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Weapon Focus (longsword)
You may perform Flurry of Blows with a Longsword.
Ki Strike Feats
Ki Strike Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Axiomatic Strike
(CWar p96)
Ki Strike (lawful) class
Stunning Fist
Before you attack, you can declare that you are using one of your Stunning attacks for the day to do +2d6
damage to a Chaotic opponent.
Fist of the Heavens
[Exalted, Fighter]
(BoED p43)
Ki Strike (lawful) class
Wisdom 15
Charisma 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Sanctify Ki Strike
Stunning Fist
If you use your Stunning Fist on an Evil Creature, its DC is +2 –and– the target is Staggered for 1 round
following being Stunned.
Holy Ki Strike
(BoED p43)
Ki Strike (holy) class
Charisma 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Sanctified Ki Strike
Evil creatures hit by your Unarmed Strike take +2d6 damage (does not stack with Sanctified Ki Strike) and
all of the strike’s damage is considered Holy for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Pressure Point Strike
(DR336 p103
Ki Strike (magic) class
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
The following abilities must be declared before the strike is attempted and the indicated number of Stunning
Fist uses are consumed even if it misses. May only be used on Humanoids, Monstrous Humanoids, and
Harmful effects allow a Fortitude save vs. DC = 10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom modifier.
Beneficial effects may require a Level check against the level of the detriment being overcome (if magical).
#StunFist Effect
1 Target Stunned for 1 round (i.e., base Stunning Fist ability).
1 Remove Stunned, Sickened, or Fatigued.
2 Blind, Deafen, –or– Paralyze opponent for 1d4 rounds.
2 Remove Paralysis, Blindness, or Deafness
3 Lower target’s Spell Resistance by 1d6 + Wisdom modifier for 1 round.
3 Increase ally’s natural or magical Spell Resistance by 1d6 + Wisdom modifier for 1 round.
3 Delay Poison for 1d4 hours.
3 Foe effected by Injury Poison (1d4 Con / 1d4 Con, DC is Constitution-based).
4 Neutralize Poison.
4 Target receives a penalty of saves vs. Poison of 1 + Wisdom modifier for 1d4 rounds.
5 Target prevented from casting Spells or using Spell-Like Abilities for 1d4 rounds.
5 Target receives Greater Dispel Magic to remove a Spell or Spell-Like Ability effect.
Sanctify Ki Strike
(BoED p46)
Ki Strike (lawful) class
Charisma 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Your Unarmed Strike is considered ‘good’ for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. In addition, it
does +1 hp of damage to Evil creatures and +1d4 damage to Evil Outsiders & Evil Undead.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 82
Ki Power Feats
Ninja abilities that are powered by their Ki Power (including Ki Dodge, Ghost Step, Ghost Strike, etc.) are collectively called Jutsu. Unless otherwise indicated,
each can be activated as a Swift Action that does not generate an Attack of Opportunity –and– requires both hands to be free and empty.
Some abilities allow additional expenditures of Ki Power to maintain the effect. Expending Ki Power in this way is a Free Action.
Unless otherwise noted, all Jutsu abilities are Extraordinary (even if they are based on a spell).
For reference: Ninja 2
– Ghost Step (invisible). Ninja 6
Ki Dodge. Ninja 8
– Ghost Strike.
Ki Power Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Enduring Ki
(CSco p077)
Ki Power class ability Your maximum Ki Power increases by +1.
By expending one use of your Ki Power when you activate a Ki Power-based ability, the ability lasts for
1 extra round.
Expanded Ki Pool
(CSco p077)
Ki Power class ability
Your maximum Ki Power increases by +3.
Hidden Kingdom Jutsu
(DR342 p84)
Ghost Strike class ability By expending one use of your Ki Power, you may generate a Hallucinatory Terrain in a 40’ radius
Emanation around yourself for 1 round. Each additional use of Ki Power you expend increases the
duration by 2 rounds.
Intuitive Trapsmith
(DR351 p87)
Ki Power class ability
Add your Wisdom modifier (instead
of your Intelligence modifier) to Disable Device & Search checks.
Jutsu Focus
(DR342 p85)
any two [Ki] feats 1. +2 DC on all Jutsu abilities.
2. Treat all Jutsu abilities as if you had spent an extra Ki Power use on them (when applicable). For
example, Hidden Kingdom Jutsu will always last at least 3 rounds for you. You may still spend even
more Ki Power on them if you wish.
Karmic Healing
(DR351 p87)
Ki Power class ability By expending one use of your Ki Power, you may do one of the following to yourself:
1. heal (Wisdom modifier x ½ Ninja level) hit-points;
2. go from being Exhausted to being Fatigued; or
3. remove Fatigue.
Ki Smite
(DR351 p87)
Ki Power class ability
Sudden Strike class ability
with at least +2d6
By expending one use of your Ki Power, gain the following on your next Melee attack:
1. +(Wisdom modifier) on the attack roll;
2. if you hit, receive a bonus to damage of +(Ninja level + remaining uses in your Ki Power pool).
One with Earth and
(DR351 p87)
Ki Power class ability
Add your Wisdom modifier (instead
of your Strength modifier) to Climb & Swim checks.
Rabbit Prince Jutsu
(DR342 p85)
Ghost Step (invisible)
class ability
Gain Expeditious Retreat –and– have your Jump distance not be limited by your height for 1 round by
expending one use of your Ki Power.
Ringing Fist Jutsu
(DR342 p85)
Ki Dodge class ability
For one round, your Unarmed Attacks against a objects also produce either Shatter or Knock (chosen at the
time of the attack) by expending one use of your Ki Power.
River Eel Jutsu
(DR342 p85)
Ki Dodge class ability
Gain Freedom of Movement for 1 round by expending one use of your Ki Power.
Shadow Puppet Jutsu
(DR342 p85)
Ki Dodge class ability
Target creature within 30’ who can see you becomes Flat-Footed until his/her next turn (WillNeg, DC is
Wisdom based). This is a Mind-Affecting effect.
Skill Attunement
(DR351 p87)
Wisdom 13
Ghost Strike class ability
By expending one use of your Ki Power, you receive a +(Wisdom modifier (min 1)) bonus on all
checks for 1 round per 5 Ninja levels (min 1 round).
Thousand Faces Jutsu
(DR342 p85)
Ghost Step (invisible)
class ability
Gain Alter Self for 1 minute by expending one use of your Ki Power. The form must have the same size and
type as you and you do not gain the movement or combat benefits of the new form (any wings, fins, etc.
are just decorative).
Gain Alter Self as above, but to impersonate a specific person of your type for two uses of your Ki Power
(standard opposed Disguise vs. Spot checks apply).
Wind Oxen Jutsu
(DR342 p85)
Ghost Strike class ability You may initiate a special Bull Rush against an adjacent target minute by expending one use of your Ki
Power. You do not
make a touch attack, generate an Attack of Opportunity, or enter the opponent’s
square. Your Bull Rush bonus is ½ Ninja level + Wisdom modifier + 4 per additional use of Ki Power you
apply to the action. If successful, you do not follow your opponent, but he/she still moves an additional 5’
per 5 points you exceed his/her check.
Wolf’s Bite
(DR351 p87)
Ki Power class ability
By expending one use of your Ki Power, you gain the following Feats for 1 round: Improved Disarm,
Improved Feint, & Improved Trip.
Zen Fortitude
(DR351 p87)
Ki Power class ability
Add your Wisdom modifier (instead
of your Constitution modifier) to Fortitude saves.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 83
Sudden Strike Feats
Sudden Strike Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Flurry of Throws
(DR344 p103)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
Dexterity 13
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Weapon Focus (shuriken)
When making a Full Round Attack with Shuriken & using Rapid Shot, you may throw an extra Shuriken for
each die of Sudden Strike damage you forgo (max 3d6). Doing this results in a –2 penalty on all throws,
but the extra Shuriken have the following requirements / bonuses:
a) thrown at your best attack bonus;
b) each must be aimed at a different
target that is qualified for your Sudden Strike (i.e., Flat-Footed) and
is susceptible to it; and
c) your remaining Sudden Strike dice apply to each
of the extra Shuriken.
Ki Smite
(DR351 p87)
Ki Power class ability
Sudden Strike class ability
with at least +2d6
By expending one use of your Ki Power, gain the following on your next Melee attack:
1. +(Wisdom modifier) on the attack roll;
2. if you hit, receive a bonus to damage of +(Ninja level + remaining uses in your Ki Power pool).
Paladin Only Feats
Paladin Only Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Knight Training
(Eb p56)
(DR330 p91)
Paladin level 1
Pick one class. You may now multiclass in the chosen class and still take levels of Paladin.
Special Mount Feats
Special Mount Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Celestial Mount
(BoED p42)
Paladin level 4
Your Special Mount gains the Celestial template.
Coordinated Strike
(RotW p149)
Animal Companion or
Special Mount class
Handle Animal: 5 ranks
During any round in which your Animal Companion or Special Mount makes a melee attack, you gain a +1
Competence bonus on your attack rolls again the same opponent.
Dragon Steed
(Dcn p105)
Charisma 13
Ride: 8 ranks
Speak Language
You gain the service of a Dragonnel
(Dcn p150) as a steed. It serves you loyally, like a Cohort.
If you have the Special Mount class feature (i.e., a Paladin or similar), the Dragonnel replaces your Special
Holy Mount
(DR325 p62)
Special Mount class
any other Divine caster
When determining the abilities of your Special Mount, add your Paladin levels to those of your other Divine
caster class (typically Cleric).
Theurgic Mount
(DR325 p62)
Special Mount class
any Arcane caster class
When determining the abilities of your Special Mount, add your Paladin levels to those of your Arcane
caster classes.
Divine Grace Feats
Divine Grace Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Gift of Grace
(BoED p43)
Divine Grace class ability
You may distribute the bonus you receive from Divine Grace (i.e., a bonus on saving throws equal to your
Charisma modifier) to your allies by touch. You may break up the bonus as you wish, keeping some for
yourself if you wish. You may not transfer any more points than your Character level.
The effect lasts until revoked (a Free Action), up to 24 hours.
Lay-on-Hands Feats
Lay-on-Hands Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Action Healing
(FoE p145)
Lay on Hands class ability
By expending 1 Action point, you may apply any one of the following to your use of ‘Lay on Hands’:
Empower – heal 3 hp for every 2 ‘Lay on Hands’ points spent.
Quicken – use ‘Lay on Hands’ as a Swift Action.
Reach – use ‘Lay on Hands’ with a range of 30’.
Hands of the Healer
(BoED p43)
Lay on Hands class ability
Charisma 13
When calculating the number of hit-points you can heal each day, treat your Charisma as being +2.
Touch of Silver
(FoE p148)
Lay on Hands class ability
Ability to Turn Undead
Worshiper of the Silver
By expending one Turn Undead use as a Swift Action, your ‘Lay one Hands’ ability can be used to harm
Lycanthropes & Evil Outsiders in the same way you can normally harm Undead.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 84
Remove Disease Feats
Remove Disease
Source Prerequisite Description
Bane of Decay
(DR337 p98)
Remove Disease as a
Spell-like ability
The melee weapon you are holding becomes a +1 Undead-Bane or +1 Vermin-Bane weapon. The
Enhancement bonus does not stack with any other Enhancement bonus. The effect lasts for 10 minutes,
requires a Standard Action to activate, and consumes one of your weekly uses of Remove Disease.
Detoxifying Touch
(DR337 p98)
Remove Disease as a
Spell-like ability
Neutralize Poison, as a Standard Action. This effect consumes two of your weekly uses of Remove Disease.
Extra Remove Disease
(DR337 p98)
Remove Disease as a
Spell-like ability
You may use Remove Disease as a Spell-like ability two more times per week.
Smite Carrier
(DR337 p98)
Remove Disease as a
Spell-like ability
Smite Evil class ability
You may make a ‘Smite Evil’ attempt on a non-Good creature that posses a poisonous or infectious natural
attack by consuming one of your weekly uses of Remove Disease. If your opponent does not actually
qualify, the use is still lost.
Strengthen Resilience
(DR337 p98)
Remove Disease as a
Spell-like ability
As a Standard Action, you and two touched allies gain a +4 Sacred bonus for 1 hour on the following saving
throws: avoiding becoming infected by a natural or magical disease, resisting the effects of a disease,
fighting off a disease, resisting initial and/or secondary damage of a poison. This ability consumes one of
your weekly uses of Remove Disease.
Wholesome Fare
(DR337 p98)
Remove Disease as a
Spell-like ability
You may use Purify Food and Drink up to five times in the next 24 hours as a Spell-like ability. This effect
consumes one of your weekly uses of Remove Disease.
Smiting Feats
Smiting Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Exalted Smite
(BoED p42)
Smite Evil class ability
When you use your Smite Evil ability, your weapon is considered ‘good’ for purposes of bypassing
Damage Reduction.
Extra Smiting
(CWar p98)
Smite <any> class ability
Base Attack Bonus +4
Gain two extra attempts to Smite each day.
You may take this feat multiple times.
Improved Smiting
(CDiv p82)
Charisma 13
Smite <any> class ability
Your smite ability is considered aligned for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. If your smite
ability is not inherently aligned (i.e., Smite Evil does ‘good’ damage, Smite Good does ‘evil’ damage), you
must choose the alignment your Smite will be aligned with. It must be appropriate for your alignment and
your Deity’s.
Ranged Smite Evil
(BoED p45)
Smite Evil class ability
You may apply your Smite Evil ability to your missile weapons.
Silver Smite
(Eb p60)
Smite Evil class ability
follower of the Silver
Your Smite Evil ability does +1d6 Sacred damage & has the appearance of silvery fire.
Smite Carrier
(DR337 p98)
Remove Disease as a
Spell-like ability
Smite Evil class ability
You may make a ‘Smite Evil’ attempt on a non-Good creature that posses a poisonous or infectious natural
attack by consuming one of your weekly uses of Remove Disease. If your opponent does not actually
qualify, the use is still lost.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 85
Favored Enemy Feats
Favored Enemy
Source Prerequisite Description
Disabling Strike
(DR339 p87)
Favored Enemy (any
When you make a Critical Hit against one of your Humanoid Favored Enemies, it is Stunned for 1 round
(FortNeg, DC = 15 + your Favored Enemy bonus against that foe).
Favored Dodge
(DR335 p90)
At least one Favored
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. When a member of that race is your
designated Dodge opponent, add your Favored Enemy bonus to your AC as a Dodge bonus.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different Favored Enemy.
Favored Power Attack
(CWar p98)
(DR310 p58)
At least one Favored
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Power Attack
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. When using power attack against this
enemy, the following damage bonuses apply:
No damage bonus – Light Weapon; secondary end of a Double-Weapon
+2X damage bonus – One-Handed Weapon used in one hand; primary end of a Double-Weapon
+3X damage bonus – Two-Handed Weapon; One-Handed Weapon used in two hands; Double-Weapon
when only one end is being used for an attack.
Improved Favored
(CWar p101)
(DR310 p58)
At least one Favored
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. You do an additional +3 damage to that
Intimidate the Enemy
(DR335 p90)
At least one Favored
Intimidate: 3 ranks
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. A Demoralize action on a member of that
race is a Move Action (instead of a Standard Action) and
receives your Favored Enemy bonus.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different Favored Enemy.
(BoED p44)
At least one Favored
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. You may detect creatures of that race within
60’ (even through walls). Also, you do +1d6 damage to an Evil member of your enemy race.
No Threat to Me
(DR335 p90)
At least one Favored
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Pont Blank Shot
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. You may make ranged attacks while
threatened by a member of that race without generating an Attack of Opportunity.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different Favored Enemy.
Tactical Advantage
(DR335 p90)
At least one Favored
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. When fighting a member of this race, add
your Favored Enemy bonus to your attack rolls and any opposed checks to initiate or defend against a Trip,
Disarm, or Bull Rush.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different Favored Enemy.
Trophy Hunter
(DR332 p91)
At least one Favored
Choose one of your Favored Enemies and one type of Trophy (listed below). When you personally kill one
of that type of creature, you may take the appropriate trophy and gain the listed benefit.
Note that not all types of Trophies are available from some types of creatures (i.e., Plants have no hearts).
Head By displaying the severed head, you may add your Favored Enemy bonus to any Intimidate
checks against that type of creature. For every head after the first, gain a +1 Morale bonus
on the Intimidate check (max +4). Without magical preservation, the head loses its
usefulness after 7 days. This is a Supernatural, Mind-Affecting Effect.
Heart You must consume an enemy’s heart within 10 minutes of its death (this takes 1 minute) and
make a Fortitude save vs. DC 10 + ½ HD + enemy’s Constitution modifier). If successful,
you gain a +2 Morale bonus on attack rolls made against that type of enemy for 10 minutes
per HD of the creature. If you eat additional hearts while you still have a bonus, the
duration is extended 5 minutes per HD (max 4 hours).
If you fail your Fortitude save, you take the following penalty:
Dragon – Sickened for 1 round per 2 HD
Outsider – 1 hp per HD of damage
Aberration, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid – Nauseated for 1 round per 3 HD
all others – no negative effect
Token By forming crude jewelry out of the enemy’s bones, teeth, etc., you gain a +2 Morale bonus
on Fortitude saves vs. the spell-like and supernatural abilities of the designated Favored
Enemy. Making the token takes 1 hour and requires a Survival check vs. DC15. The
token lasts for ((Survival check – 15) / 2) days (minimum 1 day) without magical
preservation. The token takes up the necklace slot.
Pelt Taking the scalp or hide of a Favored Enemy grants you a +2 Morale bonus on attacks made
again the same type of enemy in your next
encounter with that type of enemy (up to 24
hours). It takes 5 minutes + 5 minutes per size category above Medium to take the pelt.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different Enemy / Trophy combination.
Unquenchable Flame
of Life
(LM p31)
+2 bonus on saving throws vs. the Extraordinary and Supernatural abilities of Undead. If you have Undead
as a Favored Enemy, your saving throw bonus is instead equal to your Favored Enemy bonus.
Unquenchable Flame
of Life
(FoE p148)
Receive a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. the Extraordinary & Supernatural abilities of Undead.
If Undead are your Favored Enemy, you receive your Favored Enemy bonus vs. Undead instead of the +2.
Unyielding Bond of
(FoE p148)
Receive a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. the Extraordinary & Supernatural abilities of Outsiders.
If Outsiders are your Favored Enemy, you receive your Favored Enemy bonus vs. Outsiders instead of the +2
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 86
Bonus Ranger Feat Options
Ranger Option
Source Prerequisite Description
[General, Scout]
(PH p101)
(CAdv p10)+
Ranger 1
You may attempt to follow tracks by making a Survival check each mile. The DC of the check is
determined by the factors listed at PH p101.
Rapid Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH p99)
Dexterity 13
Point Blank Shot
Ranger 2
When making a Full Attack action with a ranged weapon, you may take one extra attack (at your highest
base attack bonus), but all your attacks are at –2.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Dexterity 15
Ranger 2
Your penalty for fighting with two weapons simultaneously (or with a double weapon) is reduced by –2 on
your primary hand & –6 on your secondary hand. This works out to –2 on both hands when wielding a
Light or One-Handed weapon in your primary hand and a Light weapon in your secondary hand.
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make a single attack with your secondary weapon.
[General, Scout]
(PH p93)
(CAdv p10)+
Ranger 3
1. +4 bonus on checks for performing a physical action over a period of time, such as swimming or
2. +4 bonus on Constitution checks to avoid damage from starvation or thirst.
3. +4 bonus on Fortitude checks to avoid damage from hot or cold weather or from oxygen deprivation.
Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 6
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make an attack with your secondary weapon at –2, a second
attack at –7.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p97)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
Ranger 6
As part of a Standard Action
, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30’. You make a single
attack roll with a –4 penalty. If it hits, then the opponent takes the damage from both arrows, but only
takes “precision based” damage once (this includes Sneak Attack, Ranger Favored Enemy, Critical hits,
etc.). Damage Reduction applies to each arrow separately.
If your Base Attack Bonus is +11 or higher, you may shoot 3 arrows at once at a penalty of –6.
If your Base Attack Bonus is +16 or higher, you may shoot 4 arrows at once at a penalty of –8.
Two-Weapon Pounce
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 6
At the end of a Charge, you may attack with both your primary & off-hand weapons. The +2 attack bonus
for the Charge and the –2 penalty for fighting with two weapons cancel out. You still receive the –2
penalty to AC for the Charge.
Greater Two-Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Improved Two-Weapon
Ranger 11
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make an attack with your secondary weapon at –2, a second
attack at –7, and a third attack at –12.
Improved Precise Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Ranger 11
When you are making a ranged attack, the following apply:
Ignore the AC bonus granted by Cover (but Total Cover still applies).
Ignore the miss chance granted by Concealment (but Total Concealment still applies).
When attacking an opponent that is being Grappled, you have no chance of hitting the wrong target.
Two-Weapon Rend
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +11
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 11
If you damage an opponent with each of your weapons in a given round, you do extra damage equal to
1d6 + 1 ½ Strength modifier. With regards to Damage Reduction, use the off-hand weapon’s
A given creature may only take this rending damage once per round.
Rogue Special Ability Feats
Rogue Special
Ability Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Savvy Rogue
(CSco p080)
Rogue 10
level + Any / all of the following Rogue Special Abilities that you have improves as follows:
Crippling Strike – deal Strength damage even on a creature who is immune to the extra damage of the
Sneak Attack.
Defensive Roll – usable 3/day (instead of 1/day).
Improved Evasion – +2 Competence bonus on Reflex saves.
Opportunist – you may make more than one ‘Opportunistic’ attack per round, but no more than one per
opponent –and– each counts as a separate Attack of Opportunity.
Skill Mastery – you may “Take 12” with your mastered skills (i.e., “Take 10” with a +2 bonus).
Slipper Mind – +2 Competence bonus on the extra Will save granted by this ability.
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Feats based on Class Page 87
Sneak Attack Feats
Sneak Attack Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arterial Strike
(CWar p96)
(CSco p72)+
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability
Base Attack Bonus +4
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 1d6 to cause a wound that bleeds
for 1 hit-point per round. The wound continues to bleed until it is magically healed or successfully
bandaged by a Heal check vs. DC 15. Multiple bleeding wounds stack.
Burning Link
(DR344 p102)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
Know(arcana): 1 rank
Know(nature): 1 rank
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to damage both your target
–and– the creature with which your target has a mystic link (i.e., a Sorcerer/Wizard’s Familiar, a Druid /
Ranger’s Animal Companion, a Paladin’s Special Mount, a Blackguard’s Fiendish Servant, etc.). Your
target takes the damage from the weapon, your Strength modifier, etc., while the linked creature takes the
remaining Sneak Attack dice (assuming it is vulnerable to Sneak Attack damage).
Concussion Attack
(CSco p075)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to impose a –2 penalty on the
target’s Intelligence & Wisdom-based ability checks & skill checks for 10 rounds.
Subsequent uses of this ability do not stack, but do reset the ability’s duration.
Crossbow Sniper
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p77)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Weapon Focus (any
When firing a Crossbow with which you have Weapon Focus, you receive the following:
1. +½ Dexterity modifier damage;
2. Sneak Attack & Skirmish class abilities may be used at a range of 60’ (instead of 30’).
Dazzling Strike
(DR344 p102)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +2d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, your foe is Dazzled for 1 round for each Sneak Attack die you forgo. Both
you and your foe must be Bright Illumination to use this ability.
Deadeye Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p78)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Skirmish or Sneak
Attack class ability
Follow these steps to use this feat:
1) Ready an Action to make a Ranged Attack on an opponent when any of your allies hit it in melee.
2) If the Action is triggered, the opponent looses its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack only
Deafening Strike
(CSco p076)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 3d6 to make your foe Deafened for
3 rounds.
Subsequent uses of this ability do not stack, but do reset the ability’s duration.
Deft Strike
(Dcn p103)
Sneak Attack class ability
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Spot: 10 ranks
As a Standard Action, you can attempt to find a weak spot in a visible target’s armor with a Spot check (DC
= target’s AC). If you succeed, your next attack (which must be made no later than the end of your next
turn) ignores the target’s Armor and Natural Armor bonuses, as well as Enhancement bonuses to these.
If you use a ranged attack, you must be within 30’ to gain the benefit of this feat.
(CSco p076)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +5d6
Weapon Focus (any
On a successful Sneak Attack with a slashing weapon with which you have Weapon Focus, you may reduce
the Sneak Attack dice by 4d6 to deal 1d4 Constitution damage. A foe may only receive a Disemboweling
Strike once per day.
Eldritch Erosion
(CSco p077)
(DR344 p103)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
Know(arcana): 1 rank
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 4d6 to reduce your foe’s Spell
Resistance –and– Power Resistance by 5 for 10 rounds.
Multiple uses do not stack, but do reset the duration.
Foe Specialist
(Mini p26)
Sneak Attack class ability
Base Attack Bonus +4
Choose a creature type from the Ranger Favored Enemy list that is vulnerable to Critical Hits. Your Sneak
Attacks do +1d6 damage against this type of creature.
You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different type of creature.
(CWar p100)
(CSco p72)+
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability
Base Attack Bonus +4
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to damage your opponent’s
legs, which reduces its movement by half. A creature with 4 legs requires two Hamstring attacks to have
its movement impaired. Creatures with more than 4 legs are immune to this effect, as are those immune to
sneak attacks.
The movement reduction lasts until it is magically healed, successfully bandaged by a Heal check vs. DC 15,
or 24 hours pass.
This ability may be used one per round.
Head Shot
(CSco p077)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +6d6
Weapon Focus (any
On a successful Sneak Attack with a bludgeoning weapon with which you have Weapon Focus, you may
reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 5d6 to make your foe Confused for 1 round (WillNeg, DC = 10 + your
total number of Sneak Attack dice + Dexterity modifier).
Subsequent uses of this ability do not stack, but do reset the ability’s duration.
Impeding Attack
(CSco p078)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 3d6 to impose a –2 penalty on the
target’s Strength & Dexterity-based ability checks & skill checks for 10 rounds.
Subsequent uses of this ability do not stack, but do reset the ability’s duration.
(DR344 p103)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Power Attack
Painful Strike
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 3d6 to cause your foe to loose use
of one of his/her hands for 1 minute (FortNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Character level + damage dealt). Any object
is the disabled hand is dropped, the foe cannot wield two-handed weapons, etc.
This ability only applies to living creatures who can feel pain.
Merciful Strike
(CSco p079)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +2d6
Your Sneak Attacks with a lethal weapon can do nonlethal damage without a –4 penalty, though the damage
is reduced by 1d6.
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Feats based on Class Page 88
Sneak Attack Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Painful Strike
(DR344 p103)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
Strength 13
Power Attack
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to cause your foe intense pain
for 1 minute, resulting in a –2 penalty on attacks, skill checks, & ability check.
This ability only applies to living creatures who can feel pain.
Persistent Attacker
(CSco p080)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +5d6
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 4d6 to make your first attack on
the next round against the same foe be considered a Sneak Attack too, even if circumstances have changed.
Precise Strike
(DR310 p69)
Sneak Attack class ability
Dexterity 13
When making a Sneak Attack, you may reduce the number of Sneak Attack dice that will apply to damage
in exchange for a +2 Competence bonus to hit per die sacrificed.
Note: The bonus to attack & reduction to damage applies to every Sneak Attack for one round.
Ring the Ear
(DR344 p103)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +2d6
Improved Unarmed Strike
On a successful Sneak Attack using an Unarmed Strike, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 1d6 to
Deafen your foe for 1 minute (FortNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Character level + Strength modifier).
Sacred Strike
(BoED p45)
Sneak Attack class ability
When you succeed with a sneak attack again an Evil foe, roll d8’s for the Sneak Attack damage (instead of
d6’s) and the damage qualifies as ‘good’ damage for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Sneak Attack of
(DR340 p87)
Sneak Attack class ability
with at least +3d6
Combat Reflexes
On your first Attack of Opportunity of the round, add your Sneak Attack dice to the damage.
Staggering Strike
(CAdv p112)
Sneak Attack class ability
Base Attack Bonus +4
If you deal damage with a melee Sneak Attack, your opponent is Staggered for one round (FortNeg DC =
damage dealt). If the target is treated with the Heal skill (DC 15) or any spell that heals at least one hit
point, the effect is also removed. This feat has no effect on creatures immune to Sneak Attacks.
Subduing Strike
[General, Fighter]
(BoED p46)
You may deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon without
taking a –4 penalty on the attack roll.
If you have Sneak Attack dice, you may do nonlethal Sneak Attack damage with any weapon.
Telling Blow
(PH2 p83)
Skirmish or Sneak Attack
class ability
When you confirm a Critical Hit with either a melee or ranged weapon, add your Skirmish or Sneak Attack
dice to the damage after
the multiplier has been applied.
Throat Punch
(CSco p082)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
Improved Unarmed Strike
On a successful Sneak Attack with an Unarmed Strike, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to
impede your foe’s ability to speak for 3 rounds. The foe receives a –5 penalty on skill checks related to
speech and has a 50% failure chance when casting a spell with a Verbal component.
Subsequent uses of this ability do not stack, but do reset the ability’s duration.
Weaken the Heart
(DR344 p103)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
Base Attack Bonus +4
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to bring your foe to the border
of physical distress (FortNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Character level + Intelligence modifier). If a foe then attempts
a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution-base skill or ability check within 10 minutes, he/she immediately
becomes Fatigued. If already Fatigued, he/she becomes Exhausted.
Skirmish Feats
Skirmish Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Acrobatic Skirmisher
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Tumble: 5 ranks
If you move through an opponent’s square and successfully use Tumble to avoid an Attack of Opportunity,
you receive +1d6 Skirmish damage against that opponent until the start of your next turn.
Crossbow Sniper
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p77)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Weapon Focus (any
When firing a Crossbow with which you have Weapon Focus, you receive the following:
1. +½ Dexterity modifier damage;
2. Sneak Attack & Skirmish class abilities may be used at a range of 60’ (instead of 30’).
Deadeye Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p78)
Skirmish or Sneak
Attack class ability
Base Attack Bonus +4
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Follow these steps to use this feat:
1) Ready an Action to make a Ranged Attack on an opponent when any of your allies hit it in melee.
2) If the Action is triggered, the opponent looses its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack only
[Ambush, Scout]
(DR344 p103)
Skirmish class ability
with at least +2d6
Improved Initiative
On a successful Skirmish Attack, you may reduce the Skirmish dice by 1d6 to reduce your foe’s base land
movement by 10’ for 1 minute. Multiple ‘Hinder’ attacks stack, though a foe cannot be reduced to slower
than 5’. Does not affect foe other forms of movement.
Improved Acrobatic
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Acrobatic Skirmisher
Tumble: 10 ranks
If you move through an opponent’s square and successfully use Tumble to avoid an Attack of Opportunity,
you receive +2d6 Skirmish damage against that opponent until the start of your next turn (instead of the
+1d6 from Acrobatic Skirmisher).
Improved Skirmish
(CSco p078)
Skirmish class ability
with at least +2d6 / +1
If you move at least 20’
are part of a Skirmish attack, your damage improves by +2d6 and your Competence
bonus to AC improves by +2.
Ranged Skirmisher
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Point Blank Shot
Far Shot
You apply your Skirmish damage to ranged attack made on opponents within 60’ (instead of the normal 30’).
Telling Blow
(PH2 p83)
Skirmish or Sneak Attack
class ability
When you confirm a Critical Hit with either a melee or ranged weapon, add your Skirmish or Sneak Attack
dice to the damage after
the multiplier has been applied.
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Feats based on Class Page 89
See Bloodline Feats (page 112).
Sorcerer Only Feats
Sorcerer Only Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Bronze Solaris
(DR334 p93)
Sorcerer level 1
Level only
You descended from an Ancient Deity and are a member of The Order of the Bronze Solaris.
1. Knowledge (religion) is a Sorcerer class skill for you. Receive a +3 bonus on Knowledge (religion)
checks related to your Ancestor Deity.
2. You are proficient with the Favored Weapon of your Ancestor Deity.
Celestial Boon
(DR338 p97)
Sorcerer level 1
Receive the ‘blessing’ of
a Good Outsider of at
least 5HD for your good
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Purify Food and Drink(PH p267) – Purifies 1 cubic foot per level of food or water.
: Detect Evil(PH p218) – Reveals evil creatures, spells, or objects.
: Align Weapon(PH p197) – Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic. (good only)
: Searing Light(PH p275) – Ray deals 1d8 per two levels, more against undead.
: Holy Smite(PH p241) – Damages and blinds evil creatures.
: Flame Strike(PH p231) – Smites foes with divine fire (1d6 / level).
: Undeath to Death(PH p297) – Destroys 1d4 per level HD of undead (max 20d4).
: Holy Word(PH p242) – Kills, paralyzes, blinds, or deafens non-good subjects.
: Holy Aura(PH p241) – +4 to AC, +4 resistance, SR25 against evil spells.
: Storm of Vengeance(PH p285) – Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Divine Sorcery
(DR343 p88)
Sorcerer level 1
Alignment within one
step of Patron Deity
Member of a Race that
the Patron Deity prefers
You have a special connection to your Patron Deity, who grants you partial access to a Domain.
1. Gain the Domain Ability.
2. Add one Domain spell to your Arcane Spell list each day (may be different from day to day).
Race Alignment
Annam Giant, Half-Giant N: Knowledge, Magic, Plant, Sun
CN: Magic LN: Plant NE: Knowledge NG: Sun
Bahamut Half-Dragon LG: Air, Cold, Good, Luck, Protection
LN: Protection NG: Good
Corellon Elf, Half-Elf CG: Chaos, Good, Protection, War
CN: Chaos NG: Good
Garl Glittergold Gnome NG: Good, Protection, Trickery
CG: Trickery LG: Good N: Protection
Gruumsh Orc, Half-Orc CE: Chaos, Evil, Strength, War
CN: Chaos NE: Evil
Heironeous Assimaar, Human LG: Good, Law, War
LN: Law NG: Good
Hextor Tiefling, Human LE: Evil, Law, War
LN: Law NE: Evil
Iallanis Giant, Half-Giant NG: Good, Healing, Strength, Sun
LG: Good N: Strength
Kurtulmak Kobold LE: Evil, Trickery, Earth
LN: Earth NE: Evil
Laogzed Troglodyte CE: Chaos, Death, War
CN: Chaos NE: Death
Lolth Drow CE: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Trickery
CN: Chaos NE: Evil
Maglubiyet Goblin, Hobgoblin CE: Chaos, Evil, Trickery
CN: Chaos NE: Evil
Moradin Dwarf LG: Earth, Good, Law, Protection
LN: Law NG: Good
Panzuriel Merrow, Underwater NE: Destruction, Evil, War, Water
Monsters CE: Evil LE: War N: Water
Pelor Half-Elf, Half-Orc, NG: Glory, Good, Healing, Strength, Sun
Human CG: Good LG: Healing N: Sun
Semanya Lizardfolk N: Animal, Plant, Water
CN: Animal LN: Plant NE: Water NG: Water
Tiamat Half-Dragon LE: Destruction, Evil, Law, Trickery
LN: Law NE: Evil
Wee Jas Human LN: Death, Law, Magic
LE: Law LG: Law N: Magic
Vaprak Half-Ogre, Ogre, CE: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Strength
Troll CN: Chaos NE: Evil
Yondalla Halfling LG: Good, Law, Protection
LN: Law NG: Good
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 90
Sorcerer Only Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Dwarven Ancestry
(DR338 p97)
Sorcerer level 1
Craft a stone masterpiece
of unparalleled beauty
You are descended from a line of great Dwarven craftspersons.
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Guidance(PH p238) – +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
: Shield of Faith(PH p278) – Aura grants +2 (or higher) deflection bonus.
: Make Whole(PH p252) – Repairs an object.
: Magic Vestment(PH p251) – Armor, shield, or clothes gain +1 enhancement per four levels.
: Spike Stones(PH p283) – Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed.
: Spell Resistance(PH p282) – Subject gains Spell Resistance of 12 + 1 per level.
: Stone Tell(PH p284) – Talk to natural or worked stone.
: Heroes’ Feast(PH p240) – Ford for one creature per level, cures, and grants combat bonuses.
: Earthquake(PH p225) – Intense tremor shakes 5’ per level radius.
: Elemental Swarm(PH p226) – Summons multiple elementals. (earth only)
Fiendish Pact
(DR338 p97)
Sorcerer level 1
Make a pact with an Evil
Outsider of at least 5HD
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Inflict Minor Wounds(PH p244) – Touch attack, 1 point of damage.
: Detect Good(PH p219) – Reveals good creatures, spells, or objects.
: Align Weapon(PH p197) – Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic. (evil only)
: Poison(PH p262) – Touch deals 1d10 Constitution damage, repeats in 1 minute.
: Unholy Blight(PH p297) – Damages and sickens good creatures.
: Summon Swarm(PH p289) – Summons a swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.
: Harm(PH p239) – Deals 10 hp per level to target.
: Blasphemy(PH p205)(PH3.5e)+ – Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes non-evil subjects.
: Unholy Aura(PH p297) – +4 to AC, +4 resistance, SR25 against good spells.
: Implosion(PH p243) – Kills one creature per round.
Orc Descent
(DR338 p97)
Half-Orc or Orc
Sorcerer level 1
Complete a quest to
strengthen your tribe
assigned by your Chief
or Shaman
You are descended from a line of great Orc heroes.
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Virtue(PH p289) – Subject gains 1 Temporary HP.
: Longstrider(PH p249) – Increases your speed.
: Rage(PH p268) – Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
: Good Hope(PH p237) – Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
: Divine Power(PH p224) – You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp per level.
: Righteous Might(PH p273)(PH3.5e)+ – Your size increases and you gain combat bonuses.
: Harm(PH p239) – Deals 10 hp per level to target.
: Destruction(PH p218) – Kills subject and destroys remains.
: Earthquake(PH p225) – Intense tremor shakes 5’ per level radius.
: Storm of Vengeance(PH p285) – Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Familiar Feats
Familiar Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Betrayal of the Spirit
[General, Wizard]
(DR336 p108)
Having a current Familiar
Able to cast Animate
Dead as a Prepared
You sacrifice your Familiar and turn it into a Skeleton or a Zombie. You lose the bonus it proved to you
(such as +3 to Climb for a Lizard) and it will never learn to speak to you or other creatures of its type, but
you gain Damage Reduction 5 / slashing if your Familiar is now a Skeleton, or DR 5 / bludgeoning if your
Familiar is now a Zombie.
Bonded Familiar
(PH2 p75)
Having a current Familiar Once per day, your Familiar can take the hp damage from an attack that would drop you to 0 (or lower) hp.
Once per day, you can take the hp damage from an attack that would drop your Familiar to 0 (or lower) hp.
Both abilities you and your Familiar to be within 30’ of each other.
Celestial Familiar
(BoED p41)
Able to acquire a new
Get access to a Good Outsider as your familiar.
: Celestial Animal
: Coure Eladrin (CG), Lantern Archon (LG), Musteval Guardinal (NG)
Combat Familiar
(PH2 p76)
Having a current Familiar
Arcane Spellcaster 1
If your Familiar is holding the charge of a Touch spell, it goes not generate an Attack of Opportunity w hen
entering a foe’s square.
Darkness Familiar
(DR322 p67)
Able to acquire a new
Compatible Alignment
The following creatures can be taken as Darkness Familiars:
: Night Hunter Bat (MoF p18)
: Shadow Asp (FF p152)
: Darkness Pseudo-Elemental, Small (DR322 p66)
: Sinister Bat (MoF p18)
: Shadow (MM p221)
: Dark Creeper (FF p38)
: Darkenbeast (MoF p30)
: Cloaker (MM p36), Shadow Mastiff (MM p222), Wraith (MM p257)
Dragon Familiar
(Dcn p104)
Able to acquire a new
Charisma 13
Arcane Spellcaster 7
Able to speak Draconic
Compatible Alignment
When you acquire a new familiar, you may select a Wyrmling-aged Dragon as a familiar.
See Dcn p141 for details on Dragons as Familiars.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 91
Familiar Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Familiar Spell
(Und p25)
Spell Mastery
Able to acquire a Familiar
You may prepare one extra spell per day in your Familiar’s memory, though the spell must be one with
which you have Spell Mastery. You may cast this spell normally as one as your Familiar is within one
square of you. Your Familiar may not
cast the spell itself.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time increasing the number of spells your Familiar may store by
Improved Familiar
(DMG p200)
(PGF p039)
(CWar p100)+
(CSco p078)+
Able to acquire a new
The following creatures can be taken as Improved Familiars:
: Small Monstrous Centipede (N)
: Flying Snake, Spitting Crawler Lizard, Lynx, Krenshar, Worg, Small Monstrous Scorpion (N), Badger
(N), Medium Viper (N)
: Small Monstrous Spider (N)
: Osquip (NE), Tressym (NG), Blink Dog (LG), Hell Hound (LE)
: Vargouille (lack the Kiss supernatural ability) (NE)
: Hippogriff, Howler(CE), Winter Wolf(NE), any Mephit (N)
: Deathfang (NE).
Lurking Familiar
(PH2 p80)
Having a current Familiar
Arcane Spellcaster 6
Combat Familiar
If your Familiar is in your square, it gains Cover and can attempt a Hide check. If it succeeds, it gains the
normal bonuses of an unseen attacker if it makes an attack.
Spell-Linked Familiar
(PH2 p83)
Having a current Familiar
Arcane Spellcaster 9
You can transfer spells to your Familiar, who casts them at ½ your caster level. The spell cannot require XP
or significant gp cost, nor a focus. Verbal, Somantic, and trivial Material components are ignored.
Caster Level 0
– 11
– 14
2 1
– 17
3 2 1
– 20
4 3 2
Stitched Flesh
(LM p30)
Able to acquire a new
Able to cast three
Necromancy spells
When choosing a familiar, you may choose a Stitched Flesh Familiar.
Hit Dice: d12, with no Constitution bonus; can use own HD or master’s for effects dealing with HD
Hit Points: Use half the master’s total, or the familiar’s normal, whichever is higher.
Attacks: Master’s or familiar’s Base Attack Bonus, whichever is higher.
Saving Throws: Master’s or familiar’s base saves, whichever are individually higher.
Familiar Special Abilities: Use the second Familiar table (PH p52); instead of the noted special ability, a
stitched flesh familiar allows its master to control an additional 4 HD of Undead.
Sense Elements Feats
Sense Elements
Source Prerequisite Description
Elemental Stalker
(DR357 p86)
Ki Power class ability
Sense Elements class
Add your Shugenja level to your Ninja level to determine
1. the maximum radius and uses per day of your Sense Elements class ability;
2. your Ninja AC bonus;
3. the size of your Ki pool.
Elemental Strike
(DR343 p90)
Sense Elements class
You may make an improved attack on an element-based creature by following these steps:
1. Use your Sense Elements class ability to identify an element-based creature.
2. Expend an additional use of Sense Elements as a Standard Action to gain a +20 Insight bonus on your
next attack roll against that creature. This attack must be made within a (Wisdom modifier) rounds
(minimum 1).
Elemental Focus Feats
Elemental Focus
Source Prerequisite Description
Turn Elemental
(DR343 p91)
Elemental Focus class
You may Rebuke / Command / Bolster a creature of your Focus Element –or– Turn / Destroy a creature of
the type that is opposed to your Focus Element. Either use consumes two daily uses of Sense Elements
and acts the same as the Turn / Rebuke ability of a Cleric.
Spirit Shaman
Chastise Spirits Feats
Chastise Spirits
Source Prerequisite Description
Extended Spirit Form
(DR343 p91)
Chastise Spirits class
Spirit Form class ability
You may remain in Sprit Form for +(1 + Charisma modifier) extra minutes (min +1) at the cost of one daily
use of Chastise Spirits.
Spirit Spell
(DR343 p91)
Chastise Spirits class
By expending 4 of your daily uses of Chastise Spirits as a Standard Action, all spells you cast in the
following round are Maximized without a change to their Spell level.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 92
Improved Flanking Feats
Improved Flanking
Source Prerequisite Description
Superior Flanking
(DR343 p93)
Improved Flanking class
You receive a +6 bonus on Attack rolls against an opponent that is Flanked. Allies that flank with you
receive a +3 bonus.
These bonuses supersede the bonuses from Flanking and Improved Flanking class abilities.
Warlock Only Feats
Warlock Only Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Extra Invocation
(CArc p79)
Warlock 6
You gain an additional Invocation that is one grade less than the highest grade available to you.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time gaining a new Invocation.
Feats that Improve Eldritch Blast
Since ‘Eldritch Blast’ is a Spell-Like ability, some Feats from the Monster Manual may be used with it.
Improve Eldritch
Source Prerequisite Description
Ability Focus
(MM p303)
(MM3 p206)
Special Attack The DC of your Special Attack increases by +2.
This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it applies to a different Special Ability.
Empower Spell-Like
(MM p303)
(MM3 p206)
Caster level of Spell-like
Ability 6
Meet the minimum
Caster Level
requirement based on
the effective Spell
Level of the Spell-like
You may Empower your Spell-like Ability up to 3 times per day, limited by your normal number of uses per
day. When Empowered, all variable numeric values (typically the dice of damage) of the target Spell-like
Ability are increased by +50%.
You may only take this feat if your Caster Level equals ((2 * effective Spell Level) + 2) of the target Spell-
like Ability. The table below indicates the minimum Caster level for Warlock Eldritch Blast & associated
Eldritch Essence & Blast Shape Invocations.
Effective Min Caster
Spell Level
Level Example
Eldritch Blast (CArcErrata), Hideous Blow
Eldritch Spear, Frightful Blast, Sickening Blast
Brimstone Blast, Hellrime Blast
Beshadowed Blast, Bewitching Blast, Eldritch Chain
Eldritch Cone
Noxious Blast, Repelling Blast, Vitriolic Blast
Eldritch Doom, Utterdark Blast
Quicken Spell-Like
(MM p304)
(MM3 p207)
Caster level of Spell-like
Ability 10
Meet the minimum
Caster Level
requirement based on
the effective Spell
Level of the Spell-like
You may activate the target Spell-like Ability as an Immediate Action
up to 3 times per day, limited by your
normal number of uses per day.
You may only take this feat if your Caster Level equals ((2 * effective Spell Level) + 4) of the target Spell-
like Ability. The table below indicates the minimum Caster level for Warlock Eldritch Blast & associated
Eldritch Essence & Blast Shape Invocations.
Effective Min Caster
Spell Level
Level Example
Eldritch Blast (CArcErrata), Hideous Blow
Eldritch Spear, Frightful Blast, Sickening Blast
Brimstone Blast, Hellrime Blast
Beshadowed Blast, Bewitching Blast, Eldritch Chain
Eldritch Cone
Noxious Blast, Repelling Blast, Vitriolic Blast
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 93
Wizard Only Feats
Wizard Only Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Ability Enhancer
(DR325 p77)
Transmuter level 1
Spell Focus
Any Transmutation spell you cast that enhances an ability score increases by ability score by an additional
+2 (i.e., Bull’s Strength will grant a +6 Enhancement bonus to Strength).
Abjurative Potency
(DR325 p77)
Abjurer level 1
Spell Focus (abjuration)
Any Abjuration spell you cast that provides a bonus to AC improves adds an additional +1 (i.e., Shield will
grant a +5 Shield bonus to AC).
(DR325 p77)
Enchanter level 1
Spell Focus (enchantment)
Add +1 DC to all Enchantment (charm) spells you cast.
Collegiate Wizard
(CArc p181)
Wizard level 1
Intelligence 13
level only
+2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks.
As a 1
level Wizard, you gain six 1
level spells (instead of 4).
At each level after 1
, you gain 4 new spell (instead of 2).
Diversified Casting
(DR325 p61)
At least one Prohibited
School of Magic
You may add up to three spells from one Prohibited School of Magic to your spell list. This allows you to
use spell-completion and spell-trigger items based on these spells in addition to being able cast them.
You may take this feat once for each Prohibited School of Magic you have. Each time, this feat applies to a
different School.
Enhanced Shadow
(DR325 p77)
Illusionist level 1
Spell Focus (illusion)
Any Illusion (shadow) spell you cast is 20% “more real”. For example, Shadow Conjuration would do 40%
damage if disbelieved instead of the standard 20%.
Evocation Resistance
(DR325 p77)
Evoker level 1
Spell Focus (evocation)
You take 1 less damage per die from any Evocation spell that damages you.
Familiar Spell
(Und p25)
Spell Mastery
Able to acquire a
You may prepare one extra spell per day in your Familiar’s memory, though the spell must be one with
which you have Spell Mastery. You may cast this spell normally as one as your Familiar is within one
square of you. Your Familiar may not
cast the spell itself.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time increasing the number of spells your Familiar may store by
Girded Soul
(DR325 p77)
Necromancer level 1
Spell Focus (necromancy)
+4 bonus on saves vs. Energy Drain or Death Effects.
Heavy Teleport
(DR325 p77)
Conjurer level 1
Spell Focus (conjuration)
Any Conjuration (teleportation) spell you cast can carry one extra Medium-sized creature.
Hidden Thoughts
(DR325 p77)
Diviner level 1
Spell Focus (divination)
+4 bonus on Wills saves to resist Divination spells.
+4 bonus on Intelligence checks to notice a Scrying Sensor.
Potent Enchantment
(DR325 p77)
Enchanter level 1
Spell Focus (enchantment)
Enchantment spells you cast that effect a fixed number of Hit Dice (such as Sleep or Hypnotism) effect
Signature Spell
(PGF p43)
Spell Mastery Choose one spell that you have mastered with Spell Mastery when you take this feat. You may
spontaneously convert a Prepared Arcane spell into your Signature Spell as long as it is the same level or
higher. This ability is similar to a Cleric spontaneously converting a spell into a Cure spell.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time granting you a different Signature Spell.
Spell Mastery
[General, Wizard]
(PH p100)
Wizard level 1
Choose a number of spells equal to your Int modifier. You may prepare these spells without a spellbook.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with different spells.
Note: All Wizards have Spell Mastery of Read Magic.
Theurgic Specialist
(DR325 p62)
Specialist Wizard 3
any other spellcasting
When you cast spells from your Specialized School of Magic from any of your spellcasting classes, your
effective Caster level is the sum of all your spellcasting classes.
Feats for Other Classes
Other Class Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Extra Edge
(CArc p79)
Warmage 4
You gain a +1 bonus to your Warmage Edge, plus an additional 1 per four Warmage levels.
Extra Spell Secret
(CArc p80)
Spell Secret class feature
Able to cast 2
lvl spells
Gain an additional use of the Spell Secret class ability (part of the Lore Master prestige class), which allows
you to permanently cast one spell as if it were modified by Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Still Spell, or
Silent Spell without its level changing.
Guardian Spirit
(CArc p80)
Watchful Spirit class
Reroll your Initiative Roll, usable 2/day.
Reroll your Saving Throw, usable 1/day.
Improved Fiendish
(DU115 p82)
Fiendish Servant class
Your Fiendish Servant gains the Fiendish Creature Template.
Add the following creatures to your choice of Servants: Ape, Black Bear, Boar, Crocodile, Dire Badger,
Dire Bat, Dire Weasel, Heavy Warhorse, Leopard, Monitor Lizard, Constrictor Snake, Large Viper Snake,
& Wolverine.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 94
Feats Aiding Multiclassed Characters
Multi-Class Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Aligned Theurgy
(DR325 p60)
At least one Alignment-
based Cleric Domain
Ability to cast Arcane
spells with the same
alignment descriptor
Choose one Alignment-based Cleric Domain (i.e., Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law). Any spells you cast with
this descriptor have a Caster level equal to the sum of your Cleric and Arcane Caster levels.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying to a different Alignment
Alternative Source
(DR325 p61)
Able to cast both Arcane
and Divine spells
You may prepare an Arcane spell in a Divine spell slot of the same level and/or a Divine spell in an Arcane
spell slot of the same level. In each case, the Caster level of that spell is one lower
than usual.
+0 Level Adjustment.
Ascetic Hunter
(CAdv p105)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Favored Enemy class
When you use an Unarmed Strike to deliver a Stunning Attack against a Favored Enemy, add one-half your
Favored Enemy bonus to the DC of your Stunning attempt.
If you have levels in both Ranger and Monk, those levels stack to determine your Unarmed Damage.
You may multiclass between Ranger and Monk freely (alignment and XP penalties still apply as normal).
Ascetic Knight
(CAdv p105)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Smite Evil class ability
Your Paladin and Monk levels stack to determine your Unarmed Damage, as well as your Smite damage.
You may multiclass between Paladin and Monk freely (alignment and XP penalties still apply as normal).
Ascetic Mage
(CAdv p105)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Ability to Spontaneously
cast 2
level Arcane
As a Swift Action, you may sacrifice a spell slot to add that slot’s level as a bonus to attack and damage
rolls for one round.
Your Sorcerer and Monk levels stack to determine your Monk AC bonus; you may add either your Wisdom
or Charisma bonus.
You may multiclass between Sorcerer and Monk freely (alignment and XP penalties still apply as normal).
Ascetic Rogue
(CAdv p106)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Sneak Attack class ability
When making a Stunning Attack as a Sneak attack, add 2 to the DC.
Your Rogue and Monk levels stack to determine your Unarmed Damage.
You may multiclass between Rogue and Monk freely (alignment and XP penalties still apply as normal).
Ascetic Stalker
(CSco p73)
Ki Power class ability
Ki Strike (magic) class
Monk 1
, 2
, 6
Add your Monk and Ninja levels together to determine the size of your Ki Pool, your Unarmed Strike
damage –and– your Ki Strike class feature.
You may multiclass between Monk and Ninja freely (alignment and XP penalties still apply as normal).
Combined Empathy
(DR325 p61)
Druid level 1+
Ranger level 1+
Add your Druid and Ranger levels to your Wild Empathy checks.
Daring Outlaw
(CSco p76)
Swashbuckler Grace +1
class feature
Sneak Attack +2d6
Add your Rogue and Swashbuckler levels together to determine the size of your Grace class feature bonus
–and– the number of your Sneak Attack dice.
Daring Warrior
[General, Fighter]
(CSco p76)
Swashbuckler Grace +1
class feature
Weapon Specialization
Add your Fighter and Swashbuckler levels together to determine the size of your Grace class feature bonus
–and– your Fighter level for determining which Fighter only feats you qualify for.
Devoted Inquisitor
(CAdv p107)
Smite Evil class ability
Sneak Attack class ability
When you successfully use both Smite Evil and Sneak Attack on the same foe in a single attack, it is Dazed
for one round (WillNeg DC 10 + ½ character level + Charisma modifier)
You may multiclass between Paladin and Rogue freely (alignment and XP penalties still apply as normal).
Devoted Performer
(CAdv p107)
Smite Evil class ability
Bardic Music class
Your Bard and Paladin levels stack to determine your Smite damage and daily uses of Bardic Music.
You may multiclass between Bard and Paladin freely (XP penalties still apply as normal).
Devoted Tracker
(CAdv p107)
Smite Evil class ability
Wild Empathy class
Your Paladin and Ranger levels stack to determine your Smite damage and Wild Empathy.
If you have both the Special Mount and an Animal Companion ability, you may designate your mount as
your companion, granting it both sets of bonuses.
You may multiclass between Paladin and Ranger freely (alignment and XP penalties still apply as normal).
Divine Inspiration
(DR330 p85)
Ability to Turn Undead
Bardic Music class
1. Your Bard and Cleric levels stack to determine what Bardic Music abilities are available to you.
2. Perform is always a Class skill for you.
Druidic Theurgy
(DR325 p61)
Able to cast 3
Druid spells
Able to cast spells from
a different spell list
Choose one of your non-Druidic spell lists. Any spell which appears on this list and the Druidic spell list is
cast with a Caster level of (Druid level + the level of the other class).
Elemental Stalker
(DR357 p86)
Ki Power class ability
Sense Elements class
1. Add your Shugenja level to your Ninja level to determine the maximum radius and uses per day of your
Sense Elements class ability.
2. Add your Shugenja level to your Ninja level to determine your Ninja AC bonus and the size of your Ki
Elemental Theurgy
(DR325 p61)
At least one Element-
based Cleric Domain
Ability to cast Arcane
spells with the same
element descriptor
Choose one Element-based Cleric Domain (i.e., Air, Earth, Fire, or Water). Any spells you cast with this
descriptor have a Caster level equal to the sum of your Cleric and Arcane Caster levels.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying to a different Element.
Holy Mount
(DR325 p62)
Ability to gain a Special
any other Divine caster
When determining the abilities of your Special Mount, add your Paladin levels to those of your other Divine
caster class (typically Cleric).
(DR325 p62)
Bardic Music class ability
Ability to cast Divine
Perform is always a Class skill for you.
Receive your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to all Perform checks.
Martial Stalker
[General, Fighter]
(CSco p79)
Proficiency with all
martial weapons
Ki Power class ability
Add your Fighter and Ninja levels together to determine the size of your Ki Pool, the AC Bonus granted as a
class ability of a Ninja, –and– your Fighter level for determining which Fighter only feats you qualify for.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats based on Class Page 95
Multi-Class Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Master Spellthief
(CSco p79)
Steal Spell class ability
able to cast 2
Arcane spells
Add your Spellthief and Arcane Caster class to determine the highest level spell you can steal, the caster
level of your Arcane spells. Also, ignore the Spell Failure chance of any Light Armor you are wearing
when casting stolen spells.
Practiced Spellcaster
(CDiv p82)
(CArc p82)
Spellcraft: 4 ranks Choose one of your spellcasting classes. The spells you cast from this class have +4 Caster level (up to
your number of HD).
This feat helps multiclassed characters.
Rage Casting
(DR310 p30)
Ability to Rage or Frenzy
Able to cast 1
lvl spells
Combat Casting
Quicken Spell
Concentration: 5 ranks
While Raging and/or Frenzying, you may cast spell with a casting time of ‘Free Action’, typically spells
modified by the Quicken Spell metamagic feat.
You may also use magic items activated by Spell Trigger, Spell Completion, & Command Word.
Normally, you cannot cast spell & use activated magic items while Raging and/or Frenzying.
Raging Spell
(DR310 p30)
Ability to Rage or Frenzy
Able to cast 1
lvl spells
Combat Casting
Quicken Spell
Spell Penetration
Rage Casting
Concentration: 5 ranks
By consuming one of your daily Rages or Frenzies, you gain a +2 bonus on overcoming Spell Resistance
for 3 + Constitution modifier rounds. At the end of this time, you are Fatigued for the duration of the
current encounter.
This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Penetration.
Razing Strike
(CAdv p112)
Sneak Attack class ability
Caster level 6
As a Swift Action, you may sacrifice one of your allotment of spells to gain bonuses against Constructs (if
the spell was Arcane) –or– Undead (if the spell was Divine). The bonuses apply only to the indicated type
of creature and last for 1 round.
1. Gain an Insight bonus equal to the spell’s level on your attack rolls.
2. Receive a number of extra d6 of damage equal to that spell’s level plus
your Sneak Attack dice bonus.
Note: This feat does not
enable you to deliver Critical Hits or Sneak Attacks to Constructs or Undead.
Sacred Outlaw
(DR357 p86)
Ability to Turn/Rebuke
Sneak Attack +2d6
Add your effective Cleric level to your Rogue level for
1. resolving Turning Checks & Turning Damage; &
2. to determine how many Sneak Attack dice you receive.
Sacred Performer
(DR357 p86)
Ability to Turn/Rebuke
Bardic Music ability
Add your effective Cleric level to your Bard level for
1. resolving Turning Checks & Turning Damage; &
2. how many uses of Bardic Music you receive each day.
Savage Grapple
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability
Sneak Attack class
While you are in a Wild Shape, you may apply your Sneak Attack damage to your Grapple damage.
Creatures not subject to Sneak Attacks don’t take this extra damage.
Shared Fury
(RotW p152)
Rage class feature
Animal Companion class
Handle Animal: 4 ranks
When you Rage, your Animal Companion gains the same benefits and penalties from your Rage as you do,
but only if it is within 5’ of you. The effect ends when your Animal Companion moves more than 5’ from
you or when your Rage ends.
Swift Ambusher
[General, Scout]
(CSco p81)
Skirmish +1d6 / +1 AC
class feature
Sneak Attack +1d6
Add your Rogue and Scout levels together to determine the value of your Skirmish bonuses. Also, you
qualify for [Ambush] feats as if your Sneak Attack dice were the total of your Sneak Attack dice and your
Skirmish dice (though you may not use Skirmish dice to “activate” [Ambush] feats).
Swift Avenger
[General, Scout]
(DR357 p87)
Nature Sense class ability
Skirmish +1d6
Add your Druid level to your Scout level to determine
1. your Skirmish damage and AC bonus; &
2. how many uses of Wild Shape you get each day.
Swift Hunter
(CSco p81)
Skirmish +1d6 / +1 AC
class feature
Favored Enemy class
Add your Ranger and Scout levels together to determine the value of your Skirmish bonuses –and- your
effective Ranger level for determining the number and value of your Favored Enemies. In addition, your
Skirmish bonus damage applies to your Favored Enemies even if it is normally immune to such damage.
Theurgic Bond
(DR325 p62)
Ability to gain a Familiar
Ability to gain an Animal
Choose your Familiar –or– your Animal Companion. When determining its abilities, add the levels of your
Familiar granting classes to your Animal Companion granting classes.
You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it either applies to your Familiar or Animal Companion.
Theurgic Empathy
(DR325 p62)
Bardic Music ability
Wild Empathy ability
Add your Bard level as a bonus to your Wild Empathy checks.
Theurgic Mount
(DR325 p62)
Ability to gain a Special
any Arcane caster class
When determining the abilities of your Special Mount, add your Paladin levels to those of your Arcane
caster classes.
Theurgic Specialist
(DR325 p62)
Specialist Wizard 3
any other spellcasting
When you cast spells from your Specialized School of Magic from any of your spellcasting classes, your
effective Caster level is the sum of all your spellcasting classes.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Racial Feats Page 97
Racial Feats
Changeling Feats
Changeling Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Disturbing Visage
[Changeling, Tactical]
(RoE p117)
Quick Change
Bluff: 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers (a given creature can only be effected once by each in a 24
hour period & creature immune to mind-affecting spell & effects are immune):
– Appear weak by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability, taking a Total Defense Action, and
then making a Bluff check (as a Free Action). Any foe that attacks you from the end of your turn until the
beginning of your next turn must make a Sense Motives check opposed by your Bluff check. If an
opponent fails, he/she receives a –5 penalty on weapon damage (min 1hp) against you for 1 minute.
– Appear mocking by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability to mimic a Humanoid,
Monstrous Humanoid, or a Giant who is within 10’ & who missed you with a melee or ranged attack on
the previous round. Make a Bluff check as a Free Action opposed by the target creature’s Sense Motive’s
check. If you win the check, your target receives a –2 penalty on attack rolls against you for 1 minute.
– Appear hideous by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability after hitting an opponent in
melee, then making a Bluff check (as a Free Action). If your opponent’s Sense Motive check does not
beat your Bluff check, it receives a –2 penalty to AC for 1 minute.
Mutable Body
(RoE p110)
Shagechanger subtype
Transmutation spells cast on you are at +1 Caster level at your option.
By spending 2 Action Points, a Transmutation spell cast on you is treated as Empowered or Extended
without adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
Perfect Reflection
(PGE p25)
Charisma 15
Wisdom 13
Gain a Competence bonus on Disguise checks & Bluff checks to impersonal a person you know.
Familiarity Bonus
Familiarity Bonus
Recognize on Sight +2 Close Friend +8
Friend / Associate +4 Intimate +10
Individual is Present +6
Persona Immersion
(RoE p110)
Changeling When using your Minor Change Shape racial ability, if you make a successful save vs. a Divination spell or
a Telepathic Psionic power of up to 3
level, you have the option of giving the spell misleading
information. You know what type of information was sought and can react accordingly (typically by
filling your mind with information that matches your current persona).
Quick Change
(RoE p110)
Using your Minor Change Shape racial ability is a Move Action (instead of a Full Round Action).
Racial Emulation
(RoE p110)
Changeling When using your Minor Change Shape racial ability to assume the form of a Humanoid, you also gain the
race’s subtype. This allows you to use magic items, etc., that are race specific. You do not
gain any of the
race’s traits (such as Darkvision).
You may only emulate one race at a time and you always retain the ‘shapechanger’ subtype.
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Drow Feats
Drow Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Boomerang Daze
(RoE p108)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
Any creature taking damage from your Boomerang attack is Dazed for 1 round (FortNeg, DC = 10 +
damage dealt). Can apply to both targets in the case of a Boomerang Ricochet.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Boomerang Ricochet
(RoE p108)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
If you successfully hit your first target, you may make an attack against one foe adjacent to your target with
a –2 penalty.
The second attack does not gain the benefit of a Sneak Attack, even if the first attack did.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Damage Mastery
(DR327 p71)
Drow Choose one of the following types of weapon damage: Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing. When doing
this type of damage with a weapon, gain a Competence bonus to your damage of +1 per three other Racial
Feats you have (so four Racial Feats are needed for +2).
You may take this Feat multiple times, each time applying it to a different type of damage.
Daylight Adaptation
(PGF p37)
(RoE p108)
(Und p13)+
Must be from a race that
has difficulties with
sunlight, such as Drow.
You are not Dazzled by exposure to bright light or sunlight, though light-related spells affect you normally.
Disease Bolt
(DR327 p71)
Charisma 13
any two Drow Racial
You can make a Ranged Touch attack that does 1d6 per Racial Feat of Negative Energy damage. This
Supernatural effect is activated as a Standard Action and can be used a number of times per day equal to
your number of Racial Feats.
As usual, Negative Energy heals Undead.
Disease Shield
(DR327 p71)
Charisma 17
any three Drow Racial
As a Standard Action, you can surround yourself with a 5’ radius Emanation. Any creature that comes in
contact with it becomes Sickened for one round per Racial Feat you possess (FortNeg, DC = 10 +
Charisma modifier + number of Racial Feats). The Disease Shield may be active for 1 round per Racial
Feat per day, though the rounds may be broken up as desired. This is a Supernatural effect.
Drow Skirmisher
(RoE p109)
Drow from Xen’drik Treat Xen’drik Boomerang, Drow Scorpion Chain, and Drow Long Knife as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Drow Scorpion Chain or Drow Long Knife
as long as you have moved at least 5’ this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Daggers or Short Swords, these feats also apply to your Drow Long
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Spiked Chain, these feats also apply to your Drow Scorpion Chain.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Xen’drik Boomerang, Drow Scorpion
Chain, or Drow Long Knife, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
(Und p25)
Choose one subrace of elf. When fighting that subtype, you gain +1 Competence bonus on melee damage
rolls and ranged attack rolls within 30 feet. You also gain the benefits of the Improved Critical feat (though
this does not stack with that feat).
You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a new subtype.
Highborn Drow
(Und p25)
Base Will Save +2
You may use Detect Good, Detect Magic, and Levitate once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster
level equal to your character level.
Improved Levitation
(Und p25)
Levitate as a Spell-like
You may use your Levitate ability in 10 minute increments instead of using the entire duration at once.
The number of times per day that you can use Levitate at the shorter duration is equal to your caster level.
Increased Carrying
(DR327 p71)
Add the number of Racial Feats you possess to your Strength score when determining your carrying
Life Tap
(DR327 p71)
Wisdom 13
any one Drow Racial
When you kill a living creature with a melee weapon, you heal 1hp per 2HD the creature possessed
(minimum 1hp). You may activate this Supernatural Ability as a Free Action a number of times per day
equal to the number of Racial Feats you possess.
Lolth’s Meat
(Und p26)
If you kill a living creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher with a melee attack, you gain a +1 Morale
bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for the rest of the encounter.
If you kill such a creature with a Coup de Grace or touch spell, the bonus is +2.
Note: Reducing a creature to negative hp is not sufficient to claim this bonus. The creature must be at –10
hp or have suffered a Death effect.
Sting Strike
(DR345 p40)
Drow from Xen’drik
Drow Skirmisher
Base Attack Bonus +6
When making a Full Round Attack while wielding a Drow Long Knife, a Drow Scorpion Chain, or a
Xen’drik Boomerang, you receive a +1 bonus on your 1
attack, a +2 bonus on your 2
attack, etc. The
attacks do not need to be aimed at the same foe, but you cannot move more than 5’ during the round.
Note: this ability cannot be combined with feats that modify the number of attack you get, such as Rapid
Shot or Whirlwind Attack.
Tainted Strike
(DR327 p71)
any two Drow Racial
When you do a Critical Hit with a melee weapon, you have the option of doing +1 hp damage per Racial
Feat of Negative Energy damage. This is a Supernatural Effect.
Undead Command
(DR327 p71)
Charisma 19
any two Drow Racial
You can vocally order a single Undead within 30’ to take a named action, as per Command (WillNeg, DC =
10 + Charisma modifier + number of Racial Feats). You may activate this Supernatural & Language-
Dependant Ability as a Standard Action a number of times per day equal to the number of Racial Feats you
White Scorpion Strike
(RoE p112)
Class Ability: Ki Strike
Your Unarmed Strikes gain the ‘Ghost Touch’ ability (allowing them to ignore Miss Chance due to
Incorporealness) and does +1d6 damage to Undead.
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Racial Feats Page 99
Dwarf Feats
Dwarf Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Ancestral Knowledge
(RoS p130)
Wisdom 15
You can make any Knowledge check untrained
You can use your Wisdom modifier (instead
of your Intelligence modifier) on Knowledge checks.
Battle Hardened
(RoS p137)
Base Attack Bonus +4
+2 bonus on Initiative checks.
+4 bonus on Saving Throws vs. Fear.
Clan Prestige
(RoS p137)
Charisma 13
+4 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with other members of your clan
. The clan must
be specified when this feat is taken and cannot be changed.
This feat cannot
be taken more than once.
Dwarven Ancestry
(DR338 p97)
Sorcerer level 1
Craft a stone masterpiece
of unparalleled beauty
You are descended from a line of great Dwarven craftspersons.
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Guidance(PH p238) – +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
: Shield of Faith(PH p278) – Aura grants +2 (or higher) deflection bonus.
: Make Whole(PH p252) – Repairs an object.
: Magic Vestment(PH p251) – Armor, shield, or clothes gain +1 enhancement per four levels.
: Spike Stones(PH p283) – Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed.
: Spell Resistance(PH p282) – Subject gains Spell Resistance of 12 + 1 per level.
: Stone Tell(PH p284) – Talk to natural or worked stone.
: Heroes’ Feast(PH p240) – Ford for one creature per level, cures, and grants combat bonuses.
: Earthquake(PH p225) – Intense tremor shakes 5’ per level radius.
: Elemental Swarm(PH p226) – Summons multiple elementals. (earth only)
Earth Fist
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p138)
Dwarf, Gnome, or Goliath
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Earth Sense
As long as you are touching the ground, your unarmed attacks are treated as Cold Iron weapons for the
purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Moradin’s Smile
(RoS p153)
+2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks.
Mror Stalwart
(RoE p109)
Dwarf from the Mror
Proficiency with
Battleaxe, Warhammer,
Dwarven Warhammer,
or Dwarven Urgrosh
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven
Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh as long as you have not moved this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh,
these feats also apply to the other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven
Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Stable Footing
(RoE p112)
Dwarf –or– Warforged
You gain a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being Bull Rushed or Tripped while you standing on
the ground.
You take no movement penalty when moving over difficult terrain.
Titan Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p145)
Racial Dodge bonus
against Giants
Against your Dodge-designated Giant-type opponent, you gain your Racial Dodge bonus, instead of the
usual +1 for Dodge (e.g. a typical Dwarf would gain a +4 Dodge bonus from this feat against one giant,
which stacks with his usual +4 Dodge bonus – so +8 AC against one Giant, and +4 AC against all others).
Elf Feats
Elf Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Elf Dilettante
(RotW p150)
Intelligence 13
Gain a +1 bonus on all untrained
skill checks (i.e., a skill that you have no ranks in).
You may attempt an untrained skill checks with skills that do not normally allow them (such as Open Lock).
Elven Spell Lore
(PH2 p78)
Elf –or– Intelligence 17
Know(arcana): 12 ranks
1. When using Dispel Magic (and its variants), you receive a +2 bonus on the Caster check.
2. Choose a single spell that you can prepare. From this point forward, you may prepare this spell to do a
different type of damage. You may even memorize the spell multiple times in the same day doing
different damage in each memorization. Spontaneous spellcasters do not receive this benefit.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying it to a different spell (benefit 1. does not stack).
Focused Mind
(RotW p151)
Concentration: 2 ranks
When you ‘Take 10’ or ‘Take 20’ on an Intelligence check or an Intelligence-based skill check, you gain a
+2 bonus on the check.
(RotW p151)
Dexterity 13
Balance: 2 ranks
Move Silently: 2 ranks
1. When making a Move Silently check while moving through ‘noisy’ or ‘very noisy’ terrain, you do not
receive a terrain penalty.
2. The DC to track you is at +5 (or +10 if you are moving at ½ speed to cover your trail).
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Racial Feats Page 100
Gnome Feats
Gnome Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Burrow Friend
(RoS p137)
Charisma 13
+2 bonus on Handle Animal checks and Wild Empathy checks involving burrowing mammals.
If you have a Spell-like ability to speak with burrowing animals, you get (Charisma mod.) extra uses / day.
Earth Fist
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p138)
Dwarf, Gnome, or Goliath
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Earth Sense
As long as you are touching the ground, your unarmed attacks are treated as ‘Cold Iron’ weapons for the
purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Extra Silence
(RoS p139)
Whisper Gnome only
You can use your Racial Silence spell-like ability (3 + Charisma modifier) times per day.
You can take this feat more than once.
Gnome Foe Killer
(RoS p140)
You gain a +2 Racial bonus on weapon damage rolls against Kobolds and Goblinoids.
Natural Trickster
(RoS p143)
You gain the ability to use one of the following spell-like abilities, as a 1
level caster, once per day:
Disguise Self, Silent Image, or Ventriloquism. Save DC = 10 + spell level + your Charisma modifier.
You may gain this feat up to three times, selecting a different spell each time.
Piercing Sight
(RoS p143)
+4 bonus on saving throws to disbelieve Illusions (must have “disbelief” in the saving throw entry).
Ship Savvy
(RoE p112)
Gnome from Zilargo
Balance: 5 ranks
Profession (sailor) –or–
Profession (shipwright):
3 ranks
While aboard a sea or air ship, gain a +1 bonus to AC and on attack rolls.
Silencing Strike
(RoS p144)
Whisper Gnome only
Sneak Attack ability
Before making a Sneak Attack, you may infuse the attack with one of your daily Silence uses. If the attack
succeeds, your opponent is affected by Silence (no save) for Character level)rounds. You can dismiss the
effect as a Standard Action. If your attack misses, your Silence use is wasted.
Titan Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p145)
Racial Dodge bonus
against Giants
Against your Dodge-designated Giant-type opponent, you gain your Racial Dodge bonus, instead of the
usual +1 for Dodge (e.g. a typical Dwarf would gain a +4 Dodge bonus from this feat against one giant,
which stacks with his usual +4 Dodge bonus – so +8 AC against one Giant, and +4 AC against all others).
Trivial Knowledge
(RoS p145)
Intelligence 13
Whenever you make a Knowledge check or a Bardic Knowledge check, roll twice and use the better result.
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Goliath Feats
Goliath Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Auspicious Marking
(RoS p136)
+2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with other Goliaths.
You may reroll any Stabilization check once per turn.
Fling Ally
(RoS p139)
Goliath –or– Large size
Strength 19
Rock Hurling (or the
racial ability to do so)
You can pick up and ally at least one size category smaller (as a Move Action) and throw him/her (as a
Standard Action) towards a specific square. You make a ranged touch attack against the target square (AC
5) with a range increment of 5’ (15’ if your ally is two or more categories smaller). Your ally does not
provoke an Attack of Opportunity for being flung. If the target square is occupied your ally lands in the
square prone.
If you have Improved Rock Hurling, the increment is 20’ or 40’.
Goliaths count as Large size owing to their stature. You ally must be under your maximum load to be flung.
Fling Foe
(RoS p140)
Goliath –or– Large size
Strength 19
Rock Hurling (or the
racial ability to do so)
As a Standard Action you may fling an opponent with a successful Grappling check. For every 5 points by
which you beat your opponent’s check you can throw them 10’. You foe lands in the square you designate.
If your opponent is one size category smaller, you may throw them no more than 25’; if two categories or
more smaller, no more than 75’. If you have Improved Rock Hurling, the maximums are 100’/200’.
Their movement does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Heavy Lithoderms
(RoS p141)
+1 Natural Armor bonus to AC.
Improved Rock
(RoS p141)
Goliath –or– Large size
Strength 23
Rock Hurling (or the
racial ability to do so)
You can hurl rocks weighing 40-50 pounds with range increment 80’ for 2d6 + Strength modifier.
+1 on attack rolls when hurling rocks.
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p142)
Goliath –or– Large size
Improved Bull Rush
Power Attack
If you hit while using Power Attack, you may make a free Bull Rush, with a bonus equal to your Power
Attack damage bonus.
This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity, nor may you move with the enemy you knock backwards.
Marking of the
(RoS p142)
Auspicious Marking
You may roll two dice on a Saving Throw and take the better result. Usable 3 times per day.
Marking of the
(RoS p142)
Auspicious Marking
You may roll two dice on an Initiative roll and take the better result. Usable 3 times per day.
Marking of the Magi
(RoS p142)
Auspicious Marking
You may roll two dice on a Caster level check and take the better result. Usable 3 times per day.
Marking of the
(RoS p142)
Auspicious Marking
You may roll two dice on a Skill check and take the better result. Usable 3 times per day.
Marking of the
(RoS p142)
Auspicious Marking
You may roll two dice on an Attack roll and take the better result. Usable 3 times per day.
Rampaging Bull
(RoS p150)
Goliath –or– Large size
Ability to Rage
Improved Bull Rush
While you Rage, you can attempt to knock down a creature your have successfully Bull Rushed. You take a
–4 penalty to your Strength check, but if you win, the opponent is knocked prone at the end of the Bull
Rock Hurling
(RoS p143)
Goliath –or– Large size
Strength 19
You can hurl rocks weighing 40-50 pounds with range increment 15’ for 2d6 + Strength modifier.
Steady Mountaineer
(RoS p144)
Climb: 8 ranks
Jump: 8 ranks
You can always ‘Take 10’ on Climb checks.
Half-Elf Feats
Half-Elf Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(RoD p150)
Having 5 or more ranks gives you a +3 bonus on skill checks with each of its synergistic skills, instead of
the usual +2.
Diverse Background
(RoD p150)
level only
Choose one class. This class is a Favored Class for you.
Heroic Destiny
(RoD p152)
Human or Half-Human
Once per day, before you make an attack roll, ability check, skill check, saving throw, or caster level check,
you may roll 1d6 and add it as a bonus to the roll, check, or save.
Human Blood
(DR324 p78)
Partial Human ancestry
(i.e., Half-Elf, etc)
level only
Gain +1 Skill point at 1
level and every level afterwards.
For all effects related to race, you are ‘human’.
Protected Destiny
(RoD p153)
Human or Half-Human
Character level 3
Heroic Destiny
If you roll a Natural 1 on a saving throw, you may reroll it. Usable once per day.
Sociable Personality
(RoD p153)
Charisma 13
You may reroll any Diplomacy or Gather Information check. You must take the new result.
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Racial Feats Page 102
Half-Orc Feats
Half-Orc Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Channeled Rage
(RoD p150)
Ability to Rage
Spend one of your uses of rage as an immediate action to add your Strength bonus on a Will saving throw.
Diverse Background
(RoD p150)
level only
Choose one class. This class is a Favored Class for you.
Heroic Destiny
(RoD p152)
Human or Half-Human
Once per day, before you make an attack roll, ability check, skill check, saving throw, or caster level check,
you may roll 1d6 and add it as a bonus to the roll, check, or save.
Human Blood
(DR324 p78)
Partial Human ancestry
(i.e., Half-Elf, etc)
level only
Gain +1 Skill point at 1
level and every level afterwards.
For all effects related to race, you are ‘human’.
Menacing Demeanor
(RoS p142)
Orc or Orc blood
+4 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Orc Descent
(DR338 p97)
Half-Orc or Orc
Sorcerer 1
Complete a quest to
strengthen your tribe
assigned by your Chief
or Shaman
You are descended from a line of great Orc heroes.
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Virtue(PH p289) – Subject gains 1 Temporary HP.
: Longstrider(PH p249) – Increases your speed.
: Rage(PH p268) – Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
: Good Hope(PH p237) – Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
: Divine Power(PH p224) – You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp per level.
: Righteous Might(PH p273)(PH3.5e)+ – Your size increases and you gain combat bonuses.
: Harm(PH p239) – Deals 10 hp per level to target.
: Destruction(PH p218) – Kills subject and destroys remains.
: Earthquake(PH p225) – Intense tremor shakes 5’ per level radius.
: Storm of Vengeance(PH p285) – Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Protected Destiny
(RoD p153)
Human or Half-Human
Character level 3
Heroic Destiny
If you roll a Natural 1 on a saving throw, you may reroll it. Usable once per day.
Ritual Blood Bonds
(PH2 p86)
Half-Orc or Orc
Know (religion): 4 ranks
You may use the following rituals if you have enough ranks in Knowledge (religion).
Blood Brothers
– min ranks: 4 – Spend 10 minutes and a Vial of Holy/Unholy Water to join yourself and up
to 6 allies. For 24 hours, each subject receives a +4 Morale bonus on saves vs. Fear as long as a subject
can see at least one other subject.
Vengeful Bonds of Brotherhood
– min ranks: 8 – Spend 10 minutes, a Vial of Holy Water, and 10gp
powdered Silver to join yourself and up to 6 allies. For 24 hours, each subject receives a +2 Morale bonus
on attacks vs. a creature who brought another subject to 0hp (or lower). The benefit lasts for 10 rounds
each time it is triggered.
Shadow Marches
(RoE p111)
Orc or Half-Orc from the
Shadow Marches
Treat Orc Double Axe as a Martial Weapon.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe as
part of a Charge.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe, these feats also apply to the
other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe,
add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
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Racial Feats Page 103
Halfling Feats
Halfling Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Boomerang Daze
(RoE p108)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
Any creature taking damage from your Boomerang attack is Dazed for 1 round (FortNeg, DC = 10 +
damage dealt). Can apply to both targets in the case of a Boomerang Ricochet.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Boomerang Ricochet
(RoE p108)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
If you successfully hit your first target, you may make an attack against one foe adjacent to your target with
a –2 penalty.
The second attack does not gain the benefit of a Sneak Attack, even if the first attack did.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Dallah Thaun’s Luck
(RotW p149)
Charisma 13
Once per day, gain a +5 Luck bonus on one saving throw.
After using this ability, you receive a –2 penalty on all saving throws until the next sunrise.
Dinosaur Hunter
(RoE p108)
Halfling from the Talenta
Know (nature): 1 rank
Survival: 1 rank
+2 bonus on Listen, Knowledge (nature), Spot, and Survival checks related to Dinosaurs.
+2 weapon damage against Dinosaurs.
Dinosaur Wrangler
(RoE p108)
Halfling from the Talenta
Handle Animal: 1 rank
+4 bonus on Handle Animal, Ride, and Wild Empathy checks related to Dinosaurs.
League Militiaman
(DR337 p92)
Belong to a member
tribe of the League of
the Free People
Once per turn, you may designate one opponent who threatens you in combat. The opponent must be a Fey,
Giant, Humanoid, or Monstrous Humanoid of Medium size (or larger). Gain of one of the following
benefits with regards to your opponent:
a) +1 Dodge bonus to your
AC (this is separate from the bonus from the Dodge feat); or
b) +2 Shield bonus the AC of an adjacent
creature of up to Small size who is also threatened by your
Shaped Splash
(RoE p111)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
If you hit a target with a thrown splash weapon, you may make a second attack roll on another target that is
adjacent to the first. If successful, that target takes damage as if it received a direct hit too.
In addition, you may choose not to deal splash damage to one (or more) targets adjacent to a target that
takes a direct hit.
Talenta Warrior
(RoE p112)
Halfling from the Talenta
Treat Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, and the Talenta Boomerang as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a attack with a Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, and the Talenta
Boomerang while mounted.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, or the Talenta Boomerang, these
feats also apply to the other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, or the
Talenta Boomerang, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
(PH2 p85)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
Gain the following abilities:
Canny Merchant
– you can make a Diplomacy check to locate a desired object that is normally too
expensive for the current settlement to sell. You must still purchase the object after locating it. The DC of
the check is 10 + ((item’s gp cost – settlement’s gp limit) / 1000).
Intuitive Communication
– you may communicate in a simple way with a creature whose language you do
not share by spending 1 minute interacting with it and then making a Sense Motive check vs. DC 20 if you
and the creature are of the same type, otherwise DC 30.
Social Agility
– you may temporarily change a creature’s Attitude towards you by using Bluff (instead of
Diplomacy as usual). The attempt takes a Standard Action and its DC is the same as changing an Attitude
with Diplomacy. You may not use this ability on a creature with the Attitude of ‘Hostile’. If successful,
the effect lasts for 1 minute, after which the creature’s Attitude becomes one category worse than it started
for 10 minutes.
Yondalla’s Sense
(RotW p152)
Add your Wisdom modifier to your Initiative checks.
Human Feats
Human Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Able Learner
(RoD p150)
Human or Doppelganger
Level only
All skills are “in-class” and only cost 1 skill point.
Does not effect the cost of learning a language or gaining literacy.
Heroic Destiny
(RoD p152)
Human or Half-Human
Once per day, before you make an attack roll, ability check, skill check, saving throw, or caster level check,
you may roll 1d6 and add it as a bonus to the roll, check, or save.
Human Heritage
(RoD p152)
Half-Human or Human-
descended(RoD p150)
level only
You are considered Humanoid(human) for the purpose of adjudicating all effects.
You retain any other subtypes you had (such as orc or extraplanar).
You gain 4 additional skill points.
Protected Destiny
(RoD p153)
Human or Half-Human
Character level 3
Heroic Destiny
If you roll a Natural 1 on a saving throw, you may reroll it. Usable once per day.
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Illumian Feats
Illumian Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Bright Sigil
(RoD p150)
As a Standard Action, increase the illumination of your sigils to 60’ bright + 60’ dim, for as long as you
maintain Concentration, plus one round.
Enhanced Power
(RoD p152)
any two power sigils
The bonuses granted by each of your power sigils improve by 1.
Improved Sigil
(RoD p152)
Aesh power sigils
Your Aesh power sigil grants you a +1 insight bonus per power sigil on melee weapon damage rolls with
any weapon with which you have Weapon Focus.
Improved Sigil
(RoD p152)
Hoon power sigils
Your Hoon power sigil grants you a +1 Insight bonus per power sigil on saving throws against death effects,
on saves to avoid death my massive damage, and on Fortitude saves to avoid nonlethal damage from hot
and cold environments or to resist damage from suffocation.
Improved Sigil
(RoD p153)
Krau power sigils
Choose a number of spell with verbal components that you can cast equal to the number of power sigils you
have. When you cast one of these spells, its effective spell level is increased by 1. Whenever you gain the
ability to cast a new level of spells, you may reassign the spells affected by this feat.
If you cast one of the chosen spells with the Silent Spell feat, this feat has no effect.
Improved Sigil
(RoD p153)
Naen power sigils
Your Naen power sigil grants you a +1Iinsight bonus per power sigil on saving throws against illusions and
against language-dependent effects.
Improved Sigil (Uur)
(RoD p153)
Uur power sigils
Your Uur power sigil grants you a +1 Insight bonus per power sigil on ranged weapon damage rolls
whenever your target is denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class.
Improved Sigil
(RoD p153)
Vaul power sigils
Your Vaul power sigil grants you a +1 Insight bonus per power sigil on saving throws against mind-
affecting spells and abilities.
Subtle Sigil
(RoD p154)
You can make your sigils appear or disappear as a Free Action. You gain the full benefits of your power
sigils even when they are not visible.
Normally, making a sigil disappear is a Standard Action and you do not benefit from your Sigils when they
are not visible.
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Shifter Feats
Shifter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Battleshifter Training
[Shifter, Tactical]
(RoE p116)
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may not
Feat: Ragewild Fighting
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Tiring Defense
– If an opponent attacks and misses you in melee on two consecutive round while you are
either Fighting Defensively or using Combat Expertise (minimum –2 on your attack) and you hit him/her
at least once, your opponent becomes Fatigued for as long as you continue Fighting Defensively or using
Combat Expertise as above. If already Fatigued, your opponent becomes Exhausted.
Exploit Weakness
– If you hit an opponent in melee who is suffering from being Fatigued, Exhausted,
Dazed, or Dazzled, you do +1d6 damage. You may not
be using Combat Expertise or Fighting
– If an opponent attacks and misses you with a Full Round Attack while you are either Fighting
Defensively or using Combat Expertise (minimum –2 on your attack), you may spend 1 Action Point to
make an extra melee attack against this opponent as an Immediate Action.
Beast Strike
[General, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Base Attack Bonus +5
Claw or Slam attack
When making an Unarmed Strike or Grapple check to deal damage, add your Claw or Slam damage.
Beasthide Elite
(Eb p51)
Shifter with Beasthide
When Shifting, your Natural Armor improves by +4 (instead of +2).
Cliffwalk Elite
(Eb p52)
(RoE p113)
Shifter with Cliffwalk
When Shifting, your Climb speed becomes 30’ (instead of 20’).
Disrupting Strike
[Shifter, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
You must declare you are using this ability before you make an Attack with your Unarmed Strike. If your
foe is damaged by the attack, he/she must make a Fortitude save vs. DC (10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom
modifier). If your foe fails –and– is a shapechanger, he/she reverts immediately to his/her natural form.
This also ends a Shifter’s ‘Shifting’ racial ability.
Creature immune to critical hits are immune to being Stunned.
You may use this ability once per four non-Monk levels + once per Monk levels each day.
You may use this ability only once per round.
Dreamsight Elite
(RoE p113)
Shifter with Dreamsight
When Shifting, gain a +5 bonus on Spot checks and can see Invisibly creatures and objects as if under the
effect of a See Invisibility spell.
Extra Shifter Trait
(Eb p53)
(RoE p114)
(MM3 p150)
any 2 [Shifter] feats
Choose a second Shifter trait. You gain the special ability (but not
the ability score increase) when you are
Fierce Mind
[Shifter, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
You may expend a daily use of our Shifting ability to negate any Fear effect that is affecting you.
Gorebrute Elite
(RoE p114)
Shifter with Gorebrute When Shifting, any creature who takes damage from your Charge attack is knocked Prone, unless it beats
you on an Opposed Strength check (Stability and having more than 2 legs grants a +4 bonus, creatures who
can’t be tripped are immune).
Great Bite
(Eb p54)
Shifter with Longtooth
Base Attack Bonus +6
When Shifting, your Bite attack has a x3 Critical multiplier (instead of x2).
Great Rend
(Eb p54)
Shifter with Razorclaws
Base Attack Bonus +4
When Shifting, if both your Claw attacks hit the same target in the same round, do an additional (1d4 +
½ Strength modifier + 1 per 4 levels) Rending damage.
Healing Factor
(Eb p55)
(MM3 p150)
Constitution 13
When your Shifting ends, heal Hit-Points equal to your Character level.
Improved Natural
(Eb p55)
Shifter with Longtooth
or Razorclaws
Base Attack Bonus +4
Increase the damage of your natural attack by one size category. A Longtooth’s Bite attack now does 1d8
(instead of 1d6). A Razorclaws Claw attack now does 1d6 (instead of 1d4).
Longstride Elite
(Eb p57)
(RoE p114)
Shifter with Longstride
When Shifting, your Movement increases by +20’ (instead of +10’).
Longtooth Elite
(RoE p114)
Shifter with Longtooth
When Shifting, any living creature that takes damage from your Bite attack also takes 1 point of
Constitution damage.
Mutable Body
(RoE p110)
Shagechanger subtype
Transmutation spells cast on you are at +1 Caster level at your option.
By spending 2 Action Points, a Transmutation spell cast on you is treated as Empowered or Extended
without adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
Ragewild Fighter
[Shifter, Tactical]
(RoE p118)
Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may not
Feat: Battleshifter
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Instinctive Strike
– If you fail a Will save against a non-harmless spell, you may make a single melee attack
as an Immediate Action before the spell takes effect.
Rattle the Weakling
– If you hit an opponent of your size or smaller, and then in the following round hit the
opponent again while using Power Attack (minimum –5 penalty on the attack), your opponent is Dazed
(FortNeg, DC is Strength-based).
Brutal Charge
– If you hit an opponent at the end of a Charge, you may spend 1 Action Point to do bonus
damage equal to your Strength modifier (+1½ Strength modifier if it was a Two-Handed Weapon).
Razorclaw Elite
(RoE p114)
Shifter with Razorclaws
When Shifting, at the end of a Charge, you may attack with both Claws at full attack bonus.
Reactive Shifting
(RoE p115)
Improved Initiative
You may Shift as an Immediate Action, allowing you to begin shifting even when Flat-Footed or when it’s
not your turn.
Shifter Acrobatics
(PGE p135)
Shifter with Cliffwalk,
Longstride, or Swiftwing
Balance: 4 ranks
Jump: 4 ranks
Tumble: 4 ranks
When Shifting, gain a bonus on Balance, Jump, and Tumble checks equal to twice
your number of Shifter
Shifter Agility
(RoE p115)
Shifter with Cliffwalk,
Longstride, or Swiftwing
When Shifting, gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves.
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Shifter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Shifter Defense
(Eb p60)
(MM3 p150)
any 2 [Shifter] feats
When Shifting, gain Damage Reduction 2 / silver.
Shifter Defense,
(Eb p54)
Shifter Defense
any 3 [Shifter] feats
When Shifting, gain Damage Reduction 4 / silver.
Shifter Ferocity
(Eb p60)
(RoE p115)
Wisdom 13
When Shifting, you may continue to fight without penalty if you are Disabled (0 hp) or Dying (–1 to –9 hp).
While Disabled, you are not limited to one Standard or Move Action and do not
lose 1 hp for performing
such an action.
While Dying, you are not
Unconscious and do not automatically lose 1 hp per round.
Shifter Instincts
(MM3 p150)
(RoE p115)
Shifter +1 bonus to Listen, Sense Motive, & Spot checks.
+2 bonus to Initiative rolls.
Shifter Magnetism
(PGE p135)
+(number of Shifter feats) bonus on all
Handle Animal, Intimidate, and Wild Empathy checks.
Shifter Multiattack
(Eb p60)
Shifter with Longtooth
or Razorclaws
Base Attack Bonus +6
Your secondary attack with a Natural Weapon takes only a –2 penalty.
Shifter Savagery
(RoE p115)
Shifter with Gorebrute,
Longtooth, Razorclaws
Base Attack Bonus +6
Ability to Rage or Frenzy
When Shifting and
Raging at the same time, the threat range with your natural weapons doubles (typically
to 19–20) and the base damage improves as if you were a creature two sizes larger.
Does not stack with any other feat or effect that improves threat range.
Does not stack with any other feat (such as Improved Natural Attack) that improves the base damage of you
natural weapons (unless it actually makes you larger, such as Enlarge Person).
Shifter Stamina
(RoE p115)
Shifter with Beasthide,
Truedive, or Wildhunt
When Shifting, you are immune to nonlethal damage and the effects of Fatigue & Exhaustion are
Shifter Stealth
(PGE p135)
Shifter with Longstride,
Swiftwing, or Wildhunt
Hide: 4 ranks
Move Silently: 4 ranks
When Shifting, gain a bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks equal to twice
your number of Shifter feats.
Shiftsilver Mastery
(DR355 p76)
Base Attack Bonus +8
any 2 [Shifter] feats
Must have crafted a
‘Shiftsilver’ weapon
If you confirm a Critical Hit on a creature with Damage Reduction vs. Silver with a weapon you crafted out
of ‘Shiftsilver’, it does a bonus +2d4 Constitution damage.
Swiftwing Elite
(RoE p116)
Shifter with Swiftwing
When Shifting, gain Fly 30’ (good) (instead of Fly 20’ (average)).
Truedive Elite
(RoE p116)
Shifter with Truedive
When Shifting, gain Swim 40’ and receive no penalties when using melee attacks underwater.
Wildhunt Elite
(RoE p116)
Shifter with Wildhunt
When Shifting, gain Blindsense 30’.
Shifter Feats limited to Specific Shifter Types
Shifter Type
Feats Ability Bonus
Beasthide Elite
Shifter Stamina
+2 Constitution
When Shifting, gain +2 Natural Armor.
Cliffwalk Elite
Shifter Acrobatics
Shifter Agility
+2 Dexterity
When Shifting, gain Climb 20’.
Dreamsight Elite
+2 Wisdom
When Shifting, gain Speak with Animals.
Always receives a +2 on Handle Animals & Wild Empathy checks.
Gorebrute Elite
Shifter Savagery
+2 Strength
When Shifting, gain a Gore attack when Charging.
Longstride Elite
Shifter Acrobatics
Shifter Agility
Shifter Stealth
+2 Dexterity
When Shifting, gain +10’ Land movement.
Great Bite
Improved Natural Attack
Longtooth Elite
Shifter Multiattack
Shifter Savagery
+2 Strength
When Shifting, gain a Bite Attack.
Great Rend
Improved Natural Attack
Razorclaws Elite
Shifter Multiattack
Shifter Savagery
+2 Strength
When Shifting, gain two Claw attacks.
Shifter Acrobatics
Shifter Agility
Shifter Stealth
Swiftwing Elite
+2 Dexterity
When Shifting, gain Fly 20’ with Average maneuverability.
Shifter Stamina
Truedive Elite
+2 Constitution
When Shifting, gain Swim 30’. Always be able to Hold your Breath for 5x Constitution score
Shifter Stamina
Shifter Stealth
Wildhunt Elite
+2 Constitution
When Shifting, gain Scent ability.
Always receives a +2 on Survival checks.
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Racial Feats Page 107
Umbragen Feats
Umbragen Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Cloak of Shadows
(DR330 p48)
Shadow Shift
Warlock level 1
When in ‘shadow form’ (granted by Feat: Shadow Shift
), you have the option of reducing the lighting in a
10’ radius around yourself to ‘shadowy’. Once activated, the effect lasts until you dismiss it, you leave
‘shadow form’, you go unconscious, or you die.
Dark Blood
(DR330 p48)
3+ Umbragen Racial
Racial Spell Resistance improves by +3.
This feat counts as two
Racial feats for purposes of the number of times you can use ‘shadow form’ per day.
Note: You cannot be brought back to life.
Dread Shadow
(DR330 p48)
2+ Umbragen Racial
Once per day as a Supernatural ability, you may use Enlarge Person on yourself while in ‘shadow form’.
This is a Full Round Action. Once activated, the effect lasts until you dismiss it, you leave ‘shadow form’,
you go unconscious, or you die.
(DR330 p48)
Shadow Shift
When in ‘shadow form’, you have no scent (defeating the Scent ability) and leave almost no trail (+4 DC on
Survival checks to track you).
One with the Darkness
(DR330 p48)
Shadow Shift
You may enter ‘shadow form’ as a Free Action. Your Character level is considered +2 for determining the
duration of your ‘shadow form’.
Shadow Shift
(DR330 p48)
Umbragen As a Move Action, you can enter ‘shadow form’, which grants you a +2 Circumstance bonus on Hide
checks and a +5 Circumstance bonus on Disguise checks to conceal your identity.
You may enter ‘shadow form’ a number of times per day equal to 1 + the number of Umbragen Racial feats
you possess. ‘Shadow form’ lasts up to 1 minute per Character level, but can be dismissed as a Standard
Strength of the
(DR330 p48)
Shadow Shift
If you cast a spell with the (shadow) or [darkness] descriptors while in ‘shadow form’, the spell is at +1
Caster level and had a +1 bonus to its DC.
Sustaining Darkness
(DR330 p48)
Dark Blood
Character level 12
While resting in total darkness, you heal damage at twice the normal rate.
As long as you spend at least 8 hours per day in total darkness, you do not need to eat or drink.
Voice of the Void
(DR330 p48)
Shadow Shift
When in ‘shadow form’ and in an area of shadowy or no illumination, you may remove the verbal
component of any non-Bard Spell or Invocation you cast.
Note: Even when using this ability, you can’t cast spells with Verbal Components in an area of magical
Wings of the Wraith
(DR330 p48)
Fell Flight Invocation
When in ‘shadow form’, Fell Flight has a speed of 30’.
Warforged Feats
Warforged Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Adamantine Body
(Eb p50)
(RoE p118)
level only
Your body is effectively wearing Heavy Armor at all times.
+8 Armor bonus to AC. Max Dexterity bonus to AC is +1.
–5 Armor check penalty. 35% Arcane Spell Failure chance.
Damage Reduction 2 / adamantine Base Speed is 20
Blade Communion of
(DR359 p55)
Adamantine Body
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Warforged Juggernaut
prestige class
must be a follower of the
Lord of Blades
Your Adamantine Armor Spikes (gained as a Warforged Juggernaut class feature) now deal 1d8 Slashing
damage (instead of 1d6 Piercing damage).
Brute Fighting
[Warforged, Tactical]
(RoE p118)
Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus +3
Strength 13
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Combat Momentum
– If you hit your opponent at the end of a Charge with a Two-Handed Weapon, and
your opponent doesn’t hit you on the following round, you receive a +1 bonus on attacks against that
opponent during your next round.
Dispatch the Fallen
– If you successfully Bull Rush or Overrun an opponent, you receive +4 damage on the
next round against that opponent if you attack with a Two-Handed Weapon.
Frenzied Attack
– While using Power Attack (minimum –2 on attack rolls), if you hit your opponent on two
consecutive rounds with a Two-Handed Weapon, you gain +2 bonus on all attacks against that opponent
with that weapon for the rest of the round.
Cold Iron Tracery
(RoE p119)
Your Natural Weapons and Grapple checks are treated as ‘cold iron’ for purposes of overcoming Damage
+1 bonus on Will saves vs. spell and spell-like abilities.
Construct Lock
(RoE p119)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Receive a +2 bonus on damage vs. Constructs.
If you threaten an critical on a Construct, you have the option of skipping the confirmation roll (i.e., no
critical) in exchange for a second attack roll at the same bonus. If this deals at least one point of damage,
your opponent is rendered immobile (i.e., Construct equivalent of Paralyzed) for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is
Constitution based).
If you use an Action Point to improve your attack roll vs. a Construct and it hits, the attack automatically
triggers the special ability above as if the roll had threatened a critical.
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Warforged Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Improved Damage
(Eb p55)
Gain Damage Reduction 1 / adamantine –or– improve your current Damage Reduction by 1.
If you have the Adamantine Body feat, you may take this feat multiple times.
(Eb p55)
Base Attack Bonus +6
You become immune to Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks, but cannot be healed by Conj(healing) spells.
Improved Resiliency
(RoE p119)
You are immune to nonlethal damage.
You cannot benefit from Regeneration or Fast Healing, no mater if they come from magic, the application
of a Template, etc.
Ironwood Body
(RoE p119)
level only
Your body is effectively wearing Light Armor at all times.
+3 Armor bonus to AC. Max Dexterity bonus to AC is +4.
–3 Armor check penalty. 20% Arcane Spell Failure chance.
Gain Damage Reduction 2 / slashing.
If you take Feat: Improved Damage Reduction
, you can choose the normal Damage Reduction 1 /
adamantine –or– improve your current Damage Reduction by +2 (i.e., DR 4 / slashing).
A Warforged Druid with this feat may cast Druid spells and use Druid’s Supernatural and Spell-Like
Jaws of Death
(RoE p119)
Gain a 1d6 Bite attack as a secondary natural weapon (–5 on your attack roll, only ½ Strength modifier as a
bonus to your damage). If you are not Medium-size, adjust the damage by size normally.
Mithral Body
(Eb p57)
(RoE p119)
level only
Your body is effectively wearing Light Armor at all times.
+5 Armor bonus to AC. Max Dexterity bonus to AC is +5.
–2 Armor check penalty. 15% Arcane Spell Failure chance.
Mithral Fluidity
(Eb p57)
Mithral Body
Your Mithral Body moves more efficiently than before. Reduce your Armor check penalty by 1 and
increase your Max Dexterity bonus to AC by 1.
You may take this Feat multiple times.
Overload Metabolism
(PGE p151)
Strength 13
Constitution 13
You may heal yourself (5 + your HD) hit-point, usable 1/day as a Standard Action. For the following
10 minutes, you receive a –2 penalty on your Strength and Dexterity scores.
If you go Unconscious and have not yet used this ability for the day, any Infusion that targets you
automatically activates it.
Second Slam
(RoE p120)
Base Attack Bonus +6
If you make a Full Round Attack that includes a Slam attack, you may make a second Slam attack with a
–5 penalty on the attack roll and does your normal Slam damage.
Shocking Fist
(PGE p151)
Base Attack Bonus +3
You may declare that your Slam attack will have a ‘Shocking Fist’ effect once per round as a Free Action.
Choose a number up to your Base Attack Bonus. You take this much damage (DR does not
apply). If
your Slam attack hits, do +1d4 Electrical damage per point you chose (e.g., taking 3 hp of damage
produces in +3d4 Electrical damage).
Silver Tracery
(RoE p120)
Your Natural Weapons and Grapple checks are treated as ‘silver’ for purposes of overcoming Damage
+1 bonus on Fortitude saves vs. spell and spell-like abilities.
Spiked Body
(RoE p120)
Your body has the equivalent of Armor Spikes, allowing you to do 1d6 Piercing damage on a successful
Grapple attack.
This does not change the damage of your Slam attack, but it now does Piercing –and– Bludgeoning damage.
Stable Footing
(RoE p112)
Warforged –or– Dwarf
You gain a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being Bull Rushed or Tripped while you standing on
the ground.
You take no movement penalty when moving over difficult terrain.
Unarmored Body
(RoE p120)
level only
Your body is does not have the standard Composite Plating of a Warforged.
+0 Armor bonus to AC. Max Dexterity bonus to AC is unlimited.
No Armor check penalty. No Arcane Spell Failure chance.
No Light Fortification
You may wear Armor and/or Magical Robes.
Plating Type
Counts as
to AC
Max Dex
bonus to
Unarmored — +0
Composite (i.e., default plating type) +2 5% 25%
Ironwood Light Armor +3 +4 –3 20% 25% 2 / slashing
Ironwood + Improved Damage Reduction Light Armor +3 +4 –3 20% 25% 4 / slashing
Mithral Light Armor +5 +5 –2 15% 25%
Mithral + Mithral Fluidity Light Armor +5 +6 –1 15% 25%
Adamantine Heavy Armor +8 +1 –5 35% 25% 2 / adamantine
Adamantine + Improved Damage Reduction Heavy Armor +8 +1 –5 35% 25% 3 / adamantine
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Racial Feats Page 109
Feats for Small Races
Small Race Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Confound the Big
(RotW p153)
Small size (or smaller)
Underfoot Combat
Tumble: 10 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Knee Striker
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you, the
creature is considered Flat-Footed against you and you receive a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits.
Underfoot Defense
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
and you Fight Defensively, use Total Defense, or use Combat Expertise, any melee or ranged attack on
you has a 50% chance of striking the creature who shares the square with you (that creature does not
a 50% chance of striking itself).
Unsteady Footing
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
you may initiate a Trip attack on the creature you share the square with and not provoke an Attack of
Opportunity. You can add your choice of Strength or Dexterity modifier to you check (your opponent gets
the better of its Strength or Dexterity as usual). Your opponent does not
get to add his/her size bonus to its
roll. If the Trip attempt fails, your opponent does not get to try to trip you.
Swarm Fighting
(CWar p105)
Small size
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
You may share a 5’ hex with your Small-sized allies that also have this feat. Against a creature of at least
Medium-size, each attacker with Swarm Fighting who also has this feat (after the first) grants all of his/her
allies a +1 Morale bonus on the attack roll, up to a maximum of your Dexterity modifier.
For example, if 4 Halflings swarm fight an Ogre, each receives a +3 Moral bonus to attack.
Underfoot Combat
(RotW p152)
Small size (or smaller)
Tumble: 10 ranks
You can move into or through a square occupied by a creature at least two size categories larger than you.
You do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for doing so.
When you are in a square occupied by a creature at least two size categories larger than you, you gain the
benefit of Soft Cover (+4 bonus to AC) again all attacks (including those of the creature whose space you
Feats for Aquatic Races
Aquatic Race Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Breathing Link
(Storm p92)
Aquatic Elf or Water
Base Will Save +2
You may share your ability to breath underwater with a creature within 5’ of you as a Free Action. There is
no limit on the duration, though the effect must be reactivated each round. If the subject is ever more than
5’ from you, the effect ends. Does not interfere with the subject’s ability to breath air.
You may take this feat more than once. Each time you may add one more person to your breathing link at a
(Storm p92)
Aquatic Elf
You may survive out of water for 3 hours per point of Constitution. After that amount of time, you must
make a Fortitude save each hour vs. D (15 +1 per pervious check) to avoid beginning to suffocate.
Water Adaptation
(Storm p94)
Aquatic Half-Elf
You can breath air & water equally well.
Your racial Swim speed improves to 20’.
Feats for Other Races
Feats for Other
Source Prerequisite Description
Able Learner
(RoD p150)
Doppelganger or Human
Level only
All skills are “in-class” and only cost 1 skill point.
Does not effect the cost of learning a language or gaining literacy.
[General, Fighter]
(Und p24)
In any combat round during which you make a Full Attack while wielding a Battleaxe, you gain a +2 Dodge
bonus to Armor Class that lasts until your next action.
Catfolk Pounce
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 13
If you Charge a Flat-Footed opponent, you can make a Full Attack at the end of the charge.
Caustic Adaptation
(Und p24)
A creature that makes a successful bite attack against you takes 1d4 acid damage.
Creatures immune to poison are not affected.
Centaur Trample
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 15
When you make take Overrun action, your opponent may not choose to avoid you. If you knock your
opponent prone, you may make one Hoof attack on him/her.
Darguun Mauler
(RoE p108)
Humanoid (goblinoid)
from Darguun
Proficient with Flail or
Heavy Flail.
Treat Dire Flail and Spiked Chain as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Light Flail, a Heavy Flail, a Dire Flail, or a
Spiked Chain as long as you have not
moved this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with any of the above, the feats apply to all four weapons.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with the weapons listed above, add the result of
the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Enhanced Adhesive
(Und p24)
+2 DC to saves/checks involving your natural adhesive.
Gnoll Ferocity
(RotW p151)
Rage or Frenzy class
When using a Rage or Frenzy class ability, gain a 1d6 Bite attack that can be used in two ways:
1. Single attack, in which case you add your full Strength modifier to the damage.
2. Secondary attack in a Full Attack, in which case it has a –5 penalty on the attack roll (but the other
attacks receive no penalty) and you add ½ your Strength modifier to the damage.
Human Blood
(DR324 p78)
Partial Human ancestry
(i.e., Half-Elf, etc)
level only
Gain +1 Skill point at 1
level and every level afterwards.
For all effects related to race, you are ‘human’.
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Racial Feats Page 110
Feats for Other
Source Prerequisite Description
Human Heritage
(RoD p152)
Half-Human or Human-
(RoD p150)
level only
You are considered Humanoid(human) for the purpose of adjudicating all effects.
You retain any other subtypes you had (such as orc or extraplanar).
You gain 4 additional skill points.
Killoren Ancient
(RotW p151)
When manifesting the ‘Aspect of the Ancient’, you may spend 10 minutes concentrating on a question.
After this time, you may make a Knowledge check with a +4 Insight bonus to receive an answer. The
question can be based on any Knowledge skill, even if you have no ranks in it.
Killoren Destroyer
(RotW p151)
When manifesting the ‘Aspect of the Destroyer’, any foe struck by your Killoren Smite attack is Dazed for
1 round (WillNeg, DC 10 + ½ character level + Charisma modifier). The foe must be vulnerable to the
Smite attack.
Killoren Hunter
(RotW p151)
When manifesting the ‘Aspect of the Hunter, you can take a Move Action to pinpoint the location of any
living creature within 30’ that you have Line of Effect with. If you cannot see the creature, it still benefits
from Total Concealment.
Orc Descent
(DR338 p97)
Orc or Half-Orc
Sorcerer 1
Complete a quest to
strengthen your tribe
assigned by your Chief
or Shaman
You are descended from a line of great Orc heroes.
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Virtue(PH p289) – Subject gains 1 Temporary HP.
: Longstrider(PH p249) – Increases your speed.
: Rage(PH p268) – Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
: Good Hope(PH p237) – Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
: Divine Power(PH p224) – You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp per level.
: Righteous Might(PH p273)(PH3.5e)+ – Your size increases and you gain combat bonuses.
: Harm(PH p239) – Deals 10 hp per level to target.
: Destruction(PH p218) – Kills subject and destroys remains.
: Earthquake(PH p225) – Intense tremor shakes 5’ per level radius.
: Storm of Vengeance(PH p285) – Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Portal Sensitive
(Und p27)
Deep Imaskar or
You can detect an active or inactive portal with a DC 20 Search check. If you pass within 5’ of one, you get
an automatic check to detect it. You also gain a +2 bonus on your caster level check when trying to discern
portal properties with the analyze portal spell.
Rapid Swimming
(Storm p93)
Racial Swim speed
Base Fortitude Save +2
Swim speed increases by +20’.
Ritual Blood Bonds
(PH2 p86)
Orc or Half-Orc
Know (religion): 4 ranks
You may use the following rituals if you have enough ranks in Knowledge (religion).
Blood Brothers
– min ranks: 4 – Spend 10 minutes and a Vial of Holy/Unholy Water to join yourself and up
to 6 allies. For 24 hours, each subject receives a +4 Morale bonus on saves vs. Fear as long as a subject
can see at least one other subject.
Vengeful Bonds of Brotherhood
– min ranks: 8 – Spend 10 minutes, a Vial of Holy Water, and 10gp
powdered Silver to join yourself and up to 6 allies. For 24 hours, each subject receives a +2 Morale bonus
on attacks vs. a creature who brought another subject to 0hp (or lower). The benefit lasts for 10 rounds
each time it is triggered.
Sahuagin Flip
[General, Fighter]
(Storm p93)
Racial Swim speed
After making a Standard Action melee attack, you may ‘withdraw’ (i.e., 2x movement) as a Move Action as
long as your are swimming away.
Shadow Marches
(RoE p111)
Orc or Half-Orc from the
Shadow Marches
Treat Orc Double Axe as a Martial Weapon.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe as
part of a Charge.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe, these feats also apply to the
other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe,
add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Stone Soul
(Und p27)
Deep Imaskar or Slyth
+2 on Search checks to notice unusual stonework; approaching within 10’ of such = free check
Special: You may take this feat only as a 1
level character.
Swim-By Attack
(Storm p94)
Racial Swim speed
You may take a Move Action and have a Standard Action (typically an attack) occur at some point in the
movement. In effect, ‘Spring Attack’ when you are swimming.
(Und p27)
Chitine or Grimlock
You ignore speed and armor class reductions for moving in a narrow or low space.
If a space is both low and narrow, you function as if only one of the penalties applied.
Wisdom Breeds
(Und p27)
Slyth or Svirfneblin
At first level, use your Wisdom modifier to determine bonus HP; after first level, use Constitution.
Gain one permanent HP for each permanent point of Wisdom gained.
Note: This feat can only be taken at 1
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Non-Specific Racial Feats
Non-Specific Racial
Source Prerequisite Description
Improved Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Base Attack Bonus +1
All Exotic Weapons that have your race’s name associated with them (i.e., Elven Thinblade) are considered
Martial Weapons for you.
Innate Magic
(DR324 p78)
level only
Intelligence 3
Charisma 11
Choose a 0
level spell. You may cast this spell once per day as a 1
level Caster.
The DC (if any) is 10 + Charisma modifier.
(DR313 p31)
Strength 15
Low-Light Vision racial
When in low-light conditions, such as starlight, torchlight, or even a Light spell, you gain a +1 Morale
bonus on attack rolls.
When in moonlight, you also gain a +1 Morale bonus on damage rolls.
Mutable Body
(RoE p110)
Shagechanger subtype Transmutation spells cast on you are at +1 Caster level at your option.
By spending 2 Action Points, a Transmutation spell cast on you is treated as Empowered or Extended
without adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 Racial bonus on Disable Device, Escape Artist, Move Silently, & Tumble checks.
Decrease your weight by 10%.
Slow Maturation
(DR324 p78)
level only
Must be younger than
Middle Age
It takes you 50% longer than normal for your race to react the next age category.
(DR324 p78)
level only
+4 bonus on ability checks to resist being Bull Rushed or Tripped when standing on the ground. Stacks
with a Dwarf’s Stability racial ability.
Increase your weight by 10%.
Superior Hearing
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 bonus on Listen, Perform (keyboard instruments), Perform (percussion instruments),
Perform (string instruments), perform (wind instruments), and Perform (sing) checks.
Superior Sense of
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Heal checks.
+2 bonus on Survival checks.
Superior Taste
(DR324 p78)
level only
+3 bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify a Potion.
+3 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist the effects of an Ingested Poison.
Superior Touch
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 bonus on Disable Device, Open Lock, and Sleight of Hand checks.
+2 bonus on Spot checks made to pinpoint the location of an Invisible creature.
Superior Vision
(DR324 p78)
level only
Gain Low-Light Vision. If you already have Low-Light Vision, you can now see 3x as far as a human
(instead of only 2x).
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Bloodline Feats Page 112
Birthright Feats
Native Bloodlines
Native Bloodlines
Source Prerequisite Description
Dwarven Ancestry
(DR338 p97)
Sorcerer level 1
Craft a stone masterpiece
of unparalleled beauty
You are descended from a line of great Dwarven craftspersons.
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Guidance(PH p238) – +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
: Shield of Faith(PH p278) – Aura grants +2 (or higher) deflection bonus.
: Make Whole(PH p252) – Repairs an object.
: Magic Vestment(PH p251) – Armor, shield, or clothes gain +1 enhancement per four levels.
: Spike Stones(PH p283) – Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed.
: Spell Resistance(PH p282) – Subject gains Spell Resistance of 12 + 1 per level.
: Stone Tell(PH p284) – Talk to natural or worked stone.
: Heroes’ Feast(PH p240) – Ford for one creature per level, cures, and grants combat bonuses.
: Earthquake(PH p225) – Intense tremor shakes 5’ per level radius.
: Elemental Swarm(PH p226) – Summons multiple elementals. (earth only)
Orc Descent
(DR338 p97)
Sorcerer 1
Complete a quest to
strengthen your tribe
assigned by your Chief
or Shaman
You are descended from a line of great Orc heroes.
Add the following to your Sorcerer spell list. You must consume a Known Spell slot to learn each one.
: Virtue(PH p289) – Subject gains 1 Temporary HP.
: Longstrider(PH p249) – Increases your speed.
: Rage(PH p268) – Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
: Good Hope(PH p237) – Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
: Divine Power(PH p224) – You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp per level.
: Righteous Might(PH p273)(PH3.5e)+ – Your size increases and you gain combat bonuses.
: Harm(PH p239) – Deals 10 hp per level to target.
: Destruction(PH p218) – Kills subject and destroys remains.
: Earthquake(PH p225) – Intense tremor shakes 5’ per level radius.
: Storm of Vengeance(PH p285) – Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Inner Plane Bloodlines
Inner Plane
Source Prerequisite Description
Air Bloodline
(DR311 p34)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a creature of air, including an Air Elemental, a Storm Giant, Air Mephit, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [earth] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Obscuring Mist 4. Shout 7. Ethereal Jaunt
2. Gust of Wind 5. Telekinesis 8. Summon Monster VII (air subtype only)
3. Wind Wall 6. Control Winds 9. Freedom
Voice of Winds
(DR311 p40)
Air Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
+2 bonus on Diplomacy & Intimidate checks.
Earth Bloodline
(DR311 p36)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a creature of earth, including an Earth Elemental, a Stone Giant, Gargoyle, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [air] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Enlarge Person 4. Stone Shape 7. Statue
2. Shatter 5. Transmute Mud to Rock 8. Iron Body
3. Keen Edge 6. Move Earth 9. Summon Monster IX (earth subtype only)
Friend of the Earth
(DR311 p40)
Earth Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
+3 Circumstance bonus on Climb & Tumble checks when in contact with stone and/or earth.
Fire Bloodline
(DR311 p38)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a creature of fire, including a Fire Elemental, a Fire Giant, an Azer, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [water] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Hypnotism 4. Tongues 7. Summon Monster VII (fire subtype only)
2. Pyrotechnics 5. Fire Shield 8. Delayed Blast Fireball
3. Keen Edge 6. Cloud Kill 9. Meteor Swarm
Fire Feet
(DR311 p40)
Fire Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
+10’ to movement.
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Inner Plane
Source Prerequisite Description
Water Bloodline
(DR311 p40)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a creature of water, including a Water Elemental, a Triton, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [fire] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Expeditious Retreat 4. Quench 7. Control Weather
2. Fog Cloud 5. Transmute Rock to Mud 8. Summon Monster VIII (water subtype only)
3. Water Breathing 6. Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere 9. Elemental Swarm (water elementals only)
(DR311 p40)
Water Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
+4 bonus on Swim checks.
Penumbra Bloodline
(DR325 p51)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a creature of the Ethereal or Shadow Plane.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [light] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Obscuring Mist 4. Evard’s Black Tentacles 7. Plane Shift
2. Darkness 5. Shadow Evocation 8. Greater Shadow Evocation
3. Nondetection 6. Shadow Walk 9. Etherealness
Outer Plane Bloodlines
Outer Plane
Source Prerequisite Description
Anarchic Bloodline
(DR325 p48)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a Chaotic Outsider, possibly a Demon, an Eladrin, or even a Slaad.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [law] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Color Spray 4. Confusion 7. Prismatic Spray
2. Tasha’s Hideous Laughter 5. Mind Fog 8. Maze
3. Rage 6. Mislead 9. Weird
Fickle Fate
(DR325 p49)
Anarchic Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
Improve a single d20 roll with an additional d6. You must declare you are using this ability before rolling
either die. Usable 1/day as a Supernatural Action.
Axiomatic Bloodline
(DR325 p48)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a Lawful Outsider, possibly a Devil, an Archon, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [chaos] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Detect Chaos 4. Locate Creature 7. Forcecage
2. Locate Object 5. Dismissal 8. Discern Location
3. Magic Circle vs. Chaos 6. True Seeing 9. Dominate Monster
Lawful Disciple
(DR325 p50)
Axiomatic Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
+2 bonus on Will saves vs. mind-affecting effects.
Celestial Bloodline
(DR311 p34)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a Good Outsider, possibly a Titan, a Deva, an Archon, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [evil] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Protection from Evil 4. Rainbow Pattern 7. Sequester
2. Daylight 5. Dismissal 8. Sunburst
3. Magic Circle against Evil 6. Guards and Wards 9. Summon Monster IX (good subtype only)
Celestial Light
(DR311 p35)
Celestial Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
Light, 5 times per day as a Spell-like ability.
Celestial Sorcerer
(PH2 p90)
Sorcerer 1
You are descended from a Good Outsider, possibly a Titan, a Deva, an Archon, etc.
1. Gain Protection from Evil as a bonus 1
level Known spell.
2. Receive a bonus on saves vs. Electricity & Petrification equal to the number of ‘Celestial Sorcerer
Heritage’ feats you possess.
Celestial Sorcerer
(PH2 p90)
Sorcerer 1
Celestial Sorcerer
‘Aura of Menace’ – by sacrificing a spell slot, all enemies in a 20’ radius Burst
around you receive a –2
penalty on attacks, saves, skill checks & ability checks until they damage you, up to 24 hours (WillNeg,
DC = 10 + level of sacrificed spell + Charisma modifier). A creature that breaks your Aura of Menace
cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours. This Supernatural ability is activated as a Standard Action.
Celestial Sorcerer
(PH2 p90)
Sorcerer 1
Celestial Sorcerer
By sacrificing a spell slot as a Standard Action, generate a 60’ long Line
that does (1d8 per level of
sacrificed spell) to Evil creatures only (Ref½, DC = 10 + level of sacrificed spell + Charisma modifier).
Celestial Sorcerer
(PH2 p90)
Sorcerer 1
Celestial Sorcerer
any 2 other Celestial
Sorcerer feats
Add the following to your Known
Sorcerer spells at the indicated level:
3. Tongues 5. Teleport 5. Magic Circle against Evil
Celestial Sorcerer
(PH2 p91)
Sorcerer 1
Celestial Sorcerer
By sacrificing a spell slot as a Standard Action, gain a Fly speed of (2 x land speed) with Good
maneuverability. Lasts 1 round per level of sacrificed spell.
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Outer Plane
Source Prerequisite Description
Fiendish Bloodline
(DR311 p37)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from an Evil Outsider, possibly a Demon, a Devil, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [good] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Protection from Good 4. Bestow Curse 7. Insanity
2. Darkness 5. Nightmare 8. Maze
3. Sepia Snake Sigil 6. Mislead 9. Imprisonment
Infernal Sorcerer
(PH2 p91)
Sorcerer 1
You are descended from an Evil Outsider, possibly a Demon, a Devil, etc.
1. Cast Conjuration (summoning) spells at +2 Caster level when summoning Evil Outsiders.
2. Receive a bonus on saves vs. Fire & Poison equal to the number of ‘Infernal Sorcerer Heritage’ feats you
Infernal Sorcerer
(PH2 p91)
Sorcerer 1
Infernal Sorcerer
By sacrificing a spell slot as a Swift Action, gain the ability to see through natural & magical darkness, out
to the limit of your sight. Lasts 10 minutes per level of sacrificed spell.
Infernal Sorcerer
(PH2 p91)
Sorcerer 1
Infernal Sorcerer
By sacrificing a spell slot as a Standard Action, generate a 30’ long Cone
that does (2d6 per level of
sacrificed spell) Sonic damage (Fort½, DC = 10 + level of sacrificed spell + Charisma modifier).
Infernal Sorcerer
(PH2 p91)
Sorcerer 1
Infernal Sorcerer
Receive Acid & Cold Resistance equal to the number of ‘Infernal Sorcerer Heritage’ feats you possess.
Other Hereditary Bloodlines
Other Hereditary
Source Prerequisite Description
Aquatic Fey Bloodline
(DR335 p93)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a Siren, Selkie, Kelpie, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells from the Conjuration (creation) or Conjuration (healing) subschools. These
spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Charm Person 4. Charm Monster 7. Control Weather
2. Alter Self 5. Mind Fog 8. Horrid Wilting
3. Water Breathing 6. Control Water 9. Shapechanger
Fey Prescience
(DR335 p93)
Aquatic Fey Bloodline
Able to cast 5
Arcane spells
Divination, 1 time per day as a Spell-like ability. Only usable on a stormy night. Caster level is your
Arcane Caster level.
Draconic Bloodline
(DR311 p35)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a Dragon.
1. You cannot learn spells with a subtype specified when this feat is taken. Typically the subtype is the
antithesis of the dragon from which you are descended (i.e., someone of a White Dragon Bloodline could
not cast [fire] spells). These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Comprehend Languages 4. Fear 7. Vision
2. Darkvision 5. Mind Fog 8. Mind Blank
3. Protection from Elements 6. True Seeing 9. Dominate Monster
Dragon Sight
(DR311 p36)
Draconic Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
Detect Magic, 3 times per day as a Spell-like ability.
Fey Bloodline
(DR311 p36)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a Fey creature, including a Dryad, Grig, Pixie, etc.
1. You cannot learn spells that create or control undead. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Detect Secret Doors 4. Hallucinatory Terrain 7. Sequester
2. Glitterdust 5. Seeming 8. Otto’s Irresistible Dance
3. Tongues 6. Mislead 9. Wail of the Banshee
Fey’s Fate
(DR311 p36)
Fey Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
+1 bonus on all Saving Throws.
(DR325 p50)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
There was an Undead in your family line.
1. You cannot learn spells from the Conj(healing) subschool. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Cause Fear 4. Contagion 7. Control Undead
2. Ghoul Touch 5. Dominate Person 8. Trap the Soul
3. Vampiric Touch 6. Eyebite 9. Wail of the Banshee
Grave Friend
(DR325 p49)
Necromatic Bloodline
Able to cast 3
Arcane spells
+2 bonus on saves to resist the extraordinary and supernatural abilities of Undead.
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Bloodline Feats Page 115
Other Hereditary
Source Prerequisite Description
Plant Bloodline
(DR325 p51)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You are descended from a Plant Creature.
1. You cannot learn spells with the [death] subtype. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Endure Elements 4. Minor Creation 7. Control Weather
2. False Life 5. Transmute Rock to Mud 8. Control Plants
3. Water Breathing 6. Control Water 9. Imprisonment
Green Heart
(DR325 p49)
Plant Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
+2 bonus on saves to resist poisons & diseases.
Voice of the Green
(DR325 p52)
Plant Bloodline
Able to cast 5
Arcane spells
Speak with Plants, 1/day as a spell-like ability. Caster level equals your Arcane Caster level.
Bloodlines Due to Experiments
Bloodlines Due to
Illithid Bloodline
(DR325 p49)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You were part of an Illithid experiment.
1. You cannot learn spells that change a creature’s size or shape. These spells are removed from your spell list
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Hypnotism 4. Confusion 7. Insanity
2. Detect Thoughts 5. Feeblemind 8. Mind Blank
3. Suggestion 6. Mass Suggestion 9. Dominate Monster
Mind Weapon
(DR325 p50)
Illithid Bloodline
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
Daze, 3/day as a spell-like ability. Caster level equals your Arcane Caster level.
Serpent Bloodline
(DR325 p51)
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
Able to summon a
You were part of a Yuan-Ti experiment.
1. You cannot learn spells that allow you to fly or levitate. These spells are removed from your spell list.
2. Add the following to your Known
1. Cause Fear 4. Phantasmal Killer 7. Power Word Blind
2. Hypnotic Pattern 5. Dominate Person 8. Power Word Stun
3. Sepia Snake Sigil 6. Repulsion 9. Power Word Kill
(DR325 p50)
Serpent Bloodline
Able to cast 5
Arcane spells
Neutralize Poison, 1/day as a spell-like ability. Caster level equals your Arcane Caster level.
Feats for any Bloodline
Feats for any
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Kinship
(DR311 p34)
Any [Bloodline] feat
Able to cast 3
Arcane spells
+4 bonus on Diplomacy & Gather Information checks with creatures that share your heritage.
(DR325 p49)
Any [Bloodline] feat
Able to cast 3
Arcane spells
Your familiar gains abilities as if your Arcane Caster level was +2.
Kin Mastery
(DR311 p40)
Any [Bloodline] feat
Able to cast 3
Arcane spells
When you take this Feat, you choose either to Turn / Destroy or Rebuke / Command creature of the same
heritage as yourself. This is the same as a Cleric whose level is ½ your Arcane caster level.
Usable 1/day.
You may take this feat multiple times. Each grants you another use per day.
Power in the Blood
(DR311 p40)
Any [Bloodline] feat
Able to cast 3
Arcane spells
You can cast one extra spell per day, but it must be a spell from your Bloodline list.
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Bloodline Feats Page 116
Draconic Heritage Feats
Draconic Heritage
Source Prerequisite Description
Draconic Heritage
(CArc p77)
Sorcerer level 1
Choose one of the following types of Dragons.
1. Gain the listed skill as an in-class skill.
2. You receive a +1 bonus per Draconic feat on save vs. Sleep, Paralysis, & spells of the listed Energy Type.
Energy Type Skill Dragon Energy Type Skill
Black Acid Hide Brass Fire Gather Info.
Blue Electricity Listen Bronze Electricity Survival
Green Acid Move Silently Copper Acid Hide
Red Fire Intimidate Gold Fire Heal
White Cold Balance Silver Cold Disguise
Draconic Breath
(CArc p77)
Draconic Heritage As a Standard Action, you may convert one of your spells into a Supernatural breath weapon that does 2d6
damage per level of the spell expended.
The Energy Type of the damage is determined by your Draconic Heritage.
If the damage is Fire or Cold, the breath weapon is a 30’ Cone. If it is Acid or Electricity, it is a 60’ Line.
Subjects are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC = 10 + spell level expended + your Charisma
Draconic Claw
(CArc p77)
Draconic Heritage Gain a Natural Claw attack that does 1d6 damage if your are Medium (1d4 if you are Small).
Any round that you cast a Standard Action spell, you may makes a single claw attack as a Swift Action
against a foe that you threaten.
Draconic Flight
(CArc p77)
Draconic Heritage
Any round that you cast a Standard Action Arcane spell, you gain a Fly speed of 10’ per level of the spell
just cast for the remainder of your turn.
Draconic Power
(CArc p78)
Draconic Heritage
Any Arcane spell you cast that has the same Energy Type as your Draconic Heritage (even if it is because of
applying the feat Energy Substitution) is cast at +1 Caster level and has a +1 bonus to DC.
Draconic Presence
(CArc p78)
Draconic Heritage When you cast an Arcane spell, all opponents within 10’ are Shaken for a number of round equal to the cast
spell’s level (WillNeg, DC = 10 + spell level + Charisma modifier). If the save is successful, that
opponent is immune to your Draconic Presence for 24 hours.
This ability does not effect Dragons, creatures with more HD than you, or creatures with Intelligence up to 3.
Draconic Resistance
(CArc p78)
Draconic Heritage
Gain Energy Resistance to the Energy Type of your Draconic Heritage equal to 3 * your total number of
Draconic feats.
Draconic Skin
(CArc p78)
Draconic Heritage
Your Natural Armor bonus to AC increases by +1.
Draconic Legacy
(CArc p78)
any four Draconic Feats The following spells are added to your Known Spell list at the listed level. If you already have the listed spell,
you may choose another from the Sorcerer list as a replacement.
Black Charm Animal (snakes and lizards only), Deeper Darkness, Insect Plague.
Blue Major Image, Mirage Arcane, Ventriloquism.
Green Charm Person, Dominate Person, Plant Growth.
Red Detect Secret Doors, Suggestion, True Seeing.
White Obscuring Mist, Sleep Storm, Wall of Ice (5
Brass Control Winds, Endure Elements, Tongues
Bronze Control Water (5
level), Speak with Animals, Water Breathing
Copper Silent Image, Stone Shape, Wall of Stone
Gold Bless, Daylight, Dispel Evil.
Silver Air Walk (5
level), Feather Fall, Wind Wall.
Abyss-Related Feats
Abyss-Related Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Blood of the Witch
(DR359 p62)
Charisma 13 You have the blood of the Archmage Iggwilv running in your veins.
Receive a +2 Circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based checks opposed by Demons (such as with Planar
Receive a +2 Circumstance bonus on Will saves vs. effects directed at you by a Demon.
Mark of Lemoriax
(DR359 p64)
Chaotic Evil Outsider
Thrall to Demon
Base Fortitude Save +8
Bound to the Abyss Plane of Lemoriax, under the rulership of Demogorgon.
+4 bonus on Bluff & Diplomacy checks vs. denizens of the Gaping Maw.
–4 penalty on Bluff & Diplomacy checks vs. denizens of other Abyssal Layers.
+4 bonus on all Intimidate checks.
You can breath water and air.
Natural Armor improves by +1.
Spawn of the Dark
[Abyssal Heritor]
(DR359 p61)
Charisma 15 You have the blood of Demon Prince Graz’zt running in your veins.
Receive a +10 bonus on Bluff checks to convince others you are telling the truth. Activated as a Full Round
Action. Lasts for (Charisma modifier) minutes.
You have a –2 penalty on all Spot checks.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Bloodline Feats Page 117
Feats related to Time of Birth
Time of Birth Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Born under a High Sun
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate checks.
+2 bonus on saves vs. Fire effects.
+1 bonus on all other Fortitude saves.
Born under a Rising
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Heal checks.
+2 bonus on Will saves vs. Fear.
+1 bonus on all other Will saves.
Born under a Setting
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
Concentration is always an in-class skill for you.
+1 bonus on any two Knowledge skills.
Born under the
Crescent Moon
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Sense Motive & Spot checks.
Detect Thoughts, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Full
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate & Use Magical Device checks.
Command, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the
Gibbous Moon
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Bluff & Gather Information checks.
Calm Animals, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Half
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Balance & Concentration checks.
Expeditious Retreat, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the New
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Hide & Sleight of Hand checks.
Disguise Self, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
Secrets of Dusk
(DR340 p48)
Character level 6
Born under a Setting Sun
Skill Focus (any
You may ‘Take 10’ on Concentration checks at any time.
You may ‘Take 20’ with a Knowledge skill that you have Skill Focus with, usable 1/day.
Spirit of Dawn
(DR340 p48)
Character level 6
Born under a Rising Sun
Diplomacy: 2 ranks
+4 bonus on Will saves vs. Fear (supersedes the bonus from Feat: Born under a Rising Sun).
You may encourage all allies that can hear & understand you. Each ally (and yourself) receives a
+2 Moral bonus on Will saves for Charisma modifier rounds. This is a Swift Action, usable 1/day.
Vengeance of Noon
(DR340 p48)
Character level 6
Born under a High Sun
Power Attack
+4 bonus on saves vs. Fire effects (supersedes the bonus from Feat: Born under a High Sun).
One of your weapons gains the ‘Flaming’ weapon quality (doing +1d6 Fire damage) for Charisma modifier
rounds. This is a Swift Action, usable 1/day.
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Feats with Skill Prerequisites Page 118
Feats with a Skill Prerequisite
Require Appraise
Source Prerequisite Description
Appraise Magic Value
(CAdv p103)
Appraise: 5 ranks
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
If you know an item is magical, you may spend 8 hours and 25 gp in special materials to make an Appraise
check (DC 10 + item’s caster level) to determine its exact properties.
(DR347 p89)
Intelligence 13
Able to cast Arcane spells
Appraise: 4 rank
+1 bonus on Appraise checks.
By succeeding on an Appraise check vs. DC 20, you may determine a non-magical object’s age. If old
enough, you can bring it to a museum, university, etc. to improve your standing –or– to sell it for extra.
Relic Hunter
(RoE p111)
Appraise: 1 rank
Know (history): 1 rank
Gain a +5 bonus on Appraise, Knowledge, and Bardic Knowledge check involving items from the Dharaani
Empire or from ancient Xen’drik.
Requires Balance
Source Prerequisite Description
(RotW p151)
Dexterity 13
Balance: 2 ranks
Move Silently: 2 ranks
1. When making a Move Silently check while moving through ‘noisy’ or ‘very noisy’ terrain, you do not
receive a terrain penalty.
2. The DC to track you is at +5 (or +10 if you are moving at ½ speed to cover your trail).
Combat Acrobat
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p76)
Balance: 9 ranks
Tumble: 2 ranks
Acrobatic Recovery – make a Balance check vs. DC 20 to avoid being knocked Prone.
Sure Footed Maneuver
– make a Balance check vs. DC 15 to treat up to 4 squares of Difficult Terrain as
normal terrain with regards to movement.
(RoD p156)
Balance: 5 ranks
Jump: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fleet of Feet
– You can walk across a precarious surface at full speed without a penalty on your Balance
Graceful Drop
– If you intentionally jump from a height, you take less damage than if you had fallen. On a
successful Jump check, you take falling damage as if you had dropped 20’ fewer.
Master of the Roof
– Gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC against any opponent at a different elevation than you.
Ship Savvy
(RoE p112)
Gnome from Zilargo
Balance: 5 ranks
Profession (sailor) –or–
Profession (shipwright):
3 ranks
While aboard a sea or air ship, gain a +1 bonus to AC and on attack rolls.
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Feats with Skill Prerequisites Page 119
Requires Bluff
Source Prerequisite Description
Combat Panache
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Bluff: 8 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Perform: 8 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fortuitous Tumble
– On the round after being struck by an opponent in melee, you may make an opposed
Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action against the opponent. If successful, you may use an
Immediate Action at the start of the opponent’s next round to designate a different creature he/she
threatens as the target of his/her next melee attack (even if is the opponent’s ally).
Play Dead
– As an Immediate Action after taking at least 10 hp of damage from a single hit, you may “play
dead” by making a successful Bluff vs. Sense Motive check. If successful, you may later rise without
generating an Attack of Opportunity against that foe, who also looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC
against your next attack. Only usable once per encounter.
Sneering Glower
– On the round after you do at least 1 hp of damage to an opponent, you may make an
Intimidate check as a Move Action to inflict a (Charisma modifier) penalty on the opponent’s attack rolls
against you for the remainder of the encounter (unless you use this ability on another foe). Creatures that
are Mindless or Immune to Fear effects are immune to this ability.
Disturbing Visage
[Changeling, Tactical]
(RoE p117)
Quick Change
Bluff: 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers (a given creature can only be effected once by each in a 24
hour period & creature immune to mind-affecting spell & effects are immune):
– Appear weak by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability, taking a Total Defense Action, and
then making a Bluff check (as a Free Action). Any foe that attacks you from the end of your turn until the
beginning of your next turn must make a Sense Motives check opposed by your Bluff check. If an
opponent fails, he/she receives a –5 penalty on weapon damage (min 1hp) against you for 1 minute.
– Appear mocking by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability to mimic a Humanoid,
Monstrous Humanoid, or a Giant who is within 10’ & who missed you with a melee or ranged attack on
the previous round. Make a Bluff check as a Free Action opposed by the target creature’s Sense Motive’s
check. If you win the check, your target receives a –2 penalty on attack rolls against you for 1 minute.
– Appear hideous by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability after hitting an opponent in
melee, then making a Bluff check (as a Free Action). If your opponent’s Sense Motive check does not
beat your Bluff check, it receives a –2 penalty to AC for 1 minute.
Fade into Violence
(PH2 p79)
Bluff: 6 ranks
Hide: 6 ranks
Choose an opponent as an Immediate Action. For the current encounter, if that opponent is threatening you
and an ally of yours, you may make a Bluff check opposed by your opponent’s Sense Motive check to
make your opponent attack your ally (+4 bonus on your Bluff check if your opponent is a larger size
category than you).
You may only use this ability if you are wearing light armor or no armor, have nothing in your hands, have
made no attacks, & have targeted no enemies with spells. Once you void any of these conditions, your
opponent sees you as a threat and can attack you normally.
Improved Diversion
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p110)
Bluff: 4 ranks
You can use Bluff to create a diversion as a Move Action. You gain a +4 bonus when doing so.
Pack Feint
(DR313 p31)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +3
Bluff: 3 ranks
When you successfully use Bluff to ‘Feint in Combat’, the target loses its Dexterity bonus to AC for your
next attack and the next attack of any allies adjacent to the foe when you made your Bluff check. To
benefit from this Feat, each ally’s next attack and your next attack must be made on or before your next
Tumbling Feint
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Tumble: 4 ranks
Designate an opponent at the start of your turn as a Swift Action. If you avoid provoking an Attack of
Opportunity against this opponent by using your Tumble skill, you receive a +5 bonus on a Bluff check to
Feint in Combat against that opponent on your next turn.
Wanderer’s Diplomacy
(PH2 p85)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
Gain the following abilities:
Canny Merchant
– you can make a Diplomacy check to locate a desired object that is normally too
expensive for the current settlement to sell. You must still purchase the object after locating it. The DC of
the check is 10 + ((item’s gp cost – settlement’s gp limit) / 1000).
Intuitive Communication
– you may communicate in a simple way with a creature whose language you do
not share by spending 1 minute interacting with it and then making a Sense Motive check vs. DC 20 if you
and the creature are of the same type, otherwise DC 30.
Social Agility
– you may temporarily change a creature’s Attitude towards you by using Bluff (instead of
Diplomacy as usual). The attempt takes a Standard Action and its DC is the same as changing an Attitude
with Diplomacy. You may not use this ability on a creature with the Attitude of ‘Hostile’. If successful,
the effect lasts for 1 minute, after which the creature’s Attitude becomes one category worse than it started
for 10 minutes.
Requires Climb
Source Prerequisite Description
Agile Athlete
(RotW p148)
Climb: 1 rank
Jump: 1 rank
When making Climb and Jump checks, add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier.
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p106)
(CAdv p10)+
Climb: 4 ranks
Jump: 4 ranks
You can move through medium and dense forest area at your normal land speed.
You must be at least 20’ from the ground to use this ability.
Steady Mountaineer
(RoS p144)
Climb: 8 ranks
Jump: 8 ranks
You can always ‘Take 10’ on Climb checks.
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Feats with Skill Prerequisites Page 120
Source Prerequisite Description
Battle Casting
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 13
Combat Casting
Concentration: 5 ranks
When casting a spell, gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn. You cannot make
Attacks of Opportunity when claiming the Dodge bonus from this feat.
Chant of Fortitude
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 8 ranks
Perform: 9 ranks
As an Immediate Action, use your Bardic Music to give all allies (and yourself) the Diehard feat for one
Defensive Metered
(DR337 p97)
Concentration: 6 ranks
Improved Unarmed Strike
Choose an opponent as a Free Action. Each time this opponent misses you consecutively, you gain a
cumulative +1 Dodge bonus to AC (max +5). If this opponent hits you, the bonus is lost. If this opponent
misses you again, the count restarts at +1. This feat only applies on one opponent at a time.
(CAdv p109)
Concentration: 10 ranks
You may maintain Concentration on a spell as a Move Action (DC 25 + spell level). If you beat the DC by
10 or more, you can maintain concentration as a Swift Action. If you fail your check, you lose
Focused Mind
(RotW p151)
Concentration: 2 ranks
When you ‘Take 10’ or ‘Take 20’ on an Intelligence check or an Intelligence-based skill check, you gain a
+2 bonus on the check.
Focused Performance
[Bardic Music]
(DR338 p89)
Bardic Music class ability
Focused Performer
Concentration: 1 rank
Perform: 6 ranks
By spending one (or more) daily use of Bardic Music and making the indicated Perform check, you may
modify your Bardic Music in any of the following ways (though only one for a given use of Bardic
– spend 3 uses to perform two Bardic Music abilities simultaneously. Each round you
must make a Perform check vs. DC (20 + highest Perform ranks required) or both abilities end
immediately. You may end one of the Bardic Music abilities at any time and continue the other without
requiring any more Perform checks. Usable with all Bardic Music.
Dramatic Pause
– spend 2 uses to stop an ongoing Bardic Music ability for 1 round (in order to cast a
spell, attack, etc.) and then resume it as if you had not stopped. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (20 +
Perform ranks required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire
– spend 1 uses to make a Bardic Music that normally affects one target instead affect two.
Requires a Perform check vs. DC (20 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Inspire Competence,
Suggestion, and Song of Freedom.
Individual Performance
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music that normally affects multiple targets
instead only affect one (cannot be you). This target receives 2x the normal bonuses / penalties.
Requires a Perform check vs. DC (15 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire
Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire Heroics.
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music have 2x the normal area of effect. Requires a Perform
check vs. DC (10 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence,
Inspire Greatness, Inspire Heroics, and Song of Freedom.
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music that you have been performing for at least 3 round last
two extra rounds after you stop performing. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (10 + Perform ranks
required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire
Riveting Performance
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music affect all target in range that can hear you,
even if they cannot see you. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (15 + Perform ranks required). Usable
with Fascinate and Inspire Competence.
Focused Performer
[Bardic Music]
(DR338 p89)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 1 rank
Perform: 4 ranks
You may make a Perform check in place of a Concentration check to maintain an Arcane spell with a
Verbal component (not applicable to a spell with the Silent Spell metamagic applied to it).
Ironskin Chant
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 12 ranks
Perform: 12 ranks
As a Swift Action, use your Bardic Music to provide Damage Reduction 5 / — to yourself or one ally
within 30’ who can hear you. Lasts until the start of your next turn.
Lyric Spell
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 12 ranks
Ability to cast 2nd level
Spontaneous Arcane
As a Standard Action, you may cast one of your available Spontaneous Arcane Spells by expending (1 +
spell level) uses of Bardic Music.
You cannot use this feat to cast a spell with the Silent Spell metamagic feat applied to it.
Magic of the Land
(RotW p152)
Caster level 1
Concentration: 5 ranks
Know (nature): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
When casting a spell in a ‘natural setting’ (i.e., one without buildings and/or a community (unworked
underground areas count)), you can imbue some of your spells with healing.
Make a Know (nature) check vs. DC (15 + spell level) as a Free Action when casting a spell that has a
‘target’ entry. If the check succeeds, each target of the spell receives 2hp per spell level of Positive
Energy, which heal living creatures and damages Undead (WillNeg).
If the check fails, the spell is lost.
This effect cannot be applies to Necromancy spells or spells with an alignment descriptor.
Mobile Spellcasting
(CAdv p111)
Concentration: 8 ranks You can make a special Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) to cast a spell and move as one Standard
Action. You can’t use this ability to cast spells that normally take longer than a Standard Action to cast.
If you fail the check, you lose the spell. You may combine the effect of this feat with casting on the
defensive, by raising the DC by 5.
Offensive Metered
(DR337 p97)
Concentration: 6 ranks
Improved Unarmed Strike
Choose an opponent as a Free Action. Each time you hit this opponent consecutively, you gain a
cumulative +1 Insight bonus on attacks against that opponent (max +5). If you miss this opponent, the
bonus is lost. If you hit this opponent again, the count restarts at +1. This feat only applies on one
opponent at a time.
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Feats with Skill Prerequisites Page 121
Source Prerequisite Description
Rage Casting
(DR310 p30)
Ability to Rage or Frenzy
Able to cast 1st lvl spells
Combat Casting
Quicken Spell
Concentration: 5 ranks
While Raging and/or Frenzying, you may cast spell with a casting time of ‘Free Action’, typically spells
modified by the Quicken Spell metamagic feat.
You may also use magic items activated by Spell Trigger, Spell Completion, & Command Word.
Normally, you cannot cast spell & use activated magic items while Raging and/or Frenzying.
Raging Spell
(DR310 p30)
Ability to Rage or Frenzy
Able to cast 1st lvl spells
Combat Casting
Quicken Spell
Spell Penetration
Rage Casting
Concentration: 5 ranks
By consuming one of your daily Rages or Frenzies, you gain a +2 bonus on overcoming Spell Resistance
for 3 + Constitution modifier rounds. At the end of this time, you are Fatigued for the duration of the
current encounter.
This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Penetration.
Shielded Casting
(RoS p144)
Combat Casting
Shield Proficiency
Concentration: 5 ranks
As long as you have a Light, Heavy or Tower Shield ready, you do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for
casting spells in combat.
(RoS p144)
Combat Casting
Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Gnome
Two-Weapon Fighting
Concentration: 5 ranks
As a Full-Round action, you can cast a melee touch attack spell, attack with the spell, and make an off-hand
attack with your Gnome Quickrazor.
Steady Concentration
(RoS p144)
Concentration: 8 ranks
You can always ‘Take 10’ on Concentration checks.
Requires Craft
Source Prerequisite Description
Mad Alchemist
(PH2 p94)
Craft (alchemy): 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Distracting Blast
– The target of your Thunderstone receives a –2 penalty on all attacks, skill checks, ability
checks, & saving throws until the start of your next round (WillNeg, DC = your Craft(alchemy) check)
–or– if the target was casting a spell, he/she must make an opposed Craft(alchemy) vs. Concentration
check to keep the spell.
Fiery Blast
– If you strike an opponent with Alchemist Fire (or lantern oil, etc.) and then on the next round
you attack with a spell / weapon that does Fire damage, your opponent takes +1d6 Fire damage –and
Catches Fire.
Tanglefoot Defense
– Expend a Tanglefoot Bag to change a square of Clear Terrain to Difficult Terrain for
10 minutes.
Master Bowyer
(DR350 p90)
Craft (bowyer): 6 ranks
You may create Masterwork Bows & Arrows in half the standard time & for half the standard cost.
Poison Expert
(CSco p080)
Craft (poison): 8 ranks
Poison Use class ability
Choose one type of poison: Contact, Ingested, Inhaled, Injury. When you use a poison of this type that you
created, its DC is increased by +1 (both initial & secondary). The DC does not change if someone
else uses a poison you make –or– you use someone else’s poison. Does not apply to poisons generated by
your body.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each time with a different type of poison.
Poison Master
(CSco p080)
Craft (poison): 8 ranks
Poison Use class ability
Poison Expert
Choose one type of poison that matches your Poison Expert feat: Contact, Ingested, Inhaled, Injury. When
you use a poison of this type that you also
created, its damage is increased by +1 per die (both initial &
secondary) (if the damage is a constant, then just +1). The damage does not change if someone else uses a
poison you make –or– you use someone else’s poison. Does not apply to poisons generated by your body.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each time with a different type of poison.
Trophy Collector
(PH2 p83)
Craft(taxidermy): 6 ranks
You may create “trophies” from creatures you defeat, which give you courage. The creature must have a
CR higher than your current level –and– you must use Craft (taxidermy) to make part of the creature into a
Belt, Cloak, Necklace, or pair of Boots (treat the cost as being its CR * 100 gp).
When worn by you, the trophies grant the following effects:
a) +2 bonus on Intimidate checks vs. creatures of the same type (multiple trophies from the same type of
creature stack);
b) –4 penalty on Diplomacy check vs. creatures of the same type (multiple trophies from the same type
of creature stack);
c) +1 bonus on saves vs. Fear effects (multiple trophies stack);
d) once per day, gain a Morale bonus on a Will save equal to the number of trophies you are wearing. If
the save is vs. Fear, then this bonus stacks with the bonus above.
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Feats with Skill Prerequisites Page 122
Source Prerequisite Description
High Society
(DR333 p89)
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
+3 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, & Disguise checks made when interacting with members of the highest level
of society.
Master Manipulator
(PH2 p80)
Diplomacy: 9 ranks
Charisma 13
Gain the following two abilities. Each cannot be used in combat & you must share a language with your
Captivating Speech
– you may distract (1 + Charisma modifier) creatures within 20’ as long as you
speak, inflicting a –4 penalty on each ones Listen, Sense Motive, & Spot checks. You must make a
Diplomacy check opposed by the target’s Diplomacy or Will save (whichever is better).
Trap of Words
– if a creature attempts a Bluff vs. Sense Motive check against you and you win, you lead
the creature to believe his/her “lie” worked. After 1 minute, make a Diplomacy check opposed by the
creature’s Bluff check. If successful, you trick the creature into revealing the lie & the reason making it
Spirit of Dawn
(DR340 p48)
Character level 6
Born under a Rising Sun
Diplomacy: 2 ranks
+4 bonus on Will saves vs. Fear (supersedes the bonus from Feat: Born under a Rising Sun).
You may encourage all allies that can hear & understand you. Each ally (and yourself) receives a
+2 Moral bonus on Will saves for Charisma modifier rounds. This is a Swift Action, usable 1/day.
Wanderer’s Diplomacy
(PH2 p85)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
Gain the following abilities:
Canny Merchant
– you can make a Diplomacy check to locate a desired object that is normally too
expensive for the current settlement to sell. You must still purchase the object after locating it. The DC of
the check is 10 + ((item’s gp cost – settlement’s gp limit) / 1000).
Intuitive Communication
– you may communicate in a simple way with a creature whose language you do
not share by spending 1 minute interacting with it and then making a Sense Motive check vs. DC 20 if you
and the creature are of the same type, otherwise DC 30.
Social Agility
– you may temporarily change a creature’s Attitude towards you by using Bluff (instead of
Diplomacy as usual). The attempt takes a Standard Action and its DC is the same as changing an Attitude
with Diplomacy. You may not use this ability on a creature with the Attitude of ‘Hostile’. If successful,
the effect lasts for 1 minute, after which the creature’s Attitude becomes one category worse than it started
for 10 minutes.
Requires Disguise
Source Prerequisite Description
Improved Disguise
(DR335 p92)
Charisma 13
Disguise: 7 ranks
Sense Motive: 5 ranks
You do not suffer the normal –2 penalty when disguising yourself as another gender, race, or age category.
You can don a disguise in half the normal time.
Escape Artist
Requires Escape
Source Prerequisite Description
Fear No Binds
[General, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Escape Artist: 4 ranks
You are difficult to contain:
1. you do not receive penalties on attack rolls while grappling
2. you may make Unarmed Strike attacks while bound with non-magical bindings
3. you do not receive penalties on attack or Dexterity when Entangled
4. if you are targeted with a Net and defeat your opponent’s Strength check to “control” your
movement, you may drag your opponent around instead (if he/she does not release the Net)
Tunnel Rat
(DR326 p55)
Escape Artist: 4 ranks
When squeezing, each space counts as 1 square of movement and you only suffer a –2 penalty on attack
rolls. Normally, each space squeezed through costs 2 squares of movement and the penalty is –4.
Handle Animal
Requires Handle
Source Prerequisite Description
Coordinated Strike
(RotW p149)
Animal Companion or
Special Mount class
Handle Animal: 5 ranks
During any round in which your Animal Companion or Special Mount makes a melee attack, you gain a +1
Competence bonus on your attack rolls again the same opponent.
Dinosaur Wrangler
(RoE p108)
Halfling from the Talenta
Handle Animal: 1 rank
+4 bonus on Handle Animal, Ride, and Wild Empathy checks related to Dinosaurs.
Inspire Beast
(DR339 p87)
Animal Companion
class ability
Handle Animal: 6 ranks
As a Standard Action, you may make a Handle Animal check vs. DC 20 to grant your Animal Companion a
+3 Morale bonus on Attack and Damage for 1 round. Your Animal Companion must be within 30’, have
line of effect, and be able to see or hear you.
Shared Fury
(RotW p152)
Rage class feature
Animal Companion class
Handle Animal: 4 ranks
When you Rage, your Animal Companion gains the same benefits and penalties from your Rage as you do,
but only if it is within 5’ of you. The effect ends when your Animal Companion moves more than 5’ from
you or when your Rage ends.
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Requires Heal
Source Prerequisite Description
Augment Healing
(CDiv p79)
Heal: 4 ranks
Any Conjuration (healing) spell you cast that heals damage heals an additional +2 hp per level.
Graft Flesh – Aboleth
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Aboleth only
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Aboleth Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh –
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Beholder Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh –
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Fiends only
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Fiendish Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh – Undead
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Undead Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Examples are given at LM p79.
Graft Flesh – Yuan-ti
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Yuan-ti Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Graft Flesh –Illithid
[Item Creation]
(LM p27)
(Und p25)
Illithids only
Heal: 10 ranks
Create Illithid Grafts and apply them to another living creature (including yourself).
Sacred Healing
(CDiv p84)
Ability to Turn Undead
Heal: 8 ranks
All living creatures within a 60’ radius Burst gain Fast Healing 3 for (1 + Charisma modifier) rounds.
This effect requires a Full Round Action and consumes one of your Turn Undead uses for the day.
Requires Hide
Source Prerequisite Description
Able Sniper
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 13
Hide: 5 ranks
When using at ranged attack on a flat-footed opponent who is at least 30’ away, you gain a +2 bonus on the
attack roll.
Gain a +4 bonus on Hide checks to hide again after making an attack roll from hiding
(PH p76).
Concealed Ambush
(DR339 p87)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Hide: 10 ranks
Move Silently: 10 ranks
When attempting a Hide check after making a ranged attack while hidden (i.e., ‘Sniping’), you only receive
a –10 penalty on your Hide check (instead of the standard –20).
Crowd Tactics
(RoD p156)
Hide: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers when in a crowd that is Indifferent or Friendly to you:
Moving with the Flow
– Entering a crowd square does not cost you extra movement.
One with the Crowd
– +4 bonus to Hide checks while in a crowd square.
Master of the Mob
– +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to direct a crowd.
Cunning Evasion
(PH2 p78)
Evasion class ability
Hide: 9 ranks
If you avoid all the damage from an Area-of-Effect attack due to your Evasion class ability, you may use an
Immediate Action to make a 5’ Step and a Hide check, assuming there is Cover within 5’.
If you have the ‘Hide in Plain Sight’ class ability, you do not need Cover to make your Hide check.
Fade into Violence
(PH2 p79)
Bluff: 6 ranks
Hide: 6 ranks
Choose an opponent as an Immediate Action. For the current encounter, if that opponent is threatening you
and an ally of yours, you may make a Bluff check opposed by your opponent’s Sense Motive check to
make your opponent attack your ally (+4 bonus on your Bluff check if your opponent is a larger size
category than you).
You may only use this ability if you are wearing light armor or no armor, have nothing in your hands, have
made no attacks, & have targeted no enemies with spells. Once you void any of these conditions, your
opponent sees you as a threat and can attack you normally.
Shadow Striker
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p94)
Hide: 12 ranks
Move Silently: 12 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Evade Notice
– If you take no hostile action against an opponent who threatens you and another creature
he/she is interested in attacking, you may make an opposed Hide vs. Spot check to make the opponent
attack the other creature. You loose the benefit of this feat if you attack or the other creature is not longer
threatened (due to moving, dropping, etc.).
Fade Away
– If you strike an opponent as a Standard Action, you may take a Move Action to move and
then make a Hide check at +5.
Ghost Strike
– If you and an ally threaten the same opponent, you may make an opposed Move Silently vs.
Listen check as a Standard Action. If successful, the opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC vs.
your first attack the next round as long as your ally still threatens the opponent too.
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Source Prerequisite Description
Chaos Rage
(DR326 p80)
Ability to Rage
Chaotic alignment
Intimidate: 4 ranks
Your effective Barbarian level for purposes of using your Barbarian Rage class ability increases by +4, up
to your HD. This benefits a multi-classed Barbarian or one with Racial HD.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Combat Panache
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Bluff: 8 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Perform: 8 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fortuitous Tumble
– On the round after being struck by an opponent in melee, you may make an opposed
Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action against the opponent. If successful, you may use an
Immediate Action at the start of the opponent’s next round to designate a different creature he/she
threatens as the target of his/her next melee attack (even if is the opponent’s ally).
Play Dead
– As an Immediate Action after taking at least 10 hp of damage from a single hit, you may “play
dead” by making a successful Bluff vs. Sense Motive check. If successful, you may later rise without
generating an Attack of Opportunity against that foe, who also looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC
against your next attack. Only usable once per encounter.
Sneering Glower
– On the round after you do at least 1 hp of damage to an opponent, you may make an
Intimidate check as a Move Action to inflict a (Charisma modifier) penalty on the opponent’s attack rolls
against you for the remainder of the encounter (unless you use this ability on another foe). Creatures that
are Mindless or Immune to Fear effects are immune to this ability.
Frightful Presence
(Dcn p106)
Charisma 15
Intimidate: 9 ranks
Whenever you attack or charge, all opponents within a 30’ radius, who have fewer levels/HD than you do
become Shaken for (1d6 + Charisma modifier) rounds (WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ character level + Charisma
modifier). On a successful save, the opponent is immune to your Frightful Presence for 24 hours.
This ability cannot affect creatures with Intelligence 3 or lower, nor does it work on Dragons.
Intimidate the Enemy
(DR335 p90)
At least one Favored
Intimidate: 3 ranks
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. A Demoralize action on a member of that
race is a Move Action (instead of a Standard Action) and
receives your Favored Enemy bonus.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different Favored Enemy.
Intimidating Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Intimidate: 4 ranks When attacking as a Standard Action, subtract X from your attack roll, where X is from 0 to your Base
Attack Bonus. If you hit, immediately make an Intimidate check with a bonus of X vs. the opponent you
just hit. If successful, the opponent is Shaken for the rest of this encounter.
Quell the Profane
(BoED p45)
Strength 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Power Attack
Resounding Blow
Intimidate: 7 ranks
On a confirmed critical hit upon an Evil creature using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, your
opponent takes 1d4+1 Strength damage (FortNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
This feat applies to a Monk’s Unarmed Strike.
Resounding Blow
[General, Fighter]
(BoED p45)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Intimidate: 7 ranks
On a confirmed critical hit using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, your opponent is Cowered
for 1 round (WillNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
This feat applies to a Monk’s Unarmed Strike.
Scourge of the Seas
(Storm p93)
Charisma 15
Intimidate: 5 ranks
You may use Intimidate to attempt to “daunt” an opposing captain. See (Storm p25) for details.
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Requires Jump
Source Prerequisite Description
Agile Athlete
(RotW p148)
Climb: 1 rank
Jump: 1 rank
When making Climb and Jump checks, add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier.
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p106)
(CAdv p10)+
Climb: 4 ranks
Jump: 4 ranks
You can move through medium and dense forest area at your normal land speed.
You must be at least 20’ from the ground to use this ability.
Flying Fish Leap
(Storm p92)
Jump: 8 ranks
Swim: 4 ranks
1. When you make a High Jump out of the water, you do not
receive the normal –10 penalty.
2. In addition, you can move as far horizontally as you “jump” vertically.
Flying Kick
(CWar p99)
Strength 13
Jump: 4 ranks
Improved Unarmed Strike
Power Attack
You do +1d12 damage when you Charge & end with an Unarmed Strike.
Leap Attack
(CAdv p110)
Power Attack
Jump: 8 ranks
You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If your jump covers at least 10’ of horizontal
distance and end in a square which threatens your opponent, you deal +100% Power Attack damage.
Leap of the Heavens
(PH2 p80)
Jump: 4 ranks
If you do not get a running start, your Jump checks do not
have their DC’s doubled.
If you do get a running start, you receive a +5 Competence bonus on your Jump checks
Manifest Leap
(Sharn p157)
Know(planes): 4 ranks
Jump: 6 ranks
When you are within a ‘manifest zone’ linked to Syrania (such as the city of Sharn), you gain the following:
1. +5 Competence bonus on Jump checks.
2. Only take 1d4 damage per 10’ you fall.
3. If you have the Slow Fall class ability, add 10’ to the distance you can fall safely.
Raptor School
(CWar p111)
Wisdom 13
Jump: 5 ranks
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Eagle’s Swoop
– If you Charge or jump down at least 10’ onto your foe, you may make a Jump check to do
extra damage. You DC is 15 to do +2 damage –or– DC 25 to do +4 damage. If you fail the Jump check,
you miss your foe entirely & if the check misses by 5+, you end up Prone.
Falcon’s Feathers
– As a Standard Action, you may attempt a Feint action using a cloak to cause the
distraction. For this maneuver, you use your Base Attack Bonus in place of your ranks in Bluff for the
Feint. If successful, your opponent is Flat-Footed for the next melee attack you make against him/her.
Hawk’s Eye
– As a Full Round Action, you observe your opponent (you can do this for up to 3 consecutive
rounds). The next melee attack you make on that opponent receives a +2 bonus to attack & damage for
each round you observed (maximum of +6). If you do not attack within 3 round of observing or your
opponent attacks you first, the bonuses are lost.
(RoD p156)
Balance: 5 ranks
Jump: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fleet of Feet
– You can walk across a precarious surface at full speed without a penalty on your Balance
Graceful Drop
– If you intentionally jump from a height, you take less damage than if you had fallen. On a
successful Jump check, you take falling damage as if you had dropped 20’ fewer.
Master of the Roof
– Gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC against any opponent at a different elevation than you.
Steady Mountaineer
(RoS p144)
Climb: 8 ranks
Jump: 8 ranks
You can always ‘Take 10’ on Climb checks.
(DR331 p28)
Strength 13
Jump: 4 ranks
While wielding a Polearm during a Total Defense Action, you gain the following:
a) the DC for a Long Jump is reduced by 5; and
b) the DC for a High Jump is equal to 3x the distance to be cleared (instead of 4x).
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Knowledge – arcana
Requires Knowledge –
Source Prerequisite Description
Appraise Magic Value
(CAdv p103)
Appraise: 5 ranks
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
If you know an item is magical, you may spend 8 hours and 25 gp in special materials to make an Appraise
check (DC 10 + item’s caster level) to determine its exact properties.
Arcane Thesis
(PH2 p74)
Able to cast Arcane
Know (arcana): 9 ranks
Chose an Arcane spell you can cast. When casting this spell, you gain the following benefits:
1. effective Caster Level is +2;
2. when you apply a Metamagic to your Thesis spell, it increases the spell level by one less.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different spell.
Burning Link
(DR344 p102)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
Know(arcana): 1 rank
Know(nature): 1 rank
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to damage both your target
–and– the creature with which your target has a mystic link (i.e., a Sorcerer/Wizard’s Familiar, a Druid /
Ranger’s Animal Companion, a Paladin’s Special Mount, a Blackguard’s Fiendish Servant, etc.). Your
target takes the damage from the weapon, your Strength modifier, etc., while the linked creature takes the
remaining Sneak Attack dice (assuming it is vulnerable to Sneak Attack damage).
Dragon Song
(Dcn p105)
Charisma 13
Know (arcana): 4 ranks
Perform: 6 ranks
Speak Language
+2 save DC to resist your mind-affecting effects based generated by your Bardic Music.
+2 bonus on Perform checks involving song, poetry, or any other verbal/spoken form of performance.
(Dcn p105)
Know (arcana): 2 ranks
You can create Dragoncraft Items whose prerequisites you meet.
See Dcn p116 for details on Dragoncrafted Items.
Eldritch Erosion
(CSco p077)
(DR344 p103)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +4d6
Know(arcana): 1 rank
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 4d6 to reduce your foe’s Spell
Resistance –and– Power Resistance by 5 for 10 rounds.
Multiple uses do not stack, but do reset the duration.
Elven Spell Lore
(PH2 p78)
Elf –or– Intelligence 17
Know(arcana): 12 ranks
1. When using Dispel Magic (and its variants), you receive a +2 bonus on the Caster check.
2. Choose a single spell that you can prepare. From this point forward, you may prepare this spell to do a
different type of damage. You may even memorize the spell multiple times in the same day doing
different damage in each memorization. Spontaneous spellcasters do not receive this benefit.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying it to a different spell (benefit 1. does not stack).
Energy Substitution
(CArc p79)
(DR325 p58)
any other Metamagic
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Choose one Energy Type when you take this feat (i.e., Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire). You may change
any spell with a different Energy Type to this Energy Type. All other effects of the spell remain the same.
You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different Energy Type.
Caster level +0
(CArc p81)
(BoED p44)
any other Metamagic
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Choose one Energy Type when you take this feat. You may change the damage from that spell from its
energy type to Nonlethal.
You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different Energy Type.
Caster level +1
Obtain Familiar
(CArc p81)
Arcane spellcaster 3
Know (arcana): 4 ranks
You may obtain a Familiar as if you were a Sorcerer or a Wizard.
Occult Opportunist
(DR340 p87)
Know(arcana): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
If an opponent you threaten does any of the following, you may make an Attack of Opportunity on him/her:
Dismiss a Spell, Direct / Redirect an Active Spell, cast a Quickened or Swift Spell, makes a Turn / Rebuke
If damage, your opponent looses the spell / action attempted unless he/she makes a Concentration check vs.
DC (10 + damage).
Pressure Point Strike
(DR336 p103)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Ki Strike (magic) class
The following abilities must be declared before the strike is attempted and the indicated number of Stunning
Fist uses are consumed even if it misses. May only be used on Humanoids, Monstrous Humanoids, and
Harmful effects allow a Fortitude save vs. DC = 10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom modifier.
Beneficial effects may require a Level check against the level of the detriment being overcome (if magical).
#StunFist Effect
1 Target Stunned for 1 round (i.e., base Stunning Fist ability).
1 Remove Stunned, Sickened, or Fatigued.
2 Blind, Deafen, –or– Paralyze opponent for 1d4 rounds.
2 Remove Paralysis, Blindness, or Deafness
3 Lower target’s Spell Resistance by 1d6 + Wisdom modifier for 1 round.
3 Increase ally’s natural or magical Spell Resistance by 1d6 + Wisdom modifier for 1 round.
3 Delay Poison for 1d4 hours.
3 Foe effected by Injury Poison (1d4 Con / 1d4 Con, DC is Constitution-based).
4 Neutralize Poison.
4 Target receives a penalty of saves vs. Poison of 1 + Wisdom modifier for 1d4 rounds.
5 Target prevented from casting Spells or using Spell-Like Abilities for 1d4 rounds.
5 Target receives Greater Dispel Magic to remove a Spell or Spell-Like Ability effect.
Spell Graft
[Item Creation]
(DR337 p101)
Craft Wondrous Item
Know (arcana): 8 ranks
Able to cast Impromptu
Arcane spells
You may sacrifice the ability to cast one spell permanently to imbue a part of your body with a Supernatural
ability. Examples are given at DR337 p101.
For example, by permanently sacrificing Burning Hands, you gain the ability to set your hands on fire. This
grants your hands (and only your hands) immunity to fire, your unarmed strikes do +1d4 Fire damage, etc.
This is usable 1 round per caster level and is usable each day once per 4 caster levels.
This feat may be taken multiple times.
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Knowledge – architecture & engineering
Requires Knowledge –
architecture &
Source Prerequisite Description
Combat Engineer
[General, Fighter]
(DR334 p88)
Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Know (architecture and
engineering): 4 ranks
+2 bonus on attack & damage when making a Sunder attempt.
If you attack an unattended inanimate object (including a wall or structure), you may ignore up to 10 points
of its Hardness.
Trap Mastery
(DR347 p88)
Investigator –or–
Nimble Fingers
Know (architecture and
engineering): 9 ranks
+1 bonus on Disable Device & Search checks to locate & disable traps.
+1 bonus on saves to avoid the effects of traps.
Knowledge – geography
Requires Knowledge
– geography
Source Prerequisite Description
Great Captain
(Storm p92)
Know(geography):7 ranks
Profession(sailor): 7 ranks
1. You may command your vessel in combat as a Move Action (normally a Standard Action).
2. You may perform an Aid Other action that applies to all on board the vessel you command. The action
applies to one check, typically ‘Profession (sailor)’ or ‘Profession (siege engineer)’.
(DR339 p87)
Know(geography): 1 rank
Survival: 1 rank
You may not become lost due to poor visibility or difficult terrain.
By making a Survival check vs. DC 20, you may reduce the effect of difficult terrain on movement by
By making a Survival check vs. DC 30, you may reduce the effect of difficult terrain on movement by
(max 1x).
(DU142 p93)
Know(geography): 5 ranks
Able to speak at least 3
When undertaking a pilgrimage, you receive a +1 Morale bonus on Will saves & on all Charisma-based
skill checks for 1 month. After this time, you instead receive a –1 penalty on both until you reach your
Once at your destination & you have undertaken the appropriate rituals, you receive a +4 Competence
bonus on a skill related to the destination (but loose the bonus / penalty indicated above).
When you decide to undertake a new pilgrimage, you love the skill bonus but again gain the bonus on Will
saves & Charisma-based skill checks.
Knowledge – local
Requires Knowledge
– local
Source Prerequisite Description
Urban Stealth
(RoD p154)
Know (local): 4 ranks
+3 bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks in a small city (or larger) community.
Knowledge – history
Requires Knowledge
– history
Source Prerequisite Description
Relic Hunter
(RoE p111
Appraise: 1 rank
Know (history): 1 rank
Gain a +5 bonus on Appraise, Knowledge, and Bardic Knowledge check involving items from the Dharaani
Empire or from ancient Xen’drik.
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Knowledge – nature
Requires Knowledge
– nature
Source Prerequisite Description
Born of The Three
(CArc p76)
Energy Substitution
Know (nature): 4 ranks
At cast time, you may declare a spell whose type is [electricity] or [sonic] to be a spell of ‘three thunders’,
which does the following:
1. The spell’s type changes to [electricity][sonic].
2. Damage done by the spell is ½ electricity and ½ sonic;
3. Any creature damaged by the spell is Stunned
for 1 round (FortNeg);
4. Any creature Stunned by the spell is knocked Prone
5. The caster of the spell is Dazed
for 1 round (no save).
Caster level +0
Burning Link
(DR344 p102)
Sneak Attack / Sudden
Strike class ability with
at least +3d6
Know(arcana): 1 rank
Know(nature): 1 rank
On a successful Sneak Attack, you may reduce the Sneak Attack dice by 2d6 to damage both your target
–and– the creature with which your target has a mystic link (i.e., a Sorcerer/Wizard’s Familiar, a Druid /
Ranger’s Animal Companion, a Paladin’s Special Mount, a Blackguard’s Fiendish Servant, etc.). Your
target takes the damage from the weapon, your Strength modifier, etc., while the linked creature takes the
remaining Sneak Attack dice (assuming it is vulnerable to Sneak Attack damage).
Dinosaur Hunter
(RoE p108)
Halfling from the Talenta
Know (nature): 1 rank
Survival: 1 rank
+2 bonus on Listen, Knowledge (nature), Spot, and Survival checks related to Dinosaurs.
+2 weapon damage against Dinosaurs.
Dragon Wild Shape
(Dcn p105)
Wild Shape class ability
Wisdom 19
Know (nature): 15 ranks
You may use your Wild Shape ability to change into a Small or Medium Dragon.
You gain all the Extraordinary and Supernatural abilities of the Dragon whose form you take, but not any
Spell-like Abilities or Spellcasting powers.
Magic of the Land
(RotW p152)
Caster level 1
Concentration: 5 ranks
Know (nature): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
When casting a spell in a ‘natural setting’ (i.e., one without buildings and/or a community (unworked
underground areas count)), you can imbue some of your spells with healing.
Make a Know (nature) check vs. DC (15 + spell level) as a Free Action when casting a spell that has a
‘target’ entry. If the check succeeds, each target of the spell receives 2hp per spell level of Positive
Energy, which heal living creatures and damages Undead (WillNeg).
If the check fails, the spell is lost.
This effect cannot be applies to Necromancy spells or spells with an alignment descriptor.
Mystic Companion
(DR339 p87)
Animal Companion
class ability
Able to cast 1
Divine spells
Know(nature): 9 ranks
As long as you have line of sight with your Animal Companion, your effective Caster level for Ranger
spells is +4, up to your Ranger level. This does not grant you extra spells, just improves the ones you
already can cast.
(CDiv p85)
Wisdom 13
Know (nature): 4 ranks
any Neutral alignment
Able to cast Summon
Nature’s Ally spells
You may convert your spells into Summon Nature’s Ally spells of equal or lower level (as a Druid). You
may do this up to Wisdom modifier times per day.
Knowledge – religion
Requires Knowledge
– religion
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Disciple
(CDiv p79)
Know (religion): 4 ranks
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
Able to cast Arcane spells
Same alignment as your
Patron deity
Spells from of your Patron Deity’s Domains are added to your Arcane spell list. You may memorize or
spontaneously cast one per level each day. The availability of the spell is based on your Wisdom (i.e., you
must have a Wisdom of 10 + spell level to use a given spell) and all save DC’s are calculated from your
Wisdom score.
You may take this feat more than once. Each time, you gain a different Domain from you Patron Deity.
Aura of Life Energy
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn Undead
Know (religion): 7 ranks
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn Attempt to inflict 1d8 + 1 / two levels damage on all Undead within a
20’ radius Burst (no save).
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn Undead
Know (religion): 4 ranks
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn Attempt to create a 20’ radius Burst of light. Undead creatures in the
area of effect that are susceptible to sunlight become Frightened for 1d4 rounds (WillNeg, DC is
(Eb p52)
Know (religion): 6 ranks You are respected by a church hierarchy.
Add Gather Information and Know (local) to your In-Class Skill List.
If you have the Leadership Feat, receive a +2 bonus on your Leadership score.
Ghost Scarred
(LM p27)
Know (religion): 8 ranks
+2 Insight bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage against Incorporeal Undead.
+2 bonus on all saving throws to resist the spells and abilities of Incorporeal Undead.
Haunting Weapons
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Know (religion): 4 ranks
Know (planes): 4 ranks
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn or Rebuke Attempt to grant the Ghost Touch special ability to all
melee weapons (including natural weapons) of your allies within a 30’ radius burst. The effect lasts until
the end of your next turn.
Mother Cyst
(LM p28)
Caster level 1
Know (religion): 2 ranks
You grow an internal cyst of Undead flesh which adds the following spells to your known list:
Necrotic Awareness 2
Necrotic Cyst 3
Necrotic Bloat,
Necrotic Domination 5
Necrotic Burst 6
Necrotic Eruption,
Necrotic Tumor 8
Necrotic Empowerment 9
Necrotic Termination
If you are a caster who prepares spells, you can prepare all necrotic spells without your spellbook.
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Requires Knowledge
– religion
Source Prerequisite Description
Ritual Blessing
(PH2 p86)
Good Alignment
Know (religion): 4 ranks
You may use the following rituals if you have enough ranks in Knowledge (religion).
– min ranks: 4 – Spend 2 minutes and a Vial of Holy Water to anoint a subject. For 24 hours, any
Cure spell you cast on the subject heals +2 hp of damage.
– min ranks: 8 – Spend 10 minutes and a Vial of Holy Water to cleans a subject. For 24 hours, the
subject receives a +2 bonus on saves vs. Disease and Poison.
– min ranks: 13 – Spend 10 minutes, a Vial of Holy Water, and 30gp powdered Silver to ward a
subject. For 24 hours, the subject receives a +1 bonus on saves vs. the spells and special attacks of Evil
Ritual Blood Bonds
(PH2 p86)
Orc –or– Half-Orc
Know (religion): 4 ranks
You may use the following rituals if you have enough ranks in Knowledge (religion).
Blood Brothers
– min ranks: 4 – Spend 10 minutes and a Vial of Holy/Unholy Water to join yourself and up
to 6 allies. For 24 hours, each subject receives a +4 Morale bonus on saves vs. Fear as long as a subject
can see at least one other subject.
Vengeful Bonds of Brotherhood
– min ranks: 8 – Spend 10 minutes, a Vial of Holy Water, and 10gp
powdered Silver to join yourself and up to 6 allies. For 24 hours, each subject receives a +2 Morale bonus
on attacks vs. a creature who brought another subject to 0hp (or lower). The benefit lasts for 10 rounds
each time it is triggered.
Spontaneous Healer
(CDiv p84)
Know (religion): 4 ranks
non-Evil alignment
Able to cast Cure
Wounds spells
You may convert your spells into Cure Wound spells of equal or lower level (as a Cleric). You may do this
up to Wisdom modifier times per day.
(CDiv p84)
Wisdom 13
Know (religion): 4 ranks
non-Good alignment
Able to cast Inflict
Wounds spells
You may convert your spells into Inflict Wound spells of equal or lower level (as a Cleric). You may do this
up to Wisdom modifier times per day.
Undead Leadership
(LM p31)
Character level 6
Non-Good Alignment
Know (religion): 1 rank
You attract followers and a Cohort as if you had the Leadership Feat. Your Leadership score is +2 for
attracting Undead, and –4 for attracting living followers. If you decide to attract an Undead Cohort, its
maximum ECL is two below yours.
Vampire Hunter
(LM p31)
Know (religion): 6 ranks
As a Move Action, you can unfailingly determine if a Vampire or Vampire Spawn is within 30’.
You are immune to the Dominating Gaze ability of Vampires and Vampire Spawn.
Knowledge – the planes
Knowledge – the
Source Prerequisite Description
Astral Tracking
(DR313 p110)
Know (planes): 11 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Survival: 10 ranks
You may make Survival checks to track creatures through the planes.
1. Track through the featureless Astral Plane – DC 25.
2. Determine the destination of a Teleport spell or effect when standing at the point of departure – DC 30.
If you succeed and can teleport, then you may attempt to follow as if you had viewed the destination once.
Haunting Weapons
(DR334 p86)
Ability to Turn or Rebuke
Know (religion): 4 ranks
Know (planes): 4 ranks
As a Standard Action, spend one Turn or Rebuke Attempt to grant the Ghost Touch special ability to all
melee weapons (including natural weapons) of your allies within a 30’ radius burst. The effect lasts until
the end of your next turn.
Improved Flight Item
[Item Creation]
(Sharn p157)
Craft Wondrous Item
Know (planes): 6 ranks
You can make magic items that take advantage of a ‘manifest zone’ linked to Syrania (such as the city of
1. If you create an item with a Fly speed, within the ‘manifest zone’, the fly speed in increased by 50%,
and it can be used+2 times per day. If it normally could be used 3+ times per day, it now can be
used continuously.
2. Some magic items (such as a Soarslead or a Flying Buttress) have this feat as a prerequisite.
3. Any Construct you create that has a Fly speed automatically gains the Feat: Manifest Flight
Lord of the Uttercold
(CArc p80)
Energy Substitution (cold)
Know (planes): 9 rank
A [cold] spell can be modified to do ½ Cold damage and ½ Negative Energy Damage.
All other aspects of the spell remain the same.
Caster level +0
Manifest Flight
(Sharn p157)
Fly speed
Know (planes): 4 ranks
When you are within a ‘manifest zone’ linked to Syrania (such as the city of Sharn), your Fly speed
increases by 50% and your maneuverability is increased by one step.
Manifest Leap
(Sharn p157)
Know (planes): 4 ranks
Jump: 6 ranks
When you are within a ‘manifest zone’ linked to Syrania (such as the city of Sharn), you gain the following:
1. +5 Competence bonus on Jump checks.
2. Only take 1d4 damage per 10’ you fall.
3. If you have the Slow Fall class ability, add 10’ to the distance you can fall safely.
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Requires Listen
Source Prerequisite Description
(CAdv p114)
Wild Shape class ability
Listen: 4 ranks
Spend a Wild Shape use to gain Blindsense (30’) for 1 minute per HD.
You retain this benefit regardless of which form you are in.
Hear the Unseen
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(CAdv p119)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
As a Move Action, you can attempt a Listen check vs. DC 25 to pinpoint all foes within 30’ (as long as you
have line of effect on them). This benefit does not eliminate your miss chance.
If an opponent is using Move Silently, it is an opposed check, with a +15 bonus for your opponent.
If you are Deafened, or in an area of Silence, you cannot use this feat.
Quick Reconnoiter
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p112)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
Spot: 5 ranks
You can make one Spot check and one Listen check each round as a Free Action.
Keen-Eared Scout
(PH2 p80)
Listen: 6 ranks
Alertness –or– Skill
Focus (listen)
If your Listen check exceeds the DC by the indicated amount, you lead additional information (cumulative):
Exceed DC
Additional Information
+5 Size, Speed, & Direction of noise source
+10 Exact current position of noise source
+15 Armor worn & items carried by noise source (if any)
+20 Type & Subtype of the noise source
Also, you gain a +5 bonus to pinpoint the location of Invisible creatures.
Move Silently
Requires Move
Source Prerequisite Description
Concealed Ambush
(DR339 p87)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Hide: 10 ranks
Move Silently: 10 ranks
When attempting a Hide check after making a ranged attack while hidden (i.e., ‘Sniping’), you only receive
a –10 penalty on your Hide check (instead of the standard –20).
(RotW p151)
Dexterity 13
Balance: 2 ranks
Move Silently: 2 ranks
1. When making a Move Silently check while moving through ‘noisy’ or ‘very noisy’ terrain, you do not
receive a terrain penalty.
2. The DC to track you is at +5 (or +10 if you are moving at ½ speed to cover your trail).
Shadow Striker
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p94)
Hide: 12 ranks
Move Silently: 12 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Evade Notice
– If you take no hostile action against an opponent who threatens you and another creature
he/she is interested in attacking, you may make an opposed Hide vs. Spot check to make the opponent
attack the other creature. You loose the benefit of this feat if you attack or the other creature is not longer
threatened (due to moving, dropping, etc.).
Fade Away
– If you strike an opponent as a Standard Action, you may take a Move Action to move and
then make a Hide check at +5.
Ghost Strike
– If you and an ally threaten the same opponent, you may make an opposed Move Silently vs.
Listen check as a Standard Action. If successful, the opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC vs.
your first attack the next round as long as your ally still threatens the opponent too.
Perform – any
Requires Perform
– any
Source Prerequisite Description
(PH2 p74)
Bardic Music class ability
Arcane spellcaster 1
Arcane Flourish
Perform (any): 4 ranks
You may expend any Arcane
Prepared Spell or a Spell Slot as a Swift Action to extend the duration after
you stop playing your current Bardic Music ability by 1 round per spell level expended. Can only be used
once for a given use of Bardic Music and does not apply to effects that are Instantaneous or Permanent.
Arcane Flourish
(PH2 p74)
Arcane spellcaster 1
Perform (any): 4 ranks
You may expend a Prepared Spell or a Spell Slot as a Swift Action to grant yourself a Competence bonus
on your next Perform check equal to (1 + spell level expended). The Perform check must be made within
1 minute or the bonus is lost.
[Bardic Music]
(DR336 p99)
Bardic Music class ability
Undertone of Heresy
Perform: 9 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, all creatures within 60’ that can hear you become
(if they have fewer HD than you), Frightened (if they have the same HD as you), or Shaken (if
they have more HD than you). WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ effective Bard level + Charisma modifier. Note: If
you have used this ability on a target within the last week, it receives a +2 bonus on its save. Effect lasts
(1d4 + Charisma modifier) rounds.
Aberrations are immune to this Mind-Affecting ability.
Chant of Fortitude
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 8 ranks
Perform: 9 ranks
As an Immediate Action, use your Bardic Music to give all allies (and yourself) the Diehard feat for one
Chant of the Long
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p074)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
After performing for 1 minute, expend a use of your Bardic Music to cause all allies within 60’ & yourself
from suffering nonlethal damage due to ‘hustling’ for the next hour.
Chaos Music
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 4 ranks
Your effective Bard level for purposes of using your Bard Music class ability increases by +4, up to your
HD. This means that a multi-classed Bard or one with Racial HD benefits.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
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Requires Perform
– any
Source Prerequisite Description
Chord of Distraction
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p075)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
As an Immediate Action, expend three uses of Bardic Music to render a target within 30’ Flat-Footed
against one of your allies. The target is allowed an opposed check (your Perform vs. his/her Sense Motive
+ BAB) to resist. The effect ends one the designated ally attack the target –or– the target’s turn begins.
Combat Panache
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Bluff: 8 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Perform: 8 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fortuitous Tumble
– On the round after being struck by an opponent in melee, you may make an opposed
Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action against the opponent. If successful, you may use an
Immediate Action at the start of the opponent’s next round to designate a different creature he/she
threatens as the target of his/her next melee attack (even if is the opponent’s ally).
Play Dead
– As an Immediate Action after taking at least 10 hp of damage from a single hit, you may “play
dead” by making a successful Bluff vs. Sense Motive check. If successful, you may later rise without
generating an Attack of Opportunity against that foe, who also looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC
against your next attack. Only usable once per encounter.
Sneering Glower
– On the round after you do at least 1 hp of damage to an opponent, you may make an
Intimidate check as a Move Action to inflict a (Charisma modifier) penalty on the opponent’s attack rolls
against you for the remainder of the encounter (unless you use this ability on another foe). Creatures that
are Mindless or Immune to Fear effects are immune to this ability.
Disguise Spell
(CAdv p108)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
Onlookers realize you’re performing, but don’t realize you’re casting a spell unless they make an opposed
Spot check against your Perform check.
Dragon Song
(Dcn p105)
Charisma 13
Know (arcana): 4 ranks
Perform: 6 ranks
Speak Language
+2 save DC to resist your mind-affecting effects based generated by your Bardic Music.
+2 bonus on Perform checks involving song, poetry, or any other verbal/spoken form of performance.
Enchanting Song
(RoS p139)
Bardic Music class ability
Spell Focus(Enchantment)
Perform: 6 ranks
When casting a spell from the School of Enchantment, you may expend one use of Bardic Music to increase
the DC and
your caster level by 1. This effect stacks with other feats that increase DC or caster level.
Epic of the Lost King
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p077)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
As a Move Action, expend one use of Bardic Music to remove Fatigue from up to 3 allies (possibly
including yourself) within 30’.
As a Move Action, expend three uses of Bardic Music to remove Exhaustion from up to 3 allies (possibly
including yourself) within 30’.
Focused Performance
[Bardic Music]
(DR338 p89)
Bardic Music class ability
Focused Performer
Concentration: 1 rank
Perform: 6 ranks
By spending one (or more) daily use of Bardic Music and making the indicated Perform check, you may
modify your Bardic Music in any of the following ways (though only one for a given use of Bardic
– spend 3 uses to perform two Bardic Music abilities simultaneously. Each round you
must make a Perform check vs. DC (20 + highest Perform ranks required) or both abilities end
immediately. You may end one of the Bardic Music abilities at any time and continue the other without
requiring any more Perform checks. Usable with all Bardic Music.
Dramatic Pause
– spend 2 uses to stop an ongoing Bardic Music ability for 1 round (in order to cast a
spell, attack, etc.) and then resume it as if you had not stopped. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (20 +
Perform ranks required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire
– spend 1 uses to make a Bardic Music that normally affects one target instead affect two.
Requires a Perform check vs. DC (20 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Inspire Competence,
Suggestion, and Song of Freedom.
Individual Performance
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music that normally affects multiple targets
instead only affect one (cannot be you). This target receives 2x the normal bonuses / penalties.
Requires a Perform check vs. DC (15 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire
Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire Heroics.
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music have 2x the normal area of effect. Requires a Perform
check vs. DC (10 + Perform ranks required). Usable with Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence,
Inspire Greatness, Inspire Heroics, and Song of Freedom.
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music that you have been performing for at least 3 round last
two extra rounds after you stop performing. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (10 + Perform ranks
required). Usable with Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire
Riveting Performance
– spend 1 use to make a Bardic Music affect all target in range that can hear you,
even if they cannot see you. Requires a Perform check vs. DC (15 + Perform ranks required). Usable
with Fascinate and Inspire Competence.
Focused Performer
[Bardic Music]
(DR338 p89)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 1 rank
Perform: 4 ranks
You may make a Perform check in place of a Concentration check to maintain
an Arcane spell with a
Verbal component (not applicable to a spell with the Silent Spell metamagic applied to it).
Green Ear
(CAdv p110)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 10 ranks
You may alter any of your mind-affecting Bardic Music abilities to affect Plants creatures only.
Plant creatures gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against your music.
Haunting Melody
(Eb p54)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, you can cause all enemies within 30’ that hear your
performance to become Shaken for 1 round per rank in Perform (WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ Bard level +
Charisma modifier). This is a [mind][fear] effect.
Inspire Spellpower
(RoS p141)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 8 ranks
As a Standard Action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Music to increase the effective caster level of
allies (but not yourself) by 1. This lasts for as long as they hear your performance plus 5 rounds.
Ironskin Chant
(CAdv p113)
Bardic Music class ability
Concentration: 12 ranks
Perform: 12 ranks
As a Swift Action, use your Bardic Music to provide Damage Reduction 5 / — to yourself or one ally
within 30’ who can hear you. Lasts until the start of your next turn.
Misleading Song
(RoS p142)
Bardic Music class ability
Spell Focus (Illusion)
Perform: 12 ranks
As you cast spell from the School of Illusion, you can spend one Bardic Music use to increase the caster
level and
saving throw DC of the spell by 1. This stacks with other feats that increase caster level and/or
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Requires Perform
– any
Source Prerequisite Description
Music of Growth
(Eb p57)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 12 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, all Animals & Plants within 30’ of you gain a +4
Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution as long as you continue performing.
Music of Making
(Eb p57)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, you may do one of the following:
1. The duration of a Conjuration (creation) spell you cast is doubled.
2. Gain a +4 Sacred bonus on your Craft check.
(LM p29)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 8 ranks
Your mind-affecting Bardic Music and Virtuoso’s Performance abilities can affect the Undead.
All Bardic Music effects on Undead creatures have only half their normal duration.
Sickening Sonata
[Bardic Music]
(DR336 p99)
Bardic Music class ability
Undertone of Heresy
Blasphemous Utterance
Perform: 12 ranks
When you use ‘Blasphemous Utterance’, the following occurs: all creatures within 60’ that can hear you
become Paralyzed
(if they have fewer HD than you), Nauseated (if they have the same HD as you), or
Sickened (if they have up to three more HD than you). WillNeg, DC = 10 + ½ effective Bard level +
Charisma modifier. Note: If you have used this ability on a target within the last week, it receives a
+2 bonus on its save. Effect lasts (1d4 + Charisma modifier) rounds.
Aberrations are immune to this Mind-Affecting ability.-
Song of the Heart
(Eb p60)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
Your Bardic Music abilities are improved:
Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Inspire Greatness, & Inspire Heroics have their bonuses increased
by 1.
Fascinate, Suggestion, & Mass Suggestion have their DC increased by 1.
Haunting Melody has its DC increased by 1.
Music of Growth has its Enhancement bonuses increased to +6.
Music of Making has its Craft bonus increased to +6.
Soothe the Beast receives a +2 Circumstance bonus on Perform check to improve the attitude of an
Animal or Magical Animal.
Soothe the Beast
(EB p60)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 6 ranks
By consuming one of your daily uses of Bardic Music, you may attempt to change an Animal or Magical
Animal’s attitude toward you. Using the Diplomacy check table, make a Perform check to change the
creatures attitude. Magical Beasts with an Intelligence of 1 or 2 may be targeted, but you receive a –4
penalty to do so. The check takes at least 1 minute.
Most Animals start with an attitude of Indifferent & most Magical Animals start at Unfriendly.
Sound of Silence
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p081)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
As a Standard Action, expend two
uses of Bardic Music to Deafen a target for 3 rounds (WillNeg, DC =
your Perform check). The target must be within 30’ & be able to hear you.
Speak to the Masses
(DR339 p36)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
1. When using your Fascinate bardic music ability, you may affect 2x the normal number of creatures.
2. +2 DC on your Fascinate & Suggestion bardic music abilities.
(CAdv p112)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 10 ranks
You can produce music or poetry so subtly, others do not audibly realize you are the source – though they
are still affected normally.
Undertone of Heresy
(DR336 p99)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform: 4 ranks
By spending two daily uses of Bardic Music (instead of one), the DC for the subject Bardic Music effect has
+2 DC.
Versatile Performer
(CAdv p112)
Perform: 5 ranks Pick a number of Perform categories equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). When making
checks, treat all categories as if they had as many ranks as your highest-ranked category.
You gain a +2 bonus to check when using more than one of these Performance categories together.
Warning Shout
[Bardic Music]
(CSco p082)
Bardic Music class ability
Evasion class ability
Perform: 9 ranks
As an Immediate Action, expend two
uses of Bardic Music grant one ally (not yourself) a +5 Morale bonus
on his/her next Reflex save –and– the Evasion class ability. If not used by the start of your next turn, the
ability is lost. Your ally must be within 30’ and be able to see or hear you.
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Perform – specific
Requires Perform
– specific
Source Prerequisite Description
Breath Control
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform (wind
instrument): 5 ranks
+2 bonus on Perform (wind instrument) checks.
+2 bonus on saves vs. inhaled poisons and nauseating vapors.
Able to hold your breath for either 2 times Constitution score –or– Perform (wind instrument) check rounds,
whichever is higher
Deadly Concussion
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Perform (percussion):
6 ranks
When you take a Sunder action with a Bludgeoning weapon against a foe’s armor or shield –and– you
destroy it in one blow, you deal the same damage to the foe that you dealt to the armor or shield.
Elusive Dance
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform (dance): 5 ranks
During your action, you may designate an opponent who may not make attacks of opportunity against you.
If you have the feat Dodge, your designated Dodge and Elusive Dance opponent must be the same creature.
Master of Mockery
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
8 ranks
As a Standard Action, you may attempt to enrage a single melee opponent. If your opponent fails his/her
Will save (DC = your Perform (comedy) check), the enraged opponent must focus all his/her attacks on
you (ignoring all others). The enraged opponent gains a +2 Morale bonus on attack rolls against you, but
receives a –2 penalty to AC.
This is a mind-affecting, language-dependant effect.
Sunken Song
(Storm p94)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform(sing): 4 ranks
You may use Perform (sing) as the basis of your Bardic Music abilities while underwater.
(Storm p94)
Bardic Music class ability
Perform(sing): 5 ranks
–or– Perform (wind
instrument): 5 ranks
By expending one daily use of Bardic Music, you gain some control over the winds affecting your ship for
the length of your performance + 10 rounds. You may adjust the winds by one compass point –and– the
crew’s Profession (sailor) checks are treated as if the wind was one category less strong (see Storm p23)
with no loss of speed.
Nimble Deflections
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Dexterity 13
Perform (keyboard):
7 ranks
When wielding a two-handed weapon, you receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC against your Dodge opponent.
Supremely Confident
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (act): 7 ranks When making a Demoralize actions, you may use a Perform (act) check in place of an Intimidate check.
On a confirmed Critical Hit, you immediately may attempt a Demoralize action on the foe you struck as a
Free Action.
War Chant
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (sing): 7 ranks By chanting for at least 3 rounds before combat begins (a Free Action each round), the following occur:
1. You gain a +2 bonus on your Initiative check.
2. Allies within 30’ who were listening to the chant receive a +1 Morale bonus on their Initiative check.
The effects of multiple chanters on their allies stack (up to a max of +4).
We Few, We Happy
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (oratory):
7 ranks
Following a 1 minute speech, you may make a Perform (oratory) check. Any ally who listened to the whole
speech and understood it may use this check in place of his/her next Will save (though the subject must
decide before rolling). If not used within 10 minutes, the effect dissipates.
Source Prerequisite Description
Great Captain
(Storm p92)
Know(geography):7 ranks
Profession(sailor): 7 ranks
1. You may command your vessel in combat as a Move Action (normally a Standard Action).
2. You may perform an Aid Other action that applies to all on board the vessel you command. The action
applies to one check, typically ‘Profession (sailor)’ or ‘Profession (siege engineer)’.
Ship Savvy
(RoE p112)
Gnome from Zilargo
Balance: 5 ranks
Profession (sailor) –or–
Profession (shipwright):
3 ranks
While aboard a sea or air ship, gain a +1 bonus to AC and on attack rolls.
Old Salt
(Storm p93)
Profession(sailor): 5 ranks
Gain a +1 bonus on Balance, Profession (sailor), and Use Rope checks.
You may use Profession (sailor) when making a ‘Predict Weather’ check (usually uses Survival).
Sailor’s Balance
(Storm p93)
Profession(sailor): 4 ranks
Gain a +5 Competence bonus on Balance checks made while on a deck or in the ship’s riggings.
You may move across a slipper deck at your normal speed.
Ship’s Mage
(Storm p93)
Profession(sailor):2 ranks
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
When on your ‘bonded ship’, cast your spells at +1 Caster Level & your spells do not deal damage to your
‘bonded ship’.
It takes 1 week of living & working on a ship to bond with it. You may only have one ‘bonded ship’ at a
time. If you spend 1 month away from your ‘bonded ship’, you lose the bond.
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Requires Ride
Source Prerequisite Description
Dragon Steed
(Dcn p105)
Ride: 8 ranks
Charisma 13
Speak Language
You gain the service of a Dragonnel
(Dcn p150) as a steed. It serves you loyally, like a Cohort.
If you have the Special Mount class feature (i.e., a Paladin or similar), the Dragonnel replaces your special
Improved Mounted
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery
Ride: 1 rank
If you make a ranged attack from the back of a mount making a double-move, you receive no penalty on the
attack roll. If your mount is running, you receive a –2 penalty.
You may attack at any point in your mount’s movement.
Mounted Archery
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
If you make a ranged attack from the back of a mount making a double-move, you receive a –2 penalty on
the attack roll (instead of the standard –4 penalty). If your mount is running, you receive a –4 penalty
(instead of –8).
Mounted Casting
(Mini p27)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
Receive a +10 bonus on Concentration checks to cast while mounted.
Mounted Combat
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Ride: 1 rank
Once per round, if your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check. If this check is greater than
the attack roll, you negate the hit.
Mounted Fighting
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Mounted Combat
Base Attack Bonus +8
Ride: 11 ranks
+1 bonus on attack and damage while mounted.
Ride-By Attack
[General, Fighter]
(PH p99)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
When doing a Charge action on your mount, you may move, attack, and then continue the movement (up to
a double move). This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the creature you attack.
Spirited Charge
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack
Ride: 1 rank
When attacking as part of a Charge action while on a mount, you do double damage (triple with a Lance).
Talenta Dinosaur Bond
(PGE p75)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 6 ranks
Choose a Dinosaur Mount with which you are familiar. With this mount, you receive a +4 Insight bonus on
Ride checks –and– when you are riding it, both
of you receive a +1 Insight bonus to AC & Reflex saves.
If the Mount is killed, you may apply this feat to a new Mount after 7 days.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
When doing an Overrun action while mounted, your foe may not avoid you. If you knock the foe down,
your mount may make one hoof attack (including the +4 bonus because the foe is Prone).
Sense Motive
Requires Sense
Source Prerequisite Description
Combat Intuition
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p106)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
As a Free Action, you can make a Sense Motive check to assess the challenge presented by an
(CAdv p102). You gain a +4 bonus to the check, and narrow the result to a single category.
Whenever you make a melee attack against a creature you also attacked in melee last round, gain a
+1 Insight bonus to your attack roll.
Eye for Talent
(DR346 p53)
Character level 6
Leadership score 2
higher than your level
Sense Motive: 9 ranks
+1 bonus on your Leadership score.
You can replace Followers in 1d4 weeks (instead of the usual 1d4 months).
Improved Disguise
(DR335 p92)
Charisma 13
Disguise: 7 ranks
Sense Motive: 5 ranks
You do not suffer the normal –2 penalty when disguising yourself as another gender, race, or age category.
You can don a disguise in half the normal time.
Recognize Imposter
(Eb p58)
Sense Motive: 3 ranks
Spot: 3 ranks
+4 bonus on Spot check to oppose Disguise checks.
+4 bonus on Sense Motive checks to oppose Bluff checks.
(PH2 p85)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Diplomacy: 4 ranks
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
Gain the following abilities:
Canny Merchant
– you can make a Diplomacy check to locate a desired object that is normally too
expensive for the current settlement to sell. You must still purchase the object after locating it. The DC of
the check is 10 + ((item’s gp cost – settlement’s gp limit) / 1000).
Intuitive Communication
– you may communicate in a simple way with a creature whose language you do
not share by spending 1 minute interacting with it and then making a Sense Motive check vs. DC 20 if you
and the creature are of the same type, otherwise DC 30.
Social Agility
– you may temporarily change a creature’s Attitude towards you by using Bluff (instead of
Diplomacy as usual). The attempt takes a Standard Action and its DC is the same as changing an Attitude
with Diplomacy. You may not use this ability on a creature with the Attitude of ‘Hostile’. If successful,
the effect lasts for 1 minute, after which the creature’s Attitude becomes one category worse than it started
for 10 minutes.
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Sleight of Hand
Requires Sleight of
Source Prerequisite Description
(DR322 p37)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Sleight of Hand: 5 ranks
When is melee combat, you may attempt a Sleight of Hand check to pickpocket your opponent without
generating an Attack of Opportunity. If you beat his/her Spot check, opponent thinks the attempt was
some type of combat movement.
Flick of the Wrist
(CWar p99)
(RotW p150)
Dexterity 17
Quick Draw
Sleight of Hand: 5 ranks
If you draw a Light weapon and attack with it in the same round, your opponent is Flat-Footed for the first
This ability can only be used once per round and only once per opponent in a given battle.
Requires Spellcraft
Source Prerequisite Description
Appraise Magic Value
(CAdv p103)
Appraise: 5 ranks
Know (arcana): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
If you know an item is magical, you may spend 8 hours and 25 gp in special materials to make an Appraise
check (DC 10 + item’s caster level) to determine its exact properties.
Arcane Disciple
(CDiv p79)
Know (religion): 4 ranks
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
Able to cast Arcane spells
Same alignment as your
Patron deity
Spells from of your Patron Deity’s Domains are added to your Arcane spell list. You may memorize or
spontaneously cast one per level each day. The availability of the spell is based on your Wisdom (i.e., you
must have a Wisdom of 10 + spell level to use a given spell) and all save DC’s are calculated from your
Wisdom score.
You may take this feat more than once. Each time, you gain a different Domain from you Patron Deity.
Astral Tracking
(DR313 p110)
Know (planes): 11 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Survival: 10 ranks
You may make Survival checks to track creatures through the planes.
1. Track through the featureless Astral Plane – DC 25.
2. Determine the destination of a Teleport spell or effect when standing at the point of departure – DC 30.
If you succeed and can teleport, then you may attempt to follow as if you had viewed the destination once.
Extraordinary Spell
(CAdv p109)
Spellcraft: 15 ranks
With a Spellcraft check (DC 25 + spell level) you can shape an area spell so it does not affect one creature
within its area. Casting a spell affected by this feat is a Full Round action, unless the spell’s casting time is
greater, in which case the casting time in unchanged.
Mage Slayer
[General, Fighter]
(CArc p81)
(Mini p27)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Spellcraft: 2 ranks
1. You receive a +1 bonus on Will saves.
2. If you threaten a spellcaster, he/her cannot take the ‘cast defensively’ action.
3. Your Caster level (if any) of all spell and spell-like abilities is reduced by 4.
Magic of the Land
(RotW p152)
Caster level 1
Concentration: 5 ranks
Know (nature): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
When casting a spell in a ‘natural setting’ (i.e., one without buildings and/or a community (unworked
underground areas count)), you can imbue some of your spells with healing.
Make a Know (nature) check vs. DC (15 + spell level) as a Free Action when casting a spell that has a
‘target’ entry. If the check succeeds, each target of the spell receives 2hp per spell level of Positive
Energy, which heal living creatures and damages Undead (WillNeg).
If the check fails, the spell is lost.
This effect cannot be applies to Necromancy spells or spells with an alignment descriptor.
Occult Opportunist
(DR340 p87)
Know(arcana): 5 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
If an opponent you threaten does any of the following, you may make an Attack of Opportunity on him/her:
Dismiss a Spell, Direct / Redirect an Active Spell, cast a Quickened or Swift Spell, makes a Turn / Rebuke
If damage, your opponent looses the spell / action attempted unless he/she makes a Concentration check vs.
DC (10 + damage).
Practiced Spellcaster
(CDiv p82)
(CArc p82)
Spellcraft: 4 ranks Choose one of your spellcasting classes. The spells you cast from this class have +4 Caster level (up to
your number of HD).
This feat helps multiclassed characters.
Resist Telekinesis
(DR309 p110)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Spellcraft: 2 ranks
You are practiced at avoiding the various effects of Telekinesis.
1. +8 bonus to resist the effects of Telekinesis (combat maneuver) (which includes Bull Rush, etc.).
2. +4 bonus on Will saves to avoid Telekinesis (violent thrust).
Ship’s Mage
(Storm p93)
Profession(sailor):2 ranks
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
When on your ‘bonded ship’, cast your spells at +1 Caster Level & your spells do not deal damage to your
‘bonded ship’.
It takes 1 week of living & working on a ship to bond with it. You may only have one ‘bonded ship’ at a
time. If you spend 1 month away from your ‘bonded ship’, you lose the bond.
Steam Magic
(Storm p93)
Spellcraft: 4 ranks
You do not need to make a Spellcraft check to use spells or spell-like abilities with the [fire] subtype
Requires Spot
Source Prerequisite Description
Deft Strike
(Dcn p103)
Sneak Attack class ability
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Spot: 10 ranks
As a Standard Action, you can attempt to find a weak spot in a visible target’s armor with a Spot check (DC
= target’s AC). If you succeed, your next attack (which must be made no later than the end of your next
turn) ignores the target’s Armor and Natural Armor bonuses, as well as Enhancement bonuses to these.
If you use a ranged attack, you must be within 30’ to gain the benefit of this feat.
Quick Reconnoiter
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p112)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
Spot: 5 ranks
You can make one Spot check and one Listen check each round as a Free Action.
Recognize Imposter
(Eb p58)
Sense Motive: 3 ranks
Spot: 3 ranks
+4 bonus on Spot check to oppose Disguise checks.
+4 bonus on Sense Motive checks to oppose Bluff checks.
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Requires Survival
Source Prerequisite Description
Astral Tracking
(DR313 p110)
Know (planes): 11 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Survival: 10 ranks
You may make Survival checks to track creatures through the planes.
1. Track through the featureless Astral Plane – DC 25.
2. Determine the destination of a Teleport spell or effect when standing at the point of departure – DC 30.
If you succeed and can teleport, then you may attempt to follow as if you had viewed the destination once.
Dinosaur Hunter
(RoE p108)
Halfling from the Talenta
Know (nature): 1 rank
Survival: 1 rank
+2 bonus on Listen, Knowledge (nature), Spot, and Survival checks related to Dinosaurs.
+2 weapon damage against Dinosaurs.
Efficient Hunter
(DR333 p84)
Survival: 1 rank
Raised in a Plains
+2 bonus on Survival checks.
When you are “living off the land”, you may provide food for a number of people equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum 1) without a change in the DC of your Survival check.
Mountain Warrior
(RoS p142)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Survival: 5 ranks
+1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks made from higher ground.
+1 bonus to damage rolls on melee attacks made from higher ground.
Opponents making a melee attack from higher ground do not receive the normal +1 to attack roll.
+2 bonus on Balance checks made when moving on steep slopes.
Natural Dowser
(DR323 p90)
Survival: 4 ranks
+4 bonus on Survival checks to get along in the wild.
Passive Reconnoiter
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Survival: 4 ranks
When you spend a Full Round Action looking for opponents, you receive a +3 Circumstance bonus on
Listen and Spot checks.
(DR339 p87)
Know(geography):1 rank
Survival: 1 rank
You may not become lost due to poor visibility or difficult terrain.
By making a Survival check vs. DC 20, you may reduce the effect of difficult terrain on movement by
By making a Survival check vs. DC 30, you may reduce the effect of difficult terrain on movement by
(max 1x).
Scout the Path
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Survival: 4 ranks
+3 bonus when making a Survival check to Trailblaze (see the Skill Index for details).
In addition, all allies within 20’ receive a +1 bonus on their Hide and Move Silently checks.
Requires Swim
Source Prerequisite Description
Expert Swimmer
(Storm p92)
Swim: 4 ranks
1. You may hold your breath for 3 rounds per point of Constitution (vs. the normal 1 round per Con point).
2. On a successful Swim check, you may move your Land speed as a Full Round Action & ½ your Land
speed as a Move Action.
3. If you have a racial swim speed, it increases by +10’.
(DR314 p45)
Skill Focus (Swim)
Swim: 4 ranks
You may float on calm water as a Free Action. You are considered Prone, but otherwise may cast spell
and/or attack. You may sleep while floating on the water.
Flow with the
(DR314 p45)
Skill Focus (Swim)
Swim: 4 ranks
While swimming, you receive a +2 bonus to Initiative checks & Reflex saving throws.
Flying Fish Leap
(Storm p92)
Jump: 8 ranks
Swim: 4 ranks
1. When you make a High Jump out of the water, you do not
receive the normal –10 penalty.
2. In addition, you can move as far horizontally as you “jump” vertically.
Improved Swimming
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p110)
(CAdv p10)+
Swim: 6 ranks
You can swim half your speed as a Move Action, or your speed as a Full Round Action.
Savvy Swimmer
(DR323 p90)
Swim: 4 ranks
When swimming in armor that you have proficiency with, you only receive ½ the Armor Check Penalty
(instead of 2x) on your Swim check.
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Requires Tumble
Source Prerequisite Description
Acrobatic Skirmisher
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Tumble: 5 ranks
If you move through an opponent’s square and successfully use Tumble to avoid an Attack of Opportunity,
you receive +1d6 Skirmish damage against that opponent until the start of your next turn.
Acrobatic Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p71)
Tumble: 12 ranks
If you successfully use Tumble to avoid an opponent’s Attack of Opportunity, you receive a +4 bonus on
your next attack roll against that opponent as long as it occurs before the end of your current turn.
Combat Acrobat
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p76)
Balance: 9 ranks
Tumble: 2 ranks
Acrobatic Recovery – make a Balance check vs. DC 20 to avoid being knocked Prone.
Sure Footed Maneuver
– make a Balance check vs. DC 15 to treat up to 4 squares of Difficult Terrain as
normal terrain with regards to movement.
Confound the Big Folk
(RotW p153)
Small size (or smaller)
Underfoot Combat
Tumble: 10 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Knee Striker
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you, the
creature is considered Flat-Footed against you and you receive a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits.
Underfoot Defense
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
and you Fight Defensively, use Total Defense, or use Combat Expertise, any melee or ranged attack on
you has a 50% chance of striking the creature who shares the square with you (that creature does not have
a 50% chance of striking itself).
Unsteady Footing
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
you may initiate a Trip attack on the creature you share the square with and not provoke an Attack of
Opportunity. You can add your choice of Strength or Dexterity modifier to you check (your opponent gets
the better of its Strength or Dexterity as usual). Your opponent does not get to add his/her size bonus to its
roll. If the Trip attempt fails, your opponent does not get to try to trip you.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Tumble: 5 ranks
If you make an Attack of Opportunity while Fighting Defensively, the attack does not receive the normal
penalty for Fighting Defensibly.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p94)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Narrow Profile
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in the
other, you receive a +2 Dodge bonus to AC when Fighting Defensively or taking a Total Defense Action.
Off-Hand Balance
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in
the other –and– you hit your foe, you receive a +2 bonus on Tumble checks to avoid his/her Attacks of
Opportunity until the start of your next turn.
Off-Hand Swap
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in the
other –and– you hit your foe at least twice as part of a Full Round Attack, on the next round you may make
a Feint in Combat as a Free Action, except it is based on Sleight of Hand (instead of Bluff). This ability
may only be used against an opponent once.
Expert Tumbler
(DR322 p37)
Tumble: 5 ranks
You may make Tumble checks while moving at your normal speed with only a –5 penalty (instead of the
normal –10).
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p111)
Medium-size or smaller
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Duck Underneath
– If you take a Total Defense action against a foe who is at least two size categories larger
than you, you gain an additional +4 bonus on your AC. If your foe misses on his/her attack, you may
make a Tumble check vs. DC 15 to move to the opposite side of your foe.
Death from Below
– If you successfully performed a Duck Underneath maneuver the round before, you can
make an immediate single attack on the foe you ducked under. Your foe is Flat-Footed & you gain a +4
bonus on your attack.
Climb Aboard
– If you are adjacent to a foe at least two size categories larger than you, you may make a
Climb check vs. DC 10 to climb onto your foe. As long as you are on your foe, he/she has a –4 penalty on
attack rolls to hit you & you are carried with him/her. Your foe may get you off with a Grapple check
opposed by your Climb check.
Improved Acrobatic
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Acrobatic Skirmisher
Tumble: 10 ranks
If you move through an opponent’s square and successfully use Tumble to avoid an Attack of Opportunity,
you receive +2d6 Skirmish damage against that opponent until the start of your next turn (instead of the
+1d6 from Acrobatic Skirmisher).
(Mini p28)
Dexterity 15
Tumble: 7 ranks
After making an Attack of Opportunity, you may take a bonus 5’ step.
Tumbling Feint
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Tumble: 4 ranks
Designate an opponent at the start of your turn as a Swift Action. If you avoid provoking an Attack of
Opportunity against this opponent by using your Tumble skill, you receive a +5 bonus on a Bluff check to
Feint in Combat against that opponent on your next turn.
Underfoot Combat
(RotW p152)
Small size (or smaller)
Tumble: 10 ranks
You can move into or through a square occupied by a creature at least two size categories larger than you.
You do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for doing so.
When you are in a square occupied by a creature at least two size categories larger than you, you gain the
benefit of Soft Cover (+4 bonus to AC) again all attacks (including those of the creature whose space you
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Feats with Skill Prerequisites Page 138
Use Magic Device
Requires Use
Magic Device
Source Prerequisite Description
Reckless Wand
(CArc p82)
Craft Wand
Use Magic Device:
1 rank
You may increase a Wand’s caster level by +2 by consuming one extra charge when using it.
(CArc p84)
Use Magic Device:
4 rank
You may make a Melee Touch Attack with a Wand which does 1d6 damage & consumes 1 charge.
Since it is a touch attack, you may not
apply extra damage bonuses (such as your Strength modifier) or
bonus dice (such as Sneak Attack or Smite enemy).
The Wand’s effect automatically hits (in the case of a Ray or Touch attack) or is centered on the opponent.
A Wand’s spell effect that does not cover an area (such as Summon Monster I) cannot be used with this
Wild Touch
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment
Use Magic Device:
8 ranks
When determining the random effect of a magic item (i.e., drawing a card from a Deck of Many Things,
activating a Rod of Wonder, etc.), you may roll twice and choose the more appropriate of the two. This
ability may be used once per day.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
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Feats of the Forgotten Realms Page 139
Forgotten Realms Specific Feats
Initiate Feats
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Initiate of Bane
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Bane.
Cleric level: 5
Gain ‘Frightful Presence’ – When you attack or charge, all enemies within 30’ become Shaken for 1d4
rounds (WillNeg, DC 10 + ½ Cleric level + Charisma modifier).
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Mystic Lash(PGF p106) – Creates energy whip that deals 1d6 Electricity damage per 3 levels (max 4d6)
and Stuns for 1 round.
: Battle Tide(PGF p99) – Targets take –2 penalty on saving throws, attack rolls, and weapon damage to
grant you benefits.
: Stone Walk(PGF p113) – Links two stones for teleportation.
: Undeath after Death(PGF p117) – Deals 2 Constitution damage and causes subject to rise as a Crypt
Spawn after death.
Initiate of Cyric
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Cyric.
Cleric level: 3
Become immune to normal or magical Fear effects.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Black Talon(PGF p100) – Your arm becomes a claw that gives +5’ reach and +1 per four levels Profane
bonus on attack rolls, deals 1d6 damage +1 per level negative energy damage (max +10).
: Dread Blast(PGF p101) – Fires a ray of negative energy that deals 4d8 damage +1 per level (max +20)
and Dazes target for 1 round.
: Skull of Secrets(PGF p111) – Creates an illusionary flaming skull that speaks a message and spits a
tongue of flame that deals 1d8 Fire damage per two caster levels (max 5d8).
: Skull Eyes(PGF p111) – Grants you a gaze attack that acts as either Charm Monster or Confusion.
: Triple Mask(PGF p116) – Creates three shadow duplicates of you.
Initiate of Gond
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Gond.
Cleric level: 1
Disable Device and Open Lock become Cleric Class Skills.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Wieldskill(PGF p118) – Grants +5 Competence bonus on a skill check, –or– proficiency with a weapon,
armor, or shield.
: Understand Device(PGF p117) – Grants an Insight bonus equal to caster level on Disable Device or
Open Lock checks.
: Fantastic Machine(PGF p69) – Creates illusory many-armed machine that functions as a Large
Animated Object.
Initiate of Helm
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Helm.
Cleric or Paladin lvl: 5
You may make an Attack of Opportunity when you are Flat-Footed
Add the following spells to your Cleric or Paladin spell list:
: Warning(PGF p118) – Grants ‘Uncanny Dodge’ and a +4 Insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
: Forceward(PGF p103) – Creates a sphere of force that prevents entry by enemies, grants a +2 Sacred
bonus on saves vs. attacks by Evil creatures.
: Mace of Odo(PGF p106) – Creates a glowing mace that deals 1d6 Force damage per level (max 10d6)
and Paralysis, more against Undead.
Initiate of Ilmater
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Ilmater.
Cleric or Paladin lvl: 7
When you cast a Cure spell that would result in more damage being healed than the target is missing hit-
points, the excess hit-points become Temporary Hit-Points, up to a maximum of 3 x target’s HD. As
long as the target has the Temporary HP, he/she receives a +2 Sacred bonus on Fortitude saves & a +2
Sacred bonus to resist being Bull Rushed or Tripped. It not consumed by damage, the Temporary HP
dissipate after one hour.
Add the following spells to your Cleric or Paladin spell list:
: Favor of Ilmater(PGF p102) – Subject gains Feat: Endurance, plus immunity to nonlethal damage, charm
and compulsion effects, pain attacks, and other adverse conditions, subject can function at –1 to –9 hp.
: Glory of the Martyr(PGF p103) – Grants each subject +1 Deflection bonus to AC and +1 Resistance
bonus on saves, splits their damage with you.
: Pact of Martyrdom(PGF p108) – You exchange hit-point totals with the target.
Initiate of Lathander
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Lathander
Cleric level: 1
You may Spontaneously give up a prepared spell and cast a spell on your Clerical spell list that is of the
[light] subtype or has Light in the title, such as Searing Light.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Rosemantle(PGF p109) – Target gains a +1 per level Sacred bonus (max +10) on saves vs. effects that
cause Pain, Sickness, Nausea, or Fear.
: Sunrise(PGF p114) – Burst of light blinds and damages creatures.
: Shield of Lathander(PGF p110) – Touched creature gains Damage Reduction 15 / — for 1 round.
: Shield of Lathander, Greater(PGF p110) – As Shield of Lathander, except grants Damage Reduction
20 / —, immunity to negative energy and energy drain, and Acid Resistance 10, Cold Resistance 10,
Electricity Resistance 10, Fire Resistance 10, & Sonic Resistance 10.
: Undeath’s Eternal Foe(PGF p117) – Grants subjects numerous combat advantages against Undead
Initiate of Malar
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Malar
Cleric or Druid lvl: 3
When you use Summon Monster or Summon Nature’s Ally to summon a natural or Fiendish Animal, the
Animal gains a +4 Enhancement bonus to its Strength and Constitution scores.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Spectral Stag(PGF p112) – Conjures a phantom stag that you can ride or direct to attack a target.
: Possess Animal(PGF p108) – You possess a normal animal.
: Strength of the Beast(PGF p114) – You gain benefits of your Lycanthropic animal form while in human
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Feats of the Forgotten Realms Page 140
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Initiate of Mystra
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Mystra
Cleric level: 3
You may attempt to cast spells in Dead Magic zones or within an Antimagic Field.
In a Dead Magic zone, you must make a Caster check vs. DC 20 + spell level.
In an Antimagic Field, you must make a Caster check vs. DC 11 + the Antimagic Field’s Caster level.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Spell Shield(PGF p113) – Grants a +3 Resistance bonus on saving throws vs. spell and spell-like abilities.
: Anyspell(FR p67) – You can read and prepared up to a 2
level Arcane spell from a scroll or spellbook
in a 3
level Domain spell slot.
: Spell Phylactery(PGF p113) – Activates a spell on a scroll when a triggering condition is met.
: Anyspell, Greater(FR p70) – As Anyspell, but you can read and prepare any Arcane spell up to 5
in a 6
level Domain spell slot.
: Holy Star(PGF p104) – Creates a glowing star that turns 1d6+3 spell levels as Spell Turning, grants a +10
Circumstance bonus to AC, or fires an energy bolt that deals 1d6 damage per two levels.
Initiate of Nature
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Eldath,
Mielikki, or Silvanus.
Cleric or Druid lvl: 5
You can Rebuke or Command Animals or Plant Creatures up to 3 + Charisma modifier times per day
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Mold Touch(PGF p106) – Creates a 5’ patch of Brown Mold.
: Briar Tangle(PGF p100) – As Entangle, except the targets take 1d8 damage + 1 per two levels.
: Thorn Spray(PGF p115) – Your ranged attack deals 1d6 damage per level (max 20d6), divided among
multiple targets, Sickens on a successful hit.
: Fireward(PGF p102) – As Quench, but also suppresses Magical Fire effects in the affected area.
: Tree Healing(PGF p116) – You enter a tree that nourishes and heals you.
Initiate of Selûne
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Selûne.
Cleric, Druid, Ranger,
Harper Agent level: 3
Cast Augury and Divination at +5 Caster level.
Add the following spells to your Cleric, Druid, Ranger, and/or Harper Agent spell list:
: Handfire(PGF p103) – Your melee touch attack deals 1d8 damage +1 per level (max +5) against a living
creature or 2d6 damage + 1 per level (max +5) against Undead.
: Moon Blade(FR p72) – Touch attack deals 1d8 + 1 per two levels, more to Undead, plus scrambles
: Strength of the Beast(PGF p114) – You gain benefits of your Lycanthropic animal form while in human
: Wall of Moonlight(PGF p118) – Creates aluminous wall that deals 3d12 damage to Undead and 2d10
damage to Evil creatures and Clergy of Shar or Umberlee, illuminates area and counters / dispels
: Moonpath(FR p72) – Grants sanctuary to 1 creature per level.
: Moonweb(PGF p106) – Creates a glowing shield that gives +8 bonus to AC and +4 bonus on Reflex
saves, plus Improved Evasion.
Initiate of Tyr
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Tyr
Cleric level: 7
Access to the War
+1 bonus to damage when attacking with a Longsword.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Sword and Hammer(PGF p115) – As Spiritual Hammer, but creates a Longsword and Warhammer of
Force, +1 on attack rolls, automatically Flanks opponents.
: Sword and Hammer, Greater(PGF p115) – As Sword and Hammer, but each weapon has a +2 bonus on
attack rolls and benefit from the Improved Critical Feat.
Shadow Weave
Shadow Weave
Source Prerequisite Description
Shadow Weave Magic
(PGF p43)
Wisdom 15 –or– Shar is
your Patron Deity
Instead of using The Weave to cast magic (like everyone else), you now use The Shadow Weave.
1. When casting a spell from school of Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy, gain a +1 bonus to DC and a
+1 bonus for overcoming Spell Resistance.
2. When casting a spell from the school of Evocation or Transmutation that does not have the [darkness]
subtype, your effective Caster level is one lower.
3. You cannot cast spells with the [light] subtype.
4. You can use magic items that are based on The Shadow Weave.
Insidious Magic
(PGF p40)
Shadow Weave Magic Attempts to use Divination spells to detect (i.e., Detect Magic) or reveal (i.e., See Invisibility) your spells by
creatures without the Shadow Weave Magic feat require a Caster check to succeed. This bonus does not
apply to spell of the Evocation or Transmutation schools.
Pernicious Magic
(PGF p42)
Shadow Weave Magic
When casting a spell on a creature without the Shadow Weave Magic feat, receive a +4 bonus to overcome
Spell Resistance. This bonus does not apply to spell of the Evocation or Transmutation schools.
Tenacious Magic
(PGF p45)
Shadow Weave Magic
Attempts to dispel your spells by creatures without the Shadow Weave Magic feat are at +5. This bonus
does not apply to spell of the Evocation or Transmutation schools.
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Misc. Forgotten Realms Feats
Misc. Forgotten
Realms Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(Und p24)
+2 bonus on Heal and Survival checks made in the Underdark.
Metanode Spell
(Und p26)
Node Spellcasting
Caster level 1
When casting a spell improved by a metamagic feat, deduct the earth node layer’s class from the increased
spell level (ex: casting a maximized spell in the innermost layer of a Class 1 node (+1) would be two levels
higher, instead of the normal three). This is more useful for spontaneous casters than preparation casters.
Node Defense
(Und p26)
Node Spellcasting
Caster level 1
You gain an Insight bonus to your Armor Class and saving throws equal to the class of any earth node layer
you currently occupy, to a maximum of +4.
Node Sensitive
(Und p26)
You automatically detect the presence of an Earth Node within 30’
Node Spellcasting
(Und p26)
Caster level 1
Allows a Spellcraft check (instead of an Intelligence check) to notice nearby Nodes and manipulate their
powers. Also a prerequisite for other Node-related feats.
Node Store
(Und p26)
Node Spellcasting
Caster level 1
Each time taken, allows access to two spells which you already know and can cast – as if you had two extra
spell slots. These extra spells/slots are only available while in a node area.
Regional Feats
A Regional feat may only be taken at 1
level by a character of the appropriate Race & Region. You may have only one Regional feat.
Regional Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Schooling
(PGF p33)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Chessenta, Golden Water, Halruaa, Lantan,
Mulhorand, Nimbral, Unther, or Wizard’s Reach
Planetouched – Chessenta
Choose one Arcane spell casting class (i.e., Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard).
You may activate spell trigger magic items as if you had 1 level in
that class. This class is now an additional Favored Class for you.
If you are a specialized Wizard who chooses Sorcerer, then you can
activate magic items based on your restricted schools of magic.
(PGF p33)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Sidëyuir, Snow Eagle Aerie
Gnome – Thesk, Western Heartlands
Half-Elf – Dalelands
Human – Chessenta, Waterdeep, Western Heartlands
+2 bonus on all Perform checks
+2 bonus on checks with one Craft skill involving art (such as painting.
If you have the Bardic Music class ability, you receive 3 extra uses of
it per day.
(PGF p33)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Great Glacier
Human – Great Glacier, Moonshae Isles, the North, Vaasa
When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, you may add
your Strength bonus instead
of your Dexterity bonus wit the attack
(PGF p35)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Underdark [Earthroot]
Elf – Cormanthor Drow, Inner Sea, Menzoberranyr,
Outer Sea
Halfling – Chondalwood
Human – Dalelands, Nelanther Isles, Silverymoon, Tethyr
+2 bonus on Initiative checks
+2 bonus on Spot checks.
Cannot be Shaken, though you can still be Frightened or Panicked.
Bloodline of Fire
(PGF p35)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Calimshan
Planetouched – Calimshan
+4 bonus on saving throws vs. Fir effects.
You can cast spells with the [fire] descriptor at +2 Caster level.
(PGF p37)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Underdark [Earthroot], Underdark [Northdark],
Great Rift, Spine of the World
Human – Altumbel, Damara, Great Dale, Rashemen,
Western Heartlands
+2 bonus on all Will Saves
Cannot be Shaken, though you can still be Frightened or Panicked.
(PGF p37)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Waterdeep
Elf – Waterdeep
Half-Elf – Waterdeep
Halfling – Amn, Waterdeep
Human – Amn, Golden Water, Sword Coast, Waterdeep
+2 bonus on Bluff, Gather Information & Sense Motives checks.
(PGF p37)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Galena Mountains, Smoking Mountains, Turmish,
Underdark [Earthroot], Underdark [Old Shantar]
Human – Damara, Great Dale, Impiltur, Moonshae Isles,
Underdark [Old Shanatar]
+5 hit points.
This feat can only be taken once. It does
stack with Toughness.
Editor’s Note: I decided not to place the Regional Feats into the general Feats section because they have been made more powerful than standard feats.
For example, the original feat ‘Luck of Heroes’ granted a +1 Luck bonus on all saves. The new version of the feat also
grants a +1 Luck bonus to AC.
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Regional Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Evereska, Yuirwood
Gnome – Western Heartlands
Halfling – Luiren
Human – Aglarond, Cormyr, Shadovar, Shou Expatriate,
Planetouched – Mulhorand
+2 bonus on Will saves.
+2 Concentration check.
Dreadful Wrath
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Rashemen
Planetouched – Impiltur, Silver Marches, Thay, Western
When you Charge, make a Full Attack, or cast a spell that targets an
enemy or includes an enemy in its area of effect, you gain the
Frightening Presence ability for that round. Each enemy within 20’
is Shaken for 1 minute (WillNeg DC = 10 + ½ Character level +
Charisma modifier). A creature may only be targeted by this
Extraordinary Morale effect once per 24 hours (whether the save is
successful or not).
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Evermeet, Silverymoon, Snow Eagle Aerie
Gnome – Lantan
Half-Elf – Silverymoon
Human – Chessenta, Lantan, Silverymoon, Waterdeep
All Knowledge skills are always In-Class for you.
+2 bonus on any two Knowledge skills (determined when this feat is
(PGF p38)
Must be Female.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Rasheman
+2 bonus on Handle Animal & Survival checks.
+2 bonus on Charisma-based skill & ability checks when dealing
with other people from Rasheman.
Able to join in Circle Magic
(FR p59).
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Elven Court, Snow Eagle Aerie
Gnome – Lantan
Halfling – Channath Vale, Western Heartlands
Human – Anauroch, Impitur
Immune to Fear effects, both natural & magical.
Fleet of Foot
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Forest of Lethyr, High Forest, Wealdath
Half-Elf – Dalelands, High Forest
Human – Shaar, Thindol
When wearing up to Light armor and up to Medium encumbrance,
your land movement rate is +10’.
Foe Hunter –
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Galena Mountains
Human – Chult, Cormyr
Gain Favored Enemy (humanoids – goblinoids). This grants you a
+2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival checks
made against your enemy. You also do +2 damage on melee attacks
& ranged attacks within 30’.
These bonuses stack with any Ranger bonuses.
Foe Hunter –
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Half-Elf – Dragon Coast
Gain Favored Enemy (dragons). This grants you a +2 bonus on
Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival checks made against
your enemy. You also do +2 damage on melee attacks & ranged
attacks within 30’.
These bonuses stack with any Ranger bonuses.
Foe Hunter – Orcs
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Spine of the World
Halfling – the North
Human – Moonsea, the North
Gain Favored Enemy (humanoids – orcs). This grants you a +2
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival checks
made against your enemy. You also do +2 damage on melee attacks
& ranged attacks within 30’.
These bonuses stack with any Ranger bonuses.
Foe Hunter –
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Impiltur
Gain Favored Enemy (demons). This grants you a +2 bonus on
Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival checks made against
your enemy. You also do +2 damage on melee attacks & ranged
attacks within 30’.
These bonuses stack with any Ranger bonuses.
Foe Hunter – Yuan-ti
(PGF p38)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Samarach, Tashalar, Thindol
Gain Favored Enemy (yuan-ti). This grants you a +2 bonus on Bluff,
Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival checks made against your
enemy. You also do +2 damage on melee attacks & ranged attacks
within 30’.
These bonuses stack with any Ranger bonuses.
(PGF p39)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Chondalwood, Forest of Lethry, High Forest, Sildëyuir
Gnome – Great Dale
Half-Elf – Aglarond, High Forest
Halfling – Chondalwood
Human – Dalelands, Great Dale
+1 bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, & Spot checks. When you
are within forest terrain, these bonuses increase to +3.
(PGF p39)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Smoking Mountains, Sword Coast
Gain Fire Resistance 5.
Furious Charge
(PGF p39)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Cormyr, the Ride, Tethyr, Uthgardt Tribesfolk
At the end of a Charge, your attack bonus is +4 (instead of +2).
Horse Nomad
(PGF p39)
(DR349 p58)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Hordelands, Nimbral, the Ride, the Shaar
+3 bonus on all Ride checks.
You are proficient with Lance, Scimitar, & Shortbow.
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Regional Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(PGF p40)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Half-Elf – Dambrath, Dragon Coast
Halfling – Channath Vale
Human – Anauroch, Dambrath, Lake of Steam, Sword Coast
Planetouched – Chessenta
You may use a Light weapon to attack your opponent in a Grapple
with no penalty on the attack roll.
You do not need to make a Grapple check to draw a light weapon
while Grappling (though it still costs a Move Action).
If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you may make a Full
Attack with a Light weapon while Grappling as long as it is already
in your hand.
Luck of Heroes
(PGF p40)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Elven Court, Forest of Lethyr, Yuirwood
Half-Elf – Aglarond
Halfling – Channath Vale, Western Heartlands
Human – Aglarond, Dalelands, Tethyr, Turmish, the Vast
+1 Luck bonus on all Saving Throws.
+1 Luck bonus on AC.
Magic in the Blood
(PGF p40)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Oldonnar, Underdark [Darklands]
Elf – Menzoberranyr
Gnome – Great Dale, Thesk, Underdark [Northdark]
Planetouched – Calimshan, Mulhorand, Unther
Racial Spell-Like abilities that your race can use once per day, you
can use these abilities 3 times per day. For example, a Gnome’s
Dancing Lights.
Magical Training
(PGF p41)
Intelligence 10 –or– Charisma 10
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Evereska, Evermeet
Human – Halruaa, Nimbral
Choose to be trained as a Sorcerer or a Wizard when this feat is taken.
You may cast three 0th level spells per day. You know two 0th level
spells. The saves of the spells are based on your Charisma.
If you take levels in Sorcerer, you can cast three extra 0th level spells
each day.
You may cast three 0th level spells per day. You receive a spellbook
with three 0th level spells in it.
If you take levels in Wizard, you can cast three extra 0th level spells
each day.
(PGF p41)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Sword Coast, Underdark [Darklands]
Gnome – Lantan, Underdark [Northdark]
Halfling – Amn, Calimsham
Human – Amn, Lantan, Sembia, Shou Expatriate, Tashalar,
Tharsult, Thesk, Turmish, Vast, Waterdeep
+300 gp at character creation.
When selling weapons, magic items, & other adventuring goods, you
get 75% of list price instead of 50%.
Once per month, you may buy one item at 75% of its offered price.
(PGF p41)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Half-Elf – Aglarond
Halfling – Luiren
Human – Altumbel, Dalelands, Impiltur, Samarach,
Thindol, Turmish
Gain proficiency with all Martial Weapons.
Mind over Body
(PGF p41)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Silverymoon, Snow Eagle Aerie
Half-Elf – Silverymoon
Human – Calimshan, Mulhorand, Shou Expatriate, Thay
Planetouched – Calimshan, Thay
When determining your hit-points at first level, use your Intelligence
or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) instead of you
Constitution modifier for bonus hit-points. All other level use
Constitution as normal.
Gain +1 hp every time you lean a Metamagic Feat.
If you can cast Arcane spells, gain a +1 Insight bonus to AC.
(PGF p41)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Evermeet, Sildëyuir
Your creature type is ‘Outsider (native)’ instead of ‘Humanoid’.
Gain Darkvision 60’.
+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
Raumathar Heritor
(DR349 p58)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Hordelands, Lake of Mists, Rasheman, Thay
+2 bonus on Knowledge (the planes).
Your favored class becomes ‘Wizard’.
Detect Evil Outsiders, 3/day (as Detect Undead, but detects Evil
Resist Poison
(PGF p43)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Underdark [Northdark]
Human – Dambrath, Lapaliiya, Underdark [Old Shanatar]
+4 bonus on Fortitude saves vs. poison.
(DR346 p66)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Damara, Impiltur, Vaasa
+4 bonus on saves vs. attacks, spells, & special abilities of Evil
(PGF p43)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Cormyr, Dambrath, Hordelands, Narfell, Nimbral,
the North, Western Heartlands
You may always ‘Take 10’ on Ride checks.
If either you or your mount fail a Reflex save while mounted, you
may make a Ride check to use instead of the saving throw roll. If
both you and your mount failed, you both can use the new roll. This
ability can be used once per round.
Silver Palm
(PGF p43)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Great Rift, Turmish, Waterdeep
Halfling – Amn
Human – Amn, Dragon Coast, Golden Water, Sembia,
Tharsult, Thesk, Vilhon Reach, Waterdeep
+2 bonus on Appraise, Bluff, & Sense Motive checks.
Smooth Talk
(PGF p43)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Waterdeep
Gnome – Thesk
Half-Elf – Waterdeep
Human – Silverymoon, Thesk, Waterdeep
When you make a Diplomacy check as a Full Round Action, you
only receive a –5 penalty (instead of –10).
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Regional Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Snake Blood
(PGF p43)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Chult, Lake of Steam, Lapaliiya, Samarach,
Tashalar, Tharsult, Thindol, Vilhon Reach, Western
+2 bonus on all Reflex saves.
+2 bonus on Fortitude saves vs. Poison.
(PGF p44)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Evermeet
Human – Calimshan, Halruaa, Nimbral, Shadovar, Wizards’
+2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks.
+2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
+2 bonus on saving throws vs. Illusions.
(PGF p44)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Altumbel, Dragon Coast, Lake of Steam,
Lapaliiya, Nelanther Isles, Sword Coast, Tharsult
+2 bonus on Balance checks.
+ bonus on Profession (sailor) checks.
You may ignore any hampered movement penalties for fighting on
pitching or slippery decks.
You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC during any fight that takes place
on a ship.
Street Smart
(PGF p44)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Halfling – Amn, Calimshan
Human – Amn, Calimshan, Chessenta, Moonsea, Unther,
Wizards’ Reach
Planetouched – Chessenta, Western Heartlands
+2 bonus on Gather Information checks.
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
Strong Soul
(PGF p44)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Oldonnar
Elf – Elven Court, Silverymoon
Gnome – Underdark [Northdark], Western Heartlands
Half-Elf – Dalelands, Dambrath, Silverymoon
Halfling – Channath Vale, Luiren
Human – Moonshae Isles
+1 bonus on all Fortitude & Will saves.
Against death effects, energy drain, & ability drain attacks, this bonus
increase to +3.
(PGF p45)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Great Glacier, Uthgardt Tribesfolk
+2 bonus on Climb checks.
+2 bonus on Jump checks.
You ignore hampered movement penalties for ice & steep slopes. If
the surface is both steep and icy, you treat it as a x2 movement
(instead of x4).
(PGF p45)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Chult, Great Glacier
Elf – Chondalwood, Inner Sea, Outer Sea
Human – Anauroch, Chult, Great Glacier, Narfell, Shaar
+2 bonus on Fortitude saves.
+2 bonus on Survival checks.
Swift and Silent
(PGF p45)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Cormanthor Drow, Wealdath
Halfling – Chondalwood, the North
Human – Underdark [Old Shanatar], Uthgardt Tribesfolk
You can move up to your normal speed while suing Hide or Move
silently skill at no penalty (instead of a –5 penalty).
Tattoo Focus
(PGF p45)
Must be specialized in a school of magic.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Human – Thay
Planetouched – Thay
When casting a spell from your specialized school, its DC is
increased by 1 & you receive a +1 bonus to overcome Spell
You may participate in Red Wizard Circle Magic.
(PGF p45)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Underdark [Northdark], Waterdeep
Human – Dragon Coast, Moonsea, Nelanther Isles, Unther,
Vast, Vilhon Reach
Planetouched – Impiltur, Silver Marches, Unther, Western
+2 bonus on Initiative checks.
+2 bonus on Appraise checks.
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Thunder Twin
(PGF p46)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Galena Mountains, Great Rift, Smoking
Mountains, Spine of the World, Sword Coast, Turmish,
Underdark [Old Shanatar], Waterdeep
+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
You have a twin brother or sister (wither fraternal or identical). You
may determine the direction towards your twin as long as he/she is
alive by making a Wisdom check vs. DC 12 (repeat each hour)
(PGF p46)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dwarf – Galena Mountains, Sword Coast, Underdark [Old
Human – Hordelands, the Ride, Thindol, Vassa
You cannot become Exhausted (instead you become Fatigued).
If something normally would make you Fatigued, there is no effect.
(PGF p46)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Chondalwood, High Forest, Yuirwood
Half-Elf – Aglarond, High Forest
Halfling – Chondalwood
Human – Aglarond
+2 bonus on Balance checks.
+2 bonus on Climb checks.
You do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing.
Your opponents do no get a bonus to hit you when you are climbing.
Twin-Sword Style
(PGF p46)
Proficiency with all Martial Weapons.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Elf – Menzoberranyr, Waterdeep
Half-Elf – Waterdeep
Human – Sembia, Waterdeep
When fighting with two blades (i.e., Dagger, Longsword, Rapier,
Scimitar, or Short Sword, in any combination), you can designate a
melee opponent during your action and receive a +2 Shield bonus to
your AC against that opponent. This bonus stacks with a Buckler.
You lose this bonus if you are Flat-Footed or do not receive your
Dexterity bonus to AC.
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Regional Feats of the Forgotten Realms Cross-reference by Race & Region
Region Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Halfling Human Planetouched
Luck of Heroes
Luck of Heroes
Silver Palm
Street Smart
Silver Palm
Street Smart
Street Smart
Bloodline of Fire
Mind over Body
Street Smart
Bloodline of Fire
Magic in the Blood
Mind over Body
Channath Vale
Luck of Heroes
Strong Soul
Arcane Schooling
Street Smart
Arcane Schooling
Street Smart
Swift and Silent
Foe Hunter –
Snake Blood
Cormanthor Drow
Swift and Silent
Foe Hunter –
Furious Charge
Fleet of Foot
Strong Soul
Luck of Heroes
Strong Soul
Resist Poison
Dragon Coast
Foe Hunter –
Silver Palm
Elven Court
Luck of Heroes
Strong Soul
Magical Training
Magical Training
Mind over Body
Forest of Lethyr
Fleet of Foot
Luck of Heroes
Galena Mountains
Foe Hunter –
Thunder Twin
Golden Water
Arcane Schooling
Silver Palm
Great Dale
Magic in the Blood
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Region Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Halfling Human Planetouched
Great Glacier
Great Rift
Silver Palm
Thunder Twin
Arcane Schooling
Magical Training
High Forest
Fleet of Foot
Fleet of Foot
Horse Nomad
Raumathar Heritor
Foe Hunter –
Dreadful Wrath
Inner Sea
Lake of Mists
Raumathar Heritor
Lake of Steam
Snake Blood
Arcane Schooling
Resist Poison
Snake Blood
Strong Soul
Magic in the Blood
Two Sword Style
Moonshae Isles
Strong Soul
Foe Hunter – Orcs
Street Smart
Arcane Schooling
Mind over Body
Magic in the Blood
Nelanther Isles
Arcane Schooling
Magical Training
Horse Nomad
Magic in the Blood
Strong Soul
Outer Sea
Dreadful Wrath
Raumathar Heritor
Foe Hunter –
Snake Blood
Silver Palm
Two Sword Style
Fleet of Foot
Horse Nomad
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Feats of the Forgotten Realms Page 147
Region Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Halfling Human Planetouched
Shou Expatriate
Mind over Body
Mind over Body
Silver Marches
Dreadful Wrath
Mind over Body
Strong Soul
Mind over Body
Strong Soul
Smooth Talk
Smoking Mountains
Thunder Twin
Snow Eagle Aerie
Mind over Body
Spine of the World
Foe Hunter – Orcs
Thunder Twin
Sword Coast
Thunder Twin
Foe Hunter –
Snake Blood
Furious Charge
Luck of Heroes
Silver Palm
Snake Blood
Mind over Body
Raumathar Heritor
Tattoo Focus
Dreadful Wrath
Mind over Body
Tattoo Focus
The North
Foe Hunter – Orcs
Swift and Silent
Foe Hunter – Orcs
The Ride
Furious Charge
Horse Nomad
The Vast
Luck of Heroes
Magic in the Blood
Smooth Talk
Silver Palm
Smooth Talk
Fleet of Foot
Foe Hunter –
Snake Blood
Silver Palm
Thunder Twin
Luck of Heroes
Resist Poison
Magic in the Blood
Strong Soul
[Old Shanatar]
Thunder Twin
Resist Poison
Swift and Silent
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats of the Forgotten Realms Page 148
Region Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Halfling Human Planetouched
Arcane Schooling
Street Smart
Magic in the Blood
Uthgardt Tribefolk
Furious Charge
Swift and Silent
Vilhon Reach
Silver Palm
Snake Blood
Silver Palm
Thunder Twin
Smooth Talk
Two Sword Style
Two Sword Style
Smooth Talk
Silver Palm
Smooth Talk
Two Sword Style
Fleet of Foot
Swift and Silent
Western Heartlands
Strong Soul
Snake Blood
Street Smart
Dreadful Wrath
Street Smart
Wizards’ Reach
Arcane Schooling
Street Smart
Luck of Heroes
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Eberron Feats Page 149
Eberron Specific Feats
Action Point Feats
Action Point Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Action Boost
(Eb p47)
Trade in 1 Action Point to add 1d8 to an Attack roll, a Skill check, an Ability check, a Level check, or a
Saving Throw. You must spend the Action Point before knowing if the check succeeded.
At 8
level, you receive 2d8. At 15
level, you receive 3d8.
Action Healing
(FoE p145)
Lay on Hands class ability By expending 1 Action point, you may apply any one of the following to your use of ‘Lay on Hands’:
Empower – heal 3 hp for every 2 ‘Lay on Hands’ points spent.
Quicken – use ‘Lay on Hands’ as a Swift Action.
Reach – use ‘Lay on Hands’ with a range of 30’.
Action Surge
(Eb p50)
Trade in 2 Action Points to gain an extra Move Action or Standard Action either before or after your normal
Aerenal Half-Life
(PGE p20)
Elf from Aerenal 1. Your skin becomes sallow & pinched, making you look like a Lich or Zombie.
2. +1 Caster level when casting a Necromancy spell.
3. When you spend an Action point to Turn/Rebuke Undead, the result applies to your Turning Check
–and– the Turning Damage.
Ancestral Guidance
(RoE p105)
Elf from Valenar When you use an Action Point to modify a d20 roll, you have the option of rerolling a single die. You must
keep the new value.
You must be in good standing with your ancestral spirits to make use of this ability.
Battleshifter Training
[Shifter, Tactical]
(RoE p116)
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may not
Feat: Ragewild Fighting
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Tiring Defense
– If an opponent attacks and misses you in melee on two consecutive round while you are
either Fighting Defensively or using Combat Expertise (minimum –2 on your attack) and you hit him/her
at least once, your opponent becomes Fatigued for as long as you continue Fighting Defensively or using
Combat Expertise as above. If already Fatigued, your opponent becomes Exhausted.
Exploit Weakness
– If you hit an opponent in melee who is suffering from being Fatigued, Exhausted,
Dazed, or Dazzled, you do +1d6 damage. You may not
be using Combat Expertise or Fighting
– If an opponent attacks and misses you with a Full Round Attack while you are either Fighting
Defensively or using Combat Expertise (minimum –2 on your attack), you may spend 1 Action Point to
make an extra melee attack against this opponent as an Immediate Action.
Bladebearer of the
(RoE p107)
Elf from Valenar
Proficient with Scimitar
and/or Falchion
Treat a Valenar Double Scimitar as a Martial Weapon.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Scimitar, Falchion, or a Valenar Double
Scimitar while mounted.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with a Scimitar, Falchion, or Valenar Double Scimitar, the feats apply to
all three weapons.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with Scimitar, Falchion, or Valenar Double
Scimitar, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Construct Lock
(RoE p119)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Receive a +2 bonus on damage vs. Constructs.
If you threaten an critical on a Construct, you have the option of skipping the confirmation roll (i.e., no
critical) in exchange for a second attack roll at the same bonus. If this deals at least one point of damage,
your opponent is rendered immobile (i.e., Construct equivalent of Paralyzed) for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is
Constitution based).
If you use an Action Point to improve your attack roll vs. a Construct and it hits, the attack automatically
triggers the special ability above as if the roll had threatened a critical.
Darguun Mauler
(RoE p108)
Humanoid (goblinoid)
from Darguun
Proficient with Flail or
Heavy Flail.
Treat Dire Flail and Spiked Chain as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Light Flail, a Heavy Flail, a Dire Flail, or a
Spiked Chain as long as you have not
moved this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with any of the above, the feats apply to all four weapons.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with the weapons listed above, add the result of
the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Drow Skirmisher
(RoE p109)
Drow from Xen’drik Treat Xen’drik Boomerang, Drow Scorpion Chain, and Drow Long Knife as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Drow Scorpion Chain or Drow Long Knife
as long as you have moved at least 5’ this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Daggers or Short Swords, these feats also apply to your Drow Long
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Spiked Chain, these feats also apply to your Drow Scorpion Chain.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Xen’drik Boomerang, Drow Scorpion
Chain, or Drow Long Knife, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Heroic Channeling
(FoE p147)
Ability to Turn or
Rebuke Undead
You may expend an Action Point in place of a Turn / Rebuke use. This lets you power other Divine feats,
even if you have no Turn / Rebuke uses left for the day. It can be combined with other Turn / Rebuke uses
for abilities that take multiple Turn / Rebuke uses, though only 1 Action Point may be spent in this way
each round.
Heroic Metamagic
(RoE p111)
any Metamagic feat
Able to cast spell of at
least 2
You may spend 1 or more Action points to spontaneously apply a Metamagic you know to a spell you are
casting without increasing its spell level. Instead, you consume 1 Action point for each level increase that
would have been applied to the spell (minimum 1).
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Eberron Feats Page 150
Action Point Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Mror Stalwart
(RoE p109)
Dwarf from the Mror
Proficiency with
Battleaxe, Warhammer,
Dwarven Warhammer,
or Dwarven Urgrosh
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven
Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh as long as you have not
moved this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh,
these feats also apply to the other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven
Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Mutable Body
(RoE p110)
Shagechanger subtype Transmutation spells cast on you are at +1 Caster level at your option.
By spending 2 Action Points, a Transmutation spell cast on you is treated as Empowered or Extended
without adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
(Eb p58)
Combat Reflexes When an opponent in an adjacent square takes a single 5’ step into a square that you do not threaten, you
can spend 1 Action Point to move into the square the opponent just left. This movement occurs after the 5’
step but before any other actions, and it does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Ragewild Fighter
[Shifter, Tactical]
(RoE p118)
Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may not
Feat: Battleshifter
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Instinctive Strike
– If you fail a Will save against a non-harmless spell, you may make a single melee attack
as an Immediate Action before the spell takes effect.
Rattle the Weakling
– If you hit an opponent of your size or smaller, and then in the following round hit the
opponent again while using Power Attack (minimum –5 penalty on the attack), your opponent is Dazed
(FortNeg, DC is Strength-based).
Brutal Charge
– If you hit an opponent at the end of a Charge, you may spend 1 Action Point to do bonus
damage equal to your Strength modifier (1 ½ Strength modifier if it was a Two-Handed Weapon).
Raging Luck
(Eb p58)
Rage or Frenzy class
You gain 1 temporary Action Point each time you Rage / Frenzy. If it has not been used when your Rage /
Frenzy ends, the point is lost.
Shadow Marches
(RoE p111)
Orc or Half-Orc from the
Shadow Marches
Treat Orc Double Axe as a Martial Weapon.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe as
part of a Charge.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe, these feats also apply to the
other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe,
add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Spontaneous Casting
(Eb p61)
Caster level 5
Trade in 1 Action Point to swap out one prepared spell for another of the same level.
Talenta Warrior
(RoE p112)
Halfling from the Talenta
Treat Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, and the Talenta Boomerang as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a attack with a Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, and the Talenta
Boomerang while mounted.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, or the Talenta Boomerang, these
feats also apply to the other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, or the
Talenta Boomerang, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
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Eberron Feats Page 151
Dragonmark Feats
Dragonmark Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Dragon’s Insight
(PGE p48)
Least Dragonmark –or–
Siberys Dragonmark
class ability
Expend one of your Daily Uses of your Dragonmark power as a Free Action to gain a +4 Insight bonus on
the Skill associated with the Least Dragonmark (e.g., Sense Motive check for the Mark of Sentinel). The
bonus applies to a single use of the skill that begins
within the following amount of time of the activation.
Mark Time
Mark Time
Least 1 minute Greater 1 hour
Lesser 10 minutes Siberys 24 hours
(DR351 p77)
Sorcerer level 1
Member of a Dragon-
marked race & house
Does not have a
1. Gain the Dragonmark of your House. It initially is the Least Dragonmark.
2. Add all Sorcerer spells that are spell-like abilities of the Least, Lesser, & Greater Dragonmarks of your
House to your Known Sorcerer spell list. Naturally, you cannot cast a spell until you are high enough
3. When you can cast the first spell from the Lesser Dragonmark spell list, your Dragonmark changes to the
Lesser Dragonmark. It changes again when you start casting Greater Dragonmark spells.
Note: Once you take this feat, you may not
take Least Dragonmark –or– Aberrant Dragonmark.
Favored in House
(Eb p53)
Member of a Dragon-
marked race & house
May try to “call in favors” from other house members ½ Character level times per week. You must make a
d20 roll + a modifier based on your level. The DC is determined by the difficulty & danger of the favor.
Greater Dragonmark
(Eb p54)
Least Dragonmark
Lesser Dragonmark
Member of a Dragon-
marked race & house
any two skills with 12
Gain use of one of the Greater Dragonmark ability of your Dragonmark.
You may use the abilities of your Least and Lesser Dragonmarks one extra time per day.
DC for your Dragonmark abilities is 10 + spell level + your Charisma modifier.
Caster level is 10 + your level in the Dragonmark Heir prestige class (if any).
Least Dragonmark
(Eb p56)
Member of a Dragon-
marked race & house
Gain use of one of the Least Dragonmark abilities of your Dragonmark.
DC for your Dragonmark abilities is 10 + spell level + your Charisma modifier.
Caster level is 1 + your level in the Dragonmark Heir prestige class (if any).
Lesser Dragonmark
(Eb p56)
Least Dragonmark
Member of a Dragon-
marked race & house
any two skills with 9
Gain use of one of the Lesser Dragonmark abilities of your Dragonmark.
You may use the abilities of your Least Dragonmarks one extra time per day.
DC for your Dragonmark abilities is 10 + spell level + your Charisma modifier.
Caster level is 6 + your level in the Dragonmark Heir prestige class (if any).
Shield of Deneith
(PGE p48)
Least or Siberys
Dragonmark of Sentinel
Expend one of your Daily Uses of your Dragonmark power as an Immediate Action to gain the indicated
Dodge bonus to AC. The bonus lasts for (Wisdom modifier + ½ Character level) rounds.
Mark Bonus
Mark Bonus
Least +1 Greater +3
Lesser +2 Siberys +4
Swiftness of Orien
(PGE p48)
Least or Siberys
Dragonmark of Passage
Expend one of your Daily Uses of your Dragonmark power as a Swift Action to grant an Enhancement
bonus to movement to yourself or a creature you are riding. The bonus lasts for 1 round.
Mark Bonus
Mark Bonus
Least +20’ Greater +60’
Lesser +40’ Siberys +90’
Dragon Mark Houses
Ability to use Dragon Marks improves by taking levels in the ‘Dragon Mark Heir’ Prestige Class. The Siberys Dragon Mark is only available to those who take a
the ‘Heir of Siberys’ Prestige Class.
Family Page Race Guild Mark of… Least Lesser Greater Siberys
(EB p65)
(EB p80)+
Human Tinkers
+2 on Craft checks
Make Whole (1), or
Mending (2), or
Repair Light Damage (1)
Minor Creation (1) or
Repair Serious
Damage (1)
Fabricate (1) or
Major Creation (1)
True Creation
(EB p66)
(EB p80)+
Human Blademakers
+2 on Sense Motive checks
Mage Armor (1) or
Shield of Faith (1) or
Shield Other (1) or
Protection from Arrows (1)
Protection from
Energy (1) or
Lesser Globe of
Invulnerability (1)
Globe of
Invulnerability (1)
Mind Blank (1)
(EB p64)
(EB p80)+
Halfling Hostellers
+2 on Diplomacy checks
Purify Food and Drink (2) or
Prestidigitation (2) or
Unseen Servant (1)
Create Food and
Water (1) or
Leomund’s Secure
Shelter (1)
Heroes’ Feast (1) or
Mansion (1)
Refuge (1)
(EB p64)
(EB p80)+
Halfling Healers
+2 on Heal checks
Cure Light Wounds (1) or
Lesser Restoration (1)
Cure Serious Wounds
(1) or Remove
Disease (1) or
Restoration (1)
Heal (1) Mass Heal (1)
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Eberron Feats Page 152
Family Page Race Guild Mark of… Least Lesser Greater Siberys
(EB p67)
(EB p80)+
Dwarf Banking
+2 on Search checks
Alarm (1) or
Arcane Lock (1) or
Fire Trap (1) or
Misdirection (1)
Explosive Runes (1)
or Glyph of
Warding (1) or
Nondetection (1)
Faithful Hound (1) or
Greater Glyph of
Warding (1) or
Guards and Wards
Prismatic Wall
(EB p66)
(EB p80)+
Half-Elf Windwrights
+2 on Balance checks
Endure Elements (1) or
Fog Cloud (1) or
Gust of Wind (1)
Sleet Storm
(1) or
Wind’s Favor
(1) or
Wind Wall (1)
Control Winds (1) or
Control Weather (1)
Storm of
Vengeance (1)
(EB p63)
(EB p80)+
Half-Elf Warning
+2 on Spot checks
Detect Magic (2) or
Detect Poison (2)
Detect Scrying (1) or
See Invisibility (1)
True Seeing (1) Moment of
Prescience (1)
(EB p65)
(EB p80)+
Human Couriers
+2 on Survival checks
Expeditious Retreat (1), or
Mount (1), or
Dimensional Leap (1)
Dimension Door (1) or
Phantom Steed (1)
Overland Flight (1) or
Teleport (1)
Teleport (1)
(EB p66)
(EB p80)+
Elf Entertainers
& Artisans
+2 on Gather Information
Darkness (1) or
Disguise Self (1) or
Minor Image (1)
Clairaudience /
Clairvoyance (1) or
Scrying (1) or
Conjuration (1)
Mislead (1) or
Prying Eyes (1) or
Shadow Walk (1)
Greater Prying
Eyes (1) or
Scrying (1)
(EB p65)
(EB p80)+
Gnome Notaries
+2 on Decipher Script checks
Arcane Mark (2) or
Whispering Wind (1) or
Comprehend Languages (1)
Illusory Script (1) or
Secret Page (1) or
Tongues (1)
Sending (1) Symbol of
Death (1)
(EB p64)
(EB p80)+
+2 on Search checks
Identify (1) or
Know Direction (2) or
Locate Object (1)
Helping Hand (1) or
Locate Creature (1)
Find the Path (2) Discern
Location (1)
(EB p66)
(EB p80)+
Elf Shadow
+2 on Gather Information
Darkness (1) or
Disguise Self (1) or
Minor Image (1)
Clairaudience /
Clairvoyance (1) or
Scrying (1) or
Conjuration (1)
Mislead (1) or
Prying Eyes (1) or
Shadow Walk (1)
Greater Prying
Eyes (1) or
Scrying (1)
(EB p64)
(EB p80)+
Human Handlers
+2 on Handle Animal checks
Calm Animals (1) or
Charm Animal (1) or
Speak with Animals (1)
Dominate Animal (1)
or Greater Magic
Fang (1)
Animal Growth (1) or
Summon Nature’s
Ally V (1)
Awaken (1) or
Nature’s Ally
VI (1)
Aberrant Dragonmark Feats
Dragonmark Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(Eb p47)
Human, Dwarf, Elf,
Gnome, Halfling,
Half-Elf, or Half-Orc
May not
have Least
Dragonmark or any
levels in Heir of
Gain a spell-like ability that you can use once per day. The chosen spell cannot be changed and is chosen
from the following list: Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Detect Secret Doors,
Feather Fall, Inflect Light Wounds, Jump, Light, Pass without Trace, Produce Flame, Shield, Tenser’s
Floating Disk.
DC for your Dragonmark abilities is 11 + your Charisma modifier.
Spell level is always treated as 1
Caster level is ½ Character level.
Dragonmark Gift
(PGE p49)
Aberrant Dragonmark
You may use the spell-like ability granted by your Aberrant Dragonmark three times per day.
(PGE p49)
Aberrant Dragonmark
Concentration: 6 ranks
You may expend one of your daily uses of the spell-like ability granted by your Aberrant Dragonmark as a
Free Action to increase the Caster level by +1 of any of the following: Spell, Artificer Infusion, Psionic
Power, or Warlock Invocation.
Dragonmark Vigor
(PGE p49)
Aberrant Dragonmark
You may expend one of your daily uses of the spell-like ability granted by your Aberrant Dragonmark as a
Free Action to gain Temporary Hit-Point equal to your number of Hit-Dice. Last a maximum of 1 hour.
Sleet Storm(EB p66) – May be warm rain (good for farming) or freezing sleet.
Wind’s Favor(EB p66) – Creates a 30 mph wind for 1 hour per Caster level (good for moving boats).
Dimensional Leap(EB p65) – Teleport up to 10’ per Character level per day as a Spell-Like ability as a Standard Action.
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Eberron Feats Page 153
Eberron Elf Feats
Eberron Elf Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Aerenal Beastmaster
(RoE p105)
Elf from Aerenal
Able to acquire a new
Animal Companion
You may choose a Baboon as a possible Animal Companion. Treat your effective Druid level as being +3
when determining its abilities.
You may add Baboon to your list of Summon Nature’s Ally I creatures (instead of a Monkey).
Ancestral Guidance
(RoE p105)
Elf from Valenar When you use an Action Point to modify a d20 roll, you have the option of rerolling a single die. You must
keep the new value.
You must be in good standing with your ancestral spirits to make use of this ability.
Bladebearer of the
(RoE p107)
Elf from Valenar
Proficient with Scimitar
and/or Falchion
Treat a Valenar Double Scimitar as a Martial Weapon.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Scimitar, Falchion, or a Valenar Double
Scimitar while mounted.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with a Scimitar, Falchion, or Valenar Double Scimitar, the feats apply to
all three weapons.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with Scimitar, Falchion, or Valenar Double
Scimitar, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Call of the Undying
(RoE p108)
Elf from Aerenal
Access to the Deathless
Instead of the standard granted power of the Deathless Domain, you may recall one previously prepared
spell per day as a Swift Action. The spell may not be from the highest level you can cast.
Right of Counsel
(Eb p59)
You may enter the City of the Dead and get help from one of your Deathless Ancestors. This is typically
advice, a curative spell (such as Remove Curse), or a Divination spell. Overuse will annoy the dead.
Aereni Focus
(PGE p20)
Elf from Aerenal
level only
Choose one Skill. This skill is always a Class Skill for you –and– you gain a +3 bonus with it.
Counts as ‘Skill Focus’ with the indicated skill for purposes of meeting requirements or prerequisites.
Aerenal Arcanist
(PGE p20)
Elf from Aerenal
1. Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks.
2. Each time you take a level in Wizard, receive one extra spell in your spellbook.
Aerenal Half-Life
(PGE p20)
Elf from Aerenal 1. Your skin becomes sallow & pinched, making you look like a Lich or Zombie.
2. +1 Caster level when casting a Necromancy spell.
3. When you spend an Action point to Turn/Rebuke Undead, the result applies to your Turning Check
–and– the Turning Damage.
Druidic Sect Feats
Druidic Sect Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(Eb p50)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Ashbound Druidic Sect, who believe Arcane Magic is vile & unnatural.
Duration of Summon Nature’s Ally spells is doubled.
Creatures summoned by Summon Nature’s Ally spells receive a +3 Luck bonus on attack rolls.
Child of Winter
(Eb p51)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Non-Good alignment
Member of the Child of Winter Druidic Sect, who embrace death & decay, and focus on Vermin.
You may target Vermin with spells that usually only target Animal, such as Calm Animal.
You may use Wild Empathy on Vermin.
You may summon Vermin with your Summon Nature’s Ally spells.
Vermin Companion
(Eb p62)
Child of Winter
Druid level 3
Non-Good Alignment
Ability to acquire a new
Animal Companion
Appropriate minimum
You may take a Vermin as an ‘Animal Companion’. Any spell you normally could cast on an Animal can
be cast on your new companion.
Your companion gains Animal Companion abilities based on the number of level you are above the
minimum needed to summon the creature. As always, a Ranger’s effective level is ½ his Ranger level.
Min. Lvl.
Giant Ant, Worker; Giant Ant, Soldier; Giant Bee; Giant Bombardier Beetle;
Giant Fire Beetle; Monstrous Centipede, Medium; Monstrous Scorpion, Small;
Monstrous Spider, Small.
Giant Praying Mantis; Giant Wasp
Giant Stag Beetle
Swarm’s Embrace
(Sharn p158)
Child of Winter
You are immune to the Distraction effect of a swarm and receive Damage Reduction 6 / — vs. swarm
Vermin Shape
(Eb p62)
Child of Winter
Druid level 3
Non-Good Alignment
Replace your ability to turn into an Animal with Wild Shape with the ability to turn into a Vermin with
Wild Shape.
The Vermin’s HD may not exceed your Druid level. The Vermin’s size is determined by your Druid level.
Level Size
Level Size
Small or Medium 11
Large 15
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Eberron Feats Page 154
Druidic Sect Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Gatekeeper Initiate
(Eb p54)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Gatekeeper Druidic Sect, who are trained to ward off extra-dimensional attacks by
+2 bonus on saves vs. the supernatural & spell-like abilities of Aberrations.
Add Knowledge (the planes) to your Druid Skill List. You can make Knowledge (the planes) checks to
learn details about Aberrations (instead of Know (dungeoneering)).
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Protection from Evil(PH p266) – +2 bonus to AC & saves against evil, counters mind control, & hedges
out elementals & outsiders.
: Zone of Natural Purity(Eb p117) – Aberrations in area become weaker, fey & plants become stronger.
: Dimensional Anchor(PH p221)(PH p250)+ – Bars extradimensional movement.
: Nature’s Wrath(Eb p114) – Damages & dazes aberrations, damages other creatures.
: Banishment(PH p202) – Banishes 2 HD per level of extraplanar creatures.
: Dimensional Lock(PH p221) – Teleportation and interplanar travel are blocked for 1 day per level.
: Return to Nature(Eb p114) – Reduces Intelligence and magical abilities of target.
: Mind Blank(PH p253) – Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
Repel Aberration
(Eb p58)
Gatekeeper Initiate
Druid level 3
You may keep Aberrations from approaching in the same way that Clerics can turn Undead.
As a Standard Action, make a Turn check to determine the greatest number of HD of Aberration that you
can effect. Only targets within 60’ are effected.
An effected Aberration cannot approach you, though it still may use spells, attack with ranged weapons, etc.
You may use this ability 3 + Charisma modifier times per day. You may take the feat Extra Turning to
increase this number.
Greensinger Initiate
(Eb p54)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Greensinger Druidic Sect, who have close ties to the Fey.
Add Bluff, Hide, & Perform to your Druid Skill List.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Charm Person(PH p209) – Make one person your friend.
: Daze Monster(PH3.5 217) – Living creature up to 6HD or less looses next action.
: Displacement(PH p223) – Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.
: Charm Monster(PH p209) – Makes monster believe it is your ally.
: Hold Monster(PH p241) – As Hold Person, but can effect any creature.
: Cat’s Grace, Mass(PH p208) – As Cat’s Grace, affects one subject per level.
: Ethereal Jaunt(PH p227) – You become ethereal for 1 round per level.
: Charm Monster, Mass(PH p206) – As Charm Monster, but all within 30’.
: Etherealness(PH p228) – Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Warden Initiate
(Eb p62)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Warden of the Wood Druidic Sect, who protect the Great Woods.
Gain +2 Deflection bonus to AC when fighting in a forest.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Protection from Evil(PH p266) – +2 bonus to AC & saves against evil, counters mind control, & hedges
out elementals & outsiders.
: Detect Thoughts(PH p220) – Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
: Displacement(PH p223) – Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.
: Locate Creature(PH p249) – Indicates direction to familiar creature.
: Hold Monster(PH p241) – As Hold Person, but can effect any creature.
: Repulsion(PH p271) – Creatures can’t approach you.
: Banishment(PH p202) – Banishes 2 HD per level of extraplanar creatures.
: Screen(PH p274) – Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
: Hold Monster, Mass(PH p241) – As Hold Monster, but all within 30’.
Nightbringer Initiate
(FoE p147)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Non-Good alignment
Member of the Nightbringer Druidic Sect, who are connected with darkness, undead, & the plane of Mabar.
Hide & Move Silently become Druid class skills for you.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Inflict Light Wounds(PH p244) – Touch deals 1d8 damage +1 per level (max +5).
: Darkness(PH p216) – 20’ radius of supernatural shadow.
: Deeper Darkness(PH p217) – Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60’ radius.
: Enervation(PH p226) – Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
: Summon Monster V(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you (Shadow Mastiff only)
: Planar Ally(PH p261) – As Planar Ally, Lesser, but up to 12 HD. (native of Mabar only)
: Control Undead(PH p214) – Undead don’t attack you while under your command.
: Create Greater Undead(PH p215) – Creates shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers (Shadows only).
: Gate(PH p234) – Connects two planes for travel or summoning (Mabar only)
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Eberron Feats Page 155
Religion-Specific Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Ancestral Whispers
(FoE p145)
Ability to Turn Undead
Worshiper of the
Undying Court
As a Standard Action, expend one of your Turn Undead uses to give yourself a +4 Sacred bonus on one skill
of your choice. The bonus lasts for 1 + Charisma modifier rounds. You are treated as ‘trained’ with the
designated skill and are able to ‘Take 10’ with it no matter what the circumstances.
Divine Alacrity
(FoE p145)
Ability to Turn or
Rebuke Undead
Must have the Travel
As a Swift Action, expend one of your Turn / Rebuke Undead uses to give yourself +30’ Enhancement
bonus to Land movement for 1 round.
Divine Countermagic
(FoE p146)
Ability to Turn or
Rebuke Undead
Must have the Magic or
Spell Domain
When Counterspelling, you may expend (1 + target spell level) Turn / Rebuke Undead uses instead of
Dispel Magic or your copy of the target spell.
Divine Warrior
(FoE p146)
Ability to Turn or
Rebuke Undead
Base Attack Bonus +6
Proficiency with Deity’s
Favored Weapon
As a Swift Action, expend one of your Turn / Rebuke Undead uses to give the copy of your Deity’s Favored
Weapon you are holding the ‘Holy’ special ability (if you Turn Undead) or the ‘Unholy’ special ability (if
you Rebuke Undead). The effect applies to the next attack you make, which must be within one turn.
Holy – +2d6 vs. Evil creatures & weapon damage is considered ‘good’ for purposes of overcoming DR.
Unholy – +2d6 vs. Good creatures & weapon damage is considered ‘evil’ for purposes of overcoming DR.
Worldly Focus
(FoE p147)
Worshipper of the
Sovereign Host
You can cast Cleric spells without a Divine Focus
Sharn-Specific Feats
Sharn-Specific Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Improved Flight Item
[Item Creation]
(Sharn p157)
Craft Wondrous Item
Know(planes): 6 ranks
You can make magic items that take advantage of a ‘manifest zone’ linked to Syrania (such as the city of
1. If you create an item with a Fly speed, within the ‘manifest zone’, the fly speed in increased by 50%,
and it can be used+2 times per day. If it normally could be used 3+ times per day, it now can be
used continuously.
2. Some magic items (such as a Soarslead or a Flying Buttress) have this feat as a prerequisite.
3. Any Construct you create that has a Fly speed automatically gains the Feat: Manifest Flight
Manifest Flight
(Sharn p157)
Fly speed
Know(planes): 4 ranks
When you are within a ‘manifest zone’ linked to Syrania (such as the city of Sharn), your Fly speed
increases by 50% and your maneuverability is increased by one step.
Manifest Leap
(Sharn p157)
Know(planes): 4 ranks
Jump: 6 ranks
When you are within a ‘manifest zone’ linked to Syrania (such as the city of Sharn), you gain the following:
1. +5 Competence bonus on Jump checks.
2. Only take 1d4 damage per 10’ you fall.
3. If you have the Slow Fall class ability, add 10’ to the distance you can fall safely.
Eberron Region-Specific Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Binding Brand
(PGE p36)
You have the mark of the Binding Brand, a stylized flame.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Guidance, Protection from Evil, Resistance. DC is Charisma-based.
Child of the Swamps
(PGE p119)
From the Shadow
Marches region of
1. +2 bonus on Spot and Survival checks while in marsh regions.
2. You can take a 5’ step while in Shallow Bog or Light Undergrowth in a Marsh.
Mourning Mutate
(DR359 p110)
From the Mournlands
Must be 1
You survived the Mourning.
You look warped and unusual (maybe even monstrous). Choose one of the following:
Feature Benefit
Disturbing Sores +3 on saves vs. Poison & Disease (if you make your save by 3 or less, you
avoid the disease entirely).
Hideous Features +3 on Intimidate checks.
Spongy Flesh DR 3 / — vs. nonlethal damage.
Unnaturally Flexible +3 on Escape Artist checks.
Warped Ears +3 on Listen checks.
Warped Eyes +3 on Spot checks.
Warped Limb That limb does +2 damage with Unarmed Strikes
Touch of Captivation
(PGE p35)
From the Demon Wastes
region of Eberron
Your eyes look unnatural, such as being slitted or having strangely colored pupils.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Charm Person, Daze, Prestidigitation. DC is Charisma-based.
Touch of Deception
(PGE p35)
From the Demon Wastes
region of Eberron
When not disguised, your hair looks unusual, such as a strange color or unusual pattern.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Disguise Self, Ghost Sound, Open/Close. DC is Charisma-based.
Touch of
(PGE p35)
From the Demon Wastes
region of Eberron
Your facial features look unusual, such as a heavy brow ridge, deeply sunken eyes, etc.
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Summon Monster I (fiendish creatures only). DC is Charisma-based.
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Eberron Feats Page 156
Dragon Below Feats
Dragon Below Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Comforting Madness
(DR332 p44)
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
You are immune to any spell or effect that causes confusion or insanity. You are immune to Feeblemind.
Compelling Madness
(DR332 p44)
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
Any Mind-Affecting Spell or Power you cast or manifest has its DC increased by +1.
You receive a –2 penalty on all Will saves.
Disturbing Spell
(DR332 p44)
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
Able to cast Spontaneous
When you apply a Metamagic to a Spontaneous spell, you may reduce the level increase by 1 for each point
of Wisdom damage you take. For example, an Empowered Fireball could be cast as a 3
level spell
(instead of a 5
level spell) in exchange for 2 points of Wisdom damage.
The lowest you may reduce your Wisdom with this feat is 1.
This damage may not
be magically healed. Instead, it must heal naturally at the rate of 1 point per day.
Gift of the Xoriat
(DR332 p45)
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
Cast the following 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1
level Sorcerer:
Daze, Lesser Confusion, Lullaby. DC is Charisma-based.
Khyber’s Fury
(DR332 p45)
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
Able to Rage or Frenzy
Your Rage or Frenzy is changed as follows:
1. the bonus to your Strength increases by +2;
2. the penalty to your AC increases to –4;
3. you cannot
voluntarily end your Rage or Frenzy
Touch of Madness
(DR332 p45)
Devotion to the Cult of
the Dragon Below
Able to use a spell,
psionic power, etc.,
that confuses its target
When you use your ability that confuses a target, you may deliver it as a Touch attack instead of a Ranged
attack. If you do so, its DC is increased by +2.
Other Eberron Feats
Other Eberron Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Boomerang Daze
(RoE p108)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
Any creature taking damage from your Boomerang attack is Dazed for 1 round (FortNeg, DC = 10 +
damage dealt). Can apply to both targets in the case of a Boomerang Ricochet.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Boomerang Ricochet
(RoE p108)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
If you successfully hit your first target, you may make an attack against one foe adjacent to your target with
a –2 penalty.
The second attack does not gain the benefit of a Sneak Attack, even if the first attack did.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Darguun Mauler
(RoE p108)
Humanoid (goblinoid)
from Darguun
Proficient with Flail or
Heavy Flail.
Treat Dire Flail and Spiked Chain as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Light Flail, a Heavy Flail, a Dire Flail, or a
Spiked Chain as long as you have not
moved this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with any of the above, the feats apply to all four weapons.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with the weapons listed above, add the result of
the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Dinosaur Hunter
(RoE p108)
Halfling from the Talenta
Know (nature): 1 rank
Survival: 1 rank
+2 bonus on Listen, Knowledge (nature), Spot, and Survival checks related to Dinosaurs.
+2 weapon damage against Dinosaurs.
Dinosaur Wrangler
(RoE p108)
Halfling from the Talenta
Handle Animal: 1 rank
+4 bonus on Handle Animal, Ride, and Wild Empathy checks related to Dinosaurs.
Drow Skirmisher
(RoE p109)
Drow from Xen’drik Treat Xen’drik Boomerang, Drow Scorpion Chain, and Drow Long Knife as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Drow Scorpion Chain or Drow Long Knife
as long as you have moved at least 5’ this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Daggers or Short Swords, these feats also apply to your Drow Long
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Spiked Chain, these feats also apply to your Drow Scorpion Chain.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Xen’drik Boomerang, Drow Scorpion
Chain, or Drow Long Knife, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Friend of the Tribes
(PGE p75)
+2 bonus on Diplomacy, Gather Information, & Sense Motive checks when dealing with a Halfling.
When you first meet a given Halfling, you may make a Sense Motive check vs. DC 15 as a Full Round
Action to identify which tribe he/she is from. If this fails, you may make one more check after 10 minutes.
Galifaran Scholar
(PGE p77)
Knowledge (history):
4 ranks
+4 Insight bonus on Knowledge check pertaining to events associated w/it ht he Last War & the Royal
Family of Galifar. You may make Untrained Knowledge checks on these topics untrained.
Heroic Metamagic
(RoE p111)
any Metamagic feat
Able to cast spell of at
least 2
You may spend 1 or more Action points to spontaneously apply a Metamagic you know to a spell you are
casting without increasing its spell level. Instead, you consume 1 Action point for each level increase that
would have been applied to the spell (minimum 1).
Lucid Channeling
(FoE p147)
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 13
Charisma 13
Good Alignment
When “channeling”
(Eb p102) a Celestial, the Celestial uses its own Int, Wis, & Cha scores, you and the
Celestial have full access to each other’s thoughts, & all spells are shared.
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Eberron Feats Page 157
Other Eberron Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Master Linguist
(RoE p111)
Able to speak four (or
more) languages
Each time you gain a level (including the level you gained to take this feat), you learn an additional
Mror Stalwart
(RoE p109)
Dwarf from the Mror
Proficiency with
Battleaxe, Warhammer,
Dwarven Warhammer,
or Dwarven Urgrosh
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven
Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh as long as you have not
moved this round.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh,
these feats also apply to the other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Battleaxe, Warhammer, Dwarven
Warhammer, or Dwarven Urgrosh, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Relic Hunter
(RoE p111)
Appraise: 1 rank
Know (history): 1 rank
Gain a +5 bonus on Appraise, Knowledge, and Bardic Knowledge check involving items from the Dharaani
Empire or from ancient Xen’drik.
Shadow Marches
(RoE p111)
Orc or Half-Orc from the
Shadow Marches
Treat Orc Double Axe as a Martial Weapon.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a melee attack with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe as
part of a Charge.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe, these feats also apply to the
other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Battleaxe, Great Axe, or Orc Double Axe,
add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
Shaped Splash
(RoE p111)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
If you hit a target with a thrown splash weapon, you may make a second attack roll on another target that is
adjacent to the first. If successful, that target takes damage as if it received a direct hit too.
In addition, you may choose not to deal splash damage to one (or more) targets adjacent to a target that
takes a direct hit.
Ship Savvy
(RoE p112)
Gnome from Zilargo
Balance: 5 ranks
Profession (sailor) –or–
Profession (shipwright):
3 ranks
While aboard a sea or air ship, gain a +1 bonus to AC and on attack rolls.
Talenta Dinosaur Bond
(PGE p75)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 6 ranks
Choose a Dinosaur Mount with which you are familiar. With this mount, you receive a +4 Insight bonus on
Ride checks –and– when you are riding it, both
of you receive a +1 Insight bonus to AC & Reflex saves.
If the Mount is killed, you may apply this feat to a new Mount after 7 days.
Talenta Drifter
(PGE p75)
+2 bonus on Hide, Spot, & Survival checks while on the Talenta Plains.
Talenta Warrior
(RoE p112)
Halfling from the Talenta
Treat Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, and the Talenta Boomerang as Martial Weapons.
Gain +1 bonus on damage when making a attack with a Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, and the Talenta
Boomerang while mounted.
If you have Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, and/or
Greater Weapon Specialization with Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, or the Talenta Boomerang, these
feats also apply to the other weapons listed.
If you use an Action Point to improve an attack roll made with a Talenta Sharrash, Talenta Tangat, or the
Talenta Boomerang, add the result of the Action Point roll to the weapon’s damage too.
White Scorpion Strike
(RoE p112)
Class Ability: Ki Strike
Your Unarmed Strikes gain the ‘Ghost Touch’ ability (allowing them to ignore Miss Chance due to
Incorporealness) and does +1d6 damage to Undead.
Wrest Possession
(FoE p148)
Charisma 15
Non-Good Alignment
When being possessed by a Fiend
(EB p100), you can attempt to take control of its abilities instead. See the
description of the feat for more details
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Greyhawk Feats Page 158
Greyhawk Specific Feats
Regional Feats
The following feats require that the character be from the indicated area –or– have at least 2 ranks of Knowledge (local) for that locality.
Greyhawk Feats
Reference Prerequisite Description
Atlan’s Mark
(DR315 p51)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Your skin is covered with tattoos that indicate you are a follower of
Chitza-Atlan, an evil Deity of the Underworld.
+1 bonus on saves vs. energy draining & death effects.
You have a 50% chance of Stabilizing (instead of the normal 10%).
Badge of Bondage
(DR315 p51)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, Bandit Kingdoms, Flan, Half-Orc, Ket, Lordship of
the Isles, North Kingdom, Olman, Onnwal, Pomarj,
Scarlet Brotherhood, Sea Barons, Sea Princes, Tiger
Nomads, Wild Coast, Yomanry, Zeif
Your body shows you were a slave (e.g., whip scars, owner’s brand,
+1 Insight bonus on all
Fortitude & Will saves.
+2 Competence bonus on Bluff checks.
Bareback Soul
(DR315 p51)
Ride: 1 rank
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Paynims, Rovers of the Barrens, Tiger Nomads, Ull, Wolf
You receive no penalty when making Ride checks without a saddle.
You automatically succeed when making a Ride check to guide your
mount with your knees.
+1 Competence bonus on ranged attacks while riding bareback.
Blackmoorian Rhymes
(DR315 p51)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
+2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) checks.
When making a Bardic Knowledge check, roll twice and keep the best
Blessed of Osprem
(DR350 p69)
Swim: 5 ranks
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Vouhoun Sea
+2 Competence bonus on Swim checks to resist nonlethal damage &
to hold your breath.
May always ‘Take 10’ on Swim checks.
Blood of Kord
(DR315 p51)
Rage class ability
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Each time you Rage, you receive a pool of 2 points per Character
level. After you hit with a Melee weapon, but before damage is
rolled, you may remove points from the pool to be added to your
damage. Up to ½ Character level points may be removed at a time.
This extra damage is not
multiplied in the case of a Critical Hit.
Any unused points in the pool are lost when your Rage ends.
(DR315 p51)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bandit Kingdoms, Bissel, Bone March, Bright Lands,
Furyondy, Geoff, Gran March, Iuz, Ket, Nyrond, Oeridian,
Onnwal, Paynims, Pomarj, Rovers of the Barrens, Scarlet
Brotherhood, Sea Princes, Shield Lands, Sterich,
Stonehold, Tenh, Wild Coast, Wolf Nomads, Yeomanry
+2 bonus on Initiative checks
+2 bonus on Spot checks.
Border Watch
(DR315 p51)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bissel, Furyondy, Geoff, Gran March, Highfolk, Irongate
Ket, Nyrond, Ratik, Shield Lands, Sterich, Sunndi
+2 bonus on Spot checks.
+5 bonus on Profession (soldier) checks.
Born Follower
(DR315 p52)
Level only
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Gran March, Oeridian, Pale
+2 Morale bonus on attacks & saves vs. fear when you are within 30’
of an ally with Feat: Leadership
Celestial Scion –
(DR315 p52)
Level only
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, North Kingdom, Solnor Compact
Member of the Cranden Noble family of the former Great Kingdom.
Receive maximum starting gold at 1
+3 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
Citizens of the former Great Kingdom typically have an initial
attitude of Friendly towards you.
Celestial Scion –
(DR315 p52)
Level only
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, North Kingdom, Solnor Compact
Member of the Darmen Noble family of the former Great Kingdom.
If you are caught in a lie due to a failed Bluff check, you may make a
second check immediately to cover up the error. If successful, the
initial failure is ignored.
Middle & Upper Class citizens of the former Great Kingdom
typically have an initial attitude of Friendly towards you.
Lower Class citizens of the former Great Kingdom typically have an
initial attitude of Unfriendly towards you.
Celestial Scion –
(DR315 p52)
Level only
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, North Kingdom, Solnor Compact
Member of the Garasteth Noble family of the former Great Kingdom.
+2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Wizard becomes your favored class.
Citizens of the former Great Kingdom typically have an initial
attitude of Friendly towards you.
Celestial Scion –
(DR315 p52)
Level only
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, North Kingdom, Solnor Compact
Member of the Naelax Noble family of the former Great Kingdom.
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
True Seeing vs. the cloaking spells of Demons & Devils only, always
on as a Supernatural ability (effective caster level 16
Citizens of the former Great Kingdom typically have an initial
attitude of Unfriendly towards you.
Celestial Scion –
(DR315 p52)
Level only
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, North Kingdom, Solnor Compact
Member of the Rax-Nyrond Noble family of former Great Kingdom.
+3 bonus on Gather Information checks & they only take 1d2 hours.
Citizens of the former Great Kingdom typically have an initial
attitude of Friendly towards you.
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Greyhawk Feats Page 159
Greyhawk Feats
Reference Prerequisite Description
Celestial Scion –
(DR315 p52)
Level only
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, North Kingdom, Solnor Compact
Member of the Torquaan Noble family of the former Great Kingdom.
10% discount on all purchases anywhere House Torquaan has
Citizens of the former Great Kingdom typically have an initial
attitude of Unfriendly towards you.
Companion Guard
[General, Fighter]
(DR315 p52)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Proficient with Longsword, Longspear, & Bow
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Celene, Gray Elf
You may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength
modifier on attacks rolls with Longswords & Longspears, though
Armor Check penalties due to a Shield are applied to these attack
+2 bonus on rolls to Confirm a critical hit with any Bow.
(DR319 p56)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Deep Gnome, Stout Halfling, Mountain Dwarf
Darkvision +30’.
Defensive Expert
[General, Fighter]
(DR315 p52)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Irongate, Shield Lands, Sunndi, Valley Elf, Valley of the
Mage, Yeomanry
Your bonus to AC due to Cover is +2 better than for others.
When Fighting Defensively, your Dodge bonus to AC is always
+1 better than for others.
Desert Fighter
(DR319 p56)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bright Lands
+2 Dodge bonus to AC when fighting in dessert terrain.
(DR315 p52)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Perrenland, Snow
Barbarians, Stonehold, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
You only leave tracks in the snow if you want to.
Moving through Snow Covered & Heavy Snow Covered squares is
not slower than normal squares (instead of 2 & 4 respectively).
Dwarf Lore
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Hill Dwarf, Irongate, Mountain Dwarf, Ulek States
+1 bonus on all
Knowledge checks.
+1 bonus on one Craft skill of your choice.
Ehlonna’s Way
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Celene, High Elf, Highfolk, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
+3 bonus on Hide & Survival checks made in woodland areas.
+4 bonus on attack rolls vs. enemies who have Cover from trees &
Elemental Focus
(DR319 p56)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
+1 DC to all [air], [earth], [fire], [water] spells you cast.
Elf Lore
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Celene, Gray Elf, Half-Elf, High Elf, Highfolk, Lendore
Isles, Sunndi, Tallfellow Halfling, Ulek States, Valley Elf,
+1 bonus on all Knowledge checks.
+1 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Exercises of Arn
[General, Fighter]
(DR319 p56)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Furyondy, Nyrond, Oeridian, Ratik
After 8 hours of sleep/rest, you can do one of the following sets of
exercises & receive the listed benefit until you do another one of the
exercises (though only one exercise can be done per day).
Rite of Battle – +1 Morale bonus on attacks with the weapon you
practiced with.
Rite of Calm – +1 Resistance bonus to all saving throws.
Right of Fitness – +6 Temporary Hit-Points.
Expert Dungeoneer
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Blackmoor, Deep Gnome, Greyhawk, Hill Dwarf, Mountain
+4 Competence bonus on saves vs. Mechanical Traps.
Faerie Mysteries
(DR319 p58)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Celene, Gray Elf, High Elf, Lendore Isles, Tallfellow
Halfling, Verbobonc, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
After 4 hours of a restful trance, you and another creature with this
Feat spend 15 minutes doing cultural rituals, which grants you both
one of the following bonuses until you and other do a different set
of cultural rituals (though only once per day).
Carols – when fighting Orcs and/or Goblins, you receive a
+1 Competence bonus on damage rolls with Melee weapons &
Ranged weapons within 30’ –and– are treated as having Feat:
Improved Critical with the weapon you are wielding.
Frolics – +4 Insight bonus on Perform (dance) & Tumble checks.
Gyres – +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
Passions – use your Intelligence modifier instead of your
Constitution modifier to determine your hit-points.
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Greyhawk, Iuz, North Kingdom, Perrenland, Solnor
Compact, Sterich, Ull
You have a birthmark that identifies you as “trafficking with fiends”.
Your spells have +2 DC & +2 bonus to overcome Spell Resistance
vs. Outsiders with the ‘Evil’ subtype.
[General, Fighter]
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Geoff, Keoland, Sterich
+2 Dodge bonus to AC vs. Giant attacks.
+4 bonus on rolls to Confirm a critical hit vs. a Giant.
Gnome Lore
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Rock Gnome, Ulek States, Valley Elf
+1 bonus on all
Knowledge checks.
+1 bonus on all
Perform checks.
Great Fervor
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ekbir, Pale, Scarlet Brotherhood, Tusmit, Veluna,
You may reroll a failed saving throw once per day. Add your
Wisdom modifier as a bonus to the new roll. You must use the new
Greyhawk Method
(DR315 p53)
Able to prepare & cast Arcane spells
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Trained with Greyhawk’s School of Wizardry.
You gain 4 new spell per level (instead of 3). If you are a
Specialized Wizard, 2 of them must be in your Specialized School.
The following feats are possible Bonus Wizard feats for you:
Combat Casting, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration,
Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
Halfling Lore
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Lightfoot Halfling, Stout Halfling, Tallfellow Halfling,
Ulek States
+2 bonus on Know (local) checks.
+2 bonus on Know (history) checks.
+4 bonus on Profession (cook) checks.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Greyhawk Feats Page 160
Greyhawk Feats
Reference Prerequisite Description
Heir of Lendore
(DR319 p59)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Your eyes are all-white, though you can see normally.
Divination spells you cast receive a +2 DC.
Horse Lore
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Baklunish, Flan, Paynims, Rovers of the Barrens, Tiger
Nomads, Wolf Nomads
+3 bonus on Ride checks & Handle Animal checks when dealing
with horses.
Horses have an initial attitude of Friendly towards you.
Jinnbound – Dao
(DR319 p60)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Descended from a Dao, which is a Genie of Earth.
+4 bonus on saves vs. [earth] spells & effects.
+4 bonus on saves vs. Petrification.
Sorcerers only:
Spells you cast with the [earth] subtype have a +2 DC.
Jinnbound – Djinni
(DR319 p60)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Descended from a Djinn, which is a Genie of Air.
+4 bonus on saves vs. [air] spells & effects.
+4 bonus on saves vs. the following spells: Acid Fog, Call Lightning,
Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, and Storm of Vengeance.
Sorcerers only:
Spells you cast with the [air] subtype have a +2 DC.
Jinnbound – Efreeti
(DR319 p60)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Descended from a Effreet, which is a Genie of Fire.
+4 bonus on saves vs. [fire] spells & effects.
Sorcerers only:
Spells you cast with the [fire] subtype have a +2 DC.
Jinnbound – Marid
(DR319 p60)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Descended from a Marid, which is a Genie of Water.
+4 bonus on saves vs. [water] spells & effects.
+4 bonus on saves vs. the following spells: Acid Fog, Cone of Cold,
Horrid Wilting, Ice Storm, and Sleet Storm.
+2 bonus on Constitution checks to resist drowning.
Sorcerers only:
Spells you cast with the [water] subtype have a +2 DC.
Jungle Fighter
[General, Fighter]
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bandit Kingdoms, Lordship of the Isles, Olman, Scarlet
Brotherhood, Sea Princes
+2 Dodge bonus to AC when fighting in jungle terrain.
Landless Nobility
(DR315 p53)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bone March, Geoff, Sea Prince, Shield Lands, Sterich,
Tenh, Ulek States (Principality only)
Receive maximum starting gold at 1
+4 bonus on Charisma-based skill check against people from your
homeland (wherever they now live).
Last Survivor
(DR350 p69)
Survival: 5 ranks
Sole survivor of a deadly encounter in the Amedio Jungle
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Amedio Jungle
+2 Circumstance bonus on Hide, Listen, & Spot checks made vs.
predators & natural hazards in jungle & forest environments.
Lays of the Northern
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Blackmoor, Flan
In order for someone to dispel an Abjuration
spell cast by your,
he/she must make a Dispel Check vs. DC 13 + Caster level
(instead of 11 + Caster level).
Lore of the Ur-Flan
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bright Lands, Flan
+2 bonus to the DC of Necromancy spells with the ‘Evil’ subtype that
you cast.
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bissel, Deep Gnome, Dyvers, Ekbir, Gran March,
Greyhawk, Highfolk, Hill Dwarf, Irongate, Ket, Lightfoot
Halfling, Lordship of the Isles, Mountain Dwarf, Onnwal,
Rock Gnome, Sea Barons, Solnor Compact, Stout
Halfling, Tusmit, Ulek States, Urnst States, Verbobonc.
+2 bonus on Appraise checks.
+2 bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of your choice.
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bissel, Half-Orc, Hill Dwarf, Paynims, Perrenland,
Stonehold, Tenh, Tusmit, Ull
Speak Language is always a class skill for you.
+2 bonus on all
Knowledge (local) checks.
Mountain Fighter
[General, Fighter]
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Frost Barbarians, Geoff, Hill Dwarf, Ice Barbarians,
Irongate, Mountain Dwarf, Perrenland, Pomarj, Ratik,
Snow Barbarians, Sterich, Stonehold, Tusmit, Ulek States,
Ull, Urnst States (Duchy only), Valley Elf, Valley of the
Mage, Yeomanry
+2 Dodge bonus to AC when fighting in mountain terrain.
Nexus Method
(DR319 p60)
Able to prepare and cast Arcane spells.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Solnor Compact
Trained with the Sorcerers’ Nexus of Rel Astra, who specialize in
You may expend a prepared non-Conjuration spell to cast the
Summon Monster spell of the same level (i.e., you can lose a
Fireball to cast Summon Monster III).
The following feats are possible Bonus Wizard feats for you:
Augment Summoning, Fiendsign, Greater Spell Focus, Greater
Spell Penetration, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
Noble Soul
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Deep Gnome, Furyondy, Half-Elf, Lightfoot Halfling,
Oeridian, Pale, Shield Lands, Ulek States, Veluna,
+1 bonus on Will saves.
+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks
Orc Blooded
(DR315 p54)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bandit Kingdoms, Bone March, Iuz, North Kingdom,
Pomarj, Stonehold, Ull, Zeif
Darkvision 30’
Barbarian is your favored class
You do not
count as an Orc for effects related to race.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Greyhawk Feats Page 161
Greyhawk Feats
Reference Prerequisite Description
Pureblooded Suel
(DR319 p60)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
+1 bonus on Intimidate checks.
+1 bonus on all saves vs. Spells & Spell-like effects.
+2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against members of
the Scarlet Brotherhood.
Raider’s Spirit
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bone March, Frost Barbarians, Half-Orc, Ice Barbarians,
Iuz, Olman, Paynims, Pomarj, Rovers of the Barren, Snow
Barbarians, Stonehold, Tiger Nomads, Ull, Wolf Nomads
+4 bonus on save vs. Fear effects.
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
(DR315 p54)
Intelligence 13
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bandit Kingdoms, Dyvers, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Rhennee,
Rock Gnome, Sea Barons, Urnst States (Country only),
Wild Coast
Add your Intelligence modifier (in addition
to your Charisma
modifier) to Bluff checks.
Rhenn Lore
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Dyvers, Greyhawk, Rhennee
+1 bonus on all
Knowledge checks.
+1 bonus on Tumble checks.
Rustic Charm
(DR319 p60)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, Furyondy, Keoland, Nyrond, Rock Gnome,
Sunndi, Urnst States, Veluna
You suffer no penalties on Diplomacy checks related to social class.
People who are not part of the upper class receive a –2 penalty when
they make a Sense Motive check on you.
Sagacious Method
(DR319 p60)
Able to prepare and cast Arcane spells.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Trained with the Sagacious Society of Nyrond.
+4 bonus on Spellcraft checks to decipher a Scroll.
+4 bonus on Caster level checks to cast a spell from a Scroll that has
a higher Caster level than you.
The following feats are possible Bonus Wizard feats for you:
Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration,
Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
Second Sight
(DR319 p60)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Augury as a 3
level Cleric, usable 1/day as a Spell-like ability.
(DR319 p60)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Valley of the Mage
+2 bonus on Hide checks.
Once per day, you may cast a spell with the (shadow) descriptor as if
it had Feat: Embower Spell
applied to it without raising its level.
Silent Method
(DR319 p60)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Trained with at the Lonely Tower of the Silent Ones of Keoland.
+2 bonus on all Dispel checks and on Break Enchantment’s Caster
level checks.
The following feats are possible Bonus Wizard feats for you:
Combat Casting, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration,
Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.
Spirit of the Sea
(DR319 p60)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ekbir, Lendore Isles, Lordship of the Isles, Scarlet
Brotherhood, Sea Barons, Sea Princes, Wild Coast, Zeif
+8 bonus on all Survival checks made while on board a boat or ship.
(DR350 p69)
Hide: 5 ranks
Move Silently: 5 ranks
Profession(sailor): 1 rank
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Jeklea Bay, Azure Sea
+2 Circumstance bonus on Disguise, Hide, & Move Silently checks
on Large Sailing Vessels.
Tested – Gift of
(DR319 p61)
Faerie Mysteries Initiate
Character Level 10
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Gray Elf, High Elf, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
+2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against Elves.
+4 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against creatures that
have any of the Tested Feats.
Commune as a 10
level Cleric, usable 1/day as a Supernatural ability.
Tested – Gift of Sight
(DR319 p61)
Faerie Mysteries Initiate
Character Level 10
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Gray Elf, High Elf, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
+2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against Elves.
+4 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against creatures that
have any of the Tested Feats.
True Seeing as a 10
level Cleric, usable 1/day as a Spell-like ability.
Tested – Ye’Cind’s
(DR319 p61)
Faerie Mysteries Initiate
Character Level 10
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Gray Elf, High Elf, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
+2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against Elves.
+4 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against creatures that
have any of the Tested Feats.
+6 on your effective Bard level for purposes of Bardic Music effects,
usable 1/day as a Supernatural ability.
Tongue of Mouqol
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Baklunish, Bissel, Ket
+3 bonus on Bluff check & Diplomacy checks related to business
Troll Blooded
(DR319 p61)
Level only.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Pale, Snow Barbarians
Gain Regeneration 1 as an Extraordinary ability. Fire and Acid deal
normal damage to you. Removed body parts reattached after being
held to the stump for 1 Full Round. Otherwise, they regrow in 3d6
If exposed to Sunlight, you become Fatigued.
Vathrin Stigmata
(DR319 p61)
Must be a follower of Vathris.
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Bright Lands
Once per day, you can generate a substance that, if consumed within
1 hour, acts as Neutralize Poison and Remove Disease.
The substance’s level for Dispel Checks is 5.
Generating the substance leaves you Exhausted.
Vatun’s Touch
(DR319 p61)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Ratik, Snow Barbarians,
Automatically make your saves to avoid nonlethal dmg due to cold.
You to not add a cumulative +1 to the DC of checks to resist cold
weather effects.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Greyhawk Feats Page 162
Greyhawk Feats
Reference Prerequisite Description
Vohoun Eye
(DR350 p69)
Sense Motive: 5 ranks
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Pirate Isles
When you observe someone casting a spell, you may identify the
spell’s school of magic as a Free Action by making a Sense Motive
check (DC = 20 + spell level). If successful, you receive a
+2 Circumstance bonus on your save vs. that spell.
Wastri’s Blessing
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Blackmoor, Keoland, Sea Princes, Sunndi
You only leave tracks in the swamp if you want to.
You can hold your breath 3x Constitution score rounds (instead of 2x).
Well Read
(DR315 p54)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, Celene, Dyvers, Ekbir, Furyondy, Gray Elf,
Greyhawk, High Elf, Irongate, Keoland, Lendore Isles,
Lordship of the Isles, Yrond, Solnor Compact, Suel, Urnst
States, Valley of the Mage, Veluna, Verbobonc, Zeif
All Knowledge skills are considered class skills for you.
Well Traveled
(DR319 p61)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Half-Elf, Lightfoot Halfling, Rhennee, Stout Halfling,
Tallfellow Halfling
Receive 2 ranks in Knowledge (local).
When dealing with a non-hostile creature with which you can speak,
you may use your Knowledge (local) skill in place of Diplomacy.
World Weary
(DR319 p61)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
Ahlissa, Bandit Kingdoms, Bone March, Geoff, Iuz, North
Kingdom, Pomarj, Rovers of the Barrens, Scarlet
Brotherhood, Sea Princes, Shield Lands, Sterich, Tenh
+4 Competence bonus on saves vs. Fear.
A Fear effect that would make you Panicked leaves you Frightened.
A Fear effect that would make you Frightened leaves you Shaken.
Zagyg’s Favor
(DR319 p61)
Must be from one of the following races & regions:
+4 bonus on saves vs. Compulsion effects, such as Confusion,
Dominate Person, & Insanity.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Greyhawk Feats Page 163
Regional Feats of Greyhawk Cross-reference by Race & Region
Race / Region Feats
Badge of Bondage, Celestial Scion, Rustic Charm, Well Read,
World Weary
Elemental Focus, Horse Lore, Jinnbound, Tongue of Mouqol
Badge of Bondage, Blooded’, Jungle Fighter, Orc Blooded
Rapscallion, World Weary
Blooded, Border Watch, Mercantile Background, Mercenary
Background, Tongue of Mouqol
Blackmoorian Rhymes, Expert Dungeoneer, Lays of the
Northern Adepts, Wastri’s Blessing
Bone March
Blooded, Landless Nobility, Orc Blooded, Raider’s Spirit,
World Weary
Bright Lands
Blooded, Desert Fighter, Lore of the Ur-Flan, Vathrin Stigmata
Companion Guard Style, Ehlonna’s Way, Faerie Mysteries
Initiate, Well Read
Dwarf, Hill
Dwarf Lore, Expert Dungeoneer, Mercantile Background,
Mercenary Background, Mountain Fighter
Deepseer, Dwarf Lore, Expert Dungeoneer, Mercantile
Background, Mountain Fighter
Mercantile Background, Rapscallion, Rhenn Lore, Well Read
Great Fervor, Mercantile Background, Spirit of the Sea, Well
Elf, Gray
Companion Guard Style, Elf Lore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate,
Tested, Well Read
Elf, High
Ehlonna’s Way, Elf Lore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Tested,
Well Read
Elf, Valley
Elf Lore, Defensive Expert, Gnome Lore, Mountain Fighter
Elf, Wild
Driftwalker, Ehlonna’s Way, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Tested
Elf, Wood
Driftwalker, Ehlonna’s Way, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Tested
Badge of Bondage, Horse Lore, Lays of the Northern Adepts,
Lore of the Ur-Flan
Driftwalker, Mountain Fighter, Raider’s Spirit, Troll Blooded,
Vatun’s Touch
Blooded, Border Watch, Exercises of Arn, Noble soul, Rustic
Charm, Well Read
Blooded, Border Watch, Giantkiller, Landless Nobility,
Mountain Fighter, World Weary
Gnome, Deep
Deepseer, Expert Dungeoneer, Mercantile Background, Noble
Gnome, Rock
Gnome Lore, Mercantile Background, Rapscallion, Rustic
Gran March
Blooded, Border Watch, Born Follower, Mercantile
Expert Dungeoneer, Fiendsign, Greyhawk Method, Mercantile
Background, Rhenn Lore, Well Read, Zagyg’s Favor
Elf Lore, Noble Soul, Rapscallion, Well Traveled
Badge of Bondage, Mercenary Background, Raider’s Spirit,
Halfling Lore, Mercantile Background, Noble Soul, Well
Halfling, Stout
Deepseer, Halfling Lore, Mercantile Background, Well
Elf Lore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Halfling Lore, Well
Border Watch, Ehlonna’s Way Elf Lore, Mercantile
Ice Barbarians
Driftwalker, Mountain Fighter, Raider’s Spirit, Troll Blooded,
Vatun’s Touch
Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Dwarf Lore, Mercantile
Background, Mountain Fighter, Well Read
Blooded, Fiendsign, Orc Blooded, Raider’s Spirit, Would
Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Border Watch, Mercantile
Background, Tongue of Mouqol
Lendore Isles
Elf Lore, Faerie Mysteries, Initiate, Spirit of the Sea, Well
Race / Region Feats
Lordship of the
Badge of Bondage, Jungle Fighter, Mercantile Background,
Spirit of the Sea, Well Read
North Kingdom
Badge of Bondage, Celestial Scion, Fiendsign, Orc Blooded,
World Weary
Blooded, Border Watch, Exercises of Arn, Rustic Charm,
Sagacious Method, Well Read
Blooded, Born Follower, Exercises of Arn, Noble Soul
Atlan’s Mark, Badge of Bondage, Jungle Fighter, Raider’s
Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Mercantile Background, World
Born Follower, Great Fervor, Noble Soul, Troll Blooded
Bareback Soul, Blooded, Horse Lore, Mercenary Background,
Raider’s Spirit
Pearl Sea
Blessed of Osprem, Last Survivor, Stowaway, Vohoun Eye
Driftwalker, Fiendsign, Mercenary Background, Mountain
Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Mountain Fighter, Orc Blooded,
Raider’s Spirit, World Weary
Border Watch, Exercises of Arn, Mountain Fighter, Vatun’s
Rapscallion, Rhenn Lore, Second Sight, Well Traveled
Rovers of the
Bareback Soul, Blooded, Horse Lore, Raider’s Spirit, World
Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Great Fervor, Jungle Fighter,
Spirit of the Sea, World Weary
Sea Barons
Badge of Bondage, Mercantile Background, Rapscallion, Spirit
of the Sea
Sea Princes
Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Jungle Fighter, Landless
Nobility, Spirit of the Sea, Wastri’s Blessing, World Weary
Shield Lands
Blooded, Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Noble Soul, World
Driftwalker, Mountain Fighter, Raider’s Spirit, Troll Blooded,
Vatun’s Touch
Celestial Scion, Fiendsign, Mercantile Background, Nexus
Method, Well Read
Blooded, Border Watch, Fiendsign, Giantkiller, Landless
Nobility, Mountain Fighter, World Weary
Blooded, Driftwalker, Mercenary Background, Mountain
Fighter, Orc Blooded, Raider’s Spirit, Vatun’s Touch
Blood of Kord, Heir of Lendore, Pureblooded Suel, Well Read
Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Elf Lore, Rustic Charm,
Wastri’s Blessing
Blooded, Landless Nobility, Mercenary Background, World
Tiger Nomads
Badge of Bondage, Bareback Soul, Horse Lore, Raider’s Spirit
Great Fervor, Mercantile Background, Mercenary Background,
Mountain Fighter
Ulek States
Dwarf Lore, Elf Lore, Gnome Lore, Halfling Lore, Landless
Nobility (Principality only), Mercantile Background,
Mountain Fighter, Noble Soul
Bareback Soul, Fiendsign, Mercenary background, Mountain
Fighter, Orc Blooded, Raider’s Spirit
Urnst States
Mercantile Background, Mountain Fighter (Duchy only),
Rapscallion (Country only), Rustic Charm, Well Read
Valley of the
Defensive Expert, Mountain Fighter, Shadowbound, Well
Great Fervor, Noble soul, Rustic Charm, Well Read
Great Fervor, Elf Lore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Mercantile
Background, Well Read
Wild Coast
Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Rapscallion, Spirit of the Sea
Wolf Nomads
Bareback Soul, Blooded, Horse Lore, Raider’s Spirit
Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Defensive Expert, Mountain
Fighter, Noble Soul
Badge of Bondage, Orc Blooded, Spirit of the Sea, Well Read
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 164
Selected Feats by Category
Feats for 1
level Characters
Feats for 1
Source Prerequisite Description
Able Learner
(RoD p150)
Human or Doppelganger
level only
All skills are “in-class” and only cost 1 skill point.
Does not effect the cost of learning a language or gaining literacy.
Adamantine Body
(Eb p50)
level only
Your body is effectively wearing Heavy Armor at all times.
+8 Armor bonus to AC.
Damage Reduction 2 / adamantine; Base Speed is 20’; Max Dexterity bonus to AC is +1.
–5 Armor check penalty.
35% Arcane Spell Failure chance.
Aereni Focus
(PGE p20)
Elf from Aerenal
level only
Choose one Skill. This skill is always a Class Skill for you –and– you gain a +3 bonus with it.
Counts as ‘Skill Focus’ with the indicated skill for purposes of meeting requirements or prerequisites.
Born under a High Sun
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate checks.
+2 bonus on saves vs. Fire effects.
+1 bonus on all other Fortitude saves.
Born under a Rising
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Heal checks.
+2 bonus on Will saves vs. Fear.
+1 bonus on all other Will saves.
Born under a Setting
(DR340 p48)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
Concentration is always an in-class skill for you.
+1 bonus on any two Knowledge skills.
Born under the
Crescent Moon
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Sense Motive & Spot checks.
Detect Thoughts, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Full
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Intimidate & Use Magical Device checks.
Command, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the
Gibbous Moon
(DR340 p57)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Bluff & Gather Information checks.
Calm Animals, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. DC is Charisma-based. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the Half
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Balance & Concentration checks.
Expeditious Retreat, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
Born under the New
(DR340 p56)
level only
May not have another
[Birth] feat
+1 bonus on Hide & Sleight of Hand checks.
Disguise Self, 1/day as a Spell-like Ability. Caster level is your Character level.
Bronze Solaris Membe
(DR334 p93)
Sorcerer level 1
Level only
You descended from an Ancient Deity and are a member of The Order of the Bronze Solaris.
1. Knowledge (religion) is a Sorcerer class skill for you. Receive a +3 bonus on Knowledge (religion)
checks related to your Ancestor Deity.
2. You are proficient with the Favored Weapon of your Ancestor Deity.
City Slicker
(RoD p150)
level only
Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you.
Collegiate Wizard
(CArc p181)
Wizard level 1
Intelligence 13
level only
+2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks.
As a 1st level Wizard, you gain six 1
level spells (instead of 4).
At each level after 1
, you gain 4 new spell (instead of 2).
Diverse Background
(RoD p150)
Half-Human only
level only
Choose one class. This class is a Favored Class for you.
(Eb p52)
level only
All Knowledge skills are added to your In-Class Skill List.
+1 bonus on two specific Knowledge skills of your choice.
Human Blood
(DR324 p78)
level only
Partial Human ancestry
(i.e., Half-Elf, etc)
Gain +1 Skill point at 1
level and every level afterwards.
For all effects related to race, you are ‘human’.
Human Heritage
(RoD p152)
level only
Half-Human or Human-
(RoD p150)
You are considered Humanoid(human) for the purpose of adjudicating all effects.
You retain any other subtypes you had (such as orc or extraplanar).
You gain 4 additional skill points.
Innate Magic
(DR324 p78)
level only
Intelligence 3
Charisma 11
Choose a 0th level spell. You may cast this spell once per day as a 1st level Caster.
The DC (if any) is 10 + Charisma modifier.
Mithral Body
(Eb p57)
level only
Your body is effectively wearing Light Armor at all times.
+5 Armor bonus to AC.
Max Dexterity bonus to AC is +5.
–2 Armor check penalty.
15% Arcane Spell Failure chance.
Noble Born
(DR333 p45)
Level only
Diplomacy & Knowledge (nobility & royalty) are always class skills for you.
If you take the feat Leadership, receive +2 bonus on your Leadership score.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 165
Feats for 1
Source Prerequisite Description
(CArc p181)
Arcane spellcaster 1
Spellcasting Ability
score (Int or Cha) 15+
level only
+2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Choose a 2nd level spell from a school of magic to which you have access. You may cast this spell once
per day by making a Caster level check vs. DC 8 (failure means the spell is depleted for the day).
When you gain 2nd level spells, you continue to have an extra spell slot, though it no longer has to be
dedicated to the originally chosen spell.
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 Racial bonus on Disable Device, Escape Artist, Move Silently, & Tumble checks.
Decrease your weight by 10%.
Slow Maturation
(DR324 p78)
level only
Must be younger than
Middle Age
It takes you 50% longer than normal for your race to react the next age category.
Spellcasting Prodigy
(PGF p44)
level only For purposes of determining bonus spells, treat your primary spellcasting ability score (i.e., Intelligence for
Wizards, Wisdom for Clerics, Druids, Paladins, & Rangers, etc.) as 2 higher.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying to a different ability score.
Note: you do not need to be able to cast spell yet when you take this feat.
(DR340 p26)
level only Gain the Startouched bonus (see page 195) that matches the Astrological Sign that was in ascendance on the
day of your birth.
You are able to use & create magic items tuned only to your ‘sign’.
(DR324 p78)
level only +4 bonus on ability checks to resist being Bull Rushed or Tripped when standing on the ground. Stacks
with a Dwarf’s Stability racial ability.
Increase your weight by 10%.
Superior Hearing
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 bonus on Listen, Perform (keyboard instruments), Perform (percussion instruments),
Perform (string instruments), Perform (wind instruments), and Perform (sing) checks.
Superior Sense of
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Heal checks.
+2 bonus on Survival checks.
Superior Taste
(DR324 p78)
level only
+3 bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify a Potion.
+3 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist the effects of an Ingested Poison.
Superior Touch
(DR324 p78)
level only
+1 bonus on Disable Device, Open Lock, and Sleight of Hand checks.
+2 bonus on Spot checks made to pinpoint the location of an Invisible creature.
Superior Vision
(DR324 p78)
level only
Gain Low-Light Vision. If you already have Low-Light Vision, you can now see 3x as far as a human
(instead of only 2x).
Anarchic Feats
Must has a Chaotic alignment and must fully live a chaotic lifestyle.
Feats for the Chaotic
Source Prerequisite Description
Chaos Music
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment
Bardic Music class
Perform: 4 ranks
Your effective Bard level for purposes of using your Bard Music class ability increases by +4, up to your
HD. This means that a multi-classed Bard or one with Racial HD benefits.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Chaos Rage
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment
Ability to Rage
Intimidate: 4 ranks
Your effective Barbarian level for purposes of using your Barbarian Rage class ability increases by +4, up
to your HD. This benefits a multi-classed Barbarian or one with Racial HD.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Flexible Mind
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment Choose two skills that you have ranks in. These skills are always in-class for you from now on. Both skills
receive a +1 bonus.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
Wild Touch
(DR326 p80)
Chaotic alignment
Use Magic Device:
8 ranks
When determining the random effect of a magic item (i.e., drawing a card from a Deck of Many Things,
activating a Rod of Wonder, etc.), you may roll twice and choose the more appropriate of the two. This
ability may be used once per day.
You gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.
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Feats by Category Page 166
Exalted Feats
To take an Exalted Feat, you must have a Good alignment and live by the highest moral standards.
Feats for the Good
Source Prerequisite Description
Animal Friend
(BoED p41)
Charisma 15
Wild Empathy class
Gain a +4 Exalted bonus on Wild Empathy checks to change the attitudes of animals and Good-aligned
Magical Beasts.
Celestial Familiar
(BoED p41)
Able to acquire a new
Get access to a Good Outsider as your familiar.
: Celestial Animal
: Coure Eladrin (CG), Lantern Archon (LG), Musteval Guardinal (NG)
Celestial Mount
(BoED p42)
Paladin level 4
Your Special Mount gains the Celestial template.
Consecrate Spell
(BoED p42)
Craft Wand –or– Craft
Able to Turn Undead
When using a Wand or Staff, you can consume one of your Turns per day to apply the Consecrate Spell feat
to the item’s effect. Charges are still used up as normal.
Exalted Companion
(BoED p42)
Able to acquire a new
Animal Companion
Instead of gaining an Animal as your companion, you get a Magical Beast. See (BoED p42) for a full list.
Exalted Smite
(BoED p42)
Smite Evil class ability
When you use your Smite Evil ability, your weapon is considered ‘good’ for purposes of bypassing Damage
Exalted Turning
(BoED p42)
Ability to Turn Undead
Any Undead you successfully Turn also takes 3d6 damage.
Exalted Wild Shape
(BoED p42)
Wild Shape class ability
Wild Shape Class lvl 8
In addition to the normal forms you can take with Wild Shape, you can also take the form of a Blink Dog,
Giant Eagle, Giant Owl, Pegasus, Unicorn, or the Celestial version of an Animal that you can normally
take the shape of.
Favored of the
(BoED p43)
Pledged fealty to one of
the Paragon of the
Guardinals (NG)
Once per day, you receive a +1 Luck bonus on any one roll or check. You must be performing a good act.
You may not take ‘Knight of Stars’ or ‘Servant of the Heavens’ after taking this feat.
Gift of Faith
(BoED p43)
Wisdom 13
+2 bonus on saving throws to resist [fear], despair effects, or similar mind-affecting conditions (but not
charms or compulsions).
Gift of Grace
(BoED p43)
Divine Grace class ability You may distribute the bonus you receive from Divine Grace (i.e., a bonus on saving throws equal to your
Charisma modifier) to your allies by touch. You may break up the bonus as you wish, keeping some for
yourself if you wish. You may not transfer any more points than your Character level.
The effect lasts until revoked (a Free Action), up to 24 hours.
Hands of the Healer
(BoED p43)
Charisma 13
Lay on Hands class ability
When calculating the number of hit-points you can heal each day, treat your Charisma as being +2.
Holy Ki Strike
(BoED p43)
Charisma 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Ki Strike (holy) class
Sanctified Ki Strike
Evil creatures hit by your Unarmed Strike take +2d6 damage (does not
stack with Sanctified Ki Strike) and
all of the strike’s damage is considered Holy for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Holy Radiance
(BoED p44)
Charisma 15
Nimbus of Light
You may create bright light in a 10’ radius and shadowy illumination out to 20’ as a Free Action. Any
Undead within 10’ of you when this power is in effect take 1d4 damage per round.
Knight of Stars
(BoED p44)
Pledged fealty to a
member of the Court of
Stars (CG)
Once per day, you receive a +1 Luck bonus on any one roll or check. You must be performing a good act.
You may not take ‘Favored of the Companions’ or ‘Servant of the Heavens’ after taking this feat.
(BoED p44)
At least one Favored
Choose one of your Favored Enemies when you take this feat. You may detect creatures of that race within
60’ (even through walls). Also, you do +1d6 damage to an Evil member of your enemy race.
Nimbus of Light
(BoED p44)
You may create bright light in a 5’ radius and shadowy illumination out to 10’ as a Free Action. You
receive a +2 Circumstance bonus on Diplomacy & Sense Motive checks with Good creatures.
Nymph’s Kiss
(BoED p44)
1. +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks.
2. +1 bonus on saving throws against spells & spell-like abilities.
3. +1 skill point per level, starting at this level.
Purify Spell Trigger
(BoED p45)
Craft Wand –or– Craft
Able to Turn Undead
When using a Wand or Staff, you can consume one of your Turns per day to apply the Purify Spell feat to
the item’s effect. Charges are still used up as normal.
Quell the Profane
(BoED p45)
Strength 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Power Attack
Resounding Blow
Intimidate: 7 ranks
On a confirmed Critical Hit upon an Evil creature using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, your
opponent takes 1d4+1 Strength damage (FortNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
This feat applies to a Monk’s Unarmed Strike.
Ranged Smite Evil
(BoED p45)
Smite Evil class ability
You may apply your Smite Evil ability to your missile weapons.
Righteous Wrath
(BoED p45)
Ability to Rage
1. You maintain your mental abilities while Raging, allowing you to deal nonlethal damage (if desired), stop
attacking, etc.
2. The first time you hit a foe while Raging, your foe is Shaken until you leave the combat (or are defeated)
WillNeg (DC 10 + ½ Raging ability class levels + Charisma modifier).
Sacred Strike
(BoED p45)
Sneak Attack +1d6 If you deal damage with a melee Sneak Attack, your opponent is Staggered for one round (FortNeg DC =
damage dealt). If the target is treated with the Heal skill (DC 15) or any spell that heals at least one hit
point, the effect is also removed. This feat has no effect on creatures immune to Sneak Attacks.
Sacred Vow
(BoED p45)
Willingly give yourself
into the service of a
Good deity or cause.
+2 Perfection bonus on Diplomacy checks.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 167
Feats for the Good
Source Prerequisite Description
Sanctify Ki Strike
(BoED p46)
Charisma 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Ki Strike (lawful) class
Your Unarmed Strike is considered ‘good’ for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. In addition, it
does +1 hp of damage to Evil creatures and +1d4 damage to Evil Outsiders & Evil Undead.
Sanctify Martial Strike
(BoED p46)
Charisma 15
Weapon Focus
Damage done by chosen weapon is considered ‘good for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
In addition, the chosen does +1 hp of damage to Evil creatures and +1d4 damage to Evil Outsiders & Evil
Sanctify Weapon
(BoED p46)
Able to cast Align
When you cast Align Weapon, the target weapon also becomes ‘sanctified’, which results in +1 hp of Holy
damage to Evil creatures & +1d4 Holy damage to Evil Outsiders & Evil Undead. In addition, creatures
with the Corrupted Template(BoVD p186) do not heal damage done by the Sanctified weapon through
Natural or Fast Healing.
Servant of the Heavens
(BoED p46)
Pledged fealty to one of
the rulers of the Seven
Heavens (LG)
Once per day, you receive a +1 Luck bonus on any one roll or check. You must be performing a good act.
You may not take ‘Favored of the Companions’ or ‘Knight of Stars’ after taking this feat.
(BoED p46)
Nimbus of Light As a Free Action, take N points of Constitution damage (minimum of 2) that still keeps you conscious. For
one hour, the following apply:
1. You may touch up to N allies. Each ally heals ((N / 2) * their
Character level) hit points and gets a new
saving through against any disease he/she is suffering from with a +N Sacred bonus. If the save is
successful, the ally is free of the disease. A single creature can only benefit once per an activation of
this ability.
2. Until the hour ends, you cannot heal the Constitution damage in any way.
3. Once the hour is over, you may activate the ability again (as long as you remain conscious).
Touch of Golden Ice
(BoED p47)
Constitution 13
When you touch an Evil creature with your hand, with an unarmed strike, or with a natural weapon, it is
ravaged by Golden Ice
(BoED p35).
Vow of Abstinence
(BoED p47)
Sacred Vow
Pledge to avoid alcohol,
drugs, caffeine, etc.
+4 Perfection bonus on Fortitude saves vs. poison & drugs.
If you intentionally consume alcohol, caffeine, stimulants, etc., you lose the benefit of this Feat. If you were
magically forced to break your vow, you can regain the benefit after atoning.
Vow of Chastity
(BoED p47)
Sacred Vow
Pledge to refrain from
marriage / intercourse
+4 Perfection bonus on Will saves vs. charm & phantasm spells & effects.
If you intentionally have any sexual contact with another creature, you lose the benefit of this Feat. If you
were magically forced to break your vow, you can regain the benefit after atoning.
Vow of Nonviolence
(BoED p47)
Sacred Vow
Pledge to avoid violence
against Humanoids and
Monstrous Humanoids
+4 DC on spells & special abilities used on Humanoids & Monstrous Humanoids that do not cause lethal
damage, ability damage, negative levels, automatic death, etc.
If any of your allies slay a helpless / defenseless foe within 120’ of you, your ally
receives a cumulative –1
Morale penalty for 1 hour per your Character level (max penalty is equal to your Character level). You
may ask the helpless foe to make an oath of surrender. If it makes the oath and then breaks it, your allies
may slay it without any negative effect.
Vow of Obedience
(BoED p48)
Sacred Vow
Follow the dictates of
your religious superior
+4 Perfection bonus on Will saves vs. compulsion spells & effects.
If you intentionally do not obey your superior, you lose the benefit of this Feat. If you were magically
forced to break your vow, you can regain the benefit after atoning.
Vow of Peace
(BoED p48)
Sacred Vow
Pledge to not harm any
living creature (Undead
and Constructs are fair
1. Calm Emotion, in a 20’ radius around you, always on (DC is Charisma-based).
2. +2 Natural Armor bonus to your AC.
3. +2 Deflection bonus to your AC.
4. +2 Exalted bonus to your AC (does not stack with Armor bonuses, but applies to incorporeal attacks).
5. If you are struck by a manufactured weapon, the weapon must make Fortitude save (DC is Constitution-
based) to avoid shattering and doing no damage.
6. +4 Exalted bonus on Diplomacy checks.
You may not cause lethal damage, ability damage, pain effect, death effects, etc., to any living creature,
including magic & weapons. Incapacitated foes must be taken prisoner.
If you intentionally harm a living creature or help your allies harm a living creature, you lose the benefit of
this Feat. If you were magically forced to break your vow, you can regain the benefit after atoning.
Vow of Poverty
(BoED p48)
(DR324 p103)+
Sacred Vow
Pledge to only own a
simple, non-magical,
weapon, one set of
non-magical cloths,
one day worth of food,
and a pouch of spell
You gain level-based bonuses and abilities, such as being able to do ‘good’ damage with your attacks. The
specifics are listed at BoED p29.
If you intentionally use a magic item or claim excess possessions, you lose the benefit of this Feat. If you
were magically forced to break your vow, you can regain the benefit after atoning.
Vow of Purity
(BoED p48)
Sacred Vow
Pledge to avoid dead
flesh, including meat
(even if cooked).
+4 Perfection bonus on Fortitude saves vs. disease & death-effects.
If you touch an Undead in the process of fighting it, you must spend 1 hour afterwards purifying yourself.
You may only touch a dead body if you are casting a spell to bring it back to life.
If you intentionally touch something dead (beside what is listed above), you lose the benefit of this Feat. If
you were magically forced to break your vow, you can regain the benefit after atoning.
Words of Creation
(BoED p48)
Intelligence 15
Charisma 15
Base Will save bonus +5
You know one or two Words of Creation(BoED p31), which were used to form the cosmos. These words can
be used to enhance the following effects:
1. Bardic Music – the benefits of most Bardic Music abilities are improved (often doubled).
2. Conjuration (creation) spells have their duration doubled.
3. +4 Sacred bonus on Craft checks.
4. +1 Caster level when casting [good] spells
5. +1 Caster level when creating a magic item without extra cost.
6. Able to research a creature’s True Name. This effect is combined with a Commune or Contact Other
Plane spell and a Knowledge check. If successful, you gain advantages against the creature, such as
gaining a +6 bonus when using Planar Binding upon it, decreasing its Spell Resistance for 1 min, etc.
Most of the listed uses cause nonlethal damage to you.
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Feats by Category Page 168
Tactical Feats
Tactical Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Battleshifter Training
[Tactical, Shifter]
(RoE p116)
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may not have
Feat: Ragewild
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Tiring Defense
– If an opponent attacks and misses you in melee on two consecutive round while you are
either Fighting Defensively or using Combat Expertise (minimum –2 on your attack) and you hit him/her
at least once, your opponent becomes Fatigued for as long as you continue Fighting Defensively or using
Combat Expertise as above. If already Fatigued, your opponent becomes Exhausted.
Exploit Weakness
– If you hit an opponent in melee who is suffering from being Fatigued, Exhausted,
Dazed, or Dazzled, you do +1d6 damage. You may not be using Combat Expertise or Fighting
– If an opponent attacks and misses you with a Full Round Attack while you are either Fighting
Defensively or using Combat Expertise (minimum –2 on your attack), you may spend 1 Action Point to
make an extra melee attack against this opponent as an Immediate Action.
Blinding Strike
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p90)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Blind the Foe
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –5,
your foe takes no damage, but becomes Blind for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Weaken Gaze
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least
–5, your foe takes normal damage and
the DC of one of the creature’s Gaze Attacks has its DC reduced by
2 for 10 rounds. Multiple uses of this maneuver stack.
Eye Gouge
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –5,
your foe takes normal damage and
looses the use of one of its Gaze Attacks for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg,
DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Unlike the other two maneuvers, ‘Eye Gouge’ generates and Attack of Opportunity. If you take damage
from the attack, the maneuver is negated.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p92)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (spiked
Weapon Focus (spiked
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Spiked Avalanche
– If you make a Charge while wearing Spiked Armor and using a Spiked Shield (or with
your hands empty), you may make a single attack with the Spiked Armor or the Spiked Shield that
receives a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage –or– attacks with both
your Spiked Armor and your
Spiked Shield that each receive a 1x Strength modifier bonus to damage (two weapon penalties apply).
Spiked Rebuke
– When you Fight Defensively with a Spiked Shield and an opponent missed your AC but
would have hit if not for your Shield, your next attack against that opponent with your Spiked Shield (if in
the next round) receives a +2 bonus on its attack roll.
Spiked Slam
– As a Full Round Action, you may make a single attack with your Spiked Shield that
generates an Attack of Opportunity, has a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage in addition to the damage
below. You do not threaten adjacent squares until the start of your next round.
Size Bonus Dmg
Size Bonus Dmg Size Bonus Dmg
Small +1d4 Large +1d8 Gargantuan +2d8
Medium +1d6 Huge +2d6 Colossal +3d6
Brute Fighting
[Tactical, Warforged]
(RoE p118)
Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus +3
Strength 13
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Combat Momentum
– If you hit your opponent at the end of a Charge with a Two-Handed Weapon, and
your opponent doesn’t hit you on the following round, you receive a +1 bonus on attacks against that
opponent during your next round.
Dispatch the Fallen
– If you successfully Bull Rush or Overrun an opponent, you receive +4 damage on the
next round against that opponent if you attack with a Two-Handed Weapon.
Frenzied Attack
– While using Power Attack (minimum –2 on attack rolls), if you hit your opponent on two
consecutive rounds with a Two-Handed Weapon, you gain +2 bonus on all attacks against that opponent
with that weapon for the rest of the round.
Cavalry Charger
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p108)
Base Attack Bonus +7
Mounted Combat
Spirited Charge
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
– While mounted, if you Charge and successfully hit a mounted opponent, you may make an
immediate Bull Rush attempt. If successful, your opponent moves back but his/her mount does not.
Leaping Charge
– While mounted, if you Charge a foe at least one size category smaller than you, you may
choose to make a Ride check at the end of movement to do extra damage (either DC 10 for +2 damage or
DC 20 for +4 damage). If you fail, you do not get an attack. If you fail by 5+, you also fall off your
Fell Trample
– While mounted, you may Overrun more than one foe. Each successfully Overrun foe
receives an attack (typically a hoof).
Combat Brute
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Sunder
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Advancing Blows
– If you successfully Bull Rush an opponent, you receive a +1 bonus per 5’ you moved
the opponent on attack & damage rolls against that opponent on the next round only.
Sundering Cleave
– If you destroy an opponent’s weapon or shield with a Sunder action, you receive an
immediate melee attack on the opponent at the same attack bonus which the Sunder used.
Momentum Swing
– If you successfully Charge an opponent, and then on the following round use Power
Attack with at least a –5 penalty, the bonus damage for the power attack is x1½ for a One-Handed weapon
or x3 for a Two-Handed weapon.
Combat Cloak Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Dexterity 15
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Cloak Defense
– When Fighting Defensively while wearing a cloak, receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC. If
you take a Total Defense Action, you receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
Cloaked Strike
– In the first round, advance without wielding a weapon until you are adjacent to your
opponent. On the next round, make an opposed Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action while you
draw your Light weapon. If successful, your opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC –or– his/her
Shield bonus to AC (your choice) until the end of your round.
Whirling Cloak
– After striking an opponent in melee, you may spend a Move Action to make a melee
touch attack against the same opponent. If successful, the opponent may not
make Attacks of Opportunity
against an ally of your choice until the start of your opponent’s next round.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 169
Tactical Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Combat Panache
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Bluff: 8 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Perform: 8 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fortuitous Tumble
– On the round after being struck by an opponent in melee, you may make an opposed
Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action against the opponent. If successful, you may use an
Immediate Action at the start of the opponent’s next round to designate a different creature he/she
threatens as the target of his/her next melee attack (even if is the opponent’s ally).
Play Dead
– As an Immediate Action after taking at least 10 hp of damage from a single hit, you may “play
dead” by making a successful Bluff vs. Sense Motive check. If successful, you may later rise without
generating an Attack of Opportunity against that foe, who also looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC
against your next attack. Only usable once per encounter.
Sneering Glower
– On the round after you do at least 1 hp of damage to an opponent, you may make an
Intimidate check as a Move Action to inflict a (Charisma modifier) penalty on the opponent’s attack rolls
against you for the remainder of the encounter (unless you use this ability on another foe). Creatures that
are Mindless or Immune to Fear effects are immune to this ability.
Confound the Big Folk
(RotW p153)
Small size (or smaller)
Underfoot Combat
Tumble: 10 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Knee Striker
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you, the
creature is considered Flat-Footed against you and you receive a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits.
Underfoot Defense
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
and you Fight Defensively, use Total Defense, or use Combat Expertise, any melee or ranged attack on
you has a 50% chance of striking the creature who shares the square with you (that creature does not have
a 50% chance of striking itself).
Unsteady Footing
– When you occupy a square with a creature at least two size categories larger than you,
you may initiate a Trip attack on the creature you share the square with and not provoke an Attack of
Opportunity. You can add your choice of Strength or Dexterity modifier to you check (your opponent gets
the better of its Strength or Dexterity as usual). Your opponent does not get to add his/her size bonus to its
roll. If the Trip attempt fails, your opponent does not get to try to trip you.
Crowd Tactics
(RoD p156)
Hide: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers when in a crowd that is Indifferent or Friendly to you:
Moving with the Flow
– Entering a crowd square does not cost you extra movement.
One with the Crowd
– +4 bonus to Hide checks while in a crowd square.
Master of the Mob
– +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to direct a crowd.
Deafening Blow
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p91)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Strength 13
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Battle Clangor
– If you succeed on a bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –4, your foe
takes no damage, but receives a –4 penalty on saves vs. sonic & language-dependent effects for 1 minute.
Disorienting Blow
– If you succeed on a bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –4, your
foe takes no damage, but becomes Shaken for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Note: the bludgeoning weapon must weigh at least 4 pounds).
Deafen Foe
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of
at least –4, your foe takes normal damage and
becomes Deaf for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power
Attack value).
Disturbing Visage
[Tactical, Changeling]
(RoE p117)
Quick Change
Bluff: 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers (a given creature can only be effected once by each in a 24
hour period & creature immune to mind-affecting spell & effects are immune):
– Appear weak by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability, taking a Total Defense Action, and
then making a Bluff check (as a Free Action). Any foe that attacks you from the end of your turn until the
beginning of your next turn must make a Sense Motives check opposed by your Bluff check. If an
opponent fails, he/she receives a –5 penalty on weapon damage (min 1hp) against you for 1 minute.
– Appear mocking by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability to mimic a Humanoid,
Monstrous Humanoid, or a Giant who is within 10’ & who missed you with a melee or ranged attack on
the previous round. Make a Bluff check as a Free Action opposed by the target creature’s Sense Motive’s
check. If you win the check, your target receives a –2 penalty on attack rolls against you for 1 minute.
– Appear hideous by using your Minor Change Shape racial ability after hitting an opponent in
melee, then making a Bluff check (as a Free Action). If your opponent’s Sense Motive check does not
beat your Bluff check, it receives a –2 penalty to AC for 1 minute.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p94)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Narrow Profile
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in the
other, you receive a +2 Dodge bonus to AC when Fighting Defensively or taking a Total Defense Action.
Off-Hand Balance
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in
the other –and– you hit your foe, you receive a +2 bonus on Tumble checks to avoid his/her Attacks of
Opportunity until the start of your next turn.
Off-Hand Swap
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in the
other –and– you hit your foe at least twice as part of a Full Round Attack, on the next round you may make
a Feint in Combat as a Free Action, except it is based on Sleight of Hand (instead of Bluff). This ability
may only be used against an opponent once.
Elusive Target
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Negate Power Attack
– If the opponent that you have chosen to use your Dodge against uses Power Attack
on you, he/she still takes the penalty on the attack, but does not gain the bonus on the damage.
Diverting Defense
– If you are flanked and have chosen one of the flankers as your Dodge opponent, that
opponent’s first attack on you each round actually target’s the other flanker, who is considered Flat-
Footed. Any additional attacks that round are treated normally.
Cause Overreach
– If you provoke an Attack of Opportunity by moving out of a threatened hex and your
opponent misses, you receive an automatic Trip attempt against the foe. If the Trip attempt misses, your
opponent does not get an attempt to trip you.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 170
Tactical Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Exhausting Defense
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p91)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fatigue the Foe
– If you fight the same foe for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat Expertise of at least –2
the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must make a Fortitude save vs.
DC 15 or become Fatigued until the end of the encounter.
Exhaust the Foe
– If you fight the same foe who is already Fatigued for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat
Expertise of at least –4 and
the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must
make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or become Exhausted until the end of the encounter (at which point
he/she becomes Fatigued).
The Best Offense
– If you fight a foe who is already Fatigued or Exhausted for 1 round using the All-Out
Defense Action and then on the following round attack without using Combat Expertise, the foe is
considered Flat-Footed against your attacks and
you receive a +2 bonus on attacks vs. that foe for 1 round.
Formation Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +5
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers, even if your allies do not have the feat too:
Lock Shield
– If you and the two allies on either side of you are wielding shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Step into the Breach
– If there is a line of adjacent allies and one ally within a single move falls, you may
make a single move to that ally’s location as if you had a Readied Action.
Wall of Polearms
– Gain a +2 attack bonus if you and your adjacent allies are each wielding the same
weapon, which must be off the following list: Shortspear, Longspear, Trident, Glaive, Gisarme, Halberd,
or Ranseur.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p111)
Medium-size or smaller
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Duck Underneath
– If you take a Total Defense action against a foe who is at least two size categories larger
than you, you gain an additional +4 bonus on your AC. If your foe misses on his/her attack, you may
make a Tumble check vs. DC 15 to move to the opposite side of your foe.
Death from Below
– If you successfully performed a Duck Underneath maneuver the round before, you can
make an immediate single attack on the foe you ducked under. Your foe is Flat-Footed & you gain a +4
bonus on your attack.
Climb Aboard
– If you are adjacent to a foe at least two size categories larger than you, you may make a
Climb check vs. DC 10 to climb onto your foe. As long as you are on your foe, he/she has a –4 penalty on
attack rolls to hit you & you are carried with him/her. Your foe may get you off with a Grapple check
opposed by your Climb check.
Mad Alchemist
(PH2 p94)
Craft(alchemy): 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Distracting Blast
– The target of your Thunderstone receives a –2 penalty on all attacks, skill checks, ability
checks, & saving throws until the start of your next round (WillNeg, DC = your Craft(alchemy) check)
–or– if the target was casting a spell, he/she must make an opposed Craft(alchemy) vs. Concentration
check to keep the spell.
Fiery Blast
– If you strike an opponent with Alchemist Fire (or lantern oil, etc.) and then on the next round
you attack with a spell / weapon that does Fire damage, your opponent takes +1d6 Fire damage –and
Catches Fire.
Tanglefoot Defense
– Expend a Tanglefoot Bag to change a square of Clear Terrain to Difficult Terrain for
10 minutes.
Ragewild Fighter
[Tactical, Shifter]
(RoE p118)
Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may not have
Feat: Battleshifter
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Instinctive Strike
– If you fail a Will save against a non-harmless spell, you may make a single melee attack
as an Immediate Action before the spell takes effect.
Rattle the Weakling
– If you hit an opponent of your size or smaller, and then in the following round hit the
opponent again while using Power Attack (minimum –5 penalty on the attack), your opponent is Dazed
(FortNeg, DC is Strength-based).
Brutal Charge
– If you hit an opponent at the end of a Charge, you may spend 1 Action Point to do bonus
damage equal to your Strength modifier (1 ½ Strength modifier if it was a Two-Handed Weapon).
Raptor School
(CWar p111)
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +6
Jump: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Eagle’s Swoop
– If you Charge or jump down at least 10’ onto your foe, you may make a Jump check to do
extra damage. You DC is 15 to do +2 damage –or– DC 25 to do +4 damage. If you fail the Jump check,
you miss your foe entirely & if the check misses by 5+, you end up Prone.
Falcon’s Feathers
– As a Standard Action, you may attempt a Feint action using a cloak to cause the
distraction. For this maneuver, you use your Base Attack Bonus in place of your ranks in Bluff for the
Feint. If successful, your opponent is Flat-Footed for the next melee attack you make against him/her.
Hawk’s Eye
– As a Full Round Action, you observe your opponent (you can do this for up to 3 consecutive
rounds). The next melee attack you make on that opponent receives a +2 bonus to attack & damage for
each round you observed (maximum of +6). If you do not attack within 3 round of observing or your
opponent attacks you first, the bonuses are lost.
(RoD p156)
Balance: 5 ranks
Jump: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fleet of Feet
– You can walk across a precarious surface at full speed without a penalty on your Balance
Graceful Drop
– If you intentionally jump from a height, you take less damage than if you had fallen. On a
successful Jump check, you take falling damage as if you had dropped 20’ fewer.
Master of the Roof
– Gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC against any opponent at a different elevation than you.
Shadow Striker
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p94)
Hide: 12 ranks
Move Silently: 12 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Evade Notice
– If you take no hostile action against an opponent who threatens you and another creature
he/she is interested in attacking, you may make an opposed Hide vs. Spot check to make the opponent
attack the other creature. You loose the benefit of this feat if you attack or the other creature is not longer
threatened (due to moving, dropping, etc.).
Fade Away
– If you strike an opponent as a Standard Action, you may take a Move Action to move and
then make a Hide check at +5.
Ghost Strike
– If you and an ally threaten the same opponent, you may make an opposed Move Silently vs.
Listen check as a Standard Action. If successful, the opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC vs.
your first attack the next round as long as your ally still threatens the opponent too.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 171
Tactical Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Shock Trooper
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p112)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Bull Rush
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Directed Bull Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush at the end of a Charge, you may move your opponent one
hex to the left or right for each hex you move him/her backwards.
Domino Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush that pushes your opponent into the same hex as another
opponent, you may attempt to Trip both opponents & they cannot attempt to trip you if you fail.
Heedless Charge
– If you make a Charge that ends in an attack that uses Power Attack (at least a –5 to your
attack roll), you may transfer part or all of the attack roll penalty to your AC as a penalty. This is in
additional to the –2 AC due to the Charge.
Sun School
(CWar p112)
Flurry of Blows class
Base Attack Bonus +4
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Inexorable Progress of Dawn
– If you hit an opponent with the first two attack from a Flurry of Blows, your
opponent must move back 5’ and you may move forward 5’. Neither movement provokes an Attack of
Blinding Sun of Noon
– If you successfully Stun an opponent on two consecutive rounds, your opponent is
Confused for 1d4 rounds after recovering from the Stun.
Flash of Sunset
– If you move next to an opponent using the Monk class ability ‘Abundant Step’ or
Dimensional Door, you may make one attack at your highest bonus at the end of your action.
Winged Warrior
[Tactical, Fighter]
(RotW p153)
Must have Wings
Base Attack Bonus +4
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
– If you are standing in or flying no more than 10’ above an area of lots of loose debris, you can use
a Move Action to create a 20’ radius hemispherical cloud. Creatures looking through 10’ of the cloud
have Concealment, while 20’ grants Total Concealment & any within the cloud must make a
Concentration check vs. DC 10 + ½ your character level to cast a spell.
Flying Leap
– If you move greater than your base Land speed, you a +4 bonus on Jump, Balance, and Climb
checks due to the lift and stabilization effects of your wings.
Shroud of Feathers
– By spending a Move Action to surround your body with your wings, you can make a
Feint in combat as part of an attack. You cannot be flying to use this maneuver. You can only use this
maneuver once per foe per combat.
(RotW p153)
Dexterity 15
Spring Attack
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Distract Foe
– You and an ally must have Flanked your foe for at least one round to use this ability. As a
Full Round Action, make a single melee attack. If it hits, make a Bluff check with the damage as a bonus
vs. your foes Sense Motive check with his/her BAB as a bonus. If you are successful, all of your allies that
give you a Flanking bonus receives an Attack of Opportunity on the foe.
Drive Back
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe and an ally must perform an Aid Other
action to help your attack on t hat foe. As a Full Round Action, make a melee attack. If you hit, you do
damage and initiate a Bull Rush that does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity or move you into your
foe’s square. Resolve the Bull Rush normally, except the damage you did is a bonus on your Strength
check and your foe cannot be moved back more than 5’.
Gang Dodge
– You and at least one ally must Threaten the same foe. Perform an Aid Other action to give
every one of your allies that threaten the same foe a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus lasts until your next turn,
provided you still threaten the same foe.
Woodland Archer
[Tactical, Fighter]
(RotW p154)
Point Blank Shot
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Adjust for Range
– If you miss a foe with a projectile weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on all other attacks in
the same round to hit the same foe.
Pierce the Foliage
– If you hit a foe with a Miss Chance due to Concealment with a ranged attack, you can
ignore the Miss Chance against the same foe in the following round.
Moving Sniper
– If you succeed in a Sniping Attack (i.e., hit your foe and make a Hide check to remain
hidden), the following round you can make a single attack, take a Move Action (normally not allowed),
and then make a Hide check to remain hidden. As long as you remain unseen, you can continue making
Sniping Attacks.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 172
Fighter Feats
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Acrobatic Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p71)
Tumble: 12 ranks
If you successfully use Tumble to avoid an opponent’s Attack of Opportunity, you receive a +4 bonus on
your next attack roll against that opponent as long as it occurs before the end of your current turn.
Active Shield
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p71)
Shield Proficiency
Shield Specialization
When Fighting Defensively while using a Shield, you do not take the normal –4 penalty on attack when you
make an Attack of Opportunity.
When using an All Out Defense action using a Shield, you still threaten the area around you as normal and
can make Attacks of Opportunity at a –4 penalty on the attack roll.
Adaptable Flanker
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p71)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Reflexes
Vexing Flanker
Designate an opponent as a Swift Action. When adjacent to that opponent, your current hex and one other
you threaten count as being occupied by you for purposes of determining whether you and your allies gain
Flanking bonuses.
Agile Shield Fighter
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p74)
Shield Proficiency
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Specialization
When making a Full Round Attack with a weapon and a Shield Bash, the penalty is –2 on each, instead of
whatever the penalty would have been (i.e., due to not having Two-Weapon Fighting, etc.).
Aid Giver
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p92)
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
As a Full Round Action, you may use an Aid Other action to benefit every adjacent ally, granting either a
+2 bonus on Attack rolls or a +2 bonus to AC.
Aquatic Shot
[General, Fighter]
(Storm p90)
Point Blank Shot 1. Water does not provide Cover when making a ranged attack into the water.
2. You may make an attack with a Thrown Piercing Weapon underwater with a –2 penalty per 5’ of water,
plus the normal range penalty (normally, thrown weapons cannot be used underwater).
3. You may make an attack with a Bow or Crossbow underwater with a –2 penalty per 10’ of water, plus the
normal range penalty.
4. You may make an attack with an Aquatic Longbow with a range increment of 30’
Armor Specialization
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p75)
Armor Proficiency
(appropriate type)
Base Attack Bonus +12
Choose a type of Medium or Heavy Armor that you are proficient with. When wearing a Masterwork
(including Magical) version of this armor, you gain Damage Reduction 2 / —. Does not apply when you
loose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
May be taken multiple times, each time with a different type of armor.
[General, Fighter]
(Und p24)
In any combat round during which you make a Full Attack while wielding a Battleaxe, you gain a +2 Dodge
bonus to Armor Class that lasts until your next action.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p86)
Combat Reflexes
You may make an Attack of Opportunity against an opponent that you flank who attacks a target other than
Battle Dancer
[Bardic Music, Fighter]
(PH2 p75)
Bardic Music class ability
Base Attack Bonus +2
Gain a +2 Morale bonus on your attack roll if the following are true:
a) you are granting an ally a bonus on attack, damage or saves with one your Bardic Music abilities;
b) you move at least 1 square; and
c) you attack.
If you attack but don’t move, you loose the benefit for the current round.
If you move but don’t attack, you loose the benefit for the current round.
If you neither move nor attack, you loose the benefit for the remainder of the current use of your Bardic
Battle Hardened’
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Base Attack Bonus +4
You gain a +1 Circumstance bonus to your AC if two (or more) opponents who threaten you.
Beast Strike
[General, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Base Attack Bonus +5
Claw or Slam attack
When making an Unarmed Strike or Grapple check to deal damage, add your Claw or Slam damage.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
If you miss a melee attack due to Concealment, you may reroll the miss chance to see if you can attempt to
You keep your Dexterity bonus to AC when attacked in melee by an invisible attacker. Also, your attacker
does not get a +2 bonus due to being invisible.
Darkness & poor lighting only reduce your movement to 75%, instead of 50%.
Blinding Strike
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p90)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Blind the Foe
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –5,
your foe takes no damage, but becomes Blind for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Weaken Gaze
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least
–5, your foe takes normal damage and the DC of one of the creature’s Gaze Attacks has its DC reduced by
2 for 10 rounds. Multiple uses of this maneuver stack.
Eye Gouge
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –5,
your foe takes normal damage and
looses the use of one of its Gaze Attacks for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg,
DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Unlike the other two maneuvers, ‘Eye Gouge’ generates and Attack of Opportunity. If you take damage
from the attack, the maneuver is negated.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 173
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p92)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (spiked
Weapon Focus (spiked
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Spiked Avalanche
– If you make a Charge while wearing Spiked Armor and using a Spiked Shield (or with
your hands empty), you may make a single attack with the Spiked Armor or the Spiked Shield that
receives a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage –or– attacks with both
your Spiked Armor and your
Spiked Shield that each receive a 1x Strength modifier bonus to damage (two weapon penalties apply).
Spiked Rebuke
– When you Fight Defensively with a Spiked Shield and an opponent missed your AC but
would have hit if not for your Shield, your next attack against that opponent with your Spiked Shield (if in
the next round) receives a +2 bonus on its attack roll.
Spiked Slam
– As a Full Round Action, you may make a single attack with your Spiked Shield that
generates an Attack of Opportunity, has a 2x Strength modifier bonus to damage in addition to the damage
below. You do not threaten adjacent squares until the start of your next round.
Size Bonus Dmg
Size Bonus Dmg Size Bonus Dmg
Small +1d4 Large +1d8 Gargantuan +2d8
Medium +1d6 Huge +2d6 Colossal +3d6
Boomerang Daze
(RoE p108)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
Any creature taking damage from your Boomerang attack is Dazed for 1 round (FortNeg, DC = 10 +
damage dealt). Can apply to both targets in the case of a Boomerang Ricochet.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Boomerang Ricochet
(RoE p108)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Proficiency with Talenta
Boomerang –or
Xen’drik Boomerang
If you successfully hit your first target, you may make an attack against one foe adjacent to your target with
a –2 penalty.
The second attack does not gain the benefit of a Sneak Attack, even if the first attack did.
Halfling Fighters from the Talenta Plains and Drow Fighters from Xen’drik treat this as a [Fighter] feat too.
Bow Feint
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Intelligence 13
Point Blank Shot
You may make a ‘Feint in Combat’ action with a ranged weapon (this feat is not
bow-specific). Your target
must be within 30’ and be able to see you. This action requires a Standard Action with a loaded weapon.
Normally, you may only ‘Feint in Combat’ with a melee weapon.
[General, Fighter]
(Und p24)
Base Attack Bonus +1
+2 bonus on your attack roll when you fire or throw a ranged weapon at a Flat Footed opponent.
Breath Control
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform (wind
instrument): 5 ranks
+2 bonus on Perform (wind instrument) checks.
+2 bonus on saves vs. inhaled poisons and nauseating vapors.
Able to hold your breath for either 2 times Constitution score –or– Perform (wind instrument) check rounds,
whichever is higher
Brutal Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p76)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
You must declare you are attempting a ‘Brutal Strike’ before attacking with a Bludgeoning weapon & only
one ‘Brutal Strike’ can be attempted each round.
If your ‘Brutal Strike’ hits, your foe is Sickened
for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is 10 + the number you
subtracted from your attack roll). Creatures not vulnerable to Critical Hits are immune.
Brutal Throw
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p106)
Use your Strength modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier as a bonus to attack rolls with thrown
Canny Opportunist
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p86)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
If an opponent you threaten does any of the following, you may make an Attack of Opportunity on him/her,
even if you are Flat-Footed: Draw a Weapon, Ready / Loosen a Shield, or Attempts a Feint in Combat.
Catfolk Pounce
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 13
If you Charge a Flat-Footed opponent, you can make a Full Attack at the end of the charge.
Cavalry Charger
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p108)
Base Attack Bonus +7
Mounted Combat
Spirited Charge
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
– While mounted, if you Charge and successfully hit a mounted opponent, you may make an
immediate Bull Rush attempt. If successful, your opponent moves back but his/her mount does not.
Leaping Charge
– While mounted, if you Charge a foe at least one size category smaller than you, you may
choose to make a Ride check at the end of movement to do extra damage (either DC 10 for +2 damage or
DC 20 for +4 damage). If you fail, you do not get an attack. If you fail by 5+, you also fall off your
Fell Trample
– While mounted, you may Overrun more than one foe. Each successfully Overrun foe
receives an attack (typically a hoof).
Centaur Trample
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p148)
Dexterity 15
When you make take Overrun action, your opponent may not choose to avoid you. If you knock your
opponent prone, you may make one Hoof attack on him/her.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p92)
Strength 13
Power Attack
If you drop a creature (i.e., put it to 0 hp or below, or simply kill it) in melee, you can immediately make a
melee attack with the same weapon and at the same attack bonus against a creature within reach. You may
not take a 5’ step.
This ability may be used once per round.
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Combat Reflexes You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls for an Attack of Opportunity generated by any of the following actions:
an opponent entering your hex, making an unarmed attack, starting a grapple, bull rushing you, sundering
your weapon or armor, etc.
If your opponent has a Feat that allows them to do one of the above actions without generating an Attack of
Opportunity, you may still take an Attack of Opportunity with a –10 penalty to your attack roll (instead of
a +2).
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p97)
Base Attack Bonus +3
You receive an Attack of Opportunity when a creature attempts to Grapple you, even if the creature has
Improved Grapple or an ability that lets its start a Grapple without an Attack of Opportunity.
If you cause damage on your Attack of Opportunity, the Grapple attempt automatically fails unless the
attacker has Improved Grapple or a similar ability. In this case, add you damage to the initial Grapple
check to see if the creature starts its Grapple.
This Feat does not grant an extra Attack of Opportunity.
Combat Acrobat
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p76)
Balance: 9 ranks
Tumble: 2 ranks
Acrobatic Recovery – make a Balance check vs. DC 20 to avoid being knocked Prone.
Sure Footed Maneuver
– make a Balance check vs. DC 15 to treat up to 4 squares of Difficult Terrain as
normal terrain with regards to movement.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 174
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Combat Awareness
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p86)
Base Attack Bonus +12
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you know the number of hit-points of each adjacent creature.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, you also gain Blindsight 5’.
Combat Brute
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Sunder
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Advancing Blows
– If you successfully Bull Rush an opponent, you receive a +1 bonus per 5’ you moved
the opponent on attack & damage rolls against that opponent on the next round only.
Sundering Cleave
– If you destroy an opponent’s weapon or shield with a Sunder action, you receive an
immediate melee attack on the opponent at the same attack bonus which the Sunder used.
Momentum Swing
– If you successfully Charge an opponent, and then on the following round use Power
Attack with at least a –5 penalty, the bonus damage for the power attack is x1½ for a One-Handed weapon
or x3 for a Two-Handed weapon.
Combat Cloak Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Dexterity 15
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Cloak Defense
– When Fighting Defensively while wearing a cloak, receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC. If
you take a Total Defense Action, you receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
Cloaked Strike
– In the first round, advance without wielding a weapon until you are adjacent to your
opponent. On the next round, make an opposed Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action while you
draw your Light weapon. If successful, your opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC –or– his/her
Shield bonus to AC (your choice) until the end of your round.
Whirling Cloak
– After striking an opponent in melee, you may spend a Move Action to make a melee
touch attack against the same opponent. If successful, the opponent may not
make Attacks of Opportunity
against an ally of your choice until the start of your opponent’s next round.
Combat Defense
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you can change your Dodge opponent as an Immediate Action.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, you receive an extra +1 Dodge bonus to AC vs. your Dodge opponent.
Combat Engineer
[General, Fighter]
(DR334 p88)
Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Know (architecture and
engineering): 4 ranks
+2 bonus on attack & damage when making a Sunder attempt.
If you attack an unattended inanimate object (including a wall or structure), you may ignore up to 10 points
of its Hardness.
Combat Expertise
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p92)
(CAdv p10)+
Intelligence 13
When you take an Attack action or a Full Attack action, you may take –X to hit and get +X to your AC until
your next action. X can be up to your base attack bonus, with a maximum of 5.
Combat Focus
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
The first time you successfully hit an opponent in an encounter, you enter ‘Combat Focus’, which lasts for
10 round + 1 per ‘Combat Focus’ feat. You may only enter ‘Combat Focus’ once per encounter.
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you receive a +2 bonus on Will saves. If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, the
bonus improves to +4.
Combat Intuition
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p106)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Sense Motive: 4 ranks
As a Free Action, you can make a Sense Motive check to assess the challenge presented by an
opponent (CAdv p102). You gain a +4 bonus to the check, and narrow the result to a single category.
Whenever you make a melee attack against a creature you also attacked in melee last round, gain a
+1 Insight bonus to your attack roll.
Combat Panache
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p93)
Bluff: 8 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Perform: 8 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fortuitous Tumble
– On the round after being struck by an opponent in melee, you may make an opposed
Bluff vs. Sense Motive check as a Move Action against the opponent. If successful, you may use an
Immediate Action at the start of the opponent’s next round to designate a different creature he/she
threatens as the target of his/her next melee attack (even if is the opponent’s ally).
Play Dead
– As an Immediate Action after taking at least 10 hp of damage from a single hit, you may “play
dead” by making a successful Bluff vs. Sense Motive check. If successful, you may later rise without
generating an Attack of Opportunity against that foe, who also looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC
against your next attack. Only usable once per encounter.
Sneering Glower
– On the round after you do at least 1 hp of damage to an opponent, you may make an
Intimidate check as a Move Action to inflict a (Charisma modifier) penalty on the opponent’s attack rolls
against you for the remainder of the encounter (unless you use this ability on another foe). Creatures that
are Mindless or Immune to Fear effects are immune to this ability.
Combat Reflexes
[General, Fighter]
(PH p92)
Monk 2
1. You may make Attacks of Opportunity while Flat-Footed.
2. You may make up to your Dexterity modifier in extra Attacks of Opportunity per round (instead of the
normal limit of 1), but only one such attack per creature each round.
Combat Stability
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you receive a +4 bonus on checks to resist Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun,
& Trip actions.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, the bonus improves to +8.
Combat Strike
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p87)
Base Attack Bonus +15
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
any two other Combat
Focus feats
By ending ‘Combat Focus’ early as a Swift Action, you receive a bonus on all attack and damage rolls equal
to your number of ‘Combat Focus’ feats for the remainder of the current round.
Combat Vigor
[Combat Focus, Fighter]
(PH2 p88)
Base Attack Bonus +9
Wisdom 13
Combat Focus
While in ‘Combat Focus’, you gain Fast Healing 2.
If you have 3+ Combat Focus feats, you gain Fast Healing 4.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 175
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Cometary Collision
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p77)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
This feat is used to derail an opponent in the process of a charge. To use it, you must Ready an Action to
Charge an opponent who is charging you or an ally.
When an opponent charges, it triggers your Readied Action. If you can Charge a minimum of 10’ to meet
the foe, the following occurs:
a) the foe’s Charge ends at the point there your two paths cross;
b) in addition to the normal benefits / penalties of a Charge, you receive a +4 bonus on damage;
c) your foe does not receive the benefits of a Charge, but retains the penalties. He/she may switch the
target of the charge attack to you.
Crossbow Sniper
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p77)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Weapon Focus (any
When firing a Crossbow with which you have Weapon Focus, you receive the following:
1. +½ Dexterity modifier damage;
2. Sneak Attack & Skirmish class abilities may be used at a range of 60’ (instead of 30’).
Curling Wave Strike
[General, Fighter]
(Storm p92)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
If you successfully trip an opponent in melee, you may forgo your free follow-up attack to instead attempt
to trip another opponent within reach at the same attack bonus total as the previous attack.
You may only use this feat once per round (i.e., if you trip the second opponent, you don’t
get to try to trip a
Daring Warrior
[General, Fighter]
(CSco p76)
Swashbuckler Grace +1
class feature
Weapon Specialization
Add your Fighter and Swashbuckler levels together to determine the size of your Grace class feature bonus
–and– your Fighter level for determining which Fighter only feats you qualify for.
Daunting Nuisance
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Base Attack Bonus +4
By making a successful Touch Attack, your opponent is treated as being Flat-Footed by all creatures
adjacent to it, except for you. This is a Mind-Affecting Extraordinary effect.
Daunting Presence
[General, Fighter]
(LM p25)
(Mini p25)
Charisma 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
You may take a Standard Action to ‘Awe’ an opponent with 30’, who can see you, and who has an
Intelligence score. If the opponent fails a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your
Charisma modifier) it is Shaken for 10 minutes. This fear has no effect on a creature that is already Shaken
Deadeye Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p78)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Skirmish or Sneak
Attack class ability
Follow these steps to use this feat:
1) Ready an Action to make a Ranged Attack on an opponent when any of your allies hit it in melee.
2) If the Action is triggered, the opponent looses its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack only
Deadly Concussion
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Perform (percussion):
6 ranks
When you take a Sunder action with a Bludgeoning weapon against a foe’s armor or shield –and– you
destroy it in one blow, you deal the same damage to the foe that you dealt to the armor or shield.
Deadly Defense
[General, Fighter]
(CSco p076)
When ‘Fighting Defensively’ or using Combat Expertise with at least a –2 penalty, you do +1d6 damage
with a Light or Finesse melee weapon. You may only use this feat if you are wearing Light Armor or less.
Deafening Blow
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p91)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Strength 13
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Battle Clangor
– If you succeed on a bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –4, your foe
takes no damage, but receives a –4 penalty on saves vs. sonic & language-dependent effects for 1 minute.
Disorienting Blow
– If you succeed on a bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of at least –4, your
foe takes no damage, but becomes Shaken for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power Attack value).
Note: the bludgeoning weapon must weigh at least 4 pounds).
Deafen Foe
– If you use a Full Round Action to make one bludgeoning melee attack with a Power Attack of
at least –4, your foe takes normal damage and becomes Deaf for 1d4 rounds (FortNeg, DC = 10 + Power
Attack value).
Defensive Archery
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p148)
Point Blank Shot
+4 bonus to AC vs. Attacks of Opportunity provoked when you make a ranged attack.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Tumble: 5 ranks
If you make an Attack of Opportunity while Fighting Defensively, the attack does not receive the normal
penalty for Fighting Defensibly.
Defensive Strike
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p97)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
If you take a Total Defense action and an opponent attacks & misses you, on your next turn, you receive a
+4 bonus to attack that opponent.
Defensive Sweep
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p78)
Base Attack Bonus +15
If an opponent begins his/her round adjacent to you and does not move for the entire round (including a 5’
Step), he/she generates an Attack of Opportunity for you just after his/her round ends.
Deflect Arrows
[General, Fighter]
(PH p93)
Dexterity 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 2
You may deflect one projectile per round that would have hit you, but only if the following are true:
1. you are not Flat-Footed and aware of the attack.
2. one of your hands is free.
3. the projectile is not purely magic (such as Melf’s Acid Arrow) or massive (such as a giant’s boulder).
Disrupting Strike
[Shifter, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
You must declare you are using this ability before you make an Attack with your Unarmed Strike. If your
foe is damaged by the attack, he/she must make a Fortitude save vs. DC (10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom
modifier). If your foe fails –and– is a shapechanger, he/she reverts immediately to his/her natural form.
This also ends a Shifter’s ‘Shifting’ racial ability.
Creature immune to critical hits are immune to being Stunned.
You may use this ability once per four non-Monk levels + once per Monk levels each day.
You may use this ability only once per round.
Distracting Attack
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p25)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Any creature who attacks an opponent you attacked in the last round (even if you missed), receives a +1
Circumstance bonus on attack rolls against the opponent.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p93)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
During your action, you may specify one opponent against which you gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC until
your next action. If you lose your Dex bonus to AC for any reason, you also lose your Dodge bonus.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 176
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Double Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
When you attempt to disarm an opponent wielding a double weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on the check (in
addition to the bonus from Improved Disarm).
Dual Strike
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p108)
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon
As a Standard Action, you can make a melee attack with your primary and off-hand weapon. Both attacks
use the same attack roll and the worse of the two weapon’s attack modifier. If you are using a one-handed
or light weapon in your off-hand, you take a –4 penalty; otherwise the penalty is –10.
Each weapon deals its damage normally and reduction/resistance is applied separately. Precision damage
(such as sneak attack) is only applied once. A critical hit only deals critical damage from the primary.
Dwarven Armor
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p138)
Dwarf only
Armor Proficiency
You are proficient with Battle Plate, Interlocking Plate, Interlocking Scale, and Mountain Plate.
Earth Fist
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p138)
Dwarf, Gnome, or Goliath
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Earth Sense
As long as you are touching the ground, your unarmed attacks are treated as Cold Iron weapons for the
purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Efficient Pull
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Point Blank Shot
Treat your Strength as being +2 when wielding a Strength-rated (i.e., Mighty) Longbow.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p94)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 6 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Narrow Profile
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in the
other, you receive a +2 Dodge bonus to AC when Fighting Defensively or taking a Total Defense Action.
Off-Hand Balance
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in
the other –and– you hit your foe, you receive a +2 bonus on Tumble checks to avoid his/her Attacks of
Opportunity until the start of your next turn.
Off-Hand Swap
– When fighting with a Light or One-Handed weapon in one hand and with nothing in the
other –and– you hit your foe at least twice as part of a Full Round Attack, on the next round you may make
a Feint in Combat as a Free Action, except it is based on Sleight of Hand (instead of Bluff). This ability
may only be used against an opponent once.
Elusive Dance
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform (dance): 5 ranks
During your action, you may designate an opponent who may not make Attacks of Opportunity against you.
If you have the feat Dodge, your designated Dodge and Elusive Dance opponent must
be the same creature.
Exhausting Defense
[Tactical, Fighter]
(DR345 p91)
Base Attack Bonus +5
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Fatigue the Foe
– If you fight the same foe for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat Expertise of at least –2
and the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must make a Fortitude save vs.
DC 15 or become Fatigued until the end of the encounter.
Exhaust the Foe
– If you fight the same foe who is already Fatigued for 3 consecutive rounds with Combat
Expertise of at least –4 and the foe is your Dodge target, then on each consecutive round, the foe must
make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or become Exhausted until the end of the encounter (at which point
he/she becomes Fatigued).
The Best Offense
– If you fight a foe who is already Fatigued or Exhausted for 1 round using the All-Out
Defense Action and then on the following round attack without using Combat Expertise, the foe is
considered Flat-Footed against your attacks and
you receive a +2 bonus on attacks vs. that foe for 1 round.
Exotic Armor
[General, Fighter]
(Und p25)
(RoS p139)
Armor Proficiency
(appropriate type)
You are proficient with a specific type of Exotic Armor.
Exotic Shield
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p139)
Shield Proficiency
Base Attack Bonus +1
You are proficient with a specific type of Exotic Shield.
Exotic Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p94)
Base Attack Bonus +1
For Dwarven Waraxe or
Bastard Sword, Str 13
Become proficient in chosen exotic weapon (i.e., Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain)) grants
proficiency with a Spiked Chain.
Expeditious Dodge
[General, Fighter]
(RotW p150)
Dexterity 13
Gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC when you move 40’ or more in a single turn. Lasts until your next turn.
Note: This feat counts as ‘Dodge’ for purposes of qualifying for other feats, prestige classes, etc.
Exploit Adjustment
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Canny Opportunist
You may make an Attack of Opportunity on an opponent you threaten who takes a 5’ step from one square
adjacent to you to another square adjacent to you.
Far Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p94)
(CAdv p10)+
Point Blank Shot
Range increment of projectile weapons you use is multiplied by 1.5.
Range increment for thrown weapons is multiplied by 2.
Fear No Binds
[General, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Escape Artist: 4 ranks
You are difficult to contain:
1. you do not receive penalties on attack rolls while grappling
2. you may make Unarmed Strike attacks while bound with non-magical bindings
3. you do not receive penalties on attack or Dexterity when Entangled
4. if you are targeted with a Net and defeat your opponent’s Strength check to “control” your
movement, you may drag your opponent around instead (if he/she does not release the Net)
Fierce Mind
[Shifter, Fighter]
(DR355 p76)
You may expend a daily use of our Shifting ability to negate any Fear effect that is affecting you.
Fiery Fist
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Monk 2
1. By using up one of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Swift Action, your Unarmed Strikes do +1d6
Fire damage for the rest of your turn.
2. You receive +1 Stunning Fist use per day.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 177
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Fiery Ki Defense
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Fiery Fist
Monk 6
By using up one of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Swift Action, your body is covered in flames, cause
1d6 Fire damage to anyone to hits you in melee for the rest of your turn.
Find Flaw
[General, Fighter]
(DR359 p123)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you use Power Attack while attacking an object, reduce the Hardness of the target by 1 for each point
of Power Attack you do.
Fist of the Heavens
[Exalted, Fighter]
(BoED p43)
Wisdom 15
Charisma 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Ki Strike (lawful) class
Sanctify Ki Strike
Stunning Fist
If you use your Stunning Fist on an Evil Creature, its DC is +2 –and–the target is Staggered for 1 round
following being Stunned.
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you hit a creature without a Natural Armor bonus to AC with a Slashing or Piercing weapon while
doing a Power Attack, the creature receives a –2 penalty on attacks for 1 round (FortNeg, DC = 10 + the
Power Attack amount). This ability may only be used on a given creature once per round.
Formation Expert
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p110)
Base Attack Bonus +5
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers, even if your allies do not have the feat too:
Lock Shield
– If you and the two allies on either side of you are wielding shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Step into the Breach
– If there is a line of adjacent allies and one ally within a single move falls, you may
make a single move to that ally’s location as if you had a Readied Action.
Wall of Polearms
– Gain a +2 attack bonus if you and your adjacent allies are each wielding the same
weapon, which must be off the following list: Shortspear, Longspear, Trident, Glaive, Gisarme, Halberd,
or Ranseur.
Freezing the
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p99)
Wisdom 17
Base Attack Bonus +10
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
You must declare that you are using this ability before you attack. If it hits, you do no damage, but your
Humanoid opponent is Paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds unless it makes a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + Character
level + Wisdom modifier). Does not effect non-Humanoids & opponents immune to Stunning.
Depletes one use of Stunning Fist even if the attack misses.
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p111)
Medium-size or smaller
Base Attack Bonus +6
Tumble: 5 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Duck Underneath
– If you take a Total Defense action against a foe who is at least two size categories larger
than you, you gain an additional +4 bonus on your AC. If your foe misses on his/her attack, you may
make a Tumble check vs. DC 15 to move to the opposite side of your foe.
Death from Below
– If you successfully performed a Duck Underneath maneuver the round before, you can
make an immediate single attack on the foe you ducked under. Your foe is Flat-Footed & you gain a +4
bonus on your attack.
Climb Aboard
– If you are adjacent to a foe at least two size categories larger than you, you may make a
Climb check vs. DC 10 to climb onto your foe. As long as you are on your foe, he/she has a –4 penalty on
attack rolls to hit you & you are carried with him/her. Your foe may get you off with a Grapple check
opposed by your Climb check.
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p109)
(Mini p26)
Charisma 13
Base Attack Bonus +1
As a Move Action, you can goad an opponent who threatens you, has line of sight on you, can hear you, and
has an Intelligence of 3 or higher (Goad is mind-affecting). On the goaded opponent’s next turn, if the
above still applies, it cannot make melee attacks against anyone but you (WillNeg, DC = 10+ ½ character
level + Charisma modifier). The opponent may still move, cast spells, and use ranged attacks normally.
Graceful Edge
[General, Fighter]
(DU128 p44)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus with the
chosen One-Handed
Slashing weapon
When fighting with the chosen weapon in your primary hand and no weapon or shield in your off-hand,
receive the following benefits:
a) treat the chosen weapon as ‘Light’ (i.e., Weapon Finesse applies to it);
b) receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC; and
c) if Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
Great Cleave
[General, Fighter]
(PH p94)
Strength 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Power Attack
As ‘Cleave’, but you may use the ability as many times per round as you are able to drop creatures.
Greater Combat
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +11
Combat Reflexes
Improved Combat
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed three attacks. The first is at your normal attack
bonus, the second is at –5, and the third is at –10. This counts as three of your Attacks of Opportunity per
round and your maximum is not increased.
Greater Heavy Armor
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p141)
Armor Proficiency
Heavy Armor
Base Attack Bonus +8
When wearing Heavy Armor, increase the AC by 1 and reduce the Armor Check penalty by 2.
These benefits stack with those of Heavy Armor Optimization, for a total increase in AC of 2 and a total
reduction of Armor Check penalty of 3.
Greater Powerful
[General, Fighter]
(Eb p54)
(Mini p27)
Medium-size or larger
Base Attack Bonus +4
Powerful Charge
As Powerful Charge, but treat yourself as one size category larger.
Greater Two-Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p100)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Improved Two-Weapon
Two-Weapon Defense
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding two weapons (but not when using Unarmed Strikes or Natural Weapons), you gain a +3
Shield bonus to AC.
If Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, you gain a +6 Shield bonus to AC.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 178
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Greater Two-Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Improved Two-Weapon
Ranger 11th
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make an attack with your secondary weapon at –2, a second
attack at –7, and a third attack at –12.
Greater Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Fighter 8th
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Greater Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Fighter 12th
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Greater Weapon Focus
with the chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
Gain an additional +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen weapon.
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
You receive a +1 bonus to hit with ‘splash’ weapons and do +1 damage with them (including those only
subjected to the splash).
Hear the Unseen
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(CAdv p119)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
As a Move Action, you can attempt a Listen check vs. DC 25 to pinpoint all foes within 30’ (as long as you
have line of effect on them). This benefit does not eliminate your miss chance.
If an opponent is using Move Silently, it is an opposed check, with a +15 bonus for your opponent.
If you are Deafened, or in an area of Silence, you cannot use this feat.
Heavy Armor
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p141)
Armor Proficiency
Base Attack Bonus +4
When wearing Heavy Armor, increase the AC by 1 and reduce the Armor Check penalty by 1.
Holy Subdual
[Exalted, Fighter]
(BoED p44)
Stunning Strike
If you cause your weapon to do nonlethal damage, you have the option of making the following do
nonlethal damage too: bonus damage from a Holy Sword, Smite Evil class ability, or any other Smite
Improved Buckler
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p100)
Shield Proficiency
When you attack with a weapon in your off-hand, you may still apply your Buckler’s Shield bonus to your
Improved Combat
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p100)
Intelligence 13
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Expertise
When you take an Attack action or a Full Attack action, you may take –X to hit and get +X to your AC until
your next action. X can be up to your base attack bonus, with a maximum of your Base Attack Bonus
(instead of +5).
Improved Combat
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed two attacks. The first is at your normal attack
bonus, while the second is at –5. This counts as two of your Attacks of Opportunity per round and your
maximum is not increased.
Improved Critical
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Proficiency with the
chosen weapon
The threat range for the chosen weapon is doubled (20 becomes 19-20, 19-20 becomes 17-20, 18-20
becomes 15-20).
Does not stack with Keen Edge or any other effect which also improves threat range.
Improved Disarm
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Monk 6th
When you do a Disarm Action, the following apply:
Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
You receive a +4 bonus on the Disarm check.
If your Disarm attempt fails, your opponent does not get a chance to try to disarm you.
Improved Diversion
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p110)
Bluff: 4 ranks
You can use Bluff to create a diversion as a Move Action. You gain a +4 bonus when doing so.
Improved Feint
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
You may make a Feint in Combat as a Move Action (instead of a Full Round Action).
Improved Grapple
[General, Fighter]
(PH p95)
Dexterity 13
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 1st
When you make a Grapple action, the following apply:
Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you when you make the touch attack to being
a Grapple.
You receive a +4 bonus on all Grapple checks, no matter who began the Grapple.
Improved Initiative
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p96)
(CAdv p10)+
Gain a +4 bonus on Initiative checks.
Improved Mounted
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery
Ride: 1 rank
If you make a ranged attack from the back of a mount making a double-move, you receive no penalty on the
attack roll. If your mount is running, you receive a –2 penalty.
You may attack at any point in your mount’s movement.
Improved Overrun
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you do an Overrun Action, the following apply:
Your opponent does not have the option of avoiding being Overrun.
You receive a +4 bonus on the Overrun check to knock your opponent prone.
Improved Precise
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Dexterity 19
Base Attack Bonus +11
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Ranger 11
When you are making a ranged attack, the following apply:
Ignore the AC bonus granted by Cover
(but Total Cover still applies).
Ignore the miss chance granted by Concealment
(but Total Concealment still applies).
When attacking an opponent that is being Grappled, you have no chance of hitting the wrong target.
Improved Rapid Shot
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
When making a Full Attack action with a ranged weapon, you may take one extra attack (at your highest
base attack bonus) without the standard –2 penalty.
Improved Shield
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Shield Proficiency
You may attack with your shield and still keep your Shield bonus to AC.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 179
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Improved Shield
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Shield Proficiency
Combat Reflexes
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Snare
If your opponent is disarmed due to the use of your Shield Snare feat, you can make an Attack of
Opportunity against your opponent immediately. You gain a +2 bonus on your attacks against this
opponent as long as he/she remains disarmed.
Improved Shieldmate
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Adjacent allies receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC when you are using a Shield with which you are proficient
and can take actions. The bonus increases to +3 if you are using a Tower Shield.
Improved Sunder
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Strength 13
Power Attack
When you strike at an object held or carried by an opponent, the following apply:
Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
You gain a +4 bonus on the attack roll.
Improved Toughness
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
(MM3 p207)
Base Fortitude Save +2
Gain 1hp per hit-die. This applies to future hit-dice too. If a hit-die is permanently lost, you lose the bonus
Improved Trip
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Monk 6
When you do a Trip Action, the following apply:
1. Your opponent does not get an Attack of Opportunity against you.
2. You gain a +4 bonus on the Strength roll to knock your opponent prone.
3. If you succeed in tripping your opponent in melee combat, you may immediately make a follow-up
attack on him/her at the same attack bonus of the action you used to make the trip.
Improved Two-
Weapon Defense
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Defense
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding two weapons (but not when using Unarmed Strikes or Natural Weapons), you gain a +2
Shield bonus to AC.
If Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, you gain a +4 Shield bonus to AC.
Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 6
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make an attack with your secondary weapon at –2, a second
attack at –7.
Improved Unarmed
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Monk 1
You are considered ‘armed’ when not using a weapon (i.e., an armed opponent does not get an Attack of
Opportunity against you when you attack).
Your Unarmed Strike does Lethal or Nonlethal damage, as you desire.
Improved Weapon
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p101)
Base Attack Bonus +1
All Exotic Weapons that have your race’s name associated with them (i.e., Elven Thinblade) are considered
Martial Weapons for you.
Improved Whirlwind
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Intelligence 13
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Expertise
Spring Attack
Whirlwind Attack
When making a Full Round Attack, you get one attack on each opponent within your reach at your best
attack bonus, plus a single attack at each of your other attack bonuses vs. a legal target of your choice.
For example, an 11
level Fighter has a Base Attack Bonus of +11 / +6 / +1. He/she would take an attack
at +11 (plus modifiers) against all opponents within reach, plus one attack at +6 and one attack at +1.
Using this feat means you forfeit all bonus attacks, such as those from Cleave, Haste, etc.
Intimidating Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p79)
Intimidate: 4 ranks
When attacking as a Standard Action, subtract X from your attack roll, where X is from 0 to your Base
Attack Bonus. If you hit, immediately make an Intimidate check with a bonus of X vs. the opponent you
just hit. If successful, the opponent is Shaken for the rest of this encounter.
Intuitive Attack
[Exalted, Fighter]
(BoED p44)
Base Attack Bonus +1
When fighting with a Simple Weapon appropriate for your size, or a natural attack, you have the option of
using your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier as a bonus on your attacks.
Ki Blast
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p80)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Fiery Fist
Monk 6
1. By using up two
of your daily Stunning Fist attacks as a Move Action, you may form an orb of force
energy in your hand. As a Standard Action, you may throw the orb up to 60’. If you hit on a Ranged
Touch attack, you do (3d6 + Wisdom modifier) Force damage. If not thrown by the end of your round,
the orb dissipates.
2. You receive +1 Stunning Fist use per day.
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p142)
Goliath –or– Large size
Improved Bull Rush
Power Attack
If you hit while using Power Attack, you may make a free Bull Rush, with a bonus equal to your Power
Attack damage bonus.
This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity, nor may you move with the enemy you knock backwards.
Lunging Strike
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p80)
Base Attack Bonus +6
As a Full Round Attack, you may make one attack with +5’ reach. May be used with armed, unarmed, &
touch attacks.
Mage Slayer
[General, Fighter]
(CArc p81)
(Mini p27)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Spellcraft: 2 ranks
1. You receive a +1 bonus on Will saves.
2. If you threaten a spellcaster, he/her cannot take the ‘cast defensively’ action.
3. Your Caster level (if any) of all spell and spell-like abilities is reduced by 4.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p97)
Dexterity 17
Base Attack Bonus +6
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
Ranger 6th
As part of a Standard Action, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30’. You make a single
attack roll with a –4 penalty. If it hits, then the opponent takes the damage from both arrows, but only
takes “precision based” damage once (this includes Sneak Attack, Ranger Favored Enemy, Critical hits,
etc.). Damage Reduction applies to each arrow separately.
If your Base Attack Bonus is +11 or higher, you may shoot 3 arrows at once at a penalty of –6.
If your Base Attack Bonus is +16 or higher, you may shoot 4 arrows at once at a penalty of –8.
Martial Stalker
[General, Fighter]
(CSco p79)
Proficiency with all
martial weapons
Ki Power class ability
Add your Fighter and Ninja levels together to determine the size of your Ki Pool, the AC Bonus granted as a
class ability of a Ninja, –and– your Fighter level for determining which Fighter only feats you qualify for.
Martial Throw
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
Dexterity 17
Improved Unarmed Strike
If you hit an opponent up to your size with an Unarmed Strike, you may initiate a Dexterity-based Grapple
check. If you win, you and your opponent swap positions. This does not
generate Attacks of Opportunity.
Usable once per round.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 180
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Master of Mockery
[General, Fighter]
(DR333 p88)
Perform(comedy): 8 ranks
As a Standard Action, you may attempt to enrage a single melee opponent. If your opponent fails his/her
Will save (DC = your Perform (comedy) check), the enraged opponent must focus all his/her attacks on
you (ignoring all others). The enraged opponent gains a +2 Morale bonus on attack rolls against you, but
receives a –2 penalty to AC.
This is a mind-affecting, language-dependant effect.
Melee Evasion
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Dexterity 13
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
When Fighting Defensively, you may use an Immediate Action to improve your AC against one
made by the creature that is your designated ‘dodge’ target. Against this attack only, your Normal &
Touch AC is (d20 + your Base Attack Bonus).
Note: Your Dexterity bonus to AC must apply to the designated attack.
Melee Weapon
Mastery –
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
bludgeoning melee)
Weapon Specialization
(any bludgeoning
Melee Bludgeoning weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls.
Melee Weapon
Mastery – Piercing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
piercing melee)
Weapon Specialization
(any piercing melee)
Melee Piercing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls.
Melee Weapon
Mastery – Slashing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
slashing melee)
Weapon Specialization
(any slashing melee)
Melee Slashing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls.
Mighty Are Fallen
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Intelligence 13
Dexterity 13
Combat Expertise
You receive a +4 bonus to AC when your opponent is using Power Attack on his/her attack.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
+4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. Attacks of Opportunity due to moving out of or within a threatened area. Any
condition that could cause you to lose your Dexterity bonus to AC against an attack causes you to lose this
bonus too.
Mounted Archery
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
If you make a ranged attack from the back of a mount making a double-move, you receive a –2 penalty on
the attack roll (instead of the standard –4 penalty). If your mount is running, you receive a –4 penalty
(instead of –8).
Mounted Combat
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Ride: 1 rank
Once per round, if your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check. If this check is greater than
the attack roll, you negate the hit.
Mounted Fighting
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Mounted Combat
Base Attack Bonus +8
Ride: 11 ranks
+1 bonus on attack and damage while mounted.
[General, Fighter]
(LM p29)
Fighter 4
Weapon Focus with the
chosen weapon
Weapon Specialization
with the chosen weapon
You gain a +4 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the chosen weapon against Undead.
Nimble Deflections
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Dexterity 13
Perform (keyboard):
7 ranks
When wielding a two-handed weapon, you receive a +2 Shield bonus to AC against your Dodge opponent.
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Combat Reflexes
After making an Attack of Opportunity, you may take a bonus 5’ step.
Oversized Two-
Weapon Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p111)
Strength 13
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding a one-handed weapon in your off hand, you only take penalties as if it were a Light weapon.
Penetrating Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p81)
Strength 15
Base Attack Bonus +10
Point Blank Shot
As a Standard Action, you may attack all creatures in a 60’ Line with a single projectile weapon attack.
Roll separately for each creature and special damage (i.e., Sneak Attack, Flaming weapon, etc.) only
applies to the first.
Phalanx Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Shield Proficiency
1. If you are fighting with a Light Weapon and a Heavy Shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
2. If you are fighting as above and within 5’ of an ally who is also fighting with a Light Weapon and a
Heavy Shield, you may form a Shield Wall, which grants an additional +2 bonus to AC & a +1 bonus on
Reflex saves to all members of the Shield Wall.
Pierce Magical
[General, Fighter]
(CArc p81)
Constitution 13
Mage Slayer
1. You may disregard a Miss Chance that results from a spell or spell-like abilities, such as from Blur,
Darkness, Invisibility, Obscuring Mist, etc. You can not ignore non-magical Concealment (such as fog).
2. When fighting a creature under the effect of Mirror Image, you automatically know which image is real.
3. Your Caster level (if any) of all spell and spell-like abilities is reduced by 4.
Pierce Magical
[General, Fighter]
(CArc p82)
Constitution 13
Mage Slayer
1. As a Standard Action, you may make a melee attack that ignores bonuses to AC granted by spells. If this
attack deals damage, all spells and spell effects that grant a bonus to AC are immediately dispelled.
2. Your Caster level (if any) of all spell and spell-like abilities is reduced by 4.
Pike Hedge
[General, Fighter]
(DR317 p83)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Reflexes
Hold the Line
When readying an action to receive a charge, weapons that normally do 2x vs. a charge (such as a Spear,
Halberd, etc.) do 3x, while all other melee weapons do 2x.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 181
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Point Blank Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
+1 bonus on attack & damage rolls with ranged weapons when used within 30’ of their target.
A spellcaster receives this bonus when using a Ray or Energy Missile spell.
Power Attack
[General, Fighter]
(PH p98)
Strength 13
On your round before making an attack, you may choose a number X to subtract from all melee attacks and
add it to your damage (as indicated below) until your next round. The number X may be no more than
your Base Attack Bonus.
Damage bonus:
No damage bonus – Light Weapon; secondary end of a Double-Weapon
+X damage bonus – One-Handed Weapon used in one hand; primary end of a Double-Weapon
+2X damage bonus – Two-Handed Weapon; One-Handed Weapon used in two hands; Double-Weapon
when only one end is being used for an attack.
Power Critical
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Weapon Focus
Base Attack Bonus +4
Gain a +4 bonus to confirm a threatened critical with your chosen weapon.
Power Throw
[General, Fighter]
(CAdv p111)
Strength 13
Brutal Throw
Power Attack
On your round before making an attack, you may choose a number X to subtract from all thrown weapon
attacks and add it to your damage until your next round. The number X may be no more than your base
attack bonus.
Powerful Charge
[General, Fighter]
(Eb p57)
(MM3 p207)
(Mini p27)
Medium-size or larger
Base Attack Bonus +1
If the melee attack you make at the end of a Charge hits, you do extra damage. If you have multiple attacks
at the end of a Charge, the bonus damage only applies to one of them.
Size Bonus Damage
Size Bonus Damage
Medium +1d8 Gargantuan +4d6
Large +2d6 Colossal +6d6
Huge +3d6
Precise Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Point Blank Shot
You can use ranged weapons into melee without taking a –4 penalty on your attack.
A spellcaster receives this bonus when using a Ray or Energy Missile spell.
Prone Attack
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +2
Lightning Reflexes
1. Opponents do not receive a bonus on their melee attack roll when you are Prone.
2. If you attack while Prone, you receive no penalty on the attack roll. If it is successful, you regain your
feet as a Free Action.
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
If you hit an opponent of up to your size with a Melee attack, you may initiate a special Bull Rush against
that opponent. If successful, you force your opponent back 5’ (straight or diagonally) and you move into
the square he/she previously occupied. Neither movement generates Attacks of Opportunity. Usable once
per round.
Quick Cleave
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Power Attack
Receive a +2 Circumstance bonus on attacks made because of Cleave and/or Great Cleave.
Quick Draw
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Base Attack Bonus +1 You may draw a weapon as a Free Action.
You may draw a hidden weapon as a Move Action.
You may draw thrown weapons as Free Actions, which allows you to make multiple attacks as part of a Full
Round Attack (if your BAB is high enough).
Ranged Disarm
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p103)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +5
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
This feat applies to one ranged weapon with which you are proficient.
You may make a Disarm Attempt with the chosen weapon as long as you are within 30’ of your opponent.
This feat does not stack with Improved Disarm.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon.
Ranged Pin
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p104)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +5
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
You may pin your opponent’s clothes / armor to a wall, tree, etc., that is within 5’. You must succeed on a
Ranged Attack and then win an Opposed Grapple Check (size modifier still apply). If successful, you
opponent must make an Escape Artist check vs. DC 15 as a Standard Action to become free.
This feat does not stack with Improved Grapple.
Ranged Sunder
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p104)
Strength 13
Base Attack Bonus +5
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
When attacking an object, you deal full damage (instead of ½ damage) with Slashing or Bludgeoning
Ranged Weapons –or– ½ damage (instead of no damage) with Piercing Ranged Weapons. You must be
within 30’ of your target to use this feat.
This feat does not stack with Improved Sunder.
Ranged Threat
[General, Fighter]
(DR350 p90)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Reflexes
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
If a creature within 15’ of you takes an action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity, you may make a
single ranged attack against him/her/it at your highest attack bonus. This consumes all
of your remaining
Attacks of Opportunity for the round.
Ranged Weapon
Mastery –
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
bludgeoning ranged)
Weapon Specialization
(any bludgeoning
Ranged Bludgeoning weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage –and– +20’ range
Ranged Weapon
Mastery – Piercing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
piercing ranged)
Weapon Specialization
(any piercing ranged)
Ranged Piercing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls –and– +20’ range
Ranged Weapon
Mastery – Slashing
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +8
Weapon Focus (any
slashing ranged)
Weapon Specialization
(any slashing ranged)
Ranged Slashing weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls –and– +20’ range
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 182
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Rapid Reload
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p99)
(CAdv p10)+
Weapon Proficiency
with a Crossbow
You may reload a specific type of Crossbow more quickly than is standard.
A Hand Crossbow or a Light Crossbow may be reloaded as a Free Action (which allows you to make
multiple attacks as part of a Full Round Attack (if your BAB is high enough)).
A Heavy Crossbow may be reloaded as a Move Action.
Note: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a different type of crossbow.
Rapid Shot
[General, Fighter]
(PH p99)
Dexterity 13
Point Blank Shot
Ranger 2nd
When making a Full Attack action with a ranged weapon, you may take one extra attack (at your highest
base attack bonus), but all your attacks are at –2.
Rapid Stunning
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p104)
Combat Reflexes
Base Attack Bonus +6
Stunning Fist
You may make one extra Stunning Fist-based attack in a round (normally you can only make one such
attack each round). This feat does not grant extra uses overall, just the ability to try more than once in a
single round.
You make take this feat multiple times. Their effects stack.
Reckless Charge
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p27)
When you Charge, you may increase the penalty to your AC to –4 and increase your attack bonus to +4.
Resounding Blow
[General, Fighter]
(BoED p45)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Intimidate: 7 ranks
On a confirmed critical hit using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, your opponent is Cowered
for 1 round (WillNeg, DC is Charisma-based).
This feat applies to a Monk’s Unarmed Strike.
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Dexterity 19
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Improved Precise Shot
Base Attack Bonus +15
When you hit a creature with a thrown weapon that does Bludgeoning damage, you may make an additional
attack at a creature adjacent to your initial target. The second attack roll receives a –5 penalty to hit. If
successful, the second target takes ½ * (weapon damage + Strength modifier), and cannot be used for a
Sneak Attack.
Usable once per round. Only one additional target can be struck by a ricochet.
Ride-By Attack
[General, Fighter]
(PH p99)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
When doing a Charge action on your mount, you may move, attack, and then continue the movement (up to
a double move). This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the creature you attack.
Robilar’s Gambit
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +12
Combat Reflexes
If you activate this ability at the start of your turn, you gain the following:
a) foes receive a +4 bonus on their attack & damage rolls against you;
b) after a foe strikes you, you receive an Attack of Opportunity against that foe which is resolved after
his/her attack.
Sahuagin Flip
[General, Fighter]
(Storm p93)
Racial Swim speed
After making a Standard Action melee attack, you may ‘withdraw’ (i.e., 2x movement) as a Move Action as
long as your are swimming away.
Sanctify Martial
(BoED p46)
Charisma 15
Weapon Focus
Damage done by chosen weapon is considered ‘Good for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
In addition, the chosen weapon does +1 hp of damage to Evil creatures and +1d4 damage to Evil Outsiders
& Evil Undead.
Shadow Striker
[Tactical, Fighter]
(PH2 p94)
Hide: 12 ranks
Move Silently: 12 ranks
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Evade Notice
– If you take no hostile action against an opponent who threatens you and another creature
he/she is interested in attacking, you may make an opposed Hide vs. Spot check to make the opponent
attack the other creature. You loose the benefit of this feat if you attack or the other creature is not longer
threatened (due to moving, dropping, etc.).
Fade Away
– If you strike an opponent as a Standard Action, you may take a Move Action to move and
then make a Hide check at +5.
Ghost Strike
– If you and an ally threaten the same opponent, you may make an opposed Move Silently vs.
Listen check as a Standard Action. If successful, the opponent looses his/her Dexterity bonus to AC vs.
your first attack the next round as long as your ally still threatens the opponent too.
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
If your target has Cover
(but not Total Cover), he/she only gain a +2 bonus to AC (instead of the standard
+4 bonus to AC).
Shield and Pike Style
[General, Fighter]
(DR338 p92)
Proficient with Light
When wielding a Piercing Two-Handed Polearm with Reach with which you have proficiency, you receive
the full Shield bonus to AC of a Light Shield you are wearing.
Note: Normally, you cannot wield a Two-Handed weapon and use a Light Shield simultaneously.
Shield Charge
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Improved Shield Bash
If you successful hit your opponent with your Shield at the end of a Charge, you may make a Trip attack
immediately without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If it fails, your opponent does not get an
attempt to trip you.
Shield Proficiency
[General, Fighter]
(PH p100)
You are proficient with all shields (except Tower Shields).
Shield Slam
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Charge
You may make a ‘Shield Slam’ as a Full Attack or at the end of a Charge. If it hits, your opponent takes
normal damage and is Dazed for 1 round (FortNeg, DC is Strength-based).
Shield Sling
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Shield Proficiency
Base Attack Bonus +9
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Specialization
You can use your Light Shield or Heavy Shield as a Thrown Weapon. It does its normal bashing damage
plus your Strength modifier.
The Shield can also be used to make a Ranged Trip, though the Size modifier on the attempt can be no more
than +0 (though it can be lower for a Small sized creature).
Shield Snare
[General, Fighter]
(DR309 p110)
Shield Proficiency
Improved Shield Bash
To use this Feat, you must ready a Shield Snare action in response to an opponent’s melee attack. When
your opponent attacks, you immediately make a Disarm attempt with your shield that does not generate an
Attack of Opportunity. If you fail, your opponent cannot attempt to disarm you in response.
When making the disarm check, treat a Buckler as a Light weapon, a Light Shield as a One-Handed
weapon, and a Heavy or Tower Shield as a Two-Handed weapon.
If you attempt a Shield Snare action, you lose your Shield Bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
Shield Ward
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p 82)
Shield Proficiency
Shield Specialization
Add your Shield bonus to AC to the following:
a) Touch AC; and
b) resisting Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, & Trip attempts.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 183
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
[General, Fighter]
(Mini p28)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Adjacent allies receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC when you are using a Shield with which you are proficient
and can take actions. The bonus increases to +2 if you are using a Tower Shield.
Shiftsilver Mastery
(DR355 p76)
Base Attack Bonus +8
any 2 [Shifter] feats
Must have crafted a
‘Shiftsilver’ weapon
If you confirm a Critical Hit on a creature with Damage Reduction vs. Silver with a weapon you crafted out
of ‘Shiftsilver’, it does a bonus +2d4 Constitution damage.
Shock Trooper
[Tactical, Fighter]
(CWar p112)
Base Attack Bonus +6
Improved Bull Rush
Power Attack
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Directed Bull Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush at the end of a Charge, you may move your opponent one
hex to the left or right for each hex you move him/her backwards.
Domino Rush
– On a successful Bull Rush that pushes your opponent into the same hex as another
opponent, you may attempt to Trip both opponents & they cannot attempt to trip you if you fail.
Heedless Charge
– If you make a Charge that ends in an attack that uses Power Attack (at least a –5 to your
attack roll), you may transfer part or all of the attack roll penalty to your AC as a penalty. This is in
additional to the –2 AC due to the Charge.
Short Haft
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p82)
Base Attack Bonus +3
Weapon Focus (reach
As a Swift Action, you may reduce the Reach of any reach weapon (other than Spiked Chain & Whip) by
5’. This changed the squares that you ‘threaten’.
Returning the weapon to its normal reach is also a Swift Action.
Snatch Arrows
[General, Fighter]
(PH p100)
Dexterity 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
You may catch one projectile per round that would have hit you, but only if the following are true:
1. you are not Flat-Footed and aware of the attack.
2. one of your hands is free.
3. the projectile is not magic (such as Melf’s Acid Arrow) or massive (such as a Giant’s boulder).
If you catch a thrown weapon (such as a Spear), you may throw it immediately at the person who threw it at
you, even though it is not your turn.
Spear Master
[General, Fighter]
(DR30 p89)
You may choose to wield a spear or Shortspear as a Double Weapon. The blunt end does Bludgeoning
damage in the same amount as the Piercing end. Each end must be Enchanted separately.
Spectral Skirmisher
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p83)
Base Attack Bonus +6
When you are Invisible, you gain the following benefits:
a) creatures who cannot see you receive a –5 penalty on Listen checks to hear you.
b) a creature attempting a melee attack against the square you are in generates an Attack of Opportunity.
If you attack the creature, then he/she automatically knows where you are (assuming you are still
Spirited Charge
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack
Ride: 1 rank
When attacking as part of a Charge action while on a mount, you do double damage (triple with a Lance).
Spring Attack
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p101)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
When doing an Attack Action with a melee weapon, you may move, attack, and then continue the
movement (up to your speed). This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the person you are
attacking. You must move at least 5’ before and after the attack to make use of this feat.
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p144)
Shield Proficiency
Tunnel Fighting
If you have a ready Shield (with which you are proficient) and one side of your space is entirely in contact
with a solid wall, you cannot be Flanked.
Stunning Fist
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 1
You must declare you are using this ability before you make an Attack with your Unarmed Strike. If your
foe is damaged by the attack, he/she must make a Fortitude save vs. DC (10 + ½ Character level + Wisdom
modifier). If your foe fails, he/she is Stunned for 1 round (i.e., until your next action). A Stunned creature
cannot take any Action, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, & has an additional –2 penalty to AC.
Creature immune to critical hits are immune to being Stunned.
You may use this ability once per four non-Monk levels + one per Monk levels each day.
Subduing Strike
[General, Fighter]
(BoED p46)
You may deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon without taking a –4 penalty on the attack roll.
If you have Sneak Attack dice, you may do nonlethal Sneak Attack damage with any weapon.
Supremely Confident
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (act): 7 ranks
When making a Demoralize actions, you may use a Perform (act) check in place of an Intimidate check.
On a confirmed Critical Hit, you immediately may attempt a Demoralize action on the foe you struck as a
Free Action.
Sweeping Trip
[General, Fighter]
(PH p96)
Intelligence 13
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
When you successfully Trip an opponent, you may forgo the “follow-up” attack and instead make a Trip
attack against a new opponent that is adjacent to both you and the tripped opponent (i.e., you are trying to
knock the first opponent into the second). This action does not
provoke an Attack of Opportunity, but if it
fails, the second opponent may attempt to Trip you.
You may only use this ability once per round.
Terrifying Warrior
[General, Fighter]
(DR343 p93)
Strength 13
Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus +3
If you drop a creature with a Cleave attack (i.e., you dropped two creatures in a row), all opponents within
your reach are Panicked for 1d4 rounds (WillNeg, DC is Charisma-based). Creatures with HD equal or
greater than you are not effected. This is an Extraordinary Mind-Affecting Fear Effect.
Throw Anything
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p105)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +2
You may throw a melee weapon with which you are proficient as if it were a ranged weapon with a range
increment of 10’ with no penalty on the attack roll.
Titan Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p145)
Racial Dodge bonus
against Giants
Against your Dodge-designated Giant-type opponent, you gain your Racial Dodge bonus, instead of the
usual +1 for Dodge (e.g. a typical Dwarf would gain a +4 Dodge bonus from this feat against one giant,
which stacks with his usual +4 Dodge bonus – so +8 AC against one Giant, and +4 AC against all others).
Tower Shield
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Shield Proficiency
You are proficient with Tower Shields.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p101)
Mounted Combat
Ride: 1 rank
When doing an Overrun action while mounted, your foe may not avoid you. If you knock the foe down,
your mount may make one hoof attack (including the +4 bonus because the foe is Prone).
Tumbling Feint
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Bluff: 4 ranks
Tumble: 4 ranks
Designate an opponent at the start of your turn as a Swift Action. If you avoid provoking an Attack of
Opportunity against this opponent by using your Tumble skill, you receive a +5 bonus on a Bluff check to
Feint in Combat against that opponent on your next turn.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 184
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Tunnel Fighting
[General, Fighter]
(RoS p145)
Base Attack Bonus +1
You do not take a penalty on your attack rolls or to your AC when squeezing into or through a tight space.
Two-Weapon Attack
of Opportunity
[General, Fighter]
(DR340 p87)
Dexterity 17
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you make an Attack of Opportunity, you are allowed an attack with each of your weapons, with the
normal penalties for doing so. This counts as two of your Attacks of Opportunity per round and your
maximum is not increased.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Dexterity 15
Two-Weapon Fighting
When wielding two weapons or a double weapon (but not when using Unarmed Strikes or Natural
Weapons), you gain a +1 Shield bonus to AC.
If Fighting Defensively or using Total Defense, you gain a +2 Shield bonus to AC.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Dexterity 15
Ranger 2
Your penalty for fighting with two weapons simultaneously (or with a double weapon) is reduced by –2 on
your primary hand & –6 on your secondary hand. This works out to –2 on both hands when wielding a
Light or One-Handed weapon in your primary hand and a Light weapon in your secondary hand.
As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make a single attack with your secondary weapon.
Two-Weapon Pounce
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +6
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 6
At the end of a Charge, you may attack with both your primary & off-hand weapons. The +2 attack bonus
for the Charge and the –2 penalty for fighting with two weapons cancel out. You still receive the –2
penalty to AC for the Charge.
Two-Weapon Rend
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p84)
Dexterity 15
Base Attack Bonus +11
Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranger 11
If you damage an opponent with each of your weapons in a given round, you do extra damage equal to
1d6 + 1 ½ Strength modifier. With regards to Damage Reduction, use the off-hand weapon’s
A given creature may only take this rending damage once per round.
Versatile Unarmed
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p85)
Improved Unarmed Strike
As a Swift Action, you may change the damage type of your Unarmed Strikes to ‘bludgeoning’ (default),
‘piercing’, or ‘slashing’. The damage type remains until you use this ability again to change it.
Vexing Flanker
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p85)
Combat Reflexes
You receive a +4 bonus on attack rolls to hit a Flanked opponent (instead of the normal +2).
War Chant
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (sing): 7 ranks
By chanting for at least 3 rounds before combat begins (a Free Action each round), the following occur:
1. You gain a +2 bonus on your Initiative check.
2. Allies within 30’ who were listening to the chant receive a +1 Morale bonus on their Initiative check.
The effects of multiple chanters on their allies stack (up to a max of +4).
Water Splitting Stone
[General, Fighter]
(PH2 p85)
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Base Attack Bonus +9
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Monk 6
If you hit with an Unarmed Strike and its damage would be reduced due to Damage Reduction, receive a +4
bonus to damage (i.e., ignore 4 points of Damage Reduction).
We Few, We Happy
[General, Fighter]
(DR335 p88)
Perform (oratory):
7 ranks
Following a 1 minute speech, you may make a Perform (oratory) check. Any ally who listened to the whole
speech and understood it may use this check in place of his/her next Will save (though the subject must
decide before rolling). If not used within 10 minutes, the effect dissipates.
Weakening Touch
[General, Fighter]
(CWar p106)
Wisdom 17
Base Attack Bonus +2
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
On a successful Unarmed Strike, you cause no damage, but your opponent receives a –6 penalty to his/her
Strength for 1 minute. Multiple uses do not stack.
Depletes one use of Stunning Fist even if the attack misses.
Weapon Finesse
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier as the bonus to your melee attacks when
using any Light Weapon, a Rapier, a Spiked Chain, or a Whip. (note: this feat now applies to all
appropriate weapons).
Weapon Focus
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Base Attack Bonus +1
Proficiency with the
chosen weapon
Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
You may take this feat with Unarmed Attacks, Rays, Grapple, or even a Natural Attack.
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Fighter 4th
Weapon Focus
Gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen weapon.
Whirlwind Attack
[General, Fighter]
(PH p102)
Intelligence 13
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Expertise
Spring Attack
When making a Full Round Attack, you get one attack on each opponent within your reach at your best
attack bonus. Using this feat means you forfeit all bonus attacks, such as those from Cleave, Haste, etc.
Winged Warrior
[Tactical, Fighter]
(RotW p153)
Must have Wings
Base Attack Bonus +4
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
– If you are standing in or flying no more than 10’ above an area of lots of loose debris, you can use
a Move Action to create a 20’ radius hemispherical cloud. Creatures looking through 10’ of the cloud
have Concealment, while 20’ grants Total Concealment & any within the cloud must make a
Concentration check vs. DC 10 + ½ your character level to cast a spell.
Flying Leap
– If you move greater than your base Land speed, you a +4 bonus on Jump, Balance, and Climb
checks due to the lift and stabilization effects of your wings.
Shroud of Feathers
– By spending a Move Action to surround your body with your wings, you can make a
Feint in combat as part of an attack. You cannot be flying to use this maneuver. You can only use this
maneuver once per foe per combat.
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Feats by Category Page 185
Fighter Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Woodland Archer
[Tactical, Fighter]
(RotW p154)
Point Blank Shot
Base Attack Bonus +6
You may use the following 3 tactical maneuvers:
Adjust for Range
– If you miss a foe with a projectile weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on all other attacks in
the same round to hit the same foe.
Pierce the Foliage
– If you hit a foe with a Miss Chance due to Concealment with a ranged attack, you can
ignore the Miss Chance against the same foe in the following round.
Moving Sniper
– If you succeed in a Sniping Attack (i.e., hit your foe and make a Hide check to remain
hidden), the following round you can make a single attack, take a Move Action, and then make a Hide
check to remain hidden). As long as you remain unseen, you can continue making Sniping Attacks.
Scout Feats
The following may be taken as bonus Scout feats (available at 4
, 8
, etc., levels).
Scout Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Jump & Tumble checks.
Acrobatic Skirmisher
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Tumble: 5 ranks
If you move through an opponent’s square and successfully use Tumble to avoid an Attack of Opportunity,
you receive +1d6 Skirmish damage against that opponent until the start of your next turn.
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Balance & Escape Artist checks.
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Listen & Spot checks.
[General, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to Climb & Swim checks.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p89)
(CAdv p10)+
If you miss a melee attack due to Concealment, you may reroll the miss chance to see if you can attempt to
You keep your Dexterity bonus to AC when attacked in melee by an invisible attacker. Also, your attacker
does not get a +2 bonus due to being invisible.
Darkness & poor lighting only reduce your movement to 75%, instead of 50%.
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p106)
(CAdv p10)+
Climb: 4 ranks
Jump: 4 ranks
You can move through medium and dense forest area at your normal land speed.
You must be at least 20’ from the ground to use this ability.
Combat Expertise
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p92)
(CAdv p10)+
Intelligence 13
When you take an Attack action or a Full Attack action, you may take –X to hit and get +X to your AC until
your next action. X can be up to your base attack bonus, with a maximum of 5.
Danger Sense
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p106)
(CAdv p10)+
(Mini p25)
Improved Initiative
You may roll two dice when making your Initiative check and take the better roll. Usable 1/day.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p93)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
During your action, you may specify one opponent against which you gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC until
your next action. If you lose your Dex bonus to AC for any reason, you also lose your Dodge bonus.
[General, Scout]
(PH p93)
(CAdv p10)+
Ranger 3
1. +4 bonus on checks for performing a physical action over a period of time, such as swimming or
2. +4 bonus on Constitution checks to avoid damage from starvation or thirst.
3. +4 bonus on Fortitude checks to avoid damage from hot or cold weather or from oxygen deprivation.
Far Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p94)
(CAdv p10)+
Point Blank Shot
Range increment of projectile weapons you use is multiplied by 1.5.
Range increment for thrown weapons is multiplied by 2.
Great Fortitude
[General, Scout]
(PH p94)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws.
Hear the Unseen
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(CAdv p119)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
As a Move Action, you can attempt a Listen check vs. DC 25 to pinpoint all foes within 30’ (as long as you
have line of effect on them). This benefit does not eliminate your miss chance.
If an opponent is using Move Silently, it is an opposed check, with a +15 bonus for your opponent.
If you are Deafened, or in an area of Silence, you cannot use this feat.
[Ambush, Scout]
(DR344 p103)
Skirmish class ability
with at least +2d6
Improved Initiative
On a successful Skirmish Attack, you may reduce the Skirmish dice by 1d6 to reduce your foe’s base land
movement by 10’ for 1 minute. Multiple ‘Hinder’ attacks stack, though a foe cannot be reduced to slower
than 5’. Does not affect foe other forms of movement.
Improved Acrobatic
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Acrobatic Skirmisher
Tumble: 10 ranks
If you move through an opponent’s square and successfully use Tumble to avoid an Attack of Opportunity,
you receive +2d6 Skirmish damage against that opponent until the start of your next turn (instead of the
+1d6 from Acrobatic Skirmisher).
Improved Initiative
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p96)
(CAdv p10)+
Gain a +4 bonus on Initiative checks.
Improved Skirmish
(CSco p078)
Skirmish class ability
with at least +2d6 / +1
If you move at least 20’
are part of a Skirmish attack, your damage improves by +2d6 and your Competence
bonus to AC improves by +2.
Improved Swimming
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p110)
(CAdv p10)+
Swim: 6 ranks
You can swim half your speed as a Move Action, or your speed as a Full Round Action.
Iron Will
[General, Scout]
(PH p97)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to all Will saving throws.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 186
Scout Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Lightning Reflexes
[General, Scout]
(PH p97)
(CAdv p10)+
+2 bonus to all Reflex saving throws.
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
+4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. Attacks of Opportunity due to moving out of or within a threatened area. Any
condition that could cause you to lose your Dexterity bonus to AC against an attack causes you to lose this
bonus too.
Mounted Fighting
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(DR346 p86)
Mounted Combat
Base Attack Bonus +8
Ride: 11 ranks
+1 bonus on attack and damage while mounted.
Passive Reconnoiter
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Survival: 4 ranks
When you spend a Full Round Action looking for opponents, you receive a +3 Circumstance bonus on
Listen and Spot checks.
Point Blank Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
+1 bonus on attack & damage rolls with ranged weapons when used within 30’ of their target.
A spellcaster receives this bonus when using a Ray or Energy Missile spell.
Precise Shot
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Point Blank Shot
You can use ranged weapons into melee without taking a –4 penalty on your attack.
A spellcaster receives this bonus when using a Ray or Energy Missile spell.
Quick Draw
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p98)
(CAdv p10)+
Base Attack Bonus +1 You may draw a weapon as a Free Action.
You may draw a hidden weapon as a Move Action.
You may draw thrown weapons as Free Actions, which allows you to make multiple attacks as part of a Full
Round Attack (if your BAB is high enough).
Quick Reconnoiter
[General, Scout]
(CAdv p112)
(CAdv p10)+
Listen: 5 ranks
Spot: 5 ranks
You can make one Spot check and one Listen check each round as a Free Action.
Ranged Skirmisher
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Skirmish class ability
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 13
Point Blank Shot
Far Shot
You apply your Skirmish damage to ranged attack made on opponents within 60’ (instead of the normal 30’).
Rapid Reload
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p99)
(CAdv p10)+
Weapon Proficiency
with a Crossbow
You may reload a specific type of Crossbow more quickly than is standard.
A Hand Crossbow or a Light Crossbow may be reloaded as a Free Action (which allows you to make
multiple attacks as part of a Full Round Attack (if your BAB is high enough)).
A Heavy Crossbow may be reloaded as a Move Action.
Note: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a different type of crossbow.
Scout the Path
[General, Scout]
(DR346 p87)
Survival: 4 ranks
+3 bonus when making a Survival check to Trailblaze (see the Skill Index for details).
In addition, all allies within 20’ receive a +1 bonus on their Hide and Move Silently checks.
Shot on the Run
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p100)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
Point Blank Shot
When making a Standard Action attack with a ranged weapon, you can move before and after the attack, up
to your base movement.
Skill Focus
[General, Scout]
(PH p100)
(CAdv p10)+
+3 bonus to all checks involving one skill.
This feat may be taken multiple times, once per skill.
Spring Attack
[General, Fighter, Scout]
(PH p101)
(CAdv p10)+
Dexterity 13
Base Attack Bonus +4
When doing an Attack Action with a melee weapon, you may move, attack, and then continue the
movement (up to your speed). This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the person you are
attacking. You must move at least 5’ before and after the attack to make use of this feat.
Swift Ambusher
[General, Scout]
(CSco p81)
Skirmish +1d6 / +1 AC
class feature
Sneak Attack +1d6
Add your Rogue and Scout levels together to determine the value of your Skirmish bonuses. Also, you
qualify for [Ambush] feats as if your Sneak Attack dice were the total of your Sneak Attack dice and your
Skirmish dice (though you may not use Skirmish dice to “activate” [Ambush] feats).
Swift Avenger
[General, Scout]
(DR357 p87)
Nature Sense class ability
Skirmish +1d6
1. Add your Druid level to your Scout level to determine your Skirmish damage and AC bonus.
2. Add your Druid level to your Scout level to determine how many uses of Wild Shape you get each day.
[General, Scout]
(PH p101)
(CAdv p10)+
Ranger 1
You may attempt to follow tracks by making a Survival check each mile. The DC of the check is
determined by the factors listed at PH p101.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 187
Wizard Feats
The following may be taken as bonus Wizard feats (available at 5
, 10
, etc., levels). These are in addition to Metamagic and Item Creation feats.
Wizard Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Focus
[General, Wizard]
(DR351 p88)
Able to cast 1
Arcane spells
If you have at least one prepared Arcane spell –or– one Arcane spell slot remaining, you may spend a Full
Round action to attempt a Concentration check vs. DC 20. If successful, you enter the ‘Arcane Focus’
state. Once in ‘Arcane Focus’, you remain in it until you expend it, become unconscious, go to sleep, or
use your last Arcane spell.
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to ‘Take 15
’ on a Concentration check. This
option is available even if you are in combat, etc.
Arcane Watchfulness
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p88)
Wisdom 13
Arcane Focus
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Danger Sense – gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on Spot checks for 1 minute.
Empathic Potential – gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on Sense Motive checks for 1 minute.
Spatial Awareness – gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on Search checks for 1 minute.
Betrayal of the Spirit
[General, Wizard]
(DR336 p108)
Having a current Familiar
Able to cast Animate
Dead as a Prepared
You sacrifice your Familiar and turn it into a Skeleton or a Zombie. You lose the bonus it proved to you
(such as +3 to Climb for a Lizard) and it will never learn to speak to you or other creatures of its type, but
you gain Damage Reduction 5 / slashing if your Familiar is now a Skeleton, or DR 5 / bludgeoning if your
Familiar is now a Zombie.
Body Awareness
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Wisdom 13
Arcane Focus
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Overcome Distraction – you may do one
of the following for (Wisdom modifier) round (min 1):
ignore Fatigue, treat Exhaustion as Fatigue, ignore Nausea, ignore being Shaken, treat being Frightened
as being Shaken, ignore being Sickened.
Slowed Breathing – you receive a +4 Circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves to resist toxic fumes &
inhaled poisons, holding your breath for 1 minute only counts as 5 round, and (assuming you don’t
move) you can appear dead (Heal check vs. DC 20 to realize the deception).
Sudden Effort – +4 Circumstance bonus on your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution until your next turn.
Using this ability a second (or further) time each day results in you becoming Fatigued. If you used
this ability while Fatigued, you become Exhausted.
Defensive Magic
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Arcane Focus You may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Absorb Damage – as an Immediate Action, you may expend an Arcane spell / spell slot along with your
‘Arcane Focus’ to gain Damage Reduction (level of expended spell) / — until the start of your next turn
Iron Magic – as a Swift Action, each spell that grants you an Armor or Shield bonus to AC improves by
+2 until the start of your next turn.
Protective Aura – as an Immediate Action, you may expend one spell that you cast upon yourself along
with your ‘Arcane Focus’ to gain a +(level of expended spell) bonus on your next saving throw. If not
used within 1 minute, the bonus fades.
Excised from the
Web of Life
[General, Wizard]
(DR336 p108)
Able to cast Blight as a
Prepared spell
Any spell you cast on an Animal, Fey, or Plant does damage equal to the Caster level (at your option) in
addition to its normal effect. If the spell allows a save, then success means the creature does not take the
extra damage. If it does not normally allow a save, then the target(s) receive a Fortitude save for ½ dmg.
When dealing with an Animal, Fey, Plant or anyone who has Wild Empathy, you receive a penalty on all
Charisma-based skills and checks equal to your Character level.
Focused Specialist
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Arcane Focus
Specialized Wizard
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Spell Boost – +1 Caster level on the next spell you cast from your specialized school within 1 round.
Spell Endowment – +1 DC on the next spell you cast from your specialized school within 1 round.
Spell Intensity – +2 bonus to overcome Spell Resistance on the next spell you cast from your specialized
school within 1 round.
Magical Insight
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Intelligence 13
Arcane Focus
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one of the following:
Detection Enhancement – one Divination spell that you are using which gives information over the
course of round (e.g., Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts, etc.) give you information on all targets as if you
had been using it for an extra round.
Spell Interpretation – +4 Insight bonus on Spellcraft checks for 1 minute.
Spell Intensity – +4 Insight bonus on Knowledge(arcana) checks for 1 minute.
Potent Dweomercraft
[Arcane, Wizard]
(DR351 p89)
Wisdom 13
Arcane Focus
Able to cast 2
Arcane spells
As a Swift Action, you may expend your ‘Arcane Focus’ to do one
of the following:
Damaging Spell – the next melee touch attack spell you cast does +25% damage. Must be used within 1
Spell Critical – the threat range of the next melee touch attack spell you cast is 19-20 for 1 round.
Weaving Strike – receive a +2 Competence bonus on your next melee touch attack spell to-hit roll.
Spell Mastery
[General, Wizard]
(PH p100)
Wizard level 1
Choose a number of spells equal to your Int modifier. You may prepare these spells without a spellbook.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time with different spells.
Note: All Wizards have Spell Mastery of Read Magic.
Verminous Graft
[General, Wizard]
(DR336 p108)
Able to cast Contagion
as a Prepared spell
Loose the use of one hand by transforming it into the nest for a colony of insects.
As a Standard Action, you may make a Touch attack that does 1d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. You
are always treated as being ‘armed’ for purposes of not generating Attacks of Opportunity.
You may no longer use Two-Handed weapons, equipment, or skills (such as Climb). You also receive a
–4 penalty on all Charisma-base skills or checks, except for Intimidate which receives a +2.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 188
Initiate Feats
Follower of a Specific Deity or Druidic Sect.
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Arcane Insight
(RoD p154)
Patron Deity: Boccob
Cleric level: 3
Add Knowledge (arcana) to your Cleric class skills.
Gain +2 Insight bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: True Strike(PH p296) – Add +20 insight bonus to your next attack roll.
: Arcane Sight(PH p201) – Magical auras become visible to you.
: Rary’s Telepathic Bond(PH p268) – Link lets allies communicate.
: Arcane Sight, Greater(PH p201) – As Arcane Sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and
: Moment of Prescience(PH p255) – You gain insight bonus on a single attack roll, check , or save.
(Eb p50)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Ashbound Druidic Sect, who believe Arcane Magic is vile & unnatural.
Duration of Summon Nature’s Ally spells is doubled.
Creatures summoned by Summon Nature’s Ally spells receive a +3 Luck bonus on attack rolls.
Child of Winter
(Eb p51)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Non-Good alignment
Member of the Child of Winter Druidic Sect, who embrace death & decay, and focus on Vermin.
You may target Vermin with spells that usually only target Animal, such as Calm Animal.
You may use Wild Empathy on Vermin.
You may summon Vermin with your Summon Nature’s Ally spells.
Chymdeithas Initiate
(DR332 p87)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Dderwydd Chymdeithas Druidic Sect, who have been in hiding and are spread out.
Choose one of the following: Knowledge (geography), Know (local), Knowledge (religion),
Knowledge (the planes). Add this skill to your Druid Skill List.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Disguise Self(PH p222) – Changes our appearance.
: Undetectable Alignment(PH p297) – Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
: Helping Hand(PH p239) – Ghostly hand leads subject to you.
: Sending(PH p275) – Delivers a short message anywhere, instantly.
: Teleport(PH p292) – Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.
: Shadow Walk(PH p277) – Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
: Sequester(PH p276) – Subject is invisible to sight and scrying.
: Discern Location(PH p222) – Reveals the exact location of a creature or object.
: Etherealness(PH p228) – Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Dread Tyranny
(RoD p154)
Patron Deity: Hextor
Cleric level: 3
Strength 13
Add Intimidate to your Cleric class skills. Add your Strength and
Charisma modifiers to Intimidate checks.
When you use a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage, you reduce the attack roll penalty to –2.
Add the following to your Cleric spells list:
: Scare(PH p274) – Panics creatures of less than 6HD.
: Evard’s Black Tentacles(PH p228) – Tentacles grapple all within a 15’ spread.
: Dominate Person(PH p224) – Controls humanoid telepathically.
: Eyebite(PH p228) – Target becomes panics, sickened, and comatose.
: Demand(PH p217) – As Sending, plus you can send Suggestion.
: Dominate Monster(PH p224) – As Dominate Person, but any creature.
Eternal Strength
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Kord
Cleric level: 5
Strength 13
+4 bonus on saves against Strength damage or drain.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Heroism(PH p240) – Gives a +2 on attack rolls, saves, & skill checks.
: Waves of Fatigue(PH p301) – Several targets become fatigued.
: Heroism, Greater(PH p285) – Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear;
temporary hp.
: Waves of Exhaustion(PH p301) – Several targets become exhausted.
Far Horizons
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Fharlanghn
Cleric level: 1
Add Climb, Jump, and Swim to your Cleric class skills.
You always know which direction is North.
Add the following to your Cleric spells list:
: Expeditious Retreat(PH p228) – Your land speed increases by 30’.
: Leomund’s Tiny Hut(PH p247) – Creates shelter for ten creatures.
: Overland Flight(PH p259) – You fly at a speed of 40’ and can ‘hustle’ over long distances.
: Shadow Walk(PH p277) – Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
Gatekeeper Initiate
(Eb p54)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Gatekeeper Druidic Sect, who are trained to ward off extra-dimensional attacks by
+2 bonus on saves vs. the supernatural & spell-like abilities of Aberrations.
Add Knowledge (the planes) to your Druid Skill List. You can make Knowledge (the planes) checks to
learn details about Aberrations (instead of Know (dungeoneering)).
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Protection from Evil(PH p266) – +2 bonus to AC & saves against evil, counters mind control, & hedges
out elementals & outsiders.
: Zone of Natural Purity(Eb p117) – Aberrations in area become weaker, fey & plants become stronger.
: Dimensional Anchor(PH p221)(PH p250)+ – Bars extradimensional movement.
: Nature’s Wrath(Eb p114) – Damages & dazes aberrations, damages other creatures.
: Banishment(PH p202) – Banishes 2 HD per level of extraplanar creatures.
: Dimensional Lock(PH p221) – Teleportation and interplanar travel are blocked for 1 day per level.
: Return to Nature(Eb p114) – Reduces Intelligence and magical abilities of target.
: Mind Blank(PH p253) – Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 189
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Greensinger Initiate
(Eb p54)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Greensinger Druidic Sect, who have close ties to the Fey.
Add Bluff, Hide, & Perform to your Druid Skill List.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Charm Person(PH p209) – Make one person your friend.
: Daze Monster(PH3.5 217) – Living creature up to 6HD or less looses next action.
: Displacement(PH p223) – Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.
: Charm Monster(PH p209) – Makes monster believe it is your ally.
: Hold Monster(PH p241) – As Hold Person, but can effect any creature.
: Cat’s Grace, Mass(PH p208) – As Cat’s Grace, affects one subject per level.
: Ethereal Jaunt(PH p227) – You become ethereal for 1 round per level.
: Charm Monster, Mass(PH p206) – As Charm Monster, but all within 30’.
: Etherealness(PH p228) – Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Initiate of Bane
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Bane
Cleric level: 5
Gain ‘Frightful Presence’ – When you attack or charge, all enemies within 30’ become Shaken for 1d4
rounds (WillNeg, DC 10 + ½ Cleric level + Charisma modifier).
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Mystic Lash(PGF p106) – Creates energy whip that deals 1d6 Electricity damage per 3 levels (max 4d6)
and Stuns for 1 round.
: Battle Tide(PGF p99) – Targets take –2 penalty on saving throws, attack rolls, and weapon damage to
grant you benefits.
: Stone Walk(PGF p113) – Links two stones for teleportation.
: Undeath after Death(PGF p117) – Deals 2 Constitution damage and causes subject to rise as a Crypt
Spawn after death.
Initiate of Boccob
(DR342 p49)
Patron Deity: Boccob
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You can make all Knowledge checks Untrained.
+1 caster level on Divination spells.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Memory Jar(DR342 p54) The target gains a bonus on Knowledge checks.
: Identify(PH p243) – Determines properties of a magic item.
: Research Aid(DR342 p55) – Get assistance when performing research.
Initiate of Cyric
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Cyric
Cleric level: 3
Become immune to normal or magical Fear effects.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Black Talon(PGF p100) – Your arm becomes a claw that gives +5’ reach and +1 per four levels Profane
bonus on attack rolls, deals 1d6 damage +1 per level negative energy damage (max +10).
: Dread Blast(PGF p101) – Fires a ray of negative energy that deals 4d8 damage +1 per level (max +20)
and Dazes target for 1 round.
: Skull of Secrets(PGF p111) – Creates an illusionary flaming skull that speaks a message and spits a
tongue of flame that deals 1d8 Fire damage per two caster levels (max 5d8).
: Skull Eyes(PGF p111) – Grants you a gaze attack that acts as either Charm Monster or Confusion.
: Triple Mask(PGF p116) – Creates three shadow duplicates of you.
Initiate of Ehlonna
(DR342 p50)
Patron Deity: Ehlonna
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
Pass without Trace (self only), 1/day as a Spell-like ability.
Add Handle Animal and Survival to the skill list of one of your Divine spellcasting classes.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Longstrider(PH p249) – Increases your speed.
: Snare(PH p280) – Creates a magical booby trap.
: Commune with Nature(PH p211) – Learn about terrain for one mile per level.
: Animal Shapes(PH p198) – One ally per level polymorphs into chosen animal.
Initiate of Erythnul
(DR342 p50)
Patron Deity: Erythnul
Able to cast 4
Divine spells
When you bring a creature to –10 hp (i.e., kill it) with a Critical Hit, you automatically receive a Death
Knell. Does not apply to the Coup de Grace action.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Cause Fear, Greater(DR342 p52) – As Cause Fear, but affects creatures up to 15 HD.
: Erythnul’s Slaughter(DR342 p53) – Doubles critical threat ranges and prevents stabilization.
: Rage, Mass(DR342 p55) – As Rage, but affects one subject per level.
Initiate of Fharlanghn
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Fharlanghn
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
Your land speed improves by +10’.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Alarm(PH p197) – Wards an area for 2 hours per level.
: Expeditious Retreat(PH p228) – Your land speed increases by 30’
: Dimension Door(PH p221) – Teleports you a short distance.
: Phase Door(PH p261) – Invisible passage through wood or stone.
Initiate of Gond
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Gond
Cleric level: 1
Disable Device and Open Lock become Cleric Class Skills.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Wieldskill(PGF p118) – Grants +5 Competence bonus on a skill check, –or– proficiency with a weapon,
armor, or shield.
: Understand Device(PGF p117) – Grants an Insight bonus equal to caster level on Disable Device or
Open Lock checks.
: Fantastic Machine(PGF p69) – Creates illusory many-armed machine that functions as a Large
Animated Object.
Initiate of Heironeous
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Heironeous
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You do the following bonus damage when wielding a Longsword – against an Evil-aligned Outsider, +1d6;
against a creature with an Aura of Evil (such as a Cleric of an Evil Deity), +1d4.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Mark of Justice, Lesser(DR342 p54) – Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
: Bless, Greater(DR342 p52) – Allies gain +1 per 4 levels on attack rolls and saves against fear.
: Righteousness of Heironeous(DR342 p55) – You deal extra damage against evil targets.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 190
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Initiate of Helm
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Helm
Cleric or Paladin lvl: 5
You may make an Attack of Opportunity when you are Flat-Footed
Add the following spells to your Cleric or Paladin spell list:
: Warning(PGF p118) – Grants ‘Uncanny Dodge’ and a +4 Insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
: Forceward(PGF p103) – Creates a sphere of force that prevents entry by enemies, grants a +2 Sacred
bonus on saves vs. attacks by Evil creatures.
: Mace of Odo(PGF p106) – Creates a glowing mace that deals 1d6 Force damage per level (max 10d6)
and Paralysis, more against Undead.
Initiate of Hextor
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Hextor
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You do the following bonus damage when wielding a Flail – against an Good-aligned Outsider, +1d6;
against a creature with an Aura of Good (such as a Cleric of a Good Deity), +1d4.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Scare(PH p274) – Panics creatures up to 5HD.
: Bane, Greater(DR342 p52) – Enemies gain –1 per 4 levels on attack rolls and saves against fear.
: Wrath of Hextor(DR342 p56) – You deal extra damage against good.
Initiate of Ilmater
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Ilmater
Cleric or Paladin lvl: 7
When you cast a Cure spell that would result in more damage being healed than the target is missing hit-
points, the excess hit-points become Temporary Hit-Points, up to a maximum of 3 x target’s HD. As
long as the target has the Temporary HP, he/she receives a +2 Sacred bonus on Fortitude saves & a +2
Sacred bonus to resist being Bull Rushed or Tripped. It not consumed by damage, the Temporary HP
dissipate after one hour.
Add the following spells to your Cleric or Paladin spell list:
: Favor of Ilmater(PGF p102) – Subject gains Feat: Endurance, plus immunity to nonlethal damage, charm
and compulsion effects, pain attacks, and other adverse conditions, subject can function at –1 to –9 hp.
: Glory of the Martyr(PGF p103) – Grants each subject +1 Deflection bonus to AC and +1 Resistance
bonus on saves, splits their damage with you.
: Pact of Martyrdom(PGF p108) – You exchange hit-point totals with the target.
Initiate of Kord
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Kord
Able to cast 2
Divine spells
You receive a +4 Size bonus on all Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder, & Trip attempts.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Kord’s Power Surge(DR342 p54) Receive a bonus on Strength-based ability checks and skills.
: Kord’s Greeting(DR342 p54) – Bonuses for charging double and penalties reduce to half.
: Champion of Kord(DR342 p53) – Receive bonuses on acts of strength.
Initiate of Lathander
(PGF p80)
Patron Deity: Lathander
Cleric level: 1
You may Spontaneously give up a prepared spell and cast a spell on your Clerical spell list that is of the
[light] subtype or has Light in the title, such as Searing Light.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Rosemantle(PGF p109) – Target gains a +1 per level Sacred bonus (max +10) on saves vs. effects that
cause Pain, Sickness, Nausea, or Fear.
: Sunrise(PGF p114) – Burst of light blinds and damages creatures.
: Shield of Lathander(PGF p110) – Touched creature gains Damage Reduction 15 / — for 1 round.
: Shield of Lathander, Greater(PGF p110) – As Shield of Lathander, except grants Damage Reduction
20 / —, immunity to negative energy and energy drain, and Acid Resistance 10, Cold Resistance 10,
Electricity Resistance 10, Fire Resistance 10, & Sonic Resistance 10.
: Undeath’s Eternal Foe(PGF p117) – Grants subjects numerous combat advantages against Undead
Initiate of Malar
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Malar
Cleric or Druid level: 3
When you use Summon Monster or Summon Nature’s Ally to summon a natural or Fiendish Animal, the
Animal gains a +4 Enhancement bonus to its Strength and Constitution scores.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Spectral Stag(PGF p112) – Conjures a phantom stag that you can ride or direct to attack a target.
: Possess Animal(PGF p108) – You possess a normal animal.
: Strength of the Beast(PGF p114) – You gain benefits of your Lycanthropic animal form while in human
Initiate of Mystra
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Mystra
Cleric level: 3
You may attempt to cast spells in Dead Magic zones or within an Antimagic Field.
In a Dead Magic zone, you must make a Caster check vs. DC 20 + spell level.
In an Antimagic Field, you must make a Caster check vs. DC 11 + the Antimagic Field’s Caster level.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Spell Shield(PGF p113) – Grants a +3 Resistance bonus on saving throws vs. spell and spell-like abilities.
: Anyspell(FR p67) – You can read and prepared up to a 2
level Arcane spell from a scroll or spellbook
in a 3
level Domain spell slot.
: Spell Phylactery(PGF p113) – Activates a spell on a scroll when a triggering condition is met.
: Anyspell, Greater(FR p70) – As Anyspell, but you can read and prepare any Arcane spell up to 5
in a 6
level Domain spell slot.
: Holy Star(PGF p104) – Creates a glowing star that turns 1d6+3 spell levels as Spell Turning, grants a +10
Circumstance bonus to AC, or fires an energy bolt that deals 1d6 damage per two levels.
Initiate of Nature
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Eldath,
Mielikki, or Silvanus.
Cleric or Druid lvl: 5
You can Rebuke or Command Animals or Plant Creatures up to 3 + Charisma modifier times per day
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Mold Touch(PGF p106) – Creates a 5’ patch of Brown Mold.
: Briar Tangle(PGF p100) – As Entangle, except the targets take 1d8 damage + 1 per two levels.
: Thorn Spray(PGF p115) – Your ranged attack deals 1d6 damage per level (max 20d6), divided among
multiple targets, Sickens on a successful hit.
: Fireward(PGF p102) – As Quench, but also suppresses Magical Fire effects in the affected area.
: Tree Healing(PGF p116) – You enter a tree that nourishes and heals you.
Initiate of Nerull
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Nerull
Able to cast 4
Divine spells
When using the Death Touch ability granted by the Death Domain, use d8’s (instead of d6’s) for damage.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Cause Fear, Greater(DR342 p52) – As Cause Fear, but affects creatures up to 15 HD.
: Nerull’s Scythe(DR342 p54) – You bring a magical scythe into existence.
: Wail of the Banshee(PH p298) – Kills one creature per level.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 191
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Initiate of Obad-Hai
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Obad-Hai
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
In addition to being able to convert your Prepared Divine spells spontaneously into healing spells, you may
convert them into Summon Nature’s Ally spells (as a Druid does).
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Summer Breezes(DR342 p56) – Cools you in uncomfortable environments.
: Spontaneous Combustion(DR342 p56) – Target touched catches fire.
: Quicksand(DR342 p54) – Creates an area of quicksand.
: Waves of Destruction(DR342 p56) – Seawater crashes down upon your targets.
Initiate of
(DR342 p51)
Patron Deity: Olidammara
Able to cast 2
Divine spells
Add Gather Information, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble to the skill list of one of your Divine spellcasting
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Festival Feast(DR342 p41) – Creates delicious food for 3 humans per level.
: Olidammara’s Bard Spell(DR342 p42) – You can prepare spell from the Bard spell list.
: Olidammara’s Carapace(DR342 p42) – Creates a protective shell around you, which you can teleport out
of secretly.
Initiate of Pelor
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: Pelor
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You receive a +2 Sacred bonus on Turning Checks and Turning Damage rolls.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: True Turning(DR342 p56) – You gain bonuses on your next Turn Undead attempt.
: Bless, Greater(DR342 p52) – Allies gain +1 per 4 levels on attack rolls and saves against fear.
: Immolate the Wicked(DR342 p54) – Undead you have turned burst into flames.
Initiate of Selûne
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Selûne
Cleric, Druid, Ranger,
Harper Agent level: 3
Cast Augury and Divination at +5 Caster level.
Add the following spells to your Cleric, Druid, Ranger, and/or Harper Agent spell list:
: Handfire(PGF p103) – Your melee touch attack deals 1d8 damage +1 per level (max +5) against a living
creature or 2d6 damage + 1 per level (max +5) against Undead.
: Moon Blade(FR p72) – Touch attack deals 1d8 + 1 per two levels, more to Undead, plus scrambles
: Strength of the Beast(PGF p114) – You gain benefits of your Lycanthropic animal form while in human
: Wall of Moonlight(PGF p118) – Creates aluminous wall that deals 3d12 damage to Undead and 2d10
damage to Evil creatures and Clergy of Shar or Umberlee, illuminates area and counters / dispels
: Moonpath(FR p72) – Grants sanctuary to 1 creature per level.
: Moonweb(PGF p106) – Creates a glowing shield that gives +8 bonus to AC and +4 bonus on Reflex
saves, plus Improved Evasion.
Initiate of St.
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: St. Cuthbert
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
‘Protective Ward’ once per day per 4 Divine caster levels – The touched target gets a Resistance bonus on
his/her next saving throw equal to your Divine caster level. If not used in one hour, the ward dissipates.
Activation is a Standard Action.
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Mark of Justice, Lesser(DR342 p54) – Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
: Retributive Strike(DR342 p55) – You gain an attack of opportunity when attacked.
: Spell Turning(PH p282)(PH3.5e)+ – Reflects 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.
Initiate of Tyr
(PGF p81)
Patron Deity: Tyr
Cleric level: 7
Access to the War
+1 bonus to damage when attacking with a Longsword.
Add the following spells to your Cleric spell list:
: Sword and Hammer(PGF p115) – As Spiritual Hammer, but creates a Longsword and Warhammer of
Force, +1 on attack rolls, automatically Flanks opponents.
: Sword and Hammer, Greater(PGF p115) – As Sword and Hammer, but each weapon has a +2 bonus on
attack rolls and benefit from the Improved Critical Feat.
Initiate of Vecna
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: Vecna
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
You may use Scrolls, Wands, and other Spell Completion / Spell Trigger items as a Wizard whose level is
equal to your Divine Caster level (plus your Wizard level, if any).
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Vecna’s Courier(DR342 p56) – Deliver secrets without fear of having them revealed.
: Arcane Eye(PH p200) – Invisible floating eye moves 30’ per round.
: Eyebite(PH p228) – Target becomes panics, sickened, and comatose.
Initiate of Wee Jas
(DR342 p52)
Patron Deity: Wee Jas
Able to cast 3
Divine spells
By expending one of your Turning / Rebuking Attempts, you release a wave of Positive or Negative energy
in a 20’ radius Burst. If you channel Positive Energy, all Undead in the area of effect take 1d6 per two
Divine Caster levels (Will½, DC is Charisma-based). If you channel Negative energy, all Undead in the
area of effect are cured 1d6 per two Divine Caster levels (up to their maximum, extra hp are lost).
Add the following to one of your Divine spells list:
: Disguise Undead(Spell p66) – Change appearance of one corporeal undead for 10 minutes per level.
: Magic Jar(PH p250) – Enables possession of another creature.
: Circle of Death(PH p209) – Kills 1d4 HD per level of creatures.
Law Inviolate
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: St. Cuthbert
Cleric level: 1
Lawful alignment
Any weapons you wield (including natural) are considered Lawful-aligned for overcoming DR.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Color Spray(PH p210) – Knocks unconscious, blinds, or stuns weak creatures.
: Daze Monster(PH3.5 217) – Living creature up to 6HD or less looses next action.
: Suggestion(PH p285) – Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
: Passwall(PH p259) – Creates a passage through wood or stone walls.
: Suggestion, Mass(PH p285) – As Suggestion, plus one subject per level.
: Power Word Stun(PH p263) – Stuns creatures with 150 hp or less
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Feats by Category Page 192
Initiate Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Nightbringer Initiate
(FoE p147)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Non-Good alignment
Member of the Nightbringer Druidic Sect, who are connected with darkness, undead, & the plane of Mabar.
Hide & Move Silently become Druid class skills for you.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Inflict Light Wounds(PH p244) – Touch deals 1d8 damage +1 per level (max +5).
: Darkness(PH p216) – 20’ radius of supernatural shadow.
: Deeper Darkness(PH p217) – Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60’ radius.
: Enervation(PH p226) – Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
: Summon Monster V(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you. (shadow mastiff only)
: Planar Ally(PH p261) – As Planar Ally, Lesser, but up to 12 HD. (native of Mabar only)
: Control Undead(PH p214) – Undead don’t attack you while under your command.
: Create Greater Undead(PH p215) – Creates shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers. (shadows only)
: Gate(PH p234) – Connects two planes for travel or summoning (Mabar only)
Radiant Fire
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Pelor
Cleric level: 3
+2 Insight bonus to damage rolls against Evil creatures.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Scorching Ray(PH p274) – Ranged touch attack, deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/4 levels (max 3).
: Summon Monster III(PH p286) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you.*
: Summon Monster V(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you. *
: Summon Monster VI(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you. *
: Summon Monster VIII(PH p287) – Summons an extraplanar creature to fight for you. *
* Fire Elementals only
Undying Fate
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Wee Jas
Cleric level: 3
As a Swift Action, you can determine how close creatures are to death. This is an Extraordinary ability that
functions as the Deathwatch spell.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: False Life(PH p229) – Gain 1d10 temporary hp + 1 per level (max +10).
: Halt Undead(PH p238) – Immobilizes undead for 1 round per level.
: Blight(PH p206) – Withers one plant or deals 1d6 per level damage to a plant creature.
: Finger of Death(PH p230) – Kills one subject.
Warden Initiate
(Eb p62)
Ability to spontaneously
cast Summon Nature’s
Member of the Warden of the Wood Druidic Sect, who protect the Great Woods.
Gain +2 Deflection bonus to AC when fighting in a forest.
Add the following spells to your Druidic spell list:
: Protection from Evil(PH p266) – +2 bonus to AC & saves against evil, counters mind control, & hedges
out elementals & outsiders.
: Detect Thoughts(PH p220) – Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
: Displacement(PH p223) – Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.
: Locate Creature(PH p249) – Indicates direction to familiar creature.
: Hold Monster(PH p241) – As Hold Person, but can effect any creature.
: Repulsion(PH p271) – Creatures can’t approach you.
: Banishment(PH p202) – Banishes 2 HD per level of extraplanar creatures.
: Screen(PH p274) – Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
: Hold Monster, Mass(PH p241) – As Hold Monster, but all within 30’.
Whispered Secrets
(RoD p155)
Patron Deity: Vecna
Cleric level: 1
Add Listen and Spot to your Cleric class skills.
You automatically become aware of any attempt to observe you by Scrying as an Extraordinary ability.
Add the following to your Cleric spell list:
: Disguise Self(PH p222) – Changes your appearance.
: Darkvision(PH p216) – See 60’ in total darkness.
: Glibness(PH p235) – You gain +30 bonus on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical
: Arcane Eye(PH p200) – Invisible floating eye moves 30’ per round.
: Prying Eyes(PH p267) – 1d4 floating eyes + 1 per level scout for you.
: Analyze Dweomer(PH p197) – Reveals magical aspects of subject.
: Mind Blank(PH p253) – Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
Editor’s Note: I think the intention was to make the next level's summon spell available, but only for Fire Elementals. That way the Follows of Pelor could get an
extra powerful Fire creature or the normal other summoned creatures. That would make the list as follows:
Scorching Ray 3
Summon Monster IV* 5
Summon Monster VI*
Summon Monster VII* 8
Summon Monster IX* * Fire Elementals only
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Variant Feats Page 193
Variant Feats
Ceremonial Feats
The following feats allow a spellcaster to apply “spell templates” to their spells. Each template adds an effect to a category of spells at the cost of one or more of
the following: irremovable verbal component (i.e., cannot be removed with the Silent Spell Metamagic), irremovable somatic component, an expensive material
component, and/or a new material focus.
Ceremonial Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(DR311 p44)
1. You may apply the Bloodleech template(DR311 p44) to your spells that cause hit-point damage.
One target affected by the spell is designated as the Bloodleech target. If he/she is damaged by the
spell, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage & the caster heals the same amount immediately (excess hp
are lost).
Cost: Verbal(guttural phrase) Material(50gp Ruby).
2. If you have cast a Bloodleech spell in the last 24 hours, your natural healing is increased, resulting in the
recovery of 2 x Character Level in hit-points for a night of rest or 3 x Character Level in hit-points for a
full day & night of rest.
Elemalefic Spellcaster
(DR311 p44)
1. You may apply the Elemalefic template(DR311 p44) to your spells that cause energy damage.
Once the target spell would normally end, anyone who damaged by the spell continues to take 1d4
damage of the same energy type for 1 round per spell level. Note that this effect can be dispelled.
Cost based on damage type: Acid – 50gp of Black Dragon drool, Cold – 50gp Diamond dust,
Electricity – 50gp Copper star, Fire – 50gp Ruby dust, Sonic – 50gp Gold Tuning Fork.
2. +2 bonus on Survival checks made on an Elemental Plane of existence.
Ethereal Tendril
(DR311 p44)
1. You may apply the Ghost Touch template(DR311 p44) to your spells. That target one or more creatures.
The target spell now effects Incorporeal creatures 100% of the time (instead of 50% of the time).
Cost: Material(50gp silver orb).
2. When on the Ethereal Plane, you can travel at your normal movement (instead of the normal ½
(DR311 p44)
1. You may apply the Invigorating template(DR311 p44) to your spells that heal hit-points.
In additional to healing hit-points, the target spell also removes all of the following: Dazed, Exhausted,
Fatigued, Sickened, & Stunned.
Cost: Verbal(ancient healing incantation).
2. +2 bonus on Heal checks.
(DR311 p44)
1. You may apply the Shackled template(DR311 p44) to your spells that do not have a duration of
Instantaneous or Permanent.
Each creature under the effect of the target spell has its movement reduced by ½ for the spell’s duration
Cost: Somatic(grasping gesture), Focus(100gp silver shackles), Material(25gp gold key).
2. +2 bonus on Use Rope checks to bind a creature.
(DR311 p44)
1. You may apply the Concussive template(DR311 p44) to your spells that cause hit-point damage.
Any creature who takes damage from the target spell must make a Balance check vs. DC 10 + Caster
level or be knocked prone.
Cost: Somatic(pushing gesture), Material(25gp pearl).
2. +2 bonus on Concentration checks made to ignore vigorous, violent, or extraordinarily violent motion
while casting spells.
Superior Summons
(DR311 p44)
1. You may apply the Champion template(DR311 p44) to your Conjuration (summoning) spells.
The creatures summoned by the target spell have maximum hit-points. In addition, you can target them
with beneficial touch spells at a range of up to 30’.
2. You cast Conjuration (summoning) spells at +1 effective Caster level.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Variant Feats Page 194
Spell-Touched Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
Accurate Jaunt
(UA p92)
Exposure to Greater
Teleport, Plane Shift,
Teleport, or Shadow
Walk spells.
When you use the spells Teleport, Plane Shift, or Shadow Walk, you may make your targeting / destination
roll twice and take the better of the two rolls.
Bladeproof Skin
(UA p92)
Exposure to Stoneskin or
Ironbody spells.
Gain Damage Reduction 3 / bludgeoning, but your tougher skin now imposes an Armor Check penalty of
–2, which stacks with all other Armor Check penalties.
Breadth of Knowledge
(UA p92)
Exposure to Legend
Lore or Vision spells.
You may make a check against any Knowledge skill, even if you have no ranks in it. If you have at least
one rank in a specific Knowledge skill, you gain a +1 bonus on any check based upon it.
(UA p92)
Exposure to Call Lighting,
Lightning Bolt, or Chain
If you take Electricity damage, you may send an arc of electricity at one target within 30’. The base damage
is half the electrical damage you took (Ref½, DC 16 + your Charisma modifier).
Controlled Immolation
(UA p92)
Exposure to Fireball or
Delayed Blast Fireball
If you ‘catch on fire’ (DMG p303), you take no hit-point damage & your body ‘burns’ for 1d4 rounds.
During this time, any creature striking you with a hand-held weapon or its body takes 1d6 fire damage.
Note that this ability does not negate damage from normal and/or magical fire, only ‘catching on fire’.
Also, it does not protect your equipment.
Eyes to the Sky
(UA p93)
Exposure to Scrying or
Greater Scrying
You automatically spot the magical sensor created by any spell of the [scrying] subtype (including Arcane
Eye, Clairaudience / Clairvoyance, Greater Scrying, and Scrying) if it is within 40’.
False Pretenses
(UA p93)
Exposure to a Charm or
Dominate spell
If you succeed on your save against a (charm) or a (compulsion), the caster thinks you failed your save.
You have the option of playing along. If the spell involved mental commands, you receive the commands
but do not have to follow them.
Ineluctable Echo
(UA p93)
Exposure to Wail of the
Banshee or any Power
Word spell
If you are targeted with a Power Word or Wail of the Banshee, the caster is effected also.
Note that you are still effected normally.
Life Leech
(UA p93)
Exposure to Death Knell
or the ‘death touch’
domain ability
Each dying or stable creature (i.e., any creature with –1 to –9 hp) within 30’ of you at the start of your turn
loses 1 hp, which you gain as a Temporary HP for 10 minutes.
You cannot suppress this power and it effects everyone in the area of effect.
Live My Nightmare
(UA p94)
Exposure to Phantasmal
Killer spell
If you are targeted with a Divination spell or effect, you have the option of inflicting a Phantasmal Killer on
the caster (WillDisbelief DC 14 + your Charisma bonus. If unsuccessful, FortNeg to avoid dying (same
Momentary Alteration
(UA p94)
Exposure to Alter Self
When you take this feat, choose one of the forms that you have turned into using Alter Self. You may
change into that form for 1 minute, once per day.
You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, either choose another form or the same form again
(granting 1 extra minute per day).
Naturalized Denizen
(UA p94)
Exposure to Dimen-
sional Anchor spell
You lose your ‘extraplanar’ subtype. This makes you immune to Banishment, Dismissal, and similar
Omniscient Whispers
(UA p94)
Exposure to Commune
or Contact Other Plane
Commune, 1/week. Using this ability leaves you Exhausted.
Photosynthetic Skin
(UA p94)
Exposure to Barkskin
+2 Enhancement bonus to your Natural Armor when outside during the day.
Polar Chill
(UA p94)
Exposure to Cone of Cold
or Ice Storm spells
Coat the ground around you in a 20’ radius with ice, once per day. The effect lasts for 1 minute. Any
creature trying to go through one of the frozen spaces requires 2 spaces of movement & any Balance or
Tumble check has +5 DC.
You must be touching the ground in less than 100 degree temperature air to use this ability.
Residual Rebound
(UA p94)
Exposure to Spell
Resistance or Spell
Turning spells
If you roll a Natural 20 on a saving throw against a Targeted Spell (i.e., not area of effect), the spell reflects
back at its caster as if effected by Spell Turning (except this ability effects Touch spells too).
This ability does not effect spells that to not allow a saving throw.
Stench of the Dead
(UA p94)
Exposure to Ghoul
Touch or Vampiric
Touch spells
Any creature adjacent to you becomes Sickened due to the smell (FortNeg DC 12 + your Charisma
modifier). The effect lasts until the creature has not been adjacent to you for 1d4 rounds.
You cannot
suppress this ability.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Variant Feats Page 195
Astrological Feats
Source Prerequisite Description
(DR340 p26)
level only Gain the Startouched bonus (see page 195) that matches the Astrological Sign that was in ascendance on the
day of your birth.
You are able to use & create magic items tuned only to your ‘sign’.
(DR340 p26)
Startouched Gain the Startborn bonus of your sign.
In addition, you may reroll one skill check per day for the skill indicated in your Starborn bonus. You must
declare the reroll before the DM indicated success or failure and you must keep the new roll.
(DR340 p26)
When carrying your Birthstone (worth at least 100gp), gain the Starblessed bonus of your ‘sign’.
In addition, you are allowed two rerolls per day of your Starborn skill.
Astrological Signs
Name Source Startouched bonus Starborn bonus Birthstone & Starblessed bonus
(DR340 p32)
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks +2 bonus on Sense Motives checks Ruby – +2 Luck bonus on Fortitude saves vs. Transmutation
spells & effects
(DR340 p27)
+2 bonus on Decipher Script checks +2 bonus on Spot checks Agate – +2 Luck bonus on saves vs. Illusion spells & effects
(DR340 p30)
+2 bonus on Appraise checks +2 bonus on Listen checks Garnet – +1 bonus to AC for one round when you use the Aid
Another action
(DR340 p28)
+2 bonus on Handle Animal checks +2 bonus on Heal checks Pearl – +1 Luck bonus to AC when an ally occupies an
adjacent square
(DR340 p28)
+2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks +2 bonus on Disable Device checks Opal – +1 Luck bonus to AC vs. Attacks of Opportunity.
(DR340 p27)
+2 bonus on Perform (sing) –and–
Perform (oratory) checks
+2 bonus on Bluff checks Turquoise – +1 Luck bonus on AC vs. ranged attacks.
(DR340 p31)
+2 bonus on Gather Information checks +2 bonus on Tumble checks Diamond – +2 Luck bonus to AC when a foe is trying to
confirm a Critical Hit
(DR340 p31)
+2 bonus on Swim checks +2 bonus on Hide checks Aquamarine – +1 Luck bonus to AC vs. Touch Attacks
(DR340 p28)
+2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks +2 bonus on Concentration checks Emerald – +2 Luck bonus on Will saves vs. Enchantment
spells & effects
(DR340 p30)
+2 bonus on Climb checks +2 bonus on Jump checks Topaz – +2 Luck bonus on saves vs. Poison & Disease
(DR340 p29)
+2 bonus on Survival checks +2 bonus on Ride checks Sapphire – +1 Luck bonus to AC on any round that you move
more than 5’
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Skipped Feats Page 196
Skipped Feats
Epic Feats
Armor Skin(CWar p151)
Augmented Alchemy
(CAdv p191)
Axiomatic Strike
(PGF p135)
Bonus Domain
(CDiv p89)
Automatic Quicken Spell
(CArc p191)
Automatic Silent Spell
(CArc p191)
Automatic Still Spell
(CArc p191)
Chosen Weapon Specialization
(PGF p135)
Combat Archery
(CWar p151)
Combat Insight
(CWar p151)
Damage Reduction
(CWar p151)
Divine Spell Penetration
(PGF p135)
Enhance Effect
(PGF p135)
Enhance Spell
(CArc p191)
Epic Combat Expertise
(CWar p151)
Epic Counterspell
(PGF p135)
Epic Dodge
(CAdv p191)
Epic Devotion
(PGF p135) (CDiv p89)
Epic Prowess
(CWar p151)
Epic Reputation
(CAdv p191)
Epic Spell Focus
(CArc p192) (CAdv p192)
Epic Spell Penetration
(CArc p192)
Epic Spellfire Wielder
(PGF p136)
Epic Sunder
(CWar p151)
Epic Toughness
(CWar p151)
Epic Weapon Focus
(CWar p151)
Familiar Spell
(DMG p209)
Great Smiting
(DMG p209)
Group Inspiration
(CAdv p192)
Holy Strike
(CDiv p89)
Improved Combat Casting
(CArc p192)
Improved Cooperative Metamagic
(PGF p136)
Improved Elemental Wild Shape
(DMG p209)
Improved Favored Enemy
(DMG p210)
Improved Metamagic
(DMG p210)
Improved Skirmish
(CAdv p192)
Improved Snatch Spell
(PGF p136)
Improved Sneak Attack
(DMG p210)
Improved Spell Capacity
(DMG p210)
Improved Spellpool Access
(PGF p136)
Improved Stunning Fist
(DMG p210)
Improved Sudden Strike
(CAdv p192)
Inscribe Epic Rune
(PGF p136)
Lasting Inspiration
(DMG p210)
Legendary Acrobat
(CAdv p192)
Legendary Climber
(CAdv p192)
Legendary Leaper
(CAdv p192)
Legendary Rider
(CWar p152)
Legendary Tracker
(CAdv p192)
Magical Beast Wild Shape
(CDiv p90)(CDivErrata)+
Master Staff
(CArc p192)
Master Wand
(CArc p192)
Negative Energy Burst
(CDiv p90)
Overwhelming Critical
(DMG p210)
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
(CWar p152)
Planar Turning
(DMG p210)
(CAdv p192)
Positive Energy Aura
(CDiv p90)
Spectral Strike
(CDiv p90)
Spell Knowledge
(DMG p210)
Terrifying Rage
(DMG p210)
Undead Mastery
(CDiv p90)
Unholy Strike
(CDiv p90)
Wield Oversized Weapon
(CWar p153)
Zone of Animation
(CDiv p90)
Adamantine Mind Blade(DR341 p88)
Agitated Causticity
(DR313 p47)
Align Mind Blade
(DR341 p88)
Anti-Psionic Magic
(DR309 p108)
Astral Fire
(DR313 p48)
Bioelectrical Surge
(DR313 p48)
Bull Blast
(DR313 p48)
Cannibalize Spell
(DR349 p88)
(DR349 p89)
Chameleon Crafting
(DR349 p89)
Concussive Blast
(DR313 p48)
Deep Vision
(RoS p137)
Deflective Armor
(RoS p137)
Du’ulora Ancestor
(PEG p83)
Dual-Plane Summons
(DR313 p49)
Earth Power
(RoS p138)
Energize Armor
(RoS p139)
Energy Flare
(DR313 p49)
Focused Shield
(RoS p140)
Gestalt Anchor
(RoE p112)
Ghost Attack
(DR316 p80)
Ghost Attack, Greater
(DR316 p80)
Greater Mind Shield
(DR341 p88)
Harden Energy
(DR313 p49)
Hashalaq Ancestor
(PEG p83)
Hypnotic Focus
(DR349 p88)
Instinctive Consummator
(DR316 p80)
Instinctive Dispatcher
(DR316 p80)
Invest Armor
(RoS p141)
Mind Daggers
(DR341 p89)
Mind Drain
(CSco p79)
Mind Shield
(DR341 p89)
Mystic Focus
(DR349 p89)
Mystic Stability
(DR349 p89)
Path of Shadows
(RoE p110)
Phrenic Blast
(DR316 p80)
Phrenic Leech
(DR316 p80)
Practiced Mind Blade
(DR341 p89)
(DR349 p89)
Psionic Feedback
(DR316 p80)
(DR349 p89)
Psychic Luck
(CSco p080)
(CSco p080)
(DR316 p80)
Reshape Mind Blade
(DR341 p89)
Shield of Thought
(RoE p113)
Shielded Manifesting
(RoS p144)
Silver Mind Blade
(DR341 p89)
Solid Freeze
(DR313 p49)
Soulblade Warrior
(RoE p112)
Spiritual Force
(RoE p113)
Strategic Reassignment
(DR341 p89)
Strength of Two
(RoE p113)
Tactical Reassignment
(DR341 p89)
Feats for Monsters
Ability Focus(MM p303) (MM3 p206)
Agile Tyrant
(DR313 p56)
Awesome Blow
(MM p303) (MM3 p206)
Baleful Moan
(LM p24)
Battle Weaver
(DR338 p68)
Bolster Power
(DR312 p38)
Burning Rage
(DR314 p53)
Chameleon Blood
(DR335 p56)
Consecrate Spell-Like Ability
(BoED p42)
Contagious Paralysis
(LM p25)
Corrupted Wild Shape
(LM p25)
Crushing Hug
(DR313 p30)
Death Curse
(DR312 p38)
Death Master
(LM p26)
Dream Haunting
(DR121 p57)
Empower Spell-Like Ability
(MM p303) (MM3 p206)
Empowered Ability Damage
(LM p26)
Endure Sunlight
(LM p26)
(DR350 p37)
(LM p26)
Exalted Spell Resistance
(BoED p42)
Extra Tricks
(CAdv p101)
Flyby Attack
(MM p303) (MM3 p206)
Ghostly Grasp
(LM p27)
Gore Toss
(DR313 p30)
Gout of Flame
(DR314 p53)
Graveborn Expert
(DR312 p38)
Graveborn Warrior
(DR312 p38)
Hamstring Attack
(DR313 p30)
Heighten Spell-Like Ability
(CArc p80)
Heightened Agility
(DR312 p38)
Heightened Strength
(DR312 p38)
(MM p304)
Improved Domination
(DU128 p87)
Improved Energy Drain
(LM p27)
Improved Natural Armor
(MM p304) (MM3 p206)
Improved Natural Attack
(MM p304)(Eb p55) (MM3 p206)
Improved Paralysis
(LM p27)
Improved Turn Resistance
(LM p27)
Life Drain
(LM p28)
(LM p28)
(LM p28)
Maw of Power
(DR313 p57)
Maximize Spell-Like Ability
(CArc p81)
Mixed Omens
(DR340 p62)
(MM p304) (MM3 p207)
Multiweapon Fighting
(MM p304)
Necrotic Reserve
(LM p28)
Nimble Flier
(DR313 p57)
Omen of Bones
(DR340 p62)
Omen of Crows
(DR340 p63)
Omen of Flies
(DR340 p63)
Omen of Loss
(DR340 p63)
Omen of Snakes
(DR340 p63)
Omen of Storms
(DR340 p63)
Positive Energy Resistance
(LM p29)
Power Soar
(DR313 p57)
Power Surge
(DR313 p57)
Purify Spell-Like Ability
(BoED p45)
Quick Change
(DR313 p31)
Quicken Manifestation
(LM p29)
Quicken Spell-Like Ability
(MM p304) (MM3 p207)
Reptilian Healing
(DR335 p57)
Sanctify Natural Attack
(BoED p46)
Skilled Telekinetic
(DR313 p57)
(MM p304)
Spell Drain
(LM p30)
Spirit of the Beast
(DR313 p31)
Spit Venom
(DR313 p91)
Strong Coils
(DR313 p91)
Tail Snap
(DR314 p53)
Tentacular Stalk
(DR313 p57)
Uncanny Speed
(DR312 p38)
Versatile Tyrant
(DR313 p57)
Vicious Claws
(DR312 p38)
(DR348 p64)
(MM p304)
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Skipped Feats Page 197
Skipped Feats (continued)
Feats Tied to Old Campaign Worlds
Bloodline(DR315 p76)
Alter Appearance
(DR315 p76)
Animal Affinity
(DR315 p76)
(DR315 p76)
Character Reading
(DR315 p76)
Direction Sense
(DR315 p76)
(DR315 p76)
Strengthen Bloodline
(DR315 p76)
Dark Sun
Defiler(DR351 p35)
Hollow World
Clawed Spell(DR315 p25)
Megaraptor’s Leap
(DR315 p25)
Piercing Spell
(DR315 p26)
Predator’s Step
(DR315 p26)
Rage of the Raptor
(DR315 p26)
Triceratop’s Charge
(DR315 p26)
Adventurous Explorer(DR315 p64)
Ally of the Ki-Rin
(DR315 p64)
Audacious Attempt
(DR315 p64)
Backstabbing Traitor
(DR315 p64)
Forest Ambusher
(DR315 p64)
Cultured Courtier
(DR315 p64)
(DR315 p64)
Gifted General
(DR315 p64)
Hardy Soul
(DR315 p64)
Horse Nomad’
(DR315 p64)
Legendary Tracker
(DR315 p64)
Mercantile Background’
(DR315 p65)
Mind over Body
(DR315 p65)
Mountain Hunter
(DR315 p65)
Renowned Courtesan
(DR315 p65)
(DR315 p65)
Secret Society
(DR315 p65)
Smooth Talk’
(DR315 p65)
Stalwart Defender
(DR315 p65)
(DR315 p65)
Armor Dance(DR315 p96)
Improved Armor Dance
(DR315 p96)
Red Steel
Inheritor(DR315 p71)
Truename Feats
Denouncement of Energy(DR346 p88)
Denouncement of Focused Aggression
(DR346 p88)
Denouncement of Garbled Words
(DR346 p89)
Denouncement of the Stalwart Shield
(DR346 p89)
Denouncement of the Unleashed Spell
(DR346 p89)
Denouncement of Untoucheable Form
(DR346 p89)
Greater Named Spell
(DR346 p89)
Named Spell
(DR346 p89)
Truename Scholar
(DR346 p89)
Commander Feats
Artful Commander(DR348 p93)
Brawling Commander
(DR348 p93)
Cavalry Commander
(DR348 p93)
Charioteer Commander
(DR348 p93)
Guard Commander
(DR348 p93)
Guerilla Commander
(DR348 p93)
Hardy Commander
(DR348 p93)
Inspiring Commander
(DR348 p93)
Navel Commander
(DR348 p93)
Picket Commander
(DR348 p93)
Rampart Commander
(DR348 p93)
Siege Commander
(DR348 p93)
Volley Commander
(DR348 p93)
Luck Feats
Advantageous Avoidance(CSco p073)
Better Lucky than Good
(CSco p074)
Dumb Luck
(CSco p077)
Fortuitous Strike
(CSco p077)
Good Karma
(CSco p077)
Healer’s Luck
(CSco p078)
Lucky Break
(CSco p079)
Lucky Catch
(CSco p079)
Lucky Fingers
(CSco p079)
Lucky Start
(CSco p079)
Magical Fortune
(CSco p079)
Make Your Own Luck
(CSco p079)
Miser’s Fortune
(CSco p080)
Psychic Luck
(CSco p080)
Sly Fortune
(CSco p081)
Survivor’s Luck
(CSco p081)
Tempting Fate
(CSco p081)
Third Time’s the Charm
(CSco p081)
Unbelievable Luck
(CSco p082)
Victor’s Luck
(CSco p082)
Requiring Changes of Core Rules
The following variant feats require changes to the default game to be used (such as replacing ‘Simple’, ‘Martial’, & ‘Exotic’ weapons with Weapon Groups).
Craft Masterwork
(UA p99)
Low Profile
(UA p182)
Pious Defense
(CDiv p86)
Pious Soul (CDiv p86)
Pious Spellsurge
(CDiv p87)
(UA p182)
Weapon Groups
(UA p95)
Missing Prerequisites
Distant Touch(DR309 p68) Pressure Resistance(DR314 p45)
Skipped From Dragon Magazine
Friend to the Tribe(DR352 p72)
(DR352 p72)
Kaiko Master
(DR352 p72)
Slave Seeker
(DR352 p99)
Tribal Trait
(DR352 p72)
Miscellaneous Skipped Feats
Far Look(DR330 p27)
Inspiring Leader
(DR320 p100)
Sacrificial Divination
(DR336 p101)
(DR317 p40)
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Appendix Page 198
Revision History
April 2, 2004Initial
July 30, 2004 Added Player’s Guide to Faerûn.
Added Complete Warrior & Unearthed Arcana.
Dragon #309 – #314.
Added Player’s Guide to Faerûn Errata.
October 12, 2004Added Complete Divine.
November 12, 2004 Added Eberron Campaign Setting.
Added Monster Manual 3. Change the abbreviation of Monster Manual v3.5 from “MM3.5” to “MM” to avoid confusion with “MM3”
Added Dragon #325.
March 16, 2005 Change the abbreviation of Player’s Handbook v3.5 from “PH3.5” to “PH”.
Change the abbreviation of Dungeonmaster’s Guide v3.5 from “DMG3.5” to “DMG”.
Added Dragon #324 & Dragon #326 – #329.
With the help of Outlands ([email protected]), added Complete Arcane, Complete Adventurer, Races of Stone, Races of Destiny,
Races of the Wild, Draconomicon, Underdark, and the non-Monstrous feats from Libris Mortis.
September 7, 2005 Added Races of Eberron.
Added Dragon #330 – #335.
December 9, 2005 Added Races of Stone, Races of Destiny, Races of the Wild, Unearthed Arcana, & Underdark
Added Dragon #336 – #338.
April 14. 2006 Added Dragon #339 – #343.
Added Dungeon #104 – #134.
February 28, 2007 Added Dragon #315 – #323, #344 – #352.
Added Dungeon #135 – #144.
October 1, 2007 Added Miniature Handbook, Complete Scoundrel, & Player’s Handbook 2.
Added Dragon #353 – #359.
Added Dungeon #145 – #150.
Key to Sourcebooks
PH – Player’s Handbook v.3.5
PH2 – Player’s Handbook 2
DMG Dungeon Master’s Guide v.3.5
DMG2 Dungeon Master’s Guide 2
MM Monster Manual v.3.5
MM2 – Monster Manual II
MM3 – Monster Manual III
MM4 – Monster Manual IV
MM5 – Monster Manual V
CWar – Complete Warrior
CDiv – Complete Divine
CArc – Complete Arcane
CAdv – Complete Adventurer
CSco – Complete Scoundrel
RoS Races of Stone
RoD Races of Destiny
RotW Races of the Wild
RoE Races of Eberron
RotD Races of the Dragon
Dcn – Draconomicon
LM – Libris Mortis
LoM Lords of Madness
HotA Fiendish Codex 1: Hoards of the Abyss
Tot9H Fiendish Codex 2: Tyrants of the 9 Hells
Drow Drow of the Underdark
BoED Book of Exalted Deeds
FF – Fiend Folio
UA – Unearthed Arcana
Frost – Frostburn
Storm – Stormwrack
Sand – Sandstorm
FR Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
MoF Magic of Faerûn
LoD Lords of Darkness
RoF Races of Faerûn
SM – Silver Marches
Und – Underdark
PGF Player’s Guide to Faerûn
Eb Eberron Campaign Setting
PGE Player’s Guide to Eberron
FoE Faiths of Eberron
RoE Races of Eberron
SoX Secrets of Xen’drik
5Nat – Five Nations
DR### –
Dragon Magazine (with issue number)
(e.g., DR343 is Dragon Magazine #343)
DU## Dungeon Magazine (with issue number)
3.5up D&D v.3.5 Accessory Update http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/DnD35_update_booklet.zip
PH3.5e Player’s Handbook v.3.5 Errata http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/PHB_Errata09242003.zip
MM3Errata Monster Manual III Errata http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/MM3_Errata07122006.zip
PGFe Player’s Guide to Faerûn Errata http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/PgtF_Errata07192004.zip
CDivErrata – Complete Divine Errata http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/CompDiv_Errata09102004.zip
CArcErrata – Complete Arcane Errata http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/CompArcaneErrata03162005.zip
CAdvErrata – Complete Adventurer Errata http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/CompleteAdventurer_Errata08022005.zip
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Feats October 1, 2007
Appendix Page 199
DR334Errata Dragon 344 Errata http://paizo.com/dragonissues/344/DR344_Supplement.pdf
EbErrata – Eberron Errata http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Eberron_Errata10222004.zip
wCity1 Cityscape Web Enhancement #1 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a
wCity3 Cityscape Web Enhancement #3 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070314a
wRotD1 Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement #1 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060127a
wRotD2 Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement #2 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a
wLivingSpell1 WotC Living Spells, part 1 of 4 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20060918a
wLivingSpell2 WotC Living Spells, part 2 of 4 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20061002a
wLivingSpell3 WotC Living Spells, part 3 of 4 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20061026a
wLivingSpell4 WotC Living Spells, part 4 of 4 http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20070115a
wWarforged Dragonshards – The Warforged http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ebds/20050627a
wWaterdeep Waterdeep Web Enhancement http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Noble_House.zip
wTot9H Tyrants of the 9 Hell’s Web Enhancement http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/WE_FC2.zip
Note: If a Key reference is followed by a “+”, then it is partially superseded the entry above it.