Contract Manufacturing
Arrangements for Drugs:
Quality Agreements
Guidance for Industry
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
November 2016
Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)
Contract Manufacturing
Arrangements for Drugs:
Quality Agreements
Guidance for Industry
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
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Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
November 2016
Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
MANUFACTURING ........................................................................................................ 3
A. What Is a Quality Agreement? ..................................................................................................... 6
B. Elements of a Quality Agreement ................................................................................................. 6
1. Manufacturing Activities .................................................................................................................. 7
2. Change Control Associated With Manufacturing Activities .......................................................... 10
V. ILLUSTRATIVE SCENARIOS .................................................................................... 11
A. Owners and Contract Facilities Are Both Responsible for CGMP ......................................... 11
B. CGMPs Apply to all Contract Facilities, Including Analytical Testing Laboratories........... 12
C. Owners and Contract Facilities Perform Change Control Activities ..................................... 13
VI. RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................ 13
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs:
Quality Agreements
Guidance for Industry
This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on
this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You
can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations.
To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA office responsible for this guidance as listed on the
title page.
This guidance describes FDA’s current thinking on defining, establishing, and documenting
manufacturing activities of the parties involved in contract drug manufacturing subject to current
good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements. In particular, we describe how parties
involved in contract drug manufacturing can use quality agreements to delineate their
manufacturing activities to ensure compliance with CGMP.
For purposes of this guidance, we use certain terms with the following specific meanings:
Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) refers to requirements in the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), section 501(a)(2)(B), for all drugs and
active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). For finished human and animal drugs, the term
includes applicable requirements under 21 CFR parts 210 and 211. For biologics, the
term includes additional applicable requirements under 21 CFR parts 600-680.
Commercial manufacturing refers to manufacturing processes that result in a drug or
drugs intended to be marketed, distributed, or sold.
Commercial manufacturing does not include research and development activities,
manufacturing of material for investigational new drug studies (e.g., clinical trials,
expanded access), or manufacturing of material for veterinary investigational drugs.
Although this guidance does not explicitly apply to the manufacture of investigational,
developmental, or clinical trial materials, FDA believes that quality agreements can be
extremely valuable in delineating the activities of all parties involved in contract research
and development arrangements. Many of the principles described in this guidance could
be applied in pre-commercial stages of the pharmaceutical life cycle.
This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Pharmaceutical Quality and the Office of Compliance in the
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in cooperation with the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, the
Center for Veterinary Medicine, and the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the Food and Drug Administration.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Manufacturing includes processing, packing, holding, labeling operations, testing, and
quality unit operations.
A manufacturer is an entity that engages in CGMP activities, including implementation
of oversight and controls over the manufacture of drugs to ensure quality.
Quality unit is defined as synonymous with the term quality control unit.
This guidance covers commercial manufacturing of the following categories of drugs: human
drugs, veterinary drugs, certain combination products, biological and biotechnology products,
finished products, APIs, drug substances, in-process materials, and drug constituents of
combination drug/device products.
This guidance does not cover the following types of
products: Type A medicated articles and medicated feed, medical devices, dietary supplements,
or human cells, tissues, or cellular or tissue-based products regulated solely under section 361 of
the Public Health Service Act and 21 CFR part 1271.
In general, FDA’s guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.
Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only
as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of
the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but
not required.
This guidance describes how contract manufacturing operations fit within the larger scheme of
pharmaceutical quality systems. It also presents the Agency’s current thinking on the roles and
manufacturing activities of the parties involved in contract manufacturing arrangements.
Specifically, this guidance addresses the relationship between owners and contract facilities. For
purposes of this guidance, we define owners as manufacturers of APIs, drug substances, in-
process materials, finished drug products, including biological products, and combination
products. The term owner does not apply to retail pharmacies, drug stores, supermarkets,
discount warehouse stores, or other retailers who purchase finished drug products to sell over the
counter as a store brand. For purposes of this guidance, we define contract facilities as parties
that perform one or more manufacturing operations on behalf of an owner or owners.
See section 501 of the FD&C Act, as amended by the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act
(Public Law 112-144, title VII, section 711).
For quality control unit, see 21 CFR 210.3.
Combination product manufacturers can apply this guidance to their quality agreements because they are subject to
requirements under 21 CFR part 211 and/or 21 CFR part 820 (see 21 CFR 4.3). In addition to facilitating
compliance with requirements under 21 CFR part 211, manufacturers can use quality agreements with contract
facilities to demonstrate compliance, in part, with 21 CFR 820.50 (purchasing controls) and with 21 CFR 820.80(b)
(receiving acceptance activities) for combination products.
A contract facility may also be an owner depending on its role (e.g., when the contract facility is using a
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Drug manufacturing encompasses many discrete operations and activities. One manufacturer
may perform all operations and activities or may engage an outside party or parties to perform
some or all of the operations and activities under contract. Contract facilities perform a variety
of manufacturing operations and activities, including but not limited to:
Fill and finish
Chemical synthesis
Cell culture and fermentation, including for biological products
Analytical testing and other laboratory services
Packaging and labeling
Sterilization or terminal sterilization
However, agreements between owners and contract facilities sometimes do not clearly define the
CGMP-related roles and manufacturing operations and activities of each of the parties. When all
parties clearly understand their CGMP-related roles and manufacturing responsibilities, the
owners who use contract facilities, contract facilities that provide services to owners, and,
ultimately, patients who take the drugs manufactured under these arrangements may benefit in
many ways. Contracting can enhance speed and efficiency, provide technological expertise, and
expand capacity.
We encourage entities that engage in manufacturing related solely to drug distribution (e.g.,
distributors, brokers, private label distributors, own label distributors) to follow the
recommendations in this guidance document, as appropriate. Our focus here, however, is on the
roles and manufacturing activities of the owner and contract facility.
Each party engaged in the manufacture of a drug is responsible for ensuring compliance with
CGMP for the manufacturing activities it performs.
For both owners and contract facilities that
conduct manufacturing operations, CGMP “includes the implementation of oversight and
controls over the manufacture of drugs to ensure quality, including managing the risk of and
establishing the safety of raw materials, materials used in the manufacturing of drugs, and
finished drug products.”
Drugs not manufactured in compliance with CGMP are adulterated.
The FD&C Act also prohibits any person from introducing or delivering for introduction an
adulterated or misbranded drug into interstate commerce.
In addition, it prohibits anyone from
the “doing of anyact with respect to, a … drug … if such act is done while such article is held
Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR parts 210 and 211; and 21 CFR part 600.
Section 501 of the FD&C Act as amended by the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (Public
Law 112-144, Title VII, section 711).
Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act.
Section 301(a) of the FD&C Act.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
for saleafter shipment in interstate commerce and results in such article being adulterated or
FDA’s regulations recognize that owners commonly use contract facilities to perform some drug
manufacturing activities.
When an owner uses a contract facility, the owner’s quality unit is
legally responsible for approving or rejecting drug products manufactured by the contract
facility, including for final release.
The regulations require that the quality unit’s
responsibilities and procedures be in writing and that they be followed.
Owners can use a comprehensive quality systems model to help ensure compliance with CGMP.
A comprehensive quality systems model anticipates that many owners will use contract facilities
and calls for quality agreements between owners and contract facilities. Quality agreements
should clearly describe the materials or services to be provided, quality specifications, and
communication mechanisms between the owner and contract facility. See guidance for industry
Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations.
Owners and contract facilities can review FDA guidance documents for recommendations on
achieving compliance with CGMP. Various FDA guidance documents describe how quality
management principles relate to contract manufacturing operations, including some of the roles
and manufacturing activities of contract manufacturing parties.
The following three ICH guidances for industry contain relevant and valuable CGMP
recommendations with respect to contract manufacturing arrangements:
Q7 Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Q9 Quality Risk Management
Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System
ICH guidance for industry Q7 Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients recommends that owners evaluate contract facilities to ensure that
contractor sites comply with CGMP for specific operations.
It also recommends that owners
have approved written agreements with contractors that define the manufacturing responsibilities
in detail, including the quality measures, of each party. The written agreements should also
define considerations for subcontracting; describe how changes to processes, equipment,
methods, and specifications will be managed; and permit the owner to audit its contractor’s
facilities for compliance with CGMP.
Section 301(k) of the FD&C Act.
21 CFR 200.10(b) and 211.22(a).
21 CFR 211.22(d).
We update guidances periodically. To make sure you have the most recent version of a guidance, check the FDA
Drugs guidance Web page at
See, e.g., guidance for industry Cooperative Manufacturing Arrangements for Licensed Biologics.
In ICH Q7, the term company is used rather than owner and is used to refer to an API manufacturer.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
ICH guidance for industry Q9 Quality Risk Management offers a systematic approach to quality
risk management as part of an effective quality system. It discusses quality risk management
principles such as risk assessment, risk communication, and risk review and provides examples
of tools that can be used to make effective and efficient risk-based decisions in, for example,
auditing and arranging quality agreements with contract manufacturers.
ICH guidance for industry Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System states that, as part of a
pharmaceutical quality system, the owner is ultimately responsible for ensuring that processes
are in place to assure the control of outsourced activities and quality of purchased materials.”
It indicates that these processes should incorporate quality risk management and include the
following critical activities:
Assessing the suitability and competence of potential contractors before outsourcing
operations or selecting material suppliers. This could be accomplished through audits,
material evaluations, or other qualification criteria.
Defining the manufacturing responsibilities and communication processes for quality-
related activities of the involved parties. For outsourced activities, these should be in a
written agreement.
Monitoring and reviewing the performance of the contract facility and identifying and
implementing any needed improvements.
Monitoring incoming ingredients and materials to ensure they are from approved sources
using the agreed-upon supply chain.
FDA encourages parties engaged in contract manufacturing to implement quality management
practices. This guidance is intended to build upon the quality risk management principles and
recommendations outlined above and to illustrate key points in developing and executing quality
agreements that describe and support contract manufacturing arrangements.
If an owner employs a contract facility for all or part of the manufacturing (including processing,
packing, holding, or testing) of a drug or drug product, the owner’s quality unit is responsible for
approving or rejecting the contract facility’s product or service.
The contract facility is also
required to comply with statutory CGMP and applicable CGMP regulations, including
requirements for its quality unit.
CGMP regulations require that quality unit activities and
procedures be in writing, and that these procedures be followed.
Implementing a written quality agreement can facilitate compliance with CGMP and, in
particular, with 21 CFR 211.22(d), which states that quality unit activities and procedures should
be in writing. FDA recommends that owners and contract facilities establish a written quality
agreement to describe their respective CGMP-related roles, responsibilities, and activities in drug
In ICH Q10, the term company is used rather than owner.
Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR 211.22(a).
21 CFR 210.2(b); 21 CFR 211.22(a).
21 CFR 211.22(d).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
manufacturing. It is important to note that quality agreements cannot be used to delegate
statutory or regulatory responsibilities to comply with CGMP. The following sections describe
the Agency’s current thinking regarding the documentation of agreed-upon manufacturing
activities in a quality agreement, as well as the basic elements of a quality agreement.
A. What Is a Quality Agreement?
A quality agreement is a comprehensive written agreement between parties involved in the
contract manufacturing of drugs that defines and establishes each party’s manufacturing
activities in terms of how each will comply with CGMP. In general, the quality agreement
should clearly state which party — the owner or the contract facility or both — carries out
specific CGMP activities. It should cover activities mentioned in section 501(a)(2)(B) of the
FD&C Act and, as applicable, those in 21 CFR parts 210, 211, 600-680, 820, and 1271, as well
as all other applicable statutory or regulatory requirements. Representatives from each party’s
quality unit and other relevant stakeholders should participate actively in the drafting of quality
Quality agreements should not cover general business terms and conditions such as
confidentiality, pricing or cost issues, delivery terms, or limits on liability or damages. FDA
recommends that quality agreements be separate documents, or at least severable, from
commercial contracts such as master services agreements or supply agreements. Quality
agreements may be reviewed during inspections.
B. Elements of a Quality Agreement
A quality agreement describes the owner’s and the contract facility’s roles and manufacturing
activities under CGMP. A well-written quality agreement will use clear language. It will define
key manufacturing roles and responsibilities. It will establish expectations for communication,
providing key contacts for both parties. It will specify which products and/or services the owner
expects from the contract facility and who has final approval for various activities. Most quality
agreements contain the following sections:
Purpose/Scope — to cover the nature of the contract manufacturing services to be
Definitionsto ensure that the owner and contract facility agree on precise meaning of
terms in the quality agreement
Resolution of disagreements — to explain how the parties will resolve disagreements
about product quality issues or other problems
Manufacturing activities to document quality unit and other activities associated with
manufacturing processes as well as control of changes to manufacturing processes
Life cycle of, and revisions to, the quality agreement
The owner may consider including the contract facility’s established processes and procedures as
part of the quality agreement (for example, by incorporating certain standard operating
See section 704 of the FD&C Act.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
procedures by reference). Doing so could reduce the risk of misinterpretation or error during
manufacturing. The quality agreement should explain how the contractor will report
manufacturing deviations to the owner, as well as how deviations will be investigated,
documented, and resolved in compliance with CGMP. Quality agreements should state that
manufacturing services provided by contract facilities (including laboratories) will comply with
From a CGMP perspective, manufacturing activities are the most important element in a quality
agreement. The most critical pieces are quality and change control, as described in the following
1. Manufacturing Activities
Quality agreements may document each party’s roles and manufacturing activities with a variety
of formatscharts, matrices, narratives, or a combination of these. Regardless of the format, a
quality agreement should clearly document which party is responsible for specific activities. No
party to a quality agreement may delegate any of its responsibilities to comply with CGMP
through the quality agreement or any other means. The quality agreement should cover all of the
activities for ensuring compliance with CGMP. Depending on the scope of the contract
manufacturing services to be provided, the quality agreement should indicate whether the owner
or contract facility (or both) will handle specific activities related to each of the following topics:
a. Quality unit activities
The section of a quality agreement that addresses each party’s quality unit activities should
define in detail how the parties will work together to ensure that products are manufactured in
compliance with CGMP. Note that assigning quality control or other activities to either the
owner or contract facility in the quality agreement does not relieve either party from compliance
with applicable CGMP requirements.
In particular, this section of the quality agreement should be clear with respect to product release.
Contract facilities are responsible for approving or rejecting the product or results of their
manufacturing operations (e.g., test results, finished dosage forms, or in-process materials).
addition, owners are responsible for approving or rejecting drugs manufactured by the contract
including for final release. In all cases, the owner must not introduce or deliver into
interstate commerce, or cause to be introduced or delivered into interstate commerce, any drugs
that are adulterated or misbranded.
Within its quality unit activities, a quality agreement should describe how and when the owner
and contract facility will communicate with each other, both verbally and in writing. This
includes identifying appropriate contact personnel within the owner’s and contract facility’s
21 CFR 211.22(a).
Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act; 21 CFR 211.22(a).
See section 301(a) of the FD&C Act.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Quality agreements should also cover audits, inspections, and communication of findings. The
agreement should allow owners to evaluate and audit contract facilities to ensure CGMP
compliance for specific operations. This provision should cover both routine quality audits and
for-cause audits. The agreement should also set owner and contract facility expectations
regarding FDA inspections (pre-approval, routine surveillance, and for-cause) with consideration
for the nature of the products to be manufactured and/or services to be provided. It should
include the parties’ agreed-upon provisions for communicating inspection observations and
findings, as well as relevant FDA actions and correspondence.
Because contract facilities often provide services to multiple owners, the quality agreement
should address when, how, and what information the contractor will report to owners about
objectionable conditions observed during inspections and audits of the contract facility.
b. Facilities and equipment
This section of a quality agreement should identify the specific site(s) where the contract facility
will perform manufacturing operations, including the address of and specific services to be
provided at each site. It should indicate which party will be validating processes and qualifying
and maintaining equipment and applicable systems relevant to the contracted operations. These
include information technology and automated control systems, environmental monitoring and
room classification, utilities, and any other equipment and facilities that must be maintained to
perform the contracted manufacturing operations in compliance with CGMP. The agreement
also should identify which party will approve equipment validation, qualification, and
maintenance activities. In addition, it should indicate how the parties will communicate
information about preventing cross-contamination and maintaining traceability when a contract
facility processes drugs for multiple owners.
c. Materials management
This section of a quality agreement should indicate which party will establish specifications for
components as well as which party will establish processes for auditing, qualifying, and
monitoring component suppliers. It should also identify which party will conduct required
sampling and testing in compliance with CGMP. This section of the quality agreement should
address how the parties will ensure appropriate inventory management, including labeling, label
printing, inventory reconciliation, and product status identification (e.g., quarantine). The
agreement should address how the contract facility will prevent mix-ups and cross-
contamination. FDA does not expect the agreement to contain a complete description of the
supply chain for each component. However, the agreement should define responsibility for
physical control of materials at different points in the manufacturing process. For example, the
quality agreement should cover responsibilities for proper conditions for storing and transporting
or shipping materials. It should define each party’s roles in storage and transport — whether
from the contract facility back to the owner or to another contract facility for further operations.
This includes defining activities for monitoring or validating shipping conditions as appropriate.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
d. Product-specific considerations
A comprehensive quality agreement may address specific considerations related to individual
products. The owner and contract facility might opt to include this information in an appendix,
or directly in the body of the quality agreement. In either case, if included, this section of the
quality agreement should include the parties’ expectations of each other regarding:
Product/component specifications
Defined manufacturing operations, including batch numbering processes
Responsibilities for expiration/retest dating, storage and shipment, and lot disposition
Responsibilities for process validation, including design, qualification, and ongoing
verification and monitoring
Provisions to allow owner personnel access to the contract facility when appropriate
The quality agreement also should indicate how owners will transfer knowledge, such as product
and process development information, to contract facilities to ensure a drug can be manufactured
in compliance with CGMP, and conversely how contract facilities should share with owners
product quality information gained throughout the product life cycle. This applies to knowledge
about all drugs, including drugs subject to an approved application (e.g., new drug application)
and nonprescription drug products marketed under an over-the-counter drug monograph.
Owners that hold an approved drug application should be aware of application and approval
requirements that could affect manufacturing activities. Both parties to a quality agreement
should share relevant information to ensure compliance with CGMP and other applicable
requirements of the FD&C Act.
e. Laboratory controls
The owner and contract facility should both have access to adequate laboratory facilities for
testing of their drugs. A quality agreement will help each party meet this need by defining roles
and responsibilities for laboratory controls. We recommend the following elements:
Procedures delineating controls over sampling and testing samples
Protocols and procedures for communicating all laboratory test results conducted by
contract facilities to the owner for evaluation and consideration in final product
disposition decisions
Procedures to verify that both owner and contract facilities accurately transfer
development, qualification, and validation methods when an owner uses a contract
facility for laboratory testing
Routine auditing procedures to ensure that a contract facility’s laboratory equipment is
qualified, calibrated, and maintained in a controlled state in accordance with CGMP
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Designation of responsibility for investigating deviations, discrepancies, failures, out-of-
specification results,
and out-of-trend results in the laboratory, and for sharing reports
of such investigations
f. Documentation
The quality agreement should define expectations between the contract facility and the owner to
review and approve documents. It also should describe how changes may be made to standard
operating procedures, manufacturing records, specifications, laboratory records, validation
documentation, investigation records, annual reports, and other documents related to products or
services provided by the contract facility. The quality agreement should also define owners’ and
contract facilities’ roles in making and maintaining original documents or true copies in
accordance with CGMP. It should explain how those records will be made readily available for
The quality agreement also should indicate that electronic records will be stored in accordance
with CGMP and will be immediately retrievable during the required record-keeping time frames
established in applicable regulations.
2. Change Control Associated With Manufacturing Activities
Either an owner or a contract facility may initiate changes to processes, equipment, test methods,
specifications, and other contractual requirements. Both parties should discuss changes and
address them in the quality agreement. There are some changes that owners should review and
approve before they are implemented and other changes contractors may implement without
notifying the owner. How all changes are managed should be outlined in the agreement,
including allocation of responsibilities for conducting validation activities as needed before
implementing changes. Additionally, both parties should be aware of those changes that need to
be submitted to FDA in a supplement or annual report. The owner and contract facility should
carefully consider and agree on the types of changes to report to each other and to FDA and the
need for approval from each party’s quality unit and FDA, as applicable. The quality agreement
should address expectations for reporting and approving changes to the following:
Components and/or their suppliers
Establishment locations
Manufacturing processes
Products or product types that use the same production line, equipment train, or facility
Testing procedures
Major manufacturing equipment
Shipping methods
Lot numbering scheme
Container closure systems
Tamper evidence features
Refer to the guidance for industry Investigating Out-of Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Product distribution
Various unexpected events, such as manufacturing deviations, complaints, product recalls,
adverse event reports, master label changes, field alert reports, and biological product deviation
reports, may necessitate changes to processes and procedures. Process improvement projects,
process capability analyses, and trending reports may also necessitate changes to processes and
procedures. The quality agreement should include the owner’s and contract facility’s
expectations for reporting and communication in case of unexpected events and related changes.
The following hypothetical scenarios illustrate common problems in contract manufacturing
arrangements and depict ways in which both owners and contract facilities can affect product
quality. These scenarios also demonstrate FDA’s current thinking regarding potential ways to
resolve problems. The examples provided are not intended to encompass all drug manufacturing
problems related to arrangements between owners and contract facilities. Rather, they provide
industry and other stakeholders with patterns FDA investigators frequently encounter and
analyses of the facts within these patterns.
A. Owners and Contract Facilities Are Both Responsible for CGMP
Case 1: Facilities and Equipment Maintenance and Upkeep at Contract Facility
An FDA inspection of a contract facility that manufactures an injectable drug
product for an owner reveals significant objectionable conditions at the contract
facility. Most of the objectionable conditions relate to deficient maintenance of
facilities and equipment used to manufacture the injectable drug product.
Equipment is broken. Pipes are tarnished, and seals are leaking. In addition, the
facility design does not adequately prevent contamination. A quality agreement
between the contract facility and the owner states that the owner is responsible for
upgrades and maintenance of the facilities and equipment used to manufacture the
owner’s product. The owner has failed to provide upgrades and perform
maintenance, and the contract facility continues to manufacture the product under
non-CGMP conditions with risk of contamination.
Case 2: Documenting Steps in the Manufacturing Process
A contract facility is manufacturing a prescription drug product for an owner.
FDA has approved an application from the owner for this drug. On inspection,
FDA observes that the contract facility’s batch records do not accurately reflect
the actual manufacturing process because the batch records do not document the
addition of reclaimed powder. Despite the fact that the batch records are
inaccurate and are therefore not compliant with CGMP, the contract facility
claims that its batch records comply with expectations set out in the quality
agreement with the owner.
In the cases described above, the owners and contract facilities appear to be in violation of
CGMP. A quality agreement cannot exempt owners or contract facilities from statutory or
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
regulatory responsibilities to comply with applicable CGMP, regardless of whether the quality
agreement specifically discusses those CGMP requirements. In case 1, the contract facility
violates CGMP requirements by continuing to manufacture on outdated or poorly designed
equipment, even though the quality agreement says that the owner is responsible for maintenance
and upkeep of the equipment. In case 2, the contract facility violates CGMP by using a batch
record that does not accurately reflect the manufacturing process, even though the batch record is
consistent with what was set out in the quality agreement.
At the same time, the owner remains responsible for ensuring its products are made in
compliance with CGMP even when a quality agreement assigns a particular manufacturing
activity to the contract facility. After finding problems at a contract facility, such as the ones
described in the cases above, FDA might determine that it is appropriate to inspect the owner.
The owner could also be in violation of CGMP related to its failure to oversee the contract
facility’s manufacturing activities.
B. CGMPs Apply to all Contract Facilities, Including Analytical Testing
Case 3: Unreliable Data in Laboratory Records and Test Results
In this scenario, an owner contracts with a facility for analytical testing services.
The contract facility repeatedly reports passing results in its CGMP records when
actual analyses indicated failures. The contract facility also fails to report
accurate results to the owner, who is the finished drug product manufacturer.
When FDA inspects the owner, it finds that despite having a written procedure
requiring a site audit of contract facilities every 2 years, the owner has not audited
the analytical testing facility.
Case 4: Contracted Analytical Testing Laboratory and Method Validation
An owner contracts with a facility to perform stability testing and other analyses
of its newly approved drug. FDA approval and a quality agreement with the
owner require the drug to be manufactured using these processes, which are
described in the owner’s new drug application (NDA). The contract facility uses
an analytical method contained in the NDA but gets several out-of-specification
results. Also, the facility’s duplicate sample analyses occasionally point to
possible unacceptable variations in drug concentration. The facility investigates
the varying results and concludes that the failures are related to the sample
preparation techniques but does not clearly identify the problem. Despite this, the
contract facility continues to use the noncompliant method to test the product.
When FDA inspects the contract facility, it finds that the facility failed to fully
investigate the problems and implement corrective actions. The contract facility
claims that because it used the owner’s analytical method as specified in the
product application, it is not responsible for investigating and implementing
corrections related to it.
In both of the cases above, FDA might conclude that the contract facilities are responsible for
violating CGMP applicable to the laboratory activities they perform. FDA could also conclude
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
that the owners are responsible for CGMP violations. Analytical testing laboratories are
responsible for operating in compliance with CGMP regardless of quality agreements they may
have with owners. They must employ adequate controls to ensure that data and test results are
reliable and maintained in accordance with CGMP requirements. It is the owner’s responsibility
to review this information from the contract facility to decide whether to approve or reject
product for release and distribution.
No matter who tests the products, the owners’ quality units are ultimately responsible for
ensuring that the products are manufactured in accordance with CGMP. A quality agreement
does not change that. FDA could cite the owners in cases 3 and 4 further for failing to evaluate,
qualify, audit, and monitor their contract facilities.
C. Owners and Contract Facilities Perform Change Control Activities
Case 5: Approving or Rejecting Changes That Affect Product Quality and CGMP
A contract facility informed the owner about obvious powder segregation issues.
The contract facility had attempted to correct the problem by making changes to
the equipment, but then determined that the issues could not be fixed without
process redesign and component changes. Under their quality agreement, the
contract facility could not implement these changes without the owner’s approval.
The owner refused to approve the recommended changes, so the contract facility
continued manufacturing the product using the flawed process and is therefore not
compliant with CGMP.
Case 5 illustrates the responsibilities of both owners and contract facilities when change control
issues are in question. Owners may be reluctant to approve changes recommended by contract
facilities, even if changes are necessary to continue manufacturing the drug in compliance with
Owners and contract facilities can draw on quality management principles to carry out the
complicated process of contract drug manufacturing by defining, establishing, and documenting
their activities in drug manufacturing operations, including processing, packing, holding,
labeling operations, testing, and quality control operations. Accordingly, FDA recommends that
owners and contract facilities implement written quality agreements as tools to delineate
manufacturing activities for ensuring compliance with CGMP.
See, for example, §§ 211.22(a), 211.68, 211.180, 211.188, and 211.194(a).