Thesis and Dissertation Guide
Graduate Studies at the University of Wyoming
Revised Spring 2020
Office of the Registrar
The ProQuest Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is an online resource for
collecting theses and dissertations. The ETD should be fully readable and remain completely
usable over time. To accomplish this, you should adhere to the standards of form and
organization in the preparation of the manuscript.
It is important to submit an ETD that has a consistent and readable appearance. Departments
have many of the rules for writing their own discipline already established by academic journals
and international organizations. As a graduate student, you need to abide by these rules if you
wish to publish in your field.
To assure standardization, there are a few University requirements regarding the submission of
dissertations and theses which must be adhered to. Additionally, title and signature page
information must conform to the record-keeping system of the University, so certain dates and
signatures must appear.
It is your responsibility as a student to understand the program you choose for editing your thesis
or dissertation. Technical support for Word or LaTeX or any other word processing software is
not available through the Office of the Registrar.
The University of Wyoming is obligated to ensure that all theses and dissertations produced at
this institution are published. Rather than requiring each of you to arrange for publication of your
thesis/dissertation, the university has arranged with ProQuest to handle the publication. Visit
ProQuest on the web at Format review and final approval will be completed
after the submission.
An embargo on a thesis/dissertation is an intentional delay in the publication of its results.
Because the University places high value on the open dissemination of knowledge and the
professional advancement of its graduates, such embargos are strongly discouraged. Any
embargo request must include compelling written justification and a proposed embargo period
not to exceed one year. All embargo requests are subject to approval by the Office of Graduate
Education. In cases where justification involves intellectual property or prior contractual
agreement, embargo requests also require approval by the Office of Research and Economic
A thesis is required for all graduate programs leading to a Plan A master's degree, and a
dissertation is required for the doctor of philosophy and doctor of education degrees. In general,
a single set of guidelines regarding form and organization may apply to both. In setting out
these guidelines, this document uses the word "thesis" for simplicity. It should be taken,
however, to refer to either a thesis or dissertation.
The Committee
While your committee chair serves as a mentor for your research and thesis, you are primarily
responsible for the content, quality, and format of the thesis. However, your committee must
approve the final content and format of your thesis before it is submitted to the Office of the
Registrar for formatting review.
The Student
You are responsible for making all arrangements for the preparation of the thesis as well
as its reproduction. This includes the following:
1. Consult department regarding any style manuals approved or required by the department.
2. Refer to this guide for guidelines regarding the correct format for the thesis.
3. Edit the draft manuscript for proper sentence structure and grammar, paragraph and page
breaks, punctuation, and spelling.
4. Proofread the final manuscript copy and check to see that corrections are made accurately.
5. Present a copy of the manuscript to your graduate committee for their review.
6. Incorporate any changes required by your graduate committee. These changes must be
completed before the thesis can be considered accepted.”
7. A bound, hardcopy is not required by the University of Wyoming. Any other copies of your
thesis including those required by the department or advisor are considered to be
personal” copies. The arrangements for binding these copies must be made independently.
8. Upload an electronic copy of your thesis to the ProQuest website. A format check will then
be completed to verify that the committee, abstract, title page, and all other format
information conforms to the requirements of the University.
Please see UW Regulation 2-114.
Other than the specifications listed below, determinations of style and format are made by your
department or program and your graduate committee. Check with your committee chair or
graduate program coordinator for guidelines recommended or required by your department or
A typical thesis is made up of three main parts preliminary, text, and supplementary pages. At
UW, these parts may be organized as shown below:
Preliminary Pages:
Committee page
Title page
Copyright page (optional)
Acknowledgments (optional)
Dedication (optional)
Table of Contents
List of Tables (optional)
List of Figures (optional)
Other (optional)
Text specifically beginning with Chapter One
Supplementary Pages:
References or bibliography
Appendices (optional)
Preliminary Pages
These pages are numbered with both Roman and Arabic numbers. Check the individual
descriptions for specific details.
Committee Page
Each thesis will have a committee page. The committee page is not assigned a page number and
is not signed. A sample committee page is shown in the appendix. The committee page contains
the following statement:
To the University of Wyoming: The members of the Committee approve the [thesis or
dissertation] of [insert your name here] presented on [insert actual defense date - month, day, and
The statement is followed by a listing of the names of each committee member. Below the names
is the statement “APPROVED:” (all upper-case); followed by the department
head/interdisciplinary program/division chair’s name, title, and department; then followed by the
Dean of the [College], identified with the dean’s name followed by “Dean, College of
Because the abstract is, in effect, a separate document that is included with your thesis, it has a
separate page numbering system from that of the thesis. Arabic numerals are used (e.g., 1 and 2),
and the numbers are centered at the bottom of the page above the margin you choose, the
minimum being 1 inch. A sample abstract is shown in the appendix. The word limit is a
maximum of 250. It should include your name (last name, followed by a comma, then first name
and, if desired, middle name or middle initial followed by a comma), the title of your thesis (in
title case and in italics), the degree you are seeking, your department, and the month and year of
your intended graduation (not the date of your thesis or dissertation defense). The second and
succeeding lines of the heading use a hanging indent.
Title Page
The title page is assigned page number one in lower-case Roman (i), but that number does not
appear on the page. A sample title page is shown in the appendix. The title must be the same on
the title page and the abstract.
The title page must contain:
the title of your thesis or dissertation (in title-case)
“by” [your name]
the statement “A [thesis or dissertation] submitted to the University of Wyoming in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of”
[here you insert the name of your degree, such as Master of Science]
Laramie, Wyoming
the month and year of your intended graduation (not the date of your thesis or dissertation
The arrangement and spacing of this information are shown in the appendix.
All other preliminary pages
Beginning with the page immediately following the title page, all introductory materials (pages
for copyright declaration, dedication, acknowledgments, table of contents, list of tables, list of
figures, list of appendices, etc.) must be numbered, consecutively, with lower-case Roman
numerals (beginning with ii). A page number must appear at the bottom center on each of these
Copyright Page
Copyright registration is not mandatory and is not a condition of copyright protection (except to
preserve copyright that might be invalidated because of the omission of a copyright notice).
Registration may protect against copyright infringement and is a prerequisite to the
commencement of a copyright infringement action. Should you seek to enforce the protection
given to your work under the copyright law, you could later register the copyright at any time
during the copyright term (the life of the author plus fifty years).
The copyright notice is made up of three components: 1) the symbol ©, 2) the year of first
publication (the year of distribution of copies of the work to the public for sale or lending, i.e.,
when your thesis is approved by the Office of the Registrar, and 3) the name of the owner of the
copyright, for example, © 2020 by John H. Smith.
The notice should be placed in a location to give reasonable notice of the claim to copyright
protection. The page immediately following the title page is the suggested position for placement
of the copyright notice.
If you believe any of the work you have done for your thesis will lead to an invention that could
be patentable, you should contact the University’s Office of Research and Economic
Development Office (766-5353, to learn about disclosure forms and when
the disclosure form should be completed.
Table of Contents
A table of contents is required; its format is determined by your department or program.
Beginning with the first page of your text starting with Chapter 1, all pages (including regular
text pages, all tables, figures, figure caption pages, appendix materials, and bibliography pages)
must be numbered, consecutively, with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). A page number must
appear on each of these pages.
For the main text font, any legible black font except script, italic, or ornamental fonts equivalent
in scale to 10 pt. Arial or 12 pt. Times New Roman is acceptable. For example, the default
typeface for LaTeX manuscripts is typically 12 pt. Computer Modern font, which is very similar
to Times New Roman. Footnotes, legends, captions, etc. may be in a smaller font. Italicized font
may be used for non-English words, quotations, and mathematical variables.
All margins must be at least 1 inch. These same margins are to be observed for tables, illustrative
materials, bibliographies, and appendices, as well as in the text. Large maps should be
considered for inclusion as a supplementary file.
Line Spacing and Justification
Double-space: abstract, dedication, acknowledgments, table of contents, and body of the
manuscript, except for quotations as paragraphs, captions, items in tables, lists, graphs,
and charts.
Single-space: footnotes/endnotes, bibliographic entries, and lists in appendices.
Text should not be fully justified.
Page Numbering
Page numbers must be located at the bottom center of the page.
Landscape Tables and Figures
To fit large tables and figures on a page, it is sometimes necessary to place them in a landscape
Supplemental Pages
References or Bibliography
Reference citations are required. The style of reference citations in the text and of the
bibliography or list of references is determined by your committee or department. The style for
references should follow the format appropriate for the field of study.
Quality and format should be consistent with requirements for other parts of the thesis, including
margins and reproduction. Reductions must be clear and readable. In addition, a separate
appendix may be provided for the use of third-party content.
Use of Third-Party Content
Permission from the copyright holder for third party content, such as a figure or diagram, must
be included.
Refer to the ProQuest website for instructions to upload to ProQuest. For specific instructions for
formatting, please go to Preparing your Manuscript for Submission.
You will pay the publication fee directly to ProQuest.
As a thesis and dissertation candidate, you are required to electronically submit the completed
and approved thesis and/or dissertation. The Report on Final Examination form must be signed
and submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to electronic submission. This document
certifies that you have committee approval of the document to be electronically submitted.
File size limits
Your thesis must be uploaded to the ProQuest site per the ProQuest guidelines.
The manuscript is in order: Committee page, Abstract, Title Page, Other supportive
documents, Text (Body, usually the Chapters)
Margins are at least 1 inch on all sides.
Tables, figures, and appendices do not extend into any margin. Page numbers should be
included in the footer section.
Visual Quality
Uniform style (font and size) has been used throughout.
Figures, tables, etc. are clear, easy to read, and in high resolution.
Text is double-spaced.
Copy has been checked page by page.
All pages are present and in the correct order.
All pages are numbered correctly.
Abstract begins as page 1 in Arabic numerals.
Preliminary pages have lower-case Roman numerals. The title page does not show a
page number and the next preliminary page should be ii.
The text (body) of the thesis is numbered with Arabic numerals. The count restarts
again with the first page of Chapter 1 being Arabic numeral page 1.
Report on Final Examination Form submitted to Office of the Registrar
All signatures have been obtained.
Electronic copy submitted to ProQuest.
Prior to submission, all committee recommended changes have been made.
Date on the committee page is the actual date of the defense.
Date on the abstract and title page is the same as the month and year in which you are
officially graduating.
Appendix: Template for Preliminary Pages
To the University of Wyoming:
The members of the Committee approve the [either thesis or dissertation] of [Student
Name] presented on [Select Date of Presentation].
[Enter name of Chairperson], Chairperson
[Enter name of Outside Member], Outside Member
[Enter name of third committee member]
[Enter name of fourth committee member]
[Enter name of fifth committee member]
[Enter name of sixth committee member]
[Enter name of external member]
[Enter name of Dept Head], Department, Division, or Program Chair, [Enter Department or
Division or Program name].
[Enter name of College Dean or Provost], College Dean/Provost
[Enter Last Name, First Name, MI], [T/D Title], [Degree Name], [Department], [Month of
Graduation, Year].
This is where your abstract will go. You must include an abstract as part of the thesis.
The maximum number of words is 250 and it should be double spaced. The abstract begins with
page 1 (in Arabic).
[Enter Document Title in Bold Type and Title Case]
[Enter Student Name]
A [thesis or dissertation] submitted to the [Dept or Division or Program]
and the University of Wyoming
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of [Enter Degree in Bold Type and Title Case]
[Enter Major in Bold Type and Title Case]
Laramie, Wyoming
[Enter Last month of semester/year]
© Year, Your first and last name
(Or you may delete this page)
Word can assist you in generating a table of contents.