INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4
UCLA Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Public Dissemination Policy .......................................................... 4
Affirmation of Open Access .................................................................................................................. 4
Public Dissemination ............................................................................................................................. 4
Author Warranties ................................................................................................................................ 5
Delayed Public Dissemination (Embargo) Requests ............................................................................. 5
Post-Submission Requests for Delayed Public Dissemination .............................................................. 6
Chapter I: BEFORE YOU BEGIN ...................................................................................................................... 8
A. Filing Deadlines ..................................................................................................................................... 8
B. Registration Status/Filing Fee ............................................................................................................... 8
Chapter II: PREPARING THE PDF ................................................................................................................... 9
PREPARING THE THESIS OR DISSERTATION AS A FORMATTED PDF ......................................................... 9
Fonts and Layout ................................................................................................................................... 9
Spacing ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Margins ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Manuscript and Figure Layout ............................................................................................................ 11
Formatting Reprints or Versions of Manuscripts as Chapters ............................................................ 12
Page Numbers ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Pagination ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Images ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Supplementary Materials.................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter III: ELEMENTS OF THE MANUSCRIPT ............................................................................................. 14
A. FORMAT .............................................................................................................................................. 14
B. ARRANGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 14
C. PRELIMINARY PAGES ........................................................................................................................... 15
Title Page ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Copyright Page or Blank Page ............................................................................................................. 16
Abstract Page ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Committee Page .................................................................................................................................. 17
Dedication Page .................................................................................................................................. 17
Table of Contents and Lists ................................................................................................................. 17
Acknowledgments or Preface ............................................................................................................. 18
Vita/Biographical Sketch ..................................................................................................................... 18
D. START OF TEXT .................................................................................................................................... 19
Body Text ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Reference Section/Bibliography ......................................................................................................... 19
E. COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS................................................................................................................... 19
Using Reprints, Modified Published, About-to-be Published or Unpublished Material, or
Reproduced Copyrighted Material in the Manuscript ........................................................................ 19
What a student can do without permission ....................................................................................... 19
Fair Use ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Obtaining permission to use copyrighted works ................................................................................ 20
Permission Letters ............................................................................................................................... 21
Registering your copyright .................................................................................................................. 21
Affirmation of Open Access ................................................................................................................ 22
Public Dissemination ........................................................................................................................... 22
Delayed Release (EMBARGO) ............................................................................................................. 23
ETD SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................... 24
Step 1: grad.ucla.edu/etd ....................................................................................................................... 24
Step 2: ProQuest ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Certificate of Completion .................................................................................................................... 27
Helpful hints ........................................................................................................................................ 27
RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................. 28
APPENDIX A: Sample Doctoral Pages .......................................................................................................... 29
APPENDIX B: Sample Master’s Pages .......................................................................................................... 34
APPENDIX C: Pagination Using Microsoft Word ......................................................................................... 39
UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Submission Agreement ............................................................................... 41
UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing Requirements & Public Dissemination describes the requirements for
filing theses and dissertations and University policy regarding graduate thesis and dissertation public
dissemination. This document was prepared by the UCLA Division of Graduate Education, under
delegated authority from the Graduate Council of the UCLA Academic Senate. These requirements and
procedures have been developed to ensure information is presented consistently and that students’
manuscripts reflect our institutional commitment to research integrity.
Workshops on the preparation and filing of theses and dissertations are scheduled each quarter.
Students are encouraged to attend one of these workshops. Dates are posted on the Graduate
Education website at grad.ucla.edu/etd.
A list of resources and contact information is located on page 28 of this guide.
Approved by UCLA Graduate Council on May 15, 2015
The submission of a thesis or dissertation is the last step in an academic program leading to the award of
a graduate degree. The manuscript is a scholarly presentation of the results of the graduate student’s
research and/or creative work. UCLA requires that research and scholarly work conducted by graduate
students and incorporated into theses and dissertations be made publicly available through the
University of California’s institutional repository, eScholarship (http://escholarship.org/). The UCLA
Graduate Council affirms the principle that graduate students have a responsibility to share their work
with scholars in all disciplines and the general public, and stands by the University’s commitment to
ensuring open access to master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. The policy of the University of
California is that graduate students own the copyright to their original works of authorship. The license
granted to UCLA as required by the Thesis and Dissertation Public Dissemination policy is fully consistent
with University copyright policy (see http://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu/ ).
As one of the requirements for conferral of a degree, a graduate student must submit their thesis or
dissertation to UCLA for publishing in both ProQuest (www.proquest.com) and the institutional
repository, eScholarship (http://escholarship.org/). ProQuest and the institutional repository make the
manuscript available several months after the graduate student submits it. A graduate student must
adhere to this Graduate Council policy regarding delayed public dissemination (also known as an
“embargo”) in both ProQuest and UC eScholarship.
Upon submission of their thesis or dissertation as a requirement for conferral of the degree, the
graduate student shall grant a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license to The Regents
of the University of California (“University”) as set forth in the UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Submission
Upon submitting the thesis or dissertation as a requirement for conferral of a degree, the graduate
student shall affirm that the Work:
(a) Is the graduate student’s original work and that s/he has full power to enter into an agreement;
(b) Does not infringe copyright, intellectual property rights, or privacy rights of another;
(c) Contains no material that is libelous, defamatory or other unlawful material;
(d) The graduate student has not made, and will not hereafter make, any contract or commitment
contrary to the terms of the agreement with UCLA or in derogation of the license granted to the
University hereunder.
The graduate student shall indemnify, defend, and hold the University harmless from any losses, claims,
damages, awards, penalties or injuries incurred, including reasonable attorney's fees, which arise from
any claim by any third party of an alleged infringement of copyright or any other property right arising
out of the access and use of the Work.
POLICY: Delayed public dissemination, commonly known as an “embargo,” postpones public
distribution of the thesis or dissertation that has been approved and filed with the University. In some
cases, it may be reasonable and appropriate to put in place an embargo that delays public release, but
only in narrowly prescribed circumstances affecting intellectual property rights (such as when a patent is
being filed), to satisfy requirements for the review of grant-sponsored research, or to protect data being
utilized by a team of researchers of which the graduate was a member. Such an embargo must be
limited in time.
If delayed public dissemination is necessary due to the purposes set forth in the previous paragraph, a
graduate student should select this option when uploading the thesis or dissertation to ProQuest. The
delayed release requested at the time of submission will postpone public distribution of a thesis or
dissertation via both ProQuest and UC eScholarship. Students may request embargoes for 6 months, 1
year or 2 years; longer time periods considered by exception.
If a thesis or dissertation has a delayed release, ProQuest and UC eScholarship will display only the
graduate’s citation and abstract for the duration of the embargo. The full text of the graduate’s thesis or
dissertation will become available for public access only after the embargo expires. The California Digital
Library will archive and preserve the manuscript in perpetuity.
prior to the filing of the thesis or dissertation, the Dean of Graduate Education may approve requests for
time-delimited embargoes beyond the two-year limit. A request for such an exception to UCLA policy
should be made as soon as the graduate student’s master’s or doctoral committee is aware of the need
to do so.
The Division of Graduate Education is the first point of contact for exception requests, forwarding any
approved exceptions to the Library as applicable. The graduate student and her/his committee chair
must submit a formal request for a time-delimited extended embargo using the Request for Extended
Delayed Release form available from the Division of Graduate Education. The request must be made
prior to filing the thesis or dissertation. Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The
Division of Graduate Education’s review of such requests will take the following factors into
Are there serious mitigating circumstances whereby publication of the thesis or dissertation
would cause undue risks or potential harm to the author or subjects?
Will the data generated through the student’s research support other in-progress publications
from people on the student’s research team, which could be impacted by public dissemination?
Is the student applying for a patent based on research that is discussed in his/her dissertation?
Is the data or material in the thesis/dissertation subject to review by the sponsor or grantor
prior to publication?
Is there a need to prevent disclosure of information about persons, institutions, technologies,
Is there an academic or commercial press that has documented its requirement of manuscript
embargo in order to acquire the rights to publish the thesis/dissertation as a book?
When an exception request is approved by the Division of Graduate Education, the Library will be
notified to ensure that UC eScholarship suppresses access until the end of the approved extended
embargo period.
Requests for permanent embargos will only be approved under truly extraordinary circumstances.
POLICY: Students who wish to delay public dissemination must select this option at the time they
submit their theses or dissertations to the Division of Graduate Education via ProQuest. Requests to
embargo a thesis or dissertation after the manuscript has been filed generally are not allowed. Post-
submission embargo requests to UC eScholarship are permissible only in exceptional circumstances and
require Division of Graduate Education and Graduate Council review and approval.
SUBMISSION: The Division of Graduate Education is the first point of contact for post-submission
embargo requests to UC eScholarship. To make such a request, which is considered only for exceptional
circumstances, the graduate student must submit a Post-Submission Request for Delayed Release to the
Division of Graduate Education detailing the reason for the request for an embargo and the reason for
the delay in seeking the embargo and including an explanatory letter from the thesis/dissertation
committee chair. Each request will be reviewed on a case-by- case basis.
ProQuest allows the graduate student to embargo his or her manuscript at any time and for any
duration but cautions that “the rules and policies around dissemination related to a university’s
institutional repositories are created and managed separately by the university.”
ProQuest will notify
the UCLA Division of Graduate Education of each request for a post-submission embargo. Upon
receiving the notification from ProQuest, the Division of Graduate Education will send an email to the
graduate student reminding them of the University policy restricting delayed release. Each request will
ProQuest, “Embargoes and Restrictions”, http://www.etdadmin.com/UMI_EmbargoesRestrictionsGuide.pdf
be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The Division of Graduate Education’s review of such requests will
take the following factors into consideration:
Are there serious mitigating circumstances such that publication of the thesis or dissertation
would cause undue risks or potential harm to the author or subjects?
Is there a need to prevent disclosure of information about persons, institutions, technologies,
Is there good cause for the failure to seek delayed public dissemination at the time of
Is the work already accessible via eScholarship?
In the rare cases in which a post-submission embargo request is approved by the UCLA Division of
Graduate Education and Graduate Council, the Division of Graduate Education will notify the Library and
UC eScholarship to withhold release for the approved embargo period.
The deadline for filing the thesis or dissertation in final form for students who are registered and
enrolled and those on Filing Fee status is the last day of the quarter. For registered students and those
paying a Filing Fee, the summer deadline is the last day of Summer Session C. The exact date for each
quarter is posted in the UCLA Academic Calendar (http://registrar.ucla.edu/Calendars/Annual-
Academic-Calendar). Students are encouraged to file their thesis or dissertation as early as possible. All
filing must be completed online.
Submissions on the day of the deadline will be accepted until 5 PM PT. A completed submission entails
the following:
All committee members must have reported approval via go.grad.ucla.edu
The committee must have certified that the student passed the final oral exam (if applicable, via
The student must have submitted a final PDF via ProQuest
The student must have completed the online Division of Graduate Education ETD process (see
page 24)
If the Division of Graduate Education has requested any changes, the student must have
addressed and submitted the specific changes within the designated time period
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their committee has reported approval electronically and that
the student has submitted their final PDF and any corrections to the manuscript. Once the student
submits a thesis or dissertation, they will not be allowed to make changes unless required by the UCLA
Division of Graduate Education. Students must ensure the manuscript is in its final form.
If a student is completing courses, still writing or editing chapters of the thesis or dissertation, using
faculty time, library facilities, laboratories, or other University resources, or receiving University funds,
they are required to register in the final term in which they expect to receive the degree.
Students may be eligible to pay a Filing Fee for the quarter in which the degree is to be awarded in lieu
of registering and enrolling. Four conditions must be satisfied to be eligible for this fee:
1. All formal requirements for the degree, except for filing the thesis/dissertation and/or taking the
master’s comprehensive/doctoral final oral examination or submitting the master’s
comprehensive capstone project, must be completed before the first day of classes (including,
advancement to candidacy at least one quarter prior to the term of Filing Fee usage);
2. Since last being registered and up to the first day of classes, the combined use of University
resources and faculty time must not exceed 12 hours;
3. During the quarter in question, the thesis/dissertation committee suggested only stylistic and/or
typographical changes in the thesis/dissertation OR, in the case of master’s comprehensive
examinations OR, in the case of master’s capstone projects, the faculty only graded the final
comprehensive project;
4. Students must have been registered in the previous academic term.
Please see the Graduate Education Filing Fee webpage for more information.
The main thesis or dissertation document must be submitted as a PDF file. The file should not be
compressed or password protected. It should not include or require a digital signature. As noted on
page 13, additional media files may be uploaded along with the PDF file.
No changes to the thesis or dissertation are allowed after submission via ProQuest.
Faculty committees supervise the intellectual content and may specify certain aspects of style, such as
footnote style and placement, and the manner in which references are cited and listed. Students are
encouraged to consult with their committee chair(s) early in the preparation of the manuscript
regarding style preferences.
The regulations included here supersede any style manual instructions regarding format. The format
includes the manuscript arrangement, organization of specific preliminary pages, spacing, typeface,
margins, page number order and placement, and the requirement for permission to reproduce
copyrighted material. Students should not rely on theses or dissertations previously filed or past UCLA
regulations for format examples as changes are made periodically. Degree candidates are responsible
for following the requirements in effect when the document is filed.
Note: The guidelines in this section apply to all material that is presented in “manuscript” form,
including the preliminary pages. If the scholarly work has already been published and students wish to
include some or all of the chapters in the form of reprint(s) of published work, see Formatting Reprints
or Versions of Manuscripts as Chapters, Article Reprints, and Alternate Versions of Published Articles
for formatting information.
FONT. Embedded fonts are required; the Conversion Tool provided by ProQuest will embed fonts in
the PDF. ProQuest provides instructions on embedding fonts at:
Only non-italic style fonts should be used for the main portion of the text (“body text”). If a student is
uncertain whether a particular font style and size are appropriate, please consult the UCLA Division of
Graduate Education by submitting an inquiry via the Graduate Education Portal. Legible fonts that are
commonly used for the body of the text include Times or Times New Roman (12 point) and Arial 11- or
Some recommended fonts and point sizes are shown below.
11 pt
11 pt
11 pt
*Courier New
11 pt
12 pt
11 pt
Lucida Bright
11 pt
Microsoft Sans Serif
11 pt
11 pt
12 pt
*Times New Roman
12 pt
*Trebuchet MS
11 pt
11 pt
CMR (Tex/LaTex)
12 point
* Web font designed for easy screen readability. Since many readers are
likely to view and/or use the dissertation or thesis onscreen, students
may wish to improve the readability of the text by using one of these
BODY TEXT. UCLA does not require an absolute character and space count per inch of text. A
general guideline for optimal readability is a type density, including characters and spaces, of no more
than 15 characters per inch. For the basic manuscript text, most fonts in 12-point or larger should be
acceptable. The table above lists recommended fonts and corresponding minimum point sizes. Smaller
type (10-point or less) cannot be used for the body text, except for subscripts and superscripts or if a
reprint of a published article is used. A Symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special
characters; the font size requirement still applies.
smaller for footnotes, captions, equations, and information in figures and tables. In general, for
optimum readability, students are encouraged to choose a font size that is no more than 3 points
smaller than the font used for the main portion of the text.
ITALICS, UNDERLINING AND BOLDFACE STYLES. Italics may be used for headings, labels,
foreign words, book titles or occasional emphasis. The use of underlining and bold face in the text of
headings and body text titles is at the discretion of the student’s committee.
Unless otherwise noted, the manuscript must be double-spaced throughout.
Footnotes, bibliographic entries, long quoted passages, figure and table captions, and items in lists and
tables may be single-spaced. If individual footnote or bibliographic entries are single-spaced, there must
be a single blank line between entries.
There are special spacing requirements for some of the preliminary pages (see sample pages in
Appendix A and Appendix B). The layout for these pages must be followed carefully as departures from
the standard format are not acceptable.
Minimum margin size:
FOOTER MARGIN: 0.75” from bottom of the page for page number.
Aside from page numbers, all other manuscript material, including tables, figures, graphs, etc., must fit
within the margins.
The required order of pages for the manuscript is prescribed in Chapter III: B. ARRANGEMENT. The
bibliography is always the last section of a manuscript, and the last page of a manuscript should be the
last page of the bibliography. All figures, tables, appendices, etc., come before the bibliography.
If the thesis or dissertation is prepared as a single manuscript, appendices should precede the
bibliography. Alternatively, a bibliography (references) may be included at the end of each individual
chapter. Students following this style must remember to list each chapter’s bibliography in the Table of
Contents with the appropriate page number.
In some cases, it may be appropriate to include appendices that are relevant to several chapters (e.g.,
computer programs, laboratory procedures or statistical methodologies) as stand-alone chapters at the
end of the document. These must be listed in the Table of Contents as chapters or appendices and
precede the bibliography.
All other questions regarding the layout of the manuscript how to subdivide chapters, whether to
center a body text heading, whether to use bold in a body text title, where to place footnotes, figures, or
tables, etc., or what footnote or reference format to use come under the rubric of “text,” and the
committee chair(s) decides the format.
FORMAT: If students wish to use an actual reprint of a published article, i.e., a copy of the article as it
appears in a journal or book, as a chapter of the thesis or dissertation, students must adjust the page
size of the article to fit the UCLA margin requirements, remove the original journal page numbers, and
paginate the article appropriately. The Figures and Tables in the reprinted article do not need to be
renumbered consecutively with others in the thesis or dissertation.
Students may choose to use the accepted version of the published manuscript or a version of an article
that may have been submitted for publication, or is in preparation for submission. If this is the case,
then all heading materialthe addresses of the authors, journal addresses, etc., must be removed
from the source manuscript before using the material as a chapter of the dissertation. All Figures and
Tables in the chapters must be numbered consecutively, i.e., 1-x or according to chapter, e.g., 1-1, 2-1,
etc. A Figure or Table number cannot be repeated. The only exception is when students are using a
reprint; UCLA does not require students to renumber Figures or Tables in reprints.
Page numbers must be centered on the page and must be at least three-quarters of an inch (0.75”) from
the bottom of the page.
Every page in the manuscript must be numbered except for two: the title page is counted but not
numbered, and the copyright page (or blank page, if the copyright is not registered) is neither counted
nor numbered. If there are any pages that are rotated to a landscape orientation, the page
numbers still need to be in the same spot on the page throughout the document.
ROMAN NUMERALS are used for the preliminary pages. Because the title page is counted but not
numbered, “ii” is the first number used and appears on the abstract page.
ARABIC NUMERALS are used for all pages after the preliminary pages, starting with the first page of the
body text in the manuscript. All pages must be numbered, including appendices, facing pages, tables,
figures, etc. Correct pagination no missing pages, no duplicate numbers or pages is required for
the manuscript to be accepted.
The Division of Graduate Education recommends an image resolution of 300 dpi or higher (no lower
than 150 dpi) for images embedded within the PDF. The higher quality images will make the PDF larger
in size, which may slow the uploading speed.
TIP: If students are copying an image directly from a PDF, to maintain a higher quality of the image,
enlarge the PDF, copy the image, and shrink the image once it is pasted into the document.
If supplementary materials such as audio, video, and spreadsheets are part of the dissertation or
thesis, students may upload them as supplementary files during the online submission process through
Helpful hints:
Do not embed media files in the PDF
Upload media files as supplementary files
Describe supplementary files in the abstract; add a description of each file to the abstract.
Do not compress or group files into folders; upload each file individually.
Multimedia files and formats. Digital preservation best practices typically recommend including
multimedia content as supplementary files, rather than embedding multimedia in PDF files.
ProQuest will accept multimedia content of all file types. File types listed below will be migrated by
ProQuest. File types other than those listed below are not guaranteed to be migrated.
GIF (.gif); JPEG (.jpeg); TIFF (.tif)
Apple Quick Time (.mov); Microsoft Audio Video
Interleaved (.avi); MPEG (.mgp)
AIF (.aif); CD-DA; CD-ROM/XA; MIDI (.midi); MPEG-2;
SND (.snd); WAV (.wav)
Students must consult with their committee chair(s) regarding an acceptable manuscript style before
preparing the final PDF of the thesis or dissertation. This UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Filing
Requirements document supersedes manuals of style if there is a conflict in the instructions regarding
Students must follow the order for the manuscript pages listed below; no exceptions are allowed.
Starting with the abstract (ii), each page must be counted and numbered. Use lower case Roman
numerals on preliminary pages and Arabic numerals on subsequent pages. The body text starts with the
first page of text and uses Arabic numeral 1.
Suggested Numbering
Not numbered
Not numbered
ii (may be more than one
iii (roman numeral, depends
on preceding page)
(roman numeral, depends on
preceding page)
(roman numeral, depends on
preceding page)
Yes, if
(roman numeral, depends on
preceding page)
(roman numeral, depends on
preceding page)
Yes, for
(roman numeral, depends on
preceding page; max. 2
Begin with page 1 (Arabic
numeral) for Chapter 1, and
number pages consecutively
through the end of the
Last pages of manuscript, if
not included in individual
chapter bibliographies
Sample doctoral pages and sample master’s pages are located in the appendices of this document.
The information on the preliminary pages and the format of these pages are standardized.
The general format for capitalization and spacing is to be followed for all preliminary pages for which a
sample is provided (i.e., where groups of lines are double-spaced on the sample pages, be sure to
double-space. Format the spaces between groups of lines to present a balanced appearance).
There must be consistency between official university records and all preliminary pages with respect to
the student’s name, major field, committee chair’s name (or co-chairs’ names), title of thesis or
dissertation, and year the degree is awarded.
1. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA appears in full capital letters at the top of the page, Los Angeles in
title case letters. Students should follow the spacing on the sample page.
2. The TITLE for the thesis or dissertation should include meaningful key words descriptive of the
subject and content. This is particularly important for doctoral candidates, because titles are the
basis for computer searches from which subject lists of dissertations are prepared by ProQuest’s
reference service. Italics are acceptable. Acronyms, and abbreviated forms in general are to be
spelled out (e.g., K3 Mn(CN)6 is written Potassium Mangan cyanide; MMPI is written Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory; TESL is written Teaching English as a Second Language).
ProQuest will not display diacritics or special characters on its website.
3. The MAJOR in which the degree the student is earning must be written exactly as it is approved
by the Academic Senate Graduate Council. Students can verify the official name of the major by
visiting MyUCLA, viewing the listing in the UCLA General Catalog or contacting the UCLA Division
of Graduate Education. Unofficial specializations should not be included. For example, UCLA
awards a graduate degree in Education, not Educational Leadership.
4. The NAME used on the title page must be the name under which the student is registered at
UCLA and must match the name that appears in official university records, copyright page,
abstract and committee page. If the student wishes to change the name of record, the student
must file a change of name petition with the Registrar’s Office via the MyUCLA Message Center
prior to submission of the thesis or dissertation. If you are unsure about what form of your
name is on record, this information may be obtained by pulling an unofficial transcript through
5. The DATE at the bottom of the title page is the year in which the degree is awarded. This is the
same year in which the manuscript is filed, except when the manuscript is filed via ProQuest
after the filing deadline for the Fall quarter (i.e., a registered and enrolled student who files by
the December 14
Fall 2023 deadline is awarded a 2023 degree, but a student who files after
the December 14
Fall 2023 deadline is awarded a 2024 degree.)
There is no page number on the title page as it is counted as the first preliminary page but is not
Students must include either a blank page or a completed copyright page. This page is not counted or
numbered. Whether the student intends to register their copyright at the time of filing, at a later date,
or chooses not to register at all, the recommendation is to include a copyright page with the copyright
notice, student’s name, and the year of the copyright, centered at the bottom text margin. The
information and layout are the same for both theses and dissertations. See sample pages in Appendix A
and Appendix B for more information.
The need to register copyright depends on the nature of the materials and on plans for the future
publication or revision of the manuscript. Under current law, the works of an author are protected from
the date of creation and on throughout the life of the author, plus another seventy years thereafter
(Pub. L. No. 94-553, 90 Stat. 2541. The Copyright Act 1976, effective January 1, 1978). Whether the
thesis or dissertation copyright is registered or not, the author retains the right to publish all or any part
of the manuscript by any means at any time. Registration of the copyright puts on public record the
exact details of a copyright claim. In order to bring suit against an infringer, registration is necessary.
Further information about copyright may be obtained at copyright.gov.
If a registration of copyright is desired, prepare the copyright page for notification of copyright in the
thesis or dissertation. Students may register a copyright through the ProQuest website at the time of
The words ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION (doctorate) or ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS (master’s) appear
in full capital letters beneath the top margin. Students should follow the sample page spacing. The
version of the title, name, degree being awarded, year of degree, and name of the chair or co-chairs
must match the versions used on the other preliminary pages and official university records. The title
“Professor” precedes the chair’s name (no matter what the individual’s usual title). The title “Chair” or
“Co-Chair” follows the name; “committee” is dropped. (NOTE: This style is different than the committee
page style below.) If there are co-chairs, a separate line is used for each name.
The abstract consists of:
a brief statement of the problem;
a brief exposition of the method or procedures used;
a condensed summary of the findings of the study.
The abstract is published without further editing or revisions and special care must be taken in its
preparation. The abstract will be the most important tool for future web searches of the manuscript.
A separate abstract section is included on the ProQuest site for easy searching of the thesis or
dissertation. UCLA strongly endorses the ProQuest recommendation to limit this abstract to 350 words
for doctoral dissertations and 150 words for master’s theses, as some indexes limit words. The abstract
in the PDF does not have a word limit and will not be amended by ProQuest.
All committee members must be listed.
No titles or degree designations should be used (no “Professor,” no Ph.D., no M.D.”, etc.)
On the committee page, the title Committee Chair or Committee Co-Chair follows each chair’s
There is no required order for the names of the committee members except the name of the chair (or
co-chairs), which appear(s) as the last name(s) on the page.
Adjust the spacing between listed names according to how many committee members there are.
The typed names of the committee members must match the version of the names used in the online
approval process at https://grad.ucla.edu/etd. A common error is inconsistency among names,
especially between committee and abstract pages. Inconsistencies are when the names do not match
exactly, such as including (or not including) a middle initial or using a shortened name. Students must
ensure that the names are consistent throughout the manuscript.
The date at the bottom of the page is the year in which the degree is awarded and is the same as the
year on the title page.
(Not in sample pages)
OPTIONAL. If included, this page should be typed double-spaced.
It is strongly recommended that students refrain from including personally identifiable information or
content, especially that of family and friends, in the dedication.
(Not in sample pages)
The format for the table of contents and the lists of figures, tables, symbols, or other items is left to the
student’s judgment; however, if figures, schemes, or tables appear in the manuscript, students must
include the appropriate list(s) with page numbers following the Table of Contents.
(Not in sample pages)
Acknowledgments must be included if any of the following apply; otherwise, they are optional:
1. The student reprints or reproduces copyrighted material that requires permission to be
reprinted or reproduced. In this case, the student is responsible for acquiring and
acknowledging each permission to reprint or reproduce in accordance with the instructions of
the individuals, institutions, or publishers granting the permission. (See Chapter III: E.
2. The student includes material based on co-authored work that is published, in-press, submitted,
or in preparation for publication. It is adequate for the student to include a sentence such as,
“Chapter Five is a version of [include the formal bibliographic citation].” Full bibliographic
information about the publication must be provided, irrespective of the publication status. For
journal articles, include the complete author list (same order as publication), title, journal, year,
volume (required for print versions; may not be available for online versions), and page numbers
(range). The digital object identifier (DOI number) must be included for work that is only
available online, and is strongly encouraged for work that is also available in print. If the work
has not yet been published, indicate its status: in preparation for publication, submitted, or in
press. For work that is in the form of book chapters or a book, include the authors, chapter title,
book title, editors (if any), publisher, publisher’s city, year, and page range.
For each segment of the work that involved co-authors, the student must identify (briefly
describe) and acknowledge the specific contributions of each co-author. It is sufficient to
identify the PI or project director as such. Acknowledgments of non-authors that were included
in the original publication can remain in the chapter version if the work is reproduced as
published or as accepted.
3. The student received funding or the work was supported by an agency or foundation. The
student should indicate the agency and the form of the support, e.g., an NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship or a Mellon Foundation grant.
(Not in sample pages and not required for Master’s thesis; limited to two pages maximum)
VITA/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH the vita is required for the doctoral dissertation. A master’s candidate
does not submit a vita with the thesis. The vita provides a brief biographical sketch of the candidate; it is
not intended to be a comprehensive resume. The vita includes previous degrees and the names of
colleges or universities that awarded them, as well as others that were attended (exclude the degree for
which this dissertation is written), academic or professional employment, publications, presentations,
patents and inventions. It may include other scholarly work, military service, honors, awards and
Students must not include personal information such as date or place of birth, address, or marital status.
All pages preceding the start of the text are considered preliminary pages and should be numbered with
Roman numerals. Starting with the first page of text page (Chapter 1), numbering is done with Arabic
numerals, beginning with “1” continuing consecutively through the last page. Do not use numbers more
than once (e.g., 2a, 2b).
The reference section/bibliography is always the last section of the manuscript or the last subsection of
each chapter (see Chapter III. B. ARRANGEMENT). The style used for the reference section is
determined in consultation with the student’s committee. If the bibliographic citations are single-
spaced, however, there should be double-spacing between citations.
Reprinting or reproducing material protected by copyright in a manuscript will often require written
permission depending on what material is used and how it is reproduced. The following guidelines are
meant to conform to UCLA policy, which takes its cues from U.S. Copyright law.
All theses and dissertations must comply with UCLA policies regarding permissions in order to be
accepted. This section describes those requirements.
If a student does not have the appropriate copyright permissions at the time the manuscript is
filed, the student will still be allowed to file.
Also, regardless of copyright status or permission, all works must be properly acknowledged.
See Acknowledgments or Preface for instructions.
Copyright is inherent upon creation, so it is wise to assume that any materials for which students do not
own copyright, published or unpublished, are protected.
The following materials are not protected by copyright:
1. The student’s own work
If a student uses a modified version of an about-to-be-published article or a paper in
progress as a chapter in the manuscript, copyright permission will not be required.
2. Any works in the Public Domain, which includes:
Works produced by the Federal Government (at any time).
Material published in the U.S. before 1928.
Selected additional works published between 1928 and March 1, 1989, depending on
several factors.
a. See examples at this site, or the Circular 22, “How to Investigate the Copyright
Status of a Work" (pdf) from the U.S. Copyright Office
b. After March 1, 1989, all works (published and unpublished) are protected for 70
years from the date the author dies. For works of corporate authorship (works made
for hire), the copyright term is the shorter of 95 years from publication, or 120 years
from creation.
One should assume that anything published in 1928 or afterwards is NOT in the Public
Domain, unless they are able to determine otherwise.
3. Items made specifically available for commercial reuse, such as works clearly marked with a
Creative Commons license allowing that type of use without prior permission.
Outside of the exceptions above, assume that any published or unpublished materials, including
materials found on the internet, are protected by copyright.
Limited amounts of works protected by copyright can be used without permission by employing the
“Fair Use” exception to Copyright Law. ProQuest provides access to “Copyright Law and Graduate
Research” by Kenneth Crews, which explains Fair Use and other copyright considerations at great
The University of California maintains a very helpful website with information on copyright and fair
use: http://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu/use/fair-use.html
Copyright is a protection enjoyed by the originator of any creative work. However, in many cases,
authors transfer the copyright of their work to the publisher of the materials. If permission is necessary,
a student must obtain permission from the actual copyright holder which might be the publisher, not
the author. For guidance on copyright ownership and obtaining permissions, see:
One of the most frequent uses of copyrighted materials in a thesis or dissertation is the use of
“reprints.” If approved by the committee, a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation may include such
reprints. A reprint is an identical copy of a published article, and unless all authors retained the right to
reprint in the original author agreement for said article, a student must obtain the publisher’s
permission to reprint. A student must obtain a letter of endorsement from their committee chair to use
reprinted materials as well as letters of endorsement from co-authors of the material. The student must
retain these letters for possible future scrutiny.
The student must acknowledge the permission, and identify the author who directed the research that
forms the basis of the article/chapter, in the manuscript’s Acknowledgments section. (See
Acknowledgments or Preface)
To be acceptable in a thesis or dissertation the reprint must be reduced to fit manuscript margin
requirements, paginated appropriately, and the original page numbers should be blocked out. See
of Manuscripts as Chapters for formatting guidelines.
Instead of reprints identical copies of articles the student has published the student may decide to
include modified versions of the material the student has published, such as the manuscript form of an
article submitted for a publication, or a substantial portion of an article’s text. The student must closely
analyze the author’s agreement signed upon publication to check if the student waived these rights.
Regardless of the student’s permissions under any author agreement, student should practice discretion
and refrain from using any tables, charts, or images that were included in the original article unless
provided explicit permission for their use. Please contact the publishers or a UCLA librarian for further
Beyond the bounds of copyright, permission is sometimes required for the use of materials from certain
private collections and museums. Students are responsible for determining whether such permission is
needed, and if it is, to submit letters of permission when the manuscript is filed with the thesis and
dissertations advisor.
If permissions letters are necessary, the request should be mailed as early as possible.
Most publishers will have detailed instructions on their websites for obtaining permissions. Some will
provide a contact or mailing address, and others use a service from the Copyright Clearance Center,
which handles permissions requests for a variety of publishers. If the publisher grants permission, a
signature is not required, but they explicitly grant the right to use the material within the thesis or
dissertation in writing. An email from the publisher with this explicit permission is sufficient; save a copy
of the email for your records.
Model permission letters can be found here:
When contacting copyright holders, students should indicate any time constraints and specify exactly
what they are requesting to include in the manuscript, and in what form (e.g., the published article or
the accepted manuscript version). The permission request should not be left open-ended; the copyright
holder(s) should be asked for a response, whether the answer is yes or no.
The copyright of the work is inherent upon creation. Students have copyright protection the moment
they have saved their manuscript to their computer. Students do not need to register their copyright to
enjoy copyright protection, but registration does provide some benefits. For details, read the U.S.
Copyright Office circular “Copyright Basics”: https://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ01.pdf
The benefits of registration are outlined on Page 7 of the circular.
ProQuest charges an additional fee for registering for copyright during the filing process. ProQuest can
only register for copyright on the student’s behalf if the student is the sole author and owner of the
entire graduate work they submitted to ProQuest, and can answer “no” to both of the following
1. Is the completion of the dissertation based on the work of multiple authors?
2. Does the student acknowledge the contributions of co-authors or co-claimants anywhere in the
manuscript (acknowledgements, chapters, journal articles, co-author permission documents)?
If the student answers “Yes” to either of the questions above, they can still register their copyright, but
must do so separately at copyright.gov.
Copyright questions always boil down to a case-by-case analysis, and even with a clear understanding of
the law and guidelines such as the above, it is easy to be confused. The University of California maintains
a website with helpful information and links:
The UCLA Library can assist students with questions regarding copyright and permissions.
The submission of a thesis or dissertation is the last step in an academic program leading to the award of
a graduate degree. The manuscript is a scholarly presentation of the results of the graduate student’s
research and/or creative work. UCLA requires that research and scholarly work conducted by graduate
students and incorporated into theses and dissertations be made publicly available through the
University of California’s institutional repository, eScholarship (http://escholarship.org/). The UCLA
Graduate Council affirms the principle that graduate students have a responsibility to share their work
with scholars in all disciplines and the general public, and stands by the University’s commitment to
ensuring open access to master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. The policy of the University of
California is that graduate students own the copyright to their original works of authorship. The license
granted to UCLA as required by the UCLA Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Public Dissemination Policy
is fully consistent with University copyright policy. (See http://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu)
The UCLA Graduate Council approved a UCLA Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Public Dissemination
Policy and UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Submission Agreement.
As one of the requirements for conferral of a degree, a graduate student must submit their thesis or
dissertation to UCLA for publishing in both ProQuest (www.proquest.com) and the institutional
repository eScholarship (http://escholarship.org). ProQuest and the institutional repository make the
manuscript available several months after the graduate student submits it. A graduate student must
adhere to the Graduate Council policy regarding delayed public dissemination (also known as an
“embargo”) in both ProQuest and UC eScholarship.
Upon submission of a student’s thesis or dissertation as a requirement for conferral of the degree, the
student shall grant a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license to The Regents of the
University of California (“University”) as set forth in the UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Submission
The Graduate Council does not endorse classified or confidential research in the University. In instances
where this is approved, the end result must be an academically acceptable thesis or dissertation that
can be deposited at the University in an unclassified version. The University of California and UCLA do
not have security clearances that permit the conduct of classified research on the UCLA campus.
Delayed public dissemination, commonly known as “embargo”, postpones public dissemination of the
thesis or dissertation via UC eScholarship and/or ProQuest that has been approved and filed with the
university. In some cases, for example when a patent is being filed, it may be reasonable and
appropriate to put in place an embargo that delays public release of the thesis or dissertation. Other
reasons may be to satisfy requirements for review of grant-sponsored research or to protect data being
utilized by a team of researchers of which the student is a member. Such an embargo cannot be
permanent, however. If a delayed release is necessary, a student may select this option when uploading
the thesis or dissertation to ProQuest. Embargo lengths are six months, one year, or two years.
Under rare circumstances and prior to the filing of the thesis or dissertation, the Dean of the Division of
Graduate Education may approve requests for time-delimited embargoes beyond the two-year policy
limit. A request for such an exception to UCLA policy should be made as soon as the student’s master’s
or doctoral committee is aware of the need to do so. The student and committee chair must submit a
formal request using the Request for Extended Delayed Release application (form may be made
available by contacting the Division of Graduate Education). The request must be made prior to filing the
thesis or dissertation.
1. Visit grad.ucla.edu/etd and log in with your UCLA Logon ID.
2. Within the secure website:
a. Verify your official name, official major, whether the final oral exam is required, and
initiate revisions to this information if needed. All information must be correct and
complete in order to proceed.
b. Verify the committee members and initiate the online faculty approval process.
1. When you click the button marked ‘Send Request’ an email will be sent to
each committee member to approve your thesis or dissertation.
2. UCLA professors will need to access their UCLA email accounts found in the
campus directory.
c. Complete the UCLA Doctoral Exit Survey and the Survey of Earned Doctorates (for
doctoral candidates only).
3. Enter the ProQuest site to upload the final PDF version of the manuscript. (See instructions
4. Return to grad.ucla.edu/etd to enter your submission ID (see Step 12 of the ProQuest
instructions below).
5. Complete the filing and degree requirements.
6. It is your responsibility to check the status of your committee’s approval on our website
grad.ucla.edu/etd via ‘Status of your Thesis or Dissertation Filing’.
1. Create an account with ProQuest at: http://www.etdadmin.com/ucla
2. Decide on ProQuest publishing options:
a. Traditional Publishing.
b. Available to search engines (recommended).
3. Decide on Institutional Repository UC eScholarship public dissemination options
Note: Your manuscript is a scholarly presentation of the results of the research you conducted.
UCLA upholds the standard that you have an obligation to make your research available to other
scholars. UCLA discourages delayed release unless you are waiting on a patent or have a
compelling research need. A delayed release (embargo) is limited to six months, one year or two
4. Acknowledge the UCLA Thesis and Dissertation Submission Agreement.
5. Add contact information.
6. Complete thesis or dissertation details.
a. Enter your title. It is recommended you copy and paste the title from a word document
if you want to maintain the UCLA Division of Graduate Education approved diacritics,
special characters or italics.
b. Confirm the year you are filing.
c. Select your major from the dropdown menu titled “Department.”
d. Input committee members enter names consistent with committee page.
e. Select subject categories: these are created by ProQuest for indexing purposes.
f. Include any keywords for future searching of your manuscript.
g. Insert abstract: while there is no word limit to an abstract on the ProQuest site, some
major online publications do limit thesis abstracts to 150 words and dissertation
abstracts to 350 words.
7. Create and upload an Adobe PDF of your final dissertation or thesis.
NOTE: DO NOT UPLOAD A DRAFT. Once you submit your thesis or dissertation, you will not be
allowed to make changes unless required by the UCLA Division of Graduate Education. Be sure
your manuscript is in its final form.
a. Verify formatting according to this document. (See Chapter II: PREPARING THE PDF)
8. Upload any supplemental materials. Acceptable file types are: audio, code/script, data, image,
pdf, presentation, spreadsheet, text, video, webpage.
9. Include appropriate copyright information; you have an opportunity to register your copyright
through ProQuest.
10. Order copies. Copies take about 5 weeks to ship after the manuscript is published by ProQuest.
You can also order copies through the UC Bindery
(http://bindery.berkeley.edu/students/thesis-and-dissertations), which has lower prices, or
through Bruin Custom Print (https://www.asucla.ucla.edu/bruin-custom-print).
11. Confirm your selections and click ‘Submit’.
12. Once you receive the confirmation email from ProQuest, you must copy and paste the
submission code (displayed in parentheses after your title) and enter it back in
grad.ucla.edu/etd to complete the UCLA filing process. See below for screen shots of where to
locate your submission ID.
Sample confirmation email
You can also find your submission ID number when you log back into UMI/ProQuest after
The Division of Graduate Education confirms that you have met degree requirements, reviews and
approves the final submission and may contact you about required revisions to meet university
You will receive a confirmation email via ProQuest when the Division of Graduate Education has
completed the review and submission of your thesis or dissertation to ProQuest.
Dear [Student],
Thank you for your interest in publishing your dissertation. Your submission, "A look at "All About My
Mother" by Pedro Almodóvar" (10002), has been submitted to University of California, Los Angeles.
The administrators at the graduate school will review your submission and contact you if there is any missing
Your submission may be accessed via the following link:
View ETD (http://www.etdadmin.com/cgi-bin/student/etd?submissionId=129528;siteId=451)
Order Summary:
Quantity Description Unit Price *(USD) Total Price *(USD)
1 Traditional Publishing $0.00 $0.00
Sales Tax $0.00
Service Tax $0.00
* Note: Prices are in U.S. Dollars (USD) Total: $0.00 USD
A Certificate of Completion from UCLA is necessary only when you must immediately submit proof of
completion to an employer or other institution. If needed, you can contact the Registrar’s Office via the
MyUCLA Message Center one to two business days after receiving the final email confirmation from the
Division of Graduate Education that all filing requirements have been completed.
Make sure you are completely familiar with the formatting and filing requirements before beginning
this process.
Allow sufficient time for committee members to electronically submit approval of the dissertation or
thesis by the deadline.
If applicable, allow sufficient time for committee members to electronically submit their assessment
of the final oral exam.
Plan ahead! Give yourself enough time to complete the entire process.
Verify the constitution of your committee. Make sure your members hold current appointments. If
not, you will need to submit a reconstitution form, which will delay the filing process.
Completion of Academic
Formatting and Filing Instructions
Academic & Postdoctoral Services
UCLA Division of Graduate Education
1255 Murphy Hall
(310) 825-3819
Phone support available from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,
Monday through Friday (excluding UCLA holidays)
Technical Support for
United States & Canada (toll free): 1.800.521.0600
Degree Certificate and Diploma
Student Services, Verification and Transcripts
1113 Murphy Hall
Registrar’s Office Certificates of Completion
1113 Murphy Hall
UCLA Scholarly Communication
Services & Copyright Consultation
Copyright questions always boil down to a
case-by-case analysis, and even with a clear
understanding of the law and guidelines
such as the above, it’s easy to be confused.
The UCLA Library stands ready to assist you
with any questions you might have about
copyright and permissions.
UCLA Copyright & Scholarly Communication Education Librarians
Copyright and Publication
U.S. Copyright Office
(800) 521-0600
UCLA Library Guides: http://guides.library.ucla.edu/citing
Word Processing and Formatting
Online tutorials for formatting assistance in major word processing
Access to workstations and laptops with productivity software and
basic assistance with software.
Los Angeles
The Effect of Urbanization
on Socialization Practices and Personality Development
in Guajiro Society
A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the
requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy
in Anthropology
Kristina May Clark
All capital letters
Official university name
Title with Formulae, symbols,
superscripts, Greek letters,
acronyms, and abbreviated forms
in general are to be spelled out
Only use special characters
allowed by UCLA. Italics are
1” margins on
each side
Official major as according to the
Registrar’s Office or Division of
Graduate Education. Do not
include unofficial specializations.
Official name
registered with UCLA
Year of
degree award
© Copyright by
Kristina May Clark
Copyright notice
Your official name, consistent with
how it appears on title page
Year of
degree award
The Effect of Urbanization
on Socialization Practices and Personality Development
in Guajiro Society
Kristina May Clark
Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology
University of California, Los Angeles, 2023
Professor Katherine Doe, Chair
(The student begins typing the abstract here, double-spaced.)
All capital letters
Be consistent on each
page with title, name,
year, professors’ names
Your official name, consistent with
how it appears on title page
Include Chair or Co-Chair here
and always designate chair(s)
as “Professor”, regardless of
their usual title(s).
Recommended abstract
word limit of 350, to meet
online repository limits.
Continue Roman numeral
numbering after abstract
0.75” from
bottom of page
The dissertation of Kristina May Clark is approved.
George A. Brown
Jane Marie Smith
B. Joseph Jones
Gerald B. Greene
Katherine Doe, Committee Chair
University of California, Los Angeles
Your official name, consistent
with how it appears on title page
Please include this statement in
your manuscript for submission to
DO NOT use titles or
degree designations (e.g.,
Professor, MD, etc.)
List Committee Chair or
Committee Co-Chairs last
Continue Roman numeral
numbering after abstract
0.75” from
bottom of page
Los Angeles
Equipotential Surfaces
for Earth-Pointing Satellites
A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction
of the requirements for the degree Master of Science
in Aerospace Engineering
John Smith Doe
All capital letters
Official university name
Title with Formulae, symbols,
superscripts, Greek letters,
acronyms, and abbreviated forms
in general are to be spelled out
Only use special characters
allowed by UCLA. Italics
are acceptable.
1” margins on
each side
Official major as according to the
Registrar’s Office or Division of
Graduate Education. Do not
include unofficial specializations.
Official name
registered with UCLA
Year of degree
© Copyright by
John Smith Doe
Leave page blank if you wish,
but expressing your
copyright as outlined below
is highly recommended.
Copyright notice
Your official name, consistent
with how it appears on title page
Year of degree
Equipotential Surfaces
for Earth-Pointing Satellites
John Smith Doe
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles, 2023
Professor Richard W. Roe, Chair
(The student begins typing the abstract here, double-spaced.)
All capital letters
Be consistent on each
page with title, name,
year, professors’ names
Your official name, consistent with
how it appears on title page
Include Chair or Co-Chair here
and always designate chair(s)
as “Professor”, regardless of
their usual title(s).
Recommended abstract word
limit of 350, to meet online
repository limits.
Continue Roman numeral
numbering after abstract
0.75” from
bottom of page
The thesis of John Smith Doe is approved.
Howard L. Jones
Patricia Anne Brown
Richard W. Roe, Committee Chair
University of California, Los Angeles
Your official name, consistent with
how it appears on title page
Please include this statement in your
manuscript for submission to DGE
DO NOT use titles or
degree designations (e.g.,
Professor, MD, etc.)
List Committee Chair or
Committee Co-Chairs last
Continue Roman numeral
numbering after abstract
0.75” from bottom
of page
To start page numbering on a page other than the first page of a Microsoft Word document, students
must create separate sections in the document. See below instructions for numbering the manuscript in
accordance with the requirements in this guide.
to the end of the copyright page. From the Menu, select the “Layout” tab and then select “Breaks.”
Under “Section Breaks,” select “Next Page.”
On the abstract page, open the footer (you can double click on the footer area to ‘open’, or access, the
footer). The “Design” menu tab should also appear. From the Design menu tab, make sure to deselect
the “Link to Previous” option and so that the option is deactivated.
STEP 2: INSERT PAGE NUMBERS. In the footer of the abstract page, select the “Insert” menu
tab, then select “Page Number,” and then select “Format Page Numbers…”
STEP 3: FORMAT PAGE NUMBERS. For page number
formatting, select the “i,ii, iii, …” option (Roman numerals) from
the drop-down menu.
Under “Page numbering,” select “Start at”and then type in “ii”.
PRELIMINARY PAGES. Move the cursor to the end of the
last preliminary page. Repeat steps 1-3 to create a new section
for the rest of the manuscript (i.e. the body text, appendices, and
To format the page numbers, be sure to select the “1, 2, 3, …”
option (Arabic numerals).
Under “Page numbers,” select “Start at” and then type in “1”.
Approved by UCLA Graduate Council on May 15, 2015
In filing your thesis or dissertation (“the Work,” including any abstract), in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for your degree at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), you agree to the
following terms and conditions.
1. Grant of Rights. You shall retain all title to and any copyrights you hold in the Work. No term
or provision hereof shall be interpreted to limit or restrict the fair use rights of any person or
entity under U.S. Copyright Law, Title 17, U.S.C. (“Fair Use Rights”). Notwithstanding the Fair Use
Rights, you grant The Regents of the University of California (“University”) an irrevocable, non-
exclusive, royalty free, perpetual license:
a. To make copies of the Work for purposes of preservation and creation of a usable
archival copy and to permit others to make copies of the Work consistent with the Fair
Use Rights;
b. To display and reproduce the Work, in whole or in part, and to authorize others to do so
for non- profit education and research purposes, in all forms of media now known or
hereafter created;
c. To digitize the Work or use other technological substitutes to preserve and provide
access to the Work, including the using the Work in a publicly accessible database of
scholarly works, adding or editing metadata for the purpose of access, clarification, and
preservation and keeping multiple copies of the Work as reasonably needed for
purposes of security, back-up, and preservation;
d. To use the Work for educational, research, and other non-commercial purposes. Such
uses could include, but are not limited to, the reproduction, display, and public
performance of the Work;
e. To provide the public access to the Work, including Internet or other wireless or digital
access, and to electronically transmit the Work in whole or in part;
f. To make partial or full versions of the Work available to the public pursuant to a
Creative Commons Attribution, Non-commercial license. This means that the Work may
be copied and distributed for any non-commercial purpose, provided that the author is
given credit for the original work (but not in any way that suggests that the author
endorses the use of the work). See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/.
2. Delay in Public Release. If, consistent with University and UCLA policies, you have invoked an
approved delay (“embargo”) to full public access to the Work, the University will use reasonable
efforts to enforce the terms of the embargo period, but you expressly grant to the University
the right to make the title and abstract publicly available during the embargo period. Upon the
expiration of the embargo period, the University’s rights shall be governed by Paragraph 1,
3. Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that:
a. The Work is your original creation and you have full power to enter into this agreement;
b. The Work submitted is the same version as approved by your official committee;
c. You have a good faith belief that neither the Work, nor the University’s use of the Work,
will violate the right of privacy or publicity or infringe upon any copyright or other
proprietary rights of any other person or entity;
d. If any materials to which you do not own the copyright are included in the Work, you
have a good faith belief that their use in the Work constitutes “fair use” under copyright
law (see UC Copyright website: http://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu/) or you have
obtained any necessary permissions;
e. If the Work contains any previously published material that you authored, the
publication agreement, if any, associated with such prior publication allows for use in a
thesis/dissertation and as provided herein, or you have obtained permission to do so;
f. Insofar as the Work is an educational record as defined in the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 USC 1232g), you consent to disclosure of it in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement;
g. The Work contains no material that is libelous or defamatory, or other unlawful
h. You shall indemnify, defend and hold the University harmless from any losses, claims,
damages, awards, penalties or injuries incurred, including reasonable attorney's fees,
which arise from any claim by any third party of an alleged infringement of copyright or
any other property right arising out of the access and use of the Work.