Town of Plymouth Disorderly
Alcohol, and Noise Ordinances
located on the back of this
CCC (Campus Community Council)
Open meeting for students, faculty, staff, landlords, town citizens, selectmen, police, newspapers, and anyone
interested in meeting together as an entire community to discuss related items. Usually meets 3 times a
semester. For more information contact the office of the Dean of Students at 535-2206.
State of New Hampshire Landlord and Tenant Law
To help it be safe and fun:
Invite a specified number of people only as
many as you can comfortably fit in your
apartment or house and that does not violate
your lease or exceed the town ordinance (50
people). Word of mouth parties can get out of
hand because of the number of people
show up and underage people looking for
a place to drink.
Provide non-alcoholic beverages and food for
your guests.
Plymouth State University Student Handbook:
Plymouth State Community Service Learning Center
Coordinates volunteer service projects in the community. 535-2376
To avoid getting in trouble please remember:
Please be sure your local
address and phone number is
updated in my.plymouth so you
can be contacted in the event
of an emergency or for other
important university
Tell your neighbors in advance about the
gathering and ask them to call if it becomes
too loud or bothers them. Then be sure to
resolve the problem immediately.
Know the local and state laws pertaining to
furnishing and serving alcohol. It is illegal to serve
or provide alcohol to a minor and if you host a party
where an underage person consumes alcohol you
may be held liable for any negative occurrences that
happen to them after they leave. It is also illegal to
Facilitating/Hosting an Underage Drinking Party (RSA 644:18): An underage drinking party is any gathering of 5
or more where at least one person is illegally possessing alcohol. This is a misdemeanor that could carry a fine
up to $1,200 and a jail sentence up to 1 year.
Occupancy Law (RSA 153:3): Gatherings of 50 or more people in any building or tent are not permitted without
a permit. This can result in a fine up to $1,000.
Prohibited Sales: Sale or delivery of alcohol beverages to persons under 21 (RSA 179:5): New Hampshire law
prohibits the sale or delivery of alcoholic beverages to per-sons under 21 with a fine of up to $2000.00 and/or a
year in jail. (In other words, just giving alcohol to an underage friend or your underage friend taking some from
your apartment breaks this law).
PSU and Plymouth Phone Numbers:
charge admission to a gathering where alcohol is
If there is not legal parking near your
apartment tell
your guests where they can legally park so that
they are not disrupting the neighbors around you.
Be sure your guests are people you know. Strangers
have no reason to care about how they treat your
property or your neighbor’s property.
After the gathering pick up trash outside
(and of course inside too) and dispose of in
appropriate receptacles.
Off-Campus summons and arrests:
If you receive a summons or are arrested by
any police agency don’t be surprised when
you are also contacted by the Plymouth S
Judicial Programs office. Good citizenship is a
strong value at PSU and is part of our
Administrators care about the personal well-
being of the students who attend Ply
State as well as the quality of life in
Campus Storm Line: 535-3535
Dean of Students: 535-2206
Health Services: 535-2350
Office of Student Conudct: 535-2206
Plymouth Code Enforcement Officer: 536-1731
Plymouth and PSU police emergency: 536-1626 or 911
Plymouth Police (non-emergency): 536-1828
Plymouth Town Administrative Office: 536-1731
Speare Hospital: 536-1120
University Police (non-emergency): 535-2330
Vice President for Student Affairs PSU: 535-2240
If you are confronted for noise or other issues
please be respectful.
The day after talk with your neighbors to be
sure they have no complaints.
If things don’t develop as you intended and you need
help removing people from your apartment please
University Police 535-2330 or Plymouth Police 536-
1828 or if the need is an emergency call (911).
You are part of the community. Remember
that your actions affect others around you.
Introduce yourself to the other students,
families, and residents that live around you.
Getting to know your neighbors will help you
feel more comfortable and safe living in the
area and help them feel the same as well.
If you have a get together at your place let
your neighbors know ahead of time. Inquire if
they have any concerns ahead of time that
can help prevent and encourage them to
let you know directly if they have any concerns
during the event so police don’t need to be
Plymouth is a beautiful town, please
contribute to that quality by keeping the
outside of your apartment or house cleaned
up and free of trash and unneeded objects.
You may be living in your residence
temporarily. Please remember that many of
your neighbors have been living in their
homes for much of their lives or at least for
several years.
Please be considerate of your parking habits.
Don’t take up two spaces with one car or
block driveways or sidewalks and only park
Please realize that there may be residents,
elderly, and children that go to bed at an
earlier time than you. Noise can travel easily
and as you know when your sleep is disrupted
it can make the day difficult.
Report any suspicious behavior to police.
Assist neighbors who may have trouble with
snow removal, cutting their lawns or other
Town of Plymouth
Actions, Alcohol, and
Making loud or unreasonable noises in a
public place, or making loud or unreasonable
noises in a private place which can be heard
in a public place or other private places,
which noises would disturb a person of
average sensibilities. (Any time of day or
Possession of open containers of alcohol on
public property or consumption of alcohol on
public property such as sidewalks, parking lots,
and streets.
Knowingly refusing to comply with a lawful
order of a police officer to move from any
public place.
Knowingly or purposely creating a condition
which is hazardous to oneself or another in a
public place by any action which serves no
legitimate purpose.
Engaging in fighting or violent, tumultuous or
threatening behavior in a public place.
Directing at another person in a public place
obscene, derisive, or offensive words which
are likely to provoke a violent reaction on the
part of any ordinary person.
Obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic on
any public street or sidewalk or the entrance
to any public building.
Engaging in conduct in a public place which
substantially interferes with a criminal
investigation, a firefighting operation to which
RSA 154:17 is applicable, the provision of
emergency medical treatment, or the
provision of other services when traffic or
pedestrian management is required.
For more information:
12.2012 PSU Student Conduct
Each person in his/her day-to-day
relationships can be mastering the
art of community.”
–Arthur E. Morgan
“Education worthy of the name is
essentially the education of character.”
Martin Buber
“The first year I lived off-campus I never
got to know my neighbors. The second
year I went around and introduced
myself. What a difference that made. It
really felt like home. We knew each
other’s names and I felt like I was really
part of the community.”
-Plymouth State Student