Emergency Management Framework
United States Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Plant Protection and Quarantine
National Plant Health
Emergency Management
Emergency Management Framework
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Emergency Management Framework
Deputy Administrator’s Letter ........................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Plant Protection and Quarantine .................................................................................. 11
Chapter 3: Pest Exclusion ............................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 4: Preparedness ................................................................................................................ 24
Chapter 5: Response ..................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 6: Recovery ..................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 7: Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 57
Chapter 8: State Plant Protection Resources ................................................................................. 66
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 69
Index ............................................................................................................................................. 75
Emergency Management Framework
Deputy Administrator’s Letter
November 1, 2017
Dear Colleagues and Stakeholders:
The goal of APHIS’ Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program is to safeguard America’s
agricultural and natural resources from the introduction and establishment of exotic,
economically significant invasive plant pests. PPQ provides Federal leadership to maintain a
strong continuum of overlapping safeguards to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from
invasive pest introductions in the United States. This continuum begins offshore, continues
through U.S. ports of entry, and extends across the nation.
PPQ’s success in effectively maintaining this safeguarding continuum depends heavily upon the
close cooperation and coordination of key stakeholders, including Federal partners; State, local,
and tribal governments; industry; nongovernmental institutions; and researchers and academics.
Working closely with these stakeholders, PPQ develops and implements science-based pest
prevention, early detection, rapid response, and practical recovery systems. They provide
maximum protection to U.S. agricultural and natural resources, while posing minimal hazard to
consumers, producers, and the environment.
We developed this Emergency Management Framework (referred to as the Framework) as a
reference that clearly identifies and outlines the elements of these systems. It will help the highly
skilled individuals and experts involved in maintaining PPQ’s safeguarding continuum,
including our many external cooperators, to fully understand the roles and responsibilities of the
numerous interrelated aspects of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. Through this
Framework, PPQ officials and our many partners will coordinate operations more quickly and
effectively, ensuring America's agricultural and natural resources remain healthy and productive.
As always, we thank you for your hard work and support.
Osama El-Lissy, Deputy Administrator USDAAPHISPPQ
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 1: Introduction
The United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant
Protection and Quarantine (USDA–APHISPPQ) National Plant Health Emergency
Management Framework describes the response of PPQ and its cooperators to plant health and
homeland security emergencies.
In addition to providing background information and resources needed by responders, the
framework describes the roles and responsibilities of PPQ Program Managers in policy
management, field operations, science and technology, and state plant protection agencies in the
48 contiguous states, Hawaii, and Alaska, the U.S. territories and commonwealths, and tribes.
The framework addresses the roles of other Federal agencies and APHIS units, which vary
depending on the nature of the issues and the extent of their involvement. The framework also
describes the roles and responsibilities of the interrelated components of PPQ’s safeguarding
system including preparedness, pest exclusion, response, and recovery elements.
Pest exclusion is synonymous with prevention. Pest exclusion involves activities conducted to
eliminate or mitigate the risk of invasive plant pest introductions. Examples of preventive efforts
Offshore commodity preclearance programs ensuring foreign commodities are free of
plant pests before reaching the United States
Conducting commodity pest risk assessments and instituting mitigation practices to
ensure safe trade
Agriculture quarantine inspections (AQI) at border crossings and other U.S. ports of
entry, which are conducted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and
Border Protection (DHS–CBP) in coordination with PPQ and its plant pest regulatory
AQIs conducted by USDA–PPQ officers at PPQ Plant Inspection Stations located at 16
U.S. ports of entry
Identifying pests and diseases detected at U.S. ports of entry by USDAPPQ identifiers
located at more than 34 ports of entry nationwide
Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance (SITC) activities preventing the
smuggling of prohibited and potentially infested plant commodities and to ensure
compliance with phytosanitary requirements for imported and domestic commodities
moving interstate and sold in retail markets
Emergency Management Framework
Preparedness is essential to maintaining the ability to implement an effective emergency
response to invasive plant pest introductions. Preparedness supports PPQ and its cooperators in
the following ways:
Identifying resources necessary for pest management, emergency response, and
Establishing the infrastructure required to maintain a strong safeguarding system,
especially as it relates to pest early warning systems (e.g., the PestLens program), survey
systems (e.g., the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) program), and
identification and diagnostic systems (e.g., the National Identification Service (NIS) and
National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)), including interagency cooperation within
the National Biosurveillance Integration System (NBIS) and interagency collaboration
between the DHS–National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC) and the
Biosurveillance Indications and Warning Analytic Community (BIWAC)
Conducting appropriate training to ensure and maintain rapid, consistent, and effective
pest management, emergency response, and coordination
The response element of the safeguarding system involves the activities that occur immediately
after a significant invasive plant pest incident or outbreak is detected. Significant aspects of the
response element performed by PPQ and its cooperators include the following:
Establishing national lab capacity for official plant pest diagnosis
Deploying a fast and accurate data management system for use in tracking sample
information and final results
Conducting risk analysis to fully understand the pest, its potential impact to U.S.
agriculture and the environment, and identify potential technically based options for
Rapid detection and delimiting surveys
Mobilization of emergency personnel and resources using the Incident Command System
(ICS) under a unified command structure
Establishing a Technical Working Group (TWG) to consider scientific aspects of the
Obtaining emergency funding
Enacting an emergency regulatory framework
Maintaining compliance with environmental laws
Implementing protocols for communications, public outreach, and data management
The recovery element of the safeguarding system relates to the development and implementation
of activities designed to provide stability and protection to an invasive plant pest emergency.
These activities can occur simultaneously during and following any invasive plant pest
emergency response. Aspects of recovery include the following:
Demobilization of emergency response personnel and resources
Critique of the response program
Emergency Management Framework
Development of a long-term recovery plan
Development of a long-term safeguarding system
Identification and application of science-based pest mitigation solutions
Sustained public outreach
The Framework covers all four elements in detail, providing PPQ employees and cooperators
with a guide to understand all aspects of the U.S. plant health safeguarding system. This
knowledge will enhance the ability of PPQ employees and cooperators to operate quickly,
effectively, and in coordination with one another to successfully maintain this national
safeguarding system.
All PPQ employees, Federal and State cooperators, and stakeholders should be familiar with and
use the framework for guidance and to promote uniformity.
The Framework is divided into eight chapters:
1. Introduction
2. Plant Protection and Quarantine
3. Pest Exclusion
4. Preparedness
5. Response
6. Recovery
7. Roles and Responsibilities
8. State Plant Protection Resources
The Framework also includes a glossary and an index.
The introduction contains basic information regarding the Framework including its purpose,
scope, users, and application; a list of related documents providing the authority for the content;
and directions for use.
Authorities and Enabling Legislation
The primary legislation enabling or directly relating to PPQ emergency response authorities are
as follows:
Plant Protection Act of 2000
Cooperation with State agencies in the Administration and Enforcement of Certain
Federal Laws Act, approved September 28, 1962
Homeland Security Presidential Directives
Agriculture Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended
Privacy Act of 1974
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 1969
Endangered Species Act (ESA), 1973
Emergency Management Framework
Agriculture Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002
Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974
Federal Seed Act, issued March 1940
Noxious Weed Control and Eradication Act of 2004
Refer to the PPQ Emergency Response Manual (formerly PPQ Emergency Programs Manual)
for more information on these acts and directives.
PPQ has aligned the Framework with key national and USDA emergency management policies
and plans, including the following:
Homeland Security Directives (especially HSPD 5, 7, 8, and 9)
Presidential Policy Directives (especially PPD 8 National Preparedness Goal)
The National Response Framework
The National Incident Management System
USDA’s Strategic Plan
APHIS’ 2015–2019 Strategic Plan
PPQ’s 2015–2019 Strategic Plan
To fulfill its emergency management responsibilities, PPQ cooperates with other APHIS
programs and federal agencies; State, local, Tribal, Territorial, and foreign governments;
nongovernmental organizations; and the private sector.
How to Use
The Framework is a portable electronic document that is updated periodically. Please download
the current version of the Framework from its source and use Adobe Reader® to view it on your
computer screen. You can print the Framework for convenience. However, links and
navigational tools are only functional when the document is viewed in Adobe Reader®. Printed
copies of the Framework are obsolete once a new version has been issued.
Conventions are established by custom and widely recognized and accepted.
The smaller, bold-face green subheadings (as shown above) indicate the acronym for the PPQ
units responsible for the activities described. Use these subheadings to quickly find the
information specific to a particular unit.
Find Web site addresses and other information on how to use the resources in a box at the end of
each topic.
PPQ Emergency Response Manual
Emergency Management Framework
Control Data
Information placed at the bottom of the page is the month, year, document title, and page
number. PPQ–Pest Detection and Emergency ProgramsEmergency Programs (PPQPDEP) is
the unit responsible for the content of the Framework.
Heading Levels
Each chapter and section can contain three heading levels; each heading is green. The first-level
heading looks like This. The second- and third-level headings each have a smaller font than
the preceding heading level. The small, bold-face acronyms (e.g., PPQFO) indicate the units
responsible for the activities described in the accompanying text.
The following items are italicized throughout the framework:
Names of publications
Scientific names
Transmittal Number
The transmittal number contains the month, year, and a consecutively issued number (beginning
with -01 for the first edition and increasing consecutively for each update to the edition). The
transmittal number is only changed when the specific chapter sections, appendices, glossary,
tables, or index is updated. If no changes are made, the transmittal number remains the
unchanged. The transmittal number only changes for the entire Framework when a new edition
is issued or changes are made to the entire Framework.
How to Cite the Framework
Cite the Framework as follows: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection
Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine. National Plant Health Emergency Management
Framework (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2017).
Emergency Management Framework
How to Find More Information
Contact the Director of Pest Detection and Emergency Programs for further information
concerning the Framework.
Valerie DeFeo
Director of Pest Detection and Emergency Programs
Office: 301-851-2086
Email: valerie.defeo@usda.gov
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 2: Plant Protection and Quarantine
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal, and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA
APHIS) in cooperation with other Federal and State agencies with closely allied missions,
safeguard agricultural and natural resources to ensure an abundant, high-quality, and varied food
supply. Plant Protection and Quarantine (APHIS–PPQ) is the integral component of USDA–
APHIS and is responsible for safeguarding plant health in the United States.
Mission Statement
We safeguard U.S. agriculture and natural resources against the entry, establishment, and spread
of economically and environmentally significant pests, and we facilitate the safe international
trade of agricultural products.
PPQ is divided into three core functional areas (CFAs) and the Deputy Administrator’s (DA)
Office of the Deputy Administrator (ODA)
Policy Management
Science and Technology
Field Operations
While each CFA has a specific designated area of responsibility, they all work in close
coordination to fulfill PPQ’s overall safeguarding mission. The roles and responsibilities of each
PPQ subunit are described in this chapter.
Refer to the APHISPPQ Web site for further information.
Office of the Deputy Administrator
The PPQ Deputy Administrator provides executive leadership and strategic direction. The PPQ
Deputy Administrator reports directly to the APHIS Administrator and is a member of the
APHIS Management Team. PPQ is organized around three core functional areas critical to our
mission delivery: Policy Management (PM), Field Operations (FO), and Science and Technology
(S&T). These interdependent functional areas collaborate to provide science-based solutions for
plant protection issues.
Policy Management
PPQ’s PM staff provides national coordination for the policy and regulatory framework
associated with emergency and domestic preparedness, response, and recovery efforts against
threats to plant health. PPQ–PM provides budgetary, technical, and environmental
PPQ organization structure
PPQ mission, goals, and objectives
Emergency Management Framework
documentation support to national pest programs. PPQ–PM also supports efforts to ensure
science-based systems are available for early detection, rapid response, and practical recovery to
provide maximum protection for U.S. agricultural and natural resources, while safeguarding the
environment and minimizing the impact on consumers and producers.
These capabilities are also available, as needed and when applicable, to support Federal disaster
response efforts and other significant homeland security needs.
Science and Technology
PPQ’s S&T CFA supports PPQ regulatory decisions and operations through methods
development, scientific investigation, data and risk analyses, and technology. PPQ–S&T works
to identify pathways used by exotic plant pests and noxious weeds; assess risks posed by exotic
pests to food, fiber, and the environment; develop, adapt, and support methods and technology to
detect, identify, and mitigate the impact of significant exotic pests; and ensure detection and
identification methods, survey protocols, and tools used by PPQ are effective and efficient. S&T
is comprised of seven principal laboratories with satellite locations across the United States and
in Guatemala.
Field Operations
PPQ’s FO offices provide leadership and coordination for field activities for emergency and
domestic pest exclusion, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts against plant health
This CFA unifies FO management to yield effective and sustainable support for program
delivery. FOs are managed seamlessly, blending policy and science for effective program
delivery. FO focuses on the highest risks and utilizes critical information supported by robust
Another critical component of PPQ’s organization is the State Plant Health Director’s (SPHD)
office. PPQ maintains a SPHD in every U.S. State and Puerto Rico; in a few instances, an SPHD
is assigned more than one State or U.S. Territory. The SPHDs oversee operational activities
within their assigned State or States and work closely with their counterpart State Plant
Regulatory Official (SPRO) to ensure communication and coordination, conduct joint training of
the work force, and manage plant pest emergency preparedness, pest exclusion, response, and
recovery efforts at the local level.
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 3: Pest Exclusion
Pest exclusion involves activities conducted to eliminate or mitigate the risk of invasive plant
pest introductions. Pest exclusion—also known as prevention— encompasses an array of
activities including the development and management of regulatory policy and programs that
ensure safe trade and the exclusion of quarantine plant and animal pests and diseases.
Plant Protection and Quarantine’s Plant Health Programs (PPQ–PHP) unit works with trading
partners and international plant protection organizations to develop and implement early
detection and control strategies designed to prevent the entry of invasive pests and diseases into
the United States. PPQ maintains personnel at ports of entry to conduct inspections at plant
inspection stations, oversee fumigations, conduct pest identifications, and maintain compliance
activities. In addition, PPQ partners with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Customs
and Border Protection (DHS–CBP) and State plant protection resources to ensure the continued
success of agricultural inspections at all U.S. ports of entry and inspections at interim or final
PPQ’s pest exclusion strategies include the following:
Offshore pest surveillance
Phytosanitary issues management
Risk and pathway analysis
Development of trade-related regulations
Issuance of permits
PPQ preclearance program
CBPAgriculture Quarantine Inspection
PPQAgriculture Quarantine Inspection
Plant inspection stations
Pest identification
Treatments and fumigations
Development of Agriculture Quarantine Inspection (AQI) and port technologies
Preclearance and offshore programs
Predeparture programs
Mitigation of agricultural pests in neighboring and offshore countries
Smuggling interdiction and trade compliance
Select agent program
Emergency Management Framework
Offshore Pest Surveillance
PPQ’s mission is to protect U.S. agriculture and natural resources against the introduction of
exotic plant pests. To fulfill this mission, PPQ carries out numerous safeguarding functions
including port-of-entry inspections, preclearance in exporting countries, pest surveillance, pest
risk analysis, and eradication and containment efforts. All of these functions depend on current
biological information regarding exotic pests, such as distribution, host range, history of spread,
and susceptibility to control measures.
Information evolves continuously as each pest situation changes and new insights are gained.
PestLens allows PPQ to stay current on newly emerging pest information and provides a
mechanism for documenting and coordinating safeguarding actions by the following:
Gathering emerging information from a wide range of sources including several hundred
scientific journals, Web sites, email groups, newsletters, automated Internet search
queries, and contributions from regulatory officials
Summarizing this information, together with relevant background knowledge, and
reporting it in a weekly email notification
Providing a conceptual framework for making and coordinating safeguarding decisions
Making the original information and resulting decisions and actions accessible through a
Web-enabled database
PestLens is the result of the merger of two previously existing PPQ systemsExotic Pest
Information Collection and Analysis (EPICA) and the Offshore Pest Information System (OPIS).
Previous OPIS and EPICA reports remain accessible through the PestLens database.
PestLens reports new information regarding plant pests of U.S. quarantine significance
especially the following:
New distribution records (country level)
New host records
Significant outbreaks
Emerging pests of economic significance
Weed naturalization
New pathogen/vector relationships
Research results of interest to the regulatory community
APHIS personnel can self-register for the PestLens system at https://pestlens.info.
Emergency Management Framework
Phytosanitary Issues Management
The Phytosanitary Issues Management (PIM) unit ensures the export and import of agricultural
commodities occur in accordance with science- based standards to effectively mitigate pest risks.
PIM is recognized as the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) for the United States
under the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and acts on behalf of PPQ. PIM is
the primary point of contact for all technical plant health communication with trading partners,
leads the development of plant health policy and strategy, and coordinates the implementation of
technical solutions to phytosanitary trade barriers.
PIM, in collaboration with other PPQ units, addresses phytosanitary technical barriers by:
Initiating and presenting scientific and technical studies to support safe, science-based
Encouraging trading partners to harmonize import requirements with international
standards and guidelines
Providing a conceptual framework for making and coordinating safeguarding decisions
Building domestic and international consensus among trading partners, industry, the
scientific community, and other Federal agencies for feasible, science-based solutions to
technical trade barriers
PIM also coordinates with PPQ Export Services to support an internationally accepted system of
phytosanitary certification in accordance with international standards.
Plant Health Programs
PPQ’s Plant Health Programs (PPQ–PHP) staff provides national coordination for phytosanitary
quarantine and trade policies; plants for planting, plant material import and export, preclearance
activities, and regulated use permitting; pest identification services; plant health regulatory
coordination; and regulatory support for enforcement of quarantines on animal products and by-
products. PPQ– PHP works with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and maintains national
program guidance to PPQ’s enforcement of plants and plant products under the Convention on
International Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES). PPQ–PHP ensures
science-based safeguarding systems are in place to prevent the introduction of exotic plant and
animal pests into the United States and to support PPQ pest detection, emergency, and regulatory
PIM Web site:
Emergency Management Framework
PPQ–PHP works in close coordination with the DHS–CBP to provide the regulatory pest
exclusion authority and guidance for Agriculture Quarantine Inspection at U.S. ports of entry and
border crossings. PPQ–PHP is based in Riverdale, Maryland.
Risk and Pathway Analysis
The Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory (PERAL) in PPQ–S&T collects and
interprets scientific and technical information regarding plant pest risks with respect to the uses
of plant products or conveyances that may result in the spread of plant pests. PERAL assists PPQ
in designing risk- based policies and regulations for import, export, and domestic programs.
The PERAL risk and pathway analyses identify, assess, and prioritize new pest threats, provide
scientific support for regulatory updates and revisions, and identify gaps in knowledge that guide
the establishment of research priorities.
The program uses state-of-the-art tools and methodologies for pest and pathway risk
assessments, including sophisticated spatial technology systems that integrate weather, pest
distribution, and other databases to analyze pest dynamics, identify pests of greatest concern, and
identify potential pathways for the introduction of exotic pests.
The PERAL staff also provides the economic and cost- benefit analyses to facilitate emergency
responses. In addition to the regulatory significance and potential environmental impact, PPQ
and its cooperators consider the potential economic impact of the pest on local, interstate, and
international trade in developing emergency response and regulatory plans.
Development of Trade Regulations
PHP’s Imports, Regulations, and Manuals (PHP–IRM) unit develops regulations that set
conditions for importing plants, plant products, and commodities into the United States. One of
PPQ’s primary functions is to facilitate the two-way trade of agricultural products while
preventing the introduction of pests into the United States. To this end, PPQ conducts rigorous
and defensible pest risk analyses and develops regulations to support trade agreements.
The APHIS regulatory development process begins with the PHP–IRM unit, which shapes the
initial regulation prior to sending it to the Regulatory Analysis and Development (PPDRAD)
unit. PHP–IRM works with PPQ’s trade staff to develop the regulations that set the conditions
for plants and plant products to enter the United States via the negotiated trade agreements.
Additionally, PHP–IRM is responsible for updating and revising PPQ’s regulations governing
the importation of plants for planting (7 CFR § 319.37 also known as Quarantine 37 or Q-37).
The regulatory process affords the public the opportunity to view PPQ’s risk analysis and ensure
all pest risks have been appropriately considered and mitigated.
Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory (PERAL)
Emergency Management Framework
Permits to Safeguard Plants, Plant Products, and Other Organisms
Permitting and Compliance Coordination (PCC) and IRM issue permits required for the
importation, transit, domestic movement, and environmental release of organisms that impact
plants and plant products under the authority of the Plant Protection Act (PPA). PPQ permits
establish the conditions under which plants and plant products may enter the country and require
inspections at ports of entry to ensure those conditions have been met.
Organism permits are required for plant pests (e.g., insects and snails), plant pathogens (fungi,
bacteria, and viruses), biological control agents, bees, federal noxious weeds, and parasitic
plants. Plant and plant product permits are required for plants for planting such as nursery stock
and small seed lots, plant products such as fruits and vegetables, timber, cotton, and cut flowers.
Transit permits are required to ship regulated plant products into, through, and out of the United
States. Soil permits are required in many cases, and Controlled Import Permits are needed to
import prohibited plant materials for research and development. APHIS regulates these
organisms because they can provide a pathway for the introduction of a variety of plant pests into
the United States or are considered plant pests themselves. For further information, refer to the
Permits Web site.
CBP Agriculture Quarantine Inspection
Agriculture Quarantine Inspection (AQI), which is a series of inspection and pest-exclusion
efforts designed to keep prohibited agricultural items from entering the country, plays a major
role in preventing the unintentional introduction of invasive pests into the United States.
The DHS–CBP conducts agriculture quarantines and inspections on behalf of APHIS at
international ports of entry and border crossings, to protect the United States from the threat of
invasive pests. These activities include inspection of items such as commercial cargo, individual
shipments, international mail, and baggage carried by passengers that could transport and
introduce pests with the potential to cause serious damage to America’s crops, livestock, and the
Most ports of entry convene a pest risk committee comprised of representatives from DHS–CBP,
PPQ, the State, and other key stakeholders. The committee reviews and analyzes current pest
interception and trade noncompliance data at the ports of entry to identify potential foreign pest
threats and emerging risk patterns or situations. The pest risk committee’s work supports DHS–
CBP’s risk management planning, resource allocation, and risk decisionmaking; PPQ’s decisions
regarding the policies and procedures followed by DHS–CBP at ports of entry; and the planning
of early pest detection surveys at the State level.
Plant Organism and Soil Permits
Emergency Management Framework
PPQ provides DHS–CBP with the necessary AQI policies and procedures along with the
technical support to carry out AQI activities including training; providing scientific expertise and
regulatory authority; and identifying intercepted plant materials, pests, and diseases in a timely
The Quarantine Policy Analysis and Support (PHP–QPAS) staff provides technical support by
analyzing results of agricultural cargo inspections at U.S. ports of entry and the associated pest
interception data. This information is used to develop a comprehensive early warning system and
to identify potential pathways at high risk allowing for more focused inspection as well as trace-
back and trace-forward activities.
PPQ Field Operations identifiers provide local summary reports to DHS–CBP that include the
pests detected, information regarding seasonal cargo and potential pests, and may highlight
significant interceptions.
Plant Inspection Stations
PPQ Field Operations (PPQ–FO) manages PPQ’s plant inspection stations. Federal regulations
require most imported plants and seeds to enter the United States through certain ports of entry
where PPQ operates plant inspection stations for the inspection and clearance of those items.
Currently, PPQ has 16 plant inspection stations in the United States at or near major international
airports, seaports, and land borders.
At the stations, PPQ Plant Health Safeguarding Specialists inspect imported plants and seeds to
ensure they are free of plant pests not currently known to occur in the United States that could be
damaging to either U.S. agriculture or natural resources. These specialists also ensure the plants
and seeds comply with Federal import regulations and permitting requirements. When regulated
pests or diseases are detected, PPQ may require the plants for planting material be treated,
exported, or destroyed.
PPQ also enforces the rules and regulations that apply to the import, export, and reexport of plant
species protected by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Many plant inspection stations
also issue phytosanitary certificates for the export of plants, seeds, and other propagative
Pest Identification
The PPQ National Identification Services (NIS) coordinates plant pest identification in support
of the USDA’s regulatory programs. Accurate and timely identifications provide the foundation
for quarantine decisions and are essential to safeguard the nation’s agricultural and natural
resources. NIS employs or collaborates with scientists who specialize in identifying organisms
within various plant pest groups including weeds, insects, mites, snails, and plant diseases. These
scientists are stationed at various institutions around the country including Federal research and
Emergency Management Framework
regulatory laboratories, plant inspection stations, land-grant universities, and natural history
museums. In addition, NIS supports the use of alternative diagnostic methods to enhance the
speed and precision of the identification process such as the Remote Pest Identification Program,
which utilizes digital imaging technology. Additionally, the NIS works closely with the S&T
Beltsville Laboratory that provides molecular diagnostic and confirmatory testing services in
support of the agency’s pest monitoring and exclusion programs.
PPQ Port Activities
PPQ–FO manages the operations of PPQ identifiers located at more than 34 ports of entry across
the country. These identifiers include entomologists, plant pathologists, and botanists who
provide taxonomic identification of pests detected by DHS–CBP, PPQ plant inspections stations,
and PPQ domestic programs, and support cooperator pest detection activities. All identifiers
maintain both a local port collection and a collection that supports their specific taxonomic
PPQFO manages PPQ work units at ports of entry around the country. These work units
oversee fumigation treatment of material infested with quarantine pests, provide review and
clearance of cold- treated commodities from foreign countries, provide export certification, and
monitor compliance activities.
Development of AQI and Port Technologies
The Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST) develops agriculture quarantine
inspection and port technology methods to provide the scientific basis for agricultural import
inspections and treatment technologies to ensure the safety of agricultural imports. Quarantine
inspections and mitigating treatments are the last line of defense against exotic invaders.
CPHST responsibilities include developing and validating phytosanitary treatment methods,
including alternatives to the use of methyl bromide; supporting the development of treatment
manuals for ports of entry; certifying vessels and containers for transporting commodities;
certifying international commodity treatment facilities in preclearance programs; and developing
detection technologies for deployment at ports such as chemical sensors, acoustic detectors, and
agricultural x-ray technology
Offshore Preclearance
PHP’s Preclearance and Offshore Programs (PHPPOP) represents the first line of defense in
preventing the unintentional introduction of invasive plant pests and diseases into the United
PPQ coordinates offshore programs, preclearance inspections, treatments, and other mitigation
measures in foreign countries in accordance with phytosanitary procedures agreed upon by
Emergency Management Framework
APHIS, the host country’s NPPO, and the participating industries. These procedures are
designed to identify and mitigate the risk of exotic pest introductions on commodities through
action taken in foreign countries prior to shipment to the U.S.
Quality assurance inspections may be performed at U.S. ports of entry to ensure compliance with
the program guidelines.
APHIS has deemed it necessary to restrict the interstate movement of cut flowers, fruits,
vegetables, plants, and portions of plants from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to prevent the introduction of
quarantined pests into the U.S. mainland.
Inspections are also conducted on air passengers, cargo, and mail destined for the continental
United States (CONUS), when originating outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
Federal personnel at predeparture locations inspect articles of agricultural risk for a variety of
harmful pests and for prohibited products carried by passengers or moving as maritime or air
cargo. If quarantine pests or prohibited materials are discovered during the inspection, the
appropriate regulatory action is taken.
Mitigating Agricultural Pests in Neighboring and Offshore Countries
PPQ is working with neighboring countries to develop an international strategy designed to
prevent or minimize the risk of accidental introductions or natural dispersal of invasive pest
species into CONUS. Mitigating actions include the development of joint safeguarding measures
and the sharing of expertise regarding the employment of various control tactics to eradicate or
control the targeted pests.
Implementing mitigation measures in nearby countries not only assists their governments in
dealing with new exotic plant pests, but also builds international partnerships and protects the
United States from the increased risk of accidental plant pest introduction. AQI is a resource-
intensive activity; thus, only a percentage of incoming cargo and passengers can be inspected.
Therefore, AQI does not serve as a standalone prevention tool and must be used in concert with
other measures within the safeguarding continuum such as offshore mitigation activities.
Examples of PPQ’s offshore efforts include the Asian gypsy moth program with Japan and
Russia; working with Italian shippers on packing material; the pink hibiscus mealy bug program
in the Caribbean; and the Potato Cyst Nematode and Greenhouse Nursery Certification program
with Canada.
For additional information on POP:
Emergency Management Framework
PPQ is pursuing the North American Perimeter Approach (NAPP) and the Greater Caribbean
Safeguarding Initiative (GCSI) to support this approach with neighboring countries.
Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC): Perimeter Approach to Plant Protection (PAPP). Under
the RCC Plant Protection Workplan, a reinvigoration of the North American Perimeter
Approach, APHIS and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) continue to advance a
perimeter approach to facilitating safe bilateral trade and protecting Canada and the United
States from risks posed by plants and plant products arriving from developing countries. This
includes aligning phytosanitary import requirements and related systems wherever possible
working toward reducing certification and inspection requirements between the two countries.
Through several phases, APHIS and CFIA have successfully revised the Canada–U.S.
Greenhouse Certification Program. We continue joint work to manage chrysanthemum white rust
and are working bilaterally on postentry quarantine (PEQ) and e-certification initiatives.
Greater Caribbean Safeguarding Initiative
Plant pests entering Caribbean countries could potentially spread to the United States through the
importation of plants and plant products or as a result of weather events. In 2006, PPQ began a
safeguarding initiative to identify and address potential pathways for pests entering Florida from
the Caribbean region. This pilot program increased coordination of PPQ’s efforts and initiatives
for targeting and reducing the risk of plant pests establishing in the United States through the
Florida pathway. In 2008, PPQ began expanded the initiative into a national program, known as
the GCSI with the goal of protecting the health and value of agricultural, natural, and other
resources in the greater Caribbean region by excluding, detecting, and controlling exotic pests
that arrive and become established. This goal is accomplished through collaborative efforts
among partners and countries in the greater Caribbean region to develop and harmonize
exclusion and response strategies, and other safeguarding initiatives.
Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance
Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance (SITC) plays a major role in interdicting
noncompliant agricultural products of regulatory significance before or after they reach U.S.
markets. By identifying high- risk trade pathways, the SITC staff detects and prevents the
unlawful entry and distribution of products that may harbor exotic plant and animal pests,
diseases, or invasive species. These harmful organisms could seriously damage America’s crops,
livestock, and environment. SITC’s mission is accomplished through a combination of field
work (site inspections, trace-forwards, and trace-backs), trend analysis, outreach, and the use of
intelligence tools and data systems.
SITC officers and analysts are experts in developing commercial targeting information,
examining aspects of international trade, and identifying contraband in commerce and at the
For additional information on RCC:
Greater Caribbean Safeguarding Initiative
Emergency Management Framework
consumer level. In the marketplace, SITC officers work under the guidance of State Plant Health
Directors (SPHDs) to monitor agricultural trade at commerce sites. Such sites encompass freight
distribution centers, national chain stores, specialty independent retailers, flea markets, roadside
vendors, animal, plant, and insect trade shows, and private residences associated with the
purchase of regulated goods on the Internet. When SITC officers find a noncompliant item at a
commerce site, every effort is made to trace it back to the port of entry and responsible importer.
Once the pathway is documented, SITC notifies DHS–CBP or PPQ plant inspection stations to
help shut it down, often resulting in administrative penalties, civil or criminal prosecution, and
product recalls to safeguard American agriculture. SITC officers also work closely with CBP at
U.S. ports of entry, both on a routine basis and during joint special operations, to carry out trade
verifications and intercept smuggled products. SITC also partners with PPQ plant inspection
station personnel for operations focused on plants for planting.
The SITC staff engages with many Federal, State, and local agencies to accomplish the
program’s mission. Through such partnerships, SITC has provided other federal entities (DHS–
CBP, USDA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG), APHIS’ Investigative and Enforcement
Services (IES) Program, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), USDA’s Food
Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and others)
and State agriculture agencies with information leading to seizures, the stop-sale of products,
criminal prosecutions, and administrative violations.
While SITC’s efforts often react to products that have already entered commerce, SITC also
takes preventive steps to anticipate noncompliant imports before they occur, ultimately reducing
costs to the American public through avoided eradication programs and quarantines. For
instance, SITC officers and analysts watch for increased threats from seasonal shipping trends
and marketplace disruptions that could signal an upswing in smuggling activity. SITC officers
also perform extensive liaison work and outreach with industry groups and other stakeholders to
stop noncompliant agricultural trade before it occurs.
SITC officers are flexible enough to respond to a wide breadth of agricultural threats and
challenges, including participating in plant health emergency response programs, where they
may be tasked with determining the entry pathway of an exotic plant pest.
Select Agent Services
Select agents are pathogens that have been deemed a severe threat to the public, animal or plant
health, or animal or plant products.
USDA and Health and Human Services (HHS) are responsible for preventing, preparing for, and
responding to acts of bioterrorism and other public health emergencies that could threaten either
public health and safety or American agriculture. USDA–APHIS and HHS’ Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) jointly regulate entities and individuals possessing, using, or
transferring select agents and toxins.
Emergency Management Framework
USDA’s Agriculture Select Agent Services (AgSAS) provides regulatory oversight to
specifically safeguard plant pest select agents. This regulatory oversight includes inspecting
entities for biocontainment and physical security. Entities must maintain biocontainment,
security, and incident response plans. In addition, all individuals and private or commercial
entities must complete a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Security Risk Assessment (SRA) for
the facility, its owners, and the designated responsible official
Facilities must also meet the biosafety requirements commensurate with the risk that a select
agent or toxin poses. They must establish security measures that provide graded protection in
accordance with the threat posed by the agent or toxin.
AgSAS also helps safeguard agricultural agents that have the potential to accidentally cause
significant damage to U.S. agricultural resources. This is accomplished through APHIS permits.
Permits are required for the importation, transit, domestic movement, and environmental release
of organisms that impact plants, and for the importation and transit of plants and plant products.
Agriculture Select Agent Services
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 4: Preparedness
Preparedness encompasses evaluating and planning for an effective response to a plant health
emergency, identifying the necessary resources, establishing the required infrastructure, and
conducting training and exercises to ensure an effective and timely response. Plant Protection
and Quarantine (PPQ) works with Federal agencies; State, Tribal, and local governments; and
industry to prepare, build, and sustain operational capacity and capabilities including early
detection; timely, accurate, and confirmed diagnostics; and effective containment, mitigation,
and control strategies against plant health threats and pest introductions.
Preparedness includes the following early warning activities:
North American Plant Protection Organization’s (NAPPO) alert system
Smuggling and Interdiction Trade Compliance (SITC) National Information and
Communication System (SNICAS)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) enforcement alerts
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) significant pest alerts
State and university pest alerts
Pest interception data
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO)
State and Federal pest detection programs (Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey
(CAPS), National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS), National Plant
Diagnostic Network (NPDN), State agency survey programs, the Cooperative Extension
Service, universities, U.S. Forest Service, etc.)
Identification and diagnostic services
PPQ–New Pest Advisory Group (NPAG) assessments and recommendations
New Pest Response Guidelines (NPRG)
Formation of Incident Management Teams (IMT)
Incident Command System (ICS) training including emergency response exercises with
Emergency Management Framework
Early Warning Systems
NAPPO Phytosanitary Alert System
The NAPPO’s Phytosanitary Alert System (PAS) is hosted in Raleigh, North Carolina at PPQ’s
Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (PPQ–CPHST). The system adapts to the basic
needs of the plant protection services of NAPPO’s member countries— the United States,
Canada, and Mexicoand serves as a readily accessible, user-friendly aid to the daily operations
of PPQ and its cooperators. The alert system gathers, on a broad international scale, crucial
intelligence regarding pests of importance to NAPPO countries. The system then filters the data,
repackages it to suit NAPPO’s needs, and disseminates it through the PAS Web site.
The information is derived from a variety of sources, including records from port-of-entry
interceptions, domestic plant pest surveys, the Internet, primary literature, and user submissions.
The most significant information is posted for the target audience, which consists of the plant
protection services for Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
The system provides many benefits, including the following:
Focused domestic plant pest surveys
Port-of-entry inspections that flag specific pests and pathways
Improved information for decisionmaking on permits, risk assessments, and regulations
Increased lead time to prepare action plans for emergency coordination, response, and
Refer to the NAPPO Web site for further information or to subscribe to the alerts.
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
The EPPO is an intergovernmental organization responsible for European cooperation in plant
health. Founded in 1951 by 15 European countries, EPPO now has 50 members, covering almost
all countries of the European and Mediterranean regions. The objectives of EPPO are to protect
plants, develop international strategies against the introduction and spread of plant pests, and
promote safe and effective control methods. In addition, EPPO publishes three bulletins each
year featuring newly detected invasive plant pests in the region.
PPQ uses the information provided through EPPO to develop the following preparedness
Surveys for domestic plant pests
Inspections at ports of entry that flag specific pests and pathways
North American Plant Protection Organization Phytosanitary Alert System
Emergency Management Framework
Development of New Pest Response Guidelines
Greater lead time to prepare emergency coordination and response plans
For further information, refer to the EPPO Web site.
Pest Detection Program
The goal of PPQ is to protect America’s agricultural and natural resources by ensuring the early
detection of harmful or economically significant plant pests and weeds. A strong domestic
agricultural pest detection system is an essential element in providing a continuum of checks
from offshore preclearance programs, domestic port inspections, and surveys at rural and urban
sites across the United States.
Surveys for exotic pests are accomplished under the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey
(CAPS) program and Section 10007 of the 2014 Farm Bill. PPQ provides funding through
cooperative agreements with State departments of agriculture, universities, and other appropriate
The CAPS and Farm Bill surveys are part of a national plant pest detection system that allows
flexibility in setting survey priorities at the national and State levels. Survey data are entered into
the National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS) database. Certain PPQ program pest
surveys conducted with Farm Bill funding are entered into the Integrated Plant Health
Information System (IPHIS) when applicable.
Confirmation of pests new to the United States is made via the National Identification Service
(NIS) according to the Pest Identification Notification to States protocol posted on the APHIS
Web site and includes simultaneous communication to the State Plant Health Directors (SPHD),
State Plant Regulatory Officials (SPRO) of the affected State, and PPQ personnel who have a
need to know. After the confirmed detection is entered into NAPIS by the State, the database
generates a notification to the CAPS community on pests new to the United States. The NAPIS
notification also includes pests new to a State and county.
For further information, refer to APHIS’s Plant Health Program (PHP) Web site.
SITC National Information Communication Activity System
The SITC SNICAS supports the mission of the Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance
(SITC) program to detect and prevent the unlawful entry and distribution of prohibited and/or
noncompliant products that may harbor exotic plant and animal pests, diseases, or invasive
species. SITC focuses on antismuggling and trade compliance efforts at U.S. ports of entry and
in commerce to prevent the establishment of plant and animal pests and diseases while
maintaining the safety of our ecosystems and natural resources. SITC uses SNICAS to perform
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
Pest Detection Program
Emergency Management Framework
legal and regulatory actions; scientific research; risk, trend, pathway, and targeting analyses;
trade support; administrative and budgetary support; supervision and program management; and
the overall decision support services necessary to achieve the mission.
The system contains some identifiable information regarding persons associated with the
importation and/or interstate movement of prohibited or restricted agricultural products. This
information assists SITC officials to identify and stop pathways used for the introduction of
prohibited commodities and those regulated commodities that lack the necessary certificates and
permits to enter U.S. commerce. SITC officials utilize the records to evaluate the risk status of
the commerce sites where regulated commodities are seized. SITC officials also use SNICAS to
generate reports to evaluate the quality control of data and effectiveness of the program.
Pest NotificationBusiness Process
PPQ uses the Agriculture Quarantine Activity System (AQAS) database to record program
activities and store statistical data. This system includes the databases that capture all cargo
import data (PPQ 280 and 264) from inspections conducted by DHS–CBP and PPQ. This system
also captures all Emergency Action Notifications (EANs) including those written at ports of
entry by SITC and by domestic program activities. This data is monitored by the PPQ Field
Operations Data, Analysis, Risk, and Targeting (DART) group and PPQ–PHP analysts to
identify trends or other key import information. Another database, PestID, captures pest
identification records. This database is continuously monitored by the Plant Health Program’s
National Identification Services (PHP–NIS) staff for notable pest interceptions, which allows for
a rapid response to serious import or pest detection concerns. AQAS is currently being replaced
by a new system known as Agriculture Risk Management (ARM).
When a significant plant pest interception at the port of entry is noted in the PestID database,
NIS staff will notify Quarantine Policy, Analysis, and Support (PHP– QPAS). QPAS will in turn
notify the appropriate program for response. For example, QPAS will notify DHS–CBP
Agriculture Programs and Trade Liaison (APTL) by issuing a significant pest bulletin using the
aforementioned process.
The APTL staff members will notify their Director of Field Operations (DFO) who will
distribute the information to his or her managers and supervisors at ports of entry. The DHS–
CBP Agriculture Specialists will receive instructions on how to conduct more intensive
examinations to increase the chances of detecting the newly discovered significant pests in
imported cargo shipments.
A similar process is used for notification of significant interceptions related to SITC or plant
inspection station operations.
NIS notifies the PPQ National Survey Coordinator. The notifications are then sent to the State
and PPQ–FO, S&T, and PM contacts.
Emergency Management Framework
Preparedness Infrastructure
Identification and Diagnostic Services
PPQ and its cooperators are often confronted with invasive plant pests and diseases that are new
to the United States. The arrival of new pests presents a challenge in providing the timely and
accurate identification and diagnostics critical to preparedness and response activities.
CPHST provides scientific development and validation of molecular diagnostic methods used in
pest detection and management programs.
CPHST develops, adapts, and validates molecular or biochemical assays for pests for which
there are no validated diagnostic tools available, and provides official Federal diagnostics of
regulatory pests. Once developed and validated, these tools are used by the National
Identification Service (PHP–NIS) and collaborating laboratories to support emergency response.
As part of preparedness, CPHST develops molecular diagnostic tools for exotic pests before
being introduced to the Unites States. These tools are released to PPQ labs and cooperators to be
used for regular surveys and CAPS for early pest detection.
To build PPQ’s diagnostic capacity and to help diagnosticians detect the pests in the fields and
ports, CPHST also provides hands-on training to diagnosticians throughout the U.S.
The PHP–NIS coordinates the identification of plant pests in support of the USDA’s regulatory
and emergency programs. Refer to Identification and Diagnostics on page 5-10 for additional
information concerning PHP–NIS’s role.
New Pest Advisory Group
The New Pest Advisory Group (NPAG) operates out of the Plant Epidemiology and Risk
Analysis Laboratory (PERAL), which is part of S&T CPHST.
NPAG assesses exotic plant pests new to or not yet present in the United States, but which may
pose a risk to U.S. agriculture or the environment and recommends appropriate actions to the
PPQ Deputy Administrator. NPAG evaluates the significance of plant pests and their potential
economic and environmental impacts by coordinating information sharing and soliciting
expertise from regulatory and subject matter experts (SMEs). These experts can include Federal,
State, and university personnel that have knowledge of the pest or pest situation. This evaluation
consists of a brief technical report that provides key information regarding the pest, determines
the potential economic and trade implications, and provides science-based recommendations for
PPQ’s responds to a new plant pest or imminent threat.
NPAG can be notified of a new pest through a variety of sources such as any part of PPQ, State
departments of agriculture, and electronic alerts. When notified, NPAG determines whether to
analyze the pest based on its presence or absence in the United States and its quarantine status as
a plant pest. If the pest is a routine pest and the recommendations are fairly limited in scope, the
NPAG report is directly referred to the appropriate PPQ action leaders, such as the NIS, Pest
Emergency Management Framework
Detection and Emergency Programs (PDEP), or others and consults with the National Plant
Board (NPB) when providing recommendations on the types of regulatory actions to take. If the
pest is deemed a high-consequence pest, it is presented directly to the PPQ management team,
which includes the Deputy Administrator, who discusses it and comes to a consensus on the
Refer to the PPQNPAG Web site for further information.
New Pest Response Guidelines
PPQ has historically developed New Pest Response Guidelines (NPRG) as a framework for
providing methods and tools used for containing, controlling, or eradicating a known pest that is
not yet present in the United States. NPRGs are proactively developed so regulatory personnel
will have scientifically valid and operationally practical methods available to them to respond to
plant health emergencies.
The purpose of an NPRG is to provide the basic information likely to be needed by the initial
PPQ response team in the first 30 to 60 days following a pest detection in the United States.
Each NPRG contains the following information:
Summary of relevant pest biology
Guide to identification or screening for the pest in the field based on damage
Preliminary method for conducting a delimiting survey
Summary of known eradication and quarantine options
Summary of knowledge gaps
NPRGs are based on the best information available at the time of development: in additional to
consulting the scientific literature, the NPRG group consults with SMEs in each stage of the
development of NPRGS. However, at the time of the emergency new scientific and technical
information may be identified. In addition, each pest incursion has unique, site-specific
characteristics that are impossible to predict. Therefore, NPRGs should be considered a general
guideline only. As the pest situation evolves and new information is gathered, the response
implemented—including survey protocols—may need to be modified from the original
Pests are selected using the Objective Prioritization of Exotic Pests process, which categorizes
pests based on their likelihood of causing serious impacts in the United States and the likelihood
of introduction. Exotic pests that have been determined to have a high likelihood of causing
serious impacts upon introduction are prioritized the highest. Additionally, because S&T
PPQ New Pest Advisory Group
Emergency Management Framework
develops the NPRGs for each year, the NPRG group relies on its liaisons in PHP–PDEP and FO
to approve the planned list of pests.
Incident Command System
PPQ has four incident command teams: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. Since 2006, the
members have been trained in the Incident Command System. When support is needed, the
teams assume a lead role in coordinating an onsite response to pest detection emergencies.
The ability to conduct coordinated emergency responses has new importance as reflected in the
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) issued February 28, 2003. This directive
requires all Federal departments and agencies to adopt the National Incident Management
System (NIMS) in a domestic emergency. NIMS is designed to provide a consistent nationwide
framework for Federal, State, and local governments. The governments use NIMS to prepare for,
respond to, and recover from domestic incidents regardless of cause, size, or complexity. NIMS
is based on the ICS.
The ICS is a structured management system designed to bring multiple responding agencies,
including those from different jurisdictions, together under a single command structure when an
incident occurs.
In keeping with NIMS–Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD) recommendations,
APHIS–PPQ supports ICS training in its preparedness efforts. The ICS program takes a holistic
approach toward ICS training and promotes training through local emergency management
organizations and agency-sponsored ICS courses online and in classrooms. Acquiring ICS
training is not mandatory; however, managers are encouraged to promote training to build
capacity and enhance capabilities in the realm of emergency preparedness and response. The
following are courses outlined in Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA)
credentialing system and are used as a baseline for ICS positions within PPQ.
PPQ New Pest Response Guidelines
Emergency Management Framework
Basic ICS Training Courses
ICS 100
Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS 200
ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
ICS 300
Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
ICS 400
Advanced ICS
ICS 700
National Incident Management System, An Introduction
ICS 800
National Response Framework, An Introduction
Advanced ICS Training Courses
E/L 950
All-Hazards Incident Commander
E/L 952
All-Hazards Public Information Officer
E/L 954
All-Hazards Safety Officer
E/L 956
All-Hazards Liaison Officer
E/L 958
All-Hazards Operations Section Chief
E/L 960
All-Hazards Division/Group Supervisor
E/L 962
All-Hazards Planning Section Chief
E/L 964
All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader
E/L 965
All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader
E/L 967
All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief
E/L 969
All-Hazards Communication Unit Leader
E/L 970
All-Hazards Supply Unit Leader
E/L 971
All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader
E/L 973
All-Hazards Finance/Admin Chief
E/L 975
All-Hazards Finance/Admin Unit Leader
S 420
Command and General Staff
L 480
Organizational Leadership
PPQ Multiyear Training & Exercise Program
Exercises allow emergency management personnel, from first responders to senior officials, to
train and practice pest exclusion, protection, response, and recovery capabilities in a realistic but
risk-free environment. Exercises are also valuable for assessing and improving performance,
while demonstrating community resolve to prepare for major incidents.
PPQ follows the tenets of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP), a
capabilities- and performance-based exercise program. The intent of HSEEP is to provide
common exercise policy and program guidance capable of instituting a national standard for all
exercises. HSEEP reflects lessons learned and best practices of existing exercise programs and
can be adapted to a variety of scenarios and events (e.g., natural disasters, terrorism, and
technological disasters). PPQ is compliant with the following specific performance requirements:
Conduct an annual training and exercise planning workshop and maintain a multiyear
training and exercise plan
Plan and conduct exercises in accordance with the guidelines set forth by HSEEP policy
Develop and submit a properly formatted After Action Report/ Improvement Plan
Track and implement corrective actions identified in the AAR/IP
Emergency Management Framework
The multiyear training and exercise plan identifies an entity’s priorities as articulated in the
entity’s strategy and identifies the capabilities that are most relevant to achieving those priorities.
The plan then outlines a multiyear schedule of training and exercises that an entity will undertake
to enhance and validate its capabilities. It also graphically illustrates a multiyear schedule for
training and exercise activities to support these priorities. A multiyear plan employs a building-
block approach in which training and exercise activities focus on specific capabilities in the
following cycle of increasing complexity:
Seminar: an informal discussion designed to orient participants to new or updated plans,
policies, or procedures
Workshop: resembles a seminar but is employed to build specific products such as a draft
plan or policy
Tabletop exercise: involves key personnel discussing simulated scenarios in an informal
setting; tabletop exercises can be used to assess plans, policies, and procedures
Games: a simulation of operations that often involves two or more teams, usually in a
competitive environment, using rules, data, and procedures designed to depict an actual
or assumed real-life situation
Drill: a coordinated, supervised activity usually employed to test a single specific
operation or function within a single entity
Functional exercise: examines or validates the coordination, command, and control
between various multi-agency coordination centers; a functional exercise does not
involve any boots on the ground
Full-scale exercises: multiagency, multijurisdictional, multidiscipline exercises involving
functional and boots-on-the-ground responses
The PPQ Professional Development Center (PPQ–PDC) employees design and facilitate full-
scale exercises for responders from PPQ and other Federal, State, local, and Tribal authorities.
These exercises typically last from 1 to 3 days and provide the opportunity to improve
capabilities in responding to plant pest and all-hazard emergencies. These exercises emphasize
both strategic and practical skills and provide an opportunity to execute plans, procedures, and
cooperative agreements.
PPQ and cooperators implement an assortment of discussion and operations exercises annually.
The exercises are planned with built-in flexibility to allow updates to drive the activity. Each
exercise consists of the following major components:
Scenario simulating an outbreak of a plant pest or weed
Simulations focused on communicating with the public and addressing problems arising
during the response
Evaluation, lessons learned, and a report written to identify strengths and weaknesses
Emergency Management Framework
National Incident Management System
USDA Agricultural Leaving (Aglearn)
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 5: Response
Emergency response involves those activities that occur immediately after a plant health
emergency has been declared. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection
and Quarantine (APHIS–PPQ) works with Federal agencies, State, Tribal, and local
governments, industry, and other stakeholders to implement coordinated emergency responses.
Ultimately, a well- coordinated response must include the aforementioned parties working
together to contain, control, mitigate, or eradicate the pests and diseases that caused the
PPQ uses the Incident Command System (ICS), which provides responding agencies and entities
with a unified strategy for working together in response to plant health emergencies. In
consultation with the PPQ Deputy Administrator’s Office, the Policy Management Staff (PPQ
PM) leads national coordination for policy and regulatory framework formulation for plant
health emergency response activities. In doing so, PPQ–PM works closely with PPQ’s Science
and Technology (PPQ–S&T), PPQ’s Field Operations (PPQ–FO), and State departments of
PPQPM, PPQ’s Plant Health Programs (PPQ–PHP), the National Plant Board (NPB), and the
Phytosanitary Issues Management (PIM) staffs work together to develop regulations and address
impacts on international trade; the PPQ–FO staff provides operational support and information.
PPQ–S&T develops and delivers science-based information, methods, and protocols that provide
a scientific foundation for response efforts.
PPQ responses include the following:
Communication and outreach
Rapid detection and delimiting surveys
Scientific guidance from a Technical Working Group (TWG)
Identification and diagnostics
Emergency funding
National Incident Management System (NIMS) implementation
Single incident command and unified command
Data management
Emergency coordination
Emergency situation reporting
Emergency Management Framework
Regulatory framework
Environmental monitoring
Pest mitigation strategies
Plant Protection Act
The Plant Protection Act of 2000 (PPA) provides the authority for the Secretary of Agriculture to
prevent the introduction or spread of a plant pest or noxious weed. Section 414 provides the
authority to take emergency action to seize, quarantine, treat, or destroy articles or products
related to plant pests new to or not known to be widely prevalent in the United States. Section
415 provides the authority for the Secretary of Agriculture to declare an extraordinary
This act provides the authority to regulate the movement of plant pests and their carriers into or
through the United States and to take emergency measures pending promulgation of quarantines
and regulations.
This authority incorporates provisions of older statutes that were repealed, including the Federal
Plant Pest Act, most of the Federal Noxious Weed Act, and the Golden Nematode Act.
The PPA provides the authorities that support emergency response. The PPA, codified in Federal
regulations, provides the foundation for flexible but effective programs for protecting the United
States against threatening pests and to promulgate or modify existing regulations wherever
As the PPA relates to emergency response programs, it provides the U.S. Secretary of
Agriculture with the authority to do the following:
Establish or modify quarantines and regulations as necessary to carry out programs
against new plant pests that become established in the United States
Restrict and prohibit the entry and interstate movement of plants and plant products to
prevent the entry and interstate spread of plant pests
Declare an extraordinary emergency when a new economically significant plant pest is
present in the United States whose presence threatens the agriculture of the United States
and State measures are deemed inadequate
Cooperate with States, farmers, associations, and other countries to carry out operations
to control or eradicate pests that pose a significant economic hazard or threaten the
United States
Emergency Management Framework
State Authorities
State authorities are often complimentary to Federal authorities and may in some instances grant
more liberal access to properties and conveyances that need to be surveyed, inspected, or treated.
Cooperation between State and Federal entities and utilizing the complimentary authorities in an
efficient manner can lessen the impact on regulated parties and the public and preserve and
enhance the public trust in regulatory responses to plant health emergencies.
Declaration of Emergency
When it is necessary to secure funding beyond what is available in contingency funds for an
emergency, a Declaration of Emergency is issued by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to request
a transfer of Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds or other U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) funds to APHIS for a specific PPQ program activity.
The declaration may be issued in conjunction with regulations (e.g., an interim or proposed rule
to contain plant pests). A Declaration of Emergency may also be declared at the State level by
the Governor, head of the State department of agriculture, or other appropriate governmental
official to allow for emergency funding and emergency regulation enactment.
Declaration of Extraordinary Emergency
A Declaration of Extraordinary Emergency is issued by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and
provides PPQ the authority to conduct survey and eradication measures, control the movement of
regulated articles within a State, and/or pay compensation, at the Secretary’s discretion, for
economic losses caused by an action of the Secretary. It also gives PPQ the authority to
quarantine part of a State. A Declaration of Extraordinary Emergency is undertaken by the
Secretary only after review and consultation with the Governor of the affected State or
appropriate State officials after finding that the measures taken by the State are inadequate to
eradicate the pest or noxious weed.
A Declaration of Extraordinary Emergency must be published in the Federal Register. If
necessary, subsequent Federal Register notices are used to publish an interim, proposed, or final
Communication and Outreach
Communication and outreach are central to an effective plant health emergency response. During
an incident, PPQ must communicate promptly and accurately. We must also reach many
different audiences with information specific to their interests and needs. This section provides
direction for developing an emergency response communications plan.
Assembling the Emergency Response Communications Team
The job of the Emergency Response Communications Team is to create and execute the
emergency response communications plan. You need several different people to handle
communications during an incident and each person has an important role to play. The team
typically includes representatives from:
Emergency Management Framework
Team Member
Primary Role
Policy Management (PM)
Communicate with affected industry groups and associations at the
national level; lead communications with NPB and other Federal
Science and Technology
Coordinate communication with universities, researchers, and
Field Operations (FO)
Coordinate communication with PPQ field offices, State Plant
Regulatory Officials (SPROs), local industry contacts, and
productions/growers in impacted areas
Phytosanitary Issues
Management (PIM)
Coordinate communication with foreign trading partners, the World
Trade Organization, and regional and international plant health
PPQ Communication Team
Develop communications plan, draft messaging, and direct and
manage communications activities
Legislative and Public Affairs
Lead communications with media, general public, Congressional
representatives and their staffs, and elected and local officials
Identifying Audiences and Their Information Needs
After you have assembled your team, the next step is to identify all potential audiences and
determine their information needs.
Potential audiences and their specific information needs may include:
Specific Information Needs
Various groups within PPQ and APHIS
How is PPQ responding? What do I need to do?
National Plant Board (NPB)
How is PPQ responding? What is the impact to
States? What do SPROs need to do?
National Association of State Departments of
Agriculture (NASDA)
What is the impact to States? What do States
need to do?
Communications Officers of State departments of
What information can we share? How can we help
get the word out?
Impacted or affected industry groups and
What is the impact to production and trade? What
steps should growers take to control or eradicate
the pest/disease?
Producers/growers in impacted areas
What is the impact to production or exports? What
steps should growers take to control or eradicate
the pest/disease?
Other Federal or State agencies
What role might other Federal/State agencies
Foreign trading partners
What is the impact? What is the U.S.
government/U.S. industry doing to control the
pest/disease and prevent its spread to other
Congressional representatives
What is the impact to agriculture and the U.S.
economy? What can be done to minimize harm?
Elected and local officials
What is the impact to my district? What can be
done to minimize harm?
What is the impact? Who is involved? What is
being done to minimize harm?
General public in affected areas
What is the impact? Who is involved? What is
being done to minimize harm?
Emergency Management Framework
Developing the Message
At the outset of an emergency plant health situation, you should work quickly to gather as much
information as possible about the pest’s biology and its potential to cause damage, its regulatory
status and importance, the location and extent of the outbreak, potential response strategies, and
potential economic impacts and trade implications. Use that information to draft audience-
specific messages. Try to keep your statements short and use plain language. If possible, avoid
acronyms, jargon, and unnecessarily technical terms.
An important goal of an emergency response communications plan is to establish core messaging
consistent throughout the life cycle of the emergency response. Core messaging should
emphasize how PPQ will work with Federal, State, and industry partners to respond in the least
restrictive but most effective manner, based on science and an assessment of risk. Core
messaging is very important because you may have limited details to share at the outset about the
plant health emergency or the actions we will take. As new details about the plant health
emergency become available, you will add that information to your core messaging.
Determining the Order and Frequency of Communications
An important goal of an emergency response communications plan is to coordinate the release of
information. This involves making decisions about the order in which you will release
information to your various audiences. You will also have to determine how often each audience
will need to hear from you. During most emergency plant health situations, we first share
information internally and then with our State and Federal partners before we reach out to
industry and beyond.
General public
and media
State and
federal partners
Emergency Management Framework
That said, there are situations where you may need to communicate with multiple audiences at
the same time. You may also need to engage State, Federal, or industry partners early in the
process so they cannot only provide input into the response strategy but also help deliver
information to key audiences.
Use a table to help determine and track the order and frequency of your communication activities
(example below):
Method of
Determining the Method of Communication
PPQ has a number of tools you can use to communicate with your audiences. It is important to
select the method best suited to each situation.
In-person meeting
Share sensitive or confidential information in a small group setting with
government officials and impacted industries
Conference call
Share information and coordinate activities with employees and partners in
multiple locations; this method is well suited for sharing sensitive information you
are not ready to put in writing
Field talking points
Basic information PPQ and State field surveyors and extension agents can use to
explain the situation and survey activities without causing needless alarm or
potential export market closures
Shared talking
Key messages PPQ shares with States, extension, and, if applicable, industry
groups, helping to ensure we all convey the same accurate information presented
in a way that minimizes needless alarm and disruptions to domestic and
international trade
SPRO letter
Communicate policy decisions (i.e., establishing a quarantine, issuing a Federal
Order, etc.) to SPROs
North American
Plant Protection
(NAPPO) alert
Notify trading partners about a new pest/disease detection
World Trade
Notify trading partners about a new pest/disease detection
Communicate information broadly to stakeholders, the media, and the general
Press release
Communicate information broadly to stakeholders, the media, and the general
Rapid Detection and Delimiting Surveys
Rapid detection and delimiting surveys are essential and implemented at the onset of the
response. Survey data are necessary for the overall response strategy, including the ability to
contain, control, and eradicate the pest.
The PPQ field staff under the oversight of the State Plant Health Director (SPHD) along with the
State cooperators under the direction of the SPRO play primary roles in conducting pest survey
activities within every State. PPQ–S&T provides technical support and demonstrated methods to
Emergency Management Framework
PPQ field survey operations for the rapid detection of exotic pests. S&T works with PM and FO
to develop survey plans designed to assist responder in delimiting the distribution of the pest or
In addition to providing the overall strategy, the survey plan includes a description of the survey
methods (random, targeted, etc.) and the appropriate tools (trap and pheromone types, scouting,
netting, etc.), the geographical area, number of samples to be collected, and the host range to be
Technical Working Group
PPQ and cooperators are often confronted with questions of how best to respond to the
unanticipated challenges presented by the first introduction of an invasive plant pest and disease
in the United States. The guidance of a TWG, an ad hoc group of subject matter experts (SMEs),
may be needed to provide PPQ with timely technical information regarding the particular pest or
disease to which the response is being mounted. The TWG considers scientific input from a
variety of different scientific sources and the TWG leadership within the Center for plant Health
Science and Technology (CPHST) compiles and synthesizes the information.
Once the need is identified, the core functional areas (CFAs) work together to craft questions to
present to the scientist on the TWG through S&T. PPQ–S&T then organizes a group of experts
to discuss and address the questions of science. TWG membership, may consists of scientific
experts from Federal and State agencies, universities, the private sector, and international
The TWG chair is to ensure coherent and relevant information is captured.
Identification and Diagnostics
Timely and accurate pest identification is fundamental to the success of an emergency response.
The PPQ National Identification Service (PPQ–NIS) staff coordinates the identification of plant
pests in support of the USDA’s regulatory programs. Accurate and timely identifications provide
the foundation for quarantine decisions and are essential in the effort to safeguard the nation’s
agricultural and natural resources.
The core foundation of NIS is its network and collaboration of national taxonomists and
identification specialists in order to provide timely identifications of submitted specimens. These
scientists who specialize in various plant pest groups including weeds, insects, mites, snails, and
plant diseases are located throughout the country and are part of different institutions such as
Federal and State laboratories, plant inspection stations, land-grant universities, and natural
history museums. Some of the specific locations of these national specialists include the CPHST
Beltsville and Mission Laboratories, the Systematic Entomology Laboratory (SEL) at the
Smithsonian Institution, the Systematic Nematology Laboratory (SNL), the Systematic Botany
and Mycology Laboratory (SBML), and the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NDPN).
Because of the logistical complexity of networking for all of the national specialists, NIS acts as
Emergency Management Framework
a clearinghouse for pest identification by routing specimens to the appropriate laboratories
ensuring timely response.
For additional information, refer to the National Identification Services Web site.
Emergency Funding
The success of plant health emergency response often depends on obtaining additional resources.
Funding needs for plant health emergency response are identified through field operations PPQ–
Resource Management and Planning Services (PPQRMPS), and the impacted States. Several
potential funding options are available for emergency events including the following:
Congressional supplemental funding
APHIS contingency funds
CCC funding
State funding
Other Federal agencies
Farm Bill Section 10007
Congressional Supplemental Funding
Congressional supplemental funds are in addition to regular appropriated funding and address
unanticipated national circumstances such as avian influenza. These funds have restricted use
and are available for a limited time.
APHIS Contingency Funds
APHIS’s contingency funds consist of no-year money annually appropriated through Congress.
This money reverts back to APHIS if not used. The approval process for these funds is
straightforward, requiring review by APHIS’ Policy and Program Development (APHIS–PPD),
the approval of the administrator and the undersecretary of marketing and regulatory programs,
and final review by the USDA’s Office of Budget and Program Analysis (OBPA). The process
requires approximately 2 months for completion once PPQ submits a budget request to APHIS–
PPD. The level of funding is approximately $4 million each year.
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Funding
Authority is delegated to the Secretary of Agriculture to declare an agricultural emergency. A
request is made based on a compilation of operational and individual program needs. The request
is reviewed by APHISPPD and the USDA–OBPA and then sent to the U.S. Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for final approval. The process takes from 2 to 6 months, and
the funding is no-year, meaning that it can be carried over and will remain in the program.
PPQNational Identification Services
Emergency Management Framework
Reprogramming refers to funding already available within APHIS programs. Amounts exceeding
$500,000 require Congressional approval and must first be recognized as available from the
program to which they were appropriated by Congress. Once PPQ and APHIS management
agrees to this course of action, a formal reprogramming letter is prepared by Policy and Program
Development (APHIS–PPD). The letter then moves to USDA–OBPA, OMB, and finally to
Congress for a decision. Congress usually renders a decision within 15 days of receipt of the
All emergency funding requests are coordinated through the PPQ–RMPS financial management
section located in Riverdale, Maryland.
Discretionary funds are also available at PPQ–FO and PPQ–PM levels for an initial emergency
response. The expectation is that PPQ–FO has the authority to initiate spending within its
discretion up to $50,000 from available resources for quick action in response to a plant health
emergency event. This funding is from existing allocations, not new money.
State Funding
Often States contribute their own resources to add to the Federal funds provided. The mechanism
to provide these funds at the State level vary from State to State; thus, the amount provided also
Farm Bill Section 10007
The Farm Bill Section 10007, National Clean Plant Network and the Plant Pest and Disease
Management and Disaster Prevention Program, authorizes the Secretary to provide funding to
enhance mitigation capabilities, for an appropriate short-term course of action to quickly mitigate
a new detection of a pest of potential regulatory significance and to utilize PPQ’s initial response
protocols for the overarching goals of containment, control, or eradication at the onset of a plant
health emergency.
Mobilization refers to the processes and procedures used by PPQ and its cooperators to activate,
assemble, and transport the resources necessary for successful emergency response, which
includes both equipment and personnel.
Depending on the size and scope of the plant health emergency, the State and PPQ local
resources may be sufficient for adequate response. The SPRO and SPHD or their designees form
a unified command structure to manage the response, including coordinating the resource
If the emergency requires resources beyond those available within the State in which the
emergency has occurred, the incident commanders in a unified command structure would request
additional resources through the National Field Operations Manager (NOM) for Emergency
Preparedness and Response. The NOM would work collectively with policy managers and the
Emergency Management Framework
APHIS dispatch to solicit, select, and coordinate mobilizing additional resources to the
emergency site.
During this process, the APHIS dispatcher utilizes the Employee Qualification System (EQS) to
assist with selecting the most qualified individual to send to the incident.
If the required resources surpass those available across PPQ–FO, the National Emergency
Program (EPC) coordinator in Riverdale, Maryland would pursue securing additional resources
from other APHIS programs, Customs and Border Protection (DHS–CBP), or other Federal
agencies such as the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Agricultural Research Service
(ARS), Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES); the National
Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), or the Department of Defense (DOD).
For large complex emergencies, the incident commanders in a unified command structure may
request the assistance of a PPQ National Incident Management Team (NIMT). The National
Field Operations Manager for Emergency Preparedness and Response and policy managers work
with the on-call incident commanders of the NIMT to decide whether the entire team should be
deployed. NIMT members are available to respond to emergencies within 24 to 48 hours of
Emergency Coordination
PPQ works with Federal agencies; State, Tribal, and local governments; academia; and industries
to implement coordinated actions designed to contain, control, and eradicate plant pests and
diseases. Under the ICS, command may be single (incident commander), or unified (incident
commanders) with command personnel from different agencies or jurisdictions who share
authority for the incident. The SPHD and SPRO provide the leadership and local coordination
for plant health emergencies through the unified command structure.
Incident Command
PPQ and State cooperators have historically demonstrated a consistent, innate ability to respond
quickly to plant health emergencies.
The ability to conduct coordinated responses to large emergencies has taken on new importance
as reflected in the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) issued February 28,
2003. This directive requires all Federal departments and agencies to adopt the National Incident
Management System (NIMS) in their domestic emergency management.
At the center of NIMS is the ICS, a structural type of management system designed to bring
multiple responding Federal, State, and local jurisdictions together under a single overall
command structure when an incident occurs.
Emergency Management Framework
The ICS offers a scalable response to an emergency (incident) of any magnitude and provides a
common framework within which people can work together. The system is designed to grow and
shrink along with the incident, allowing more resources to be smoothly added into the system
when needed and released when no longer necessary.
In keeping with ICS operating principles, PPQ’s response to any emergency is focused on
supporting the local needs of the SPHD and SPRO together with the incident commanders
working in the unified command structure. When the local jurisdiction requests additional
assistance, PPQ works cooperatively with its local, State and Federal cooperators and private
entities to develop and implement a joint incident action plan under the unified command
The incident commanders may request the assistance of a NIMT for large or complex
emergencies. The National Field Operations Manager for Emergency Preparedness and
Response and policy managers work with the on-call NIMT incident commanders to decide
whether the entire team should be deployed. Four NIMTs have members available to respond to
emergencies within 24 to 48 hours of notification.
For further information, refer to the APHIS Mobilization Guide and PPQ Emergency Programs
Unified Command
The incident commanders in the unified command structure are responsible for the overall
management of the plant health emergency at the local or State level; the development and
implementation of the daily incident objectives and strategy; and for approval of the ordering and
release of resources. In keeping with ICS operating principles, PPQ’s response to any emergency
is focused on supporting the local needs of the SPHD and SPRO working together as the unified
When the local jurisdiction requests additional assistance, PPQ works cooperatively with its
local, State, and Federal cooperators and private entities to develop and implement a joint
incident action plan under the unified command structure.
The unified command is comprised of more than one State or Federal agency. The incident
commanders in a unified command structure report back to their respective agencies. Depending
on the situation, the incident commanders could report to the area command, Raleigh, NC, or
Fort Collins, CO offices, the State department of agriculture, and the respective participating
For larger, more complex responses, or for responses requiring multiple incident command posts,
an area command may be established. Incident commanders in a unified command structure
report to the area command. The command staff (information, liaison, safety, and intelligence
officers) and general staff (operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration chiefs)
report to the incident commanders in a unified command structure.
PPQ Emergency Programs Manual
Emergency Management Framework
Direct tactical and operational responsibility for the conduct of incident management activities
rests with the on-scene incident commanders. For further information, refer to the PPQ
Emergency Programs Manual.
Area Command
The purpose of an area command is to oversee the management of a large or complex regional
incident and coordinate the allocation of resources in support of the incident and the unified
command. Typically, incident commanders in a unified command structure (Federal and State)
report to the area command. If an area command is absent, they report to Raleigh, NC or Fort
Collins, CO offices or the SPRO and SPHD of the affected State.
PPQ’s field operations provides area command support for the States identified in the Field
Operations Organizational Chart.
Multiagency Coordination
Multiagency Coordination (MAC) coordinates agencies at the State, regional, or national level.
The purpose of MAC is to oversee and coordinate groups of agencies in response to plant health
emergencies of national significance.
Typically, MAC consists of Federal, State, and principals from other organizations with direct
incident management responsibilities or with significant incident management support or
resource responsibilities. These entities may facilitate incident management and policy
PPQ–PM provides national leadership and coordination to the MAC for plant health emergencies
of national significance, including the following:
Ensuring each involved agency is providing situation and resource status
Establishing priorities between incidents and area commands in concert with the single
incident command or unified command structures
Acquiring and allocating resources required by incident management personnel
Coordinating and identifying future resource requirements
Coordinating and resolving policy issues
Providing strategic coordination
Data Management
The response to a plant health emergency involves the collection of detection, survey, control,
treatment, and regulatory information in the affected area; adequate and timely identification of
the plant pest or disease; and coordination of the appropriate emergency response to contain,
control, and eradicate the pest or disease. Central to successful emergency coordination is the
timely communication of information to responders and stakeholders throughout the process.
PPQ Emergency Programs Manual
Emergency Management Framework
Accurate data collection, data analysis, and timely access to information are the foundation of the
decision support processes used to manage plant health emergencies. A data management system
designed to provide timely data collection, storage, integration, analysis, and reporting is also
fundamental to managing plant health emergencies.
Integrated Plant Health Information System
PPQ uses the Integrated Plant Health Information System (IPHIS) to meet its domestic
regulatory information management and reporting needs. IPHIS is a single data management
system that enhances PPQ and cooperators’ ability to coordinate and respond to plant
pest/disease outbreaks, to minimize impacts from pests already established in the country, and
demonstrate to trading partners that agricultural commodities meet export requirements. IPHIS is
designed to provide a secure, Web-based application for all regulatory plant pest detection
agricultural activities.
IPHIS provides an environment for gathering quality information from PPQ’s core regulatory
functions survey, regulatory, diagnostics, and control. It incorporates the relational data utilizing
advanced mobile, database, and geographic information technologies. IPHIS leverages the data
and makes the information available to key regulatory partners and stakeholders. New
functionalities are built into the system based on user feedback. IPHIS also shares information
with PPQ’s agricultural quarantine activity systems.
PPQ also utilizes eTrap, Roam, and collector for ArcGIS (ESRI Collector).
Visit the APHIS Web site for more information.
Data Management Resources
In addition to IPHIS, PPQ has Data Management Resources (DMR) that, upon request to Field
Operation’s Data Management and Data Analysis Risk and Targeting (DART) staff, will provide
on-site data support during plant health emergencies. The DMR becomes an integral part of the
incident command infrastructure at the outset and during the early planning phase. Depending on
the size and scope of the plant health emergency, the DMR are provided to ensure the correct
data are collected using the appropriate tools and formats for a successful response. When the
ICS is used, Data Management Resources (DMR) report to the planning section of the command
and general staff. Resources requested may include specialists in data management, information
technology, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In addition, FO has DMR and GIS
specialists with national coverage areas to integrate and assist the incident command system.
Data management specialists provide the following:
Coordinates and supports on-site data management for the emergency
Identifies the data requirements (elements, collection, integration, analysis, evaluation,
and reporting) necessary for an effective response to the plant health emergency
Works with NOM and other working group members to design the survey template
Integrated Plant Health Information System
Emergency Management Framework
Information technology specialists provide the following:
Assembles on-site hardware, software, connectivity, and networks necessary to support
the overall data management function
GIS specialists provide the following:
Supports on-site GIS data integration and geospatial analysis of the data associated with
the emergency response
Emergency Management Incident Situation Reports
Central to successful emergency coordination is timely communication of information to
responding agencies, other Federal and State cooperators, stakeholders, and trading partners.
Potential reports include:
Incident action plan
Incident situation
Weekly situation
Monthly summary
Incident Action Plan
For each operational period, the incident commanders in the unified command generate an
incident action plan as soon as response activities begin. The plan formally documents incident
objectives and the response strategy defined by the incident command and general staff during
the response planning. The plan includes general strategies and tactics intended to achieve
specific goals and objectives as well as facilitating the dissemination of critical information
regarding response efforts. The plan is distributed to individuals directly involved with the
emergency, including the command and general staff, FO, and national emergency response
Incident Situation Report
Depending on the scope of the emergency, the incident command and general staff may be
requested to submit an incident situation report. In addition to information in the daily incident
action plan, the incident situation report includes survey and diagnostics, trace-back and trace-
forward information, treatment information, and regulatory activities. This report, which is
distributed on a need-to-know basis, also includes information of national significance such as
trade, communication and outreach, technical, economic, and other biological and ecological
information regarding the pest or disease.
Weekly Situation Report
This report replaces the incident situation report as information becomes less fluid and timely
information can be provided weekly as determined by the MAC, area command, and unified
command. The weekly report summarizes the pest status, regulatory activities, and results
associated with the response.
Emergency Management Framework
Monthly Situation Report
This report replaces the daily and weekly situation reports as program activities become routine
and when the MAC, area command, and unified command determine updates can be provided on
a monthly basis. The monthly report includes a summary information regarding the pest status,
regulatory activities, and long-term results associated with the response.
Regulatory Framework
The USDA is responsible for protecting plants and safeguarding American agriculture. The Plant
Protection Act of 2000 (PPA) provides the USDA with the authority to regulate the movement of
organisms that may pose a threat to agriculture into or within the United States. The PPA also
provides the USDA with the authority to prevent the introduction, dissemination, or
establishment of such organisms. APHIS–PPQ is the lead Federal agency providing safeguards
against exotic plant pests threatening agriculture and natural systems.
The domestic regulatory framework is developed in collaboration with the affected State plant
regulatory agencies. When less than the entire State is quarantined, both the Federal and State
quarantine must, at minimum, be in parallel.
PPQ can exercise one or more of the following regulatory options in an effort to prevent the
spread of plant pests and diseases of regulatory significance:
Emergency Action Notification (EAN)
Federal Order (FO)
Interim rules
Proposed and final rules
Emergency Action Notification
The EAN is a document issued by a PPQ inspector to notify an owner or agent of carrier,
premises, and/or articles to apply specific remedial measures to prevent the potential spread of a
plant pest or disease. An EAN can be used when dealing with a relatively small number of
regulated entities.
Federal Order
Federal Quarantine Orders (FQO) or Federal Orders are issued by PPQ with the approval of
USDA’s Office of General Counsel (OGC). An FQO is used to stop or regulate the movement of
articles from a defined geographical area to prevent the spread of plant pests and diseases. AN
FQO can also be used to announce that a host will be regulated, expand existing quarantine
regulations, or add to host lists under existing quarantine regulations. SPRO letters are used to
transmit information regarding FQO’s, program and regulatory updates, and the detection of new
pests in addition to providing program and regulatory updates and detecting new pests.
PPQ Emergency Response Manual
Emergency Management Framework
Interim Rules
The interim rules are used to establish a new quarantine in the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFRs) on an emergency basis or when prior public comment is not in the best interest of the
public. Interim rules are issued by APHIS with OGC, departmental, and OMB review.
Proposed and Final Rules
These rules are used for the long-term regulatory requirements or maintenance of ongoing
programs. These rules can also be used to approve new treatments or protocols for interstate
movement of regulated articles under existing regulations.
APHIS issues proposed and final rules with OGC, USDA, and OMB review or clearance. The
PPQPHP–Imports, Regulations, and Manuals (PHP– IRM) provides support and guidance to
PPQ policy managers in selecting the most appropriate regulatory option based on the
circumstances of the pest outbreak.
PPQ’s PHPIRM staff interfaces with the regulations writers in APHISPPD, USDAOGC,
OMB, and others involved in regulatory decision making to facilitate the development and
codification of regulatory initiatives.
Protection of Human Health and the Environment
A response to a plant health emergency situation may require the use of chemical control or
some other eradication tools. Whenever such control techniques are proposed, several Federal
laws must be considered prior to the initiation of the activity:
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FIFRA requires that chemicals used for control have approved labels and that all label
requirements are followed. These requirements can include applicable uses, maximum
application rates, handling instructions, and personal protective equipment (PPE). If no label is
available for the emergency in question (i.e., the pest of concern is not listed as one for which the
chemical may be used), a new label or a label exemption may be obtained.
Endangered Species Act
ESA requires that all Federal actions, including emergency responses, must not harm federally
protected, threatened, or endangered species. Before an action can begin, one must determine if
protected species are in the project area, and if so, measures must be put in place to protect them
from adverse effects of the action. Such work requires coordination with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS) or the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Several methods are available to ensure ESA compliance, but the exact method chosen is
dictated by the nature of the emergency, the proposed response, and the location. In the earliest
possible stage of the response, Policy and Program Development’s Environmental and Risk
Analysis Services (PPD– ERAS) and PHP’s Environmental Compliance (PHP–EC) play critical
Emergency Management Framework
roles in providing the necessary guidance and in conducting the necessary analyses to develop
the required documentation.
National Environmental Policy Act
NEPA requires that Federal agencies consider in writing the potential adverse effects of their
actions, which often requires public input. The exact nature of the documentation and public
involvement is dictated by the potential for adverse effects and the significance of those effects.
Most emergency responses will include actions that require up to 30 days of public comment
prior to initiation of the action. Thus, PPD’s ERAS and PHP’s EC staffs must be involved early
in the process of planning a response so the required public involvement can be put into place
and not hinder the speed of the response.
The first step is Environmental Assessment (EA), which can be completed in a few months
leading to a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), in which case, the NEPA requirements
are met. If the initial assessment finds significant impact on the environment or human health, an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be completed, which can take several years to
State and Local Environmental Laws
The state plant health regulatory agency in the affected State is responsible for contacting the
State and local agencies with jurisdiction over environmental and human health to determine the
applicable non-Federal laws.
All-Hazards Emergency Support Function
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) mission is to support our citizens and
first responders to ensure that, as a nation, we work together to build, sustain, and improve our
capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
Coordinates the response to all-hazard emergencies, including natural catastrophes such as
hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.
The FEMA National Response Framework (NRF) is a guide to how the nation responds to all
types of disasters and emergencies. It is built on scalable, flexible, and adaptable concepts
identified in NIMS to align key roles and responsibilities across the nation. The NRF describes
the principles, roles, and responsibilities, and coordinating structures for delivering the core
capabilities required to respond to an incident and further describes how response efforts
integrate with those of the other mission areas. This framework is always in effect and
describes the doctrine under which the nation responds to incidents. The structures, roles,
and responsibilities described in this Framework can be partially or fully implemented in the
context of a threat or hazard, in anticipation of a significant event, or in response to an incident.
Selective implementation of the NRF’s structures and procedures allows for a scaled response,
delivery of the specific resources and capabilities, and a level of coordination appropriate to each
Emergency Management Framework
The NRF may be activated in response to one or more of the following:
A Federal department or agency acting under its own authority has requested the
assistance of the Secretary of Homeland Security
The resources of State and local authorities are overwhelmed and Federal assistance has
been requested by the appropriate State and local authorities responding to a major
disaster or an emergency as defined under the Stafford Act or a catastrophic incident
More than one Federal department or agency has become substantially involved in
responding to an incident
The Secretary of Homeland Security has been directed to assume responsibility for
managing a domestic incident by the President
Different Federal departments or agencies lead the coordination of the Federal government’s
response depending on the type and magnitude of the incident. The lead agencies are also
supported by other agencies bringing relevant capabilities to bear in responding to the incident.
For example, FEMA leads and coordinates Federal response and assistance when the President
declares a major disaster or emergency under the Stafford Act. Federal agencies are assigned
support functions on the basis of authorities, resources, and capabilities.
The following 15 numbered Emergency Support Functions (ESF) are assigned to Federal
1. Transportation
2. Communications
3. Public works and engineering
4. Fire fighting
5. Information and planning
6. Mass care, emergency assistance, temporary housing, and human services
7. Logistics
8. Public health and medical services
9. Search and rescue
10. Oil and hazardous materials response
11. Agriculture and natural resources
12. Energy
13. Public safety and security
14. Superseded by the National Disaster Recovery Framework
15. External affairs
USDA has delegated to APHIS the lead for ESF 11, and two of the five primary functions are:
Responding to animal and agricultural health issues
Providing technical expertise in support of animal and agricultural emergency
APHIS has ESF 11 structure at the national and field levels, including one ESF 11 coordinator to
each of the 10 FEMA Regions. The ESF 11 Coordinator works with States, territories, Tribes,
Emergency Management Framework
and locals, in addition to other Federal programs and FEMA. The APHIS Emergency
Preparedness Committee (EPC) accomplishes ongoing, consolidated, APHIS-wide, prevention
and preparedness activities on behalf of the Administrator. APHIS programs have senior level
(typically Senior Executive Service) member on the EPC. The EPC is charged with coordinating
the agency’s overall response and contribution of resources during an ESF 11 activation to an
all-hazard emergency.
FEMA National Incident Management
All-Hazards Emergency Support Function 11 (ESF-11)
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 6: Recovery
During an ongoing response and after an emergency response is complete, Plant Protection and
Quarantine (PPQ) works with Federal agencies; State, Tribal, and local governments; and the
private sector to develop and implement systems designed to provide long- term stability and
protection from the pest or disease that caused the emergency. Recovery includes plant health
regulations, eradication, best management practices, and restoration plans.
PPQ’s recovery activities include the following:
Long-term protection plan
National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS)
Science-based methods and technology
Long-Term Protection Plan
PPQ works with State, Federal, and Tribal agencies, industry, and stakeholders to develop and
implement long-term plans designed to prevent further domestic plant health emergencies from
occurring. The long-term plan could include one or more of the following strategies:
Eradication programs are designed to eliminate the pest and the risks associated with its spread
to other areas or States. Eradication is considered provided the biology and epidemiology of the
pest supports this approach, the necessary tools are available, and the effort is financially and
operationally feasible. Examples of eradication programs include programs for exotic fruit flies,
the European grapevine moth, plum pox virus, the Asian long-horned beetle, the pale cyst
nematode, the golden nematode, and the boll weevil.
Pest Mitigation
Pest-mitigation programs are designed to mitigate the damage, risk, and economic impact of
pests that are extremely difficult to control and almost impossible to eradicate. Examples of pest-
mitigation programs are those for the emerald ash borer, European gypsy moth, Japanese beetle,
and Phytophthora ramorum. Mitigation practices are based on the following:
Voluntary or nonvoluntary
Critical control points
For example, the Phytophthera ramorum program uses a systems approach to address the
pathogen’s continued presence in certain nurseries. This approach includes intensive surveillance
for the disease at the nursery and, if the pathogen continues to be detected, the mandatory
adoption of measures designed to mitigate the pathogen’s presence at certain critical points in the
nursery’s production system. The European gypsy moth’s “Slow-the-Spread” program uses a
trap and lure system to determine the front of the gypsy moth infestation. When determined,
Emergency Management Framework
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in conjunction with State and other Federal
partners including the National Park Service and Forestry Service, works to deploy biological
controls and additional trapping to detect and reduce pest populations. In addition, biological
controls and sterile insect techniques have been developed and are in programmatic use for a
variety of pests.
Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plans are designed to suppress the pest population below
economic levels utilizing various tools and strategies. Many of the tools may be developed by
PPQ with Federal and State cooperators and transferred to producers for implementation.
Examples of IPM approaches include the programs for soybean rust, white fly, cherry blossom
moth, and sugarcane rust.
Developed regulations can include control over the movement of restricted commodities,
treatment to reduce pest populations on the commodity, or the use of plow-down dates for crop
destruction to disrupt the life cycle of the pest in question. These examples of regulations are
some of the methods used to facilitate the movement of commodities to their destinations.
Regulatory Framework
The regulatory framework supports both eradication and pest mitigation and can include interim,
proposed, and final rules or State regulatory authorities.
Interim Rules—used to establish a new quarantine in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) on
an emergency basis or when prior public comment is not in the best interest of the public
Proposed and Final Rules—used for the long-term regulatory requirements or maintenance of
ongoing programs; can also be used to approve new treatments or protocols for interstate
movement of regulated articles under existing regulations; issued by APHIS with USDAOffice
of General Counsel (OGC) and U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review or
Compliance Agreements—established with industry to ensure compliance with the regulations
established to support the recovery
State Regulatory AuthorityStates are encouraged to take the initial lead on any new plant
health emergency in a State to ensure a timely and effective response; federal regulatory
authorities will simultaneously work with the States to ensure all necessary requirements are
appropriately and expeditiously completed
Demobilization refers to the process and procedures used by PPQ and cooperators to ensure
orderly, safe, and efficient return of an incident resource to its original location and status. The
following two criteria must be satisfied:
Emergency Management Framework
All personnel are debriefed following demobilization, and the supervisor is notified of
return to routine job duties
Equipment and nonconsumable materials are inventoried, released, and returned to
controlling agencies
Although demobilization of certain resources occurs throughout the incident, most
demobilization activities occur after the emergency response.
APHIS Mobilization Guide
National Plant Disease Recovery System
The National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS) is mandated by Homeland Security
Presidential Directive number 9 (HSPD-9). The purpose of NPDRS is to ensure the tools,
infrastructure, communication networks, and capacity required for mitigating the impact of high-
consequence plant disease outbreaks are available to allow a reasonable level of crop production.
Each disease-specific plan is intended to provide a brief primer on the disease, assess the status
of critical recovery components, and identify disease management research, extension, and
education needs. These documents are not intended to be stand-alone documents addressing all
aspects of the plant disease outbreak and all decisions that must be made and actions taken to
achieve effective response and recovery. They are, however, documents that will aid the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and guide others in further efforts directed toward recovery
from a high-consequence plant disease. The plans are a cooperative effort of university, industry,
and government scientists sponsored by the American Phytopathological Society and the USDA.
PPQ has been instrumental in assuring the NPDRS has engaged not only Federal, but State
partners in developing strategies for recovery from all high-consequence plant health
Science-Based Methods and Technologies
Science-based methods and technologies require a scientific assessment that supports recovery
strategies. The methods and technologies ensure the tools and methods are developed to achieve
pest mitigation goals and strategies in an efficient and scientifically valid manner.
Outreach to stakeholders and other interested parties is critical to a successful recovery. Working
with the National Plant Board (NPB) and National Association of State Departments of
Agriculture (NASDA), we can use the tactics described in the “Communication and Outreach”
section of this document to keep all parties aware of recovery strategies, and overall progress,
and ensure participation in public and industry meetings. Coordinated engagement ensures a
USDAAgricultural Research ServiceOffice of Pest ManagementNational Plant Disease Recovery
Emergency Management Framework
balanced recovery approach. In addition, recognition activities can be held to announce the end
of a program (e.g., Asian longhorn beetle in Chicago, Illinois, plum pox virus (PPV) in
Pennsylvania, and European grapevine moth (EGVM) in California).
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 7: Roles and Responsibilities
National Operations Managers (NOMs) in Field Operations (FO) and National Policy Managers
in Policy Management (PM), as well as subject matter experts (SMEs) are involved in plant
health emergency response and have specific roles and responsibilities. While personnel from all
three core functional areas (CFAs) are expected to work together as a cross-functional working
group, the overall leadership lies with the National Policy Manager in Riverdale, MD.
For the purposes of this document, emergency programs are those programs involving one or
more of the following:
Identifying and delimiting new outbreaks of a quarantine pest
Coordinating with industry, Federal agencies, and State, Tribal, and local governments to
organize and implement coordinated actions designed to contain, control, or eradicate a
quarantine pest
Coordinating the development of a domestic regulatory framework that quarantines the
pest while facilitating interstate commerce of regulated articles that pose plant health
Formulating and pursuing funding on an emergency basis (as needed)
Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ)PM, Riverdale
National Policy Managers within Pest Detection and Emergency Programs (PDEP) provide
leadership, overall direction, and guidance from the national perspective that includes, but is not
limited to the following:
Executive decisionmaking support
PDEP coordinates with FO, Science and Technology (S&T), various units within
PM, and others to gather the critical information needed for the PPQ executive
team to make decisions regarding the nature and goals of the emergency response
when a quarantine pest has been detected. PDEP also ensures the States and
critical stakeholders affected by the emergency response have had the opportunity
to provide their perspective and input for the executive team’s consideration.
Policy management
Drafts program policy and recommendations for agency consideration
Initiates communication and coordinates the development of program policy in
alignment with the PPQNew Pest Advisory Group (NPAG) recommendations
and PPQ management team decisions regarding the nature and goals of the
emergency response
Initiates and coordinates consultation with Federal agencies and public and
private organizations concerned with the emergency and response actions under
Consults with State, local, and Tribal governments
Emergency Management Framework
Stays abreast of program status, changes, or evolving critical issues provided by
the field and others
Performs timely program reviews to ensure objectives are met and activities are
cost effective
Provides support to the Deputy Administrator on specific program issues as
Budget development
Develops a budget for the program in consultation with the field and the States
Initiates and facilitates the development of the budget for the emergency
response and associated performance measures
Works with the Deputy Administrator’s office through PPQ Resource
Management and Planning Services (PPQRMPS) to secure funding
Works with the APHIS budget staff to complete the program assessment
rating process, including the development of the performance measures to
be reported to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Program management and coordination; PHP provides the overall program coordination
With PPQS&T to
Initiate the NPAG report
Request New Pest Response Guidelines (NPRGs), for pests not known to
occur in the U.S.
Determine if a technical working group (TWG) is needed to provide
science-based recommendations
Identify and ensure PPQCenter for Plant Health Science and Technology
(CPHST) is charged with the scientific and technical aspects including
identifying the priorities among the required activities for the emergency
In consultation with FO and others to ensure national consistency occurs on the
following program operations:
With Federal agencies; State, Tribal, and local governments; industry; and
public and private organizations concerned with the emergency and
response actions under consideration
With the APHIS ESF-11 national coordinator and the regional ESF-11
coordinators when an all-hazards incident impacts an emergency response
Mobilization of resources available for consultation
Emergency Management Framework
Liaison with other resources as needed
Ensures overall coordination occurs within PPQ and with other Federal agencies;
state, local, and Tribal governments; industry; and public and private
organizations involved in the emergency response. Coordinates with PPQ’s plant
health programs and APHIS’ International Services (APHIS–IS) on programs that
involve international activity.
Communication and collaboration; develops and maintains communication plans with
APHISLegislative and Public Affairs (LPA), PPQ FO, and the PPQ Deputy
Administrator’s office as follows:
Prepares information for APHIS and USDA executive leadership based on input
from situation reports and other information compiled through the cross-
functional working group (CFWG)
Works with APHIS–LPA to issue press releases, pest alerts, and program
If determined appropriate, develops communications outlets using social media
and the Internet
Ensures appropriate public meetings are held in consultation with APHISLPA
Prepares and sends out State Plant Regulatory Officials (SPRO) letters
Convenes conference calls with the National Plant Board (NPB), PPQ leadership,
and CFWG
Coordinates with State Plant Health Directors (SPHDs) and the field in
communicating with affected State, local, and Tribal agencies, industry, and
Coordinates with CFWG, and stakeholders to ensure a robust range of alternative
actions are considered in response to the emergency
Generates talking points, mini-memos, and other documents as needed
Establishes and maintains the public Web page, when applicable, through
information technology (IT) protocols
Ensures all appropriate personnel at all levels of the organization are informed
Ensures a consistent message is communicated by all levels of the organization
with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other external entities
regarding the coordination of the plant health emergency response program with a
separate ESF-11, all- hazards response
Manages and coordinates the relationships and communications with affected
industry representatives at the national level
Coordinates with the field managers to develop a consistent message to be
communicated with industry and other stakeholders at the local level
Coordinates with CFWG, the States, and APHIS–LPA in developing an outreach
plan (includes coordinating with the media at the national level)
Communicates any local political issues to FO and larger political issues to the
Deputy Administrator’s office
Emergency Management Framework
Represents PPQ at program, stakeholder, and all applicable meetings
Represents the agency’s official position on program issues
Data management
Ensures national-level deployment, integration, and coordination of data
management teams in the emergency response
Regulatory framework development
Works with PPQ–Plant Health Programs–Regulatory Coordination and
Compliance (PPQPHP–RCC) to develop the regulatory framework governing
the emergency response
Determines which regulatory tool is most appropriate
Works with FO and SPHDs to ensure Federal quarantines match actual pest
distribution or the quarantines established and maintained by the States
Verifies parallel State regulations are in place as required
Facilitates the development of Federal Domestic Quarantine Orders
Environmental compliance requirements
Works with field managers and the National Pesticide Coordinator to address
potential environmental and treatment issues
Works with APHIS’s environmental services to address environmental issues
Works with PPQ–PHP Environmental Compliance to conduct the
appropriate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Endangered
Species Act (ESA) analyses (environmental assessments, environmental
impact statements, etc.) to ensure proposed actions will not adversely
affect the quality of the human environment or threaten endangered
Develops and coordinates environmental monitoring plans for the program
Issues management
Engages PPQ’s Phytosanitary Issues Management (PPQPIM) staff to address
trade issues
Manages the larger political and legal issues, coordinating with the PPQ Deputy
Administrator, APHIS Administrator, and Undersecretary for Marketing and
Regulatory Programs Business Services (MRPBS)
PPQS&T coordination
Assures the work of the PPQ–TWG with the CFWG, ensuring it meets the
technical needs of emergency response operations
In cooperation with the CFWG, provide input to PPQ–S&T regarding the
emergency response program’s scientific and technical needs, identifies and
establishes the priorities among all project requests, and monitors progress
Initiates and coordinates routine communication with field managers and PPQ–
S&T scientists working on the program
Emergency Management Framework
Field Operations
The primary role can be executed by a field operations director, assistant executive director, and
other relevant field operations managers as needed to coordinate and implement operations
among States as follows.
1. Implements agency policy
Participates in the development of and is responsible for the implementation of
the agency’s policy and provides feedback to PPQ–PM regarding the
effectiveness of the policy
2. Budget
Works with the national policy manager, field managers, and FO director and
budget analyst to develop the necessary program budgets
Participates in the development of performance measures and provides
documentation on program activities and performance measure information to the
national policy manager to meet the monitoring and report requirements to the
U.S. OMB via APHIS’s policy and program development
Provides status of funds and updated budget information to the national policy
manager as program progresses
3. Program management coordination; Provides overall coordination at the field level and
field perspective in the development of the overall
Emergency response plan
Budget (resource management)
Communication plan
Regulatory framework
ESF-11 activities involving a plant health emergency program
Field operations consistency within and among States and across regions
4. Resource management
Develops the program- or field-level budget
Identifies and ensures the impacted States receive the resources needed to
effectively respond to the emergency
Recruits additional personnel as needed
Establishes and manages cooperative agreements in affected States
Facilitates the procurement of equipment, supplies, vehicles, etc.
5. Resources mobilization
Coordinates the deployment and management of resources (people, equipment,
supplies, etc.) for the emergency response program and any associated ESF-11
response when needed
6. Trains, exercises, deploys, and coordinates incident management teams (PPQNIMTs);
provides field and area command for the emergency response
Emergency Management Framework
7. Communication
Communicates with SPHDs and SPROs on program issues and keeps field
operations staff and national policy management staff informed
Provides input on the daily and emergency situation report and ensures adherence
with agency continuity and contingency plans
Ensures the incident commander provides the incident situation report
Participates in all policy and response coordination discussions
Represents PPQ at local stakeholder and other meetings
Advertises legal notice of the availability for comment of NEPA documents
Communicates and coordinates with local emergency preparedness stakeholders
to facilitate and support an effective incident command system response
Represents the agency’s official position on program issues
8. Data management
Ensures deployment, integration, and coordination of data management teams as
needed in the emergency response
Coordinates with SPHD on the use of Smuggling Interdiction and Trade
Compliance (SITC) and APHIS–Investigative and Enforcement Services (IES)
expertise to support the emergency response, as needed (e.g., trace-backs, trace-
forwards) to discover pathways and to identify any regulatory compliance issues
associated with new pest introduction or to conduct investigations
9. Regulatory framework
Works with PPQ policy managers to assist in the development the domestic
regulatory framework governing the program
Works with the field and SPHDs to ensure Federal quarantines match actual pest
distribution or the quarantines established and maintained by the States
10. Environmental compliance
Works with field and local operations staff to address environmental issues
Works with PPQ’s policy managers, the environmental compliance unit, and
APHIS environmental services to develop appropriate environmental
documentation (environmental assessments, environmental impact statements,
etc.) as needed.
11. Issue management
Manages and communicates stakeholder concern, political, and legal issues to the
attention of agency national leadership
Engages PPQ–PHP and DA–PIM staff to address trade issues
Engages PPQ–PHP and Quarantine Policy Analysis and Support (QPAS)
to address overseas monitoring of domestically regulated pests (e.g., gypsy
moth program)
Manages and communicates to national leadership on overarching issues
that emerge
Emergency Management Framework
State Plant Health Directors
The primary role of the SPHD is to coordinate the Federal emergency response with the
appropriate State, local, and Tribal officials.
1. Unified command and incident management
Serves as first responder and co-leads with the appropriate State official in the
unified command structure. The SPHD coordinates the implementation of the
emergency response plan (survey, control, regulatory framework) at the field level
Participates with the CFWG to develop the following:
Emergency response plan
Communications plan
Regulatory framework
2. Resource management
Deploys resources and ensures efficient and effective use of resources in the field
Ensures proper communication and coordination with field managers for
resources beyond the local capacity
3. Communication
Generates and communicates daily status reports following the communication
protocols established by the incident commanders as specified by the Plant Health
Emergency Framework
Procedures for emergency situation and spot reports for effects to our operations,
facilities, and employees is dictated in Departmental Manual 1800
Initiates any consultations with State, local, and Tribal governments
Participates in all policy and response coordination discussions
Ensures all field personnel are kept informed of changes in policy direction
Advertises legal notice of the availability for comment of NEPA documents
Provides feedback to the field and national policy managers on the effectiveness
of program policy and operations
Communicates with the affected constituencies within the State
Represents the agency’s official position on program issues
Conducts Tribal consultations
4. Data management
Ensures quality data are collected and entered into the established system on a
daily basis
Keeps the incident commanders informed of progress being made in the field and
to support daily operational planning decisions
Coordinate to ensure the proper data collect and management devices are
Emergency Management Framework
5. Issues management
Addresses local political and public issues
Keeps the field and national policy managers informed
Elevates issues with broader implications to the field or national level
Center for Plant Health, Science, and Technology
The primary role of S&T is to provide technical and scientific information. This information will
be used to make regulatory and operations decisions and to develop new tools and technologies
for operational use.
Coordinates with the National Identification Service (NIS) to identify or confirm the
identification of exotic pests with appropriate tools utilizing the best available science
and provides others laboratory services and subject matter expertise as needed
Pest Analysis
Conducts a preliminary risk assessment to
Identify the host range of the pest
Identify the potential pathways for pest introduction and spread
Determine the likelihood of establishment in the United States
Identify and calculate the impacts associated with a pest
Provides information to field operations or the national policy manager regarding
trace-forwards or trace-backs, if needed, to determine if stop sale or recalls are
Identifies currently available survey and control tools
Develops the NPAG report to recommend the most appropriate response to a detection of
a pest of regulatory significance
Provides leadership for a TWG
PPQS&T acts as liaison with USDAAgricultural Research Service (ARS),
universities, and other research organizations
Provides guidance and develops strategy and tools to detect and identify the pest
and to conduct delimiting surveys
Provides scientific input on the size of quarantine areas based on the biological
and ecological parameters of the pest
Provides recommendations on effective tools designed to contain, control, or
eradicate the pest
Provides recommendations on other scientific and technical issues
Develops and provides appropriate and efficacious methods
To mitigate a plant pest incursion
To adapt or improve detection technology for plant pests
To adapt or improve identification technology for plant pests
Emergency Management Framework
Provides the technical and scientific support in the development of the NPRGs to
support the emergency response operations
Liaison role
Coordinates with other entities to obtain needed scientific and technical resources
Coordinates with the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) to identify their
labs’ capacity to assist and determine the NPDN contribution during an
emergency program
Provides technical transfer training
Provides training to all necessary units and personnel in PPQ and elsewhere on
the survey and provides identification methods to ensure successful outcomes
Develops technical documentation to support the ongoing application of the
technical tools provided
Program management
Works with program managers to develop and prioritize the project slate to
support the emergency response
Provides information to program managers regarding the ongoing status of
scientific and technical projects that PPQCPHST is charged to deliver
Emergency Management Framework
Chapter 8: State Plant Protection Resources
State departments of agriculture, territories, and possessions are members of the National
Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA). The mission of NASDA is to
represent the State departments of agriculture in the development, implementation, and
communication of sound public policy and programs that support and promote the U.S.
agricultural industry, while protecting consumers and the environment. NASDA works closely
with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA
APHIS) and the plant protection branches of the States via a standing committee dedicated to
plant health issues. NASDA maintains a Web site containing information on each member State.
For further information, refer to the NASDA Web site.
The plant protection and regulatory subdivisions within their departments of agriculture or other
relevant subdivisions—such as the departments of natural resources or entomology at land-grant
universitiesare members of the National Plant Board (NPB), a national organization of State
and territory plant protection resources that work regionally and nationally with USDA–APHIS
to coordinate and carry out plant protection programs. The NPB also maintains a Web site
containing contact information for each member State and territory and up-to-date information
on laws, rules, and programs. For further information, refer to the NPB Web site.
State Authorities
State plant protection and regulatory authorities are generally designed to address regulatory
issues within the State’s jurisdiction. These regulatory issues include the intrastate movement of
plants and plant products and the interstate movement of plants and plant products in the absence
of APHIS regulations for pests of limited distribution. Intrastate regulations generally conform to
the model Nursery Stock Certification Standards and the Principles of Plant Quarantine that have
been adopted by the NPB. When APHIS interstate regulations are in place, the State, territory, or
possession internal or intrastate requirements must be similar to the Federal regulatory measures.
While State, territory, or possession plant protection laws and rules vary somewhat depending
upon the regulatory needs of the stakeholders, in most cases, they include a plant health
emergency authority to respond to new plant pests of economic importance when detected.
Additional related authorities at the State level may provide the authority to enter onto private
properties for inspection purposes and the ability to stop the intrastate movement of regulated
articles at risk of moving plant pest or disease.
Many States can require regulated entities to maintain records or can subpoena records of
regulated entities. Many States can also conduct control activities and operations.
Refer to the Web sites of NPB and NASDA for further information concerning State, territories,
and other possessions.
National Plant Board (NPB)
Emergency Management Framework
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
National Plant Board (NPB)
State, Territory, and Possession Protection Duties and Responsibilities
State departments of agriculture, territories and possessions (through their plant protection and
regulatory divisions) have the responsibility to carry out general pest detection activities and
have the authority and ability to respond to new plant pests or disease incursions. The level of
response varies depending upon the resources available in the State, territory, or possession.
Generally, when a new pest or disease is detected and identified as being of economic
importance or possibly requiring a prescribed response, an agricultural plant health emergency is
declared by the appropriate State official. This allows the release of plant health emergency
response resources to apply to the specific plant pest issue.
Plant health emergency response typically takes the form of a Plant Health Emergency Program
involving survey, regulations, control, public relations, and administrative sections. The current
structure used in most plant health emergency response programs is the Incident Command
System (ICS). The use of ICS has many advantages including standardization and coordination
of response functions that can allow for a multistate and joint Federal response (unified
command) using a standardized framework. Refer to the Incident Command System on page 31
for further information.
Refer to the Web sites of NPB and NASDA for further information concerning State, territory,
and possession plant protection resources and responsibilities.
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
National Plant Board (NPB)
State and Federal Cooperative Agreement Program
A combined State and Federal coordinated response is often the best approach to effectively
address the duties and responsibilities required to safeguard U.S. plant health. When APHIS
funding is transferred to a State, partnership programs are carried out through the cooperative
agreement process.
The cooperative agreement process is initiated at the State level between APHIS and the State
departments of agriculture. The officials include the State Plant Health Directors (SPHD) and the
State Plant Regulatory Officials (SPRO). A cooperative agreement is comprised of the
agreement document, workplan, and a financial plan and requires semi-annual and annual
The workplan and financial plans are important because they describe the scope of the work,
division of labor, and the financial obligations or budget. Cooperative agreements are an
important part of the Plant Health Emergency Response Framework. The agreements are
developed by the appropriate State and Federal plant health emergency program managers and
Emergency Management Framework
fiscal officers with knowledge of the program being developed and the cooperative agreement
Refer to the Web site of the Agreements Services Center (ASC) for further information on the
cooperative agreement process.
Financial Management Division (FMD), Financial Services Branch, Agreements Services Center (ASC)
Emergency Management Framework
Use this glossary to find the meaning of specialized words, abbreviations, acronyms, and terms
used by Plant Protection and Quarantine Pest Detection and Emergency Programs (PPQPDEP).
To locate where in the manual a given definition, term, or abbreviation is mentioned, refer to the
Definitions, Terms, and Abbreviations
AAR/IP. After Action Report/Improvement Plan
AC. Area Command
AgSas. USDAAgriculture Select Agent Services
AMS. Agricultural Marketing Service
APHIS. USDA–Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
APS. American Phytopathological Society
APTL. DHSCBP–Agriculture Programs and Trade Liaison
AQAS. Agricultural Quarantine Activity System, a Web database
AQI. CPHSTAgricultural Quarantine Inspection
AQIPT. USDAPPQCPHST–Agricultural Quarantine Inspection and Port Technology
ARM. Agriculture Risk Management
ARS. USDAAgricultural Research Service
ASC. Agreements Services Center
BIWAC. Biosurveillance Indications and Warning Analytic Community
CAPS. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey Program
CBP. U.S. Department of Homeland Security–Customs and Border Protection
CCC. Commodity Credit Corporation
CDC. HHS–Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CFA. Core Functional Areas
CFIA. Canadian Food Inspection Agency
CFR. Code of Federal Regulations
CFWG. Cross-Functional Working Group
CITES. Convention on Internal Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna
CONUS. Continental United States
CPHST. Center for Plant Health Science and Technology
Emergency Management Framework
CSREES. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
DA. Deputy Administrator
DART. PPQFO–Data, Analysis, Risk, and Targeting
DHS. U.S. Department of Homeland Security DEE. Declaration of Extraordinary Emergency
DFO. Director of Field Operations
DMR. Data Management Resources
DMT. Data Management Team
DOD. Department of Defense
DOJ. U.S. Department of Justice
EA. Environmental Assessment
EAN. Emergency Action Notice
EC. PHP–Environmental Compliance
EGVM. European Grapevine Moth
EIS. Environmental Impact Statement
EPC. Emergency Program Coordinator
EPICA. Exotic Pest Information Collection and Analysis
EPPO. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
EQS. Employee Qualification System
ERAS. APHISPPD–Environmental and Risk Analysis Services
ERC. Emergency Response Coordinator
ES. Environmental Services
ESA. Endangered Species Act
ESF. Emergency Support Functions
FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency
FIFRA. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FMD. Financial Management Division
FO. PPQField Operations
FONSI. Finding of No Significant Impact
FQO. Federal Quarantine Order
Emergency Management Framework
FSIS. USDA–Food Safety and Inspection Service
FWS. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
GCSI. Greater Caribbean Safeguarding Initiative
GIS. Geographic Information Systems
HHS. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HSEEP. Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
HSPD. Homeland Security Presidential Directives
ICE. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICS. Incident Command System
IES. APHISInvestigative and Enforcement Services
IMSD. NIMSIncident Management Systems Division
IMT. Incident Management Team
IPHIS. Integrated Plant Health Information System
IPM. Integrated Pest Management
IPPC. International Plant Protection Convention
IRM. PHPImports, Regulations, and Manuals
IT. Information Technology
LPA. Legislative and Public Affairs
MAC. Multiagency Coordination
MDB. CPHSTMolecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology
MRPBS. APHIS–Marketing and Regulatory Programs Business Services
NAPIS. National Agricultural Pest Information System
NAPPO. North American Plant Protection Organization
NASDA. National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
NBIC. National Biosurveillance Inegration Center
NEPA. National Environmental Policy Act
NIFA. National Institute for Food and Agriculture
NIMS. National Incident Management System
NIMT. PPQNational Incident Management Team
NIS. PPQ-National Identification Service
Emergency Management Framework
NOM. National Field Operations Manager
No-year funding. Funding that can be carried over and will remain with the program
NPAG. PPQ–New Pest Advisory Group
NPB. National Plant Board
NPDN. National Plant Diagnostic Network
NPDRS. National Plant Disease Recovery System
NPPO. National Plant Protection Organization
NPRG. New Pest Response Guidelines
NRF. National Response Framework
OBPA. USDAOffice of Budget and Program Analysis
OCONUS. Outside the continental United States
ODA. Office of the Deputy Administrator
OGC. USDAOffice of General Counsel
OIG. USDAOffice of the Inspector General
OMB. U.S. Office of Management and Budget
OPIP. Offshore Pest Information Program
OPIS. Offshore Pest Information System
PAPP. Perimeter Approach to Plant Protection
PAS. NAPPOPhytosanitary Alert System
PCC. Permitting and Compliance Coordination
PDC. PPQ–Professional Development Center
PDEP. Pest Detection and Emergency Programs
PEQ. Postentry Quarantine
PERAL. CPHST–Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory
pest. includes insects and other arthropods, weeds, plant disease agents, and microorganisms
pest exclusion. preventive measures to keep exotic pests out of the country or out of a state
PestID. database containing all the information recorded from the PPQ Form 309 Pest
Interception Record
PHP. PPQ-Plant Health Programs
PIM. Phytosanitary Issues Management
PIS. Plant Inspection Station
Emergency Management Framework
PM. PPQ–Policy Management
POP. PHPPreclearance and Offshore Programs
PPA. Plant Protection Act of 2000
PPD. APHIS–Policy and Program Development
PPE. Personal Protective Equipment
PPQ. APHIS–Plant Protection and Quarantine
PPV. Plum Pox Virus
QPAS. PHP–Quarantine Policy Analysis and Support
RAD. PPDRegulatory Analysis and Development
RCC. Regulatory Cooperation Council
REM. Regional Emergency Management
RMPS. PPQResource Management and Planning Services
RPM. PHPRegulatory Permits and Manuals
SBML. Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory
select agents. pathogens that have been deemed a severe threat to the public, animal or plant
health, or animal or plant products
SEL. USDAARS–Systematic Entomology Laboratory
SITC. Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance
SME. Subject Matter Expert
SNICAS. SITC–National Information and Communication System
SNL. Systematic Nematology Laboratory
SRA. Security Risk Assessment
SPHD. State Plant Health Director
SPRO. State Plant Regulatory Official
S&T. PPQ- Science and Technology
TED. APHIS–Marketing and Regulatory Programs Business ServicesHuman Resources
Division–Training and Employee Development
TWG. Technical Working Group
UC. Unified Command
USDA. United States Department of Agriculture
USFS. United States Forest Service
Emergency Management Framework
weather events. state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture,
and pressure
Emergency Management Framework
After Action Report/ Improvement Plan (AAR/IP),
Agreements Services Center (ASC), 69
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), 44
Agricultural Research Service (ARS), 44
agriculture and natural resources, 53
Agriculture Bioterrorism Protection Act, 7
Agriculture Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002, 8
Agriculture Quarantine Inspections (AQI), 5
Agriculture Quarantine Activity System (AQAS),
Agriculture Quarantine Inspection (AQI), 18
Agriculture Risk Management (ARM),
Agriculture Select Agent Services (AgSAS), 24
all-hazards emergency support function, 51
American Phytopathological Society,
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
APHIS contingency funds, 42
APHIS Mobilization Guide, 45
APHIS contingency funds, 42
ArcGIS, 47
area command, 46
audiences, 38
35, 36
State, 37
authorities and enabling legislation, 7
Biosurveillance Indications and Warning Analytic
Community (BIWAC),
Canada, 26
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), 22
CCC funding, 42
Center for Plant Health Science and Technology
20, 26
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 37
funding, 42
communication and outreach,
35, 37
communications, 53
method of, 40
order and frequency, 39
compliance agreements,
Congressional supplemental funding, 42
continental United States (CONUS),
Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES),
Convention on International Trade of Endangered
Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES),
of the Framework, 9
cooperative agreement program, 68
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS),
25, 27
Cooperative State Research, Education, and
Extension Service (CSREES),
core functional areas (CFA), 41
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 5
Data Analysis Risk and Targeting (DART), 47
data management, 35, 46
data management resources, 47
data management resources (DMR),
declaration of emergency, 37
declaration of extraordinary emergency, 37
demobilization, 55
Department of Defense (DOD),
Department of Justice (DOJ), 24
development of trade-related regulations, 14
Director of Pest Detection and Emergency
contact information for, 11
early warning systems, 26
emergency assistance,
Emergency Action Notification (EAN), 49
emergency action notifications (EAN),
emergency coordination, 35, 44
emergency funding, 35, 42
Emergency Management Incident Situation
Reports, 48
emergency response communications team, 37
emergency situation reporting, 35
Emergency Support Functions (ESF), 53
Endangered Species Act (ESA), 7, 20, 50
Environmental and Risk Analysis Services
Environmental Assessment (EA), 51
Environmental Compliance (EC), 50
Emergency Management Framework
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), 51
environmental monitoring, 36
eradication, 54
eTrap, 47
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection
Organization, 26
Exotic Pest Information Collection and Analysis
external affairs, 53
Farm Bill Section 10007, 42, 43
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency’s
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
Act (FIFRA),
7, 50
Federal Noxious Weed Act,
8, 36
Federal Order (FQO), 49
Federal Plant Pest Act,
Federal Register, 37
Federal Seed Act, 8
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), 51
fire fighting, 53
full-scale exercises, 33
functional exercise, 33
games, 33
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 47
glossary, 70
Golden Nematode Act,
Greater Caribbean Safeguarding Initiative (GCSI),
Health and Human Services (HHS), 24
human services, 53
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation
Program (HSEEP),
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5
Homeland Security Presidential Directives, 7
ICS training courses
advanced, 32
basic, 32
identification and diagnostic services, 28
identification and diagnostics,
incident action plan, 48
incident command, 44
Incident Command System (ICS),
6, 25, 31, 35
Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD),
Incident Management Teams (IMT), 25
incident situation report, 48
information and planning,
integrated pest management, 55
Integrated Plant Health Information System
27, 47
interim rules, 49, 55
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC),
issuance of permits, 14
logistics, 53
long-term protection plan, 54
eradication, 54
integrated pest management, 55
pest mitigation, 54
regulations, 55
regulatory framework, 55
mass care,
Mexico, 26
mobilization, 35, 43
monthly situation report, 48
multiagency coordination (MAC),
National Agricultural Pest Information System
25, 27
National Association of State Departments of
Agriculture (NASDA), 38, 56, 67
National Biosurveillance Integration Center
National Biosurveillance Integration System
National Disaster Recovery Framework, 53
National Emergency Program (EPC), 43
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 7, 51
National Field Operations Manager (NOM), 43
National Identification Service (NIS), 6, 27
National Identification Service (NIS), 41
National Identification Services (NIS), 20
National Incident Management System (NIMS),
31, 35
National Incident Management Team (NIMT), 44
National Institute for Food and Agriculture
National Operations Manager (NOM), 58
National Plant Board (NPB), 29, 38, 56, 67
National Plant Diagnostic Network (NDPN),
National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN), 6, 25
Emergency Management Framework
National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS),
National Plant Health Emergency Management
explanation of, 5
National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO),
National Response Framework (NRF), 51
New Pest Advisory Group (NPAG), 25, 29
New Pest Response Guidelines (NPRG),
25, 30
North American Perimeter Approach (NAPP), 22
North American Plant Protection Organization’s
alert system, 25
Noxious Weed Control and Eradication Act of
Office of Budget and Program Analysis (OBPA),
Office of General Counsel (OGC), 49
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 42
offshore commodity preclearance programs, 5
Offshore Pest Information System (OPIS), 15
offshore pest surveillance, 14, 15
offshore preclearance, 21
oil and hazardous materials response,
outreach, 56
outside the continental United States (OCONUS),
Perimeter Approach to Plant Protection (PAPP),
permits to safeguard plants, plant products, and
other organisms, 17
Permitting and Compliance Coordination (PCC),
pest detection program, 27
pest exclusion,
5, 14
introduction to, 14
pest identification, 20
pest identification,
pest mitigation, 54
pest mitigation strategies,
pest notificationbusiness process, 28
pest risk assessments,
PestID, 28
PestLens, 15
phytosanitary alert system, 26
phytosanitary issues management, 14
Phytosanitary Issues Management (PIM), 15
Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory
17, 29
Plant Health Programs (PHP), 16
Plant Health Programs (PPQPHP),
plant inspection stations, 14
plant inspection stations, 19
Plant Protection Act of 2000,
Plant Protection Act of 2000 (PPA), 36
Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), 5, 12
Field Operations (FO), 13
mission statement, 12
Office of the Deputy Administrator, 12
Policy Management (PM), 12
Science and Technology (S&T), 13
Policy and Program Development (PPD),
port activities, 20
port technologies, 20
postentry quarantine (PEQ),
PPQ Emergency Programs Manual, 45
PPQ Emergency Response Manual, 8
preclearance and offshore programs, 14
Preclearance and Offshore Programs (POP), 21
preclearance program, 14
predeparture, 21
predeparture programs,
preparedness, 25
preparedness infrastructure, 28
Professional Development Center (PDC),
proposed and final rules, 50, 55
public health and medical services,
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism
Preparedness and Response Act of 2002,
public safety and security, 53
public works and engineering, 53
Quarantine Policy Analysis and Support (QPAS),
rapid detection and delimiting surveys, 35, 40
recovery, 54
regulations, 55
Regulatory Analysis and Development (RAD),
Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC), 22
regulatory framework, 36, 49, 55
response, 35
risk and pathway analysis,
14, 17
ROAM, 47
roles and responsibilities, 58
Emergency Management Framework
Field Operations (FO), 62
PPQ, 58
SPHDs, 64
science-based methods, 56
of the Framework, 7
search and rescue,
security risk assessment (SRA), 24
select agent program, 14
Select Agent Services, 24
single incident command, 35
Smuggling and Interdiction Trade Compliance
National Information and Communication
System (SNICAS), 25
smuggling interdiction and trade compliance,
Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance
5, 23
State plant protection resources, 67
Stafford Act,
State authorities, 67
State funding,
42, 43
State Plant Health Director (SPHD), 13, 40, 68
State Plant Health Directors (SPHD),
23, 27
State Plant Regulatory Official (SPRO), 13
State Plant Regulatory Officials (SPRO), 27, 68
Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory
Systematic Entomology Laboratory (SEL), 41
Systematic Nematology Laboratory (SNL), 41
tabletop, 33
technical working group (TWG), 35
Technical Working Group (TWG), 6
trade regulations
development of, 17
training, 31
transit permits,
transportation, 53
treatments and fumigations, 14
temporary housing, 53
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 16
unified command, 45
United States Department of Agriculture,
of the Framework, 7
unified command,
weekly situation report, 48