Published Pursuant to
San Diego Unified Port District Ordinance
(Current as of 05/03/2024)
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SECTION NO. 0.01 SHORT TITLE ........................................................................................... 1
SECTION NO. 0.02 CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................................... 2
SECTION NO. 0.03 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION ....................................................... 3
SECTION NO. 0.04 EFFECTS OF HEADINGS ............................................................................ 5
SECTION NO. 0.05 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY .................................................................. 6
PORT DISTRICT ...................................................................................................................... 7
SECTION NO. 0.07POLICE AUTHORITY ................................................................................ 8
ACCRUED .............................................................................................................................. 9
SECTION NO. 0.09 SERVICE AND PROOF NOTICES .............................................................. 10
SECTION NO. 0.10VALIDITY OF CODE ................................................................................ 11
SECTION NO. 0.11GENERAL PENALTY ............................................................................... 12
SECTION NO. 0.12ACTS INCLUDE CAUSING, AIDING AND ABETTING .................................. 27
SECTION NO. 0.13 PERMIT VIOLATIONS............................................................................. 28
SECTION NO. 0.14 CODE OF ETHICS ................................................................................... 29
SECTION NO. 0.15 HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................. 45
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SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 59
SECTION NO. 3.00 - TENANT PROJECT REVIEW - GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................ 66
SECTION NO. 3.08 - TENANT PROJECT REVIEW - DEFINITIONS .............................................. 84
SECTION NO. 4.04 REGULATION OF VESSELS SPEED REGULATIONS ................................. 93
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OR TURN VESSEL PROHIBITED .............................................................................................. 94
SECTION NO. 4.08 REGULATION OF VESSELS ANCHORAGES ............................................ 97
SECTION NO. 4.09 REGULATION OF VESSELS TUNA HARBOR BASIN ............................... 116
SECTION NO. 4.10 TERMINAL OPERATOR DEFINED .......................................................... 134
SECTION NO. 4.13 TERMINAL OPERATOR AGREEMENTS REQUIRED ................................. 135
SECTION NO. 4.14 REGULATION OF IN-WATER HULL CLEANING ....................................... 136
ACTIVITIES REGULATED ..................................................................................................... 142
ACTIVITIES REGULATED ..................................................................................................... 146
SECTION NO. 4.36 REGULATION OF VESSELS – A-8 ANCHORAGE ...................................... 150
DISTRICT TIDELANDS ......................................................................................................... 153
ANCHORAGE ..................................................................................................................... 175
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ACTIVITIES REGULATED ..................................................................................................... 192
SECTION NO. 8.01- DIVING WITHIN SAN DIEGO BAY REGULATED ....................................... 196
SECTION NO. 8.02- PARK AREAS REGULATED ..................................................................... 199
EMERGENCY PARK CLOSURE ............................................................. 213
TIDELANDS ........................................................................................................................ 214
VENDING AND PERFORMING REGULATED ......................................... 216
ALCOHOL REGULATED ON TIDELANDS ............................................... 290
DISTRICT TIDELANDS ......................................................................................................... 292
SMOKING PROHIBITED AT PARKS AND BEACHES ............................... 311
................. 314
SECTION NO. 8.10 PARKING METER RATES AND PAY STATION RATES .............................. 319
SECTION NO. 8.11 VEHICLE PARKING REGULATED ........................................................... 321
SECTION NO. 8.12 OVERTIME PARKING PROHIBITED ....................................................... 323
SECTION NO. 8.13 PARKING IN EXCESS OF POSTED TIME PROHIBITED ............................. 324
SECTION NO. 8.14 PARKING METERS TIME OF OPERATION ........................................... 325
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SECTION NO. 8.15 PARKING REGULATIONS ENFORCEMENT .......................................... 326
SECTION NO. 8.16 PARKING RESTRICTIONS ..................................................................... 333
SECTION NO. 8.17 IMPOUNDING OF ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES .................................. 336
SECTION NO. 8.19 SPEED REGULATIONS MOTOR VEHICLES ........................................... 339
HIGHWAY .......................................................................................................................... 340
SECTION NO. 8.23 SOUNDING OF SIRENS PROHIBITED .................................................... 346
SECTION NO. 8.24 ABANDONING WATERCRAFT PROHIBITED .......................................... 347
SECTION NO. 8.25 AUTHORITY TO REMOVE WATERCRAFT .............................................. 348
SECTION NO. 8.26 ASSEMBLIES REGULATED .................................................................... 352
SECTION NO. 8.27 AQUATIC ACTIVITIES REGULATED ....................................................... 353
......................................................................................................................................... 355
SECTION NO. 8.29 VEHICLE IMPOUND COST RECOVERY PROGRAM FEE ........................... 356
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SUBMERGED LANDS GRANTED TO THE DISTRICT ................................................................ 366
SECTION NO. 8.31 AUTHORITY OVER LOCAL LAWS .......................................................... 368
SECTION NO. 8.32 REGULATING BUILDING WRAP SIGNAGE ............................................. 369
SECTION NO. 8.50 RUBBISH & WASTE DISPOSAL, REGULATED ......................................... 378
DIRECTOR .......................................................................................................................... 383
SECTION NO. 8.63 RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES PERMIT FEE ........................................... 385
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SECTION NO. 8.71 RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES LABEL REQUIRED................................... 393
SECTION NO. 8.72 RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES EXEMPTIONS ........................................ 394
SECTION NO. 9.01 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 395
SECTION NO. 9.03 DEBARMENT PROCEDURE ................................................................... 401
INSURANCE OR PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS ................................................................ 403
SECTION NO. 9.05 GENERAL ............................................................................................ 404
SECTION NO. 9.06 LIST OF DEBARRED CONTRACTORS ..................................................... 906
SECTION NO. 9.07 EFFECT OF LISTING .............................................................................. 907
SECTION NO. 9.08 CONTINUATION OF EXISTING CONTRACTS .......................................... 908
SECTION NO. 9.09 SCOPE OF DEBARMENT....................................................................... 408
SECTION NO. 10.01 TITLE, PURPOSE AND INTENT ............................................................ 409
SECTION NO. 10.02 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 412
SECTION NO. 10.03 GENERAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................... 429
SECTION NO. 10.05 PROHIBITIONS .................................................................................. 437
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SECTION NO. 10.06 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE REQUIREMENTS ............................... 440
LATERALS, SEWER LATERALS AND ON-SITE WASTE WATER SYSTEMS .................................. 446
SECTION NO. 10.08 MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ............................... 447
SECTION NO. 10.09 DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ............................. 450
SECTION NO. 10.11 INSPECTIONS .................................................................................... 456
SECTION NO. 10.12 ENFORCEMENT ................................................................................. 457
SECTION NO. 11.01 FINDINGS AND PURPOSE ................................................................. 463
SECTION NO. 11.02 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 470
SECTION NO. 11.03 GENERAL PROHIBITIONS ................................................................... 475
SECTION NO. 11.03.5 PERMIT ISSUANCE, DENIAL, AND APPEAL ....................................... 476
SECTION NO. 11.04 PERMIT APPLICATION ....................................................................... 478
SECTION NO. 11.05 LOCATION RESTRICTIONS ON NEWSRACKS ....................................... 480
SECTION NO. 11.06 NEWSRACK CLUSTERS ....................................................................... 483
SECTION NO. 11.07 STANDARDS FOR MAINTENANCE AND PLACEMENT .......................... 484
SECTION NO. 11.07.5 STANDARDS FOR REMOVAL OF NEWSRACKS .................................. 487
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SECTION NO. 11.08.5 LOCATION OF NEWSRACKS IN CLASS AREAS I-IV ............................. 491
SECTION NO. 11.09 INDEMNIFICATION REQUIREMENT .................................................... 492
SECTION NO. 11.10 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 493
SECTION NO. 11.11 DAMAGE TO DISTRICT PROPERTY ..................................................... 495
SECTION NO. 11.12 NONCONFORMING NEWSRACKS ....................................................... 496
SECTION NO. 11.13 ENFORCEMENT; VIOLATIONS; HEARINGS .......................................... 497
SECTION NO. 11.14 ABANDONMENT ............................................................................... 501
SECTION NO. 11.15 PERMIT FEES ..................................................................................... 502
SECTION NO. 11.17 SEVERABILITY ................................................................................... 503
SECTION NO. 12.01 TITLE PURPOSE AND INTENT ............................................................. 504
SECTION NO. 12.02 - DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 505
SECTION NO. 12.03 REQUIRED REPORTING OF UTILITY USAGE DATA ............................... 507
SECTION NO. 12.04 INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY AUDITS ................................................ 509
SECTION NO. 12.05 IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................... 511
SECTION NO. 12.07 MISCELLANEOUS .............................................................................. 513
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SECTION NO. 14.01 TITLE ................................................................................................ 514
SECTION NO. 14.02 PURPOSE .......................................................................................... 515
SECTION NO. 14.03 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 516
SECTION NO. 14.04 PROHIBITIONS .................................................................................. 521
SECTION NO. 14.05 PERMITS APPLICATION .................................................................. 522
SECTION NO. 14.06 PERMITS PUBLIC NOTICE ................................................................ 525
SECTION NO. 14.07 PERMITS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ............................................. 526
SECTION NO. 14.08 GENERAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................... 543
SECTION NO. 14.09 - ENFORCEMENT …………………………………………………………………………………544
SECTION NO. 15.01 TITLE ....................................................................................................... 545
SECTION NO. 15.02 - Purpose……………………………………………………………………………………………….546
SECTION NO. 15.03 - DEFINITIONS ……………………………………………………………………………….……548
SECTION NO. 15.04 - APPLICATION PROCEDURES……………………………………………………………554
SECTION NO.15.05 - DESIGN STANDARDS ………………………………………………………………………560
SECTION NO .15.06 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ……………………………………………………………..574
SECTION NO. 15.07 - LEGAL NON-CONFORMING WCF ……………………………………………………….575
SECTION NO. 15.08 - REMOVAL ………………………………………………………………………………………576
SECTION NO. 15.09 - DENIAL ……………………………………………………………………………………………..577
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CODE CHECK LISTError! Bookmark not defined.
Published Pursuant to San Diego Unified Port District Ordinance 19
San Diego Unified Port District Code
*No Code Sections currently active for this category.
Sections 55 and 56 of the San Diego Unified Port District Act (Stats. 1962, 1st Ex.
Sess., c.67, as amended by Stats. 1963, c.673) require the Board of Port Commissioners
to make and enforce necessary rules and regulations governing the use and control of all
navigable waters, tidelands and submerged lands within the district and to make and
enforce certain local police and sanitary regulations relating to the District.
The Board, by adoption of Ordinance No. 19, established a system for the
codification of District ordinances.
As an aid to those persons and agencies having an interest in the ordinances of
the District, this Code has been prepared. This Code will be supplemented as new
ordinances are adopted or as existing provisions are amended.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.01
Article 0 Administration & Government - Short Title Section 0.01 Page 1 of 1
This code which consists of administrative, regulatory, and revenue ordinances of
the SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT, shall be known as the “San Diego Unified
Port District Code,” and it shall be sufficient to refer to said Code as the “Port District
Code” in any legal proceeding pursuant to any of its provisions; it shall also be sufficient
to designate any ordinance adding to, amending or repealing said Code as an addition or
amendment to or a repeal of the “Port District Code.” This Code is adopted pursuant to
the requirements of the SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT ACT (Stats. 62, 1st Ex.
Sess., c.67, Harbor & Navigation Code Appendix 1).
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.02
Article 0 Construction Section 0.02 Page 1 of 1
The provisions of this Code and all proceedings under it are to be construed with
a view to effect its objects and to promote justice.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.03
Article 0 Definitions and Interpretation Section 0.03 Page 1 of 2
The following words and phrases whenever used in this Code shall be construed
as defined in this Section unless a different meaning is specifically defined, or unless the
context otherwise requires:
"District" or "Port District" shall mean the San Diego Unified Port District.
"Board" or "Board of Port Commissioners" shall mean the Board of Port
Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District.
"Executive Director" shall mean the Executive Director of the San Diego Unified
Port District.
"County" shall mean the County of San Diego.
"Oath" includes affirmation.
"Office”. The use of the tide of any officer, employee or any office, or ordinance
shall mean such officer, employee, office or ordinance of the San Diego Unified Port
District, unless otherwise specifically designated.
"Shall" and "May.” "Shall" is mandatory; "May" is permissive.
"Written" shall include printed, typewritten, mimeographed or multi-graphed or
computer generated.
"Genders”. Any gender includes the other gender.
"Singular" and "Plural”. The singular number includes the plural, and the plural the
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.03
Article 0 Definitions and Interpretation Section 0.03 Page 2 of 2
"Tenses”. Words used in the present tense include the past and future tense and
vice versa.
"Use of Words and Phrases”. Words and phrases used in this ordinance and not
specifically defined shall be construed according to the context and approved usage of
the language.
"Person" shall mean natural person, joint venture, joint stock company,
partnership, association, club, company, corporation, business trust, organization, or the
manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer, or employee of any of them.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.04
Article 0 Effects of Heading Section 0.04Page 1 of 1
Headings contained herein shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any
manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provisions of any chapter, article,
division, or section hereof.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.05
Article 0 Delegation of Authority Section 0.05 Page 1 of 1
Whenever a power is granted to, or a duty is imposed upon the Executive Director
by the provisions of this Code, such power or duty may be exercised or performed by an
assistant or such person as the Executive Director may designate.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.06
Article 0 References to Acts or Omissions Within the San Diego Unified Port District
Section 0.06 Page 1 of 1
This code shall refer only to the omission or commission of acts within the territorial
limits of the San Diego Unified Port District upon Tidelands adjacent to the Bay of San
Diego, the waters of San Diego Bay, and waterways connecting thereto, and upon land
over which the Board of Port Commissioners has jurisdiction or control by virtue of any
law, or by reason of ownership or control of property.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.07
Article 0 Police Authority Section 0.07 Page 1 of 1
Nothing in this Code shall be construed to limit the jurisdiction of the Police
Departments of the Cities within the territorial limits of the “District.”
The authority of the Harbor Police, as provided in the San Diego Unified Port
District Act (Stats. 1962, 1st Ex. Sess., c.67, Harbors and Navigation Code Appendix I)
shall be exercised in cooperation with the Chiefs of Police of all cities within the "District"
and in cooperation with Federal, State and County law enforcement agencies.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No.19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.08
Article 0 Effect of Code on Past Actions and Obligations Previously
Accrued Section 0.08 Page 1 of 1
Neither the adoption of this Code nor the repeal of any ordinance of any city or
area within the territorial limits of the San Diego Unified Port District shall in any manner
affect the prosecution for violation of ordinances, which violations were committed prior
to the effective date hereof, nor be construed as a waiver of any license, fee or penalty at
said effective date due and unpaid under such ordinance, and all rights and obligations
thereunder appertaining shall continue in full force and effect.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No.19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.09
Article 0 Service and Proof Notices Section 0.09 Page 1 of 1
Whenever a notice is required to be given under this Code, unless different
provisions herein are otherwise specifically made, such notice may be given either by
personal delivery thereof to the person to be notified or by deposit in the United States
Mail in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to such person to be notified at
his last known business or residence address as the name appears in the public records
or other records pertaining to the matter to which such notice is directed. Service by mail
shall be deemed to have been completed at the time of deposit in the post office.
Proof of giving any notice may be made by the certificate of any officer or employee
of the San Diego Unified Port District or by affidavit of any person over the age of eighteen
years, which shows service in conformity with this Code or other provisions of law
applicable to the subject matter concerned.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.10
Article 0 Validity of Code Section 0.10 Page 1 of 1
If any section, subsection, sentence clause, phrase or portion of this Code is for
any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent
jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
Code. The Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District hereby
declares that it would have adopted this Code and each section, subsection, sentence,
clause, phrase, or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,
subsections, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section 0.11 Page 1 of 15
(a) General Penalty. Unless otherwise stated in the San Diego Unified Port
District Code, any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply
with any of the mandatory requirements of the District Code shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, unless, at the sole option of the District, the violation is
cited and prosecuted as an infraction or addressed through the assessment
of civil penalties as provided in Subsection (i), below.
(b) Infraction. An infraction is punishable by:
1. A fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for a first
violation, Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for a second violation
within One (1) year, and Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each
subsequent violation within One (1) year.
2. An infraction is not punishable by imprisonment. A person charged
with an infraction shall not be entitled to a trial by jury. A person
charged with an infraction shall not be entitled to have the public
defender or other counsel appointed at public expense to represent
him or her unless he or she is arrested and not released on his or
her written promise to appear, on his or her own recognizance, or
upon a deposit of bail.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 2 of 15
(c) Misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is punishable by: Imprisonment in the
County Jail not exceeding One (1) year, or by a fine not exceeding One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or by both.
(d) Violations May Be Prosecuted as an Infraction. A violation of any District
Code section may, at the discretion of the prosecutor, if the violation is
initially charged as a misdemeanor rather than an infraction, be prosecuted
as an infraction, subject to the procedures described in Subsection (b)2,
above, and Subsection (e), below, when:
1. The prosecutor files a complaint charging the offense as an infraction
unless the Defendant, at the time he or she is arraigned, after being
informed of his or her rights, elects to have the case proceed as a
misdemeanor; or
2. The Court, with the consent of the Defendant, determines that the
offense is an infraction in which event the case shall proceed as if
the Defendant had been arraigned on an infraction complaint.
(e) Provisions of Law Applicable to Infractions. Except as otherwise provided
by law, all provisions of law related to misdemeanors shall apply to
infractions, including but not limited to powers of peace officers, jurisdiction
of Courts, period for commencing action, for bringing a case to trial, and
burden of proof.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 3 of 15
(f) Violations Deemed a Public Nuisance. In addition to the foregoing, any
violation of the provisions of the District Code is deemed to be a public
nuisance. Such violations may be abated by civil action or pursuant to
applicable administrative abatement procedures.
(g) Separate Offense. Each and every day during a portion of which a violation
of any provision of the District Code or any applicable statute, rule, code or
regulation enforceable by the District is committed, continued or maintained
is a separate and distinct violation.
(h) Penalties Not Exclusive. Payment of a fine or administrative penalty shall
not excuse payment of any fee or any corrective or other action required by
the District Code or any applicable statute, rule, code or regulation
enforceable by the District.
(i) Civil Penalties.
1. Applicability.
a) Any person violating any provisions of the District Code or any
applicable statute, rule, code or regulation enforceable by the
District may be subject to the assessment of civil penalties
pursuant to the Administrative Citation procedures provided in
this Subsection 0.11(i).
b) The administrative assessment of civil penalties established
in this Subsection 0.11(i) may be imposed in addition to any
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 4 of 15
other administrative or judicial remedy established by law
which may be pursued to address violations of the District
Code or any applicable statute, rule, code or regulation
enforceable by the District.
2. Definitions.
For purposes of this Subsection 0.11(i):
a) Administrative Citationa document used in abatement and
civil penalties actions, which provides notice of District Code
violations or violations of any applicable statute, rule, code or
regulation enforceable by the District, and orders a
Responsible Person to pay civil penalties and costs and/or
take certain steps to correct the violations.
b) Responsible Persona person who the Executive Director
determines is responsible for causing or maintaining a public
nuisance or a violation of the District Code or any applicable
statute, rule, code or regulation enforceable by the District.
Responsible Person includes but is not limited to an
individual, corporation, partnership, property owner, tenant,
person with a legal interest in real property or person in
possession, custody or control of real property.
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Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 5 of 15
c) Hearing Officer an impartial person, designated by the
Executive Director to preside over an administrative hearing
provided for in this Subsection 0.11(i).
d) Enforcement Orderan order issued by a Hearing Officer
after a hearing requiring a Responsible Person to correct
violations, abate a public nuisance, pay civil penalties and
administrative costs, or take any other action as authorized or
required by this Code or any applicable statute, rule, code or
regulation enforceable by the District.
3. Amount of Civil Penalties.
a) The maximum civil penalty shall be Five Thousand Dollars
($5,000.00) per violation. The maximum amount of civil
penalties shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars
($100,000.00) for any related series of violations, excluding
any late payment charges or other costs.
b) A late payment charge shall be paid to the District in the
amount of Fifty Per Cent (50%) of the penalty owed if the
penalty has not been paid in total on the date it is due.
4. Administrative Citation Procedures.
a) Issuance of Administrative Citation. Whenever the Executive
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 6 of 15
Director determines that a violation of one or more provisions
of the District Code or any applicable statute, rule, code or
regulation enforceable by the District has occurred or
continues to exist, a written Administrative Citation may be
issued to the Responsible Person, imposing civil penalties.
More than one Administrative Citation may be issued against
the same Responsible Person if it encompasses either
different dates or different violations.
b) Contents of Administrative Citation. Each Administrative
Citation shall contain the following information:
(1) The date of the violation(s);
(2) The address or a definite description of the location
where the violation(s) occurred;
(3) The Code Section(s) violated and a description of the
(4) A description of how the violation(s) can be corrected
and the time frame for completion of any remedial
(5) The total or daily amount of civil penalties determined
pursuant to the criteria in Subsection 0.11(i)5.c.;
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 7 of 15
(6) Identification of the factors used by the Executive
Director in determining the duration and the amount of
civil penalties;
(7) A date when the civil penalties began to accrue and a
date when assessment of civil penalties ended, unless
the violation is continuous. In the case of a continuous
violation, there shall be an ongoing assessment of
penalties at the daily rate established in the
Administrative Citation until the violation is corrected;
(8) An order prohibiting the continuation or repeated
occurrence of the violation(s);
(9) Any other potential consequences should the
Responsible Person fail to comply with the terms and
deadlines as prescribed in the Administrative Citation;
(10) A description of the fine payment process, including a
description of the time within which and the place
where the fine shall be paid; and
(11) A description of the Administrative Citation appeal and
hearing process, including the time within which an
appeal may be filed.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 8 of 15
c) Form of Administrative Citation. An Administrative Citation
may be in letter form, or any other form, and under any title
that adequately conveys the information set forth in
Subsection 0.11(i)4.b.
d) Service of Administrative Citation. The Administrative Citation
shall be served upon the Responsible Person by certified or
registered mail or by personal service. Service of an
Administrative Citation by personal service shall be deemed
complete at the time of such personal service. Service of an
Administrative Citation by certified or registered mail shall be
deemed complete on the date the Citation is placed in the
mail. The failure of any Responsible Person to receive a copy
of the Administrative Citation shall not affect the validity of any
proceedings or actions taken under this Subsection 0.11 (i).
5. Determination of Civil Penalties.
a) In determining the date when civil penalties start to accrue,
the Executive Director may consider the date when the District
first discovered the violation.
b) The assessment of civil penalties shall end when all action
required by the Administrative Citation has been completed.
San Diego Unified Port District Port Code
Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 9 of 15
c) In determining the total or daily amount of the civil penalty to
be assessed, the Executive Director may consider some or all
of the following factors:
(1) The duration of the violation(s); violation(s);
(2) The frequency or recurrence of the violation(s);
(3) The seriousness of the violation(s);
(4) The history of the violation(s);
(5) The Responsible Person’s conduct after issuance of
the Administrative Citation;
(6) The good faith effort by the Responsible Person to
(7) The economic impact of the penalty on the
Responsible Person;
(8) The impact of the violation(s) upon the community;
(9) Any other factors that justice may require;
d) The Executive Director has the authority to establish a penalty
schedule as a guideline in determining the amount of civil
penalties in appropriate cases. The Executive Director may
also establish procedures for the use of this penalty schedule.
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6. Administrative Costs.
The Executive Director or Hearing Officer is authorized to assess any
reasonable administrative costs incurred in connection with the
issuance of the Administrative Citation, including but not limited to
scheduling and processing of the hearing and all subsequent
7. Attorney Fees.
In any action, administrative proceeding or special proceeding to
abate a nuisance, the prevailing party may recover attorney fees if,
at the initiation of the action or proceeding, the District elects to seek
recovery of its own attorneys’ fees. In no event shall the award of
attorney fees to the prevailing party exceed the amount of
reasonable attorney fees incurred by the District in the action or
8. Payment of Civil Penalties.
Payment of the Administrative Citation and any other costs shall be
made to the department of the District that issued the Citation or as
otherwise directed in the Administrative Citation. Payment is due
within ten (10) calendar days after the Administrative Citation
becomes final, either by failure to timely or properly file an appeal
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or after a Hearing Officer issues an Administrative Enforcement
9. Appeal of Administrative Citation.
a) Content of Appeal. Any recipient of an Administrative Citation
may contest whether the Responsible Person has caused or
maintained the violation(s) specified in the Administrative
Citation and whether the amount of civil penalties and costs
assessed by the Executive Director was reasonable. Any
appeal shall be in writing and filed with the Executive Director.
The written appeal shall state that a hearing is requested and
shall contain all reasons why the Responsible Person
contests the Administrative Citation.
b) Time Within Which to File Appeal. A written appeal must be
filed with the Executive Director within Ten (10) calendar days
from the date that service of the Administrative Citation was
completed pursuant to Subsection 0.11(i)4d.
c) Waiver of Appeal. If no written appeal is filed, or an untimely
or incomplete appeal is filed, the right to a hearing is waived
and the decision of the Executive Director in the
Administrative Citation is final.
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Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 12 of 15
10. Appointment of Hearing Officer.
The Executive Director shall appoint an impartial Hearing Officer and
establish a date, time and place for the civil penalties hearing when
a timely and complete written appeal is filed.
11. Civil Penalties Hearing.
a) Within Thirty (30) days of the appointment of a Hearing
Officer, the Hearing Officer shall notify the parties in writing of
the time, date and place of the hearing. The notice shall be
sent to the Responsible Person by registered or certified mail,
or hand-delivered.
b) The Hearing Officer shall only consider evidence that is
relevant to the following issues: i) whether the Responsible
Person has caused or maintained a violation of the District
Code or any applicable statute, rule, code or regulation
enforceable by the District that existed on the dates specified
in the Administrative Citation; and ii) whether the amount of
civil penalties assessed by the Executive Director pursuant to
the procedures and criteria outlined in Subsection 0.11(i)5.c.,
including any costs, was reasonable.
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Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 13 of 15
12. Administrative Enforcement Order.
a) Once all evidence and testimony are completed, the Hearing
Officer shall issue and serve on the parties a written
Administrative Enforcement Order which affirms or rejects the
Administrative Citation, or which modifies the total or daily
amount or duration of the civil penalties, depending upon the
review of the evidence. The Hearing Officer may increase or
decrease the total amount of civil penalties and costs that are
assessed by the Administrative Citation.
b) The Hearing Officer may issue an Administrative Enforcement
Order that requires the Responsible Person to cease from
violating the District Code, or any applicable statute, rule,
code or regulation enforceable by the District, and to make
necessary corrections, if any.
c) As part of the Administrative Enforcement Order, the Hearing
Officer may establish specific deadlines for the payment of
penalties and costs and condition the total or partial
assessment of civil penalties on the Responsible Person’s
ability to complete compliance by specified deadlines.
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d) The Hearing Officer may issue an Administrative Enforcement
Order which imposes additional civil penalties that will
continue to be assessed until the Responsible Person
complies with the Hearing Officer’s decision and corrects the
e) The Hearing Officer may schedule subsequent review
hearings as may be necessary, or as requested by a party to
the hearing, to ensure compliance with the Administrative
Enforcement Order.
f) The decision of the Hearing Officer is final.
13. Failure to Comply with the Administrative Enforcement Order.
a) Upon the failure of the Responsible Person to comply with the
terms and deadlines set forth in the Administrative
Enforcement Order, the Executive Director may use all
appropriate legal means to obtain compliance.
b) After the Hearing Officer issues an Administrative
Enforcement Order, the Executive Director shall monitor the
violation(s) and determine compliance.
14. Recovery of Civil Penalties.
The District may collect any past due Administrative Citation
penalties, late payment charges or other fees or costs and recover
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.11
Article 0 General Penalty Section No. 0.11 Page 15 of 15
its collection costs as a debt to the District through any means
provided by law. Means of collecting the debt may include, but are
not limited to, referring the matter for collection, filing an action in the
Superior Court or Small Claims Court, or imposing a lien or special
assessment on the property on which the violation(s) occurred.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
(Amended September 12, 1972Ordinance No. 600)
(Amended September 4, 2001Ordinance No. 2147Urgency Ordinance)
(Amended October 9, 2007Ordinance No. 2472)
San Diego Unified Port District Port Code
Section No. 0.12
Article 0 Acts Include Causing, Aiding and Abetting Section 0.12 Page 1 of 1
Whenever in this Code any act or omission is made unlawful, it shall include
causing, permitting, aiding or abetting such act or omission.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 19)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.13
Article 0 Permit Violations Section 0.13 Page 1 of 1
(a) Prohibitions
It is unlawful to perform any activity on District property without obtaining
the necessary approval or permit or in violation of any term of the approval
or permit.
(b) Applicability
This Section applies to any approval or permit required under any applicable
statute, rule, code or regulation enforceable by the District as a matter of
(c) Penalties
1. Any person who violates this Section shall be subject to punishment
in accordance with District Code Section 0.11.
2. Violations of this Section may be grounds for suspension, revocation
or modification of any District permit, license or approval.
Suspensions and revocations shall occur in accordance with the
administrative hearing procedures in Section 0.11.
3. Penalties and remedies under this Section may be cumulative and in
addition to other administrative, civil or criminal remedies.
(Enacted June 4, 2002 Ordinance No. 2185)
(Superseded and Amended October 9, 2007Ordinance No. 2473)
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Section No. 0.14
Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 1 of 16
All members of the Board of Port Commissioners (individually referred to as
"Commissioner(s),” collectively referred to as the "Board") and all employees of the San
Diego Unified Port District (District) must comply with the following Code of Ethics.
(a) Definitions:
1. BoardThe Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified
Port District.
2. Capacity as an Attorney” – An attorney representing a client, within
an attorney-client relationship, regarding a legal issue.
3. CodeThe District's Code of Ethics (Section 0.14 of the District
4. Commissioner” – A member of the Board of Port Commissioners.
5. Compensation The receipt of any monetary or non-monetary
payment, except a stipend paid to a board member of a public non-
profit corporation. Compensation includes, but is not limited to,
salary, wages, fees, and any discount or economic opportunity not
made available in the regular course of business to members of the
6. Confidential Information Information that is not subject to
disclosure under the California Public Records Act, or is properly
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 2 of 16
the subject of discussion in Closed Session pursuant to the Ralph M.
Brown Act.
7. Direct CommunicationTalking to a person, either by telephone or
in person, or corresponding with a person, either in writing, by
electronic transmission, or by facsimile machine. Direct
Communication does not include solely responding to questions from
any District Official, or appearing as a speaker at, or providing written
statements which become part of the record of a public hearing, or a
direct response to an enforcement proceeding with the District.
8. District” – San Diego Unified Port District
9. District Employee” – Any employee of the District.
10. District Official or. (Official) Commissioner(s) and/or District
11. District PremisesDistrict Administration building and parking lot,
any other building and accompanying land and/or parking lots
occupied by District Officials.
12. GiftAny payment or other benefit provided to a District Official
that confers a personal benefit for which the District Official does not
provide goods or services of equal or greater value. A Gift includes
a rebate or discount in the price of anything of value
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Section No. 0.14
Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 3 of 16
unless the rebate or discount is made in the regular course of
business to members of the public. (Government Code Section
13. Influence the DistrictAffecting or attempting to affect any action
by a District Official on one or more District decisions by any method,
including promoting, supporting, opposing, participating in, or
seeking to modify or delay such action. Influencing the District also
includes providing information, statistics, analysis or studies to a
District Official.
14. Legal IssueA legal question which is at the foundation of a case
involving or potentially involving the District, which, if not settled,
requires a decision by a court.
15. Lobbying Direct Communication with a District Official for the
purpose of Influencing the District on behalf of any other person.
16. LobbyistAn individual who receives or becomes entitled to
receive Compensation from any corporation, firm, organization, or
person other than himself, and attempts to influence any District
decision by contacting personally, or by telephone, a District Official,
or who receives or becomes entitled to receive Compensation during
any calendar year for Lobbying, and who has
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 4 of 16
had at least one District Communication with a District Official in that
calendar year.
17. Personally and Substantially ParticipatedRendering a decision,
approval, or disapproval: by making a formal written
recommendation; by conducting an investigation; by rendering
advice on a significant basis; or by using Confidential Information.
18. Political Reform Act“- California Government Code Sections 81000
19. Public AgencyThe United States or any of its agencies, the State
of California; any political subdivision of the State, including counties
and districts; or any public corporation, agency, or commission.
(b) Misuse of Office
District Officials may not make, participate in making or in any way attempt
to use their official position to influence a District decision in which the
Official knows or has reason to know the following has a material financial
interest, as defined in the Political Reform Act:
1. The District Official,
2. A relative, which includes the District Official's spouse (which, for
purposes of this Code, includes domestic partner as defined in the
District's benefits program), parents, grandparents, brothers,
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 5 of 16
sisters, children, grandchildren, first cousins, the spouses or children
of these people, and parents, grandparents, grandchildren, children,
sisters, brothers or first cousins of the District Official's spouse;
3. Any person or entity for which the District Official is an owner,
attorney, agent, broker, employee, officer, director, trustee or
4. Any person or entity with which a District Official has a financial
5. Any person or entity with which the District Official had a financial
relationship during the previous Twelve (12) months; or
6. Any person or entity from which the District Official received a Gift
cumulating more than the amount permitted by Subsection (d),
below, of this Code, including any goods or services for less than fair
market value unless available to the public generally, during the
previous Twelve (12) months. This subdivision shall not apply to Gifts
received on or before June 30, 2002.
(c) Misuse of District Resources
District Officials may not use or permit use of District time, personnel,
supplies, equipment, identification cards/badges or facilities for
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Section No. 0.14
Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 6 of 16
unapproved, non-District activities or except as provided for by
administrative regulation or procedure.
(d) Gifts
District Officials may not request Gifts from any person or entity that the
District Official knows or should know is doing business with the District or
intends to do business with the District or has done business with the District
during the previous Twelve (12) months. District Officials who are required
to file a Statement of Economic Interest, Form 700, may not accept any
Gifts aggregating more than the amount permitted by the Political Reform
Act, Government Code Section 89503(f), and as determined by the Fair
Political Practices Commission (FPPC) per year from any person or entity.
Gifts do not include Gifts that are excluded under the Fair Political Practices
Regulations, including but not limited to Section 18942. These exclusions
include, among other things, certain informational material, Gifts from
certain relatives, plaques, hospitality in a home, presents exchanged on
certain special days, and free admission and travel in-State when giving a
speech or other presentation.
(e) Gratuities
District Officials may not accept anything of value from anyone, other than
the District, or its officers or employees, for doing the District Official's job.
The exclusions specified in FPPC Regulations apply to this section.
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 7 of 16
(f) Political Activities
1. Unlawful use of influence
a) No one who holds, or who is seeking election or appointment
to, any office or employment in a state or local agency shall,
directly or indirectly, use, promise, threaten or attempt to
use, any office, authority, or influence, whether then
possessed or merely anticipated, to confer upon or secure for
any individual person, or to aid or obstruct any individual
person in securing, or to prevent any individual person from
securing, any position, nomination, confirmation, promotion,
or change in compensation or position, within the State or
local agency, upon consideration or condition that the vote or
political influence or action of such person or another shall be
given or used in behalf of, or withheld from, any candidate,
officer, or party, or upon any other corrupt condition or
consideration. This prohibition shall apply to urging or
discouraging the individual employee's action. (Government
Code Section 3204)
b) No one who holds, or who is seeking election or appointment
to, any office shall, directly or indirectly, offer to arrange for
any increase in compensation or salary for an employee in
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Section No. 0.14
Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 8 of 16
exchange for, or a promise of, a contribution or loan to any
committee controlled directly or indirectly by the person who
holds, or who is seeking election or appointment to, an office.
(Government Code Section 3205.5)
2. Solicitation of political contributions
District Officials shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit a political
contribution from a District Officials, or from a person on an
employment list of the District. This does not prohibit a District Official
from requesting political contributions from District Officials if the
solicitation is part of a solicitation made to a significant segment of
the public which may include District Officials. (Government Code
Section 3205)
3. Political activity during working hours; on District Premises; or while
in uniform.
a) District Officials are prohibited from engaging in political
activity during working hours and are prohibited from
engaging in political activity on District premises.
(Government Code Section 3207)
b) No District Official shall participate in political activities of any
kind while in uniform. (Government Code Section 3206)
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(g) Confidential Information
District Officials may not disclose Confidential Information or use it for any
non-District purpose, even after you leave District service. Disclosure to a
law enforcement agency of confidential government information concerning
conduct that may involve fraud, corruption, criminal activity or a violation of
this Code is not prohibited.
(h) Representation
While a District Official, you may not communicate for pay with the District
on behalf of a private person or entity, nor may you represent a private
person or entity in a matter that is before the District, except that a District
Official may represent himself or herself on a matter.
(i) Post District Employment
1. This section does not apply to former District Officials employed by
Public Agencies, or a former District Official representing himself or
herself, in his or her individual capacity.
2. Former District Officials shall not engage in Direct Communication
with the District, for Compensation, on a particular project that the
Official Personally and Substantially Participated, with regard to any
pending application for discretionary funding or discretionary
entitlements before the District, relating to that particular project, on
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 10 of 16
behalf of any person for a period of One (1) year immediately
following termination of service with the District.
3. Former District Officials shall not, for Compensation, knowingly
counsel or assist any person in connection with an appearance or
communication in which the former District Official is prohibited from
engaging pursuant to subsection (2), above, for a One (1) year period
immediately following termination of service with the District.
4. Former District Officials shall not engage in Direct Communication
with the District for the purpose of Lobbying the District if the former
District Official served as a District Official within the previous Twelve
(12) months, and the former District Official is receiving
Compensation from the private business to engage in the Direct
Communication with the District.
(j) Prohibited Outside Positions
A District Official may not be a paid attorney, agent, broker, officer, director,
trustee or consultant (other than as a full-time employee) for anyone that a
District Official knows or should know is doing business or seeking to do
business with the District or that a District Official knows or should know has
or is seeking a license, permit, grant, or benefit from or is entering into a
contract with the District.
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 11 of 16
(k) Ethics Officer
The Port Attorney's office shall designate an Ethics Officer for the District.
This person shall serve as the point person for all questions concerning this
Code and the Political Reform Act.
(l) Review of Filings and Advice by the Ethics Officer
The District's Ethics Officer will be available to assist District Officials with
their filing prior to the deadline. The District's Ethics Officer also will provide
assistance on any ethical question concerning a District Official's role at the
District. District Officials should feel comfortable seeking assistance and
asking questions about their particular situation. After District Officials file
their Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700, the District's Ethics
Officer will review the Statement and contact the District Official if there are
any corrections needed.
If the District's Ethics Officer believes that a District Official has a potential
conflict of interest, the District's Ethics Officer will advise the person as soon
as possible about the potential conflict. It is the District Official's
responsibility to make such a determination, and penalties for failure to do
so are applied to the District Official.
(m) Notice of a Conflict of Interest
District Officials must comply with the following provisions on disclosure and
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 12 of 16
1. As soon as a District Official faces a possible conflict of interest under
the Political Reform Act or this Code, the District Official must
disqualify himself or herself from dealing with the matter.
2. Whenever a District Official is required to disqualify himself or herself
under this section, the District Official must:
a) Promptly inform his or her supervisor, if any, about the District
Official's disqualification;
b) Promptly file with the District's Ethics Officer a signed
statement disclosing the nature and extent of the conflict of
interest; and
c) Immediately stop participating further in the matter.
3. If the District Official is a Commissioner, the Commissioner must also
set forth the disqualification on the official record of the Board and
follow the Political Reform Act regarding conflict of interest.
4. No one shall retaliate against a District Official or take any adverse
personnel action against a District Official for complying with this
(n) Training Sessions
Each year, prior to the annual filing of the Statements of Economic Interest,
the District's Ethics Officer will hold a training session on how to
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file and the current state of the law. District Officials are encouraged to
attend, particularly if the District Official is new to the District.
(o) Lobbying Provisions
Any person, who is paid to Lobby the District, shall register as a District
Lobbyist with the District Clerk's office within Ten (10) days of qualifying as
a Lobbyist. This section is not applicable to a Public Agency official, or an
individual acting on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of a business entity
which is wholly-owned or controlled by such individual, or to attorneys who
are acting in their Capacity as an Attorney while representing a client
regarding a Legal Issue involving the District.
The registration statement shall include the name, address and phone
number of the person who is registering, along with the name, address and
phone number of each person who is employing the person to be their
Each Lobbyist shall file quarterly reports listing Compensation received for
Lobbying the District for each employer, the items lobbied, and a list of Gifts
provided to Commissioners or District Employees on a form prepared by
the District.
Once a person no longer qualifies as a Lobbyist, the person may terminate
his or her registration by filing a notice of termination with the District Clerk.
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All of these statements shall be filed under penalty of perjury.
(p) Inducement of Others
District Officials may not cause, try to cause, or help another Commissioner
or District Employee to do anything that would violate any provision of this
(q) Enforcement
In addition to the penalties set forth in the Political Reform Act, which include
criminal, civil and administrative remedies set forth in Government Code
Section 91000 et seq., the District may impose the following criminal or civil
penalties on those persons who violate either the Political Reform Act or
this Code:
1. Criminal Penalties
Any person who knowingly or willfully violates any provision of this
Code is guilty of a misdemeanor. In addition to other penalties
provided by law, a fine of up to the greater of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) or Three (3) times the amount the person failed to
report properly or unlawfully contributed, expended, gave or received
may be imposed upon conviction for each violation.
Prosecution for violation of this Code must be commenced within
Four (4) years after the date on which the violation occurred.
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 15 of 16
2. Civil Penalties
Any person who violates any provision of this Code, shall be liable in
a civil action brought by the Board or the District Attorney or the
appropriate City Attorney, for an amount up to Five Thousand Dollars
($5,000.00) per violation.
No civil action alleging a violation of this Code may be filed against
a person pursuant to this section if the criminal prosecutor is
maintaining a criminal action against that person pursuant to Section
91000 or this Code. No civil action alleging a violation of any
provisions of this Code shall be filed more than Four (4) years after
the date the violation occurred.
3. Other Penalties
Additional penalties that may be imposed on Commissioners shall
include, but are not limited to, removal as Chair, removal as Chair of
a committee, removal from a committee, loss of travel privileges,
censure, or any other appropriate remedy imposed by a majority of
the other Board members. Any action taken shall be promptly
transmitted to the Commissioner's appointing authority.
Penalties that may be imposed on District Employees shall include,
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Article 0 Code of Ethics Section 0.14 Page 16 of 16
but are not limited to, dismissal, suspension without pay, loss of
travel privileges, or a letter in the personnel file.
(Enacted June 4, 2002Ordinance No. 2184)
(Amended August 20, 2002 – Ordinance No. 2195)
(Amended November 18, 2003Ordinance No. 2275)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 0.15
Article 0 Holidays Section 0.15 Page 1 of 1
The Personnel System Rules and Regulations shall provide the holidays observed
by the San Diego Unified Port District.
(Enacted August 6, 1963 Ordinance No. 88)
(Amended November 24, 1970Ordinance No. 495)
(Amended June 18, 1974Ordinance No. 656)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 2.00
Article 2 – Establishment of Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule for District Service
Section 2.00Page 1 of 1
The Board of Port Commissioners shall adopt and may amend from time to time a
Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule of the fees to be paid as provided therein for services
and administrative acts of the District which fees shall not exceed the costs incurred and
which shall apply to requests or applications in process on or after its effective date.
(Enacted May 7, 2013 Ordinance No. 2720)
(Fee Schedule Adopted by Minutes June 11, 2013)
(Amended April 15, 2014 Ordinance No. 2763)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 2.01
Article 2 – Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule for District Services
Section 2.01 Page 1 of 5
In accordance with Section 2.00, the following fees shall apply:
San Diego Unified Port District
Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule
Real Estate
Fee (1)
Rental Agreement & Tidelands Use and Occupancy
Permit Simple
Tidelands Use and Occupancy Permit moderate
Tidelands Use and Occupancy Permit complex
Easements for Utility Purposes simple
Easements for Utility Purposes complex
Lease Amendments simple
Lease Amendments moderate
Option to Lease - Amendment simple
Option to Lease - Amendment moderate
Letter Agreements simple
Letter Agreements moderate
Letter Agreements complex
Vending Permit
Bait Receiver Permit
Transportation Services Permit simple
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 2.01
Article 2 – Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule for District Services
Section 2.01 Page 2 of 5
Transportation Services Permit complex
Estoppel Certificate / Encumbrance
Estoppel Certificate / Encumbrance complex
Gasoline Services Station Permit
Right of Entry Permit simple
Right of Entry Permit moderate
Project Review and Approval (Concept Design)
Project Review and Approval (Concept Design)
Project Review and Approval (Concept Design)
Project Review and Approval (Working Drawings)
Project Review and Approval (Working Drawings) -
Project Review and Approval (Working Drawings) -
Consent to Sublease simple
Consent to Sublease complex
Consent to Assignment of Leasehold Interest or Other
Modification/Document for Lessee's Benefit Simple
Consent to Assignment of Leasehold Interest or Other
Modification/Document for Lessee's Benefit
Bundled Fee for Routine Review (i.e. Basic Real
Estate Agreement
and Categorical Determination)
(1) In addition to the above fees charged to recover Port costs, any external third-
party consultant fees incurred in connection with the services listed above will be
recovered as incurred.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 2.01
Article 2 – Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule for District Services
Section 2.01 Page 3 of 5
Any waiver of a user fee shall be subject to the provisions of Board of Port
Commissioners (BPC) Policy No. 106.
Environmental & Land Use Management
Fee (1)
50% of
Non-Appealable Coastal Development Permit
Appealable Coastal Development Permit
Cost (2)
Emergency Development Permit
In Water Hull Cleaning (2-year permit)
Categorical Determination of Exemption/Coastal
Negative Declaration
30% (3)
Mitigated Negative Declaration
30% (3)
Amendment to Port Master Plan
Cost (2)
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Review
30% (3)
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Addendum
30% (3)
Appeal of CDP to Coastal Commission
Cost (2)
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
Inspection, Construction
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Plan Check <1 acre
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Plan Check >1 Acre
Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) (Standard
Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP)) -
Review and Approval
Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) - Best
Management Practices (BMP) Inspection
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 2.01
Article 2 – Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule for District Services
Section 2.01 Page 4 of 5
Geographic Information System (GIS) - Project
(1) In addition to the above fees charged to recover Port costs, any external third-
party consultant fees will be recovered as incurred. In the event a third-party
consultant is hired as a project manager, any associated and additional staff costs
shall be charged as actual cost.
(2) Fees shown as actual cost will be charged on a time-and-expense basis, using fully
burdened hourly rates applied against tracked Port staff time. Initial deposits will be
collected at the time of application submittal and shall be the lower of $7,500 or 50% of
the estimated fee.
Additional deposits may be required during the duration of the
(3) Certain environmental review fees are assessed a percentage based
administrative fee that is 30% of the environmental consultant contract to recover staff
Any waiver of a user fee shall be subject to the provisions of Board of Port
Commissioners (BPC) Policy No. 106.
Fee (1)
(1) In addition to the above fees charged to recover Port costs, any external third-
party consultant fees will be recovered as incurred.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 2.01
Article 2 – Cost Recovery User Fee Schedule for District Services
Section 2.01 Page 5 of 5
Any waiver of a user fee shall be subject to the provisions of Board of Port
Commissioners (BPC) Policy No. 106.
User fee waivers shall be in accordance with BPC Policy No. 106.
User fee dispute resolution shall be in accordance with BPC Policy No. 106.
Significant variances in staff required to provide certain services make application
of a fixed user fee
impracticable. In these instances, the applicant is charged for
services provided on a reimbursement basis, using fully burdened hourly staff rates or,
in some instances, a percentage based administrative fee based on outside consultant
costs. These reimbursement user fees are designated in the Cost Recovery User Fee
Schedule as "actual cost."
For all actual cost user fee items, an initial deposit (the lower of $7,500 or 50%
of the estimated fee) shall be collected to cover the Port's full cost, including overhead,
incurred in conjunction with review and processing as requested by applicant. Additional
funds may be collected, as required, to cover the Port's actual costs. Should the
application be withdrawn at any time, the deposit shall be adjusted to cover the Port's
actual costs, including overhead, up to that time. Any funds remaining on deposit at the
time of completion or withdrawal of the application shall be returned to the depositor,
after accounting for the expenses incurred to date.
(Enacted August 12, 2014Ordinance No. 2776)
(Amended December 9, 2014 Ordinance No. 2794)
(Amended February 10, 2015 Ordinance No. 2797)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.00
Article 3 Tenant Project ReviewInitial Service Request
Section 3.00Page 1 of 2
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.00
Article 3 Tenant Project ReviewInitial Service Request
Section 3.00Page 1 of 2
(a) Title. The title of this Article shall be “Tenant Project Review.
(b) Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this Article is to set forth
requirements to process tenant project applications within the District’s
jurisdiction; to establish clear guidelines, processes, and general time frames
for the exercise of authority; to ensure that the District’s costs of granting
development rights are reimbursed; and to ensure that the District can protect
the public health, safety, and welfare.
(c) Scope. This Article shall apply within the geographical limits and jurisdiction of
the District including any areas subsequently acquired by any means.
(d) Severability. If any word, phrase, sentence, part, section, subsection, or other
portion of this Article, or any application thereof to any person or circumstance,
is declared void, unconstitutional, or invalid for any reason, then such word,
phrase, sentence, part, section, subsection, or other portion, or the proscribed
application thereof, shall be severable, and the remaining provisions of this
Article, and all applications thereof, not having been declared void,
unconstitutional or invalid, shall remain in full force and effect.
(e) Definitions. Certain words and phrases used herein are defined in Section 3.08,
unless the context requires a different meaning.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 - Ordinance No. 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.01
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Preliminary Project Review
Section 3.01Page 1 of 3
(a) Requirement to File an Initial Service Request. All Persons seeking to conduct
an activity requiring possession of District real property shall first notify the
Reviewing Department in writing of the proposed activity unless the activity has
already been reviewed and approved by the District. Notification is effective only
if made through an Initial Service Request. The Initial Service Request is not a
Project Application.
(b) Authority to Submit an Initial Service Request. An Initial Service Request may be
submitted only if:
1. The Person is an existing District tenant with the real property rights
necessary to complete the activity; or
2. The Person has a valid right to use the Property or a contingent interest in
the Property for the activity; or
3. Staff is in negotiations with the Person for the real property rights necessary
to conduct the activity pursuant to one or more of the following authorities:
a) The Board has directed Staff to negotiate with the Person, or
b) The real property rights required to complete the activity are:
1) Within Staff’s authority to grant and
2) Staff authorizes the Person to submit an Initial Service Request
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.01
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Preliminary Project Review
Section 3.01 – Page 2 of 3
(c) Unsolicited Proposals. Nothing in this Article shall limit the Board’s
discretion to consider Unsolicited Proposals. Any Commissioner, or
Staff, may request to add an item to the Board agenda that would
provide an informational presentation on an Unsolicited Proposal
and recommend that the Board direct Staff to process it in
accordance with this Article. If directed by the Board, then the
Person with an Unsolicited Proposal may submit an Initial Service
Request in accordance with the requirements of this Article. Nothing
in this Article grants a right or entitlement to a Person that an
Unsolicited Proposal will be placed on a Board agenda for Board
(d) Evaluation of Initial Service Request. The Reviewing Department
shall evaluate the activity described in the Initial Service Request to
determine what District review may be required.
1.) District Review Required. All activities require District review
as determined by the Reviewing Department unless an
exception applies.
2.) Exceptions from District Review. No further review of the
activity will be required, and the Reviewing Department shall
notify the Person that the activity may move forward, only if
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.01
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Preliminary Project Review
Section 3.01Page 3 of 3
there is no feature of the activity that could be considered a
Project or Development, including but not limited to:
1. Routine interior maintenance and repairs.
2. Interior redecorating with like materials and finishes and
replacement of interior furniture, fixtures, and equipment
3. Similar replacements of existing interiors.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 - Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.02
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Application
Section 3.02Page 1 of 2
(a) Reviewing Authority. The Reviewing Department shall determine whether the
activity will be subject to Preliminary Project Review as described below.
1. Required - Preliminary Project Review. Preliminary Project Review is
required if the activity may require a CEQA document (Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) or Subsequent or Supplemental EIR, Mitigated
Negative Declaration (MND) or Subsequent MND, or Negative Declaration)
and at least one of the following:
a) Board approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) or a material
amendment to an already approved CDP, or
b) Board approval of an amendment to the Port Master Plan.
2. Requested - Staff Discretion to Request Preliminary Project Review. For an
activity that does not meet the requirements above, the Director of the
Reviewing Department may seek Preliminary Project Review for any reason
including but not limited to regional impacts, cost, public profile, security, or
any combination thereof.
3. Not Required Staff Review and Approval Only. For all other activities not
subject to Preliminary Project Review, Applicant shall proceed to Pre-
Application Coordination.
(b) Board Direction to Commence Environmental Review. Activities subject to
Preliminary Project Review must include a Pre-Design package for the Board’s
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.02
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Application
Section 3.02 – Page 2 of 2
review. The Board may, in its sole and absolute discretion, direct Staff to process
the activity as a Proposed Project and commence CEQA review, commence
CEQA review with modifications or options, or not commence CEQA review. Public
Trust Doctrine review, and certain California Coastal Act reviews, can occur during
CEQA review. Preliminary Project Review and direction to commence CEQA
review shall not be considered an approval and the Board reserves all its legal
(c) Pre-Application Coordination. As defined by the Reviewing Department, one or
more coordination meetings between the Applicant and the District are required
prior to Applicant filing a Project Application unless waived in writing by the
Director of the Reviewing Department.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.03
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Application
Section 3.03Page 1 of 3
(a) Project Application. Applicants shall complete a Project Application which shall
be returned to the District for processing. Staff shall prescribe the form in which
Project Applications are made and maintain a list specifying the materials and
information to be submitted with each Project Application.
(b) Filing a Project Application. A Project Application shall be filed in accordance with
the provisions of this Article and processed in accordance with applicable law.
Project Applications shall be numbered consecutively in the order of their filing
and shall become a part of the District’s official records. The Project Application
shall include the materials and information required on the date the Project
Application is filed, unless otherwise specified by the Port Code or applicable law.
1. Evaluation for Completeness. The Project Application shall be deemed
complete when the Reviewing Department has determined that the Project
Application includes all information and materials required. At any time
during the initial evaluation and subsequent processing of the Project
Application, Staff may request that the Applicant clarify, simplify, or
provide additional information or information required for the Project
Application. Staff may also utilize third-party consultants acting under
Staff’s direction to evaluate for completeness.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.03
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Application
Section 3.03Page 2 of 3
2. Cost Recovery. All Proposed Projects shall be subject to the requirements
of Article No. 2.00 Cost Recovery of this Port Code, including but not limited
to responsibility for the costs of CEQA, Coastal Act, and project review, as
well as the costs of environmental and coastal analysis or project
management functions conducted by a third-party consultant through one
or more three-party agreements in form and content satisfactory to the
District. If third-party consultants are needed, Staff shall solely select the
third-party consultant(s) and direct the third-party consultant(s). Staff may
in their sole and absolute discretion, but have no duty to, share the
environmental review with the Applicant prior to public review of the CEQA
document if applicable. Staff shall prepare a cost estimate including third-
party consultant costs required to complete the District’s review of the
Proposed Project. Staff shall invoice the Applicant periodically for any
applicable Cost Recovery Fees. Prior to the approval, conditional approval,
or denial of a Proposed Project by Staff or the Board as applicable,
Applicant must pay all applicable Cost Recovery fees. Nothing in this Article
gives an Applicant a right to review or comment on administrative drafts of
CEQA review, CDP(s), or amendments thereto or other analyses.
3. Withdrawal. An Applicant may withdraw a Project Application in writing at
any time subject to payment in full for all amounts due to the District as of
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.03
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Application
Section 3.03Page 3 of 3
the effective date of withdrawal, including but not limited to cost recovery
as defined in Article No. 2.00 Cost Recovery of this Port Code.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.04
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Decision
Section 3.04Page 1 of 3
(a) Processing a Complete Project Application. Following receipt of a Complete
Project Application, the Reviewing Department shall process it in accordance with
all applicable District policies, procedures, and practices as well as all laws
including but not limited to CEQA and the Coastal Act (including preparation of a
CEQA document, Port Master Plan Amendment, or Coastal Development Permit
as may be required), and ordinances adopted pursuant thereto, in addition to all
other lawful requirements.
(b) Discretionary Approval, Conditional Approval, or Denial. Once the Reviewing
Department has completed its review and all CEQA review has been completed
and approved, the Reviewing Department shall do one of the following:
1. If Board review is required, then Staff shall present their recommendations
regarding the Proposed Project to the Board for discretionary approval,
conditional approval, or denial which may include, but not limited to,
approval or adoption of a Port Master Plan Amendment, authorization of a
CDP or material CDP Amendment, or other discretionary approvals.
2. If Board review is not required, then Staff shall approve, conditionally
approve, or deny the Proposed Project.
(c) Written Approval or Denial of Proposed Project. All determinations made by the
Reviewing Department, or the Board shall be communicated in writing to the
Applicant. A Proposed Project that is approved or conditionally approved shall
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.04
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Decision
Section 3.04Page 2 of 3
become an Approved Project and shall submit progressively detailed drawings and
information as may be required by the Reviewing Department.
(d) Changes to an Approved Project. The Applicant shall comply with all conditions of
approval. Applicant understands that the Approved Project cannot move forward
until the Reviewing Department has provided written approval for the changes.
Changes to an Approved Project shall be processed as follows:
1. Following approval, if an Applicant requests changes to an Approved
Project including but not limited to drawings, plans, specifications, and
revised project description narrative or summary of changes, then such
changes shall be submitted to the Reviewing Department in writing and
reviewed for substantial conformance to the Approved Project.
2. Changes to an Approved Project may require subsequent CEQA
environmental review or additional Coastal Act processing as determined
by Staff.
(e) Dispute Resolution Process. If the Applicant disagrees with the denial of a
Proposed Project by the Reviewing Department or one or more conditions of
approval imposed by Staff, then the Applicant may appeal as follows:
1. First, to the District’s Executive Director through a written objection clearly
stating the reasons for the objection and filed with the Reviewing Department
by no later than five (5) business days following the determination.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.04
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Proposed Project Decision
Section 3.04Page 3 of 3
2. Second, if the District’s Executive Director concurs with Staff’s
determination, then to the Board through a written objection clearly stating
the reasons for the objection and filed with the Office of the District Clerk by
no later than five (5) business days following the determination.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.05
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Approved Project Construction
Section 3.05Page 1 of 1
(a) Prior to commencement of construction, Applicants must provide the Reviewing
Department the following:
1. Verification that all pre-construction conditions have been completed to the
satisfaction of the District, and
2. Copies of any permits, licenses, approvals, or other authorizations
necessary for commencement of construction issued by any governmental
agency, as well as copies of permits subsequently obtained.
(b) After the Approved Project is fully constructed, all Applicants shall deliver to the
Reviewing Department a written notice of completion with As-Built Drawings and
evidence that all required inspections have been passed, all required permits have
been obtained, and all applicable conditions of approval have been satisfied.
Applicants must also provide evidence of compliance and any applicable reports
to resource and permitting agencies. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall
be acceptable to the District for the purpose of complying with this section so long
as it is followed by a final Certificate of Occupancy delivered to the District once
(Enacted April 3, 2024 Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.06
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Monitoring and Inspections
Section 3.06Page 1 of 2
(a) District Staff Authority. The Executive Director and authorized designee may
monitor activities and inspect facilities within or doing business from the District’s
jurisdiction, whether or not occupied, at reasonable times, in a reasonable manner,
and with reasonable notice to carry out the purposes of this Article or any
applicable statute, rule, code or regulation enforceable by the District.
(b) Construction Inspection. Staff shall inspect Approved Projects to ensure
compliance with District conditions of approval to ensure construction is in
substantial conformance to the conditions of the Project Approval, Field Directives,
construction measures, and any special conditions identified in the Coastal
Development Permit if applicable.
(c) Scope of Monitoring. Monitoring may include any and all actions necessary to
determine compliance with this Article, District-issued permits, and conditions of
approval. Monitoring may include, but may not be limited to, sampling, taking
measurements, metering, and placing devices necessary to sample, monitor,
meter, record, visually inspect and review records. When samples are collected,
the Applicant or Authorized Agent may request and receive split samples. Records,
reports, analyses, or other information required under this Article may be inspected
and copied, and photographs taken to document a condition and/or a violation of
this Article.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.06
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Monitoring and Inspections
Section 3.06 Page 2 of 2
(d) Inspection and Monitoring Work Product and Costs. Any work product not subject
to the attorney-client privilege that is generated by the District pursuant to an
inspection and monitoring shall be timely shared with the Applicant following
Applicant's request in writing. All inspection and monitoring costs shall be borne
by the District unless and to the extent the inspection and monitoring substantiates
one or more violations, in which case, the Applicant shall pay all third-party costs
excluding the District's staff time.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.07
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Violations and Enforcement
Section 3.07 – Page 1 of 2
(a) Violations. The following are violations of this Article and may be enforced by Staff
or the Board, or both, under this Section 3 or Section 12 of the District’s Coastal
Development Permit Regulations, or the Coastal Act, or all three:
1. Commencement of an activity which has not obtained the required
discretionary approval pursuant to this Article.
2. Failure to comply with the conditions of a discretionary approval or causing,
allowing, aiding, or abetting non-compliance.
3. Commencement of corrective actions for violations of this Article must
commence within ten (10) business days after the District notifies the
Applicant of a violation in writing, Applicant shall commence and diligently
pursue to completion the activities necessary to correct the violation. Each
day or part thereof that action necessary to correct a violation is not initiated
and diligently pursued is a separate violation.
4. A separate violation may be considered to have taken place for each day of
non-compliance with this Article exists.
5. It is unlawful to make any false statement or misrepresentation to the District
or its agents concerning compliance with this Article. False statements or
misrepresentations may include, but are not limited to, any
misrepresentation in a voluntary disclosure, any submission of a report that
omits required material facts without disclosing such omission, and any
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.07
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Violations and Enforcement
Section 3.07Page 2 of 2
withholding of information required to be submitted by or pursuant to this
Article. It is unlawful to conceal a violation of this Article.
(b) Penalties. Violations related to a Coastal Development Permit or the Coastal Act
may result in judicial action against the violator, referral to the California Coastal
Commission, civil penalties, fines, a notice of violation recorded against the
leasehold interest, a cease and desist order as authorized by the Port Act, the Port
Code including but not limited to Article 0, the California Coastal Act (see Public
Resource Code §30800 et seq.), or any other law, or any combination thereof.
(c) Exclusions. Excluded from this Subsection are legal nonconforming uses
established prior to enactment of regulations that require discretionary approval
for the activity.
(d) Notice of Violation. Staff shall orally notify the alleged violator by telephone or in
person of the violation, followed by a written notice given by certified mail or hand
delivered to the alleged violator. The notice shall include the following:
1. A description of the activity which constitutes the violation.
2. A statement that the described activity constitutes a violation of this Article.
3. A statement that the described activity be immediately stopped and cured,
or the alleged violator may be subject to penalties.
4. The name, address, and phone number of the Staff which is to be contacted
for further information.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.08
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Definitions
Section 3.08Page 1 of 4
(a) Definitions. Certain words and phrases used herein are defined in this Section
unless the context requires a different meaning.
1. “Applicant” means any of the following:
a) a Person who has properly submitted a Project Application and is the
record lessee of the real property that is the subject of the activity;
b) the record lessee’s Authorized Agent;
c) any other Person who can demonstrate a legal right, interest, or
entitlement to the current or future use of the real property; or
d) a Person that has an existing legal agreement with the District to
process a Project Application.
2. “Approved Project” means a Proposed Project which has been reviewed
and approved with or without conditions and with or without modifications
by Staff, the Board, or both in accordance with this Article and any
applicable regulations and laws.
3. “As-Built Drawings” means all plans and specifications for the Approved
Project that include all modifications to the original design during
construction. For all Approved Projects approved by the Board, As-Built
Drawings must include a fully functional, intelligent digital twin of the
Approved Project suitable for the District’s use and reference.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.08
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Definitions
Section 3.08 Page 2 of 4
4. “Authorized Agent” means an agent acting on behalf of the record lessee
as its representative where the record lessee has signed and submitted in
writing a record granting the authority to represent the record lessee and to
submit an Initial Service Request or file a Project Application and may
include authorization to process the Application in part or entirety.
5. “Board” means the District’s Board of Port Commissioners.
6. “CEQA” means the State of California Guidelines for the California
Environmental Quality Act, codified as California Code of Regulations, Title
14, Chapter 3, Section 15000 et seq., and the District’s Guidelines for
Compliance with CEQA on file in the Office of the District Clerk as Document
No. 36294, as amended.
7. “Complete Project Application” means a Project Application that meets all
submittal requirements as determined by the Reviewing Department.
8. “Development” means development as defined in California Public
Resources Code Section 30106 and any associated laws, regulations, and
judicial decisions.
9. “District CDP Regulations” means the San Diego Unified Port District’s
Coastal Development Permit Regulations on file in the Office of the District
Clerk as Document No. 19171, as amended from time to time.
10. “District Conditional Project Approval” means the written documentation
issued by the Reviewing Department and countersigned by the Applicant
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.08
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Definitions
Section 3.08 Page 3 of 4
that a Proposed Project is an Approved Project and specifying therein the
extent of the approval(s) granted.
11. “Initial Service Request” means a form submitted by a Person to Reviewing
Department to notify the District of a proposed activity to be conducted in
the District’s jurisdiction, whether or not the activity is later determined to be
a Project which includes a Pre-Design package.
12. “Person” means a natural person, corporation, government or governmental
subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited
liability company, association, or other entity.
13. “Pre-Design” means a brief project description accompanied by site plan,
schedule, and cost estimate.
14. “Preliminary Project Review” means review by the Board to determine
whether and to what extent an activity may become a Proposed Project.
15. “Project” means any activity consistent with the definition of a project under
CEQA as codified in California Public Resources Code Section 21065 and
any associated laws, regulations, and judicial decisions.
16. “Project Application” means an application for a Project submitted after an
Applicant has completed the Initial Service Request process.
17. “Proposed Project” means any Project which is under review by the
Reviewing Department and has not yet been approved by Staff, or the
Board, or both as may be required.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 3.08
Article 3 Tenant Project Review Definitions
Section 3.08 Page 4 of 4
18. “Reviewing Department” means one or more District department(s)
responsible for processing Project Applications as designated by the
Executive Director from time to time.
19. “Staff” means District staff as determined by the District’s Executive Director
or their designee.
20. “Substantial Conformance” means a minor change to an Approved Project
which does not require further CEQA review and does not substantially
change the original approval or the effect of the approval on surrounding
property. Changes to Approved Projects including but not limited to the
following, may be found to be in substantial conformance:
a) Necessary to comply with requirements from other public agencies.
b) Made to comply with original conditions of approval.
c) Minor revisions and modifications.
21. Unsolicited Proposal” means any proposal for Development received by
Staff or the Board which is not the result of a District-initiated solicitation
(Request for Qualifications, Request for Proposals, or other) or submitted
by an existing District tenant pursuant to Board policies.
(Enacted April 3, 2024 Ordinance 3129)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.01
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – Disabled, Grounded and Beached
Section 4.01 Page 1 of 4
(a) Any disabled vessel or any vessel in such condition as to create a danger
to persons or property shall be subject to, and the owner or person in
custody or control of such vessel shall comply with, all orders or directions
of the Executive Director or his or her designee with regard to the disposition
of such vessel.
(b) It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in custody or control of any
vessel or structure to ground or beach said vessel or structure on San Diego
Bay tide or submerged lands for the purpose of performing repairs or
maintenance without the express prior permission of the Executive Director,
or his or her designee.
(c) It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in custody or control of any
vessel or structure to ground or beach said vessel or structure on San Diego
Bay tide or submerged lands and leave said vessel unattended. For the
purpose of this Section, a vessel or structure shall be deemed unattended
when the vessel or structure has been beached or grounded and the
owner/operator or watchman does not remain in the immediate area for a
period of more than Three (3) hours. This Section shall not apply to any
designated, dinghy landing area. The grounding,
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.01
Article 4 Marine Operations Regulation of Vessels Disable, Grounded and Beached
Section 4.01 Page 2 of 2
beaching, launching or retrieving of any vessel or structure in any wildlife
sanctuary or protected lands shall be unlawful.
(d) Any vessel beached or aground in violation of any provision of this Section
shall be subject to removal and storage by any Harbor Police Officer
pursuant to Section 8.25(a) of this Code. The registered and/or legal owner
of the vessel may be liable for all costs related to the removal and storage
of any vessel removed and stored pursuant to this Section. Any violation of
this Section is a misdemeanor.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 215)
(Amended June 15, 1976Ordinance No. 730)
(Amended December 13, 1977Ordinance 783)
(Amended March 9, 2004Ordinance 2283)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.02
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Berthing and Mooring Section 4.02 Page 1 of 1
Any vessel berthing at a wharf, pier or bulkhead or mooring in the harbor shall be
subject to, and the owner or person in custody or control of such vessel shall comply with,
orders or directions of the Port Director with regard to such berthing or mooring.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 215)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.03
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Inspection of Vessel, Cargo or Crew
Section 4.03 Page 1 of 1
The Port Director may at any time enter upon any vessel berthed or moored in the
harbor and inspect said vessel to ascertain its condition, the nature of its cargo or the
condition of its crew.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 215)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.04
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Speed Regulations Section 4.04 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a vessel or watercraft in the harbor
at a speed that is greater than reasonable or prudent, having due regard for vessels,
property or persons in said harbor, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety
of persons or property.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 215
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.05
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Use of Wharf Facilities to Break, Warp or Turn Vessel
Prohibited Section 4.05 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful to use any wharf or pier to break, warp or turn a vessel, or to
turn or swing a vessel with the stem of such vessel against a wharf or pier.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 215)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.06
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Mooring to Aids to Navigation
Section 4.06 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful to moor or attach any vessel to any aid to navigation in the
harbor except in an emergency when necessary for the safety of persons or property.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 215)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.07
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Mooring Restrictions Section 4.07 Page 1 of 1
(a) No person shall moor or make fast any vessel to any float, wharf, pier,
harbor facility or structure of any kind in San Diego Bay without the consent
of the owner, agent, or person in lawful possession thereof.
(b) It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any vessel that is made fast
or moored to any float, wharf, pier, harbor facility or structure of any kind in
San Diego Bay to fail or refuse to immediately remove such vessel
therefrom after being notified to do so by the owner, agent, or person in
lawful possession of such float, wharf, pier, harbor facility or structure.
(Enacted March 28, 1972 Ordinance No. 566)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.08
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Anchorages Section 4.08 Page 1 of 19
(a) Purpose
California law (San Diego Unified Port District Act, Harbors and Navigation
Code, Appendix I, Sections 55 and 56) requires the Board of Port
Commissioners to regulate and control the anchoring, mooring, towing and
docking of vessels, and to make and enforce all necessary rules and
regulations governing the use and control of navigable waters within the
District. The purpose of this Section of the San Diego Unified Port District
Code is to implement that responsibility within the anchorages of San Diego
(b) Definitions
Certain words and phrases used herein are defined as follows, unless the
context requires a different meaning:
1. Anchorage Any portion of the anchorages which has been
designated by competent authority for the anchoring of vessels.
2. America's Cup Harbor Moorage-That body of water lying northeast
of Shelter Island Drive, southeast of Scott Street, south of Harbor
Drive, and northwest of an imaginary line drawn from the Shelter
Island Launching Ramp breakwater and the Naval ASW School
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.08
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Anchorages Section 4.08 Page 2 of 19
3. Bay Bridge Roadstead AnchorageThat body of water within San
Diego Bay lying between Stations 529 and 531-A on the combined
U.S. Pierhead-Bulkhead Line as established by the Army Corps of
Engineers in 1969, on the east, the City of San Diego-City of
Coronado adjudicated boundary line on the north, the State of
California northerly right-of-way line for the San Diego-Coronado Bay
Bridge on the south, and Stations 529 and 531 on the former U.S.
Pierhead Line, as established by the Army Corps of Engineers in
1963, on the west.
4. Embarcadero Moorings Those Mediterranean moorings located
between the north side of Grape Street Pier No. 1 and the United
States Coast Guard Station in the City of San Diego within the areas
bounded by the face of the wharf and extending bay ward a distance
of 200 feet.
5. Laurel Street Roadstead AnchorageThat body of water located
between the safety zone of the United States Coast Guard on the
north, the commercial piers at the foot of Hawthorn Street on the
south, and the pierhead line on the west.
6. Shelter Island Roadstead AnchorageThose areas included within
that body of water within San Diego Bay, triangular in shape,
containing 1,066,337 square feet of 24.5 acres of water-covered
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.08
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels Anchorages Section 4.08 Page 3 of 19
area lying between Stations 429 and 435 on the combined U.S.
Pierhead-Bulkhead Line as established by the Army Corps of
Engineers in 1965, on the west, the southeasterly prolongation of
Stations 435 and 437 of the said combined U.S. Pierhead-Bulkhead
Line, on the north, the westerly limits of an easement (P.A. Permit
No. 4716.9) granted by the State of California to the City of San
Diego in 1972, on the east, more particularly described as follows:
Anchorage 1a generally being that area lying southeasterly of
Shelter Island and between boundary markers A and B; Anchorage
1b generally being that area lying southeasterly of Shelter Island and
southwesterly of the existing boat launching facilities and between
boundary markers C and D; and Anchorage 1c generally being that
area lying southeasterly of Shelter Island and northeasterly of the
existing boat launching facilities and between boundary markers E
and F.
7. AnchoringAttachment of a vessel to the bottom or the shore of
San Diego Bay, using equipment, lines, rope, chain or cable which is
carried onboard the vessel as regular equipment when underway.
8. Ark” – A vessel which is incapable of navigating over the surface of
the high seas, as defined herein, or which is incapable of getting
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underway; or which does not have proof of Coast Guard safety
inspection and registration; or which does not have a Department of
Motor Vehicles registration; or which has no propulsion system, as
defined herein.
9. Dinghy A small boat propelled by oars, sails or motor which is
capable of being carried aboard the vessel and which does not
exceed Twelve (12) feet in length, provided, however, upon prior
written authorization from the Executive Director of District or his
designated representative, said dinghy may be longer than said
Twelve (12) feet.
10. Dinghy Dock” – A dock designated for tie up of dinghies.
11. District” – The San Diego Unified Port District.
12. DockA non-floating structure designed and constructed for the
mooring of vessels, includes wharf or pier as defined in this Section.
13. Executive Director-Executive Director of San Diego Unified Port
District or his authorized designee.
14. Fire Access A clear zone on either land or water which is set aside
for the accommodation of firefighting vessels or equipment.
15. Floating ResidenceAn ark with liveaboards.
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16. Gray WaterShower water that does not have any toilet, sewage,
waste or polluted bilge water within it.
17. High Seas Those waters outside of San Diego Bay beyond an
imaginary line between Zuniga Jetty Light "Z" and Point Loma Light.
18. Inland WatersThose waters of San Diego Bay lying northerly and
easterly of an imaginary line drawn between Zuniga Jetty Light "Z"
and Point Loma Light.
19. Landing A portion of the shore, unimproved, or improved with
marine structures, floats, or otherwise designated as a place for
small boats to land.
20. Liveaboard” – Any person who shall occupy a vessel with the intent
that such vessel shall be his or her sole residence.
21. Major Repairs or Maintenance Welding or spray painting on the
exterior of a vessel, exterior sandblasting, and any work beyond
repair or replacement of electrical equipment, mechanical or
hydraulic components, or repair and adjustment to machinery which
remains onboard the vessel.
22. Marine Sanitation DeviceToilet equipment (United States Coast
Guard Approved) designed to receive human waste onboard the
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23. MoorageAny portion of anchorages which has been designated
by competent authority as a place for vessels to moor.
24. Moor (verb)” – To fix a floating vessel to the bottom in one location,
temporarily or permanently, by the use of cables, lines, chains, or
other equipment remaining attached to the bottom at all times.
25. Mooring PermitA document conferring the right to use the buoy
or mooring device described and identified in said Mooring Permit for
a prescribed period.
26. Permittee” The legal owner, operator or individual in possession
of a vessel, using a mooring by authority of the District, under a
Mooring Permit.
27. Pier A structure built upon pilings driven into the bay bottom,
designed and outfitted for the mooring of vessels.
28. Propulsion SystemA system which is designed to propel a vessel
through the water. A propulsion system may include, but is not limited
to sails, internal combustion engines, steam reciprocating or turbine
engines, gaseous or liquid jets.
29. SeaworthyDescribes a vessel in good material condition which
is not likely to sink or become a menace to navigation or a nuisance,
and which is capable of getting underway and navigating over the
surface of international waters or high seas.
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30. SewageHuman body waste, either treated or untreated.
31. SlipA vessel's mooring space.
32. Transient Vessel As applied to mooring; migratory means
remaining for a short and indefinite time as between ports on a
voyage – temporary and irregular. As applied to a mooring permit, a
vessel applying to stay in San Diego Bay for up to Thirty-One (31)
33. “VesselA structure designed to float upon the surface of a body
of water.
34. “Waste” Sewage and all other waste, substances associated with
human habitation; or human or animal waste.
35. “Wharf” A non-floating structure constructed parallel to the
shoreline, designed and outfitted for the mooring of vessels.
(c) Authority of Executive Director
The Executive Director of District or his designated representative shall
have authority to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and all lawful
regulations and laws affecting the anchorages. It shall be the duty of the
Executive Director or his designee to:
1. Carry out and enforce the orders of the Board of Port Commissioners
of District, the provisions of this ordinance, and all regulations and
laws affecting the anchorages.
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2. Assign moorings to vessels within the anchorages.
3. Execute, on behalf of the District, Mooring Permits for the
assignment of moorings to vessels within the anchorages.
4. Order any vessel improperly moored, anchored, or in violation of any
provision in this Section or any applicable ordinance, to change its
position to one he shall designate, or to remove same from the
anchorages, and in the event his orders are not compiled with, to
cause such vessel to be moved and to collect the cost thereof from
such vessel, Permittee, or owner.
5. Report promptly to the proper authorities any violation of the laws of
the United States for the protection of navigation or any violation of
the State or local laws or regulations.
6. Insure through inspection that all vessels mooring in the anchorages
are in compliance with all navigational, maritime, Federal, State,
local and District laws and regulations, including but not limited to
those mentioned in this Section.
(d) Removal of Vessel Upon the expiration of a Mooring Permit or the sooner
termination as herein provided, the owner, after receiving notification by
Certified Mail, will remove within Thirty (30) days the vessel, debris, and
other materials from the water area forming a part of or adjacent to the
mooring, so as to leave the same in as good condition as
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when first occupied. If any said vessel, debris, and other material shall not
be so removed within Thirty (30) days, District may remove the same at the
expense of the owner; and the District will charge the owner the cost of such
(e) Mooring Assignment
a) No person (including the owner, master, operator or person in
legal control and custody of a vessel) shall moor or anchor a
vessel at or in the anchorages without first having secured a
Mooring Permit from the District in the form and manner
provided therefor. Proof of vessel ownership shall be
presented upon application for a mooring permit; provided,
however, a person who notifies the District, in writing, that the
vessel is not presently owned but is being acquired or
purchased by that person, and proof of ownership of the
vessel in the name of such person will be provided to the
District within Sixty (60) days, may file such an application and
pay the application fee, provided further if such proof of
ownership of the vessel is not provided within Sixty (60) days
after such filing, the application shall be void and the
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application fee shall be retained by the District. In addition, the
person's name shall be removed from the waiting list.
b) Mooring Assignments shall be made from a separate
chronological waiting list for each District anchorage. The list
is available at the District Clerk's office. There shall be a
separate non-refundable mooring application fee for each
waiting list equal to One-Half (1/2) of the mooring fee
established for a One (1) calendar month period. Said
application fee shall be applied as payment towards the
monthly mooring fee. Persons requesting a consecutive
mooring assignment in the same mooring area shall not be
required to submit an application. A vacant mooring will be
offered first to that person highest on the list for that size
mooring, and then, if refused, in sequence to those next on
the list. Notifications of available vacant moorings will be
made by mail and applicant must respond and execute a
Mooring Permit within Ten (10) working days or their name
shall be removed from the waiting list. The application fee
shall be forfeited if the applicant withdraws his/her name from
the waiting list or refuses to accept a vacant mooring within
the response period provided to the applicant.
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c) No more than One (1) Mooring Permit shall be issued to any
owner, master, operator or person in legal control and custody
of One (1) or more vessels. Once a mooring buoy is assigned
for a Twelve (12) Month period, the Director of Marine
Operations, or his authorized designee, shall have the
authority to reassign the Permittee to another buoy after the
District notifies the Permittee by Certified Mail of such
reassignment. Notwithstanding, on an emergency basis as
determined by the District, reassignments without notice can
be made by the District.
d) After Thirty-One (31) days of continuous permitted use, a
given transient vessel will have at least a Fourteen (14) day
wait period before being considered for a mooring
e) District may assign up to Twelve (12) temporarily unassigned
moorings for use by transient vessels for up to Thirty-One (31)
2. In order to receive a mooring assignment, the execution of a Mooring
Permit is required. In addition, verification of ownership, verification
of registration, verification of insurance, and inspection for
seaworthiness, sanitary facilities, waste containers, safety and
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fire suppression equipment and other safety and health-related
equipment required by existing laws is required.
3. Vessels must have a propulsion system and be able to get underway
on demand and navigate upon the high seas.
4. Mooring assignments are for One (1) vessel only and cannot be
transferred to another party or vessel without the written approval of
the Executive Director. Only One (1) transfer per year of a Mooring
Permit from one vessel to another vessel is allowed. Such transfer
must be under the same ownership and occupy the same mooring
5. A mooring assignment must be accepted within Ten (10) working
days of notification, by payment of applicable fees and deposits.
(f) Mooring Purposes Only A Mooring Permit shall authorize the holder
thereof to use the facilities for mooring purposes only and grants no further
rights, privileges or uses. Additional or varying uses shall not be allowed
except as provided in the ordinances and regulations of the District.
(g) Reassignment of Mooring Space The District may, from time to time,
require the reassignment of mooring space to Permittee. Permittee will be
notified by Certified Mail of such reassignment by the District and shall,
within Thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice, move its vessel to such
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reassigned space. Failure to so move a vessel, within the Thirty (30) day
period, shall be cause for revocation of the Mooring Permit and Permittee's
vessel may be removed thereafter by District. Such failure shall also be a
violation of the District Code, Section 4.07.
(h) Notice of Cancellation of District Permittee shall give the District Thirty
(30) days’ notice of cancellation of the Mooring Permit. Mooring Permit fees
will be prorated to the date of cancellation so given. Any remaining prepaid
fees shall be returned to Permittee within Thirty (30) days following such
(i) Refusal to Issue Mooring Permit District shall have the right, at all times,
to refuse to issue or reissue a Mooring Permit to any vessel unless it is
seaworthy, properly maintained, and does not present a danger to District's
property or other vessels.
(j) Mooring Fees Mooring fees and charges for Mooring Permits shall be
adopted by resolution of the Board of Port Commissioners.
(k) Payment of Mooring Fees The first month's mooring fees and other
charges are payable in full at the time of issuance by District of the Mooring
Permit. All mooring fees and charges for use of slip for less than Thirty-One
(31) days shall be payable at the time of the issuance of the Mooring Permit
by District. Mooring fees and charges for use of a slip for a period greater
than Thirty-One (31) days shall be payable before the Tenth
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(10th) day of the month. A Fifteen Dollar ($15.00) late fee shall be due and
payable if a mooring account remains due and unpaid after the Ninth (9th)
day of the month.
(l) Security Deposit For long-term Mooring Permits, more than Thirty-One
(31) days, the District shall charge, in addition to the above fee for a Mooring
Permit, a security deposit which shall be a sum equal to Two (2) month's
mooring fees, or the total amount of the fees charged if the time for fee is
less than Two (2) months. The Mooring Permit shall provide for this method
of such deposit.
(m) Change of Mooring Fees -The District reserves the right to change the
mooring fees upon Thirty (30) days’ notice, by depositing such notice in the
United States Mail, directed to the Owner or Operator of the vessel as
shown on the front page of the Mooring Permit.
(n) Tampering With or Boarding Vessels It shall be unlawful for any person
to willfully injure, break, remove or tamper with any part of any vessel in the
Anchorages, any waterway or facility thereof, or to climb into or upon any
vessel without the consent of the owner unless in the performance of official
duties or to protect life or property.
(o) Vessel Inspection The District reserves the right as provided by law to
inspect any vessel moored, or requesting moorage, for proper safety,
sanitation, mechanical, or other devices or equipment as may be
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prescribed by law. The District will give reasonable notice to the owner of
any vessel of such inspection authorized by the District for the purpose of
health and welfare concerns.
(p) District may accept proof of successful completion of a United States Coast
Guard Auxiliary Courtesy Marine Examination as evidence of fulfilling this
requirement in Section (o), above.
(q) Insurance Permittee shall maintain insurance satisfactory to the District
and in the form and amounts to be determined by the District. Permittee
shall be required to hold harmless and indemnify the District.
(r) Port's Right Upon Nonpayment or Abandonment In the event moorage
charges or any other charges due to the San Diego Unified Port District
become delinquent or if the vessel is deemed abandoned, the District may,
at its option, secure and take possession of the vessel so that it cannot be
removed from District facilities until all charges then owing and any charges
which shall thereafter accrue are fully paid. Measures taken by the District
shall give notices as required by law prior to securing vessels; however, no
prior notice of such action is required in the case of transient vessels or
abandoned property. After Sixty (60) days the boat or other property may
be sold at public auction. The District shall give such notices as are required
by law.
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(s) Address ChangesPermittee is responsible for notifying the District of all
changes. All notices shall be deemed properly mailed to Permittee when
mailed to the last address provided to the District in writing by the Permittee.
(t) Refuse
1. No person shall throw, discharge or deposit from any vessel or from
the shore or float, or in any other manner, any refuse matter, sewage,
waste, fish parts, polluted bilge waters, or garbage of any kind
whatsoever into or upon the water of the anchorages, or in, or upon
the banks, walls, sidewalks, parking area, or any waters within the
boundaries of the Harbor.
2. No person shall dump or discharge oil, spirits, flammable liquid or
polluted bilge water into the anchorages. All garbage shall be
deposited in receptacles.
3. No person onboard any vessel moored in the anchorages shall use
the toilet onboard such vessel unless it is equipped with a suitable
marine sanitation device or other approved device for sewage
retention that is in proper working order.
4. No person shall place or leave dead animals, fish, shellfish, bait, or
other putrefying matter on or along seawalls, harbor structures,
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floats, piers, sidewalks or parking areas of any anchorages or throw
or deposit such materials in the waters of such areas.
5. Pets shall not be allowed to commit any nuisance within any
anchorages and the owners of said pets shall be responsible for
cleaning up any nuisances or mess left by said pet. Dogs and other
pet animals shall not be allowed on any dock, pier or on any
anchorage grounds except while on a leash.
(u) Wharves, Floats and Piers
1. All vessels must be secured so that no part, including bowsprit,
boom, boomkin or equipment shall extend into any portion of the
access lane.
2. As defined in this Section, major repairs or servicing of a vessel in
any anchorage is prohibited except upon the prior written
authorization of the District. Vessel maintenance work shall be
limited to that required to maintain a vessel seaworthy and in
operable condition.
3. No person shall engage in exterior spray painting in any anchorage
except as is authorized by the Executive Director or his authorized
designee. The sanding of surfaces shall be by hand or small power
sander only; and all persons sanding surfaces and/or painting shall
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make all necessary efforts to control all sand, paint and dust and
keep the same out of the anchorages.
4. No person shall display on any vessel a "For Sale" sign in excess of
One Hundred Fifty (150) square inches on the face.
5. At such time as it may become necessary to perform work onboard
a vessel involving use of welding or burning equipment, every person
intending to engage in welding or burning onboard a vessel shall
notify the District of the nature and extent of the proposed work, the
workman or company doing the work, and the date and time the work
shall be performed. This notification shall be given to the District prior
to the start of the work and, whenever practical, at least One (1) day
before the work is to be performed. All such work of welding or
burning shall be performed only at an appropriate location or special
anchorage. No person shall engage in welding or burning onboard a
vessel in any location.
6. All construction materials, refuse, spare parts, surplus equipment or
any other such material not needed for the direct operation of the
vessel or the reasonable accommodation of the crew or passengers
of the vessel shall be stored within an enclosed space on the vessel.
Lighter vessels, barges or similar floating conveyances are
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7. Mooring lines shall be provided by the Permittee using a slip and
shall be of sufficient number, strength and size to ensure that vessels
remain securely moored under all conditions.
(v) Uses Prohibited
1. No business or commercial enterprise, including charters and
vessels carrying passengers for hire, shall be conducted.
2. The tying/lashing of boats, dinghies or other small craft to any vessel,
dock, wharf, pier or float, is prohibited except by written permission
of the owners of said device, or the District, whichever is appropriate.
No more than Two (2) dinghies or other small craft used for
transportation to or from a vessel shall be permanently tied or lashed
to a vessel without the written permission of the District.
3. No mooring space shall be used for a floating residence or ark at any
(w) Fishing
1. No person shall engage in fishing from the shore improvement
walkways, fingers, or floats of any anchorage.
(Enacted June 9, 1998 -Ordinance No. 1982)
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1. Commercial Fisherman Permit Holder - A “commercial fisherman permit
holder,” as reference in Port of San Diego Tariff No. 1-G, Item No. 0525, is
defined as the named owner/operator of a vessel that meets the
requirements of a “Commercial Fishing Vessel” as shown in Port of San
Diego Tariff No. 1-G, Item No. 0445 who has been issued a permit to moor
at the Tuna Harbor Basin Commercial fishing facility. Owners of multiple
vessels will require a separate permit for each vessel.
2. Permission Required - No person shall moor a vessel at the Tuna Harbor
Basin commercial fishing facility without permission from the District in the
form of (1) a mooring permit, (2) a temporary mooring assignment, (3) an
in-transit vessel berth assignment from the Executive Director or his/her
authorized representative, or the vessel is taking shelter in accordance with
Section 4.09.5. The Executive Director shall have the authority to determine
the terms and conditions of any such permits and assignments, including
without limitation restrictions as to safety, traffic, congestion, protection of
persons, and property and the environment, in addition to the requirements
contained herein. Each vessel requires a separate mooring permit,
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temporary mooring assignment, or in-transit vessel assignment regardless
of owner.
3. Mooring Permits - Mooring permits shall be for a period of time not to exceed
twelve (12) months, subject to termination at any time upon thirty (30) days
prior written notice. In order to be eligible for a mooring permit the
owner/operator of each vessel shall comply with all of the following
requirements, prior to April 30
of each calendar year, and submit
verification of such requirements to the Port District in such form as is
acceptable to the Executive Director:
a) The owner/operator of each vessel shall submit a completed permit
application form provided by the Port District.
b) The owner/operator of each vessel shall provide documentation to
establish proof of ownership by submitting either the vessel’s
California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) undocumented
vessel certificate number (CF) or United States Coast Guard (USCG)
certificate of documentation.
c) Each vessel shall have a valid Commercial Boat Registration from
the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the forthcoming
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d) Each vessel owner/operator shall have and likewise present a valid
commercial fishing license from the California Department of Fish
and Wildlife for the forthcoming year.
e) The owner/operator of each vessel shall submit written
documentation to the Port District that the vessel is assessed at the
commercial fishing vessel rate by some state and/or county within
the United States of America.
f) The owner/operator shall provide the Port of San Diego proof of
commercial fishing activity sufficient to demonstrate annual
qualifying amounts from the California Department of Fish and
Wildlife using the “Information Request Form for Commercial
Landing/CPFV Logbook information.” Annual qualifying amounts are
as follows:
i) Vessels of thirty (30) feet length overall and below five
thousand dollars ($5,000.00).
ii) All other vessels exceeding thirty (30) feet length overall ten
thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
iii) A vessel exceeding said thirty (30) feet may be made subject
to subparagraph i) above and not ii) if said vessel is granted a
waiver by the Executive Director or his/her authorized
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iv) representative because of its configuration and capacity to
engage in commercial fishing. Such waiver shall be
discretionary and shall be supported by reasoning in writing,
which shall be filed with the Office of the District Clerk. Denied
waivers will be reconsidered with a review of all original
documents and any additional evidence by the Executive
Director, whose final decision will be binding.
g) The dockage for a six (6) month period shall be paid in full, in
advance, at the time a mooring permit is issued for mooring of the
vessel. The dockage shall be based on the length overall of the
vessel and measured in accordance with Port of San Diego Tariff No.
1-G, Item No. 0550. Dockage for any subsequent additional period
not to exceed six months must also be paid in full in advance of the
subsequent period.
h) All vessels requesting a Tuna Harbor berthing permit are required to
provide proof of marine insurance in the following coverage and
liability limits: Owner/Operators of commercial fishing vessels shall
provide proof of Protection & Indemnity (P&I) insurance with limits of
liability not less than $300,000. Such insurance shall include
coverage for bodily injury including death and medical expenses as
well as property damage including coverage for removal and wreck
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including expenses and costs to dispose of and remove
contaminants connected with the vessel. San Diego Unified Port
District shall be named an Additional Insured.
i) All vessels must meet federal requirements as found in 46 CFR Part
28 Requirements for Commercial Fishing Industry Vessels and
USCG’s “Safety Initiatives and Good Marine Practices for
Commercial Fishing Industry Vessels.” In addition, all vessels must
maintain a valid Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety decal (CFVS)
issued within the past two years, including those that are currently
j) A review of the prospective applicant’s financial responsibility may
be required. A prospective applicant (mooring permittee) is defined
as an owner/operator who has not occupied a slip at the Tuna Harbor
Basin at any time during the previous 12-month period from the time
of application.
k) District reserves the right to deny a permit to any applicant that
violated a previous District permit, had a previous District permit
revoked, or otherwise failed to comply with applicable rules at it
relates to this ordinance. District staff shall provide a written notice
of denial which will include an appeals process.
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4. Temporary Mooring Assignment - Upon application, the Executive Director
may, in his/her judgment, find that unavoidable accident, unusual
occurrences, including but not limited to medical incapacity of the operator,
temporary inoperability of the vessel, or other unusual circumstances may
relieve the boat owner/operator from the active fishing vessel proof
requirements. In such cases, a temporary mooring assignment may be
issued on a month-to-month basis during the continuation of such unusual
circumstances, for a total period not to exceed six (6) months. All
requirements for a mooring permit set forth in Section 4.09.02 that are not
explicitly waived shall continue to apply to temporary assignments.
5. In-transit Vessel Berth Assignments The owner/operator of an in-transit
commercial fishing vessel may apply for an in-transit vessel berth
assignment and may be authorized to moor at the facility for a period of time
not to exceed twenty (20) days within any continuous thirty (30) daytime
span. At the discretion of the Executive Director this time limitation may be
extended upon showing a bona fide need.
a) An in-transit commercial fishing vessel is defined as a commercial
fishing vessel, which is not permanently home-ported in San Diego
Bay. An in-transit berth assignment may be authorized subject to the
following requirements:
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i) The owner/operator of each in-transit commercial fishing
vessel shall submit a completed berth reservation form
provided by the Port District.
ii) The owner/operator of each in-transit commercial fishing
vessel shall pay, in advance, the dockage for in-transit
commercial fishing vessels as provided in Port of San Diego
Tariff No. 1-G, Item No. 0570(B).
iii) The owner/operator of each in-transit commercial fishing
vessel shall comply with requirements in Section 4.09.03
subparts b, c, d, e, h and i as referenced above.
iv) All persons requesting an in-transit vessel berth assignment
are required to provide proof of marine insurance in the
following coverage and liability limits: Owner/Operators of
commercial fishing vessels shall provide proof of Protection &
Indemnity insurance with limits of liability not less than
$300,000. Such insurance shall include coverage for bodily
injury including death and medical expenses as well as
property damage including coverage for removal and wreck
including expenses and costs to dispose of and remove
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contaminants connected with the vessel. San Diego Unified
Port district shall be named an Additional Insured.
v) All in-transit vessels berthed at Fish Harbor Pier must have a
crew member aboard the vessel 24 hours a day.
6. Shelter - A vessel captain or operator using a facility of the Port of San
Diego, without an application, or having taken shelter at a facility due to
extreme conditions of weather or distress, will do so at his/her own risk and
will immediately notify Port District of the situation. At the discretion of the
Executive Director, the vessel its owner(s), agent(s), and charterer(s) may
be held responsible for any and all charges, damages, and losses of any
nature whatsoever that result from taking and using such facility, upon
alleviation of extreme weather conditions or distress conditions, vessel shall
immediately vacate Port of San Diego facilities. If vessel repair is necessary,
prompt, and immediate repair of vessel shall occur and written proof of due
diligence concerning the repair of vessel, such as job orders and purchase
orders shall be submitted to the Port’s Maritime staff.
7. Rules for Overnight Commercial Fishing Activities or Preparations No
owner/operator of a vessel berthed at the Tuna Harbor Basin shall allow
any person to occupy the vessel as a place of residence or overnight
accommodation, nor shall any person occupy such a vessel as a place of
residence or overnight accommodation except as allowed below:
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a) If authorized by the Executive Director or his/her designated
representative, owner/operators and crew members, who are
actively engaged in commercial fishing activities or preparations,
may stay on their vessel overnight not to exceed 7 nights in any 10-
day period. No others are allowed overnight stays on such vessels.
At the discretion of the Executive Director this time limitation may be
extended upon the showing of a bona fide need.
b) If authorized by the Executive Director, or his/her designated
representative, owner/operators and crewmembers of in-transit
commercial fishing vessels may stay onboard overnight while the
vessel remains an in-transit commercial fishing vessel. No others are
allowed overnight stays on such vessels.
c) Requests for overnight stays can be initiated by contacting the Port’s
Maritime Office at 619-686-6345 (24/7 contact number).
8. Environmental All permittees must comply with the Port Code 10.5
(Prohibitions) and 10.6 (Best Management practices)
9. Sanitation Facilities - All vessels moored at Tuna Harbor are required to
have adequate sanitation facilities on board, at all times. Adequate
sanitation facilities are considered to be fully operational Type I, II, or III
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Coast Guard-approved marine sanitation device or portable toilet that
prevents direct discharge of human waste into the harbor.
10. Illegal Discharge No person shall discharge, or allow to be discharged any
oil, sewage, grey water, or other materials into the waters or upon the lands
of the Port District and shall obey, and comply with all applicable laws, rules
and regulations adopted by federal, state, District or other local government
bodies, including without limitation environment laws.
11. Dock Modification No modifications or permanent attachments shall be
made to the permittee’s slip and adjacent areas except by the District or its
12. Authorization Prior to Slip Move Permittees are assigned a specific dock
slip location. Usage of unassigned dock slip location is not permitted without
approval from the District’s Maritime staff. Permittees with multiple slips are
permitted to shift Vessels within their assigned slips without prior
authorization, as long as the slip being utilized is adequate for the size of
13. Additional Vessels/Floats Permittees are not authorized to attach or store
skiffs, floats, or other vessels to the permitted vessel, floating docks, or piers
except for the purpose of active vessel operations. No long-term (longer
than 72 hours) attachment or storage will be permitted.
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14. Sale of Vessel For Sale signs are allowed on permitted vessels within
Tuna Harbor Basin, but sign dimensions should not exceed 24” X 36”, no
more than four (4) signs allowed per vessel, and all signs may only be
affixed to the vessel.
15. Transfer of Ownership District’s Maritime Staff must be notified prior to
any vessel transfer of ownership. Slip permits are not transferrable. New
owners will be required to submit all applicable documentation to Maritime
Staff in order to obtain a slip at Tuna Harbor.
16. Storage No person shall store, or cause to be stored, any supplies,
materials, accessories, motors, debris, refuse, or garbage on any approach
ramp, head walk, or finger float within Tuna Harbor Basin, without prior
authorization from the District’s Maritime staff. The floating docks are
intended for vessel berthing and transferring cargo, equipment, and
supplies, not for long-term storage. The District will allow up to 48 hours to
transfer gear/equipment to and from the vessel. Additionally, the District will
permit the usage of one dock box per vessel no greater than 35 Cubic feet.
17. Parking Vehicles utilizing Tuna Harbor’s commercial fishing parking lot
must have a valid parking decal from the District. No more than one parking
permit decal per vessel; however, the Executive Director or their designee
is authorized to issue additional parking permits based on space availability
and demand at the rate outlined in the District’s Tariff.
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18. Long Term Parking Permittees parking for more than seven days must
notify and receive authorization from the District’s Maritime staff.
19. Dock Gates Gates and doors to all floating docks within Tuna Harbor
Basin must always remain locked. Wiring open or impairing gates and locks
is prohibited. Additionally, permittees are not authorized to share gate
access codes.
20. Authorization for Common Use Areas All commercial fishing vessels must
receive prior authorization from the District’s Maritime staff for use of Tuna
Harbor’s common use areas. Common use areas include Fish Harbor Pier
inner G St. Mole Pier slip, and Dock 1 loading dock slip.
Note: Fish Harbor Pier is a public pier primarily used to berth in-transit
commercial fishing and to allow permitted vessels additional dock apace to
conduct net mending, fish offloading, and other activities related to servicing
commercial fishing vessels.
21. Delinquencies All charges for services rendered or for the use of any
terminal facility are due and payable as they are incurred. The executive
Director may, at his/her discretion, require that charges, which are assessed
against the vessel, its owners, operators, or agents, be paid before the
vessel leaves its berth. The Executive Director may also require that
charges accrued against cargo be paid before removal of such cargo from
the terminal. Any firm, corporation, or person that fails to pay bills covering
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dockage or wharfage charges that remain due and unpaid for a period of forty-five
(45) days after the first day of any renewal quarter shall be considered
delinquent and must thereafter:
a) Pay all charges, in cash, in advance of handing any ship or cargo
under any circumstance at the Port of San Diego; or
b) Place a deposit with the Executive Director an amount sufficient to
guarantee the payment, upon presentation of all bills incurred by, for
or on behalf of such person, within a one-month period.
22. Vehicle Access, Fish Harbor Pier No Person shall drive a vehicle on Fish
Harbor Pier without prior authorization from the District’s Maritime staff.
Failure to comply may result in a citation from the District’s Harbor Police
23. Vehicle Access, Tuna Harbor Mole Pier Vehicle access on Tuna Harbor
Mole Pier is authorized only for vehicles actively working against a permitted
vessel. Unattended vehicles are not authorized, and all vehicles must stay
within the solid red line to maintain a fire lane for emergency access. Failure
to comply may result in a citation from the District’s Harbor Police
24. Live Bait or Catch Receivers Any live bait and/or catch receivers will be
subject to all rules and regulations pertaining to vessels and must stay
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within the vessel’s assigned slip area. Receivers must be labeled with the vessel
name in which they service.
25. Loading of Passengers Except for vessels operating under the terms of a
special permit issued by the District, no person shall load or allow the
loading of passengers for hire on any vessel, commercial or otherwise,
within the Tuna Harbor Basin.
26. Vessel Maintenance Unified Port District Code Sections, 10.05 and 10.06
are applicable to any maintenance/repairs identified in this section.
Note: Net mending and removable fishing gear repair not applicable to this
a) Vessel maintenance work within the Harbor shall be limited to that
ordinarily required to keep the vessel seaworthy and in good
condition. Minor repairs to and routine maintenance of a vessel may
be made or accomplished in the assigned berthing or mooring space,
provided all work is done within the confines of the vessel and not
carried on in any manner whatsoever upon the floats or piers, into
the water, or onto neighboring vessels.
b) Spray painting is strictly prohibited, except for airbrush painting
required for boat numbering and names.
c) Major repairs which include, but are not limited to, construction,
repair, or replacement of structural members or portions of the vessel
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are prohibited, except by advance request and written authorization will be
given within a 24-hour period from the District’s Maritime staff. The
criteria used for granting such a request shall be largely based on
the ability of all materials used by or produce from the project to be
completely contained in or on the vessel, and that a nuisance to
neighboring vessels will not occur.
d) Use of welding, burning torch or other open flame apparatus requires
prior written permission from the District’s Maritime staff.
e) In no event shall maintenance work performed to a vessel result in
damage to District facilities, including paint marks, drill holes, burn
marks, and spilled fuel, oil, paint or solvents. The permittee shall be
financially liable for the repair or restoration of any such damage,
even if it is caused by relatives, employees, or contract workers of
the owner. District-provided trash bin/dumpsters shall not be used for
any excessive waste created from additional maintenance/repairs
done to vessels. Vessel owners are responsible for disposing
excessive waste from maintenance/repairs off-site.
27. Displays Non-navigational flags or banners are prohibited from being
displayed on vessels while docked at a slip within Tuna Harbor Basin.
28. Inoperable Vessels Vessels berthed, moored, or anchored in Tuna Harbor
must be operable, maintained in a seaworthy condition, and be a design
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suitable for operation on the open waters of San Diego Bay in the typical range of
sea conditions. If the District has cause to question the operability of a
vessel, a District representative may request a demonstration of the
vessel’s operability. Thirty days written notice shall be given to the vessel’s
owner for such a request. In cases where a vessel is found to be inoperable,
the owner shall have sixty days to complete repairs to make vessel
operable. If after sixty days the boat is still inoperable, the permit will be
revoked, and the vessel must be removed within ten days. This section is
not intended to apply to any brief period of repair common to most vessels.
The District’s Maritime staff may repeat the request to test operability as
needed. The Executive Director or his/her designee may grant additional
time for major maintenance items on a case-by-case basis. Additional time
will be taken into consideration for regulatory requirements or permittees
making vessel improvements through a government program or grant
process. It is not the intention of this exemption to allow for long-term
storage of unused maritime hardware.
29. Violations The San Diego Unified Port District may institute legal action in
any court of competent jurisdiction against any person who violates any
provisions as set forth in the Tariff published by the San Diego Unified Port
District (Refer to Tariff No. 1-G, Item No. 0300), The Executive Director is
authorized to remove any vessel from the assigned mooring area to the
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nearest vessel impound or other place, within the Port of San Diego, when any
vessel is moored in violation of any applicable law or regulation, including
without limitation this Section 4.09 and any approved berth reservation
issued pursuant thereto. In the event of removal, the registered owner shall
be informed promptly of the impound location and be provided an
opportunity to remove vessel.
30. Notice of Violations Any permit holder, crew member, contractor or
associate of a vessel found to be out of compliance with any of the
provisions found in this ordinance shall be notified of any such violation by
mail and by a Notice of Violation sticker with detailed information of such
violation being placed on the vessel and/or equipment by the District’s
Maritime staff.
31. Appeals Process In the event the Port District issues Notice of Intent to
Evict a permitted vessel or denies a permit based on 4.09.03.k, the permit
holder or denied applicant shall be given the right to file a written appeal to
the Executive Director which shall be delivered or mailed to the District
Clerk. The permit holder shall have ten (10) calendar days from the date of
the Notice of Intent to Evict or denial of permit based on 4.09.3.K to file the
appeal. The decision of the Executive Director shall be final.
(Enacted March 6, 1984 Ordinance No. 1064)
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(Amended December 19, 1995 Ordinance No.
(Amended December 11, 2018 Ordinance No. 2932)
(Amended December 14, 2021 Ordinance No. 3032
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.10
Article 4 Terminal Operator Defined Section 4.10 Page 1 of 1
A Terminal Operator shall be any person offering to perform for the general public
the following services in connection with a common carrier by water in interstate or foreign
commerce upon facilities of District facilities:
(a) The handling, storing and/or delivering such merchandise and cargoes;
(b) Such additional accessorial services as may be required in connection with
such merchandise and cargoes, including but not limited to the loading,
unloading, marking, labeling, and transferring.
(Enacted May 10, 1966Ordinance No. 227)
(Amended October 8, 2013Ordinance No. 2741)
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Section No. 4.13
Article 4 Terminal Operator Agreements Required Section 4.13 Page 1 of 1
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to perform terminal operator services
upon facilities of the District, as such terminal operator services are herein
defined, without first entering into a Terminal Operator Agreement with the
(b) Terminal Operator Agreements, as required by subsection (a), shall contain
terms including, but not limited to, the Terminal Operator indemnifying and
holding harmless the District against liability arising out of Terminal
Operator's performance of the Terminal Operator Agreement; Terminal
Operator maintaining adequate insurance; and other terms and conditions
as deemed appropriate by the District.
(c) The Executive Director has the authority to execute Terminal Operator
Agreements in accordance with this Section.
(Enacted May 10, 1966Ordinance No. 227)
(Amended October 8, 2013Ordinance No. 2741)
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Section No. 4.14
Article 4 Regulation of In-Water Hull Cleaning Section 4.14 Page 1 of 6
Section 1.
(a) Purpose
California law requires the District to protect, preserve and enhance the
quality of water in San Diego Bay (San Diego Unified Port District Act,
Harbors and Navigation Code, Appendix I) and prohibits the discharge of
waste to waters of the state in a manner causing, or threatening to cause,
a condition of pollution, contamination or nuisance (California Water Code
section 13050). Pursuant to Clean Water Act Section 303(d), portions of
San Diego Bay have been identified as impaired due to high concentrations
of dissolved copper in the water column, which resulted in a requirement
imposed by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board to reduce
copper loading through a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). The in-water
hull cleaning of vessels has been identified as a source contributing to
copper loading. Therefore, the District is adopting this Section to help
implement its statutory responsibilities by requiring that in-water hull
cleaning in San Diego Bay as a business be conducted only by persons
holding a valid permit issued by the District.
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(b) Definitions
For purposes of this Section, certain words and phrases not otherwise
defined in District Code Section 0.03 shall be defined as follows, unless the
context requires a different meaning:
1. "In-Water Hull Cleaning" the cleaning of recreational or commercial
vessel hulls while the vessel is in the water. This includes cleaning,
by hand or mechanical means, the underwater portions of the hull up
to the waterline. This does not include underwater dive services used
for other activities, including but not limited to, regular servicing of
zinc anodes, underwater maintenance and repair of drive shafts,
through-hull components and other maintenance-related efforts.
2. "In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit" a permit issued by the District for
In-Water Hull Cleaning as a Business. Permits may be issued to an
individual or a business on behalf of numerous individuals. The
permittee shall be responsible for the activities of all Persons
performing work under the Permit.
3. "Best Management Practices" or "BMPs" schedules of activities,
good housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational
practices, maintenance procedures, tools and other management
practices used to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants
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directly to receiving waters to the maximum extent practicable. BMPs
may include any type of pollution prevention and pollution control
measure that can help to achieve compliance with this Section.
4. “Business" – any public or private activity, facility, or person involved
in, engaged in, or that provides In-Water Hull Cleaning services for
compensation. These activities do not include industrial activities,
nor do they include any Federal, State, Municipal, or other
government agency activities.
5. Facility" marinas, mooring companies, yacht clubs and any other
area in which In-Water Hull Cleaning is conducted.
(c) In-Water Hull Cleaning Permits
1. No Business shall perform In-Water Hull Cleaning without first having
secured an In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit from the District.
2. All Persons performing In-Water Hull Cleaning as part of a Business
shall possess, maintain, and show proof that they are operating
pursuant to a valid In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit, upon request.
3. Each Facility shall require all Persons it admits to its leasehold to
perform in-Water Hull Cleaning as a Business to show proof that
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they are operating pursuant to a valid In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit
before any In-Water Hull Cleaning is conducted.
4. Each Facility shall maintain a copy of a valid In-Water Hull Cleaning
Permit Persons it admits to its leasehold to perform In-Water Hull
Cleaning as a Business. Copies shall be kept on the leasehold for no
less than ninety (90) days after the expiration of the In-Water Hull
Cleaning Permit. District shall have the right to inspect the permit
copies at any reasonable time, upon request.
5. Each Facility that becomes aware that any In-Water Hull Cleaning is
being or has been conducted on its leasehold without a permit
required by this Section shall notify the District within one business
day of discovery.
6. Each Business with an In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit shall comply
with each and every provision of the In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit.
Failure to comply may result in the suspension or revocation of the
Business’s In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit or any penalty(ies)
enumerated in Subsection (f) of this Section.
(d) Use of Best Management Practices for All Persons
1. No Person shall perform In-Water Hull Cleaning without complying
with Best Management Practices generally recognized by the
industry as being effective and environmentally sound.
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2. No Person shall perform In-Water Hull Cleaning that results in visible
paint plume or cloud.
(e) Federal or State Preemption
The provisions of this Section do not apply where Federal or State law
Regulates In-Water Hull Cleaning if the Federal or State law preempts local
regulation or if the Federal or State law is more restrictive.
(f) Penalties for Violation of Section 4.14
1. A violation of this Section shall be punished in accordance with
District Code Section 0.11.
2. Violations of this Section also may be grounds for suspension,
revocation or modification of any District permit, license or approval.
3. Violations of this Section may be grounds for the refusal to issue or
renew an In-Water Hull Cleaning Permit.
4. Penalties and remedies under this Section may be cumulative and in
addition to other administrative, civil or criminal remedies. Nothing in
this Section shall preclude any person from seeking any other
remedies, penalties or procedures provided by law.
(g) Right of Appeal
1. If the District suspends, revokes, modifies or refuses to issue an In-
Water Hull Cleaning Permit, the permittee may appeal, in writing, to
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the Executive Director within Ten (10) calendar days of the date of
the action taken by the District.
2. The written appeal shall state whether a hearing is requested and
shall contain all reasons why the permittee or applicant for a permit
believes the action of the District to be improper.
3. If no written appeal is filed, or if the appeal is untimely or fails to state
the reasons why the permittee or applicant for a permit believes the
action of the District to be improper, the right to a hearing is waived
and the decision of the District is final.
4. If a written appeal is timely and completely filed and a hearing is
requested, the District shall appoint an impartial hearing officer within
Thirty (30) days and establish a date, time and place for the hearing.
This time may be extended based on good cause or the agreement
of the parties. The decision of the hearing officer is final.
(Enacted July 11, 2011 Ordinance No. 2645)
(Amended August 14, 2012 Ordinance No. 2684)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.30
Article 4 South San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities Regulated
Section 4.30 Page 1 of 4
(a) Purpose
California law (San Diego Unified Port District Act, Harbors and Navigation
Code, Appendix I, Sections 55 and 56) requires the Board of Port
Commissioners to regulate and control the anchoring, mooring, towing and
docking of vessels, and to make and enforce all necessary rules and
regulations governing the use and control of naviga21wdeuble waters within
the District. The purpose of this Section of the San Diego Unified Port
District Code is to implement that responsibility within South San Diego Bay.
South San Diego Bay is naturally shallow with depths ranging from One (1)
to Six (6) Feet at low tide, except in marked channels. Problems associated
with water quality and flotsam are more prevalent in the South Bay owing
to the lack of tidal flushing in this area. Numerous sunken vessels,
submerged obstructions and dilapidated watercraft have been abandoned
in the area, complicating navigation.
Duly published regulations and restrictions promulgated by competent State
or Federal authority shall be paramount in the event of conflict with
provisions of this Code.
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Article 4 South San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities Regulated
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(b) Definitions
1. South San Diego BayThe part of San Diego Bay lying southward
of a line extending in a west southwesterly direction from the
southwesterly corner of the Sweetwater Wharfing Latitude 32° 38'
52" N, Longitude 117 07' W, to a point on the southerly shore of
Crown Cove at Latitude 32 38' 10" N, Longitude 117° 08'20" w.
2. Coronado Cays Channel That channel marked by buoys and day
markers lying east of Coronado Cays; including approaches to floats
and berthing facilities in the Coronado Cays complex.
3. Chula Vista Harbor Channel“– That channel marked by day markers
leading from the Sweetwater Channel turning basin in a southerly
direction toward the Chula Vista Harbor entrance situated at Latitude
32° 37' 23" N, Longitude 117 06' 15"W.
4. Chula Vista Small Craft Harbor That deepened and protected
portion of South San Diego Bay lying eastward of Longitude 117° 06'
15" W.
5. Chula Vista Wildlife Preserve That man-made peninsula of
approximately Eighty (80) acres in surface lying southerly of the
Chula Vista Harbor, and westerly of San Diego Gas & Electric power
plant at Latitude 32° 37' N.
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(c) Regulations
1. It shall be unlawful to anchor, moor, make fast to the bottom, strand,
or ground any vessel or structure or to be in control or possession of
or to operate any vessel or structure which is anchored, moored,
made fast to the bottom, stranded or grounded within South San
Diego Bay as defined in Sec. 4.30(b)1 of this Code.
2. Watercraft engaged in public works projects, patrol, derelict removal,
geological or environmental survey, or other work permitted by
competent local, State or Federal authority shall be exempt from this
restriction during the course of such work. This section shall not
apply to vessels of less than Eighteen (18) Inches loaded draft
engaged in fishing during daylight hours.
3. It shall be unlawful for any vessel to be operated at a speed in excess
of Five (5) Miles Per Hour in South San Diego Bay as defined in Sec.
4.30(b)1 of this Code, except while transiting the Chula Vista Harbor
Channel seaward of daymarks 11 and 12. Vessels must maintain a
reasonable and prudent speed pursuant to Section 4.04 of this Code.
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(d) Penalty
1. Any person who violates any provision of this Section, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor.
2. Any vessel anchored in violation of any provision of this Section shall
be subject to removal and storage by any Harbor Police Officer
pursuant to Section 8.25(a) of this Code. The registered and/or legal
owner of the vessel may be liable for all costs related to the removal
and storage of any vessel removed and stored pursuant to this
(Enacted February 10, 1987Ordinance No. 1200)
(Amended June 18, 1991Ordinance No. 1435)
(Amended March 9, 2004 Ordinance No. 2284)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.35
Article 4 Central San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities
Regulated Section 4.35 Page 1 of 4
(a) Purpose
California law (San Diego Unified Port District Act, Harbors and Navigation
Code, Appendix I, Sections 55 and 56) requires the Board of Port
Commissioners to regulate and control the anchoring, mooring, towing and
docking of vessels, and to make and enforce all necessary rules and
regulations governing the use and control of navigable waters within the
District. The purpose of this section of the San Diego Unified Port District
Code is to implement that responsibility within Central San Diego Bay.
Duly published regulations and restrictions promulgated by competent State
or Federal authority shall be paramount in the event of conflict with
provisions of this Code.
(b) Definitions
1. Central San Diego BayThat part of San Diego Bay lying northerly
of South San Diego Bay, as defined in this Code, and southerly of a
line drawn westerly from the South Embarcadero Marina Park fishing
pier to the easterly most point of North Island Naval Station in
Latitude 32° 42' 10" N.
The majority of Central San Diego Bay has been deepened by
dredging to a depth of Ten (10) Feet or more at low tide.
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2. Glorietta Bay That portion of Central San Diego Bay lying
westward of Longitude 117° 10' W.
3. Glorietta Bay ChannelThat channel connecting the northwesterly
extreme of Glorietta Bay with the Main Ship Channel at Coronado
Bridge Piling No. 15.
4. Bay Bridge Roadstead That part of Central San Diego Bay
bounded on the south by a line parallel to and 250 Feet north of the
Coronado Bridge, on the northeast by the Main Ship Channel, on the
west by the shoreline of Coronado, and on the north by Latitude 3
41' 30" N.
5. Anchorage A-5” The Glorietta Bay Anchorage as defined and
regulated by Section 4.38 of this Code.
6. Anchorage A-8” – The Sweetwater Anchorage as defined and
regulated by Section 4.36 of this Code.
(c) Regulations
1. Central San Diego Bay, Anchoring Prohibited Central San Diego
Bay, south of the Glorietta Bay Channel, with the exception of military
security and restricted areas, marked with channels and designated
anchorages, is reserved for aquatic sports activities and regattas.
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Article 4 Central San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities
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Anchoring or mooring in Central San Diego Bay, except in anchorage
areas designated in Section 4.35(b)4, and 4.35(b)5 of this Code, is
prohibited and unlawful.
2. Authorization to anchor in Central San Diego Bay outside designated
anchorage areas for limited periods of not more than Seventy-Two
(72) Hours may be obtained by application to the Office of the Chief
of San Diego Harbor Police.
3. It shall be unlawful for any vessel under way in Glorietta Bay, and
Bay Bridge Mooring Area and Central San Diego Bay Anchorage, as
defined in this Code, to be operated at a speed in excess of Five (5)
Miles Per Hour.
4. It shall be unlawful to anchor, moor, make fast to the bottom, strand,
or ground any vessel or structure or to be in control or possession of
or to operate any vessel or structure which is anchored, moored,
made fast to the bottom, stranded or grounded within Central San
Diego Bay, except anchoring and mooring as permitted in the
anchorage and moorage areas designated in Sections 4.35(b)4,
4.35(b)5 and 4.35(b)6 of this Code.
5. Watercraft engaged in public works projects, patrol, derelict removal,
geological or environmental survey, or other work permitted by
competent local, State or Federal authority shall be
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Article 4 Central San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities
Regulated Section 4.35 Page 4 of 4
exempt from this restriction during the course of such work. This
Section shall not apply to vessels engaged in fishing during daylight
(d) Penalty
1. Any person who violates any provision of this Section shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor.
2. Any vessel anchored in violation of any provision of this Section shall
be subject to removal and storage by any Harbor Police Officer
pursuant to Section 8.25(a) of this Code. The registered and/or legal
owner of the vessel may be liable for all costs related to the removal
and storage of any vessel removed and stored pursuant to this
(Enacted February 10, 1987 Ordinance No. 1201)
(Amended June 18, 1991 Ordinance No. 1436)
(Amended March 9, 2004 Ordinance No. 2285)
(Amended September 2, 2008 Ordinance No. 2522)
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Section No. 4.36
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-8 Anchorage Section 4.36 Page 1 of 3
(a) Purpose
California law (San Diego Unified Port District Act, Harbors and Navigation
Code, Appendix 1) requires the Board of Port Commissioner to regulate and
control the anchoring, mooring, towing and docking of vessels, and to make
and enforce all necessary rules and regulations governing the use and
control of navigable waters within the District. The purpose of this Section
of the San Diego Unified Port District Code is to implement that
responsibility within the A-8 Anchorage.
(b) Definitions
Certain words and phrases used herein are defined as follows, unless the
context requires a different meaning:
1. “A-8 Anchorage In Center San Diego Bay, the Sweetwater
Anchorage, the water enclosed by a line beginning at latitude
32°39'12.2"N., longitude 117°07'30.1W.; thence southerly to latitude
32°38'45.2' N., longitude 117°07'45.1" W.; thence northerly to the
point of beginning.
2. AnchoringAttachment or making fast of a Vessel or structure to
the bottom of the shore of San Diego Bay using an anchor and proper
ground tackle or by any other means.
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3. “Vessel” – A watercraft designed to float upon the surface of a body
of water for the purpose of transporting persons or property.
(c) A-8 Anchorage, Anchoring Regulated
1. Anchoring or mooring in the A-8 Anchorage, with the exception of
military security and restricted areas, is prohibited during the
environmental restoration and clean-up of the anchorage, subject to
available funding, for the period from October 1, 2008, at 5:01 PM,
through July 1, 2011.
2. After completion of environmental restoration of the A-8 Anchorage,
the anchorage will be reserved for aquatic sports activities, regattas,
other small craft temporary usage subject to permit, or other uses as
specified by amendment of this section by the Board of Port
(d) Uses Prohibited
1. No business or commercial enterprise shall be conducted at the A-8
2. No barges or floating docks shall be allowed to moor or anchor at the
A-8 Anchorage.
3. No Vessel more than sixty-five (65) feet in length shall be allowed to
moor or anchor at the A-8 Anchorage.
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(e) Abandonment of Vessel
Pursuant to Harbors and Navigation Code Section 522, et seq., no Vessel
shall be left in the A-8 Anchorage with the intent to abandon such vessel,
and if any vessel is abandoned, in addition to other legal remedies available
to it, the District has the right to impound, tow, store, and/or demolish the
Vessel at the expense of the owner.
(f) Invalidity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this
Section 4.36 is held invalid or unconstitutional for any reason by any court
of competent jurisdiction, such section, subsection, sentence, clause,
phrase or portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent
provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
(Enacted August 22, 2000 Ordinance No. 2107)
(Amended March 9, 2004Ordinance No. 2286)
(Amended September 5, 2006Ordinance No. 2413)
(Amended September 2, 2008Ordinance No. 2522)
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Section No. 4.37
Article 4 Regulation of Charter Vessel Operations in San Diego Bay and District Tidelands
Section 4.37 Page 1 of 22
(a) Purpose.
1. California law requires the San Diego Unified Port District (District)
to control, regulate and manage the harbor of San Diego upon the
tidelands and the waters of San Diego Bay for the promotion of
commerce, navigation, fisheries and recreation thereon (San Diego
Unified Port District Act, Harbors and Navigation Code, Appendix 1,
et seq.). This Section sets forth the regulations and requirements for
Charter Vessel Operations in San Diego Bay and District tidelands.
Each Charter Vessel Operation, whether operating from a Marina,
Sportfishing Landing or any other location, shall comply with the
requirements set forth in this Section 4.37, as well as all applicable
United States Coast Guard rules and regulations, and all other
applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations for the use of
District Facilities, including any health orders issued by the United
States, the State of California, or San Diego County. Furthermore,
each Charter Vessel decal.
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2. Operation operating from a District tenant Marina or Sportfishing
Landing shall pay for and display a valid Charter Vessel Operation
Decal signifying that a District tenant Marina or Sportfishing
Landing has verified the Charter Vessel Operation’s compliance
with the requirements set forth in this Section 4.37. Charter Vessel
Operations are prohibited from using District Facilities other than
District tenant Marinas or Sportfishing Landings, with tenant
permission and in compliance with each tenant’s lease where
charters may operate, and this Section 4.37, for docking,
embarking or debarking of Passengers, or to park any vehicle or
trailer carrying a Charter Vessel. To the extent authority is
delegated to the staff of the District and to others to implement this
Section, that authority shall be exercised so as to achieve these
3. Charter Vessel Operation Decal Fees shall be limited to the District’s
reasonable regulatory costs for printing decals. As such, the Charter
Vessel Operation Decal Fees are exempt from the definition of a “tax
under California Constitution Article XIII C, Section 1, Subdivision
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4. Unless such dates are deferred by the Executive Director, this
Section shall become effective, and enforcement thereof shall
commence on July 1, 2021, except that Subsection (e)3, Charter
Vessel Operation Decal Requirements for Charter Vessel Operation
operating from District tenant Marinas and Sportfishing Landings,
shall become effective, and enforcement thereof shall commence on
September 1, 2021.
1. “Bareboat Charter” means an arrangement for the chartering or hiring
of a vessel whereby no crew or provisions are included as a part of
the charter; rather, the vessel or boat owner gives complete
possession, command and navigation of the vessel to a Charterer
and the Charterer is solely responsible for providing qualified crew
and provisions for the duration of the charter. Bareboat Charters do
not have Passenger(s) for hire.
2. “Boating Club” means: (1) an organization that is existing under the
laws of California or another state that is in good standing with the
Secretary of State of the state under which it is organized and
existing; (2) that has members who pay an initiation fee to join and
thereafter monthly membership fees; (3) that allows members to use
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3. multiple Seaworthy vessels in its fleet; (4) that allows use of vessels
in its fleet by members exclusively for recreational use (including
instruction provided in the cost of the membership) and prohibits
commercial use of vessels in its fleet; (5) that requires current vessel
liability insurance for the vessels in its fleet in the minimum amount
of $300,000, with a pollution endorsement; (6) that is permitted to
operate pursuant to a current sublease or wharfage agreement that
complies with the master lease agreement for each Marina or
Sportfishing landing where the organization operates, that is on file
with the District; and (7) that requires verification that its members
can safely operate the vessels that they are permitted to use. For
purposes of this subsection, a Boating Club meeting the above
requirements that operates out of a yacht club with a master lease
with the District that allows certain non-members such as school age
children participating in high school sailing or other similar instruction
or a non-member using a Boating Club vessel for instruction,
community outreach, or non-professional or amateur competition
shall be considered as members of a “Boating Club”.
4. “Charter Vessel” means a boat, vessel or any type of water craft
which is less than one hundred (100) gross tons and carrying one
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5. hundred and fifty (150) passengers or fewer and includes but is not
limited to, fishing charter, Bareboat Charter, sailing charter, Six Pac
Charter, Small Passenger Vessel charter, Uninspected Passenger
Vessel, personal watercraft, jet ski, kayak, canoe or paddleboard that
Operates on San Diego Bay or on District Facilities, for the purpose
of taking passengers on the water, for business or pleasure. “Charter
Vessel Operation” means the leasing or hiring of one or more Charter
Vessel(s) for any use on San Diego Bay, District tidelands or of
District Facilities, including the embarking and debarking of
Passengers for any Consideration, or an agreement where the
Charterer has use of a Charter Vessel for any Consideration, or for a
period of time, shall be deemed under this chapter to be the owner
and takes on legal obligations for the Passengers carried, including
Passengers for Hire.
6. “Charter Vessel Operator” means a Charter Vessel owner, operator,
or the agent of either, with responsibility for the operation of a Charter
7. “Charter Vessel Operation Decal” means a decal, or pair of decals
(port and starboard) if specified by the District, provided by the
District to District tenant Marinas and Sportfishing Landings to be
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issued to Charter Vessel Operations that begin or end their Charter
Vessel Operation at the District tenant Marina or Sportfishing
Landing, and for which such District tenant Marina or Sportfishing
Landing has verified the Charter Vessel Operation’s compliance with
the requirements of this Section 4.37 and with the tenant’s lease.
“Charterer” means a person or organization that charters a
vessel.“Consent to Boarding” means Charter Vessel Operator’s
agreement to allow boarding of a Charter Vessel Operation by the
District, the District’s Harbor Police Department, or United States
Coast Guard, to determine the Charter Vessel Operator’s
compliance with the provisions of this Section 4.37 and all applicable
8. “Consideration” means an economic benefit, inducement, right, or
profit including pecuniary payment accruing to an individual, person,
or entity, but not including a voluntary sharing of the actual expenses
of the voyage, by monetary contribution or donation of fuel, food,
beverage, or other supplies.
9. “District” means the San Diego Unified Port District, or any
department thereof.
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10. “District Clerk” means the Clerk of the San Diego Unified Port District
or his or her designee.
11. “District Facilities” means District tidelands which include, but are not
limited to, docks, piers, boat launch ramps, anchorages, landings,
and embarkation and disembarkation locations for vessels.
12. “Executive Director” means the Executive Director of the San Diego
Unified Port District or his or her designee. “Marina” means any
business that allows any Charter Vessel Operation on land or
submerged land that: (i) has docks or slips; or (ii) is otherwise used
as a vessel docking facility for berthing privately-owned recreational
pleasure vessels or, as the context may require.
13. “Passenger” means an individual carried on a vessel, except:
a) the owner or an individual representative of the owner, or in
the case of a vessel under Charter, an individual Charterer
or individual representative of the Charterer; if more than
one person represents an owner or Charter, all shall be
counted as Passengers except the first;
b) the master, captain or skipper; orc) a member of the crew
engaged in the business of the vessel who has not provided
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Consideration for carriage and who is paid for on-board services.
14. “Passenger(s) for Hire” means Passenger(s) for whom Consideration
is provided as a condition of carriage on the vessel, whether directly
or indirectly flowing to the owner, Charterer, Charter Vessel
Operator, agent, or any other person having an interest in the vessel.
a) Recreational Vessel” means a vessel: operated for pleasure;
or leased, rented, or chartered to another for pleasure.
15. “Seaworthy” means a vessel properly equipped, sufficiently
constructed, and watertight in order to withstand stress of the wind,
waves, and other environmental conditions that the vessel might
reasonably be expected to encounter; and, a vessel in good condition
which is not likely to sink or become a nuisance or a menace to
navigation, and which is capable of getting underway and navigating
safely using its own propulsion system. Vessels such as kayak,
canoe or paddleboard must be Seaworthy as defined in this
subsection, except the requirement to get under way using its own
propulsion system.
16. “Small Passenger Vessel” means a vessel required to be annually
inspected by the United States Coast Guard of less than one hundred
(100) gross tons as measured pursuant to the provisions of 46 U.S.C.
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17. Section 14502, or an alternate tonnage measured pursuant to 46
U.S.C. Section 14302 as prescribed under 46 U.S.C. Section 14104
that is:
a) a vessel for hire that carries more than six (6) Passengers,
including at least one Passenger for Hire; or chartered with
crew provided or specified by the owner or the owner’s
representative and carrying more than six (6) Passengers; or
chartered with no crew provided or specified by the owner’s
representative and carrying more than twelve (12)
Passengers; or
b) a submersible or wing-in-ground craft, regardless of tonnage,
carrying at least one (1) Passenger for Hire; or
c) a ferry carrying more than six (6) Passengers.
18. “Sportfishing Landing” means a San Diego Unified Port District
leasehold dedicated exclusively for discharging and taking on
Passengers for Hire on Charter Vessels.
19. “Uninspected Passenger Vessel” means an uninspected vessel:
a) of at least one hundred (100) gross tons as measured
pursuant to the provisions of 46 U.S.C. Section 14502, or an
alternate tonnage measured pursuant to the provisions of 46
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b) U.S.C. Section 14302, as prescribed by the Secretary under
46 U.S.C. Section 14104,
1) carrying not more than twelve (12) Passengers,
including at least one (1) Passenger for Hire; or that is
chartered with the crew provided or specified by the
owner or the owner’s representative and carrying not
more than twelve (12) Passengers; and
c) of less than one hundred (100) gross tons as measured
pursuant to the provisions of 46 U.S.C. Section 14502, or an
alternate tonnage measured pursuant to the provisions of 46
U.S.C. Section 14302, as prescribed by the Secretary under
46 U.S.C. Section 14104,
1) carrying not more than six (6) Passengers, including at
least one (1) Passenger for Hire; or
2) that is chartered with the crew provided or specified by
the owner or the owner’s representative and carrying
not more than six (6) Passengers.
(c) Noncompliant Charter Vessel Operations Prohibited.
No person shall conduct a Charter Vessel Operation in San Diego Bay or
District Facilities without being in compliance with this Section 4.37.
However, this Section 4.37 shall not apply to:
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Any person who operates a Charter Vessel from a federal facility such as a
United States Naval base or United States Coast Guard facility; or A
common carrier operating with authority granted by the California Public
Utilities Commission or a ferry; or
1. A Charter Vessel operating from one of the District’s cruise ship
terminals or other District-identified passenger water transportation
center located on District Facilities; or
2. Any person who is a current member of a Boating Club who is
operating a vessel that is part of a Boating Club’s fleet of vessels.
Those operating a vessel that is part of a Boating Club’s fleet must,
while operating such vessel, maintain aboard the vessel a
membership card or other written confirmation that the operator is a
current member of the Boating Club. Members of a Boating Club are
not permitted to receive cash or other monetary consideration from
any Passenger aboard a vessel that is part of the Boating Club’s
fleet; such an operation will not be exempted from the provisions of
this Section. Non-members of a Boating Club operated from a yacht
club with a master lease with the District as set forth in subsection
(b) 4 shall also be exempted as long as proof of affiliation with a
school, public outreach organization or other Boating Club not based
at the yacht club is maintained aboard the vessel
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(d)Charter Vessel Operation Prohibited at Shelter Island Boat Launching Facility and
Parking Lot and all District Facilities other than District Tenant Marinas and Sportfishing
No Charter Vessel Operation shall in any way use the Shelter Island Boat Launching
Facility or parking lot or any District Facilities other than District Tenant Marinas and
Sportfishing Landings, with tenant permission in compliance with tenant’s lease and this
Section 4.37, for docking, embarking or debarking of Passengers, or to park any vehicle
or trailer carrying a Charter Vessel. Without limitation as to other District facilities, the
Shelter Island Boat Launching Facility and parking lot shall be utilized as a launching
facility solely for recreational small craft vessels or fishing vessels with no Passengers
for Hire.
(e) Regulation of Charter Vessel Operations.
All Charter Vessel Operations on San Diego Bay must meet the requirements set
forth in this Section.
1. The owner(s), agent(s) or operator of each Charter Vessel, and any
crew members of each Charter Vessel shall conform to all rules,
regulations and policies prescribed by the District in writing, any
ordinances of the District and city in which the Charter Vessel is
operated; any State of California or San Diego County health
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order, and any federal or state laws, including without limitation
regulations prescribed by the United States Coast Guard, as any of
the same now exist or may hereinafter be adopted or amended.
2. Furthermore, each Charter Vessel Operator shall meet the
following requirements:
United States Coast Guard Licensing: Each Charter Vessel
Operation carrying a Passenger for Hire, Small Passenger Vessel,
and Uninspected Passenger Vessel shall have aboard at all times
during Charter Vessel Operation a Captain licensed by United
States Coast Guard.
a) Insurance: Each Charter Vessel Operator shall maintain
insurance as follows:
1) Each Charter Vessel Operator shall procure and
maintain in effect at all times a commercial marine
liability insurance policy covering bodily injury,
personal injury, and property damage caused by the
Charter Vessel Operator, issued by an insurance
company currently licensed by the California
Department of Insurance, with a minimum limit of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence, with a
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pollution endorsement providing for an aggregate
anper occurrence minimum limit of Nine Hundred
Thirty-Seven Thousand, One Hundred Dollars
($937,100) covering legal liability arising from the
sudden and accidental release of pollutants, with the
exception of Charter Vessels set forth in subsection 3)
2) Due to current Charter Vessel insurance market
volatility and resulting unavailability or infeasibility in
procuring and maintaining excess Charter Vessel
insurance, the District will not require Charter Vessel
excess insurance for Charter Vessels permitted to
carry more than six (6) passengers; however, the
Executive Director may, in his or her sole discretion,
review the insurance requirements set forth in this
section after a period of one (1) year from the
effective date of this ordinance, and thereafter update
the insurance requirements annually, in accordance
with administrative policies, with no amendment to
this Section required.
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3) Insurance requirements for Charter Vessels that
are personal watercraft, or jet ski, kayak, canoe or
paddleboard may be set by the Executive Director, in
accordance with administrative policies, with no
amendment to this Section required.
4) All liability insurance policies shall contain a cross-
liability clause, shall name as additional insured by
written endorsement the “San Diego Unified Port
District, its officials, employees and agents”, and shall
provide that such insurance applies separately to
each insured against whom complaint is made or suit
is brought except with respect to the limits of the
insurer’s liability.
5) All insurance policies shall be endorsed to provide
thirty (30) days’ written notice to the District of
cancellation, non-renewal or reduction in coverage or
limits; should a Charter Vessel Operator be unable to
obtain such an endorsement from its insurer, then the
obligation to provide thirty (30) days’ written notice to
the District of cancellation, non-renewal, or a
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reduction in coverage or limits shall be the
responsibility of the Charter Vessel Operator.
6) Proof of the insurance coverage required by
Subsections (d) 1. b) 1) through 5) shall be
maintained for inspection on each Charter Vessel or
made immediately available upon request.
b) Charter Vessel Documentation and Registration: Each
Charter Vessel shall be either registered or documented
pursuant to applicable federal or state law. Any Charter
Vessel that is a Small Passenger Vessel or an Uninspected
Passenger Vessel shall also have and maintain a valid
Certificate of Documentation Coastwise Service, or other
designation as allowed by applicable law for a Charter Vessel.
c) Certificate of Inspection: Each Small Passenger Vessel
which requires a Certificate of Inspection, shall be inspected
by the United States Coast Guard, and shall obtain and retain
in full force and effect a Certificate of Inspection.
d) Drug Testing Program: Any Charter Vessel Operation,
Inspected or Uninspected, when carrying passengers for hire,
must have in full force and effect for any employee, licensed
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e) captain and any crewman who is required on board the
Charter Vessel, a drug testing program that complies with
federal and state law, if applicable, and United States Coast
Guard regulations.
f) Indemnification: Each Charter Vessel Operator shall, to the
fullest extent permitted by law, defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless the District, its officers, employees and agents for
any and all liability, claims, judgments, damages,
proceedings, orders, directives, costs, including attorney’s
fees and costs, or demands arising directly or indirectly from
any and all Charter Vessel Operations, except claims and
litigation arising out of the gross negligence or willful
misconduct of the District.
g) Business License: Each Charter Vessel Operator shall obtain
and maintain in full force and effect a business
license/certificate from the city in which the Charter Vessel
Operator’s business is primarily located.
h) Seaworthiness: All Charter Vessels must be demonstrated to
be Seaworthy and remain Seaworthy.
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i) Each Charter Vessel Operator shall comply with Coast Guard
requirements for keeping passenger and crew manifests and
other information for each departure and shall make all such
information immediately available to the United States Coast
Guard, Harbor Police, and/or the District
j) Each Charter Vessel Operator, whether operating out of a
Marina, Sportfishing Landing or any other facility, by doing so
consents to boarding of a Charter Vessel at any time by the
United States Coast Guard, Harbor Police, or the District,
pursuant to applicable law.
3. Charter Vessel Operation Decal Requirements for Charter Vessel
Operation operating from District tenant Marinas and Sportfishing
a) Each Charter Vessel operating from a District tenant Marina
or Sportfishing Landing must visibly display a valid Charter
Vessel Operation Decal, located as specified by the District,
signifying that a District tenant Marina or Sportfishing Landing
has verified the Charter Vessel Operation’s compliance with
the requirements set forth in this Section 4.37 and the tenant’s
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b) Charter Vessel Operation Decals shall jet on the date printed
thereon unless such dates are extended by the Executive
Director. Each Charter Vessel Operation Decal shall bear a
unique identification number which can be traced to the
District tenant Marina or Sportfishing Landing that issued the
decal and the Charter Vessel and Charter Vessel Operator to
which it was issued.
c) District tenant Marinas and Sportfishing Landings may only
issue a Charter Vessel Operation Decal after verifying the
Charter Vessel Operation’s compliance with this Section 4.3
and only if the Charter Vessel Operation’s use of the tenant
property is in compliance with the terms of tenant’s lease.
d) District tenant Marinas and Sportfishing Landings may obtain
Charter Vessel Operation Decals from the District by paying
the Charter Vessel Operation Decal Fee for each decal at the
time such decals are received, not when issued by the tenant.
e) For every Charter Vessel Operation Decal issued, the issuing
District tenant Marina or Sportfishing Landing shall completely
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f) fill out, sign, and return to District, a District-provided
form/checklist and requested supporting documents. The
Executive Director may set procedures for the reporting of
Charter Vessel Operation Decal issuance by District tenant
Marinas and Sportfishing Landings, with no amendment to
this Section required.
g) After issuing a decal, if a District tenant Marina or Sportfishing
Landing chooses to revoke a decal which it issued, due to the
Charter no longer having permission to use the tenant’s
facility, non-compliance with this Section 4.37, or any reason
not prohibited by law, the tenant shall inform the Charter
Vessel, Charter Vessel Operator, and the District. The District
shall list the decal as “revoked” in District’s database as of the
date of notice to District from the tenant. Charter Vessel and
Charter Vessel Operator shall immediately upon such notice
remove and destroy the revoked decal.
h) If a Charter Vessel or Charter Vessel Operator who has been
issued a decal violates, or is alleged to have violated, this
Section 4.37, including without limitation subsection (e)1,
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i) District may inform the tenant which issued the decal of such
violation or alleged violation.
(f) Penalties.
Any violation of this Section may be punished in accordance with Article 0, Section 0.11
(General Penalty) of this Code, including without limitation, as a misdemeanor or
infraction and/or through assessment of Civil Penalties, and also by any other penalty or
remedy available at law or in equity. Any fines for a misdemeanor or infraction shall be
as set forth in Section 0.11, and any Civil Penalties imposed under these provisions
shall be as follows:
1. A first offense in 12 consecutive months - $500;
2. A second offense in 12 consecutive months- $2,500;
3. For each additional offense in 12 consecutive months - $5,000
Remedies shall be cumulative, and no election of remedies shall apply.
(g) Conflict.
To the extent that any provision of this Section conflicts with or is inconsistent with the
provisions of any other District ordinance, regulation, or policy, including but not limited
to Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 380, Sportfishing, and San Diego Unified
Port District Code Section 8.02, the provision(s) of this Section shall supersede said
Policy and Code provisions.
(h) Invalidity.
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If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Section is held to
be invalid or unconstitutional for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such
holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions which shall be enforced to
the fullest extent permissible by law to attain the purposes of the Section.
(Enacted February 20, 2001 Ordinance No. 2123)
(Amended May 11, 2021 Ordinance No. 3011)
(Amended June 14, 2022 Ordinance No. 3048)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.38
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 1 of 17
(a) Purpose:
California law (San Diego Unified Port District Act, Harbors and Navigation
Code, Appendix 1) requires the Board of Port Commissioners to regulate
and control the anchoring, mooring, towing and docking of vessels, and to
make and enforce all necessary rules and regulations governing the use
and control of navigable waters within the District. The purpose of this
Section of the San Diego Unified Port District Code is to implement that
responsibility within the A-1, A-5 and A-9 Anchorages and Shelter Island
Guest Dock.
(b) Definitions:
Certain words and phrases used herein are defined as follows, unless the
context requires a different meaning:
1. “A-1 AnchorageIn North San Diego Bay, the Shelter Island (La
Playa Cove) Yacht Basin Anchorage, the water enclosed by a line
beginning at latitude 32°42'56.7"N., longitude 117°13'47.1"W.;
thence southwesterly to latitude 32°42'53.6"N., longitude
117°13'51.3"W.; thence northwesterly to latitude 32°43'01.3"N.,
longitude 117°13'59.1"W.; thence northeasterly to latitude
32°43'02.6"N., longitude 117°13'55.5"W.; thence southeasterly to
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 2 of 17
latitude 32°42'59.8"N., longitude 117°13'50.4"W.; thence
southeasterly to the point of beginning.
2. “A-5 Anchorage In Central San Diego Bay, the Glorietta Bay
Anchorage, the water enclosed by a line beginning at latitude
32°40'42.2"N., longitude 1110'03.1"W.; thence southwesterly to
latitude 32°40'41.2"N., longitude 117°10'06.6"W.; thence
northwesterly to latitude 32°40'46.2"N., longitude 117°13'15.6"W.;
thence northeasterly to latitude 32°40'46.7"N., longitude
117°10'14.1"W.; thence southeasterly to the point of beginning.
3. “A-9 AnchorageIn North San Diego Bay, the "Cruiser'' Anchorage,
the water enclosed by a line beginning at latitude 32°43'35.9"N.,
longitude 117°11'06.2"W.; thence southwesterly to latitude
32°43'31.5"N., longitude 117°11'13.2"W.; thence southeasterly to
latitude 32°43'28.9"N., longitude 117°11'11.0"W.; thence
southeasterly to latitude 32°43'25.9"N., longitude 117°11'07.7"W.;
thence northeasterly to latitude 32°43'34.8"N., longitude
117°11'03.2"W.; thence northwesterly to the point of beginning.
4. AnchorageAny portion of the A-1 Anchorage, the A-5 Anchorage,
or the A-9 Anchorage which has been designated by competent
authority for the anchoring of vessels.
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 3 of 17
5. AnchoringAttachment of a vessel to the bottom or the shore of
San Diego Bay using an anchor and proper ground tackle.
6. Anchoring Permit A document conferring the right to use an
anchor in the A-1 Anchorage, the A-5 Anchorage, or the A-9
Anchorage for a prescribed period of time.
7. ApplicantPerson (as defined in Section 0.03 of this Code)
applying for an Anchoring Permit or Guest Dock Permit.
8. "CruiserVessel A cruiser vessel is a visiting vessel, not from the
County of San Diego, traveling between ports on a voyage.
9. DistrictThe San Diego Unified Port District.
10. Executive DirectorExecutive Director of the San Diego Unified
Port District.
11. Permittee Person (as defined in Section 0.03 of this Code) who
has acquired an Anchoring or Guest Dock Permit from the District to
anchor in the A-1 Anchorage, the A-5 Anchorage, or the A-9
Anchorage, or the dock at the Shelter Island Guest Dock.
12. Propulsion SystemA system which is designed to propel a vessel
through the water through the use of mechanical power.
13. SeaworthyDescribes a vessel in good material condition which
is not likely to sink or become a menace to navigation or a
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 4 of 17
nuisance, and which is capable of getting underway and navigating
safely using its own propulsion system, without relying in a tow.
14. SewageHuman body waste, either treated or untreated.
15. Shelter Island Guest DockIn North San Diego Bay, entrance to
the Shelter Island Yacht Basin, the slips located at latitude
32°42’58”N., longitude 117°14’07W.
16. Guest Dock Permit A document conferring the right to use an
assigned slip at the Shelter Island Guest Dock for a designated
period of time.
17. “Vessel” a watercraft designed to float upon the surface of a body
of water for the purpose of transporting Persons or property.
18. “Waste” Sewage and all other waste or substances associated with
human habitation, or of human or animal waste.
(c) Anchoring Permits and Guest Dock Permits
1. No Person, including the owner, master, operator, caretaker, or
Person in possession of a vessel, shall anchor a vessel in the A-1
Anchorage, the A-5 Anchorage, or the A-9 Anchorage, or dock a
vessel at the Shelter Island Guest Dock without first having secured
an Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit from the District in the form and
manner provided therefor. Vessels shall not remain anchored or
docked after Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit has expired.
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 5 of 17
2. Any vessel anchoring in the A-1 Anchorage, the A-5 Anchorage, the
A-9 Anchorage, or docked at the Shelter Island Guest Dock must
have a propulsion system and operate under its own power, must
have petroleum free bilges, and must be Seaworthy
3. All vessels shall be moored by vessel owner or operator in a safe
manner, on cleats, with strong adequate lines. For vessels
anchoring, vessels must use adequate ground tackle.
4. All applicants requesting a Guest Dock or Anchorage Permit are
required to provide proof of Marine Insurance for the permitted vessel
in the following coverage and liability limits: Applicants shall provide
proof of Protection & Indemnity (P & I) Insurance with limits of liability
not less than $300,000. Such insurance shall include coverage for
bodily injury including death and medical expenses, oil pollution, as
well as property damage including coverage for removal and wreck
including expenses and costs to dispose of and remove
contaminants connected with the vessel. San Diego Unified Port
District shall be named an Additional Insured. This insurance
requirement is effective May 1, 2024
5. For an Anchoring Permit to be issued for the A-9 Anchorage only,
the following must be satisfied: verification of ownership, verification
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 6 of 17
of registration; inspection for seaworthiness, sanitary facilities, waste
containers, safety and fire suppression equipment and other safety
and health-related equipment as may be prescribed by law. Vessel
may be required to provide a voyage itinerary to prove “Cruiser”
6. No Person on board any vessel, on which construction was initiated
on or after January 30, 1975, in the A-1, A-5 or A-0 Anchorages shall
use the toilet on board such vessel unless it is equipped with a
suitable marine sanitation device or other United States
Environmental Protection Agency or United State Coast Guard
approved device for sewage retention or that is in proper working
order. These requirements do not apply to portable devices which
can be carried on or off the vessel.
d.) Vessel Inspections:
As a condition to receiving or maintaining any Anchoring/Guest Dock
Permit, the District may inspect any vessel anchored, moored or requesting
Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit for proper sanitary, mechanical or other
devices or equipment as may be prescribed by law.
(e) Anchoring or Guest Dock Purposes Only:
An Anchoring Permit shall authorize the holder thereof to anchor within the
boundaries of the anchorage designated by the Anchoring Permit. A Guest
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 7 of 17
Dock Permit shall authorize the holder thereof to dock within the slip
designated by the Guest Dock Permit
(f) Refusal to Issue Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit:
The District shall have the right at all times to refuse to issue or reissue an
Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit to any vessel if it determines that the vessel
fails to meet any condition of this Section 4.38, as amended, is not
seaworthy, properly maintained, or presents a danger to public safety,
District property, other vessels, or the property of another, or if the
Permittee, or any other person using, possessing or controlling the vessel
fails to comply with any Federal, State or local laws, or any terms and
conditions of the Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit, or if the Permittee, or any
other Person using, possessing or controlling the vessel has any
outstanding fees or charges owed to the District for damage to District
property, towing and storage of a vessel, or failing to remove any derelict,
beached, or sunken or partially sunken vessel, or causing the abandonment
of a vessel.
(g) Permit Guidelines and Limitations
1. A-1 Anchorage The A-1 Anchorage is a maximum of Seventy-Two
(72) hour anchorage open for weekend anchorage only. A-1
Anchoring Permits are available for a Maximum of three (3) days and
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 8 of 17
shall be issued for the period beginning each Friday at 9:00 AM and ending
each Monday at 9:00 AM
a.) The Seventy-Two (72) hour period shall be extended on holiday
weekends when the holiday, as recognized and observed by the
District, is observed on Mondays. The period of the Anchoring Permit
shall be extended to Tuesday at 9:00 AM.
b.) The Seventy-Two (72) hour period may also be extended or altered
for holidays that fall on other than Saturday through Monday, with the
approval of the Executive Director or his/her designee.
c.) No Person shall anchor a vessel, nor allow a vessel to remain
anchored, in the A-1 Anchorage when the Anchoring Permit has
2. A-5 Anchorage The A-5 Anchorage is a Maximum Seventy-Two
(72) hour anchorage, available seven (7) days per week.
a) No person shall anchor a vessel, nor allow a vessel to remain
anchored, in the A-5 Anchorage when the Anchoring Permit
has expired.
3. No more than Nine (9) permitted days may be issued for either
anchorage or both anchorages cumulative to any Person or vessel
in any calendar month.
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 9 of 17
4. A-9 Anchorage – The A-9 Anchorage is designated for use by
“Cruiser” Vessels as defined in Section (b)8 and clarified in Section
(c) 5, above, of this Section.
a) A Cruiser Vessel may not be registered or documented to an
address in San Diego County and the owner/operator may not
be a resident of San Diego County.
b) An A-9 Anchoring Permit will be issued for a Thirty (30) day
c) No vessel shall be allowed to anchor for more than Ninety (90)
days in any Three Hundred Sixty-Five (365) day period.
5. Shelter Island Guest Dock The Shelter Island Guest Dock has a
limited number of slips of various sizes with shore power and potable
water. Guest Dock Permits shall be issued for the period beginning
each day at 1:00 PM and ending on the day of check-out at 11:00
AM. There are two pump-Out slips that do not require a permit.
a) There is a thirty (30) minute time limit at the Pump-Out slips.
Pump-Out Slips are not temporary berthing slips, and
individuals must remain present and actively pumping out
during the utilization of the Pump-Out Slips. Failure to be
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Section No. 4.38
Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 10 of 17
present and actively pumping during Pump-Out Slip utilization may
result in citation and/or additional charges.
b) Pump-Out slips must be returned to exact conditions as found
in, and any modifications are not permitted.
c) Nothing can be stored on the dock besides equipment needed
for shore power, fresh water, and vessel access.
d) Early arrivals and late departures are prohibited and may
result in citation and/or additional charges.
e) Non-permit holders are prohibited from launching vessels
from the guest docks.
(h) Prohibited Uses and Activities
It shall be unlawful to commit any of the following acts in or to use the A-1
Anchorage, the A-5 Anchorage, the A-9 Anchorage, or the Shelter Island
Guest Dock as follows:
1. Business or commercial enterprise is prohibited.
2. Commercial chartering vessels and/or vessels for hire are prohibited.
No person shall load or allow the loading of passengers for hire on
any vessel, commercial or otherwise, within the Shelter Island Guest
3. Barges and floating docks are prohibited.
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
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4. The tying/lashing of dinghies or other small craft are allowed to be
tied up to permitted vessel and may not obstruct access to another
5. No more than Two (2) dinghies or other small craft are allowed to be
tied up to a permitted vessel, and may not obstruct access to another
6. Vessels more than Sixty-Five (65) feet in length are prohibited from
anchoring and docking unless approved by the Executive Director or
his/her designee.
7. No materials or supplies shall be stored on floating docks or
walkways within the transient dock area. All items must be kept within
the confines of the permit holder’s vessel. Items left or stored on
docks may be confiscated by the District Staff.
8. Water, power, or mooring lines shall not cross the floating docks or
main walking areas (Unless power lines are connecting to slip
provided outlets).
9. Fueling or transferring of fuel to and from the guest docks strictly
10. No modifications or permanent attachments shall be made to the
permittee’s slip and adjacent areas.
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 12 of 17
11. Fishing from the Guest Dock and vessels moored to the Guest Dock
is prohibited. No Person shall attempt to take any marine life by any
method from the San Diego Bay waters.
12. No Person shall swim or dive within Shelter Island Guest Docks area
without permission from District Staff. Dive operations require a
special permit from District staff.
13. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited any garbage,
refuse, or any other waste materials of any kind from the Guest Dock
or vessels moored to the guest dock into the San Diego Bay.
14. No person on board any vessel, on which construction was initialed
on or after January 30, 1975, in the A-1, A-5, A-9 Anchorages or
Shelter Island Guest Dock, shall use the toilet on board such vessel
unless it is equipped with a suitable marine sanitation device or other
United States Environmental Protections Agency or United states
Coast guard approved device for sewage retention or that is in proper
working order. These requirements do not apply to portable devices
which can be carried on or off the vessel.
15. Vessel Maintenance
Unified Port District Code Sections, 10.05 and 10.06 are applicable
to any maintenance/repairs identified in this section.
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 13 of 17
a.) Vessel maintenance work within the Harbor shall be limited to
that ordinarily required to keep the vessel seaworthy and in
good condition. Minor repairs to and routine maintenance of a
vessel may be made or accomplished in the assigned
berthing or mooring space, provided all work is done within
the confines of the vessel and not carried on in any manner
whatsoever upon the floats or piers, into the water, or onto
neighboring vessels.
b.) Sanding and spray painting is strictly prohibited.
c.) Major repairs which include, but are not limited to,
construction, repair, or replacement of structural members or
portions of the vessel are prohibited.
d.) No use of welding, burning torch, or other open flame.
e.) In no event shall maintenance work performed to a vessel
result in damage to District facilities, including paint marks,
drill holes, burn marks, and spilled fuel, oil, paint or solvents.
The Permittee shall be financially liable for the repair or
restoration of any such damage, even if it is caused by
relatives, employees, or contract workers of the owner.
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
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f.) District provided trash bins/dumpsters shall not be used for
any excessive waste created from maintenance/repairs done
to vessels. Vessel owners are responsible for disposing
excessive waste from maintenance/repairs offsite.
16. Animals shall always be leashed and controlled by the permit holder.
Pet owners shall be responsible for all pets’ actions within any area
of the Shelter Island Guest Docks; including, the floating docks,
grass area, and parking lot. Should any pet act as a nuisance by
displaying aggressive behavior, roaming free off-leash, defecating,
or disturbing the peace, such animal shall be removed, or the District
may revoke the permit.
17. Disorderly or discourteous conduct by Permittee or guests may result
in the immediate cancellation of the permit and removal of the
permitted vessel.
18. With exception of ADA approved mobility devices, the use of
motorized or manually powered vehicles at the guest docks is strictly
forbidden. All guests must walk within the guest dock area.
19. Anchorage/Guest Dock permits are not transferable. If a vessel
changes ownership while at the guest docks any existing reservation
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 15 of 17
shall end on the day of the transfer of ownership, and maritime staff must
be notified.
(i) Violations
1. Any person who violates any provision of this Section is guilty of a
misdemeanor unless, at the sole option of the District, the violation is
cited and prosecuted as an infraction or addressed through the
assessment of civil penalties.
2. An Anchoring Permit may be revoked for violation of any Federal, State,
or local statute or ordinance.
3. Any vessel anchored or docked in violation of any provision of this
Section is subject to removal and storage, by any Harbor Police Officer,
pursuant to Section 8.25 (a) of this Code. The registered and/or legal
owner of the vessel may be liable for all costs related to the removal and
storage of the vessel.
4. Upon any violation of the rules of this Code or the terms and conditions
of the permit, the Executive Director or his/her designee may at his/her
sole discretion implement a restriction of 30, 60, or 90 days or
permanent ineligibility for permits for the Anchorages and Guest Docks.
Persons will be notified by email when their accounts have been placed
on a restriction.
(j) Revocation of Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 16 of 17
The District shall have the right at all times to revoke an Anchoring/Guest
Dock Permit to any vessel if it determines that the vessel fails to meet any
condition of this Section 4.38, as amended, is not seaworthy, properly
maintained, or presents a danger to public safety, District property, other
vessels, or the property of another, or if the Permittee, or any other Person
using, possessing or controlling the vessel fails to comply with any Federal,
State or local laws, or any terms and conditions of the Anchoring/Guest
Dock Permit, or if the Permittee, or any other Person using, possessing or
controlling the vessel has any outstanding fees or charges owed to the
District for damage to District property, towing and storage of a vessel, or
failing to remove any derelict, beached, or sunken or partially sunken
vessel, or causing the abandonment of a vessel.
(k) Applicant’s or Permittee’s Right of Appeal
1. If the District refuses to issue an Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit, as
described in Section (f), above, and Applicant for such Anchoring
Permit believes he/she satisfies all conditions for the issuance of an
Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit, Applicant may appeal, in writing, to
the Executive Director within Ten (10) calendar days of the date of
refusal. The appeal should contain all reasons why Applicant
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Article 4 Regulation of Vessels – A-1 Anchorage, A-5 Anchorage and A-9 Anchorage
Section 4.38 Page 17 of 17
believes he/she satisfies all conditions for the issuance of said
Anchorage/Guest Dock Permit.
2. If the District revokes an Anchoring/Guest Dock Permit as described
in Section (j), above, Permittee may appeal such revocation, in
writing, to the Executive Director within Ten (10) calendar days of the
date of revocation. The appeal should contain all reasons why
Permittee believed the revocation of the Anchoring/Guest Dock
Permit to be improper.
3. The Executive Director or his/her designated representative shall
respond within Ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of appeal, giving
a written decision. The decision of the Executive Director or his/her
designated representative shall be final.
(Enacted June 3, 2003 Ordinance No. 2250)
(Amended February 12, 2008 Ordinance No. 2487)
(Amended September 2, 2008 Ordinance No. 2522)
(Amended May 9, 2023 Ordinance No. 3092)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 4.40
Article 4 North San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities Regulated
Section 4.40 Page 1 of 4
(a) Purpose
California law (San Diego Unified Port District Act, Harbors and Navigation
Code, Appendix I, Sections 55 and 56) requires the Board of Port
Commissioners to regulate and control the anchoring, mooring, towing and
docking of vessels, and to make and enforce all necessary rules and
regulations governing the use and control of navigable waters within the
District. The purpose of this Section of the San Diego Unified Port District
Code is to implement that responsibility within North San Diego Bay.
Duly published regulations and restrictions promulgated by competent State
or Federal authority shall be paramount in the event of conflict with
provisions of this Code.
(b) Definitions
1. North San Diego Bay That part of San Diego Bay between Central
San Diego Bay, as that term is defined in Section 4.35(b)1 of this
Code, and a line drawn from Zuniga Jetty Light "V" to Zuniga Jetty
Light "Z,” thence to Point Loma Light.
2. Moorage Areas Those areas located in North San Diego Bay
which have been designated in and regulated by this Code for the
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Section No. 4.40
Article 4 North San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities Regulated
Section 4.40 Page 2 of 4
mooring of vessels. Moorage areas located in North San Diego Bay
are designated and regulated in Section 4.08 of this Code.
3. Shelter Island Yacht Basin AnchorageThe Shelter Island Yacht
Basin Anchorage, also known as the A-1 Anchorage, as defined in
Section 4.38 of this Code.
4. The Cruiser's AnchorageThe Cruiser's Anchorage, also known
as the A-9 Anchorage, as defined in Section 4.38 of this Code.
(c) Regulations
1. North San Diego Bay, Anchoring ProhibitedNorth San Diego Bay,
with the exception of military security and restricted areas, safety
zones, special anchorage for U.S. Government vessels, B Street
merchant vessel anchorage, marked channels and other designated
anchorage and moorage areas, is reserved for active navigation.
Anchoring or mooring in North San Diego Bay, except in moorage
areas designated in Section 4.08 of this Code and the anchorage
areas designated in Section 4.38 of this Code is prohibited and
2. Authorization to anchor in North San Diego Bay outside designated
anchorage and moorage areas for a limited period of not more than
Seventy-Two (72) hours may be obtained by application to the
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Article 4 North San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities Regulated
Section 4.40 Page 3 of 4
office of the Chief of the San Diego Harbor Police. Such authorization
may be issued only in special circumstances for anchorage of
vessels which comply with all applicable rules of the road, including
anchor lights and shapes, in areas of North San Diego Bay which are
not subject to specific navigational designations as identified in
Section 4.40 (c)1, above.
3. It shall be unlawful for any vessel underway in moorage areas
designated in Section 4.08 and anchorage areas designated in
Section 4.40(c)1 and 4.38 of this Code, to be operated in excess of
Five (5) Miles Per Hour.
4. Watercraft engaged in public works projects, patrol, derelict removal,
geological or environmental survey, or other work permitted by
competent local, State or Federal authority shall be exempt from this
restriction during the course of such work. This section shall not
apply to vessels engaged in fishing during daylight hours.
(d) Penalty
1. Any person who violates any provision of this Section shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor.
2. Any vessel anchored in violation of any provision of this Section shall
be subject to removal and storage by any Harbor Police
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Article 4 North San Diego Bay Anchoring, Mooring and Aquatic Activities Regulated
Section 4.40 Page 4 of 4
Officer pursuant to Section 8.25(a) of this Code. The registered
and/or legal owner of the vessel may be liable for all costs related to
the removal and storage of any vessel removed and stored pursuant
to this Section.
(Enacted February 22, 1994Ordinance No.1636)
(Amended March 9, 2004Ordinance No. 2287)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.01
Article 8 Police Measures - Diving Within San Diego Bay Regulated
Section 8.01 Page 1 of 3
(a) "Underwater diving,” as used in this article, shall mean any underwater
activity conducted with the aid of any breathing apparatus, faceplate or
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage or participate in underwater
diving or in any other underwater activity in San Diego Bay except to
seaward of Ballast Point; and it shall be unlawful for any person to
participate in underwater diving or in any other underwater activity in the
main ship channel from Ballast Point southward to lighted bell buoy No. 5.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
1. Persons actually engaged in the inspection, repair and maintenance
of vessels secured to a slip or moored in an established small boat
2. Duly authorized persons diving within the limits of the Bay of San
Diego during disasters.
3. Duly authorized agents or employees of the United States, the State
of California, or any political subdivision thereof while actually
engaged under supervision in the construction, care or maintenance
of the underwater surfaces of vessels or facilities.
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Article 8 Police Measures - Diving Within San Diego Bay Regulated
Section 8.01 Page 2 of 3
4. Persons actually participating in bona fide program training under the
supervision and direction of Naval Authorities within that area of
South San Diego Bay designated as a "Seaplane Restricted Area".
(Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Section 207.612), (Coast &
Geodetic Survey Chart No. 5107).
5. Persons actually participating in bona fide program training under the
supervision and direction of Naval Authorities within that area of
South San Diego Bay designated as a "Seaplane Restricted Area.”
(Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Section 207.612; Coast &
Geodetic Survey Chart No. 5107).5. Persons actually participating in
bona fide training exercises conducting ascents from a Diving Bell,
under the direction and supervision of Naval Authorities at the 70'
deep off the Ballast Point Fuel Annex Pier.
6. Persons actually engaged in the construction, inspection, repair or
maintenance of vessels and marine facilities provided that:
(i) Such persons apply for and receive written permission from
the Executive Director to conduct such activities; and
(ii) That there shall be an assistant present who shall be on the
surface of the water close over the person engaged in
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Section No. 8.01
Article 8 Police Measures - Diving Within San Diego Bay Regulated
Section 8.01 Page 3 of 3
underwater activity, able and equipped to make a
conspicuous display of the signals prescribed for diving.
(Enacted March 14, 1963 Ordinance No. 20)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
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Section No. 8.02
Article 8 Park Areas Regulated Section 8.02 Page 1 of 14
(a) For purposes of this Section, a "Public Park" of the District
defined as
follows, and as shown on maps on file with the Clerk of the District,
which may be updated by the Executive Director without further action by
the Board.
1. "Shoreline Park" on Shelter Island in the City of San Diego, the
public area bay ward of Shelter Island Drive to the waterline,
bordered on the north by the northwestern fence line of the parking
lot north of the traffic circle, on the west by the public dock, and on
the east by the private leaseholds, including the fishing pier and boat
launching ramp.
2. "Harbor Island Park" on Harbor Island in the City of San Diego,
bordered on the north by Harbor Island Drive, on the south by
waterline, on the west by the entrance to the public parking lot, and
on the east by the point where the grass narrows to a uniform
width along
3. "Spanish Landing Park" in the City of San Diego, bordered on the
north-by-North Harbor Drive, on the south by the waterline, on
west by the intersection of the waterline with the Navy Estuary
on the east by the end of the grassy area east of Cancer
Survivors Park.
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4. "Tuna Harbor Park" in the City of San Diego, the public
ward of North Harbor Drive, ordered on the north by the roadway
parallel to the Midway Memorial, on the south by the grassy area
north end of Seaport Village, and on the west by the
waterline, including the area north of G Street between the waterline
and the northern curb line of the parking lot, excluding G Street.
5. "Embarcadero Marina Park North" located at the southern end of
Kettner Boulevard in the City of San Diego, on the peninsula south
of the sidewalk at Seaport Village.
6. "Embarcadero Marina Park South," located southwest of
Convention Center in the City of San Diego, on the peninsula south
of the sidewalk that crosses Marina Parkway, including the fishing
7. "Caesar Chavez Park" in the City of San Diego, bordered by Cesar
Chavez Parkway, Crosby Road, the waterline, and a wall, including
the recreational pier.
8. Pepper Park" in National City, located at the southern end of
Tidelands Avenue, bordered by fence lines and the waterline,
including the boat launching ramp and fishing pier.
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9. "Chula Vista Bayside Park" in the City of Chula Vista, located where
G Street meets the Bay, bordered by fence lines and the waterline.
10. "Chula Vista Bayfront Park" in the City of Chula Vista, on the
peninsula at the end of Marina Way, including the boat launching
11. "Marina View Park" in the City of Chula Vista, bordered by Marina
Way, Marina Parkway, a fence line, and the waterline.
12. "Portwood Pier Plaza" in the City of Imperial Beach, the public areas
bordered by the sidewalks on Seacoast Drive and Elder Avenue, the
beach, and an alley, including the fishing pier.
13. "Dunes Park" in the City of Imperial Beach, bordered by the sidewalk
on Seacoast Drive, the beach, and fence lines.
14. "Grand Caribe Shoreline Park" in the City of Coronado, located at
the end of the Grand Caribe Causeway, bordered by the waterline
and a fence line.
15. "Coronado Tidelands Park" in the City of Coronado, bordered by the
sidewalk on Glorietta Boulevard, Mullinix Drive southerly to the
waterline, and a fence line.
16. "Coronado Landing Park" in the City of Coronado, at the foot of
Orange Avenue along the waterline from the walkway bay ward,
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bordered on the east by the parking lot east of the ferry landing, and
on the west by the end of the sand area and eastern end of the
adjoining rocks, excluding the fishing pier and ferry landing.
17. "Broadway Pier'' in the City of San Diego, at the foot of Broadway,
west of the sidewalk bay ward of North Harbor Drive.
18. “Ruocco Park” in the City of San Diego, on the west side of Pacific
Highway and bordered on the north by North Harbor Drive and the
south by Seaport Village and on the west by Tuna Harbor boat
docking area.
19. “Greatest Generation Walk Park” in the City of San Diego, on the
west side of North Harbor Drive starting at the exit of the driveway to
the USS Midway Museum and Navy Pier and extending south to G
Street and the entrance to the Tuna Harbor parking lot and bordered
on the west by the waterline.
20. “Broadway Landing” in the City of San Diego, located on the west
side of North Harbor Drive from the north side of Navy Pier to the
south side of B Street Pier and bordered by the waterline.
21. “Lane Field Park” in the City of San Diego, located along the east
side of North Harbor Drive from the corner of West Broadway up to
the fence line of the Navy property and across from Broadway Pier
and B Street Pier.
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22. “North Embarcadero Promenade” in the City of San Diego, located
on the west side of North Harbor Drive starting at the south side of B
Street Pier and extending northbound to Grape Street and bordered
by the waterline.
23. Any other land designated as a public park.
(b) Within the limits of a Public Park of the District:
1. No person shall use any area or facility set aside, used, maintained
or designated for a specific recreational or park purpose by the Board
or the Executive Director, which purpose is reasonably apparent
from the appearance, construction or designation of such facility or
area, or as to which reasonable notice of such designation or
purpose is given by signs posted thereon, for a purpose contrary to
or inconsistent with such specific or designated purpose.
2. No person shall land, release, take off or fly any balloon (except
children’s toy balloons not inflated with any flammable material),
helicopter, parakite, hang glider, aircraft or powered models thereof
except by permit duly issued by the Executive Director.
3. No person shall engage in any voluntary parachute jump.
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4. No person shall use any bow or crossbow or throw or release any
5. No person shall remove any wood, tree, shrub, plant, turf, grass, soil,
rock, sand or gravel.
6. No person shall cut, break, injure, tamper with, deface or disturb any
tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, monument, fence, bench, structure,
apparatus, equipment or property; or mark, paint, post or write upon
any building, monument, fence, bench or other structure; or post,
place or erect any bills, notice, paper or advertising device or matter
of any kind.
7. No person shall enter, remain, stay or loiter in any Public Park between
the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day. For any
Public Park or recreational facility subject to this provision, the
Executive Director may extend the 10:30 p.m. closing time for up to One
(1) hour to accommodate any District approved event. The
Embarcadero Marina Park South fishing pier, the Shoreline Park fishing
pier on Shelter Island, including the automobile parking lot immediately
adjacent thereto, the Portwood Pier Plaza fishing pier, Greatest
Generation Walk Park, Broadway Landing, Lane Field Park and North
Embarcadero Promenade shall not be subject to the closing time
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8. No person shall drive or ride any cycle or vehicle, whether powered
by a motor or human power, except on paths, roads or drives
designed and provided for such purposes.
9. No person shall make or kindle a fire or cook food, except on a stove
or masonry or concrete hearth or fire circle provided for such
purposes, or on a portable stove or hearth of an approved type and
in areas specifically posted for such use.
10. No person shall throw, discard or deposit any paper, rubbish, debris,
ashes, dirt, bottles, cans, trash or litter of any kind or nature
whatsoever, except in receptacles specifically provided therefor.
11. No person shall discharge any firearms, firecrackers,
rockets, model rockets, torpedoes,
air gun or slingshot.
12. No person shall assemble, collect or gather together in any walk,
driveway, passageway or pathway in any Public Park or in other
places set apart for the travel of persons or vehicles in or through
any Public Park or occupy the same so that the free passage or use
thereof by persons or vehicles passing along the same shall be
obstructed in any manner.
13. No person shall roller skate, use or ride any skateboard.
14. No person shall erect, use or occupy any tent, lodge, camp or shelter.
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15. No person shall play any game of ball or engage in any sport, athletic
game or contest or any kind except at such places and at such times
as designated for such purpose by action of the Board or by the
Executive Director.
16. No person shall clean, wash or polish, or make other than emergency
repairs to any automobile, motorcycle or self-powered vehicle.
17. No person or group of persons exceeding twenty-five (25) in number
shall hold, conduct or participate in any celebration, parade, service
or picnic in any Public Park without first obtaining a permit from the
18. No person shall possess an aerosol container of paint or other liquid
substance capable of and intended to be used for defacing any
Public Park property.
19. No person shall launch or retrieve any vessel, boat or barge at the
boat launching ramp, adjacent float, docks or piers within the Chula
Vista Bayfront Park during the time period beginning One (1) hour
after sunset and ending One (1) hour before sunrise the next day
(local time) without the prior written permission of the Executive
20. No person shall operate any vessel, boat or barge carrying
passengers, merchandise, building materials, petroleum products,
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compressed gas or cargo to or from the boat launching ramp, float,
docks or piers within the Chula Vista Bayfront Park and any point,
location, vessel, boat, barge, structure or dock within San Diego Bay
without the prior written permission of the Executive Director.
21. No person shall operate any vessel, boat or barge carrying
passengers for hire or passengers for any other commercial
endeavor or venture, merchandise, building materials, petroleum
products, compressed gas or cargo to or from the ramp, float, dock
or pier at the Pepper Park boat launching ramp and park complex in
National City and any point without obtaining a properly executed
permit as provided for in Section 8.02(e) of this Code.
22. Pursuant to a sunset provision, Subsection 8.02(a) 25 was repealed
on October 30, 1995.
23. No person shall launch or retrieve, or attempt to launch or retrieve,
any vessel at the boat launching ramp at Shoreline Park on Shelter
Island unless the size of the vehicle, including any attached trailer,
load or vessel thereon, does not exceed Eight and One-Half (8-1/2)
feet in width or Forty Five (45) feet in length, except that subject to
prior express written permission of the Executive Director, for
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.03
Article 8 Park Areas Regulated Section 8.03 Page 10 of 14
special events the length restriction of Forty-Five (45) feet may be
increased to a length not to exceed Sixty Five (65) feet.
24. With respect to the public promenade surrounding the Rady Shell
event venue in Embarcadero Marina Park South, the following are
not permitted in the two hours prior to and for the duration of a
scheduled performance at the Rady Shell: (A) use or transport of any
object that can or may impeded or restrict the free and easy passage
of persons and/or vehicles, including, but not limited to, tents,
awnings, canopies, shades, chairs, tables, benches, coolers, ice
chests, storage wagons, storage containers, and/or portable stoves
or hearths or other cookware; and (B) any access to the riprap
adjacent to such public promenade for any purpose.
This Section 8.02(b)(24) is not intended to and does not in any way
affect other provisions of the Port Code applicable to any Public Park,
including, but not limited to, Port Code Section 8.02(b)(12).
(c) Within the limits of any such Public Park containing a fishing or recreational
1. No person shall operate any vehicle on a fishing or recreationa
except as
by the
2. No person shall ride a
bicycle, scooter,
or other
wheeled device on any pier.
1 and 2 of this provision
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Article 8 Park Areas Regulated Section 8.03 Page 11 of 14
shall not apply to the use of wheelchairs by persons whose physical
condition necessitates
such use.
3. No person
dive or
or cause
dive or jump from
a pier, or climb or be on the outside of the railing of a pier
for the
4. No person shall swim,
use a surfboard, skindive
or use
self-contained underwater
breathing apparatus within an area
one hundred
(100) feet of
side of the pier.
5. No person shall climb or
on the pier
pilings or under
6. No person
do any
overhead casting
or allow any fishing lure or
hook to pass
of the pier railing while casting.
7. No person shall clean any fish except at locations provided for that
8. No person shall use more than Two (2) poles or drop lines at any
one time.
9. No person shall fish or trap sea life for commercial purposes.
10. No person shall use any fishing spear or spear gun.
(d) Nothing contained in these provisions shall be construed to prohibit any
authorized employee, agent or contractor of the District from doing any act
which the Board or the Executive Director may deem necessary or proper
for the maintenance, improvement or betterment of any of said Public Park;
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furthermore, nothing herein contained shall be applicable to prohibit the
performance by a peace officer in the exercise of authorized duties.
(e) Whenever the privilege of using a Public Park area for doing any of the acts
hereinbefore enumerated in this section requires obtaining a permit,
permission or consent from the Executive Director, the following procedure
shall be followed:
1. An application for a permit shall be filed not less than Ten (10) days
before the date on which the proposed activity or event is to be
2. The application shall include information as to the proposed activity,
the sponsoring person or organization, the number of persons
expected to attend, the proposed area to be used, the proposed date
and time of the event, the duration in time, and may include proposed
alternate areas and dates.
3. The Executive Director shall review the application and thereafter
shall have the right to give or not to give a permit. In reaching a
decision, the Executive Director may waive the Ten (10) day filing
requirement of subsection 1, above, may consider whether activity
will conflict or interfere with any other event previously scheduled and
whether the activity will unreasonably add to congestion or interfere
with or impede the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
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4. Each permit shall state the date, time and area of the park for which
it is issued, the name of the person or persons to whom it is issued
and any conditions and limitations upon which the permit is given.
5. Each permit shall be subject to the requirements regarding noise and
parades as contained in the Municipal Code of the particular City in
which the park is located. In the City of San Diego, the applicable
provisions include, but are not limited to, Municipal Code §59.5.0101
et seq.
6. If a permit is not given, the applicant may submit a new request
proposing an alternate date, time or location.
7. When a permit is not given, the applicant may, within Fifteen (15)
days after receiving notice thereof, request such a permit from the
Board of Port Commissioners by filing a request therefor with the
Clerk of the District. If a timely request is not so filed, the decision of
the Executive Director shall be final. In the event a timely request is
filed, the Clerk of the District shall cause the matter to be placed as
an appearance item on the agenda of a regular meeting of the Board
that is scheduled within the next Thirty (30) days. The item on the
agenda shall not be a hearing nor shall evidence be taken. The
applicant may appear, make a presentation and request a permit.
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The Board shall thereafter have the absolute right to either give or not to
give a permit and that decision of the Board shall be final.
(f) If any provision of this section or the application thereof to any person or
circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions
or applications of this section which can be given effect without the invalid
provisions or application, and to this end the provisions of this section are
(Enacted July 1, 1980Ordinance No. 879)
(Amended September 11, 1984 Ordinance No. 1078)
(Amended March 17, 1987Ordinance No. 1208)
(Amended December 20, 1988Ordinance No. 1293)
(Amended November 21, 1989Ordinance No. 1342)
(Amended April 23, 1991Ordinance No. 1422)
(Amended September 20, 1994 Ordinance No. 1693)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
(Amended December 5, 2006 Ordinance No. 2430)
(Amended May 8, 2007Ordinance No. 2450)
(Amended August 5, 2008 Ordinance No. 2517)
(Amended August 14, 2012Ordinance No. 2684)
(Amended September 16, 2014 Ordinance No. 2778
(Amended March 14, 2023 Ordinance No. 3079)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.03
Article 8 Emergency Park Closure Section 8.03 Page 1of 1
(a) Whenever a danger to the public health or safety is created in any public
park by such causes as flood, storm, fire, earthquake, explosion, accident
or other disaster, or by riot or unlawful assembly, the Executive Director or
the Harbor Police may close the area where the danger exists for the
duration thereof to any and all persons authorized to enter or remain within
such closed area.
(b) The Harbor Police may close the immediate area surrounding any
emergency field command post established for the purpose of controlling
any dangerous condition stated in this section to all unauthorized persons.
(c) No unauthorized person shall willfully and knowingly enter an area closed
pursuant to subdivisions (a) or (b) of this section nor shall willfully remain
within such areas after receiving notice to evacuate or leave the area from
any peace officer.
(Enacted July 1, 1980 Ordinance No. 879)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.04
Article 8 Prohibiting the Cultivation of Marijuana on District Tidelands
Section 8.04 Page 1 of 2
(a) Definitions
In addition to the definitions and interpretations set forth in Section 0.03 of
this Code, and for purposes of this Section, the following words shall mean:
1. “Cannabis” shall have the same meaning as set forth in California
Business & Professions Code §19300.5(f), as may be amended
from time to time.
2. “Cultivation” means any activity involving the planting, growing,
harvesting, drying, curing, grading, or trimming of cannabis or
cannabis products.
3. “Marijuana” means cannabis.
(b) Prohibition
The cultivation of marijuana within the District’s jurisdiction, on District
tidelands, submerged lands granted to the District, and any other lands
conveyed to or acquired by the District is prohibited.
(c) Enforcement
The Executive Director or designee is hereby directed to enforce this
prohibition pursuant to Section 0.11 of this Code.
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Section No. 8.04
Article 8 Prohibiting the Cultivation of Marijuana on District Tidelands
Section 8.04 Page 2 of 2
(d) Preemption
Pursuant to Section 60 of Harbors and Navigation Code Appendix I, this
Section is intended to preempt local regulation of marijuana on District
tidelands and submerged lands granted to the District, and any other lands
conveyed to or acquired by the District.
(Amended, January 1, 2016 Ordinance No. 2847)
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Section No. 8.05
Article 8 Vending and Expressive Activity Regulated Section 8.05 Page 1 of 74
(a) Definitions
In addition to the definitions and interpretation set forth in Section 0.03 of
this Code, and for purposes of this Section, the following words or phrases
shall mean:
1. "Allotted Space" or "Allotted Spaces" the space or spaces located
inside a Designated Area. Depending on the Designated Area in
which the Allotted Space is located, an Allotted Space shall measure
four (4) feet by four (4) feet, four (4) feet by eight (8) feet, eight (8)
feet by six (6) feet, ten (10) feet by six (6) feet, or ten (10) feet by ten
(10) feet.
2. “Broadway Landing” the District-designated public park in the City
of San Diego, consisting of the non-leased portions of space
bordered on the west by the North Embarcadero Promenade, on the
east by North Harbor Drive, on the north by an imaginary line
extending from the southern edge of B Street Pier to Harbor Drive
and on the south by an imaginary line extending from the northern
edge of Navy Pier to North Harbor Drive.
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3. “Broadway Pier” the District-designated public park in the City of
San Diego, located at the foot of Broadway, west of the sidewalk
bayward of North Harbor Drive.
4. Cesar Chavez Park” - the District-designated public park in the City
of San Diego, bordered by Cesar Chavez Parkway, Crosby Street,
the waterline, and a wall, including the recreational pier.
5. Chula Vista Bayfront Park” - the District-designated public park in
the City of Chula Vista, on the peninsula at the end of Marina Way,
including the boat launching ramp.
6. "Chula Vista Bayside Park" the District-designated public park
located in the City of Chula Vista, bordered by Bayside Parkway on
the north and the waterline immediately preceding the Chula Vista
Harbor with a fishing pier on it.
7. “Chula Vista Marina View Park” - the District-designated public park
in the City of Chula Vista, bordered by Marina Way, Marina Parkway,
a fence line, and the waterline.
8. “Commercial Vending” Vending of commercial merchandise, which
includes items that have more than a nominal or functional utility
apart from their communicative or expressive purpose (i.e., items
that have functional utility and that are not limited to the following:
food, including water, and food products; house wares including
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Article 8 Vending and Expressive Activity Regulated Section 8.05 Page 3 of 74
dishes or eating utensils, appliances, cosmetics, beauty supplies,
oils, lotions, and perfumes, incense, candles, handcrafts, jewelry,
hats, visors, sunglasses, souvenirs, toys and stuffed animals.
9. “Commercial Vendor” a person who engages in Commercial
Vending. This includes a vendor who is an employee or agent of
10. "Coronado Landing Park" the District-designated public park
located in the City of Coronado, at the foot of Orange Avenue along
the waterline from the walkway bayward, bordered on the east by the
parking lot east of the ferry landing, and on the west by the end of
the sand area and eastern end of the adjoining rocks, excluding the
fishing pier and ferry landing.
11. "Coronado Tidelands Park" the District-designated public park
located in the City of Coronado, bordered by the sidewalk on
Glorietta Boulevard, Mullinix Drive southerly to the waterline, and a
fence line.
12. "Designated Area" or "Designated Areas" the ten (10) areas on
Tidelands designated by the District for the uses designated in this
Section. A map depicting the Designated Areas is attached to this
Section and is also available for inspection and copying in the Office
of the District Clerk.
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13. "Donation" a gift; a voluntary act which is not required and does
not require anything in return.
14. “Dunes Park” - the District-designated public park in the City of
Imperial Beach, bordered by the sidewalk on Seacoast Drive, the
beach, and fence lines.
15. "Embarcadero Marina Park North" the District-designated public
park located at the southern end of Kettner Boulevard in the City of
San Diego, on the peninsula south of the sidewalk at Seaport Village.
16. "Embarcadero Marina Park South" the District-designated public
park located southwest of the Convention Center in the City of San
Diego, on the peninsula south of the sidewalk that crosses Marina
Parkway, including the fishing pier.
17. Expressive Activity” Expressive Activity includes all forms of
speech and expressive conduct, including but not limited to (1) the
distribution of non-commercial information, (2) solicitation of funds,
donations, subscriptions and/or signatures for a charity, religious
organization, non-profit, or government entity, and (3) the sale of or
performing artwork, speeches, and/or performances that are
inherently communicative in nature and have only nominal value or
purpose apart from its communication. Such items include but are
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not limited to the following: newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, bumper
stickers, buttons, books, audio, video, compact discs, video discs,
records, sculptures, paintings and photographs, including prints of
paintings and photographs, political campaigning activity, including
the distribution of literature, stickers, shirts, cups or other promotional
material such as signs and campaign messages, and any other
similar item that is inherently communicative and has only nominal
value or purpose apart from its communication. Expressive Activity
shall not include (a) the provision of personal services such as hair
weaving or massage (b) the application of substances or handcrafts
to others’ skin or body parts including but not limited to piercings, or
ink, paints or dyes applied with a needle or machine (non-Henna
tattoos), (c) the creation of Visual Art which is mass produced or
produced with limited variation, or (d) the creation of Handcrafts. This
list of exclusion is not intended to be exhaustive.
18. Fifth Avenue Landing Park” - the District-designated public park in
the City of San Diego, bordered on the north by the parking lot of the
Fifth Avenue Landing leasehold, to the west by the South
Embarcadero Promenade, on the east by Convention Way and on
the south by San Diego Bayfront Park.
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19. "Food" or "Food Products" any type of edible substance or
20. "Goods" or "Merchandise" any items that are not a food product.
21. “Grand Caribe Shoreline Park” - the District-designated public park
in the City of Coronado, located at the end of the Grand Caribe
Causeway, bordered by the waterline and a fence line.
22. "Handcrafts" objects made either by hand or with the help of
devices used to shape or produce the objects through such methods
as weaving, carving, stitching, sewing, lacing, welding or beading
including but not limited to objects such as jewelry (articles made of
precious metals, metal, stones, glass or gems such as necklaces,
bracelets, earrings, or rings used or intended for personal
adornment), pottery, silver or metal work, leather goods, and trinkets.
Handcrafts are not likely to communicate a message, idea, or
concept to others, are often mass-produced or produced with limited
variation, and often have functional utility apart from any
communicative value they might have. Handcrafts do not include
Visual Art.
23. “Harbor Island Park” the District-designated public park on Harbor
Island, bordered on the north by Harbor Island Drive, on the south by
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the waterline, on the west by the entrance to the public parking lot,
and on the east by the point where the grass narrows to a uniform
width along the waterline.
24. “Lane Field Park” the District-designated public park in the City of
San Diego, along the east side of North Harbor Drive from the corner
of West Broadway up to the fence line of the Navy property and
across from Broadway Pier and B Street Pier.
25. "North Embarcadero Promenade" (Promenade) the District-
designated public park approximately eight (8) foot to twenty (20) foot
wide manmade promenade in the City of San Diego that runs parallel
to San Diego Bay from the north edge of Laurel Street to the northern
edge of Seaport Village located at 849 West Harbor Drive, San
“Pepper Park” - the District-designated public park in the City of
National City, located at the southern end of Tidelands Avenue,
bordered by fence lines and the waterline, including the boat
launching ramp and fishing pier.
26. "Person” natural person, joint venture, joint stock company,
partnership, association, club, company, corporation, business trust,
organization, or the manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer or
employee of any of them.
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27. Person Engaged in Expressive Activity” - A person who engages in
Expressive Activity. This includes the employers, employees, and
agents of the person.
28. “Point Loma Marina Park” the District-designated public park in the
City of San Diego, located bayward of North Harbor Drive and
bordered immediately to the east by the Point Loma Marina
29. “Portwood Pier Plaza” - the District-designated public park in the City
of Imperial Beach, consisting of the public areas bordered by the
sidewalks on Seacoast Drive and Elder Avenue, the beach, and an
alley, including the fishing pier.
30. “Ruocco Park” - the District-designated public park in the City of San
Diego, located at the southwest corner of Pacific Highway and North
Harbor Drive, bordered on the west by the North Embarcadero
Promenade, on the south by a seafood company leasehold, on the
east by Pacific Highway and on the north by North Harbor Drive.
31. “San Diego Bayfront Park” - the District-designated public park in the
City of San Diego, bordered on the south by the South Embarcadero
Promenade, on the west by Fifth Avenue Landing Park, on the north
by Convention Way, and on the east by a hotel leasehold.
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32. "Sculpture" A three-dimensional work of art that is created through
shaping solid material such as wood, stone, clay or metal by carving,
modeling, or similar methods and intended for display as a piece of
33. “Shelter Island Shoreline Park” the District-designated public park
in the City of San Diego, located bayward of Shelter Island Drive to
the waterline, bordered on the north by the northwestern fence line
of the parking lot north of the traffic circle, on the west by the public
dock, and on the east by the private leaseholds, including the fishing
pier and boat launching ramp.
34. “South Embarcadero Promenade” the District-designated public
park consisting of a manmade promenade approximately eight (8) to
twenty (20) feet wide in the City of San Diego that runs parallel to
San Diego Bay from the northern edge of Seaport Village located at
849 West Harbor Drive to the fence on northwest side of the Tenth
Avenue Marine Terminal.
35. “Spanish Landing Park” the District-designated public park in the
City of San Diego, bordered on the north by North Harbor Drive, on
the south by the waterline, on the west by the intersection of the
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waterline with the Navy Estuary Bridge, and on the east by the end
of the grassy area east of Cancer Survivors Park.
36. "Tidelands" those areas in the member cities of Chula Vista,
Coronado, Imperial Beach, National City and San Diego under the
control and jurisdiction of the San Diego Unified Port District and not
under lease to private parties. Tidelands shall include without
limitation streets, parking lots, sidewalks, alleys, plazas, parks, piers,
beaches, sea walls and open public lands.
37. "Tuna Harbor Park"- in the City of San Diego the District-designated
public park located bayward of North Harbor Drive, bordered on the
north by the roadway parallel to the USS Midway Museum, on the
south by the grassy area at the north end of Seaport Village, and on
the west by the waterline, including the area north of "G" Street
between the waterline and the northern curb line of the parking lot,
excluding "G" Street.
38. "Vend" or "Vending" to sell, offer for sale, expose or display for
sale, solicit offers to purchase, or to barter Food, Goods, Handcrafts,
Merchandise, Visual Arts, or services in any public area, whether
stationary or roaming, from a stand, pushcart, motor vehicle, or by a
person with or without the use of any other device or other method
of transportation. To require someone to pay a fee or to set,
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negotiate, or establish a fee before providing goods or services
constitutes vending. Requests for donations or accepting donations
in exchange for merchandise also constitute vending.
39. "Vendor" a Person who vends. This includes a Vendor who is an
employee or agent of another.
40. "Visual Art" Sculptures or drawings or paintings, applied to paper,
cardboard, canvas, or other similar or technologically equivalent
medium through the use of brush, pastel, crayon, pencil, stylus, or
other similar object.
(b) Findings and Purposes
The Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District
finds and declares as follows:
1. The North Embarcadero Promenade
a) Health, Safety, and Welfare. The North Embarcadero
Promenade (Promenade) is a designated District park. The
Promenade is a major tourist attraction on Tidelands and
receives hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. For a
public promenade, it is narrow at only eight (8) to twenty (20)
feet in width and must accommodate walkers, runners, bicycle
and scooter riders, pedicabs, cruise ship passengers, and
visitors. Its total distance in the busiest portion of the
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Promenade which runs from Grape Street through the San
Diego Convention Center comprises only 1.3 miles and
contains 30 acres of public space. Because of the presence
of parking lots immediately adjacent to the Promenade to
provide vehicle access to San Diego Bay, visitors parking near
the Promenade must be afforded access. Vending and
Expressive Activity on the Promenade must be regulated
because the equipment and activities that accompany
Vending and Expressive Activity, including tables, displays,
chairs, umbrellas, and pushcarts, and impeding and
interacting with pedestrians is incompatible with the narrow
confines of the Promenade and poses a risk of accidents and
injury to walkers, runners, bicycle riders, pedicabs, cruise ship
passengers, and visitors as they attempt to navigate narrow
paths congested with Vendors and Persons Engages in
Expressive Activities and associated equipment.
Furthermore, Vendors engages in the sale of food must be
regulated to protect the health and safety of the general public
in accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County
Health Department to ensure compliance with sanitation, food
preparation, and food handling laws to protect against food
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contamination, poor hygienic practices, and food poisoning.
Finally, the total number of Vendors and Persons Engages in
Expressive Activity must be limited to accommodate
pedestrian access and to prevent hazardous or unsanitary
conditions and to ensure that trash and debris do not become
a pollutant by being left, thrown, discarded or deposited on the
street, sidewalks, pathways, gutters, storm drains, or upon
public land or tenant leaseholds.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. As explained above, the Promenade does not
have the capacity to accommodate unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity. Inhibiting travel along the Promenade
also inhibits residents’ and visitors use and enjoyment of
recreational opportunities and historic attractions to which the
Promenade provides direct access, including Broadway Pier,
the Maritime Museum of San Diego, harbor tour vessels, Navy
Pier/U.S.S. Midway Museum, restaurants, and other sites. In
addition, noise associated with Vending and Expressive
Activity must be regulated to ensure residents’ and visitors’
use and enjoyment of natural resources and recreational
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opportunities along the Promenade and at the historic and
commercial attractions listed above.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Along with
access to the recreational opportunities and historic
attractions, the Promenade also offers residents and visitors
a clear view of the scenic San Diego Bay and the bayfront
cityscape. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity along
the Promenade would block access and views, interfering with
the scenic and natural character of the Promenade.
2. Embarcadero Marina Park North and Embarcadero Marina Park
a) Health, Safety, and Welfare. Embarcadero Marina Park North
and Embarcadero Marina Park South are sites often used for
recreation and events that require individual park permits, as
well as pre- planning and notice to the District. The paths that
run around and through these parks are narrow and intended
for ingress and egress from the parks or for walking, bicycling,
or other recreational pursuits. These parks rest mostly as
small peninsulas in the San Diego Bay, with both parks having
only one route to and from the park. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity in these parks creates an unsafe
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environment for pedestrians and other users, as the tables,
displays, chairs, umbrellas, and pushcarts, and impeding and
interacting with pedestrians is incompatible with the nature of
the park and poses a risk of accidents and injury to
pedestrians and other users of the parks. Furthermore,
Vendors engaged in the sale of food must be regulated to
protect the health and safety of the general public in
accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County
Health Department to ensure compliance with sanitation, food
preparation, and food handling laws to protect against food
contamination, poor hygienic practices, and food poisoning.
Finally, the total number of Vendors and Persons Engaged in
Expressive Activity must be limited to accommodate
pedestrian access and to prevent hazardous or unsanitary
conditions and to ensure that trash and debris do not become
a pollutant by being left, thrown, discarded or deposited on the
streets, sidewalks, pathways, gutters, storm drain, or upon
public land or tenant leaseholds.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The parks are available to the public for hosting
larger gatherings or smaller get-togethers like picnics.
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Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity would occupy
spaces in the parks for these events and prevent residents
and visitors from using and enjoying the parks’ resources. In
addition, noise associated with Vending and Expressive
Activity must be regulated to ensure residents’ and visitors
use and enjoyment of natural resources and recreational
opportunities along the parks, paths and other gatherings and
events that occur in this area.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Situated
directly on San Diego Bay, these parks offer some of the best
views of San Diego Bay as well as Coronado and, as
explained above, are popular picnic areas. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity would change the nature and
diminish the purpose of these parks, by blocking views from
the parks and of the parks themselves.
3. Tuna Harbor Park
a) Health, Safety, and Welfare. The pathways along the
perimeter of Tuna Harbor Park are narrow and designed for
pedestrian access. These pathways are not designed to
accommodate tables, chairs, or other equipment used in the
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course of Vending and Expressive Activity. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity in the park would create
unsafe conditions for this park’s regular volume of foot-traffic
and visitors. Furthermore, Vendors engaged in the sale of
food must be regulated to protect the health and safety of the
general public in accordance with the requirements of the San
Diego County Health Department to ensure compliance with
sanitation, food preparation, and food handling laws to protect
against food contamination, poor hygienic practices, and food
poisoning. Finally, the total number of Vendors and Persons
Engaged in Expressive Activity must be limited to
accommodate pedestrian access and to prevent hazardous or
unsanitary conditions and to ensure that trash and debris do
not become a pollutant by being left thrown, discarded or
deposited on the streets, sidewalks, pathways, gutters, storm
drains, or upon public land or tenant leaseholds.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. This park is a popular gathering place for
visitors and residents to view the USS Midway Museum and
San Diego Bay from the landside. Unregulated Vending and
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Expressive Activity in the park would occupy and block spaces
and pathways in the park intended for residents and visitors
to picnic, walk, run, and otherwise use and enjoy the park. In
addition, noise associated with Vending and Expressive
Activity must be regulated to ensure residents’ and visitor’ use
and enjoyment of natural resources and recreational
opportunities including but not limited to the USS Midway
Museum viewing platform, the Unconditional Surrender
Statue, National Salute to Bob Hope and the Military
attraction, and other commemorative plaques and public
artworks within this area.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. As explained
above, this park is a popular gathering place to view the USS
Midway Museum and San Diego Bay from the landside.
Unregulated vending in this park causes visual clutter/blight
along the park and San Diego Bay, and impedes views of the
bay and the USS Midway Museum
4. Coronado Tidelands Park
a) Coronado Tidelands Park is adjacent or near to the Coronado
Ferry Landing, and numerous residences. The Park also
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provides marked baseball, softball and soccer fields for
organized athletics and other games, which often draw
spectators. It also contains paths for recreational activities
including bicycle riding, running or walking, and the use of
pedicabs and other four-wheeled bicycles rented from nearby
businesses. All sidewalk paths through the park are narrow
and designed for pedestrian ingress and egress. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity in this park creates safety
concerns because it would block access for pedestrians’ and
others’ use of the pathways, impedes views of the bay and the
ingress and egress of visitors to the park. Furthermore,
Vendors engaged in the sale of food must be regulated to
protect the health and safety of the general public in
accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County
Health Department to ensure compliance with sanitation, food
preparation, and food handling laws to protect against food
contamination, poor hygienic practices, and food poisoning.
Finally, the total number of Vendors and Persons Engaged in
Expressive Activity must be limited to accommodate
pedestrian access and to prevent hazardous or unsanitary
conditions and to ensure that trash and debris do not become
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a pollutant by being left, thrown, discarded or deposited on the
streets, sidewalks, pathways, gutters, storm drains, or upon
public land or tenant leaseholds.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. As explained above, this park includes marked
baseball, softball and soccer fields for organized athletics and
other games, which often draw spectators. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity on these fields or the
pathways to these fields would block access and conflict with
scheduled and unscheduled athletic activities. In addition,
noise associated with Vending and Expressive Activity must
be regulated to ensure residents’ and visitors’ use and
enjoyment of natural resources and recreational opportunities
with this area.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Along with
organized recreational activities, this park provides
unimpeded access and views of San Diego Bay, particularly
north to downtown San Diego. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity would change the character of this park in
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that it would block such views and the places to take in the
5. Orange Avenue Area
a) Health, Safety, and Welfare. The Orange Avenue Area,
located in the City of Coronado, is a subarea identified in the
Port Master Plan and is located between Orange Avenue
the former site of the Coronado Ferry Landing and the
multiple-story Oakwood Garden Apartments. The Orange
Avenue Area includes shoreline park space, a promenade,
and many tables and chairs for outdoor gatherings and
events. Given the heavy foot-traffic, narrow pathways, and,
where not so narrow, outdoor tables and chairs, unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity would obstruct pathways for
residents and visitors and create obstacles to travel within the
area. The obstruction and obstacles created by Vending and
Expressive Activity is incompatible with the nature of the area
and poses a risk of accidents and injury to pedestrians and
other users of the area.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. As explained above, this area includes
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shoreline park space and a promenade that are popular
destinations for residents and are frequently used for
recreational activities such as walking, running, and bicycling.
Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity in this Area
would inhibit use and enjoyment of these opportunities.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. As explained
above, this area offers unobstructed views of downtown San
Diego and San Diego Bay. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity in this area would obstruct these views
and harm the scenic and natural character of the area.
6. Chula Vista Bayside Park
a) Health, Safety, and Welfare. The Chula Vista Bayside Park is
adjacent to the Chula Vista Harbor, a fishing pier and a
recreational vehicle (RV) park. The park is frequently used for
picnics and other enjoyment of natural resources and
recreation purposes including running, walking, bicycle riding,
and fishing. For access, the park provides a narrow trail from
the parking lot and through the park. The trail is designed to
accommodate pedestrians and bicycles, but lacks the space
necessary to include Vending and Expressive Activity without
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hindering safe movement throughout the park. Furthermore,
Vendors engaged in the sale of food must be regulated to
protect the health and safety of the general public in
accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County
Health Department to ensure compliance with sanitation, food
preparation, and food handling laws to protect against food
contamination, poor hygienic practices, and food poisoning.
Finally, the total number of Vendors and Persons Engaged in
Expressive Activity must be limited to accommodate
pedestrian access and to prevent hazardous or unsanitary
conditions and to ensure that trash and debris do not become
a pollutant by being left, thrown, discarded or deposited on the
street, sidewalks, pathways, gutters, storm drains, or upon
public land or tenant leaseholds.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. As explained above, the park is frequently used
for picnics and other enjoyment of natural resources and
recreation purposes including running, walking, bicycle riding,
and fishing. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity in
the park would take up the space of and create obstacles to
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these uses. In addition, noise associated with Vending and
Expressive Activity must be regulated to ensure residents’
and visitors’ use and enjoyment of natural resources and
recreational opportunities within this area.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The park
provides unobstructed views of San Diego Bay, looking west
to the Coronado Strand and the ocean. Unregulated Vending
and Expressive Activity would block these views and harm the
open and green natural character of the park.
7. Shelter Island Shoreline Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Shelter Island Shoreline Park
consists primarily of long, narrow portions of grass that can
accommodate small events that do not meet the size
threshold for requiring a District special event permit. There
are two sections of the park that are somewhat wider. Both
are grassy areas located inside of traffic circles located at
opposite end of Shelter Island and both are bordered by
Shelter Island Drive. Neither has a crosswalk for pedestrian
access between the sidewalk along the edge of Shelter
Island. In the absence of crosswalks, unregulated Vending in
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either of these locations would cause a safety risk to
pedestrians attempting to cross the street to visit a Vendor.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The park sidewalk is highly used by residents
and hotel guests to enjoy the views of San Diego Bay, Point
Loma, Coronado and the downtown San Diego skyline. The
narrow nature of the sidewalks and the grass areas along the
bayfront of the park make the entire length of the park
unsuitable for unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity,
which would impede the walkways and the views from the
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. This park is
characterized by panoramic views of San Diego Bay and the
areas of grass that lend themselves to the enjoyment of small
group and singular activities of a typically quiet and passive to
moderately active nature. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity would interfere with what is primarily a
park of low-intensity, contemplative uses.
8. Point Loma Marina Park
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a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Point Loma Marina Park is a small
park on the District Tidelands that is used periodically for
private events. The park has public sidewalks on either side
and through its southern one-third that are used primarily to
access the surrounding businesses and the walkway along
north San Diego Bay. These sidewalks are under ten (10) feet
in width and unable to safely accommodate Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity without impeding
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The park can accommodate recreational
activities that fit into a grass area of about 3,000 square feet
in size, making it suitable for limited activity.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Given the
small size of the park, the setup of any unregulated Vending
and Expressive Activity would dominate the footprint and
visual ambiance of the space.
9. Harbor Island Park
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a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Harbor Island Park consists
primarily of a narrow strip of grass and a six-foot-wide
walkway that extend the length of the island, with one portion
of grass on the western end of the island that widens to about
125 feet over a span of 300 feet. The narrow walkway
accommodates a great many recreational walkers and
runners including persons with strollers, and the two-way
pedestrian traffic on the walkway often occupies a wider-than
six (6) feet footprint. Visitors also bring chairs or sit on the
benches along the length of the walkway to enjoy the view of
San Diego Bay and the downtown skyline. This makes
unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity in the narrow
portion of the park unsafe to the public.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The wider area of the park is used for picnics
and play for groups of various sizes and is the most popular
site for weddings on the San Diego Bayfront. Given that the
medium-to-large events as well as all weddings require the
use of the entire wide grass area, unregulated Vending and
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Expressive Activity interferes with the use of the park by
visitors and participants in events.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Given the
small size of the park, the setup of any unregulated Vending
and Expressive Activity would interfere with the visual
ambiance of the space.
10. Spanish Landing Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Spanish Landing Park is a linear
space about three-quarters of a mile in length with several
lawn areas of widths varying between 50 and 120 feet that are
used for picnics and small group enjoyment of the park. The
park is also amenable to the producers of certain major events
who utilize the individual lawn areas to place stages and
attractions. A serpentine walkway of about eight (8) feet in
width and extends through the length of the park, connecting
the Cancer Survivor Park artwork and lawn on the east end of
the park to the playground and small beach on the west end
and proceeding beneath Harbor Drive to the north side of the
street. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity in the
park would impede the walkway.
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b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. Events and play on the playground, beach and
lawns of the park would be inhibited by unregulated Vending
and Expressive Activity that inhabits space on the lawn areas.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The Cancer
Survivors Park area on the east end of Spanish Landing Park
is intended for contemplative uses and unregulated Vending
and Expressive Activity would be out of keeping with the
character of this portion of the park. Additionally unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity would upset the generally
quiet bayside ambiance of the overall park area.
11. Lane Field Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Lane Field Park is immediately
adjacent to three hotel leaseholds on the downtown San
Diego waterfront and is less than one half-acre in size. The
surrounding hotels use the space which consists of about
60% grass and 40% hardscape for catered events and a
weekly street food market with a picnic atmosphere. The small
size of the park would make unregulated Vending and
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Expressive Activity potentially a safety hazards to the use of
the space.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. Events and play in this somewhat small park
can be inhibited by unregulated Vending and Expressive
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Lane Field
Park contains items that pay tribute to the baseball history of
the park’s location, including a diamond-shaped hardscape
area and a home plate. Unregulated Vending and Expressive
Activity can disturb the baseball theme and character of the
park with visual and sound distractions.
12. Broadway Pier
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Broadway Pier is used for cruise
ship calls, a variety of special events, and public seating to
view San Diego Bay. It is of relatively small width and includes
lanes for emergency vehicles that may not be impeded.
Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity will present a
risk to critical access to the pier and the Port Pavilion (terminal
and event facility) located on the pier by emergency
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responders, Maritime Operations staff and custodial
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The events that use the pier exterior, as well as
public enjoyment of the seating on the forecourt (Harbor Drive
end of the pier) and view court (San Diego Bay end of the
pier), can be impeded or disturbed by unregulated Vending
and Expressive Activity.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity can obstruct and distract the
enjoyment of the panoramic views of San Diego Bay and the
downtown San Diego North Embarcadero region offered on
Broadway Pier.
13. Broadway Landing
a) Health, Safety and Welfare Broadway Landing
accommodates substantial traffic from pedestrians traversing
the downtown North Embarcadero Promenade that makes up
the west border of the park. The park contains garden areas
with benches for resting and viewing the Promenade activity.
The park surrounds leaseholds containing al fresco dining,
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information windows and harbor tour ticket concessions, and
a restroom building adjacent to the Promenade, making the
park a gathering place for pedestrians stopping and/or
queuing to visit these facilities. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity can result in congestion that spills over
onto the Promenade and presents a public safety hazard.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The garden areas within Broadway Landing
contain shade trees and landscaping and are intended as a
respite for persons walking the Promenade or waiting for their
boarding time on harbor tours or the water taxi at the adjacent
docks. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity can
disturb the respite of the persons enjoying the gardens.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity can interfere with the view
and character of the natural scenery in the form of the trees
and gardens that are a vital and prominent part of the park.
14. Ruocco Park
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a) Health, Safety and Welfare. As one of a small number of grass
expanses in downtown San Diego, the turf area in the center
of Ruocco Park is used daily for pick-up soccer, frisbee
throwing and other informal sporting activity. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity, including the use of tables,
displays, chairs, umbrellas, pushcarts, and other equipment,
can present obstructions to this activity, compromising the
safety of those participating and must be regulated.
Furthermore, Vendors engaged in the sale of food must be
regulated to protect the health and safety of the general public
in accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County
Health Department to ensure compliance with sanitation, food
preparation, and food handling laws to protect against food
contamination, poor hygienic practices, and food poisoning.
Finally, the total number of Vendors and Persons Engaged in
Expressive Activity must be limited to accommodate
pedestrian access and to prevent hazardous or unsanitary
conditions and to ensure that trash and debris do not become
a pollutant by being left, thrown, discarded or deposited on the
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streets, sidewalks, pathways, gutters, storm drains, or upon
public lands or tenant leaseholds.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The hardscape areas surrounding the center
turf contain benches and small landscaped gardens with
young trees. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity
can interfere with the enjoyment of these landscaped areas
and, where benches face San Diego Bay, the views of Tuna
Harbor and beyond. In addition, noise associated with
Vending and Expressive Activity must be regulated to ensure
resident’ and visitors’ use and enjoyment of natural resources
and recreational opportunities within this area.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. While the
park is the venue for a number of commercial events on
specific days, its day-to-day intended purpose as specified by
the funding entity is for informal play and contemplative uses.
Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity can interfere
with the enjoyment of the park’s serenity-inducing features
that include its gardens, benches and artistic plazas.
15. South Embarcadero Promenade
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a) Health, Safety and Welfare. The South Embarcadero
Promenade is a very busy waterside thoroughfare for
pedestrians and bicycles, and other non-motorized mobility
devices which frequently use the portion of the promenade
from southeast corner of Seaport Village to the northwest side
of Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal to ride along the waterfront.
Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity presents a
potential obstruction and accompanying safety hazard on this
bustling walkway.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The South Embarcadero Promenade is heavily
used in the morning and early evening for (informal and
organized) runs, walks and cycling activity. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity can interfere with this
recreational use of the Promenade.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Large
portions of the South Embarcadero Promenade provide
sweeping views of San Diego Bay, parks, yacht and boat
marinas, a maritime cargo terminal and Coronado.
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Unregulated Vending, along with obstructing pedestrian and
bicycle and non-motorized mobility device traffic, can interfere
with the visual lines to the numerous sights throughout the
length of this public pedestrian thoroughfare.
16. Fifth Avenue Landing Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Fifth Avenue Landing Park is
small (under one-half acre) in size, making Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity a potential source of trip
hazards and obstructions for persons engaging in active
recreation or otherwise traversing its grounds.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The park’s small size (under one-half acre)
could not support unregulated Vending and Expressive
Activity concurrent with public recreational use.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The park
provides compelling views of superyachts in the water area at
the adjacent leasehold and the bay beyond. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity would visually interfere with
these views.
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17. San Diego Bayfront Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. San Diego Bayfront Park, over
four acres in size, serves as one of the few large expanses of
recreational space in the downtown core and is used heavily
by persons engaging in active recreational pursuits that
require considerable space, such as ball and frisbee-throwing.
Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity could result in
safety hazards to persons running in the park with their
attention on the game they are playing and not on potential
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The park’s perimeter space is a generally quiet
place where conventioneers, local workers and the general
public can give their senses respite from the noise and bustle
of downtown. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity
could cause the park’s peaceful ambiance to be negatively
impacted by noise.
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c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The park
contains undulations atop which the public enjoys sedentary
pursuits such as sunbathing, reading and enjoying the views
of Fifth Avenue Landing, the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal
and San Diego Bay. Unregulated Vending and Expressive
Activity would visually interfere with these views.
18. Cesar Chavez Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. The majority of Cesar Chavez
Park consists of a heavily used soccer field and sideline area
for warming up/in-game practice. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity could compromise the safe use of the field
and sideline by the youth whose practices and games are held
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The park is a popular place and one of the few
points of access to San Diego Bay for the nearby Barrio Logan
community who use the park’s playground, picnic areas and
pier for gatherings and celebrations of all sizes. Unregulated
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Vending and Expressive Activity could interfere with the
public’s enjoyment of the park for these purposes.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The park and
pier offer panoramic views of San Diego Bay as well as a rare
green space among large expanses of maritime and industrial
facilities. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity could
block view corridors to the bay as well as negatively impact
the public and natural character of the park.
19. Pepper Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Pepper Park is the location of one
of two public boat launch ramps and one of two public fishing
piers in south San Diego Bay and consequently attracts
substantial vehicle and vehicle-with-boat-trailer traffic through
the park’s parking lot, compelling vendors to attempt to
operate there. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity
in this high-traffic area traversed by oversize and encumbered
vehicles would compromise the safety of the vendors,
customers/pedestrians, drivers and boat operators.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The park is a popular place and one of the few
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points of access to San Diego Bay for the nearby underserved
communities of National City, whose citizens use the park’s
playground and picnic areas for gatherings and celebrations
of all sizes. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity
could interfere with the public’s enjoyment of the park for
these purposes.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The park
offers views of San Diego Bay as well as a rare recreational
space located between a large maritime industrial facility and
an environmentally protected wetlands area. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity could negatively impact the
open, natural character of the park.
20. Chula Vista Bayfront Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Chula Vista Bayfront Park is the
location of one of two public boat launch ramps in south San
Diego Bay and consequently attracts substantial vehicle and
vehicle-with-boat-trailer traffic through the park’s parking lot,
making it a potential attractive area for vendors. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity in this high-traffic area
traversed by oversize and encumbered vehicles would
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compromise the safety of the vendors,
customers/pedestrians, drivers and boat operators.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The green space of the park is surrounded on
three sides by San Diego Bay and the marinas on the Chula
Vista bayfront, with mature trees for restful pursuits and a
small open space for play. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity could inhibit or disturb this enjoyment of
the natural resources and recreational space in the park.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The park
offers views of the South San Diego Bay Wildlife Refuge
including the resident and migratory birds that are visible
there, as well as the viewing of the sailboats and other
recreational watercraft traversing the marinas and launch
ramp to and from the bay. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity could impede the enjoyment of the scenic
character of the park.
21. Chula Vista Marina View Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Chula Vista Marina View Park is
a primarily linear space made up of two sections. The
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easternmost section is narrow and linear in shape with an
approximately six-foot-wide sidewalk immediately adjacent to
Marina Parkway. Unregulated Vending and Expressive
Activity could present safety hazards to persons using the
narrow park section or sidewalk.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The westernmost section of the park is
frequented with small events that use inflatable jumps and
outdoor games that occupy large footprints and include
children playing. Unregulated Vending and Expressive
Activity could interfere with the enjoyment of these
recreational activities.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The south
side of the park is directly adjacent to a wetlands preserve
with a substantial bird presence. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity could interfere with this scenic aspect of
the park.
22. Portwood Pier Plaza
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Over one-half of Portwood Pier
Plaza is hardscape that is heavily used and enjoyed by the
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riders of bicycles, scooters and skateboards. Unregulated
Vending and Expressive Activity could compromise the safety
of these individuals traversing the park.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The Imperial Beach Pier is a part of the park.
As the only ocean pier in the southernmost portion of San
Diego County, the pier frequently has many persons fishing,
walking the pier for exercise and enjoying being on the Pacific
Ocean. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity could
interfere with this enjoyment of recreational opportunities.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The park and
pier offer panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean and the park
entrance plaza includes Surfhenge, a set of surfboard-themed
art works that showcase the surfing heritage of Imperial
Beach. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity can
interfere with the enjoyment of this scenery in the park.
23. Dunes Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Dunes Park provides quiet
locations for picnickers along with open space for play
adjacent to Imperial Beach. The secluded nature of sections
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of the park includes obstructions to the interior park sightlines
to public safety personnel. Unregulated Vending and
Expressive Activity present potential hazards to public safety
in that detection of any violations of law or public
endangerment on the part of vendors and Persons Engages
in Expressive Activity is difficult.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The shaded areas of mature trees and the
open spaces of Dunes Park are each relatively small, and
Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity could interfere
with the use of these areas for their intended purposes.
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. Dunes Park
offers a variety of landscape features along with views of sand
dunes and the Pacific Ocean throughout the western border
of the park. Unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity can
negatively impact the views of all of these scenic and natural
24. Grand Caribe Shoreline Park
a) Health, Safety and Welfare. Grand Caribe Shoreline Park has
no public restrooms and a small amount of street parking that
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causes some individuals to park illegally on the traffic circle at
the park entrance. Unregulated Vending and Expressive
Activity can result in public sanitation being further
compromised in the absence of restrooms; and in additional
vehicles parked in the traffic circle and impeding the passage
of emergency vehicles.
b) Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources and Recreational
Opportunities. The park is planted primarily with native
vegetation and has only a small open portion for play, making
the most active use of the park the launching of kayaks and
standup paddle boards from the stretch of beach along the
park’s east side. Given the natural state of the park,
unregulated Vending and Expressive Activity could interfere
with the enjoyment of the park’s natural quietude and
c) Interference with Scenic and Natural Character. The eastern
side of the park faces San Diego Bay with panoramic views,
and a walking path through the park’s native vegetation
traverses the entire length of the park. Unregulated Vending
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and Expressive Activity could negatively impact the
enjoyment of the views and natural character of the park.
25. North Embarcadero Visionary Plan (NEVP)
a) Health, Safety, and Welfare. The North Embarcadero
Visionary Plan (NEVP) is a planned project of the District with
phasing that will require areas of the North Embarcadero on
North Harbor Drive between G Street to the south and Grape
Street to the north, to be closed off for use by the public as
well as Person Engaged in Expressive Activity and Vendors
for potentially extended periods of time. As such, areas under
construction shall prohibit any outside activity for public safety
reasons. As the various phases of the NEVP are completed,
the District intends to allow Vending and Expressive Activity
pursuant to this section in areas that are open for public use.
(c) Commercial Vending and Expressive Activity Allowed Only in Allotted
1. To address the findings and purposes set forth in this Section, the
District has created reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions
on Commercial Vending and Expressive Activity to ensure the safety
of Vendors and Persons Engaged in Expressive Activity,
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customers and their audience, and the general public. To ensure safe use
of District parks, the District has divided available space into ten (10)
areas, known as Designated Areas, which are depicted at the end of
this Section. Each of these Designated Areas is divided into Allotted
Spaces, which may be used for Commercial Vending and Expressive
Activity, as further regulated in this Section.
2. Commercial Vending and Expressive Activity in any of the parks or
public spaces listed in this Section may only be done in an Allotted
Space, and, further, only in accordance with the time, place and
manner restrictions in this Code Section. Commercial Vending and
Expressive Activity is not permitted outside of an Allotted Space.
3. Space Availability. Allotted Spaces are available for Commercial
Vending pursuant to Temporary Commercial Use Permit and all
applicable regulations and procedures as further detailed in this
Section, including reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions,
as well as any additional terms and conditions in a Temporary
Commercial Use Permit. Allotted Spaces are available for
Expressive Activity on a first come first serve basis, subject to the
reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, detailed in this
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4. Time Restrictions. Commercial Vending shall only be allowed
between sunrise and sunset. No person shall set-up, take down,
block, or attempt to reserve any area designated for Commercial
Vending after sunset or before sunrise. Expressive Activity shall be
permitted during park hours.
5. Noise Restrictions. Noise associated with Commercial Vending and
Expressive Activity shall not exceed 75 LAeq 3-minute average, with
a maximum of 85 dBA when measures at minimum of ten (10) feet
in any direction from the outside edge of an Allotted Space. The
noise limitation includes but is not limited to sounds associated with
musical instruments, amplified musical instruments, megaphones,
mechanical equipment, generators, and/or any other pieces of
equipment or device or activity associated with Commercial Vending
or Expressive Activity. Sound levels shall be measured using an
integrating sound level meter Class II and/or an equivalent device as
specified in the District’s Park and Recreation Administrative
Procedures for Vending and Expressive Activity.
6. Special Events. In each of the parks and public spaces listed in this
Section, Commercial Vending and Expressive Activity may be
permitted outside of an Allotted Space only in conjunction with an
authorized special event subject to the appropriate District-Issued
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permit which may include terms and restrictions that differ from this Code
(d) Procedures and Rules Governing the Use of Allotted Spaces. In an effort to
ensure health, safety, and general welfare standards are maintained, and
to promote the public’s use and enjoyment of natural resources and
recreational opportunities, and to prevent an undue concentration of activity
that would interfere with the scenic and natural character of the parks, all
activities listed herein shall be limited to an Allotted Space authorized for
Commercial Vending or Expressive Activity. The following procedures and
rules govern the use of Allotted Spaces. Additional program guidance,
processing requirements, and restrictions pertaining to use of the Allotted
Spaces may be found in the terms and conditions in a Temporary
Commercial Use Permit and/or the Park and Recreation Administrative
Procedures for Vending and Expressive Activity.
1. Temporary Commercial Use Permit. In an effort to ensure health,
safety, and general welfare standards are maintained, and to
promote the public’s use and enjoyment of natural resources and
recreational opportunities, and to prevent an undue concentration of
commercial activity that would interfere with the scenic and natural
character of the parks, any person engaged in Commercial Vending
shall obtain a Temporary Commercial Use Permit from the District
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Parks & Recreation department in accordance with the District’s
Administrative Procedures for Vending and Expressive Activity, and
the minimum requirements listed below. The Director of the District
Parks and Recreation department or his/her designee, shall issue a
Temporary Commercial Use Permit if an applicant satisfies all
requirements listed immediately below and, in the District’s,
Administrative Procedures for Vending and Expressive Activity.
a. Completed application that includes the applicant’s name,
photo identification, address, telephone number, email
address and business name, as well as names and a photo
identification of all persons that will be engaging in
Commercial Vending on-site. The application shall identify all
of the commercial items that the applicant will sell on-site.
b. Business License (Business Tax Certificate) from the city in
which the Vendor will be operating.
c. Where applicable, any and all current and valid permits
required by the San Diego County Department of
Environmental Health and Quality, including a valid Mobile
Food Facility Health Permit. Vendors are limited to the use of
a Compact Mobile Food Operation to sell un-packaged food
and/or pre-packaged food.
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d.) Certificate of Insurance coverage naming “San Diego Unified
Port District” as an additional insured for the duration of the
permit with a minimum $1,000,000 for personal and bodily
injury per one person and one occurrence; and a minimum of
$2,000,000 coverage for property damage.
e) Signed and dated terms and conditions for Temporary
Commercial Use Permit, including without limitation, whereby
the applicant agrees to the minimum use and occupancy
requirements established by the District’s Parks & Recreation
department and that failure to comply with the District’s Terms
and Conditions may results in the suspension or revocation of
the Temporary Commercial Use Permit.
2. Allotted Space Availability and Opportunity Drawing. Allotted Spaces
designated for Expressive Activity are available on a first come first
served basis. Allotted Spaces designated for Commercial Vending
are available through the Temporary Commercial Use Permit
application process and are valid for the period set forth thereon,
which shall be approximately one (1) year, with the exception of the
permits issued for the first permit cycle beginning May 1, 2023 will
be extended two (2) months, so that it will end December 31, 2023.
A single individual or entity may only receive one Temporary
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Commercial Use Permit for the use of one Allotted Space during any
permit cycle. If the number of Commercial Vending applications
exceeds the number of Allotted Spaces that are authorized for
Commercial Vending within a Designated Area, the District shall
conduct an opportunity drawing to select which applicants receive a
permit. The District’s opportunity drawing system is further explained
in the District’s Administrative Procedures for Vending and
Expressive Activity.
3. Permitted Commercial Vending Activities in Designated Areas.
Vending commercial merchandise is permitted in Designated Areas
with a Temporary Commercial Use Permit. Commercial merchandise
includes items that have more than a nominal or functional utility
apart from their communicative and expressive purpose (i.e. items
that have functional utility and that are not primarily communicative
in nature) Such items include but are not limited to the following:
food, including water, and Food products, house wares including
dishes or eating utensils, appliances, cosmetics, beauty supplies,
oils, lotions and perfumes, incense, candles, handcrafts, jewelry,
hats, visors, sunglasses, souvenirs, toys and stuffed animals.
4. Permitted Expressive Conduct Activities in Allotted Spaces. Activities
that are permitted within Allotted Spaces without a Temporary
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Commercial Use Permit involves (1) the distribution of non-
commercial information, (2) solicitation of funds, donations,
subscriptions and/or signatures for a charity, religious organization,
non-profit or government entity, and (3) the sale of or performing
artwork, speeches, and/or performance that are inherently
communicative in nature and have only nominal value or purpose
apart from its communication. Such items include but are not limited
to the following: newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, bumper stickers,
buttons, books, audio, video, compact disc, video discs, records,
sculptures, paintings and photographs, including prints of paintings
and photographs, political campaigning activity, including the
distribution of literature, stickers, shirts, cups or other promotional
material such as signs and campaign messages, and any other
similar item that is inherently communicative and has only nominal
value or purpose apart from its communication.
5. Specific Rules for Use of Allotted Spaces
a. The Allotted Spaces will be assigned and/or made available
as describes above. Their respective sizes and dimensions
are set forth on a map attached to this Section and also
available for inspection and copying at the Office of the District
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Clerk. The Allotted Spaces shall be made available for the
permitted activities described in this Section.
b. No Person shall Vend any item in an Allotted Space, except
as expressly authorized herein.
c. A Person may only utilize one Allotted Space at any given
d. In no event shall the number of Persons occupying an
Allotted Space exceed the number of persons allowed in the
applicable Temporary Commercial Use Permit. The maximum
number of persons allowed in an Allotted Space shall not
exceed three (3).
e. No Person shall place or allow anything in any Allotted Space
to extend beyond the boundaries of the Allotted Space nor
place anything adjacent to the Allotted Space nor obstruct or
impede the access areas between Allotted Spaces.
f. There shall be a buffer zone of at least two (2) feet between
each Allotted Space to provide adequate room for any Person
to Vend or Engage in Expressive Conduct within the Allotted
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g. No Person shall engage in Commercial Vending or
Expressive Conduct in, or place or allow any item to extend
into a designated emergency ingress or egress area.
h. No person shall place or allow any item, except an umbrella
with a stand, a sunshade, one easel or display board
exceeding four (4) feet above ground in any Allotted Space,
or a table with a total surface area exceeding twenty-five (25)
square feet, nor shall any Person cause or allow an Allotted
Space to be enclosed on more than two sides. An umbrella or
sunshade shall not exceed eight (8) feet above the ground.
Any Person may use one easel or display board which shall
not exceed sixty-eight (68) inches in height.
i. No Person shall purchase, sell, barter, or exchange any
Allotted Space with another Person or reserve or “hold” an
Allotted Space for another Person.
j. Any umbrella used in connection with the activities authorized
in the Allotted Space must be adequately secured on the
ground with a diameter of no greater than eight (8) feet and
shall not be inserted into the ground.
k. Allotted Spaces must be kept clean and litter, debris, and any
marking must be removed from the Allotted Space by the time
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the Person vacates the Allotted Space (sunset or earlier for
Commercial Vending, and park closure or earlier for
Expressive Activity).
l. No open flames, combustible fuel or gasoline-fueled
generators are allowed in any Allotted Space. Electric cords
may not be connected outside the assigned space or to any
District or private power source.
m. Allotted Space in areas which may be subject to a District
special event permit, park permit, or construction shall not be
used by any Person for the duration of the permit or
construction period, including time for the set-up and removal
of event or construction equipment. Alternate areas will be
designated nearby when possible. If no areas are available
nearby the specified area of the special event, one of the other
Designated Areas may be used if available.
n. Each Commercial Vendor in an Allotted Space shall be limited
to one (1) sign no larger than four (4) square feet.
o. No Person shall Vend or engage in the sale or distribution of
stolen or pirated wares.
p. No Person shall Vend or engage in the sale or distribution of
live animals. Persons that use live animals as part of
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Expressive Conduct or Commercial Vending shall provide the
District with a Certificate of Insurance (COI) coverage naming
“San Diego Unified Port District” as an additional insured with
a minimum $1,000,000 for personal and bodily injury, one
person and one occurrence; and a minimum of $2,000,000
coverage for property damage. Insurance coverage must be
in force for the duration of the Expressive Activity. Any Person
using live animals as part of Expressive Conduct or
Commercial Vending must present evidence they have
obtained the proper insurance requirements upon request.
q. Any items or equipment that are left in an Allotted Space when
the park is closed or are left unattended for two (2) or more
hours when the park is open, shall be considered abandoned,
and may be immediately removed to an alternate location
within the park. Any items so removed will be tagged with
identifying information, with notice provided that such items
have been removed and the location where they are being
stored. Items not claimed and retrieved within twenty-four (24)
hours of removal and posting of notice will be disposed of by
the District.
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r. Each Commercial Vendor in an Allotted Space shall
prominently display their valid 8.5” X 11” Temporary
Commercial Use Permit issued by Port’s Park & Recreation
department so that it can be easily seen and provided to a
District Community Service Officer or any other designated
District Employee or authorized personnel acting on behalf of
the District upon request.
(e) Use of District Property for Commercial Vending or Expressive Activity
Prohibited. No Person shall use or obstruct access to any District-owned,
maintained or leased property or equipment, including but not limited to
street furniture, rip-rap stones, benches, planters, trash receptacles, kiosks,
pagodas or other structures or equipment installed on public property, for
Commercial Vending or Expressive Activity, or display or anything
(f) Enforcement and Penalties
1. Any violation of the provisions of this Section 8.05 shall be
punishable as provided below.
a.) For the first violation, an administrative fine not exceeding two
hundred fifty dollars ($250).
b.) For a second violation within one year of the first violation, an
administrative fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500).
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c.) For any subsequent violation within one year of the first
violation, an administrative fine not exceeding one thousand
dollars ($1,000)
2. A District Community Service Officer or any other designated District
Employee or authorized personnel acting on behalf of the District
may issue an administrative citation for violations of this Chapter and
in accordance with Section No. 0.11 (i) 4 Administrative Citation
Procedures of the San Diego Unified Port Code.
3. Ability-to-Pay Determination
a.) Notice. When assessing an administrative fine pursuant to
Subsection (f) 1, the District shall take into consideration the
person’s ability to pay the fine. The District shall provide the
person with notice of his or her right to request an ability-to-
pay determination and shall make available instructions or
other materials for requesting an ability-to-pay determination.
b.) Request. The person may request an ability-to-pay
determination at adjudication or while the judgement remains
unpaid, including when a case is delinquent or has been
referred to a comprehensive collection program.
c.) Determination. If the person meets the criteria described in
Government Code section 68632, subdivision (a) or (b), the
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District shall accept, in full satisfaction, twenty percent (20%)
of the administrative fine imposed.
4. Appeal. Any person may appeal any of the penalties imposed under
this subsection (f) or revocation of a Temporary Commercial Use
Permit pursuant to this subsection (f) pursuant to the procedures
listed in Section 0.11 (i) 9 Appeal of Administrative Citation of the
San Diego Unified Port Code.
5. Failure to Pay. Any person failing to pay any applicable penalties
Imposed pursuant to subsection (f)(1) shall have their Temporary
Commercial Use Permit revoked and shall be ineligible to apply for
or receive a Temporary Commercial Use Permit for the two (2)
permitting cycles following the failure to pay.
6. Any person failing to comply with a lawful verbal order by a Peace
Officer and/or authorized District staff may be subject to the
provisions for Section No. 0.11 General Penalty of the San Diego
Unified Port District Code
(g) Severability. If any subsection, sentence or clause, phase or portion of this
Section is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the
decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect
the validity of the remaining portions of this Section.
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Section No. 8.05
7rticle 8 Vending and Expressive Activity Regulated Section 8.05 Page 61 of 74
(Enacted April 21, 1964Ordinance No. 118)
(Amended August 13, 1985Ordinance No. 1141)
(Amended November 21, 1989Ordinance No. 1341)
(Amended August 14, 2012Ordinance No. 2683)
(Amended April 15, 2014Ordinance No. 2762)
(Amended December 10, 2019 Ordinance No. 2963)
(Amended February 14, 2023 Ordinance No. 3075)
(Amended November 14, 2023 Ordinance No. 3110)
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Section No. 8.06
Article 8 Alcohol Regulated on Tidelands Section No. 8.06 Page 1 of 2
For purposes of this Section, the following terms shall be defined as indicated:
(a) Definitions
1. Alcoholic Beverageincludes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and
every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer, and
which contains One-Half (1/2) of One Per Cent (1%) or more of
alcohol by volume and which is fit for beverage purposes either alone
or when diluted, mixed or combined with other substances.
2. Tidelands Those areas in the member cities of Chula Vista,
Coronado, Imperial Beach, National City and San Diego under the
control and jurisdiction of the San Diego Unified Port District and not
under lease to private parties. Tidelands shall include, without
limitation, streets, parking lots, sidewalks, alleys, plazas, parks,
piers, beaches, sea walls and open public lands.
(b) Unless the Executive Director or his authorized representative has issued a
special event permit, or unless otherwise permitted, it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to consume any alcoholic beverage at any time upon
any Tidelands.
(c) Unless the Executive Director or his authorized representative has issued a
special event permit, or unless otherwise permitted, it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to possess any can, bottle or other receptacle
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containing any alcoholic beverage that has been opened, or a seal broken,
or the contents of which have been partially removed, at any time, upon any
(d) The Executive Director or his authorized representative may designate from
time to time certain public property and public right of way located on District
Tidelands, as described in Subsections (b) and (c) above, to be used for
alcohol consumption on a short-term or long-term basis; the use of said
public property and public right of way for alcohol consumption shall only be
allowed under permit from the District and the boundaries thereof shall be
(Enacted October 5, 1999Ordinance No. 2068)
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Section No. 8.07
TIDELANDS Section No. 8.07 Page 1 of 19
(a) Purpose
motorized skateboards, and other non-traditional motorized
mobility devices has resulted in these devices being readily
available within the District’s jurisdiction.
Motorized Mobility
Devices can create public safety hazards when used in areas with
pedestrian activity. The use of Pedicabs in pedestrian areas can
also create public safety hazards. The purpose of this Section of
the San Diego Unified Port District (SDUPD) Code is to protect
the safety of pedestrians and other individuals on District
tidelands by prohibiting the use of Motorized Mobility
Devices and
Motorized Pedicabs
on pedestrian
including Sidewalks,
Promenades, Multi-use Pathways, Nature Trails, Plazas, Public
regulations related to Motorized Mobility Devices and Pedicabs
intended to protect public safety within the District’s jurisdiction.
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(b) Definitions
1. “Electric bicycle” or “e-bike” As defined by California Vehicle Code
Section 312.5, as may be amended from time to time.
2. “Electrically Motorized Board” - As defined by California Vehicle Code
Section 313.5, as may be amended from time to time.
3. “Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device” or “EPAMD” As defined
by California Vehicle Code Section 313, as may be amended from time
to time.
4. “EPAMD Rental Business” A Person who manages, owns, or
operates a business that offers for rent one or more EPAMDs for guided
5. “Executive Director” Executive Director of the San Diego Unified Port
6. “Geofencing” The creation of a virtual geographic boundary, defined by
Global Positioning System (“GPS”), radio-frequency identification (“RFID”),
or other technology, that enables a Shared Mobility Device Provider to
regulate speed, issue notifications, and take other actions, when a Shared
Mobility Device in its fleet enters or leaves an area.
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7. “Member City” The five (5) member cities of the District, which are: the
cities of San Diego, Chula Vista, National City, Imperial Beach, and
8. “Motorized Bicycle” As defined by California Vehicle Code Section 406,
as may be amended from time to time.
9. “Motorized Mobility Device” or “MMD” A mobility device, such as an
EPAMD, Electric Bicycle, Electrically Motorized Board, Motorized Scooter,
Motorized Bicycle, skateboard, hoverboard, or similar device, that is
motorized for the purpose of locomotion.
10. Motorized Pedicab” A Pedicab that is motorized for the purpose of
locomotion, which motor provides assistance when the operator is
pedaling or that can exclusively propel the Pedicab.
11. Motorized Scooter” As defined by California Vehicle Code Section
407.5, as may be amended from time to time.
12. “Multi-Use Pathway” A pathway intended or suitable for more than one
mode of travel (e.g., accommodating both pedestrian and bicycle traffic),
such as walking, jogging, cycling, and wheelchair use.
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13. Nature Trail” An unpaved pathway.
14. Other Power-Driven Mobility Device” or “OPDMD” As defined by the
Americans with Disabilities Act and related regulations, as may be
amended from time to time.
15. “Park” An open and publicly accessible space intended primarily for
16. Pedal-Only Pedicab” A Pedicab that has no motor, electric device,
battery, or other form of power and can only be pedaled by human power.
Turning off or disabling the motor does not meet the requirement for a
Pedal-Only Pedicab.
17. Pedicab” As defined by California Vehicle Code Section 467.5, as may
be amended from time to time.
18.Pedicab Placard/Decal” A nontransferable authorization, affixed to
the Pedicab by the District.
19. “Pedicab Operator” Any person who operates a Pedicab within the
District, including but not limited to (a) owners; (b) employees; and (c)
individual contractors.
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20. Pedicab Operating Agreement” An agreement between the Pedicab
Operator and the District, that authorizes the use of a Pedicab on
District Property.
21. Pedicab Parking Zone” A parking area designated for the specific
purpose of Pedicabs waiting for, dropping off, or picking up passengers.
22. Pedicab Routes” Defined routes designated by the District where
Pedicabs can operate on District property, subject to conformance with
all the applicable rules and regulations. Routes include where Pedal-
Only Pedicabs can operate off-street if the sidewalk width and/or
pedestrian traffic allows. Routes include where both Motorized
Pedicabs and Pedal-Only Pedicabs can operate on streets and parking
lots within District property.
23. “Pier” A fixed structure that extends over the water and is used as a
landing place for vessels. A pier can also be used for other non-landing
activities such as, but not limited to, recreational and commercial uses.
24. “Plaza” An open space designed for public use defined by
surrounding buildings or streets.
25. "Promenade”A public pathway adjacent to the water.
26. Seatbelt” A safety strap or harness designed to hold a person
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27. securely in a seat.“Public Parking Garage” A structure or any part
thereof, principally used for the parking of motor vehicles and is
available to the public and may be above or below finished grade.
28. “Shared Mobility Device” or “SMD” An MMD for shared use or
transportation in exchange for financial compensation via the use of a
digital application or other electronic or digital platform.
29. “Shared Mobility Device Provider” or “SMD ProviderA person that,
in exchange for financial compensation, offers, makes available, or
otherwise provides an SMD to another person via the use of a digital
application or other electronic or digital platform.
30. “Sidewalk” A dedicated pathway providing pedestrian connectivity
adjacent and parallel to a roadway.
31. “Stage” To park or otherwise place an MMD or Pedicab in a location
to offer for public use or rides.
32. “Wheelchair As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and
related regulations, as may be amended from time to time.
(c) Regulations and Enforcement of Pedicabs and Motorized Mobility
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1. No person shall ride or otherwise operate or cause to be operated a
Motorized Pedicab or an MMD in or on any Sidewalk, Promenade,
multi-Use Pathway, Nature Trail, Plaza, Public Parking Garage, Pier, or
a. Exception: The prohibition in SDUPD Code Section 8.07
(c)(1) do not apply to the use of Wheelchairs, OPDMDs,
or other Mobility Devices as defined by the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) by individuals with mobility
b. Exception: The prohibition in SDUPD Code Section 8.07
(c)(1) do not apply to the use of an EPAMD as part of an
organized guided tour by an EPAMD Rental Business
that has an active permit to operate in the District’s
jurisdiction issued by a Member City.
c. Additional exceptions may be approved by the Executive
Director or the Executive Director’s designee from time to
time, within the Executive Director’s sole discretion.
2. No person shall Stage or abandon or cause to be Staged or abandoned
a Pedicab or an MMD in or on a Sidewalk, Promenade, Multi-Use
Pathway, Nature Trail, Plaza, Public Parking Garage, Pier, or Park, or
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3. in any area in such a way as to restrict the free movement of vehicles
or pedestrians or otherwise create a safety hazard. No person shall
operate or cause to be operated a Pedicab in an area outside of the
District authorized Pedicab Routes.
4. No person shall operate or cause to be operated a Pedicab or an MMD
in any manner that impedes or blocks the normal or reasonable
movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic unless such operation is
necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.
5. All persons operating a Pedicab or an MMD shall yield to pedestrians.
6. All persons operating a Pedicab or an MMD shall drive safely and at a
speed that will not endanger pedestrians.
7. No person shall operate a Pedicab or an MMD at a speed that is unsafe
based on current conditions.
8. No person shall operate or cause to be operated a Pedicab or an MMD
without equipped brakes that will enable a braked wheel to skid on dry,
level, and clean pavement.
9. All Pedicabs shall have the following dedicated and properly working
safety equipment: seatbelts, hydraulic or mechanical disc brakes,
headlights and tail-lights, turn signals (visible from the front and rear),
and spoke reflectors placed on each wheel.
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10. No person shall operate a Pedicab or an MMD while intoxicated by any
substance or operate a Pedicab or an MMD while ingesting any
alcoholic beverage or intoxicating substance.
11. No person shall operate or cause to be operated a Pedicab or an MMD
recklessly or in willful or wanton disregard for the safety or property of
12. No person under the age of eighteen (18) years old shall operate a
13. No person under the age of eighteen (18) years old shall operate an
MMD without a helmet.
14. No person under the age of sixteen (16) years old shall operate an
15. No person shall operate an MMD with passengers unless the MMD is
designed by its manufacturer for use by multiple people simultaneously,
and all passengers shall only ride in portions of the MMD designed for
use by passengers.
16. Pedicabs shall only be operated by one individual, and the total number
of passengers shall be limited by the total number of seatbelts provided
in the Pedicab passenger seating area.
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17. No person shall operate a Pedicab or an MMD while carrying any
package, bag, or bundle that prevents the use of at least one hand to
18. No person shall operate or cause to be operated a Pedicab without
displaying a valid Pedicab Placard/Decal affixed to that Pedicab by the
19. No person shall use any form of sound amplification while operating a
20. No person shall operate or cause to be operated a Pedicab without
posting a clearly visible and unobstructed fare schedule on the interior
and exterior of the Pedicab that meets the size, font, color, and format
requirements of the City of San Diego Municipal Code and the District’s
Pedicab Operating Agreement requirements. The fare schedule shall
list all applicable fares, including minimum charges, per-person
charges, by-distance fares, tour fares, and any other fare or fee
charged in connection with the use of the Pedicab by customers. Each
fare or fee must be listed on a separate line.
21. No person shall charge a Pedicab passenger(s) a fare greater than
displayed on the posted fare schedule.
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22. No person shall operate a Pedicab with one or more passengers unless
the full fare for the trip has been agreed upon by the passenger(s) prior
to the trip departure.
23. No person shall solicit or pick up one or more Pedicab passengers
outside of a Pedicab Parking Zone.
24. No person shall leave a Pedicab unattended in a Pedicab Parking
25. No person shall pick up or drop off one or more Pedicab passengers in
a location where it is unsafe to do so due to traffic or other conditions.
26. No Pedicab shall park or Stage a Pedicab in a metered or pay station
parking space, ADA parking space, or at any red, yellow, or white
marked areas that are not otherwise designated for Pedicabs.
27. No person shall operate a Pedicab, SMD, EPAMD, MMD within an area
that has been designated by the District as temporarily restricted due
to a special event, construction, emergency response, or other activity
and where signs have been posted to that effect.
28. Beginning February 15, 2024, no person shall operate or cause to be
operated a Pedicab without a valid Pedicab Operating Agreement
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issued by the District.
29. Beginning February 15, 2024, no person shall operate or cause to be
operated a Pedicab in violation of the applicable Pedicab Operating
30. Pedicab Operators who employ or contract with other persons to
operate Pedicabs within the District’s jurisdiction must supervise their
employees and/or contractors to ensure compliance with the District’s
Code, the applicable Pedicab Operating Agreement, and other
applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other requirements.
31. City of San Diego Operating Permit Required for Pedicabs: It shall be
unlawful for any person to operate a Pedicab within those portions of
the District that share jurisdictional boundaries with the City of San
Diego, without first having obtained a Pedicab Operating Permit from
the City of San Diego, pursuant to the San Diego Municipal Code, as
may be amended from time to time. All persons with a Pedicab
Operating Permit shall operate Pedicabs in strict conformance to, and
in compliance with, their respective City of San Diego Pedicab
Operating Permit, as may be updated and revised from time to time.
This conformance and compliance shall include all requirements for
passenger safety, speed, lighting, and noise restrictions.
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32. City of San Diego Operating Contract required for SMD Providers (SMD
Operating Contact): Any SMD Provider operating within those portions
of the District that share jurisdictional boundaries with the City of San
Diego shall obtain and strictly comply with the SMD Operating Contract,
pursuant to the San Diego Municipal Code, as may be amended from
time to time.
33. SMD Providers must establish Geofencing of SMDs to prohibit riding,
operating, parking, staging, or abandoning of SMDs, in any manner that
violates this Section.
34. City of San Diego Operating Permit required for EPAMD Tour
Providers: It shall be unlawful for any person to provide tours within
those portions of the District that share jurisdictional boundaries with
the City of San Diego, without first having obtained an EPAMD Rental
Business Permit from the City of San Diego, pursuant to San Diego
Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time.
35. City of Chula Vista Permit required for SMD Providers: Any SMD
Provider operating within those portions of the District that share
jurisdictional boundaries with the City of Chula Vista shall obtain and
strictly comply with an SMD permit issued by the City of Chula Vista,
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pursuant to Chula Vista Municipal Code, as may be amended from time
to time.
36. Insurance Required:
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a Pedicab
within the District unless at the time of such operation that
person has a valid policy of Commercial General Liability
Insurance, as more fully described in subsection 36(d),
b. It shall be unlawful for any SMD Provider to Stage or
cause to be Staged an SMD within the District, operate
an SMD, or allow another person to operate an SMD
within the District unless at the time of such staging and
operation, the SMD Provider has in effect a valid policy of
Commercial General Liability Insurance, as more fully
described in subsection 36(e), below.
c. It shall be unlawful for any EPAMD Rental Business to
operate within the District unless at the time of such
operation the EPAMD Rental Business has in effect a
valid policy of Commercial General Liability Insurance, as
more fully described in subsection 36(f), below.
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d. For any Pedicab Operator, said policy of insurance shall
cover the District and its operations in the amount of not
less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined
single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal
injury, and property damage suffered or alleged to be
suffered by any person or persons whatsoever resulting
directly or indirectly form any act or activities of the
Pedicab Operator.
e. For any SMD Provider, said policy of insurance shall
cover the District and operations in the amount of not less
than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) combined single
limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and
property damage suffered or alleged to be suffered by any
person or persons whatsoever resulting directly or
indirectly from any act or activities of the operator of an
SMD Provider.
f. For any EPAMD Rental Business, said policy of insurance
shall cover the District and operations in the amount of
not less than One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,500,00.00) combined single limit per occurrence for
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g. bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage
suffered or alleged to be suffered by any person or
persons whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from
any act or activities of the EPAMD Rental Business.
h. Certificates of insurance in a form acceptable to the
District evidencing the existence of the necessary
insurance policies, and original endorsements naming the
District as an additional insured, shall be provided to the
District and kept on file with the District during the entire
time the Pedicab Operator or SMD Provider or EPAMD
Rental Business Permit or contract with the City of San
Diego or with the District’s other Member Cities, is in
37. Compliance with All Laws: In addition to all requirements set forth in this
SDUPD Code Section 8.07, all persons shall comply with all applicable
local, state, and federal laws, rules, regulations, and other requirements
pertaining to the operation of MMDs, SMDs, and Pedicabs, including but
not limited to those of the SDUPD Code, and Member City, and the
California Vehicle Code. In the event of conflict between the laws, rules,
and regulations and other requirements of the District and any Member
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City, the District’s laws, rules, regulations, and all other requirements
shall apply.
(d) Pedicab Impound
1. Pedicab Operators are subject to all applicable impound provisions of the
California Vehicle Code. Pedicab Operators are subject to the same rights
and responsibilities as a driver of a motor vehicle as they relate to
2. Any peace officer, police officer, or parking enforcement officer engaged in
traffic or parking enforcement may remove or impound a Pedicab under any
of the following circumstances:
a. When the Pedicab Operator is issued a citation for a violation of
District Code Sections 8.07(c)(15), (25), (26), or (28);
b. When the Pedicab Operator is arrested and taken into custody;
c. When the Pedicab Operator is physically incapacitated to the
extent the Pedicab Operator is unable to safely operate the
Pedicab; or
3. When a Pedicab is parked or left standing upon a street or sidewalk so as
to obstruct the normal movement of vehicles or pedestrians or in a condition
that creates a hazard.
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4. An owner of a Pedicab removed pursuant to this Section shall be provided
an opportunity for a post-storage hearing to determine the validity of the
storage, in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22852. The
impounding agency shall have the burden of establishing the validity of the
(e ) Penalties
Violations of this Section 8.07 may be punished in accordance with Article 0,
Section 0.11 (General Penalty) of this SDUPD Code. The requirements and
prohibitions in this Section 8.07 relating to Pedicabs shall apply equally to all
Pedicab Operators. Any violation may be enforced against the Pedicab’s
owner and/or the Pedicab Operator. One or more violations of this SDUPD
Code Section may result in a suspension or revocation of the applicable
Pedicab Operating Agreement.
(f) Administrative Regulations
The Executive Director or the Executive Director’s designee may promulgate
and implement administrative regulations pertaining to the use and
administration of MMDs, SMDs, and Pedicabs, including District issued
Pedicab Placards/Decals and fare schedule requirements, Pedicab Routes
and other routes, and the installation of signs and markings pertaining to the
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regulations in this Section.
(g) Exception for Emergency Vehicles and Public Agency Vehicles
The provisions in this Section 8.07 do not apply to police, fire department, or
any other emergency response or enforcement personnel while acting in
response to an emergency or during routine patrols or enforcement, or those
vehicles registered to any California public agency displaying a valid California
DMV issued exempt plate, or any vehicle owned and operated by a public
utility company while engaged in official repair or responsive activities.
(h) Invalidity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Section
8.07 is held invalid or unconstitutional for any reason by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or
portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and
such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions.
(Enacted August 21, 2001Ordinance No. 2145)
(Amended November 14, 2023 Ordinance No. 3111)
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Section No. 8.08
Article 8 Smoking Prohibited at Parks and Beaches Section No. 8.08Page 1 of 3
(a) Purpose
The District's parks and beaches are intended for the use and enjoyment of
all visitors, without the risk of health hazards. The California Environmental
Protection Agency has found that environmental tobacco smoke, or
secondhand smoke, is a toxic air contaminant and pollutant in outdoor
environments. The health impacts of secondhand smoke include
developmental, respiratory, carcinogenic, and cardiovascular effects.
Therefore, in order to serve the public health, safety, and welfare, this
Section prohibits the smoking of tobacco in public parks and beaches.
(b) Definitions
For purposes of this Section, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
1. "Smoking" the lighting or carrying of a lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette,
or other instrument used to burn tobacco.
2. "Public Park" the same meaning as in District Code Section
8.02(a), excluding parking lots and the Broadway Pier.
3. "Public Beach" any public beach or shoreline bordering the
waterline that is open to the public for recreational purposes,
including, but not limited to, Imperial Beach, and excluding adjacent
parking lots.
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(c) Smoking Prohibited
Smoking is prohibited on any Public Park or Public Beach.
(d) Disposal of Smoking Waste Prohibited
No person shall dispose of any cigarette, cigar, or tobacco, or any part of a
cigarette or cigar, in any place where Smoking is prohibited under this
Section, except in a designated waste disposal container.
(e) Signs
Signs that designate Non-Smoking areas established by this Section shall
be posted.
(f) Federal or State Preemption
The provisions of this Section do not apply where Federal or State law
regulates Smoking if the Federal or State law preempts local regulation or
if the Federal or State law is more restrictive.
(g) Penalties for Violation of Section 8.08
1. Any person convicted of a violation of this Section is guilty of an
infraction and shall be punished in accordance with Section 0.11 of
the District Code.
2. Punishment under this Section shall not preclude punishment
pursuant to any provision of law proscribing the act of littering.
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Nothing in this Section shall preclude any person from seeking any
other remedies, penalties, or procedures provided by law.
(Enacted December 5, 2006Ordinance No. 2430)
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Section No. 8.09
Article 8 Oversize Vehicles Parking Regulations On Tidelands
Section 8.09 Page 1 of 5
(a) Purpose
California Vehicle Code Section (CVC) 22507 permits the District to prohibit
or restrict the stopping, parking, or standing of vehicles, including but not
limited to vehicles that are Six (6) feet or more in height. Further, the San
Diego Unified Port District Code (Including without limitation, Section 8.11)
authorizes the designation of parking spaces on tidelands within its
jurisdiction in San Diego, National City, Chula Vista, Coronado and Imperial
Beach. The purpose of this Section of the San Diego Unified Port District
Code is to define the descriptions of oversized vehicles and regulate
accordingly, on all tidelands where posted.
(b) Definitions
Certain words and phrases used herein are defined as follows:
1. Boat Trailer Trailer used to convey a boat which attaches to a
vehicle for transport. And includes, but not limited to boars and/or
boat trailers, including jet skis and/or jet ski trailers use to convey a
boat or jet ski.
2. BusAs Defined in the CVC Section 233, as may be amended
from time to time.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.09
Article 8 Oversize Vehicles Parking Regulations On Tidelands Section 8.09 Page 2 of 5
3. Camping Trailer” As defined in the CVC Section 242, as may be
amended from time to time.
4. Fifth-Wheel Travel Trailer” – As defined in the CVC Section 324, as
may be amended from time to time.
5. House Car As defined in the CVC Section 362, as may be
amended from time to time.
6. Motor HomeA motor vehicle designed to provide temporary living
quarters, built as an integral part of, or permanently attached to, a
self-propelled motor vehicle chassis or van and includes a
motorhome manufactured by a licensed motorhome manufacturer.
7. Oversize Vehicle a Bus, Camping Trailer, Fifth Wheel Travel
Trailer, House Car, Motorhome, Recreational Vehicle, Slide-in trailer.
Trailer, Trailer Bus, Van Camper, and/or Vehicle greater than Twenty
(20) feet in length, OR Seven (7) feet in width, OR Seven and one-
half (7 ½) feet in height. Measurements shall include extensions
and/or attachments, with the exemption of side mirrors.
8. “Passenger Vehicle” As defined in the CVC Section 465, as may
be amended from time to time, or a bus, as defined in CVC section
233, as may be amended from time to time.
9. Recreational Vehicle” As Defined in the California Health & Safety
Code Section 18010, as may be amended from time to time.
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Section No. 8.09
Article 8 Oversize Vehicles Parking Regulations On Tidelands Section 8.09 Page 3 of 5
10. “Slide-in Camper” As defined in the California Health & Safety
Code Section 18012.4, as may be amended from time to time.
11. TrailerAs defined in the CVC Section 630, as may be amended
from time to time.
12. Trailer Bus As defined in the CVC Section 636, as may be
amended from time to time.
13. “Van Camper” A complete vehicle purchased from a recognized
vehicle manufacturer and converted (usually by the installation of
carpet, curtains, additional seating, etc.) for human habitation or
camping purposes.
(c) Regulations On Oversized Vehicle Parking
1. Subject to the exceptions in subsections (c)(2) and (3), no person
shall park or stand or permit to stand any Oversized Vehicle on
tidelands where posted, including, but not limited to all streets,
parking lots, parking garages and parks, except when spaces are
designated specifically for such use.
2. Parking of an Oversize Vehicle is permissible when being actively
utilized for a public construction or maintenance project, or private
project of a District tenant or permitee on tidelands, including
approved special events, provided such vehicle and/or equipment is
properly marked with signs and/or barricades and is parked
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.09
Article 8 Oversize Vehicles Parking Regulations On Tidelands Section 8.09 Page 4 of 5
immediately adjoining, adjacent or abutting the leased premise or
permitted properly, project or special event.
3. This Section 8.09 shall not apply to a commercial truck (as
established by a current registration with the State Department of
Motor Vehicles) and including, but not limited to, semi-trucks, if one
or more of the following apply:
a) While such commercial truck is being loaded or unloaded and
such additional time is reasonably required for such loading
and unloading operations; or
b) When such commercial truck is parked in connection with, and
in the aid of, the performance of a service to or on a property
on tidelands, where such Oversized Vehicle is parked for a
period reasonably necessary to complete such service.
4. Additionally, other code sections which apply to Vehicles also apply to
oversized Vehicles
(d) Administrative Regulations
1. The Executive Director or his or her designee may implement
administrative regulations pertaining to the administration of
Oversized Vehicle parking spaces.
2. A Violation of any provision of this Section is subject to enforcement
pursuant to Section 8.16 and/or Section 8.17 of this Code.
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Section No. 8.09
Article 8 Oversize Vehicles Parking Regulations On Tidelands Section 8.09 Page 5 of 5
(Enacted February 3, 2009Ordinance No. 2552)
(Amended April 11, 2023 Ordinance No. 3084)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.10
Article 8 Parking Meter Rates and Pay Station Rates Section 8.10 Page 1 of 2
The District has parking meters located within its jurisdiction. When any vehicle is
parked in any space that requires payment being inserted into a parking meter or pay
station, the operator of said vehicle shall, upon entering said parking space, immediately
cause payment to be inserted via coins, ATM card or credit card according to the time
interval desired within the maximum limit and posted parking rates.
The parking meter and pay station rates may be set at different rates in the range
of $1.00 to $2.50 per hour for all tidelands meter and pay station locations, including the
following: the North Embarcadero, Tuna Harbor, and Ruocco Park, Embarcadero Marina
Park North and Embarcadero Marina Park South, the Crescent area, Spanish Landing
and Shelter Island area meters and pay stations based on parking demand. The parking
meter and pay station rates shall be posted on the parking meters and pay stations and/or
posted on a nearby sign.
When an adjustment to a rate is planned, public notice will be posted on the Port.
of San Diego website no less than seven (7) days in advance of the adjustments. Rate
adjustments must be approved in advance by the Executive Director of the District or his
or her designee. Adjustments may be made in increments of $0.25 up to $1.00 at a time.
(Enacted May 9, 1963 Ordinance No. 61)
(Amended July 27, 1965Ordinance No. 179)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.10
Article 8 Parking Meter Rates and Pay Station Rates Section 8.10 Page 2 of 2
(Amended October 10, 1967Ordinance No. 332)
(Amended January 15, 1974Ordinance No. 642)
(Amended June 17, 1980Ordinance No. 877)
(Amended August 9, 1983 Ordinance No. 1039)
(Amended August 22, 1989Ordinance No. 1330)
(Amended October 20, 1992Ordinance No. 1534)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
(Amended May 2, 2006Ordinance No. 2392)
(Amended April 14, 2015 Ordinance No. 2806, Ordinance No. 2809
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2816)
(Amended April 14, 2016 Ordinance No. 2855)
(Amended September 8, 2016 Ordinance No. 2872)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.11
Article 8 Vehicle Parking Regulated Section 8.11 Page 1 of 2
(a) The Executive Director is hereby instructed to have lines or markings
painted or placed upon the curb or upon the street for the purpose of
designating parking spaces. Vehicles shall park within the lines or markings
so established. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any such line
or marking or to park said vehicle in such position that the same shall not
be entirely within the area so designated by such lines or markings.
(b) The Executive Director shall place and maintain appropriate signs to
designate time-limit parking zones, and when such signs are in proper place
giving notice thereof, no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand, or park
such vehicle in excess of the time designated.
(c) Regulation on Head-In Parking
1. Unless otherwise posted, no Vehicle shall be stopped, left standing
or parked where the rear wheels are back-in to the space.
(d) Regulations for Vehicles with Boat Trailers Attached
1. The Executive Director or his or her designee shall designate parking
spaces for Vehicles with Boat Trailers attached, by signs, pavement
stripes or other means of designation at the following Boat Launch
parking lots: Shelter Island Boat Launch in San Diego, National City
Boat Launch in Pepper Park, and Chula Vista Boat Launch in Chula
Vista Bayfront Park. Only Vehicles with Boat Trailers attached may
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.11
Article 8 Vehicle Parking Regulated Section 8.11 Page 2 of 2
park in the designated spaces and must fit within the spaces, and abide by
posted regulations, including, but not limited to park closure times.
(e) Restrictions for Parking Space Uses
1. No person shall occupy, fill or obstruct a space designated for
parking or adjacent driveways and sidewalks, in an tidelands parking
lot with any awning, camping equipment, tent, chair, carpet, mat,
appliance, beach gear, equipment, generators or other personal
property other than a vehicle appropriate for the size of the parking
space, except by special event permit of the Executive Director or
his or her designee.
(Enacted May 9, 1963 Ordinance No. 61)
(Amended August 24, 1993Ordinance No. 1604)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
(Amended September 8, 2016 Ordinance No. 2869)
(Amended April 11, 2023 Ordinance No. 3084)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.12
Article 8 Overtime Parking Prohibited Section 8.12 Page 1 of 1
No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked in any parking meter zone when
the meter shows the parking time has expired.
(Enacted May 9, 1963 Ordinance No. 61)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.13
Article 8 Parking in Excess of Posted Time Prohibited Section 8.13 Page 1 of 1
No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked beyond the period of legal
parking time established for any parking meter zone.
No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter any coins for
the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the legal
parking time which has been established for the parking space adjacent to which said
parking meter is placed.
(Enacted May 9, 1963 Ordinance No. 61)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.14
Article 8 Parking Meters Time of Operation Section 8.14 Page 1 of 1
Parking meters and pay stations at all tidelands locations including the North
Embarcadero, Tuna Harbor, Ruocco Park, Embarcadero Marina Park North,
Embarcadero Marina Park South areas, the Crescent, Spanish Landing and Shelter
Island shall be operated Monday through Sunday, except New Year’s Day, Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s Birthday, President’s Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor
Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
The meters and pay stations shall be operated between the following hours at the
various lots on tidelands, which shall be posted on signs in the area:
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM - Shelter Island
6:00 AM to 10:30 PM - Spanish Landing
10:00 AM to 8:00 PM - North Embarcadero, Tuna Harbor, Ruocco Park,
Embarcadero Marina Park North, Embarcadero Marina Park South and the
(Enacted May 9, 1963Ordinance No. 61)
(Amended January 15, 1974Ordinance No. 642)
(Amended May 5, 1992Ordinance No. 1494)
(Amended September 16, 1997 Ordinance No. 1911)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
(Amended April 14, 2015 Ordinance No. 2806, Ordinance No. 2810
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2816)
(Amended April 14, 2016 Ordinance No. 2855)
(Amended September 8, 2016 Ordinance No. 2872)
(Amended April 9, 2019 Ordinance No. 2942)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.15
Article 8 Parking Regulations - Enforcement Section 8.15 Page 1 of 7
(a) Every Harbor Police Officer or District employee charged with and assigned
to the enforcement of provisions of this Code relating to illegal parking, the
provisions of the California Vehicle Code, and other laws of the State of
California applicable to parking violations within the jurisdiction of the San
Diego Unified Port District, shall have the duty, when any vehicle is illegally
parked, to issue written notice of violation thereof stating the State vehicle
license number, make of such vehicle, the time and date of such illegal
parking, meter number, street location, and reference to the appropriate
sections of the Code and fixing a time and place for appearance by the
registered owner to answer said notice. Such notice shall be attached to
said vehicle either on the steering post or front door handle thereof or in
such other conspicuous place upon the vehicle as to be easily observed by
the person in charge of such vehicle upon his or her return thereto.
(b) For the purpose of regulating the use of streets and traffic thereon and as a
deterrent to illegal parking, the following fees are established:
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.15
Article 8 Parking Regulations - Enforcement Section 8.15 Page 2 of 7
Port Code Violation
Rate if paid
within 21
Rate if
paid after
21 days
Rate if
paid after
56 days
Expired Meter
Overtime at
$40 $80 $90
8.16(a)(d)(e) & (f)
Signs or Curb
Markings Other
than Red Zones
$40 $80 $90
Red Zones
The owner or operator of said vehicle may elect to mail said fees within the
time established for payment thereof in accordance with the information
specified in the notice of violation, provided, however, said owner or
operator shall be and remain responsible for the delivery thereof
(c) Failure to pay the
fee as provided herein or failure to
the violation in
with the
specified in the notice
of violation will result in proceeding against the registered owner and
or the vehicle operator for violation of the appropriate Code Section
in accordance with the provisions of Section 40220 of the Vehicle
Code of the State of California.
(d) A State mandated surcharge of Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents ($12.50)
will be assessed on each parking citation issued in accordance with
California Government Code Section 70372(b), Sections 76000, 76100
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.15
Article 8 Parking Regulations - Enforcement Section 8.15 Page 3 of 7
and 76101.
surcharge, or a portion of the surcharge, will be assessed
as long as
applicable statute(s) require that the surcharge be
(e) Payment Plan Option: If the registered owner and operator of said
vehicle is determined indigent, the owner and operator of said vehicle
will have the option to enroll in a payment plan within the time specified
in the notice of violation. Indigent determination will be made by the
District following the below income criteria set forth in Government Code
Section 68632(a). Proof of indigency and enrollment requests will be
accepted via the following methods:
1. Walk-in requests at the District’s Administration Building (District
staff will provide a self-addressed envelope to the requestor, that
will contain the remittance address of the District’s citation
processing vendor). District staff will mail all walk-in request
documentation to the District’s citation processing vendor for
automatic pending payment plan hold, pending final approval by
2. Mail-in requests and supporting documentation to the District’s
citation processing vendor ‘s address for scanning and automatic
pending payment plan hold, pending final approval by District.
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Section No. 8.15
Article 8 Parking Regulations - Enforcement Section 8.15 Page 4 of 7
3. Online requests via the District’s citation processing vendor that
will automatically place the citation on a pending payment plan
hold, pending final approval by District.
An applicant who is receiving public benefits under one or more of the
following listed programs qualifies to enroll in said payment plan:
1. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and State Supplementary
Payment (SSP) (Article 5 (commencing with Section 12200) of
Chapter 3 of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions
2. California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Act
(CalWORKs) (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11200) of
Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) or a
federal Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal
TANF) grant program (Section 10553.25 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code).
3. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Chapter 51
(commencing with Section 2011) of Title 7 of the United States
Code) or the California Food Assistance Program (Chapter 10.1
(commencing with Section 18930) of Part 6 of Division 9 of the
Welfare and Institutions Code).
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Section No. 8.15
Article 8 Parking Regulations - Enforcement Section 8.15 Page 5 of 7
4. County Relief, General Relief (GR), or General Assistance (GA)
(Part 5 (commencing with Section 17000) of Division 9 of the
Welfare and Institutions Code).
5. Cash Assistance Program for Aged, Blind, and Disabled Legal
Immigrants (CAPI) (Chapter 10.3 (commencing with Section
18937) of Part 6 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions
6. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) (Article 7 (commencing with
Section 12300) of Chapter 3 of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare
and Institutions Code).
7. Medi-Cal (Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 14000) of Part 3
of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code).
The registered owner and operator of said vehicle has 60 days from
issuance of a parking citation or 10 days of the administrative hearing
determination (whichever is later) to apply for a payment plan. The
District shall allow a registered owner or lessee who falls out of
compliance with the payment plan a one-time extension of 45 calendar
days from the date the payment plan becomes delinquent (first date after
the missed payment due date) to resume payments before the District
files a California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) registration hold.
The District will include the payment plan requirement
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Section No. 8.15
Article 8 Parking Regulations - Enforcement Section 8.15 Page 6 of 7
information and a phone number on all parking citations and on its public
internet website.
The following fees and payment plan requirements are established:
Indigent Payment Plan
$5 Enrollment fee
$5 Re-enrollment fee (one-time if
individual falls out of compliance)
Timeline for Completion
18 months
Minimum Payment per Month
Total amount of citation owed is $450 or
less - $25
Total amount of citation owed is $451 or
more - variable minimum amount
(minimum amount will be calculated
based on the amount owed and
payment timeline)
Maximum number of plans per year
No Maximum
Max value per year
No Maximum
Concurrent plans allowed
Yes (unlimited)
Late penalty/fee waived (with the
exception of any state mandated
surcharges of $12.50, identified in
section d)
Yes (fees reinstated if plan is not
Deadline for processing
Within 60 days of citation issuance or
10 days of the administrative hearing
determination. *
*One-time exception granted after DMV registration hold has been placed.
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Section No. 8.15
Article 8 Parking Regulations - Enforcement Section 8.15 Page 7 of 7
(Enacted May 9, 1963Ordinance No. 61)
(Amended October 20, 1970 Ordinance No. 491)
(Amended October 9, 1979Ordinance No. 850)
(Amended November 24, 1981Ordinance No. 945)
(Amended February 9, 1982Ordinance No. 959)
(Amended September 7, 1982 Ordinance No. 986)
(Amended April 19, 1983Ordinance No. 1016)
(Amended November 26, 1985Ordinance No. 1155)
(Amended February 20, 1990Ordinance No. 1354)
(Amended August 24, 1993Ordinance No. 1604)
(Amended October 18, 1994 Ordinance No. 1701)
(Amended September 6, 2005 Ordinance No. 2355)
(Amended January 11, 2011Ordinance No. 2637)
(Amended May 8, 2012 Ordinance No. 2668)
(Amended August 12, 2014 Ordinance No. 2775)
(Amended September 8, 2016 Ordinance No. 2871)
(Amended June 12, 2018 Ordinance No. 2913)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.16
Article 8 Parking Restrictions Section 8.16 Page 1 of 3
(a) No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle on property of the San Diego
Unified Port District in violation of posted signs or curb markings other than
red zones.
(b) No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle on property of the San Diego
Unified Port District in violation of "red zone" curb markings.
(c) The Executive Director is authorized to determine such parking restrictions
and locate such signs or curb markings as are necessary or appropriate to
give notice of any restriction and the applicable hours, times or days any
such restriction is effective.
(d) Parking or Standing in Disabled Persons Parking Zones - No person shall
park or stand any vehicle in a Disabled Persons Parking Zone unless the
operator or the passenger being transported by said vehicle, is physically
disabled and the vehicle displays a license issued under the provisions of
Section 9105 or Section 22511.5 of the California Vehicle Code. Disabled
Persons Parking Zones shall be operative twenty-four (24) hours a day
(Sundays and holidays included); provided, however, that the Executive
Director may determine and declare limited periods during which any
Disabled Persons Parking Zone shall be operative, and such limited
operative period shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice
thereof are erected.
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Section No. 8.16
Article 8 Parking Restrictions Section 8.16 Page 2 of 3
(e) Seventy-Two (72) Hour Limitation - No person shall park or leave standing
or cause to be parked or left standing any vehicle on any street, parking lot
or parking area on the property of the San Diego Unified Port District for
seventy-two (72) or more consecutive hours. This Seventy-Two (72) Hour
limitation applies to any street, parking lot or parking area within the San
Diego Unified Port District's jurisdiction, regardless of any other posted
parking designations and/or restrictions. A vehicle must move at least one-
tenth (1/10) of one mile in order to park and be afforded a seventy-two (72)
hour period.
(f) Prohibition of Use of Streets for Storage, Service or Sale of Vehicles or for
Habitation - It is unlawful for any person to leave standing, or cause or allow
to be left standing, any inoperable vehicle on any street for more than four
consecutive hours. A vehicle is considered to be inoperable when it is
wrecked, burned, dismantled, when it lacks a motor, transmission, or
wheels, when it is on blocks, or when it is otherwise incapable of being
driven upon roads or highways in conformity with the requirements of the
Vehicle Code. It is unlawful for any person to use a vehicle as temporary or
permanent living quarters, abode or place of habitation either overnight or
during the day. This Section applies to any street, parking lot or parking area
within the San Diego Unified Port District's jurisdiction, regardless of any
other posted parking designations and/or restrictions.
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Section No. 8.16
Article 8 Parking Restrictions Section 8.16 Page 3 of 3
(g) A violation of any of these provisions shall constitute an infraction and shall
be punished as provided in Section 8.15. In addition, any such vehicle may
also be impounded as provided in Section 8.17.
(Enacted July 28, 1964Ordinance No. 133)
(Amended September 12, 1972Ordinance No. 601)
(Amended Apri1 19, 1983Ordinance No. 1017)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
(Amended September 8, 2016 Ordinance No. 2870)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.17
Article 8 Impounding of Illegally Parked Vehicles Section 8.17 Page 1 of 1
The Harbor Police and Traffic Enforcement Officers of the San Diego Unified Port
District shall have the right to remove any vehicle found parked in violation of posted
signs. In removing vehicles, the members of the Harbor Police and Traffic Enforcement
Departments shall follow the provisions of Section 22850, et seq. of the Vehicle Code of
the State of California establishing the procedure to remove and store vehicles. No
vehicle may be removed under the provisions of this section unless signs are posted in
the regulated areas which give notice of the restrictions as to parking governing the area
in which said vehicle may be found and indicating that vehicles parked in violation will be
(Enacted July 28, 1964Ordinance No. 133)
(Amended September 16, 1997Ordinance No. 1911)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.18
Article 8 Camping and Storage of Personal Property on Tidelands
Section 8.18 Page 1 of 2
(a) Purpose
The tidelands of the District should be readily accessible and available to
visitors and the public at large. The use of tidelands areas for camping
purposes or storage of personal property interferes with the rights of others
to use the tidelands in ways they were intended. The purpose of this Article
is to maintain the tidelands within the District in a clean and accessible
(b) Definitions
Unless the particular provisions or the context otherwise requires, the
definitions contained in this Section shall govern the construction, meaning
and application of words and phrases used in this Article.
1. Camp means to pitch or occupy camp facilities; to use camp
2. Camp facilities include, but are not limited to, tents, huts or temporary
3. Camp paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to, tarpaulins, cots,
beds, sleeping bags, hammocks, or non-District authorized cooking
facilities and similar equipment.
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Section No. 8.18
Article 8 Camping and Storage of Personal Property on Tidelands
Section 8.18 Page 2 of 2
4. Store means to put aside or accumulate for use when needed, to put
for safekeeping, to place or leave in a location.
5. Tidelands means those areas in the member cities of Chula Vista,
Coronado, Imperial Beach, National City and San Diego under the
control and jurisdiction of the San Diego Unified Port District and not
under lease to private parties. Tidelands shall include, without
limitation, streets, parking lots, sidewalks, alleys, plazas, parks,
piers, beaches, sea walls and open public lands.
(c) Unlawful camping. It shall be unlawful for any person to camp, occupy camp
facilities or use camp paraphernalia on tidelands.
(d) Storage of personal property in public places. It shall be unlawful for any
person to store personal property, including camp facilities and camp
paraphernalia, on tidelands.
(Enacted April 12, 1966Ordinance No. 217)
(Amended February 12, 2008Ordinance No. 2488)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.19
Article 8 Speed Regulations Motor Vehicles Section 8.19 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle on wharves, piers or other Port property
in excess of posted speed limits.
(Enacted April 12, 1966Ordinance No. 218)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.20
Article 8 Officers Authorized to Remove Vehicles from a Street or Highway
Section 8.20 Page 1 of 2
(a) Any Harbor Police or Traffic Enforcement Officer of the District is hereby
authorized to remove from a street or highway to the nearest garage or
other place of safety or to a garage designated or maintained by the District,
under the circumstances hereinafter enumerated:
1. When any vehicle has been parked or left standing upon a street or
highway for Seventy-Two (72) or more consecutive hours.
2. When any vehicle has been parked or left standing upon a street or
highway when the parking or standing of vehicles thereon has been
prohibited by the District and where signs are posted giving notice of
such removal.
3. When any vehicle is illegally parked on a street or highway in
violation of signs forbidding standing or parking and the use of a
street or highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning,
repair or construction of the street or highway, or for the installation
of underground utilities, and signs giving notice that such a vehicle
may be removed are erected or placed at least Twenty Four (24)
hours prior to the removal.
4. Wherever the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is
authorized by the District for a purpose other than the normal flow
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.20
Article 8 Officers Authorized to Remove Vehicles from a Street or Highway
Section 8.20 Page 2 of 2
of traffic or for the movement of equipment, articles or structures of
unusual size, and the parking of any vehicle would prohibit or
interfere with such use or movement, and signs giving notice that
such a vehicle may be removed are erected or placed at least
Twenty-Four (24) hours prior to the removal.
(b) The Executive Director is authorized to determine the locations where
vehicle parking or standing is prohibited and to post the necessary signs
giving notice of such removal.
(c) Any officer removing a vehicle as provided herein shall comply with the
applicable requirements of Section 22850 et seq. of the California Vehicle
Code and the Executive Director is authorized to carry out the provisions of
said Sections.
(Enacted September 7, 1982Ordinance No. 987)
(Amended September 16, 1997Ordinance No.1911)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.21
Article 8 Parking Rates at Tidelands Public Parking Lots
and Garages Section 8.21 Page 1 of 3
In order to efficiently utilize all District tidelands public parking lots and garages
and maximize revenue to the District, the Executive Director is authorized to set market-
based parking rates at the tidelands public parking lots and garages listed below, not to
exceed the maximum rates for each user type as approved by ordinance of the Board of
Port Commissioners (Board) as set forth herein.
Any changes to the maximum parking rates as established by the Executive
Director shall be posted at each respective parking lot or garage for the duration of the
time such parking rates are in effect.
B Street Pier Public Parking Lot
Rate Type Rates
Public Rate, 1 Hour
$6.00 to $15.00
Public Rates, 1 to 3 Hours
$8.00 to $25.00
Public Rate, 3 to 5 Hours
$12.00 to $35.00
Public Rate, 5 to 8 Hours
$14.00 to $40.00
Public, Daily Max Rate, 8 to 12 Hours
$16.00 to $50.00
Special Events Rate
$20.00 to $50.00
Valet Parking Rate
$10.00 to $50.00
Bus/RV/Oversized Vehicles Flat Rate
$20.00 to $80.00
(Time Limit Flexible)
Convention Center Public Parking Garage (Underground at the Convention
Rate Type Rate
Convention Center Event Rate
$15.00 to $25.00
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.21
Article 8 Parking Rates at Tidelands Public Parking Lots
and Garages Section 8.21 Page 2 of 3
Rate Type Rate
Special Even Rate
(Non-Convention Center Events)
$15.00 to $50.00
Daily Employee Rate
$4.00 to $6.00
Monthly Parking Rate
(Convention Center Staff)
$50.00 to $100.00
Monthly Parking Rate
(Non-Convention Center Staff)
$100.00 to $200.00
Shuttle Program
$5.00 to $20.00
Public Twilight Rate after 6 PM
(Subject to demand and advance purchase)
$7.00 (Sun thru Thurs)
$10.00 (Fri thru Sat and Holidays)
Bayfront Public Parking Garage (Adjacent to Hilton Bayfront Hotel)
Rate Type Rate
Public Rate Up to 1 Hour
Convention Center Event Rate
$15.00 to $25.00
Public Daily Rate, to include Special Event
Rate (Non-Convention Center Events)
$15.00 to $50.00
Monthly Parking Rate
$60.00 to $200.00
Shuttle Program
$5.00 to $20.00
Public Twilight Rate after 6 PM
(Subject to demand and advance purchase)
$7.00 (Sun thru Thurs)
$10.00 (Fri thru Sat and Holidays)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.21
Article 8 Parking Rates at Tidelands Public Parking Lots
and Garages Section 8.21 Page 3 of 3
*Navy Pier Public Parking Lot
Rate Type
Apr 1 Sept 30
Oct 1 Mar 31
Public Rate up to 2 Hours
Up to $5.00 per Hour
Up to $3.75 per Hour
Public Rate up to 6 Hours
Up to $20.00
Up to $15.00 per Hour
Public Rate Maximum
(6 to 24 Hours)
Up to $25.00 Up to $18.75
Special Event Rate
Up to $30.00
Up to $22.50
Midway Educational Overnight
Rate after 4 PM
Up to $10.00 Up to $10.00
***Monthly Rate
$145.00 to $180.00
$145.00 to $180.00
Motorcycle Rate
50% of Posted Rate
50% of Posted Rate
*Navy Pier Public Parking Lot rates recently approved in the Coastal Development
Permit dated February 17, 2023 (CCC Permit Application Number 6-22-1069; filed as
Clerk Doc No. 74984).
**Pursuant to the above referenced Coastal Development Permit, parking rates may be
adjusted annually consistent with the Consumer Price Index.
***Rate range with no change; rate will subset with opening of Freedom Park at Navy
(Enacted April 15, 2014Ordinance No. 2761)
(Amended August 12, 2014 Ordinance No. 2774)
(Amended April 14, 2015 Ordinance No. 2807, Ordinance No. 2812)
(Amended April 27, 2015 Ordinance No. 2811)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2817)
(Amended April 14, 2016 Ordinance No. 2856)
(Amended May 9, 2023 Ordinance No. 3090)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.22
Article 8 Advertising or Displaying Boats for Sale Regulated Section 8.22 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful to advertise or display any boat or vehicle for sale in the
harbor or on District tidelands except in leased areas when the sale of boats or
vehicles is permitted by the provisions of the lease.
(Enacted April 12, 1966 Ordinance No. 220)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2817)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.23
Article 8 Sounding of Sirens Prohibited Section 8.23 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful to sound, operate or cause to be sounded any siren on a vessel
in the harbor except on vessels owned or operated by a governmental agency.
(Enacted April12, 1966Ordinance No. 221)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.24
Article 8 Abandoning Watercraft Prohibited Section 8.24 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful for any owner or other person in control of any vessel, watercraft
or other object to abandon any such vessel, watercraft or other object in the harbor or on
the tidelands or submerged lands of the District.
Any such vessel, watercraft or other object may be removed and disposed of by
the Executive Director. The cost of such removal and disposition incurred by the District
shall be paid by the owner or person in control of such vessel, watercraft or other object.
(Enacted April 12, 1966Ordinance No. 222)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.25
Article 8 Authority to Remove Watercraft Section 8.25 Page 1 of 4
(a) Authority to Remove Watercraft Found in Violation of Law
1. In addition to any other authority or remedy provided by any statute,
the Executive Director or any harbor police officer is hereby
authorized to remove and impound any vessel, watercraft or object
found in violation of any Federal or State law or provision of this Code
in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section. An
attendant on board shall be given the opportunity to forthwith remove
any such vessel, watercraft or object before it is impounded.
2. The Executive Director is authorized to enter into contracts, on behalf
of the District, with private parties for the removal and impounding of
any vessel, watercraft or object found in violation of any Federal or
State law or provision of this Code.
3. The registered and legal owners of record, or the agent of any such
vessel, watercraft or object so removed and impounded shall have
the right to secure the release of such vessel, watercraft or object
after furnishing proof of such ownership to the District and after
payment to the District of the costs and expenses for such removal,
impound and storage.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.25
Article 8 Authority to Remove Watercraft Section 8.25 Page 2 of 4
4. If the owner or agent of any such vessel, watercraft or object cannot
be found within Thirty (30) days, or, refuses upon demand to pay the
lawful costs and expenses as provided above, the District may sell
the property at public auction after publication of the sale is
advertised in a newspaper of general circulation at least Five (5) days
prior thereto, or, the District may keep, destroy or otherwise dispose
of such property.
5. Harbors and Navigation Code Section 500 et seq. shall apply to the
disposition of vessels registered with the Department of Motor
Vehicles. Nothing herein shall relieve the owner of such vessel,
watercraft or object or the person responsible for such vessel,
watercraft or object from independent personal liability for such costs
and expenses and any such owner or person responsible shall
remain so liable.
(b) Authority to Remove Watercraft Pursuant to Judgment
1. In addition to any other remedies provided by law, the Executive
Director or any harbor police officer is hereby authorized to remove
and impound any vessel, watercraft or object which a court of
competent jurisdiction determines to be in violation of any law.
2. The Executive Director is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf
of the District with private parties for the removal and
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.25
Article 8 Authority to Remove Watercraft Section 8.25 Page 3 of 4
impounding of any vessel, watercraft or object which a court of
competent jurisdiction determines to be in violation of any law.
3. The registered and legal owners of record, or the agent of any such
vessel, watercraft or object so removed and impounded shall have
the right to secure the release of such vessel, watercraft or object
after furnishing proof of such ownership to the District and after
payment to the District of the costs and expenses for such removal,
impound and storage.
4. If the owner or agent of any such vessel, watercraft or object cannot
be found within Thirty (30) days, or, refuses upon demand to pay the
lawful costs and expenses as provided above, the District may sell
the property at public auction after publication of the sale is
advertised in a newspaper of general circulation at least Five (5) days
prior thereto, or, the District may keep, destroy or otherwise dispose
of such property.
5. Harbors and Navigation Code Section 500 et seq. shall apply to the
disposition of vessels registered with the Department of Motor
Vehicles. Nothing herein shall relieve the owner of such vessel,
watercraft or object or the person responsible for such vessel,
watercraft or object from independent personal liability for such
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.25
Article 8 Authority to Remove Watercraft Section 8.25 Page 4 of 4
costs and expenses and any such owner or person responsible shall
remain so liable.
(Enacted January 20, 1987Ordinance No. 1198)
(Amended May 26, 1992Ordinance No. 1498)
(Amended September 4, 2001Ordinance No. 2148-
Urgency Ordinance for Sections 8.25 [a] 1 and 2)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.26
Article 8 Assemblies Regulated Section 8.26 Page 1 of 1
It shall be unlawful for any company, society, organization or group of persons,
exceeding Twenty-Five (25) in number, to hold, conduct or participate in any celebration,
parade, service, picnic, demonstration or exercise on District property without the prior
written approval of the Executive Director.
(Enacted April 12, 1966Ordinance No. 223)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.27
Article 8 Aquatic Activities Regulated Section 8.27 Page 1 of 2
(a) It shall be unlawful to fish, swim, surfboard, water-ski or engage in any other
aquatic activity in any area within the harbor or on the tidelands or
submerged lands of the District where any such activity is prohibited by
order of the Board of Port Commissioners, or to engage in any such activity
contrary to regulations adopted by the Board of Port Commissioners.
Prohibited activities and regulations ordered by the Board of Port
Commissioners shall be displayed by signs posted in areas where such
prohibitions or regulations apply.
(b) It shall be unlawful to swim, bathe, water-ski or use a surfboard, sailboard,
windsurfer or paddleboard in the marked channel of Shelter Island Yacht
Harbor, the marked entrance channel to Shelter Island Yacht Harbor, the
marked channel of the Commercial Basin, the marked entrance channel to
the Commercial Basin, the marked channel of Glorietta Bay, the marked
entrance channel to Glorietta Bay, the marked channel of the east and west
lagoons of Harbor Island, the marked Chula Vista channel, the National City
Launching Ramp Basin, the Chula Vista Launching Ramp Basin, or the
marked Coronado Cays channel.
(c) It shall be unlawful to operate a boat, vessel or other watercraft at a speed
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.27
Article 8 Aquatic Activities Regulated Section 8.27 Page 2 of 2
in excess of Five (5) Miles Per Hour upon the waters of San Diego Bay in
the areas defined in Section (b), above.
(Enacted April 12, 1966Ordinance No. 224)
(Amended September 5, 1967Ordinance No. 321)
(Amended August 21, 1973Ordinance No. 635)
(Amended October 24, 1978Ordinance No. 817)
(Amended April 1, 1986Ordinance No. 1168)
(Amended September 6, 2005 Ordinance 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.28
Article 8 Regulation of Para-Sailing, Hang Gliders and Similar Devices
Section 8.28 Page 1 of 1
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use a para-sail; hang glider; ski-kite or
similar device, which may be used to lift a person from the waters of San
Diego Bay or the tide or submerged lands of said Bay, except by special
permit issued by the Executive Director.
(b) For purposes of this section, the following shall apply:
1. "Para-sail" shall mean any multi-vented sail or parachute-like device
used to elevate a person by a towline.
2. "Hang glider" shall mean any delta wing kite used as an air foil to
elevate a person by a towline.
3. "Ski-kite" shall mean any kite used to elevate a person by towline.
(Enacted October 4, 1983Ordinance No. 1048)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.29
Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 1 of 10
(a) Purpose
This section establishes a vehicle impound cost recovery program to
establish a fee and a charge, payable to the District, in an amount equal to
the District's administrative costs and expenses for: removing, impounding,
storing, or releasing a lawfully impounded vehicles, and conducting a
hearing and processing an appeal after a vehicle is impounded. The Harbor
Police removes and stores numerous vehicles from streets and highways
and public and private property in the jurisdiction of the San Diego Unified
Port District and neighboring areas pursuant to Sections 22651 et seq. of
the Vehicle Code.
(b) Authority
1. California's Vehicle Code and Section 8.20 of this code authorize the
Harbor Police Department and other duly authorized persons to
remove motor vehicles from the District's streets and hold, or
"impound," the vehicles for certain violations of the law such as
unpaid parking tickets, expired registration, illegal parking, driving
under the influence or without a license, speed contests or reckless
driving. The Vehicle Code also permits the Harbor Police
Department to impound vehicles to preserve evidence, investigate
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 2 of 10
a crime and other lawful reasons. The District's Harbor Police
Department regularly impounds vehicles in violation of those laws.
2. Vehicle Code Section 22850.5(a) authorizes the District to adopt an
ordinance for imposing a vehicle impound release fee equal to the
District's administrative expenses related to removing, impounding,
storing or releasing vehicles. Additionally, Vehicle Code Section
22850.5(b)(4) allows the District to impose a charge, as part of its
administrative costs, for providing a hearing or an appeal on the
impounded vehicle's removal, impoundment, storage or release, if
the registered owner, the legal owner or either one's agent requests,
in writing, the hearing or appeal.
3. When the Harbor Police Department impounds a vehicle and later
releases it to its owner, the District incurs substantial labor costs and
administrative expenses, including, but not limited to:
a) Documenting the impound;
b) Contacting the court or prosecutor and confirming the vehicle
is no longer needed as evidence;
c) Verifying that Department of Motor Vehicle registration fees
were paid;
d) Releasing the impound hold on the vehicle; and
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 3 of 10
e) Conducting a post-impound hearing or processing a post-
impound appeal if requested.
4. When the Harbor Police Department lawfully impounds a vehicle for
a violation of the law, the vehicle's owner should bear the financial
burden and reimburse the District for its costs to impound the vehicle.
Therefore, creating a vehicle impound release fee and requiring the
vehicle's owner to pay the fee are appropriate means for recovering
the District's administrative costs and expenses.
5. When the vehicle's owner requests a hearing or an appeal
concerning the impounded vehicle's removal, impoundment,
storage, or release, that person should reimburse the District for its
costs to conduct the hearing and process the appeal. Therefore,
creating a post-impound hearing charge and requiring the vehicle's
owner to pay the charge are appropriate means for recovering the
District's administrative costs and expenses.
(c) Definitions
For purposes of the section, certain words and phrases not otherwise
defined in code Section 0.03 shall be defined as follows, unless the context
requires a different meaning:
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 4 of 10
1. Legal Ownerhas the same meaning as that term is defined in
California Vehicle Code Section 370, or any successor legislation.
The term includes the legal owner's agent.
2. Registered Owner” – has the same meaning as that term is defined
in California Vehicle Code Section 505, or any successor legislation.
The term includes the registered owner's agent.
3. Vehicle has the same meaning as that term is defined in
California Vehicle Code Section 670, or any successor legislation.
(d) Vehicle Impound Release Fee
1. The District establishes a vehicle impound release fee, payable
when a registered owner or a legal owner seeks the release of a
vehicle which the District's Harbor Police Department impounded
under state law or any provision of this Code.
2. A registered owner who redeems an impounded vehicle or requests
its release shall pay to the District through its Harbor Police
Department the vehicle impound release fee.
3. A legal owner who redeems an impounded vehicle or requests its
release and who voluntarily requests a post-storage hearing shall
pay to the Harbor Police Department the vehicle impound release
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(e) Post-impound Hearing Charge
1. The District establishes a post-impound hearing charge, payable
when a registered owner or a legal owner submits to the District's
Harbor Police Department a written request for a hearing or an
appeal after a vehicle is impounded.
2. A registered owner or a legal owner who requests, in writing, a
hearing or an appeal related to the impounded vehicle's removal,
impoundment, storage or release shall pay to the District's Harbor
Police Department the post-impound hearing charge.
(f) Unpaid Fee or Charge-Civil Debt
1. The vehicle impound release fee under Section (d) and the post-
impound hearing charge under Section (e) are in addition to any one
or more of:
a) The charges, fees, or fines that a registered owner or a legal
owner may owe the District under a California Vehicle Code
provision or under any provision of this Code or both; or
b) The charges that a registered owner or a legal owner may owe
a vehicle towing services provider.
2. When a person fails, neglects or refuses to pay the vehicle impound
release fee under Section (d) for an impounded vehicle that qualifies
for release or when a person otherwise pays that fee
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 6 of 10
but later cancels or stops payment on it, and in either situation that
fee's payment is lawfully due or owing, the unpaid amount constitutes
a debt owed to the District by that person, from whom the District
may recover in a civil action.
3. When a person who seeks a post-impound hearing or appeal fails,
neglects, or refuses to pay the post-impound hearing charge under
Section (e) or when a person otherwise pays that charge but later
cancels or stops payment on it, and in either situation that charge's
payment is lawfully due or owing, the unpaid amount constitutes a
debt owed to the District by that person, from whom the District may
recover in a civil action.
(g) Fee and Charge-Exceptions
1. The District through its Harbor Police Department shall not collect
from a registered owner or a legal owner the vehicle impound release
fee under Section (d) or post-impound hearing charge under Section
(e), or both, under any of the following circumstances:
a) When the vehicle was:
(1) Reported stolen and recovered;
(2) Driven or taken without the registered owner's or the
legal owner's express or implied permission and the
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 7 of 10
vehicle was evidence of a crime, contained evidence of
a crime or was part of a criminal investigation;
3) Impounded in error;
4) Lien sold under Civil Code Section 3068.1 to 3074 and
Vehicle Code Section 22851 or any successor
legislation, and the lien sale proceeds were insufficient
to pay the tow provider's total charges and
administrative costs.
b) When a court orders a waiver of the vehicle impound release
fee or the post-impound hearing charge, or both.
c) When state law or this code exempts or excludes a registered
owner or a legal owner from paying a vehicle impound release
fee or post-impound hearing charge, or both.
(h) Fee and Charge-Refund
The District through its Harbor Police Department shall refund the impound
release fee and/or post-impound hearing charge incurred by a registered
owner if the hearing officer whom the District through its Harbor Police
Department appoints to conduct the post impound hearing or process the
post-impound appeal determines that:
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 8 of 10
1. A reasonable ground for removing, impounding, or storing the
vehicle did not exist;
2. A circumstance listed in Section (g) applies; or
3. The facts disclosed at the hearing or in the appeal warrant the
impound release fee's refund.
(i) Resolution Establishing Fee and Charge
1. By resolution, the Board of Port Commissioners shall establish or
modify the amount or rate of:
a) The vehicle impound release fee under Section (d), basing it
on the actual and reasonable costs to the District, including
administration and overhead, for impounding vehicles; and
b) The post-impound hearing charge under Section (e), basing it
on the actual and reasonable costs to the District, including
administration and overhead, for providing post-impound
hearings and appeals.
2. To reflect cost-of-living changes and to ensure that changing
economic conditions do not impair the real value of the vehicle
impound release fee and the post-impound hearing charge, on July
1 of each year the Chief of Harbor Police shall:
a) Review the vehicle impound release fee and the post-
impound hearing charge; and
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 9 of 10
b) Adjust the vehicle impound release fee, or the post-impound
hearing charge, or both:
(1) Upward or downward by the same percentage
increase or decrease, occurring during the previous
twelve (12) months, in the consumer price index for all
urban consumers ("CPI-U") for the San Diego Area
(published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S.
Department of Labor), or applying a similar index if the
CPI-U is not published or available, and
(2) To the nearest one dollar ($1.00).
3. In addition to adjusting the vehicle impound release fee and the post-
impound hearing charge for cost-of-living changes under Section (i)
b., the Chief of Harbor Police shall recommend, with the Executive
Director's approval, that the Board of Port Commissioners revise the
fee and the charge when a change in the cost of impounding and
releasing vehicles or conducting post-impound hearings and
processing post-impound appeals, or both, makes revision
4. The Chief of Harbor Police may prepare, adopt, amend and enforce
rules, regulations or procedures for:
a) Releasing a property impounded vehicle;
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Program Fee Section 8.29 Page 10 of 10
b) Conducting a post-impound hearing or appeal; and
c) Collecting, administering, and refunding the vehicle impound
release fee and post-impound hearing charge.
5. A copy of the resolution establishing the current vehicle impound
release fee and post-impound hearing charge will remain on file and
will be available for inspection in the Office of the District Clerk.
(Enacted March 6, 2012Ordinance No. 2665)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.30
Article 8 Regulating All Signage on All Navigable Waters, Tidelands and Submerged Lands
Granted to the District Section 8.30 Page 1 of 2
(a) Definitions
In addition to the definitions and interpretations set forth in Section 0.03 of
this Code, and for purposes of this Section, the following words shall
1. “Signage” means all signs, including, without limitation, signs which
advertise any business, product, person, activity, event or service
whether located on-site or off-site and the portion of the Structure on
which a sign is attached.
2. “Structure” means an edifice or portion thereof or a building or portion
thereof of any kind or any construction built up or composed of parts
joined together in some definite manner including a wall, fence, pier,
post, or shelter on which Signage is attached.
(b) Regulation of Signage
Pursuant to powers granted to the District pursuant to the Harbors and
Navigation Code Appendix I, this Section is intended to clarify that the
District regulates and shall issue all permits or entitlements, including,
without limitation, building and use permits, related to all Signage, as
defined herein or as may be otherwise defined by a local municipality, on
all navigable waters, tidelands and submerged lands granted to the
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.30
Article 8 Regulating All Signage on All Navigable Waters, Tidelands and Submerged Lands
Granted to the District Section 8.30 Page 2 of 2
District, any other lands conveyed to or acquired by the District and any
other waters or lands that are legally within the jurisdiction of the District.
(c) Preemption
Pursuant to Section 60 of Harbors and Navigation Code Appendix I, this
Section is intended to preempt local and municipal regulations, codes and
permit requirements for Signage, as defined herein or as may be
otherwise defined by a local municipality, on District navigable waters,
tidelands and submerged lands granted to the District, any other lands
conveyed to or acquired by the District, and any other waters or lands that
are legally within the jurisdiction of the District.
(Enacted April 14, 2016 Ordinance No. 2854)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.31
Article 8 Authority Over Local Laws Section 8.31 Page 1 of 1
(a) That any local ordinance purporting to regulate District activities within or by
the District in fields in which the District has acted are hereby expressly
preempted, void and of no force or effect within the District, and shall not
have any force and effect of law with respect to the District.
(b) That the District further specifically reserves its statutory right to preempt
any local law purporting to govern or regulate District activities or
(Enacted April 21, 2016 Ordinance No. 2857)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.32
Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 Page 1 of 9
(a) Definitions
In addition to the definitions and interpretations set forth in Section 0.03 of
this Code, and for purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall
1. Building Wrap” means a type of Signage, as that term is defined in
Section 8.30 of this Code, fabricated using materials that are
transparent such as reinforced vinyl, perforated mesh, or other
building wrap material temporarily affixed to the side of a Qualifying
Building. Building Wraps may include any illumination, including but
not limited to, electronic, digital, or similarly illuminated components,
designed to emit or brightly reflect artificial light.
2. “Building Wrap Application" means an application submitted to the
District in accordance with Board of Port Commissioners Policy No.
357, as it may be amended from time to time.
3. “Building Code” means the most recent edition of the California
Building Standards Code. The most recent edition of the Building
Code shall be that edition in effect at the time the District enters into
each license for a Building Wrap on a Qualifying Building.
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4. “Commercial District” means those areas currently designated as
“Commercial Recreation” in Planning District 3 Centre City
Embarcadero as depicted on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference, or as such areas may be depicted
in any subsequent Port Master Plan
5. “Inspector” means someone with sufficient knowledge and
expertise to determine that a Building Wrap conforms to the
requirements of the Building Code, which may be derived from
experience as a District, city or county building official, inspector, or
plan checker. An Inspector may be a District employee or an
independent contractor of the District hired to perform the essential
functions of an Inspector.
6. Qualifying Building” means a structure within the Commercial
District not owned by the District having a roof supported by
permanent columns or walls intended for use by humans for
commercial use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, “Qualifying
Building” shall also include the San Diego Convention Center.
(b) Permitted Building Wraps
Building Wraps may be permitted on any Qualifying Building, subject to the
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 Page 3 of 9
1. Submittal of Building Wrap ApplicationA Building Wrap
Application must be submitted for District consideration of any
proposed Building Wrap. A license agreement pursuant to Section
1(b)(3) below will not be entered into with the applicant until the
Building Wrap Application has been approved.
2. Discretionary Review of Building Wrap Application
a) The Building Wrap Application shall undergo discretionary
review by the District. Subject to Section 1(b)(5) below, the
District shall not consider content in reviewing an application
for a Building Wrap. The District’s discretionary review of a
Building Wrap Application shall include review under the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (California Public
Resource Code § 21000, et seq.), the California Coastal Act
(Coastal Act) (Public Resource Code 30000 et seq.), San
Diego Unified Port District Code and all other applicable laws,
regulations and District policies. The Building Wrap Application
approval may include restrictions on the time, place and
manner of the erection, affixing, dimensions, and operation of
Building Wraps. Examples of restrictions include, but are not
limited to: (1) the location of the exterior facing surface area
upon which a Building Wrap may be affixed; (2) the amount of
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 Page 4 of 9
coverage of the exterior facing surface area upon which a Building
Wrap may be affixed; and (3) the number of Building Wraps
that may be erected, affixed and operated at the same time
within the Commercial District. In addition, the District may
require that the applicant agree to place one or more Building
Wraps on the Qualifying Building, at the applicant’s sole cost
and expense and at such times to be designated by the District
in the license agreement, that promote the District or District-
sponsored events. The District reserves its full discretion to
adopt all feasible mitigation measures, alternatives, including
a no project alternative, and a statement of overriding
consideration, if applicable and approve or disapprove one or
more Building Wraps.
b) A Building Wrap Application may only be approved or denied
after review and approval of the project plans for the Building
Wrap by an Inspector, certifying that the Building Wrap
satisfies all relevant provisions of the Building Code.
3. License Agreement for Building WrapUpon approval of the
Building Wrap Application under Section 1(b)(2) above, the District
may enter into a license agreement with the applicant to affix one or
more Building Wraps to a Qualifying Building. Said erecting,
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 Page 5 of 9
affixing, operating and rotating, if any, of the Building Wrap, may
only occur upon the applicant’s compliance with the terms set forth
in the license agreement and other approvals and as set forth
herein. All license agreements shall, at a minimum, include the
following terms:
a) A provision requiring a licensee to defend, indemnify, and hold
the District harmless, including, but not limited to claims and
challenges brought under CEQA or the Coastal Act.
b) A provision detailing the insurance to be required from
c) The requirement that a Building Wrap may only be affixed to a
Qualifying Building upon inspection and approval by an
Inspector, ensuring that the proposed Building Wrap satisfies
all relevant provisions of the Building Code.
d) The requirement that the licensee be a “tenant in good
standing,” as that term is defined in BPC Policy No. 355,
Section II.B.4.
e) A negotiated license fee as set forth in Section 1(b)(6) below.
f) The District’s right to terminate the license at any time during
the term of the license for no cause; provided, however, the
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.32
Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 – Page 6 of 9
District shall not terminate based on content protected by the
First Amendment.
4. Compliance with LawsApplicant, licensee, and Building Wraps
must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and
regulations, including, without limitation, the ordinances and
policies of the District.
5. Content Content on Building Wraps shall be unregulated except
for content unprotected by the First Amendment, including, but not
limited to, the following categories which may change from time to
time: (i) child pornography; (ii) false statements of fact; (iii)
commercial speech that is false, misleading, or promotes illegal
activity; and (iv) certain types of (a) incitement of illegal activity; (b)
fighting words; (c) obscenity; and (d) defamation.
6. License Fee The license fee, which may be expressed as a
formula, and a payment schedule, shall be set by the District and
licensee based on market information, which may include
consideration of things such as licensee’s agreement to produce,
install, and maintain one or more Building Wraps on the Qualifying
Building that promote the District or a District-sponsored event.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.32
Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 Page 7 of 9
7. Time Limits A single Building Wrap shall not be affixed to a
Qualifying Building for more than thirty (30) consecutive days.
8. Cost RecoveryApplicant shall be responsible for payment to the
District of all costs associated with the Inspector’s work in conjunction
with Sections 1(b)(2) and 1(b)(3) herein, subject to BPC Policy No.
106 - Cost Recovery User Fee Policy, as it may be amended from
time to time.
9. Penalties Any violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable in
accordance with Section 0.11 of this Code (General Penalty).
(c) Preemption
In the event of any inconsistency between this Section 8.32 and any
ordinances, policies, guidelines, rules, regulations, programs, leases,
temporary use permits, tidelands use and occupancy permits, or similar
documents, whether adopted or enforced by the Board, by District staff, or
otherwise, the provisions of this Section 8.32 shall apply.
(d) Severability
If any provision, clause, sentence or paragraph of this Ordinance or the
application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, such
invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Ordinance which
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.32
Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 Page 8 of 9
can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this
end, the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable.
(Enacted May 16, 2017 Ordinance No. 2891)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.32
Article 8 Regulating Building Wrap Signage Section 8.32 Page 9 of 9
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.50
Article 8 Rubbish & Waste Disposal, Regulated Section 8.50 Page 1 of 2
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dump any material or throw garbage,
offal, rubbish, litter, sewage or refuse of any kind into the Bay of San Diego
or upon any lot, tract of land, street, alley, lane, court, sidewalk or place
under the jurisdiction and control of the San Diego Unified Port District
without the written permission of the Executive Director.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to
discharge, deposit, or pass into or onto the waters or shores of San Diego
Bay, any inflammable material, asphalt, coal tar or residuary product of coal,
petroleum by-product, bitumen, other carbonaceous material, chemicals or
industrial waste, without the written permission of the Executive Director.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any occupant, lessee, tenant or licensee of any
premises within said area to place, or allow to be placed, or allow to remain
on any premises within said area such garbage, offal, rubbish, litter, refuse
or foreign material of any kind without the written permission of the
Executive Director.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.50
Article 8 Rubbish & Waste Disposal, Regulated Section 8.50 Page 2 of 2
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the operation of any duly
ordained regulation of any city whose corporate limits extend into the Bay
of San Diego or over the tidelands adjacent thereto.
(Enacted May 9, 1963 Ordinance No. 62)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.60
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Permit Required - Conditions Section 8.60 Page 1 of 3
It shall be unlawful for any person to handle, transport, load, discharge, stow, store,
possess or retain, or otherwise bring, any radioactive substances or substances that may
possibly be radioactive, or any devices or contrivances that can be operated to produce
ionizing radiation, into the harbor or upon property of the District, unless such person shall
first have applied for and been issued a written permit by the Executive Director so to do,
and unless such person shall agree in writing to and shall comply with all of the terms and
conditions that may be specified in such permit. The permit shall be subject to such terms
and conditions as may be therein contained and to the following express terms and
(a) Permittee shall post a faithful performance bond, approved as to form by
the Port Attorney, or, in lieu thereof, the equivalent in cash, in an amount
sufficient, in the opinion of the Executive Director, to cover the cost of the
removal and disposal of such substances, devices and contrivances by the
Port District. The permit shall not become effective until after such faithful
performance bond, or cash in lieu thereof, has been posted with and
received by the Port District.
(b) Permittee shall obtain a certificate from the County Health Department of
the County of San Diego, the Atomic Energy Commission, or the
Department of Health of the State of California, certifying that such
substances, devices and contrivances are not and will not be injurious to
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.60
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Permit Required - Conditions Section 8.60 Page 2 of 3
the life or health of persons for the duration of the time such substances,
devices and contrivances will be in said harbor or upon property of the
(c) Permittee shall agree to indemnify and save harmless the Port District, its
officers and employees, from any and all claims for loss, liability or damage
arising out of or in connection with the possession, transportation or
handling of such substances, devices or contrivances by the permittee, its
officers, agents or employees, howsoever caused, whether such loss,
liability, or damage results, either directly or indirectly, from the acts,
omissions or negligence of the permittee, its officers, agents or employees,
in connection with the possession, handling or transportation of such
substances, devices or contrivances within the harbor or upon property of
the District, or otherwise.
(d) Permittee shall file with the Board of Port Commissioners, approved as to
form by the Port Attorney, a policy of public liability and property damage
insurance, if required by the permit, in such amounts and form as the
Executive Director shall specify, indemnifying the Port District, its boards,
officers and employees, as their interest may appear under the terms and
conditions of said permit. No permit shall be or become effective until after
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.60
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Permit Required - Conditions Section 8.60 Page 3 of 3
such policy of public liability and property damage insurance, if required,
has been received by the Port.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.61
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Permit Authority of Executive Director
Section 8.61 Page 1 of 1
The Executive Director is hereby authorized and empowered to issue such
permits, upon proper application being made to him therefor, and to provide therein such
additional terms and conditions, not contrary to or inconsistent with any applicable,
Federal, State or municipal laws or regulations relative to the handling, transporting,
loading, discharging, stowing, storing, possession or retention of such substances,
devices or contrivances, as in his discretion may be necessary or desirable in the interest
of the health, safety or security of persons or property. The Executive Director is hereby
authorized and empowered to refuse to issue a permit upon application being made
therefor, when in his judgment the substances, devices or contrivances which are the
subject of such application and which are proposed to be handled, transported, loaded,
discharged, stowed, stored, possessed or retained, or otherwise brought into the harbor
or upon property of the District, are or may be unreasonably or unduly dangerous or
hazardous to the health, safety or security of persons or of property within said District.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.62
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Permit Application Section 8.62 Page 1 of 1
Applications for permits shall be in writing, shall be made as far as practicable in
advance of the time required for use, and shall include a description of and the quantity,
stowage, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Executive
Director, relative to the substances, devices or contrivances desired to be handled,
transported, loaded, discharged, stowed, stored, possessed or retained in the harbor or
upon property of the District.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.63
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Permit Fee Section 8.63 Page 1 of 1
There shall be a fee of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00), payable in advance, for each
permit issued under this regulation.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.64
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Compliance with the Law Section 8.64 Page 1 of 1
Permittee shall comply with and conform to any and all applicable rules and
regulations promulgated by the Port District, and with and to the laws, rules and
regulations of the United States of America and the State of California, and of any
department or agency thereof. Failure to so comply by a permittee shall be cause for
immediate revocation of such permit.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.65
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Handling – Personnel Record Section 8.65 Page 1 of 1
Every terminal operator, stevedore or other person employing personnel on
property of the District where such personnel will handle or be in close proximity to
radioactive substances or substances that may possibly be radioactive, or devices or
contrivances that can be operated to produce ionizing radiation, shall keep and maintain
a permanent record of the duration of the employment of such personnel and of the
quantity and a maximum degree of radioactivity of such substances, devices or
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.66
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Protection of Personnel Section 8.66 Page 1 of 1
Every person who handles any radioactive substances or substances that may
possibly be or may likely become radioactive or who comes into close proximity thereto
on property of the District shall be provided with a radiological film badge or equivalent
device adequate to record the extent of such radioactivity incurred by the wearer thereof
and to afford a record thereof.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.67
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Continued Movement Section 8.67 Page 1 of 1
Every person who brings radioactive substances or substances that may possibly
be radioactive, or devices or contrivances that can be operated to produce ionizing
radiation, into the harbor or upon property of the District shall make provision, prior to the
time such substances are brought into the harbor or upon the property of the District, for
an assured means of transportation for the continued movement of such substances from
property of the District.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.68
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Cleaning Port Facilities Section 8.68 Page 1 of 1
Every person who brings radioactive substances or substances that may possibly
be radioactive, or devices or contrivances that can be operated to produce ionizing
radiation, into the harbor or upon property of the District in quantities which are, in the
opinion of the Executive Director, substantial, shall thoroughly wash down, cleanse, and
obtain and record a reading of the residual radioactivity of any wharf, wharf premise,
transit shed, structure, or of any vehicle or vessel, if such vehicle or vessel is to remain in
or return to the harbor or property of the District, that may possibly be contaminated by
contact or association with such substances, devices or contrivances.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.69
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Report of Breakage or Loss Section 8.69 Page 1 of 1
Every person having the care, custody, control or possession of radioactive
substances or substances that may possibly be or may likely become radioactive, in the
harbor or upon property of the District, shall promptly report to the Executive Director the
breakage or loss of any package or container of such substances upon any land or waters
under the control of the Board of Port Commissioners, and it shall be unlawful for any
such person to refuse, neglect or otherwise fail to make such report.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
(Amended September 6, 2005- Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.70
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Quantities Limited Section 8.70 Page 1 of 1
Radioactive substances or substances that may possibly be radioactive, or devices
or contrivances that can be operated to produce ionizing radiation, shall be examined and
certificated for entry into the harbor or upon property of the District, as hereinabove
provided, prior to being brought into the harbor or upon property of the District, and such
substances, devices and contrivances may be denied assemblage in the harbor or upon
property of the District in excess of the quantities necessary to maintain continuity of
loading operations at water front facilities, and every permit issued by the Executive
Director hereunder shall so provide.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.71
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Label Required Section 8.71 Page 1 of 1
Each and every package, box, barrel, carton, or any other object which contains
or may possibly contain a radioactive substance, or a device or contrivance that can be
operated to produce ionizing radiation, shall have displayed thereon a distinguishing label
in such words and in such form as the Executive Director may prescribe.
(Enacted April 5, 1966Ordinance No. 216)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 8.72
Article 8 Radioactive Substances Exemptions Section 8.72 Page 1 of 1
(Enacted May 10, 1966Ordinance No. 226)
(DeletedSeptember 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.01
Article 9 Debarment Definitions Section 9.01 Page 1 of 3
(a) For purposes of this Section certain words and phrases used herein are
defined as follows:
1. "Affiliate" business entities, organizations, or individuals who either
directly or indirectly:
a) control one another or have the power to control one another,
b) are controlled by a third party or are subject to control by a
third party. "Affiliates" include chief executive officers and
members of boards of directors or their equivalents.
2. "Bidder" any individual, organization, legal entity, company or
affiliate responding to a Request for Proposal for any project
distributed by the District.
3. "Claim" any request or demand for money, property or services
made to any employee, officer or agency of the San Diego Unified
Port District.
4. "Contractor"any individual or other legal entity that:
a) directly or indirectly, for example, through an affiliate, submits
offers for or is awarded, or reasonably may be
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.01
Article 9 Debarment Definitions Section 9.01 Page 2 of 3
expected to submit offers for or be awarded, a District
contract; or
b) conducts business or reasonably may be expected to conduct
business with the District as an agent or representative of
another contractor.
5. "Debarment" action taken by the Board of Port Commissioners of
District to exclude a contractor from contracting with the District for a
reasonable, specified period.
6. "District"the San Diego Unified Port District.
7. "Executive Director" Executive Director of the San Diego Unified
Port District.
8. "Hearing Officer" the individual appointed by the District to hear the
information presented by the contractor facing debarment.
9. "Knowing" and "Knowingly" that with respect to information, a
person does any of the following:
a) has actual knowledge of the information.
b) acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the
c) acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.01
Article 9 Debarment Definitions Section 9.01 Page 3 of 3
10. "Person" includes any natural person affiliate, corporation, firm,
association, organization, partnership, limited liability company,
business or trust.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.02
Article 9 Grounds for Debarment, Public Works Contracts Section 9.02 Page 1 of 3
(a) In accordance with procedures set forth below, a bidder or contractor may
be declared ineligible to bid on District procurement and public works
contracts for a period not to exceed Three (3) years for any of the following
1. Two (2) or more claims of computational or other error in bid
submission within a Two (2) year period;
2. Unjustified failure or refusal to timely provide or properly execute
contract documents;
3. Unsatisfactory performance of contract;
4. Two (2) or more occasions within a Two (2) Year period of failure to
submit bond or insurance documents acceptable to the District in the
time periods required;
5. Unjustified refusal to properly perform or complete contract work or
warranty performance;
6. Unjustified failure to honor or observe contractual obligations or legal
requirements pertaining to the contract;
7. Conviction under a State or Federal statute or municipal ordinance
for fraud, bribery, theft, falsification or destruction of records,
receiving stolen property or of any other similar crime;
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.02
Article 9 Grounds for Debarment, Public Works Contracts Section 9.02 Page 2 of 3
8. Any offense or action which indicates a lack of business integrity and
which could directly affect the reliability and credibility of
performance of the contractor on future contracts with the District;
9. Any debarment of the contractor by another governmental agency;
10. Failure to timely submit accurate certified payrolls as required by law;
11. Any serious safety violation, whether or not resulting in citation by
12. Two (2) or more occasions in a Two (2) Year period of using an
unauthorized/unlisted subcontractor;
13. Conviction under Federal or State antitrust statutes involving public
contracts or the submission of bid proposals for any corrupt practices
involving the administration or award of a contract with the District;
14. Permanent debarment of the bidder or contractor by another
governmental agency.
(b) Any person who commits any of the following acts shall be debarred as set
forth in Subsection (a), above:
1. Knowingly presents or causes to be presented to an officer or
employee of the District a false claim for payment or approval.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.02
Article 9 Grounds for Debarment, Public Works Contracts Section 9.02 Page 3 of 3
2. Knowingly makes, uses or causes to be made or used a false record
or statement to get a false claim paid or approved by the District.
3. Conspires to defraud the District by getting a false claim allowed or
paid by the District.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.03
Article 9 Debarment Procedure Section 9.03 Page 1 of 2
(a) The Chief Engineer or his/her designee shall conduct an investigation into
the circumstances which may warrant debarment of any bidder or
(b) After completing such investigation, the Chief Engineer or his/her designee
shall determine whether sufficient facts exist to warrant debarment, and, if
so, shall issue a Notice of Intent to Debar.
(c) The bidder or contractor shall be provided with written notice of the
proposed action and the reasons for the proposed action.
(d) The bidder or contractor shall have Ten (10) calendar days from the date of
issuance of the Notice of Intent to Debar to request in writing to the
Executive Director a Hearing on the proposed debarment. If no such
request is timely filed, the proposed action shall be final.
(e) If a timely request is submitted, a Hearing shall be conducted no later than
Ten (10) calendar days after the request is received. The bidder or
contractor shall be notified in writing of the time and place of the Hearing.
(f) The Hearing Officer shall be the Executive Director or his designee. The
bidder or contractor may appeal the decision of the Hearing Officer to the
Board of Port Commissioners. This appeal must be in writing and must be
made no later than Five (5) working days after the Hearing Officer renders
the decision.
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.03
Article 9 Debarment Procedure Section 9.03 Page 2 of 2
(g) The Hearing Officer shall base his decision on the record presented to him
by the District and such information as the bidder or contractor may present.
Strict rules of evidence shall not apply.
(h) In the event of an appeal from the decision of the Hearing Officer, the Board
of Port Commissioners shall consider the matter at a regularly scheduled
meeting. The Board's consideration shall be limited to the record before the
Hearing Officer. No new evidence may be submitted, and the Board's
decision shall be final.
(Enacted May 26, 1998 Ordinance No. 1980)
(Amended September 6, 2005Ordinance No. 2355)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.04
Article 9 Debarment Procedures for Materials, Supplies, Equipment, Insurance or Personal
Service Contracts Section 9.04 Page 1 of 1
(a) District contracts covered by this Section include materials, supplies,
equipment, insurance, and personal services contracts entered into with the
(b) Debarment procedures for materials, supplies, equipment, insurance or
personal service contracts are the same as for public works and
procurement contracts and are covered by Section 9.03, above.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.05
Article 9 General Section 9.05 Page 1 of 1
(a) A contractor's debarment shall be effective throughout the District.
Debarment prohibits officers of the District and employees of all District
departments from executing contracts with a debarred contractor. Debarred
contractors shall be placed on a list maintained by the District Clerk in
accordance with Section 9.06, below.
(b) Debarment constitutes debarment of all divisions, affiliations, sub-groups or
other organizational elements of the contractor, unless the debarment
decision is limited by its terms to specific divisions, organizational elements,
or commodities. The District may extend the debarment decision to include
any affiliate of the contractor if the affiliate is:
1. specifically named, and
2. given written notice of the proposed debarment and an opportunity
to respond.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.06
Article 9 List Debarred Contractors Section 9.06 Page 1 of 1
(a) The Executive Director shall:
1. Compile a current, consolidated list of all debarred contractors; said
list shall be maintained by the Office of District Clerk;
2. Periodically revise and distribute the list and issue supplements; and
3. Establish procedures to provide for effective use of the debarred
contractors' list, to ensure that the District does not solicit offers from
or award contracts to anyone on the list.
(b) The debarred contractors' list shall indicate:
1. The names and addresses of all debarred contractors with cross
references when more than one name is involved in a single action;
2. The cause for the action; and
3. The termination date for each listing.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.07
Article 9 Effect of Listing Section 9.07 Page 1 of 1
(a) Debarred contractors are excluded from receiving contracts, and District
Departments shall not solicit offers from or award contracts to debarred
contractors. Debarred contractors are also excluded from conducting
business with the District as agents or representatives of other contractors.
(b) After the opening of bids or receipt of proposals, the requesting department
of the District shall review the list of debarred contractors.
(c) Bids received from any listed contractor in response to an invitation for bids
shall be recorded as received, and then rejected by reason of debarment.
(d) Proposals, quotations, or offers received from any listed contractor shall not
be evaluated for award or included in the competitive process during the
period the contractor is on the list.
(e) Immediately prior to award of a contract, the Executive Director of District
or his designated representative shall again review the debarred
contractors' list to ensure that no award is made to a listed contractor.
(f) If because of inadvertence or misrepresentation on their part, the debarred
contractor or affiliate is awarded a contract, the Executive Director reserves
the right to cancel the contract and seek damages in the event performance
has begun.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.08
Article 9 Continuation of Existing Contracts Section 9.08 Page 1 of 1
(a) Immediately upon debarment, any existing contracts between the District
and contractor shall be terminated.
(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Port Commissioners may
continue any contract in existence at the time the contractor is debarred
upon advice from the Executive Director of District as to the effect of
termination of the existing contract.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 9.09
Article 9 Scope of Debarment Section 9.09 Page 1 of 1
(a) The fraudulent, criminal or other seriously improper conduct of any officer,
director, shareholder, partner, employee or other individuals associated
with a contractor may be imputed to the contractor when the conduct
occurred in connection with the individual's performance of duties for, or on
behalf of, the contractor, or with the contractor's knowledge, approval, or
acquiescence. The contractor's acceptance of the benefits derived from the
conduct shall be evidence of such knowledge, approval or acquiescence.
(b) The fraudulent, criminal, or other seriously improper conduct of a contractor
may be imputed to any officer, director, shareholder, partner, employee, or
other individual associated with the contractor who participated in, knew of,
or had reason to know of the contractor's conduct.
(c) The fraudulent, criminal or other seriously improper conduct of one
contractor participating in a joint venture or similar arrangement may be
imputed to other participating contractors if the conduct occurred, for, on
approval of, or acquiescence of these contractors. Acceptance of the
benefits derived from the conduct shall be evidence of such knowledge,
approval or acquiescence.
(Enacted May 26, 1998Ordinance No. 1980)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.01
Article 10 Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Title, Purpose and Intent
Section 10.01 Page 1 of 3
(a) Title”. This Article shall be known as "San Diego Unified Port District
Stormwater Management and Discharge Control" and may be so cited.
(b) Purpose. The purpose of this Article is to establish a defined set of
requirements, protocols and procedures by which the District and users of
District tideland resources may operate in compliance with State stormwater
regulations. Further, it is the intent of this Article to protect the health, safety
and general welfare of the public, tenants, and visitors within District
jurisdiction; to protect water resources and to improve water quality; to
cause the use of management practices by the District and its tenants
and/or subtenants, and users of District tidelands to reduce the adverse
effects of polluted runoff discharges on waters of the State to ensure
compliance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit
Order No. R9-2013-0001 (NPDES No. CAS0109266) including any
amendments, and any applicable State and Federal law. This Article seeks
to promote these goals by:
1. Effectively prohibiting no-stormwater discharges to the MS4;
2. Prohibiting and eliminating all illicit discharges and illicit connections
to the MS4, and reducing pollutants in discharges into
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.01
Article 10 Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Title, Purpose and Intent
Section 10.01 Page 2 of 3
and from the MS4 to receiving waters, consistent with the
prohibitions and limitations of the MS4 Permit;
3. Establishing minimum requirements for stormwater management,
including source control requirements to prevent and reduce
4. Establishing site design requirements for development projects, to
reduce stormwater pollution to the maximum extent practicable
(MEP) and enhance existing water-dependent habitats;
5. Establishing standards for the use of off-site facilities and areas for
stormwater management to supplement on-site practices at Priority
Development Projects to meet post-construction BMP performance
6. Establishing notice procedures and standards for adjusting
stormwater and non-stormwater management requirements where
7. Conforming with the Clean Water Act, the Porter-Cologne Water
Quality Control Act, all applicable provisions of statewide Water
Quality Control Plans and Policies adopted by the State Water
Resources Control Board, the Water Quality Control Plan for the San
Diego Basin adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board,
and all other applicable State and Federal regulations; and
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.01
Article 10 Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Title, Purpose and Intent
Section 10.01 Page 2 of 3
8. Establishing and identifying enforcement procedures.
(c) Intent. The San Diego Unified Port District intends that this Article shall be
the primary enforcement document for the management and discharge
control of stormwater and urban runoff within District jurisdiction.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
(Amended October 9, 2018 Ordinance No. 2931)
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Section No. 10.02
Article 10 Definitions Section 10.02 Page 1 of 17
(a) For purposes of this Article:
1. Beneficial Uses means the uses of water necessary for the
survival or well-being of humans, plants, and wildlife. These uses of
water serve to promote tangible and intangible economic, social, and
environmental goals. "Beneficial Uses" of the waters of the State that
may be protected include, but are not limited to, domestic, municipal,
agricultural and industrial supply; power generation; recreation;
aesthetic enjoyment; navigation; and preservation and enhancement
of fish, wildlife, and other aquatic resources or preserves. Existing
beneficial uses are uses that were attained in the surface or ground
water on or after November 28, 1975; and potential beneficial uses
are uses that would probably develop in future years through the
implementation of various control measures. "Beneficial Uses" are
equivalent to "Designated Uses" under federal law.
2. Best Management Practices means schedules of activities,
pollution treatment practices or devices, prohibitions of practices,
general good housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and
educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other
management practices or devices to prevent or reduce the
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discharge of pollutants directly or indirectly to stormwater, receiving
waters, or the stormwater conveyance system. Plans that describe
the BMPs to be implemented and other steps to be taken by a Person
using property held in trust by the District, as required by the
Executive Director to meet all applicable stormwater requirements,
including, but not limited to, the prohibitions and limitations of the
MS4 Permit, may also be considered a BMP. Such plans may
include, but are not limited to, Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Plans, Construction BMP Plans, BMP Plans and Rain Event Plans.
BMPs also include, but are not limited to, treatment practices,
operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff, spillage or
leaks, sludge or water disposal, or drainage from raw materials
storage. BMPs may include any type of pollution prevention and
pollution control measure that can help to achieve compliance with
this Article.
3. BMPs” – means Best Management Practices.
4. BMP Design Manual for Permanent Site Design, Stormwater
Treatment and Hydro modification Management (BMP Design
Manual) means a programmatic level guidance document
developed to eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the impacts of runoff from
development projects, including Priority Development
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Projects. The BMP Design Manual provides procedures for planning,
selecting, and designing permanent stormwater BMPs based on the
performance standards presented in the MS4 Permit Order No. R9-
2013-0001. The BMP Design Manual replaces the Standard Urban
Stormwater Mitigation Plan which was developed pursuant to the
2008 Municipal Stormwater Permit for San Diego County.
5. Commercial Activity” – means any public or private activity involved
in the production, storage, transportation, (including transport of
person) distribution, exchange or sale of goods and/or commodities,
or providing professional and/or non-professional services. These
commercial activities do not include industrial activities, nor do they
include any Federal, State, Municipal, or other government agency
6. “Construction Activity means any activity involving the clearing,
grading, and disturbances to the ground such as stockpiling, or
excavation that results in land disturbance.
7. Construction BMP Planmeans a document which describes the
BMPs to be implemented and other steps to be taken during the
course of construction by the Discharger for projects that do not
require coverage under the General Construction Stormwater
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8. “CWA” means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, commonly
known as the Clean Water Act.
9. “Development Projects” means new development or
redevelopment with land disturbing activities, structural
development, including construction or installation of a building or
structure, the creation of impervious surfaces, public agency
10. “Discharge” means any release, spill, leak, pump, flow, escape,
dumping, or disposal of any liquid, semi-solid or solid substance.
11. “Discharger” means any person or entity engaged in activities or
operations which have resulted or have the potential to result in a
discharge to the MS4 or receiving waters; or any person or entity
leasing or owning property on which such activities, operations or
facilities are located.
12. “Dry Season” means the time period from May 1 through
September 30.
13. Environmentally Sensitive Areasmeans areas that include, but
are not limited to, all CWA 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas
designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance; water bodies
designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water
Resources Control Board; areas designated as preserves or their
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equivalent under the Multiple Species Conservation Program within
the Cities and County of San Diego.
14. Erosion means when land is diminished or worn away due to
wind, water, or glacial ice. Often the eroded debris (silt or sediment)
becomes a pollutant via stormwater runoff. Erosion occurs naturally
but can be intensified by land clearing activities such as farming,
development, road building, and timber harvesting.
15. ESA” – means Environmentally Sensitive Areas.
16. Facility means a building, structure, installation or contiguous
land, including but not limited to, terminals or parts of terminals, from
which or to which a discharge could occur.
17. General Construction Stormwater Permitmeans NPDES Permit
No. CAS000002, Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of
Storm Water Associated with Construction Activities, and any
modifications or amendments thereto, or as re-issued.
18. General Industrial Stormwater Permit means NPDES Permit No.,
Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Storm Water
Associated with Industrial Activities Excluding Construction
Activities, and any modifications or amendments thereto, or as re-
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19. “Grading” means the cutting and/or filling of the land surface to a
desired slope or elevation.
20. “Illicit Connection” Means any man-made conveyance or drainage
system through which a non-storm water discharge to the MS4
occurs or may occur or any connection to the MS4 which has not
been reviewed and authorized by the District that conveys an illicit
21. Illicit Discharge” means any discharge or release into stormwater,
the MS4, receiving waters, or land that is not composed entirely of
stormwater except conditionally allowed discharges described in the
MS4 Permit Order No. R9-2013-0001.
22. “Impervious Surface” means any man-made, constructed or
modified surface(s) that prevents or significantly reduces infiltration
of water or precipitation into the underlying soil, resulting in runoff
from the surface in greater volumes and/or at an increased rate,
when compared to natural conditions prior to development. The term
includes, but is not limited to, parking lots, driveways, streets,
roadways, storage areas, rooftops, pavement, sidewalks, compacted
gravel, compacted earth and oiled earth.
23. “Industrial Activity” means any public or private activity which is
associated with any of the eleven (11) categories of activities
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defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14) and required to obtain an NPDES
permit, or other activities required to obtain an NPDES permit or
Waste Discharge Permit for stormwater runoff control, and any
facility used for conducting industrial activities.
24. “Industrial Discharger means a Discharger who conducts an
Industrial Activities.
25. “Infiltration” means the process of percolating stormwater or non-
stormwater into the subsoil.
26. “Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan” means a written
description of the specific jurisdictional runoff management
measures and programs that each Copermittee will implement to
comply with MS4 Permit Order No. R9-2013-0001 and ensures that
pollutant discharges in urban runoff are reduced to the MEP and do
not cause or contribute to a violation of water quality objectives.
27. “JRMP”means Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan.
28. “LID”means Low Impact Development.
29. “Low Impact Development”means a storm management and land
development strategy that emphasizes conservation and the use of
on-site natural features integrated with engineered, small-scale
hydrologic controls to more closely reflect pre-development
hydrologic functions.
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30. Low Impact Development Best Management Practices (LID BMPs)
include schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices,
maintenance procedures, and other management practices to
prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the United States through
stormwater management and land development strategies that
emphasize conservation and the use of on-site natural features
integrated with engineered, small-scale hydrologic controls to more
closely reflect pre-development hydrologic functions. LID BMPs
include retention practices that do not allow runoff, such as
infiltration, rainwater harvesting and reuse, and evapotranspiration.
LID BMPs also include flow-through practices such as bio filtration
that may have some discharge of stormwater following pollutant
31. “Maintenance of a BMP” – means regularly scheduled activities
taken to uphold the as-designed performance of a BMP, and
includes, but is not limited to, repairing and cleaning of the BMP as
necessary, and replacement of the BMP by an equally effective or
more effective BMP at the end of its useful life.
32. “Maximum Extent Practicable” means the technology-based
standard established by Congress in CWA Section 402(p)(3)(B)(iii)
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that operators of MS4s must meet. MEP is further defined in
Attachment C of the MS4 Permit Order No. R9-2013-0001.
33. MEP” – means Maximum Extent Practicable.
34. MS4” – means Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.
35. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systemmeans a conveyance
or system of conveyances, including roads with drainage systems,
municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, natural
drainage features or channels, modified natural channels, man-
made channels, or storm drains, by which urban runoff and
stormwater may be conveyed to the receiving waters. The terms
“MS4” and “Stormwater Conveyance System may be used
36. 2008 Municipal Stormwater Permitmeans the San Diego County
Municipal Storm Water Permit Order No. R9-2007-0001, Waste
Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Runoff from the
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the
Watersheds of the County of San Diego, the Incorporated Cities of
San Diego County, the San Diego Unified Port District, and the San
Diego County Regional Airport Authority that was in effect from 2007
through 2013.
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37. MS4 Permitmeans Regional Municipal Stormwater Permit Order
No. R9-2013-0001 Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges
from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining
the Watersheds within the San Diego Region as modified, amended
or re-issued.
38. Non-Stormwatermeans all discharges to and from a MS4 or to
the receiving water that do not originate from precipitation events
(i.e., all discharges from a MS4 other than stormwater). Non-
stormwater includes illicit discharges, non-prohibited discharges,
and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitted
39. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System means the
national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing,
terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits, and imposing and
enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 318, 402,
and 405 of the CWA.
40. NPDESmeans National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
41. Person means in this Article, an individual, association,
partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trustee,
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municipality, State or Federal agency, or any other legal entity, or
agent or employee thereof.
42. Point Source” – means any discernible, confined, and discrete
conveyance, including, but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel,
tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock,
concentrated animal feeding operation, landfill leachate collection
system, vessel, or other floating craft from which pollutants are or
may be discharged. This term does not include return flows from
irrigated agriculture or agricultural stormwater runoff.
43. Pollutantmeans any substance introduced to the MS4 that may
cause or contribute to the degradation of water quality such that
public health, the environment, or beneficial uses of receiving waters
may be affected.
44. Pollutionmeans the alteration of the quality of the receiving water
or MS4 by waste, to a degree that unreasonably affects either the
waters for beneficial use or facilities that serve these beneficial uses.
45. “Pollution Prevention BMP” means practices and processes that
reduce or eliminate the generation of pollutants, in contrast to source
control BMPs, treatment control BMPs, or disposal. Stormwater
pollution prevention practices that are generally
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recognized in the applicable industry or business as being effective
and economically sound.
46. “Post-Construction BMPs means a subset of BMPs including
structural and non-structural controls which detail, retain, filter, or
educate to prevent the release of pollutants to surface waters during
the functional life of developments.
47. Priority Development Projectsmeans new development and
redevelopment projects defined in Provision E.3.b of the MS4 Permit.
48. Receiving Waters” – means Waters of the United States.
49. “Redevelopment” means the creation, addition, and/or
replacement of impervious surface on an already developed site.
Examples include the expansion of a building footprint, road
widening, the addition to or replacement of a structure, and creation
or addition of impervious surfaces. Replacement of impervious
surfaces includes any activity that is not part of the routine
maintenance activity where impervious material(s) are removed,
exposing underlying soil during construction. Redevelopment does
not include trenching and resurfacing associated with utility work;
resurfacing and reconfiguring surface parking lots and existing
roadways; new sidewalk construction, pedestrian ramps, or bike
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lanes on existing roads; and routine replacement of damaged
pavement, such as pothole repair.
50. “RWQCB” means the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board for the San Diego Region.
51. “Sediment”means soil, sand, and minerals washed from land into
water from anthropogenic sources.
52. “Source Control BMP” means land use or site planning practices,
or structural or nonstructural measures that aim to prevent runoff
pollution by reducing the potential for contamination at the source of
pollution. Source control BMPs minimizes the contact between
pollutants and runoff.
53. “Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan” means a
programmatic level guidance document developed to eliminate,
reduce, or mitigate the impacts of runoff from development projects,
including Priority Development Projects. The SUSMP was developed
pursuant to the 2008 Municipal Stormwater Permit for San Diego
54. Stormwater” means stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and
surface runoff and drainage.
55. “Stormwater Conveyance System” this term is used
interchangeably with MS4.
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56. “Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan” means a document which
meets the requirements set out in the General Construction
Stormwater Permit, General Industrial Stormwater Permit, MS4
Permit, JRMP, or this Article. A SWPPP describes the BMPs to be
implemented and other steps to be taken by the Discharger to meet
the applicable stormwater requirements for a construction site,
facility or for the use of property or resources held in trust by the
District, as required by the Executive Director.
57. “SUSMP”means Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan.
58. “SWPPP”means Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
59. Stormwater Quality Management Planmeans a plan developed
to mitigate the impacts of urban runoff from Priority Development
Projects that is in accordance with the MS4 Permit and District
60. SWQMP means Stormwater Quality Management Plan.
61. “Tenant”means any person who enters into a lease agreement or
a use permit agreement (including Tideland Use and Occupancy
Permits, rental agreements, easements, licenses, and other similar
types of agreements) with the District directly or indirectly as a
subtenant to the primary leaseholder.
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62. Treatment Control BMPmeans any engineered system including
BMPs that rely on either a physical condition (other than an entirely
natural and undisturbed condition) or a constructed or installed
device designed to remove pollutants by simple gravity settling of
particulate pollutants, filtration, biological uptake, media absorption
or any other physical, biological, or chemical process.
63. Urban Runoff means all flows in a stormwater conveyance
system and consists of the following components: stormwater (wet
weather flows) and non-stormwater illegal discharge (dry weather
64. “Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (USMP) means a plan
developed to mitigate the impacts of urban runoff from Priority
Development Projects that is in accordance with the 2008 Municipal
Stormwater Permit.
65. “Waste” includes sewage and all other waste substances, liquid,
solid, gaseous, or radioactive, associated with human habitation, or
of human or animal origin, or from any producing, manufacturing, or
processing operation, including waste placed within the containers
of whatever nature prior to, and for purposes of, disposal.
66. “Water Quality Control Plans” means a document adopted by the
State Water Resources Control Board that sets forth water quality
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standards for surface water and groundwater, as well as actions to
control nonpoint and point sources of pollution to achieve and
maintain these standards.
67. “Water Quality Objective” means numerical or narrative limits on
constituents or characteristics of water to protect designated
beneficial uses of the water. California's water quality objectives are
established by the State and Regional Water Boards in the Water
Quality Control Plans.
68. “Water(s) of the State” means any water, surface or underground,
including fresh and saline waters within the boundaries of the State
(California Water Code Section 13050(e)). The definition of the
waters of the State is broader than that for the Waters of the United
States in that all water in the State is considered to be a water of the
State regardless of circumstances or condition.
69. Water(s) of the United States means water subject to the
regulatory jurisdiction of the United States under the CWA and
applicable case law.
70. Watershed means that geographical area which drains to a
specified point on a water course, usually a confluence of streams or
rivers (also known as drainage area, catchment, or river basin).
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71. Wet Season means the time period from October 1 through April
30, also known as the rainy season.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
(Amended October 9, 2018 Ordinance No. 2931)
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Section No. 10.03
Article 10 General Provisions Section 10.03 Page 1 of 3
(a) Construction and Application. This Article is not intended to interfere with,
abrogate or annul any other Article, rule or regulation, statute, or other
provision of law. The requirements of this Article should be considered
minimum requirements, and where any provision of this Article imposes
restrictions different from those imposed by any other Article, rule or
regulation, statute or other provision of law, whichever provisions are more
restrictive or impose higher protective standards for human health or the
environment shall take precedence.
(b) Compliance Disclaimer. Full compliance by any person with the provisions
of this Article shall not preclude the need to comply with other local, State
or Federal statutory or regulatory requirements, which may be required for
the control of the discharge of pollutants into stormwater and/or the
protection of stormwater quality.
(c) Recycled Water. This Article is not intended to prohibit or prevent the use
of recycled water provided such use complies with this Article.
(d) “Executive Director Authority”. The Executive Director is empowered to
enforce the requirements of this Article, including, but not limited to,
requiring Persons using property or resources held in trust by the District to
prepare and implement BMPs to comply with this Article and to take other
actions necessary to comply with this Article.
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(e) District Permits and Approvals”.
1. An application and approval is required for development projects,
tenant improvements and construction activity on tidelands.
Applications and permits are also required for special events and
temporary commercial or industrial activities.
2. An application for any permits or approvals shall be accompanied by
plans or documentation demonstrating how the applicable
requirements of this Article will be met. No permit or approval shall
be granted unless the decision maker determines that the application
will comply with this Article.
3. An application for any special event permit or approval shall be
accompanied by a deposit to cover any costs or expenses to abate
an Illicit Discharge or to repair any obstruction, damage or other
impairment to the stormwater conveyance system
(f) Procedures, Forms and Documents. The Executive Director may prepare,
disseminate and maintain procedures, forms and other documents
addressing the use of pollution prevention practices and BMPs and require
their use for specific activities or Facilities. The District JRMP,
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BMP Design Manual, and templates, are available at the District and on the
District's website,
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
(Amended October 9, 2019 Ordinance No. 2931)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.04
Article 10 Conditionally Allowed Non-Stormwater Discharges
Section 10.04 Page 1 of 5
(a) Conditionally Allowed Non-stormwater Discharges. The following are
conditionally allowed non-stormwater discharges as defined in the MS4
1. Any discharge or connection to the MS4 regulated under an NPDES
permit issued to a Discharger and administered by the State of
California pursuant to Division 7 of the California Water Code is
allowed, provided that the Discharger is in compliance with all
requirements of the NPDES permit and other applicable laws and
2. Non-stormwater discharges to the MS4 from the following categories
are allowed if the discharge has coverage under NPDES Permit No.
CAG919001 (Order No. R9-2007-0034, or subsequent order) for
discharges to San Diego Bay, or NPDES Permit No. CAG919002
(Order No. R9-2008-0002 or subsequent order) for discharges to
surface waters other than San Diego Bay.
a) Uncontaminated pumped ground water;
b) Discharges from foundation drains;
c) Water from crawl space pumps; and
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Section 10.04 Page 2 of 5
d) Water from footing drains. When the system is designed to be
located at or below the groundwater table to actively or
passively extract groundwater during any part of the year.
3. Non-storm water discharges to the MS4 from water line flushing and
Water main breaks are allowed if the discharges have coverage
under NPDES Permit No. CAG679001 (RWQCB Order No. R9-
2010-0003 or subsequent order), and the Discharger is in
compliance with all requirements of that NPDES permit and other
applicable laws and regulations. This category includes water line
flushing and water main break discharges from water purveyors
issued a water supply permit by the California Department of Public
Health or federal military installations.
4. Discharges from recycled or reclaimed water lines to the MS4 are
conditionally allowed if the discharges have coverage under an
NPDES permit, and the Discharger is in compliance with the
applicable NPDES permit and other applicable laws and regulations.
Otherwise, discharges from water lines are illicit discharges.
5. Non-storm water discharges to the MS4 from the following categories
are conditionally allowed, unless the District or the RWQCB identifies
the discharge as a source of pollutants to
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receiving waters, in which case the discharge is considered an illicit
a) Discharges from diverted stream flows;
b) Discharges from rising groundwater;
c) Discharges from uncontaminated groundwater infiltration to
the MS4;
d) Discharges from springs
e) Discharges from riparian habitats and wetlands;
f) Discharges from potable water sources, except as set forth in
Section 10.04(a) 3;
g) Discharges from foundation drains when the system is
designed to be located above the groundwater table at all
times of the year, and the system is only expected to produce
non-storm water discharges under unusual circumstances;
h) Discharges from footing drains when the system is designed
to be located above the groundwater table at all times of the
year, and the system is only expected to produce non-storm
water discharges under unusual circumstances.
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6. Non-storm water discharges from the following categories are
conditionally allowed if they are addressed with BMPs. Otherwise,
non-storm water discharges from the following categories are illicit
a) Air conditioning condensation;
b) Individual residential vehicle washing;
c) Water from swimming pools.
7. Non-storm water discharges to the MS4 from firefighting activities
are conditionally allowed if they are addressed as follows:
a) Non-emergency firefighting discharges. Non-emergency
firefighting discharges, including building fire suppression
system maintenance discharges (e.g. sprinkler line flushing),
controlled or practice blazes, training, and maintenance
activities shall be addressed by BMPs to prevent the
discharge of pollutants to the MS4;
b) Emergency firefighting discharges. BMPs are encouraged to
prevent pollutants from entering the MS4. During
emergencies, priority of efforts should be directed toward life,
property, and the environment (in descending order). BMPs
shall not interfere with emergency response operations or
impact public health and safety.
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(b) Notwithstanding the categories of non-storm water discharges conditionally
allowed in this section, if the RWQCB or the District determines that any of
these categories of conditionally allowed non-storm water discharges are a
source of pollutants to receiving waters, are a danger to public health or
safety, or are causing a public nuisance, such discharges are prohibited
from entering the MS4 and will be considered an illicit discharge.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
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Section No. 10.05
Article 10 Prohibitions
Section 10.05 Page 1 of 3
(a) The following prohibitions apply to all persons and activities on land or
waters within District jurisdiction.
1. Illegal Discharges. Except as provided in Section 10.04, it is
unlawful for any Person to discharge non-stormwater to the MS4. It
is unlawful to cause or contribute to any illicit discharge directly or
indirectly into the MS4, receiving waters, or land except as
conditionally allowed in this Article. It is unlawful for any Person to
cause, either individually or jointly, any discharge into or from the
MS4 that results in or contributes to a violation of the MS4 Permit.
2. Illicit Connection. It is unlawful to establish, use or maintain an illicit
connection to the stormwater conveyance system. This prohibition
applies retroactively to connections made in the past, even if the
connection was established pursuant to a valid permit and was legal
at the time of the connection.
3. Waste and Pollutants Disposed on Land and in Water. It is unlawful
to release, discharge, place or deposit any substances, pollutants, or
waste, on land or in the MS4 or elsewhere in the receiving waters
except in such receptacles as may be provided by the District. It is
unlawful to dispose of, or attempt to dispose of, waste by burying it
in or under the earth or water.
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Section 10.05 Page 2 of 3
4. Flammable Materials. It is unlawful to throw, deposit, leave,
abandon, pump, or discharge oil, spirits, or any flammable liquid or
material on District lands, in the MS4, or in receiving waters.
5. Discharge of Excreta and Sewage. It is unlawful to discharge, or
cause or permit the discharge of excreta or sewage, except in
designated pump-out stations or restroom facilities. It is unlawful to
fail to properly connect any inhabited improvements to a sewage
disposal system or sanitary sewer or to permit sewage seepage.
6. “Washing of Impervious Surfaces”. It is unlawful to discharge, cause
or permit the discharge of untreated wash water from the washing of
impervious surfaces.
7. “Wash Waters”. It is unlawful to discharge, cause or permit the
discharge of untreated wash water or the washing of any floor
coverings such as grates, mats or rugs from any commercial or
industrial sites or activities, including but not limited to, restaurants,
commercial fishing landings, gas stations, auto repair garages, or
from other types of automotive or repair facilities, into the stormwater
conveyance system or receiving waters.
8. Irrigation Water Runoff. It is unlawful to discharge, or cause or
permit the discharge of irrigation water, including recycled water
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used for irrigation, landscape irrigation, and lawn watering to the MS4
or receiving waters.
9. Repair, Construction and Demolition Debris. It is unlawful to deposit
or abandon waste or building material of any description that has
been generated during the repair, construction, or demolition of any
structure or vessel. Upon the completion of any repair, construction
or demolition, all Dischargers shall gather up and haul away all waste
of every nature and return the land to a condition equal to or better
than its original condition, at their sole cost and expense.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.06
Article 10 Best Management Practice Requirements Section 10.06 Page 1 of 6
(a) Applicability. Every Person undertaking any activity or use of a premise or
facility which may cause or contribute to stormwater pollution, illicit
discharges, or non-stormwater discharges, shall comply with the BMP
guidelines or pollution control requirements as established by this Article
and the JRMP.
1. Minimum BMPs for All Persons. All Persons must install, implement
and maintain the following minimum BMPs.
a) Pollution Prevention BMPs. Stormwater pollution prevention
practices that are generally recognized in the applicable
industry or business as being effective and economically
sound or as described in the JRMP must be implemented.
b) Proper Use of Materials. All materials with the potential to
pollute urban runoff (including but not limited to cleaning and
maintenance products used outdoors, fertilizers, pesticides
and herbicides) shall be used in accordance with label
directions or material safety data sheets.
c) Storage of Materials and Waste. All materials and wastes with
the potential to discharge to the MS4 or receiving waters shall
be stored in a manner that either prevents
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Section No. 10.06
Article 10 Best Management Practice Requirements Section 10.06 Page 2 of 6
contact with stormwater or contains contaminated runoff for
treatment and disposal.
2. Minimum BMPs for All Facilities and Activities. All facilities and/or
activities identified in this Subsection must implement and maintain
the BMPs applicable to that facility or activity as identified in the
JRMP, as required by the Executive Director, as required by
applicable NPDES Permits, as required by other state or federal law
or, for Priority Development Projects, the BMP Design Manual.
a) Commercial Facilities and Activities. Commercial facilities and
activities must meet the applicable requirements of this Article
and the JRMP. This includes, but is not limited to, compliance
with all prohibition requirements and minimum BMPs
specified in the JRMP for commercial activities.
b) Industrial Facilities and Activities. Facilities and activities
subject to the General Industrial Stormwater Permit must
install, implement and maintain any additional BMPs required
by that Permit in addition to the BMPs required in the JRMP.
c) Construction Activities. Construction activities must meet the
applicable requirements of this Article and the JRMP. This
includes, but is not limited to, compliance with all prohibition
requirements and minimum BMPs specified in the JRMP for
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.06
Article 10 Best Management Practice Requirements Section 10.06 Page 3 of 6
construction activities. Those facilities and activities also
subject to the General Construction Stormwater Permit must
install, implement and maintain any additional BMPs required
by that permit and meet documentation, permit registration
and permit close-out requirements of that permit.
(b) “Maintenance of BMPs”. Every person undertaking any municipal,
construction, commercial or industrial activity, development, or any activity
or use of a facility shall maintain the BMPs necessary to achieve and
maintain compliance with this Article. The tenant(s) and operators of lands
on which treatment control BMPs, including but not limited to temporary and
post-construction BMPs, have been installed to meet the requirements of
this Article or the JRMP shall ensure the maintenance of those BMPs at all
times. Maintenance of a BMP may be transferred with the following
1. The District or another public entity may accept responsibility for
maintenance of any BMP, under such conditions as the District or
other public entity determines are appropriate. Where a maintenance
obligation is proposed by a public entity other than the District, the
District shall be involved in the negotiations with that agency, and in
negotiations with the other agencies responsible for issuing permits
for the construction and/or maintenance of the BMP. In these
instances, the District must be identified as a third
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.06
Article 10 Best Management Practice Requirements Section 10.06 Page 4 of 6
party beneficiary empowered to enforce any such maintenance
2. Any Discharger who transfers ownership of a BMP or responsibility
for the maintenance of a BMP to another Discharger shall provide
written notice of the maintenance obligations associated with that
BMP to the District and any new or Additional responsible party prior
to that transfer. No transfer of ownership of a BMP or transfer of
maintenance responsibilities to a new responsible party may occur
without District approval and signed acknowledgements from all
parties involved with the transaction.
3. Inspection, Repair and Upgrading of Treatment Control BMPs. The
Discharger must regularly inspect any treatment control BMPs at
manned and unmanned facilities to verify that they are functioning as
designed. Inspections must be performed at least once a year. The
Discharger must repair any treatment control BMPs that fail as soon
as it is safe to do so. If the failure of such a BMP indicates that the
BMPs in use are inappropriate or inadequate to the circumstances,
the Discharger must modify or upgrade the BMPs to prevent any
further failure in the same or similar circumstances.
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Section No. 10.06
Article 10 Best Management Practice Requirements Section 10.06 Page 5 of 6
4. Documentation of BMP Maintenance and Inspection of Treatment
Control BMPs”. The Discharger must maintain inspection records
and documentation of routine maintenance and report of the
treatment control BMPs at their facility. Inspection records and
documentation of maintenance must be made available to the
District upon request.
(c) Stormwater Plan Compliance. Whenever a SWPPP, Construction BMP
Plan, or other plan is required, the Executive Director may require
consideration of District documents when determining which BMPs to
include in the proposed plan(s) to prevent or reduce pollution. Any person
required to prepare a SWPPP or Construction BMP Plan or other plan shall
install, implement and maintain the BMPs identified in the plan for the life of
the project or the duration of the pollutant generating activities. Such plans
may be required for:
1. NPDES Permits. Any Discharger that owns or operates industrial
facilities or activities subject to the General Industrial Stormwater
Permit shall prepare and maintain on site an up-to-date SWPPP as
required by the applicable NPDES Permit. Any Discharger that owns
or operates construction activities subject to the General
Construction Stormwater Permit shall prepare and maintain on site
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Section No. 10.06
Article 10 Best Management Practice Requirements Section 10.06 Page 6 of 6
an up-to-date SWPPP as required by the applicable NPDES Permit.
2. District Requirements. In addition to any other authority provided in
this Article 10, the Executive Director may require any person to
prepare, submit and implement a SWPPP, Construction BMP Plan
or other plan if:
a) A person proposes to undertake any construction activities,
whether or not such activity is subject to the General
Construction Stormwater Permit;
b) A person does not come into compliance with this Article after
one or more warnings or other enforcement actions in
response to inadequate implementation or maintenance of
c) The facility or activity at issue is a source of pollutants to
receiving waters despite compliance with this Article; or
d) To ensure compliance with the MS4 Permit.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
(Amended October 9, 2018 Ordinance No. 2931)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.07
Article 10 Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Conveyance Laterals, Sewer Laterals and
On-Site Waste Water Systems Section 10.07 Page 1 of 1
(a) Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Conveyance Laterals, Sewer
Laterals and On-site Wastewater Systems. Stormwater conveyance
laterals shall be cleaned, maintained and replaced when necessary to
prevent seepage and spills. Sewer laterals shall be cleaned, maintained and
replaced when necessary to prevent seepage and spills. On-site
wastewater systems shall be pumped, maintained, and modified or
replaced when necessary to prevent spills.
1. Spills. Any spill or release from the failure of a stormwater
conveyance lateral, sewer lateral or on-site wastewater system shall
be contained and cleaned-up in a manner that minimizes any release
of pollutants.
2. Damaged or Failed Systems. Damaged or failed stormwater
conveyance laterals, sewer laterals or on-site wastewater systems
shall be repaired or replaced, after obtaining all required permits and
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007 – Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.08
Article 10 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Section 10.08 Page 1 of 3
(a) Applicability. All Dischargers shall comply with this Section.
(b) Reporting of Spills, Releases and Illicit Discharges. The Discharger shall
report spills, releases, and illicit discharges to the stormwater conveyance
system or to receiving waters to the District upon discovery and as
otherwise required by applicable State and Federal laws, rules or
regulations. The Discharger shall provide copies to the District of any and
all communications between the Discharger and any other government
agency upon request. If safe to do so, the Discharger shall take immediate
action to contain and minimize the spill, release or illicit discharge.
(c) Monitoring. Any Discharger required to sample, test, monitor, and report
shall make the results of such activities available to the District upon request
at the Discharger’s sole expense. Sampling, testing, monitoring, and
reporting may be required for:
1. NPDES Permits. Discharges subject to the General Industrial
Stormwater Permit and the General Construction Stormwater Permit
shall perform the sampling, testing, monitoring and reporting
required by the applicable NPDES Permit.
2. District Requirements. Whenever a SWPPP, Construction BMP or
other plan is required, the Executive Director may require the
Discharger to perform sampling, testing, monitoring and reporting.
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Section No. 10.08
Article 10 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Section 10.08 Page 2 of 3
3. District Orders. The Executive Director may order a Discharger to
conduct testing or monitoring and to report the results to the District
at the Discharger’s sole expense if:
a) The Executive Director determines that testing or monitoring
is needed to determine whether BMPs are effectively
preventing or reducing pollution in stormwater as required by
this Article, or to determine whether the facility is a significant
source of pollutants to receiving waters;
b) The Executive Director determines that testing or monitoring
is needed to assess the impacts of a spill or illicit discharge;
c) A spill or illicit discharge has not been eliminated after written
notice by the Executive Director;
d) Repeated violations have been documented by written
notices from the Executive Director; or
e) The RWQCB requires the District to provide any information
related to the Discharger's activities
(d) “Testing. The Executive Director may determine the manner in which any
testing and monitoring must occur, and may determine when required
sampling, testing or monitoring may be discontinued. Testing and
monitoring ordered may include the following:
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Article 10 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Section 10.08 Page 3 of 3
1. Visual monitoring of dry weather flows, wet weather erosion,
and/or BMPs;
2. Visual monitoring of premises for spills or discharges;
3. Laboratory analyses performed by a California State Certified
Laboratory of stormwater or non-stormwater discharges for
4. Background or baseline monitoring or analysis; and
5. Monitoring of receiving waters or sediments that may be
affected by pollutant discharges by the Discharger (or by a
group of Dischargers including the Discharger).
(e) Reporting of Testing Results. The Executive Director may determine the
manner in which the results of any testing and monitoring are reported.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
(Amended October 9, 2018 Ordinance No. 2931)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.09
Article 10 Development and Redevelopment Projects Section 10.09 Page 1 of 4
(a) Applicability. The following requirements are applicable to all development
and redevelopment activities.
(b) “Post-Construction BMP Requirements for all development projects.
Development and redevelopment projects as defined in the BMP Design
Manual shall be designed to include and shall implement post-construction
BMPs consistent with the BMP Design Manual. Post-construction BMPs
must ensure that pollutants and runoff from the development will be reduced
to the MEP, will not significantly degrade receiving water quality, and will
not cause or contribute to an exceedance of receiving water quality
(c) BMP Operation and Maintenance Verification. Annual written verification
of effective operation and maintenance of each approved treatment control
BMP by the Discharger is required to be submitted to the District at the
Discharger’s sole expense prior to each wet season.
(d) Any proposed alteration or construction activity to a development project
where post-construction BMPs had been previously installed must evaluate
whether the proposed alteration or construction activity will impact the
original design, intent, or pollutant removal effectiveness of the post-
construction BMP at the site. Any proposed impacts to post-construction
BMPs must be addressed either by replacement or upgrade
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Article 10 Development and Redevelopment Projects Section 10.09 Page 2 of 4
as required to meet the conditions of the development project approval, the
JRMP, or this Article.
(e) Priority Development Projects. Priority Development Projects are subject
to structural BMP requirements as defined in the BMP Design Manual. All
Priority Development Projects (including ministerial projects) shall be
designed using the methods described in the BMP Design Manual and shall
include all applicable studies and reviews required by the BMP Design
1. Priority Development Project BMP Requirements. All priority
development projects shall implement the post-construction BMPs
unless they have provided a written determination, to the satisfaction
of the District that said BMPs are not applicable or feasible.
2. Stormwater Quality Management Plan. All Priority Development
Projects shall develop a SWQMP and submit the plan for the
District’s review and approval. The SWQMP must reflect the actual
constructed condition of the Priority Development Project.
3. Priority Development Project BMP Requirements”. All Priority
Development Projects shall implement post-construction BMPs
consistent with the BMP Design Manual unless they have provided
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.09
Article 10 Development and Redevelopment Projects Section 10.09 Page 3 of 4
a written determination, to the satisfaction of the District that said
BMPs are not applicable or feasible.
(f) “Post-Construction BMP Operations and Management Plan”. All
applications for a permit or approval associated with a development or
redevelopment project subject to structural treatment control must be
accompanied by a post-construction operations and management plan
specified by the District. The plan shall specify the manner in which the
applicant will implement the post-construction BMPs required by this Article.
(g) “Stormwater Management Plan Review Deposit”. The District may require
a monetary deposit to pay the estimated reasonable costs for the review of
any development or redevelopment project proposal for compliance with
this Section. Such a monetary deposit must be approved by the Board of
Port Commissioners prior to implementation.
(h) “Alternative Compliance for Priority Development Projects”. Pursuant to
Provision E.3.c.(3) of the MS4 Permit, the District may authorize the use of
off-site facilities and areas for stormwater management to supplement on-
site BMPs at Priority Development Projects as an alternative compliance
measure to meet post-construction BMP performance requirements. The
applicant must meet all the terms and conditions of the District alternative
compliance approval within the required timeframe.
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Section No. 10.09
Article 10 Development and Redevelopment Projects Section 10.09 Page 4 of 4
(i) Waivers. Principal permits or approvals sought for a project otherwise
subject to this Section may be waived if the Executive Director determines
that compliance would be infeasible.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.10
Article 10 Other Acts and Omissions that are Violations Section 10.10 Page 1 of 2
The following acts and omissions are violations of this Article:
(a) Causing, Permitting, Aiding or Abetting Non-Compliance. It is unlawful to
cause, permit, aid or abet non-compliance with any part of this Article.
(b) False Statements, Misrepresentation and Concealment. It is unlawful to
make any false statement or misrepresentation to the District or its agents
concerning compliance with this Article. False statements or
misrepresentations may include, but are not limited to, any
misrepresentation in a voluntary disclosure, any submission of a report that
omits required material facts without disclosing such omission, and any
withholding of information required to be submitted by or pursuant to this
Article. It is unlawful to conceal a violation of this Article.
(c) Failure to Promptly Correct Non-Compliance. Violations of this Article
must be corrected as soon as practical or within the time period specified
by the Executive Director. Each day or part thereof that action necessary to
correct a violation is not initiated and diligently pursued is a separate
(d) Continued Non-Compliance. A separate violation may be considered to
have taken place for each day of non-compliance with this Article exists.
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Section No. 10.10
Article 10 Other Acts and Omissions that are Violations Section 10.10 Page 2 of 2
(e) Permits, Approvals and SWPPPs. It is unlawful to fail to conform with an
applicable SWPPP, Construction BMP Plan or another plan required
pursuant to this Article or fail to comply with urban runoff-related provisions
in any other District permit or approval.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
(Amended October 9, 2018 Ordinance No. 2931)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.11
Article 10 Inspections Section 10.11 Page 1 of 1
(a) Authority to Inspect. The Executive Director is authorized to inspect
activities and facilities, whether or not occupied, at reasonable times, in a
reasonable manner, and with reasonable notice to carry out the purposes
of this Article or any applicable statute, rule, code or regulation enforceable
by the District.
(b) Scope of Inspections. Inspections may include any and all actions
necessary to determine compliance with this Article. Inspections may
include, but may not be limited to sampling, taking measurements,
metering, and placing devices necessary to sample, monitor, meter, record,
visually inspect and review records. When samples are collected, the owner
or operator may request and receive split samples. Records, reports,
analyses, or other information required under this Article may be inspected
and copied, and photographs taken to document a condition and/or a
violation of this Article.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.12
Article 10 Enforcement Section 10.12 Page 1 of 6
Violations of this Article may be deemed a threat to public health, safety and
welfare, and the environment and are identified as public nuisances. The Executive
Director may enforce this Article and abate public nuisances in his or her discretion as
(a) Administrative Authorities”. Written and/or verbal orders may be issued to
stop any action in violation of this Article or any applicable statute, rule, code
or regulation enforceable by the District, including but not limited to the
elimination of illicit discharges or the removal of illicit connections.
1. Administrative Citation”. An Administrative Citation may be issued,
and civil penalties may be imposed pursuant to Section O. ll (i).
Administrative citations may be issued to discipline a Discharger for
violations of this article, to require abatement, corrective, remedial,
and/ or mitigation activities, including but not limited to any of those
listed in Section 10.06 or any applicable statute, rule, code or
regulation enforceable by the District. All required actions must be
performed within a reasonable period of time as determined by the
Executive Director. An Administrative Citation may also be issued to
abate any public nuisance created by or resulting from a violation of
this Article, including summary abatement. All costs to detect and
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.12
Article 10 Enforcement Section 10.12 Page 2 of 6
abate any such public nuisance shall be borne by the violator and/ or
the tenant of the premises on which the public nuisance exists.
2. Stop Work Orders. Whenever any work is being done contrary to
the provisions of this Article, or any applicable statute, rule, code or
regulation enforceable by the District, the Executive Director may
order the work stopped by notice in writing, served on any person
performing the work or causing such work to be done, and any such
person shall immediately stop such work until authorized by the
Executive Director to proceed. Any challenge to the abatement costs
or the necessity of manner of abatement shall be resolved through
the hearing procedures in Section 0.11(i).
3. Summary Abatement. If the Executive Director determines that a
public nuisance exists and immediate action is necessary to
preserve or protect the public health or safety, the District may
summarily abate the nuisance by any reasonable means without
notice or hearing. Any challenge to the abatement costs or the
necessity or manner of abatement shall be resolved through the
hearing procedures in Section 0.11(i).
4. “Permit Suspension and Renovation”. Violations of this Article or any
applicable statute, rule, code or regulation enforceable by the District
may be grounds for suspension, revocation or modification
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Article 10 Enforcement Section 10.12 Page 3 of 6
of any permit, license or approval. Suspensions and revocations
shall occur in accordance with the hearing procedures in Section
b. Judicial Authorities”.
1. Injunctive or Declaratory Relief. Any violation of this Article or any
applicable statute, rule, code or regulation enforceable by the District
may be enforced by a judicial action for injunctive or declaratory
2. Civil Penalties and Remedies. The District may file actions in
Superior Court to enforce this Article or any applicable statute, rule,
code or regulation enforceable by the District, seeking civil penalties
and/or other remedies as provided in this Section and in Section
10.12. There is no requirement that administrative enforcement
authorities be used before such actions are filed.
3. Criminal Arrest. The assistance of a peace officer may be enlisted
to arrest violators as provided in California Penal Code, Ordinances
5, 5c, 5d of Title 3, Part 2 (or as amended) and/or a citation and
notice to appear as prescribed in Ordinance 5c of Title 3, Part 2 of
the Penal Code, including Section 853.6 (or as amended) may be
issued. There is no requirement that administrative enforcement
authorities be used before such actions are filed. The immunities
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 10.12
Article 10 Enforcement Section 10.12 Page 4 of 6
prescribed in Section 836.5 of the Penal Code are applicable to the
Executive Director and his or her designees acting in the course and
scope of their employment pursuant to this Article.
a) Administrative Penalties. Administrative penalties may be
imposed pursuant to District Code Section 0.11(i). Any later-
enacted administrative penalty provision in the District Code
shall also be applicable to this Article, unless otherwise
provided therein.
b) Criminal Penalties. Criminal penalties may be imposed
pursuant to District Code Section 0.11.
1. Misdemeanor. Non-compliance with any part of this
Article constitutes a misdemeanor and may be
enforced and punished as prescribed in Section 0.11
and any other applicable statute, rule or regulation.
2. Infraction. The Executive Director may charge any
violation of this Article as an infraction at his or her
discretion. Infractions may be abated as a nuisance or
enforced and punished as prescribed in Section 0.11
and any other applicable statute, rule or regulation.
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Article 10 Enforcement Section 10.12 Page 5 of 6
c) Civil Penalties. The following may be awarded without
monetary limitation in any civil action, except where a
maximum monetary amount is specified.
1. Injunctive relief;
2. Costs to investigate, inspect, monitor, survey or litigate;
3. Costs to place or remove soils or erosion control
materials, to correct any violation, and to repair
environmental damage or to end any other adverse
effects of a violation;
4. Compensatory damages for losses to the District or
any other plaintiff caused by violations; and/or
restitution to third parties for losses caused by
5. Civil penalties in accordance with District Code Section
0.11(i); and
6. Attorney fees and court costs as permitted by law
d). Cost Recovery. The Executive Director may impose a
monetary penalty without limitation to recover the costs,
including staff time and materials, to investigate or monitor
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 10 Enforcement Section 10.12 Page 6 of 6
any violation of this Article.
e) Attorney Fees. In any action, administrative proceeding or
special proceeding to enforce this Article and abate a
nuisance, the prevailing party may recover attorney fees if, at
the initiation of the action or proceeding, the District elects to
seek recovery of its own attorneys' fees. In no event shall the
award of attorney fees to the prevailing party exceed the
amount of reasonable attorney fees incurred by the District in
the action or proceeding.
f) Penalties and Remedies Not Exclusive. Penalties and
remedies under this Article may be cumulative and in addition
to other administrative, civil, or criminal remedies.
(Enacted July 25, 2000Ordinance No. 2105)
(Amended December 11, 2007Ordinance No. 2475)
(Amended May 12, 2015 Ordinance No. 2815)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.01
Article 11 Regulations of Newsracks on Port District Tidelands Findings and Purpose
Section 11.01 Page 1 of 7
(a) The San Diego Unified Port District ("the District") makes the following
1. The uncontrolled proliferation, placement and maintenance of
Newsracks (as defined in Section 11.02 below) in public rights-of-
way presents an inconvenience and danger to the safety and welfare
of persons using such rights-of-way, including pedestrians, persons
entering and leaving vehicles and buildings, and persons performing
essential utility, traffic control and emergency services.
2. Newsracks which disseminate Publications so located as to cause
an inconvenience or danger to persons using public rights-of-way,
and unsightly Newsracks located therein, constitute public
3. Newsracks that are not reasonably maintained in a neat and clean
condition threaten the general welfare, including the aesthetic
appearance, of the public rights-of-way. Because the desirability of
the District as a place to visit and do business is partly dependent on
maintaining high quality views, such blight could have serious
economic consequences.
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Section No. 11.01
Article 11 Regulations of Newsracks on Port District Tidelands Findings and Purpose
Section 11.01 Page 2 of 7
4. Without regulations, the placement of Newsracks may block
pedestrian access to the tidelands and other areas of the District.
Unregulated Newsracks may also decrease access to sidewalks,
poles, posts, traffic signs and signals, hydrants, mailboxes, and
locations used for public transportation purposes. This in turn can
lead to the deterioration of facilities or higher maintenance costs.
5. Unregulated Newsracks threaten public safety by presenting
hazards to both pedestrians and drivers.
6. Additional regulations specific to the North Embarcadero are
necessary to protect the public health and safety, general welfare
and aesthetics of the District, as well as the District's economic
investments. Specifically, the North Embarcadero area of the District
is undergoing redevelopment at a cost in excess of $28 million. The
revitalization plan envisions the North Embarcadero as San Diego's
"front porch" with a clear pedestrian orientation allowing for visitors
to celebrate the San Diego Bay. All structures are to be designed to
minimize blockage of views to the waterfront and must make
provisions for the continuity of public access. The specifics of the
plan call for: (1) development of access to the waterfront; (2) further
development of the already existing pedestrian promenade and bike
path; (3) development of hotels,
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
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Article 11 Regulations of Newsracks on Port District Tidelands Findings and Purpose
Section 11.01 Page 3 of 7
restaurant and entertainment facilities; and (4) development of a
home port cruise ship terminal including customs and immigration
facilities. The District has in some years received over 500,000
passengers annually just from cruise ships and has had over
900,000 visitors in total annually. With the redevelopment of the
North Embarcadero area, this number is expected to increase.
7. Aesthetics, pedestrian access, and safety can be controlled by
regulating the number, size, construction, placement, and
appearance of the Newsracks without limiting public access to the
8. The locational requirements contained in these regulations do not
unreasonably restrict the dissemination of constitutionally protected
speech, including Publications. A sufficient and reasonable number
of alternative locations for the distribution of Publications are
provided for by these regulations. Of important note, these
regulations do not serve as a total prohibition on all Newsracks but
rather restrict the total number of Newsracks in certain designated
areas. Ample locations for Newsracks on District property remain
pursuant to these regulations, including in the redeveloped North
Embarcadero area. Prior to the enactment of these regulations,
many of the Newsracks placed on District property were not in use,
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.01
Article 11 Regulations of Newsracks on Port District Tidelands Findings and Purpose
Section 11.01 Page 4 of 7
further evidencing that setting some limitations on the location and/or
numbers of Newsracks still provides for ample locations. Further,
Newsracks can be placed on property adjacent to District property,
and while the District encompasses approximately 2,500 acres of
waterfront property, its configuration as a narrow band around the
water means that Newsracks may be available in adjacent areas just
a short distance away. Finally, the Board of Port Commissioners
takes note of the proliferation of the news and other information on
the Internet, satellite television and direct television, and that these
various media also provide alternative avenues of communication.
The emergence of the Internet brings with it a virtually unlimited
additional source of news, and other information available to
interested persons in every community. Publications no longer have
to be physically located in a specific jurisdiction to be available in the
9. The above findings establish that the unreasonable interference with
and obstruction of public rights-of-way by unregulated Newsracks is
injurious to public health, safety and welfare, offensive to the senses,
and such an obstruction of the free use of property as to interfere in
the comfortable enjoyment of life and property by the entire
community. The use of such public rights-of-
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Section No. 11.01
Article 11 Regulations of Newsracks on Port District Tidelands Findings and Purpose
Section 11.01 Page 5 of 7
way is nevertheless so historically associated with the sale and
distribution of Publications that access to those areas for such
purposes should not be absolutely prohibited.
10. Rather, these strong and competing interests require a reasonable
accommodation, which can be satisfactorily achieved through the
means of this Article which is designed to accommodate such
interests regulating the time, place and manner of using Newsracks.
11. The Board of Port Commissioners in enacting this Ordinance does
hereby take legislative notice of the various decisions of the United
States Supreme Court including but not limited to, Los Angeles v.
Taxpayers For Vincent, 466 U.S. 789 (1984); Lakewood v. Plain
Dealer Publishing Co., 486 U.S. 750 (1988); City of Cincinnati v.
Discovery Network, Inc., 507 U.S. 410 (1993); Cox v. New
Hampshire, 312 U.S. 569 (1941); decisions of the Ninth Circuit
including Honolulu Weekly, Inc. v. Harris, 298 F.3d 1037 (9th Cir.
2002); decisions from other circuits including, Gold Coast
Publications, Inc. v. Corrigan, 42 F.3d 1336 (11th Ck. 1994); Sentinel
Communications Co, v. Watts, 936 F.2d 1189 (11th Cir. 1991);
Jacobsen v. Harris, 869 F.2d 1172 (8th Cir. 1989); Chicago
Observer, Inc. v. City of Chicago, 929 F.2d 325 (7th Cir. 1991); and
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.01
Article 11 Regulations of Newsracks on Port District Tidelands Findings and Purpose
Section 11.01 Page 6 of 7
Globe Newspaper Co. v. Beacon Hill Architectural Comm'n, 100 F.3d
175 (1st Cir. 1996); decisions of the California Supreme Court
including, Kash Enterprises v. City of Los Angeles, 19 Cal.3d 294
(1977); and decisions from district courts including, Napa Valley
Publishing Co. v. City of Calistoga, 225 F.Supp.2d 1176 (N.D. Cal.
(b) The purpose of the Board of Port Commissioners in enacting this Ordinance
is to secure and promote the public health, safety, and welfare of persons
within the District in their use of Public rights-of-way through the regulation
of placement, appearance, number, size, and servicing of Newsracks on
the Public rights-of-way so as to:
1. Provide for pedestrian and driving safety and convenience;
2. Restrict the unreasonable interference with the flow of pedestrian or
vehicular traffic, including ingress to, or egress from, any place of
business, the street to the sidewalk, or any legally parked or stopped
3. Provide reasonable access for the use and maintenance of
sidewalks, poles, posts, traffic signs and signals, hydrants,
mailboxes, and similar appurtenances, and access to locations used
for public transportation purposes;
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.01
Article 11 Regulations of Newsracks on Port District Tidelands Findings and Purpose
Section 11.01 Page 7 of 7
4. Eliminate Newsracks that may result in a visual blight on the public
rights-of-way, or that may unreasonably detract from the aesthetics
of surrounding properties, adjacent businesses, store window
displays, adjacent landscaping and other improvements;
5. Maintain and protect the values of surrounding District tidelands;
6. Maintain and protect the investment in, and aesthetics of, the
revitalization plan for the North Embarcadero area;
7. Reduce exposure of the District to personal injury or property
damage claims and litigation; and
8. Protect the right to distribute Publications through Newsracks as
guaranteed by the United States and California Constitutions.
(c) It is not the intent of this Article to in any way discriminate against, unduly
regulate, or interfere with the publication, circulation, distribution, or
dissemination of any material that is constitutionally protected.
(d) It is not the intent of these provisions to regulate the placement of
Newsracks on private property. It shall remain the responsibility of the
Permittee to determine the property lines and ensure Newsracks are placed
within the public rights-of-way in compliance with this Article.
(Enacted February 12, 2013 Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.02
Article 11 Definitions Section 11.02 Page 1 of 5
For the purpose of this Article, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the
words and phrases used herein shall have the following meanings:
"Class I" means class designation of District land as defined in the Port Master
Plan that applies to shoreline areas proposed for or developed by the District for public
recreational purposes.
"Class II" means class designation of District land as defined in the Port Master
Plan that applies to undeveloped shoreline property.
"Class III" means class designation of District land as defined in the Port Master
Plan that applies to leased, developed shoreline areas upon which private or public
investment has constructed commercial facilities, as well as the adjacent rights-of-way,
including sidewalks.
"Class IV" means class designation of District land as defined in the Port Master
Plan that applies to non-recreational areas developed with public or private funds to
accommodate industrial activities and sea or air transportation facilities.
"Combination Dispenser" means a common structure housing two or more
Newsracks and is subject to the same standards and regulations as a Newsrack, unless
otherwise stated in this Article.
"District Owned Shared Newsrack" means a single Newsrack housing more than
one publication and is subject to the same standards and regulations as a Newsrack,
unless otherwise stated in this Section. District Owned Shared Newsracks will initially
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.02
Article 11 Definitions Section 11.02 Page 2 of 5
be placed in the North Embarcadero but may eventually be expanded to other areas of
the District.
"District Tidelands" means the tidelands administered by the District, as defined in
Harbors & Navigation Code, Appendix I.
"Driveway" means a path from motor vehicles leading from a street or road.
"Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the San Diego Unified Port
District or his or her designee.
"Hearing Officer" means Vice President of the District or other competent Person
with a background in law or the dissemination of Publications, as defined herein, retained
by the District to hear disputes on an as needed basis.
"Newsrack" means any self-service or coin-operated box, container, storage unit
or other dispenser that rests or projects, in whole or in part, in or upon any portion of a
Public Right-of- way, and is placed, used, or maintained for the display, distribution, or
sale of any Publication listed in the permit granted under this Article. Unless otherwise
stated in this Article, the term Newsrack includes Combination Dispenser, Newsrack
Cluster, and District Owned Shared Newsrack, and the same standards and regulations
shall apply to all Newsracks and any variant thereof.
"Newsstand" means a shop or open booth where any Publications are sold.
"Newsrack Cluster" means any combination Newsracks placed immediately
adjacent to each other and is subject to the same standards and regulations as a
Newsrack, unless otherwise stated in this Article.
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Section No. 11.02
Article 11 Definitions Section 11.02 Page 3 of 5
"North Embarcadero" means the area bordered by Navy Pier on the south, “B”
Street Pier on the north; from the Bulkhead line at the “B” Pier, east 195ft. and from the
Bulkhead line at Navy Pier east 175ft. (as detailed in the attached exhibit).
"Parkway" means the area between the sidewalk and the curb of any street, and
where there is no sidewalk, the area between the edge of the Roadway and the property
line adjacent thereto. "Parkway" shall also include any area within a Roadway that is not
open to vehicular travel.
"Publications" means any printed work offered for sale or distribution including
but not limited to newspapers, news periodicals, magazines, periodicals, booklets,
brochures, leaflets, handbills, or other written material.
"Permittee" means the Person or entity who receives a permit to place, use, and
maintain A Newsrack on a Public right-of-way.
"Person" means any person or persons, or entity including, but not limited to, a
corporation, partnership, unincorporated association or joint venture.
"Port Master Plan" means the Master Plan adopted by the Board of Port
Commissioners in 1980, as modified and certified by the California Coastal Commission
in 1981, and as subsequently modified and/or amended.
"Public Right-of-way" means any place of any nature which is dedicated to use by
the public for pedestrian and vehicular travel, and includes, but is not limited to, a street,
sidewalk, curb, gutter, crossing, intersection. parkway, highway, alley, lane, mall,
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Section No. 11.02
Article 11 Definitions Section 11.02 Page 4 of 5
court, way, avenue, boulevard, road, roadway, viaduct, subway, tunnel, bridge,
thoroughfare, park square, and any other similar public way.
"Roadway" means that part of a public right-of-way improved, designed, or
ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
"Sidewalk" means that part of a public right-of-way provided and ordinarily used
for the exclusive use of pedestrian travel.
"Street" means that part of a public right-of-way dedicated to public use for public
street purposes and shall include, but not be limited to, roadways, parkways, alleys and
(Enacted February 12, 2013 Ordinance No. 2704)
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Section No. 11.02
Article 11 Definitions Section 11.02 Page 5 of 5
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.03
Article 11 General Prohibitions Section 11.03 Page 1 of 1
The placement, use, or maintenance of any Newsrack in violation of this Article is
prohibited, including all Newsracks that endanger the safety of persons or property, or fail
to comply with all permit conditions.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
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Section No. 11.03.5
Article 11 Permit Issuance, Denial and Appeal Section 11.03.5 Page 1 of 2
(a) A Person who proposes to place, use, or maintain a Newsrack in the Public
Right-of-way shall first obtain a permit for such Newsrack from the
Executive Director or his designee. The Executive Director shall charge a
Newsrack permit fee as necessary to offset the costs of the District for
establishing and administering the provisions of the ordinance. Any permit
issued shall be valid for up to one year and shall be renewable. Each
Newsrack in one location, or each placement of a Publication in a District
Owned Shared Newsrack shall require a separate permit.
(b) Upon a finding by the Executive Director that an application is complete,
accurate, and in compliance with this Article, a permit shall be issued. The
Executive Director shall decide to grant or deny a permit application within
seven (7) business days of receipt of a complete application as set forth in
Section 11.04. The Executive Director shall only grant a permit if he or she
finds that the application complies with each provision of this Article.
(c) A permit may be denied for noncompliance with this Article or for failure to
provide accurate and complete information. If a permit is denied, the
Executive Director shall give the applicant written notice by U.S. mail of the
specific cause for denial.
(d) Any Person affected by the Executive Director's decision to approve or deny
a permit application may appeal that decision to a Hearing Officer,
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.03.5
Article 11 Permit Issuance, Denial and Appeal Section 11.03.5 Page 2 of 2
which shall hear the appeal. The Hearing Officer's review of the Executive
Director's decision shall be limited to the record before the Executive
Director, and no new evidence may be submitted. The Hearing Officer's
decision is final.
(e) Permits may not be transferred.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
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Section No. 11.04
Article 11 Permit Application Section 11.04 Page 1 of 2
A Person seeking issuance of a permit pursuant to this Article shall file with the
Executive Director a written application on a form supplied by the District. The application
shall include:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant;
(b) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant or other
responsible Person whom the District may contact regarding the applicant's
Newsrack and to whom notices may be sent;
(c) The proposed specific location of the Newsrack by provision of a diagram
or site map, drawn to scale, showing the proposed location of the Newsrack
and the Sidewalk, Streets, and other adjacent improvements within twenty-
five (25) feet, including, but not limited to, buildings, building entrances,
Driveways, marked and unmarked crosswalks, traffic signals, street light
poles, fire hydrants, bus stops and bus benches, utility poles, telephones,
and existing Newsracks;
(d) The name of the Publication, the name of the distributor/publisher, and the
proposed frequency of publication;
(e) A fee as determined by the Executive Director to cover the costs;
(f) A hold harmless agreement as detailed in Section 11.09; and
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.04
Article 11 Permit Application Section 11.04 Page 2 of 2
(g) Proof of Insurance as specified in Section 11.10.
The District will develop and set up a searchable, sortable database of
information about each Newsrack listed in a permit application. This
information is necessary to contact Permittees, conduct hearings, and
ensure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Permittees are
required to update information supplied on their permit application within
thirty (30) calendar days of any changes thereto. The granting of permits
shall not be based in any way on the content of constitutionally-protected
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.05
Article 11 Location Restrictions on Newsracks Section 11.05 Page 1 of 3
Any Newsrack that rests or projects in whole or in part, in, on or over any portion
of a Public Right-of-way shall be located in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) No Newsrack shall be placed, used, or maintained such that it rests or
projects in whole or in part in, on, or over any portion of any Roadway or
(b) No Newsrack shall be placed, used, or maintained such that it rests or
projects in whole or in part, in, on, or over any portion of a public Sidewalk
or Parkway, where such placement, use, or maintenance endangers the
safety of persons or property, or when such site or location is used for public
utility, public transportation purposes, or other governmental use, or when
such Newsrack unreasonably interferes with or impedes the flow of
pedestrian, wheelchair, or vehicular traffic, including any legally parked or
stopped vehicle, or the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, fire
hydrants, mailboxes, or other objects permitted at or near such location, or
when such Newsrack interferes with the cleaning of any Sidewalk by the
use of mechanical sidewalk cleaning.
(c) No Newsrack shall be placed, used, or maintained at or within:
1. Five (5) feet of any marked or unmarked crosswalk; the outer edge
of any bus bench; fire hydrant, fire sprinklers connection, fire call box,
police call box, or other emergency facility; any ramp intended
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.05
Article 11 Location Restrictions on Newsracks Section 11.05 Page 2 of 3
for use by disabled persons; any curb painted blue pursuant to
provisions of California Vehicle Code § 21458; any Sidewalk
obstruction, which includes but is not limited to traffic signals,
streetlights, trees, sign posts, and telephone or utility poles.
2. One (1) foot of any area improved with lawn, flowers, shrubs, trees,
or other landscaping.
3. Five (5) feet ahead of or forty-five (45) feet to the rear of any sign
marking a designated bus stop.
4. Ten (10) feet of any Driveway.
5. One hundred (100) feet of any other Newsrack on the same side of
the Street containing the same issue or edition of the same
6. Five (5) feet of the entrance or exit to any building.
7. Five (5) feet of any window that abuts a Sidewalk, or otherwise
located so as to interfere or impede the reasonable use of such
window for display purposes.
8. One hundred (100) feet of the entrance to any public gathering place
where queuing of pedestrian traffic regularly occurs. Such locations
shall include but are not limited to ticket booths and theater
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Section No. 11.05
Article 11 Location Restrictions on Newsracks Section 11.05 Page 3 of 3
(d) No Newsrack shall be chained, bolted, or otherwise affixed to any property
or permanently fixed object not owned by the owner of the Newsrack without
the written permission of the Executive Director.
(e) All Newsracks should be placed, used, or maintained at the edge of the
Sidewalk or pedestrian way farthest from the curb or Roadway (if any).
(f) No Newsrack shall be located more than twelve (12) inches from the edge
of the Sidewalk. Newsracks placed adjacent to the wall of a building shall
be placed parallel to such wall and not more than six (6) inches from the
wall. For Newsracks that must be placed at the edge of the Sidewalk closest
to the road due to an impossibility to comply with (e) above, they shall be
placed not less than twelve (12) inches nor more than twenty-four (24)
inches from the edge.
(g) No Newsrack shall be placed or maintained on a Sidewalk or opposite a
Newsstand or another Newsrack.
(h) All Newsracks shall be located and maintained facing inward toward the
centerline of the Public Right-of-way.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.06
Article 11 Newsrack Clusters Section 11.06 Page 1 of 1
(a) Not more than three (3) Newsracks shall be placed immediately adjacent to
each other, so as to constitute a Newsrack Cluster, whether chained,
otherwise attached, or freestanding. Any such Newsrack Cluster of up to
three (3) Newsracks shall be separated by a space of not less than 36
inches from any other individual Newsrack or Newsrack Cluster.
(b) Notwithstanding Section 11.06(a), the Executive Director may issue a
Newsrack permit allowing the placement of in excess of three (3)
immediately adjacent Newsracks following written findings that:
1. The extended Newsrack Cluster will preserve adequate space in the
Public Rights-of-way for the safe flow of pedestrian traffic.
2. The extended Newsrack Cluster will otherwise comply with all
provisions of this Article.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.07
Article 11 Standards for Maintenance and Placement Section 11.07 Page 1 of 3
Any Newsrack that rests or projects in whole or in part, in, on, or over any portion
of a Public Right-of-way shall be located in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) No Newsrack shall exceed fifty-four (54) inches in height, thirty (30) inches
in width, or twenty-four (24) inches in depth overall including any pedestal
or base and any coin mechanism.
(b) No Newsrack or Combination Dispenser shall weigh, in the aggregate, in
excess of one hundred twenty-five (125) pounds when empty.
(c) No exterior or interior component of any Newsrack shall be used for
advertising signs or publicity purposes other than that dealing with the
display, sale, or purchase of the Publication distributed or sold therein.
(d) Each coin-operated Newsrack shall be equipped with a coin-return
mechanism to permit a Person using the machine to secure an immediate
refund in the event the Person is unable to receive the paid for Publication.
The coin-return mechanism shall be maintained in good working order.
(e) Each Newsrack shall have affixed to it in a readily visible place so as to be
seen by anyone using the Newsrack, a notice setting forth the name,
address, and permit number of the Permittee or responsible Person and the
current working telephone number of a working telephone service to call to
report a malfunction, or to secure a refund in the event of a
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.07
Article 11 Standards for Maintenance and Placement Section 11.07 Page 2 of 3
malfunction of the coin-return mechanism, or to give the notices provided
for in this Article.
(f) Each Newsrack shall only contain current editions of the Publication(s) for
which the permit was issued.
(g) Each Newsrack shall have a door, covering, and/or other appropriate
device(s) preventing the Publications therein from getting wet and/or falling
out due to rain, wind, or similar environmental conditions.
(h) Each Newsrack shall be placed so as to be stable and maintained in a neat
and clean condition and in good repair at all times. Specifically, but without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Newsrack shall be serviced and
maintained so that:
1. It is reasonably free of dirt and grease; chipped, faded, peeling and
cracked paint in the visible painted areas thereon; and rust and
corrosion in the visible unpainted metal areas thereon.
2. It is reasonably free of graffiti. The Permittee shall be required to
remove graffiti on any Newsrack within a reasonable period of time,
but not to exceed three (3) business days, of oral or written
notification by the District of the existence of the graffiti. If the graffiti
is not removed within that time, the distributor is deemed to have
given the District authority to remove the graffiti at the Permittee's
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.07
Article 11 Standards for Maintenance and Placement Section 11.07 Page 3 of 3
3. The clear plastic or glass parts thereof, if any, through which the
Publications therein are viewed are unbroken and reasonably free of
cracks, dents, blemishes and discoloration.
4. The paper or cardboard parts or inserts thereof are reasonably free
of tears, pealing or fading.
5. The structural parts thereof are not broken or unduly misshapen. A
maintenance log documenting the Permittee's inspection of each
Newsrack shall be maintained by the Permittee and be available for
inspection upon request of the District.
a) Drop-in type anchor bolts may be used to secure Newsracks
to the Public Rights-of-way in exceptional circumstances as
an exception to section 11.05(d), at the discretion of the
Executive Director.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.07.5
Article 11 Standards for Removal of Newsracks Section 11.07.5 Page 1 of 1
If a Newsrack is found in violation of any provisions of Article 11, notice will be
given to the Permittee or responsible Person to correct the violation within ten (10)
business days. Failure to conform to the provisions of Article 11 shall be cause for removal
of a Newsrack. If the Executive Director or their designee concludes that the Newsrack
poses an immediate threat to the safety or welfare of the public, or correction of the
violation has not occurred within ten (10) business days of notice, the Newsrack may be
immediately removed by the District. Upon removal of any Newsrack, the Permittee or
responsible Person shall eliminate any potential hazards to the public, such as bolts,
brackets, or holes, and shall restore any disturbed area of the Public Right-of-way to the
same or reasonably similar condition as any adjoining Public Right-of-way by removing
any protrusions, cleaning the cavity of debris, filling the cavity with high strength epoxy or
grout to meet the elevation of the adjoining Public Right-of-way, and avoiding potential
depressions by taking into account shrinkage and settlement of the new material. The
Public Right-of-way shall be level and free of protrusions or depressions. The Permittee
or responsible Person shall match as closely as reasonably possible the color, texture,
and material of any adjoining Public Right-of-way surface. Permittee shall also reimburse
District for all reasonable costs associated with removal of non-conforming Newsracks.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.08
Article 11 Additional Standards for the North Embarcadero Area
Section 11.08 Page 1 of 3
The following additional standards apply to the North Embarcadero area:
(a) Only District Owned Shared Newsracks shall be placed in the North
Embarcadero. The size, number, composition, and location standards shall
be posted on the District's website and available in the District Clerk's
(b) Space within the Newsracks shall be allocated in accordance with this
section as follows:
1. An interested Publication or distributor of multiple Publications can
apply for one opening in District Owned Shared Newsrack.
2. Limited space within the District Owned Shared Newsrack shall be
allocated by frequency of Publication and each District Owned
Shared Newsrack will be partitioned as follows. As determined by the
Executive Director, a certain amount of spaces will be allocated to
daily Publications, to weekly Publications, and to less frequent
Publications. For purposes of this Article, "Daily" means a Publication
of approximately five (5) new editions per week; "Weekly" means no
fewer than four new editions per month; "Monthly" means no fewer
than one new edition per month; "Quarterly" means no fewer than
four new editions per year; "Semi-
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.08
Article 11 Additional Standards for the North Embarcadero Area
Section 11.08 Page 2 of 3
annual" means no fewer than two new editions per year; and
"Annual" means no fewer than one new edition per year. District
Owned Shared Newsracks shall be categorized by the lowest
frequency of any Publication therein.
3. If the number of applications for a particular frequency is less than
the spaces available, the Executive Director will allow the next
highest frequency to apply for that space. If space still remains, an
interested party may apply for more than one space within a specified
District Owned Shared Newsrack.
4. If the number of applications exceeds the number of spaces
available, then Executive Director will hold a lottery to allocate the
available spaces within each frequency of Publication category.
5. The District will adopt this lottery policy as deemed necessary by the
Executive Director. The policy will be based on a lottery consisting of
a random drawing or drawings awarding spaces to interested
applicants within a Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual,
or Annual frequency of Publication category as defined above.
6. If a Person or Permittee believes the result of a lottery or the
Executive Director's decision on a matter is contrary to the
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.08
Article 11 Additional Standards for the North Embarcadero Area
Section 11.08 Page 3 of 3
provisions of this Ordinance, they may request a hearing pursuant to
Section 11.13.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.08.5
Article 11 Location of Newsracks in Class Areas I-IV Section 11.08.5 Page 1 of 1
The Port Master Plan provides Class Areas I through IV designation for all land
within its jurisdiction and in addition to the location and placement standards discussed
in this Article the following requirements by Class area shall apply:
(a) Newsracks may be located in Class I, III and IV areas so long as the location
and placement of the Newsracks comply with all other provisions of this
(b) No Newsracks shall be located in areas designated as a Class II area.
Newsracks in these areas would introduce foreign objects into undeveloped
open space as well as encourage people to enter protected areas that may
carry restricted access.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.09
Article 11 Indemnification Requirement Section 11.09 Page 1 of 1
An application for a permit shall include a hold harmless agreement in substantial
compliance with this Section which must be executed by the Permittee prior to the
issuance of any permit under this Article. The Permittee shall, in a written statement in a
form approved by the Port Attorney, agree to the fullest extent provided by law to defend,
indemnify, and hold harmless the District, its officers, employees, agents, and
representatives, for any and all loss, claim, demand, liability, or damage, including
expenses and costs, for bodily or personal injury, and for property damage sustained by
any Person as a result of the placement, use and/or maintenance of a Newsrack within
the District, except for acts by third parties out of the control of Permittee or for claims or
litigation arising through the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the District. This
indemnity obligation shall apply for the entire time that any third party can make a claim
against or sue the District for liabilities arising out of Permittee's placement, use, and
maintenance of Newsracks pursuant to this Article.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
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Section No. 11.10
Article 11 Insurance Requirements Section 11.10 Page 1 of 2
(a) As a condition of any permit under this Article, the Permittee shall within ten
(10) business days of the approval of the permit, but prior to the placement,
use, or maintenance of any Newsrack, obtain and maintain at all times
during the term of any permit approved under this Article, and at all times
Permittee's Newsrack remains on any portion of the Rights-of-way, the
following: Commercial Liability Insurance subject to the reasonable
requirements of the District's Risk Management Department and approval
by the Port Attorney and in substantial conformance with this section,
covering any liability arising from or connected with, or caused or claimed
to be caused by, any Newsrack for which the Permittee is responsible and
any Newsrack owned by or attributable to Permittee, in a reasonable and
sufficient amount, as determined by the District's Risk Management
Department, to cover the risks associated with the Newsrack(s). No
Newsrack may be placed, used, or maintained until Permittee provides the
Executive Director with proof of the requisite insurance, including any
endorsements. The policies required by Section 11.10(a) shall be endorsed
to include the District as an additional insured.
(b) If any of the insurance policies required by this Section are written on a
"claims made" basis, then at the termination, Permittee shall at its own
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.10
Article 11 Insurance Requirements Section 11.10 Page 2 of 2
expense, obtain "tail" or continuing coverage as to such policies for a period
of not less than four (4) years.
(c) The insurance policies required by this Section and filed with the District
shall include a statement by the insurance carrier(s) that such carrier(s) will
give the District thirty (30) calendar days' notice before canceling any
insurance policy.
(d) All coverages under this Section shall be effective as of the effective date
of placement.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
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Section No. 11.11
Article 11 Damage to District Property Section 11.11 Page 1 of 1
Damage to public property resulting from the placement, use, or maintenance of a
Newsrack shall be repaired immediately by and at the expense of the Persons directing,
managing, or accomplishing the placement, use, or maintenance. Failure of the Permittee
or responsible Person to make the required repairs shall result in the District's forced
undertaking to make such repairs. The cost of forced repairs undertaken by the District
shall be chargeable as a civil debt to the Permittee or responsible Person, and may be
collected by the District in the same manner as it collects any other civil debt or obligation.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
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Section No. 11.12
Article 11 Nonconforming Newsracks Section 11.12 Page 1 of 1
Commencing one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after Article 11 regulating
Newsracks on District Tidelands becomes effective, any Newsrack in violation of any
provision of this Article will be deemed a nonconforming Newsrack and subject to the
enforcement procedures set forth in these regulations, including seizure and removal.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.13
Article 11 Enforcement; Violations; Hearings Section 11.13 Page 1 of 4
(a) The District will implement a systematic field enforcement program to
ensure compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance.
(b) Any Newsrack in violation of this Article may be seized and removed
pursuant to Section 11.13(b). Before any Newsrack is seized (except under
the circumstances set forth in Section 11.3(d) below, the Permittee and/or
Person responsible for its placement and maintenance shall be given a
notice of violation which provides ten (10) business days in which to remedy
the violation or to request a hearing to contest the seizure and removal.
Notice to the party responsible for the Newsrack shall be given by written
notice sent to the address provided in the permit application, and an
additional notice tag shall be affixed to the Newsrack on the date of notice.
The latter notice shall be sufficient if no identification is shown on the
Newsrack and no permit application has been filed. Both the notice sent to
the address stated on the permit application and the additional notice tag
affixed to the Newsrack shall state the place to request a hearing to contest
the seizure removal pursuant to this Section.
(c) Any Permittee or responsible Person notified under Section 11.13(a) above
may request a hearing. The hearing shall take place within thirty (30)
calendar days of the request and shall be conducted by a Hearing Officer.
The hearing shall be informal, but oral and written evidence may
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.13
Article 11 Enforcement; Violations; Hearings Section 11.13 Page 2 of 4
be given by both sides. Any action by the District with respect to the alleged
violation shall be stayed pending the Hearing Officer's decision following
the hearing, which decision shall be rendered no later than ten (10)
business days after the hearing. The Hearing Officer may give oral notice
of the decision at the close of the hearing but shall give written notice of all
decisions as well. Failure to render the decision within ten (10) business
days shall not affect the validity of such decision. If the notice of violation is
not vacated, the Permittee or Person or entity responsible for the Newsrack
shall comply with the notice within ten (10) business days of issuance of the
written decision. Failure to comply shall result in seizure and removal of the
(d) The District may seize and remove a Newsrack if the Permittee or Person
responsible for such Newsrack has: (i) neither requested a hearing before
the Hearing Officer, nor remedied the violation within ten (10) business days
following the date of notice; or (ii) following a hearing conducted pursuant
to Sections 11.13(b) & (c), has failed to remedy the violation within ten (10)
business days after receiving a copy of the written decision that the
Newsrack is in violation of this Article. Such Permittee or responsible
Person shall be notified of the seizure. Seized Newsracks shall be retained
by the District and may be recovered by the responsible party for a period
of at least ten (10) business days following the seizure.
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Section No. 11.13
Article 11 Enforcement; Violations; Hearings Section 11.13 Page 3 of 4
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11.13(a)-(c), if a Newsrack is
located, placed or maintained in such a place or manner as to pose an
immediate and serious threat to the health safety or welfare of the public,
the District may seize and remove such Newsracks without prior notice to
the party responsible for such Newsrack. Notice shall be given to the
responsible party within ten (10) business days of seizing the Newsrack.
Such notice shall state the reasons for removal, the location and procedure
for claiming the Newsrack, and the procedure for obtaining a post-removal
hearing. If the party responsible for the Newsrack chooses to forego a post-
removal hearing, he or she may take possession of the seized Newsrack
upon payment of all costs incurred by the District for removal and storage
of the Newsrack, and a civil penalty in the amount necessary to cover
administrative costs involved in the removal and storage of the Newsrack.
If the Permittee or responsible Person fails to pay such penalty, the
Newsrack in question shall be deemed to be unclaimed property and may
be disposed of accordingly. If the responsible party for the Newsrack
requests a post-removal hearing, it shall be conducted pursuant to the
procedures set forth in Section 11.13(b). If the decision upholds the seizure,
the Permittee or responsible Person may take possession of the seized
Newsrack upon payment of all costs incurred by the District for removal and
storage of the Newsrack and
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Section No. 11.13
Article 11 Enforcement; Violations; Hearings Section 11.13 Page 4 of 4
a civil penalty in the amount necessary to cover all administrative costs
involved in the removal and storage of the Newsrack and the hearing
process. If a Permittee or responsible Person fails to pay such penalty, the
Newsrack in question shall be deemed to be unclaimed property and may
be disposed of accordingly. If the decision determines that the seizure was
not in accordance with the provisions of this Section, the Executive Director
shall provide for the return of the Newsrack to the location from which it was
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.14
Article 11 Abandonment Section 11.14 Page 1 of 1
In the event that a Newsrack is unused for a period of sixty (60) continuous
calendar days, notice shall be given to the Permittee or responsible Person. The
Permittee shall inform the District in writing within ten (10) business days of receiving
notice that they intend to continue use of the Newsrack, and the Newsrack will not be
considered abandoned. If the Permittee or responsible Person no longer wishes to use
the Newsrack, it shall be considered abandoned, and the District may thereupon give
notice to the Permittee or responsible Person to remove the Newsrack. Such notice shall
inform the Permittee or responsible Person for the Newsrack that if the Newsrack is not
removed or again placed in use as a Newsrack within ten (10) business days of the notice,
the District may remove and impound the Newsrack. The Permittee or responsible Person
may take possession of an impounded Newsrack upon payment of all costs incurred by
the District, and a civil penalty in the amount necessary to cover all administrative costs
incurred in the removal and storage of the Newsrack within ten (10) business days of
impoundment by the District. If the Permittee or responsible Person for the Newsrack fails
to make such payment within ten (10) business days, the Newsrack in question shall be
deemed to be unclaimed property and may be disposed of accordingly.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 11.15
Article 11 Permit Fees Section 11.15 Page 1 of 1
All Newsracks require the timely payment of an annual permit fee as set forth by
the District Executive Director.
(a) The permit fee shall be sufficient to recover the costs of processing
the permit application and enforcing permit requirements.
(b) A separate permit fee applies to Newsracks located in the North
Embarcadero area. This fee shall be sufficient to recover costs
associated with processing the permit application, enforcing permit
requirements, and administering the lottery.
(c) Permit fees shall not exceed the amount needed to cover
administrative costs.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
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Section No. 11.17
Article 11 Severability Section 11.17 Page 1 of 1
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any
reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent
jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
Ordinance. The District hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and
each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or
unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be
subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional.
(Enacted February 12, 2013Ordinance No. 2704)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.01
Article 12 Required Reporting of Utility Use on Tidelands Title, Purpose and Intent
Section 12.01 Page 1 of 1
This Chapter may be referred to as the Required Reporting of Utility Use on
Tidelands Ordinance.
To encourage efficient use of Utilities and allow the District to track progress
towards its CAP goals, this Section requires Utility Account Holders within the District to
report Utility Usage data using the Data Collection System from which the District shall
receive only aggregated data and not individual Utility Account Holder data.
(Enacted December 8, 2015 Ordinance No. 2844)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.02
Article 12 Definitions Section 12.02 Page 1 of 2
For purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the following
1. “Aggregated Data” means any data which combines reported Utility Use
data from at least three Utility Accounts and from which individual Utility
Account usage data cannot be discovered.
2. “Compliance Data” means data sufficient to determine a Utility Account
Holder’s compliance with this Section (e.g., whether a Utility Account Holder
reported required data fields and Utility usage data, but not the amount of
Utility usage reported).
3. “Data Aggregator” means a person or entity, separate from the District and
not an employee of the District, which is retained to receive Utility Account
Holder data and other data fields from the Data Collection System and
provide the District with Aggregated Data and Compliance Data, and
provide data to an Independent Auditor in accordance with Section 12.04.
The Data Aggregator shall be retained as follows:
a) by the San Diego Port Tenants Association in accordance with a
Memorandum of Understanding with the District, or
b) directly by the District, but only if no retention under subsection (1) is
made by March 1, 2016 or if a retention under subsection (1) is
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.02
Article 12 Definitions Section 12.02 Page 2 of 2
subsequently terminated, and then only until such time as a retention
under subsection (1) is made.
4. “Data Collection System” means Environmental Protection Agency
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® or a comparable online tool used for
managing facility data that is selected by the District.
5. “Executive Director” means the Executive Director of the District or his or
her designee.
6. “Independent Auditor” means a person or entity, separate from the District
and not an employee of the District, selected by District to conduct an
independent audit in accordance with Section 12.04.
7. "Utilities" or “Utilitymeans electricity, natural gas, steam, heating oil, water,
other product, or renewable on-site electricity generation used for the
purposes of providing heat, cooling, lighting, water heating, or for powering
or fueling other end-uses in a building, property or facility.
8. “Utility Account Holder” means an entity or person, as defined by California
Public Resources Code Section 25116 or any successor legislation, who
has an account with any provider of Utilities that is separately metered.
(Enacted December 8, 2015 Ordinance No. 2844)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.03
Article 12 Required Reporting of Utility Usage Data Section 12.03 Page 1 of 2
(a) Beginning on March 1 each year (August 1, 2016 for the first year), all Utility
Account Holders within the District shall utilize the Data Collection System
to: (1) complete a profile and input all data fields required by the District as
determined by the Executive Director, to include, but is not limited to,
property information and property use details; and, for those Utility Account
Holders that are Direct Access customers, documentation of emissions
factors for energy procured outside of SDG&E; and (2) report all monthly
Utility usage for all meters for the preceding calendar year by granting
permission to all of its Utility providers to report Utility usage data directly to
the Data Collection System where such process is available, and, for any
Utility provider for which direct reporting is not available, Utility Account
Holder shall enter such Utility usage directly into the Data Collection
(b) On or before April 1 of each year (September 1, 2016, for the first year), all
Utility Account Holders within the District shall respond to external data
requests through the Data Collection System to the Data Aggregator
allowing the Data Aggregator to receive all requested data from the Data
Collection System.
(c) Data Aggregator shall report any Aggregated Data to the District as
requested by the District but shall not, in any event, disclose individual
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.03
Article 12 Required Reporting of Utility Usage Data Section 12.03 Page 2 of 2
Utility Account Holder data to the District. The District shall make such
Aggregated Data publicly available within sixty (60) days.
(d) Data Aggregator shall report any Compliance Data to the District as
requested by the District.
(e) Data Aggregator shall not disclose any individual Utility Account Holder data
to anyone except, pursuant to an independent audit in accordance with
Section 12.04, Data Aggregator shall disclose all data for the Utility Account
Holder being audited to the Independent Auditor for the time period of the
independent audit.
(Enacted December 8, 2015 Ordinance No. 2844)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.04
Article 12 Independent Third Party Audits Section 12.04 Page 1 of 2
(a) To confirm the accuracy of Utility Usage data reporting and to verify
compliance with this Section, the Port Auditor shall have the authority to
have an independent audit conducted of any Utility Account Holder’s
compliance with this Section.
(b) If the Port Auditor chooses to have an independent audit conducted, the
Port Auditor shall notify the Utility Account Holder of the audit and the time
period covered by the audit and shall identify the Independent Auditor.
(c) Within 30 days of request, Utility Account Holder shall provide all documents
requested by Independent Auditor to verify all reported Utility Usage data
for the time period covered by the audit. Such documents shall not be
disclosed by the Independent Auditor to the District.
(d) Independent Auditor shall report to the District whether Utility Account
Holder has accurately reported data. Independent Auditor shall provide
audit findings to the District as requested. However, the audit findings shall
not disclose individual Utility Account Holder data to the District. For
example, only, an audit finding may be that water usage was underreported
by 1000 gallons, but shall not disclose that reported usage was 15,000
gallons when actual usage was 16,000 gallons.
(e) If Independent Auditor determines that Utility Account Holder failed to
accurately report any Utility Usage data with a discrepancy amount that is
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.04
Article 12 Independent Third Party Audits Section 12.04 Page 2 of 2
5 percent of the accurate usage or greater, Utility Account Holder shall pay
the District for the full cost of the third party audit within 30 days of the Utility
Account Holder receiving invoice from the District. However, a Utility
Account Holder shall not be responsible for audit costs to the extent that the
inaccurate reporting was made by a Utility provider directly to the Data
Collection System through no fault of Utility Account Holder.
(Enacted December 8, 2015 Ordinance No. 2844)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.05
Article 12 Implementation Section 12.05 Page 1 of 1
(a) The Executive Director may adopt rules and procedures for the
implementation of this Section.
(b) The Executive Director may modify or suspend the requirements of this
Section if:
1. The State of California or Federal government adopts a similar or
more comprehensive Utility performance rating or reporting program,
and such program requires comprehensive rating and/or reporting;
2. The Executive Director makes the finding that a technological
deficiency related to the Data Collection System or Data Aggregator
precludes compliance with this Section. Such modification or
suspension may be lifted in full or part upon the finding that any such
deficiency has been corrected.
(Enacted December 8, 2015 Ordinance No. 2844)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.06
Article 12 Notice and Cure Period and Administrative Penalties Section 12.06 Page 1 of 1
If the District determines that a Utility Account Holder has failed to comply with this
Section, it shall provide written notice to the Utility Account Holder identifying the
compliance issues. Utility Account Holder shall have 30 days from the date of the notice
to cure all compliance issues and respond to any required additional external data
requests through the Data Collection System to the Data Aggregator allowing the Data
Aggregator to receive all requested data from the Data Collection System. In the event
that Utility Account Holder fails to cure within the time period allowed, in addition to, and
without limiting any other remedies available to the District, Administrative Penalties may
be imposed pursuant to District Code Section 0.11(i). Any later-enacted administrative
penalty provision in the District Code shall also be applicable to this Article, unless
otherwise provided therein. In no event shall failure to comply with this Article constitute
a default under an existing District tenant’s lease unless the District tenant’s lease
expressly provides otherwise.
(Enacted December 8, 2015 Ordinance No. 2844)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 12.07
Article 12 Miscellaneous Section 12.07 Page 1 of 1
Nothing in this Section shall limit or waive any rights of the District under any lease,
permit or other agreement with a Utility Account Holder or anyone.
(Enacted December 8, 2015 Ordinance No. 2844)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.01
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Title Section 14.01 Page 1 of 1
The title of this article shall be known as the “San Diego Unified Port District
Fireworks Display Event Ordinance.”
(Enacted May 25, 2017Ordinance No. 2892)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.02
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Purpose Section 14.02 Page 1 of 1
The purpose of this article is to establish a defined set of requirements and
procedures by which the District and users of the District tidelands may continue to enjoy
fireworks displays in and around San Diego Bay and the Pacific Ocean near Imperial
Beach. Further, it is the intent of this article to protect the health, safety and welfare of
persons, property and the environment within the District’s jurisdiction and to comply with
federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the handling, possession, storage,
loading, staging, launching and detonating of fireworks.
(Enacted May 25, 2017Ordinance No. 2892)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.03
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Definitions Section 14.03 Page 1 of 5
For purposes of this article, certain words and phrases not otherwise defined in
District Code section 0.03 shall be defined as follows, unless the context requires a
different meaning:
1. “Alternative fireworks” means fireworks produced with new pyrotechnic
formulas that replace perchlorate with other oxidizers and propellants that
burn cleaner, produce less smoke, and reduce pollutant waste loading to
surface waters.
2. “Applicant” means a person who submits an application to the District for a
permit pursuant to this article.
3. “Application” means the District’s written form to be submitted by a person
requesting a permit pursuant to this article.
4. “Barge” means a water vessel from which fireworks are launched or
5. “Best Management Practices” or “BMPs” means schedules of activities,
prohibitions of practices, pollution prevention and educational practices,
maintenance procedures, tools and other management practices used to
prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants directly to receiving waters to
the maximum extent practicable. BMPs may include any type of pollution
prevention and pollution control measure that can help to achieve
compliance with this article.
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Section No. 14.03
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Definitions Section 14.03 Page 2 of 5
6. “District” means the San Diego Unified Port District.
7. “District General Counsel” means the General Counsel of the District or
her/his designee.
8. “Executive Director” means the Executive Director (President/CEO) of the
District or her/his designee.
9. “Fireworks” means any device containing chemical elements and chemical
compounds capable of burning independently of the oxygen of the
atmosphere and producing audible, visual, mechanical, or thermal effects
which are useful as pyrotechnic devices or for entertainment, including
aerial shells, low-level comet or multi-shot devices or ground-level displays.
The term "fireworks" includes, but is not limited to, devices designated by
the manufacturer as fireworks, torpedoes, skyrockets, roman candles,
rockets, sparklers, party poppers, paper caps, chasers, fountains, smoke
sparks, aerial bombs, and fireworks kits.
10. “Fireworks Display Event” means the handling, possession, storage,
loading, staging, launching or detonating of fireworks on the land or waters
within the District’s jurisdiction for viewing by the public or any group of
persons exceeding twenty-five (25) in number.
11. “Fireworks Operator” means a pyrotechnic operator licensed by the State
of California, who by examination, experience and training has
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.03
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Definitions Section 14.03 Page 3 of 5
demonstrated the required skill and ability in the use and discharge of
fireworks as authorized by the license granted, and who is responsible for
supplying, staging, launching or detonating the fireworks used in a fireworks
display event.
12. “Fireworks Organizer” means a person who proposes to conduct a fireworks
display event and who is responsible for obtaining the funding and
approvals for a fireworks display event and for contracting with a fireworks
operator to produce a fireworks display event.
13. “Fourth of July Fireworks Display Event” means a fireworks display event
that occurs annually on the Fourth of July to express patriotism and civic
pride and to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the
United States of America.
14. “Non-Fourth of July Fireworks Display Event” means a fireworks display
event that occurs on a date other than the Fourth of July.
15. “Operation Clean Sweep” means the annual cleanup event sponsored by
the San Diego Port Tenants Association and District, among others, where
volunteers remove trash and debris from San Diego Bay.
16. “Permit” means the District-issued authorization for an applicant to conduct
a fireworks display event pursuant to this article.
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Section No. 14.03
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Definitions Section 14.03 Page 4 of 5
17. “Person” means an individual, association, partnership, nonprofit
organization, corporation, limited liability company, trustee, municipality,
public agency or other legal entity, or the agent or employee thereof.
18. “Pounds” means the net explosive weight of fireworks.
19. “Salute” means an aerial shell as well as other pyrotechnic items whose
primary effects are loud noise generated by detonation and flash of light.
20. “San Diego Bay Fourth of July Fireworks Display Event” means the annual
fireworks display event which occurs on the Fourth of July at up to four (4)
locations in northern San Diego Bay and is currently known as the “Big Bay
Boom.” The San Diego Bay Fourth of July Fireworks Display Event will be
referred to in this article as the Big Bay Boom.
21. "San Diego Water Board" means the California Regional Water Quality
Control Board for the San Diego Region.
22. "San Diego Water Board General Permit" means California Regional Water
Quality Control Board for the San Diego Region Order No. R9-2011-
0022/NPDES No. CAG999002, General National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Residual Firework Pollutant Waste
Discharges to Waters of the United States, including any updates and
amendments thereto.
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Section No. 14.03
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Definitions Section 14.03 Page 5 of 5
23. “Sponsor” means a person who contributes funds, services, or other forms
of assistance to a fireworks organizer in support of a fireworks display event.
(Enacted May 25, 2017 Ordinance No. 2892)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.04
Article 14 Fireworks Display - Prohibitions Section 14.04 Page 1 of 1
(a) It shall be unlawful for any Person to handle, possess, store, load, stage,
launch or detonate Fireworks on land or water within District jurisdiction
without first having obtained a Permit from the Executive Director as
provided in this section. By signing said Permit, each Permit recipient
acknowledges and agrees to comply with all of the applicable terms and
conditions that may be specified in such Permit and this article.
(b) Any Person who receives a discretionary lease, permit, license or other
entitlement for use or a contract, grant, subsidy, loan or other form of
financial assistance from the District in connection with a Fireworks Display
Event shall also obtain a Permit from the Executive Director as provided in
this article. By signing said Permit, each Permit recipient acknowledges
and agrees to comply with all of the applicable terms and conditions that
may be specified in such Permit and this article.
(Enacted May 25, 2017 Ordinance No. 2892)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.05
Article 14 Fireworks Display Permits Application Section 14.05 Page 1 of 3
Whenever the privilege of doing any of the acts hereinbefore enumerated in this
article requires obtaining a Permit from the Executive Director, the following procedure
shall be followed:
(a) An application for a Permit shall be filed with the District not less than sixty
(60) days before the date on which the Fireworks Display Event is proposed
to occur.
(b) The application shall be in writing, in a form approved by the District, and
shall include, at minimum, the following information: the Person who
proposes to handle, possess, store, load, stage, launch or detonate
Fireworks, including if applicable the Fireworks Organizer, Fireworks
Operator and Sponsor of the Fireworks Display Event; the date, time and
duration of the proposed Fireworks Display Event; the location(s) of the
proposed Fireworks Display Event, including the loading, staging and
launching sites; the total number of pounds, shell sizes and types of
Fireworks to be used; and the proposed event transportation and parking
management plan for the Fireworks Display Event.
(c) The application shall include copies of the Applicant’s Notice of Intent for
coverage under the San Diego Water Board General Permit, the San Diego
Water Board’s Notice of Enrollment of the proposed Fireworks
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.05
Article 14 Fireworks Display Permits Application Section 14.05 Page 2 of 3
Display Event under said General Permit, and the Best Management
Practices Plan approved by the San Diego Water Board for the proposed
Fireworks Display Event.
(d) When the application is deemed complete, the Executive Director shall
review the application and determine whether the proposed Fireworks
Display Event complies with all of the requirements of section 14.07 (Permit
Conditions of Approval) of this article. If the proposed Fireworks Display
Event complies with all of the requirements of section 14.07 (Permit
Conditions of Approval) of this article, the Executive Director shall issue a
(e) Each Permit issued shall state the date, time and location of the Fireworks
Display Event for which it is issued, the name of the Person to whom it is
issued and all mandatory conditions upon which the Permit is given.
(f) An application for a permit for a Fireworks Display Event at a location not
identified in Section 14.07(a) of this article may be granted by the Executive
Director provided that (i) environmental review for the proposed Fireworks
Display Event has been completed and approved or certified by the District
as required by the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources
Code § 21000, et seq. prior to issuance of a permit and (ii) the applicant
has obtained all other permits and approvals as required by
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.05
Article 14 Fireworks Display Permits Application Section 14.05 Page 3 of 3
law, including without limitation approvals and permits required under the
California Coastal Act, Public Resources Code § 30000, et seq.
(Enacted May 25, 2017 Ordinance No. 2892)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.06
Article 14 Fireworks Display Permits Public Notice Section 14.06 Page 1 of 1
(a) Within five (5) business days after the issuance of a Permit pursuant to this
article, the Executive Director shall give public notice of the issuance of such
Permit by posting a copy of the Permit on the District’s website.
(Enacted May 25, 2017 Ordinance No. 2892)
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.07
Article 14 Fireworks Display Permits Conditions of Approval Section 14.07 Page 1 of 17
All permits issued by the Executive Director shall be subject to the following terms
and conditions:
(a) Location of Fireworks Display Events.
1. Fourth of July Fireworks Display Events shall occur only at the
following locations.
a) Big Bay Boom, at up to four (4) locations in northern San
Diego Bay;
b) Fourth of July Imperial Beach Fireworks, at one (1) location
along the Imperial Beach Pier;
c) Fireworks Over Glorietta Bay, at one (1) location in Glorietta
d) Chula Vista Fourth of July, at one (1) location adjacent to the
Chula Vista Bayfront; and
e) National City Fourth of July, at one (1) location adjacent to the
National City Bayfront.
2. Non-Fourth of July Fireworks Display Events shall occur only at the
following locations.
a) National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO)
shipyard, not to exceed two (2) displays per year along
NASSCO Pier 12;
San Diego Unified Port DistrictPort Code
Section No. 14.07
Article 14 Fireworks Display Permits Conditions of Approval Section 14.07 Page 2 of 17
b) U.S.S. Midway Museum, not to exceed twenty-three (23)
displays per year on or adjacent to the U.S.S. Midway
c) San Diego Symphony Summer Pops Concerts, not to exceed
twenty (20) displays per year adjacent to Embarcadero
Marina Park South;
d) Our Lady of Rosary Church Annual procession, not to exceed
one (1) display per year along Harbor Drive and at end of
Grape Street Pier; and
e) Chula Vista Bayfront, not to exceed two (2) displays per year
adjacent to the Chula Vista Bayfront
(b) Duration of Fireworks Display Events.
1. Fourth of July Fireworks Display Events shall not exceed twenty (20)
minutes in duration.
2. Non-Fourth of July Fireworks Display Events shall not exceed ten
(10) minutes in duration.
(c) Size of Fireworks Display Events.
1. Fourth of July Fireworks Display Events.
a) Big Bay Boom, not to exceed a cumulative 5,342 pounds of
fireworks with shell sizes not to exceed 10 inches;
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Section No. 14.07
Article 14 Fireworks Display Permits Conditions of Approval Section 14.07 Page 3 of 17
b) Fourth of July Imperial Beach Fireworks, not to exceed 456
pounds of fireworks with shell sizes not to exceed 10 inches;
c) Fireworks Over Glorietta Bay, not to exceed 397 pounds of
fireworks with shell sizes not to exceed 10 inches;
d) National City Fourth of July, not to exceed 400 pounds of
fireworks with shell sizes not to exceed 8 inches; and
e) Chula Vista Fourth of July, not to exceed 400 pounds of
fireworks with shell sizes not to exceed 8 inches.
2. Non-Fourth of July Fireworks Display Events.
a) NASSCO shipyard, not to exceed 281 pounds of fireworks per
display with shell sizes not to exceed 6 inches, or a cumulative
total of 439 pounds of fireworks per year;
b) U.S.S. Midway Museum, not to exceed 235 pounds of
fireworks per display with shell sizes not to exceed 6 inches,
or a cumulative total of 1,759 pounds of fireworks per year;
c) San Diego Symphony Summer Pops Concerts, not to exceed
95 pounds of fireworks per display with shell sizes not to
exceed 6 inches, or a cumulative total of 1,498 pounds of
fireworks per year;
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d) Our Lady of Rosary Church Annual procession, not to exceed
18 pounds of fireworks with shell sizes not to exceed 6 inches;
e) Chula Vista Bayfront, not to exceed 114 pounds of fireworks
per display with shell sizes not to exceed 8 inches, or a
cumulative total of 228 pounds of fireworks per year.
(d) Fireworks Chemical Composition and Packaging.
1. Chemical Composition.
a) The Big Bay Boom Fourth of July Fireworks Display Event
shall use Fireworks which contain no more than 0.32% copper
(Cu) per pound of explosive firework material, unless the
Applicant establishes in writing and to the satisfaction of the
Executive Director that the total copper emissions from the
proposed Big Bay Boom Fireworks Display Event will not
exceed seventeen (17) pounds. Fireworks which do not
conform to the foregoing requirement but were lawfully
purchased prior to the effective date of this article, may be
used for a period of six months after the effective date of this
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b) All Fireworks Display Events shall use Alternative Fireworks
produced with pyrotechnic formulas which replace perchlorate
with other oxidizers and propellants that burn cleaner,
produce less smoke, and reduce pollutant waste loading to
surface waters, unless the Applicant establishes in writing and
to the satisfaction of the Executive Director that such
Alternative Fireworks are not commercially available.
2. Packaging.
a) Prior to commencement of a Fireworks Display Event, the
Fireworks Operator shall remove and properly dispose of all
packaging, wrapping and labels (excluding labels mandated
by State or Federal laws) from all Fireworks to be used in the
b) Fireworks that include a plastic outer casing or non-
biodegradable inner components that make up more than five
(5) percent of the mass of the shell or device are prohibited.
(e) Protection of Sensitive Species and Habitat. The following conditions shall
apply to Fireworks Display Events that occur between February 15
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and September 15 (i.e., avian breeding season) and are located less than
one (1) mile from any federally or state-listed avian species nesting
1. Location. Fireworks Display Events shall be located not less than one
(1) mile from any federally or state-listed avian species nesting
colony unless the maximum size of shells used in the event is limited
to eight (8) inches.
2. Salutes. Fireworks Display Events shall not use concussion type,
non-color shells such as “salutes” or “reports” during the initial
twenty-five percent (25%) of the duration of any display (e.g., within
the first 5 minutes of a 20-minute display).
3. Security. For Fireworks Display Events with public viewing areas
(i.e., parks, promenades, publicly accessible piers, and other similar
facilities) that occur within one-half mile of unprotected (i.e.,
unfenced) federally or state-listed nesting colonies or habitat areas,
the Fireworks Organizer shall provide a minimum of two professional
security guards to direct persons away from and to discourage
trespass into sensitive nesting areas or habitat during such displays.
In addition, the fireworks organizer shall provide
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security patrols of the water area to enforce the existing restrictions
on access to unauthorized areas during such fireworks display
events in the South Bay.
4. Signage. For Fireworks Display Events with public viewing areas
(i.e., parks, promenades, publicly accessible piers, and other similar
facilities) that occur within one half-mile of nesting colonies or habitat
areas for federally or state-listed species, the Fireworks Organizer,
in cooperation with the District, shall post temporary signage along
primary access points to sensitive nesting colonies and habitat areas
to identify safe viewing locations, to educate visitors on locations of
sensitive wildlife habitats, to prevent viewers from trespassing into
sensitive areas and to encourage appropriate viewing behavior.
5. Education. Beginning not less than seven (7) days before Fireworks
Display Events with public viewing areas (i.e., parks, promenades,
publicly accessible piers, and other similar facilities) located within
one-half mile of federally or state-listed nesting colonies or habitat
areas, the Fireworks Organizer shall implement a public education
program using daily announcements on social media, press
releases, and information posted at parks, boat launch facilities,
marinas, yacht clubs and other viewing locations,
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to educate potential viewers regarding appropriate viewing and boat
docking areas, to discourage trespass into sensitive wildlife habitat,
and to reminds viewers of appropriate viewing behavior in and near
sensitive nesting colonies and habitat areas (e.g., appropriate
disposal of trash, prevention of illegal fireworks, and safe boating
(f) Best Management Practices. Fireworks Display Events shall implement the
following BMPs for Fireworks Display Event preparation, discharge and
1. Fireworks Display Events on barges shall be set up at a loading
facility in accordance with the requirements and under the
supervision of the municipal fire department with jurisdiction over the
event. Barges shall be inspected for leaks and other potential safety
issues. Idling time for delivery trucks and loading equipment shall not
exceed three (3) minutes and all such trucks and equipment shall be
shut down when not in use.
2. Fireworks shall be brought to the barge and loaded in their U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved shipping cartons.
Fireworks shall be encased in paper to prevent spillage of loose
compounds. All packaging material and debris, including fuses,
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wires, shipping cartons and other wrapping, shall be properly
disposed of in trash receptacles as the Fireworks Display Event is
set up. Unless prohibited by the municipal fire marshal with
jurisdiction over the Fireworks Display Event, barges shall be
equipped with a fire-retardant debris barrier that extends six feet (6’)
in height, with openings no larger than ¼ inch, around the perimeter
of the Fireworks launch area to contain debris.
3. Wires from the electric match placed in the Fireworks fuse shall be
secured to avoid strain (such as wrapped around nails that are on
the racks, tied to the racks, or tied to the mortar) to prevent wires
from being pulled out and falling into the water. Wire cables
connected to computer firing equipment modules shall also be
properly secured to ensure they remain on the barge during the
Fireworks Display Event.
4. Once the Fireworks are prepared for launch, all trash and debris shall
be removed from the barge while it is at the loading facility and prior
to the barge being moved into position. No loose material shall be
allowed on the barges during the Fireworks Display Event.
5. Following the Fireworks Display Event and upon expiration of any
safety period required by the municipal fire marshal with jurisdiction
over the Fireworks Display Event, the Fireworks Operator shall pick
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up all loose material on the barge, including all trash and debris
resulting from the discharge of the Fireworks, to prevent it from being
discharged into the water while the barge is underway.
6. Upon return to the loading facility, the Fireworks Operator shall clean
the barge of all Fireworks related material and shall photograph and
properly dispose of all Fireworks trash and debris. Unexploded
Fireworks and related components shall be collected and disposed
of by the Fireworks Operator in accordance with all applicable
regulations. Fireworks Operators shall photograph the barge prior to
and after cleaning.
7. Following the Fireworks Display Event and upon expiration of any
safety period required by the municipal fire marshal with jurisdiction
over the event, the Fireworks Organizer shall provide cleanup crews
and boats to conduct sweeps of the fireworks detonation zone to
gather any floating debris from spent Fireworks using hand held
fishnets, pool skimmers, or other similar equipment.
8. The morning after the Fireworks Display Event, the Fireworks
Organizer shall conduct another sweep of the fireworks detonation
zone and quays, piers and docks adjacent to the fireworks detonation
zone to remove Fireworks trash and debris. The
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Fireworks Organizer shall collect, bag, weigh and photograph all
trash and debris collected prior to its disposal.
9. The morning after the Fireworks Display Event, the Fireworks
Organizer shall perform a cleanup of the shoreline using crews of not
fewer than five persons per barge on the shoreline adjacent to each
barge location. Each crew member shall be equipped with trash bags
and a trash grabber. The Fireworks Organizer shall collect, bag,
weigh, and photograph all trash and debris collected prior to its
10. Within ten (10) business days after a Fireworks Display Event, the
Fireworks Organizer shall provide the Executive Director with the
photographs and written evidence of the weight of the Fireworks
trash and debris collected pursuant to subdivisions (5) through (9)
above. If the dry weight of the Fireworks trash and debris collected
is less than fifty percent (50%) of the net weight of fireworks launched
during the Fireworks Display Event, the Fireworks Organizer shall
offset the remaining amount by providing a crew of not fewer than
two (2) persons for each barge or other launch site used in the
Fireworks Display Event to participate in the next scheduled
“Operation Clean Sweep” or other District-sponsored clean-up event
prior to the end of the calendar year to recover trash
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and debris from San Diego Bay and/or the Imperial Beach
11. For all Fourth of July Fireworks Display Events and for Non-Fourth
of July Fireworks Display Events which are advertised to the public,
the Fireworks Organizer shall double the number of trash
receptacles at major viewing areas prior to each fireworks display
event; trashcans shall be emptied and parks and viewing areas shall
be cleaned following the event.
(g) Eelgrass Avoidance and Mitigation. For Fireworks Display Events with
launching sites located in shallow water with the potential for eelgrass to
occur, fireworks barges shall be held in place by tugboats and shall not
require temporary moorings. To the extent practicable, barges shall be
located in unvegetated deep water channels outside of eelgrass beds. Pre-
event and post-event eelgrass surveys shall be completed to identify the
distribution of eelgrass to assist tug operators and to assess any impacts to
eelgrass that may occur. Through a pre-event training, tug operators shall
be made aware of shallow eelgrass and instructed not to use high thrust in
the vicinity of eelgrass beds. If an unanticipated impact to eelgrass occurs,
this impact shall be mitigated by replacing the eelgrass at a ratio determined
by the California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy.
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(h) Event Transportation and Parking Management Plans. For all Fourth of July
Fireworks Display Events and for Non-Fourth of July Fireworks Display
Events which are advertised to the public, the Fireworks Organizer shall
prepare and submit an event transportation and parking management plan
(ETPMP) to the Executive Director for approval as part of the Application,
which shall be designed to ensure safe and convenient access to public
viewing areas while limiting conflicts between transportation modes and
reducing impacts on surrounding transportation facilities to the maximum
extent feasible. The ETPMP shall take into account anticipated attendance,
existing transportation and parking facilities, and other concurrent public
events in the surrounding areas, and shall include but is not limited to the
1. Transportation management strategies, including but not limited to,
a public awareness program, traffic management and enforcement,
incident management, and public transit and alternative modes of
transportation management, which shall be implemented for the
Fireworks Display Event; and
2. Parking management strategies, including but not limited to a public
awareness program, coordination with parking vendors, off-site
parking arrangements, designated areas for taxi and rideshare pick
up/drop off, promotional programs with rideshare vendors, joint
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event ticketing programs with public transit agencies and expanded
shuttle operations.
a) Compliance with San Diego Water Board General Permit.
1) Prior to the Executive Director’s issuance of a permit
pursuant to this article, the Applicant shall demonstrate
that it has applied for coverage and has been enrolled
under the San Diego Water Board General Permit.
2) The Applicant shall comply with all applicable terms,
conditions and Best Management Practices required
by the San Diego Water Board General Permit, which
shall be incorporated into and considered in the terms,
conditions and Best Management Practices of any
permit issued by the Executive Director pursuant to this
3) The Applicant shall submit to the District copies of all
applications, plans, reports and other documentation
required by the San Diego Water Board General
Permit, including without limitation the Notice of Intent,
Fireworks Best Management Practices Plan, Public
Fireworks Display Log and the Public Display
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of Fireworks Post Event Report, within the time
required for the submission of such reports to the San
Diego Water Board.
(j) Compliance with Other Required Permits: Prior to the Executive Director’s
issuance of a Permit pursuant to this article, the Applicant shall demonstrate
that it has obtained and shall comply with all other permits and approvals
required by federal, state and local laws and regulations including, without
limitation, such permits and approvals as are required by the United States
Coast Guard, California Coastal Act, the District Code, including Article 10
(Stormwater Management and Discharge Control), and the fire marshal of
any city which has jurisdiction over all or any part of the activity allowed
under said Permit.
(k) Compliance with Laws: The Applicant shall comply with any and all
applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the District, including
without limitation the District Code, the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan
Settlement Agreement and Natural Resources Management Plan, and with
the laws, rules and regulations of the United States of America and the State
of California, and of any department or agency thereof, and with the
applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of any city which has
jurisdiction over all or any part of the activity allowed under said Permit. The
Applicant’s failure to comply with any applicable law, ordinance, rule
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or regulation shall be cause for immediate revocation of said permit and for
the denial of applications for future Permits.
(l) Indemnity: The Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the District, its
board, officers and employees, from any and all claim of loss, liability or
damage arising out of the Fireworks Display Event, including but not limited
to the issuance of the District Permit, or in connection with the handling,
possession, storage, loading, staging, launching or detonating of Fireworks
by the Applicant, its officers, employees, contractors, agents or other
representatives, howsoever caused, whether such loss, liability or damage
results, either directly or indirectly, from the acts, omissions or negligence
of the Applicant, its officers, employees, contractors, agents or other
representatives, in connection with the handling, possession, storage,
loading, staging, launching or detonation of Fireworks pursuant to said
(m) Insurance: The Applicant shall file with the Executive Director, in a form
approved by the District General Counsel, a policy of public liability and
property damage insurance, in such amounts and form as the Executive
Director may specify, indemnifying the District, its boards, officers and
employees, as their interest may appear under the terms and conditions of
said Permit. The Permit shall not become effective until after such policy of
insurance has been received by the District.
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(n) Performance Bond: For public Fireworks Display Events with over 500
spectators the Applicant shall post a faithful performance bond, in a form
approved by the District General Counsel, or in lieu thereof the equivalent
in cash, in an amount sufficient in the opinion of the Executive Director to
cover costs associated with the Fireworks Display Event allowed under the
permit, including without limitation the costs of providing security for the
protection of sensitive species and habitat, and cleaning up and removing
debris, rubbish and trash. The permit shall not become effective until after
such faithful performance bond, or cash in lieu thereof, has been posted
with and received by the District.
(o) Mitigation Measures: All permit applications shall be reviewed by the District
for consistency with the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
(MMRP) from the Final Environmental Impact Report for the San Diego Bay
and Imperial Beach Oceanfront Fireworks Display Events Project, as
certified by the Board of Port Commissioners, and all applicable mitigation
measures from the MMRP shall be identified as required conditions of the
approved permit issued by the District.
(Enacted May 25, 2017 Ordinance No. 2892)
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Article 14 Fireworks Display General Provisions Section 14.08 Page 1 of 1
(a) Preemption. The provisions of this article do not apply where any federal or
state law regulates the handling, possession, storage, loading, staging,
launching or detonating of Fireworks if the federal or state law preempts
local regulation or the federal or state law is more restrictive.
(b) Severability. If any provision of this article or the application thereof to any
person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other
provisions or applications of this article which can be given effect without
the invalid provisions or application, and to this end the provisions of this
section are severable.
(c) Cost Recovery. The Applicant shall pay a fee to the District for the cost of
services and administrative acts of the District incurred in processing a
permit application.
(Enacted May 25, 2017 Ordinance No. 2892)
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Article 14 Fireworks Display General Provisions Section 14.09 Page 1 of 1
Any person who violates this article or who fails to comply with the terms and
conditions of a permit issued pursuant to this article shall be subject to punishment in
accordance with District Code section 0.11, General Penalty, and section 0.13, Permit
(Enacted May 25, 2017 Ordinance No. 2892)
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Section No. 15.01
Article 15 – Wireless Communication Facilities Title Section 15.01 – Page 1 of 1
The title of this Article shall be known as “Regulation of Wireless
Communication Facilities on District Tidelands.”
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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Section No. 15.02
Article 15 Wireless Communication FacilitiesPurpose Section 15.02Page 1 of 2
The purpose of this article is to establish standards for managing, processing,
and acting upon requests for the placement and modification of wireless communication
facilities (“WCF”) on District Tidelands. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit
or otherwise abridge, to any extent, the District’s exercise of its authority (1) as a
property owner, trustee, and/or landlord and in a proprietary capacity for the benefit of
the public pursuant to the San Diego Unified Port District Act (“Port Act”), (2) as a
trustee of District tidelands, which are subject to the California Public Trust Doctrine
(‘Public Trust”) (and any other trust obligations) and (3) subject to the requirements of
the California Coastal Act, the District’s Coastal Development Permit Regulations, and
any other applicable law requiring the protection of natural and coastal resources. This
Article does not, expressly or impliedly, expand the scope of applicability of any federal
law, state law or Federal Communication Commission (“FCC”) orders or rules
(including, as applicable, the shot clock timeframes established by 47CFR §1.6003).
The District reserves its right to exercise all rights, authority and discretion when acting
in its proprietary, market-participant, and/or landlord capacity.
The District’s tidelands are a uniquely valuable public resource, closely linked
with the character of San Diego Bay, and regulation of WCF installation on District
Tidelands is necessary to protect and preserve coastal resources, including aesthetics,
physical and visual public access, and sensitive biological resources, as well as
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implement and adhere to the Public Trust and Coastal Act. This Article is protective of
the public health, safety and welfare, and provides for the orderly deployment of
wireless communications facilities through reasonable and appropriate standards to
ensure the continued quality of telecommunications services to the public and private
entities, while protecting the unique resources and character of District Tidelands,
implementation of the Coastal Act and other regulations regarding the preservation of
coastal resources, and aiding in furtherance of public access and use of District
Tidelands. This Article does not apply to any (1) government-owned and operated WCF,
(2) emergency medical car4e provider-owned and operated WCF, or (3) any WCF that
are exempted pursuant to applicable federal or state law. The Article shall not be
construed to require or mandate any action that would be inconsistent with applicable
federal or state law, including the Coastal Act.
(Enacted April 12,2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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Section No. 15.03
Article 15 Wireless Communication Facilities Definitions Section 15.03 Page 1 of 6
For purposes of this article, certain words and phrases not otherwise defined in
District Code section 0.03 shall be defined as follows:
(a) “Base Section” means the same as defined by the FCC in 47 C.F.R.
Section 1.6100(b)(1), as may be amended, which defined the term as a
structure or equipment at a fixed location that enables FCC-licensed or
authorized wireless communications between user equipment and a
communications network. The term does not encompass a tower as
defined in 47 C.F.R. Section 1.6100(b)(9) or any equipment associated
with a tower. The term includes, but us not limited to, equipment
associated with wireless communications services such as private
broadcast, and public safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless
services and fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul. The
term includes, but us not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial
or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable
equipment, regardless of technological configuration (including distributed
antenna systems and small-cell networks). The term includes any
structure other than a tower that, at the time and application is filed with
the District under this Article, supports or houses equipment described in
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47 C.F.R. Sections 1.6100(b)(1)(i) and (ii) that has been reviewed and approved
by the District, even if the structure was not built for the sole or primary
purpose of providing such support. The term does not include any
structure that, at the time an application is filled with the District under this
Article, does not support or house equipment described in 47 C.F.R.
Sections 1.6100(b)(1)(i) and (ii).
(b) “Board or BPC” means the Board of Port Commissioners of the District.
(c) “Collocation”
1. For the purposes of any Spectrum Act Section 6409(a) modification
(Eligible Facilities Request (EFR)), the same as defined by the FCC
in 47 C.F.R. §1.6100(b)(2), as may be amended, which defines that
term as “{t}he mounting or installation of transmission equipment on
an eligible support structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or
receiving radio frequency signals for communications purposes.” As
an illustration and not a limitation, the FCC’s definition means to
add transmission equipment to an existing facility and does not
necessarily refer to two or more different facility operators in the
same location.
2. For all other purposes, the same as defined in 47 C.F.R. §
1.6002(g)(1) and (2), as may be amended, which defines
collocation” as: (1) mounting or installing an antenna facility on a
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pre-existing structure, and/or (2) modifying a structure for the
purpose of mounting or installing an antenna facility on that
(d) “District Tidelands” means those lands, including the PROW, granted to
and held, controlled or operated by the District, as trustee, pursuant to and
consistent with the Port Act.
(e) “Eligible Facilities Request” means the same as in 47 CFR 1.6100(b)(3),
which defines the term to mean any request for modification of an existing
tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical
dimensions of such tower or base station that does not substantially
change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station and
involves (1) the collocation of new transmission equipment, (2) the
removal of transmission equipment, or (3) the replacement of transmission
(f) “Historical Structure” means a historical structure designated by the
National Register of Historical Places, the California Register of Historical
Resources, and/or any applicable local register.
(g) “Public Right of Way or PROW” means a public street, highway, sidewalk
associated with a public street or highway, street island, median or
parkway, that is owned, operated, or controlled by the District. PROW
does not include Promenades Piers, Parks, or other accessible public
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lands held in trust and managed for the benefit of the public pursuant to
the Port Act, as may or may not be designated in the Port Master Plan.
(h) “Sensitive Habitat Area” means any area in which plant or animal life or
their habitats are wither rare and/or especially valuable because of their
special nature or role in an ecosystem and which could be easily disturbed
or degraded by human activities and developments.
(i) “Small Cell Wireless Facility” means consistent with the definition in 47
CFR 1.6002(l), a facility that meets each of the following conditions:
1. The facility:
a) is mounted on structures fifty (50) feet or less height
including their antennas; or
b) is mounted on structures no more than ten percent (10%)
taller than other adjacent structures; or
c) do not extend existing structures on which they are located
to a height of more than fifty (50) feet or by more than ten
percent (10%), whichever is greater.
2. Each antenna associated with the deployment, excluding
associated antenna equipment (as defined in the definition of
antenna in 47 CFR Section 1.1320(d)), is no more than three (3)
cubic feet in volume;
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Article 15 Wireless Communication Facilities Definitions Section 15.03 – Page 5 of 6
3. All other wireless equipment associated with the structure, including
the wireless equipment associated with the antenna and any pre-
existing associated equipment on the structure, is no more than
twenty-eight (28) cubic feet in volume;
4. The facility does not require antenna structure registration under 47
CFR part 17;
5. The facility is not located on tribal lands, as defined under 36 CFR
Section 800.16(x); and
6. The facility does not result in human exposure to radiofrequency
radiation in excess of the applicable safety standards specified in
47 CFR Section 1.1307(b).
(j) “Stealth Facility” means a WCF that utilizes concealment techniques that
substantively screen the WCF from public view or integrate the WCF with
the surrounding natural or built environmental such that, given the
particular context visual detection of the WCF by the average, untrained
observer is difficult.
(k) “Structure” means an element, facility, or equipment which is attached to,
constructed on, or built into the ground, either directly or indirectly. This
term includes, without limitation, building, streetlights, traffic signals, utility
poles, signage and are installations.
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Article 15 Wireless Communication Facilities Definitions Section 15.03 Page 6 of 6
(l) “Tower” means the same as defined by the FCC in 47 C.F.R. Section
1.6100(b)(9), as may be amended, which defines the terms as any
structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting any
Commission-licensed or authorized antennas and their associated
facilities, including structures that are constructed for wireless
communications services including, but not limited to, private, broadcast,
and public safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless services and
fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul, and the associated
(m) “Wireless Communication Facility or WCF” means the transmitters,
antennas, remote radio unites (RRUs) support structures, and other types
of installations used for the provision of wireless services at a fixed
location, including, without limitation, any associated tower(s), support
structure(s), base station(s), and any other accessory equipment related
to the provision of wireless service. Wireless Communication Facility
includes a Small Cell Wireless Facility.
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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Section No. 15.04
Article 15 Wireless Communication Facilities Application Procedure Section 15.04 – Page 1 of 6
(a) Application Requirements.
1. Application Process: Any applicant proposing to locate a WCF on
District Tidelands shall submit a wireless-specific application. The
submission of an application and the District’s consideration of
same shall in no way limit or otherwise abridge, to any extent, the
District’s exercise of its authority as a property owner, trustee,
and/or landlord and in a proprietary capacity for the benefit of the
public pursuant to the Port Act.
2. Content: Any application for a WCF must contain, subject to
Section 15.04(a)4 below, at a minimum:
a) Any information required by Board of Port Commissioners
Policy No. 357, as amended.
b) The name of the applicant, its telephone number and contact
information, and the name and contact information of any
wireless services provider that will be using the WCF.
c) The name of the owner and/or master lessee, as applicable,
of the structure or property on which the WCF will be
located, and written owner and/or master lessee
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Article 15Wireless Communication Facilities Application Procedures Section 15.04 – Page 2 of 6
authorization for use of the structure or property for the
proposed WCF.
d) If located on District Tidelands that are subject to an existing
leasehold, a copy of the proposed real estate agreement
(with confidential or proprietary information redacted, as
approved by the District) between the applicant and the
master lessee(s) of the property on which the proposed
WCF is proposed to be located, attached or installed.
e) A complete description of the proposed WCF and all work
that will be required to install, modify, maintain, or allow
functioning of the WCF, including, but not limited to: (a)
detail regarding proposed excavations, if any; (b) detailed
site plans showing the location of the WCF, and
dimensioned drawings with specifications for each element
of the WCF, clearly describing the site and any and all
structures and/or facilities both (b1) at the site before
installation or modification of the facilities; (c) a dimensioned
map identifying, describing, and depicting the location of
existing structures within one hundred (100) feet, in all
directions, of the proposed WCF, and identifying any
residential dwelling unit(s) and/or any historical structure(s)
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within three hundred (300) feet, in all directions regardless of
jurisdictional boundaries, of the WCF, unless the application
is for an EFR; (d) before and after scaled photo simulations
that depict the proposed location prior to and following the
proposed installation; (e) details related to the infrastructure,
facilities, and other equipment to be installed; and (f) existing
and proposed (by applicant) property lines and distances
from associated boundaries.
f) A description of and documentation demonstrating that the
proposed WCF will comply with generally-applicable health
and safety standards of the Port Code, regulations and
standards of the associated member-city jurisdiction, as may
be applicable, and FCC rules and standards, including radio
frequency emissions standards.
g) All manufacturer’s specifications for all noise-generating
equipment, such as air conditioning units and back-up
generators, including the equipment decibel rating for both
maintenance cycling and continual operation modes. If the
manufacturer’s specifications or other information suggest
that noise generated by the proposed WCF would exceed
applicable noise standards of the city within which WCF is
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proposed (City of San Diego, City of Chula Vista, City of
Coronado, City of National City, or City of Imperial Beach), a
noise memo or study confirming compliance with applicable
standards and/or demonstrating the maximum noise output
for the WCF. If an applicant has prepared and submitted a
noise study for a specific WCF design, a subsequent noise
study is not required for the exact same design (inclusive of
all components and technical features).
h) If the application is for a Small Cell Wireless Facility, the
application shall state as such and explain how the proposed
WCF meets the definition of Small Cell Wireless Facility.
i) If the application is for an EFR, consistent with applicable
law, the application shall state such expressly and must
contain information sufficient to demonstrate that the
application qualifies as an EFR, consistent with applicable
j) Any application for a WCF that either (1) is proposed to be
located in a Tier 2 or Tier 3 Location or (2) which seeks an
exception pursuant to Section 15.01(l), below, must include
(a) a minimum of two (2) alternative designs and/or locations
for each proposed WCF, and (b) map identifying the search
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area used by the applicant to identify the proposed location
(a “Search Ring”) unless the application is for an EFR.
k) Any requires fees, as per BPC Policy No. 106, Cost
Recovery User Policy, as amended. If the applicant has
questions regarding applicable fees, the applicant should
reach out to the District’s Development Services
3. Application Fees: The payment of applicable application fees shall
in no way be construed to guarantee approval of any specific
proposed WCF or otherwise constrain the District, as landlord
operating in its proprietary capacity, to the extent applicable, from
requiring rent or other fees consistent with applicable leasing
procedures and standards of the District or the Port Act.
4. Waiver:
a) An applicant may request a waiver from any of the submittal
requirements specified in this Section, provided that such
request shall be made in writing and at the time that the
application is submitted. The Executive Director (or his or
her designee) may grant or deny a request for a waiver, in
his or her sole discretion, provided that any approval of a
waiver must be accompanied by a finding that,
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notwithstanding the issuance of a waiver, the District will
have sufficient information regarding the proposed WCF to
understand the nature of construction and installation
proposed by the project. All waivers approved pursuant to
this subsection shall be narrowly tailored to minimize
deviation from the requirements of this Article and shall
apply only to the specific project identified.
b) Requests for waivers of cost recovery fees under BPC Policy
No. 106 are not covered by this subsection and a request for
a waiver of any fees under that policy would need to be
requested and approved in accordance with that policy.
(b) Design Standards.
1. Any application submitted to construct a WCF shall adhere to and
be designed consistent with the Design Standards, as outlined in
Section 15.05, unless the application is an EFR or an exception is
requested and approved according to Section 15.05(l). All
applicants shall, to the extent feasible, design a WCF to be a
Stealth Facility.
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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All WCF, except for an EFR, shall be designed in the least visible means feasible
and to be the least disruptive to the appearance of the primary use on a parcel as
feasible. A WCF, except for an EFR, shall be a Stealth Facility and utilize the smallest,
least visually intrusive design to minimize visual impacts. All WCF, except for an EFR,
must be compatible with proposed support structure and surroundings, including with
respect to color, materials, size, and scale, and shall use all reasonable means to hide
and conceal the WCF through design integration and screening. The District retains all
discretion to determine that a proposed WCF does not satisfy the requirements of this
Section, except as may be limited by federal or state law (such as an EFR).
(a) Locations.
1. Recognizing the unique visual and aesthetic value of District
Tidelands, the District prioritized the location of WCF in
certain locations, as specified below and ranked in order of
preference (with Tier 1 Location being the most preferred
and Tier 3 being the least preferred). To the extent a
proposed location falls within two or more tiers, the more
restrictive tier will be deemed to apply. However, a proposal
for the location of a WCF in a specific location, whether a
Tier 1 Location or otherwise, does not constitute a
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guarantee of approval and all proposed WCF must comply
with the requirements of this Article. If an applicant proposes
to locate a WCF in a Tier 2 Location or Tier 3 Location (as
defined below), except for an EFR, the applicant must
submit evidence (such as a map or figures) demonstrating
why no preferred tier locations (as characterized below) in
the applicant’s target service area are feasible as a location
for the proposed WCF.
a) Tier 1 Locations:
1) PROW in wholly commercial or industrial
2) Within existing buildings or located on the roof
of an existing building, provided the WCF is not
visible from publicly accessible areas,
regardless of location within any other less
preferred tier.
3. All locations not identified as a Tier 2 Location
or a Tier 3 Location.
b) Tier 2 Locations:
1) Within one hundred and fifty (150) feet, in any
direction, of any Historic Structure.
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2) Any Parks, open spaces, or areas of
recreation, as may not be designated in the
certified Port Master Plan.
3) Areas if Piers that are used for wholly for
commercial or industrial purposes, provided
that the WCF does not obstruct or impeded
views of San Diego Bay or the Pacific Ocean.
4) Any undeveloped District Tidelands.
5) Any area between the first inland PROW
paralleling the Pacific Ocean and the Pacific
6) All locations that would result in an adverse
impact to coastal resources, other than those
identified as Tier 3 Locations as per Section
c) Tier 3 Locations:
1) Within a View Corridor or Vista Area, as
designated in the Certified Port Master Plan.
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2) Within thirty (30) feet, in any direction, of any
Promenade, unless substantially screened
from view from the Promenade.
3) Promenades, as may be designated in the
certified Port Master Plan.
4) Piers, including but not limited to Fishing Piers
as Designated in the certified Port Master Plan.
5) Within one hundred (100) feet, in any direction,
of any Sensitive habitat Areas or adjacent
areas where siting would degrade those areas
or resources.
(b) Size. Any WCF shall be the smallest size feasible.
(c) Stealth. To effectively avoid or minimize visual clutter and intrusiveness,
WCF shall be stealth to the extent feasible.
1. The following principles aid in designing a Stealth Facility:
a) WCF shall match the color, texture, materials, and aesthetics
of the structure to which they are attached or mounted.
b) WCF shall prioritize integration into or concealment within a
structure, as opposed to visible mounting or land-based
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construction that relies on screening and/or construction of a
new structure.
c) If constructed on or attached to a building façade, ECF shall
be integrated into architectural elements (appearing flush
within a wall or hiding in a cupola). The design elements of
existing building facades should be replicated.
d) Whenever feasible, a WCF shall be placed on existing
structures or replacement structures.
e) All cabling shall be concealed and routed internally through
the existing structure.
f) All proposed vertical elements of the WCF shall replicate the
design, diameter, and proportion of the vertical elements to
be imitated when aiding with concealment.
g) WCF should not materially obstruct views from, to light
passage into, any adjacent window(s).
(d) Underground. All WCF equipment must be integrated or concealed to the
maximum extent possible, consistent with the requirements in (c)(1) of this
Section. If underground is technically feasible and would be necessary to
achieve a Stealth Facility design, WCF equipment must be placed
underground. All vaults and pull boxes shall be installed flush to grade.
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1. If required, ground-mounted equipment shall be stealth and
incorporate camouflaging and shrouding to match the colors,
appearance, and materials of existing facilities and screen
equipment from public view. Further, any ground-mounted
equipment must be enclosed in cabinets, sized only for the
necessary equipment and camouflaged using paint that matches
the surrounding environment.
(e) Security. All equipment and facilities shall be installed in a manner to
avoid being an attractive nuisance and to prevent unauthorized access,
climbing, graffiti, and vandalism.
(f) Safety. All WCF, including each piece of equipment, shall be located and
placed in a manner so as to not interfere with the use of the PROW;
impede the flow of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic; impair the
primary use and purpose or poles, signs, and traffic signals or other
infrastructure; interfere with outdoor dining areas or emergency facilities;
or otherwise obstruct the accessibility of the PROW or property. Further,
all WCF and associated equipment shall comply with applicable
Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
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(g) Noise. WCF and all accessory equipment and transmission equipment
must comply with all the noise regulations of the city in which the WCF will
be constructed.
(h) Lighting. No WCF (that is not a light pole) shall have illumination unless
specially required by the Federal Aviation Administration or other
government agency. Any required lighting shall be shielded to eliminate
impacts on the surrounding areas and sensitive biological resources.
(i) Signs. No WCF may display any signage or advertisement unless it is
expressly allowed by this Section or requires by law or a permit condition.
Every WCF shall at all times discretely display signage that accurately
identifies the WCF owner and provides the owner’s unique site number
and a local or toll-free telephone number to contact the WCF owner’s
operations center.
(j) Landscaping. In addition to any landscaping proposed by the applicant for
concealment or screening purposes, the applicant shall repair and/or
replace any existing landscaping displaced during construction or
installation of the applicant’s WCF. The applicant’s landscaping plan shall
be subject to the District’s review and approval but shall, at a minimum
match the existing landscaping and foliage surrounding the installation
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(k) Pole-Mounted WCF. Any pole-mounted WCF must be comply with the
following standards, in addition to the requirements and standards
identified above:
1. WCF on Existing Poles:
a) Stealth. The WCF should be a Stealth Facility.
b) Antennas and RRUs. Antennas and RRUs shall be
integrated in the least visually intrusive manner.
c) Dimensions. Each antenna shall be of the smallest size
technically feasible, but in no case more than three 93) cubic
feet in volume.
1) A pole-top WCF, including shroud, shall be of the
smallest size technically feasible, but in no case more
than eighty-four (84) inches in height and twenty (20)
inches in diameter
2) All side-mounted WCFs shall be of the smallest size
technically feasible and shall not project from the pole
more than twelve (12) inches.
d) Cables and Wiring. All cables and wiring must be within the
pole. If location within the pole is not feasible, all cables and
wiring must be within the conduit on the exterior of the pole.
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The conduit must be a color that matches the pole and of the
smallest size technically feasible.
2. Replacement Pole. If an applicant proposes or is required to install
a replacement pole to accommodate the proposed WCF.
a) Placement. A replacement pole must be installed in the
same location as the pole that it is replacing or as close to
the original location as feasible, taking into account pole
owner safety-related requirements and all applicable location
and placement standards herein.
b) Design. A replacement pole should match the design (e.g.,
color, dimensions, height style and materials) of the existing
pole that is being replaced to the greatest extent feasible. A
replacement pole for a WCF can exceed the height,
diameter, and proportion of an original pole, up to a
maximum of 10 (ten) percent to the extent needed to
feasible integrate antennas, accessory equipment, and
interior cabling and wiring, if the exceedance would be
greater than 10 (ten) percent, a replacement pole with WCF
components mounted to the exterior may be proposed.
c) Cables and Wiring. All cables and wiring must be concealed
within the structure.
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d) Stealth. The WCF, inclusive of the replacement pole, should
be a Stealth Facility.
e) If the WCF proposes a replacement pole with components of
the WCF mounted to the exterior of the pole, the provisions
of Section 15.05(k)1 shall apply.
3. New (Non-Replacement) Poles.
a) Exception Required. New poles are prohibited, unless an
exception is approved by the District.
b) Design. A new pole shall have a maximum height of thirty-
five (35) feet, including WCF, and a maximum diameter of 14
inches, and any base enclosure shall not exceed 24 inches
in width or height. If existing poles are present in the
surrounding area, then the new poles in appearance, color
materials, and distribution pattern/spacing.
c) New Wooden poles are prohibited.
d) Cables and Wiring. All cables and wiring must be concealed
within the pole.
e) Antennas and RRUs. Antennas and RRUs shall be
contained within the pole and its base.
f) Stealth. The WCF must be a Stealth Facility
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(i) General Orders. All installations shall comply with applicable California
Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) General Orders, including, but not
limited to General Order 95. None of the design standards are meant to
conflict with or cause a violation of CPUC General Orders. Accordingly,
project consistency with this code may be evaluated on a case-by case
basis if it is demonstrated that deviation is necessary to ensure
compliance with CPUC rules on safety.
(m) Exception
1. The Executive director (or his or her designee) may, at his or her
sole discretion and consistent with the criteria below and the
requirements of the Article, grants an exception in any of the
following circumstances:
a) If an applicant demonstrates to the District, in writing that the
applicant is unable to propose a project that complies with
specific identified requirements of this Article, and denial of
an application would, within the meaning of federal law,
prohibit or effectively prohibit the provision of personal
wireless services, or otherwise violate applicable laws or
regulations. All exceptions approved pursuant to this
subsection shall be (1) granted only on a case by case
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basis, and (2) narrowly-tailored so that the requirements of
these design standards are waived only to the minimum
extent requires to avoid the prohibition or violation; or
b) If an applicant demonstrated to the District, in writing, with
evidence set forth in a feasibility study that (1) compliance
with a requirement of Section 15.05(e)-(k), above, would be
technically infeasible, (2) the proposed WCF complies with
the requirements of these design standards to the greatest
extent technically feasible, and (3) the proposed WCF would
meet the intent and goals of this Article with respect to
protection of coastal resources (including aesthetics,
sensitive biological resources, and visual and physical public
access); or
c) If an applicant demonstrates to the District, in writing, that
the particular engineering, design or location proposed
involves only minor non-compliance, as determined by the
District, with a requirement of these design standards but
such non-compliance either results in no increase in adverse
impacts to coastal resources, the public, other uses and
users of tidelands, or provides other benefits. For example,
and exception to the WCF location limitations may be
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granted when the applicant can demonstrate that the
placement is less visible from public viewsheds or shielded
by vegetation or existing infrastructure (such as barriers or
structures), or is less physically intrusive (for example, less
impactful to tree roots or reduces noise), or the applicant can
demonstrate that in a multi-site deployment, the placement
would reduce the overall number of sites needed and be no
more visibly or physically intrusive than placement in
accordance with the WCF location criteria; or
d) For new non-replacement poles, if the applicant
demonstrated to the District in writing that the design better
achieves “stealth” design and consistency with the intent and
standards of the Design Standards than us of existing or
replacement infrastructure. The applicant must submit
evidence of existing infrastructure within the applicant’s
target placement area and describe why alternatives to the
new non-replacement pole are not feasible or why the use if
the proposed non-replacement structure better achieves
“stealth” design.
2. Among other factors, in deciding whether or not to grant an
exception, the District may consider the impact of future expansions
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to the WCF that the applicant or other party m ay be entitled to
make as of right if granted.
3. any exceptions must be requested in writing. The request must
include both the specific Section(s) from which exception is sought
and the basis of the request, including all supporting evidence on
which the applicant relies. Any request for exception after the
District has deemed an application complete constitutes a material
charge to the proposed WCF and shall be considered a new
application. A request for exception from one or more requirements
of this Article does not relieve the applicant from compliance with all
other applicable provisions of law or of the District’s regulations.
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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Section No. 15.06
Article 15 Wireless Communication Facilities General Requirements Section 15.06 Page 1 of 1
(a) All WCF shall use flat-rate electric service or other method that removes
the need for a separate above-grade electric meter. If flat-rate service is
not available, applicants should install a stealth smart meter. Any separate
ground-mounted electric meter pedestals and discouraged.
(b) All WCF are required to have a disconnect switch, which should be
mounted and treated to match the existing design.
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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Section No. 15.07
Article 15 Wireless Communication Facilities Denial
Section 15.07 – Page 1 of 1
A WCF that was lawfully constructed, erected, or approved before the effective
date of this Article, provided such WCF secured all necessary approvals, real estate
agreements, and permits from applicable agencies, and this is operating in compliance
with all applicable laws, and which facility does not conform to the requirements of this
Article shall be deemed a legal non-conforming WCF.
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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Section No. 15.08
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Any operator of a WCF that intends to abandon or discontinue use of a WCF
must notify the District, in writing, as per the real estate agreement for the WCF or, if
there is no real estate agreement, written notification shall be provided no less than
thirty (30) days prior to such abandonment or discontinuance of use. The operator shall
have ninety (90) days from the date of abandonment or discontinuance of use,
commencing from the District’s receipt of the written notification, or a reasonable
amount of additional time as may be approved by the District, to (1) obtain necessary
permits to remove the WCF, complete removal of WCF and restore the site to its
original condition or as otherwise specified by District, (2) obtain necessary approvals
and real estate agreements to transfer the rights to use the WCF to another telecom
operator or owner, or (3) continue to use the WCF. If an operator of a WCF fails to
remove a WCF, as may be required by this Section or their real estate agreement, the
District may remove the WCF at the operator’s sole cost and such operator shall be
liable for the entire cost of removal, repair, restoration, and storage (if any) associated
with the WCF.
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 304
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Section No. 15.09
Article 15 Wireless Communication Facilities Denial
Section 15.07 – Page 1 of 1
If an applicant submits a completed application to the District, complying with all
requirements outlined in 15.04(a), the District’s denial of any complete application will
be in writing and comply with applicable law.
(Enacted April 12, 2022 Ordinance No. 3041)
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