6 - 8 December 2023
Poster Submission
Organised by the Motor Neurone Disease Association
in co-operation with the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations
Poster PDF Guidelines
Poster PDF upload instructions
Poster Submission Guidelines
Posters will be able to be viewed both at the in-person poster hall in Basel and in the virtual poster
hall. On the virtual platform your poster will be available as a PDF for the duration of the event
and up to 3 months after the event for registered delegates to view. There will be no
dedicated poster session online, but virtual delegates will be able to leave questions and comments
for author(s) to come back to during or after the event.
By the end of this document, you will be able to create a poster PDF (max 5 MB). You
will upload your PDF into your Symposium poster submission portal using your unique
link from your poster submission email (sent when the poster submission portal opens).
This document contains information on:
As stated in the Conditions of Acceptance, presenting authors of accepted poster
presentations are required to upload their poster PDF by 15 NOVEMBER 2023 but uploading
earlier than this will be appreciated. Files that are not received by the deadline will be
considered no-shows and their abstract will be removed from the virtual posterhall.
By submitting your poster PDF, you confirm that you are giving permission for the MND
Association to share your materials at the Symposium and agree that it can be used as part of
the ‘catch up’ material for up to 3 months after the event as well as being shared across the
Associations digital channels. Please contact us at [email protected] if this is not
the case.
If you have any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact
Title- should be clear and simple: quickly explain your work and attract an audience.
Clear Layout- different sections should be clearly set out. If appropriate include Title,
Authors & Affiliations, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, Discussion,
Conclusion, and References.
Minimise text, focus on images- It’s a poster, a visual explanation of your work - use
images, tables and graphs.
Less is often more – don’t overcrowd the poster. Include enough empty space
throughout the poster so that various elements can be easily distinguished from one
Take home message- The conclusion should summarize the content with brevity and
Poster PDF Guidelines
Planning and Design
You don’t need to include a copy of the abstract. Your accepted abstract will appear in the
drop-down ‘Handouts’ box in your Qoster profile.
Poster Orientation and Dimensions
As your poster will be available and viewed both in-person and in the virtual poster hall we
recommend that the poster is in a portrait orientation.
In the poster hall, poster boards will be provided. The poster board surface area is 160 cm (height) x
120 cm (width). We recommend paper size A0 for all posters (1189 x 841mm; size E by
American National Standards Institute). Poster PDF's should be no larger than 5 MB.
File > New > Blank Presentation > Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size
Input 118.9 cm x 84.1 cm (AO. E size) (44-inches x 34- inches)
Optional, select and download a free template to use from the resources listed below
Insert your poster content
Save your finished PowerPoint as a PDF. Use 'Save as' and Select PDF. Ideally please put
your surname first when saving your PDF e.g. ‘COLE_ALSMNDSympPoster2020’. Your PDF
should be no more than 5 MB in size. You may need to compress it using a free online
compressor: https://pdfcompressor.com
Poster Creation
We're using Microsoft PowerPoint for Office 365 as an example to create a poster here but
alternatives are available including Canva, InDesign etc.
To create a new poster in Powerpoint:
7 Top Tips for Creating a Research Poster | Proofed's Writing Tips
Tips for an effective research poster design
Powerpoint poster templates for research poster presentations
Templates — ePosterBoards
Free PowerPoint Research Poster Templates | Genigraphics
Online Poster Resources
For more poster design hints and tips:
Poster templates:
Poster PDF Instructions
Upload your PDF file into your Symposium poster submission portal (using your unique link
sent to you when the poster submission portal opens).
In the Poster Uploadtab of the menu bar, you will see there is a Document’ column in the
summary table. You should see your accepted abstract(s) with and Poster PDF’ documents
Click ‘Edit’ next to each document and read the text before clicking ‘Update’.
Please upload your poster PDF in the specified boxes (should be no more than 5 MB).
Once you have uploaded, you should see green ticks appear in the check boxes beside the
documents listed.
Please note, you will not receive email confirmation once you have uploaded your
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]