High School Spanish II
Curriculum Guide
© 2012 Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This material is intended for the exclusive use of
registered users only. No portion of these materials may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the
express permission of Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Course Description
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Overall Course Objectives
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Recurring Content
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Competency-High School Spanish II Curriculum Guide Page 4
© 2012 Middlebury Interactive Languages(
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Competency-High School Spanish II Curriculum Guide Page 5
© 2012 Middlebury Interactive Languages(
Course Scope and Sequence
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Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 1
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Middlebury Interactive Competency: Spanish HS Year 2
Alignment to: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Languages Other Than English
The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
Standard 1A: Students engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to
provide and obtain information.
Activity Title
Conversation Station 1
Every unit
Conversation Station 2
Every unit
Discussion Board: Job Placement
Unit 7
Discussion Board: Seasonal Activities
Unit 22
Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking
Units 2, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 29
Standard 1B: Students demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as
simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics; and
comprehend brief conversations, narratives, and recorded material in familiar contexts.
Activity Title
Units 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 19
Every unit
Conjugation Practice
Even units
Conjugation Puzzle
Even units
Conversation Station
Every unit
[Country] Chile: Overview
Unit 1
[Country] Chile: History
Unit 2
[Country] Chile: La cueca
Unit 3
[Country] Chile: Empanadas y completos
Unit 4
[Country] Chile: Idioms
Unit 5
[Country] Chile: Pablo Neruda
Unit 6
[Country] Chile: Festivales
Unit 7
[Country] Chile: Qué hacer
Unit 8
[Country] Peru: Overview
Unit 10
[Country] Peru: Incas
Unit 11
[Country] Peru: Intiraymi
Unit 12
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 2
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 1B: Students demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as
simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics; and
comprehend brief conversations, narratives, and recorded material in familiar contexts.
Activity Title
[Country] Peru: Food
Unit 13
[Country] Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa
Unit 14
[Country] Peru: Marinera
Unit 15
[Country] Peru: Things to do
Unit 16
[Country] Peru: Expresiones Idiomáticas
Unit 17
[Country] Colombia: Overview
Unit 19
[Country] Colombia: Festivales de Colombia
Unit 20
[Country] Colombia: Simón Bolivar
Unit 21
[Country] Colombia: Qué ver y hacer en Colombia
Unit 22
[Country] Colombia: Cumbia
Unit 23
[Country] Colombia: Expressions
Unit 24
[Country] Colombia: Food
Unit 25
[Country] Colombia: Gabriel García Marquez
Unit 26
[Country] Nicaragua: Overview
Unit 28
[Country] Nicaragua: Food
Unit 29
[Country] Nicaragua: Rubén Darío
Unit 30
[Country] Nicaragua: Festivales
Unit 31
[Country] Nicaragua: Qué ver y hacer
Unit 32
[Country] Nicaragua: Poverty
Unit 33
[Country] Nicaragua: History
Unit 34
[Country] Nicaragua: Expresiones idiomáticas
Unit 35
Discussion Board: Job Placement
Unit 7
Discussion Board: Seasonal Activities
Unit 22
Explore: personal interest
Unit 10
Final: Listening and Reading
1 per semester
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 3
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 1B: Students demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as
simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics; and
comprehend brief conversations, narratives, and recorded material in familiar contexts.
Activity Title
Final: Speaking
1 per semester
Final: Vocabulary
1 per semester
Final: Writing
1 per semester
Every unit
Matching (all sets)
Every unit
Midterm: Listening and Reading
1 per semester
Out-of-Seat Activity: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Out-of-Seat Activity: Music
Unit 13
Out-of-Seat Activity: 24-hour challenge
Units 17, 34
Out-of-Seat Activity: Movie
Unit 32
Pop Quiz
Every unit
Presentational Writing Practice
Unit 7
Quiz [country] Chile: Overview
Unit 1
Quiz [country] Chile: History
Unit 2
Quiz [country] Chile: La cueca
Unit 3
Quiz [country] Chile: Empanadas y completos
Unit 4
Quiz [country] Chile: Idioms
Unit 5
Quiz [country] Chile: Pablo Neruda
Unit 6
Quiz [country] Chile: Festivales
Unit 7
Quiz [country] Chile: Qué hacer
Unit 8
Quiz [country] Peru: Overview
Unit 10
Quiz [country] Peru: Incas
Unit 11
Quiz [country] Peru: Intiraymi
Unit 12
Quiz [country] Peru: Food
Unit 13
Quiz [country] Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa
Unit 14
Quiz [country] Peru: Marinera
Unit 15
Quiz [country] Peru: Things to do
Unit 16
Quiz [country] Peru: Expresiones Idiomáticas
Unit 17
Quiz [country] Colombia: Overview
Unit 19
Quiz [country] Colombia: Festivales de Colombia
Unit 20
Quiz [country] Colombia: Simón Bolivar
Unit 21
Quiz [country] Colombia: Qué ver y hacer en Colombia
Unit 22
Quiz [country] Colombia: Cumbia
Unit 23
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 4
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 1B: Students demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as
simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics; and
comprehend brief conversations, narratives, and recorded material in familiar contexts.
Activity Title
Quiz [country] Colombia: Expressions
Unit 24
Quiz [country] Colombia: Food
Unit 25
Quiz [country] Colombia: Gabriel García Marquez
Unit 26
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Overview
Unit 28
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Food
Unit 29
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Rubén Darío
Unit 30
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Festivales
Unit 31
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Qué ver y hacer
Unit 32
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Poverty
Unit 33
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: History
Unit 34
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Expresiones idiomáticas
Unit 35
Quiz [culture tidbit]: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Las farmacias
Unit 5
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El cuidado de los mayores
Unit 6
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Parties
Unit 12
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Television
Unit 13
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Vivir en un ciudad o vivir en un pueblo
Unit 28
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El noviazgo
Unit 32
Quiz: Listening Comprehension
Every unit
Quiz: Reading Comprehension
Every unit
Reading Passage
Every unit
Speaking Journal
Odd units
Speaking Lab (all sets)
Every unit
Speaking Test
Even units
Synthesis 1: Listening
Every unit
Synthesis 2: Listening
Every unit
Synthesis 3: Listening
Every unit
Synthesis 4: Reading and Writing
Units 1, 2, 4, 8, 13-16, 19, 20, 22, 34
Synthesis 4: Reading
Units 3, 5, 7, 11, 12
Synthesis 4: Listening
Units 6, 10
Synthesis 4: Reading, Listening, and Writing
Units 17, 21, 26, 28, 32, 25
Synthesis 4: Writing
Units 23, 25, 29, 31, 33
Synthesis 5: Reading and Speaking
Units 1, 2, 34
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 5
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 1B: Students demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as
simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics; and
comprehend brief conversations, narratives, and recorded material in familiar contexts.
Activity Title
Synthesis 5: Reading
Units 3-7, 10, 12-14, 16-33, 35
Synthesis 5: Dropdown
Unit 15
Synthesis 5: Reading and Writing
Unit 8
Synthesis 6: Writing and Speaking
Unit 1
Synthesis 6: Reading and Writing
Units 2, 4, 10, 12-16, 20, 22-24, 29, 33
Synthesis 6: Writing
Units 3, 6-8, 11, 17, 19,
Synthesis 6: Listening
Unit 5
Synthesis 6: Reading
Units 21, 25, 28, 30-32, 35
Synthesis 6: Speaking
Unit 26
Synthesis 7: Reading and Writing
Units 1, 2, 4-7, 12, 15, 17, 21, 33
Synthesis 7: Writing
Units 3, 10, 11
Synthesis 7: Listening and Writing
Units 13, 16, 19, 20, 22-32, 35
Synthesis 7: Listening, Writing, and Speaking
Unit 14
Synthesis 7: Speaking and Listening
Unit 8
Synthesis 8: Reading
Units 1, 17, 21, 32
Synthesis 8: Speaking and Listening
Units 2, 4, 5, 10, 12-14, 16
Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking
Units 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 29
Synthesis 8: Speaking and Reading
Unit 6
Synthesis 8: Listening
Units 24-28, 31, 34
Synthesis 9: Listening, Reading, and Speaking
Unit 1
Teacher Tip Practice: Present Irregulars
Unit 1
Teacher Tip Practice: Preterite Tense
Unit 2
Teacher Tip Practice: Verbs ending in car
Unit 5
Teacher Tip Practice: Ser vs. estar
Unit 8
Teacher Tip Practice: The Imperfect
Unit 10
Teacher Tip Practice: Apartamento
Unit 13
Teacher Tip Practice: Hay que
Unit 14
Teacher Tip Practice: Car
Unit 15
Teacher Tip Practice: Reflexives
Unit 16
Teacher Tip Practice: The Future
Unit 19
Teacher Tip Practice: False Cognates
Unit 20
Teacher Tip Practice: Present Irregulars
Unit 23
Teacher Tip Practice: Neutral Pronouns
Unit 25
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 6
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 1B: Students demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as
simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics; and
comprehend brief conversations, narratives, and recorded material in familiar contexts.
Activity Title
Teacher Tip Practice: Despedir
Unit 28
Teacher Tip Practice: Por and para
Unit 30
Teacher Tip Practice: Past Participles
Unit 31
Unit Test
Every unit
Warm-up (all sets)
Every unit
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Webquest: BMW
Unit 13
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Webquest: UNICEF
Unit 33
Writing Journal
Even units
Writing Test
Odd units
Standard 1C: Students present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and
Activity Title
Conversation Station
Every unit
Discussion Board: Job Placement
Unit 7
Discussion Board: Seasonal Activities
Unit 22
Final: Speaking
1 per semester
Final: Writing
1 per semester
Presentational Writing Practice
Unit 7
Speaking Journal
Odd units
Speaking Test
Even units
Units 5, 8, 10, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Webquest: BMW
Unit 13
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Webquest: UNICEF
Unit 33
Writing Journal
Even units
Writing Test
Odd units
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 7
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
Standard 2A: Students demonstrate an understanding of the practices (what people do) and how they are
related to the perspectives (how people perceive things) of the cultures studied.
Activity Title
Out-of-Seat Activity: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Out-of-Seat Activity: Music
Unit 13
Out-of-Seat Activity: 24-hour challenge
Units 17, 34
Out-of-Seat Activity: Movie
Unit 32
Quiz [country] Chile: Overview
Unit 1
Quiz [country] Chile: History
Unit 2
Quiz [country] Chile: La cueca
Unit 3
Quiz [country] Chile: Empanadas y completos
Unit 4
Quiz [country] Chile: Idioms
Unit 5
Quiz [country] Chile: Pablo Neruda
Unit 6
Quiz [country] Chile: Festivales
Unit 7
Quiz [country] Chile: Qué hacer
Unit 8
Quiz [country] Peru: Overview
Unit 10
Quiz [country] Peru: Incas
Unit 11
Quiz [country] Peru: Intiraymi
Unit 12
Quiz [country] Peru: Food
Unit 13
Quiz [country] Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa
Unit 14
Quiz [country] Peru: Marinera
Unit 15
Quiz [country] Peru: Things to do
Unit 16
Quiz [country] Peru: Expresiones Idiomáticas
Unit 17
Quiz [country] Colombia: Overview
Unit 19
Quiz [country] Colombia: Festivales de Colombia
Unit 20
Quiz [country] Colombia: Simón Bolivar
Unit 21
Quiz [country] Colombia: Qué ver y hacer en Colombia
Unit 22
Quiz [country] Colombia: Cumbia
Unit 23
Quiz [country] Colombia: Expressions
Unit 24
Quiz [country] Colombia: Food
Unit 25
Quiz [country] Colombia: Gabriel García Marquez
Unit 26
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Overview
Unit 28
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Food
Unit 29
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 8
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 2A: Students demonstrate an understanding of the practices (what people do) and how they are
related to the perspectives (how people perceive things) of the cultures studied.
Activity Title
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Festivales
Unit 31
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Qué ver y hacer
Unit 32
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Poverty
Unit 33
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: History
Unit 34
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Expresiones idiomáticas
Unit 35
Quiz [culture tidbit]: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Las farmacias
Unit 5
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El cuidado de los mayores
Unit 6
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Parties
Unit 12
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Television
Unit 13
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Vivir en un ciudad o vivir en un pueblo
Unit 28
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El noviazgo
Unit 32
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Webquest: BMW
Unit 13
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Webquest: UNICEF
Unit 33
Standard 2B: Students demonstrate an understanding of the products (what people create) and how they are
related to the perspectives (how people perceive things) of the cultures studied.
Activity Title
Out-of-Seat Activity: Community Event
Unit 21
Quiz [country] Chile: Overview
Unit 1
Quiz [country] Chile: History
Unit 2
Quiz [country] Chile: La cueca
Unit 3
Quiz [country] Chile: Empanadas y completos
Unit 4
Quiz [country] Chile: Idioms
Unit 5
Quiz [country] Chile: Pablo Neruda
Unit 6
Quiz [country] Chile: Festivales
Unit 7
Quiz [country] Chile: Qué hacer
Unit 8
Quiz [country] Peru: Overview
Unit 10
Quiz [country] Peru: Incas
Unit 11
Quiz [country] Peru: Intiraymi
Unit 12
Quiz [country] Peru: Food
Unit 13
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 9
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 2B: Students demonstrate an understanding of the products (what people create) and how they are
related to the perspectives (how people perceive things) of the cultures studied.
Activity Title
Quiz [country] Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa
Unit 14
Quiz [country] Peru: Marinera
Unit 15
Quiz [country] Peru: Things to do
Unit 16
Quiz [country] Peru: Expresiones Idiomáticas
Unit 17
Quiz [country] Colombia: Overview
Unit 19
Quiz [country] Colombia: Festivales de Colombia
Unit 20
Quiz [country] Colombia: Simón Bolivar
Unit 21
Quiz [country] Colombia: Qué ver y hacer en Colombia
Unit 22
Quiz [country] Colombia: Cumbia
Unit 23
Quiz [country] Colombia: Expressions
Unit 24
Quiz [country] Colombia: Food
Unit 25
Quiz [country] Colombia: Gabriel García Marquez
Unit 26
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Overview
Unit 28
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Food
Unit 29
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Rubén Darío
Unit 30
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Festivales
Unit 31
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Qué ver y hacer
Unit 32
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Poverty
Unit 33
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: History
Unit 34
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Expresiones idiomáticas
Unit 35
Quiz [culture tidbit]: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Las farmacias
Unit 5
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El cuidado de los mayores
Unit 6
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Parties
Unit 12
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Television
Unit 13
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Vivir en un ciudad o vivir en un pueblo
Unit 28
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El noviazgo
Unit 32
Units 4, 12, 25
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Writing Journal
Unit 12
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
The student uses the language to make connections with other subject areas and to acquire
Standard 3A: Students use resources (that may include technology) in the language and cultures being
studied to gain access to information
Activity Title
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Webquest: BMW
Unit 13
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Webquest: UNICEF
Unit 33
Standard 3B: Students use the language to obtain, reinforce, or expand knowledge of other subject areas
Activity Title
Life-long Learner Report
Units 16, 24
Reading Passage
Every unit
Unit 3
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Webquest: BMW
Unit 13
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 11
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
The student develops insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing the
student's own language and culture to another.
Standard 4A: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of
the student's own language and the language studied;
Activity Title
Units 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 19
Conjugation Puzzle
Even units
[Country] Chile: La cueca
Unit 3
[Country] Peru: Expresiones Idiomáticas
Unit 17
[Country] Nicaragua: Poverty
Unit 33
Final: Vocabulary
1 per semester
Every unit
Grammar Introduction
Every unit
Grammar Lesson
Every unit
Grammar Practice
Units 8, 13, 14, 19, 23, 25, 26, 30, 31
Grammar Review Practice
Units 16, 24-26, 28, 33
Grammar Review
Units 2-6, 10, 14-16, 20-26, 29, 31-35
Matching (all sets)
Every unit
Pronunciation Practice
Odd units
Set 2 Speaking Lab
Unit 13
Synthesis 2: Listening
Unit 31
Synthesis 6: Reading and Writing
Unit 33
Synthesis 7: Reading and Writing
Unit 4
Synthesis 8: Speaking
Unit 30
Synthesis 9: Listening, Reading, Speaking
Unit 1
Synthesis: Reading and Speaking
Unit 33
Teacher Tip Practice: Present Irregulars
Unit 1
Teacher Tip Practice: Preterite Tense
Unit 2
Teacher Tip Practice: Verbs ending in car
Unit 5
Teacher Tip Practice: Ser vs. estar
Unit 8
Teacher Tip Practice: The Imperfect
Unit 10
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 12
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 4A: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of
the student's own language and the language studied;
Activity Title
Teacher Tip Practice: Apartamento
Unit 13
Teacher Tip Practice: Hay que
Unit 14
Teacher Tip Practice: Car
Unit 15
Teacher Tip Practice: Reflexives
Unit 16
Teacher Tip Practice: The Future
Unit 19
Teacher Tip Practice: False Cognates
Unit 20
Teacher Tip Practice: Present Irregulars
Unit 23
Teacher Tip Practice: Neutral Pronouns
Unit 25
Teacher Tip Practice: Despedir
Unit 28
Teacher Tip Practice: Por and para
Unit 30
Teacher Tip Practice: Past Participles
Unit 31
Unit Test
Every unit
Vocabulary Guide: -AR verbs
Unit 1
Vocabulary Guide: -ER/-IR verbs
Unit 2
Vocabulary Guide: Numbers
Unit 3
Vocabulary Guide: Food
Unit 4
Vocabulary Guide: Health
Unit 5
Vocabulary Guide: Family
Unit 6
Vocabulary Guide: Professions
Unit 7
Vocabulary Guide: Adjectives
Unit 8
Vocabulary Guide: Pastimes
Unit 10
Vocabulary Guide: Body
Unit 11
Vocabulary Guide: Holidays
Unit 12
Vocabulary Guide: House
Unit 13
Vocabulary Guide: At School
Unit 14
Vocabulary Guide: Car
Unit 15
Vocabulary Guide: In the City
Unit 16
Vocabulary Guide: Proverbs
Unit 17
Vocabulary Guide: Verbs
Unit 19
Vocabulary Guide: False Cognates
Unit 20
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 13
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 4A: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of
the student's own language and the language studied;
Activity Title
Vocabulary Guide: Nature
Unit 21
Vocabulary Guide: Vacation
Unit 22
Vocabulary Guide: Music
Unit 23
Vocabulary Guide: Technology
Unit 24
Vocabulary Guide: Measurements
Unit 25
Vocabulary Guide: Clothing
Unit 26
Vocabulary Guide: Work
Unit 28
Vocabulary Guide: Shopping and Money
Unit 29
Vocabulary Guide: Expressions with por and para
Unit 30
Vocabulary Guide: Relationships
Unit 31
Vocabulary Guide: Relationships
Unit 32
Vocabulary Guide: Social Issues
Unit 33
Vocabulary Guide: Social Issues
Unit 34
Vocabulary Guide: Idiomatic Expressions
Unit 35
Vocabulary introduction
Every unit
Warm-up (all sets)
Every unit
Standard 4B: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the
student's own culture and the cultures studied
Activity Title
Life-long Learner Report
Unit 16
Quiz [country] Chile: Overview
Unit 1
Quiz [country] Chile: History
Unit 2
Quiz [country] Chile: La cueca
Unit 3
Quiz [country] Chile: Empanadas y completos
Unit 4
Quiz [country] Chile: Idioms
Unit 5
Quiz [country] Chile: Pablo Neruda
Unit 6
Quiz [country] Chile: Festivales
Unit 7
Quiz [country] Chile: Qué hacer
Unit 8
Quiz [country] Peru: Overview
Unit 10
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 14
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 4B: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the
student's own culture and the cultures studied
Activity Title
Quiz [country] Peru: Incas
Unit 11
Quiz [country] Peru: Intiraymi
Unit 12
Quiz [country] Peru: Food
Unit 13
Quiz [country] Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa
Unit 14
Quiz [country] Peru: Marinera
Unit 15
Quiz [country] Peru: Things to do
Unit 16
Quiz [country] Peru: Expresiones Idiomáticas
Unit 17
Quiz [country] Colombia: Overview
Unit 19
Quiz [country] Colombia: Festivales de Colombia
Unit 20
Quiz [country] Colombia: Simón Bolivar
Unit 21
Quiz [country] Colombia: Qué ver y hacer en Colombia
Unit 22
Quiz [country] Colombia: Cumbia
Unit 23
Quiz [country] Colombia: Expressions
Unit 24
Quiz [country] Colombia: Food
Unit 25
Quiz [country] Colombia: Gabriel García Marquez
Unit 26
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Overview
Unit 28
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Food
Unit 29
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Rubén Darío
Unit 30
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Festivales
Unit 31
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Qué ver y hacer
Unit 32
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Poverty
Unit 33
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: History
Unit 34
Quiz [country] Nicaragua: Expresiones idiomáticas
Unit 35
Quiz [culture tidbit]: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Las farmacias
Unit 5
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El cuidado de los mayores
Unit 6
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Parties
Unit 12
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Television
Unit 13
Quiz [culture tidbit]: Vivir en un ciudad o vivir en un pueblo
Unit 28
Quiz [culture tidbit]: El noviazgo
Unit 32
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 15
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Standard 4B: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the
student's own culture and the cultures studied
Activity Title
Speaking Journal
Unit 13
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Standard 4C: Students demonstrate an understanding of the influence of one language and culture on
Activity Title
Teacher Tip Practice: Present Irregulars
Unit 1
Teacher Tip Practice: Preterite Tense
Unit 2
Teacher Tip Practice: Verbs ending in car
Unit 5
Teacher Tip Practice: Ser vs. estar
Unit 8
Teacher Tip Practice: The Imperfect
Unit 10
Teacher Tip Practice: Apartamento
Unit 13
Teacher Tip Practice: Hay que
Unit 14
Teacher Tip Practice: Car
Unit 15
Teacher Tip Practice: Reflexives
Unit 16
Teacher Tip Practice: The Future
Unit 19
Teacher Tip Practice: False Cognates
Unit 20
Teacher Tip Practice: Present Irregulars
Unit 23
Teacher Tip Practice: Neutral Pronouns
Unit 25
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 16
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
The student participates in communities at home and around the world by using languages
other than English.
Standard 5A : Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting through activities such
as participating in cultural events and using technology to communicate
Activity Title
Explore: Personal Interest
Unit 10
Life-long Learner Goals
Unit 21
Life-long Learner Report
Units 16, 24
Out-of-Seat Activity: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Out-of-Seat Activity: Music
Unit 13
Out-of-Seat Activity: 24-hour challenge
Units 17, 34
Out-of-Seat Activity: Movie
Unit 32
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Webquest: BMW
Unit 13
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Webquest: UNICEF
Unit 33
Standard 5B: Students show evidence of becoming a lifelong learner by using the language for personal
enrichment and career development.
Activity Title
Explore: Personal Interest
Unit 10
Life-long Learner Goals
Unit 21
Life-long Learner Report
Units 16, 24
Out-of-Seat Activity: ¡Buen provecho!
Unit 4
Out-of-Seat Activity: Music
Unit 13
Out-of-Seat Activity: 24-hour challenge
Units 17, 34
Out-of-Seat Activity: Movie
Unit 32
Webquest: Una receta
Unit 4
Webquest: La influenza
Unit 5
Webquest: BMW
Unit 13
Webquest: De viaje
Unit 22
Webquest: UNICEF
Unit 33
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Activity Descriptions
Language learning should be fun. Various jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters are sprinkled throughout
the course to provide added enjoyment for students. However, although these are fun for students,
these jokes do practice vocabulary and grammar as well as provide an insight into a culture’s humor.
The unit conclusion is comprised of a summary of all important points covered previously in the unit. It
serves to focus students’ review efforts before unit tests begin.
Conjugation Practice
Conjugation Practice is an opportunity for students to practice their verb use in context after focusing on
structures in the Conjugation Puzzle.
Conjugation Puzzle
This verb-oriented activity allows students to focus specifically on conjugationsparticularly irregular
onesin preparation for further synthesis later in the unit.
Conversation Station
This listening and speaking activity provides students the opportunity to participate in a simulated
Country: [topic]
Throughout the course, students will be introduced to a great variety of cultural topics. They will learn
about different foods, idioms and expressions, history, literature, art, customs, traditions, and many more
important cultural points. They will soon come to feel a connection with the people and culture of the
language they are learning.
Culture Tidbit: [topic]
Throughout the course, students will be introduced to a great variety of cultural topics. They will learn
about different foods, idioms and expressions, history, literature, art, customs, traditions, and many more
important cultural points. They will soon come to feel a connection with the people and culture of the
language they are learning.
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Discussion Board: [topic]
These activities provide the students with a forum, a place to converse in the language and share ideas
with other students.
Explore: personal interest
These activities allow students to explore other topics in the target language. They are typically asked to
do some research in the target language and to make connections to the topics they choose.
Final: Grammar
Students are tested on grammar from the semester’s lessons during this multiple-choice examination.
Final: Listening and Reading
Students are tested on reading and listening from the semester’s lessons during this multiple-choice
Final: Speaking
Speaking tests provide students the opportunity to use their language in various contexts and situations.
Teachers will provide feedback on the students’ oral submissions.
Final: Vocabulary
Students are tested on vocabulary from the semester’s lessons during this multiple-choice examination.
Final: Writing
Writing tests provide students the opportunity to use their language in various contexts and situations.
Teachers will provide feedback on the students’ written submissions.
Students have the opportunity to practice their vocabulary and/or grammar knowledge from the unit.
Flashcards test both from the target language to English, and vice versa.
Grammar Introduction: [topic]
Grammar introductions provide students the chance to learn novel grammar structures and patterns.
They are followed by grammar practices where the student can output these newly-learned elements.
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Grammar Lesson: [topic]
These videos present grammar principles. This format allows for a visual presentation, an auditory
explanation, and the opportunity for the student to see the entire script so that they can review the
material on their own.
Grammar Practice: [topic]
Grammar practices provide students the chance to practice specific grammar patterns. These activities
may provide isolated grammar practice or integrated/contextualized practices. Vocabulary words from
the unit and from previous units are integrated into these activities for additional review.
Grammar Review: [topic]
It is important to have continual review of grammar principles in the course. In every unit there is a
review lesson and a review practice before new principles are taught.
Grammar Review Practice: [topic]
It is important to have continual review of grammar principles in the course. In every unit there is a
review lesson and a review practice before new principles are taught.
Life-long Learner Goals
Each semester students are required to create a plan for incorporating the target language into their daily
lives. They accomplish this by outlining the long-term benefits of learning a language, by making goals
for what they want to accomplish with their mastery of the language, and by creating a plan for
accomplishing their goals.
Life-long Learner Report
Each semester students are required to create a plan for incorporating the target language into their daily
lives. They accomplish this by outlining the long-term benefits of learning a language, by making goals
for what they want to accomplish with their mastery of the language, and by creating a plan for
accomplishing their goals.
Matching (all sets)
This matching activity allows students to learn and practice their vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.
The spelling and pronunciation of each word is reinforced as well as its meaning.
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Midterm: Listening and Reading
Students are tested on reading and listening from the quarter’s lessons during this multiple-choice
Out-of-Seat Activity: [topic]
Several times during the year, students are given opportunities to use the language “outside” the course.
These are specific assignments directing students to interact in a genuine way with the language or
Pop Quiz
This activity tests the students’ comprehension of vocabulary, grammar, or other elements presented in
the unit. It typically occurs midweek and may cover any aspect of the week’s curriculum.
Presentational Writing Practice
This activity represents the beginning of AP test preparations. Its goal is to expose students to
presentation-level writing such as they will need for the AP test and further language study.
Pronunciation Lesson: [topic]
Each pronunciation animation video teaches a different rule or principle for correctly pronouncing
different or difficult sounds in the target language. The pronunciation videos are done by a native
speaker to ensure that the students hear and practice correct pronunciation.
Pronunciation Practice
Each pronunciation animation video teaches a different rule or principle for correctly pronouncing
different or difficult sounds in the target language. This activity helps students practice what they just
learned in the video about pronunciation.
Quiz: [country topic]
Throughout the course, students will be introduced to a great variety of cultural topics. They will learn
about different foods, idioms and expressions, history, literature, art, customs, traditions, and many more
important cultural points. They will soon come to feel a connection with the people and culture of the
language they are learning. This activity assesses student understanding of the country-specific topic.
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Quiz: [culture tidbit]
Throughout the course, students will be introduced to a great variety of cultural topics. They will learn
about different foods, idioms and expressions, history, literature, art, customs, traditions, and many more
important cultural points. They will soon come to feel a connection with the people and culture of the
language they are learning. This activity assesses student understanding of the culture tidbit.
Quiz: Listening Comprehension
This activity tests the students’ ability to comprehend cultural information such as different foods, idioms
and expressions, history, literature, art, customs, traditions, and many more important cultural points.
Quiz: Reading Comprehension
This activity tests the students’ ability to comprehend cultural information such as different foods, idioms
and expressions, history, literature, art, customs, traditions, and many more important cultural points.
Reading Passage
Reading passages vary in length and content but provide students the opportunity to read in the target
language while learning about cultural or other information that may be relevant to areas where the target
language is spoken.
Speaking Journal
Speaking journals provide additional opportunities for students to improve their speaking skills. The
prompts for the journals allow students to practice the vocabulary and grammar from a particular unit in a
creative, non-threatening way. In addition to vocabulary and grammar practice, students are also
frequently asked to speak about cultural comparisons and connections.
Speaking Lab (all sets)
After completing a warm-up activity and a matching activity, students will complete a speaking lab for
each set of vocabulary. Students hear a native speaker saying a series of phrases. The students then
record themselves and can compare themselves to the original.
Speaking Test
Speaking tests provide students the opportunity to use their language in various contexts and situations.
Teachers will provide feedback on the students’ oral submissions.
Synthesis: [topic]
Synthesis activities combine various language concepts and skills into one activity. Students are able to
practice listening, reading, and writing skills while reinforcing their vocabulary and grammar from a
particular unit.
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Teacher Tip Practice: [topic]
The course teacher pops in throughout the unit to provide additional hints and tips to help the student be
successful in the course. If needed, a practice activity occurs after the tip is offered.
Unit Test
Students are tested on grammar, vocabulary, reading, and listening from the unit’s lessons during this
multiple-choice examination.
Vocabulary Guide: [topic]
Vocabulary guides provide a comprehensive and easy-to-grasp overview of all target words and phrases
to be presented, studied, and tested throughout the unit.
Vocabulary Introduction
Vocabulary guides provide a comprehensive and easy-to-grasp overview of all target words and phrases
to be presented, studied, and tested throughout the unit. The introduction displays several of these words
in a visual context.
Warm-up (all sets)
Each set of vocabulary is first presented in a warm-up activity. This allows the students to see and hear
the words that they will be learning. In this activity, students are to use cognates and previous
knowledge to guess what each words means. They verify their guesses by clicking on the word.
Webquest: [topic]
These special activities provide students the opportunity to link out to authentic sources of language on
the Internet. Students are given practical tasks where they must use their language to accomplish the
Writing Journal
Journals provide additional opportunities for students to improve their writing skills. The prompts for the
journals allow students to practice the vocabulary and grammar from a particular unit in a creative,
nonthreatening way. In addition to vocabulary and grammar practice, students are also frequently asked
to write about cultural comparisons and connections.
Writing Test
Writing tests provide students the opportunity to use their language in various contexts and situations.
Teachers will provide feedback on the students’ written submissions.
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Appendix Grammar Activity Titles, Detailed
Grammar Introduction
Grammar Introduction Unit 1
The Preterite Tense Unit 2
Object Pronouns Unit 3
The Preterite Tense Unit 4
Grammar Introduction Unit 5
The Present Progressive Unit 6
Present vs. Preterite Tense Unit 7
Ser vs. Estar Unit 8
The Imperfect Tense Unit 10
Adjectives and Adverbs Unit 11
Imperfect vs. Preterite Unit 12
Imperfect vs. Preterite Unit 13
Expressions with Haber Unit 14
Hacer and Expressions of Time Unit 15
Reflexive Verbs Unit 16
Gustar Unit 17
Future Tense Unit 19
The Conditional Tense Unit 20
The Past Participle Unit 21
The Passive Voice Unit 22
Comparative and Superlatives Unit 23
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 24
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 25
Phrasal Verbs Unit 26
Tú Commands Unit 28
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 24
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Usted Commands Unit 29
Por and Para Unit 30
The Present Perfect Unit 31
Present Perfect Irregular Verbs Unit 32
The Subjunctive Mood Unit 33
The Present Subjunctive Unit 34
Integration of all Tenses Unit 35
Grammar Lesson
Regular Present Tense Verbs Unit 1
Present Tense Irregulars Unit 1
The Preterite Tense Unit 2
Object Pronouns Unit 3
The Preterite Tense Irregulars Unit 4
Preterite Spelling Changes Unit 5
Present Progressive Unit 6
Present vs. Preterite Unit 7
Ser and Estar Unit 8
Imperfect Tense Unit 10
Adjectives and Adverbs Unit 11
Imperfect vs. Preterite Unit12
Imperfect vs. Preterite Meanings Unit 13
Expressions with Haber Unit 14
Hacer and Expressions of Time Unit 15
Reflexive Verbs Unit 16
Gustar Unit 17
Future Tense Unit 19
Conditional Tense Unit 20
The Past Participle Unit 21
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 25
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Passive Voice Unit 22
Comparatives and Superlatives Unit 23
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 24
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 25
Phrasal Verbs Unit 26
Tú Commands Unit 28
Usted Commands Unit 29
Por and Para Unit 30
Present Perfect Tense Unit 31
Present Perfect Irregular Verbs Unit 32
Subjunctive Mood Unit 33
Present Subjunctive Unit 34
Integration of all Tenses Unit 35
Grammar Practice
Present Tense Conjugation Practice Unit 1
Verbs Ending in the Present Unit 1
Irregular Verbs Unit 1
Verb Tree Conjugations Unit 1
Los Fines de Semana Unit 1
Grammar Practice 6 Unit 1
Preterite Tense Conjugation Practice Unit 2
Pronunciation of the Preterite Unit 2
Verb Endings in the Preterite Unit 2
More Preterite Conjugation Practice
Unit 2
The Preterite Tense
Unit 2
Direct Object Pronouns
Unit 3
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 26
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Indirect Object Pronouns
Unit 3
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
Unit 3
Double Object Pronouns
Unit 3
Grammar Practice 5
Unit 3
Regular Verbs vs. Irregular Verbs
Unit 4
Irregular Preterite Stems
Unit 4
En el restaurante
Unit 4
Preterite Irregular Conjugations
Unit 4
Verb Salad Regular and Irregular Verbs
Unit 4
Present Tense Conjugation Practice
Unit 5
More with Irregular Preterite
Unit 5
Corrige el Error
Unit 5
Los Fines de Semana
Unit 5
Grammar Practice 5
Unit 5
The Present Progressive
Unit 6
Grammar Practice 2
Unit 6
Una foto familiar
Unit 6
Present tense to the present progressive
Unit 6
Verb Endings
Unit 7
Present or Past?
Unit 7
Unit 7
El Cirujano
Unit 7
Present vs. Past
Unit 7
Ser vs. Estar
Unit 8
Why Ser or Estar?
Unit 8
Ser and Estar
Unit 8
The Imperfect Tense
Unit 10
The Imperfect
Unit 10
The Imperfect nuestra vida antes
Unit 10
From the preterite to the imperfect
Unit 10
Cuando yo era joven…
Unit 10
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 27
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Adjectives Gender Agreement
Unit 11
Adverbs: -mente
Unit 11
Gender and Numbering Agreement
Unit 11
Error Correction
Unit 11
Grammar Practice 5
Unit 11
Preterite Tense Conjugation Practice
Unit 12
Preterite vs. Imperfect Unit 12
Circumstance or Event? Unit 12
Correct or Incorrect? Unit 12
Imperfect or Preterite? Unit 12
Imperfect or Preterite Unit 13
Poder, Querer, Tener Unit 13
Saber, Conocer Unit 13
Translation Unit 13
Hay, Había, Hubo Unit 14
Translate Unit 14
Hay, Había, Hubo Unit 14
Hay y Había Unit 14
Hace Unit 15
¿Hace cuánto...? Unit 15
Expressions of Time Unit 15
Hacer and Expressions of Time Unit 15
Reflexive Pronouns Unit 16
Reflexive or not? Unit 16
Reflexive Error Corrections Unit 16
Reflexive or not? Unit 16
Gustar Pronouns Unit 17
Gustar singular or plural? Unit 17
Other verbs like Gustar Unit 17
Gustar and other verbs Unit 17
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 28
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written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Future Tense Unit 19
Future Tense Regulars Unit 19
Future Tense Irregulars Unit 19
Future Tense Regular and Irregular Unit 19
The Conditional Tense Unit 20
The Conditional vs. the Imperfect Unit 20
Conditional Tense Regulars Unit 20
Regular and Irregular Unit 20
Regular Past Participle Unit 21
Indirect Object Pronouns Unit 21
Past Participle with Estar Unit 21
Past Participle Unit 21
The Passive Voice Unit 22
From Active to Passive Voice Unit 22
Comparatives and Superlatives Unit 23
Superlatives Unit 23
Comparisons and Superlatives Unit 23
Comparatives and Superlatives Unit 23
Possessive Adjectives Unit 24
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 24
The Passive Voice Unit 24
Possessive Pronouns Unit 24
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 24
Demonstrative Adjectives Unit 25
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 25
Phrasal Verbs Unit 26
Tú Commands Unit 28
Regular Tú Commands Unit 28
Irregular Tú Commands Positive/Negative Unit 28
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 29
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Tú Commands Unit 28
Usted Commands Unit 29
Usted Commands vs. Tú Commands Unit 29
Usted Commands Unit 29
From preterite tense to command form Unit 29
Usted Commands Unit 29
¿Por o Para? Unit 30
Forming the Present Perfect Unit 31
The Present Perfect Unit 31
From Preterite to Past Participle Unit 31
Present Perfect Translation Unit 31
Past Participles Unit 31
Irregular Past Participles Unit 32
The Present Perfect with Irregular Verbs Unit 32
The Present Perfect Unit 32
The Present Perfect with Irregular Verbs Unit 32
Indicative vs. Subjunctive Unit 33
Main Clauses and Subordinate Clauses Unit 33
Subjunctive vs. Indicative Unit 33
Comparisons and Superlatives Unit 33
Indicative vs. Subjunctive Unit 34
The Present Subjunctive Unit 34
Verb Trees Unit 34
The Present Subjunctive Unit 34
Integration of all Tenses Unit 35
Present Subjunctive Conjugations Unit 35
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 30
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Grammar Review
The Present Tense Unit 2
The Preterite Tense Unit 3
Object Pronouns Unit 4
The Preterite Tense Irregular Verbs Unit 5
The Preterite Tense Spelling Changes Unit 6
The Present Progressive Unit 7
Ser and Estar Unit 10
The Imperfect Unit 11
Adjectives and Adverbs Unit 12
Imperfect vs. Preterite Unit 13
Imperfect vs. preterite meaning changes Unit 14
Expressions with Haber Unit 15
Hacer expressions Unit 16
Reflexive verbs Unit 17
Gustar Unit 19
The Future Tense Unit 20
The Conditional Tense Unit 21
The Past Participle Unit 22
The Passive Voice Unit 23
Comparatives and Superlatives Unit 24
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 25
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 26
Phrasal Verbs Unit 28
Tú Commands Unit 29
Usted Commands Unit 30
Por and Para Unit 31
The Present Perfect Unit 32
Present Perfect Irregular Verbs Unit 33
Spanish High School year 2 Texas Alignment Page 31
Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Comparatives and Superlatives Unit 34
The Present Subjunctive Unit 35
Grammar review practice
The Present Tense Unit 2
The Preterite Tense Unit 3
Object Pronouns Unit 4
The Preterite Tense Irregular Verbs Unit 5
The Preterite Tense Spelling Changes Unit 6
The Present Progressive Unit 7
Ser and Estar Unit 10
The Imperfect Unit 11
Adjectives and Adverbs Unit 12
Imperfect vs. Preterite Unit 13
Imperfect vs. preterite meaning changes Unit 14
Expressions with Haber Unit 15
Hacer expressions Unit 16
Reflexive verbs Unit 17
Gustar Unit 19
The Future Tense Unit 20
The Conditional Tense Unit 21
The Past Participle Unit 22
The Passive Voice Unit 23
Comparatives and Superlatives Unit 24
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 25
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Unit 26
Phrasal Verbs Unit 28
Tú Commands Unit 29
Usted Commands Unit 30
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Copyright © 2013 by Middlebury Interactive Languages. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form without
written permission from Middlebury Interactive Languages.
Por and Para Unit 31
The Present Perfect Unit 32
Present Perfect Irregular Verbs Unit 33
Comparatives and Superlatives Unit 34
The Present Subjunctive Unit 35