Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: September
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will learn to use appropriate vocabulary for
air travel.
Students will be able to report past events using
preterite tense
Students will ask and answer personal questions
using the target language.
What are the proper procedures for traveling by airplane?
How would you report to a friend your previous travel experiences to a Spanish speaking
How do you interact with Spanish native speakers?
Student introductions
Travel/ airplane vocabulary
Preterite tense review: regular verbs,
irregular verbs (hacer, dar, ver, ir, ser)
and spelling-change verbs
Create questions
Apply interrogatives
Interpret partner’s questions and
respond appropriately
Describe travel vocabulary in
Organize travel plans
Describe events in the past
Interpret travel vocabulary and
preterite tense
Combine travel vocabulary and
preterite tense
Información personal graded by
(short narrative in Spanish)
Vocabulary Quiz fill-in-the-blank
Preterite quiz (fill-in-the-blank,
create original sentences,
explanation of the spelling change)
Type 2 writing
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: October
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will continue to relate events in the past
using preterite tense.
Students will learn to discuss future events
Students will learn vocabulary necessary to visit
Students will begin to explore Puerto Rican food
You are traveling to Chicago and you will visit various restaurants and museums
related to Hispanic culture, What will you see and what will you eat?
Communication 1.2
Comparisons 4.1
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Communication 1.2
Cultures 2.1
Comparisons 4.1, 4.2
Travel vocabulary (continued)
Preterite tense (continued)
Future tense
Museum/food vocabulary
Apply vocabulary and the preterite
tense through dialogues
Identify and apply the future tense
in spoken and written form.
Describe events in the future.
Describe museum and food
vocabulary in Spanish.
Oral assessment (graded by rubric)
Exam: (listening comprehension,
reading comprehension. true and
false, short answer, fill-in-the-blank,
multiple choice)
El postal: written assessment graded
by rubric.
Quiz on future tense: fill-in-the-
blank and write original sentences.
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: November
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will use their prior knowledge of Day of the
Dead to create crafts and better understand the
cultural implications of this celebration.
Students will continue to practice and utilize the
preterite tense focusing on the irregular forms.
Students will review stem changing verbs in present
Students will recognize authentic media vocabulary in
spoken and written communication.
What media vocabulary can you recognize as you are watching an authentic news
program or reading a magazine or newspaper?
How would you relate the information that you acquired using the preterit tense?
Can you correctly use “saber” and “conocer”?
Communication 1.2
Cultures 2.1
Comparisons 4.1, 4.2
Cultures 2.1, 2.2
Comparisons 4.2
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Communication 1.2
Comparisons 4.1
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Museum/food vocabulary
Día de los Muertos
Recycle travel vocabulary and
preterite tense
Review stem-changing verbs in the
present tense
Irregular preterite tense verbs
Describe museum and food
vocabulary in Spanish
Create a Mexican mask and write
and accompanying paragraph in the
past tense
Apply previously learned travel
vocabulary and preterite tense.
Apply stem-changing verbs
Comprehend and generate a dialog
Identify and apply the irregular
preterite in spoken and written form
Vocabulary quiz (fill-in-the-blank)
Type 1 writing
Type 2 writing
Oral assessment graded by rubric
Quiz irregular preterite (fill-in-the-
Communication 1.2
Media vocabulary
Uses of saber and conocer
Describe media vocabulary in
Identify and apply the differences
between saber and conocer and
apply them
Quiz - vocabulary (fill in the blank)
Quiz saber and conocer (fill in the
Exam (Listening comprehension,
reading comprehension, true and
false, short answer, fill-in-the-blank)
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: December
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will continue practicing and mastering the
preterite tense.
Students will apply previous knowledge of stem
changing verbs to the preterite tense.
Students will review noun adjective agreement
through the use of nationalities vocabulary.
Students will learn about December holiday culture
though singing villancicos (Spanish Christmas
How would you relate the information that you acquired using the preterite tense?
Can you correctly use gender and number with adjectives of nationality?
What holidays will you encounter during December and January in Spanish speaking
Communication 1.2
Communication 1.2
Communication 1.2
Cultures 2.1
Connections 3.2
Media vocabulary
Uses of saber and conocer
Nationalities (review adjective noun
Stem-changing verbs in the preterite
Culture holiday songs in Spanish
Identify and apply media
Compare and contrast the uses of
the verbs saber and conocer and
apply them
Describe nationalities in Spanish
Identify and apply stem-changing
verbs in the preterite
Vocabulary quiz (fill in the blank)
Quiz saber and conocer (fill in
the blank)
Quiz stem-changing verbs (fill-in-
Exam (Listening comprehension,
reading comprehension, short
answer, true and false, and fill-in-
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: January
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will be introduced to a Spanish fable in order to
enhance reading comprehension in the target language.
Students will be introduced to imperfect tense through
childhood activity and family relationship vocabulary.
Students will review reflexive verbs using new vocabulary.
How do use reflexive verbs in Spanish?
How do you relate in the past using the imperfect tense speaking about childhood experiences
and family relationships ?
What are the characteristics of a fable?
Communication 1.1
Communication 1.2
Communication 1.3
Communication 1.2
Connections 3.1
Cultures 2.1
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Media Vocabulary
Review of Vocabulary and
Fable Tío Zorro
Childhood activity/ family
relationship vocabulary
Imperfect tense
Comprehend and generate a dialog
Specific skills generated in the
September, October, November and
December maps
Illustrate a segment of the story
Create a story board through
listening to the story
Summarize the story in Spanish
Interpret, summarize, analyze, and
infer lesson of Spanish fable
Describe childhood experiences
Describe the family
Dialog (graded by rubric)
Article for the Playwickian (graded
by rubric)
Story map (summarize the story,
explain the moral, identify
important vocabulary, draw a
picture, and write an original
Quiz Tío Zorro (multiple choice)
Comprehensive Exam multiple
choice, and true and false.
Vocabulary quiz (fill in the blank)
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Communication 1.1
Reflexive verbs (review)
Identify and apply imperfect tense in
spoken and written form
Apply reflexive verbs to the
imperfect tense
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: February
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will use the imperfect tense to describe
feelings and emotions.
Students will learn about Aztec culture by reading
about Teotihuacán.
How can you talk about prior feelings and emotions?
What do you know about the Aztecs?
Communication 1.1, 1.2
Communication 1.1
Communication 1.1
Communication 1.2
Comparisons 4.2
Cultures 2.1
Connections 3.1
Comparisons 4.2
Continue imperfect tense
Vocabulary expressions with tener
Use of reflexive verbs in the
imperfect tense
Teotihuacán (reading)
Culture (the Aztecs)
Describe feelings using the
imperfect tense and reflexive verbs
Compose sentences describing
childhood activities using imperfect
Identify the main idea of each
paragraph in reading about
Quiz imperfect tense and reflexive
verbs (fill in the blank)
Quiz Teotihuacán (true and false)
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: March
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will be able to compare and contrast the use
of preterite and imperfect tenses.
Student will be able to compare and contrast family
Students will read and discuss an Aztec legend.
Did you know there are TWO past tenses in Spanish?
Do you when to use the preterite or the imperfect tense?
Do you know when a piñata is traditionally used?
What is a legend?
Communication 1.2
Cultures 2.1
Connections 3.2
Communication 1.2
Communication 1.2
El Monte de Nuestro Alimento
Vocabulary family celebrations
The preterite versus the imperfect
Identify the problem and the
resolution in the Aztec legend
Restate the story in simple terms in
Describe childhood celebrations in
Identify the cue words to indicate
the correct past tense use
Compare and contrast the preterite
and the imperfect tenses
Story map (identify vocabulary,
problem, and resolution, illustrate a
Quiz El Monte de Nuestro
Alimento (short answer)
Quiz vocabulary (fill in the blank)
Quiz cue words (matching)
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: April
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will continue to compare and contrast the
preterite and the imperfect tenses.
Students will use verbs like gustar.
Students will write a dialogue taking place in a
Students will talk about what they can do after going
to a restaurant.
What do you like to do after dining out?
What do verbs like molestar, faltar, fascinar and encantar have in common with gustar?
Have you learned anything about the preterite or imperfect yet?
Communication 1.2
Communication 1.2, 1.3
Communication 1.2
Communication 1.2
Preterite versus imperfect tense
Restaurant/ Fine arts and expanded
food vocabulary
Direct and indirect object pronouns
Verbs like gustar
Identify and apply vocabulary in
spoken and written form
Identify and apply direct and
indirect object pronouns
Identify and apply indirect object
pronouns with verbs like gustar
Quiz preterite versus imperfect
(fill in the blank)
Exam preterite versus imperfect
(fill in the blank, and create story
based on pictures using the preterite
and imperfect tenses)
Quiz vocabulary (fill in the blank)
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: May
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will write a restaurant dialogue.
Students will read a fable.
Students will express “…. ago”.
Students will use talk about what parts of the body
hurt them and other people and other medical
What happened to Miguelin in Caracas and what did he learn during his adventure?
Do you know how to say “ago” in Spanish?
If you travel to a Spanish speaking country, how will you communicate your medical
Communications 1.2, 1.3
Communication 1.2
Cultures 2.1
Connections 3.1
Communication 1.2, 1.3
Communication 1.2
Producing a written restaurant
dialog using vocabulary and
grammatical structures taught in the
Miguelín (story)
Body parts / doctor’s office
Hacer expressions with time
Apply vocabulary and grammar to a
restaurant situation
Compare and contrast city life
versus country life in Spanish
Organize a series of pictures based
on listening comprehension
Identify the preterite tense and the
imperfect tense in the story
Compare and contrast the use of the
preterite tense and the imperfect
tense in the story
Identify and apply health concerns in
a medical scenario
Express how long ago an event
Written script (graded by rubric)
Quiz Miguelín (true and false)
Comprehensive Exam (Listening
comprehension, reading
comprehension, multiple choice, and
true and false)
Quiz vocabulary (fill-in-the-blank,
and label picture)
Quiz hacer with expressions of
time (short answer)
Course Title: Spanish 3
Duration: June
Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
Students will be introduced to the concept of the
subjunctive and its use with impersonal expressions.
Students will talk about the beach.
Students will learn test-taking skills.
Do you know how to take a multiple choice test?
Is there such a thing as the subjunctive in English?
You are traveling to the beach, what do you see? What do you need to take with you?
Communication 1.2
Communication 1.2
Subjunctive with impersonal
Beach vocabulary
Test-taking skills
Identify impersonal expressions
Apply the subjunctive tense with
impersonal expressions
Compose original sentences using
the subjunctive
Identify and apply beach and
summer activity vocabulary
Quiz subjunctive (fill in the blank,
and compose original sentences)
Quiz vocabulary (Follow
directions, draw and label a picture)
Final exam (listening comprehension,
reading comprehension, multiple
choice, and true and false)