Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation
2023 Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Application HTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline October 1, 2023
Apply online:
1. Name: Last, First, Middle Initial
2. Social Security Number
3. Date of Birth
4. Mailing Address
(If different from Property Address and provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper
and include with this application.)
5. Current Marital Status:
If Married, Separated, Divorced, or Widowed,
please include Month and Year
6. Name of Spouse or Residential Co-Owner: Last, First, Middle Initial
7. Social Security Number
8. Date of Birth
9. Property Address
(House Number, Street Name or Rural Route No P.O. Box)
10. City, Town, or Post Office
11. County Code
12. Zip Code
13. Will you reside in the property on which you are applying for the tax credit on July 1, 2023 and for more than 6 months thereafter?
YES NO If response is “NO” please see the instructions for Field 13 and provide the requested information with the application.
14. Do you own any other dwelling or other real estate in the State of Maryland or elsewhere.
NO YES If response is “YES” please see the instructions for Field 14 and provide the requested information with the application.
15. Do you own or operate a business in the State of Maryland or elsewhere.
NO YES If response is “YES” please see the instructions for Field 15 and provide the requested information with the application.
(On your Tax Bill or Assessment Notice)
* Baltimore City Residents state the
Ward, Section, Block and Lot Number.
17. This residence is a(n):
Single Family Home
Land Installment Contracts
Multi-Family Home Retirement Community/
Mobile Home Continuing Care
Other ___________________
18. Property use:
Residential Only
Residential and
Business __________%
Farming __________%
Rental __________%
19. Total number of apartments on the property, including vacant
apartments: __________
20. Amount of annual rent received from tenants in previous year:
Gross: $____________ Net: $____________
21. Are there any household members over eighteen (18) years of age who are not a spouse or co-owner and who cannot be claimed as
applicant’s dependent for IRS purposes? If more than one Household Member, include a sheet of paper with Fields 22a.-22d. answered for each member.
Yes Complete Fields 22a. 22d.
No Move to Field 23.
22a. Household Member Name: Last, First, Middle Initial
22b. Date of Birth
22c. Household Member Gross Income Last Year:
22d. Total Contribution to Room and Board or Household Expenses last year:
HTC-1 (v.1.0)
Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation
2023 Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Application HTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline October 1, 2023
Apply online:
23. All accompanying schedules and documents MUST be
submitted with this application. Do NOT send originals.
Office Use Only
Wages, Salary, Tips, Bonuses, Commissions, Fees $ $ $ $
Interest (Includes both taxable and non-taxable) $ $ $ $
Dividends (Includes both taxable and non-taxable) $ $ $ $
Capital Gains (Includes non-taxed gains) $ $ $ $
Rental Income (Net) $ $ $ $
Business Income (Net) $ $ $ $
Room & Board paid to you by a nondependent resident,
see instructions for
Items 22a.-22d.
$ $ $ $
Unemployment Insurance $ $ $ $
Workers’ Compensation $ $ $ $
Alimony and/or Spousal Support $ $ $ $
Public Assistance Grants (Include copy of AIMS) $ $ $ $
Social Security (Include copy of 2022 Form SSA-1099) $ $ $ $
S.S.I Benefits for 2022 (Include Proof) $ $ $ $
Railroad Retirement (Include copy of 2022 Verification or Rate Letter) $ $ $ $
Other Federal Pensions (Not including VA Benefits) per year $ $ $ $
Veterans Benefits per year $ $ $ $
Pensions (If a rollover, include proof) $ $ $ $
Annuities (If a rollover, include proof) $ $ $ $
IRAs (If a rollover, include proof) $ $ $ $
Deferred Compensation (Include W-2 Statement) $ $ $ $
Gifts over $300.00 $ $ $ $
Expenses Paid by Others $ $ $ $
Inheritances $ $ $ $
All other monies received last year not reported above $ $ $ $
24. Did or will you and/or your spouse, file a Federal Income Tax Return for 2022?
If yes, a copy of your return (and if married &
filing separately, a copy of your spouse’s return) with all accompanying schedules MUST be submitted with this application.
I declare under the penalties of perjury, pursuant to Sec. 1-201 of the Maryland Tax-Property Code Ann., that this application (including any accompanying forms and statements) has
been examined by me and the information contained herein, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true, correct and complete, that I have reported all monies received, that I have a
legal interest in this property, that this dwelling will be my principal residence for the prescribed period, and that my net worth is less than $200,000 excluding the value of the subject
dwelling and homesite, IRAs and qualified retirement savings plans. I understand that the Department may request at a later date additional information to verify the statements reported
on this form, and that independent verifications of the information reported may be made. Further, I hereby authorize the Social Security Administration, Comptroller of the Treasury,
Internal Revenue Service, the Income Maintenance Administration, Unemployment Insurance, the State Department of Human Resources, and Credit Bureaus to release to the
Department of Assessments and Taxation any and all information concerning the income or benefits received.
Applicant’s Signature
Applicant’s Email Address
Applicant’s Daytime Telephone Number
( )
Spouse’s or Resident Co-Owner’s Signature
RETURN TO: Department of Assessments and Taxation
Homeowners’ Tax Credit Program
P.O. Box 49005
Baltimore, Maryland 21297
Telephone: Baltimore Area 410.767.4433
Toll Free 1.800.944.7403
NOTE: Emailed applications will not be accepted in
accordance with State Data Security Protocol.
HTC-1 (v.1.0)
Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation
2023 Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Application HTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline October 1, 2023
Apply online:
The State of Maryland provides a credit for the
real property tax bill for homeowners of all ages
who qualify on the basis of gross household
income. For more information, please visit our
website at
A new application must be filed every year if
applicant wishes to be considered for a tax
credit. Actual taxes eligible for this credit do not
include fixed metropolitan charges which may
appear on the tax bill for such services as
sewer, water, or improvement repayments, and
do not include taxes for excess land acreage,
other buildings or portions of buildings used for
business purposes. Property owners with large
tracts of land will have the credit limited to the
amount of taxes on land necessary for the
residential dwelling and does not include
excess acreage. The credit shall be limited to
the portion of the dwelling that is used only for
the applicant’s residential purposes.
An application may be subjected to an audit at
any time and applicant may be requested to
submit additional verification or other evidence
of income in order to substantiate the
application for the property tax credit.
Applicant(s) must satisfy four (4) legal
requirements before eligibility can be
1. The dwelling for which the application is
being made, must be the applicant’s
principal residence. Applicant resides or
expects to reside for more than six (6)
months of the tax year, including July 1,
2023, unless unable to do so for reasons
of illness, need of special care or the
property was recently purchased. An
individual who permits, pursuant to a court
order or separation agreement, a spouse,
former spouse, or children of that person’s
family, to reside in a dwelling in which the
individual has a legal interest, has met the
residency requirement. A homeowner may
claim credit for only one principal
2. Applicant must have legal interest in the
property. Land installment sales, contract
purchases, holders of a life estate and
beneficiaries of certain trusts have
sufficient legal interest.
3. Net worth, excluding the value of the
property for which the credit application is
being made and the cash value of IRAs or
qualified retirement savings plans, must
not exceed $200,000, as of December 31,
4. Combined gross household income cannot
exceed $60,000.
If all four requirements are met, the amount of
tax credit due, if any, will be calculated on the
basis of the gross household income for
calendar year 2022.
The lesser of $300,000 or the total assessed
value minus any Homestead credit, shall be
used for calculating taxes eligible for credit.
Important Filing Deadlines
The deadline for filing an application is October
1, 2023. However, if applicant submits a
properly completed application before April
15th, 2023, and that application is not subject
to an audit by the department, applicant will
receive any credit due on the July 1, 2023, tax
bill. A properly completed application means
that all questions are answered, the form is
signed, copies of the entire federal income tax
return, schedules and forms, necessary Social
Security form (SSA-1099), Railroad Retirement
Verification or Rate Letter are all included, and
applicant has provided responses to any
subsequent inquiries made by the department
in a reasonable timeframe. If the application is
filed after April 15, 2023, applicant should not
expect to receive any tax credit on the July 1,
2023, tax bill, and is advised to pay the tax bill
to receive the discount for early payment.
How Tax Credits are Granted
By submitting this application, the applicant will
receive one of the following:
Credit directly on the July property tax bill if
the application is completed properly and is
not subjected to audit and is received before
April 15, 2023; or
A refund if the bill has already been paid; or
Written denial stating the reason for
County Supplemental Tax Credits
Supplemental tax credits are available to
eligible homeowners in Anne Arundel Co.,
Baltimore City, Baltimore Co., Calvert Co.,
Caroline Co., Carroll Co., Charles Co.,
Frederick Co., Garrett Co., Harford Co.,
Howard Co., Kent Co., Montgomery Co., and
Washington Co. The supplemental tax credits
are administered by the State of Maryland
Homeowners’ Tax Credit Program. To apply for
the state tax credit and/or county supplemental
tax credit, applicants are only required to
submit this application form (Form HTC-1).
Some applicants may be eligible for a
supplemental tax credit even though they may
be ineligible for a state credit based on income.
Privacy and State Data System Security
The principal purpose for which this information
is sought is to determine your eligibility for a tax
credit. Failure to provide this information will
result in a denial of your application. Some of
the information requested would be considered
a “Personal Record” as defined in State
Government Article, § 10-624 consequently,
you have the statutory right to inspect your file
and to file a written request to correct or amend
any information you believe to be inaccurate or
incomplete. Additionally, it is unlawful for any
officer or employee of the state or any political
subdivision to divulge any income particulars
set forth in the application or any tax return
filed except in accordance with judicial
legislative order. However, this information is
available to officers of the state, county, or
municipality in their official capacity and to
taxing officials of any other state, or the federal
government, as provided by statute.
Please Print Clearly
Do Not Staple Documents
Do Not Send Original Documents
Applicant Details
Field 1: Name - Enter the full legal name of
applicant (last name, first name, middle initial).
Applicant must own or have a legal interest in
the property.
Field 2: Social Security Number - Enter
applicant’s nine (9) digit social security number.
Field 3: Date of Birth - Month, Day, and Year
the applicant was born.
Field 4: Mailing Address - Enter the address
the applicant would like mail sent to if it differs
from the property address. Applicant must
include an explanation on a separate sheet of
Field 5: Current Marital Status - Check or mark
which option best describes the applicant’s
current status: single; or provide the month and
date for: married, separated, divorced
(finalized) or widowed.
Field 6: Enter the full legal name of Spouse
and/or Residential Co-Owner (last name, first
name, middle initial). Residential Co-Owner
must own or have a legal interest in the
property. If more space is needed, enter
information on a separate sheet of paper and
include with this application.
Field 7: Social Security Number - Enter
Spouse and/or Residential Co-Owner(s) nine
(9) digit social security number.
HTC-1 (v.1.0)
Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation
2023 Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Application HTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline October 1, 2023
Apply online:
Field 8: Date of Birth - Month, Day, and Year
the Spouse and/or Residential Co-Owner(s)
was born.
Field 9: Property Address - Physical location of
applicant’s property for which the tax credit is
being applied.
Field 10: City, Town, or Post Office - State the
name of the city or town where the property is
Field 11: County - Provide the two (2) digit
code of the county where the property is
Anne Arundel
Baltimore City
Baltimore County
Prince George’s
Queen Anne’s
St. Mary’s
Field 12: Zip Code - List the postal code in
which the applicant’s property is located.
Field 13: If you will not be residing in the
property for which you are applying for the tax
credit on July 1, 2023, and for more than six (6)
months thereafter, please explain your reason
on a separate sheet of paper and include with
this application.
Field 14: If you own any other dwelling or other
real estate in the State of Maryland or
elsewhere, please list the real estate’s
address(es), date acquired, property account
number and estimated value on a separate
sheet of paper and include with this application.
Field 15: If you own or operate a business in
the State of Maryland or elsewhere, list the
name of business, type of business and
principal office address on a separate sheet of
paper and include with this application.
Property Information
Field 16: Property Account Number - Every
county uses the property account number to
identify the property. Baltimore City uses the
Ward, Section, Block, and Lot Number to
identify properties in the City. This information
can be obtained from the applicant’s property
tax bill, assessment notice or by clicking the
below link:
Field 17: This residence is a(n) - Check or
mark which residential building structure best
describes applicant’s home/primary residence.
If none listed apply, please mark ‘Other’ and
write-in structure.
Field 18: Property Use - Mark whether the
property use is residential only or residential
and a portion being used for business, farming
or rental use. If any business, farming or rental
use, please provide the approximate
percentage of use.
Field 19: Total number of apartments on the
property if applicable, including vacant
apartments - State the total number of
apartments on the applicant’s property. This
number should include vacant
apartments/rental units.
Field 20: Amount of rent received from tenants
if applicable: Gross: $____________
Net: $____________ If any portion of the
applicant’s property is rented, state the total
gross rent received and the net gross rent
received the previous year.
Household Members
Field 21: If there are household members over
eighteen (18) years of age who are not a
spouse or co-owner and who cannot be
claimed as applicant’s dependent for IRS
purposes, complete Field 22a-22d. If there are
none, move to Field 23.
Fields 22a. 22d.: Applicant must provide the
name(s) (last, first, and middle initial) and
date(s) of birth (month, day, and year) of all
persons living at the property who are over
eighteen (18) years of age and not claimed as
a dependent for IRS purposes and are not co-
owner(s) of the property. The applicant must
also provide the household member’s gross
income from last year or how much they paid
for room and board and/or household
expenses. These fees must be “reasonable”. If
there are additional members, include a sheet
of paper with questions 22a. 22d. completed.
Wages & Income
Field 23: Wages & Income - All resident co-
owners, including the applicant and applicant’s
spouse, must report their gross income.
Income from all sources must be reported,
including taxable and non-taxable income.
Income for this application is not limited to the
definition of gross income for federal or state
income tax filing purposes. Social Security
benefits, worker’s compensation, deferred
compensation, etc., must be reported. The full
amount of an inheritance is income. All gifts in
excess of $300 and expenses paid on
applicant’s behalf by others must be reported
as income. Losses from business, rental or
other endeavors may not be used to reduce the
amount of gross income reported. Any
household occupant not being claimed as a
dependent and who is not paying reasonable
fixed charges, such as room and board, must
report their total gross income(s) from the
previous year.
Field 24: If you filed or will file a Federal
Income Tax Return for 2022, or if married and
filed or will file separately, include a photocopy
of the completed 2022 federal tax return(s),
including all accompanying schedules and
other forms, when submitting this application. If
income was derived from a partnership or
corporation, a copy of the partnership return
(Form 1065, including Schedule K-1) and/or a
copy of the corporate return (Form 1120 or
1120S, including Schedule K-1) must also be
Do not send original documents as we are
unable to return them.
HTC-1 (v.1.0)
Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation
2023 Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Application HTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline October 1, 2023
Apply online:
HTC-1 (v.1.0)