Sample Complaint Letter About a Faulty Product
Jane Shopper
City, State, Zip
Fake Gadget Company
City, State, Zip
Dear Mr. Smith:
On June 5th, 2015, I purchased the deluxe model of your fake gadget. The gadget arrived on
time as promised, but when I opened the box and tried to use it, it spit out smoke and would
not turn on. Scared of a possible electrical fire, I shut the machine off and returned it to the
The machine I received is clearly faulty. I would appreciate it if a replacement gadget were sent
to me as soon as possible. I’ve returned the faulty gadget with invoice #123456.
I have enclosed a copy of my original receipt and the signed delivery confirmation showing that
the machine was returned on June 9th.
I would appreciate a quick resolution to this problem, so I can begin using this exciting gadget
and tell my family and friends about your excellent customer service solutions.
Jane Shopper