SCS Resume Harms
MS – Geology, California State University, East Bay, 2015
BA – Environmental Studies, University of Santa Cruz, 2008
Professional Licenses
Professional GeologistCalifornia (No. 9726)
Specialty Certifications
40-Hour Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations
Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Certification
Professional Affiliations
Groundwater Resources Association of California
Solid Waste Association of North America
Professional Experience
As a Senior Project Geologist, Mr. Harms is responsible for project management and coordination of
routine and non-routine monitoring and investigations, primarily at open and closed solid waste
management sites. His responsibilities have included coordination of groundwater monitoring
activities, analysis of environmental data, preparation of regulatory compliance reports, and
communications with regional and local regulatory agencies. He has also prepared and implemented
work plans for subsurface investigations, including borings and well installations, trenching, and
remedial excavations. He is skilled in environmental sampling, including groundwater, surface water,
leachate, soil, and soil vapor. Mr. Harms holds an MS degree in Geology, with thesis research in
isotope hydrology.
Notable projects that Mr. Harms has been involved in are described below.
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), West Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (WSAFCA).
Mr. Harms assisted with Phase I ESAs and preparation of a soil management plan for a WSAFCA
project involving multiple parcels along the Sacramento Riverfront.
Brownfields Inventory, City of Sacramento. Mr. Harms assisted with an ESA of 48 parcels along the
Sacramento Riverfront. He performed review of historical records, procured underground utility plans,
performed site surveys, and assisted with graphical data creation and a site assessment report.
Subsurface Investigation of Leaking Underground Storage Tank, Walnut Creek, CA. Mr. Harms
prepared a work plan and provided field supervision for the advancement of 12 direct push borings
across multiple parcels in support of a leaking underground storage tank investigation. He collected
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soil and groundwater samples for analysis and prepared a Report of Results for the RWQCB,
including interpretation of geologic and chemical data.
Phase I ESAs, Multiple Locations. Mr. Harms performed multiple Phase I ESAs, including site
investigations, client and tenant interviews, historical site research, and preparation of Phase I ESA
Site Remediation
Remedial Excavation, WSAFCA. Mr. Harms assisted with preparation and field supervision of the
excavation of petroleum-contaminated soil from two excavation areas. He collected confirmation soil
and water samples and directed excavation activities based on analytical results, field PID readings,
and visual observations. Excavation activities included coordination with multiple agencies.
Remedial Excavation, Oakland, CA. Mr. Harms provided field supervision for the excavation of
approximately 140 tons of soil. He collected confirmation soil samples from excavation and imported
fill, emplaced in situ chemical oxidation compound in the excavation, and prepared a summary
report for the RWQCB.
Dry Cleaner Remedial Injection, San Rafael, CA. Mr. Harms performed semiannual injection of in
situ permanganate chemical oxidation liquid and sampling of groundwater monitoring wells, and
prepared monitoring reports for compliance with RWQCB requirements.
Landfill Monitoring and Investigations
Monitoring and Reporting, Various Sites. As Senior Project Geologist and Project Manager, Mr.
Harms is responsible for coordination of quarterly or semiannual sampling of various media,
including groundwater, leachate, surface water, and soil gas. He prepares quarterly, semiannual, and
annual compliance reports, including statistical analysis and graphical data creation, in compliance
with Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) or local enforcement agency requirements. His
sites include multiple active and closed landfills in Alameda, Butte, Kings, Placer, Sacramento, San
Mateo, and Stanislaus Counties.
PFAS Sampling and Reporting, Various Sites. As Project Manager, Mr. Harms was responsible for
preparing PFAS sampling work plans for compliance with the RWQCB at California landfills and
airports. After acceptance of the work plans, he coordinated the collection of groundwater and
leachate samples for PFAS analysis using rigorous protocols to reduce cross-contamination, and
prepared Reports of Results for multiple active and closed landfill sites in California.
Landfill Impact Study, Placer County. Mr. Harms was responsible for completion of a study of
historical water and gas monitoring data to assess if waste management units at a landfill were
releasing leachate or landfill gas (LFG) to the subsurface. After completing the initial study and
providing recommendations to the landfill authority, Mr. Harms prepared and implemented a work
plan to collect additional LFG and liquid samples for analysis of stable isotopes, to provide additional
evidence of water provenance in the unsaturated zone.
Groundwater Extraction Study, Placer County. As Project Manager, Mr. Harms was responsible for
preparation and implementation of a groundwater extraction study at a closed landfill in Placer
County. The study was designed to aid in the determination of the appropriate correction action
method for groundwater capture. The study included geologic investigation using three boreholes
drilled to shallow bedrock and conversion of two boreholes: one into an extraction well, and the
other into an observation well. After pressure transducers were installed in the new wells and
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adjacent wells, a 24-hour step-drawdown aquifer test was performed. Mr. Harms analyzed the
resulting data and presented the County with a report of results and recommendations.
Groundwater Investigation, City of Sacramento. Mr. Harms was responsible for performing a
groundwater investigation that included advancement of 78 direct push borings and installation of 3
permanent groundwater wells at both the landfill and surrounding residential and commercial areas.
He also collected groundwater samples from borings and wells, and assisted with data analysis and
Harms, P. A., Ate Visser, Jean E. Moran, Brad K. Esser, 2016. Distribution of Tritium in Precipitation
and Surface Water in California. Journal of Hydrology. 534. 63-72.