© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,
represented by the President of the Treasury Board
This document is available on the Government of Canada
website at
This document is also available in alternave formats on request.
Revised, January 2017
The PDSP is administered by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada,
on behalf of the Government of Canada
Contract Number 25555
Table of Contents
General Information ............................................................................................... 1
About this booklet ....................................................................................................................... 1
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (PDSP) .................................................................................. 1
Eligibility .................................................................................................................................... 1
Who qualifies as your family member ........................................................................................ 2
Enrolment .................................................................................................................................... 3
When coverage begins ................................................................................................................ 3
Changes affecting your coverage ................................................................................................ 3
When coverage ends ................................................................................................................... 4
Payment of monthly contributions .............................................................................................. 5
How to make a claim .................................................................................................................. 5
Claim statement .......................................................................................................................... 5
Recovering overpayments ........................................................................................................... 5
Time limits for claim submission ............................................................................................... 6
Coordination of benefits with other plans ................................................................................... 6
Member appeals .......................................................................................................................... 7
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits ............................................................... 8
General description of the coverage ........................................................................................... 8
Annual deductible ....................................................................................................................... 8
Co-payment amount .................................................................................................................... 9
Maximum reimbursement amount .............................................................................................. 9
Lifetime limit – orthodontic services .......................................................................................... 9
Treatment plan ............................................................................................................................ 9
Preventive dental procedures .................................................................................................... 10
Basic dental procedures ............................................................................................................ 10
Major dental procedures ........................................................................................................... 12
Orthodontic procedures ............................................................................................................. 12
Payment after coverage ends .................................................................................................... 13
What is not covered .................................................................................................................. 13
For More Information ............................................................................................ 15
About your PDSP benefits or claims ........................................................................................ 15
About your PDSP enrolment and monthly contributions ......................................................... 15
To obtain a copy of the PDSP Rules ......................................................................................... 15
General Information
General Information
About this booklet
This Member Booklet summarizes the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (PDSP) for your
convenience of reference. The complete terms and conditions of the Plan are set out in the PDSP
Rules. If there are any discrepancies or differences between this booklet and the PDSP Rules, the
PDSP Rules will prevail.
The booklet is divided into three main sections. The first part provides general information about
the PDSP such as eligibility, how to enrol, and how and when to make a claim. The second part
of the booklet provides details about the benefits such as maximum reimbursement amounts and
covered procedures. The “For More Information” section at the end of this booklet provides
additional information on how to contact Sun Life and how to obtain a copy of the PDSP Rules.
The PDSP may be amended after publication of this booklet. You will receive written
notification of changes to the Plan. Please keep any future PDSP change notices with
this booklet.
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (PDSP)
The PDSP is a voluntary dental services plan established by the Government of Canada to
provide dental services coverage to eligible federal pensioners and their eligible Family
Members, including survivors.
The PDSP covers only reasonable and customary dental treatment necessary to prevent or correct
a dental disease or defect if the treatment is consistent with generally accepted dental practices.
The PDSP is self-insured”. This means that all plan expenses will be covered from the
contributions of the participating parties: the Government of Canada and the PDSP Members.
The Government of Canada has the sole legal and financial liability for the PDSP.
As of October 1, 2010, the cost of the Plan shall be shared equally between the Government of
Canada and Members.
The PDSP is administered by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Sun Life) on behalf of
the Government of Canada. Sun Life’s role is to adjudicate claims and answer benefit inquiries
in accordance with the PDSP Rules. The Government of Canada establishes PDSP policy.
Your Pension Office manages the enrolment process including any changes that affect your
covered Family Members. That Office answers inquiries on eligibility requirements. You may
refer to your PDSP Enrolment Information and Plan Summary booklet for detailed information
regarding the Pension Office responsible for providing this service in your case.
You may be eligible to apply for the PDSP if you are receiving or will receive a pension, annuity
or annual allowance (including a survivor pension) under one of a number of federal
superannuation Acts. The eligibility criteria and a list of these Acts can be found in the
PDSP Rules.
You do not need to be living in Canada to either join the PDSP, or receive PDSP benefits.
General Information
If you enrol your eligible Family Members at the same time as you enrol as a Member, they
become eligible for coverage on the date you become eligible. If you enrol an eligible Family
Member after you have become a Member, coverage will generally be effective from the first
day of the second month following the date your Pension Office receives your PDSP
Enrolment Form.
You must enrol yourself if you wish to cover your Family Members.
Who qualifies as your family member
To be eligible, your Family Member must be your spouse, common-law partner, or
unmarried Child.
For the purposes of the PDSP, a “spouse” means the person to whom you are legally married.
A “common-law partner” means the person with whom you have been cohabiting in a conjugal
relationship for a continuous period of at least one year.
If you have both a legal spouse and a common-law partner, you may cover only one of them
under the PDSP. Divorced spouses cannot be covered.
For the purposes of the PDSP, a Child means your unmarried Child(ren) or the unmarried
Child(ren) of your spouse or common-law partner, including:
an adopted child;
a step-child; or,
a child who is not an adopted child or a step-child but who is financially dependent
primarily on the Member, the Member’s spouse or common-law partner for support and
maintenance. The relationship must be like that of a parent and child and must be
expected to be permanent or of a lengthy duration. You must also have the care and
control of the child. (In these cases, you will be asked to provide documentation to
support your relationship with the child.)
To be eligible, a Child must be:
under 21 years of age;
under 25 years of age and attending school, college or university on a full-time basis; or,
21 years of age or over and incapable of engaging in self-sustaining employment by
reason of mental or physical impairment.
If a covered Child becomes mentally or physically impaired, coverage will continue
provided that:
the Child depends on you for support and maintenance; and,
the Child remains unmarried.
In these cases, you will be asked to provide your Pension Office with medical documentation
concerning your Child’s mental or physical impairment within 31 days of the date the Child
reaches age 21 or age 25 if the Child is a full-time student.
General Information
You must enrol to be covered under the PDSP. If you wish to cover an eligible Family Member,
you must also enrol that person. To enrol, you must complete, sign and mail the PDSP
Enrolment Form to your Pension Office.
If you and your spouse or common-law partner are eligible under the PDSP, you may both enrol
for Member coverage or one of you may be enrolled as the covered Family Member of the other.
The same person cannot be enrolled as both a Member and a covered Family Member.
In addition, your eligible Children can be covered by only one of you.
When coverage begins
Your coverage begins:
on the effective date of your pension entitlement if you enrol within 60 days of that
date; or,
in all other cases, the first day of the second month following the date your Pension
Office receives your completed and signed PDSP Enrolment Form.
A Family Member’s coverage begins:
the date your coverage begins if you applied to cover an existing eligible Family Member
at the same time that you enrolled in the PDSP; or,
the first day of the second month following the date your Pension Office receives your
completed and signed PDSP Enrolment Form requesting the addition of the
Family Member.
If you, your spouse or common-law partner became covered under the PDSP prior to
April 1, 2006, you must remain covered for a period of at least two (2) complete calendar years
(e.g. if you became covered effective June 1, 2005, your first full calendar year commences
January 1, 2006 and you cannot terminate your coverage before January 1, 2008).
If you, your spouse or common-law partner became covered under the PDSP on or after
April 1, 2006, you must remain covered for a period of at least three (3) complete calendar years
(e.g. if you became covered effective June 1, 2006, your first full calendar year commences
January 1, 2007 and you cannot terminate your coverage before January 1, 2010).
Changes affecting your coverage
From time to time, there may be circumstances that change your coverage needs.
Such circumstances could include:
the death of a spouse, common-law partner or covered Child;
a divorce or legal separation;
a new marriage or common-law partnership;
the birth or adoption of a child;
a covered Child reaching age 21 or age 25 if a full-time student.
General Information
To ensure your coverage is kept up-to-date, it is important to communicate with your Pension
Office to report these changes. You must complete, sign and mail a PDSP Enrolment Form to
your Pension Office to effect any changes to your coverage. These forms are multi-purpose and
are used to start, amend or terminate PDSP coverage. You can obtain these forms by calling your
Pension Office.
In general, any change in coverage will take effect on the first day of the second month following
the date the Pension Office receives your completed PDSP Enrolment Form.
If you wish to terminate coverage for yourself, your spouse or common-law partner after the
required two (2) or three (3) calendar year period (depending on the date you enrolled in the
PDSP), you must complete, sign and mail the PDSP Enrolment Form to your Pension Office.
Take note that if you voluntarily terminate coverage, you cannot reinstate this coverage in
the future.
When coverage ends
As a Member, your coverage will end on the earliest of the following:
the date you die;
the first day of the second month following the date your Pension Office receives your
request to terminate coverage, provided you have been covered under the PDSP for at
least two (2) or three (3) complete calendar years, depending on the date you enrolled; or,
the first day of the second month following the month in which you cease to be an
eligible pensioner.
In addition, if you provide your Pension Office with proof of coverage of any of the benefits
specified below, PDSP coverage may be terminated on the first day of the second month
following the date your Pension Office receives your request. If you prefer, you may maintain
coverage under both benefits and coordinate the coverage. Contact your Pension Office for more
details. The specified benefits are:
the Public Service Dental Care Plan, where covered as an eligible employee
dental services as a member of the Canadian Forces or the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP)
A duly completed and signed PDSP Enrolment Form must also be provided.
A Family Member’s coverage terminates on the earliest of the following:
the date your coverage ends;
the date your Family Member is no longer an eligible Family Member;
the date your Family Member becomes covered as a Member of the PDSP in his or her
own right; or,
the first day of the second month following the date the Pension Office receives your
request to terminate your spouse’s or common-law partner’s coverage, provided your
spouse or common-law partner has been covered under the PDSP for at least two (2) or
three (3) complete calendar years, depending on the date you enrolled them in the PDSP.
General Information
In addition, if you provide your Pension Office with proof of an eligible Family Member’s
coverage under any of the benefits specified below, their PDSP coverage may be terminated on
the first day of the second month following the date your Pension Office receives your request. If
you prefer, your Family Member may maintain coverage under both benefits and coordinate the
coverage. Contact your Pension Office for more details. The specified benefits are:
the Public Service Dental Care Plan, where covered as an eligible employee
dental services as a member of the Canadian Forces or the RCMP
Payment of monthly contributions
The Pension Office will either begin or change your monthly contributions in accordance with
the coverage levels identified on your PDSP Enrolment Form. Unless a new Member’s coverage
commences on the first day of the month, no contribution will be required for the month in which
membership begins. Regular contributions as well as any applicable taxes will be deducted from
your pension for the first full month of membership.
If your net pension is too small to cover the monthly contribution amount, you may still join the
PDSP. You will pay your contributions directly to your Pension Office. That Office will provide
payment instructions on enrolment.
How to make a claim
You may submit a paper claim by completing the PDSP Claim Form available on the Plan
Member Services Website at
. Your dentist’s office may have a similar
standard claim form that Sun Life will accept.
Please mail your completed claim forms to Sun Life at the following address:
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
PO Box 6159 Stn CV
Montreal QC H3C 3A7
Or, you can submit your claims over the Internet by visiting Sun Life’s secure website at Once you have accessed the Plan Member Services Website, you can
submit your dental claim online.
You will need an access ID and password to log into the website. If you do not yet have these,
you can register by visiting the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (PDSP) Member Services
Claim statement
Each time you submit a claim, you will receive a Claim Statement from Sun Life. The statement
summarizes the costs covered by the PDSP and your costs.
Recovering overpayments
Sun Life has the right, on behalf of the Government of Canada, to recover benefit overpayments.
General Information
Time limits for claim submission
To be eligible for reimbursement, Sun Life must receive your claim no later than 15 months
after the date you incur the expenses.
You incur an expense:
on the date your single appointment procedure was performed;
for procedures that take more than one appointment, once the entire procedure is
for procedures that involve the installation of an appliance, on the date the appliance is
installed. However, for orthodontic services, you are deemed to incur an expense
monthly, beginning with the date the appliance is first installed.
Claims received after the 15-month period will not be paid unless you can substantiate that it was
impossible to submit the claim within this time limit. Further, except in the case of legal
incapacity, no claim will be paid if it is submitted more than 24 months after the expense was
If a student receives dental services during an academic break, claims for those services should
not be submitted until it has been established that the student has returned to school on a full-
time basis.
To finalize a claim, Sun Life reserves the right to request a statement of the treatment received,
pre-treatment x-rays and any additional information considered necessary to adjudicate
the claim.
Coordination of benefits with other plans
If you or your covered Family Members have coverage for dental benefits under another plan,
Sun Life will coordinate benefits with the other plan in accordance with standard insurance
industry practices.
Sun Life can help you determine which plan you should claim from first. Here are some
for dental services required as a result of an accidental injury to natural teeth covered
under both the Public Service Health Care Plan and the PDSP, the benefits will be
determined under the Public Service Health Care Plan first;
for specific oral surgical procedures covered under both the Public Service Health Care
Plan and the PDSP, the benefits will be determined under the PDSP first;
if you are claiming expenses for your spouse or common-law partner, and that person is
covered for those expenses under another plan, you must send the claim to your spouse’s
or common-law partner’s plan first;
if you are claiming expenses for your Children, and both you and your spouse or
common-law partner have coverage for your Children under different plans, you must
claim under the plan of the parent with the earlier birthday (month and day) in the
calendar year. For example, if your birthday is May 1
and your spouse’s or common-law
partner’s birthday is June 5
, you must claim under the PDSP first;
General Information
the maximum amount that you can receive from all plans for eligible expenses is 100% of
actual expenses.
Note: Coordination of benefits between two members of the Pensioners' Dental Services Plan
(PDSP) is not allowed under the Plan.
Member appeals
Appeals from members of the PDSP must be sent in writing to the Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat (TBS) at the following address:
The Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Insurance Benefits Programs Group
219 Laurier Ave W
8th Floor, #8052
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R5
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
General description of the coverage
In this section, you means the Member and all Family Members covered under the Pensioners’
Dental Services Plan (PDSP).
The PDSP will reimburse Members for eligible expenses incurred for dental services
performed by:
dentists, dental specialists or dental mechanics;
denturists or denturologists;
dental hygienists if the dental service is performed in a province or territory of Canada in
which dental hygienists are licensed to provide such services (otherwise, under the direct
supervision of a dentist or dental specialist);
anaesthetists (in connection with oral surgery and drug injections).
The dental practitioner must be licensed to provide dental services in the province or territory
where the service is received.
If you reside in Canada, the PDSP will provide reimbursement up to the amounts specified in the
following Dental Association Fee Guides for practitioners:
for services received in Canada (except Alberta) – the Fee Guide in the province or
territory where the treatment is received that was in effect the previous year;
for services received in the Province of Alberta – the 1997 Alberta Fee Guide, increased
by an inflationary factor;
for services received while temporarily outside of Canada the Fee Guide of the
province or territory where the Member permanently resides that was in effect the
previous year.
The Dental Association Fee Guides are listings of charges established by dental associations for
specified services provided by dentists in their province or territory.
If you permanently reside outside of Canada, the PDSP will provide reimbursement based on the
reasonable and customary charges in the location where the eligible dental services are received.
Reasonable and Customary means the amount that is usually charged to a person without
coverage and does not exceed the general level of charges for the specific service in the location
where it was performed. Sun Life determines these amounts by consulting the available Fee
Guides of provincial, territorial or national practitioner associations.
If services are provided by a qualified specialist in endodontics, prosthodontics, oral surgery,
periodontics, paedodontics or orthodontics (whose dental practice is limited to that specialty),
then the Fee Guide approved by the provincial or territorial Dental Association for that specialist
will be used.
Annual deductible
The Annual Deductible is a specific dollar amount that you must satisfy each calendar year
before you receive reimbursement on your first claim. The annual deductible amount is $25 for
one covered person or $50 for more than one covered person.
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
The deductible will be subtracted from your first claim(s) each calendar year. However, if all or
part of the deductible is satisfied within the last three (3) months (October to December) of the
year, your deductible for the next year will be reduced by this amount. After the deductible
amount has been satisfied, claims will be paid up to the percentage of coverage allowed under
the PDSP.
Co-payment amount
After the annual deductible amount has been satisfied, the PDSP will reimburse you for a
percentage of the cost of the covered expenses (i.e., 90% for eligible preventive and basic dental
supplies and services, and 50% for eligible major dental procedures). The remainder
(i.e., 50% for major restorative and 10% for other eligible services) is the amount that you are
required to pay toward each eligible expense. This is referred to as the Co-payment Amount.
Important: The Member is responsible for any portion not reimbursed by the PDSP, even in
cases where the dental practitioner charges more for a given service or procedure than the
amount specified in the applicable Dental Association Fee Guides in effect the previous year.
Maximum reimbursement amount
In any calendar year, the PDSP will reimburse an annual maximum amount of $1,500 for each
covered person. This excludes orthodontic services, which has a separate lifetime limit
(see below).
If your coverage starts in the second half of the year (i.e., on or after July 1
of that year), the
maximum amount that the PDSP will reimburse for that year will be $750.
The annual maximum reimbursement amount is reviewed regularly and can change.
Lifetime limit orthodontic services
Orthodontic services are subject to a separate lifetime limit of $2,500 for each covered person.
Take note that charges for orthodontic treatments where the initial appliance was installed before
the person became covered under the PDSP are not covered unless that initial appliance was
installed while covered for such services under the Public Service Dental Care Plan or as a
member of the Canadian Forces or the RCMP.
Treatment plan
It is strongly recommended that you send Sun Life an estimate, before the work begins, for any
major treatment or procedure that will cost more than $300. You should send a completed dental
claim form that shows the treatment the dental practitioner is planning along with the associated
cost to Sun Life. Both you and the dental practitioner will have to complete parts of the claim
form. Sun Life will tell you how much of the planned treatment is covered under the PDSP, and
how much of the cost you will be responsible for before proceeding with the services.
The treatment plan is not valid if the treatment does not commence within 180 days of the date
on which you submit it to Sun Life. It is also subject to all PDSP Rules such as deductibles and
annual/lifetime maximums.
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
Preventive dental procedures
The PDSP covers procedures used to help prevent dental problems. They are procedures that a
dental practitioner performs regularly to help maintain good dental health.
The PDSP will pay 90% of the eligible expenses for these procedures after you satisfy the annual
deductible amount.
Oral Examinations
complete oral examination;
one recall examination every 9 months;
emergency or specific examinations;
treatment planning.
one complete series of periapical x-rays every 36 months;
occlusal x-rays;
one set of bitewing x-rays every 9 months;
extra-oral x-rays;
sialography, use of dyes;
one panoramic x-ray every 36 months;
interpretation of radiographs from another source;
Other Services
required consultations;
house calls, hospital calls and special office visits;
polishing (cleaning of teeth) and topical fluoride treatment once every 9 months;
emergency services;
diagnostic tests and laboratory examinations (biopsy or oral tissue and pulp vitality tests);
space maintainers;
pit and fissure sealants only children under the age 15 are covered for this treatment;
oral hygiene instruction, up to a maximum of 1 session every calendar year;
caries control;
Basic dental procedures
The PDSP covers procedures used to treat basic dental problems. Some examples are filling
cavities and extracting teeth.
The PDSP will pay 90% of the eligible expenses for these procedures after you satisfy the
Amalgam, silicate, composite, acrylic fillings, including pin reinforcements required for these
fillings. Replacement fillings for the same tooth and surface will be paid under the PDSP once
every 24 months irrespective of the age of the filling.
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
root canal therapy;
pulp capping;
periapical services;
other endodontic procedures.
Treatment of diseases of the gum and other supporting tissue, specifically:
non-surgical services;
surgical services;
post-surgical treatment;
occlusal equilibration, limited to 8 time units in any 12 month period (one time
unit = 15 minutes);
scaling and root planing, limited to 6 time units every calendar year. In cases where
additional units are recommended by a dental practitioner and with pre-approval of a
Treatment Plan, this limit can be increased to 12 time units every calendar year (one time
unit = 15 minutes);
other periodontic services.
Oral Surgery
Surgery and related anaesthesia (other than transplants, and repositioning of the jaw),
uncomplicated removal;
surgical removal and tooth repositioning;
alveoloplasty, gingivoplasty, stomatoplasty, osteoplasty and tuberoplasty;
removal of excess mucosa;
surgical excision;
removal of cyst;
surgical incision;
removal of impacted teeth;
repair of soft tissue;
frenectomy and dislocations;
miscellaneous surgical services.
Repair or adjustment of dentures.
Rebase and Reline
Rebasing and relining of an existing partial or complete denture, once every 36 months.
Drug injections.
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
Major dental procedures
The PDSP covers procedures used to treat major dental problems. Some examples are crowns,
dentures or bridges.
The PDSP will pay 50% of the eligible expenses for these procedures after you satisfy the
Major Restorations
Gold and porcelain inlays, gold foils, retention pins, posts and cores, crowns and other
restorative services. Charges for a replacement crown are considered an eligible expense if the
existing crown cannot be made serviceable. The charges will be paid under the PDSP once every
60 months irrespective of the age of the crown.
Repair of bridges.
Construction and insertion of bridges or standard dentures (temporary or permanent).
Charges for a replacement bridge or replacement standard denture are considered an eligible
expense if:
a natural tooth is extracted after the existing bridge or standard denture was initially
inserted and the appliance cannot be made serviceable. If the appliance can be made
serviceable, only the portion of the cost related to the replacement of the extracted tooth
will be considered an eligible expense;
the existing bridge or standard denture is at least 5 years old and cannot be made
the existing bridge or standard denture was inserted temporarily and provided the
replacement appliance will be permanent, without regard to when the temporary
appliance was first installed;
it is needed as the result of the insertion of an initial opposing denture after the date you
became covered under the PDSP;
it is needed as the result of an accidental injury to a natural tooth that occurred after you
became covered under the PDSP.
The following expenses are also included:
exams, x-rays and diagnostic casts;
abutments and retentive pins in abutments;
other prosthodontic services.
Orthodontic procedures
The PDSP covers procedures used to treat misaligned or crooked teeth up to a separate lifetime
limit of $2,500.
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
The PDSP will pay 50% of the following eligible expenses for these procedures, after you satisfy
the annual deductible amount:
fixed or removable appliances, such as braces;
surgical services, observation and adjustments and repairs and alterations;
retention appliances;
appliances to control harmful habits.
The PDSP will pay 90% of the following eligible expenses for these procedures, after you satisfy
the annual deductible amount:
orthodontic examinations;
orthodontic x-rays;
orthodontic diagnostic casts.
Payment after coverage ends
If your coverage under the PDSP terminates, you will continue to be covered for 31 days after
the date your coverage terminates, for the following procedures:
endodontics, if the pulp chamber was opened before the date your coverage terminated;
relining or rebasing of dentures, addition of a tooth to a removable denture and complete
and partial dentures, when an impression was taken before the date your coverage
gold inlays, crowns, and other restorative services, bridges, repairs to bridges, retainers,
abutments and retentive pins for abutments, when a tooth is prepared before the date your
coverage terminated;
orthodontic services for which you were entitled to a benefit prior to the date your
coverage terminated.
What is not covered
The PDSP will not pay for services or supplies payable in whole or in part under any provincial,
territorial or other public dental, hospital or health plan to which the person is eligible. This
includes user fees and extra billing whether or not legislation allows private plans to cover the
user fees and extra billing.
The PDSP will not pay for services or supplies that are not usually provided to treat a dental
problem, including experimental treatments.
The PDSP will not pay for:
procedures performed primarily to improve appearance including, but not limited to,
veneers, and porcelain or composite facings on crowns or bridges on molar teeth;
the replacement of dental appliances that are lost, misplaced or stolen;
charges for appointments that you do not keep;
charges for completing claim forms;
supplies usually intended for sport or home use, such as mouth guards;
procedures or supplies used in full mouth reconstructions (capping all of the teeth in the
mouth), vertical dimension corrections, (changing the way the teeth meet) including
attrition (worn down teeth), and alteration or restoration of occlusion (building up and
restoring the bite);
Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan Benefits
dental treatment involving the use of precious metals, if such treatment could have been
rendered at a lower cost by means of a reasonable substitute consistent with generally
accepted dental practices, except for that portion of expenses which would have been
incurred for treatment of a reasonable substitute;
services or supplies which are, in whole or in part, the legal liability of another party;
services or supplies for which there would be no charge in the absence of this coverage;
services or supplies received outside of Canada by a person who resides in Canada, or to
a Child of a Member who resides in Canada, which would be payable under a provincial
or territorial health, dental or hospital plan if the services had been received in Canada;
services or supplies related to the purchase, repair, modification or replacement of a
duplicate prosthodontic appliance, for any reason;
services received or supplies purchased before the date you became covered under
the PDSP;
charges for:
o an appliance or modification of an appliance where an impression is made for
such appliance or modification before you became covered under the PDSP,
o crowns, bridges and gold restorations for which a tooth was prepared before you
became covered under the PDSP,
o root canal therapy where the pulp chamber was opened before you became
covered under the PDSP,
o orthodontic treatment, in respect of a Member, spouse or common-law partner,
where the initial appliance was installed before the person became covered under
the PDSP; unless at the time the appliance was installed, the Member, spouse or
common-law partner was covered under the Public Service Dental Care Plan or
was entitled to dental services as a member of the Canadian Forces or the RCMP.
charges for a periodontal appliance, occlusal equilibration, and other related service as a
result of a temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ dysfunction);
implants, except that a benefit may be paid based on the reasonable and customary
charges for a less expensive alternative course of treatment plan that is an eligible dental
service under the PDSP.
The PDSP does not reimburse dental work received by covered persons age 19 or over resulting
from teeth malformed at birth or during development, which are not Class I, II or III
The PDSP will not pay benefits when compensation is available under the Government
Employees’ Compensation Act, the Criminal Injuries Act or similar legislation.
For More Information
For More Information
About your PDSP benefits or claims
Contact Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada:
1-888-757-7427 Toll-Free in North America;
613-247-5100 National Capital Region.
Call Center Representatives are available to take your calls from:
Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
If you have recently submitted a claim, SunServe, Sun Life’s interactive telephone system, can
provide the status of your claim. SunServe is available during the following hours:
Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight Eastern Standard Time; and,
Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
If you have Internet access, you may also visit the PDSP Member Services website
About your PDSP enrolment and monthly contributions
Contact your Pension Office. The contact information is detailed in your PDSP Enrolment
Information and Plan Summary booklet (
dental-dentaire/summary-sommarie-eng.asp), which you received with your Enrolment Form.
To obtain a copy of the PDSP Rules
Printed copies of the PDSP Rules may be obtained by sending a written request to the
following address:
Distribution Centre
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Distribution Services
90 Elgin St.
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R5
TBS Distribution Centre Stock No.: TBS 006779