Q L I K . C O M
Qlik NPrinting
April 2020
Release notes
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 1
What’s new in Qlik NPrinting April 2020 2
Improvements 3
Resolved Issues 4
Upgrade notes 5
Known issues and limitations 7
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 2
What’s new in Qlik NPrinting April 2020
Dynamic email CC and BCC
You can send emails generated from publish tasks to dynamic lists of
recipients in TO, CC, and BCC field. Recipient lists can be created in
Qlik NPrinting as new fields or can come from Qlik variables.
Support for Microsoft Windows 2019
Qlik NPrinting officially supports Microsoft Windows 2019.
This document covers
the following releases:
Qlik NPrinting April 2020
Release: April 14
, 2020
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 3
Default robots.txt file added to Qlik NPrinting NewsStand and Web Console
Jira issue ID: OP-9145
A default robots.txt file is available for both Qlik NPrinting Web Console and NewsStand. This file contains
instructions for search engine crawlers. The two preinstalled robots.txt files do not allow any search engine to
index any content from Qlik NPrinting websites. The robots.txt files can be customized.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 4
Resolved Issues
“Index was out of range” error when producing Excel reports
Jira issue ID: OP-9029
If an Excel report template contained simultaneously: Page, Level, Excel Table, and the entity in the Table
node had the "Keep Source Formats" option set to False, report production raised the error: "Index was out of
range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index".
Using the same names for variables and fields in a Qlik Sense app is not supported
Jira issue ID: OP-8952
In Qlik Sense apps, you cannot use the same names for variables and fields. The simplest workaround is to
rename any variables that have the same name as a field.
PDF reports generated from Excel templates had #REF! error
Jira issue ID: OP-8956
PDF reports generated from Excel templates could have cells with a "#REF!" error instead of the calculated
Excel pivot tables in paged worksheets displayed incorrect row order
Jira issue ID: OP-8994
Native Excel pivot tables in worksheets with the Page option would display rows in the wrong order. Only the
first pivot table had the rows in the correct order.
QlikView object with auto minimize set sometimes disappeared
Jira issue ID: OP-9136
QlikView objects with the Auto Minimize property set to True sometimes disappeared from generated reports.
Cycled HTML reports were not embedded in alphabetical order
Jira issue ID: OP-9134
Cycled HTML reports were not embedded in email bodies in alphabetical order.
Additional Host header validation
Jira issue ID: OP-9153
Qlik NPrinting now uses server-side settings to derive hostname instead of HTTP request headers. It is
strongly recommended to configure the application URLs in Admin system settings.
Publish tasks could fail with the error: Specified cast is not valid
Jira issue ID: OP-9217
Publish tasks, filtered with string values that looked like date and time values type, could fail with the error:
“Specified cast is not valid”.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 5
Upgrade notes
To upgrade to Qlik NPrinting April 2020, you must start from one of the following versions:
April 2020 Technical Preview (20.10.0)
February 2020 SR1 (20.0.3)
February 2020 (20.0.2)
February 2020 Technical Preview (20.0.0)
November 2019 SR1 (19.40.4)
November 2019 (19.40.3)
November 2019 TP (19.40.0)
September 2019 (19.29.3)
September 2019 TP (19.29.0)
June 2019 (19.19.4)
June 2019 Technical Preview (19.19.0)
April 2019 (19.9.5)
April 2019 Technical Preview (19.9.0)
February 2019 SR1 (19.0.4)
February 2019 (19.0.3)
February 2019 Technical Preview (19.0.0)
November 2018 (
November 2018 Technical Preview (
September 2018 SR2 (
September 2018 SR1 (
September 2018 (
June 2018 (18.19.6)
June 2018 TP (18.19.0)
April 2018 (18.9.5)
April 2018 TP
February 2018 SR1 (18.0.4)
February 2018 (18.0.3)
February 2018 TP (18.0.0)
November 2017 (17.6.0)
November 2017 TP (17.5.0001.0)
September 2017 (17.5.0)
September 2017 TP (17.4.0001.0)
June 2017 (17.4.0)
If you have installed an older version of Qlik NPrinting, you must upgrade to Qlik NPrinting 17.3 before you
can upgrade to Qlik NPrinting April 2020.
You must back up your data before you proceed. Data can become damaged if a problem occurs during the
upgrade. If data is damaged, a backup is required to restore the repository. See: Backup and restore of a
After backup, you must follow the instructions for upgrading on the help site page Qlik NPrinting upgrade.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 6
If you are upgrading from a version older than February 2018, due to a breaking change in the format of the
metadata cache, all metadata caches (QlikView and Qlik Sense) will be marked as "not generated". Before
being able to edit a template designed with one of these connections or create new ones, all connection
caches must be regenerated.
Upgrade to November 2018 or newer
If you are upgrading to April 2020 Technical from September 2018 SR2 or older you must:
Open port 4997 outbound on Qlik NPrinting Server and inbound on all Qlik NPrinting Engines.
Reinstall all your Qlik NPrinting Engines and providing a password for certificate exchange.
Open the Engine manager in the Web Console.
Open the detail page for each Engine and send the certificate after inserting the same password
you used during the engines reinstallation.
Qlik NPrinting Engines stay offline until the certificate exchange is performed. Older Engine versions cannot
connect to a Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Server.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 7
Known issues and limitations
The following issues and limitations were identified at release time. The list is not comprehensive; it lists all
known major issues and limitations. We expect to have these issues fixed in future versions.
Supported languages
The following languages are supported:
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
Other languages are not officially supported. There may be issues with other languages, particularly those
with right-to-left script and non-Roman alphabets.
Qlik Sense custom size sheets
Qlik Sense custom size sheets are not supported. Custom size will not be maintained on export.
Alternate states
QlikView and Qlik Sense alternate states are not supported.
"Always One Selected Value" does not work correctly with QlikView Server 11.20 SR15
Jira issue ID: OP-4663
Opening a QlikView document with at least one field with "Always One Selected Value=true" from QlikView
Server version 11.20 SR15 causes incorrect results. You will see different values compared to opening the
same document using a local connection.
The workarounds, in order of preference, are:
Use a newer version of QlikView server.
Remove the "Always One Selected Value=true" option.
Connect the document locally.
Qlik NPrinting must be installed only on C: drives
Jira issue ID: OP-6196
Qlik NPrinting Server, Engine, and Designer can only be installed on C: drives. Any attempt to install them on
a different drive will result in task failures.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 8
Image size settings are not respected when adding the same object twice
Jira issue ID: OP-5831
When you add the same object twice, using the Images node in Qlik NPrinting Designer, only the image size
property of the first image is respected.
QlikView On-Demand reports with data from mounted folders
Jira issue ID: QVII-1336
When creating QlikView On-Demand reports based on connections that use mounted folders, not all
selections are taken into consideration. Errors occur when a document name that is preceded by a mount
name is sent in through automation to create a Document Chain Bookmark. This limitation applies to QlikView
11.20 SR15 and earlier.
QlikView On-Demand reports cannot be connected to Qlik Sense
It is possible to select the “Enable” check box in On-Demand for reports using Qlik Sense app data. These
reports are visible in the QlikView On-Demand menu of the QlikView On-Demand add-on. But if selected, they
will not generate reports, and you will see an error message.
Qlik NPrinting Designer crashes sometimes with zoomed screen settings
If you experience random crashes when using Qlik NPrinting Designer, open your Windows Display Settings
in the Control Panel and verify that Smaller 100% (default) is selected. When settings of 125% or 150% are
selected, Qlik NPrinting Designer may crash.
On-Demand works in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Internet Explorer (11 or older) or Edge
Jira issue ID: OP-5908
In some cases, when you use Qlik NPrinting On-Demand in Internet Explorer 11 or Edge, the “origin” HTTP
header is not generated. This results in the error message “REVEL_CSRF: tokens mismatch”.
The workaround is to install Qlik NPrinting On-Demand on a Microsoft IIS server hosting QlikView Access
point or use a different web browser.
Upgrading from 17.0.2 to 17.1.0 with a QVP connection
Jira issue ID: OP-3441
Upgrading from 17.0.2 to 17.1.0 with a QVP connection will fail with an Unhandled Exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not upgrade database to version --->
System.ArgumentException: Invalid connection string parameter DocumentPath: a.qvw.
To upgrade from 17.0.2 to 17.1.1 with a QVP connection, you must do the following:
1. Change all the QVP connections to local connections.
2. Upgrade to 17.1.0.
3. Re-connect to QVP Connections.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 9
On-Demand objects do not appear in Access Point
Jira issue ID: OP-4655
After upgrading to QlikView 11.20 SR15 or SR16, you must add the missing MIME types to make the On-
Demand add-on work.
To add the two new mime types in the QMC:
1. In the QMC, open the System tab.
2. Click Setup.
3. Expand the QlikView Web Server node.
4. Click on QVWS@YourServer.
5. Click the Web tab.
6. In the Mime Types section, the click the green + button in the upper right corner.
7. Add the following rows to the Content column:
.JSON in the Extension column and application/json
.TTF in the Extension column and application/x-font-truetype
This problem does not occur with new installations of QlikView 11.20 SR15 or SR16.
Too many users and filters leads to Qlik NPrinting Designer errors
Jira issue ID: OP-4940
Qlik NPrinting Designer may be unable to open a report template if there are too many filters associated with
a connection in the report's app. The following error message displays: A task was canceled.
This typically happens when more than 4000 filters are using fields from a connection. Sometimes, higher
numbers can work. For example, 7000 filters have worked in some situations.
The workaround is:
1. Split the Qlik NPrinting app into separate apps.
2. Split the connections (possibly by using multiple connections to the same documents in different
3. Split the filters across apps (so that the filter count per app is lower).
Task fails with the error 'Exceeded maximum number of retries'
Jira issue ID: OP-4839
Some Qlik NPrinting tasks fail with the error message: “Exceeded maximum number of retries”. This is due to
a performance issue in QlikView that appears when it exports large unfiltered files to Excel.
Verify connection freezes during “Initializing…” status
Jira issue ID: OP-5278
In some rare circumstances, pressing the Verify connection button will cause the screen to freeze on the
“Initializing…” status and the spinning wheel cursor. This happens when a Qlik NPrinting Engine goes offline
and Verify connection is pressed before the Qlik NPrinting Scheduler is aware that it is offline. It can take up
to 20 seconds before the Qlik NPrinting Scheduler determines the offline status of a Qlik NPrinting Engine.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 10
User filters are excluded from matching and object filters
Jira issue ID: OP-5914
When you:
Open Qlik NPrinting Designer
Import a report
The filters associated with each user are not uploaded, or displayed, for performance reasons. Waiting for all
filters for thousands of users to import would take a long time. In most cases, importing this information is
unnecessary, because filters created for users often contain something like the user IDs.
You can change this behavior and make all filters visible by uncommenting the line <!--<add key="include-
user-filters" />--> in the webengine.config file.
To make a specific filter visible in the lists, remove its association to all users, or create a new filter with the
same fields and values not linked to any user.
Keep Source Format option does not keep Excel merged cells
Jira issue ID: OP-5545
Excel merged cells are not supported for Qlik NPrinting tags regardless of Keep Source Format option.
Cancelling an upgrade results in a corrupted environment
Jira issue ID: OP-3986
The rollback that follows a Qlik NPrinting Server or Engine upgrade cancellation may corrupt the related Qlik
NPrinting installation. A rollback is triggered by errors or by clicking the cancel button during the upgrade
execution. After a corruption caused by a rollback, services may be uninstalled or cannot be started.
To restore a Qlik NPrinting Server to its original status:
Retrieve a recent backup
Uninstall Qlik NPrinting Server
Perform a clean installation of the same Qlik NPrinting Server of the backup
Restore the backup
You should always create a backup before starting an update. In any case, a backup is automatically created
in the folder "%ProgramData%\NPrinting" at the beginning of the upgrade process.
To restore a Qlik NPrinting Engine to original status:
Uninstall Qlik NPrinting Engine
Perform a clean installation of Qlik NPrinting Engine
Adding a title to a Sense object with Assistance on generates an error on preview or task
Jira issue ID: OP-7560
Add title functionality is not supported on Qlik Sense objects with Assistance mode enabled. The workaround
to restore the Add title functionality is to disable Assistance mode for the chart in Qlik Sense. Then reload the
metadata of the connection.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 11
Cannot export tables, columns, and cells from Qlik Sense objects made using chart
Jira issue ID: OP-7568
Qlik Sense objects made in Assistance mode cannot be used as tables, columns, or cells in Qlik NPrinting. To
restore them, disable Assistance mode on the chart in Qlik Sense; then reload the metadata of the
connection. Furthermore, if a Qlik Sense object made with Assistance mode is exported as a table, column, or
cell using Qlik NPrinting APIs, the request will fail.
Open Type Fonts (*.otf) are not supported
Jira issue ID: OP-7165
Open Type Fonts (*.otf) are not supported in PixelPerfect templates. Generated reports will use a different
font, and not look as expected.
Qlik Sense tables with conditionally shown columns have limited functionality
Jira issue ID: OP-7747
The following functionalities are not supported for Qlik Sense tables that have a "Show column if" condition
set on one or more of their columns: levels, single column export, and keep source formats.
Images were rendered with the title caption
Jira issue ID: OP-7953
This bug is solved starting from Qlik NPrinting November 2018, but if you use QlikView 12.20 SR7, and only
with this specific service release, it is still present.
When you add a QlikView chart as an image in a template it will still be exported with the border and the title
QlikView tables with more than 256 columns cannot be imported
Jira issue ID: OP-8570
QlikView tables with more than 256 columns cannot be imported into Qlik NPrinting report templates. All Qlik
NPrinting versions are affected by this limitation, 16 series included.
Qlik Sense On-Demand reports with selections on calculated dimensions fails
Jira issue ID: OP-8382
Qlik Sense On-Demand reports with selections applied on calculated dimensions will fail. However, you can
apply selections on dimensions based on Qlik Sense fields. The workaround is to move the formula to the
load script and use the calculated fields to apply selections to your On-Demand reports.
Qlik Sense histograms cannot be add into the Tables node
Jira issue ID: OP-8985
Due to the internal way of exporting Qlik Sense histograms, it is not possible to add them into the Tables node
of Qlik NPrinting report templates. If you add a Qlik Sense histogram into the Tables node you will not receive
any error or warning message, but the exported data will be wrong.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 12
QlikEntities limitation with Qlik Sense entites
Jira issue ID: OP-8921
QlikEntity reports support Qlik Sense objects with the following limitations:
Containers are not supported, but you can use all the objects that are inside containers
Qlik Sense sheets can be added to QlikEntity reports and exported as images.The "Extend Sheet"
feature does not work.
Export in PDF and TIFF is not supported
Embedding Excel worksheets into PowerPoint templates is not supported
Jira issue ID: OP-9087
It is not possible to embed an Excel worksheet in a PowerPoint report template. Trying will cause a Qlik
NPrinting Designer crash. The workarounds are to insert the Excel worksheet without using the Qlik NPrinting
Create a pptx file by using PowerPoint without involving the Qlik NPrinting Designer. Insert the Excel
worksheet and save the pptx. Then use the pptx file as report template while creating it.
If you have already created the PowerPoint template, export it, open the .zip file generated by Qlik
NPrinting and do a double click on the pptx file inside. Insert the Excel worksheet, save the resulting
PowerPoint and overwrite the exiting Qlik NPrinting template by uploading the updated .zip.
Qlik Sense dynamic views limitations
Jira issue ID: OP-9067
Dynamic views is a new Qlik Sense feature starting from April 2020.
If you connect Qlik NPrinting with a Qlik Sense app that contains a chart used to generate dynamic views, the
chart and the containing sheet are excluded from the Qlik NPrinting connection cache and cannot be used in
You can connect Qlik NPrinting with a Qlik Sense app containing dynamic views. However, after a dynamic
view refresh, the connection will stop working.
Qlik NPrinting April 2020 Release Notes 13
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