CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction
Survey Report
Bridge Counseling Associates
September 2022 | Draft 1.0
Nevada Division of Health Care Financing and Policy
Department of Health and Human Services
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 0
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 1
PEC QUALITY MEASURE ......................................................................................................................................... 2
ACCESS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
QUALITY AND APPROPRIATENESS QUESTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 3
OUTCOMES ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
PARTICIPATION IN TREATMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 5
FUNCTIONING ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
SOCIAL CONNECTEDNESS ................................................................................................................................................. 7
SINGLE QUARTER BREAKDOWN: PEC QUALITY MEASURE ...................................................................................................... 8
Y/FEC QUALITY MEASURE .................................................................................................................................... 13
ACCESS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
CULTURAL SENSITIVITY .................................................................................................................................................. 14
GENERAL SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 15
OUTCOMES ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
PARTICIPATION IN TREATMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 17
SOCIAL CONNECTEDNESS ............................................................................................................................................... 18
SINGLE QUARTER BREAKDOWN: Y/FEC QUALITY MEASURE ................................................................................................. 19
APPENDIX A. ADULT CONSUMER SATISFACTION SURVEY RESULTS ...................................................................... 23
APPENDIX B. YOUTH CONSUMER SATISFACTION SURVEY RESULTS ..................................................................... 24
APPENDIX C. PARENT/CHILD CONSUMER SATISFACTION SURVEY RESULTS ......................................................... 25
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 1
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to highlight the results from the Consumer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS) that
were conducted at the Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHC) in Nevada. For the
purposes of this report, survey data were aggregated to quarterly periods. It is important to note that not all
surveys were conducted during all quarters and will be a limitation when examining trends. Due to low
sample sizes for certain surveys, monthly trends were not examined.
In order to accurately assess the patient satisfaction at the various CCBHCs in Nevada, it is imperative to
increase the sample size and frequency of conducting the CSS. This will help facilities obtain a
representative sample, mitigate issues associated with small sample sizes, and identify areas for
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 2
PEC Quality Measure
*Reflects survey responses for the Adult Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 3
Quality and Appropriateness Questions
*Reflects survey responses for the Adult Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 4
*Reflects survey responses for the Adult Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 5
Participation in Treatment
*Reflects survey responses for the Adult Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
General Satisfaction with Services
*Reflects survey responses for the Adult Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 6
*Reflects survey responses for the Adult Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 7
Social Connectedness
*Reflects survey responses for the Adult Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 13
Y/FEC Quality Measure
*Reflects survey responses for the Youth Consumer Satisfaction Survey and Parent/Child Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 14
Cultural Sensitivity
*Reflects survey responses for the Youth Consumer Satisfaction Survey and Parent/Child Consumer Satisfaction Survey..
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 15
General Satisfaction with Services
*Reflects survey responses for the Youth Consumer Satisfaction Survey and Parent/Child Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 16
*Reflects survey responses for the Youth Consumer Satisfaction Survey and Parent/Child Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 17
Participation in Treatment
*Reflects survey responses for the Youth Consumer Satisfaction Survey and Parent/Child Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
CCBHC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report 18
Social Connectedness
*Reflects survey responses for the Youth Consumer Satisfaction Survey and Parent/Child Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
I am happy with the friendships I have.
I have people with whom I can do enjoyable things.
I feel I belong in my community.
In a crisis, I would have the support I need from family or friends.
The location of services was convenient (parking, distance, etc.).
Staff was willing to see me as often as I felt it was necessary.
Staff returned my call in 24 hours.
Services were available at times that were good for me.
I was able to get all of the services I thought I needed.
I was able to see a psychiatrist when I wanted to.
I do things that are more meaningful to me.
I am better able to take care of my needs.
I am better able to handle things when they go wrong.
I am better able to do things that I want to do.
I like the services that I received here.
If I had other choices, I would still get services from this agency.
I would recommend this agency to a friend or family member.
I felt comfortable asking questions about my treatment and medication.
I, not staff, decided my treatment goals.
Staff here believes that I can grow, change, and recover.
I felt free to complain.
I was given information about my rights.
Staff told me what medication side effects to watch out for.
Staff respected my wishes about who is and is not to be given information about my treatment.
Staff were sensitive to my cultural background, race, religion, language, etc.
Staff helped me obtain the information I needed so that I could take charge of managing illness.
I was encouraged to use consumer-run programs.
Staff encouraged me to take responsibility for how I live my life.
I deal more effectively with daily problems.
I am better able to control my life.
I am better able to deal with crisis.
I am getting along better with my family.
I do better in social situations.
I do better in school and/or work.
My housing situation has improved.
My symptoms are not bothering me as much.
I have people with whom I can do enjoyable things.
I have people that I am comfortable talking with about my problems.
I know people who will listen and understand me when I need to talk.
In a crisis, I would have the support I need from family or friends.
The location of the services was convenient.
Services were available at times that were good for me.
I helped to choose my services.
I helped to choose my treatment goals.
The people helping me stuck with me no matter what.
Staff spoke with me in a way I understood.
I participated in my own treatment.
I felt I had someone to talk to when I was troubled.
I got the help I wanted.
I got as much help as I needed.
Staff treated me with respect.
Staff respected my family's religious/spiritual beliefs.
Staff was sensitive to my cultural/ethnic background.
I am better able to cope when things go wrong.
I am better at handling daily life.
I am better able to do things I want to do.
I am satisfied with my family life right now.
If I took medication for my problems, staff told me what medication side effects to watch out for.
I felt free to complain.
I am getting along better with my family.
I get along better with friends and other people.
I am doing better in school and/or work.
I have people with whom I can do enjoyable things.
I have people that I am comfortable talking with about my child's problems.
I know people who will listen and understand me when I need to talk.
In a crisis, I would have the support I need from family or friends.
The location of the services was convenient for us.
Services were available at times that were good for us.
I helped to choose my child's services.
I helped to choose my child's treatment goals.
The people helping my child stuck with us no matter what.
Staff spoke with me in a way I understood.
I participated in my child's treatment.
I felt my child had someone to talk to when he/she was troubled.
My family got the help we wanted for our child.
My family got as much help as we needed for our child.
Staff treated me with respect.
Staff respected my family's religious/spiritual beliefs.
Staff was sensitive to my cultural/ethnic background.
My child is better able to cope when things go wrong.
My child is better at handling daily life.
My child is better able to do things he/she wants to do.
I am satisfied with our family life right now.
If my child took medications for his/her problems, staff told us what medication side effects to watch out for.
I felt free to complain.
My child gets along better with family members.
My child gets along better with friends and other people.
My child is doing better in school.