Mental Health Bingo Story Sheet: Justifications and Benefits
1. Practice 10 min of guided meditation 2x this week - Regular meditation practice has been shown to reduce
stress, improve focus, and promote relaxation, contributing to better mental well-being with consistent
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
2. Mindfully savor a meal - Practicing mindful eating can enhance appreciation for food, reduce overeating, and
promote relaxation during meals, fostering a positive relationship with food and promoting mental wellness.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
3. Disconnect from technology/work for an hour - Taking breaks from technology and work-related tasks helps
reduce mental fatigue, prevent burnout, and promote a sense of balance and relaxation.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
4. Complete a To-Do - Accomplishing tasks provides a sense of achievement, boosts self-esteem, and reduces
feelings of overwhelm, contributing to improved mental health and well-being.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
5. Go for a 15-minute walk (or sit) outside - Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress, improve
mood, and increase feelings of vitality, supporting overall mental well-being.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
6. Contact friend/loved one & have a conversation - Social connection is essential for mental health, and
engaging in meaningful conversations with loved ones can provide support, reduce feelings of loneliness, and
boost mood.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
7. Stand up and stretch - Taking breaks to stretch helps relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and
increase energy levels, promoting physical comfort and mental alertness.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
8. Ask for something you need - Assertiveness is important for setting boundaries, expressing needs, and
maintaining healthy relationships, contributing to improved self-esteem and reduced stress.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
9. Look at: HR Wellbeing page: - Exploring resources for well-being can provide valuable
information and support for managing stress, improving resilience, and enhancing overall mental health.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
10. Do a random act of kindness - Acts of kindness towards others promote feelings of happiness, fulfillment,
and connectedness, contributing to improved mood and overall well-being.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
11. Make any fun plan for two weeks from now - Looking forward to enjoyable activities provides a sense of
anticipation and excitement, boosting mood and motivation in the present moment.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
12. Write down your most recent funny story - Reflecting on humorous experiences and laughter can reduce
stress, enhance mood, and promote emotional resilience, contributing to improved mental well-being.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
13. Sing out loud - Singing can release endorphins, reduce stress hormones, and promote relaxation, leading to
improved mental and emotional health.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
14. Write down three things you're grateful for today - Research suggests that practicing gratitude can lead to
increased feelings of happiness, improved overall well-being, and reduced symptoms of depression and
anxiety. By regularly reflecting on things we're grateful for, we train our brains to focus on positive aspects of
life, fostering a sense of appreciation and contentment.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
15. Check your behavioral health benefits - Utilizing available behavioral health benefits can provide access to
support services, therapy, and resources to address mental health needs and promote overall well-being.
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________
16. Say no to something that drains your energy - Setting boundaries and saying no to commitments that
deplete energy can help protect mental and emotional well-being, preserving resources for activities that are
Personal Experience: ____________________________________________________________