Kindness in the Classroom® — 6th Grade •Week 1
Caring Sub-Concepts
In the first week of this unit, we will dive deeper into the concept of caring. Specifically, this unit
explores what it means to care for and show concern for both ourselves and those around us. The
next four weeks will focus on caring, gratitude, empathy, and compassion. However, in order for us to
be truly caring towards others, we must first look inward at how we treat ourselves. We must respect
and care for ourselves before we can genuinely care for others.
Begin the unit with the whole class lesson and then aim to complete at least two of the mini lessons
with your students throughout the week. Each mini lesson is designed to present elements of the
main lesson in new and engaging ways.
Main Lesson
Whole Class Lesson
30 minutes
Toss in Self-Care
Using a beach ball, the class will engage in a conversation around self-care
and how we need to pay attention to both physical and mental caring of
ourselves. (See page 2 for lesson details.)
Mini Lessons
For Small Groups
15 minutes
Self-Care Top 5
Divide the class into groups of 4-6. Assign half of the groups to create a top
5 list of the most important aspects of physical self-care. The other half will
create a top 5 list connected to mental self-care. Allow time for whole class
For Partners
15 minutes
My Priorities
With a partner, identify your most important physical and mental way of
caring for yourself. How do you take care of YOU? Share with each other.
If time allows, allow whole class sharing.
For Individuals
15 minutes
My Daily Routine
How do you care for you EACH DAY? Using the handout provided below,
have each student create a daily routine that shows what their daily self-care
looks like. Emphasize the importance of both physical and mental self-care.
15 minutes
Media Self-Care
Divide the class up into groups of 4-6. Have each group research apps that
help users track screen time and set goals based on desired self-care
parameters. Allow time for each group to share their preferred app and
explain how it helps to care for our mental health.
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6th Grade
Whole Group Lesson
Toss In Self-Care
This is the first week of our Caring unit. Students will focus on self-care and explore
the concepts of both physical and mental self-care.
Lesson Timeframe
30 minutes
Required Materials
Inflatable Beach Ball
Sharpie Marker
Standards Map
This lesson aligns with CASEL
Competencies, National Health
Education Standards, International
Society for Technology in Education
Standards, when applicable, and
Common Core State Standards. Please
refer to the Standards Map for more
Lesson Objective
Students will:
Explore how they currently demonstrate self-care in both physical and
mental ways.
Create a personal goal for increasing self-care as a part of their daily
Teacher Connection/Self-Care
Welcome to the Caring Unit! In this unit we will talk about a number of
concepts related to caring: compassion, empathy, and gratitude. Let’s begin
this unit like we did the Respect unit and look at how we care for ourselves.
What does self-care look like for you? Exercise? Planning ahead so you are
less stressed? Meditation? Prayer? Time with family and friends? Reading for
fun? What does it look like at school? Eating a healthy lunch? Walking with
students during a free period? (Does your school have a walking program? If
not and this fuels your self-care, maybe you could start one!) Like respect, if
students don’t see us modeling self-care, they won’t do it themselves. So,
think about how you can model self-care at school and then set an intention to
actually do it. Communicate this intention with students so they know that you
are engaging in the practice of self-care just like you will be asking them to
engage in self-care.
3-5 minutes
Take some time to think about different ways to show self-care towards
yourself. What does self-care look like to you?
(Invite student responses.)
Excellent! Self-care includes the way we take care of ourselves both physically
and mentally. Kind words AND actions are both needed to truly be caring
towards yourself.
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3-5 minutes
We talk a lot about how to care for ourselves physically, such as eating right,
getting enough sleep, and practicing good hygiene. However, our thoughts
and words that we say to ourselves is also a very important part of self-care.
You may not be aware of the thoughts you have throughout the day, but they
directly affect your mood, how you handle things, and even how well you are
able to complete school work, sports, and other activities.
Let’s go over some possible options for kind words that demonstrate how you
care for yourself. This can be tricky, so I’ll start with an example. When I get
ready in the morning, I tell myself, “You are smart and can do anything you put
your mind to!”
What are some kind words you could think or say to yourself?
15 minutes
Explain that the class will now play a game to explore different ways that each
of us currently practice self-care. Show the beach ball to the class and explain
that each section of the beach ball has a question written on it. If desired, read
aloud each question so that the class can begin to mentally prepare some
answers during the actual game.
How do you show self-care in your appearance?
How do you show self-care with your words?
What is one way you take care of yourself each morning or night?
What is one way you can make yourself feel better when it’s been a
rough day?
How can you take care of yourself when you feel overwhelmed?
How can you take care of yourself even when things are going
really well in your life?
Note: A standard inflatable beach ball has 6 sections. If your ball has more,
feel free to repeat the questions or add your own.
How to play:
Have the class form a circle in the room by sitting on top of their desks or on
the floor depending on your set up. Starting with the teacher, each person will
read the question on which their right thumb is touching.
After answering the question, the person will then throw the beach ball to
another and have a seat. Repeat until all class members have had a chance to
answer at least one question.
Note: If desired, you can allow a student to choose a different question on the
beach ball if they feel uncomfortable with the question they received.
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5-7 minutes
As a class, discuss why self-care can be so difficult at times. Examples: We get
busy and forget ourselves, we don’t make time to properly care for ourselves
physically and mentally, we don’t see the value, etc.
This week, make a commitment to spend 5 extra minutes everyday on you.
You are a valuable member of our class, your family, and our community. Take
time for you and report back to us on how it felt to consciously carve out time.
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