EFFECTIVE December 1, 2014
The Local Civil Rules may be cited as “LR_____” and the Local Admiralty Rules as
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 3 - COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION...................................................... 7
LR3.1 Collateral Proceedings and Refiled Cases. .............................................................. 7
LR3.1.1 Assignment of Collateral Proceedings and Refiled Cases.................................... 7
LR 3.2 Removal. ................................................................................................................. 7
DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................... 7
LR 5.1 Place and Manner of Filing..................................................................................... 8
LR 5.2 Filing of Extraordinary Pleadings. .......................................................................... 8
LR 5.3 Advance Payment Required.................................................................................... 8
LR 5.4 Certificate of Service. ............................................................................................. 8
LR 5.5 Deposit for Service. ................................................................................................ 8
LR 5.6 Procedure for Filing Documents Under Seal. ......................................................... 8
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 7 - PLEADINGS ALLOWED; FORM OF MOTIONS. ............................ 9
LR 7.1 Submission of Motions. ........................................................................................ 10
LR 7.2 Noticing Motions for Submission......................................................................... 10
LR 7.3 Submission of Ex Parte or Consent Motions........................................................ 10
LR 7.4 Motions Must Be Accompanied by Memorandum............................................... 10
LR 7.5 Response and Memorandum................................................................................. 10
LR 7.6 Motions to Intervene, to Amend Pleadings and to File Third-Party Complaints
............................................................................................................................... 11
LR 7.7 Length of Memoranda and Briefs. ........................................................................ 11
LR 7.8 Extension of Time to Plead................................................................................... 11
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 9 - PLEADING SPECIAL MATTERS.................................................... 11
LR 9.1 Three Judge Cases................................................................................................. 11
LR 9.2 Social Security Cases............................................................................................ 11
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 10 - FORM OF PLEADINGS.................................................................. 12
LR 10.1 Form: Statement Regarding Filing of Documents. ............................................. 12
LR 10.2 Consolidated Cases. ............................................................................................ 12
LR 10.3 Constitutional Questions..................................................................................... 13
SANCTIONS. ................................................................................................................... 13
LR 11.1 Signing of Pleadings, Motions and Other Documents........................................ 13
LR 11.2 Trial Attorney...................................................................................................... 13
LR 11.3 Announcement of Representation....................................................................... 14
SCHEDULING; MANAGEMENT. ................................................................................ 14
LR 16.1 Scheduling Orders............................................................................................... 14
LR 16.2 Call of the Docket. .............................................................................................. 14
LR 16.3 Responsibility for Settlement Discussions.......................................................... 15
LR 16.3.1 Alternative Dispute Resolution........................................................................ 15
LR 16.4 Notice of Settlement to Clerk. ............................................................................ 15
LR 16.5 Captious Settlement Tactics................................................................................ 15
LR 16.6 Reasonable Settlement Discussions.................................................................... 16
LR 16.7 Cases to Be Tried on Date Assigned - Exceptions.............................................. 16
LR 16.8 Absence of Material Witness.............................................................................. 16
LR 16.9 Retaining Position on Trial Calendar.................................................................. 16
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 23 - CLASS ACTIONS............................................................................ 16
LR 23.1 Class Action........................................................................................................ 16
GOVERNING DISCOVERY; DUTY OF DISCLOSURE. ............................................. 17
LR 26.1 Disclosure Under FRCP 26(a)............................................................................ 18
LR 26.2 Meeting of Parties Under FRCP 26(f). ............................................................... 18
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 33 - INTERROGATORIES TO PARTIES.............................................. 18
LR 33.1 Number of Interrogatories................................................................................... 18
LR 33.2 Responses to Interrogatories. .............................................................................. 18
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 34 - REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION................................................... 18
LR 34.1 Responses to Requests for Production............................................................... 18
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 36 - REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION. ..................................................... 19
LR 36.1 Responses to Requests for Admission. ............................................................... 19
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 38 - JURY TRIAL OF RIGHT. ............................................................... 19
LR 38.1 Designation of Jury Demand............................................................................... 19
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 41 - DISMISSAL OF ACTIONS. ............................................................ 19
LR 41.1 Dismissals. .......................................................................................................... 19
LR 41.2 Conditional Dismissals. ...................................................................................... 19
LR 41.3 Dismissal for Failure to Prosecute. ..................................................................... 19
LR 41.3.1 Dismissal for Failure to Provide Notification of Change of Address.............. 20
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 43 - TAKING OF TESTIMONY............................................................. 20
LR 43.1 Oral Testimony on Hearing of Motion. .............................................................. 20
LR 43.2 One Counsel to Examine Witness and Present Objections................................. 20
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 45 – SUBPOENA..................................................................................... 20
LR 45.1 Witness Fees and Mileage. ................................................................................. 20
LR 45.2 Notification of Witnesses.................................................................................... 21
LR 45.3 Subpoena Duces Tecum to Hospitals. ................................................................ 21
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 47 - JURORS. .......................................................................................... 21
LR 47.1 Juries. ................................................................................................................. 22
LR 47.2 Voir Dire Examination........................................................................................ 22
LR 47.3 Argument of Law to Jury Prohibited. ................................................................. 22
LR 47.4 Contacting Prospective Jurors............................................................................. 22
LR 47.5 Interviewing Jurors. ............................................................................................ 22
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 54 - JUDGMENTS; COSTS.................................................................... 23
LR 54.1 Costs.................................................................................................................... 23
LR 54.2 Award of Attorney’s Fees. .................................................................................. 23
LR 54.3 Certification of Costs. ......................................................................................... 23
LR 54.3.1 Cost Motions.................................................................................................... 23
LR 54.4 Security for Costs................................................................................................ 23
LR 54.5 Payment and Application for Order of Satisfaction of Judgment....................... 24
LR 54.6 Filing Acknowledgment of Satisfaction Notice in Docket. ................................ 24
LR 54.7 Seaman and Pauper Cases................................................................................... 24
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 56 - SUMMARY JUDGMENT. .............................................................. 24
LR 56.1 Motions for Summary Judgment. ....................................................................... 24
LR 56.2 Opposition to Summary Judgment...................................................................... 24
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 58 - ENTRY OF JUDGMENT. ............................................................... 24
LR 58.1 Judgments and Orders......................................................................................... 25
LR 58.2 Clerk May Require Draft of Judgment to Be Furnished..................................... 25
LR 58.3 Seaman Settlements. ........................................................................................... 25
PROCEEDINGS TO ENFORCE A JUDGMENT. .......................................................... 26
LR 62.1 Petitions to Stay Execution of State Court Judgments........................................ 26
LR 62.2 Supersedeas Bond. .............................................................................................. 26
PROCEEDINGS AGAINST SURETIES......................................................................... 26
LR 65.1.1 Qualifications of Sureties................................................................................. 26
LR 65.1.2 Court Officers Not to Be Sureties.................................................................... 27
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 67 - DEPOSIT IN COURT. ..................................................................... 27
LR 67.1 Receipt and Deposit of Registry Funds............................................................... 27
LR 67.2 Form of Order. .................................................................................................... 27
LR 67.3 Disbursement of Registry Funds......................................................................... 28
PRETRIAL ORDERS....................................................................................................... 28
LR 72.1 Automatic Referral of Pre-trial Proceedings....................................................... 29
LR 72.2 Review of Magistrate Judges’ Orders................................................................. 29
TRIAL BY CONSENT AND APPEAL OPTIONS. ........................................................ 29
LR 73.1 Jurisdiction.......................................................................................................... 30
LR 73.2 Automatic Referral of Cases............................................................................... 30
LR 73.3 Referral of Other Cases....................................................................................... 30
LR 73.4 Additional Duties................................................................................................ 30
LR 73.5 Assignment of Matters to the Magistrate Judge.................................................. 31
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 77 - DISTRICT COURTS AND CLERKS.............................................. 31
LR 77.1 Conference In Chambers - Notice....................................................................... 31
LR 77.2 Sessions of Court. ............................................................................................... 31
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 78 - MOTION DAY................................................................................. 31
LR 78.1 Motion Days........................................................................................................ 32
LR 78.2 Calendar. ............................................................................................................. 32
RECORDS AND ENTRIES KEPT BY THE CLERK..................................................... 32
LR 79.1Withdrawal of Files.............................................................................................. 32
LR 79.2 Custody of Exhibits............................................................................................. 33
LR 79.3 Disposition of Exhibits. ...................................................................................... 33
LR 79.4 Offer and Marking of Exhibits............................................................................ 33
LR 79.5 Obtaining Record From Appellate Court for Hearing on Motions in district
court. ..................................................................................................................... 33
DISTRICT COURTS; JUDGES’ DIRECTIVES. ............................................................ 33
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 83.1 - NATURALIZATION. ................................................................... 34
LR 83.1 Naturalization...................................................................................................... 34
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 83.2 - ATTORNEYS................................................................................ 34
LR 83.2.1 Roll of Attorneys.............................................................................................. 34
LR 83.2.2 Procedure for Admission. ................................................................................ 35
LR 83.2.3 Rules of Conduct. ............................................................................................ 37
LR 83.2.4 Attorney Representation. ................................................................................. 37
LR 83.2.5 Visiting Attorneys............................................................................................ 37
LR 83.2.6 Waiver by Court Order of Requirements for Local Counsel. .......................... 38
LR 83.2.7 Familiarity With and Compliance With Rules................................................. 38
LR 83.2.8 Familiarity With the Record. ........................................................................... 38
LR 83.2.9 Counsel’s Failure to Appear. ........................................................................... 38
LR 83.2.10 Practicing Before Admission or During Suspension. .................................... 39
LR 83.2.11 Continuing Representation, Withdrawals, Substitution of Counsel. ............. 39
LR 83.2.12 Additional Counsel. ....................................................................................... 39
LR 83.2.13 Appearances by Law Students. ...................................................................... 40
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 83.3 - BUILDING SECURITY................................................................ 41
LR 83.3.1 Reasons for Building Security. ........................................................................ 42
LR 83.3.2 Security Personnel............................................................................................ 42
LR 83.3.3 Carrying of Parcels, Bags, and Other Objects.................................................. 42
LR 83.3.4 Search of Persons............................................................................................. 42
LR 83.3.5 Unseemly Conduct........................................................................................... 42
LR 83.3.6 Entering and Leaving. ...................................................................................... 42
LR 83.3.7 Spectators......................................................................................................... 42
LR 83.3.8 Cameras and Electronic Equipment................................................................. 43
LR 83.3.9 Photographs, Radio or Television Broadcasting.............................................. 43
LR 83.3.10 Weapons......................................................................................................... 44
LR 83.3.11 Enforcement................................................................................................... 44
LOCAL CIVIL RULE 83.4 - BANKRUPTCY. ........................................................................... 44
LR 83.4.1 Reference to Bankruptcy Judge. ...................................................................... 44
LR 83.4.2 Appeal to the District Court............................................................................. 44
LR 83.4.3 Motion Seeking Relief From a District Judge. ................................................ 44
LR 83.4.4 Record Transmitted to the District Court......................................................... 46
LOCAL ADMIRALTY RULE 4 - SUMMONS AND PROCESS............................................... 46
LAR 4.1 Process. .............................................................................................................. 46
LAR 4.2 Summons to Show Cause Why Funds Should Not Be Paid to Court. ............... 47
LOCAL ADMIRALTY RULE 64 - SEIZURE OF PROPERTY. ................................................ 47
LAR 64.1 Publication and Time to Claim and Answer Where Publication Necessary and
Under Supplemental Rule C(4)............................................................................. 47
LAR 64.2 Release of Vessel or Property Under Admiralty.............................................. 48
LAR 64.3 Movement of Vessels Under Seizure............................................................... 48
LAR 64.4 Consent Guardian............................................................................................. 48
LAR 64.5 Notices. ............................................................................................................ 48
LAR 64.6 Sales. ................................................................................................................ 48
LAR 64.7 Night Vessel Seizure........................................................................................ 49
LOCAL ADMIRALTY RULE 65 - SECURITY. ........................................................................ 50
LAR 65.1 Sureties............................................................................................................. 50
APPENDIX................................................................................................................................... 51
JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY.................................................... 51
LR 3.1 Collateral Proceedings and Refiled Cases
LR 3.1.1 Assignment of Collateral Proceedings and Refiled Cases
LR 3.2 Removal
LR3.1 Collateral Proceedings and Refiled Cases
When a civil matter, commenced in or removed to the court, involves subject matter that
comprises all or a material part of the subject matter or operative facts of another action, whether
civil or criminal, then or previously pending in any court or administrative agency, counsel must
file a list and description of all such actions then known to counsel and a brief summary of the
relationship between the cases. If information concerning any such proceeding is obtained after
the filing of the original pleading in the latter case, counsel must notify the court and opposing
counsel in writing of the relationship between the cases. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR3.1.1 Assignment of Collateral Proceedings and Refiled Cases
To promote judicial economy, conserve judicial resources, and avoid potential forum shopping
and conflicting court rulings, all actions described in LR 3.1 must be transferred to the section
with the lowest docket number, unless the two judges involved determine that some other
procedure is in the interest of justice. If the transferee and transferor judges cannot agree upon
whether a case should be transferred, the opinion of the transferee judge prevails. If counsel fails
to make the certification described in LR 3.1 , the judge to whom the case is allotted must
transfer the action when he or she learns of the related nature of the proceedings.
[Amended June 28, 2002; February 1, 2011]
LR 3.2 Removal
Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1447(b), in every case in which a Notice of Removal is filed, there
moving defendant must file, within 14 days of removal:
(a) A list of all parties remaining in the action;
(b) Copies of all pleadings, including answers, filed in state court; and
(c) Copies of the return of service of process filed in state court on those parties.
[Adopted February 1, 2011]
LR 5.1 Place and Manner of Filing
LR 5.2 Filing of Extraordinary Pleadings
LR 5.3 Advance Payment Required
LR 5.4 Certificate of Service
LR 5.5 Deposit for Service
LR 5.6 Procedure for Filing Documents Under Seal
LR 5.1 Place and Manner of Filing
All documents must be filed with the clerk of court in the manner provided in the court’s
Administrative Procedures for Electronic Case Filings and Unique Procedures and Practices for
Electronic Filings, available at www.laed.uscourts.gov. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 5.2 Filing of Extraordinary Pleadings
The attorney filing any pleadings of an extraordinary nature (e.g., temporary restraining orders,
vessel seizures, writs of attachment, and other pleadings requiring immediate judicial action)
must remain available by telephone to the judge to whom the matter is allotted until the judge
reviews the pleadings and determines the appropriate action. [Amended December 5,1997;
June 28, 2002; February 1, 2011]
LR 5.3 Advance Payment Required
The clerk is not required to file any document or render any service for which a fee is legally
collectible unless the fee for the service is paid in advance. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 5.4 Certificate of Service
Every document filed after the initial complaint must bear a certificate by the attorney or party
who files it that, contemporaneously with or before filing, copies have been served on all parties
or their attorneys in a manner authorized by FRCP 5(b)(2) or via the court’s CM/ECF system.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 5.5 Deposit for Service
Upon deposit of a sum sufficient to cover the immediate costs, except as provided by law, the
marshal is required to perform the service. The marshal may demand security in a reasonable
amount for future costs. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 5.6 Procedure for Filing Documents Under Seal
(A) No document or other tangible item may be filed under seal without the filing of a
separate motion and order to seal, unless authorized by law.
(B) Any motion providing prospectively for filing materials under seal must be accompanied
by a non-confidential supporting memorandum, a notice of the request to seal, and a
proposed order. The non-confidential memorandum and proposed order must include:
(1) A non-confidential description of what is to be sealed (e.g., medical records);
(2) A statement as to why sealing is necessary;
(3) Reference to governing case law; and
(4) A statement of the period of time the party seeks to have the matter maintained
under seal and how the matter is to be handled upon sealing.
The proposed order must recite the findings required by governing case law to support
the proposed sealing.
The movant may also submit a confidential memorandum for in camera review in
support of the motion. Memoranda supporting or opposing the motion may be submitted
and may be designated, in whole or in part, as confidential. Any confidential memoranda
must be treated as sealed pending the ruling on the motion to seal.
The clerk must provide public notice by docketing the motion as set forth in the non-
confidential description and date assigned for submission.
(C) A party submitting a document or portion of a document for filing under seal pursuant to
a governing statute, rule, or order must note on the face of the document that it or a
portion of it is filed under seal pursuant to that statute, rule or order. Upon filing a
document under seal, the clerk must provide public notice by stating on the docket that
the document is sealed.
(D) If the motion to file under seal is denied, the movant may file another motion to remove
the document(s) from the record within seven days. If no such motion is timely filed, the
document(s) must be filed as a public record.
(E) Each document filed under seal must be submitted to the clerk’s office securely sealed
with the container clearly labeled “UNDER SEAL.” The case number, case caption, a
reference to any statute, rule or order permitting the item to be sealed and a non-
confidential descriptive title of the document must also be noted on the container.
(F) A motion to have the entire case sealed is subject to the requirements and procedures of
subsections (C) and (E) of this rule.
(G) Nothing in this Rule restricts the parties from stipulating access to materials that are not
filed with the court.
(H) Except as permitted by law, trial exhibits, including documents previously filed under
seal, and trial transcripts will not be filed under seal.
[Adopted February 1, 2011]
LR 7.1 Submission of Motions
LR 7.2 Noticing Motions for Submission
LR 7.3 Submission of Ex Parte or Consent Motions
LR 7.4 Motions Must Be Accompanied by Memorandum
LR 7.5 Response and Memorandum
LR 7.6 Motions to Intervene, to Amend Pleadings and to File Third-Party Complaints
LR 7.7 Length of Memoranda and Briefs
LR 7.8 Extension of Time to Plead
LR 7.1 Submission of Motions
All motions, except those made on the record during a hearing or trial, must be in writing and
filed pursuant to LR 5.1. Documents accompanying the motion are thereby filed in the record.
[Amended June 28, 2002; February 1, 2011]
LR 7.2 Noticing Motions for Submission
Counsel filing a motion must, at the time of filing, notice it for submission within a reasonable
time. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, motions must be filed not later than the fifteenth
day preceding the date assigned for submission and actual notice of the submission date must be
given to opposing counsel at least fifteen days before the submission date, regardless of which
FRCP 5(b) service method is used. The motion and supporting memorandum must also be
served with the notice.
The noticed date is the date the motion is deemed submitted to the court for decision and after
which no further briefing will be allowed, except with prior leave of court. No oral argument,
in-court presentation or live hearing concerning contested motions will be conducted on the
submission date, except when requested in accordance with Local Rule 78.1 or if ordered by the
court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 7.3 Submission of Ex Parte or Consent Motions
A motion for an order, allowed by these rules to be filed ex parte or by consent, need not assign a
date for submission, but must be accompanied by a proposed order. Except as otherwise ordered
in an individual case, every such motion must be filed pursuant to LR 5.1.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 7.4 Motions Must Be Accompanied by Memorandum
All contested motions must be accompanied by separate memoranda which must contain a
concise statement of reasons supporting the motion and citations of authorities. If the motion
requires consideration of facts not in the record, the movant must also file and serve upon
opposing counsel a copy of all evidence supporting the motion. Memoranda may not be
supplemented, except with leave of court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 7.5 Response and Memorandum
Each party opposing a motion must file and serve a memorandum in opposition to the motion
with citations of authorities no later than eight days before the noticed submission date. If the
opposition requires consideration of facts not in the record, counsel must also file and serve all
evidence submitted in opposition to the motion with the memorandum.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 7.6 Motions to Intervene, to Amend Pleadings and to File Third-Party Complaints
Before filing any motion for leave to intervene, amend pleadings or file a third-party complaint,
the moving party must attempt to obtain consent for the filing and granting of the motion from
all parties having an interest to oppose. If consent is obtained, the motion need not be assigned a
submission date, but must be accompanied by a proposed order and include a certification by
counsel for the moving party of the consent of opposing counsel. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 7.7 Length of Memoranda and Briefs
Except with prior leave of court, a trial brief or memorandum supporting or opposing a motion
must not exceed 25 pages, excluding exhibits, and a reply brief or memorandum must not exceed
10 pages, excluding exhibits. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 7.8 Extension of Time to Plead
Upon certification by a moving party that there has been no previous extension of time to plead
and that the opposing party has not filed in the record an objection to an extension of time, on ex
parte motion and order, the court must allow one extension for a period of 21 days from the time
the pleading would otherwise be due. Further extensions will not be granted by stipulation, but
only upon motion and order of the court for good cause shown. [Amended June 28, 2002;
February 1, 2011]
LR 9.1 Three Judge Cases
LR 9.2 Social Security Cases
LR 9.1 Three Judge Cases
Upon filing any suit or proceeding that may require a three judge court for disposition, the party
filing the action must state in writing to the clerk and other parties the provision under which he
or she is proceeding. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the matter being treated as
one not requiring three judges. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 9.2 Social Security Cases
Complaints filed in civil cases pursuant to Section 205(g) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C.
405(g), for benefits under Titles II, XVI and XVIII of the Social Security Act must include, in
addition to what is required under FRCP 8(a), a separate attachment, that will not be filed in the
record but must be served with the complaint on the United States Attorney’s Office, and must
(A) In cases involving claims for retirement, disability, health insurance and black lung
benefits, the full social security number of the worker on whose wage record the
application for benefits was filed (whether or not the worker is the plaintiff).
(B) In cases involving claims for supplemental security income benefits, the full social
security number of the plaintiff.
(C) In cases involving benefits sought for a minor child under Titles II and XVI, the minor
child’s full social security number.
Complaints submitted for filing must be on forms furnished by the clerk or substantially similar
to those forms. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 10.1 Form: Statement Regarding Filing of Papers
LR 10.2 Consolidated Cases
LR 10.3 Constitutional Questions
LR 10.1 Form: Statement Regarding Filing of Documents
All documents filed in this court must be in 8-1/2 by 11 inch format, legibly written or printed
without defacing erasures or interlineations, and must be double spaced, except that quotations
and footnotes may be single spaced. If a document consists of more than two (2) pages, each
page of the document must bear a sequential number, beginning with “2” for the second page.
Standard font must be used. The court may refuse to consider text presented in less than standard
font, such as small or fine typeface.
All margins must be no less than one inch. No print or writing, except page numbers, must
appear in the margins, and page numbers must not be less than one-half inch from the bottom of
the page.
In addition to the requirements of FRCP 10(a), the caption must indicate the Division and
Section (as applicable and after allotment), and the judge and magistrate judge to whom the case
is assigned.
A completed and executed Civil Cover Sheet form must accompany the initial pleading of each
civil case, but this requirement does not apply to persons in the custody of civil, state or federal
institutions or to persons filing cases pro se. [Amended July 17, 2000; February 1, 2011]
LR 10.2 Consolidated Cases
Unless otherwise ordered by the court, in cases consolidated for any purpose, the caption of all
documents filed after consolidation must list the name and docket number of the lowest
numbered case in the group, with the words “consolidated with” or abbreviation “c/w” followed
by a list of the docket numbers of only those cases to which the document applies or if it pertains
to all cases, with a notation “all cases.”
The caption of the lowest numbered case is the identifying caption during the pendency of the
consolidation and must be used even if that case is closed.
If a case is ordered to be separated from the consolidation, counsel must jointly designate the
documents in the master record necessary to continued litigation of the separated case and file
the designation with the clerk within seven days of the deconsolidation order. [Amended
February 1, 2011]
LR 10.3 Constitutional Questions
Whenever the constitutionality of any act of Congress is called into question in any suit or
proceeding to which the United States or any of its agencies, officers or employees is not a party,
counsel for the party raising the constitutional issue must notify the court, in writing, of the
existence of that question (to enable the court to comply with 28 U.S.C. 2403). A copy of the
notice must be served upon each of the other parties. The notice must give the title of the cause,
a reference to the questioned statute sufficient for its identification, and the manner in which the
statute is claimed to be unconstitutional. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 11.1 Signing of Pleadings, Motions and Other Papers
LR 11.2 Trial Attorney
LR 11.3 Announcement of Representation
LR 11.1 Signing of Pleadings, Motions and Other Documents
In addition to the requirements of FRCP 11(a), every pleading, motion or other document
presented for filing must include counsel’s Attorney Identification Number, telephone number,
and e-mail, post office and street addresses. Counsel’s Attorney Identification Number must be
typed or printed under his or her signature. If the attorney is admitted to practice in Louisiana,
the Attorney Identification Number must be the same as the number assigned by the Louisiana
Supreme Court. Otherwise, the Attorney Identification Number must be the number assigned by
this court.
Documents filed by a party not represented by counsel must be signed by the party. The
unrepresented party’s name, e-mail, post office and street addresses and telephone number must
be typed or clearly printed.
Each attorney and pro se litigant has a continuing obligation promptly to notify the court of any
address or telephone number change. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 11.2 Trial Attorney
If more than one attorney represents a party, one attorney must be designated in the first pleading
filed on behalf of that party as “Trial Attorney” or “T.A.”. This attorney need not be the attorney
who personally signs pleadings.
The designated trial attorney is responsible for the case. All notices and other communications
will be directed to the designated trial attorney, or to local counsel if a visiting attorney is
designated as trial attorney. Designation of the trial attorney may be changed at any time by
ex parte motion and order of the court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 11.3 Announcement of Representation
At all trials or hearings, counsel must announce his or her name and the name of the party or
parties he or she represents upon initially addressing the court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.1 Scheduling Orders
LR 16.2 Call of the Docket
LR 16.3 Responsibility for Settlement Discussions
LR 16.3.1 Alternative Dispute Resolution
LR 16.4 Notice of Settlement to Clerk
LR 16.5 Captious Settlement Tactics
LR 16.6 Reasonable Settlement Discussions
LR 16.7 Cases to be Tried on Date Assigned - Exception
LR 16.8 Absence of Material Witness
LR 16.9 Retaining Position on Trial Calendar
LR 16.1 Scheduling Orders
(a) In every case, the court must enter a scheduling order pursuant to FRCP 16.
(b) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the following categories of cases are
exempt from the requirements for a scheduling order:
Social Security Appeals
Bankruptcy Appeals
Habeas Corpus cases
Section 1983 Prisoner cases
Government Collection cases
(c) The magistrate judges of this court are authorized to enter and/or modify
scheduling orders, except as to the dates for trial, final pretrial conference and
motions before the district judge. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.2 Call of the Docket
To ensure compliance with FRCP 4(m), the case manager in each section of court, once a month
or as often as the court deems proper, must call all cases before the court that have been pending
120 days or longer after filing of the complaint, and in which issue has not been joined. The call
must be on the regular day and time assigned for submission of motions, and the clerk must give
14 days’ notice of the call to all counsel of record. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.3 Responsibility for Settlement Discussions
As officers of the court, counsel have a responsibility to minimize the expense of administering
justice, refrain from burdening unnecessarily members of the public called for jury duty, and
avoid inconveniencing witnesses unnecessarily. To these ends, they must conduct serious
settlement discussions in time to avoid the expense to the public and litigants, and the
inconvenience to jurors and witnesses, occasioned by settlements made on the eve, or at the
outset, of trial. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.3.1 Alternative Dispute Resolution
If the presiding judicial officer determines at any time that the case will benefit from alternative
dispute resolution, the judicial officer may:
(a) refer the case to private mediation, if the parties consent, even if such mediation
efforts upset previously set trial or other dates;
(b) order nonbinding mini-trial or nonbinding summary jury trial before a judicial officer
with the parties’ consent; or
(c) employ other dispute resolution programs that may be designated for use in this
All alternative dispute resolution proceedings are confidential. [Amended June 2, 1999;
February 1, 2011]
LR 16.4 Notice of Settlement to Clerk
Whenever a case is settled or otherwise disposed of, counsel must immediately inform the
clerk’s office, the judge to whom the case is allotted, and all persons subpoenaed as witnesses. If
a case is settled as to fewer than all of the parties or all of the claims, counsel must also identify
the remaining parties and unsettled claims. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.5 Captious Settlement Tactics
When notice of settlement is not provided as required by LR 16.4 or when a case is settled
within 24 hours before trial, or after trial has commenced, and the court is not aware of
circumstances that indicate that this development was reasonable, counsel must show that the
failure to give notice of settlement or the failure to agree on settlement at an earlier time was not
the result of captious tactics, did not constitute merely the acceptance of an offer earlier refused
as part of a calculated tactic of delay in reaching a settlement to obtain further advantages in
disregard of the interests of others, or did not result from some other cause amounting to
interference with the orderly conduct of judicial business. If counsel fails to make this showing,
the court may assess or apportion jury costs, including attendance fees, marshal’s costs, mileage
and per diem, against the parties or counsel deemed responsible. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.6 Reasonable Settlement Discussions
LR 16.5 will not be applied to inhibit reasonable settlement discussions. The court recognizes
that good cause may exist for a belated change in position -- an important witness may fail to
appear, counsel may learn that facts deemed provable are not provable, or a witness may change
his testimony. But the rule will also be applied to take into account the difference between good
cause for delay in settlement and negotiating tactics that, heedless of inconvenience to the court
and the public, use imminent trial as a catalyst to attempt to increase or reduce an already
acceptable offer. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.7 Cases to Be Tried on Date Assigned - Exceptions
All cases must be tried on the date set unless the trial is continued by order of the court.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.8 Absence of Material Witness
Every motion for a continuance based upon absence of a material witness must be accompanied
by the affidavit of the moving party or attorney, setting forth the efforts made to procure
attendance and the facts expected to be proved by the witness. If the opposite party admits that
the witness, if called, would testify as set forth in the affidavit, the court may, in its discretion,
deny the motion. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 16.9 Retaining Position on Trial Calendar
Cases set for trial but not reached on that day retain their relative position on the trial calendar
and, to the extent practicable, are entitled to precedence over cases set for trial on a later date. If
this is not practicable, the court will reassign the case or cases that cannot be reached.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 23.1 Class Action
In any case sought to be maintained as a class action:
(A) The caption of the complaint must bear the designation, “Complaint-Class Action.” The
complaint must also:
1. Refer to the portions of FRCP 23 under which it is claimed that the suit is properly
maintainable as a class action;
2. Make allegations thought to justify the maintenance of the claim as a class action,
including, but not necessarily limited to:
a. the size and definition of the alleged class;
b. the basis upon which the plaintiff claims:
(i) to be an adequate representative of the class, or
(ii) if the class is composed of defendants, that those named are adequate
representatives of the class;
3. The alleged questions of law or fact claimed to be common to the class; and
4. In actions claimed to be maintainable as class actions under FRCP 23(b)(3),
allegations that support the elements required by that subdivision.
(B) Within 91 days after filing of a complaint in a class action or filing of a notice of removal
of the class action from state court, whichever is later, plaintiff must move for class
certification under FRCP 23(c)(1), unless this period is extended upon motion for good
cause and order by the court.
(C) The foregoing provisions apply, with appropriate adaptations, to any counterclaim or
cross claim alleged to be brought for or against a class.
(D) 1. Whenever a party or counsel seeks to prohibit another party or counsel from
communicating concerning a class action with any potential or actual class member not a
formal party to the action, he or she must file a motion that sets forth with particularity
the consequences that will result from such communication and the remedy sought.
2. To obtain an order prohibiting communication with class members, the movant must
establish a clear record reflecting:
a. specific consequences the motion seeks to prevent;
b. the need for the order, weighing the consequences sought to be corrected and
the effect of the order on the right of a party to proceed pursuant to Rule 23
without interference.
3. Any attorney who communicates with the class must preserve and retain a copy of all
communications that he or she has with any members of the class or potential class until
final conclusion of the action.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 26.1 Disclosure Under FRCP 26(a)
LR 26.2 Meeting of Parties Under FRCP 26(f)
LR 26.1 Disclosure Under FRCP 26(a)
The court will set the timing of disclosures under FRCP 26(a). [Adopted March 23, 2001;
Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 26.2 Meeting of Parties Under FRCP 26(f)
(A) Except as otherwise ordered in a particular case, the conference between the parties
required by FRCP 26(f) must be held no later than seven working days before the
scheduled preliminary conference.
(B) Except as otherwise ordered or provided hereinafter, the parties are excused from
submitting a written report outlining the proposed discovery plan and may report orally
on their proposed discovery plan at the Rule 16(b) conference. An oral report on the
proposed discovery plan is not authorized when, during the Rule 26(f) conference, a
party objects that the initial disclosures required by Rule 26(a)(1) are not appropriate in
the circumstances. In such a case, no later than three working days before the scheduled
Rule 16(b) conference, the parties must file a written report outlining the proposed
discovery plan, including the nature of the objection(s) to the initial disclosures.
[Adopted March 23, 2001; Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 33.1 Number of Interrogatories
LR 33.2 Responses to Interrogatories
LR 33.1 Number of Interrogatories
Before serving more than 25 interrogatories, the discovering party must file a motion for leave
setting forth the proposed additional interrogatories and the reasons for their use.
[Adopted March 23, 2001; Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 33.2 Responses to Interrogatories
Answers and/or objections to interrogatories must state in full the interrogatory immediately
preceding each answer or objection. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 34.1 Responses to Requests for Production
Answers and/or objections to requests for production must state in full the request for production
immediately preceding each answer or objection. [Adopted February 1, 2011]
LR 36.1 Responses to Requests for Admission
Answers and/or objections to requests for admission must state in full the request for admission
immediately preceding each answer or objection. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 38.1 Designation of Jury Demand
All documents asserting a jury demand must contain in the caption words indicating that a
demand for jury trial is made. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 41.1 Dismissals
LR 41.2 Conditional Dismissals
LR 41.3 Dismissal for Failure to Prosecute
LR 41.3.1 Dismissal for Failure to Provide Notification of Change of Address
LR 41.1 Dismissals
Except as provided in FRCP 41(a)(1), if an attorney proposes to dismiss a suit with the intention
of refiling it, the attorney must clearly state that intention in the motion to dismiss.
[Amended May 18, 2004, June 26, 2004; February 1, 2011]
LR 41.2 Conditional Dismissals
If the parties have agreed unconditionally to settle a case, the case must be conditionally
dismissed without prejudice to the right, within the time set forth in the dismissal order, to file a
motion for summary judgment enforcing the settlement or to reopen the matter if settlement is
not consummated. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 41.3 Dismissal for Failure to Prosecute
Unless good cause is shown in response to the court’s show cause order why issue has not been
joined, the case may be dismissed for failure to prosecute pursuant to FRCP 41(b). The court
may enter any orders to facilitate prompt and just disposition, including dismissal of any
defendant or defendants as to whom issue is not joined.
When a suit in rem against a vessel has been filed, if service of process is not effected within one
year from the date suit is filed, the clerk must give notice to counsel that the suit is subject to
dismissal, and thereafter the suit must be dismissed pursuant to FRCP 41(b) for failure to
prosecute unless the plaintiff shows:
(A) By affidavit, diligence and continuing efforts to effect service; and
(B) By memorandum, the reasons why dismissal will cause hardship or injustice (such as the
possibility of a successful defense of laches or statute of limitations).
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 41.3.1 Dismissal for Failure to Provide Notification of Change of Address
The failure of an attorney or pro se litigant to notify the court of a current e-mail or postal
address may be considered cause for dismissal for failure to prosecute when a notice is
returned to the court because of an incorrect address and no correction is made to the address
for a period of 35 days from the return. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 43.1 Oral Testimony on Hearing of Motion
LR 43.2 One Counsel to Examine Witness and Present Objections
LR 43.1 Oral Testimony on Hearing of Motion
No oral testimony may be offered at a motion hearing without prior authorization from the court.
Counsel must not serve any subpoenas or subpoenas duces tecum in connection with any such
hearing until authorization has been obtained and reasonable notice has been given to all parties.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 43.2 One Counsel to Examine Witness and Present Objections
Only one attorney for each separate interest may conduct examination of any one witness, or
present argument or urge objections concerning the testimony of that witness, except with leave
of court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 45.1 Witness Fees and Mileage
LR 45.2 Notification of Witnesses
LR 45.3 Subpoena Duces Tecum to Hospitals
LR 45.1 Witness Fees and Mileage
Any person issuing a subpoena for any witness must tender to the witness, at the time of service
of the subpoena, an attendance fee for one day and a mileage fee to and from the place of trial or
hearing, as set forth in 28 U.S.C. 1821, and pay concurrently to the witness the daily attendance
fee for each day the witness must attend the trial or hearing. Failure to attend a trial or hearing
after payment of such fees may result in the issuance of an attachment for the witness. This rule
does not apply to witnesses for the United States. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 45.2 Notification of Witnesses
Any person who issues a subpoena must notify the person subpoenaed immediately if attendance
will not be required. Any person who fails to comply with this rule is subject to sanctions.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 45.3 Subpoena Duces Tecum to Hospitals
(A) When a subpoena duces tecum is served upon a custodian of medical records or other
qualified witness from a hospital or other health care facility in an action in which the
hospital or facility is not a party and the subpoena requires the production for trial of all
or any part of the records of the hospital or facility relating to the care and treatment of a
patient in the hospital or facility, compliance with the subpoena is sufficient if the
custodian or other officer of the hospital or facility delivers by registered mail or by hand
a true and correct copy of all records described in the subpoena to the clerk of court,
together with the affidavit described in Subsection B. Production of the record must
occur before the time fixed for the trial, but no earlier than two working days before the
trial date unless otherwise directed by the court. This section is limited to procedures for
complying with a subpoena duces tecum for purposes of trial and does not affect the
rights of parties to production of documents pursuant to laws governing discovery or
other laws pertaining to production of documents.
(B) The records must be accompanied by the affidavit of the custodian or other qualified
witness, stating in substance:
1. That the affiant is the duly authorized custodian of the records and is authorized
to certify the records.
2. That the copy is a true copy of all records described in the subpoena.
3. That the records were prepared by the personnel of the hospital or facility, staff
physicians, or persons acting under the control of either in the ordinary course of
the business of the hospital or facility.
(C) If the hospital or facility has none of the records described, or only part thereof, the
custodian must so state in the affidavit, and deliver the affidavit and any available records
in the manner provided in Subsection A. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 47.1 Juries
LR 47.2 Voir Dire Examination
LR 47.3 Argument of Law to Jury Prohibited
LR 47.4 Contacting Prospective Jurors
LR 47.5 Interviewing Jurors
LR 47.1 Juries
All juries for the district are drawn and convene as directed by the court. [Amended February 1,
LR 47.2 Voir Dire Examination
Voir dire examination of prospective jurors will be conducted by the judge, who may permit
further examination by counsel or the parties. Before trial, counsel may submit written requests
for specific questions to be asked, which may be supplemented by oral request at side bar when
necessary. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 47.3 Argument of Law to Jury Prohibited
In argument to a jury, counsel must not read to the jury from any legal textbook or reported case,
instruct the jury on any matter of law, or argue law to the jury, except to refer to the instructions
on the law that the court has advised will be given to the jury. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 47.4 Contacting Prospective Jurors
Prospective jurors must not be contacted, either directly or indirectly, in an effort to secure
information concerning the background of any member of the jury panel. [Amended February 1,
LR 47.5 Interviewing Jurors
(A) A juror has no obligation to speak to any person about any case and may refuse all
interviews or requests for comments.
(B) Attorneys and parties to an action, or anyone acting on their behalf, are prohibited from
speaking with, examining or interviewing any juror regarding the proceedings, except
with leave of court. If leave of court is granted, it shall be conducted only as specifically
directed by the court.
(C) No person may make repeated requests to interview or question a juror after the juror has
expressed a desire not to be interviewed.
[Adopted March 26, 2001; Amended February 1, 2011, December 1, 2014]
LR 54.1 Costs
LR 54.2 Award of Attorney’s Fees
LR 54.3 Certification of Costs
LR 54.3.1 Cost Motions
LR 54.4 Security for Costs
LR 54.5 Payment and Application for Order of Satisfaction of Judgment
LR 54.6 Filing Acknowledgment of Satisfaction Notice in Docket
LR 54.7 Seaman and Pauper Cases
LR 54.1 Costs
When any civil action scheduled for jury trial is settled or otherwise disposed of before trial and
the clerk’s office is not notified in time to inform the jurors that it will not be necessary for them
to attend, juror costs, including marshal’s fees, mileage and per diem, may be assessed.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 54.2 Award of Attorney’s Fees
In all cases in which a party seeks attorneys’ fees, the party must submit to the court a verified,
contemporaneous report reflecting the date, time involved, and nature of the services performed.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 54.3 Certification of Costs
Within 35 days of receiving notice of entry of judgment, unless otherwise ordered by the court,
the party in whose favor judgment is rendered and who is allowed costs, must serve on the
attorney for the adverse party and file with the clerk a motion to tax costs on the forms
prescribed by the court, together with a certification that the items are correct and that the costs
have been necessarily incurred. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 54.3.1 Cost Motions
The party applying for taxation of costs must serve notice of submission of the matter before the
clerk. The clerk may, in his or her discretion, schedule a conference with counsel to consider the
matter before decision. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 54.4 Security for Costs
In any civil matter, the court, on motion or its own initiative, may order any party to file a bond
or additional security for costs in such an amount and subject to conditions designated by the
court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 54.5 Payment and Application for Order of Satisfaction of Judgment
Upon full payment of any judgment or decree in principal, interest, and costs, a party may file a
motion, with proof of such complete satisfaction of judgment, and a proposed order of
satisfaction. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 54.6 Filing Acknowledgment of Satisfaction Notice in Docket
Upon filing of acknowledgment of satisfaction made by the judgment creditor or his or her
attorney, the clerk must note upon the docket sheet “Judgment Satisfied,” together with the date
of the judgment. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 54.7 Seaman and Pauper Cases
In all actions in which the fees of the marshal and the clerk are not required by law to be paid in
advance and in which a seaman or party proceeding in forma pauperis prevails, either by
judgment or settlement, all fees of the marshal and clerk must be paid before dismissal or
satisfaction of judgment may be filed, unless otherwise ordered by the court. Counsel handling
the payment of any settlement must confirm that all fees are paid, whether or not any dismissal
or satisfaction of judgment entry is applied for. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 56.1 Motions for Summary Judgment
LR 56.2 Opposition to Summary Judgment
LR 56.1 Motions for Summary Judgment
Every motion for summary judgment must be accompanied by a separate and concise statement
of the material facts which the moving party contends present no genuine issue.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 56.2 Opposition to Summary Judgment
Any opposition to a motion for summary judgment must include a separate and concise
statement of the material facts which the opponent contends present a genuine issue. All material
facts in the moving party’s statement will be deemed admitted, for purposes of the motion,
unless controverted in the opponent’s statement. [Amended June 28, 2002; Amended
February 1, 2011]
LR 58.1 Judgments and Orders
LR 58.2 Clerk May Require Draft of Judgment to Be Furnished
LR 58.3 Seaman Settlements
LR 58.1 Judgments and Orders
Judgments and orders must be on a separate document and bear the caption of the action.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 58.2 Clerk May Require Draft of Judgment to Be Furnished
The clerk may require the prevailing party to furnish to the clerk a draft of any judgment or order
that does not require signature or approval as to form by the judge.
LR 58.3 Seaman Settlements
(A) To obtain a judgment based upon a joint stipulation and compromise, a complaint and a
joint motion for approval of the compromise must be filed.
(B) The filing must include:
(1) Statements of the facts claimed by the respective parties;
(2) Copies of all relevant and available medical reports, together with certification
that the attached medical reports are all relevant reports that are available;
(3) A copy of proposed disbursements. Attorney’s fees need not be set forth unless
requested by the judge;
(4) A copy of the proposed release.
(C) The judge must conduct an interview with the plaintiff in open court and on the record.
If the court approves the compromise, an order will be entered in substantially the
following form:
“Considering the joint motion of the parties, the statement of facts attached, annexed
medical report, the proposed release, the court having independently interviewed the
plaintiff and being satisfied that the plaintiff understands his (her) legal rights and the
consequences of the contemplated settlement that the court determines to be fair an
without making any determination as to seaman status,
“IT IS ORDERED that the compromise between plaintiff and defendant with plaintiff in
the amount of $ _____ submitted this date, is hereby approved on the terms set forth in
the proposed release.”
(D) A similar procedure may be followed if a seaman’s case is compromised during trial.
(E) If a matter is compromised after a bona fide complaint has been filed, pursuant to an
out-of-court interview with the plaintiff, a copy of the transcript of such proceedings
must be filed in the record.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 62.1 Petitions to Stay Execution of State Court Judgments
LR 62.2 Supersedeas Bond
LR 62.1 Petitions to Stay Execution of State Court Judgments
(A) A plaintiff who seeks a stay of enforcement of a state court judgment or order must
attach to the petition a (1) copy of the relevant state court opinion and judgment; (2) a
statement whether the same plaintiff has previously sought and been denied relief arising
out of the same matter from this court or from any other federal court; and (3) the reasons
for denying relief given by any court that has considered the matter and denied it, or, if
reasons for the ruling were not given in a written opinion, a copy of the relevant portions
of any transcript.
(B) If any issue is raised that was not previously raised or has not been fully exhausted in
state court, the petition must state the reasons why such action was not taken.
(C) This court must separately address each issue raised by the petition. [Amended
February 1, 2011]
LR 62.2 Supersedeas Bond
A supersedeas bond staying execution of a money judgment must be in the amount of the
judgment plus 20% of that amount to cover interest, costs and any damages award, unless the
court directs otherwise. [Amended June 28, 2002; February 1, 2011]
LR 65.1.1 Qualifications of Sureties
LR 65.1.2 Court Officers Not to Be Sureties
LR 65.1.1 Qualifications of Sureties
Every bond furnished in connection with a civil proceeding in this court must have as surety
either (1) a cash deposit equal to the amount of the bond, (2) an obligation of the United States
Government, or (3) a corporation authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United
States to act as surety on official bonds, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 9303-9309, except that a bond for
costs may have as surety an individual resident of the district who owns real or personal property
within the district sufficient to cover the full amount of the suretyship.
By stipulation of the parties or order of the court, some other form of surety be posted.
LR 65.1.2 Court Officers Not to Be Sureties
No clerk, marshal, member of the bar, or other officer of this court may qualify as surety on any
bond or undertaking in any action or proceeding in this court.
LR 67.1 Receipt and Deposit of Registry Funds
LR 67.2 Form of Order
LR 67.3 Disbursement of Registry Funds
LR 67.1 Receipt and Deposit of Registry Funds
Funds received in the registry of the court must be deposited by the clerk with this court’s
designated depository in an account bearing interest. [Amended February 1, 2011; September 1,
2014; December 1, 2014]
LR 67.2 Form of Order
An order signed by the presiding judge in the case or proceeding is required for money to be sent to
the Court or its officers for deposit in the Court's registry. The party making the deposit or
transferring funds to the Court's registry shall serve the order permitting the deposit or transfer on the
Clerk of Court. [Amended February 1, 2011; September 1, 2014; December 1, 2014]
LR 67.3 Disbursement of Registry Funds
Funds may be disbursed from the registry of the court only upon order of a judge of this court.
Counsel must file a motion for disbursement and must satisfy the court of the recipient’s
entitlement to the funds sought to be disbursed.
A motion for disbursement of registry funds must be accompanied by a certification of the
moving party that the motion and proposed order have been submitted to the clerk for review.
Before the signing of the order, the clerk will certify to the judge that the motion and proposed
order comply with the requirements of the local rules and will state the principal amount held in
the registry account.
A motion for disbursement of registry funds must set forth the principal sum initially deposited,
the amount of principal funds to be disbursed, to whom the disbursement is to be made,
complete mailing instructions and specific instructions regarding distribution of accrued interest.
Each motion must be accompanied by a proposed order which must contain substantially the
following language: “The clerk is authorized and directed to draw a check (or checks) on the
funds on deposit in the registry of this court in the principal amount of $__________ plus all
interest earned less the assessment fee for the administration of funds, (or state other instruction
regarding interest), payable to (Name and address of payee), and mail or deliver the check (or
checks) to (payee or attorney) at (full address with zip code).”
If more than one check is to be issued on a single order, the portion of principal due each payee
must be stated separately. Counsel must also provide the Social Security number or Tax I.D.
number for each payee and complete mailing or delivery instructions for each payee.
On all checks drawn by the clerk on registry funds, the name of the payee must be written as that
name appears in the court’s order providing for disbursement.
The clerk will issue disbursements as soon after receipt of the order for disbursement as the
business of the clerk’s office allows, except when it is necessary to allow time for a check or
draft to clear or when otherwise directed by the court. The moving party must verify that the
funds have been paid within a reasonable time. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 72.1 Automatic Referral of Pre-trial Proceedings
LR 72.2 Review of Magistrate Judges’ Orders
LR 72.1 Automatic Referral of Pre-trial Proceedings
(A) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the following pre-trial motions are hereby
automatically referred to the magistrate judge to whom the action is allotted: all civil
discovery motions, contested motions for leave to intervene, to amend, to file a third-
party complaint, for extension of time to plead, for a more definite statement and motions
relative to attorney representation. These motions must be noticed for submission before
the magistrate judge to whom the case is allotted. Uncontested motions for leave to
intervene, to amend, to file a third-party complaint, for extension of time to plead, and for
a more definite statement are not automatically referred under this subsection.
Any other motion specifically referred by a judge to a magistrate judge must be
submitted at the same time and date as would have occurred before the judge, or at such
other time as the magistrate judge may designate.
A motion for continuance of a motion or other matter pending before the magistrate
judge must indicate that the matter is pending before the magistrate judge.
(B) The following pre-trial and post-trial matters are also hereby automatically referred to the
magistrate judge:
(1) Determination of pauper status pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1915;
(2) Examination of judgment debtors pursuant to Rule 69 of the FRCP.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 72.2 Review of Magistrate Judges’ Orders
A motion to review a magistrate judge’s order or an objection to the proposed findings and
recommendation of a magistrate judge must be made by filing a motion or objection along with a
supporting memorandum. The motion must be noticed for submission to the district judge in the
manner provided in these rules for motions. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 73.1 Jurisdiction
LR 73.2 Automatic Referral of Cases
LR 73.3 Referral of Other Cases
LR 73.4 Additional Duties
LR 73.5 Assignment of Matters to the Magistrate Judge
LR 73.1 Jurisdiction
(A) All U.S. Magistrate Judges are designated and empowered to exercise the powers and
perform the duties prescribed by 28 U.S.C. 636(a), (b) and (c), when assigned to them by
a judge of this court or by these rules.
LR 73.2 Automatic Referral of Cases
The clerk must automatically refer the following categories of civil cases to the magistrate
judges pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 636(b) and/or 636(c), as applicable, conditioned upon consent of
the parties, if required by statute:
(A) Applications for post-trial relief, except in capital cases and in motions to vacate
sentences pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2255, made by individuals convicted of criminal
offenses, prisoner petitions challenging the conditions of confinement, and prisoner cases
brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983;
(B) Appeals brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 405(g), i.e., judicial review of Social Security
(C) Employment discrimination cases brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 2000(e);
(D) Petitions to enforce an Internal Revenue Service summons;
(E) Applications for an order authorizing entry upon and search of premises in order to effect
levy and seize pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 6331;
(F) Applications by an appropriate representative of the United States for the issuance of
administrative inspection orders or warrants.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 73.3 Referral of Other Cases
A judge of the district court may refer to a magistrate judge by random allotment any other cases
or matters permitted by law. If the magistrate judge to whom the case is allotted is not available,
the case will be temporarily reallotted. [Amended June 26, 1998]
LR 73.4 Additional Duties
The magistrate judges must perform such additional duties as may be assigned by the court or by
any of its judges on cases randomly allotted to that magistrate judge, including:
(A) Administer oaths and affirmations and take acknowledgments, affidavits and depositions;
(B) Issue attachments or orders to enforce obedience to an Internal Revenue summons to
produce books and give testimony under 26 U.S.C. 7604(b);
(C) Enforce awards of foreign consuls in differences between captains and crews of vessels
of the consul’s nation under 22 U.S.C. 258a conduct proceedings for disposition of
deceased seamen’s effects under 46 U.S.C. 10708-10710); conduct hearings of offenses
arising under 46 U.S.C. 11501; and submit reports and recommendations to the district
(D) Conduct pre-trial and scheduling conferences and enter scheduling orders pursuant to
FRCP 16(b) ;
(E) Conduct voir dire and select petit juries for the court;
(F) Perform any additional duty that is not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the
United States;
[Amended June 26, 1998; February 1, 2011]
LR 73.5 Assignment of Matters to the Magistrate Judge
Unless the court orders otherwise in a particular case, cases will be allotted to the magistrate
judges in the same manner as cases are allotted to the judges. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 77.1 Conference In Chambers - Notice
LR 77.2 Sessions of Court
LR 77.1 Conference In Chambers - Notice
Except as to applications normally considered and acted upon ex parte, no ex parte
communication with a judge in chambers is allowed, except upon notice of the date and hour of
the proposed conference to opposing counsel, or if counsel is unknown, to the opposing party.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 77.2 Sessions of Court
The court is in continuous session on all business days through the year for transacting judicial
business. [Amended June 28, 2002; February 1, 2011]
LR 78.1 Motion Days
LR 78.2 Calendar
LR 78.1 Motion Days
Wednesday of each week, or such other day as the court may designate from time to time by
order, is motion day. On this day, motions will be scheduled for submission and oral arguments
conducted, if requested and permitted. Motions may also be designated for submission and/or
hearing at some other time by order of the individual judge to whom the action is allotted. On
motion day, the court also considers reviews from magistrate judges’ rulings, contradictory
motions requiring action by the court after hearing and other matters required by law or court
order to be heard and determined summarily.
Any party seeking oral argument must file either contemporaneously with the filing of the
motion or opposition memorandum to a motion, or within three days after receipt of the
opposition memorandum to a motion, a separate written request for oral argument. Oral
argument will be permitted in such cases without further order of the court, unless the court
advises the parties, as soon as practicable, that the request for oral argument is denied.
[Amended October 1, 2003; February 1, 2011]
LR 78.2 Calendar
The clerk must prepare a calendar for each section of the court listing the matters submitted for
decision on each motion day in the order in which they have been filed. The court may elect to
determine motions in some other order and may defer determination of motions in which either
party has not timely filed a memorandum to the end of the docket, or in the discretion of the
court may deny oral argument. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 79.1 Withdrawal of Files
LR 79.2 Custody of Exhibits
LR 79.3 Disposition of Exhibits
LR 79.4 Offer and Marking of Exhibits
LR 79.5 Obtaining Record From Appellate Court for Hearing on Motions
LR 79.1Withdrawal of Files
Files in the office of the clerk may be removed from it only:
(A) for the use of the court;
(B) pursuant to a subpoena from any federal or state court directing their production; or
(C) with leave of court or permission of the clerk first obtained.
LR 79.2 Custody of Exhibits
After being received in evidence, all exhibits are in the custody of the clerk, unless otherwise
ordered by the court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 79.3 Disposition of Exhibits
All exhibits in the custody of the clerk must be removed within 35 days of the final disposition
of the case. The party offering exhibits is responsible for their removal and must give a detailed
receipt for the clerk’s records. If the parties or their attorneys fail or refuse to remove exhibits
within 35 days, the exhibits may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the clerk.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 79.4 Offer and Marking of Exhibits
An exhibit must be marked by counsel for identification before it may be referred to or offered
into evidence. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 79.5 Obtaining Record From Appellate Court for Hearing on Motions in district
In cases in which an appeal has been taken and the record filed with the clerk of the court of
appeals, counsel for the moving party must obtain the record and return it to the clerk of the
district court when a motion is filed in the district court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.1 Naturalization
LR 83.2.1 Roll of Attorneys
LR 83.2.2 Procedure for Admission
LR 83.2.3 Rules of Conduct
LR 83.2.4 Attorney Representation
LR 83.2.5 Visiting Attorneys
LR 83.2.6 Waiver by Court Order of Requirements for Local Counsel
LR 83.2.7 Familiarity With and Compliance With Rules
LR 83.2.8 Familiarity With the Record
LR 83.2.9 Counsel’s Failure to Appeal
LR 83.2.10 Practicing Before Admission or During Suspension
LR 83.2.11 Continuing Representation, Withdrawals, Substitution of Counsel
LR 83.2.12 Additional Counsel
LR 83.2.13 Appearances by Law Students
LR 83.3.1 Reasons for Building Security
LR 83.3.2 Security Personnel
LR 83.3.3 Carrying of Parcels, Bags, and Other Objects
LR 83.3.4 Search of Persons
LR 83.3.5 Unseemly Conduct
LR 83.3.6 Entering and Leaving
LR 83.3.7 Spectators
LR 83.3.8 Cameras and Electronic Equipment
LR 83.3.9 Photographs, Radio or Television Broadcasting
LR 83.3.10 Weapons
LR 83.3.11 Enforcement
LR 83.4.1 Reference to Bankruptcy Judge
LR 83.4.2 Appeal to the District Court
LR 83.4.3 Motion Seeking Relief From a District Judge
LR 83.4.4 Record Transmitted to the District Court
LR 83.1 Naturalization
A judge of the district court administers the oath of allegiance to applicants for naturalization.
[Amended May 18, 2004, June 26, 2004]
LR 83.2.1 Roll of Attorneys
LR 83.2.2 Procedure for Admission
LR 83.2.3 Rules of Conduct
LR 83.2.4 Attorney Representation
LR 83.2.5 Visiting Attorneys
LR 83.2.6 Waiver by Court Order of Requirements for Local Counsel
LR 83.2.7 Familiarity With and Compliance With Rules
LR 83.2.8 Familiarity With the Record
LR 83.2.9 Counsel’s Failure to Appeal
LR 83.2.10 Practicing Before Admission or During Suspension
LR 83.2.11 Continuing Representation, Withdrawals, Substitution of Counsel
LR 83.2.12 Additional Counsel
LR 83.2.13 Appearances by Law Students
LR 83.2.1 Roll of Attorneys
Any member in good standing of the Louisiana bar who is of good moral character is eligible for
admission to the bar of the Eastern District of Louisiana. The bar of the court consists of those
lawyers admitted to practice before the court who have taken the prescribed oath and signed the
roll of attorneys for the district. [Amended July 17, 2000]
LR 83.2.2 Procedure for Admission
(A) Each applicant for admission to the bar of this court must file a written petition signed by
him or her and endorsed by two members of the bar of this court listing the applicant’s
residence and office address, his or her general and legal education, the courts in which
he or she is admitted to practice, and stating that the applicant is qualified to practice
before this court, is of good moral character, and is not subject to any pending disbarment
or professional discipline procedure in any other court. If the applicant has been
convicted of a felony or has previously been subject to any disciplinary proceedings, full
information about each, including the charges and the result, must be set forth.
(B) An applicant may be admitted in open court or in a judge’s chambers, upon taking an
oath to conduct himself or herself as an attorney or counselor of this court uprightly and
according to law and to support the Constitution of the United States. The attorney must,
under the direction of the clerk, sign the roll of attorneys and pay the fee required by law
and any other fee required by the court. A motion for admission must be filed within six
months of filing of the petition.
(C) Upon written request and for good cause shown, if a personal appearance would present
undue hardship for the applicant or the applicant resides outside the boundaries of this
district, the court may grant the applicant’s request for admission without a personal
appearance. In such instance, the applicant must take a written oath, on a form prescribed
by the clerk, to conduct himself or herself as an attorney or counselor of this court
uprightly and according to law and to support the Constitution of the United States, and
submit this written oath with any fee required by law and any other fee required by the
court. At the attorney’s first physical appearance before the court, he or she must sign the
roll of attorneys in the clerk’s office.
(D) Every attorney admitted to practice before this court must pay to the clerk of court an
annual fee in an amount periodically set by the court en banc and posted for public notice
by the clerk of court. The fee will be made part of a fund used to defray the expense of
administration and enforcement under the court’s Disciplinary Rules and for such other
uses and purposes that the court determines appropriate. These fees must be paid
triennially not later than March 1 of the calendar year in which such payment is due.
(1) At the time of admission, the attorney must make the initial triennial payment.
Such fee will not be prorated within any calendar year, but an attorney first
admitted in the second or third year of any triennial period will be required to
make proportionate payment only for those years of such period in which the
attorney’s membership in the bar is effective.
Attorneys admitted pro hac vice must pay a triennial or proportionate fee, unless a
similar fee has been paid to another court of the United States and satisfactory
evidence thereof has been submitted to the clerk.
(2) Any attorney who fails to pay the fee required under subsection (1) will be
summarily suspended, provided a notice of delinquency has been sent to the
attorney to the last address appearing in the Roll of Attorneys of the bar of this
court at least 35 days before such suspension.
Any attorney suspended under this provision may be reinstated upon payment of
the fee.
(E) To facilitate the keeping of an accurate Roll of Attorneys, every attorney subject to these
Rules must triennially on or before the first day of March, file with the clerk of this court
a registration statement on a form supplied by the clerk setting forth the attorney’s
current residence and office addresses; his or her Bar Roll number; and the bars of all
states, territories, districts, commonwealths, or possessions or other courts of the United
States to which the attorney is admitted and the dates of such admissions. In addition,
every attorney subject to these Rules must file a supplemental statement of any change in
this information previously submitted within 35 days of such change. All persons must
file this required registration statement at the time of admission to practice before this
court. Upon request, the clerk will provide a certificate of compliance.
(1) Within 35 days of receipt of a statement or supplemental statement and of
payment of the aforesaid fee in accordance with the provisions of (A) and (D)
above, the clerk must acknowledge receipt thereof in appropriate form so as to
enable the attorney, on request, to demonstrate compliance with the requirements
of (A) and (D) above.
(2) Any attorney who fails to file the attorney registration statement or supplemental
statement as required above will be summarily suspended. A notice of
delinquency must be sent to the attorney at the current address appearing in the
Roll of Attorneys of the bar of this court at least 35 days before such suspension.
The suspension will remain in effect until the attorney has complied with these
(F) An attorney who has retired or is not engaged in the practice of law before this court may
advise the clerk in writing that he or she desires to assume inactive status and discontinue
the practice of law before this court. Upon the filing of such a notice, the attorney will no
longer be eligible to practice law in this court and will not be obligated for further
payment of the fee prescribed herein or for filing the attorney registration statement every
three years as required by this Rule for active practitioners.
Upon the filing of a notice to assume inactive status, the attorney will be removed from
the roll of active attorneys until and unless he or she requests and is granted reinstatement
to the active rolls. Reinstatement to active status may be granted (unless the attorney is
then subject to an outstanding order of suspension or disbarment or has been on inactive
status for five years or more) upon the payment of any fees due as prescribed by this Rule
and the submission of a current registration statement. Reinstatement to active status of
an attorney who has been on voluntary inactive status for five years or more will be
governed by the provisions of the Disciplinary Rules of this court.
(G) The fees and costs paid pursuant to these Rules will be maintained by the clerk as trustee
thereof in separate interest bearing, federally insured accounts with such depositories as
the court may from time to time approve or invested in obligations of the United States.
Funds so held will be disbursed only pursuant to the orders of the court and at no time
will they be deposited into the Treasury of the United States.
[Amended July 17, 2000; October 1, 2003; February 1, 2011]
LR 83.2.3 Rules of Conduct
This court hereby adopts the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Louisiana State Bar
Association, except as otherwise provided by a specific rule or general order of a court.
[Amended June 28, 2002]
LR 83.2.4 Attorney Representation
Any party who does not appear in proper person must be represented by a member of the bar of
this court, except as set forth below.
LR 83.2.5 Visiting Attorneys
Any member in good standing of the bar of any court of the United States or of the highest court
of any state and who is ineligible to become a member of the bar of this court, may, upon written
motion of counsel of record who is a member of the bar of this court, by ex parte order, be
permitted to appear and participate as co-counsel in a particular case. The motion must have
attached to it a certificate by the presiding judge or clerk of the highest court of the state, or court
of the United States, where he or she has been so admitted to practice, showing that the applicant
attorney has been so admitted in such court, and that he or she is in good standing therein.
The applicant attorney must state under oath whether any disciplinary proceedings or criminal
charges have been instituted against him or her, and if so, must disclose full information about
the proceeding or charges and the results thereof.
An attorney thus permitted to appear may participate in a particular action or proceeding in all
respects. The clerk must register all attorneys admitted to the bar of this court, including those
admitted pro hac vice, as Filing Users of the court’s Electronic Filing System. Registration as a
Filing User constitutes consent to electronic service of all documents as provided in these rules
in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The clerk must provide Filing Users
with a user log-in and password once registration and required training are completed.
When an attorney applies to be admitted or is admitted to this court for purposes of a particular
proceeding (pro hac vice), the attorney is deemed thereby to have conferred disciplinary
jurisdiction upon this court for any alleged misconduct of that attorney arising in the course of or
in preparation for the proceeding. In addition to visiting counsel, local counsel is responsible to
the court at all stages of the proceedings. Designation of the visiting attorney as “Trial Attorney
pursuant to LR11.2 does not relieve local counsel of the responsibilities imposed by this rule.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.2.6 Waiver by Court Order of Requirements for Local Counsel
Counsel who is ineligible to become a member of the bar of this court may be authorized by
court order to appear and act for any party without joinder of local co-counsel when it is shown
(A) The party would suffer hardship by joinder of local counsel;
(B) The obligations and duties of counsel in the particular litigation will be fulfilled without
joinder of local co-counsel.
LR 83.2.7 Familiarity With and Compliance With Rules
Everyone who appears in court in proper person and every attorney permitted to practice in this
court must be familiar with these rules. Willful failure to comply with the rules, or a false
certificate of compliance, is cause for disciplinary action. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.2.8 Familiarity With the Record
All counsel of record must be familiar with the substance of all documents and court orders filed
in the case and any consolidated cases. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.2.9 Counsel’s Failure to Appear
The court may impose the following costs or sanctions:
(A) For failure to appear, or appearing late, at any proceeding before any of the judges or
magistrate judges when the lawyer has been given timely notice of the proceeding, has
failed in advance to seek a continuance, and has no adequate excuse:
(1) Upon a first violation, or if the last violation was more than two years ago, he or
she may be ordered to pay a fee in a reasonable amount to each opposing counsel
who has appeared.
(2) Upon a second violation, or within two years of the first, the lawyer may be
ordered to pay a fee in a reasonable amount to each opposing counsel who has
appeared, and may be required to show cause before a judge of this court why he
or she should not be suspended from practice or subjected to some other form of
(3) This fee may not be waived, returned, taken into account on settlement, billed or
charged to a client in any way.
(B) For failure, without adequate excuse, to appear for a trial or a hearing for which
witnesses have been summoned, or for unreasonable delay in appearing, the lawyer may
be required to show cause why he or she should not be subject to disciplinary action.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.2.10 Practicing Before Admission or During Suspension
Any person who exercises any of the privileges of a member of the bar or who pretends to be
entitled to do so before his or her admission to the bar of this court, or during his or her
disbarment or suspension, subjects himself or herself to disciplinary action.
LR 83.2.11 Continuing Representation, Withdrawals, Substitution of Counsel
The original counsel of record must represent the party for whom he or she appears unless the
court permits him or her to withdraw from the case. Counsel of record may obtain permission
only upon joint motion (of current counsel of record and new counsel of record) to substitute
counsel or upon a written motion served on opposing counsel and the client. If other counsel is
not thereby substituted, the motion to withdraw must contain the present address of the client
and the client’s telephone number if the client can be reached by telephone. The motion must be
accompanied by a certificate of service, including a statement that the client has been notified of
all deadlines and pending court appearances, served on both the client by certified mail and
opposing counsel, or an affidavit stating why service has not been made.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.2.12 Additional Counsel
Where counsel has appeared for any party, other counsel may appear for the same party only:
(A) Upon motion of counsel of record for that party, or motion consented to by him or her; or
(B) Upon motion, after counsel for the party has been permitted to withdraw or has died, or is
incapacitated, or cannot be found; or
(C) Upon motion of a party after notice to counsel of record.
LR 83.2.13 Appearances by Law Students
Limited appearances by law students, if the person on whose behalf he or she is appearing has
consented to that appearance in writing and the supervising lawyer has also approved the
appearance in writing, are allowed in any civil matter in which a fee is not provided for or could
not reasonably be anticipated.
The written consent and approval referred to above must be filed in the record of the case and
must be brought to the attention of the judge.
The supervising lawyer or the prosecuting attorney must personally be present throughout the
proceedings and is responsible for the manner in which they are conducted.
A. Prerequisites to Law Student Appearances
To make an appearance pursuant to this rule, the law student must:
(1) Be duly enrolled in a law school in this state approved by the American Bar Association;
(2) Have completed four (4) full-time semesters of legal studies or the equivalent if the
school is on some basis other than a semester basis;
(3) Be certified by the dean of his or her law school as being of good moral character,
competent legal ability, and adequately trained to perform as a legal intern;
(4) Be introduced to the court by an attorney admitted to practice in this court;
(5) Neither ask for nor receive remuneration of any kind for services;
(6) Take the following oath:
“I, ____, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
of the State of Louisiana and have read and am familiar with the Code of Professional
Responsibility of the Louisiana State Bar Association, and I understand that I am bound
by the precepts therein contained as fully as if I were admitted to the practice of law in
Louisiana; and that I further accept the privileges granted to me as well as the
responsibilities which will devolve upon me, so that I may be more useful through my
clinical education in the service of justice.”
(B) Certification of Students
The certification of a student by the law school dean:
(1) Must be filed with the clerk and, unless sooner withdrawn, remain in effect for twelve
(12) months after it is filed, or until the announcement of the results of the first bar
examination following the student’s graduation, whichever comes earlier. For any
student who passes that examination or who is admitted to the bar without taking an
examination, the certification continues in effect until the date he or she is admitted to the
(2) May be withdrawn by the dean at any time by mailing a notice to that effect to the clerk.
The notice need not state the cause for withdrawal;
(3) May be terminated by this court at any time without notice or hearing and without any
showing of cause. Notice of the termination may be filed with the clerk.
(C) Supervision of Students
The member of the bar under whose supervision an eligible law student works must:
(1) Be admitted to practice before this court and approved by the dean of the law school in
which the law student is enrolled for service as a supervising lawyer for this program;
(2) Assume personal professional responsibility and liability for the student’s guidance in
any work undertaken and for supervising the quality of the student’s work;
(3) Assist the student in his or her preparation.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.1 Reasons for Building Security
LR 83.3.2 Security Personnel
LR 83.3.3 Carrying of Parcels, Bags, and Other Objects
LR 83.3.4 Search of Persons
LR 83.3.5 Unseemly Conduct
LR 83.3.6 Entering and Leaving
LR 83.3.7 Spectators
LR 83.3.8 Cameras and Electronic Equipment
LR 83.3.9 Photographs, Radio or Television Broadcasting
LR 83.3.10 Weapons
LR 83.3.11 Enforcement
LR 83.3.1 Reasons for Building Security
The purpose of the rules for building security is to minimize interference with and disruptions of
the court’s business, to preserve decorum in conducting the court’s business and to provide
effective security in buildings in which proceedings governed by these rules are held.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.2 Security Personnel
The term “Security Personnel” means the U.S. Marshal or deputy marshal or a deputized court
security officer.
LR 83.3.3 Carrying of Parcels, Bags, and Other Objects
Security personnel must inspect all objects carried by persons entering the premises. All persons
who seek to enter or remain on the premises must submit to such an inspection.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.4 Search of Persons
Security personnel may search the person of anyone entering the premises or any space in it.
Anyone who refuses to permit such a search will be denied entry. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.5 Unseemly Conduct
No person may:
(A) Loiter, sleep or conduct himself or herself in a disorderly manner on the premises;
(B) Interfere with or disturb the conduct of the court’s business;
(C) Eat or drink in the halls of the premises or in the courtrooms;
(D) Block any entrance to or exit from the premises or interfere in any person’s entry into or
exit from the premises. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.6 Entering and Leaving
All persons must enter and leave courtrooms only through such doorways and at such times as
designated by the security personnel. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.7 Spectators
Spectators must enter or depart courtrooms only at such times as the presiding judge may direct.
Spectators may enter or remain in any courtroom only if spectator seating is available. Spectators
must sit in that portion of the courtroom designated by the U.S. Marshal. Spectators excluded
because of lack of seating and spectators leaving the courtroom while court is in session or at
any recess must not loiter or remain in the area adjacent to the courtroom.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.8 Cameras and Electronic Equipment
Except as set forth herein or as authorized by the court, no one other than court officials engaged
in the conduct of court business may bring any camera, transmitter, receiver, audio or video
recording device, personal digital assistant, cellular telephone (including Palm Pilot, Blackberry,
iPhone, or comparable electronic device), computer (including laptop, notebook desktop, or
comparable computing device) or other type of electrical or electronic device into the premises.
Any member of the Bar of this court may, subject to security screening, bring personal digital
assistants, cellular telephones or computers (“Authorized Electronic Devices”) into the
courthouse for that attorneys’ own use and for presenting, managing, and accessing documents
and files for the presentation of evidence during trials and proceedings. Any Authorized
Electronic Devices with the capability to make or record images or sounds must be off whenever
the device is in any courtroom or its environs, and the use of any such device to record, transmit
or photograph court proceedings is prohibited. All sound emitting capabilities (including
ringtone or vibration sound) of any Authorized Electronic Device must be off in any courtroom.
Authorized Electronic Devices may not be used in a manner that disrupts or interferes with any
judicial proceeding or violates Fed. R. Evid. 615 regarding exclusion of witnesses.
Notwithstanding this provision, no Authorized Electronic Device may be brought into any
courtroom or judicial chambers if the judge to whom the courtroom or chambers is assigned
prohibits the introduction of such devices. Other than as set forth herein, no person may
introduce or attempt to introduce any type of electronic device (including but not limited to,
camera, recording equipment or other type of device) into the premises without court permission.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.9 Photographs, Radio or Television Broadcasting
(A) The audio-recording, video-recording, taking of photographs, radio or television
broadcasting, or electronic transmission of events from the courtroom or its environs is
prohibited during the progress of or in connection with judicial proceedings, including
proceedings before a United States Magistrate Judge, whether or not court is actually in
session. Judicial proceedings, in whole or in part, may not be recorded, broadcast or
transmitted by any means, including still or moving photography or any type of sound
(B) As used in these rules the term “environs” means any place within the United States
Courthouse and any place wherein any judge of the court may conduct judicial
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.10 Weapons
No person may be admitted to or allowed to remain in the premises with any object that might be
employed as a weapon unless he or she has been authorized in writing by a judge or magistrate
judge to do so, or unless he or she is a federal law enforcement agent, a U.S. Marshal, a Federal
Protective Service Police Officer, a publicly employed law enforcement officer or a person
designated by the court to assist U.S. Marshals or Federal Protective Service Police. No person,
except U.S. Marshals and others specifically authorized by the court, may have any such object
in his or her possession while in any courtrooms, judges’ chambers or magistrate judges’
chambers. Federal law enforcement officers having prisoners in their custody in the courtroom
of any magistrate judge or district judge may retain their sidearms. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.3.11 Enforcement
Security personnel enforce the whole of this Rule 83.3. In addition to such other penalties as
may be prescribed by law, violators of this rule may be held in contempt of court and subject to
the imposition of sanctions.
LR 83.4.1 Reference to Bankruptcy Judge
LR 83.4.2 Appeal to the District Court
LR 83.4.3 Motion Seeking Relief From a District Judge
LR 83.4.4 Record Transmitted to the District Court
LR 83.4.1 Reference to Bankruptcy Judge
All cases under Title 11 and all proceedings arising under Title 11 or arising in or related to a
case under Title 11 are transferred by the district court to the bankruptcy judges of this district.
As set forth in 28 U.S.C. 157(b)(5), personal injury tort and wrongful death claims must be tried
in the district court. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.4.2 Appeal to the District Court
Appeals from judgments, orders or decrees of a bankruptcy judge are governed by Part VIII of
the Bankruptcy Rules (Section 8001, et seq.) and the applicable local rules of the district and
bankruptcy courts. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.4.3 Motion Seeking Relief From a District Judge
Motions filed seeking relief from a district judge, including motions under 28 U.S.C. 157(d) (for
withdrawal of reference), 28 U.S.C. 157(c)(1) (objections to proposed findings of fact and
conclusions of law) and Bankruptcy Rule 8005 (for stay pending appeal), are governed by the
rules set out below.
(A) Original Motion
(1) Applicable Rules. The Local Rules for the district court apply to all motions filed in
bankruptcy cases or proceedings seeking relief from a district judge. In those instances
where the Bankruptcy Rules require a report from the bankruptcy judge, e.g., Bankruptcy
Rules 5011(b) and 9027(e), the local Bankruptcy Rules apply until such report is issued.
(2) Place of Filing. All motions described in section A must be filed with the clerk of the
bankruptcy court.
(3) Contents of Motion. In addition to the normal requirements of documents filed in the
bankruptcy court, motions described in section A must include:
a. A clear and conspicuous statement opposite the title of the action that “RELIEF
b. A designation of the portions of the record of the proceedings in the bankruptcy
court that will reasonably be necessary or pertinent for consideration of the
motion by the district court.
c. A list showing the names of each party with an interest in the motion and for each
party shown, the names of their attorney along with such attorney’s mailing
(4) Subsequent Filings. Any filing in a matter under this section subsequent to the “Original
Motion” set forth above must be filed with the clerk of the district court and must comply
with all rules of such court.
(5) Duties of the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court. Upon filing of an original motion, as set
forth above, the clerk of the bankruptcy court must promptly transmit to the clerk of the
district court:
a. The original motion and all attachments to the motion, and
b. The portion of the bankruptcy court record designated in accordance with (3)(b)
(B) No Automatic Stay. No automatic stay of bankruptcy court proceedings results from the
filing of any motion under section A. A stay of proceedings results only from an order of
the bankruptcy court or the district court.
(C) Obligation of the Parties. A party or its attorney must apprise the bankruptcy court and
the United States District Court of orders entered in either forum which significantly
affect matters pending in either forum. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LR 83.4.4 Record Transmitted to the District Court
The authority to retain any portion of the record on appeal or in connection with a motion
seeking relief from a district judge is delegated to the clerk of the bankruptcy court. If any
portion of a record is retained in the bankruptcy court, a certified copy of such record must be
transmitted to the district court. If the district court requests the retained documents, the
bankruptcy clerk must transmit them immediately.
In the event that papers are retained in the bankruptcy court and certified copies are transmitted
to the district court, the bankruptcy court may order the party requesting the documents
reimburse the clerk of the bankruptcy court for the cost of reproduction.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LAR 4.1 Process
LAR 4.2 Summons to Show Cause Why Funds Should Not Be Paid to Court
LAR 4.1 Process
(A) In addition to the requirements set forth in Admiralty Rule B , the clerks of court must
not issue a summons and process of attachment and garnishment until (1) the verified
complaint and affidavit filed pursuant to Admiralty Rule B are reviewed by the court; (2)
the court determines if the conditions set forth in Rule B appear to exist, and enters an
order so stating and authorizing process of attachment and garnishment. Supplemental
process enforcing the court’s order may be issued by the clerk upon application without
further order of the court. If the plaintiff or his or her attorney certifies that exigent
circumstances make review by the court impracticable, the clerk must issue a summons
and process of attachment and garnishment and the plaintiff has the burden on a post-
attachment hearing under LAR4.1(C) to show that exigent circumstances existed.
(B) In actions in rem pursuant to Admiralty Rule C , the verified complaint and supporting
affidavit filed in connection therewith must be reviewed by the court and no warrant for
the arrest of a vessel may issue, unless the court determines that the conditions for an
action in rem appear to exist, and enters an order so stating and authorizing a warrant.
Supplemental process enforcing the court’s order may be issued by the clerk upon
application without further order of the court. If the plaintiff or his or her attorney
certifies that exigent circumstances make review by the court impracticable, the clerk
must issue a summons and warrant for the arrest and the plaintiff has the burden on a
post-arrest hearing under LAR 4.1(C) to show that exigent circumstances existed.
(C) When property is arrested or attached pursuant to Supplemental Rule B or C, any person
claiming an interest in it is entitled to a prompt hearing at which the plaintiff must show
why the arrest or attachment should not be vacated or other relief granted consistent with
these rules. This rule does not apply to suits for seamen’s wages when process is issued
upon a certification of sufficient cause signed pursuant to 46 U.S.C. 603 and 604.
(D) If the judge to whom the particular case is allotted is not immediately available, matters
referred to in this LAR 4.1 may be presented to any other judge without the necessity of
reallotment of the case. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LAR 4.2 Summons to Show Cause Why Funds Should Not Be Paid to Court
A summons issued pursuant to Admiralty Rule C(3) dealing with freight or the proceeds of
property sold, or intangible property must direct the person having control of the funds to show
cause why the funds should not be paid into court to comply with the judgment in accordance
with the procedure described in the Civil Rules to notice motions for submission.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LAR 64.1 Publication and Time to Claim and Answer Where Publication Necessary and Under
Supplemental Rule C(4)
LAR 64.2 Release of Vessel or Property Under Admiralty
LAR 64.3 Movement of Vessels Under Seizure
LAR 64.4 Consent Guardian
LAR 64.5 Notices
LAR 64.6 Sales
LAR 64.7 Night Vessel Seizures
LAR 64.1 Publication and Time to Claim and Answer Where Publication Necessary and
Under Supplemental Rule C(4)
In all cases where publication is necessary under Admiralty Rule C(4) , the time for filing a right
of possession or any ownership interest in the property that is the subject of the action is hereby
extended for a period of 21 days from the date of the publication.
The published notice must contain the title and the number of the suit, the date of the arrest and
identity of the property arrested, the name of the marshal, and the name and address of the
attorney for the plaintiff. It must also state that parties must file their right of possession or any
ownership interest in the property that is the subject of the action pursuant to Rule C(6) with the
clerk and serve the attorney for plaintiff within 21 days after the date of first publication, or
within such other time as may be allowed by the court, and must serve their answers within 21
days after the filing of their right of possession or any ownership interest in the property that is
the subject of the action; that, if they do not, default may be entered and condemnation ordered;
and that application for intervention under FRCP 24, by persons asserting right of possession or
any ownership interest in the property that is the subject of the action or other interests may be
untimely if not filed within the time allowed for asserting right of possession or any ownership
interest in the property that is the subject of the action . [Amended February 1, 2011]
LAR 64.2 Release of Vessel or Property Under Admiralty
The marshal is authorized to release a vessel or property if the party at whose instance the vessel
or property is detained or his or her attorney, expressly authorizes the marshal in writing to
release the vessel or property, and agrees in writing to hold the marshal and his deputies forever
harmless from any and all liability as a result of the release of the vessel or other property
pursuant to such authorization. At the same time the party or his or her attorney must certify that
all costs and charges of the court and its officers have either been paid or that none are due.
LAR 64.3 Movement of Vessels Under Seizure
Without a separate order in each individual case, the marshal is authorized to move the vessels
under seizure by him within the district in such a manner and at such times as he, acting as a
prudent administrator, finds to be necessary to their proper safeguarding and preservation while
under seizure. Further, and without an order of court, he is authorized to permit the moving of
vessels anywhere within the area of the district when the party at whose instance the vessel is
detained and its owner, or the owner’s attorney, expressly authorizes in writing such a movement
and agrees in writing to hold the marshal and all his deputies harmless from any and all liability
as a result of any such move.
LAR 64.4 Consent Guardian
The marshal is authorized, without special order of court, to appoint the master of the vessel or
another competent person as keeper or custodian of any vessel under seizure with their consent,
provided that all parties to the action or their attorneys shall have expressly consented in writing
to the appointment and shall have agreed in writing to hold the marshal and all of his deputies
harmless from any and all liability as a result of the appointment.
LAR 64.5 Notices
Unless otherwise ordered by the court, or otherwise provided by law, all notices required to be
published by statute, rule, or order of court must be published in the Times-Picayune.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
LAR 64.6 Sales
(A) Notice. Unless otherwise ordered by the court or otherwise provided by law, notices of
sale of arrested or attached vessels or property must be published on three different days,
the first of which must be published at least 14 days and the last at least three days before
the day of the sale.
(B) Confirmation. In all public auction sales of admiralty by the marshal of this court, the
marshal must require the last and highest bidder to whom the property is adjudicated to
deposit a minimum of $500.00 or 10% of the bid, whichever is greater, in cash or
certified check, or cashier’s check on a local bank. In the event that the last and highest
bid should be for an amount not in excess of $500.00, its full amount must be paid at the
time of adjudication. The balance, if any, of the purchase price must be paid in cash or by
certified or cashier’s check on a local bank on or before confirmation of the sale by the
court and within 14 days of the adjudication or dismissal of any opposition which may
have been filed.
At the conclusion of the auction, the marshal must immediately report to the court the
fact of the sale, the price brought, and the name of the buyer, and the clerk must endorse
upon such report the time and date of filing. If within three business days no written
objection is filed, the sale is confirmed, provided that no sale is confirmed until the buyer
has performed the terms of his purchase. In the event no opposition to the sale shall have
been made, the cost of keeping the property pending confirmation must be paid out of the
proceeds of the sale; except that if the confirmation is delayed by the purchaser’s failure
to pay any balance which is due on the price, the cost of keeping the property must be
borne by the purchaser after the three day period has lapsed. In the event an opposition to
the sale is filed, the opponent must deposit with the marshal, in advance, costs of keeping
the property pending the court’s determination of the opposition; in default of his or her
making the advance, his or her opposition fails without affirmative action by the court. If
the opposition fails, the cost of keeping the property during its pendency is borne by the
At the auction, the marshal must take, record, and report the cost, the name and address
of the second highest bidder, and the amount of that second highest bid. In the event that
the highest bidder fails to meet his or her financial obligation pertaining to his or her bid,
the court may, with the approval of the party or parties at whose instance the sale has
been ordered, and of the second highest bidder, confirm the sale to the second highest
bidder. [Amended February 1, 2011]
LAR 64.7 Night Vessel Seizure
For the safety of deputy United States Marshals, in the normal course of events, the United
States Marshal’s Service will not seize vessels that require a bar pilot for their movement in the
Mississippi River after dark; provided, however, that the United States Marshal’s Service
receives from the appropriate pilots’ association, after notification to the association that a
warrant of attachment has been issued and is in the hands of the Marshal, written
acknowledgment that the pilots’ association will hold the vessel in the port or at anchorage and
not permit movement of the vessel until the United States Marshal’s service can seize the vessel
the following morning.
In any case in which the seizing party can show exigent circumstances requiring an immediate
seizure, before the time the United States Marshal’s Service would seize the vessel under this
Rule, any judge of this court may order the United States Marshal’s Service to execute the
warrant and seize a vessel at any time of the day or night. [Adopted February 1, 2011]
LAR 65.1 Sureties
In all cases where the surety on a bond or stipulation for the release of a vessel or other property
under seizure is not a corporate surety holding a certificate of authority from the Secretary of the
Treasury, and the bond or stipulation is not approved as to amount and nature by the party at
whose instance the vessel or other property is detained, or by his or her attorney, the vessel or
property must not be released without an order of a judge approving the surety, or in the absence
of a judge, the clerk, after reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard.
Such approval must not limit the right of a party to move, under Rule E(6) of the Supplemental
Rules, FRCP, to reduce the amount of surety given or to require new or additional sureties.
[Amended February 1, 2011]
To improve the administration of justice in the federal courts, Congress passed the Judicial
Conduct and Disability Act, codified at 28 U.S.C. § 351-364. The law authorizes complaints
against United States Circuit, District, Bankruptcy, and Magistrate Judges who have “engaged in
conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts”
or who are “unable to discharge all the duties of office by reason of mental or physical
disability.” The conduct to which the law is addressed does not include making wrong judicial
decisions, for the law provides that a complaint may be dismissed if it is “directly related to the
merits of a decision or procedural ruling.”
The Judicial Council of the Fifth Circuit has adopted Rules For Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-
Disability Proceedings. These rules apply to judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit and to the district, bankruptcy, and magistrate judges of federal courts within the
Fifth Circuit. The Fifth Circuit includes the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
These Rules may be obtained from, and written complaints filed at, the following office:
United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit
600 S. Maestri
New Orleans, LA 70130