Lesson 21
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Lesson 21: Writing & Graphing Inequalities in Real-World Problems
I can write inequalities based on real-world situations and graphs of inequalities.
I can graph inequalities based on real-world situations and inequalities written in algebraic form.
Example 1
Statement Inequality Graph
a. Caleb has at least $5.
b. Tarek has more than $5.
c. Vanessa has at most $5.
d. Li Chen has less than $5.
Example 2
Kelly works for Quick Oil Change. If customers have to wait longer than 20 minutes for the oil change, the company does not
charge for the service. The fastest oil change that Kelly has ever done took 6 minutes. Show the possible customer wait times in
which the company charges the customer.
Example 3
Gurnaz has been mowing lawns to save money for a concert. Gurnaz will need to work for at least six hours to save enough
money, but he must work fewer than 16 hours this week. Write an inequality to represent this situation, and then graph the
Exercises 15
Write an inequality to represent each situation. Then, graph the solution.
2. Blayton is at most 2 meters above sea level.
3. Edith must read for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Lesson 21
© 2014 Common Core, Inc. Some rights reserved. commoncore.org
4. Travis milks his cows each morning. He has never gotten fewer than 3 gallons of milk; however, he always gets fewer than
9 gallons of milk.
5. Rita can make 8 cakes for a bakery each day. So far she has orders for more than 32 cakes. Right now, Rita needs more
than four days to make all 32 cakes.
6. Rita must have all the orders placed right now done in 7 days or fewer. How will this change your inequality and your
Possible Extension Exercises 610
7. Kasey has been mowing lawns to save up money for a concert. He earns $15 per hour and needs at least $90 to go to the
concert. How many hours should he mow?
8. Rachel can make 8 cakes for a bakery each day. So far, she has orders for more than 32 cakes. How many days will it take
her to complete the orders?
9. Ranger saves $70 each week. He needs to save at least $2,800 to go on a trip to Europe. How many weeks will he need to
10. Clara has less than $75. She wants to buy 3 pairs of shoes. What price shoes can Clara afford if all the shoes are the same
11. A gym charges $25 per month plus $4 extra to swim in the pool for an hour. If a member only has $45 to spend each
month, at most how many hours can the member swim?