University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Probiotics and Prebiotics:
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are probiotics?
Our intestines contain over 100 trillion bacteria.
This is 1,000 times the number of cells that
make up the entire human body. Many of these
bacteria play an important role in protecting our
They make compounds that keep harmful
bacteria from spreading, helping to prevent
They help with digestion.
They stimulate the gut’s immune system.
They help our bodies digest foods more
They change certain vitamins.
They change which genes are active in gut
They may help to prevent colon cancer.
The balance between helpful and harmful
bacteria in the gut can change. If that occurs,
the helpful bacteria in the body may not be able
to do these important tasks as well as before.
Antibiotics, poor nutrition, inflammation, stress,
and other factors can kill off the helpful bacteria
in the gut.
When this happens, probiotics and prebiotics
may be helpful. Probiotics are products
containing live microorganisms. They can be
taken to improve the balance of bacteria in a
person’s intestines. It is now easy to find them
as dietary supplements in health food stores
and pharmacies. Good quality yogurts with live
active cultures, kefir, fermented milk, miso, and
a number of other foods are also probiotics.
2. What problems can probiotic foods or
supplements treat?
The jury is still out on how well these
supplements work for different health problems.
The best research has been done for the
following conditions*:
Proven Benefit
Diarrheal Illness (viral) - treatment and
Prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea
Suggested Benefit
Food allergies
Inflammatory bowel disease
Lactose intolerance
Treatment of recurrent
Clostridium dificile
infection (Clostridium dificile is a bacteria that
can cause serious infection in the intestine).
Holds Promise
Allergic rhinitis
Attention deficit disorder (ADD) / Attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Colon cancer prevention
Cystic fibrosis
Liver disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Traveler’s diarrhea / bacterial enteritis
Vaccine immuno-augmentation
Genitourinary tract infections (UTI’s)
*list taken in part from “Prescribing Probiotics” in Rakel D,
ed, Integrative Medicine, 2
Probiotics and Prebiotics:
Frequently Asked Questions
3. How do I know which probiotic
to choose?
First, look at what genus, species and strain(s)
are in the product. Probiotics’ names have three
parts, usually listed in order. The first part is the
name of the genus, the second part is the
species, and the third part is the name of the
strain. For example,
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
GG, is from the genus Lactobacillus and has the
species name rhamnosus. GG is the name of
the strain. Different companies patent different
strains that they develop.
Lactobacillus is usually abbreviated with an L,
and Bifidobacterium is usually abbreviated with a
B. Lactobacilli work in the small intestine, and
Bifidobacteria work in the large intestine.
Because antibiotics can kill the bacteria in the
whole intestinal tract, it is important to add back
both of these types of bacteria for people who
have just taken antibiotics.
Some of the most-researched probiotics are:
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
(available as the brand Culturelle)
Bifidobacterium lactis
(abbreviated as B. lactus BB12).
L. acidophilus
(sometimes just called Acidophilus)
L. bulgaricus
L. gasseri
L. plantarum
B. bifidum
Malyoth strain
B. longum
L. acidophilus
Saccharomyces boulardii
– this is actually a
fungus that has been found to have several
Others which have been studied less but are
often taken are
L. johnsonii, L. reuteri, L.
rhamnosus, B. breve, B. infantis, E. faecalis, and
Streptococcus salivarius.
When selecting a probiotic, avoid products that
just use general terms like “Lactobacillus” or
“Acidophilus” on their labels. Some experts say
that vaginal problems respond best to
L. rhamnosus
GR1 or
L. fermentum
RC14. Do
not use
Enterococcus faecium
, because it can
cause infections. Some research supports taking
a mixture of strains rather than just one.
How effective a probiotic is depends on how
many live cells it contains. Pasteurizing without
adding the bacteria back in afterward leads to a
product with no live bacteria. Unfortunately most
manufacturers label their probiotics based on
how many bacteria were present
It is best to protect probiotics from direct light. It
is also best to buy probiotics that are kept
refrigerated, because refrigeration helps bacteria
survive longer. Some freeze-dried forms claim
not to require refrigeration
4. How much of a probiotic should
I take?
Usually 1x10
, or 1 billion colony forming units
(CFU’s) is a good daily dose. For Crohn’s
disease or irritable bowel, 1x10
or 100 billion
CFU’s is recommended daily by some experts.
For treating bacterial infections in the vagina,
vaginal suppositories with 1 billion CFU’s of
Lactobacillus organisms are typically used. Many
experts recommend taking probiotics on an
empty stomach, when there is less stomach acid
present. Children are often given doses in the
range. Many products that are tailored to
infants or young children are available.
5. How long do I need to take probiotics?
Various sources recommend taking probiotics
daily anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months to fully
re-colonize the bowel’s healthy bacteria. After
the initial course, it may be possible to back off
to 2-3 times per week. In Crohn’s or Irritable
Bowel Syndrome (IBS), people often need daily
doses for longer time periods. Improvement in
symptoms can help guide this decision. It has
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Probiotics and Prebiotics:
Frequently Asked Questions
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
recently been argued that it is okay to take
probiotics and antibiotics at the same time,
though some sources say it is best to take them
2 hours apart from each other. Start the probiotic
as soon as possible and continue it until at least
a few days after the antibiotic course is
complete. (Some say until 2 weeks after the
antibiotic is finished.)
6. Are there any people who should not
take probiotics?
Probiotics tend to be quite safe, with few
adverse effects. Some prescribers recommend
that they should be avoided in people whose
immune systems are severely compromised
because of reports of bacteria entering the
bloodstream. Occasionally, people will feel more
gassy when they first start taking probiotics.
Twenty billion doses of probiotics are taken each
year, but only a handful of people develop
complications from taking them.
A recent study of patients with severe acute
pancreatitis found that giving probiotics might
increase risk of death, though a later analysis of
multiple studies did not show a change in death
rates. For now, it is probably best for people with
acute pancreatitis to avoid probiotics.
7. Can’t I just eat probiotic foods?
Fermented dairy products must contain live-
cultures to have probiotic effects. Yogurts, kefir,
and other fermented foods, such as sauerkraut,
miso, and tempeh may contain helpful bacteria.
How many bacteria each food contains varies a
lot. Look for foods labeled “contains live active
cultures.” Frozen yogurt has
live bacteria.
Many yogurts contain organisms that are not
native to humans and don’t survive in their
8. Will the bacteria even make it to my
intestines if I take them?
It is important to be sure that the probiotic can
survive moving through stomach acid. It should
be able to handle a pH of less than 3.5 in the
stomach. It must also be able to survive in the
duodenum (the first part of the small intestine),
with all the bile salts and digestive enzymes
there. Most probiotics have added compounds to
help protect the bacteria from digestion. People
on a Candida reduction diet should keep in mind
that dextrin, contained in many probiotics, is
often listed as a yeast-stimulating compound. In
Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium,
species do not need to be in a
special preparation to survive moving through
the stomach.
L. bulgaricus
S. thermophilus,
as well as
t survive passage through the
stomach and must be in enteric-coated
capsules. These have a special coating that
protects the bacteria until the capsule reaches
the intestine.
9. What are some reliable brands?
Remember that different studies test different
bacterial species, which makes it difficult to know
if a particular product will work for a particular
problem., a site that evaluates
supplements to see if they contain what their
packaging claims, tested over 25 different
products. Of these, several contained fewer
bacteria than they claimed. Products that passed
ConsumerLab testing (contained the amount of
organisms claimed on the packaging) are listed
below. Note, however, that there are many other
products that were not included in the testing.
Probiotics and Prebiotics:
Frequently Asked Questions
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Probiotics – General Products
Product Bacterial Contents
Lactobacillus GG
Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus
L. acidophilus and B. longum
Saccharomyces boulardii
Garden of Life Primal Defense
L plantarum, B bifidum, B lactis, L rhamnosus,
B breve, L casei, L brevis, L salivarius, L acidophilus,
B subtilis, L paracasei, B longum
L rhamnosus, L casei, L plantarum, L acidophilus,
B longum, B breve, Pediococcus acidilactici,
L diacetylactis
Kal Acidophilus
L acidophilus, L bulgaricus, S thermophilus, B bifidum
L acidophilus, B bifidum, B longum
Nature Made
L acidophilus
Nature’s Sunshine Bifidophilus Flora
L rhamnosus, L casei, L acidophilus, B longum
Nature’s Way Primadophilus Ultra
L casei, B longum, L acidophilus, L plantarum,
L rhamnosus, B breve, B bifidum, Lactococcus lactis,
S thermophilus, B infantis, L bulgaricus, L salivarius,
L helveticus
Nutravite Acidophilus Plus
L acidophilus, L rhamnosus, B longum
PB8 Pro-Biotic Acidophilus
L acidophilus, L plantarum, L rhamnosus, L casei,
L paracasei, L salivarius, B bifidum, B longum
Pharmanex ProBio PCC
L fermentum
Probiotic Gut Buddies
B longum, L rhamnosus, L acidophilus
Webber Naturals
L rhamnosus, L paracasei, L acidophilus, B longum
*L=Lactobacillus, B=Bifidobacterium, S=Streptococcus
Probiotics - Children’s Products
Florastor Kids Saccharomyces boulardii lyo
Saccharomyces boulardii
Natural Factors Children’s Acidophilus
L rhamnosus, B infantis, S thermophilus,
L acidophilus, L delbruekii bulgaricus
Pediococcus acidilacticii, Saccharmomyces boulardii
*L=Lactobacillus, B=Bifidobacterium, S=Streptococcus
Please note that listing the products above does not mean that any one particular product brand is recommended
by this handout.
Probiotics and Prebiotics:
Frequently Asked Questions
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
10. What are prebiotics and synbiotics?
doses (under 10 grams a day of FOS’s) this is
rare. Inulin lowers triglyceride levels and may
help a bit with cholesterol levels as well. It
makes stools bulkier. These compounds can be
very helpful for constipation in elderly patients.
Prebiotics are ingredients in foods that increase
the growth or activity of the healthy bacteria that
live in our bowels. They are usually
carbohydrates (fiber) that are not digested until
they get to the large intestine. They are found in
the following foods: honey, beer, onions,
burdock root, asparagus, rye, Jerusalem
artichokes, bananas, maple sugar, oats, and
Chinese chives. These can be added into the
diet of someone taking probiotics.
Some products mix probiotics and prebiotics.
These products are called synbiotics.
11. Where can I get more information?
Check out the websites below:
The most common prebiotics used in
supplements are fructo-oligosaccharides
(FOS’s). FOS’s are plant sugars found in
cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Examples include
inulin and oligofructose. Other prebiotics include
lactulose, lactitol, and gluco-oligosaccharides.
ral/patient-acidophilus.html - nice
summary of the scientific research
The dose for fructo-oligosaccharides is 10 grams
daily for constipation, but 4 to 10 grams can be
used to increase ‘good’ bacteria numbers in the
gut. As with so many supplements found in
foods, it is not clear that supplementation is any
better than a diet rich in a variety of healthy fruits
and vegetables.
This handout was created by Adam Rindfleisch,
M.Phil., MD, Asst. Prof., Integrative Medicine
Program, Dept. of Family Medicine, University of
Side effects from prebiotics are rare. They can
cause gassiness, bloating, intestinal sounds, and
sometimes mild abdominal pain, but at low
Updated: September 2008