CSU-Pueblo Health Professions Committee
Recommendation Letters
(Medical, Osteopathic, Dental, Physician assistant, Physical
Therapy, Podiatry, Optometry)
What is the Health Committee (HC)?
The HC consists of faculty members from CSU-Pueblo and a few local healthcare
professionals who will provide a composite letter of recommendation in support
of a qualified student’s application to professional school. The committee letter
will be based on a review of the student’s file and an interview with committee
What constitutes a “qualified student”?
A “qualified student” will meet these minimum requirements:
Be a Junior or Senior student in good standing with CSU-Pueblo
3.2 cumulative GPA or higher
Have completed at least 36 credit hours at CSU-Pueblo
Have completed at least 16 credit hours of Biology, Chemistry, Math,
and/or Physics courses at CSU-Pueblo
What is contained in the student’s Committee Letter file?
Students requesting a letter of recommendation from HC will be required to
submit an HSC Application packet. This packet must be returned to
the Department of Biology office no later than March 28, 2022. It is the
student’s responsibility to be sure their packet is complete. Please note, an
interview will not be scheduled and a letter not written for an individual whose
packet is not complete. The Health Committee Application Packet
includes all the following (see application form also):
HC Application Form
Personal statement including Career Objectives
Copy of unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended
Work history and Activity/Volunteer/Research information or resume
Instructor Evaluation Forms (3 minimum)
Optional Non-Academic Letters (may use eval form) (1-3 maximum)
Applicants should also forward to the committee chair any specific information, request for
letter, or identification numbers for submission of recommendation letters to their
application service as soon as it becomes available.
Health Science Committee
Request for Health Committee Recommendation Letter
Student Responsibilities
Meet with your pre-health advisor to determine if you meet the minimum
application requirements and to discuss the application procedure.
Discuss any strong or weak points with your adviser. This will help you
determine how to best market yourself as an applicant: emphasize your
strengths and minimize your weaknesses or turn them into assets.
Make sure you meet all admission requirements for the schools to which you
are applying. Additionally, it’s a good idea to outline the specific requirements
of each including school’s application deadlines, essay requirements, letters
of recommendation and interview style. For instance, some schools have a
deadline for completed application packets as early as September 1 or as
late as March 1. Knowing the requirements for each allows you to make a
more efficient schedule to put your application together.
Take your MCAT or DAT or other qualifying exam before June 1 and absolutely
no later than August. If you cannot make this deadline, you should schedule
an appointment with your adviser to reconsider whether to apply in the current
application cycle or wait until the next year. Keep in mind it can take several
weeks for your scores to be sent to your designated schools. Most schools
will not consider your application complete until these scores are received.
Start writing your personal statement early in the application year so it is
completed before the application cycle begins in June. Seeking assistance
with proofreading and advice on grammar and format is strongly suggested.
Submit your application as early as possible since most schools have a
rolling admissions policy. Early application also allows time to fix any errors
that may occur during the application process (errors are not uncommon).
PREMEDICAL: AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) or
AACOMAS (American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Application Service) begin accepting medical school application materials
in May for submission starting June 1 for admissions into the following
year’s entering fall class.
PREDENTAL: AADSAS (Associated American Dental Schools Application
Service) begins accepting dental school applications in mid-May for
admissions into the following year’s freshman class.
Plan ahead for requesting letters of recommendation.
Identify which type and number of letters you will need for each school
you to which you are applying (do this as you outline your application
requirements). Some professional schools will not consider your
application complete until they receive the specific types of letters of
recommendation they require.
Apply to the CSU-P Health Sciences Committee (HSC) for a committee
letter of recommendation in March of the application year. For instance,
students who plan to apply for admissions into the fall 2020
matriculating class should plan to have the HSC application completed
and submitted by March 28, 2022. The process for HSC is outlined
in the Health Sciences Committee Packet requirements.
Identify which instructors, physician(s), or character references will best
support your application. It is important to give these individuals
sufficient time to complete a letter or evaluation in your behalf.
Provide them with the necessary materials to compose a good letter.
This could include, but is not limited to, an unofficial transcript, copy of
your personal statement, and a work or activities resume. See the
Faculty Evaluation Document for details.
Faculty/Professional Evaluation Forms
Non-Academic Letters
It is up to the student to request a sufficient number of Faculty Evaluation Forms
and non-academic letters. HC will only review a certain number of these so
carefully consider the following suggestions:
HC recommends each file contain three evaluations from science faculty, and at
least one evaluation from a non-science faculty member. Please be sure to give
the faculty members ample time in which to fill out the “Faculty Evaluation Form”
and return it to the Biology Department Office.
Up to three non-academic letters may be submitted as well, which must relate
directly to the professional school application. Ask yourself if the letter adds
anything specific to your file that is not addressed by any other means. These
additional letters might be submitted separately in your official application
process later. Recommenders providing such letters may also choose to complete
the evaluation form or not. Letters requested should be written to the
professional school, as they will likely be included with the committee letter.
This type of letter can include:
Reference letter(s) generated as the result of work or shadowing
Evaluation(s) from a volunteer activity supervisor or community service
Reference regarding a student’s leadership activities
Evaluation from the student’s research supervisor or mentor
You should aim to have at least three but no more than six evaluations/letters
included in your file. Letters and evaluations will be numbered as they arrive and
are placed in your file. Any more than six will not be considered. The committee
members only have an allotted amount of time to spend in assessing each
student. Please see your advisor to determine those recommenders who will
provide the most meaningful appraisals of you and whose letters, when viewed
as a group, will generate a complete picture of you as a professional school
candidate for the committee.
CSU-Pueblo Health Committee Letter Application Form
Name: __________________________________________________
Date Submitting Application:_________________________________
Professional Program:______________________________________
Current Cumulative GPA (≥3.2) : _________
Credit Hours (total) completed at CSU-Pueblo: _________
Hours in CSU-P Biology, Chemistry, Math, and/or Physics courses: ________
Please mark which of the following requirements are included in your submission:
o HC Application Form
o Personal statement including Career Objectives
o Copy of unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended
o Work history and Activity/Volunteer/Research info or resume
o References (6 maximum will be accepted)
o Faculty Evaluation Forms (3 minimum)
(Are submitted directly to Biology dept office by the faculty.)
List Names
o Non-Academic Letters (1-3 maximum)
(May be submitted directly to Biology dept office.)
List Names