Premedical Office
School of General Studies
404 Lewisohn Hall
Columbia University
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2
Undergraduate Premedical Curriculum ......................................................................... 2
Coursework in the Social Sciences and the MCAT
Science Electives
General Program Information
Curriculum Planning ........................................................................................................ 4
Transfer Credit
A Note to Students in the Joint Program with List College
A Note to Students in the Dual and Joint Degree Programs with Sciences Po,
Trinity College, and CityU
A Note to International Students
Further Program Planning Tips
An Alternative Route to Medical School
Healthcare Experience ..................................................................................................... 10
Volunteering in the Emergency Room
Clinical Research
Wet Lab Research
Medical Volunteering Abroad
A Note on the Application Process ............................................................................... 12
Letters of Recommendation ........................................................................................... 12
Faculty Recommendations
Other Recommendations
Requesting Recommendations
Premedical Committee Letter: Eligibility Requirements ............................................ 15
The Premedical Community at GS ................................................................................ 17
Workshops and Information Sessions .......................................................................... 17
Premedical Communications .......................................................................................... 17
Some Advice about Advising .......................................................................................... 17
Accessing Academic Help ............................................................................................... 19
Study Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 20
Undergraduate Premedical Frequently Asked Questions........................................... 22
Premedical Curriculum Worksheet ................................................................................ 24
This handbook is designed for School of General Studies undergraduate students (including those
enrolled in joint- and dual-degree programs) considering premedical studies in preparation to apply
to medical, dental, or veterinary school or education in another health profession. Please note that
we generally refer throughout this handbook to premedical” and “medical school” because the vast
majority of our students interested in a health profession do plan to enter a medical school program.
Much of what we say here, however, applies to significant (albeit varying) degrees to those preparing
to pursue educations to become dentists and veterinarians, and much of it also pertains to the
planning and preparation of future physician assistants, physical therapists, podiatrists, and nurses,
among other allied health professions. We recommend this handbook be used as a complement to
individualized advising from the staff of the GS Premedical Office.
Undergraduate Premedical Curriculum
Medical schools in the United States require students to complete a fairly standard course of study
before applying for admission. The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is designed on the
assumption that students sitting for the examination have completed this preparation. Therefore,
you must carefully plan your curriculum to ensure that you complete the proper science coursework
for your application.
Columbia offers you a strong advantage in completing this coursework. Medical schools view
Columbia students as strong applicants because they recognize how thoroughly our students are
prepared in the sciences. This is especially true of biology. Medical schools highly value the fact that
Columbia students are taught the most contemporary topics in molecular and cellular biology and
study with faculty actively engaged in research. As a group, Columbia students score more than four
points higher than the national average on the MCAT. And Columbia alumni currently in medical
school frequently remark how much better prepared they are for the rigor of the medical school
curriculum because of how biology is taught here.
The medical school admissions process has always been competitive, and with each passing year
seems to become more so. For this reason, it is extremely important for premedical students to
receive a rigorous grounding in the premedical sciences and earn excellent grades and MCAT scores.
It is impossible, of course, to detail every contingency here, but what follows gives you a good deal
of crucial information about the curriculum.
To be considered for admission to medical school, students must complete certain undergraduate
courses in the arts and sciences. There are some slight variations in these requirements from medical
school to medical school and from state to state. To prepare students as fully as possible, and to
assure that they will be in a position to apply to the greatest range of schools, the GS Premedical
Committee prescribes the following premedical curriculum for students seeking its support of their
medical school applications:
One year of college English.
One year of Mathematics, including one semester of Calculus and one semester of Statistics.
One year of General Physics, including laboratory.
One year of General Chemistry, including laboratory.
One year of Organic Chemistry, including laboratory.
One year of Biology, including laboratory, and with an emphasis on molecular and cellular
The worksheet at the end of this handbook indicates the bulletin numbers of these courses at
Coursework in the Social Sciences and the MCAT
The Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), the standardized admission test taken by applicants
to American medical schools, includes a section devoted to the psychological, social, and biological
foundations of behavior. (For more information, please consult the Association of American
Medical Colleges (AAMC) website.) The GS Premedical Committee does not require premeds to
take psychology and sociology since coursework in these subjects is not generally required by the
medical schools themselves. We do, however, recommend that students who have not yet taken a
college-level introductory psychology course plan to take The Science of Psychology (PSYCH
UN1001), the course at Columbia providing the most comprehensive introduction to pertinent
topics on the MCAT. While we certainly encourage GS premeds to take sociology courses, there is
no one course that we recommend. Furthermore, the MCAT puts greater emphasis on psychology
than on sociology (in a proportion of roughly 80 percent to 20 percent). Many premeds may find
they can learn the key sociology concepts through self-study.
A number of medical schools require a semester of biochemistry and others will likely add it as a
requirement in the future. Although Contemporary Biology I (BIOL UN2005/2401), the first
semester of Columbia’s introductory biology sequence, covers many of the foundational concepts of
biochemistry (and therefore is sufficient preparation for the MCAT),
we cannot guarantee that all
medical schools will accept this in fulfillment of a biochemistry course prerequisite, and therefore
recommend that GS premeds take a biochemistry course (it does not necessarily have to be taken
before applying).
Science Electives
For some students, our premedical curriculum represents only the minimum program to be
completed. In consultation with advisors, premed students may consider taking additional
coursework in biology and biochemistry. Biochemistry is a course all premeds should consider
taking because a number of medical (as well as dental and veterinary) schools require it (see above).
While medical schools value a student’s background in the humanities and social sciences, and do
not necessarily encourage premedical students to major in the sciences, most students in medical
school either completed science majors or took additional coursework in the sciences. One reason
GS premed students are successful in gaining admission to medical school is their willingness to
continue their preparation beyond the minimum requirements.
Please note, the introductory biology course sequence at Barnard does not cover biochemistry in any detail. Students
who elect to take biology at Barnard should consider taking a semester of biochemistry before taking the MCAT.
General Program Information
Take all premedical courses for letter grades. No premedical course in which a P is earned satisfies a
We recommend that premeds take all math and science courses, including electives,
for letter grades.
Advanced Placement (AP) work will not fulfill the premedical requirements, even if your previous
college or Columbia has awarded you credit for such work. Most medical schools expect you to
complete letter-graded university courses, and this remains an eligibility requirement for committee
support. High school work, however advanced, cannot be equated with college courses. If you are
eligible for advanced placement in calculus, you can satisfy the premedical requirement of a semester
of calculus with Calculus II (MATH UN1102) or III (MATH UN1201) or Honors Math (MATH
UN1207), depending on your AP score. If you are eligible for advanced credit in statistics, you will
still need to take a statistics course (unless you plan to take two semesters of calculus). If you are
eligible for advanced standing credit in biology, you should still plan to take Columbia’s introductory
biology sequence (BIOL UN2005-2006 and 2401), unless an advisor in the Department of
Biological Sciences approves a different course of study. If you are eligible for advanced placement
in chemistry, you will still need to complete at least four semesters of chemistry at Columbia to be
eligible for committee support (one of those semesters can be biochemistry). Please see the section
on AP Credit on the General Studies website under “Academic Policies.”
Required courses are offered at various times of the day, and frequently in the evening. For course
descriptions, please see the Columbia University School of General Studies website. Many of the
courses have course websites as well. These should be consulted before you register to assess the
demands of the courses in both difficulty and time.
Placement tests in mathematics and chemistry are optional. Students who are not sure which math
or chemistry class to begin with are strongly encouraged to take the appropriate diagnostic
placement exam to determine the best placement. You are, of course, welcome to consult your
advisor if you have any questions about this. If you prefer to begin with Preparation for College
Chemistry and/or Precalculus, there is no need to take placement tests.
Pre-Chemistry, the course you must take if you are not ready for General Chemistry I, is offered in
the summer and fall. Students pay for two points of tuition, but the course carries no degree credit.
There is no placement test for physics; however, students who have had no significant prior
exposure to physics may wish to consider taking Basic Physics to prepare for the required course
sequence. Basic Physics is offered in the summer only. Again, students pay for two points of tuition,
but the course carries no degree credit.
Please be reassured that that many GS students who began their premedical studies with these
preparatory courses have gone on to gain admission to medical school.
Curriculum Planning
To plan your course of premedical studies at Columbia, you have several important resources. Your
first resource is your undergraduate advisor in the Dean of Students Office, who will guide you in
your course selection to ensure that you meet all of your degree requirements. Secondly, your GS
premedical advisor will work with you and your advisor to plan your course of premedical study and
to guide you through the application process. Students in the Joint Program with List College are
Students who took courses in the spring 2020, at the onset of the pandemic, may have received pass-fail grades by
mandate of the school they attended. This may be an exception to the normal requirement of letter grades.
also urged to consult with their JTS advisor about how best to fit the premedical requirements into
the curriculum requirements of the Joint Program.
Once you have decided to begin pursuing the premedical or prehealth course of studies, you should
notify your undergraduate advisor who will help you to identify your premed advisor and to
schedule an appointment with them. It is advisable to meet with a premed advisor before confirming
any schedule involving required premed courses. Your premedical advisor will arrange for you to
receive the weekly premedical e-mail newsletter and will review your academic records, including
courses taken outside Columbia, to determine which premedical requirements, if any, you may have
already satisfied. To facilitate your program planning, the premedical advisor can communicate his
or her findings by means of the Premedical Course Clearance Form.
Thoughtful program planning is crucial, especially in the early stages of the premedical curriculum
when you are learning how to study science, getting used to taking courses graded on a curve, and
refining your time management skills.
When you are nearing completion of the required courses and are readying to take the MCAT exam,
perhaps as early as the spring of your junior year, you will begin to work closely with your
premedical advisor who will guide you in preparing your medical school applications. Keep an eye
open for notices in the premedical newsletter about mandatory general advising meetings to attend,
and next steps to take and when to take them.
Note: Medical schools do not require you to major in science. You should select a major of interest to you as you are
more likely to do well in it. Admissions committees look for academic diversity when admitting a class in order to bring
together a variety of opinions and perspectives.
Medical schools expect that the basic premedical science courses be completed during regular terms
of enrollment since the accelerated schedule of summer courses often results in a less thorough
academic preparation. Please plan your program accordingly. Of the four basic premedical sciences,
your grades in biology and organic chemistry will be weighted the most heavily. General Physics II
and General Chemistry II are the only science lecture courses that students are routinely allowed to
complete during Columbia’s summer session in the specially designed 12-week course format. It is
also acceptable to take math, psychology, and the lab courses for Physics II, General Chemistry,
Organic Chemistry, and Biology in the summer.
Doubling up: Although it is not a requirement, we strongly recommend that premeds who are not
science majors take at least two science lecture courses concurrently in at least two semesters. By
doubling up on science lecture courses and earning strong grades you will provide admissions
committees with a powerful demonstration of your capacity to manage the academic demands of
medical school.
The medical school admissions calendar reflects the fact that the vast majority of medical school
applicants are applying as they near the end of a “traditional” college career. Undergraduates
typically sit for the MCAT in the spring or early summer of their junior year and complete their
medical school applications, including secondary applications, that summer. During their senior year,
students make themselves available for medical school interviews. Some schools will make their
decisions in the fall, but most students are notified in the spring for admission to medical school for
the fall following their college graduation.
This is an idealized timetable, and it may be difficult (unwise, even) for General Studies
undergraduate students to adhere to it. Many undergraduates have a “gap” during their application
year (applying as seniors, rather than as juniors). This provides students with the opportunity to gain
experience in medical research, if desired.
Transfer Credit
Some students matriculate at the School of General Studies having already completed premedical
coursework at another institution. The Premedical Committee routinely reviews such coursework
and, at its discretion, may accept some or all of it in satisfaction of premedical requirements. A
number of considerations enter into the review of such coursework: Where were the courses taken?
How long ago were they taken? What grades were earned in them? Will they count toward your
major at Columbia? Will they prepare you to take upper level courses at Columbia? To enjoy the
support of the Premedical Committee when you apply to medical school, you must complete at least
fifteen points of premedical study at Columbia (excluding English, psychology, and all preparatory
coursework). (See Premedical Committee Letter: Eligibility Requirements for more on the eligibility
requirements for support.)
If you earned strong grades in the entire premedical curriculum prior to matriculation at Columbia,
you will (with rare exceptions) need to take introductory biology at Columbia and then complete at
least another nine points of upper-level lecture courses in order to have the committee’s support.
Typically, a student in this situation would do so by majoring in biology or biochemistry. This
approach is more likely to be successful the more there is consistency between the grades earned
before Columbia and those earned at Columbia.
A Note to Students in the Joint Program with List College
Completion of the premedical curriculum poses special challenges for undergraduates in the Joint
Program with List College for several reasons. First, these students are working to complete two
degrees concurrently, toward which end they must complete two majors, as well as other general
degree requirements. Secondly, they are less likely than their GS peers to matriculate having
completed any of the premedical requirements. In addition, there is work involved in completing the
application to the Premedical Committee, preparing for the MCAT, and applying to medical school.
Completing the premedical requirements on top of the requirements for the two degrees, though
difficult, can be done successfully, but it requires careful program planning, consultation with
advisors, and use of the Academic Resource Center and other forms of academic support whenever
appropriate. Joint Program students will need to consult their JTS dean, in addition to their GS
advisor and premed advisor, regarding how to reasonably schedule JTS, GS, and premedical
requirements. The availability of spring/summer course sequences in General Physics and General
Chemistry may offer greater flexibility in planning their programs. In some cases, it may be advisable
to allow themselves additional semesters so that they can excel in their work.
A Note to Students in the Dual and Joint Programs with Sciences Po, Trinity College, and
City U
Students in the dual and joint degree programs with Sciences Po, Trinity College, and CityU face
some special challenges in completing premedical studies at GS. In particular, they won’t be able to
use any science coursework completed abroad to satisfy the requirements of the premedical
curriculum. Consequently, it may not be feasible to complete all degree and premedical requirements
within a two-year period. Students with a strong commitment to becoming physicians should inquire
to arrange for additional time in which to complete their requirements. We recommend that such
students inform their advisors of their aspiration for medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine as
early as possible to allow time for thoughtful planning. Those joint and dual degree students who are
international students should also read the following note.
A Note to International Students
International students who must maintain an F1 Visa are required to register for a full-time course
load of at least 12 points. This full-time status must be maintained in each semester of enrollment.
International students are also advised that most U.S. medical schools give preference in admissions
to applicants from their own states or regions. It is therefore very difficult for an international
student to gain admission to a U.S. medical school, unless he or she becomes a U.S. citizen or
permanent resident. According to the American Association of Medical Colleges, a total of 53,030
applicants sought admission to medical school for the entering class of 2020 and a total of 22,239
matriculated (nearly 42% of applicants). Of these matriculants, only 131 were neither U.S. citizens
nor permanent residents.
This number reflects several circumstances. For example, many public institutions may limit
admission to state residents, and private institutions may require international applicants to pay the
entire cost of their medical education up front (or place the funds in escrow). We therefore
encourage every international student pursuing a course of study in premedicine at the School of
General Studies to consider seeking permanent residence and eventually citizenship to improve their
chances of admission to an American medical college. In any case, we urge you to be as informed as
possible about the application process, admissions constraints, and alternative routes to medical
Further Program Planning Tips
Do not feel that you must adhere to an artificial or self-imposed timeline to complete the
required courses. You should take the courses when you are academically ready for them. Many
GS graduates currently in medical school started with Pre-Calculus and/or Pre-Chemistry.
You cannot begin Physics unless you have taken Calculus or are taking it as a co-requisite. If you
have never taken Calculus or Physics before, it may be a good idea to complete Calculus before
you start Physics.
If you are not in Calculus while taking the first semester of the General Chemistry sequence, you
should be enrolled in it by the time you take the second semester of the course.
General Chemistry
You cannot take Organic Chemistry or Biology at Columbia until you have successfully
completed General Chemistry.
Columbia offers General Chemistry I and II during the summer. Each is just six weeks long. We
strongly advise against taking these courses in this summer session format. If you are thinking of
taking either or both of them, you should discuss this with your prehealth advisor.
General Chemistry I is offered in both the fall and spring semesters. If you take General
Chemistry I in the spring, you should take the 12-week summer session General Chemistry II.
The one-semester, 3-credit General Chemistry Lab course can be take alongside the second
semester of the General Chemistry lecture course sequence or afterward. (It is offered during
summer session in both a six-week and a twelve-week formateither is acceptable.)
Physics I is offered in both the fall and spring semesters. If you take Physics I in the spring, you
should take the 12-week summer session Physics II.
Columbia offers Physics I and II during the summer. Each is just six weeks long. We strongly
advise against taking these courses in this summer session format. If you are thinking of taking
either or both of them, you should discuss this with your prehealth advisor.
If you are new to Calculus and Physics, we recommend that you complete the former before
taking the latter.
Physics labs ought to be taken concurrently with physics.
Columbia’s Biology I is offered only in the fall semester and its Biology II course is offered only
in the spring semester.
The one-semester, 3-credit Contemporary Biology Lab course can be take alongside either
semester of Contemporary Biology. It is also sometimes offered during summer session.
EEEB majors may take Environmental Biology I (EEEB UN2001) to satisfy the first half of the
biology sequence; they should plan to take BIOL UN2006 or UN2402 to complete the
sequence. A semester of biochemistry is also recommended.
Organic chemistry
Columbia does not offer Organic Chem I in the spring and does not offer Organic Chem II in
the fall.
Columbia does offer Organic Chem I and II during the first and second six-week summer
sessions respectively. Each is just six weeks long. We strongly advise against taking these courses
in this condensed summer session format. If you are thinking of taking either or both of them,
you should discuss this with your prehealth advisor.
But see below concerning Barnard College course offerings.
But see below concerning Barnard College course offerings.
Organic chemistry lab is offered during the summer as a single course taught in a six-week
format. If you completed organic chemistry during the prior academic year and still need to take
the lab, it is acceptable to take the lab in the summer.
Barnard College courses
Barnard College courses in biology and organic chemistry are compatible with committee
support; however, access to these courses may be limited. Premeds who choose to take biology
at Barnard are advised to take a separate biochemistry course to prepare for the MCAT.
GS premeds should not take general chemistry at Barnard, since the curriculum for that course is
incompatible with Columbia’s other premedical requirements.
The contents of Barnard College’s two-semester course sequences in biology and organic
chemistry begin in the spring and end in the fall.
Barnard College courses in biology and organic chemistry may not count toward the majors in
Columbia’s Departments of Chemistry and Biological Sciences. Students planning to major in
the sciences should plan to complete all their premedical prerequisites at Columbia.
Summer session courses
We recommend that only the following science lecture courses be taken in the summer: the 12-
week versions of General Chemistry II and Physics II. Any exceptions to this must be approved
by your premedical advisor.
Generally speaking, any of the labs may be taken in the summer, although physics lab courses
are normally taken alongside the corresponding physics lecture courses.
Space in summer lab sections for biology and organic chemistry may be limited.
Summer lab courses may be taken in either the 6-week or (where available) the 12-week format.
Please be advised that, in general, successful applicants to medical school present an overall
cumulative grade point average that is at least 3.5 and a science cumulative average that is at least
3.3. Preferably, both should be higher. According to the Association of American Medical
Colleges, the mean science grade point average of a 2021 medical school matriculant was 3.68;
the mean cumulative grade point average was 3.75.
Course workloads
Use the course look-up tool to research course workloads before registration. Many students
who decide to drop a course, typically a lab, lament that they did not realize in advance how
much work was involved. All of the premedical courses have websites; please consult them
carefully before meeting with your advisor.
An Alternative Route to Medical School
The FlexMed Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is an option some GS
undergraduates may wish to explore. This is an early assurance program to which interested students
apply by October 1 of their sophomore year. It is intended to encourage undergraduates to pursue
study in areas of interest to them without the medical school application process casting its long
shadow over their undergraduate years. If accepted into this program, the premed goes on to
complete an abridged form of the premedical curriculum, but also takes courses in medical ethics,
health policy, public health, and translational medicine. If you are interested in this program, we
recommend you discuss this with your premedical advisor early on. Be advised, however, that
admission to this program is highly competitive. For more information, visit the FlexMed page.
Healthcare Experience
Strong grades in science courses are not enough to make one a competitive applicant to medical
school. Medical schools are also interested in what students do to help others and to learn about the
day-to-day workings of medicine. Many institutions deem actual medically-related experience
imperative; some see it as one of many ways to demonstrate a caring attitude, good interpersonal
skills, and sincere motivation for a career in medicine. For information on specific schools’
requirements, students should visit their websites or contact their admissions offices. Generally,
volunteer work is definitely a plus and even more so if it involves patient contact. All medical
schools agree that it is critically important that applicants know what they are getting into, and have
tested their aptitude for a career in medicine before they apply. Health care work, usually as a
volunteer, helps to address these concerns. Many students also find that service as a volunteer helps
them keep their ultimate goal in sight while their attention is focused on the immediate demands of
the premedical curriculum. All premedical students at GS are required to have significant health care
experience that runs over an extended period of time, since medical schools will look for evidence of
your preparedness to maintain a commitment. To be eligible for committee support, you will need
to complete at least 120 hours of service in an appropriate volunteer or paid clinical health care
capacity. Upon completion of your service, or at least by the time you are about to apply to medical
school, you should have your supervisor or the hospital’s volunteer coordinator verify the sum total
of your hours of work. The Premedical Office has a form available for this purpose; however, a brief
statement on the hospital’s letterhead stationery is also acceptable.
Volunteering in the Emergency Room
Often, the most readily available opportunity is to serve as a volunteer in a hospital emergency
room. Most hospitals look for a commitment of three or four hours (but sometimes more) each
week. All students should begin volunteering as early as possible in their programs of study; a
sudden flurry of hours in your final semester may appear insincere. Volunteering in the private
practice of a family member will look equally suspect, if it represents the majority of your
experience. Please consult The Postbac News (a twice-weekly listserv for GS prehealth students) and
the Postbac Premed Program website for a list of local hospitals and the contact information for
their volunteer offices. Listings are also available for prevets and predents. You are encouraged to
seek your premed advisor’s opinion of any health care work opportunity you have been offered.
Clinical Research
It is certainly possible to find opportunities beyond the emergency room setting. Be sure to consult
the weekly Postbac Premed News & Announcements newsletter, which frequently contains notices
of such openings. Most commonly, students find clinical research volunteer positions, whether in an
emergency room or elsewhere in the hospital, where they help physicians conduct research by
recruiting eligible patients for research studies.
Wet Lab Research
Opportunities in basic science medical research (wet lab) are more limited. Wet lab research is
valued highly by the most competitive medical schools, which, not surprisingly, are often those with
large research enterprises located within major medical centers. Admissions Deans at some top-tier
schools report that applicants are more competitive if they have completed wet lab research by the
time they file their applications. Please be aware, however, that many premeds matriculate at medical
schools without wet lab experience.
Undergraduates majoring in the sciences can frequently get some exposure to research in advanced
courses in their majors, through summer research fellowships, or as volunteer research assistants.
With so many medical schools in New York City, many opportunities are available, although it may
require some effort to find them. The Premedical Office will post many available openings in the
Postbac Premed News & Announcements newsletter. Because of their positive experiences with GS
premeds in the past, many researchers post their openings exclusively through the GS Premedical
Office. Another good source are the human resources web pages at major medical centers where
they may be listed as “technician” or “laboratory technician” positions. Leads from fellow students
may be especially fruitful. Because of the nature of research work, students are usually asked to
commit ten to twelve hours each week as a volunteer research assistant for one year, and sometimes
longer. An added benefit of volunteering as a research assistant is that it sometimes leads to full-time
paid employment as a research assistant during the application year.
Wet lab experience is something we recommend that every premed consider; however, we do not
recommend you undertake such work, unless you are positively interested in, or very curious about,
it. Admission to medical school does not depend upon working in a wet lab.
Medical Volunteering Abroad
Many GS premeds are eager to volunteer in health care settings outside of the United States, where
access to medical care may be extremely limited and avidly sought. We are all for helping others in
need wherever in the world they may be. Be advised, however, that such work does not necessarily
make an applicant to medical, dental, or veterinary school more competitive. There are several
reasons admissions committees may be inclined to regard such work with diffidence; these include:
the excessive cost of participating, which makes it prohibitive for many capable students, and the
generally short duration of such volunteer commitments (one or two weeks is typical). Also, medical
schools often feel they can make a better assessment of an applicant’s commitment to the difficult
profession of medicine on the basis of work undertaken in unglamorous settings in the United States
rather than work done in an exotic locale. Postbac Premed students who wish to do service abroad
should regard it as a supplement to the clinical and research work they complete domestically.
Students who pursue opportunities abroad should ensure that the tasks they assume are
commensurate with their experience and training and the work is conducted under the supervision
of a health care professional. Students should be advised that the School of General Studies has not
vetted or endorsed any of the programs listed on our website under Clinical and Research
Opportunities; they therefore must investigate any program before joining it.
Students who arrange work abroad during their enrollment at GS should notify their advisor
beforehand and register with International SOS, an emergency services insurance program that
provides worldwide assistance in the event of an emergency.
Prior to volunteering abroad, students are also encouraged to review the AAMC reference
Guidelines for Premedical and Medical Students Providing Patient Care During Clinical Experiences
Abroad. Predents should review Guidelines for Predental Students Providing Patient Care During
Clinical Experiences Abroad. The information in these documents is general enough in nature that
prevets and allied health pre-professionals are also encouraged to consult them.
Many students are interested in shadowing physicians, and we think it’s a great thing to do. Students
who shadow often have opportunities to observe interactions and procedures that volunteers may
not see. Some medical schools may even expect viable applicants to have done some shadowing.
Even so, the majority of your work ought to be in a service-oriented role.
Part of the purpose of
volunteering is to enable you to show your commitment to service. As an admissions dean put it
during a medical school admissions panel held at Columbia several years ago, “shadowing is for you;
volunteering is for others.”
Note: Please be advised that jobs and volunteer positions in healthcare posted on the website and
sent via the premed mailing list have not been screened by anyone at the School of General Studies.
The posting of a position does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the School of
General Studies. Investigate all opportunities before committing.
A Note on the Application Process
A key function of the premedical advising program at the School of General Studies is to guide and
support GS premeds through the complex and lengthy application process. Generally speaking, in
the fall semester before applying to medical school over the following summer, premeds should
attend a group advising session devoted to the application process. Thereafter they should become
acquainted with the documents on the Postbac Program website describing the essays and other
materials prehealth students must upload to their Prehealth Portfolios and with the timeline for
submission of the portfolio and the common application, and for the taking of the standardized
admissions test (MCAT, DAT, GRE).
Premedical advisors want to do more than explain what applicants must do. They want to help you
understand why the things you are required to do matter and provide some guidance in how to
finesse them. Moreover, because the writing of the essays for your portfolio is such an important
part of your preparation to apply, the premedical advisors want to encourage undergraduates to
speak with them, if any questions arise as they are writing them. While grades in science courses and
standardized test scores are an important part of a premed’s application, the bulk of it is a written
account of the applicant’s life experiences and motivations for a career in medicine. Understanding
why such information weighs so heavily in the thinking of admissions committees will help you
write the essays with greater confidence. It is also our hope that if you begin working on these essays
early on, your reflections on yourself and your life experiences to date will help to vivify your current
While we won’t provide an extended discussion of the application process here, it does seem useful
to address the subject of letters of recommendation, since this is something many students may want
to begin thinking about long before they enter the application phase.
In distinguishing between volunteering and shadowing, we are well aware that many volunteer positions include a
significant amount of shadowing. This is perfectly acceptable and need not be debited from your hours. We recommend
that you be less concerned with whether the Premedical Committee will audit your health care experience (we won’t)
than whether that experience makes you as compelling an applicant as you can be.
Letters of Recommendation
Medical schools will attach great weight to the recommendations submitted in support of your
candidacy for admission. There are three principal kinds of recommendations: faculty
recommendations, recommendations from employers or from volunteer activities, especially (though
not exclusively) those related to medicine and health care, and the recommendation of the
Premedical Committee (discussed separately below). Admissions committees are interested in letters
only from people under whom you have studied or worked. With rare exceptions, character
references or letters from family physicians and the like are not appropriate.
Note to Prevets: The process for compiling letters of recommendation is very different from that
described here. It is recommended that you consult with your preveterinary advisor regarding this
matter before proceeding to request letters.
Faculty Recommendations
The medical school admissions process seeks to determine whether you possess the academic ability
to succeed in medical school. For this reason, substantial weight is placed on the recommendations
of your instructors. Most medical schools expect several references from science faculty; some ask
that these be distributed across the premedical science curriculum.
Request three letters of recommendation from Columbia science faculty. While we require two such letters to
complete the Committee Letter, it is advantageous for the committee to have letters to choose from.
Also, requesting an additional letter or two may ensure you have back up, in case one of your
referees falls behind. Request letters from science faculty immediately upon the completion of each
course. Requesting letters of recommendation at the last minute will reflect poorly on you,
needlessly inconvenience your referees, and possibly delay your medical school application. Be
advised, however, that some faculty may prefer to wait until you are entering the application process
before submitting a letter for your file. As in other aspects of the application process, be flexible in
your expectations.
Some faculty members have specific requirements about letters. For example, they may not write for
you if you take the course in the summer, or they may want you to submit a resume. Identify these
requirements early so you can meet them.
Request at least one letter of recommendation from a faculty member not in the sciences, preferably
from your major.
Request any letters from former faculty at your previous college early in the process. Any letter that
is received will be held in your file until you apply.
Other Recommendations
Request at least one letter of recommendation from someone who has supervised your service as a
volunteer (whether in a clinical or research setting).
Request a letter of recommendation from each of your previous employers in the field of medicine
or health care.
If you have substantial work experience outside of the field of medicine or health care, request
letters of recommendation from your employers, past and present.
If you have competed in organized sports or were active in one of the performing arts, you should
consider requesting a letter from a former coach, teacher, director, or conductor.
If you intend to apply to MD/PhD programs, you should have letters of recommendation from
each of the scientists under whom you have conducted research.
Requesting Recommendations
Begin to seek recommendations as early as possible. Failure to request letters of recommendation in a timely
fashion is one of the greatest causes of delay in students’ applications. When requesting letters from
former employers and from instructors at previous schools, be sure to let them know what and how
well you have done at Columbia to demonstrate the seriousness with which you are pursuing your
premedical preparation.
It is important that your referees mention in their letters that they are writing specifically in support of
your candidacy for admission to medical school. Medical schools want to know that when a letter was
composed the writer knew exactly for what purpose his or her support was being solicited. That
said, you should tell your referees that they are not expected to comment upon your potential either
for medical study or for professional success as a physician. It is sufficient for them to say simply
what work you did for them and how well you did it, and that it is on that basis that they are
recommending you for admission. Of course, if your referees are able to add further information
based on their personal knowledge of you and their knowledge of medicine, admissions committees
will be happy to have it.
Make sure your referees understand that they should address their letters generically “To the
Admissions Committee,” rather than to an advisor or a specific medical school. Be especially clear
on this point with referees outside Columbia, who sometimes confuse the fact that you are a
premedical student here with the idea that you may be applying to Columbia University’s medical
school (or, even, to Columbia’s Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program!). Letters of recommendation
addressed to the Columbia School of Medicine will be returned to your referee for correctiona
time-consuming process with an uncertain outcome.
If you have a dossier of recommendation letters at another institution you should have it forwarded to the GS
Premedical Office. If the letters in your dossier were not originally written for medical school
applications, you should ask your referees to write new letters specifically mentioning that they are
recommending you for medical school.
In general, you should request letters from those who know you well. Obviously it would be best if
each of your faculty referees knew you personally; but medical schools also recognize the reality of
large lecture classes. Therefore, the expectation is that letters from science faculty will speak to the
rigor of the course and your rank in the class. For example, an ideal letter from an undergraduate
instructor would come from someone from whom you took more than one course, or under whom
you completed a substantive research project or thesis. Many times in large lectures it will be difficult
to get to know the instructor, even if you seek additional help with the course material during office
hours. In addition to expanding on the course requirements and the meaning of the grade, faculty
will add personal observations when they can, sometimes relying on input from teaching assistants.
In any case, the decision of whether to provide a reference, and with what enthusiasm, is exclusively
the referee’s prerogative. If you have not been in contact with instructors from your previous
schools, you can refresh their memories with a letter, a resume, a photo, a copy of a paper
completed for their class and, if feasible, a personal visit.
Inform your referees that recommendations should be typed on the referee’s institutional letterhead,
signed, and dated. Institutional letterhead and a signature help to authenticate the letter.
Make sure to send along a recommendation waiver form (see below).
Letters can be transmitted to the GS Premedical Office in several ways:
A scanned copy of the signed and dated letter, accompanied by the waiver form, may be e-
mailed to
The letter and waiver form may be mailed to the GS Premedical Office (the mailing address
is on the waiver form). Some Columbia faculty members prefer to hand-deliver it, and that is
also acceptable. Please provide referees with stamped envelopes preaddressed to our office
to facilitate the mailing of their letters to us.
Once you have established your Prehealth Portfolio, you will be able to make entries for
referees. When you do so, the system will send each referee an e-mail with a unique link at
which to upload their letter. We encourage you to use this system; however, it is advisable to
communicate with your referees about your desire for their letters before entering them into
your portfolio. You will be able to track online the arrival of those letters submitted directly
to your portfolio.
N.B. You must not function as the courier for your letters. We will discard any letters received from
you, whether by hand, US Mail, or e-mail.
Thank-yous: We encourage you to send your referees a brief note to thank them for writing on your
behalf. Referees will also be delighted to learn where you plan to matriculate. Please consider letting
them know.
The Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (the “Buckley
amendment”), provides students with the right of access to educational records. In the case of
recommendations, the law provides that students, if they choose, may waive that right. You should
determine for yourself whether your interests will be best served by recommendations that are
accessible to you. Confidential recommendations will be written and submitted by faculty and others
with the explicit understanding that they will be read only by the Premedical Committee and medical
school admissions committees. The presumption is that letters to which you have waived your right
of access are more candid assessments of your ability and potential as a medical student. For this
reason, if you do not trust that a reference will be satisfactory, you would probably do better not to
request it, rather than to retain your right to review it.
Whether you choose to waive your right of access or not, your decision must apply consistently to
all your letters. Your decision to waive or not to waive your right of access also extends to your
Premedical Committee Letter. In other words, you cannot waive access to individual letters of
recommendation, but retain it for the Committee Letter, or vice versa. Furthermore, when you
waive your right of access to your letters, you also waive your right to know which letters the
Premedical Committee chooses to attach to your Committee Letter.
Every recommendation you request should be accompanied by a statement of its status as a confidential or non-
confidential evaluation. These waivers forms are available in the waiting area outside the Premedical
Office and on the Postbac Program website (
You should supply one to each of your referees when you request their support. (However, if you
are arranging for letters to be submitted online, the waiver statement will be incorporated into the
system-generated e-mail sent to your referees.)
Premedical Committee Letter: Eligibility Requirements
Most medical schools expect applicants to have the support of the Premedical Committee of the
institution at which they completed their premedical requirements. At the School of General Studies,
the Premedical Committee, comprising the four premedical advisors, provides its support in the
form of a Committee Letter.To be eligible for a Premedical Committee Letter, you must meet the
following conditions:
Completion of the premedical curriculum, including one year of English; at least 15 points of
premedical science coursework should be completed while enrolled at GS
All of the premedical courses must be completed by the summer of the application year
You must be in good academic standing. (N.B. For the purpose of eligibility, GS students
placed on Conditional Disciplinary Probation are ineligible for support notwithstanding their
good disciplinary standing because they have been found responsible for prohibited
To satisfy a course requirement, you must earn a grade of at least C
Completion of a minimum of two semesters at GS
Documented completion of at least 120 hours of appropriate work (volunteer or paid) in a
health care setting providing opportunity to interact with patients.
You must have the written support of two Columbia faculty members, or instructors, from
the premedical sciences and mathematics departments. Toward this end, we urge you to
request at least three such letters of recommendation
Timely completion and submission of the online prehealth portfolio (in effect, your
application for committee support), along with all the other materials required by the
committee (letters of recommendations, certification of volunteer work, a copy of your
submitted common application, etc.)
An interview with a member of the Premedical Committee (Portfolio Review)
GS does not provide Committee Letters for students who, having begun studies at Columbia,
subsequently complete required premedical coursework elsewhere. If you defer application to
medical school beyond your last semester at GS, the Committee will provide a letter of support only
if you apply within three years of graduation under the following conditions:
You have completed most of your premed requirements within two years prior to graduation
You have met the eligibility requirements for a letter
You meet the internal deadlines for a committee letter
If you do postpone application to medical school after completing your undergraduate degree, you
are advised to keep active in a health-related field and remain in touch with your GS prehealth
Reapplication: If your application is unsuccessful, you will retain your eligibility for committee support
for four years after the first application cycle in which you become eligible for it. Reapplicants are
required to submit additional materials to the Premedical Committee by the published deadlines.
This includes a brief supplement to your portfolio, verification of additional hours of health care
work, additional letters of recommendation, and a copy of the submitted common application for
the new application cycle. Please see the Postbac Premed website for details or consult with your
premed advisor.
The Premedical Community at GS
In addition to the undergraduate premeds, the School of General Studies is home to some four
hundred Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program students who take the same premedical courses as
their undergraduate peers through a non-degree program. These students give shape and energy to
the premedical community at GS and are represented by their own student organization, the Postbac
Premed Student Council (PPSC). While you, as an undergraduate, are not eligible to run for office in
the PPSC, you will receive invitations to all kinds of events the PPSC sponsors throughout the year.
We urge you to attend as many as appeal to you. The social events give you a chance to meet other
premedical students who, like you, are facing the challenges of completing premedical preparation
while leading independent lives. Events such as the Medical School Fair Deans’ Panel give you a
chance to hear from medical school admissions deans, while the MCAT Panel, the Application Year
Panel, and similar events allow you to learn about aspects of the premedical experience from the
perspective of current and former students who are further along in the process.
Workshops and Information Sessions
Throughout the academic year, the GS Premedical Office offers workshops and information
sessions to augment students’ classroom experience and the support they receive from their
premedical advisor. Workshops and information sessions are held on a variety of topics including
application preparation, personal statement writing, interviewing skills, and glide year planning.
Dates and additional information on these workshops and information sessions may be found in the
weekly Postbac Premed News & Announcements newsletter and on the Postbac Premed calendar.
Premedical Communications
As a premedical student, you will be added to the premedical e-mailing list, which will provide:
Crucial information about deadlines, medical school visits, changes in the medical school
admissions process and events of interest to premeds
Notices of group advising meetings, panels on the MCAT, workshops on interviewing, etc.
Postings of clinical and research opportunities, both paid and volunteer, to help you acquire
direct experience of medicine and patient care.
The primary vehicle for this information is the weekly Premed Weekly newsletter. We urge you to
read it regularly. We also recommend you look at the Postbac website; please do not be put off by
the term “Postbac”: much of the information applies to undergraduates also.
Some Advice about Advising
The premedical path is a difficult one to follow; however, if you are sincerely interested in a career in
medicine, we encourage you to pursue it. Every premed comes to the task with different experiences
and different strengths. It is good to know what yours are. We encourage you to go on the
assumption—one that we make—that you can do it. From there it is all (well, perhaps not quite all)
a matter of strategy, planning, hard work, and the exercise of good sense. This is where your advisor
can be helpful. We encourage you to speak with your advisor to discuss a workable plan of action.
We also ask you to consider carefully your advisor’s advice.
Accessing Academic Help
Prepared by the Postbac Premed Council (PPSC)
Welcome to the Premedical Program at Columbia. There are many resources available for guidance
and assistance in your class work and we urge you to use them.
You are each other’s best resource. Do not feel shy about approaching your classmates for help, to
form a study group, or just to ask advice. Everybody has different academic strengths and
weaknesses, so it’s a good idea to pool your knowledge—everyone learns more that way. If you have
no academic weaknesses (lucky you), it’s still to your benefit to help others. The best way to test
your knowledge is to teach someone else. Your peers are also your best source for information
about course requirements, professors’ teaching styles, and scheduling.
Professors and Teaching Assistants (TAs)
Professors and TAs have office hours to answer questions or clarify material. Some people feel more
comfortable approaching TAs, while some like speaking with professors. Both are useful sources of
information. TAs and professors are generally very accommodating; if you can’t meet them during
office hours (due to work, etc.), call or email them for an appointment. TAs will also hold recitation
(an hour-long review of lecture material and homework) at least weekly, and it is a mandatory part of
most courses. For many students, this is an extremely useful supplement to attending lecture.
Departmental Help Rooms
The physics, math, and statistics departments have free help rooms. The hours vary, but your
professors will announce them at the beginning of the semester. They are staffed by graduate
students who are willing to answer all your questions.
Academic Resource Center (ARC)
The Academic Resource Center offers free academic support in all premedical subjects, including
tutor-led study groups, a weekly premed work room, and traditional tutoring appointments. These
resources are designed to help students at all levels of mastery: whether you’re struggling with an
entire subject or trying to turn an A to an A+, the ARC can help!
In addition to tutoring services, the ARC also offers support consultations on study skills, test taking
strategies, time management, critical reading skills, optimizing your study group, and more. Services
are constantly evolving based on student needs and requests—so if there’s something you’d like to
see that isn’t offered, your input is always welcome.
Paid Tutors
You can find a paid tutor in two ways. First, look around for advertisements on campus.
Alternatively, department offices will provide you with a list of graduate students who tutor for a
fee. The tutors from the biology, chemistry, and math departments have departmental approval.
Many tutors offer group rates.
Study Guidelines
By Professor Deborah Mowshowitz
[Professor Deborah Mowshowitz has written the following guidelines for Columbia’s biology class. We believe they can
be applied to any course.]
1. Come to class. In some courses all you have to do is read the book, but that is not the case here.
There is too much stuff in the book, and the lecture will key you in to what is important and
what isn’t; it will also provide a framework to stuff all the facts into. If you have to miss a class,
get the notes from a fellow student. Get the phone number of at least one other student now, so
that you’ll have someone to call if necessary.
2. Take notes. Everything that really matters will be discussed in the class; the book is really just for
back up (this may not make sense, but this is how we do it). There are many styles of taking
notes—some people prefer to get all down word-for-word and some people prefer to just write
down the critical points. Either way is fine, but be sure you get the point (if you are
concentrating on transcribing every word) and be sure you understand the necessary details (if
you are concentrating on the point). Taping is permitted, but the transcribing of tapes is very
time consuming and we don’t recommend it. You are probably better off forming a study group
and going over notes together to fill in the holes. We do not give out notes because we believe
you learn more from taking your own.
3. Form a study group or partnership. Don’t try to do it alone. (If you are too shy to ask anyone, we will
help you find a partner.) Study groups are generally good because they help you go over the
material (see above), give you an opportunity to practice explaining your answers (see below),
and provide moral support.
4. Do the problems. Seriously and carefully. This is probably the most important thing. All the other
advice is just to get you in shape to do this. Do the unstarred problems first and leave the starred
ones for later (to test yourself). Go over the unstarred problems until you feel confident with the
material; go over them more than once if necessary, but don’t do the starred ones until you
understand the others. Once you feel on top of the material, do the starred ones as if it were a
test—write out the answers and write out the explanations of how you got your answers.
5. Make pictures, diagrams, summary charts, concept maps, etc. The ones in the book (and the ones we
hand out in class) may be good, but for best results, you should make your own. Don’t copy
over your notes or outline the book word-for-word; digest each section of the notes or text first
and write your own, private, condensed version (in whatever form you preferuse diagrams,
charts, etc.).
6. Keep up. The current material is always based on what came before, so once you get behind it is
very difficult to catch up.
7. Read one of the texts before class if the material is new to you. It is very hard to follow the lecture if every
word and concept is unfamiliar. It probably does not pay to spend too much time on the text(s),
as explained above in point 2, but some people learn better from books than they do from
8. Ask questions. If you don’t understand something, ask. That is what the TAs are here for and that
is how the lecturer finds out if he or she is going at the right pace. Don’t wait for the class
bigmouth to speak up—do it yourself. Don’t be afraid of looking stupid—looking dumb before
the exam is a lot smarter than looking dumb afterwards. To get the most out of recitations and
office hours, go through the problems and/or notes first and come prepared with a list of
questions. The more effort you put into asking questions, the more you will get out of the
9. Master the vocabulary. The stress in this course may be on using the vocabulary, but you won’t get
anywhere until you learn it first. So try to master all the new terms as fast as possible. Be
especially careful about words that seem similar, but mean different (often related) things (such
as peptide/protein, chromosome/chromatic, gene/allele, etc.). Once you get the vocabulary
down pat, you will find it much easier to follow the lectures and do the problems.
10. A word or two about grades. The two most common complaints about grades heard in this class are
“the exam grade doesn’t reflect my knowledge of the material” and “my grade doesn’t reflect the
amount of time and effort I put into this course.Sometimes these complaints are justified, but
often they mean the student does not understand what is expected of him or her, or is
concentrating on (and spending too much time on) the wrong things. In this course you have to
know how to use the material, not just repeat it. If you think your performance on the exam
does not reflect your knowledge, it often means you have memorized the facts but have not
practiced enough at selecting the right ones and applying them to whatever problem is presented
to you.
Undergraduate Premedical Frequently Asked Questions
How does GS come to recognize that I’m premed?
Once you realize you are premed, predent, or otherwise “prehealth,” be sure to tell your advisor and
ask that you be linked (through the GS Student Success Portal) with your premed advisor. You will
then be able to schedule an appointment with your prehealth advisor. In anticipation of your
appointment, your prehealth advisor will review transcripts of coursework you completed before
Columbia (where applicable) to determine whether any requirements have been satisfied. With your
permission, your premed advisor will also arrange to have you added to the weekly premed listserv
(The Premed Weekly). We encourage you to meet periodically with your premed advisor to discuss
your premed academic track, academic preparation, health care experiences, and medical school
Who does the premed advising?
GS has an excellent premed advising staff which also advises non-degree students in the
Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program, the oldest and largest of its kind in the U.S. All
premed/prehealth students at GS are assigned a premed advisor from the GS Premedical Office
Your premed advisor will work with you on the specific order and combination of courses to be
taken to fulfill the premed requirements, guide you through the process of applying to professional
schools, and, for students who qualify, provide written support in the form of a committee letter.
Can I substitute previous coursework at other schools or other courses at Columbia or
Barnard for any of the premedical requirements?
Students are expected to fulfill the specified premedical course requirements at Columbia. Any
substitution or equivalent coursework to be used, whether taken at Columbia or elsewhere, must be
officially approved in writing by your GS premedical advisor.
What if I have completed some of these required courses elsewhere?
Premeds must complete at least fifteen points of required premedical coursework at Columbia. It is
also recommended that they double up on their science lecture courses over the course of two
semesters. Students who have completed some of these basic courses prior to matriculation at GS
may be advised by the Premedical Committee to take advanced level science courses in order to
fulfill eligibility requirements for a committee letter as well as to be more competitive applicants for
medical school. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.
What summer session courses can be taken to satisfy premedical requirements?
We recommend that GS premeds take only the following summer session courses in satisfaction of
the premed requirements prior: the 12-week General Chemistry II course (CHEM S1404); the 12-
week General Physics II course (PHYS S1202); general chemistry laboratory; organic chemistry
laboratory; biology laboratory; and courses taken in fulfillment of the math-related requirement. It is
also acceptable to take the Science of Psychology (PSYC S1001), a course recommended to premeds
who will eventually take the MCAT. If you are thinking of taking the physics or chemistry lecture
courses offered in Columbia’s Summer Session in a six-week format, you should discuss with your
advisor the pros and cons of doing so.
What if the premed courses are included in the requirements for my major?
Students who satisfactorily complete the premedical requirements are eligible for committee support
even if some of the premed courses satisfy major requirements.
Can premedical courses count toward the fulfillment of the GS core requirements?
Yes, required premedical courses may be counted toward fulfillment of the GS science core
If I did hospital volunteer work before matriculating at GS, must I continue to volunteer?
You are required to complete at least 120 hours of health care work while enrolled at GS, volunteer
or paid. Even if you have prior experience, there is always more to learn about medicine, and New
York City, with its many health care facilities, is a great place to do so. By continuing to volunteer,
you will demonstrate to medical schools the extent of your knowledge about, and your enthusiasm
for, medicine.
What if I am interested in veterinary or dental medicine or other healthcare professions?
The basic premedical curriculum will prepare most students who are interested in going on to other
kinds of health care professional programs. Students interested in other health care professions, such
as veterinary medicine, should consult with their premedical advisor about additional, particular, or
substitutional prerequisites for admission to other professional programs.
Additional Questions?
Please consult with your GS premed advisor.
Premedical Curriculum Worksheet
Course Number
English (University Writing)
Literature (in English)
ENGL 3000-level or higher
3 or 4
Calculus I
Statistics or Calculus II
STAT UN1101 or
Introductory Psychology**
PSYC UN1001 or
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry I Recitation
variously numbered
General Chemistry II
General Chemistry II Recitation
variously numbered
General Chemistry Lab
CHEM UN1500***
Basic Physics*
Physics I Lecture
Physics I Lab
Physics II Lecture
Physics II Lab
Intro Biology/Contemporary Biology I
BIOL UN2005 or UN2401
3 or 4
Intro Biology/Contemporary Biology II
BIOL UN2006 or UN2402
3 or 4
Contemporary Biology Lab
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry I Recitation
variously numbered
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry II Recitation
variously numbered
Organic Chemistry Lab I
Organic Chemistry Lab II
* This is a prerequisite for a required course, but not itself a requirement for medical school. Neither Preparation for
College Chemistry nor Basic Physics may be taken toward the degree.
** This course is not required for premedical study, but it is recommended as preparation for the MCAT.
*** The lab course is accompanied by a zero-credit lab lecture (UN1501).
The lab course is accompanied by a zero-credit lab lecture (UN2495, UN2496).
The biology and organic chemistry requirements may be satisfied with Barnard College coursework (subject to
availability of space in the course); however, premeds who choose to take biology at Barnard are advised to take a
separate biochemistry course to prepare for the MCAT. They are also advised that they should not take the Barnard
College courses, if they plan to major in one of the sciences.
Students who plan to major in ecology, evolution, and environmental biology may take Environmental Biology I:
Elements to Organisms (EEEB UN2001) in place of BIOL UN2005/UN2401; they should take BIOL
UN2006/UN2401 for the second semester of biology and are also advised to take a separate biochemistry course to
prepare for the MCAT.