Division of Consumer Affairs
State Real Estate Appraiser Board
124 Halsey Street, 3
Floor, P.O. Box 45032
Newark, New Jersey 07102
New Jersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on Recycled Paper and Recyclable
Notice to Supervising Appraisers and Trainee Appraisers
Beginning on January 1, 2008, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:40A-4.6, licensed real estate
appraisers will no longer be approved to serve as supervising appraisers. Thus only State
Certified Residential or State Certified General real estate appraisers will be accepted as
supervising appraisers for the purposes of acquiring a trainee permit.
Additionally, beginning immediately, a supervising appraiser will not be permitted to
supervise more than three trainees at one time. Thus, any individual applying for a trainee
permit, and seeking to be supervised by an appraiser who is already supervising three
trainees will not be eligible to be granted a trainee permit.
(The requirement under N.J.A.C. 13:40A-4.6(f) 4 that supervising appraisers immediately
notify the Board in writing when she/she ceases supervising a trainee remains unchanged.)
To review the recent amendments, please access the Board’s web site at
www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/real/ , click the “Laws and Regulations” tab then click on
“Adoptions,” then scroll to February 5, 2007.
New Jersey Ofce of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
State Real Estate Appraiser Board
124 Halsey Street, 3rd Floor, P.O. Box 45032
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6480
Trainee Permit Renewal Checklist
The information listed below must be submitted with the Trainee Permit renewal in order to be processed.
Renewal fee of $100: Renewals received after renewal date will result in a late fee of $100 plus the
renewal fee of $100.
Renewal form: If you have more then one supervisor all supervisors must be listed on renewal form.
Certication of Supervisor Form: Effective 1/1/08 a new supervisor form must be completed and
signed by each supervising appraiser.
Evaluation & Certication Form: To be completed by any supervisor who is no longer supervising.
Competency Certication Form: To be completed by each supervising appraiser if not previously
Continuing Education Document: AQB Criteria requires all appraisers, including Trainee Appraisers,
to complete CE. (See Criteria Applicable to All Appraiser Classications, section III F, Criteria
Specic to Continuing Education.) A state with Trainee Appraisers must, at a minimum, implement
the CE requirement as follows:
Trainee Appraisers are required to demonstrate CE beginning with the rst full renewal cycle
after July 1, 2013 and each following cycle. Therefore, Trainee Appraisers who receive a
credential on or after July 1, 2013. Must complete CE in accordance with AQB Criteria for
each year during the credential cycle before any subsequent renewals.
Original Board issued Trainee Permit logs: (Please keep a copy for your own records). Effective
January 1, 2008 all experience must be on the Board approved log.
New Jersey Ofce of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
State Real Estate Appraiser Board
124 Halsey Street, 3rd oor, P.O. Box 45032
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504‑6480
Application for Trainee Permit Renewal
(Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:40A-4.4)
Information that you provide on this application may be subject to public disclosure as required by the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).
Please print clearly. Date ___________________________
Permit No. _______________________________________
1. Name of applicant ____________________________________________________________________________________
Last name First name Middle Initial
Home address ________________________________________________________________________________________
Street address /Apt. No. City State ZIP code
Home phone ___________________________ or Cell phone ____________________________
(include area code) (include area code)
Indicate with a check if information above includes a change of: Name Address Phone No.
2. Name of Supervisor ___________________________________________ License No. ____________________________
Business address ______________________________________________________________________________________
Street address City State ZIP code
Business phone _________________________ Cell phone ____________________________
(include area code) (include area code)
(List additional supervisors on the reverse side of this application.)
Indicate with a check whether this application is a request for a: 1
renewal 2
renewal 3
3. Continuing Education
Have you completed the required 14 hours of continuing education? Yes No
If “Yes,” submit evidence of completion with this application for renewal.
Note: Renewal will not be accepted without the original log. Please keep a copy of the log for your own records.
Please be advised that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:40A‑7.3(a)6, trainee real estate appraisers shall use the full designation
“Trainee Real Estate Appraiser” followed by their permit number. No abbreviation shall be permitted.
I hereby certify that all of the statements made herein are true and correct.
Real Estate Appraiser Trainee’s Signature
Please make check or money order payable to: State Real Estate Appraiser Board
Do not write below this line.
Date received ___________________________ Fee $ __________________________________
Check No. ______________________________
Application No. _________________________ Money order No. ________________________
Log attached: Yes No
Additional Supervisors (continued)
3. Name of Supervisor ___________________________________________ License No. ____________________________
Business address______________________________________________________________________________________
Street address City State ZIP code
Business phone _________________________ Cell phone ____________________________
(include area code) (include area code)
4. Name of Supervisor ___________________________________________ License No. ____________________________
Business address______________________________________________________________________________________
Street address City State ZIP code
Business phone _________________________ Cell phone ____________________________
(include area code) (include area code)
5. Name of Supervisor ___________________________________________ License No. ____________________________
Business address______________________________________________________________________________________
Street address City State ZIP code
Business phone _________________________ Cell phone ____________________________
(include area code) (include area code)
6. Name of Supervisor ___________________________________________ License No. ____________________________
Business address______________________________________________________________________________________
Street address City State ZIP code
Business phone _________________________ Cell phone ____________________________
(include area code) (include area code)
Trainee Name:
The individual above has applied for a Trainee Appraiser Permit and designated you as a
SUPERVISING APPRAISER pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:40A-4.6. Board regulations require
that you acknowledge this responsibility in writing; the full text of those regulations is listed
§ 13:40A-4.6 Responsibilities of supervising appraiser
(a) Any individual designated as a "supervising appraiser" by the holder of a trainee permit shall
acknowledge in writing to the Board that he or she agrees to perform all responsibilities set forth in (f) below.
(b) Supervising appraisers shall be in good standing with the Board and shall not have been subject to
any disciplinary action, including revocation, suspension, or stayed suspension, by the Board, within the last
three years from the beginning of the supervision.
© No appraiser shall serve as a supervising appraiser until he or she has been a licensee of the Board
for at least two years.
(d) Beginning on January 1, 2008, licensed real estate appraisers shall no longer be approved to serve
as supervising appraisers. Beginning on February 5, 2007, the Board will no longer accept applications by
trainees who seek approval of a licensed real estate appraiser as a supervising appraiser.
(e) Beginning on January 1, 2008, only those individuals who are certified by the Board as either a State
certified general real estate appraiser or a State certified residential real estate appraiser shall be a
supervising appraiser.
(f) A supervising appraiser shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
1. The supervising appraiser shall at all times be responsible for and provide direct supervision of the work
performed by the trainee. For purposes of this section, "direct supervision" means:
I. To personally review the work product of the trainee;
ii. To approve, sign, and accept responsibility for each appraisal report including work product prepared
by the trainee or in which the trainee has made a professional contribution and to sign all such reports and
certify that all such reports have been independently and impartially prepared in compliance with the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, these rules and applicable statutory standards; and
iii. To indicate, within the certification section of the appraisal report, the name of the trainee providing
significant real property appraisal assistance. For purposes of this subparagraph, "significant" means the
exercise of appraisal knowledge and training and does not mean clerical or fact gathering tasks.
2. The supervising appraiser shall, at least once a month, sign the log required to be kept by the trainee
pursuant to
N.J.A.C. 13:40A-4.7
and shall set forth thereon his or her license or certification number.
3. The supervising appraiser shall provide the trainee with a copy of any final appraisal report in which the
trainee's work product has been utilized or in which the trainee made a professional contribution.
4. The supervising appraiser shall immediately notify the Board and his or her trainee(s), in writing, in the
event that he or she ceases to perform or is unable to perform the responsibilities set forth in this section.
5. A supervising appraiser shall not supervise more than three trainees at one time;
6. The supervising appraiser shall personally inspect, with the trainee, the interior and exterior of each
appraised property until the supervising appraiser determines that the trainee is competent in accordance with
the Competency Rule of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Upon making the
determination of competency, the supervising appraiser shall request a competency certification form from
the Board. The supervising appraiser shall submit, to the Board, within 30 days of receipt of the competency
certification form, the certification that the trainee is competent to perform property inspections independently.
Examples of competency include, but are not limited to, properly identifying the problem to be addressed,
being familiar with a specific type of property, market, geographic area, or analytical method.
7. The supervising appraiser shall prepare and furnish a signed statement describing the nature and
extent of the assistance rendered to each trainee who provided services on an appraisal assignment. This
statement shall be placed in the work file of the appraisal assignment.
8. Upon the termination of the supervising appraiser and the trainee relationship, the supervising appraiser
shall request an evaluation certification form from the Board. The supervising appraiser shall submit, to the
Board, within 30 days of receipt of the evaluation certification form, the certification evaluating the activities
performed by his or her trainee.
9. Failure to comply with this section may be deemed professional misconduct.
You are also reminded of your responsibilities under Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
Practice standards rule 2-5, "An appraiser who signs a real property appraisal report prepared by
another, even under the label of 'review appraiser', must accept full responsibility for the contents
of the report."
Pursuant to all applicable laws and regulations of the New Jersey Board of Real Estate Appraisers,
I hereby accept designation as a Supervising Appraiser for the above-captioned trainee in his/her
capacity as holder of a Trainee Permit issued by the Board of Real Estate Appraisers. I have read
and understand my responsibilities under these rules and the Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practice.
__________________________________ ___________________________
(Name of Appraiser) (License/Certification Number)
(Signature of Appraiser)
Sworn and subscribed to before me this _________ day of _____________________, 20____
(Name of Notary Public)
AFFIX ________________________________
(Signature of Notary Public)
My commission expires: ____________
County ____________ State________
revised 1/1/08supervisor form.wpd
TRAINEE NAME:________________________________________
TRAINEE PERMIT NO.:__________________________________
I. Land / Site
Inspection & Descriptions
II. Building
Inspection & Descriptions
III. Neighborhood Description
& Analysis
IV. Highest & Best
Use Analysis
V. Research & Analysis of
Comparable Sales
VI. Cost Analysis
VII. Income Analysis
VIII. Sales Adjustment Analysis
IX. Correction / Reconciliation
Of Data- Final Value
Appraisal Location & Address of City and State of Name of Type of Property Intent Use of The
Date Appraised Property Appraised Property Client Appraised Appr. Report
1/1/0000 000 Halsey Street Newark, NJ Appraisal Bank Multi Family Purchase
Check the appropriate boxes to describe the nature and extent of the assistance rendered to each
trainee who provided services on the appraisal assignment.
o N.J.A.C. 13:40A-4.6
this si
ned statement shall be placed in the work file of the appraisal assi
Supervisor Signature:_______________________________Certification Number:________________________Date:________________
Supervsor Name: (PRINT )_____________________________
nature & extent of assistance rendered to each trainee form. Revised 2/1/08
Pursuant to
13:40A-4.6 (6)
the supervising appraiser shall submit, to the Board, within 30 days
of the receipt of the competency certification form, the certification that the trainee is competent to
perform property inspections independently.
have been a designated supervisor of
Name of supervisor Name of Trainee
. I have personally inspected the interior and exterior of
Trainee Number Number of properties
appraised with the aforementioned trainee and I have determined that the trainee is competent in
accordance with the Competency Rule of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
to perform property inspections independently. (Examples of the competency include, but are not
limited to properly identifying the problem to be addressed, being familiar with a specific type of
property, market, geographic area, or analytical method).
_______________________________ ___________________________
Name of Supervisor (Print) Certification Number
_______________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Supervisor Date
I, (
) have been a designated supervisor of ( )
Name of supervisor Name of trainee
. The termination of the supervising appraiser and trainee relationship was
trainee permit number
effective on ( / /
). Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:40A-4.6(8) this certification is an evaluation of the
activities performed by the trainee.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Applicable/Comments
Understands USAP Goals
Identifying Scope of Work Required
Research of Subject Property
Relevant Characteristics
Sales History
Contract of Sale (when applicable)
Survey/Tax Map
Applicable Zoning
Cost Approach
Building Costs
Age/Life Factors
Contribution of the Land
Sources of Depreciation
Sales Comparison Approach
Identification of Neighborhood
Location Variables
Selection of Comparable Properties
Market Conditions/Financing Factors
Gross Rent Multipliers
Acceptable Adjustment Methodology
Income Approach
Lease Agreements/Market Rent
Development of Net Operating Income
Capitalization Rates/Methodology
Competent Analysis of Data Collection
Ability to Express Analysis
Certification Requirements
Record Keeping
Understands USPAP Requirements
Signature of Supervisor:__________________________________ Date: ________________
License/Trainee Appraisal Log
CHECK ALL THAT APPLY T = Trainee Participation S= Supervisor Participation
APPLICANT NAME:__________________________________
TRAINEE PERMIT/LICENSE NO.____________________
I. Land / Site
Inspection & Descriptions
Scope of Review
II. Building
Inspection & Descriptions
Scope of Review
III. Neighborhood Description
& Analysis
Scope of Review
IV. Highest & Best
Use Analysis
Scope of Review
V. Research & Analysis of
Comparable Sales
Scope of Review
Scope of Review
VII. Income Analysis
Scope of Review
VIII. Sales Adjustment Analysis
Scope of Review
IX. Correction / Reconciliation
Of Data- Final Value
Scope of Review
Address of City and State of Name of Type of
Intended Use
T S S T S S T S S T S S T S S T S S T S S T S S T S S of Hours
Date Appraised
Client Property
of Apprl Report
000 Halsey
Street Newark, NJ Appraisal Bank Multi Family Purchase
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE:______________________ LICENSE NUMBER:_______________________
SUPERVISOR NAME (PRINT):______________________ Page Total
EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2008 all experience must be on this log form only.