CSBD Dislocated
Worker Assistance Booklet
Utilize this valuable guide for Career
Services, Résumé Tips, and Interview
Techniques for a positive move forward.
Message from the President
Today, we are meeting under difficult circumstances. The prospect of
changing jobs and looking for a new position can seem like an overwhelming
task. This is especially true when the loss of your job is the result of a
reduction in workforce. Our purpose here today is to make sure, as you move
forward in your career, that you are aware of valuable resources and job
search tips on interviewing and résumé writing that will assist you in finding
your next job.
This can also be a time for reflection. A time for you to reevaluate your career
options, access your goals or perhaps consider gaining new skills.
Experiencing a career transition may feel like the end of the world, but it is
actually a new door of opportunity opening wide for you. Now may be the time
to consider starting that new business you always dreamed of, but never had
the time. Or perhaps you were thinking of going back to school, but the
thought of mixing homework with regular work, just made you exhausted.
Well, the good news is that the job market and workplace today has unlimited
potential for career advancement. With the continual decline in the
unemployment rate as a result of the economic recovery, companies in the
South Florida region are hiring again.
We can assist you in upgrading your skills and becoming more marketable.
You are at the beginning of your new job search and we are here to help as
you transition. Please visit your nearest career center to find out if you are
eligible for one of our approved training programs, and to receive job search
assistance from one of our success coaches.
Today is going to be a great day. You are truly with the right people, in the
right place, at the right time. Let’s move forward together.
Carol Hylton
CareerSource Broward
Resource Room
Self-directed services such as
job-related internet use, résumé
building, fax, telephone, and
printing are available in our
resource rooms.
Visit one of our Career Centers
today to conduct online job
searches through the Employ
Florida or meet with one of our
Success Coaches for
personalized job search
assistance, referrals to
employers, and career planning
Career Success
Résumé building, interview
techniques, career pathways,
social media, and networking tips
are just a few of the invaluable
skills you can gain when you
attend our workshops—all at no
cost to you! Check our monthly
Events Calendar for more
Computer Skills
We have computer classes
designed at various skill levels
to explore computer basics,
Employ Florida website features,
and Social Networking
opportunities. These classes are
listed on our monthly Events
Calendar online and in our
Career Centers.
Looking to advance your
career? Interested in training for
high demand occupations?
Whether currently working or
actively job seeking—we have
programs to help achieve your
employment goals. In addition,
we partner with local
educational institutions for job
training assistance.
Employ Florida
The State of Florida’s official
job board is a great resource to
find your next, right job. Here
you can create a profile, upload
a current résumé, and valuable
labor market information. Visit
to get started.
eSkill Assessments
These various career
assessments will help you find
occupations that are compatible
with your strengths and suitable
for your needs. Specifically, these
assessments can be used to:
1) match your skills, 2) match
your interests and work values,
and 3) match your occupation.
Explore more at our Career
CareerSource Broward
Network (PPN)
Page 1
This is a three day self-directed
job search program for profes-
sionals.During the workshop
you will gain key insights on
writing a winning résumé,
effective job search techniques,
interviewing tips, and more.
For more information, visit http://www.careersourcebroward.com/CareerServices.aspx
Federal Bonding
A unique job placement tool that
helps ex-offenders, substance
abusers, individuals with poor
credit records, dishonorably
discharged, or lacking work
history—anyone who needs
a bond to get a job!
Service for People
with Disabilities
Ticket to Work (TTW) is an
employment program for SSI/
SSDI beneficiaries interested in
working. This program provides
job training, job placement, and
other support services to help
people with disabilities reach
their full potential.
Veteran Services
We have dedicated staff to
assist veterans and spouses
with employment, counseling,
and job career services. Please
ask us about veteran “Priority
of Service.”
Page 2
Youth Services
We provide workforce services
to young adults between 18
and 21 years of age, living in
Broward County. Ask us about
our current Youth programs
and services.
Resources, Programs, and Services
Visit your nearest Career Center location for details.
Center calendars with event details are available at www.wf1broward.com/Workshops/events.htm
Our Vision
To be the premier workforce agency promoting
better jobs and providing quality workers that
enhance the quality of life and build a sustainable
economy for Broward County.
Our Mission
To provide innovative solutions through the
professional delivery of quality services which
consistently and effectively meet
workforce needs.
We have three Career Centers conveniently
located throughout Broward County
to better serve you.
CareerSource Broward North
4941 Coconut Creek Pkwy.
Coconut Creek, FL 33063
(954) 969-3541
CareerSource Broward Central
2610 West Oakland Park Blvd.
Oakland Park, FL 33311
(954) 677-5555
CareerSource Broward South
7550 Davie Road Extension
Hollywood, Florida 33024
(954) 967-1010
Center Hours
Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Page 3
Employ Florida
Employ Florida, at www.employflorida.com, is where employers and jobseekers connect. Discover how easy
it is to access a complete set of employment tools in one website—all at no cost! Jobseekers and Students can: research
careers, education, training programs; create professional résumés and cover letters; conduct job searches; receive automatic
notifications of new job matches; and connect to local workforce experts!
1. To access Employ Florida:
a. Enter www.employflorida.com into the address bar of your Internet browser.
b. In our resource room, click the “Jobs” button which appears on the desktop screen.
2. Click on “Not registered? Learn how and why.”
3. Under Option 2 – Create a User Account, click on “Individual.
4. You will be asked to enter a Username and Password. Your Password must be at least 8 characters long and
no more than 16 characters long. It must contain at least one letter and one number. No spaces are allowed.
4. Please write down and save your Username and Password. You will need them whenever you access Employ Florida.
5. All questions with a red asterisk (*), and those with arrows, are mandatory, and must be answered. Please read the blue
captions to the right of the area you will need to fill in for instructions. If the instructions are not followed, entries will not
be saved.
1. Under the “Quick Menuoption on the left side of the screen, roll your mouse over where it states
“My Portfolio.”
2. Click on “My Individual Profiles.”
3. Click on “Personal Profile.”
4. Click on the “Background” tab (the large tan tab, second from the right).
5. Click on “Start the Background Wizard” (the blue button).
The Following Areas Are Mandatory Fields And Must Be Filled In
1. Education and Trainings (highest level)
2. Occupational Licenses/Certifications (if you have a current one in Florida)
3. Employment History
4. Ability Summary (a listing of your abilities/job skills)
5. Driver Information (self explanatory)
6. Desired Occupation (Your two top job choices)
7. Salary
8. Desired Job Type
You do NOT
need to place references on your resume. They are best submitted on a separate sheet at an interview.
Résumé Builder
1. Under the “Quick Menuoption on the left side of the screen, roll your mouse over where it states:
“My Portfolio.”
2. Click on “My Individual Plans.”
3. Click on “Employment Plan Profile.”
4. Click the blue button at the bottom where it states “Create New sumé”
5. Select if you want to have employers see your resume or not
6. Select the resume creation type
7. Name your resume with the type of job you are looking for
8. The wizard will walk you through the rest of the steps
Work/Job Search
Under the “Quick Menuoption on the left side of the screen, click Job Search. Follow the instructions
If You Need To Retrieve Your Password
On Employ Florida homepage, on the right side under the login, click on “Forgot User Name
and/or Password?” Click on “Retrieve both” and fill out all requested information.
For more information, Employ Florida instructional videos are available at
How To File A Claim About Reemployment Assistance (RA)
Go to www.floridajobs.org/connect to access the online system to file a RA claim, claim your weeks or access
frequently asked questions. The online system is available 24 hours a day and 7 days-a-week. However, the online
system is only available to claim weeks Monday - Saturday, 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Before filing your claim on-line, gather the following information to assist you in completing the application:
1. Your Social Security number
2. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of all your employers during the last 18 months
3. The dates you worked and total earnings from each employer
4. Driver’s License, State ID, Voter Registration number or other type of ID that could verify your identity
5. The name and local number of your labor union hall, if applicable
6. If you are not a U.S. citizen, your
Alien Registration Number and work permit expiration date
7. Your DD-214 form (if you were in the military within the last 2 years)
8. Form SF-50 or for SF-8 and check stubs or W-2 proof of earnings (if you were a federal employee)
In order to qualify for reemployment assistance, you must be able and available to work and are actively looking for
full-time employment. This requirement includes five (5) job search contacts a week. Participation in workshops at
CareerSource Broward is an acceptable alternative to employer searches.
Submit questions or comments regarding the RA program by accessing the Reemployment Assistance Contact Form
online at www.floridajobs.org/fileaclaim. All e-mail inquiries will be responded to by a RA agent within 5 business
days, either by e-mail or telephone, based on your choice.
Page 4
How Referrals Work
The CareerSource Broward professionals you see every day work with job seekers, and we have other representatives who work
with employers. These employers enter jobs directly into Employ Florida. Employers do this under the condition that
we prescreen job seekers before they apply―they want to make sure we are only sending them the most qualified applicants. This
saves the employers time because they aren’t looking through hundreds of unqualified résumés, and it saves you time because
you aren’t competing to be noticed against unqualified candidates.
Prescreening means a representative will review your résumé with you and compare it to the job requirements listed for the
position. You need to be prescreened for jobs where:
1. The Job ID number is seven digits long and begins with a “9
2. The Employer Name is Suppressed or Not Available
Once you find a job like this, you’ll need to make sure that all four of the following are complete:
1. You must be registered with us on www.employflorida.com
2. Your full background must be posted to your employflorida.com profile with a full work history. To access your
background, go to the left blue vertical toolbar, click “My Individual Profile”, then “Personal Profile.” Background is the
brown tab in the center of the screen.
3. Y
ou must have your
résumé posted on www.employflorida.com with no spelling or format errors.
4. The résumé must reflect that you possess the requirements / qualifications for the posted job
If all four of the above are complete, and you find a job or jobs for which you are qualified on www.employflorida.com, write
the job ID numbers and your Username down and stop by the officeno appointment necessary. We can review three jobs for
you per day. We are open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and on Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We are closed
on Federal holidays and close at 5:00 p.m. every workday within weeks which have holidays. The longest wait time for referrals
is between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Career search links available at http://www.careersourcebroward.com/CareerServices.aspx
You may call the RA Hotline to speak with an agent anytime from Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at
(800) 204-2418. RA agents can provide information about filing a claim, claiming your weeks or obtaining information
about your claim.
Page 5
Optimizing Your Résumé
Developed Guided Led Organized Inspired
Introduced Launched Redesigned Initiated Created
Achieved Secured Increased Enhanced Demonstrated
Accomplished Implemented Surpassed Analyzed Solved
Reduced Strengthened Utilized Streamlined Tackled
Need To Polish Up That Résumé?
sumé Styles Skill Set Inventory Keywords Cover Letter Effectiveness Multimedia Alternatives
Learn from the pros how to create a winning sumé to land your next interview with the Résumé Workshop. You will
learn the different résumé styles, the importance of keywords, and what hiring managers respond to most.
Résumés are important advertisements for an interview. However, few people are résumé savvy—their résumés are often
“dead upon arrival,” because of numerous writing, production, and distribution mistakes. Here’s how to incorporate the
characteristics of a strong and effective résumé.
The Purpose of Your Résumé
It is your sales and marketing tool.
It is the answer to why an employer should “hire you.”
It forces you to inventory your skills, background, education and accomplishments in a concise manner, using keywords
of the specific profession or industry.
It prepares you for your interview.
It helps you make a favorable impression.
Preparing Your Résumé
Concise is best. Keep your résumé to one or two pages, plus a cover letter.
Utilize a clean, well designed layout. Include each of the key categories: experience, skills, and education.
Make sure to leave enough white space on the page, but not too much.
Provide important information. Include telephone, email, and a physical mailing address.
Create a work appropriate email address with your name instead of nicknames.
Customize your su. Create a distinct sumé for each application / Industry / position type.
Focus on success. Identify your accomplishments and outline a pattern of successful work experience.
Leave out personal details. Do not include hobbies, likes / dislikes, as well as family and health related issues.
Spell check and proofread. Typos and punctuation errors need to be corrected before sending.
Print on high quality paper. Keep your sumé clean, free of stains and smudges.
Get attention using Industry Buzz words and keywords. The sample list below provides powerful words which will
strengthen the impact of your sumé.
Writing Your Cover Letter
Keep it brief and concise. Limit your cover letter to the facts.
Address the correct person. When a contact name is not available, use “To Whom It May Concern.”
Briefly explain how you heard about the position. Discuss how you meet their requirements; mention your applicable
skills if moving from another industry; describe what you can
bring to the company.
Address obvious disqualifiers. Use your cover letter to discuss items like an out-of-state address, lack of degree, etc.
Finish strong. End the letter by requesting an interview and express the desire to follow-up.
Find the next scheduled Résumé workshop at
Functional Résumé
carolhardworker@yahoo.com www.linkedin.com/in/carolhardworker
106-412 Lake Drive Residence: (954) 555-1234
Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33309 Cellular: (954) 555.1111
Dependable and efficient professional, enjoy working with the public and dedicated to high quality customer service.
Proven track record for working effectively with team members.
Awarded the “Best Customer Service Associate” for a period of 2 years.
High Quality Customer Service Front Desk, Receptionist Functions Greeting Customers
Training New Employees Inventory Control Office Procedures
Data Entry Cash Handling Organized
Strong Attention to Detail Multitask Effective Time Management
Observed, studied and implemented an entirely new filing system for Laboratory Customer Service servicing all 46 Centers
located throughout the country thereby ensuring quick and efficient retrieval of all tests results.
Screened over 140 clients on a weekly basis for plasma donation.
Accurately and confidentially recorded customer results; Filed records, charts and department records in accordance with
company policy; efficiently tracked office inventory resulting in cost-control purchases.
Trained new and existing employees; integral in motivating team members.
Processed multiple cash transactions daily resulting in a balanced drawer.
Administrative Assist Boca Raton, FL
Biomedical Receptionist Pembroke Pines, FL
Administrative Support Miami, FL
INPHYNET (Humana Health Care Plans), Miami, FL 1998 – 1999
Medical Records Supervisor
CAMBRIDGE HEALTHCARE, Indianapolis, IN 1997 – 1998
Medical Records and Unit Secretary
MED-COR (Nationwide Correspondence), Indianapolis, IN 1996 – 1997
Medical Records Department
Medical Records Department
San Antonio Business College (1 year)
West Virginia Tech
A Functional Résumé is best used by individuals with gaps in employment or frequent job changers.
Combination Résumé
A Combination Résumé is best used by individuals in transition and those who have grown in skills.
5000 NE 62nd Court - #401, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
Telephone: (954) 555-5555 • Email: joutstander5000@yahoo.com • www.linkedin.com/in/janeoutstander
Senior Manager Sales and Marketing
Goal driven, results oriented sales and marketing executive with more than twenty years experience possessing excellent strategic planning,
management, P&L responsibility. Proven ability to implement organizational initiatives that consistently increase profitability and reduce
operational costs in competitive markets.
Professional Strengths:
Strategic Planning & Growth Key Account Management P & L Management Trend/Market Analysis
New Account Growth & Development Contract Negotiations Proactive Management Brand Recognition
Professional Experience:
Fidelity Capital Financial Group - Fidelity Capital Title 2005-2012
Responsible for initiation, planning, timeline management, scheduling, team formation, communications planning, change control and closure.
Direction and oversight of regional results - tracking and analysis; revenue reports to determine product trends and effectiveness in multiple
markets. Recruited, trained, mentored, and developed sales staff throughout region; managed and evaluated existing sales channels, direct and
B2B, and determined effectiveness. Evaluated acquisition and retention plans with the intent to maximize market share. Investigated and
implemented new products and methods to improve production and cost savings solutions in operations.
Increased market penetration by $3,000,000 annually (37%)
Built automated title operations for public record information retrieval for financial institutions, attorneys and government agencies.
Project analysis resulted in approximately $4,000,000 cost savings to company.
Reviewed existing IT systems and recommended enhancements and upgrades resulting in a measured revenue and cost savings increase
of $2,800,000.
Spearheaded South Florida sales and operations. Launched problem-solving initiatives; successfully resolved production difficulties; defined
and attained measurable goals. Actively identified and captured new accounts. Maximized revenue within existing accounts, exceeding
expectations in levels of client satisfaction. Developed annual budget and conducted monthly review of P&L strategies.
Increased revenue by 21%.
Successfully negotiated contracts resulting in $385,000 annual cost savings.
Implemented quality tracking system that reduced error-rate, improved brand loyalty and added more than $150,000.00 to the bottom line
WORLDWIDE Information Services - Fort Lauderdale, FL 1990-2005
Charged with creation and deployment of effective sales and marketing strategies; in-depth market research, cold-calling, follow-up, and
networking initiatives. Demonstrated excellence in tracking and maintaining key corporate accounts. Analyzed potential areas of market
penetration and joint venture opportunities. Created and implemented multi-media advertising, innovative promotional materials and dynamic
tradeshow and convention presentations.
Solely represented over 31% of overall national sales corporate wide, out of eight sales representatives.
Represented 70% of revenue generated in the state of Florida.
Achieved 33% increase in market share, building customer base from 6 to 200.
Proactively participated in all account oversights to ensure total customer satisfaction.
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
Bachelor of Science: Major in Architecture
Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL
Associate of Arts
2007 Leadership Program
Fidelity Capital Financial Group
Perfecting Your Interview
There is probably no bigger test demonstrating the ability to function professionally and gracefully under pressure than the job
interview. Your interview may be with a single person, with different people, or even an interview before a group. You will be
judged on appearance, attitude, personality, skills, and how well you respond to questions.
Before The Interview
Do your homework. Research the company and find out as much information as you can.
Dress for success. Think about appearance and select clothing that reflects professionalism—and don’t forget grooming.
Practice. Rehearse a verbal résumé. It’s a good idea to have a friend role-play a mock interview with you.
Be prepared. Review yoursumé and be ready to answer any and all questions about your résumé. Type a list of
references for the interviewer. Having a list of references helps the interviewer take the next step.
During The Interview
Be on time. Allow yourself ample driving time so that you arrive ten minutes early. for the interview You can use any extra
time to check your appearance
Shake hands. If the interview doesn’t offer his or her hand, you should offer yours. Make it a firm, confident handshake.
Smile and make eye contact.
Use manners. Wait to be seated and refrain from smoking or chewing gum; avoid one word answers such as “yeah” or
“nope” and maintain good eye contact.
Turn off your cell phone. A ringing phone is disruptive and shows that you haven’t planned ahead.
Emphasize your strengths. When answering questions, sell your abilities without being overzealous. Avoid using jargon
or slang; and avoid rambling off topic.
Ask to be considered. Let the interviewer know you would like the job and state your reasons why.
Establish the next step. Ask when they expect a decision to be made and when you might be contacted. End on a
positive notesmile, shake hands, and thank the interviewer.
After The Interview
Send a thank you note. This note should be sent immediately.
Call to follow up. A general rule of thumb is to place a follow up call five to seven days after the interview.
Tough Interview Questions
What made you apply for this job?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What are your salary expectations?
Do you have any questions about the job?
These are all typical questions asked during an interview. Practice your responses. Give reasons why your skills qualify you for
the position. Present strengths and weaknesses without bragging. Ask if there is a salary range for the position and then decide
what you’re willing to accept. Impor
tantly, be prepared to ask questions about the job! You can ask with whom you will work,
how your work will be evaluated, and how you can learn more about the job. Never focus on salary or benefits.
Find the next scheduled Interview workshop at
Congratulations, You Have An Interview And Need A Few Tips!
Company Research Common Questions Selling Yourself Professional Attire Follow-up Letter
The Interview Workshop will be your best move. Here you will discover the most effective ways to promote yourself
and showcase your knowledge in a professional manner to get the results you want. Visit
http://www.careersourcebroward.com/AboutUs/CalendarofEvents/Calendar to find available date and time for
all workshops.
Page 9
Starting Your Own Business
It is essential to have a business plan and strong support system. Stay determined and passionate!
Small Business Administration (SBA)
The SBA has numerous publications on starting business and valuable information to help turn your entrepreneurial dream into a
thriving new business; call 800-827-5722 or visit www.sba.gov
MetroBroward Economic Development Corp.
The Entrepreneurial Institute was formed in collaboration with Broward Community College and The South Florida Regional
Planning Council. The partnership represents a collective response to the repeated requests from prospective and existing
entrepreneurs for a one-stop resource that would provide “real world” and “hands on” advice, coaching, technical assistance and
education for starting, growing/funding and maintaining a competitive small business; call 954-587-3755 or visit
Internal Revenue Service
Small Business and Self-Employed Community Website offering Online Classrooms at your own convenience on accurate tax
rules and regulations; www.irs.gov/smallbiz
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
"Counselors to America's Small Business" provides entrepreneurs with free, confidential face-to-face and online business
counseling, workshops and mentoring; call 800-634-0245 or visit www.score.org
Broward College (BC)
Professional Education Curriculum providing a training series for entrepreneurs to set up a business in Florida; call 954-201-7350
or visit www.broward.edu
Small Business Development Center in Broward (SBDC)
Designed to deliver up-to date counseling, training, and technical assistance in all aspects of small business management; call
954-762-5235 or visit www.sbdcfortlauderdale.org
H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern
This school runs interdisciplinary programs that teach students how to run their own businesses. Students in the program tend to
fall into four categories - those who want to be entrepreneurial in a large corporation, those who will one day run a family business,
those who want to start a business or those who hope to acquire one; call 800-672-7223 or visit www.huizenga.nova.edu
Broward County Extension Education Division FastTrac New Venture Program
This is ground zero for anyone interested in starting a business. An educational program created by entrepreneurs for
entrepreneurs. FastTrac is designed to help you evaluate and perfect your business concept. Taught by seasoned entrepreneurs,
FastTrac’s hands-on program uses your idea as a case study, giving you an opportunity to “workshop” your venture in a safe and
supportive environment; call 954-357-5270 or visit www.broward.org/extension
American Association of Home-based Business
Located at the Small Business Network, this national, non-profit organization is available to support and promote home-based
business; call 888-823-2366 or visit www.smallbusinessadvocate.com
National Association for the Self-employed
This association provides access to specialists, resources, and other info to answer questions and to help keep current on
legislative matters affecting self-employment; call 800-649-6273 or visit www.nase.org
The Wall Street Journal’s Center for Entrepreneurs
This site has several tools and features that you should find useful if you’re considering buying or starting a business or franchise;
visit www.wsj.com
Page 10
Do not think of yourself as unemployed. You are now a professional in career transition.
Page 11
You are now a professional salesperson, taking your product, YOU, to the market.
CareerSource Broward North
4941 Coconut Creek Pkwy.
Coconut Creek, FL 33063
(954) 969-3541
CareerSource Broward Central
2610 West Oakland Park Blvd.
Oakland Park, FL 33311
(954) 677-5555
CareerSource Broward South
7550 Davie Road Extension
Hollywood, Florida 33024
(954) 967-1010
An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon
request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may
be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.
Rev. 7/28/20
Find us on: