Broward Addiction Recovery Center (BARC) Division
Broward County Substance Abuse Advisory Board
May 27
, 2020
Christopher Checke Jodi Cowart
Stephanie Coberly Jonathan Sobelman
Jeff Greene
Linda Frohring
Matthew Hatfield
Kathy Hurt
Eleanor Nelson-Wernick
Ray Rapaglia
Charles Resnick
Garry Smyth
Mark Speiser
Jack Feinberg, Division Director
Keith Bostick, Deputy Director Human Services
Orlando Garcia, Boards Administrator/Legislative Policy Analyst
Patricia Bailey, Recording Secretary
Sal Torre, Recording Secretary
Broward Addiction Recovery Center (BARC)
Via Skype
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Stephanie Coberly, at 8:05 am, via
It was determined a quorum was present.
The minutes from the February 26
, 2020 meeting were presented for approval. Mr.
Ray Rapaglia asked the minutes be corrected to reflect that he was present. Ms. Linda
Frohring made a motion to approve the minutes with this correction. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Matthew Hatfield and carried unanimously by all members present.
Keith Bostick, Deputy Director Human Services
Keith Bostick introduced himself as the new Deputy Director of Human Services. Mr.
Bostick shared some information about his career history and commented that he is
excited to be here and looking forward to getting involved in all the various Human
Services units. He believes innovation and change can be scary, but at the same time it
presents an opportunity to serve those in need.
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Broward County Substance Abuse Advisory Board
Directors Report
Director Jack Feinberg advised that he is very proud of all the staff at BARC. During this
most difficult and challenging time, all BARC staff have risen to the occasion in a calm
and professional manner.
He advised that all visitors and staff are screened before entering the building. We
started doing this before most other providers in the County. BARC initiated the
screening process at the behest of our Medical Director, Dr. Dale Fahie. Dr. Fahie is an
invaluable asset to this agency, the county and the entire community. He is very
dedicated to our clients, he consistently provides education not only to nurses and other
medical staff, but to all employees. He is extremely well versed in public health and has
the experience to help lead BARC during this pandemic.
Early in the pandemic, BARC transition to Skype for all Outpatient and Intensive
Outpatient programs. This was done rather quickly, within a matter of days. BARC staff
may have had technology challenges, but those were quickly overcome. We have
seen an increase in attendance of about five to ten percent.
One thing we did have to stop offering was drug testing. It was just not feasible to
continue having clients leave their homes and come into the building, while maintaining
community lockdown and social distancing. Going forward the division will be looking at
utilizing an old school color system and having clients call-in for random drug testing.
We continued to operate at full capacity at on the Detoxification unit until we became
unable to maintain sufficient social distancing. We reduced services from 50 clients to
27, reserving one room in case we had a client who tested positive.
We reduced our Admissions hours also. Instead of being 24/7, we are currently
operating at 12 hours (6 am to 6 pm) seven days a week and only accept appointments.
Community Court and Marchman Act are exceptions to the appointments only. BARC
makes accommodations for those referrals.
Our Residential capacity is also being reduced by 50%, down to 48 clients. All
reductions were done on a gradual basis; for every two discharges, we admitted one.
BARC also has financial staff who have been able to telework, further reducing staff
physical interactions.
Mr. Garry Smythe inquired about BARCs plan to re-open. Mr. Feinberg responded
that most states, counties, and facilities will reopen in four phases. The first re-opening
phase is basically maintaining social distancing, continuing to wear personal protective
equipment and start increasing capacity.
BARC never scaled below this phase, except for a couple of elements. BARC would
bring some staff back into the building from teleworking while continuing to use some
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Broward County Substance Abuse Advisory Board
degree of telehealth. While our group rooms are large enough to maintain social
distancing, it is very difficult to be understood when you are speaking through a mask.
Staff are working on plans to resume additional services, but it will probably be
sometime before we are back at capacity. When services do resume, it will be a
gradual process. We will evaluate continuing services as an appointment only. All
options will be heavily based on the medical aspect as well as demand for services.
Resuming urine drug screening would also be one of the first things that we will bring
back. Discontinuing testing was a difficult decision as it is a good part of outpatient
services. It may very well have played a part in increased attendance. We have an
agreement with a lab, and we will probably institute a color/call in system. We would do
it at a high random rate with enough colors that it will truly be random.
We do not anticipate going back to double occupancy or resuming walk-in services
anytime soon. Any plan to increase or resume services at full capacity would be vetted
through Broward County Human Services Department and County Administration.
More importantly, our Medical Director, Dr. Fahie, and medical staff are very
knowledgeable about communicable diseases and very tightly tied with local
epidemiologists and the Department of Health. So, any decision to resume full services
would be based on solid medical advice. The status of a reliable vaccine would most
likely play into any plan. BARC never completely shut down or stopped providing
services, but we will be very careful when resuming full operations. Reopening will also
be based on demand.
Mr. Smythe expressed concerned with the limited availability at both detox and
residential and asked if there was any partnership with private providers to assist in
getting BARC back up to capacity. Mr. Feinberg advised that he is not aware of any
such arrangement. He further stated that at this time, BARC is meeting community
demand; we are not turning people away. We are not admitting anyone who does not
meet the ASAM criteria. Also, we do a telephone triage when someone schedules an
appointment and if someone wants to come to detox simply because they have
nowhere else to go, they are not being admitted. We are holding people longer to make
sure they are safe.
The largest shortage of beds is not really in detox, it is in supportive housing - where
clients go after detox while they are getting back on their feet.
Mr. Keith Bostick added that BARC and the Department will continue to look at
opportunities throughout the country and look for additional funding to assist clients in
the successful transition to other levels of care.
Mr. Jeff Greene asked if BARC has any historical data regarding services at or about
the time of the 2008 financial crisis. Mr. Feinberg advised that he did not but would look
into it.
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Broward County Substance Abuse Advisory Board
Judge Mark Speiser advised that judges are tentatively expected to return to the
courthouse in July 2020. However, it may be the end of the calendar year before jurors
may be back in the courthouse and that may not even happen. Zoom trials are being
Presidents Report
Ms. Stephanie Coberly suggested that the Board look at some trainings that may be
available to help bring Board Members up to speed on COVID 19, social and drug
trends during this time and adjusting business processes to meet the needs of the
Mr. Christopher Checke consistently sends out information about trainings and
conferences, many of them at no/low cost.
The Board did ask if our Medical Director, Dr. Dale Fahie could provide a medical
update/perspective at upcoming meetings. Mr. Jack Feinberg advised that he would be
sure to invite Dr. Fahie to the next meeting and he would attend if his schedule
By-Laws Modification
A final draft of all suggestions to clarify the By-Laws during the February 26, 2020
meeting were presented for final approval. None of the changes reflected substantive
o Proposal #1 – correct the title to reflect the current name of the Board
o Proposal #2 Article lll, Section 2- change wording from alternating years to
even years.’
o Proposal #3 Article lV, Section 1 Modernize language to include February of
each even year.
o Proposal #4 Article lV, Section 1 - modernize language from notifying board
members at least 10 days priorto at least 48 hours prior to scheduled meeting.
This would be consistent with county ordinance.
Ms. Eleanor Nelson-Wernick motioned to accept the changes as presented. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Matthew Hatfield and carried unanimously by all members
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Broward County Substance Abuse Advisory Board
Sunset Review Panel Meeting
During the February 26, 2020 Meeting, the Board discussed the possibility of adding or
substituting the 19
position on the Board with someone other than a member of the
Broward Police Chief Association.
In response to the current social situation, the Board discussed making no change to
the position at this time. Mr. Orlando Garcia advised that we could modify the
requirements of this 19
Board member at any time and did not need to wait until the
next Sunset Review.
Ms. Linda Frohring made a motion to maintain the 19
position as a member of the
Broward Police Chief Association for the time being. This Motion was seconded by Mr.
Jeff Greene and carried unanimously by all members present
There being no further issues, on motion made by Mr. Jeffrey Green, seconded by Mr.
Christopher Checke, and carried unanimously by all members present, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:55 a.m.