©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 1
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©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | ii
Thank You!
Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx® Enroll, pcProx® Plus, or Wiegand device(s).
RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them.
Configuration is easy, so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in
your business, school, or organization.
Please call our Sales department if you have any questions or are interested in our OEM and
Independent Developers programs.
We look forward to your comments and suggestions for our product line! Please go to
www.RFIDeas.com and follow the Support a Learning Center link for more details about our product
We are always discovering new applications for our product line(s). There are several software
developers licensing our technology so the solution you are looking for may already be developed.
Thank you,
The RF IDeas Staff
Need Assistance?
Phone:"+1 (847) 870 - 1723"
Toll Free:"(866) 439 - 4884
Fax:"(847) 483 - 1129"
Email:" Sales@RFIDeas.com"
" "
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | iii
Glossary of Terms
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange codes represent text in
computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text.
The high frequency 13.56 MHz smart card technology.
Facility Access Code.
The card and badge reader without case. Available in self-contained modules for easy
system integration.
The RF IDeas brand name given to all 125 kHz proximity and 13.56 MHz contactless smart
card readers.
Software Developer’s Kit. Software Developer’s Kits from RF IDeas provide the high
level command capabilities to integrate software applications with our devices.
Also known as the Card Serial Number, is part of the ISO 15693 standard for vicinity
cards operating at the 13.56 MHz frequency.
The User ID, User Identification, or Unique ID is a number based on all bits of the card
Information Symbols
Notes are useful information related to the text.
Tips can provide hints and pointers in addition to the text.
Important information can include prerequisites, limitations, and caution.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | iv
Glossary of Terms ................................................ iii!
Information Symbols ............................................ iii!
Chapter 1.The Basics ............................................ 1!
1.1! Wireless Identification Overview ................. 1!
pcProx® Activated Identification ................ 1!
1.2! ID Card Reader System ............................. 1!
1.3! Output Formats ........................................... 2!
1.4! Credential Form Factors ............................. 3!
1.5! Manufacturer/Vendor Card Compatibility ... 3!
1.6! Reader Configuration Purposes ................. 4!
1.7! Difference Between pcProx Plus and Non-
Plus Reader ............................................................. 4!
Chapter 2. Hardware .............................................. 5!
2.1! What’s in Your Part Number? ..................... 5!
2.2! Interface (Connectors) ................................ 6!
Connectors .................................................. 6!
Output ......................................................... 7!
2.3! USB Readers and Wiegand Converters ..... 7!
2.4! RS-232 Readers and Converters ............... 7!
2.5! Minimum System Requirements ................. 8!
2.6! Reader Setup Basics .................................. 8!
2.7! LED ............................................................. 8!
2.8! Beeper ........................................................ 9!
Chapter 3. Software ............................................. 10!
3.1! pcProx Configuration Utility ...................... 10!
3.2! Utility Overview ......................................... 10!
3.3! Menu Toolbar ........................................... 11!
File Menu .................................................. 11!
Connect Menu ........................................... 11!
Device Menu ............................................. 12
Navigation Menu ........................................ 19
View Menu ................................................ 19!
Card Analyzer Menu ................................. 21!
Help Menu ................................................. 33!
3.4! Icon Toolbar .............................................. 34!
Connect ..................................................... 34!
Disconnect ................................................ 36!
Write Settings/Write Active ....................... 37!
3.5! pcProx Plus Configuration ........................ 38!
3.6! Connect Tab ............................................. 40!
Output Test Area ........................................ 41!
Status Bar .................................................. 42!
3.7! Timing Tab ................................................ 42!
3.8! SDK Tab ................................................... 44!
3.9! Format Tab ............................................... 48!
Data Format Tab ...................................... 48!
Delimiters Tab .......................................... 50!
Extended Tab ........................................... 53!
Hashing Tab ............................................. 71
Secure Tab .............................................. 74
Low Energy Technology ....... 75
Chapter 4. Tips and Troubleshooting ................ 76!
4.1! Troubleshooting ........................................ 76!
4.2! Precautions ............................................... 77!
4.3! Before You Call Technical Support .......... 77!
4.4! Talking To the Technician ........................ 77!
Index ................................................................. 81!
Appendix ............................................................... 82!
Standard 26-Bit Format Structure .................... 82!
Use the pcProx Device for Password Security -
Complex Passwords ........................................ 83
Other Products & Accessories ......................... 84!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 1
Chapter 1. The Basics
1.1 Wireless Identification Overview
pcProx® Activated Identification
Employers are more security conscious than ever. More buildings, machines, systems, and applications
require identification information to gain access. RF IDeas devices allow the building access cards to be
used as a digital identifier throughout the workplace.
Various pcProx applications include:
Card enrollment
Application log-on
Form filler to existing software applications
PC/LAN log On
Cafeteria purchases/vending
Machine access
PLC and embedded controllers
Low Energy Technology-enabled applications
Our pcProx Plus devices are easily configured to increase security and reliability. Companies using
proximity and/or contactless technology for building access immediately benefit, as their employee
identification cards can also be used with the proximity/contactless device for additional authentication
applications. Thus, the majority of deployment and enrollment costs are quickly recovered.
1.2 ID Card Reader System
The diagram on the following page is a high-level overview of how the reader works. The reader sends
RF signals to the card and the card sends signals back to send data. The card data is output by the
reader in keystrokes or ASCII characters. This card data can be configured to include delimiters to
separate the data. This reader can be used as a standalone system or seamlessly integrated with other
software applications using the optional Software Developer’s Kit (SDK).
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Image 1: Card Reader Overview!
1.3 Output Formats
Image 2: Output Formats!
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1.4 Credential Form Factors
Credentials are inactive electronic devices that rely on readers to supply the required power for start-up
and communication. The credential itself, consists of antennas that produce proximity or contactless
frequencies. Proximity and contactless smart card technology cards allow users to effortlessly manage
multiple applications through a single credential.
Data: The data on access cards are a string of binary numbers set with a fixed configuration and length.
Frequencies: RF IDeas’ access control readers and credentials utilize the low-frequency 125 kHz
(proximity) band and/or the high-frequency 13.56 MHz (contactless) band.
Credential Form Factors: With over 300 million physical access credentials in use worldwide, there are
a variety of low and high frequency form factors, customers can choose from to meet their particular
Image 3 illustrates some of the various form factors available:
Image 3: Available Form Factors!
1.5 Manufacturer/Vendor Card Compatibility
Please go to www.RFIDeas.com for specific device part numbers associated to card types.
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1.6 Reader Configuration Purposes
The method of encoding data on a card and transmitting data to the reader differs accordingly in each
technology involved. The reader is highly configurable and its configurations may need to be set to
achieve a desired user output such as FAC or ID or obtaining a desired data format (i.e. decimal,
lowercase, upper- case, hexadecimal).
1.7 Difference Between pcProx Plus and Non-Plus Reader
The pcProx Plus is a dual frequency programmable reader that combines 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz
technologies into the same reader. It’s the only reader in the industry that reads multiple cards of your
choice among many different card types, delivering flexibility to any customer struggling with different
card technologies. In contrast to the pcProx Plus reader, our standard pcProx Enroll proximity and
contactless readers function on a single frequency band, and single card type, which is either 125 kHz
proximity or 13.56 MHz contactless.
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Chapter 2. Hardware
2.1 What’s in Your Part Number?
All RF IDeas reader part numbers follow a distinct system of categorization to allow for an ease of
differentiation between products.
Below is the basic part number scheme:
Image 4: Reader Part Number Scheme
Device Type: The device type distinguishes between Standard Reader (RDR), Wiegand Converter
(OEM), Converter (C), Kit (KT), or Mag Stripe Reader (MS3).
Frequency: RF IDeas' badge readers are available in low-frequency 125 kHz proximity (6), high-
frequency 13.56 MHz contactless (7), or dual with both 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz technologies (8).
Card Compatibility: The card type allows for the selection of over 45 different card types for reader
compatibility. (Please visit www.RFIDeas.com, choose a product and locate the Part Numbers (SKUs)
tab for specific device part numbers associated to card types.)
Housing: Various form factor housing options exist for RF IDeas' readers. The housings include; Small
Desktop (8), Large Desktop (7), Vertical Nano (1), Horizontal Nano (2), Surface Mount (W), USB Dongle
(D), PCMCIA (P), Non-Housed (N), ExpressCard (E), or custom (call Sales for custom housing). (For
more on form factors, please visit www.rfideas.com/products/readers, click your appropriate reader and
select the Data Sheets tab.) Please NOTE that an “X” in the Housing field can represent any of the
aforementioned housing definitions.
Model: The model selection corresponds to the type of reader, whether it is a Standard "Keystroker" (1),
SDK (2), Writer (0), or Playback (5). (For more on model types, visit www.rfideas.com/products/readers)
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 6
Version: The version refers to the selection of either our Standard (A) or Custom builds. (For more on
Custom builds, call our Sales department at (866) 439 - 4884).
Housing Color: The color category simply allows for the selection of either our Black (K), Pearl (P),
White (W), or Gray (G) housings. (Colors are not available in all housings.) Please NOTE that an “X” in
the Housing Color field can represent any of the aforementioned housing color definitions.
Interface: This option specifies the type of connection for the reader. Connectors include: Ethernet
ASCII (E), Ethernet ASCII PoE (E-P), E/IP PoE (B-P), ExpressCard (U), PCMCIA (P), Serial 5V Ext
Power RS232 (8), Serial 5V Pin9 RS232 (5), Serial 5V PS2 RS232 (2), Serial 5V USB Power Tap
RS232 (9), Serial 9V Pin9 RS232 (6), USB (U), USB CDC Virtual COM (0).
2.2 Interface (Connectors)
Connectors include:
Image 5: Connector Types!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 7
Output includes:
Image 6: Output Types
2.3 USB Readers and Wiegand Converters
The pcProx USB keystroke device operates in two modes:
1. USB keyboard. It reads the card data and sends it as keystrokes as if the user typed the ID data
on a keyboard.
2. Under the application programmer interface (API) defined in the pcProx SDK. When it reads card
data, the active application receives the entire card data.
2.4 RS-232 Readers and Converters
The RS-232, Ethernet, or virtual COM port device operates in two modes:
1. ASCII output device. In this mode the user card data is read and sent as a decimal or
hexadecimal number in ASCII characters.
2. API defined in the pcProx SDK. The device attaches to a computer serial port. When it reads card
data, the active application receives the entire card data.
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2.5 Minimum System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements
Pentium Class PC
650 MB Hard Disk Space
1 available RS-232 or USB Port
Any operating system that supports a USB keyboard including Microsoft Windows 2000®,
XP®, Vista®, 7®, 8®, 8.1®, 8.2®, Server 2003®, and Server 2008®.
2.6 Reader Setup Basics
To setup the reader:
1. Plug the connector into the workstation’s (or available on any peripheral) open RS-232, USB, or
Ethernet plug.
2. Place the device next to the monitor, beside the workstation, or where appropriate.
3. The workstation should detect new hardware for USB connections. Verify the workstation
recognizes this connection using Device Manager.
4. Verify the correct COM port for RS-232 DB9 connections using Device Manager.
When the software is installed, it should recognize these connections in order to configure the
appropriate device. Once the device is configured and written to its flash memory, these settings will not
have to be configured again.
2.7 LED
The desktop, USB dongle, surface mount, and non-housed model readers can be equipped with a LED
on the front cover.
(See LED and Beeper functions in the Software section)
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2.8 Beeper
If equipped, the reader can be configured to produce a beep when a credential is detected by the
reader. The Beeper is configurable through the utility software.
(See LED and Beeper functions in the Software section 3.8)
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Chapter 3. Software
3.1 pcProx Configuration Utility
The pcProx Configuration Utility provides users with the ability to configure their pcProx Enroll, pcProx
Plus, or Wiegand devices to meet their needs. Through the configuration process, desired credential
data output and access privileges for cardholders can be established.
The Utility allows pcProx plus to be configured for 2 or 4 (depending on model) card types. RF IDeas
pcProx Plus readers with extended functionality can operate in one of two modes “Standard” ID
processing or the “Extended” ID processing for output generation. The default mode of processing is
Standard mode.
The RF IDeas pcProx Plus readers with extended enables additional flexibility manipulate card data and
increase security with encryption.These highly-configurable readers help organizations leverage their
existing card technology, streamline the enrollment process, and also provides options for increasing
3.2 Utility Overview
Image 7: Utility Overview!
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3.3 Menu Toolbar
Image 8: Menu Toolbar
The Menu toolbar contains all the basic configuration options for the utility.
File Menu
Image 9: File Overview
The File menu lists the options for opening .hwg and saving .hwg files.
Open hwg/hwg+ file: Opens either an .hwg or .hwg+ file. An .hwg or .hwg+ file contains all the
configuration settings for the reader. The utility comes with sample .hwg/.hwg+ files.
Save device data to hwg+ file: Saves the configuration settings to the reader.
Exit: Exits out of the entire utility.
Connect Menu
The Connect menu provides options for device to utility connections.
Auto Connect to USB on Start-up: Set as utility default connection. Through this connection the utility
searches for a USB connection on startup.
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Auto Connect to Serial on Start-up: With this selection, the utility searches for any available serial
connections on startup.
Auto Connect to Ethernet on Start-up: Utility option to search for Ethernet connections on startup.
Auto Connect: This selection has the utility search for a device connection through all available port
Connect to USB: Connects to current specified reader through USB.
Connect to Serial: Connects to current specified reader through serial.
Connect to Ethernet TCP/IP: Connects to current specified reader through Ethernet TCP/IP.
Disconnect: Disconnects all connected devices from every available interface connection from the
configuration utility.
Device Menu
The Device menu lists the options for resetting, writing to, and reading the device’s configuration. The
device menu options are altered depending on the type of device that is connected. A single
configuration reader device has different device menu options than a two or four configuration reader.
Single Configuration Readers
Image 10: Device Menu for Single Configuration Readers
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 13
1. Reset to Factory Defaults: Resets all configuration parameters to factory defaults.
2. Read Settings: Displays the current connected device configuration.
3. Write Settings: Writes the current configuration settings to the connected device.
pcProx Plus - 2 and 4 Configuration Reader
Image 11: Device Menu for pcProx Plus -2 Configuration Readers
Reset to Defaults: Resets all configuration parameters to defaults.
Reset to Stored Settings: This selection allows users to reset the device to their own
personally defined stored settings.
Write Stored Settings: Writes the current configuration settings to stored settings.
Read Active: Reads the current configuration. Active settings are what allow the device to
Write Active: Writes the current configuration to active settings.
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Clone Reader Configuration
The cloning feature clones the current device configuration settings to other devices.
Only update readers
within the LUID range
Check to filter which devices will be cloned. Uncheck to clone all devices.
Minimum LUID
Minimum LUID value to filter a range of devices to be cloned. Default is 0x0000.
Maximum LUID
Maximum LUID value to filter which devices will be cloned. Default is 0xFFFF.
Write LUID
Check to write a new LUID to the device after cloning.
Starting LUID
The next LUID value to be written. Default is 0x1000.
Increment by
Adds Increment by value to the LUID after writing to the device. Default is 0x0001.
Reset the fields to their default value.
Logs of cloning process.
Clear Log
Clears all log info from Log area.
To initiate the cloning process:
1. Connect reader to PC and click the “Connect” button.
2. Under the “Device” menu, click “Clone selected reader configuration to other devices…”
Image 12: Starting the Cloning Process
3. The “Clone Reader Configuration” dialogue box will appear as shown below:
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Image 13: Clone Configuration Reader Dialogue Box
! !
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 16
4. Disconnect the reader.
Image 14: Reader Disconnected!
! !
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 17
If there are multiple readers that will be cloned, it is recommended a HUB be utilized.
5. Connect the reader(s) that will be undergoing the cloning process.
Image 15: Connecting Other Readers
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Image 16: Connecting Second Reader
Once the configuration process has finished, the below message will be displayed.
Image 17: Configuration Finished
6. Click the “Close” button to close the “Clone Reader Configuration” dialogue box.
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7. Click the “Connect” button in the “Configuration Utility” to check the new cloned configuration
of the connected readers.
Navigation Menu
The Navigation menu gives users the ability to navigate in and out of the utility tabs through the use of
hot keys. This menu lists the hot key commands for the tabs as seen on the Standard Configuration
Area (an explanation of each tab can be found in the Standard Configuration Area section of this
For example, pressing the F5 key on the keyboard will open the Data Format sub-tab:
Image 17: Navigation Menu Hot Keys
A Test App hot key command is also available in this list. This command opens any keystroking
capturing program (i.e. Notepad, WordPad etc.) in a new window. The Test App default opening
program is set as Notepad.!
View Menu
The view menu provides options for altering the appearance of certain functions of the application utility.
All the options in this menu are set to appear by default.
Show Tooltip Balloon: Menu option for displaying or not displaying the tooltip pop-up balloon.
Show Text under Toolbar Icons: Provides option to display or remove text under icons in the Icon
Toolbar (for more information on the Icon Toolbar, see 3.4 Icon Toolbar section of this manual).
Show Pop-Up Warning Dialogues: Gives option for user to display or remove warning pop-up
dialogue boxes.
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For example, if the Show Pop-Up Warning Dialogues option is selected, then a warning dialogue box, as
seen below, will display on your screen. The below warning dialogue box has been displayed to alert the
user that the utility has not detected a connected device.
Image 19: Pop-Up Warning Dialogue Example!
Show Confirm Dialogue: Menu option for displaying yes/no confirmation dialogues before certain utility
operations are completed.
For example, if the Show Confirm Dialogue option is selected, a confirmation dialogue window will
appear when a user clicks to reset their device to factory defaults.
Beep on Warnings: Provides an audible system beep when warnings are detected.
Resize Window: The utility window is designed for users to optionally resize, by making the window
larger or smaller (the smallest resize choice will eliminate the view of the Output Test Area). If a user
resizes the utility window, clicking this Resize Window option will resize the window to its original size.
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Card Analyzer Menu
The Card Analyzer makes it easy to learn and analyze a card in order to configure a reader. The Card
Analyzer will learn the card and allow the reader to be configured based on the analysis of the card.
Image 20: Card Analyzer Process!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 22
To begin, navigate to Card Analyzer from the menu on the utility.
Image 21: Card Analyzer Menu!
Detecting the Reader
The Welcome screen provides a brief introduction, and provides the reader connection status.
Image 22: Detecting the Reader
The status may display the following:
Reader not connected. Ensure the reader is connected properly.
Incorrect reader connected, The Card Analyzer feature is only compatible with pcProx®
Plus Readers (800x1AxU, 800x2AxU, 805x1AxU, 805x2AxU).
“Reader connected”.
By default, this button is disabled in the welcome screen.
Press to transition to the Learn Card screen. This button becomes active only when connected
to the correct reader.
Close the Card Analyzer and return to pcProxConfig window.
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Learning Card
After the reader is detected, proceed to Learn Card process. This is where the Card Analyzer will
attempt to learn the type of card by scanning for matches. Each screen of the Card Analyzer also gives
a general overview of the process, and the steps being performed in each phase of the utility.
The first part is the scanning phase, where the application will scan the card for matches.
Image 23: Learn Card Screen
Card Type
Card type matches are displayed here.
Displays the supported RF IDeas readers when a card type is selected.
Start Scan
Start the scan function.
Halt Scan
Stop the scan. This button becomes active after the “Start Scan” button is pressed, and the
scanning starts.
By default, this button is disabled on this screen.
Auto Config
Takes the user to the “Auto Config” screen. This screen allows the user to configure the
reader using the default Card Type settings.
This button has the following functions
If the user has not written configurations, pressing the “Exit” button will return user
to pcProx utility without making any changes.
If the user has written configurations, pressing the “Exit” button will return user to
pcProx utility with new card settings.
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To learn a card:
Click the “Start Scan” button.
The “Pop-up Window” appears.
Image 24: Starting the Scan
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When prompted, place a card on the reader, click the “OK” button.
Image 25: Placing the Card
The analyzer will begin scanning the card for potential card type matches. Matches are
displayed in the “Card Type” field.
Image 26: Scanning Process
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After the scan is complete, the following information will be displayed:
Image 27: Scanning Complete
Select any card type to view the list of supporting readers. If no Card Type is detected, the
application will display “Card not found: Please contact RF IDeas for additional support”.
Image 28: Card Not Found Scenario
To scan a new card, click the “Start Scan” button, and repeat the process.
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To configure the reader, click the “Auto Config” button.
Image 29: Starting the Auto Configuration
Auto Config
After Learn Card has determined the card type from the card scan, the reader can be configured to send
the Card ID displayed in the Card ID status window. The utility displays the Card ID found based on the
default reader settings. The user can highlight each listed Card Type and validate the Card ID number to
the card. It’s also possible to double-click the bit string at the bottom and copy it to the clipboard.
Image 30: Auto Config Screen
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Card ID
Contains the Card ID based on the defaults settings for the selected Card Type.
Card Type
When the user selects a “Card Type”, the application displays the Card ID based on the
most popular default settings for the selected card type.
Write multiple configurations to the reader by selecting the configuration# from the drop-
down and clicking the “Write” button.
Writes the configuration to the reader for the selected card type.
Learn Card
Go back to the “Learn Card” screen.
Move to the “Analyze Card” screen.
This button has the following functions
If the user has not written configurations, pressing the “Exit” button will return
user to pcProx utility without making any changes.
If the user has written configurations, pressing the “Exit” button will return user to
pcProx utility with new card settings.
To auto configure:
Select each card type and match the Card ID listed with the ID on the card.
Select the Configuration # and click the “Write” button.
The “pop-up” window appears.
Image 31: Writing Configuration Settings to the Reader
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After the card is removed from the reader, click the “OK” button to continue writing the
configuration to the reader.
Image 32: Pop-up Window for Removing the Card
The Card Analyzer will then automatically begin writing the chosen configuration to the
Image 33: Writing the Configuration to Device
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After configuring the reader with default settings, a message will appear in the status bar.
Image 34: Writing Process Complete
Analyze Card
Configurations can be written in the Analyze Card section, much like the Auto Config section. This is a
useful feature when the card doesn’t match the default ID. It’s also possible to analyze the reader
settings for the selected Card Type. On-screen instructions are provided to add clarity.
Image 35: Analyze Card Screen
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Field to enter a Facility Access Code (FAC).
Field to enter a card ID.
Starts the card analyze function. The application will attempt to learn the settings for
the selected Card Type.
Card Types
Displays learned Card Types. Each card type is selectable.
Analyze Card ID
Displays status to the user:Card ID found”, or “Contact RF Ideas for additional
supportif no results are found.
Configuration #
Write multiple configurations to the reader by selecting the configuration # from the
drop-down and clicking the “Write” button.
Writes the configuration to the reader.
Learn Card
Go back to the “Learn Card” screen.
This button has the following functions
If the user has not written configurations, pressing the “Exit” button will return
user to pcProx utility without making any changes.
If the user has written configurations, pressing the “Exit” button will return user
to pcProx utility with new card settings.
To analyze a card:
Enter the “IDor “FAC” or both numbers (A) in the “User Input Fields” section.
Click the “Analyze” button (B) to begin the search.
The result is displayed in the “Analyzed Card ID” (C) field.
Select the Configuration # from the “Configuration #” drop-down (D) and press the “Write”
(E) button to write the settings to the reader.
If “Card ID not found” is displayed, retry with a different card by pressing “Learn Card”
button (F), or proceed to step 5.
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After writing the configurations to the reader, Press the “Exit” button (G) to stop the Card
Analyzer and return to the configuration Utility.
Image 36: Analyzing the Card
It’s easy to exit the Card Analyzer at any time. If no configurations have been written, the reader will
return to the original state. If configurations have been written during the “Auto Configuration” or
“Analyze” processes, simply exit the Card Analyzer.
Image 37: Exit Button on Screen!
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After exiting, the main pcProx Plus Configuration screen appears. Either continue with additional
configuration settings or close the utility.
Image 38: New Configuration in the Utility!
Help Menu
The Help menu provides information for which users can seek out additional assistance using the utility
and/or device.
Read User Manual: Opens the user manual that is provided in the download with the configuration
www.RFIDeas.com: This operation will open a new window to the RF IDeas website.
About: This selection’s menu options differ when a device is connected to the utility vs. when there is no
device connected. Without a connected device, the “Aboutinformational content simply displays the
utility version. When a device is connected, the firmware information is also provided. The RF IDeas
Tech support email and website address are displayed in both modes.
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3.4 Icon Toolbar
Image 39: Icon Toolbar!
The Icon Tool Bar contains the three most general configuration controls for the utility. These controls
are also found in the Menu Toolbar under Connect (for connect and disconnect) and Device (for write
settings and write active).
Image 40: Connect Button
Clicking the Connect icon button commands the utility to search for a device through selected port
Once the utility detects a device connection, the Device List pull-down menu in the Standard
Configuration Area displays the interface connection, firmware, and LUID information for the connected
device. The model number of the device will be displayed below the Device List pull-down and the
Output Test Area will turn from gray to green (Image 41).
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Image 41: Device List Output!
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Image 42: Status Bar!
Image 43: Disconnect Button!
Clicking the disconnect icon button, commands the utility to disconnect from all devices connected
through any and all available port connections.
Once the utility disconnects from all device connections, the Device List pull-down menu and device
model number are cleared from the Standard Configuration Area and the Output Test Area will turn from
green to gray.
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The status bar will display a Disconnected message, as shown in Image 26:
Image 44: Disconnected Message
Write Settings/Write Active
Image 45: Write Settings Button
The Write Settings icon button prompts the utility to write the current defined configuration settings to the
device. When a single configuration device is connected, the icon text will read “Write Settings,” as
shown in Image 45.
When a two or four configuration device is connected, the icon text will change to read “Write Active,” as
shown in Image 46.
Image 46: Write Active Button!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 38
3.5 pcProx Plus Configuration
Image 47: pcProx Plus Configuration Area
The pcProx Plus Configuration area allows users to set-up two or four different configurations for their
device. The configurations can be any mix of 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz card types. The configurations can
also be of the same card type.
Image 48: pcProx Plus Configuration Functions
Configuration # (Number): This option provides the ability to switch between configurations. Users can
set and edit settings for two or four separate configurations quickly and easily.
Card Type Drop-Down Menu: This drop-down menu allows users to select the required card type for
their own configuration settings. Each configuration has the ability to have separate card types.
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High Priority: Provides a pcProx Plus user the ability to give a certain configuration a higher priority
than another. This is useful when the user has a population of cards consisting of a combination of 13.56
MHz/125kHz cards as well as single-technology cards, and one of those is preferred over the other.
With the High priority feature enabled, the reader will try to read that card type multiple times before
switching to the other configuration.
If a Low Priority card is found, the reader will check for a High Priority card. If the High Priority card is
found, it reports it; otherwise, it reports the Low Priority card. Only one configuration can have High
Priority. If multiple configurations have High Priority selected, only the first one (by configuration order) is
considered High Priority.
Reader Performance Factors
Card type and form factor: There are a number of different card types in each band (low
frequency and high frequency). Card types can have varying sensitivity, radiating capability,
and data rates and each form factor (i.e. ISO card, clamshell, key fob and sticker) has different
performance characteristics that influences read range and response time performance.
Environmental factors: Reader performance can be impacted by materials adjacent to the
reader. Metals can reduce the field strength or detune the reader resulting in reduced read
range or ‘dead zones.’ Certain nearby electrical devices can generate interference that
impairs the reader’s card read capability.
Priority: Readers with multiple card configurations have the ability to prioritize which card is
read first. In some cases, there may be different card types in the population and one of them
is the target. Another case is with Dual-technology (low and high frequency) cards where the
high priority technology (high frequency) has shorter read range compared to the low priority
technology (low frequency). With priority enabled, the reader will attempt to read a high priority
card multiple times before trying to read a low priority card. If the reader reads a low priority
card, it will also attempt to read the high priority card multiple time before outputting the low
priority card data. One side effect is that response time is longer when reading a low priority
card. For optimal response time, ensure the target card type is high priority.
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3.6 Connect Tab
Image 49: Connect Tab
The Connect tab offers various ways a device can connect to the configuration utility. The different
selections allow the user to choose the connection type for the specific logical protocol of their reader.
USB: Make this selection if the connected device has a USB logical protocol. The utility will then proceed
to scan any available USB bus for connected devices.
Serial RS-232 and Virtual COM Ports: This option provides devices that are RS-232 or Virtual COM
port logical protocols to connect to the utility. This section scans for RS-232, CDC, and PCMCIA
Default 1.8: This option sets the COM port values back to the default of 1 and 8.
Ethernet (Local IP Connects to an Ethernet reader at the given IP address and opens a
TCP/IP on the given port. The first, second, third, and fourth byte of the TCP/IP address must be entered
for the interface to connect to the reader. The IP port number will also be required.
Port Option: Allows for changing the Internet socket port numbers.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 41
Find Next IP Button: Looks for other readers on the same Ethernet connection.
Device List Pull-down: Contains a list of devices found by the utility.
For example, if you have an RJ45 connector (as seen below) then the specific logical protocol
connection to be selected is Ethernet.
Image 50: Connectors
Output Test Area
Image 51: Output Test Area
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 42
This is the test area for the keystrokes entered by the reader. On serial devices this displays the
unsolicited serial port data.
The Auto GetID box can be checked for the utility to poll the reader for a card ID and displays the
results directly under the checkbox, as seen in Image 52.
Image 52: Auto GetID
The Auto Focus box keeps the cursor in the test area box to capture the keystrokes output by the
The Auto Clear box clears all text in the Output Test Area.
The Clear button erases all text in the Output Test Area each time the user manually presses the clear
The Test button (Green Flag) starts the batch file “testarea.bat” or script “testarea” to bring up a user’s
own application to view the readers keystrokes. It opens any keystroking capturing program (i.e.
notepad, wordpad etc).
Status Bar
Image 53: Status Bar!
3.7 Timing Tab
Use this tab to configure the device’s card timing and USB keystroke timing.
Card Data Hold Time: This option allows users to determine in millisecond’s how long they need to wait
before the device is able to read the next card in line (which is also how long the LED will remain green
after a card read).
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 43
The timing options can range from 50 to 9950 min/max (50 milliseconds increments only) and the default
is set to 1000.
Continuous Read, Sends Data upon Read: When a card is placed on a device, this option will allow
the data to be sent continuously.
Lock-Out Time for Repetitive Reads: The time that it takes the reader to read another card must be
equal to or greater than the hold time and is only done in 50 milliseconds increments.
Image 54: Card Read Timing
Key Press Time: The length of time the key is held down. The minimum value is 0. The maximum is
640. The default is 20.
Key Release Time: Enter the time delay between keystrokes. If set to 0, the reader will output as fast as
possible. The minimum value is 0. The maximum is 640. The default is 20.
Image 55: USB Keyboard Emulation Timing
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 44
3.8 SDK Tab
Use this tab to configure the Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) functions, as well as enable and disable
Image 56: SDK Tab!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 45
Software Developer’s Kit
Disable Keystrokes for SDK
(Halt Keyboard Send)
Check to disable keystroking. When keystroking or unsolicited (Halt
Keyboard Send) serial out is disabled, all card data must be read via the
SDK functions.
Users can control the LED actions on the device to provide information regarding the card data.
Select this to make the device set the LED color.
Select this to set the LED to off.
Select this to set the LED color to red.
Select this to set the LED color to green.
Select this to set the LED color to amber.
Logical Unit ID
A user defined 16-bit Logic Unit ID to identify one device from another.
Image 57: Logical Unit ID
Enable Beep on
Card Read
Check this to set the device to beep when a card is read.
Beep Now
Press to listen to the beep the reader will provide when in use.
Long Beep(s)
By default, the beep is set to a short beep. 2 long beeps or 5 short beeps are allowed.
Image 58: Beeper
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 46
Turns volume off
Sets beeper volume to minimum level
Sets beeper volume to mid-range level
High (Default)
Sets beeper volume to maximum level
OEM Converter Board
Beeper On
(Output Active Low)
Check this to turn the device beeper on.
Relay On
Check this to turn on relay output on converter board.
Image 59: OEM Converter Board
Card ID
Click while scanning a card over the device. The ID displays under the button. This
returns 64 bits maximum.
Click while scanning a card over the device. The ID displays under the button. This
returns 255 bits maximum.
Click to display the last card data read. This returns 255 bits maximum.
Clear Lockout
Check to clear the time remaining to allow the device to read the next card immediately.
Clear UID
If clear UID is set, the card and the overrun counters will be cleared for the next read. If
clear Hold is set, the reader will be ready to read another card.
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GETID Data Display
Image 60: GETID Data Display!
GETID (32) Data Display
Image 61: GETID (32) Data Display
GetQueuedID Data Display
Image 62: GETQueuedID Data Display
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 48
3.9 Format Tab
Data Format Tab
Image 63: Data Format Tab
This tab provides users the ability to format how the data on a card will be keystroked out by the reader.
Image 64: Data Characters
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 49
Image 46 illustrates the various characters that can be displayed upon a card detection by a connected
The number portions of the diagram are values that are displayed from a card.
The letter portions of the character diagram are values that are formatted by the user through the utility
and are keystroked from the device.
Wiegand to Keystroke Data Format
Strip Leading and Trailing Bit Count: By altering the numbers in the leading and trailing bit count,
users have the option to strip and discard bits from the card data. The leading and trailing bit counts can
be set to range from 0 to 15.
Send FAC (Facility Access Code): Allows for option to display the FAC code.
Send FAC as Hexadecimal Number: Sends FAC as a hex number. The default is set to output as a
Send ID: Enables output of the ID portion of the card data.
Send ID as Hexadecimal Number: Sends ID as a hex number. The default is set to output as a
ID Field Bit Count: Sets the number of bits in the ID field from 0 to 80.
Fix length FAC/ ID Fields: Enables the FAC and ID to be set to a fixed length.
FAC Digits: The FAC out is set to a length of digits between 0 and 32. Zero's are added to the front (of
the FAC portion) of the data to create a specific length.
ID Digits: The ID out is set to a length of digits between 0 and 32. Zero's are added to the front (of the
ID portion) of the data to create a specific length.
Advanced Settings
Only Read Cards With This Bit Count: Reads cards with the specified BIT Count. BIT Count can be
set from 1 to 255.
Display Hex in Lowercase: Displays hex in lowercase format.
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Use Numeric Keypad: Defines which keypad will be used (whether across the top or with keypad).
AZERTY Keyboard Shift Lock: Displays the output as if it were being output from an AZERTY
FAC Extended Precision Math On: Enables TRUE 64 bit math.
ID Extended Precision Math On: Enables TRUE 64 bit math.
Reverse Wiegand Bytes: Reverses data in byte chunks (8 bits = 1 byte).
Example using 26bit card output in Hexadecimal:
Non-Reverse Wiegand Bytes: 37C3E80
Reverse Wiegand Bytes: 803E7C03
Reverse Wiegand Bits: Reverses each bit.
Non- Reverse Wiegand Bits: 37C3E80 = 11011111000011111010000000
Reverse Wiegand Bits: 5F0FB = 00000001011111000011111011
Invert Wiegand Bits: Inverts each bit.
Emulate ProxPro-Append Serial Checksum: This option is only for serial devices. It adds a digit to the
end of the serial data. It emulates the serial data format to match HID Corp. Prox Pro reader by sending
a 2 byte checksum after the card data.
Delimiters Tab
The delimiter tab provides a way for users to add pre or post keystrokes to the card data. Click the
appropriate keyboard icon to select the appropriate corresponding delimiters.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 51
Image 65: Delimiters Tab!
Pre Data Delimiters (ABC): Select from 0 to 3 characters to display at the beginning of the card data.
These characters are shared with the post string of characters.
FAC/ID Delimiter (:): Select a character to display between and separate the FAC and ID data.
Image 66: FAC/ID Delimiter!
Post Data Delimiters (XYZ): Select from 0 to 3 characters to keystroke to the end of the card data.
These characters are shared with the pre string of characters.
Termination Keystroke (T): Adds a keystroke to the end of the card data to signify the end of the card
Card Gone Delimiters (GN): Adds a keystroke to the end of the card data when the card is removed.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 52
Delimiter Keyboard
Image 67: Delimiter Keyboard!
The Delimiter Keyboard is used to select user defined delimiters (keys). Once opened users can:
Left Click: Selects desired delimiter (key).
Left Double Click: Selects desired key and auto insert (the Insert button will also insert the
Right Click: Toggles between keeping the left Shift on or off.
Revert: Takes user back to previously inserted delimiter choice.
<None>: Deletes any selected/inserted delimiter.
Insert: Applies selected delimiter to be used.
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Special Keys - Sp1, Sp2, and Sp3
There are some additional measures that can be taken to make it more difficult for unauthorized users to
reproduce passwords, such as, by adding additional keystroke characters to the card information that is
difficult to reproduce, while configuring the data. These additional characters are labeled as Sp1, Sp2,
and Sp3 on the delimiters Virtual Keyboard. The Sp1, Sp2, and Sp3 keys are used only for keystroking
environments to send unprintable characters to a specified application.
Extended Tab
This tab allows manipulation of all fields. For pcProx & pcProx Plus readers with extended feature, 31
delimiter keystrokes can precede its displayed data. Typically the last field will not be displayed, but will
instead have separators to terminate or signal the end of card data.
The reader processes and displays the fields in the order of the green (enabled) buttons from top to
bottom. The Blue button is the selected field; the Red buttons are the disabled fields. Each field can be
configured to have delimiters and display card data. Each field is defined as a starting bit and number of
The most common FIPS201 formats are 64, 75, and 200 bit and 26-bit standard format are predefined
for you. These set the starting bit and number of bits and display type (hex or decimal) for each field.
The displayed number can have fixed length (i.e. padded with zeros).
Image 68: Extended Tab
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 54
Image 69: Define Fields
Define Fields
Click to select the number of source bits to define the fields. The correct type must be
selected to allow for all card bits to be manipulated.
Check to enable the highlighted field. This allows the delimiters to be output and the
corresponding card field to be processed and output. All green fields are enabled. All
red fields are disabled.
Click to select key delimiters that are stored in the device’s flash memory that precede
card data output.
Click to clear keystrokes preceding the card data.
Click to display the card field in decimal format.
Click to display the card field as a base 16 number in uppercase HEX 0 9 and A F.
Displays the card data in binary coded decimal, where each 5 bits represent 1, 2, 4, 8,
and parity. FASCN data is always odd parity. It’s a mutually exclusive display mode. No
other conversion is applicable afterwards.
Enables Octal output for the selected field. It’s not a mutually exclusive display mode,
so Wiegand and Hashing key conversion will also be applicable. The Octal mode is
available for pcProx Plus reader with extended feature only.
Invert Bits
Invert bits. Zero becomes 1 and One becomes 0.
Reverse Bits
Reverse the bits from the card.
Reverse Bytes
Reverse the Wiegand data bytes from the card. The settings on the Extended tab
perform the same functionality as the Data Format tab in Standard mode. The Reverse
bytes, Reverse bits, and the Invert bits are disabled and greyed out when the pcProx
readers with extended feature in octal mode.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 55
Bits Window
This window displays the bit ranges for each of the enabled fields on the card.
Hashing Key
Selects hashing key to use for encrypting the selected field. The Hashing Key selection
box allows the user to select the key they wish to use for encrypting the selected field.
The options are “Off, “A” or “B”. The Hashing key is only available to pcProx and
pcProx Plus readers with extended feature and operating in extended mode.
Click to display the binary bit pattern captured from the card.
Start Bit
Enter a number to define the left most significant starting bit for the field.
Enter the number of bits to add to the Start Bit to define the range of bits in the field.
This is the number of digits that will display in a selected field.
Click to move the highlighted field up one position.
Click to move the highlighted field down one position.
Field operators are performed in a specific order that can have a significant impact on the final
conversion. If more than one field operator is selected, this is the order in which the functions are
Reverse Bits
Reverse Bytes
Invert Bits
Hashing algorithm.
For FIPS201 reader each field may have from 0 15 key strokes, but for pcProx Plus reader with
extended feature each field may have 0-31 key strokes.
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Image 70: Output Example
In the example Image 70, the Personal ID starts at bit 111, and is 50 bits long.The Bit Range is 111 ..
160 and the card bit pattern is highlighted. This output format is displayed in binary coded decimal with
parity (BCD with parity). This is the 245 bit configuration. If any additional keystrokes were entered to
precede the card data, click Clear to remove them.
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Image 71 : 31 Keystroke Limit
Click GetID and scan the card to display the output format of the FIPS 201 and proximity card and the
interpretation display of the card data. Click GetID to define the fields to set up the device.
Image 72: Get Active ID Dialogue Box Example
In this example Image 72, The Agency data starts at bit 11, and is 15 bits long. The location of the
agency data is highlighted in the binary bit pattern. The Bit Range is 11 ... 25.
The actual card data displays in blue below the binary bit pattern layout. The interpretation of the card
data displays in red in the text field. The card data in blue will always be the same. The card data in red
changes based on configuration settings flashed to the device.
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The Start Bit changes the actual location of the selected field on the binary bit pattern.
Image 73: Start Bit Example
Change Fields Configuration
Click on the appropriate field button and uncheck Enable to remove field data from being displayed. In
the example below, the Agency, Personal ID, and Expiration Date fields have been removed. Additional
function keys display to configure more fields.
Image 74: Change Fields Configuration Example
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Assign Preceding Keystrokes
If Enable is checked for a field, specific keystrokes can be assigned to precede card data output.
Image 75: Enable Field Example
Click Clear to remove all preceding keystrokes as appropriate.
Image 76: Removing Preceding Keystrokes
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 60
Image 77: Single Keystroke Example
Each single keystroke entered to precede card data equals 1 byte of memory for FIPS201 devices, and
serial pcProx Plus devices with the extended feature.
Image 78: Special Character Keystroke Example
If any special character Left control, Left GUI, Left Alt, Right control, Right GUI, Right Alt, Right Shift
except for ‘Left Shift’ is selected with a keystroke, this equals 2 bytes of memory for FIPS201 USB
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 61
If all the keystrokes have been assigned to the fields, the following message displayed below will
Image 79: Key Stroke Memory Full
Depending on the active document/window, additional functionality can be assigned to a field. For
example, if the card data is read in Notepad, Print dialogue can be opened.
Select the FAC field. Click the keyboard icon. Check Left Control and Click P. Click Insert.
Image 80: Print Feature
Click Flash to write this configuration to flash memory. Verify the active window is Notepad. Scan the
card. The Print dialogue function works when the card is read.
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Image 81: Print Dialogue Box
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FIPS201 Reader Configuration
To configure Reader for FIPS201 card:
1. Click “GetID” and present the card to the reader.!
Image 82: Get Active ID Dialogue Box
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 64
2. Define the fields to match the specific output. There are 6 predefined configurations for FIPS201
Image 83: Define Fields Dialogue Box
3. Configure any additional fields as appropriate.!
Image 84: Configuration of Additional Fields
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 65
4. Save the configuration to memory.
Image 85: Saving Configuration to Memory!
The Bits Window displays:
Start bit location
Number of bits for a specific field
Number of digits for the field
Location of the field within the 245 bit range
Image 86: Bits Window
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 66
Configuring the Reader in Extended Mode
1. Connect to the reader using the available communication port supported by your reader and
press the “Connect” Button (A).
2. Select the Extended/Hashing radial button and press the “Write Active” button (C).
3. Select the “Extended” tab (D), all fields on this tab are active for the pcProx Plus with the
Extended feature.
Image 87: Configuring the Reader in Extended Mode!
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Determining the Card Size
1. Press “GETID” (A) and wait for the “GetActive ID” dialogue box to appear.
2. Place the curser in the dialogue box (B) and present the card to the reader.
3. The default field setting values will appear in the dialogue box (B) and automatically close.
4. Now the application is configured using the default settings determined by the card size.
Image 88: Determining the Card Size!
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Selecting the Bits to Use for the Facility Code (FAC) Field
1. In this example field 1 “FAC” is used as the field for our facility code. In the “Where” box, the
“Start bit” (A) field is used to determine the facilitiy code start position.
2. The size or number of bits used for the facility code are determined by the “Number of bits” field
3. The bit box (C) displays the selected bits in blue.
4. The blue data box (D) contains the value of the selected bits.
Image 89: Selecting the Bits to Use for the Facility Code (FAC) Field
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 69
Selecting the Bits to Use for the Card ID Field
1. In this example field 2 “ID” (A) is used as the field for card ID. In the “Where” box, the “Start bit”
(B) field is used to determine the ID start position.
2. The size or number of bits used for the ID are determined by the “Number of bits” field (C).
3. The bit box (D) displays the value of the selected bits in blue.
4. The blue data box (E) contains the value of the selected bits.
5. Press the “Write Active” button to store the new settings in the reader.
Image 90: Selecting the Bits to Use for the Card ID Field
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Verify the Reader Settings
1. Open Notepad and place the curser inside the editor (A).
2. Present the card to the reader and verify the values match the selected bits for fields 1 and 2.
Image 91: Verifying the Reader Settings!
Determining the Card Format
It is important to be able to determine the format of the card data in order to locate the ID and FAC bits.
Cards come in many bit formats. It is necessary to determine any Leading and Trailing parity bits and
exactly how the ID and FAC are configured. This data must be correctly interpreted to properly read
card data.
Card data format in binary is typically: parity + FAC + ID + parity. There can be leading or trailing zeros
to many parity bits.
In this example the card is 26bit number is
Enter the above hexadecimal number into the Windows calculator and use the programmer mode to find
the binary equivalent.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 71
(FAC54) (ID15981)
Enter the decimal number you believe is on the card into the Windows calculator and use the
programmer mode to find the binary equivalent. In the example above, a FAC of 54 and ID of 15981
were known values.
The leading parity bits are the most significant. The trailing parity bits are least significant.
Hashing Tab
Hashing tab is used to write two configurable 16-byte Hash Keys to the device's flash memory. These
Hashing keys can be selected using Hashing Key drop down box available on the Extended tab to
enable hashing for the selected defined field. It protects user's login information from unauthorized
Image 92: Hashing Tab
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 72
Key A
First 16 byte hash key.
Key B
Second 16 byte hash key.
Enhance Security
Enables security flag within device’s memory.
Image 93: Hashing Code Values
User can enter maximum 16 character string in one or both fields to create the new hashing key or keys.
If user enters less than 16 characters, the string will be padded with null value. After successful write
operation, the application will clear the text boxes.
Image 94: Enhance Security Enable Box!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 73
The Enhance security feature enables the security flag within the reader’s memory. Entering the
Hashing key or keys, checking the Enhance Security enable box, and pressing Write Active enables the
Enhance Security feature. The user can enter keys or enable the security function separately.
Image 95: Write Active Warning
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 74
Secure Tab
If the reader supports DES/2K3DES/3K3DES/AES EV1 Secure technology, then the Secure TAB will be
enabled and provides a way to enter Secure Encryption card keys into the Reader to support MIFARE
EV1 cards. To read encrypted data stored in a field in 13.56 MHz cards, the reader needs
additional decoding information such as a 16-byte card key and supporting configuration settings. The
GUI example below shows the necessary settings to complete an EV1 Secure write.
After the configuration parameters requirements are gathered, enter the settings in their appropriate
fields and then click on “Send Security Configuration” to configure the reader. Please be aware that each
Secure Key is set according to the reader configuration so you can have unique secure settings for each
reader configuration.
To validate card operations, scan the EV1 Secure card and note data in the green output box below.
Image 96: Secure Tab!
!!Offse t!with in!file!to!sta rt!read ing!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 75
Low Energy Technology
Certain RF IDeas readers support Bluetooth low energy technology capability that will automatically
activate the Bluetooth tab for intuitive RF control. The essence of this control is to independently enable
or disable Bluetooth RF Radio and/or RFID RF circuitry and these settings are volatile (not stored). The
reader will power up with Bluetooth module off and Radios powered ON.
From here you can select the following states:
BLE RADIO TOGGLE (i.e. Bluetooth ON / RFID OFF, Bluetooth OFF / RFID ON)
Image 97: Bluetooth Low Energy Technology!
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 76
Chapter 4. Tips and Troubleshooting
4.1 Troubleshooting
If the device is not working or the following error message is displayed:
Image 98: No Device Connected!
1. Check to be sure the device is connected to the USB or RS-232 port. When no card is being
read, the LED is red. A valid proximity card causes the LED to turn green.
2. Only one COM port application can own the RS-232 port at a time. Make sure there is not
another COM port application running. This prevents our software from seeing the device.
3. Verify the correct model and the software configuration screen agrees with the device
4. Verify the port agrees with the workstation connector.
5. If the device still does not work, disconnect it, remove ‘General USB Device’ using Windows
‘Control Panel’
‘Add/Remove’ Hardware. Then reboot the workstation. When the
workstation boots up, re-attach the device USB and the OS should re-install the Windows
driver automatically.
Change the release time to 1000 on the Timing tab for USB keystrokes to slow down the device. Open
Notepad or Word and swipe a card to display the card data to see the actions of any non-printable
If the device does not read the card, contact the card manufacturer/vendor to verify that the card type is
compatible with the device model.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 77
4.2 Precautions
Contact Technical Support at (866) 439 - 4884 for more information.
4.3 Before You Call Technical Support
Please make sure you’ve identified your reader model and credential type being used. Have this
information ready so that your call will be routed to the correct specialist.
For Assistance:
Phone: (847) 870 -1723
4.4 Talking To the Technician
Provide the reader model and credential type being used to the Technical Support Specialist. Explain
your problem to the specialist.
Be prepared to provide the following information:
Error messages displayed on the computer.
What you were doing when the problem occurred.
What steps you have taken to resolve the problem, including results from each steps.
Listen and follow the steps provided by the specialist. Let the specialist know what happens when you
perform the steps.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 78
End-User License Agreement for RF IDeas™ SOFTWARE and HARDWARE - RF IDeas’ pcProx®, Proximity Activated Readers, Software Developer’s Kit, and Proximity
Reader DLLs, and Protocol(s).
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and the
manufacturer RF IDeas (“Manufacturer”) with which you acquired the RF IDeas software and hardware product(s) identified above (“PRODUCT”). The PRODUCT includes
the RF IDeas reader, computer software, the associated media, any printed materials, and any “on line” or electronic documentation. The SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE
PRODUCT includes the computer software, the associated media, any printed materials, and any “on line” or electronic documentation. By installing, copying or otherwise
using the PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, RF IDeas is unwilling to license the PRODUCT to
you. In such event, you may not use or copy the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT, and you should promptly contact the vendor you obtained this PRODUCT
from for instructions on return of the unused product(s) for a refund.
The products described in this publication are intended for consumer applications. RF IDeas assumes no liability for the performance of product. RF IDeas products are not
suitable for use in life-support applications, biological hazard applications, nuclear control applications, or radioactive areas. None of these products or components,
software or hardware, are intended for applications that provide life support or any critical function necessary for the support of protection of life, property or business
interests. The user assumes responsibility for the use of any of these products in any such application. RF IDeas shall not be liable for losses due to failure of any of these
products, or components of these products, beyond the RF IDeas commercial warranty, limited to the original purchase price.
SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE: The PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and
treaties. The SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights: *Software. You may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT on
the COMPUTER. *Network Services. If the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT includes functionality that enables the COMPUTER to act as a network server, any
number of computers or workstations may access or otherwise utilize the basic network services of that server. The basic network services are more fully described in the
printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT. *Storage/Network Use. You may also store or install a copy of the computer SOFTWARE
PORTION OF THE PRODUCT on the COMPUTER to allow your other computers to use the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT over an internal network, and
distribute the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT to your other computers over an internal network.
1.1 General License Grant. RF IDeas grants to an individual, a personal, nonexclusive license to make and use copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for the sole
purposes of designing, developing, and testing your software product(s) that are designed to operate in conjunction with any RF IDeas designed proximity reader product.
You may install copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on an unlimited number of computers provided that you are the only individual using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. If
you are an entity, RF IDeas grants the right to designate one individual within your organization to have the sole right to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in the manner
provided above.
1.2 Documentation. This EULA grants an individual, a personal, nonexclusive license to make and use an unlimited number of copies of any documentation, provided that
such copies shall be used only for personal purposes and are not to be republished or distributed (either in hard copy or electronic form) beyond the user’s premises and
with the following exception: you may use documentation identified in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as the file format specification for RF IDeas’ proximity readers solely in
connection with your development of software product(s) or an integrated work or product suite whose components include one or more general purpose software
1.3 Storage/Network Use. You may also store or install a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run
the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on computers used by a licensed end user in accordance with Section 1.1. A single license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be
shared or used concurrently by other end users.
1.4 Sample Code. RF IDeas grants you the right to use and modify the source code version of those portions of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT identified as “Samples in the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT (“Sample Code”) for the sole purposes to design, develop, and test your software product(s), and to reproduce and distribute the Sample Code,
along with any modifications thereof, only in object code form.
2. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. *Limitations on Reverse Engineering, De-compilation and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer,
decompile, or disassemble the PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation *You
may not reproduce or otherwise emulate, in whole or in part, any form the protocol(s) defined within this PRODUCT for use without a RF IDeas PRODUCT Redistributable
Code. If you are authorized and choose to redistribute Sample Code (“Redistributables”) as described in Section 1.4, you agree to: (a) distribute the Redistributables in
object code only in conjunction with and as a part of a software application product developed by you using the PRODUCT accompanying this EULA that adds significant
and primary functionality to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (“Licensed Product”); (b) not use RF IDeas’ name, logo, or trademarks to market the Licensed Product; (c) include
a valid copyright notice on the Licensed Product; (d) indemnify, hold harmless, and defend RF IDeas from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney’s fees, that
arise or result from the use or distribution of the Licensed Product; (e) otherwise comply with the terms of this EULA; and (g) agree that RF IDeas reserves all rights not
expressly granted. You also agree not to permit further distribution of the Redistributables by your end users except: (1) you may permit further redistribution of the
Redistributables by your distributors to your end-user customers if your distributors only distribute the Redistributables in conjunction with, and as part of, the Licensed
Product and you and your distributors comply with all other terms of this EULA; and (2) in the manner described in Section 1.4.
*Separation of Components. The PRODUCT is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer.
*Single COMPUTER. The PRODUCT is licensed with the COMPUTER as a single integrated product. The PRODUCT may only be used with the COMPUTER.
*Rental. You may not rent or lease the PRODUCT without permission from RF IDeas.
*Software Transfer. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA only as part of a sale or transfer of the COMPUTER, provided you retain no copies,
you transfer all of the PRODUCT (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this EULA and, if applicable, the Certificate(s) of
Authenticity), AND the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. If the PRODUCT is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the PRODUCT.
*Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, RF IDeas may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you
must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT and all of its component parts.
3. UPGRADES. If the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is an upgrade from another product, whether from RF IDeas or another supplier, you may use or
transfer the PRODUCT only in conjunction with that upgraded product, unless you destroy the upgraded product. If the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is an
upgrade of a RF IDeas product, you now may use that upgraded product only in accordance with this EULA. If the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is an
upgrade of a component of a package of software programs which you licensed as a single product, the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT may be used and
transferred only as part of that single product package and may not be separated for use on more than one computer.
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 79
4. OEM COPYRIGHT. All title and copyrights in and to the PRODUCT (including but not limited to images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and
“applets,” incorporated into the PRODUCT), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT, are owned by RF
IDeas or its suppliers. The PRODUCT and SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You may not
copy the printed materials accompanying the PRODUCT.
5. DUAL-MEDIA SOFTWARE. You may receive the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT in more than one medium. Regardless of the type or size of medium you
receive, you may use only one medium that is appropriate for your single computer. You may not use or install the other medium on another computer. You may not loan,
rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the other medium to another user, except as part of the permanent transfer (as provided above) of the SOFTWARE PORTION OF THE
6. OEM PRODUCT SUPPORT. Product support for the product is not provided by RF IDeas or its subsidiaries. For product support, please refer to the OEM supplies
support number provided in the documentation. Should you have any questions concerning the EULA, or if you desire to contact OEM for any other reason, please refer to
the address provided in the documentation provided.
Limited Warranty: RF IDeas warrants to the original buyer of this product, that the hardware and related disk(s) are free of defects in material and workmanship for a
period of one year from date of purchase from RF IDeas or from an authorized RF IDeas dealer. Should the RF IDeas products fail to be in good working order at any time
during the one-year period, RF IDeas will, at its option, repair or replace the product at no additional charge, provided that the product has not been abused, misused,
repaired or modified. This warranty shall be limited to repair or replacement and in no event shall RF IDeas be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial or other
damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other similar claims. No dealer, distributor, company, or person has been authorized to change or
add to the terms of this agreement, and RF IDeas will not be bound by any representation to the contrary. RF IDeas SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER
some states do not allow such exclusion of limitation of incidental or consequential damages for consumer products, check the statute of the state in which your business
This warranty gives you the specific legal rights in addition to any rights that you have under the laws of the state in which your business resides or operates.
Returns: RF IDeas products which require Limited Warranty service during the warranty period shall be delivered to the nearest authorized dealer or sent directly to RF
IDeas at the address below with proof of purchase and a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) Number provided by RF IDeas Technical Support Dept. Replacement parts
or complete boards become the property of RF IDeas If the returned board or unit is sent by mail, the purchaser agrees to pre-pay the shipping charges and insure the
board or unit or assume the risk of loss or damage which may occur in transit. The purchaser is expected to employ a container equivalent to the original packaging.
Copyright: Copyright by RF IDeas 2013. All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution of this document in whole or in part or in any form is prohibited without express
written permission from RF IDeas.
Trademarks: All RF IDeas products are trademarks of RF IDeas. All other product names or names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Applicable Patents: RF IDeas pcProx Plus card readers supporting HID formats retain US Patent No. 5,952,935 and U.S. Patent No. 7,439,862.
Disclaimer: This Reference Guide is printed in the U.S.A. Any resemblance mentioned in the Reference Guide to persons living or dead, or to actual corporations or
products is purely coincidental. RF IDeas believes that the information contained in this manual is correct. However, RF IDeas does not assume any responsibility for the
accuracy of the content of this User Manual, nor for any patent infringements or other rights of third parties. RF IDeas reserves the right to make any modifications in either
product or the manual without giving prior written notification.
FCC Compliance Statement
FCC ID: M9MPCPROXM101 (Indala Model)
FCC ID: M9MRDR6X8X (Kantech, Indala, Casi-Rusco)
FCC ID: M9MPCPROXC101 (Casi-Rusco Model)
FCC ID: M9MRDR7580 (iCLASS MIFARE and Other 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MRDR7581 (iCLASS MIFARE and Other 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MRDR7081AKE (iCLASS MIFARE and Other 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MRDR8XX8U (Plus combo Model)
FCC ID: M9MRDR8058X (Multi-protocol Combo Model)
FCC ID: M9M758XCCL (MIFARE and Contact Model)
FCC ID: M9MRDR80081 (Plus SIO Combo Model)
FCC ID: M9MRDR60DX (125kHz USB Dongle Model)
FCC ID: M9MOEM805NX (Multi-protocol Combo Model)
FCC ID: M9MSB758X (Mifare 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MLC6T8X (132 kHz USB Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC608XU0 (125 kHz Virtual Com Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC6X8X (Multi-protocol 125kHz)
FCC ID: M9MPCPROXP100 (Pyramid)
FCC ID: M9MRDR7081 (iCLASS Module based)
FCC ID: M9MRDR7P71 (FIPS 201 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MRDR7L81 (Legic 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MRDR7081AKF (iCLASS MIFARE and Other 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MRDR75DX (iCLASS MIFARE and Other 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MRDR758X (iCLASS MIFARE and Other 13.56 MHz)
FCC ID: M9M8058XCCL (Multi-protocol and Contact Model)
FCC ID: M9M7580CCL (MIFARE and Contact Model)
FCC ID: M9MRDR70EX (13.56MHz Express Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC608X (125KHz USB Model
FCC ID: M9MSB708X (iCLASS 13.56MHz)
FCC ID: M9MSB6X8X (Multi-protocol 125kHz)
FCC ID: M9MLC60DX (125 KHz USB Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC758X (13.56 MHz USB Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC6X11U (125 kHz USB Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC805X (Multi-protocol Combo Model)
FCC ID: M9MHP8058X (Multi-protocol Combo Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC7X11U (13.56MHz USB Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC8058U (Multi-protocol Combo Model)
FCC ID: M9MLC8008XU (Multi-protocol Combo Model)
“Pursuant to FCC 15.21 of the FCC rules, changes not expressly approved by RF IDeas might cause harmful interference and void the FCC authorization to operate this
Note: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This
product complies with FCC OET Bulletin 65 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
The reader may not recognize value cards in the presence of high RF fields. If the current reading is erratic, the user shall take the following step: Move the equipment
from any known transmitters nearby. For more information contact Tech Support at (866) 439 - 4884.
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©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 81
ASCII · 1, 7, 12
Beep · 21
Beeper · 9
binary · 70, 71
Card Compatibility · 3
Card Data Hold Time · 43
Change Fields Configuration · 58
Clear button · 42
Connectors · 6, 41
Continuous Read · 43
decimal · 70
Delimiter Keyboard · 52
Ethernet · 7, 8, 12, 13, 41
FAC · iii, 4, 49, 70
Factory Defaults · 13, 21
FIPS 201 · 57, 63
GetID · 42, 46, 55, 57
GetQueuedID · 46, 47
Hashing · 54, 71, 72
Icon Toolbar · 35
ID Digits · 49
Key Press Time · 44
Key Release Time · 44
LED · 45
Lock-Out Time · 43
Logical Unit ID · 45
LSB · 71
Minimum System Requirements · 8
MSB · 71
OEM · iii, 46
Output Test Area · 21, 35, 37, 42
parity · 70, 71
PCMCIA · 7, 40
pcProx Plus · 1, 4, 10, 11, 14, 38, 39, 40, 43
RS-232 · 7, 8, 40, 74
SDK · iii, 1, 7, 12, 43, 44, 45
serial · 7, 11, 12, 13, 42, 45, 50, 52
Special Keys · 53
Start Bit · 55, 56, 58
Termination Keystroke · 51
Test button · 42
USB · 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 40, 43, 44, 61, 74
Wiegand · 7, 10, 49, 50, 54
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 82
Standard 26-Bit Format Structure
There are several bits constructed together that comprise of data sent from the proximity card to the
device. There are numerous bit formats and lengths for proximity cards. The most popular is a 26-bit
card format. The typical layout for this format is 24 bits of usable information as the first and last are
parity bits to ensure data integrity.
The 26-bit format consists of 256 possible facility codes. Within each facility code there is a total of
65,535 unique card numbers.
The standard 26-bit Wiegand format is H10301. It is binary encoded data. The format consists of 2 parity
bits, 8-bit facility code (F) and 16-bit card number fields (B). This format displays below:
Bit Coding
P = Parity
O = Odd Parity
E = Even Parity
X = Parity Mask
F = Facility Code, range = 0 to 255
B = Card Number, range = 0 to 65,535
In general, the 26-bit format is the industry standard format. Primary benefits of this include:
Open format
Convenient to order
Universal access control panel acceptance
The sale of this format is not limited to any one company yet the range of card numbers available in this
format is limited. There is a potential for card numbers to be duplicated.
Please go to www.RFIDeas.com and follow the Support
Learning Center
Proximity Card
Formats link for more details. The card manufacturer may also have additional details about the card
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 83
Use the pcProx Device for Password Security - Complex Passwords
It is possible with certain limitations, to use the proximity token as a password for an application or
operating system log on. The unique card bit-stream converted to either decimal or hexadecimal
becomes the entire or a portion of the password. Enroll this card data to the password of the operating
system application for the user.
Since the proximity token has no read/write memory, there is no way to change this or write
alphanumeric characters such as a user name to the proximity token. Some examples are shown below.
Please see RF IDeas pcProx Playback Starter Kit or call the Sales Department if this capability is
Several companies have adopted a policy that requires users to change their password every xx number
of days to increase security. The PIN is the portion of the password the user changes every xx number
of days. Since the card data is completely numeric, any alpha and upper/lower case letter constraints
are handled in the user supplied PIN.
A two-factor authentication system is made up of:
1. Card ID data
2. Personal Identification Number (PIN)
The device may be configured to allow operation under either a one or two-factor authentication system.
In a one-factor system, the user simply scans the ID card. The device may be configured to add TAB
keystrokes ahead of the data as well as a TAB or ENTER keystroke after the card data.
The two-factor approach is especially useful when insisting on password construction rules or periodic
changing of passwords.
In a two-factor system, the user may enter the PIN either before or after the card data. If the user adds
the PIN before the card data, the device may be configured to append the ENTER keystroke.
Pre and Post Characters
There are some additional measures that can be taken to make it more difficult for unauthorized users to
reproduce passwords.
Adding additional keystroke characters to the card information, that is difficult to re-produce, while
configuring the data. These additional characters are labeled as Sp1, Sp2, and Sp3 on the Delimiters
Tab menu selections.
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Other Products & Accessories
©2017 RF IDeas Configuration Utility User Manual Page | 85
RF IDeas
© 2017 RF IDeas. All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by RF IDeas
is under license.
All other trademarks, service marks, and product or service names are property of their respective owners.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.
RF IDeas assumes no responsibility regarding the performance or use of these products.
All understandings, agreements, or warranties, if any, take place directly between the vendors and the prospective users.
Please feel free to call, e-mail, or visit our web site for a full list of applications, products, configuration options, supported cards, and
form factor specifications. Our web site includes application videos, support materials, case studies, and detailed information about our
product line.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. RF IDeas is not responsible for printing or clerical