Arizona State University Online
BIO 202 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Lecture and Laboratory (4 credits)
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Delon Washo-Krupps
ZOOM OFFICE HOURS: By appointment.
Please don’t use Canvas messenger. It can be glitchy and you may not receive a response.
Biology 202 is the second semester of the study of structure and function of the human body. Topics
include: The Blood and Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Lymphatic System, Endocrine
System, Urinary System, Digestive and Reproductive Systems.
PREREQUISITES: BIO 201 with C or better
BIO 202 is the second course in a two-part series. BIO 202 continues where BIO 201 left off, and covers
some major systems of the body, including Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Endocrine, Urinary,
Digestive and Reproductive Systems. The course is comprised of both lecture and lab. Please be aware
that some BIO 202 course content may be considered sensitive - including, but not limited to graphic
images of the human body.
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
Apply the Scientific Method
Describe the composition and function of blood, including all of the formed elements.
Explain the principles of osmolarity and viscosity of blood.
Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular system.
Explain how pressure gradients affect blood flow.
Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system.
Explain the factors that affect airflow and gas exchange in the body.
Describe the structure and function of the endocrine system.
Describe the functions of the body's various hormones and cite examples of disorders that result
from their imbalance.
Describe the structure and function of the urinary system.
Explain the mechanisms of urine production.
Explain the regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance.
Describe structures of the digestive system, and processes of digestion & absorption.
Describe the structure and function of the lymphatic system, including the mechanisms of
defense and immunity.
Describe the structure and function of the reproductive system.
Define homeostasis and explain specific examples for the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine,
urinary, digestive, lymphatic and reproductive systems.
Textbook: Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function by Kenneth Saladin, 10th
edition, McGraw-Hill
The e-book and Connect subscription are automatically added to your ASU account after the
drop date. No need to purchase ahead of time. If you already have access to Saladin 9e connect
from BIO 201, you will not be charged for continued use in BIO 202. A hardcopy of the textbook
can be purchased through our course canvas, or from a variety of online vendors, if you are not
comfortable with the e-book. You may also use a 9th ed hardcopy of the text to save some $. If
you use an older edition of the text, you will still need 10th ed. Connect Access (see below).
Connect Website: McGraw-Hill Connect for Saladin 9e
The majority of your course assignments will be completed through Connect.
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed (APR) - this is interactive, virtual cadaver dissection software
through McGraw-Hill, and it is amazing! Access to APR is included with your purchase of
Connect, and will be accessed through the Connect website. There is no additional.
Virtual Labs - these are virtual anatomy and physiology labs. Access to Virtual Labs is included
with your purchase of Connect, and will be accessed through the Connect website. There is no
additional charge for Virtual Labs.
Dissection Kit - this kit will include biological specimens for hands-on dissection. Purchase the
BIO 202 kit at Cost is around $85 with shipping to anywhere in the
US. International shipping is an additional expense. If you purchased the combo kit in BIO 201,
you do not need to make any additional purchases.
COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS: This is a fully online course; therefore, it requires a computer with
internet access and the following technologies:
Web browsers (Chrome (Links to an external site.), Mozilla Firefox (Links to an external site.), or
Safari (Links to an external site.))
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Links to an external site.) (free)
Adobe Flash Player (Links to an external site.) (free)
Webcam, microphone, and speaker
Microsoft Office (Microsoft 365 is free for all currently-enrolled ASU students)
Reliable broadband internet connection (DSL or cable) to stream videos.
Honorlock’s light Chrome browser extension
Note: A smartphone, iPad, Chromebook, etc. will not be sufficient for completing your work in ASU
Online courses. While you will be able to access course content with mobile devices, you will likely need
to use a computer for all assignments, quizzes, and virtual labs.
HELP TECH SUPPORT: For ASU and Canvas technical support, use the Help icon in the black global
navigation menu in your Canvas course or call the ASU Help Desk at +1-(855) 278-5080. Representatives
are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will get faster resolution if you call, rather
than emailing.
Address any Connect/Virtual lab technical issues to McGraw-Hill Tech Support at 1-855-423-9041
(always tell the technician that you access Connect/SmartBook Labs through Canvas)
COURSE COMMUNICATION: This course uses a Canvas discussion board called "Community Forum" for
general questions about the course. Prior to posting a question, please check the syllabus,
announcements, FAQ document and existing posts. If you do not find an answer, post your question.
You are encouraged to respond to the questions of your classmates. Students must maintain a cordial
atmosphere and use tact in hallway conversations. Inappropriate or rude posts may be deleted by the
You will be assigned a Graduate Teaching Assistant when the course begins. Please email questions of a
personal nature to your TA. You can expect a response within 24 hours, during normal business hours.
Please be aware that there is no guarantee that TAs and faculty will answer emails after 6:00 PM or on
the weekends. All course emails should be directed to your TA. If your TA cannot answer your question,
he/she will contact Dr. Washo-Krupps. If you have a question to help you understand a topic of the
course material, or you have an exam emergency issue, please directly email Dr. Washo-Krupps
COURSE TOPICS, SCHEDULE, & GRADING: Activities used for instruction and assessment of learning
include: discussion/presentations; textbook and supplemental readings; individual and group
activities/assignments; and case scenarios.
97 100%
970-1000 points
93 96.9%
930-969 points
90 92.9%
900-929 points
87 89.9%
870-899 points
83 86.9%
830-869 points
80 100%
800-829 points
77 79.9%
770-799 points
70 76.9%
700-769 points
60 69.9%
600-699 points
Below 60%
599 and below
GRADING PROCEDURE: Grades reflect your performance on assignments and adherence to deadlines.
Most graded assignments will be available within 72 hours of the due. Lab quizzes and lab practical
exams contain numerous fill-in-the-blank questions which must be hand-graded.
All assignments are due at 11:59PM Arizona time on Tuesday day each week. There is a 17-hour grace
period for completion of assignments, therefore the final weekly deadline is 5:00 PM on Wednesday
each week. This grace period is to be used in cases of emergency. If an unavoidable issue occurs over the
weekend, you may use the grace period to complete assignments without any penalty. If you choose to
put off assignments until the grace period, and then experience any personal or technical issues, please
be aware that you may not have enough time to fix the situation and deadlines for due dates will NOT
be extended for ANY reason!
Please note that the lowest Connect Chapter Worksheet and Connect Chapter Quiz will be dropped.
LATE OR MISSED ASSIGNMENTS: Due to the flexible nature of the course, no late assignments will be
accepted! The online forum requires the use of technology, and sometimes students may experience
technological issues. Students will not be granted any extensions for assignments due to technical
issues, therefore it is strongly recommended that all assignments are completed and submitted 24 hours
prior to the final due date/time.
Follow the appropriate University policies to request an accommodation for religious practices (Links to
an external site.) or to accommodate a missed assignment due to University-sanctioned activities (Links
to an external site.). Typically, these will not apply to the online course, as you have an entire week to
complete assignments. It is expected that students budget time for assignments on other days/times
accordingly when traveling or participating in religious activities.
Due to the accelerated nature of an online course, extended absences are not permitted. Students will
need to withdraw from the course for absences that will cause a student to miss the majority of a
week’s assignments, or more. Students who do not complete Module 0 will not be able to move forward
in the course, and should withdraw to prevent earning the grade of E.
To be successful:
check the course daily
read announcements
read and respond to course email messages as needed
complete assignments by the due dates specified
communicate regularly with your instructor and peers
create a study and/or assignment schedule to stay on track
access ASU Online Student Resources
COURSE TIME COMMITMENT: This four-credit, lab-based course requires approximately 25-35 hours of
work each week. Some students may spend more time, and some may spend less. Please budget your
time each week. It is recommended that you spend some time each day reading assignments, watching
lectures, and completing lecture and lab assignments. If you save all your work until the weekend, you
likely will not have time to effectively learn the material and complete assignments.
GRADE APPEALS: You must contact your TA or instructor within one week of a grade posting to dispute
any question/grade on an assignment/quiz/exam. You must provide the question and a statement of
what the issue is, or why you believe that your answer was correct for each disputed question. Final
course grade disputes must first be addressed by discussing the situation with the instructor. If the
dispute is not resolved with the instructor, the student may appeal to the department chair per the
University Policy for Student Appeal Procedures on Grades.
PROCTORED EXAMS: Due to the nature and importance of the subject matter, all lecture and lab exams
for BIO 202 will be proctored through Honorlock. No notes will be permitted. There are four lecture
exams and two lab practical exams. For all exams you will need to be in a secure environment and your
computer will have to be equipped with a functioning camera and microphone.
You MUST follow ALL of the rules listed here, or you will receive a ZERO on the exam! Note: In some
circumstances listed below, your instructor may consider a point deduction instead of a zero.
You must submit a clear photo of your government issued photo ID (no Military ID's or photo
bankcards allowed) through the Honorlock system prior to starting the exam. If you submit a
Military ID or photo bankcard, there will be a 10-point grade deduction.
You must show the ENTIRE room when you pan the room to show your workspace in Honorlock
before beginning the exam. This includes floor, walls, desk area, etc. Pan the room slowly!
Incomplete scans will result in a 15 point grade deduction.
You must show your arms and ears to verify that nothing is written on and you are not wearing
earbuds. If you fail to show these areas, there will be a 5-point grade deduction.
You must be in a secure location- ie. a room with a closed door. Cars, outdoor locations and public
places are NOT considered to be secure locations. If you have a question regarding whether or not
a particular location is permitted, please contact your instructor before taking the exam.
No other people, cell phones, notes, textbooks, electronics, papers or any anatomy & physiology
materials are permitted in the testing room. Please remove ALL clutter prior to starting the exam.
light source, a pair of eyeglasses, your ID and one beverage in a transparent glass/bottle. There
will be a 5 point grade deduction for EVERY item on the desk/table beyond the allowed items
listed above.
The testing room must be absolutely quiet. No TVs, radios, music or talking, etc. are permitted.
This includes reading questions out loud to yourself!
You may not wear earbuds, headphones, hats or hoodies during the exam.
You must be seated at a desk, table or counter. You may not sit on the floor or bed.
You are NOT permitted to leave the computer or disable the webcam for any reason once you
have scanned the room. If you need to use the restroom, do so before you scan the room and
begin the exam.
NO scratch paper is permitted.
Keep your eyes on the computer! If the proctoring report comes back that you consistently are
looking off camera, you will receive a zero. If you have a hard time keeping your eyes on the
screen, place a mirror behind you to reflect your testing space, and keep your hands in view of the
camera when you aren't answering a question.
Your microphone and webcam must be functioning during the entire duration of the exam, and
your entire face must be in view the entire time. If you turn these devices off, cover the camera,
or disconnect from Honorlock during the exam, you will receive a zero on the exam. You will be
able to see yourself in a window on your screen, so there is no excuse for not being in the proper
position throughout the entire exam.
You are not allowed to right click or use copy/paste while taking the exam. Each time this is
detected, 5 points will be deducted.
No other tabs or windows may be open on your computer during the exam.
* If you have any issues or medical conditions that prevent you from adhering to the rules, you must
contact your instructor to discuss the situation prior to taking the exam.
* Failure to adhere to any of the above rules will result in points deductions, receiving a zero on the
exam, and/or could lead to an academic integrity report being filed with ASU.
* Students who repeat exam violations may be required to retake exams and/or complete exams via
live proctoring, or verify their knowledge in an oral exam at the professors discretion.
Please note: All weekly assignments are due at 11:59PM Arizona time on Sunday of each week. If you
do run into unforeseen issues, you may submit assignments, quizzes, and exams up until 5:00 PM AZ
Time on Mondays (no need to ask instructor permission). While you may use the grace period until 5:00
PM AZ Time, be aware that your instructor expects your work to be turned in by the initial due deadline.
If you put off assignments until the grace period, and then run into last minute technical or personal
issues, you will not be granted a further extension.
EMAIL AND INTERNET: ASU email is an official means of communication among students, faculty, and
staff. Students are expected to read and act upon email in a timely fashion. Students bear the
responsibility of missed messages and should check their ASU-assigned email regularly.
All instructor correspondence will be sent to your ASU email account.
SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments, unless otherwise announced, MUST be submitted to the
designated area of Canvas. Do not submit an assignment via email.
DROP AND ADD DATES/WITHDRAWALS: This course adheres to a compressed schedule and may be
part of a sequenced program, therefore, there is a limited timeline to drop or add the course. Consult
with your advisor and notify your instructor to add or drop this course. If you are considering a
withdrawal, review the following ASU policies: Withdrawal from Classes, Medical/Compassionate
Withdrawal, and a Grade of Incomplete.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY - Many students in this course aspire to careers in the health professions, and
therefore academic integrity is monumentally important! Cheating, including but not limited to
copying another student’s work and plagiarism of published literature, will not be tolerated. Academic
honesty is expected of all students in all examinations, papers, and laboratory work, academic
transactions and records. Possible sanctions include, but are not limited to, appropriate grade penalties,
course failure (indicated on the transcript as a grade of E), course failure due to academic dishonesty
(indicated on the transcript as a grade of XE), loss of registration privileges, disqualification and
dismissal. For more information, see DO NOT even give the
appearance that you may be cheating on an exam. You will fail the course if you have any notes,
materials, or electronics during an exam.
HARASSMENT PROHIBITED: ASU policy prohibits harassment on the basis of race, sex, gender identity,
age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, Vietnam era veteran status, and other
protected veteran status. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including termination
of employees or expulsion of students. Students are encouraged to report harassment to instructors and
the Dean of Students Office.
STUDENT CONDUCT: ASU expects and requires its students to act with honesty, integrity, and respect.
Required behavior standards are listed in the Student Code of Conduct and Student Disciplinary
Procedures, Computer, Internet, and Electronic Communications policy, ASU Student Academic Integrity
Policy, and outlined by the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities. Anyone in violation of these
policies is subject to sanctions.
Students are entitled to receive instruction free from interference by other members of the class. An
instructor may withdraw a student from the course when the student's behavior disrupts the
educational process per Instructor Withdrawal of a Student for Disruptive Classroom Behavior (Links to
an external site.). The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities accepts incident reports (Links to an
external site.) from students, faculty, staff, or other persons who believe that a student or a student
organization may have violated the Student Code of Conduct.
Students must refrain from uploading to any course shell, discussion board, or website used by the
course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the student's original work, unless the
students first comply with all applicable copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete
materials on the grounds of suspected copyright infringement.
TITLE IX: Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from
participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program
or activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on
sex is prohibited. An individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on
the basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and academic support, from the university. If you
or someone you know has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find
information and resources at
As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of regarding alleged
acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counseling Services,, is available if you wish to discuss any concerns confidentially and
privately. ASU online students may access 360 Life Services,
DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS: Qualified students with disabilities who will require disability
accommodations in this class are encouraged to make their requests to the instructor at the beginning
of the semester either during office hours or by appointment. Note: Prior to receiving disability
accommodations, verification of eligibility from the Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services
(SAILS) is required - Disability information is confidential.
Email: [email protected]; Phone: 480-965-1234; FAX: 480-965-0441
STATEMENT ON INCLUSION: Arizona State University is deeply committed to positioning itself as one of
the great new universities by seeking to build excellence, enhance access, and have an impact on our
community, state, nation, and the world. To do that requires our faculty and staff to reflect the
intellectual, ethnic, and cultural diversity of our nation and world so that our students learn from the
broadest perspectives, and we engage in the advancement of knowledge with the most inclusive
understanding possible of the issues we are addressing through our scholarly activities. We recognize
that race and gender historically have been markers of diversity in institutions of higher education.
However, at ASU, we believe that diversity includes additional categories such as socioeconomic
background, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, veteran status, nationality, and
intellectual perspective. I will absolutely not tolerate any discrimination or lack of respect for diversity in
this course.
MENTAL HEALTH: As a student, like anyone else, you may experience a range of challenges that can
interfere with learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, substance use, feeling down,
difficulty concentrating, and/or lack of motivation. These emotional health concerns or stressful events
may diminish your academic performance and/or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities.
ASU Counseling Services provides counseling and crisis services for students who are experiencing a
mental health concern. Any student may call or walk-in to any ASU counseling center for a same-day or
future appointment to discuss any personal concern. Here is the website: (Links
to an external site.). After office hours and 24/7 ASU's dedicated crisis line is available for crisis
consultation by calling 480-921-1006.
ESTABLISHING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT: Learning takes place best when a safe environment is
established in the classroom. In accordance with SSM 104-02 (Links to an external site.) of the Student
Services Manual, students enrolled in this course have a responsibility to support an environment that
nurtures individual and group differences and encourages engaged, honest discussions. The success of
the course rests on your ability to create a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable to share
and explore ideas. We must also be willing to take risks and ask critical questions. Doing so will
effectively contribute to our own and others’ intellectual and personal growth and development. We
welcome disagreements in the spirit of critical academic exchange, but please remember to be
respectful of others’ viewpoints, whether you agree with them or not.
All incidents and allegations of violent or threatening conduct by an ASU student (whether on- or off-
campus) must be reported to the ASU Police Department (ASU PD) and the Office of the Dean of
Students (Links to an external site.). If either office determines that the behavior poses or has posed a
serious threat to personal safety or to the welfare of the campus, the student will not be permitted to
return to campus or reside in any ASU residence hall until an appropriate threat assessment has been
completed and, if necessary, conditions for return are imposed. ASU PD, the Office of the Dean of
Students, and other appropriate offices will coordinate the assessment in light of the relevant
Note Taking Services (Links to an external site.), written permission must be secured from the official
instructor of the class in order to sell the instructor's oral communication in the form of notes. Notes
must have the note taker’s name as well as the instructor's name, the course number, and the date.
COURSE EVALUATION: Students are expected to complete the course evaluation. The feedback provides
valuable information to the instructor and the college and is used to improve student learning. Students
are notified when the online evaluation form is available. The results are always anonymous and cannot
be reviewed by the instructor/department until after final grades have been posted.
SENSITIVE CONTENT: Please note that some course content may be deemed offensive by some
students, although it is not my intention to offend anyone. In addition, some materials that we link with
online might also be considered offensive, troubling, or difficult to review in terms of language or
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS MANUAL: For a complete guide to Arizona State University course policies, please
refer to the Academic Affairs Manual (ACD).
SYLLABUS DISCLAIMER: The syllabus is a statement of intent and serves as an implicit agreement
between the instructor and the student. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule
but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. Remember to
check your ASU email and the course site often.
Course Schedule Print this schedule, complete assignments in order
and check off assignments as you finish them!
All weekly assignments are due at 11:59PM Arizona time on Sunday of each week. There
is a 15-hour grace period for completion of assignments, therefore the final weekly deadline
is 3:00PM on Monday each week (except no grace period during the final week). This grace
period is to be used in cases of emergency. If an unavoidable issue occurs on the due date,
you may use Monday to complete assignments. If you choose to put off assignments until
the grace period and then experience any personal or technical issues, please be aware that
you may not have enough time to fix the situation and deadlines for due dates will NOT
be extended for ANY reason! Never plan on taking exams during the grace period! It is
for emergencies only!
You must
complete all 5 of
these assignments
and earn 100%
before Module 1
will open
Syllabus Quiz in Canvas
Discussion topic in Canvas
Academic Integrity Agreement
Exam Rules Quiz
HonorLock Practice Exam
Chapter 18
Blood and
Blood Typing
Chapter 19
The Heart
Chapter 18 SmartBook (SB18) in Connect
Chapter 18 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 18 Quiz in Connect
Blood Lab Worksheet in Connect
Blood Virtual Labs in Connect
Blood Typing, Differential WBC Count, Hematocrit,
Hemoglobin Content
Blood Typing Lab Worksheet using your lab kit in Canvas
Blood Lab Quiz in Connect
Chapter 19 SmartBook (SB19) in Connect
Chapter 19 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 19 Quiz in Connect
4 ec
4 ec
Anatomy and
Use APR in Connect to study Cardiovascular anatomy
Heart Lab Worksheet in Connect
Hands-on Heart Dissection using your Lab Kit in Canvas
ECG Virtual Lab in Connect
Heart Quiz in Canvas
Chapter 20
Blood Vessels
Exam 1
Blood Vessels
Chapter 22
Chapter 20 SmartBook (SB20) in Connect
Chapter 20 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 20 Quiz in Connect
Pulse Rate Virtual Lab in Connect
Blood Pressure Virtual Lab in Connect
Blood (Chapter 18), Heart (Chapter 19), Blood Vessels
(Chapter 20) PROCTORED
Use APR to study Blood Vessels
SmartBook Blood Vessels (SBBV) in Connect
Blood Vessels Worksheet in Connect
Blood Vessels Quiz in Canvas
Chapter 22 SmartBook (SB22) in Connect
Chapter 22 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 22 Quiz in Connect
4 ec
4 ec
4 ec
Anatomy and
Lab: Practical
Exam 1
Use APR in Connect to study Respiratory anatomy
Respiratory Lab Worksheet in Connect
Mechanism of Breathing Virtual Lab in Connect
Pulmonary Function Tests Virtual Lab in Connect
Respiratory Lab Quiz in Canvas
Blood, Heart, Blood Vessels, Respiratory System
PROCTORED Use your lab terms lists as study guides!
Chapter 21
Exam 2
Chapter 21 SmartBook (SB21) in Connect
Chapter 21 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 21 Quiz in Connect
Respiratory (Chapter 22); Lymphatic (Chapter 21)
4 ec
Chapter 17
Anatomy and
Chapter 23
Chapter 17 SmartBook (SB17) in Connect
Chapter 17 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 17 Quiz in Connect
Use APR in Connect to study Endocrine anatomy
Endocrine Lab Worksheet in Connect
Effects of Glucose Virtual Lab in Connect
Thyroid Hormone Virtual Lab in Connect
Endocrine Lab Quiz in Canvas
Chapter 23 SmartBook (SB23) in Connect
Chapter 23 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 23 Quiz in Connect
Use APR in Connect to study Urinary Anatomy
Urinary Lab Worksheet in Connect
Hands-on Kidney Dissection using your lab kit
Urinary Lab Quiz in Canvas
4 ec
4 ec
Chapter 24
Exam 3
Chapter 24 SmartBook (SB24) in Connect
Chapter 24 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 24 Quiz in Connect
Endocrine System (Chapter 17); Urinary System (Chapter
23); Water, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance (Chapter
4 ec
Chapter 25
Chapter 25 SmartBook (SB25) in Connect
Chapter 25 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 25 Quiz in Connect
Use APR in Connect to study Digestive system anatomy
Digestive Lab Worksheet in Connect
Digestive Virtual Lab in Connect
Digestive Lab Quiz in Canvas
4 ec
*Note: There
is no grace
period this
All week 6
are due at
11:59 PM AZ
Time on
Aug. 9
Chap. 27 & 28
Exam 4
Lab: Practical
Exam 2
Chapter 27 SmartBook (SB27) in Connect
Chapter 28 SmartBook (SB28) in Connect
Chapter 27/28 Worksheet in Connect
Chapter 27/28 Quiz in Connect
Use APR to study Male and Female Reproductive systems
Reproductive Lab Worksheet in Connect
Reproductive Lab Quiz in Canvas
Digestive System (Chapter 25); Male & Female
Reproductive Systems (Chapters 27 & 28) - PROCTORED
Endocrine; Urinary; Digestive and Reproductive Systems-
PROCTORED Use your lab terms lists as study guides!
4 ec
4 ec