State University of New York College at Cortland
Department of Biological Sciences
Biology 302-001
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Course Information:
Credit Hours: 3
Semester/Year: Spring 2010
Lecture: MW 10:20-11:10am
Lab: Tues/Wed
Location: Sperry Center 106 (Lecture)
Bowers Hall 217 (Lab)
Professor Information:
Dr. Theresa Curtis
Phone: 607-753-2721
Office: Bowers 218
Office Hours: M 11:30-2:00pm and W 1:30-
4:00pm or other times by appointment
Course Objective:
The course objective is to develop a greater understanding of the workings of the human body,
particularly, the structural and functional relationships in the cells, tissues and organs of the endocrine,
respiratory, digestive, circulatory, renal and reproductive systems. You should develop a working
vocabulary of anatomical and physiological terminology, and use this knowledge to recognize, describe
and explain human body structure and function.
Class Syllabus/Outline/Activities:
The classroom/activities/laboratory schedule will be followed as closely as possible. However changes
may be made at the instructor’s discretions. Note: Electronic version (Cortland eLearning) of Syllabus is
the “Official Version.” Supplemental instruction
will be held throughout the semester on a weekly basis;
weekly SI times and places will be posted on board.
Text Required:
The required text is: Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 2010, 5
ed. by Kenneth
S. Saladin; McGraw Hill, New York, NY. No additional lab manual is required.
You must be registered for Tuesday/Wednesday labs L01-L04. You should have a few latex gloves for
use in lab, but you do not need dissecting instruments. You must
bring your textbook to each lab; lab
handouts designed to go with your textbook will be posted on eLearning. It is your responsibility to print
the labs posted on eLearning and bring to lab. Extra copies of the lab will not be available.
Lecture examinations will be multiple choice. Examinations are designed to measure your
comprehensive understanding of the course materials. Examinations will be administered at the
schedules times. If you arrive late for an examination, you will not be permitted extra time to finish
the exam. You must show your SUNY-Cortland ID to gain access to any and all examinations. The
lab practicals will test your ability to identify basic anatomical structures & functions, as well as your
understanding of the PhysioEx experiments covered during the lab exercises. There will be answer
sheets listing all “structures” on the test; therefore, the test is mostly matching with some multiple
choice questions.
Evaluation of Student Performance:
A = 90 - 100%
EXAMPLE: A+ = 97 - 100
B = 80 - 89%
A = 93 - 96
C = 70 - 79%
A- = 90 - 92
D = 60 - 69%
B+ = 87 - 89
E = 59 or less
B = 83 - 86 etc.
Final grades will be based on the cumulative score of the semester's following activities:
Grading: The course will be graded on the basis of 590 points as follows:
3 Lecture Exams (100 points each) 300
In-Class Points 50
3 Lab Practicals (70 points each) 210
Mini Practicals 30
Total 590
Accommodations for Disabilities:
If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of
Student Disability Services in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call 607-753-2066 for an appointment.
Information regarding your disability will be treated in a confidential manner. Because many
accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as
Other Policies:
1. There will be no make-up exams
without a written doctor's (M.D.) excuse, or another written College
approved excuse (see college handbook). All make-up exams are all essay exams.
2. All students are expected to come to class on time and be prepared to join in with any course-related
discussions. All electronic devices (beepers, cell phones, blackberries, etc.) should be turned off and
put away during class. Any student whose electronic device goes off during class-time will be asked to
leave for the day. No food, drinks, or pets in class.
3. Academic Dishonesty (i.e. cheating) in unacceptable and will be immediately reported to the Provost
via Academic Dishonesty Charge form (see college handbook).
Tentative Lecture Schedule
Topic Reading in text
Mon 1/25 Endocrine System Ch 17
Respiratory System Ch 22
Digestive System Ch 25
Wed 3/03 EXAM 1
Blood Ch 18
Hemostasis Ch 18
Cardiovascular System Ch 19-20
Mon 4/12 EXAM 2
Immune and Lymph System Ch 21
Renal System Ch 23-24
Male Reproductive System Ch 27
Female Reproductive System Ch 28
Laboratory Schedule
Date Topic
Tues Wed
1/26 1/27 no lab this week
2/2 2/3 Lab 1: Human Respiratory System-Anatomy and Physiology
2/9 2/10 Lab 2: Human Digestive System-Anatomy
2/16 2/17 Lab 3: Human Digestive System-Physiology
2/23 2/24 Practical #1 (all practicals start ½ hour later)
3/2 3/3 Lab 4: Human Cardiovascular System-Heart Anatomy
3/9 3/10 Lab 5: Human Cardiovascular System-Heart Physiology
3/16 3/17 Spring Break
3/23 3/24 Lab 6: Human Cardiovascular System-Vessel Anatomy
3/30 3/31 Lab 7: Human Cardiovascular System-Vessel Physiology
4/6 4/7 Practical #2 (all practicals start ½ hour later)
4/13 4/14 Lab 8: Human Urinary System Anatomy
4/20 4/21 Lab 9: Human Urinary System-Physiology
4/27 4/28 Lab 10: Human Reproductive System-Anatomy
5/4 5/5 Practical #3 (all practicals start ½ hour later)