This Investment Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into as of January 1,
2009, by and between [FULL NAME OF ORGANIZATION], a [STATE] state non-
profit corporation (hereafter referred to as “[HOUSING LOAN FUND]”) and [FULL
NAME OF INVESTOR] (“Investor Bank”).
WHEREAS, [HOUSING LOAN FUND] is a [STATE] non-profit community
development financial institution established to promote community and economic
development by increasing access to capital for small businesses and community
development organizations engaged in economic and community development and
affordable housing throughout [STATE] (the “Program”).
WHEREAS, [HOUSING LOAN FUND] is not able to issue stock to raise capital
to fund the Program.
WHEREAS, Investor Bank wishes to make investments which promote the public
welfare in [STATE] and is willing to assist [HOUSING LOAN FUND] in the funding of
the Program.
WHEREAS, in order to invest in [HOUSING LOAN FUND], Investor Bank is
prepared to make an equity-equivalent investment in [HOUSING LOAN FUND],
structured as an investment on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. The Investment Terms. Investor Bank agrees to invest the principal sum
of fifty thousand and 00/100 ($50,000) at a fixed interest rate of 3% per annum (the
Investment). Interest shall be calculated on a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day
months and shall be payable quarterly commencing on the last day of the next calendar
quarter following the initial disbursement. The principal balance of the Investment shall
be due and payable ten years from the date of the initial disbursement. At the end of the
ten years, the Investor Bank is obligated to extend the Investment’s maturity annually for
successive periods of one year not to exceed five years. Annually thereafter, Investor
Bank has the option of extending the Investment’s maturity for an additional year, but is
not obligated to do so. [HOUSING LOAN FUND] may pre-pay the Investment, in whole
or in part, at any time without penalty.
2. Repayment Terms. Notwithstanding Section 1 above with respect to
[HOUSING LOAN FUND]’s obligation to make quarterly interest payments, [HOUSING
LOAN FUND] shall not be required to make any payment of interest with respect to this
Investment when such payment is due if: (a) as a result of such payment, [HOUSING
LOAN FUND] would be unable to make full payment of the interest which is then due
with respect to any outstanding obligations that are senior debt of [HOUSING LOAN
FUND]; (b) as a result of such payment, [HOUSING LOAN FUND] would be unable to
satisfy its operating expenses due at the time payment is due (or within ten business days
of such due date); or (c) payment of this Investment’s interest cannot be made from
[HOUSING LOAN FUND]’s available cash at the time payment is due.
[HOUSING LOAN FUND]’s obligation to make payments of interest to Investor Bank
shall not be excused as a result of the occurrence of any of the above circumstances, but
shall be required to be made on the first business day following the payment due date on
which it has the available resources to make the interest payment in whole or in part.
3. Purpose and Use of Proceeds. [HOUSING LOAN FUND] shall use the
proceeds of the Investment to provide access to capital by homebuyers, small businesses
and community development organizations engaged in economic and community
development and affordable housing, halt community deterioration and create jobs. The
proceeds of this investment will be restricted to use specifically in the assessment area of
Investor Bank to meet community development investment goals and objectives in that
area. So long as any part of the Investment remains outstanding, [HOUSING LOAN
FUND] shall furnish Investor Bank with a quarterly report of investment activity, in such
detail as Investor Bank may from time to time reasonably request.
4. Conditions. Investor Bank’s obligation to make the Investment shall be
subject to the following conditions:
a) [HOUSING LOAN FUND] shall deliver to Investor Bank a certified copy of
its Articles of Incorporation and a copy of a letter from the Internal Revenue
Service confirming that [HOUSING LOAN FUND] is in good standing as a
501(c)(3) organization.
b) [HOUSING LOAN FUND] shall execute and deliver this Agreement and shall
provide Investor Bank with satisfactory evidence that the investment and this
Agreement have been properly authorized by its board of directors.
c) [HOUSING LOAN FUND] shall maintain its status as a community
development financial institution in accordance with the provisions of 12
C.F.R. Sections 1805.200 and .701, as may be amended from time to time,
throughout the term of this Agreement.
d) [HOUSING LOAN FUND] certifies that at least one community representative
with expertise in long term, high risk financing to small businesses will at all
times during the term of this Agreement be a member of its Board of Directors.
5. Acceleration of Maturity. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement, Investor Bank may accelerate the maturity of the Investment, and the entire
balance of principal and interest shall become immediately due and payable only if
[HOUSING LOAN FUND] ceases its normal business operations. For the purposes of
this Agreement, [HOUSING LOAN FUND] ceases its normal business operations
if it changes its lines of business, uses the proceeds of the Investment for a purpose other
than that specified in Section 3 of this Agreement and the other purpose does not serve the
public welfare as defined in OCC Regulation 12 CFR part 24 (which describes the CRA
definition of public welfare investments), files a bankruptcy petition or takes similar
action, is liquidated or dissolved or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or
fails to maintain its status as a community development financial institution in accordance
with the provisions of 12 C.F.R. Sections 1805.200 and .701, as may be amended from
time to time.
6. Financial Reporting. In addition to the quarterly report on investment
activity required in Section 3 of this Agreement, [HOUSING LOAN FUND] shall
undertake the following obligations in connection with this Agreement:
a. Permit Investor Bank and any reasonable number of its officers or
employees, or any outside representatives designated by Investor Bank and
reasonably satisfactory to [HOUSING LOAN FUND], to attend meetings of
[HOUSING LOAN FUND]’s board of directors as an observer, and to visit and
inspect, at the expense of Investor Bank, any of the properties of [HOUSING
LOAN FUND], including their books and records, and to discuss their affairs,
finances and accounts with their officers, except with respect to trade secrets and
similar confidential information, to such reasonable extent and at such reasonable
times and intervals as Investor Bank may reasonably request without disruption of
[HOUSING LOAN FUND]’s operations.
b. Deliver to Investor Bank (i) as soon as practicable after the end of each
fiscal quarter and in any event within forty-five (45) days thereafter, unaudited
financial statements, including a balance sheet, income statement and statement of
changes in cash flow; (ii) as soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year
and in any event within one hundred and twenty (120) days thereafter, complete
audited financial statements, including a balance sheet, income statement and
statement of changes in cash flows, prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and setting forth in each case in comparative form
the figures for the previous fiscal year; (iii) as soon as practicable and in any event
within thirty (30) days after filing thereof, the annual tax return of [HOUSING
LOAN FUND]; and (iv) any additional documents, including the budget of
[HOUSING LOAN FUND], reports of independent accountants and notices of an
event material to the business of [HOUSING LOAN FUND] that are sent to the
directors of [HOUSING LOAN FUND]. .
7. General. The relationship of Investor Bank and [HOUSING LOAN
FUND] is that of debtor and creditor and does not constitute a partnership, joint venture,
or any other type of business organization. Neither party shall have any authority to act
on behalf of or obligate the other party and Investor Bank assumes no liability whatsoever
for any decision, action or omission taken by [HOUSING LOAN FUND] at any time prior
to, during or after the term of the investment described in this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
specified above.
By ____________________________ By _________________________
Its President Its Executive Director