Credit Default Swaps
Pamela Heijmans
Matthew Hays
Adoito Haroon
Credit Default Swaps Definition
A credit default swap (CDS) is a kind of
insurance against credit risk
Privately negotiated bilateral contract
Reference Obligation, Notional, Premium
(“Spread”), Maturity specified in contract
Buyer of protection makes periodic payments to
seller of protection
Generally, seller of protection pays compensation
to buyer if a “credit event” occurs and contract is
Spread, b basis
points per annum
Total return less
credit loss on the
reference entity
Payment on credit event
Credit Default Swaps Example
Notional: $10 million dollars
Spread: 100 bps per annum
Quarterly payment frequency
Payment of $25,000 quarterly
Credit Default Swaps - Types
Exist for both corporate reference entities and
Asset Backed Securities (ABS)
Corporate CDS are relatively simple; first emerged
round about 1993; became widely used by late
90’s/early 2000’s, particularly after introduction of
ISDA template in July 1999
ABS CDS are more complex; first appeared around
2003; grew substantially in 2005 after introduction of
ISDA “Pay as you go” template in June of that year
Exist for a variety of types of ABS; most common for
Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS); but, size of
markets for CDS on CDOs and CDS on CMBS also substantial.
Credit Default Swaps Credit Events
For corporates, quite straightforward
Credit event results in payment from protection seller to
buyer and termination of contract
Most common types of credit events are the following
Reference entitys insolvency or inability to repay its debt
Failure to Pay
Occurs when reference entity, after a certain grace period, fails to make
payment of principal or interest
Refers to a change in the terms of debt obligations that are adverse to
If credit event does not occur prior to maturity of contract
(typically, 2/5/7/10 years for corporates), protection seller
does not make a payment to buyer
Credit Default Swaps - Settlement
For corporates, settlement process is rather
Cash Settlement
Dealer poll conducted to establish value of reference
obligation (for example, x percent of par)
Protection seller pays buyer 100 x percent of Notional
CDS can be thought of as a put option on a corporate bond.
Protection buyer is protected from losses incurred by a
decline in the value of the bond as a result of a credit event.
Example of Cash Settlement
The protection buyer in a 5,000,000 USD CDS,
upon the reference entitys filing for
bankruptcy protection, would notify the
protection seller. A dealer poll would then be
conducted and if, for instance, the value of the
reference obligation were estimated to be
20% of par, the seller would pay the buyer
4,000,000 USD.
Credit Default Swaps Settlement -
Physical Settlement
Protection buyer sells acceptable obligation to
protection seller for par
Buyer of protection can choose, within certain limits, what
obligation to deliver. Allows buyer to deliver the obligation
that is “cheapest to deliver.” Generally, the following
obligations can be delivered
» Direct obligations of the reference entity
» Obligations of a subsidiary of the reference entity
» Obligations of a third party guaranteed by the reference
Credit Default Swaps Payment Events
for CDS on ABS
CDS referencing ABS are more complex
Attempt to replicate cash flows of reference
Reflective of growing importance of ABS CDO market in
early/mid 2000’s
Floating Amount Events: Do not terminate
Reduction in principal of reference obligation
Implied writedown
Calculated based on under-collateralization of reference
Optional for CDS on CDOs
Example of an Implied Writedown
Consider a CDO with two tranches; senior
tranche has notional of 150,000,000 USD;
Subordinate tranche has notional of
150,000,000 USD. If there’s only 225,000,000
USD of collateral backing the deal,
subordinate tranche will experience a 50%
implied writedown.
Credit Default Swaps Payment Events
for CDS on ABS - continued
Principal Shortfall
Reference Obligation fails to pay off principal by its legal
final maturity (typically approximately 30 years)
Interest Shortfall
Amount of interest paid on reference obligation is less
than required
Three options for determining size of payment from
seller to buyer: Fixed Cap, Variable Cap, No Cap
Credit Default Swaps Payment Events
for CDS on ABS - continued
Fixed Cap: Maximum amount that the protection seller
has to pay buyer is the Fixed Rate
Variable Cap: Protection seller has to make up any
interest shortfall on the bond up to LIBOR plus the
Fixed Rate
No Cap: Protection seller has to make up any interest
shortfall on the bond
Comparison of Fixed, Variable and No
Cap Assuming CDS Spread of 200 bps
Bond Coupon Fixed Cap-Max Pmt Variable Cap-Max Pmt No Cap-Max Pmt
LIBOR + 150 bps 200 bps LIBOR +200 bps LIBOR + 150 bps
LIBOR + 200 bps 200 bps LIBOR +200 bps LIBOR + 200 bps
LIBOR + 250 bps 200 bps LIBOR + 200 bps LIBOR + 250 bps
Credit Default Swaps Payment Events
for CDS on ABS - continued
Physical Settlement Option Buyer has option
to terminate contract
Failure to Pay Principal
Distressed Ratings Downgrade
Reference obligation is downgraded to CCC/Caa2 or
below or rating is withdrawn by one or more agencies
CDS on ABS Additional Fixed
In corporate CDS, protection buyer will never
owe seller anything other than premium
Not necessarily the case for CDS on ABS
Recovery of interest shortfall or reversal of
principal writedown can result in protection buyer
reimbursing protection seller
CDS Pricing and Valuation
Premium, “spread” – quoted as an annual
percentage in basis points of the contracts
notional value, but usually paid quarterly.
Like the premium on a put option, where the
payment of the premium is spread over the
term of the contact.
Model expected payments and expected
Likelihood of default
Recovery rate in the event of default
Liquidity, regulatory and market sentiment about
the credit
CDS Pricing Continued
Value of CDS (to protection buyer) = Expected
PV of contingent leg Expected PV of fixed
Expected PV of fixed leg:
)Sd + ΣD(t
Where: D(t)=discount factor for date t, q(t)=survival
probability at time t, S=annual premium, d=accrual
days (i.e., 0.25), Notional of $1 million
The present values of the sum of all payments to
the extent they will likely be paid (i.e., taking into
account survival probability)
The present values of all
expected accrued payments
CDS Pricing Continued
Expected PV of contingent leg:
The spread is set initially so that the value of the CDS is 0.
)Sd + ΣD(t
Two portfolios same maturity, par and nominal values of $100
Portfolios should provide identical returns at time T
CDS spread = corporate bond spread
No Default:
Risk free bond’s payoff: $100 Corporate bond’s payoff: $100
No payment made on CDS
Credit event: Assume a recovery rate of 45%
Risk free bond’s payoff: $100 Corporate bond’s payoff: $45
Payment on CDS: 55% of $100 notional
Portfolio A: T
Portfolio B:
Long: Risk Free Bond Long: Companys Corporate Bond
Short: CDS of a Company
(i.e., “Selling Protection”)
CDS Pricing Example
Negative Basis Trades
Investor buys a bond and buys protection on the
same entity. If the basis is negative the credit
default swap spread is less than the bond spread
the trader can receive a spread without taking on any
default risk. However, the investors takes on
counterparty risk.
For example, suppose a bank structures a CDO and
takes down a AAA tranche paying a spread of 27bps.
The bank can then buy protection from an insurer
(such as AIG) for 17 bps, pocketing 10 bps.
Growth So Far
CDS Outstanding Notional (billions)
1H01 2H01 1H02 2H02 1H03 2H03 1H04 2H04 1H05 2H05 1H06 2H06 1H07 2H07 1H08
Semi-Annual breakdown
Billions outstanding
Systemic risks
Risks that threaten the broader financial
market not just individual participants
Previous examples where mechanisms caused
systemic risk
Bank runs
Portfolio insurance stop-loss failures
Works individually but not if everyone does it
Measuring risks in the CDS market
Do we know the total risk exposure out in the
Notional does not give us a good measure:
Actual payment is measured in basis points of
In case of credit event, made whole on the
underlying bond
Double counting each side of contract
Buys CDS
protection on Delta
Bear StearnsGoldman
Buys CDS
protection on Delta
Bear StearnsGoldman
JP Morgan
After couple of
months: Buys CDS
protection on Delta
Buys CDS
protection on Delta
Bear StearnsGoldman
JP Morgan
After couple of
months: Buys CDS
protection on Delta
Goldman has
bought CDS
protection from
What are the risks in this market?
Network effects
CDS are bilateral contracts often sold and resold
among parties
Buyers may not be as financially sound to cover
the obligation in case of a credit event specially
without collateral
In 2005 NY Fed advised that counterparties tell
their trading partners when theyve assigned the
contract to others
Network (domino) effects
Buys CDS
Bear Stearns
JP MorganLehman
Buys CDS
Network (domino) effects
Buys CDS
Bear Stearns
JP Morgan
After couple of
months: Buys CDS
Buys CDS
JP sells CDS
Network (domino) effects
Bear Stearns and JPMorgan could have stepped out
Can lead to contagion and liquidity dry-ups
Buys CDS
Bear Stearns
JP Morgan
After couple of
months: Buys CDS
Buys CDS
JP sells CDS
Suppose Delta
defaults and
Lehman took
massive write-
What are the risks in this market (contd.)?
Counterparty concentration risk
Risk that the counterparty will default and not pay what is
owed under the contract
If a major counterparty like AIG fails, it leaves a large
number of market participants un-hedged and exposed to
Can have a domino effect: can lead to mistrust and freeze
up of market, systemic risk
Hedging risk
Could hedge by selling short bond
If everyone does it together, it does not work
Similar to portfolio insurance in 1987
Cascading effect
What are the risks in this market (contd.)?
Collateral and margin spirals
Some “blue-chips” like “AAA” AIG and Lehman, were not required to post collateral
However, even with collateral
Asset values may be correlated with CDS protection sold and broader economy
Have to post more collateral
De-leveraging: selling assets at the worst time
Everyone does this together
Margin spiral
Excessive speculation
Excess speculation without adequate collateral can cause contagion in case of credit
Actual size of market (not notional) is estimated to be 10x size of underlying cash bond
This should imply most bonds are cash settled since not enough bonds to settle
Irony is single name CDS in US still states physical settlement on term sheets
Risk of squeeze on underlying bonds in case of credit event.
Though not certainty, this suggests speculation
Not actually hedging against bonds you own
Quantifying risks
Actual size of market (not notional) is estimated to
be 10x size of underlying cash bond market
Modeling is hard:
True default probabilities hard to judge
Default correlations very hard to judge
making it difficult to aggregate risks
Asymmetric, Fat-tailed (left-skew)
distribution makes it even harder to model
Example: Lehman
September 15, 2008 bankruptcy resulting from its
investments in subprime mortgages.
“Event of DefaultCDS where Lehman was the
counterparty special trading session on September
“Credit Event” – CDS where Lehman was the
reference party approximately $400 billion in CDS
Lehman Auction
Auction: Allows cash settlement when the notional amount of
CDS on a reference entity is in excess of its outstanding debt.
Avoids valuation disagreements and need for market polls.
Mitigates risk of outstanding debt trading up due to
artificial scarcity. Delphi, 2005, had $2.2 billion in bonds,
$28 billion in credit derivatives outstanding. The debt
traded up from 57 cents on the dollar to a high of 71 cents
before falling back to 60 cents
Lehman Auction on October 10 to determine the value of
Lehman bonds: 8.625 cents on the dollar. Sellers of
protection needed to pay out 91.375 cents for every dollar of
insurance sold.
Ultimately, the auction settled with a net payout of $5.2
Lehman Bankruptcy Other Effects
Commercial paper market
First time in 14 years that a money market fund
had “broken the buck.
CDS market: Average cost of 5-year insurance on $10
million debt increased from $152,000 the previous
Friday to $194,000 (CDX Index).
Sellers of insurance had to post extra collateral: $140
billion in market calls.
Examples: AIG
AIG sold $447 billion in un-hedged, relatively under-margined (i.e. no
collateral) (due to AAA credit) CDS coverage
In 2005 and early 2006, head of the financial products unit, Joe Cassano
pushed AIG into writing protection on AAA portion of CDO’s
Models stated very low default probability
High fees without posting collateral
As write-downs grew, starting summer of 2007, the counterparties
demanded collateral.
Started off write-downs (as asset prices lowered) and further margin calls.
Eventually margin calls rose to $50 billion by September when AIG was
downgraded to single-A and had to seek government bailout because it did
not have the short-term liquidity to meet margin calls
Aside: cash collateral left by traders and hedge funds was used to invest in
sub-prime and Alt-A mortgage paper. As they crashed in value, and as the
traders returned stock, AIG could not give the collateral back.
Classic margin, loss spiral we talked about in class
What is the solution in light of this?
Clearinghouse to reduce counterparty credit risk:
The idea of the clearing house like clearing house for futures
Collateral is continuously posted in the form of margin, to cover the
drop in market value according to CDS spreads widening or narrowing.
AIG allowed to sell protection without posting collateral.
Automatic netting
Avoids domino effect outlined before
Clearinghouse effectively guarantees payment in a default event,
avoids the contagion of non-payments and spiraling margin calls.
Will also illuminate size of the effective exposure of the counterparty
to the clearinghouse.
A clearinghouse also provides enhanced liquidity and price discovery
through standardization and centralized trading.
What is the solution in light of this?
Bear StearnsGoldman
JP Morgan
Post collateral.
Automatic netting.
Current state of clearinghouse
As of Nov 12., the Fed wants to be the regulator for clearing
Two competing platforms:
The CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange):
Entered into joint venture with Citadel
They are waiting for regulatory approval to begin clearing CDS
The ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) is also competing. It
has bought Clearing Corp. a company which specializes in
clearing trades.
Has a trade clearing platform (“Concero”) and is owned partly by
some of the major dealers like Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank,
Morgan Stanley etc.
Ending thoughts
As we know, there are known knowns; there
are things we know we know. We also know
there are known unknowns; that is to say we
know there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknownsthe
ones we don’t know we don’t know. (Donald
Rumsfeld, US dept of defense 2002)
Fitch Ratings, Special Report: A Brief Review of “The Basis,January 10, 2008.
Fitch Ratings, Special Report: The CDS Market and Financial Guarantors Current Issues, February 27, 2008
Laing, J. R., Defusing the Credit-Default Swap, in Barron’s, November 17, 2008.
Morgenson, G., Arcane Market is Next to Face Big Credit Test, in The New York Times, February 17, 2008.
RECOMMENDED: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Economic Review, Fourth Quarter 2007:
Preface – Credit Derivatives: Where’s the Risk
Credit Derivatives: An Overview
Credit Derivatives and Risk Management
Credit Derivatives, Macro Risks, and Systemic Risks
Clearinghouse News:
ISDA statistics -
Federal Reserve Board presentation -
General paper about systemic risk by ECB -
Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group (Policy report from Gerald Corrigan of Goldman Sachs & Douglas Flint of HSBC
to Secretary Paulson & Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy) -
AIG downfall -
Nouriel Roubini’s website -