Student Specialty Pharmacy
Sample Learning Experience Description
In recognition of the need to develop future specialty pharmacy practitioners, the ASHP Section
of Specialty Pharmacy Practitioners - Section Advisory Group on Workforce Development has
developed a sample elective learning experience description compiling suggested activities and
experiences for pharmacy students.
Institution Name
Pharmacy Department
Specialty Pharmacy, Elective Rotation
Primary Preceptor:
Job Title
Additional Preceptors:
Job Title
Job Title
General Description
The Specialty Pharmacy learning experience is an [elective or ambulatory care focused], {duration} long
rotation for pharmacy students at Institution Name. The specialty pharmacy name is a closed-door, mail-
order pharmacy that dispenses specialty medications. Specialty pharmacy name is located on
_________________________with many decentralized pharmacist and technician locations throughout
the entire campus.
Specialty medications are defined as high-cost medications that require clinical monitoring,
administration, and/or unique storage parameters. Our pharmacy offers a high touch, comprehensive
care system of pharmacological care in which patients with chronic illness and complex disease states
receive expert therapy management and support tailored to their individual needs. Clinical pharmacists
work in coordination and directly with physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and
social workers in various clinical service lines and ambulatory clinics. Specialty pharmacy employees
assist providers with insurance prior authorizations, financial benefits investigations, and the insurance
appeal process. Additionally, staff coordinate with logistics companies, couriers, and delivery-based
service companies to ensure product quality and to meet the standards of some of the unique specialty
medication storage requirements.
Clinical pharmacists provide patient education and strategies on optimizing medication therapies and
enhancing patient compliance through face-to-face counseling or follow-up phone calls to all patients
taking specialty medications. Clinics utilize clinical services in the following areas: Asthma, Cystic
Fibrosis, Dermatology, Fertility, Gastroenterology, Growth Hormone Disorders, Hematologic Disorders,
Updated February 2024
Hepatitis C, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurologic Disorders, Oncology, Osteoporosis, Rheumatology,
Transplant,and more.
Students will be provided opportunities to develop patient-care skills necessary for complex medication-
related disease states and medical complications.
Student responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: performing medication reconciliation,
adherence assessment phone calls, medication counseling, screening drug-drug interactions, providing
injection training to patients, collaborating with manufacturers for replacement products, and
communicating with providers for recommendations to optimize patient medication therapies.
The student will also participate in central operations as part of the specialty pharmacy workflow which
may include, but is not limited to: prescription processing, addressing drug utilization review,
interpreting claim adjudications, completing prior authorizations, assisting in the appeal process, co-
payment assistance, pharmaceutical billing processes, dispensing operations, and delivery operations.
Students will develop skills in the following areas while on rotation: time management skills, multi-
tasking skills, communication skills, clinical knowledge in specialty medications and disease states, and
counseling skills.
Hours and Preceptor Interaction
{Include dates/time; example below}
- 0800-0830: Meet with preceptor and create schedule/designate tasks for the day
- 0830-1100: Partake in clinical operations and initiate clinical follow-ups
- 0900 (M-W-F): Engage in specialty pharmacy staff huddle in central operations
- 1100-1200: Check-in with preceptor for afternoon discussions/schedule updates, check-in with
operations, call center, and script data entry staff for delivery confirmations and issues for
patients that student is coordinating
- 1300-1530: Wrap-up clinical activities for the day, and engage in discussions with primary
- 1600: End of day check-in with primary preceptor for outstanding issues and coordinating next-
day activities
**Tentative schedule above is subject to change at the discretion of preceptors and coordination
with student**
Site Specific Dress Code:
Business casual with lab coat and name tag.
Professionalism and Academic Honesty:
Students must act professionally in all respects including appearance, demeanor, communication,
classroom attitude, and behavior. Devices may be used if instructed to look up information during the
rotation. For further and more complete description of professional behavior, refer to your institution’s
student code of conduct.
Updated February 2024
Potential Disease State and Topics Encountered
Common topics in which the student will be expected to gain proficiency through literature review,
discussion, and/or direct patient care experience include, but are not limited to:
- Asthma & Allergy
- Bleeding Disorders
- Cardiology
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Dermatitis
- Enzyme Deficiency
- Epilepsy
- Growth Hormone Disorders
- Hematologic Disorders
- Hepatitis C
- Infertility
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Lupus
- Migraine
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neurologic Disorders
- Oncology
- Osteoporosis
- Psoriasis
- Psoriatic Arthritis
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Substance Use Disorders
- Transplant
- Operations
o Insurance Overview
o Patient Assistance Programs
o Medication Reconciliation
o Medication Education
o Adherence Coaching
o Storage specifications for specialty medications
o Logistics and Delivery of medications
o Script Data Entry
o DUR Review
Rotation Objectives
Upon completion of the course, each student will be able to:
Insert learning objectives can vary if this rotation is fulfilling community rotation requirement vs
ambulatory care vs administration. Example provided below:
Updated February 2024
Learning Objectives (Pharmacy Knowledge):
1. Describe and demonstrate the roles and activities of the pharmacist in a specialty pharmacy
2. Explain the processes within a specialty pharmacy.
3. Perform cold chain distribution.
4. Prepare, dispense, schedule, and coordinate shipping of specialty medications.
5. Increase familiarity with specialty pharmacy accreditation requirements.
6. Sharpen interprofessional communication and presentation skills.
7. Provide assistance with benefits investigation, prior authorizations, claim adjudication, and
financial assistance
8. Review electronic medical records to evaluate a patient’s specialty medication.
9. Create and evaluate patient-specific care plans.
10. Demonstrate in depth patient counseling and management of specialty medications.
11. Discuss pertinent issues that are related to specialty pharmacy such as financial assistance and
Required Rotation Activities and Requirements
*Revise as appropriate per individual rotation offered
Discuss Organization Policies and Procedures
Monitoring drug therapy
Discuss Treatment and Management of Specialty Disease States
Provide comprehensive medication management, participate in
pharmacotherapy decision making, and use the medication list to identify
potential drug interactions/allergies
Provide unbiased and accurate drug information to all health care
professionals and work with them to develop specialized pharmacy services
as needed
Formal Presentation
Formal Patient Case presentation
Journal Club presentation
Disease State Topic Discussions
As requested
(minimum of 5)
Injection Trainings
As requested
(minimum of 5)
Participate in Pharmacy Staff Meetings
As requested
Attend pertinent Organization and Clinical Meetings
As requested
Research and Review REMS Medications
As requested
Drug Information Questions
As requested
Create educational brochures, posters, and other educational materials to be
utilized by the staff
As requested
Updated February 2024
Evaluation Methods and Grading
2- to 3-paragraph description of evaluation methods & grading (eg, presentations, journal clubs,
supervised patient interactions, etc.) based on objective/goals section above/below
e.g Students will be formally evaluated during midpoint and final evaluations with their preceptors via
{Platform/evaluation method}
Student’s SMART Goals – to be submitted by the student at the start of rotation
1. Goal one
2. Goal two
3. Goal three
Required Readings and Expected Knowledge
- Required readings are located in the: __________
- Preceptors will determine readings based on topic discussions, student interest areas, and clinical
situations that may arise while on service.