STT315 Chapter 6 Inferences Based on a Single Sample
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1. Identifying and Estimating the Target Parameter
2. Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Normal (z) Statistic
3. Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Student’s t-Statistic
4. Large-Sample Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion
5. Determining the Sample Size
Learning Objectives:
1. Estimate a population parameter (means, proportion, or variance) based on a
large sample selected from the population
2. Use the sampling distribution of a statistic to form a confidence interval for the
population parameter
3. Show how to select the proper sample size for estimating a population
6.1 Identifying and Estimating the Target Parameter
Target parameters - NOTATION:
- population mean
- population variance
p - population proportion
Introductory concepts (review)
Parameter a numerical feature of a population
Target Parameter: population mean, population proportion, population variance
any parameter we are interested in estimating
Statistic is any numerical measure calculated from data: the proportion, mean,
median, range, variance, standard deviation, etc.
Statistical inference: a method that converts the information from random
samples into reliable estimates of the population parameters.
A point estimate: a single number calculated from a sample that can be
regarded as an educated guess for an unknown population parameter.
A point estimator of a population parameter is a rule or formula that tells us
how to use the sample data to calculate a single number that can be used as an
estimate of the target parameter
Goal: Use the sampling distribution of a statistic to estimate the value of a
population parameter with a known degree of certainty.
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Determining the Target Parameter
Key Words or Phrases
Type of Data
Mean; average
Proportion; percentage; fraction; rate
Parameter Estimator
When using a sample statistic to estimate a population parameter, some
statistics are good in the sense that they target the population parameter and
are therefore likely to yield good results. Such statistics are called unbiased
estimators. Sample mean, sample variance and sample proportion are the
examples of unbiased estimators.
Example 1: The sample mean
is an estimator of the population mean . The
is called a point estimate of
observed (computed) value
An interval estimator (or confidence interval) is a range of numbers that
contain the target parameter with a high degree of confidence.
Recall from the last chapter
By the rule of thumb, n=30 is “large enough” to justify the normality of the
distribution of sample means.
6.2 Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Normal (z) Statistic
For an approximately normal distribution we expect 95% of all data to stay within
2 standard deviations from the mean.
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When using the calculator, the more accurate number of standard deviations
separating 95% of central data from those lowest and greatest is 1.96 (check!)
Forming an interval of the numbers within 1.96 standard deviations from the
mean we build a 95% confidence interval:
We form a 95% interval with the endpoints at the points on data line located 1.96
standard deviations below the sample mean and 1.96 standard deviations above
the mean.
The expression 
is an example of a sampling error (margin of error).
Confidence intervals introduced in your textbook has often the form
point estimate ± margin of error
This means that the interval has the endpoints built as follows:
[point estimate margin of error, point estimate + margin of error]
[ | ]
point estimate SE point estimate point estimate + SE
In our case, the area under the normal curve
between these two boundaries
( -1.96σ/sqrt(n), +1.96σ/sqrt(n))
is exactly .95.
Thus, the probability that a randomly selected
interval will contain µ is equal to 0.95.
Interpretation of a 95% confidence interval:
We are 95% confident that the population mean of this distribution is between…
and ….
Confidence coefficient is the probability that a confidence interval constructed
from a random sample contains the target population parameter (or, the relative
frequency with which similarly constructed intervals enclose the population
parameter when the estimator is used repeatedly a very large number of times).
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The confidence level is the confidence coefficient expressed as a percentage:
If our confidence level is 95%, then in the long run, 95% of our confidence
intervals will contain µ and 5% will not.
We can select any confidence level we like. Typical sizes are below.
Notation: The confidence level is expressed in percent and marked
100(1-α)%, so α = (1 – confidence coefficient)
Example: Confidence Level Confidence Coefficient α tail size α/2
99% (.99) .01 0.005
98% (.98) .02 0.01
95% (.95) .05 0.025
90% (.90) .10 0.05
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Critical Value
A critical value is a number of standard deviations separating likely location of
the population parameter from the unlikely locations on a number line
representing all data of standard distribution. For instance, z=1.96 is the number
of standard deviations separating 2.5% of the highest data under normal
We will deal with two standard distributions: normal and t-distribution.
For critical value in confidence intervals we will use the notation z
standard normal distribution. (The t
represents t-distribution which will be
introduced later)
= critical value for the standard normal distribution (z-distribution)
Example: Find critical value z
separating 95% of most likely scores from the
remaining 5% of the least likely scores under Standard Normal curve.
Solution: On the illustration below we see that 95% of the most likely scores are
represented by green area under the curve. Five percent of least likely scores
are represented by two red areas, the tails.
=-1.96 z
Critical values for z distribution can be found in the last row (marked ∞) of Table Crit.
Values of t: (in the end of the text).
Exercise: Finding Commonly Used Critical Values z
for (1-α) Confidence Level:
Confidence level 90%, α=10%, α/2=5%, and z
Confidence level 80%, α=20%, α/2=10%, z
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Confidence level 99%, α=1%, α/2=0.5%, z
Derivation of the formula for confidence intervals for the large sample:
By CLT, for large n is approximately normal with 
is approx. standard normal; the z-scores of the most likely
sample means will stay within 
; that is, 
Isolate :
 
 
100(1-α)% CI for µ is  
The above formula is valid under the following assumptions
Random sample
No assumption about distribution of target population
Large sample size (n ≥ 30)
Large-Sample (1
)% Confidence Interval for µ
where z
is the z-value with an area
/2 to its right.
The parameter
is the standard deviation of the sampled population.
n is the sample size.
Note: When
is unknown and n is large (n > 30), the confidence interval is only
approximately equal to
s is the sample standard deviation. For smaller samples the critical value z is not
good enough. More exact answer can be given by using t-distribution (next
Exercise: for sample mean = 5, standard deviation = 2 and sample size = 100
a) 80% CI
b) 95% CI
c) 99% CI
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Compare the sizes of the intervals. What can be concluded?
Exercise: for sample mean = 5, standard deviation = 2 and confidence level
a) CI for sample size = 100
b) CI for sample size = 200
c) CI for sample size = 1000
Compare the sizes of the intervals. What can be concluded?
6.2 What is the confidence level of each of the following confidence intervals for μ?
6.3 A random sample of n measurements was selected from a population with unknown mean μ
and known standard deviation σ. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for μ for each of the
following situations:
Unoccupied seats on flights cause airlines to lose revenue. Suppose a large
airline wants to estimate its average number of unoccupied seats per flight over
the past year. To accomplish this, the records of 225 flights are randomly
selected, and the number of unoccupied seats is noted for each of the sampled
Use enclosed printout to estimate μ, the mean number of unoccupied seats per
flight during the past year with a 90% confidence. Interpret the result.
6.13 Budget lapsing at army hospitals. Budget lapsing occurs when unspent funds do not
carry over from one budgeting period to the next. Refer to the Journal of Management
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Accounting Research (Vol. 19, 2007) study on budget lapsing at U.S. Army hospitals. Because
budget lapsing often leads to a spike in expenditures at the end of the fiscal year, the researchers
recorded expenses per full-time equivalent employee for each in a sample of 1,751 army
hospitals. The sample yielded the following summary statistics: x¯=$6,563 and s=$2,484.
Estimate the mean expenses per full-time equivalent employee of all U.S. Army hospitals using
a 90% confidence interval. Interpret the result.
Chapter 6.3 Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Student t-Statistic
Key concepts: t-statistic, t-distribution, degrees of freedom (df)
Derivation of confidence interval for large sample was based on the fact, that if the
sample size n is large and if we replace σ by s, then both statistics
have approximately the same distribution (z-distribution). This is not true for small n.
t-Distribution. If we are sampling from normal population, then the sampling
distribution of sample means for small samples is not exactly normal. The shape is also
bell shape, but the thickness of the tails varies with sample size n.
the statistics (t-statistic)
 
has so called t-distribution with df = n-1 degrees of freedom.
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t-distribution depends on df, and hence on the sample size n, (df = n 1)
t-distribution is symmetric about 0,
if df → ∞, then the t-distribution approaches the standard normal distribution
(i.e., z-distribution),
critical values t
of t-distribution are in Table (last pages of the text),
critical values t
of t-distribution are bigger than the corresponding z
Example: find the critical value
for 95% CI and n=5.
Small Sample Confidence Interval for Population Mean
where t
is based on (n 1) degrees of freedom.
Random sample (small)
The distribution of target population is normal
Population standard deviation σ is unknown
No assumption about a sample size n
You’re a time study analyst in manufacturing. You’ve recorded the following task times
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3.6, 4.2, 4.0, 3.5, 3.8, 3.1. What is the 90% confidence interval estimate of the
population mean task time? Assume normality of distribution of the times.
a) Solve by hand
b) Check with the calculator
Class Exercises
# 6.25 p. 317
Let t
be a particular value of t. Use Table to find t
values such that the following
statements are true.
a. P( - t
< t < t
) = .90 where n=11
b. P(t ≤ t
) = .05 where n=16.
Exercise 1 [6.28, p. 318] The following sample of 16 measurements was selected
from a population that is approximately normally distributed:
91 80 99 110 95 106 78 121 106 100 97 82 100 83 115 104
a. Compute the sample mean and the sample standard deviation
b. Construct an 80% confidence interval for the population mean by hand, and
then repeat using TI-83
c. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean and compare it
with that of part b.
d. Carefully interpret each of the confidence intervals and explain why the 80%
confidence interval is narrower.
e. What assumption is necessary to ensure the validity of this confidence interval?
Exercise To help consumers assess the risks they are taking, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) publishes the amount of nicotine found in all commercial brands
of cigarettes. A new cigarette has recently been marketed. The DA tests on this
cigarette yielded mean nicotine content of 26.7 milligrams and standard deviation of
2.4 milligrams for a sample of 9 cigarettes. Construct a 98% confidence interval for the
mean nicotine content of this brand of cigarette. What assumption do you have to
make to solve the problem?
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6.4 Large Sample Confidence Interval for the Population Proportion p
Suppose that p is an unknown population proportion of elements of certain type S.
The estimator of p is the sample proportion
where x is the number of elements of type S in the sample.
In Chapter 5 we studied sampling distribution of sample proportions
By CLT, for large random samples (np≥15 and nq≥15), the distribution is
approximately normal with the mean p and standard deviation
Large Sample (1-α)100% Confidence Interval for the Population Proportion p
Estimated parameter: population proportion: p
Assumptions: large sample size: (n
≥ 15 and ) n
≥ 15
Random sample
(1-α)*100% Confidence Interval:
where q = 1 p, q = 1 - p, and z
is the critical value for the standard normal
First, check the assumptions:
Random sample, and
= 34 > 15, nq
= 66 > 15
assumptions are satisfied
= 34/100 = 0.34, q
= 1-.0.34 = 0.66
1-α = 0.95, α = 0.05, α/2 = 0.025, z
= 1.960 (the Table)
pq n
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Margin of error:
95% Confidence Interval: 0.340 ± 0.093 or [0.247, 0.433]
Answer: The share of foreign products in this market is between 24.7% and 43.3%
Confidence interval for the population mean μ when σ is known
7: Z Interval…
Confidence interval for the population mean μ when σ is unknown
8: T Interval…
Large sample confidence interval for the population proportion p
A: 1-PropZInt…
Example 2: Find an 80% confidence interval for μ given that n=25, x = 122, and σ
=20 (known)
Answer: (116.87, 127.13)
Example 3: Find an 80% confidence interval for μ given that n=25, x = 122, and s
(σ unknown) Answer: (116.73, 127.27)
Example 4: Find a 95% confidence interval for p given that n=100, x = 34 (p = 0.34)
Answer: (0.247, 0.433)
If p is very small or very close to 1.0, then in order to satisfy condition 2. we need to
take a very large sample; for example if p = 0.001 then n must be at least 15/0.001 =
In the case when is very small or very close to 1, authors suggest an alternative
procedure called Wilson’s adjusted confidence interval
Adjusted (1
)100% Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion, p
Where x=# of successes, n=sample size and
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Class Exercises:
6.42 A random sample of size n=121 yielded p^=.88.
a. Is the sample size large enough to use the methods of this section to
construct a confidence interval for p? Explain.
b. Construct a 90% confidence interval for p.
c. What assumption is necessary to ensure the validity of this confidence
6.50 Nannies who work for celebrities. The International Nanny Association reports
that in a sample of 528 in-home child care providers (nannies), 20 work for either a
nationally known, locally known, or internationally known celebrity (2011 International
Nanny Association Salary and Benefits Survey). Use Wilson's adjustment to find a 95%
confidence interval for the true proportion of all nannies who work for a celebrity.
Interpret the resulting interval.
6.54 Interviewing candidates for a job. The costs associated with conducting
interviews for a job opening have skyrocketed over the years. According to a Harris
Interactive survey, 211 of 502 senior human resources executives at U.S. companies
believe that their hiring managers are interviewing too many people to find qualified
candidates for the job (Business Wire, June 8, 2006).
a. Describe the population of interest in this study.
b. Identify the population parameter of interest, p.
c. Is the sample size large enough to provide a reliable estimate of p?
d. Find and interpret an interval estimate for the true proportion of senior human
resources executives who believe that their hiring managers interview too many
candidates during a job search. Use a confidence level of 98%.
e. If you had constructed a 90% confidence interval, would it be wider or narrower?
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6.5 Determining the Sample Size
Recall that a confidence interval is of the form
point estimator ± margin of error, called by the author Sampling Error (SE)
Example If a confidence interval is [33.9, 35.1] or 34.5 ± 0.6, then margin of error = 0.6
(a half of the width of the interval)
Sampling Errors:
Sample Size Determination for 100(1
) % Confidence Interval for µ
To estimate population mean with given sampling error, confidence level and known
standard deviation, the required sample size can be found by the formula derived from
the equation above for SE by isolating n:
Round always UP!
Example: The manufacturer wishes to estimate the mean inflation pressure to within
.025 pound of its true value with a 99% confidence interval. The standard deviation of
inflation pressure is about 0.1 (pound). What sample size should be used?
Note: If sigma is unknown, some researchers use sample standard deviation s, or even
a quarter of the range instead.
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Sample Size Determination for 100(1
) % Confidence Interval for p
In order to estimate p with a sampling error SE and with 100(1
)% confidence, the
required sample size is found by the formula derived from the equation above for SE
by isolating n:
Use p-hat and q-hat from pilot study or from other research.
If sample proportions are not available, use (conservatively) 0.5 for both.
(Why “conservatively 0.5”?)
Example: Suppose a candidate wants to estimate voter support p within 3% with 95%
confidence. How large sample does she need,
a) if she knows from pilot study that is about .6 ?
b) if she has no idea about p?
A 98% confidence interval for p is [0.23, 0.37].
a. What is p-hat?
b. What is sampling error SE?
c. What is n?
Exercise [6.60, p. 331].
If you wish to estimate a population mean with a margin of error of ME=.3 using a 95%
confidence interval, and you know from prior sampling that σ2 is approximately equal
to 7.2, how many observations would have to be included in your sample?
Exercise [6.62] In each case, find the approximate sample size required to construct a
95% confidence interval for p that has sampling error of SE = .08.
a. Assume p is near .2.
b. Assume you have no prior knowledge about p, but you wish to be certain that your
sample is large enough to achieve the specified accuracy for the estimate.
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One More Exercise
The countries of Europe report that 46% of the labor force is female. The United
Nations wonders if the percentage of females in the labor force is the same in the
United States. Representatives from the United States Department of Labor plan to
check a random sample of over 10,000 employment records on file to estimate a
percentage of females in the United States labor force.
a). The representatives from the Department of Labor want to estimate a percentage of
females in the United States labor force to within ±5%, with 90% confidence. How
many employment records should they sample?
b) They actually select a random sample of 525 employment records, and find that
229 of the people are females. Create the confidence interval. Show steps: find
standard error and margin of error, then write the interval in the interval notation) Find
Standard Error, Critical value and Margin of error, then Confidence Interval.
c) Should the representatives from the Department of Labor conclude that the
percentage of females in their labor force is lower than Europe’s rate of 46%? Explain.