Peter Evers
Natron Communications
(415) 524-8899
RapidAI Introduces Technology Partner Program to Bring RapidAI
Technology to more Hospital Environments
Leading Medical Technology and Communications Companies Join
the RapidAI Technology Partner Program
Menlo Park, Calif. February 18 2020RapidAI, the worldwide leader in advanced
imaging for stroke, today announced the launch of the RapidAI Technology Partner
Program, an ecosystem of technologies that complement or integrate with the Rapid
platform. In tandem, the company also released a new RapidAI API (Application
Programming Interface) to enable technology partners to integrate Rapid results into
their products and services.
As part of the mission to deliver the benefits of its products to more patients globally and
meet each customer’s unique requirements, RapidAI now partners with companies to
bring RapidAI technology to more hospital environments through the RapidAI
Technology Partner Program. The program is designed to ensure product compatibility
and provide a path for healthcare solution providers to integrate and deliver advanced
Rapid results through their products.
The RapidAI Technology Partner Program broadens the availability of RapidAI
technology in more settings, including Mobile Stroke Units (MSUs) and the Angio Suite.
It also expands access to Rapid results through more healthcare communication
platforms, and increases the options for deployment and implementation of the Rapid
platformon premise or in the cloud.
Today, RapidAI is also launching the RapidAI API, which is designed to integrate Rapid
notifications and results into a portfolio of workflow and medical communication
applications used by healthcare providers to coordinate stroke care for optimal patient
The RapidAI Technology Partner Program members include Allm, Ambra Health, Halo
Communications, Mobile Heartbeat, Pulsara, Samsung Neurologica, Siemens
Healthineers, Spok, and TigerConnect.
“It is great to see so many leaders in medical technology, workflow, and
communications commit to bringing RapidAI technology to more hospital environments
and help stroke teams achieve better patient outcomes.” said Don Listwin, CEO of
RapidAI. “Every hospital is unique, and in a commitment to delivering Rapid their way,
this is yet another path to provide more customer choice.”
Partner Quotes
“RapidAI’s technology and Allm’s Join app based communications have become a
critical and integrated part of stroke care in the U.S. and around the world. Through
the RapidAI Technology Partner Program we are helping improve access to life-saving
information and results while also speeding the time to care through better
-- Harry Reddy, President of Allm North America
"We are thrilled to be a RapidAI technology partner. We believe that our solutions
partnered together can offer clinicians the resources they need to make critical
decisions when time is of the essence."
-- Andrew Duckworth, VP of Business Development, Ambra Health
“Halo is excited to partner with RapidAI. Halo, together with the Rapid advanced
cerebrovascular imaging platform, will help ensure accurate and time-sensitive patient
information is communicated to appropriate clinicians. When it comes to treating stroke
victims, time is of the essence, and between Halo’s robust clinical communication
platform and the RapidAI technology the right teams and individuals can be quickly
mobilized to produce better patient outcomes.”
-- Angel Mena, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Halo Communications
“We are excited to partner with RapidAI and integrate their advanced neuroimaging
platform into the MH-CURE platform via our CURE Connect APIs and the RapidAI API.
By leveraging our respective technologies, we can provide a powerful tool to our mutual
customers in their drive to save patients afflicted with stroke.”
-- Mike Detjen, COO at Mobile Heartbeat
“AI is quickly becoming an integral part of all medical imaging offerings. Here at
NeuroLogica our mission is to provide more than just imaging equipment, it's to provide
health care solutions. Partnerships with companies like RapidAI are essential in
accomplishing that mission.”
-- David Webster, COO at Neurologica
“Siemens Healthineers is proud to work together with RapidAI on exciting new
innovations in stroke imaging and care. We embrace the power of this partnership to
support our One Stop Stroke initiative.”
-- Philip Stenner, Global Head of Marketing Interventional Radiology, Siemens
“Spok is pleased to be a part of the RapidAI Technology Partner Program. Through our
partnership with RapidAI, Spok Go® will automate the delivery of critical stroke results,
activating the responsible care team across the hospital network. Together, RapidAI
and Spok Go will enable care teams in the 2,200+ hospitals that Spok serves to receive
critical results on their preferred devices, improving care team collaboration, expediting
time to treatment, and helping drive better patient outcomes.”
-- Dave Nuthals, VP Product Strategy, Spok
About RapidAI
RapidAI is the worldwide leader in advanced imaging for stroke. Installed in over 1,500
hospitals in more than 50 countries, the Rapid imaging platform, powered by artificial
intelligence, includes Rapid CTP, Rapid MRI, Rapid CTA, Rapid ICH, and Rapid
ASPECTS. RapidAI empowers clinicians to make faster, more accurate diagnostic and
treatment decisions for stroke patients using clinically proven, data-driven technology.
With our validated, trusted platform, developed by stroke experts, clinicians worldwide
are improving patient care and outcomes every day. The Rapid platform has been
shown to aid in patient selection in both early and late-window clinical stroke trials. In
addition to achieving the best clinical outcomes and largest treatment effects ever
obtained, the results of these trials led to new American Heart Association and
American Stroke Association treatment guidelines and have dramatically altered the
management of acute stroke around the world. For more information, visit
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