Para más información en
cómo este cambio impactará su factura, llame al (408) 279-7900.
Effective July 1, 2024, Valley Water, the wholesale water supply agency to San Jose Water
Company (SJWC), will increase rates for purchased water and groundwater extraction fees charged
to SJWC. If the CPUC approves this advice letter, effective July 1, 2024, rates will be recalculated to
reflect actual water consumption in 2024. This will increase your bill.
Why is SJWC requesting this increase?
SJWC pays fees to pump groundwater and to purchase treated water from Valley Water. On May
14, 2024, Valley Water voted to increase wholesale water charges by $255 per acre-foot of water
effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. SJWC purchases over 90% of its water supply from
Valley Water and delivers it to homes and businesses. The cost of this water supply is passed
through to customers at cost. SJWC is filing Advice Letter 609 to recover the pass-through
How could this affect my water bill?
If SJWC’s rate request is approved by the CPUC, the monthly bill for the typical residential
customer with a 3/4-inch meter using 11 Ccf (1 Ccf = 748 gallons) per month would increase
starting July 1, 2024, by approximately $6.65 (or 5.5%) from $121.03 at present rates to $127.68.
This amount will be reflected on customersbills through the quantity charges as shown below. A
comparison of the current and the proposed quantity rates is as follows:
Tariff Schedules No. 1. General Metered Service, Schedule No. 1B General Metered Service with
Fire Sprinkler System and Schedule No. 1C General Metered Service, Mountain District
Residential Customers
Tier 1: For Monthly Usage from 0-6 Ccf
Tier 2: For Monthly Usage from 6-12 Ccf
Tier 3: For Monthly Usage over 12 Ccf
All Other Customers
Quantity Rate
Tariff Schedules No. RW Raw Water Service
Current Quantity Rate
per Ccf
Proposed Quantity Rate
per Ccf
Tariff Schedules No. RCW Recycled Water Service
Current Quantity Rate
per Ccf
Proposed Quantity Rate
per Ccf
How does the rest of this process work?
This advice letter will be reviewed by staff in the Water Division of the CPUC. They will determine if
the request is reasonable or if modifications are necessary.
Protests and Responses to Advice Letter 609
Please include “Advice Letter 609” in any response or protest you submit. Protests must be made
by June 5, 2024.
The reasons for the protest can be one of the following:
1) The utility did not properly serve or give notice of the advice letter;
2) The relief requested in the advice letter would violate statute or CPUC order, or is not
authorized by statute or CPUC order on which the utility relies;
3) The analysis, calculations, or data in the advice letter contain material error or omissions;
4) The relief requested in the advice letter is pending before the CPUC in a formal proceeding;
5) The relief requested in the advice letter requires consideration in a formal hearing, or is
otherwise inappropriate for the advice letter process; or
6) The relief requested in the advice letter is unjust, unreasonable, or discriminatory (provided
that such a protest may not be made where it would require re-litigating a prior order of the
If you would like to submit a protest or response about this advice letter, please write to:
California Public Utilities Commission
Water Division, 3rd Floor
505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102
On the same date the response or protest is submitted to the Water Division, the respondent or
protestant shall send a copy by mail (or e-mail) to SJWC at the following address:
San Jose Water Company
Attn: Regulatory Affairs
110 W. Taylor Street
San Jose, CA 95110
Where can I get more information?
Customers with internet access may view and download SJWC’s advice letter on its website by
visiting If you have technical issues accessing the documents
through the website, please e-mail [email protected] for assistance and reference
Advice Letter 609 in your e-mail.
To request a hard copy of SJWC’s advice letter, or to obtain more information about the advice
letter from SJWC, please write to:
San Jose Water Company
Attention: Regulatory Affairs
Advice Letter 609
110 W. Taylor Street
San Jose, CA 95110