Eastern Lebanon County School District
Jackson Elementary School
Parent/Student Handbook
Table of Contents
ELCO School District Information 5
Board of Directors 5
District Administration 5-6
Eastern Lebanon County Schools 7
ELCO Mission, Vision, and Shared Values 68
Our Promise… 8
Our Vision… 8
Our Mission… 8
Our Shared Values… 8
Statement of Equal Opportunity 9
Alma Mater 9
School Colors 9
School Mascot 9
District Calendar 10
Jackson Elementary 11
Welcome! 11
Student Handbook Disclaimer 11
Annual Sign Off Forms 11
Jackson Staff 12
Bell Schedules 13
Communication with Families 13
Contacting the School 13
Change of Address/Communication 13
Emergency Communications 14
Parent/Guardian Access to Student Records 14
Student Records: Access Divorce and Custody Agreements 14
Parent/Guardian Newsletters 14
Parent-Teacher Conferences 14
Parent Teacher Organization or Parent Advisory 15
Visitors 15
Academic Information 15
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Resources 15
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) 16
Response to Instruction and Intervention 16
Student Code of Conduct 16
Academic Honesty 16-17
Assemblies 17
Care of School Property 17
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Dress and Appearance Guidelines 17
Educational Materials 18
Curriculum-Based Field Trips 18
Racial and Ethnic Intimidation 18
Student Rights and Responsibilities 18
Jackson Elementary School Information 19
Attendance Procedures 19-20
Educational Travel 20
Leaving School During the Day 21
Tardiness 21-22
Discipline Procedures 22-24
Levels of Offenses 22-24
Jackson Elementary School Grading Procedures 24
Report Cards 24
Other School Information 24-26
Car-Rider Arrival and Dismissal Procedures 24
Dances 25
Event Posters/Flyers 25
Fire and Safety Drills 25
Lost and Found 25
Obligations 25
Physical Education Excuse Procedures 25
Playground/Recess 25-26
Restrooms 26
School Insurance 26
Selling of Items 26
Student ID Badges 26
Telephone 26
Student Services and Programs 26-29
Displaced Student Resources (McKinney-Vento Act) 26-27
Food Service 27
Student Accounts and Cafeteria Debt 27-28
Gifted Services 28
Library Services 28
School Counseling Services 28-29
School Health Services and State Requirements 29-30
Administration of Medication 29-30
Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors 30
Food Allergies 30
Social Services 30
Special Education Services 30-31
Student Assistance Program 31
Technology Services 31
iPad 1-to-1 Initiative 31
PowerSchool 32
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Schoology 32
Technology Support 32
Transportation 32-35
Audio and Video Cameras on Buses 32
Transportation Guidelines 32-33
Transportation/Bus Rules 33-35
Unauthorized School Bus Entry 35
District Policies 35-39
Bullying/Cyberbullying 35
Bicycles and Other Modes of Transportation 35
Camera Surveillance 35-36
Controlled Substance/Paraphernalia 36
Hazing 36
Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices 36-37
Parent/Guardian Volunteer Program 37
Possession or Use of Tobacco Products/ E.N.D.S 37
Responsible Use of Technology 37
Search and Seizure 37
Suicide Awareness, Prevention, & Response 37
Terroristic Threats 38
Videotaping/Recording/Pictures 38
Weapons 38
Weather Delays and Early Dismissals 38
Wellness/Food in Classrooms 38
Withdrawal from School 38-39
Notice to Parents 39-42
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act 39
Media Release 39
Annual Public Notice for Services and Programs 39-42
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ELCO School District Information
Board of Directors
Mr. Thomas Ferrari……………………………………….………………President
Mr. Jack Kahl………………………………………………………..Vice President
Mr. Howard Kramer……………..……………………….…………….…Treasurer
Mrs. Bonnie Kantner……………………………………………….Board Member
Mrs. Rachel Moyer………………………………...……………….Board Member
Mrs. Dotty Noll……………………………………..……………….Board Member
Mr. Ray Ondrusek.………………………………………...……….Board Member
Mrs. Megan Schaeffer………………………….………………….Board Member
Mr. David Ziegler………………………………..………………….Board Member
District Administration
Mrs. Julia Vicente……………………………….…………………Superintendent
Dr. Barbara Davis……………..………………………..Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Michael Miller……………..……………………….………Business Manager
Mrs. Amy Shoemaker…………………………..……..Director of Pupil Services
Mr. Robert Boltz………………………………………..….Director of Technology
Mr. Jeremy Sweigart………………………..……..Director of Special Education
Darbe DeHaven……….………………………….Director of Human Resources
Mr. Doug Dresch……………………………..Director of Buildings and Grounds
Mrs. Jenelle Himmelreich……………………………..Director of Food Services
Mr. Tommy Mealy……….……………………………………Director of Athletics
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District Staff
Mrs. Addie Bird………………………………………………………….……ESL Teacher
Mrs. Stephanie Bohannon………………………...…………..Technology Support Staff
Mrs. Michelle Dubble……………………………….Administrative Assistant for Special
Education and Pupil Services
Chief Daniel Gonzalez……..……………………..………………….School Police Chief
Mrs. Kimberly Hackman………………………Administrative Assistant for Technology
Lori Mosser ……….….……..………..Administrative Assistant for the Superintendent
Mrs. Laurabeth Kapp………………………………………..……Gifted Support Teacher
Mrs. Robin Anne Kimmey…………………………….…..Special Education Consultant
Mrs. Tina Kunder……………..………………………….Administrative Assistant for the
Assistant Superintendent and Student Registration
Mr. Brett Lovell………………………………………...………..Technology Support Staff
Mrs. Danielle Martin………………………………………………………..…ESL Teacher
Officer David McDermott …………………………………………..School Police Officer
Mrs. Kelly Smith……………………………………………………………..Social Worker
Mr. Cameron Smithgall……………….…………………..……Technology Support Staff
Mrs. Tina Ulrey………………………………………….…Special Education Consultant
Mrs. Judy Umbenhauer…………………………….………….Technology Support Staff
Mrs. Amy Zelinske…………………………………………………..………..ESL Teacher
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Eastern Lebanon County Schools
Jackson Elementary School
(717) 866-2624
(717) 866-9690 Fax
Principal, Mrs. Tam Hower
Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Amy Smith
Fort Zeller Elementary School
(610) 589-2575
(610) 589-5815 Fax
Principal, Mrs. Jodi Houck
Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Lori Newswanger
ELCO Intermediate School
(717) 866-4521
(717) 866-6791 Fax
Principal, Dr. Michael Gerhart
Dean of Students, Mrs. Mindy Smith
Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Corrie Bailey
Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Melissa Pagano
ELCO Middle School
(717) 866-6591
(717) 866-5837 Fax
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Tara Lutz
Administrative Assistant, Ms. Leslie Spears
Administrative Assistant, Ms. Brandi Light
ELCO High School
(717) 866-7447
(717) 866-7287 Fax
Principal, Ms. Jennifer Haas
Assistant Principal, Mr. W. Scott Breeden
Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Jennifer Smith
Administrative Assistant, Ms. Maureen McGuire
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ELCO Mission, Vision, and Shared Values
Our Promise…
We educate for excellence …
Empowering every student to be academically curious, emotionally intelligent, and actively engaged to
discover their passions and contribute constructively to society.
Our Vision…
We educate for excellence!
Our Mission…
The ELCO School District cultivates inspired and innovative learners in an environment that is safe, responsive
to individual needs, and built on a foundation of educational excellence and integrity.
Our Shared Values…
We are family
Every learner, staff member, family and community member of the ELCO School District belongs to the ELCO
We honor relationships
Knowing each learner by name, strength and need
We believe in unlimited potential
Learners will thrive academically, socially, and emotionally when provided with equitable opportunities and
personalized support.
Cultivating inspiration and innovation in an environment of excellence is the foundation of accesing the
unlimited potential each of our learners possess.
We build the future
Engagement in a rigorous academic curriculum provided by dedicated and distinguished faculty will foster the
development of innovative, connected, and responsible learners prepared to be constructive contributors and
engaged citizens in a complex society.
We are ELCO Strong
When we work together, utilizing the skills, talents, and abilities of each other, we can achieve incredible
accomplishments and soar to new heights, never realized before because we are better together.
Statement of Equal Opportunity
The Eastern Lebanon County School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap in its activities, programs or
employment practices, as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section 504. For information regarding civil
rights or grievance procedures, contact Mrs. Amy Shoemaker, Title IX Coordinator, 180 ELCO Drive,
Myerstown, PA 17067. Phone: (717) 866-7117.
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Alma Mater
To Thee dear Alma Mater,
We lift our hearts in song
The knowledge and the glories
The victories go on.
We honor and revere thee,
Recalling days gone by
Our memories live for evermore,
To Thee dear ELCO High.
Words and Music by June and Harold Yeagley
School Colors
Blue and Gold
School Mascot
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District Calendar
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Jackson Elementary
On behalf of the entire staff at Jackson Elementary School, we would like to welcome you to the 2022-
2023 school year! We are a great school with great students, a dedicated staff, and a supportive
community. We are excited to work with you throughout your K-2 learning experience and to help our
students move forward to a strong future. The policies and procedures contained within this Handbook
have been carefully developed to provide the students with a safe, productive, and supportive educational
environment. Jackson Elementary School is ultimately our school. We are proud of what we do and we
will be proud of what we will accomplish together this year. Our teamwork is vital to the success of our
students, so I encourage you to become involved. Volunteer in the classroom, attend school events to
show your support. Let’s make 2023-2024 a great school year!
Student Handbook Disclaimer
In case of conflict between a Board Policy and the provisions of this Handbook, the Board Policy
most recently adopted will prevail. Students and parents/guardians should be aware that this
document is reviewed annually since policy adoption and revision is an ongoing process. These
changes will generally supersede the provisions found in the Handbook, which will become
obsolete by the newly adopted policy. The Handbook is not a contract between the
parents/guardians or students. It may be amended at any time at the discretion of the School
Annual Sign Off Forms
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
The Student Handbook will answer many of the questions you may have regarding the guidelines, procedures
and activities at our school. We hope this information will be helpful to you throughout the year.
Please review the Handbook, either on your student’s school-issued iPad or on the High School website at
www.elcosd.org, with your student. After reviewing the Handbook, please complete the Annual Student
Handbook Acknowledgement Form that is located in the PowerSchool for Parents portal. This
acknowledgement must be completed within the first two weeks of the school year.
Additionally, the annual sign offs for yearbook photograph, media release, and Responsible Use of the Internet
must also be completed in the “Forms” section of the PowerSchool parent portal within the first two weeks of
the school year.
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Jackson Elementary School Staff
Kindergarten ..................................................................................................................................Ruthanne Gray
............................................................................................................................................................Ashley Titler
...............................................................................................................................Jennifer Sorrick, ELCO Ready
Grade 1 ..........................................................................................................................................Jessica Auman
.........................................................................................................................................................Kristi Hummer
................................................................................................................................................Hayley Meisenhelter
........................................................................................................................................Maddyrae Kotomski, LTS
Grade 2 ........................................................................................................................................ Michelle Altland
.................................................................................................................................................Rebecca Kleinfelter
.........................................................................................................................................................Melissa Pfautz
........................................................................................................................................................Jennifer Axarlis
Special Education .............................................................................................................................. Sara Griffith
........................................................................................................................................................... Sara Shirato
Jackson Elementary Specialists
Art ....................................................................................................................................................Lauren Panza
Behavioral Support Specialist ...............................................................................................Robin Anne Kimmey
Behavioral Specialist/Psychologist.....................................................................................................Jess Henline
ESL ...................................................................................................................................................Amy Zelinske
Gifted Services .............................................................................................................................Laurabeth Kapp
Guidance .................................................................................................................................. Melynda Cochran
Librarian ...............................................................................................................................................Amy Davis
Library Assistant .............................................................................................................................Erika Showers
Math Coach…………………………………………………………………………………………………Kaitlyn Strayer
Music ..............................................................................................................................................Gabe Whitman
Nurse .......... ................................................................................................................................Melissa Rambler
Physical Ed. .......................................................................................................................................Matt Babiarz
Reading ......................................................................................................................................Ashley Hawbaker
Speech/Language Therapist .........................................................................................................Sherri Newman
STEM Teacher………………………………………………………………………………………………….Nick Wright
Life-skills classroom…………………………………………………………………………………………Debra Blouch
Life-skills classroom…………………………………………………………………………………………..Leann Clark
Life-skills classroom……………………………………………………………………………………….Amanda Hearn
Kindergarten classrooms……………………………………………………………………………………..Angela Arnt
Grades 1 & 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………Mary Gassert
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Bell Schedules
Board Policy 804: https://www.boarddocs.com/pa/elco/BOARD.nsf/Public?open&id=policies#
Doors will open at 8:45 AM, at which time students will be permitted to enter the building. Please refrain from
dropping your child off at school prior to 8:45 AM.
Homeroom 8:45 AM to 9:00 AM
Instructional Time 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
11:00 AM 3:30 PM
(AM Session) 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
(PM Session) 12:45 PM - 3:30 PM
(AM Session) 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
(PM Session) 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Communication with Families
Contacting the School
Your student’s teacher(s) will act as your primary point of contact for parents during the school year for most
academic issues, including assignments, tests, homework, and projects. Questions related to attendance
should be directed to the administrative assistant in change of attendance, Mrs. Amy Smith. Questions related
to a student's medical needs, including medication, or our medical procedures should be directed to our school
nurse, Ms. Melissa Rambler. Parents or guardians needing additional communication should contact the
school’s principal, Mrs. Tam Hower.
Change of Address/Communication
Students who move to a different address at any time during the school year must report that change to the
office immediately. Parents/guardians will be required to complete a change of address form, which may be
picked up in the counseling office. Proof of residency will be required. In addition, any changes in telephone
numbers or e-mail addresses should be completed through the “Forms” section in the PowerSchool parent
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Emergency Communications
In the event of a building-level emergency situation, communication will be made through Blackboard Mass
Notification to parents/guardians by email and/or phone call. It is essential that parents/guardians keep their
emergency contact information updated in PowerSchool.
Parent/Guardian Access to Student Records
Board Policy 216: Student Records
Parents have access to their child’s online gradebook through Powerschool for grades (Grades 3-12) and
Schoology for classroom assignments. Parents are encouraged to visit the ELCO website parent page for
instructions on how to create and access accounts to take an active role in supporting their child’s academics.
Student Records: Access Divorce and Custody Agreements
Federal regulations give both natural parents the right to access their child's education records unless there is
a court order, state statute or legally binding document specifically prohibiting access. Where guardianship is
an issue, or where the parents are separated or divorced, the school district should be informed and given a
copy of any court order denying either parent access to the records. Moreover, in cases where the request for
access to records is made by a non-custodial parent, the school district will verify the person's identity and
notify the custodial parent of the request. In this way the school district can ascertain whether any valid
reasons exist for denying the request. In any of the situations described above, it is the duty of the parent
seeking to deny access to the records to provide the school district with a copy of the court order or other
document that limits or controls access to student records. Because the burden is on the parent wishing to
deny access, in the absence of an order or other document, the school district presumes that the requesting
parent has the authority to inspect and review the child's records. Conversely, if there is a court order barring
access of the non-custodial parent, then the school district must advise the parent that no information will be
released until the order terminates and may neither confirm nor deny that the child is enrolled in the district.
Finally, state regulations also allow parents to designate a representative to inspect, review and copy their
child's records. The school district requires any such designation to be in writing.
Parent/Guardian Newsletters
Each month, parents and guardians are sent a copy of the school’s parent newsletter. The newsletter
traditionally comes out during the first week of the new month and will highlight events happening within the
building, special staff announcements, and highlight any student recognition for that month. Parents will receive
a copy of the newsletter through our Blackboard Mass Notification email program. Parents/guardians wishing
to receive the newsletter must maintain an up-to-date email on file through our student information system,
Parent-Teacher Conferences
A conference may be initiated by either the parent or the teacher. When requesting a conference, please call
the school office, or send an email directly to the teacher. In this manner, a mutually convenient time can be
established for the conference. Please do not expect a discussion with a teacher unless prior arrangements
have been made. “Parent-Teacher Conference Days” are also built into the school year schedule. This year’s
conferences are scheduled in November with a second potential conference for elementary students in the
winter. More information will be forthcoming about scheduling conferences on these dates.
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Parent Teacher Organization
Parent/Teacher organizations in the ELCO Elementary Schools play a major role in improving communication
between the home and school. In the elementary grades, parents work and assist with school fairs, plan and
coordinate school assemblies and other special activities, chaperone field trips, serve as homeroom parents,
work with their child's teacher on special projects, and provide suggestions for school improvement. Some of
these activities that encourage parent participation during their child's education in the primary grades are
organized and sponsored by our parent/teacher organizations. Therefore, these groups play a major role in
providing a well rounded school program for children in the elementary grades.
School Board Policy 907: School Visitors
All visitors must enter the building through the main entrance and report directly to the main office. Visitors will
be required to show identification, sign in, and obtain a visitor’s badge.
Volunteers and/or Chaperones
School Board Policy 916: Volunteers
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer in our schools. Volunteers are a valuable resource in the
ELCO School District and we are grateful for all that they do to serve our schools and students. We welcome
community and family members to volunteer in our buildings. We have several policies and guidelines that
have been established for all of our volunteers. These guidelines have been created to provide information to
the volunteers about how they can support our students and help to keep our students safe. Please read all of
the information on the ELCO Volunteer website and the ELCO Volunteer Handbook to be sure you are familiar
with the requirements. If at any time you need clarification, please reach out to the principal’s office for more
information. All volunteers will be bound by Policy 916: Volunteers.
Academic Information
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Resources
Board Policy 102: Academic Standards
Board Policy 105: Curriculum
Board Policy 105.1: Review of Instructional Materials by Parents/Guardians and Students
Policy 105.2: Exemption from Instruction
Board Policy 108: Adoption of Textbooks
The District’s curriculum is developed to provide students with the planned instruction needed to attain
academic standards. Academic standards include the PA Academic Standards, the PA Core Standards, and
local academic standards. The PA Academic and Core Standards can be found on the Pennsylvania
Department of Education Standards Aligned System website. Curriculum is reviewed according to the
established Curriculum Cycle and posted on the District’s website. Curriculum is aligned with the appropriate
standards and state, benchmark, and local assessment are used to determine each student’s progress toward
mastery of these standards.
Instructional resources are selected that align with standards. Parents/Guardians may request to review
instructional resources or request to have their child excluded from instruction according to Board Policy 105.1:
Review of Instructional Materials by Parents/Guardians and Students. Parent/Guardian requests for exemption
from instruction must follow Policy 105.2: Exemption from Instruction.
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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Elementary
The ELCO Primary buildings began a school-wide implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and
Supports (PBIS) in 2016-2017. PBIS focuses on creating and sustaining school-wide, classroom, and
individual support systems to improve the educational environment for all children. The PBIS implementation
plan clearly identifies defined outcomes and behavior expectations and is validated by research-based
practices. The goal is to explicitly teach and model behavioral expectations and then recognize and reward
positive behaviors exhibited by the students on a daily basis. All staff members will establish regular positive
learning and teaching environments and serve as positive role models to students as they teach expected
school behaviors. By implementing PBIS, we hope to reduce school and classroom disruptions and educate all
students about acceptable school behaviors. Ultimately, improving the school environment will help to promote
academic and social success for every student.
Response to Instruction and Intervention (Elementary)
The Response to Instruction and Intervention Model (RtII) has been implemented in order for us to monitor and
meet all students’ academic needs. This is a process used for identifying those students who are struggling
learners and then providing differentiated instruction and intervention to address their needs. Part of the
process involves screening all students to identify students who are at grade level (Core or Tier 1), slightly
below grade level (Strategic or Tier 2), and those well below grade level (Intensive or Tier 3), as measured by
screening assessments.
Student Code of Conduct
School Board Policy 218: Student Discipline
An effective educational program requires a safe and orderly school environment. All rules and regulations
regarding the conduct of all students in the School District are in effect during the time they are under the
supervision of the school or at any time while on school property, while present at school-sponsored activities,
and while traveling to or from school and school-sponsored activities, whether or not via school district
furnished transportation.
Teachers are responsible for conducting learning experiences that are morally sound and non- disruptive.
Whenever a pupil or pupils become unruly or out of order, the teacher has the responsibility to correct them. If
he or she is unable to control students, it is imperative that the administration be contacted so measures can
be taken to remedy the situation. The District will not tolerate continued undisciplined behavior on the part of
any individual or group of students. Every teacher is expected to assist in all school discipline in the classroom
corridors, outside on school property and during lunch hours.
When a student or students disobey, external authority must be involved. Correction should be sought through
improvement of causal factors before punishment is involved. Study of individual differences, conferences with
pupils and parent(s), and assistance from the administration and specialists within the school should be the
teacher’s first thought in attempting to help a pupil correct behavior patterns that are impeding his or her own
development and interfering with the rights of others.
Academic Honesty
Honest behavior is an expectation of all students in the ELCO School District. Within the District, there is a
shared responsibility to ensure that grading practices accurately represent each student’s mastery of content
and skills. Acts of academic dishonesty can have an adverse effect on these grades. When appropriate,
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consequences for academic fraud/plagiarism will be imposed in the classroom and/or school level in
accordance with the developmental level of the student.
Assemblies are a regularly scheduled part of the curriculum and as such are designed to be educational as
well as entertaining experiences. Assemblies also provide an opportunity to learn formal audience behavior.
Assemblies allow for building school pride and enthusiasm. Expectations for assemblies include:
Proceed to the auditorium, gymnasium, forum, or stadium properly.
Sit in your designated area.
Be courteous and respectful.
Do not leave the assembly until you are dismissed.
Students who do not maintain proper behavior will receive consequences and may lose assembly privileges.
Care of School Property
Students are not permitted to mark school furniture, walls, ceiling, lockers, floor or equipment with pen, pencils,
paint or any other instrument. Students are not to tamper with the fire alarms, fire extinguishers, AED systems,
or any electrical system. Anyone who willfully destroys school property through vandalism, arson or larceny, or
who creates a hazard to the safety of our students will be suspended, considered for expulsion, and/or charges
Dress and Appearance Guidelines
Board Policy 221: Dress and Appearance
The Board has the authority to impose limitations on students' dress in school. The Board will not
interfere with the right of students and their parents/guardians to make decisions regarding their
appearance, except when their choices disrupt the educational program of the schools or constitute a
health or safety hazard.
Students may be required to wear certain types of clothing while participating in physical education
classes, technical education, extracurricular activities, or other situations where special attire may be
required to ensure the health or safety of the student.
We take pride in the appearance of our school. Students’ attires reflect the quality of the school, of their
conduct, and of their school work. All students are requested to dress and groom themselves neatly in clothes
that are suitable for school activities. Dress is expected to be decent and not overly revealing. Clothes
considered inappropriate include:
1. No short shorts are allowed. Students may wear walking shorts, gym shorts, or hiking shorts.
2. No attire with holes or tears.
3. Attire that is offensive, vulgar, or disruptive to students or staff is not permitted.
4. Attire which may be destructive to school property or persons is not allowed. (ie…safety pins,
chains, etc…)
5. Clothes, hats, etc., with questionable sayings on them or which advertise or convey acceptance of
alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances are not permitted.
6. Unsafe footwear. Heelies, flip-flops, high heeled shoes, platform shoes or slippers are not allowed.
If your child comes to school with unsafe footwear, you will be called and be requested to bring in a
change of shoes. If this is not possible, we will ask your permission to provide your child with clean
and more appropriate footwear for the day.
7. Shirts with spaghetti straps or halters are not permitted. See-through (mesh type) blouses and
shirts are not allowed. Tank tops must have a strap width of 1 ½ inches.
8. Only prescription glasses may be worn in the building, no sunglasses.
9. Hats should not be worn inside the school building.
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Educational Materials
Students are responsible for all textbooks, calculators, classroom materials, iPads, and iPad chargers (block
and cord) issued to them. Students who lose or damage any textbooks or materials issued to them will be
required to pay for them.
Curriculum-Based Field Trips
All school rules and regulations (including dress code) apply and will be enforced on field trips. Signed
parent/guardian permission forms must be submitted to the staff member sponsoring the trip a minimum of one
week prior to attending the trip. Students may be ineligible for participation if they have multiple disciplinary
infractions. Students must use district-provided transportation for all field trips.
Racial and Ethnic Intimidation
Board Policy 103: Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices
Board Policy 249: Bullying/Cyberbullying
Part of an effective educational experience is learning to appreciate differences among individuals and to
develop sensitivity for cultures that may be different from one’s own. Students who fail to demonstrate a mature
attitude toward cultural differences will be disciplined. Derogatory language, racial or ethnic slurs, and signs or
symbols, which are offensive, will be viewed as intimidation. These serious offenses are a violation of the Code
of Conduct and the school may recommend prosecution in addition to school-based discipline.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
School Board Policy 235: Student Rights and Responsibilities
Attendant upon the rights established for each student are certain responsibilities, which include regular
attendance; conscientious effort in classroom work and homework; conformance to Board policies and school
rules and regulations; respect for the rights of teachers, students, administrators and all others who are
involved in the educational process; and expression of ideas and opinions in a respectful manner.
It shall be the responsibility of the student to:
1. Be aware of all policies, rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct him/herself accordingly.
Each student shall assume that, until a rule is waived, altered or repealed in writing, it is in effect.
2. Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety and welfare of the school community and
the protection of school property.
3. Dress and groom to meet standards of safety and health, and not to cause substantial disruption to the
educational processes.
4. Assist the school staff in operating a safe school.
5. Comply with federal, state and local laws.
6. Exercise proper care when using District facilities, school supplies and equipment.
7. Attend school daily and be on time to all classes and other school functions.
8. Make up work when absent from school.
9. Pursue and attempt to satisfactorily complete the courses of study prescribed by local school
10. Report accurately in student media.
11. Not use obscene language in student media or on school property.
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Jackson Elementary School Information
Attendance Procedures
School Board Policy 204: Attendance
Student attendance procedures are based on PA Act 138 of 2016, ELCO School Board Policy #204, and the
Basic Education Circular “Compulsory school attendance, unlawful absences, and school attendance
improvement conferences”, issued February 2020. More detailed information can be found on the ELCO
website HERE.
1. Parents/guardians of students K-12 who are absent from school will receive notification of their child’s
absence with information on how to provide documentation of the absence via the mass notification
system. Note: If parents/guardians have not provided accurate phone numbers and email addresses
the messages will not be received.
2. If an acceptable parent/guardian excuse for the absence is not received within three (3) days of the
student’s return to school, the absence will be considered unexcused.
a. The parent/guardian excusal must be provided via the PowerSchool Parent portal OR in writing
including a parent signature. Scans or pictures of the signed excuse card will be accepted via
email ([email protected]). Parents are strongly encouraged to utilize the
PowerSchool parent portal.
b. A reason for the absence must be provided on all parent/guardian excuses, "illness" or
"sickness" are not acceptable. Specific wording such as cough, sore throat, vomiting should be
3. A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative absences (excused and unexcused), including those verified
by parental notification, shall be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten (10)
cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed medical professional.
a. It is strongly recommended that whenever a student is absent from school and sees a medical
professional an excuse from that medical professional is obtained and provided to the school.
Valid excuses from medical professionals will not count towards (10) absences allowed.
4. Students who accumulate three (3) unexcused absences are considered truant and will be provided a
written “three-day notice” outlining the potential consequences of truancy.
5. If a student is subsequently absent without excuse for one day after the “three-day notice” is issued, a
school attendance improvement conference (SAIC) will be scheduled and a School Attendance
Improvement Plan (SAIP) will be developed. Parents/guardians will be invited to the conference and
are encouraged to attend. A copy of the SAIP will be provided to parents/guardians.
6. Students who accumulate six (6) unexcused absences are considered habitually truant and may face
the necessary consequences per Act 138 of 2016. Consequences may include consequences may
include a referral to Children and Youth Services and/or a citation filed in the office of the District
7. The Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean of Students may exercise prudent judgment in giving extensions
or exceptions to the above.
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All student absences require written documentation, signed by a parent/guardian, explaining the reason for the
absence. (E-mails cannot be accepted.) Excuse notes signed by a parent/guardian MUST be submitted to the
School Office within three (3) days of the student’s return to school in order for the absence to be considered
excused. A handwritten, parent-signed note that is scanned and emailed or faxed to the School Attendance
Secretary ([email protected]) is acceptable. Excuse notes signed by a qualified medical professional
will still be accepted after the three (3) day limit and the absence will be coded as excused, but the student
may not be allowed to make up work missed during the absence.
Absence Verifications
Parents DO NOT need to use a school excuse when turning in a student absentee slip.
Excused absences: A student’s absence from school will only be excused for one of the following reasons:
Death in the immediate family.
Emergency medical or dental attention.
Required court attendance.
Approved educational trips (Please see “Educational Travel” for more details.)
Absences approved in advance with building principal or designee [job interviews, driver’s tests (limit 3
per year), etc.]
Authorized religious holidays.
The following are NOT excusable absences in accordance with state attendance laws:
Missing the school bus
Trips not approved in advance
Car trouble
Attendance as a spectator at athletic events and interscholastic contests
Birthday or other celebrations
Gainful employment
Educational Travel
Educational trips that expose a student to various geographical, cultural or historical sites are permitted during
the school year. However there are specific guidelines that must be followed for these days to be excused.
These are:
1. The number of school days of excused absences, for educational tours/trips, shall be a maximum of six
(6) per school year. These days do count toward the student’s ten (10) excused absences.
2. All absences for educational tours/trips in excess of six (6) days per pupil shall be considered illegal
and/or unexcused, with applicable penalties (ie...fines).
3. The building administration must receive an educational trip form 2 weeks prior to the trip for approval.
This educational trip form will be shared with the teacher to allow time to compile assignments to be
completed during the trip. No trips will be approved during the PSSA or Keystone testing dates that
would impact the student.
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4. Upon returning to school, the student will, on his/her own time, be responsible for making up the work
missed and will be held accountable for such knowledge and/or skills as they pertain to his/her
continuing education
Leaving School During the Day
Any student leaving school prior to 2:15 p.m. will be considered absent for a ½-day. Students who need to be
excused from school before the end of the regular school day MUST provide a note signed by a
parent/guardian to the School Office prior to the start of school on the day of the appointment. The note must
indicate the date, the time the student is to be excused, and the reason for the early dismissal. If any individual
other than a parent/guardian is picking up the student from school, that must also be indicated on the note.
Students are not permitted to leave school property without written permission from a parent/guardian.
Students must sign out in the School Office when they leave the building and sign in upon their return (if
applicable). Additionally, the individual picking up the student early from school must come into the School
Office and present a form of picture identification.
Students who are ill during the school day must be evaluated by the school nurse. If the nurse is not available,
the student must report to the office. The nurse will determine if the student is to remain in school or go home
ill. The nurse will be responsible for contacting the parent/guardian if necessary. Students are not permitted
to call a parent/guardian to pick them up for illness without approval from the school nurse. If a student
leaves school because of illness and the school nurse does not approve it, the student’s absence will be coded
as unexcused.
If an emergency arises and a student needs to leave early without prior knowledge, a parent/guardian MUST
come into the main office and sign out the student prior to the student leaving the building. Written
documentation must be on file for any time a student is not in attendance at school.
Additionally, if students need to go to the parking lot or any outside area during the school day, they must
obtain permission from the School Office and sign out and sign in accordingly. Students will only be allowed to
go to the parking lot for educational reasons. Students who leave the building without permission may receive
an in-school suspension
Appointments should be scheduled after careful consideration of their impact on the educational process.
In the case of an appointment, the student must submit a valid note to be excused from school prior to
the start of school on the day of the appointment. The student must also bring a doctor's note for the
appointment upon returning to school in order for the absence to be counted as excused.
If the student fails to submit an appointment card, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Students are required to be in school by 9:00 A.M. A student is considered tardy if they arrive to school
between 9:01 A.M. and 10:00 A.M without a valid excuse. Tardy is missing the bus, oversleeping, etc., NOT
doctor appointments. If a student arrives to school at 10:00 A.M. or later, it will be considered a half-day
absence. Every seventh tardy will result in a one day unexcused absence. Students who exceed the limit of
unexcused absences (3) will be referred to the District Justice for fines
Students may not be permitted to make up schoolwork, including assessments, that are missed due to
an unexcused absence or from an absence for which a note from a licensed medical professional is not
submitted within three (3) days. Students may therefore receive a zero (0) for all schoolwork and
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assessments missed due to an unexcused absence. Consequently, students are at risk of losing credit
for their classes if they accumulate an excessive number of unexcused absences.
Students who accumulate twenty (20) or more unexcused absences during their senior year may not be
permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Additionally, per Pennsylvania School Code, Section 11.24, any student above compulsory age who
accumulates ten (10) consecutive unexcused absences will be withdrawn from school.
Students are required to be in school by 9:00 A.M. A student is considered tardy if they arrive to school
between 9:01 A.M. and 10:00 A.M without a valid excuse. Tardy is missing the bus, oversleeping, etc., NOT
doctor appointments. If a student arrives to school at 10:00 A.M. or later, it will be considered a half-day
absence. Every seventh tardy will result in a one day unexcused absence. Students who exceed the limit of
unexcused absences (3) will be referred to the District Justice for fines
Discipline Procedures
School Board Policy 218: Student Discipline
School Board Policy 233: Suspension and Expulsion
If a student receives any consequence for behavior from the building principal or dean of students, the
following steps will be taken:
- The building principal/Dean of students will contact parents/guardians via telephone before the end of
the school day, if possible.
- If the parents/guardians are unavailable via telephone, a voice message will be left and a follow-up
email regarding the message will be sent by the building principal or Dean of Students.
- If the consequence is an ISS or OSS, a district letter will be sent in addition to the phone call/email.
Levels of Offenses
The following offenses are classified into four levels according to their impact on the educational process and
the school environment. The levels do not prescribe the actions taken but provide guidance for the
consequences that will be imposed for various infractions. Each situation is reviewed on an individual basis
with consideration of the circumstances surrounding the misbehavior. The four levels list examples of
misconduct and possible subsequent disciplinary consequences, at the discretion of the administration. This is
not an exhaustive list of behaviors warranting detention/suspension/expulsion but is merely
LEVEL I Behaviors: Behaviors which interrupt orderly classroom procedures or interfere with the orderly
operation of the school. These behaviors can usually be handled by an individual staff member but sometimes
require the intervention of other school support personnel.
Students will be expected to respect the rights and property of their fellow students. Activities that will not be
tolerated are:
1. Name calling and teasing
2. Refusal to attempt to perform assigned classroom tasks, assignments and homework
3. Not adhering to teacher’s classroom rules
4. Bullying in general including racial slurs
5. Disobedience to request or orders from any school personnel
6. Disrespectful to staff or volunteers
7. Gum chewing
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If students choose to break the above rules, the school will enforce the following, but not limited to the following
1. Parent contact by teacher or principal.
2. Verbal reprimand or Think Sheet (PBIS)
3. Behavioral contract
4. Withdrawal of privileges (i.e. recess, classroom special activities...)
5. Counseling: Meeting with school counselor
LEVEL II Behaviors: Behaviors that seriously disrupt the learning climate of the school. Misbehavior that is a
continuation of Level I. These misbehaviors will be handled by staff members and/or school administrators.
Students will be expected to demonstrate a proper attitude and sense of respect for all school personnel and/or
property. Activities that will not be tolerated are:
1. Continuation of Level I conduct
2. Causing disruption in class because of immature or irrational behavior
3. Inappropriate physical contact (hitting, tripping, spitting, etc.)
4. Minor Stealing
5. Copying the work of others
6. Addressing staff in any fashion other than Mr., Mrs., or Miss
7. Throwing objects at others
8. Lying to school personnel
9. Abusive language, profanity
10. Misuse or damage to school facilities and/or littering
11. Inappropriate cafeteria behavior
12. Inappropriate use of technology
13. Blatant defiance or disobedience to request or orders from any school personnel
If students choose to break the above rules, the school will enforce the following, but not limited to the following
1. Same as Level I
2. Office referral (see PBIS Section of handbook)
3. Parent Contact by teacher or principal
4. Temporary removal from class (staying in office to do work for at least 30 minutes).
5. In-School Suspension (removal from class and doing work in the office for at least 1⁄2 day).
LEVEL III Behaviors: Behaviors which result in harm to another person or property. Behaviors which pose a
threat to the safety of self or others in the school. Behaviors which demonstrate a continuation of Level II.
These acts are so serious that they require administrative actions which may result in the immediate removal
of the student from school, the intervention of law enforcement authorities and/or action by the Board
of School Directors.
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Students will be expected to demonstrate proper behaviors to ensure their own safety and the safety of others
in the school. Activities that will not be tolerated are:
1. Continuation of Level I/II Conduct
2. Bringing to school or using any toy weapons, pocket knives, guns, etc.
3. Not adhering to the School District’s Terroristic Threat policy (No. 218.3)
If students choose to break the above rules, the school will enforce the following, but not limited to the following
1. Same as Level I or II
2. Parent Contact by teacher or principal
3. In-School Suspension (removal from class and doing work for 1 day)
4. Out-of-school suspension
5. Expulsion
Classroom teachers have specific classroom rules & procedures that are communicated via newsletters and
special booklets handed out at the beginning of the school year.
Grading Procedures
Report Cards
1. Report cards will be distributed four times a year by your child’s classroom teacher, one week after the
official end of each marking period.
2. The first marking period report cards will be given to parents at the November parent-teacher
3. All other report cards will be sent home either electronically or in envelopes with students. A Global
Connect communication will be sent to all families to notify them of report cards going home.
Other School Information
Car-Rider Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Procedures for Parent Drop Off:
1. Parents/guardians need to pull into an available parking spot if you need to drop off your child,
please pull into an available parking spot and walk your child to the front of the building or follow the
traffic circle and drop off your child on the sidewalk at the side door, while staying in your vehicle.
2. Please DO NOT drop off your child in the parking lot. This will ensure your child’s safety.
3. ALL students (parent pickup and bus riders) will be called for dismissal at 3:25 PM.
Procedures for Parent Pick Up:
1. Parents must send a note or call the main office by 2:30 PM on the day of pickup, in order to get
your child at the designated pickup location.
2. Pickup locations: Side door (Door #11)
3. You will be required to sign your student out at the pickup location.
4. If a note or phone call is not received prior to 2:30 PM, you will be required to sign your child out in
the main office.
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Event Posters/Flyers
All posters and flyers for school-sponsored events are to be approved by school administration prior to being
hung up. Any poster or flyer that has not been approved will be immediately removed. All posters and flyers
must be removed by the organization at the conclusion of the event. Posters and flyers from outside
organizations must be approved by the District Superintendent.
Fire and Safety Drills
Fire drills and other safety drills are conducted on a monthly basis in order to regularly practice the safety
procedures and building evacuation process. A fire evacuation plan and severe weather plan is posted in each
room. Students should study the plan and become familiar with it.
When the fire alarm sounds, students will immediately stand and leave the room following the prescribed exit
plan. Running is not permitted. Students should move quickly and quietly as they exit the building and remain
with their assigned class as the class moves to their designated area outside the school building.
All individuals should remain at least 50 feet away from the building until the signal is given to re-enter the
building. No one is to return to the building until the signal is given by the principal or authorized representative.
Lost and Found
There are a number of lost and found articles brought to the office during the course of a school year. If you
have lost something either on the bus or at school, please arrange to check in the lost and found box in the
cafeteria where the lost and found articles are stored.
Students are responsible for taking care of obligations they acquire throughout their time in the ELCO Schools.
A database will be maintained listing students who have an obligation, which may include a fee for lost
textbooks and classroom materials, unpaid library fines, unpaid class fees, parking fines, and other school
debts. Students will have limited privileges and will not be able to obtain a parking permit or purchase
Homecoming or Prom tickets if they owe an obligation. Action may be brought against those students with
outstanding obligations.
Physical Education Excuse Procedures
Students who are ill or disabled due to an injury/ disease must have a doctor’s excuse from the attending
physician. Students must have a doctor’s release to participate upon returning to class. Those students with a
doctor’s excuse are also unable to participate in recess activities. Any student not having an excuse will be
asked to perform to the best of their capability. Students bringing a note from home (written by a parent) to be
excused will have their problem reviewed and a decision will be made at that time.
Weather permitting, students are provided with fifteen minutes of recess time each day. Recesses are
supervised by staff members. Anytime it is above twenty degrees (with wind-chill included), the playground is
relatively clear, and there is no precipitation, we will have outdoor recess. Children must wear coats, hats, and
gloves (or mittens) to go outside during the cold weather. Students must have an additional layer to put on over
their existing in-door clothes. We will have indoor recess anytime the temperature falls below twenty degrees,
actual temperature or with wind-chill. We appreciate the cooperation of parents in sending children dressed
properly for the outdoors.Children are encouraged NOT to bring their own equipment to school; this includes
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footballs, baseball bats, frisbees, etc. If a child does, it is not the responsibility of the school to maintain it. We
are not responsible for lost or misplaced items. It can easily be lost or placed into storage with schoolproperty.
This also includes electronics and other toys. If any item becomes a problem then the student will be instructed
not to bring it again.Students may be excluded from recess for incomplete homework, incomplete class
assignments, or for disciplinary reasons. Students who are assigned recess detention are supervised by a staff
Students are expected to keep the restrooms clean and may not loiter, smoke, write on walls or damage the
facilities in any way. Restrooms are technology-free zones and students are not permitted to use iPads, mobile
phones, or any recording devices in restrooms. Students who are feeling ill should report to the nurse's office.
School Insurance
Information regarding insurance coverage of your child during the school day and also for 24 hour coverage is
sent home at the beginning of the school year for those that are interested in participating in this program.
Selling of Items
Students are not permitted to sell items on school property without the approval of the building administration.
All fundraisers must be organized by an approved organization and the appropriate fundraising request form
must be submitted and approved prior to any sale being conducted.
Student ID Badges
All students will be issued an ID badge following the school picture day. Students should retain their ID badges
from year to year. It is acceptable for students to use a cell phone or iPad to take a picture of the ID and scan
the picture as if it was their badge. If an ID badge is lost or misplaced the student should report to the school
office for a replacement. The first replacement of an ID badge will be at no cost to the student. Students will be
charged $3 for any additional replacements that are needed during the school year. ID badges will be required
for all school transportation, including away athletic contests, and for admission to student activity events (i.e.
Homecoming Dance, RaiderTHON, Prom, etc.).
In general, students are not permitted to use classroom or personal telephones. However, in cases of
emergency, students may request use of the office telephone located in the main office.
Student Services and Programs
Displaced Student Resources (McKinney-Vento Act)
The ELCO School District believes that displaced youth should have access to free and appropriate public
education and wishes to limit the barriers that displaced children may face. Our goal is to have the educational
process continue as uninterrupted as possible while children are in displaced situations.
Displaced students are defined as individuals lacking a fixed, regular and nighttime residence, which include
students living under the following conditions:
1. Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship;
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2. Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to lack of adequate alternative
3. Living in emergency, transitional or domestic violence shelters;
4. Abandoned in hospitals;
5. Living in public or private places not designated for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping
accommodations for human beings;
6. Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, transportation stations
or similar settings;
7. Living as migratory children in conditions described in previous examples;
8. Living as run-away children;
9. Being abandoned or forced out of homes by parents/guardians or caretakers;
10. Living as school age unwed mothers in houses for unwed mothers if they have no other living
Should you have any questions, please contact the ELCO School District Homeless Liaison, Amy Shoemaker,
[email protected] or 717-866-7117 ext. 10821. Additional information can also be found on the District
website (Displaced Youth)
Food Service
The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the school and ensures that students
have the nutrition they need throughout the day to learn. A well-balanced Breakfast and Lunch is offered every
school day and consists of a variety of meat/meat alternates, whole grains, fruits and vegetables and milk.
Menus are posted monthly on the district website.
Student Accounts and Cafeteria Debt
All students are given a cafeteria account and a pin number to access that account. Parents/guardians may
fund the account by sending in cash or a check made payable to “ELCO Food Service” with their student.
Please include the student’s full name and ID number on the envelope.
The district also offers an online payment option through School Café.SchoolCafe.com provides the option to
make online payments with a set fee per transaction. By using SchoolCafe (http://www.schoolcafe.com), you
also have the option to set restrictions or limits on ala carte purchases and to view your child’s transactions and
apply for free or reduced meals.
Significant changes were enacted under the Pennsylvania School Code Act 55, titled “Food Shaming,” which
was passed on December 6, 2017. While the amendment states that K-8th grade students may not be directly
contacted regarding their negative accounts, students in grades 9-12 are exempt from this amendment and
may be contacted about their meal account status.
If your child’s account falls into a negative balance, a negative balance notification e-mail will be sent to the
e-mail address on file, followed by a letter mailed to the home. You also have the option to view your child’s
accounts by going onto SchoolCafe.com and selecting to receive low balance notifications at no fee. The
notification limit can be set at your discretion, but a minimum of $10 is recommended.
All students will be able to purchase a meal even if their account is delinquent. There are procedures in place
for collecting payment, which could include sending the account to collections.
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If your child’s account is in the negative, this could become an obligation. Obligations may prevent your child
from purchasing a parking pass, attending Prom or Homecoming, and walking in the commencement
Students are required to maintain a positive balance in their lunch account, demonstrate positive behavior
throughout the entire lunch period and to:
1. Use their Student ID number to access their lunch accounts to purchase lunch.
2. Deposit all lunch litter in the appropriate trash receptacles.
3. Return all trays to the dishwashing area.
4. Leave the table and floor around their area in a clean condition for others.
Throwing food may result in an assigned lunch location, detention or possible suspension. Students are not
permitted in the hallway during their assigned lunch period. Students will only be permitted to visit the main
office, counseling office, and restrooms during their lunch period. Students leaving the lunch room will be
required to sign-out from the cafeteria and sign-in (if applicable).
Students may not be in the cafeteria except during their assigned lunch period. Students are not
allowed to purchase food from the cafeteria prior to going to class or their flex period.
Food will only be available for purchase during the scheduled lunch periods. Deliveries of food
outside restaurants are not permitted in the cafeteria and will not be accepted.
Gifted Support Services
The Gifted Education Program is a state-mandated program, as directed by PA Chapter 16, for students who
qualify for gifted services through a comprehensive evaluation process. Students may be referred for a Gifted
evaluation by parents/guardians, classroom teachers, or other school personnel, through the guidance office.
School counselors complete screenings for referred students using a standardized assessment and a review of
current classroom performance. Students who received a qualifying score are then recommended for a full
evaluation completed by a school psychologist.
Referrals for Gifted evaluation can be made at any time during the school year, but only one referral per child
per calendar year is permitted. More information can be found on the Gifted Support Services page of the
District website. Any questions about the screening and identification process should be directed to
Director of Pupil Services Amy Shoemaker, [email protected] or 717-866-7117 ext. 10821.
Library Services
Each school building maintains a school library that empowers students to be critical thinkers, effective and
ethical consumers and producers of information, lifelong learners, and productive citizens in a global
community. The libraries foster literacy appreciation through knowledge growth and personal well-being. Each
school’s library catalog can be found linked to the school building’s website.
School Counseling Services
The mission of the ELCO School District’s school counseling department is to provide a comprehensive,
developmental counseling program for all students that promotes the highest level of student achievement
incorporating academic, career, and social/emotional development. School counselors assist all students in
acquiring the skills needed to successfully meet the challenges and responsibilities of the future.
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To support this mission, ELCO school counselors provide a variety of services to students and families
including classroom lessons, small group counseling, and individual counseling. More information about the
ELCO School Counseling program, including links to the school can be found HERE. If you have questions,
concerns, or are interested in additional support for your child, please contact their school counselor.
School Health Services and State Requirements
The ELCO School District Health Services Department strives to promote, protect, and improve the health and
safety of our students through policies and best practices that safeguard our students, staff, and community. In
order to provide the best possible care for students, it is important that parents/guardians communicate with
the nurse regarding any changes to their health or medication status. Additional information about the Health
Services department can be found on the District website (Health Services).
Throughout their school career, specifically upon school entry (typically Kindergarten), grade seven, and grade
twelve. students are required to obtain updated immunizations as per PA Department of Health regulations.
Parents/guardians can review specific requirements at each grade level on the Immunization Requirements
page of the District website.
State regulation also requires routine physical and dental examinations to be completed for students in
designated grades. Parents/Guardians can review requirements on the Required Exams and Screenings page
of the District website.
Administration of Medication
School Board Policy 210: Medications
Administration of Medications to School Students (Adopted From State Guidelines)
The Board shall not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illness. The administration of
prescribed medication to a student during school hours in accordance with the direction of a parent/guardian
and licensed prescriber will be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health
of the student or the student would not be able to attend school if the medicine were not available during
school hours.
For purposes of this policy, medication shall include all medicines prescribed by a licensed prescriber and any
over-the-counter medicines.
For purposes of this policy, licensed prescribers shall include licensed physicians (M.D. and D.O.), podiatrists,
dentists, optometrists, certified registered nurse practitioners and physicians assistants.
Only prescribed medication will be given at school.
When it is absolutely necessary for students to be given medication at school, it shall be done according to the
following guidelines.
1. A parent request form (provided by the school) must be completed giving the school permission to give
medication ordered to the student.
2. By law a written order from a physician that includes student's name, medication's name, dosage, and
time of administration is required.
3. Medication must be in a container officially labeled by a physician or pharmacist. The label must
include: student's name, physician's name, date of original prescription, medication's name, dosage,
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and time of administration. Any over-the-counter medication must be in the original container, and be
accompanied with a note indicating dosage.
4. Administration of medication shall be done by the school nurse, in her absence a designee will assist
the student in administering medication.
5. Medication must be brought to the office with the appropriate authorization/instructions at the beginning
of the school day. Medications may not be brought to school on the bus by the student.
A yearly standing order of adrenaline to be given for severe anaphylaxis will be supplied to each nurse by the
school physician.
Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
School Board Policy 210.1: Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
Prior to possessing or using an asthma inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector in the school setting, students are
required to submit the following to the school nurse (must be done annually):
A written request from the parent/guardian.
A written statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging that the school is not responsible for
ensuring the medication is taken and relieving the District and its employees of responsibility for the
benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication.
A written statement from the licensed physician, certified registered nurse practitioner or physician
assistant that states the name of the drug, the prescribed dosage, when the medication is to be taken,
length of time the medication is prescribed, reason for the medication, potential side effects of the
medication, emergency response, and if the child is qualified and able to self-administer the medication.
Students are prohibited from sharing, giving, selling, and using an asthma inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector
in any manner other than which it is prescribed during school hours, at any time on school property, at any
school-sponsored event, and during the time traveling to and from school and school-sponsored activities.
Food Allergies
School Board Policy 2019.1: Food Allergy Management
ELCO is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students with severe life-threatening food
allergies. The School Board has adopted School Board Policy 209.1 in accordance with applicable state and
federal laws and regulations, and the guidelines established jointly by the PA Department of Education and PA
Department of Health on managing severe or life-threatening food allergies in schools. If your child has a food
allergy, please notify the school nurse.
Social Services
The District employs one home and school visitor who provides valuable resources and support for ELCO
students and their families. Their primary role is to collaborate with families and school staff to identify support
services to remove the physical, mental, and emotional barriers and obstacles that may prevent students from
attending school regularly. More information and resources can be found on the District website HERE.
Special Education Services
Special education services are provided to identified students in accordance with PA Chapter 14. Supports
and services are identified through a comprehensive educational evaluation completed by a certified school
psychologist along with the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The ELCO School
District is committed to supporting students with special education needs through a variety of programs and
services across the K-12 continuum. Through partnerships with the Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit #13,
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neighboring school districts, and private educational providers, along with a growing expanse of
District-operated programming, a comprehensive and individualized program can be delivered and tailored to
meet the unique needs of students.
Referrals for special education evaluation can be made at any time during the school year. More information
can be found on the Special Education Services page of the District website. Any questions about the
identification process or available support and services should be directed to Jeremy Sweigart, Director of
Special Education, via email ([email protected]) or telephone (717-866-7117, extension 10821).
Student Assistance Program
Board Policy 236: Student Assistance Program
Student Assistance Program (SAP) - a systematic process using effective and accountable professional
techniques to mobilize school resources to remove the barriers to learning and, when the problem is beyond
the scope of the school, to assist the parent/guardian and student with information so they may access
services within the community.
Technology Services
Technology Vision
A technology plan integrated into the instructional, administrative, and educational programs to promote
innovation, improve efficiency, and provide opportunities for each student, every day.
Technology Goals for Students
Students need to understand appropriate Digital Citizenship skills
Students need to understand how to find information online
Students need to be able to evaluate the information they find online
Students need to be able to present their knowledge or ideas digitally
Students need to be able to develop an online personal learning community
iPad 1-to-1 Initiative
In 2019-2020 the ELCO School District became a 1:1 district with iPads in all grades K-12.
The District focuses on four main goals:
To prepare students for their future
To allow students to take ownership for their learning
To maximize students’ learning potential
To engage students in their learning environment
For a more detailed explanation of the 1-to-1 goals please visit the School District’s website.
For additional information regarding expectations, frequently asked questions, and why the School District
chose Apple iPads visit the Instructional Technology department’s page on the School District’s website.
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PowerSchool is on of the leading K-12 student information systems that is used by the school district to
maintain student demographic information, attendance, class schedules, and grades. Parents and students
have the ability to log into the PowerSchool public portal to view grades, attendance records, and update
student information through online forms. For tutorials for establishing an account and navigating the
PowerSchool portal visit the PowerSchool page on the School District website.
Schoology is an award winning Learning Management System (LMS) that allows teachers to maintain a web
presence, post course content, create calendar events for assignments, expand communication methods with
students, and establish online learning communities. Schoology also serves as an educational hub for
students to participate in online discussion with classmates, submit assignments online, store digital resources,
and keep daily tasks organized. The ELCO School District chose Schoology as the District's LMS for the
student one-to-one environment where all students have access to their own mobile device with the Schoology
app installed. Teachers have been provided training on creating calendar events and posting online material in
order to build this educational hub. For additional information and tutorials visit the Schoology page on the
School District’s website.
Technology Support
Each building will have individuals designated as technical support personnel. If a student’s iPad is damaged
or in need of repair, students will need to take the iPad to their building’s designated support personnel for
School Board Policy 810: Transportation
School Board Policy 810.2: Transportation - Audio/Video Recording
The ELCO School District provides student transportation through a contract with Brightbill Transportation.
More information about Brightbill Transportation can be found on the ELCO Transportation website. The phone
number for Brightbill is 717-866-1420.
Audio and Video Cameras on Buses
School Board Policy 810.2: Transportation - Video/Audio Recording
Video cameras with audio recording capability are installed on the buses to support efforts to maintain the
safety and security of students. The cameras are intended to discourage acts of misbehavior and will be used
to identify the cause of inappropriate bus conduct. Video identifying inappropriate bus behavior may be used as
evidence for disciplinary action.
Transportation Guidelines
The ELCO School District offers school bus transportation for the convenience of students within the guidelines
established by the Pennsylvania School Code. Parents sometimes request variations in their child(ren)’s
transportation schedule to accommodate babysitters, work schedules, or even sleep-overs. These variations
include different pickup or discharge locations on certain days, or even riding different buses on some days. As
our district grows in size, student transportation schedules become very complicated and affect an increasing
number of students. We have great concern for the safety and security for those students who vary their
transportation schedules. We do not want to miss picking up a waiting student or dropping off a student at an
incorrect stop on any given day.
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Therefore, our liability carrier and the ELCO School Board, request that we have a consistent school
transportation policy. Consequently, the following policy will be in effect:
1. Requests for ELCO School District bus transportation from locations other than near the student’s
home will be considered only if it is in the school attendance area to which the student is assigned.
Kindergarten students will be assigned to a morning or an afternoon kindergarten session, depending
on the location of their home or babysitter.
2. Students will be assigned to bus stops on a consistent basis only. ELCO School District is willing to
provide transportation to a location other than the student’s home. However, parents must designate a
consistent A.M. and P.M. location. The A.M. stop must be the same location for each day of the week.
Likewise, the P.M. stop must be the same location for each day of the week. The A.M. stop and the
P.M. stop may be in different locations but must remain in the same school attendance area.
Kindergarten students must also have one designated location for their noontime transportation.
3. Students will be permitted to ride only the school bus to which they are assigned. In addition, for safety
reasons, students will be permitted to get on and off the bus only at the stop to which they are
assigned. Exceptions to the assigned transportation may be granted by building principals for
emergency reasons. Students wishing to ride other buses on occasions for emergency purposes must
secure a bus pass from the school office, to be permitted to ride another bus or get on or off their bus at
another bus stop. Parents need to provide prior written requests to their school office to secure
permission. The school office will issue the student a bus pass to give to the bus driver. Students who
fail to get a bus pass will go home via their normally scheduled means of transportation. Notes
requesting transportation changes will not be accepted by the bus driver. Bus drivers will only accept a
note instead of a bus pass, if a student is at a different bus stop in the morning, due to an emergency
4. Any permanent changes in transportation arrangements require two (2) days notice before going into
effect, after approval has been secured. This will allow sufficient time for the transportation office to
notify all parties concerned so appropriate bus arrangements can be made. Students need to arrive at
their bus stop ten (10) minutes before the designated pickup time. The ELCO School District is not
responsible for student conduct to, from, or at the bus stop. For safety purposes, students are not to
cross a road until the school bus comes to a complete stop. Students should then cross the road
approximately 10 feet in front of the bus to remain visible to the driver at all times. School buses are the
property of Brightbill Transportation, Inc. and students need to treat this property with respect and assist
in helping keep the bus neat and clean. School bus stops are established and approved annually by the
ELCO School Board.
Transportation/Bus Rules
School Board Policy 810: Transportation
School Board Policy 810.2: Transportation - Audio/Video Recording
In order to provide for the safe and orderly transportation of students to and from school and special events,
the following rules and regulations are designed to support the health, safety and welfare of all students and
employees. The following rules will be strictly enforced and the cooperation of students and parents is required
to ensure that student conduct on the bus and at the bus stop is of such a nature so as to assist the District in
this regard.
1. Students should arrive at their assigned school bus stop approximately 10 minutes early and should
wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to board the bus.
2. Students will be responsible to carry their District-issued ID badge, as they will be required to scan the
badge as they board and depart the bus each day. Students who do not scan onto the bus may be
required to sit in the front of the bus.
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3. While on the bus, students should keep all body parts inside the bus at all times.
4. Loud talking and laughing divert the driver's attention and make safe driving difficult. Horseplay is not
permitted around or on the school bus.
5. Students may be issued a temporary bus pass to ride a bus other than the one to which the student is
assigned ONLY when a parent/guardian provides a written request that the student be permitted to ride
another bus. The parent/guardian note must include the date(s) that the student must ride an alternate
bus, the alternate bus number, and the already-existing bus stop that the student will use in the morning
and/or afternoon. All notes must also include the student’s name, the name of the student they will be
riding with, the reason for the change request and be signed by a parent/guardian. Students should
bring these notes to the main office prior to the start of the school day so that a bus pass may be
issued. Bus passes WILL NOT be granted for social purposes.
6. Students are not permitted to throw anything out of the bus window.
7. Students are not permitted to leave their seats while the bus is in motion.
8. Students must be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
9. Reminder - It is a privilege to be provided with transportation to and from school. Students who abuse
this privilege may be suspended from school transportation and parents/guardians will be required to
provide alternate transportation.
Students of the Eastern Lebanon County School District who are in violation of this act may have their riding
privileges suspended and may be suspended from school at the administrator’s discretion in addition to the
legal charges
Bus Rules/Regulations
Student behavior while waiting for the school bus or while riding the bus must be appropriate to assure the
safety of all students. While passengers on school district vehicles, students guilty of conduct which, in the
opinion of the School Board and/or Administration, causes or is liable to cause injury to other passengers or to
the vehicles, shall be denied the use of school district transportation for such a period of time as the School
Board and/or Administration believes is appropriate to the conduct involved. Additionally, the principal reserves
the rights to take the student’s developmental appropriateness into consideration in any disciplinary decisions.
Students who have displayed acts of misbehavior are subject to the following consequences:
1. Level I Behaviors include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Pushing, hitting, shouting, tripping, littering, profane language, insulting driver, eating or
drinking, opening windows against drivers’ orders, arms or hands out of windows,
refusing to identify himself/herself to the bus driver, or other similar offenses deemed by
the principal to merit the following consequences:
2. Level I Consequences may include, but not limited to the following:
a. First Offense: A warning and parents will be notified
b. Second Offense: Loss of riding privileges for three days
c. Third Offense: Loss of riding privileges for ten days
3. Level II Behaviors include, but not are limited to the following:
a. Fighting, smoking, damaging the bus, throwing objects in the bus, throwing objects out of
windows, opening exit doors, or other similar offenses deemed by the principal to merit
the following consequences:
4. Level II Consequences may include, but are not limited to the following:
a. First Offense: Loss of riding privileges for three to ten days
b. Second Offense: Loss of riding privileges for thirty school days (Review case after ten
school days)
c. Third Offense: Loss of riding privileges for the remainder of the year (Review case after
thirty school days)
5. Level III Behaviors include, but not limited to the following:
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a. Hitting or pushing the bus driver, throwing objects at the bus driver when he/she is on or
off the bus, or other similar offenses deemed by the principal to merit the following
6. Level III Consequences may include, but not limited to the following:
a. First Offense - Immediate loss of riding privileges. (Review case after thirty school days)
Names of students and the nature of the misconduct shall be reported in writing as a ‘bus report’ by the bus
driver. Acts of misbehavior which occur during the morning trip shall be reported upon arrival at school the
same day that the alleged incident occurred.
Alleged incidents that occur during the afternoon bus trip will be reported the following morning. Every effort
will be made to administer disciplinary procedure within a 24-hour period. However, a student brought to
school by school bus shall be returned home by bus prior to the beginning of any suspension of his/her riding
Principals shall notify the parents in writing of the nature of the misconduct and of any disciplinary action which
has been taken.
Unauthorized School Bus Entry
Act 65 of 1998 amends the crimes code to state that a person who enters a school bus without proper
authorization of the driver or a school official with intent to commit a crime or disrupt or interfere with the driver
or refuses to disembark from the school bus after being ordered to do so by the driver commits a third degree
District Policies
School Board Policy 249: Bullying/Cyberbullying
ELCO School District is committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for District students.
Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, detracts from the safe environment necessary for
student learning, and may lead to more serious violence. Therefore, the Board prohibits bullying by District
Bicycles and Other Modes of Transportation
School Board Policy 223: Use of Motor Vehicles
The use of bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades (unless part of a physical education program under
the direction of a teacher), go carts, and any other object which conveys or moves as if on wheels, is prohibited
on school property.
Camera Surveillance
School Board Policy 709.1: Camera Surveillance
The school district may, from time to time, place and use audio and/or video cameras, or other recording
devices on school property and on school buses. The images or sound recorded by the audio and/or video
camera or other recording devices may be used by school authorities to determine whether conduct occurred
which is contrary to the rules of the school district, to determine the extent of such conduct, and to determine
the identity or identities of the particular student or students involved in such conduct.
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At the discretion of the school authorities, the images or sounds recorded by the audio and/or video camera or
other recording devices may be provided to any appropriate law enforcement agency.
Controlled Substance/Paraphernalia
School Board Policy 227: Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
For purposes of this policy, controlled substances shall include all:
1. Controlled substances prohibited by federal and state laws.
2. Look-alike drugs.
3. Alcoholic beverages.
4. Anabolic steroids.
5. Drug paraphernalia.
6. Any volatile solvents or inhalants, such as but not limited to glue and aerosol products.
7. Substances that when ingested cause a physiological effect that is similar to the effect of a
controlled substance as defined by state or federal laws.
8. Prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter) medications, except those for which
permission for use in school has been granted pursuant to Board policy.[3][4]
For purposes of this policy, under the influence” shall include any consumption or ingestion of
controlled substances by a student.
For purposes of this policy, look-alike drug” shall include any pill, capsule, tablet, powder, plant
matter or other item or substance that is designed or intended to resemble a controlled substance
prohibited by this policy, or is used in a manner likely to induce others to believe the material is a
controlled substance.
Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion and referral for
School Board Policy 247: Hazing
Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational goals of the district and are
prohibited at all times. Hazing is defined as any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally
endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a person or which willfully destroys or
removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation
with, or as a condition of continued membership in, any organization.
Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices
School Board Policy 103: Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices
It is the policy of the ELCO School District to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in the
schools. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the district to maintain an educational environment in which
harassment in any form is not tolerated. The Board prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of students by all
district students and staff members, contracted individuals, vendors, volunteers, and third parties in schools.
The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission’s website is https://www.phrc.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx.
Parent/Guardian Volunteer Program
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to volunteer within our schools. All volunteers whether in the classroom, on
field trips, or volunteer coaches must be approved by the ELCO Board of Directors and meet the requirements
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established by the District. More information about these requirements can be found on the Volunteering
Section of the ELCO School District Website.
Possession or Use of Tobacco Products/ E.N.D.S
School Board Policy 222: Tobacco and Vaping Products
ELCO High School recognizes that tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) present a health
and safety hazard that can have serious consequences for both users and nonusers and the safety and
environment of the schools. Therefore, students found to be in possession of tobacco products, electronic
nicotine delivery systems, vape juice, or vape pods (used or unused) will be subject to the following
1st Offense: 2 day ISS + possible citation
2nd Offense: 2 day ISS/OSS + a citation issued + parent conference
3rd Offense: 3 day ISS/OSS + a citation issued + parent conference
In addition, hallway restrictions may be imposed upon students who violate this policy. Students with two (2) or
more offenses may be required to participate in a tobacco cessation program or nicotine replacement therapy
at his/her own expense. Finally, the student may be required to participate in the Student Assistance Program.
Responsible Use of Technology
School Board Policy 237: Mobile Device Policy
School Board Policy 815: Responsible Use Policy
Students are required to adhere to District policies and procedures in regards to use of the school-issued iPad
or any other technology equipment. The following District policies address issues regarding technology use by
students: Responsible Use Policy (815), and Mobile Device Policy (237). The school-issued iPad is no
different than any other resource provided to a student by the District. The District expects students to
responsibly use technology for purposes that support student learning. Any activity that violates the policies
listed above will result in disciplinary action and/or consequences.
Search and Seizure
School Board Policy 226: Searches
ELCO School District acknowledges the need to respect the rights of students to be free from
unreasonable searches and seizures. Under certain circumstances, school officials do have the
authority to lawfully conduct searches without a warrant.
Suicide Awareness, Prevention, & Response
School Board Policy 819:Suicide Awareness, Prevention, and Response
ELCO School District is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of its students and the school
community. The District takes a proactive approach to suicide awareness and prevention by incorporating
age-appropriate suicide awareness and prevention education to students and staff.
Terroristic Threats
School Board Policy 218.2: Terroristic Threats
School Board Policy 236.1: Threat Assessment
ELCO School District understands the danger that terroristic threats by students present to the safety and
welfare of District students, staff and community. The District acknowledges the need for an immediate and
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effective response to a situation involving a threat. In all cases of terroristic threats, where a student’s behavior
indicates a threat to the safety of the student, other students, school employees, school facilities, the
community or others, the student shall be reported to school administration who will report the student to the
District Threat Assessment Team.
An employee may make or authorize the making of a photo and/or videotape/audio recording of a student if the
photo and/or videotape/audio recording is to be used only for:
1. A purpose related to an extracurricular activity;
2. A purpose related to regular classroom instruction; or
3. Media coverage of the school, student names will not be released.
Board Policy 218.1: Weapons
ELCO School District recognizes the importance of a safe school environment relative to the educational
process. Possession of weapons in the school setting is a threat to the safety of students and staff and is
prohibited by law.
Weather Delays and Early Dismissals
In the event of severe inclement weather or mechanical breakdown, school may be closed, delayed, or
dismissed early. Such schedule changes will be announced through the district’s website, local media
(WGAL8, WHTM27, FOX43, WHP21), and the Blackboard Mass Notification phone messaging system. If no
report is heard, it should be assumed that school would be in session as normal.
Please do not call the school. Telephone lines must be kept open for emergencies.
Wellness/Food in Classrooms
School Board Policy 209.1: Food/Allergy Management
In an effort to promote healthy eating habits, ensure student safety, and comply with federal wellness
regulations, outside food items, snacks, etc. food from home will not be permitted in classrooms.
Alternatives to food related items for classroom parties and/or holiday celebrations may include
pencils, stickers or other small, school-related items. The district’s Food Service Dept. can provide
school-approved snacks if desired.
Withdrawal from School
School Board Policy 208: Withdrawal from School
State law requires compulsory attendance in school until the student becomes 18 years of age. If a student is
considering the possibility of leaving school, he/she should talk with his/her counselor as soon as possible to
discuss options and alternatives to withdrawing from high school.
Students who intend to transfer to another school district or other school entity should consult with the
Counseling Office as soon as possible in order to make the necessary arrangements to have their records
transferred. Students are responsible for fulfilling all obligations to the school district and for returning all
textbooks and school materials, including the school-issued iPad and charger. A student withdrawal form will
need to be signed by a parent/guardian and a withdrawal clearance sheet completed by the student verifying
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that all obligations have been cleared. Students under 18 years of age will not be withdrawn until ELCO
receives verification of enrollment in the school to which the student is transferring.
Notice to Parents
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
Under FERPA, the following rights are afforded to parents and eligible students:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within thirty (30) days of the district’s
receipt of a request for access.
2. The right to request amendments of the student’s educational records that the parent or eligible student
believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise violate the privacy rights of the students.
3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s
education records, except to the extent that FERPA and State law authorize disclosure without consent.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failure by the
district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605
5. The right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the categories of directory information.
6. The right to request that information not be provided to military recruiting officers.
Media Release
If a parent does not desire to have their child individually photographed, audio/videotaped, or interviewed by
the media, they will indicate such on the district’s media permission form. This form only needs to be
completed once during the student’s high school career.
Annual Public Notice for Services and Programs
Special Education, Gifted, and Section 504
State and federal special education regulations require each school district to provide annual notice to
parents/guardians of children who reside within a school district regarding the school district's identification and
screening, and evaluation activities including the location and time of the activities, by publishing an annual
public notice to parents, in newspapers or by other accessible media. This notice shall inform parents
throughout the school district of the child identification activities and the procedures followed to ensure
confidentiality of information pertaining to students with disabilities or eligible young children.
The Eastern Lebanon County School District (“District”) is required to provide a free appropriate public
education (FAPE) to children with disabilities who are determined, through the evaluation process, to need
special education and related services under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and 22 Pa.
School Code §14. A school age child with a disability, who is determined to be in need of special education and
related services, is identified as a child with a disability eligible for special education in need of specially
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designed instruction. The following are disability categories under IDEA: Autism, Deafness, Deaf/Blindness,
Emotional Disturbance, Traumatic Brain Injury Hearing Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Intellectual
Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Other Health Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment, Orthopedic
Impairment, Visual Impairment including Blindness
Early Intervention
Children age three through the age of admission to first grade are eligible if they have developmental delays
and, as a result, need Special Education and related services. Developmental delay is defined as a child who
is less than the age of beginners and at least 3 years of age and is considered to have a developmental delay
when one of the following exists: (i) The child’s score, on a developmental assessment device, on an
assessment instrument which yields a score in months, indicates that the child is delayed by 25% of the child’s
chronological age in one or more developmental areas. (ii) The child is delayed in one or more of the
developmental areas, as documented by test performance of 1.5 standard deviations below the mean on
standardized tests. Developmental areas include cognitive, communicative, physical, social/emotional and
self-help. For additional information regarding Early Intervention Services you may contact the
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate IU #13 at 717-606-1601.
Screening activities are conducted by the District on an on-going basis throughout the school year. Screening
is conducted in the student's home school unless other arrangements are necessary. Parents can request
screening in writing for their children by contacting the school that the child attends. When screening indicates
that a student may be a child with a disability eligible for Special Education, the District will seek parental
consent to conduct an evaluation. Screening activities cannot inhibit the right of a parent to request, at any
time, including prior to or during instructional support activities, an evaluation for the purpose of determining if
the student is a child with a disability and eligible for Special Education services.
Evaluation Process
"Evaluation" is the procedure used to determine whether a child has a disability and if the child's disability is of
the nature and extent that the child would be eligible for Special Education and related services. Evaluation
procedures are determined on an individual basis by a Multi-disciplinary Evaluation (MDE) team, which
includes the parents. Evaluation for the purpose of determining if a child is a child with a disability eligible for
Special Education does not include the procedures or basic tests that are administered to all children.
Parents who believe their child is a child with a disability may request, at any time, that the District conduct an
evaluation to determine if the child is eligible to receive Special Education and related services. This request
must be made in writing to the Building Principal or Director of Pupil Services. If a parent makes an oral
request for an evaluation, the District shall provide the parent with a form for that purpose within 10 days of the
oral request.
School entities cannot proceed with an evaluation, or with the initial provision of Special Education and related
services, without the written consent of the parents. For additional information related to consent, please refer
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to the Procedural Safeguards Notice which can be found on the PaTTAN website, or on the District website.
Once written parental consent is obtained, the District will proceed with the evaluation process.
Independent Education Evaluation (IEE)
If a parent disagrees with the evaluation, the parent can request in writing an independent education evaluation
(IEE) at public expense. If an IEE is provided at public expense, the criteria under which the IEE is privately
administered must be the same as the criteria that the District utilizes for evaluations.
Program Development
Once the evaluation process is completed, a team of qualified professionals and parents determine whether
the child is eligible. If the child is eligible, the individualized education program (IEP) team meets, develops the
program, and determines the educational placement. Once the IEP team develops the program and
determines the educational placement, the District will issue a notice of recommended educational
placement/prior written notice (NOREP/PWN). Your written consent is required before initial services can be
provided. The parent has the right to revoke consent after initial placement.
Gifted Education
Parents who suspect that their child is in need of specially designed instruction beyond that required in 22 Pa.
School Code §4 (relating to academic standards and assessments) may request in writing that their child be
evaluated under the criteria for Gifted Education Services in accordance with 22 Pa. School Code §16.22. If a
student is both Gifted and eligible for Special Education, the procedures in IDEA and Chapter 14 shall take
precedence. For addition information, please contact the Director of Pupil Services at 717-866-7117, x10821.
Protected Handicapped Students
In compliance with state and federal law, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) and 22
PA School Code Chapter 15, the District will provide to each protected handicapped student, without
discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aids, services or accommodations which are
needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and
extracurricular activities. In order to qualify as a protected handicapped student, the child must be of school
age with a physical or mental disability that substantially limits a major life activity or prohibits participation in or
access to an aspect of the school program. These services and protections for “protected handicapped
students” are distinct from those applicable to all eligible or exceptional students with disabilities enrolled in
Special Education programs.
For additional information related to Section 504/Chapter 15 services, the parent may refer to Section 504,
Chapter 15, and the Basic Education Circular entitled Implementation of Chapter 15. Parents may also contact
the Building Principal to request further information on the rights of parents and children, provision of services,
evaluation and screening (including purpose, time and location), and due process procedures.
Retention/Destruction of State Assessment Materials
In accordance with 34 CFR § 300.624, please be advised of the following retention/destruction schedule for the
Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA), Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA),
and Keystone Exam related materials:
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PSSA, Keystone Exam, and PASA test booklets will be destroyed one year after student reports are delivered
for the administration associated with the test booklets.
PSSA, Keystone Exam, and PASA test answer booklets will be destroyed three years after completion of the
This notice is only a summary of the District’s Special Education services, evaluation and screening activities,
and rights and protections pertaining to children with disabilities, children thought to be disabled, and their
parents. For more information or to request an evaluation or screening of a public or private school child
contact your child’s building Principal or the Director of Pupil Services at 180 ELCO Drive, Myerstown PA
17067 or 717-866-7117, x10821. For preschool age children, information, screenings and evaluations
requested, may be obtained by contacting the Intermediate Unit.
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