Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
Level 2, 3 and 4 Interconnection Agreement
This agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this _____ day of ___________, 20___ (“Effective Date”)
by and between _____________________ (‘‘Interconnection Customer’’), a ______________ organized and
existing under the laws of the State of _______________, and Seattle City Light (‘‘Utility’’), an Electric Utility
existing under the laws of the State of Washington. Interconnection Customer and Utility each may be referred to
as a ‘‘Party,’’ or collectively as the ‘‘Parties.’’
Utility Contact Information
Seattle City Light
Asset Management Division
Attention: Manager, System Planning Department
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
P.O. Box 34023
Seattle, WA 98124-4023
Phone: (206) 684-3556 Fax: (206) 684-3040
Interconnection Customer Information
Interconnection Customer: ____________________________________________
Attention: _________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ______
Phone: ________________ Fax: _________________
Interconnection Customer Application No: _____________
Whereas, Interconnection Customer, as an Applicant, is proposing to develop a Generating Facility, or
generating capacity addition to an existing Generating Facility, consistent with the application completed
by Interconnection Customer on ________________; and
Whereas, Interconnection Customer desires to interconnect the Generating Facility with the Utility’s
Electrical Distribution System;
Now, therefore, in consideration of and subject to the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties
agree as follows:
Article 1. Scope and Limitations of Agreement
1.1 This Agreement shall be used for all approved Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 Interconnection
Applications according to the procedures set forth in the Interconnection Requirements. Capitalized terms
in this Agreement if not defined in the Agreement have the meanings set forth in the Interconnection
1.2 This Agreement governs the terms and conditions under which the Generating Facility will
interconnect to, and operate in parallel with, the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System.
1.3 This Agreement does not constitute an agreement to purchase or deliver the Interconnection
Customer’s power.
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
1.4 Nothing in this Agreement is intended to affect any other agreement between Utility and
Interconnection Customer.
1.5 Responsibilities of the Parties
1.5.1 The Parties shall perform all obligations of this Agreement in accordance with all applicable
laws and regulations, and operating requirements.
1.5.2 The Interconnection Customer shall arrange for the construction, interconnection, operation
and maintenance of the Generating Facility in accordance with the applicable manufacturer’s
recommended maintenance schedule, in accordance with this Agreement.
1.5.3 The Utility shall construct, own, operate, and maintain its Electrical Distribution System and
its facilities for interconnection (“Interconnection Facilities”) in accordance with this Agreement.
1.5.4 The Interconnection Customer agrees to arrange for the construction of the Generating
Facility or systems in accordance with applicable specifications that meet or exceed the National
Electrical Code, the American National Standards Institute, IEEE, Underwriters Laboratories, and
any operating requirements.
1.5.5 Each Party shall operate, maintain, repair, and inspect, and shall be fully responsible for the
facilities that it now or subsequently may own unless otherwise specified in the Exhibits to this
Agreement and shall do so in a manner so as to reasonably minimize the likelihood of a
disturbance adversely affecting or impairing the other Party.
1.5.6 Each Party shall be responsible for the safe installation, maintenance, repair and condition
of their respective lines and appurtenances on their respective sides of the Point of Common
1.6 Regulatory Coordination and Approvals
Regional approval may be required for certain new projects. It is the responsibility of the Interconnection
Customer to file for any approvals or licenses prior to construction and to meet any federal or regional
regulatory requirements. Copies of licenses, letter of approval, and associated study material should be
provided to the Utility. The Utility shall be made aware of any project modifications mandated by the
regulatory agencies so that additional studies may be performed. If the Interconnection Customer
believes that no regulatory approval is required, a written justification of that belief shall be provided to the
1.7 Regional Study Requirements
The Interconnection Customer may be required to file with the Western Electricity Coordinating Council
(WECC) Planning Coordination Committee (PCC) to initiate regional approval for a project that has
regional significance. This procedure allows other regional entities to examine and study project plans
and comment on potential operational and capacity issues, as noted in Section III of the PCC Handbook,
as made available by WECC. If the Interconnection Customer is not a regional entity as defined by
WECC, and the project has an impact on the region, the Utility will file the required documentation with
WECC and shepherd the project through this process. The Utility is not responsible for any project delays
caused by this process.
Article 2. Inspection, Testing, Authorization, and Right of Access
2.1 Equipment Testing and Inspection
The Interconnection Customer shall arrange for the testing and inspection of the Generating Facility prior
to interconnection in accordance with IEEE Standard 1547.
2.2 Certificate of Completion
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
Prior to commencing parallel operation, the Interconnection Customer shall provide the Utility with a
Certificate of Completion substantially in the form of Attachment 4 of the Interconnection Requirements.
The Certificate of Completion must either be signed by an electrical inspector with the authority to
approve the interconnection or be accompanied by the electrical inspector’s own form authorizing
interconnection of the Generating Facility.
2.3 Authorization
The Interconnection Customer is authorized to commence parallel operation of the Generating Facility
when there are no contingencies noted in this Agreement remaining.
2.4 Parallel Operation Obligations
The Interconnection Customer shall abide by all permissible written rules and procedures developed by
the Utility which pertain to the parallel operation of the Generating Facility. In the event of conflicting
provisions, the Interconnection Requirements shall take precedence over a Utility’s rule or procedure,
unless such Utility rule or procedure is contained in an approved tariff, in which case the provisions of the
tariff shall apply. Copies of the Utility’s rules and procedures for parallel operation are provided as an
exhibit to this Agreement
2.4.1 Synchronization
The Interconnection Customer is responsible for synchronizing its equipment to the power system. During
all other conditions, the Generating Facility shall operate within approved procedures when connecting to
the system. For automatic or manual synchronization, voltage fluctuation shall meet IEEE standard 1547
and sync-checking shall be required to ensure that the unit properly synchronize to the power system.
2.4.2 Operational Requirements
All safety and operating procedures for joint use equipment shall be in compliance with the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard 29 CFR 1910.269, the National Electrical Safety Code
(NESC), Washington State Administrative Code (WAC rules), National Electrical Code (NEC), the
Washington Industrial Safety and Health Administration (WISHA) standard, the Seattle City Light “System
Operations Clearance Keep Open and Hold Open Procedures” brochure, and the Interconnection
Customer’s safety manuals.
2.4.3 Isolation Requirements
The Interconnection Customer shall not energize any of the Utility’s system line or equipment unless the
Utility’s System Control Center (SCC) specifically approves energization. If, for any reason, a protective
device operation separates the Generating Facility from the Utility’s system, the Interconnection Customer
shall contact the SCC before attempting to restore the connection to the system. Automatic re-closing is
not allowed. At the Connection Point, a disconnect switch shall be provided for the purpose of physically
and visibly isolating the Generating Facility from the Utility’s System. With the agreement between the
Utility and the Interconnection Customer, the disconnect switch may be installed at another location other
than the Connection Point, provided that the purpose described herein is satisfied. The device: Shall be accessible by, and under the Utility’s SCC jurisdiction & control. Shall be gang-operated, and shall be lockable in the open position by the Utility. Shall be suitable for safe operation under the conditions of use. Shall not be operated without advance notice to either party, unless an emergency
condition requires that the device be opened to isolate the Generating Facility.
2.5 Metering
The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for the Utility’s reasonable and necessary cost for the
purchase, installation, operation, maintenance, testing, repair, and replacement of metering and data
acquisition equipment specified in exhibits of this Agreement. The Interconnection Customer's metering
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
(and data acquisition, as required) equipment shall conform to applicable industry rules and Operating
2.5.1 Large Solar Program. To be eligible for the Large Solar Program, a PV array must be
connected to the Interconnection Customer premises located within the Utility’s service territory
and be equipped with a two-way advanced meter capable of measuring both consumption and
outbound power exports.
2.6 Reactive Power
The Interconnection Customer shall design its Generating Facility to maintain a composite power delivery
at continuous rated power output at the Point of Common Coupling at a power factor within the range of
0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging.
2.7 Right of Access
At reasonable hours, and upon reasonable notice, or at any time without notice in the event of an
emergency or hazardous condition, the Utility shall have reasonable access to the Interconnection
Customer’s premises for any reasonable purpose in connection with the performance of the obligations
imposed on the Utility under this Agreement, or as is necessary to meet a legal obligation to provide
service to customers.
Article 3. Effective Date, Term, Termination, and Disconnection
3.1 Effective Date
This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by the Parties.
3.2 Term of Agreement
This Agreement shall remain in effect unless terminated earlier in accordance with Article 3.3 of this
3.3 Termination
No termination shall become effective until the Parties have complied with all applicable laws and
regulations applicable to such termination.
3.3.1 The Interconnection Customer may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the
Utility twenty business days’ written notice.
3.3.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Article 6.6.
3.3.3 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Generating Facility will be disconnected from the
Utility’s Electrical Distribution System. The termination of this Agreement shall not relieve either
Party of its liabilities and obligations, owed or continuing at the time of the termination.
3.3.4 The provisions of this Article shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.
3.4 Temporary Disconnection
The Utility may temporarily disconnect the Generating Facility from the Electrical Distribution System for
so long as reasonably necessary in the event one or more of the following conditions or events:
3.4.1 Emergency Conditions: “Emergency Condition” shall mean a condition or situation:
(1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or
property; or
(2) that, in the case of Utility, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner)
to cause a material adverse effect on the security of the Utility’s Interconnection Facilities or
damage to the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System, or
(3) that, in the case of the Interconnection Customer, is imminently likely (as determined in a
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
nondiscriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to,
the Generating Facility. Under emergency conditions, the Utility or the Interconnection Customer
may immediately suspend interconnection service and temporarily disconnect the Generating
Facility. The Utility shall notify the Interconnection Customer promptly when it becomes aware of
an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the Interconnection
Customer’s operation of the Generating Facility. The Interconnection Customer shall notify the
Utility promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be
expected to affect the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System. To the extent information is known,
the notification shall describe the Emergency Condition, the extent of the damage or deficiency,
the expected effect on the operation of both Parties’ facilities and operations, its anticipated
duration, and any necessary corrective action.
3.4.2 Routine Maintenance, Construction, and Repair: The Utility may interrupt interconnection
service or curtail the output of the Generating Facility and temporarily disconnect the Generating
Facility from the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System when necessary for routine maintenance,
construction, and repairs on the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System. The Utility shall provide
the Interconnection Customer with five business days notice prior to such interruption. The Utility
shall use reasonable efforts to coordinate such repair or temporary disconnection with the
Interconnection Customer.
3.4.3 Forced Outages: During any forced outage, the Utility may suspend interconnection service
to effect immediate repairs on the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System. The Utility shall use
reasonable efforts to provide the Interconnection Customer with prior notice. If prior notice is not
given, the Utility shall, upon request, provide the Interconnection Customer written documentation
after the fact explaining the circumstances of the disconnection.
3.4.4 Adverse Operating Effects: The Utility shall provide the Interconnection Customer with a
written notice of its intention to disconnect the Generating Facility if, based on good utility
practice, the Utility determines that operation of the Generating Facility will likely cause
unreasonable disruption or deterioration of service to other Utility customers served from the
same electrical distribution system, or if operating the Generating Facility could cause damage to
the Electrical Distribution System. Supporting documentation used to reach the decision to
disconnect shall be provided to the Interconnection Customer upon request. The Utility may
disconnect the Generating Facility if, after receipt of the notice, the Interconnection Customer fails
to remedy the adverse operating effect within a reasonable time which shall be at least five
business days from the date the Interconnection Customer receives the Utility’s written notice
supporting the decision to disconnect, unless emergency conditions exist in which case the
provisions of Article 3.4.1 apply.
3.4.5 Modification of the Generating Facility: The Interconnection Customer must receive written
authorization from Utility before making any change to the Generating Facility that may have a
material impact on the safety or reliability of the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System. Such
authorization shall not be unreasonably withheld. Modifications shall be completed in accordance
with good utility practice. If the Interconnection Customer makes such modification without the
Utility’s prior written authorization, the latter shall have the right to temporarily disconnect the
Generating Facility. If disconnected, the Generating Facility will not be reconnected until the
unauthorized modifications are authorized or removed. Changes to Interconnection Customer-Supplied Information If there are any
changes in data previously supplied pursuant to these connection requirements, the
Interconnection Customer shall notify the utility in writing prior to 30 days. This notification
shall include:
The time and date when the change that might impact Seattle City Light is expected to
become effective, and
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
If the change is only temporary, an estimate of the time and date at which the data shall
revert to the previously supplied form.
A request for a change in Connection Point to the Utility’s System and level of generation shall be
submitted as a new request. A new completion date shall be negotiated with the Interconnection
Customer when Project data is changed. The Utility may request load growth projections after the initial
connection is made. This will require an annual submittal by the Interconnection Customer detailing the
load projections for each of next 5 to 10 years.
3.4.6 Reconnection: The Parties shall cooperate with each other to restore the Generating Facility,
Interconnection Facilities, and the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System to their normal operating state as
soon as reasonably practicable following a temporary disconnection.
Article 4. Cost Responsibility for Interconnection Facilities and Distribution upgrades
4.1 Interconnection Facilities
4.1.1 The Interconnection Customer shall pay for the cost of the interconnection facilities itemized
in the Exhibits to this Agreement (“Interconnection Facilities”). If a facilities study was performed,
the Utility shall identify its Interconnection Facilities necessary to safely interconnect the
Generating Facility with the Utility’s Electrical Distribution System, the cost of those facilities, and
the time required to build and install those facilities.
4.1.2 The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for its share of all reasonable expenses,
including overheads, associated with (1) owning, operating, maintaining, repairing, and replacing
its Interconnection Equipment Package, and (2) operating, maintaining, repairing, and replacing
the Utility’s Interconnection Facilities as set forth in any exhibits to this Agreement.
4.2 Distribution upgrades The Utility shall design, procure, construct, install, and own any
Electrical Distribution System upgrades (“Utility Upgrades”). The actual cost of the Utility
Upgrades, including overheads, shall be directly assigned to the Interconnection Customer.
Article 5. Billing, Payment, Milestones, and Financial Security
5.1 Billing and Payment Procedures and Final Accounting
5.1.1 The Utility shall bill the Interconnection Customer for the design, engineering, construction,
and procurement costs of the Utility-provided Interconnection Facilities and Utility Upgrades
contemplated by this Agreement as set forth in the exhibits to this Agreement, on a monthly
basis, or as otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Interconnection Customer shall pay each bill
within thirty calendar days of receipt, or as otherwise agreed by the Parties.
5.1.2 Within ninety (90) calendar days of completing the construction and installation of the
Utility’s Interconnection Facilities and Utility Upgrades described in the exhibits to this Agreement,
the Utility shall provide the Interconnection Customer with a final accounting report of any
difference between
(1) the actual cost incurred to complete the construction and installation and the budget estimate
provided to the Interconnection Customer and
(2) the Interconnection Customer’s previous deposit and aggregate payments to the Utility for
such Interconnection Facilities and Utility Upgrades. The Utility shall provide a written explanation
for any actual cost exceeding a budget estimate by 20% or more. If the Interconnection
Customer’s cost responsibility exceeds its previous deposit and aggregate payments, the Utility
shall invoice the Interconnection Customer for the amount due and the Interconnection Customer
shall make payment to the Utility within thirty calendar days. If the Interconnection Customer’s
previous deposit and aggregate payments exceed its cost responsibility under this Agreement,
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
the Utility shall refund to the Interconnection Customer an amount equal to the difference within
thirty (30) calendar days of the final accounting report.
5.1.3 Large Solar Program.
The Interconnection Customer operating solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays sized larger than 100 kW
and not greater than 2 MW, measured in AC, shall be billed and credited according to the
following provisions: The Interconnection Customers two-way advanced meter will measure
accumulated kilowatt hours of inbound retail consumption and outbound exported power. any electricity produced by the Interconnection Customer’s solar PV array may be
used to reduce inbound retail electricity consumption at the Interconnection Customer’s
rate schedule for electric service. Electricity generated in excess of that consumed by the Interconnection Customer
may be exported to the Utility’s system. Accumulated kilowatt-hours of exported
electricity shall be measured by the advanced meter and each customer will be credited
for exported electricity according the same Large Customer Solar Export rate, which
reflects the value of the power and grid benefits. The rate for all Interconnection
Customers will be the same according to the effective date provided in Seattle Municipal
Code Section 21.49.083, regardless of the beginning date of the interconnection
agreement between the Utility and the customer and may be updated over time, but will
initially be set as the following:
January 1, 2020
Export Credit cents per kWh
3.16 The Interconnection Customer shall retain ownership of all environmental social
and other non-power attributes of the electricity produced by their PV system, irrespective
of whether it is consumed on-site or exported. The Interconnection Customer totalizing multiple meters per Seattle Municipal
Code Section 31.49.090 may integrate their PV array into their totalized service.
Otherwise, meter aggregation across multiple Interconnection Customer premises shall
not be permitted. The Interconnection Customers that permit and complete buildings under the
terms of the Living Building Pilot outlined in SMC 32.40.060, or receive Living Building
Challenge certification for a building within Utility service areas outside the City of Seattle
before December 31, 2025 will receive annual net metering as described in SMC
21.49.092. The maximum solar array allowed under this provision is 250 kW. Affordable
housing performing under high efficiency standards can be considered for a higher net
metered threshold on a case-by-case basis by the Utility. The program will remain open for eligible Interconnection Customers until at least
December 31, 2021. Until December 31, 2035, the Utility will honor the terms of the large
solar program for interconnected participants and guarantee an annual export rate of at
least 1.8 cents per kWh.
5.2 Interconnection Customer Deposit
At least twenty business days prior to the commencement of the design, procurement, installation, or
construction of a discrete portion of the Utility’s Interconnection Facilities and Utility Upgrades, the
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
Interconnection Customer shall provide the Utility with a deposit equal to twenty (20) percent of the cost
estimated for its Interconnection Facilities prior to its beginning design of such facilities.
5.3 Milestones
Both Parties shall agree on milestones for which each Party is responsible and list them in the exhibits of
this Agreement. A Party's obligations under this provision may be extended by agreement. If a Party
anticipates that it will be unable to meet a milestone for any reason other than a Force Majeure Event, it
shall immediately notify the other Party of the reason(s) for not meeting the milestone and
(1) propose the earliest reasonable alternate date by which it can attain this and future milestones, and
(2) requesting appropriate amendments to the exhibit. The Party affected by the failure to meet a
milestone shall not unreasonably withhold agreement to such an amendment unless it will suffer
significant uncompensated economic or operational harm from the delay,
(1) attainment of the same milestone has previously been delayed, or
(2) it has reason to believe that the delay in meeting the milestone is intentional or unwarranted
notwithstanding the circumstances explained by the Party proposing the amendment.
5.4 Financial Security Arrangements for Interconnection Sized 1 MW and Greater
At least 20 Business Days prior to the commencement of the design, procurement, installation, or
construction of a discrete portion of the Utility’s Interconnection Facilities and Upgrades, the
Interconnection Customer shall provide the Utility, at the Interconnection Customer's option, a guarantee,
which is made by an entity that meets the creditworthiness requirements of the Utility, and contain terms
and conditions that guarantee payment of any amount that may be due from the Interconnection
Customer up to an agreed-to maximum amount, a surety bond, or a letter of credit from a bank with at
least an “A” credit rating from two or more major credit rating agencies (e.g., Moody’s and S & P), or other
form of security that is reasonably acceptable to the Utility and is consistent with the Uniform Commercial
Code of the jurisdiction where the Point of Interconnection is located. Such security for payment shall be
in an amount sufficient to cover the costs for constructing, designing, procuring, and installing the
applicable portion of the Utility’s Interconnection Facilities and Upgrades and shall be reduced on a dollar-
for-dollar basis for payments made to the Utility under this Agreement during its term. The Utility may
draw on any such security to the extent that the Interconnection Customer fails to make any payments
under this Agreement.
Article 6. Assignment, Liability, Indemnity, Force Majeure, Consequential Damages, and Default
6.1 Assignment
This Agreement may be assigned by either Party as provided below upon fifteen business days’
prior written notice to the other Party.
6.1.1 Either Party may assign this Agreement without the consent of the other Party to any
affiliate of the assigning Party and with the legal authority and operational ability to satisfy the
obligations of the assigning Party under this Agreement;
6.1.2 The Interconnection Customer shall have the right to assign this Agreement, without the
consent of the Utility, for collateral security purposes to aid in providing financing for the
Generating Facility;
6.1.3 For a Generating Facility offsetting part or all of the load of a utility customer at a given site,
that customer is the Interconnection Customer and that customer may assign its Interconnection
Agreement to a subsequent occupant of the site. For a Generating Facility providing energy
directly to a Utility, the Interconnection Customer is the owner of the Generating Facility and may
assign its Interconnection Agreement to a subsequent owner of the Generating Facility.
Assignment is only effective after the assignee provides written notice of the assignment to the
Utility and agrees to accept the Interconnection Customer’s responsibilities under this
Interconnection Agreement.
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
6.1.4 All other assignments shall require the prior written consent of the non-assigning Party, and
such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
6.1.5 Any attempted assignment that violates this Article is void and ineffective. Assignment shall
not relieve a Party of its obligations, nor shall a Party’s obligations be enlarged, in whole or in
part, by reason thereof. An assignee is responsible for meeting the same obligations as the
Interconnection Customer.
6.2 Limitation of Liability
Each Party’s liability to the other Party for any loss, cost, claim, injury, liability, or expense, including
reasonable attorney’s fees, relating to or arising from any act or omission in its performance of this
Agreement, shall be limited to the amount of direct damage actually incurred. In no event shall either
Party be liable to the other Party for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages, except as
specifically authorized by this Agreement.
6.3 Indemnity
6.3.1 This provision protects each Party from liability incurred to third Parties as a result of
carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. Liability under this provision is exempt from the
general limitations on liability found in Article 6.2.
6.3.2 Each Party shall at all times indemnify, defend, and hold the other Party harmless from, any
and all damages, losses, claims, including claims and actions relating to injury to or death of any
person or damage to property, demand, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court costs,
attorney fees, and all other obligations by or to third parties, arising out of or resulting from the
indemnified Party’s) action or failure to meet its obligations under this Agreement on behalf of the
indemnifying Party, except in cases of gross negligence or intentional wrongdoing by the
indemnified Party.
6.3.3 If an indemnified Party is entitled to indemnification under this Article as a result of a claim
by a third party, the indemnifying Party shall, after reasonable notice from the indemnified Party,
assume the deference of such claim. If the indemnifying Party fails, after notice and reasonable
opportunity to proceed under this Article, to assume the defense of such claim, the indemnified
Party may at the expense of the indemnifying Party contest, settle or consent to the entry of any
judgment with respect to, or pay in full, such claim.
6.3.4 If the indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify and hold the indemnified Party harmless
under this Article, the amount owing to the indemnified Party shall be the amount of such
indemnified Party’s actual loss, net of any insurance or other recovery. 6.3.5 Promptly after
receipt of any claim or notice of the commencement of any action or administrative or legal
proceeding or investigation as to which the indemnity provided for in this Article may apply, the
indemnified Party shall notify the indemnifying Party of such fact. Any failure of or delay in such
notification shall not affect a Party’s indemnification obligation unless such failure or delay is
materially prejudicial to the indemnifying Party.
6.4 Consequential Damages
Neither Party shall be liable under any provision of this Agreement for any losses, damages, costs or
expenses for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not
limited to loss of profit or revenue, loss of the use of equipment, cost of capital, cost of temporary
equipment or services, whether based in whole or in part in contract, in tort, including negligence, strict
liability, or any other theory of liability; provided, however, that damages for which a Party may be liable to
the other Party under another agreement will not be considered to be special, indirect, incidental, or
consequential damages hereunder.
6.5 Force Majeure
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
6.5.1 As used in this Article, a Force Majeure Event shall mean any act of God, labor disturbance,
act of the public enemy, war, acts of terrorism, insurrection, riot, fire, storm or flood, explosion,
breakage or accident to machinery or equipment, any order, regulation or restriction imposed by
governmental, military or lawfully established civilian authorities, or any other cause beyond a
Party’s control. A Force Majeure Event does not include an act of negligence or intentional
6.5.2 If a Force Majeure Event prevents a Party from fulfilling any obligations under this
Agreement, the Party affected by the Force Majeure Event (“Affected Party”) shall promptly notify
the other Party of the existence of the Force Majeure Event. The notification must specify in
reasonable detail the circumstances of the Force Majeure Event, its expected duration, and the
steps that the Affected Party is taking to mitigate the effects of the event on its performance, and
if the initial notification was verbal, it should be promptly followed up with a written notification.
The Affected Party shall keep the other Party informed on a continuing basis of developments
relating to the Force Majeure Event until the event ends. The Affected Party will be entitled to
suspend or modify its performance of obligations under this Agreement (other than the obligation
to make payments) only to the extent that the effect of the Force Majeure Event cannot be
reasonably mitigated by the Affected Party. The Affected Party shall use reasonable efforts to
resume its performance as soon as possible.
6.6 Default
6.6.1 Default exists where a Party has materially breached any provision of this Agreement,
except that no default shall exist where a failure to discharge an obligation (other than the
payment of money) is the result of a Force Majeure Event as defined in this Agreement, or the
result of an act or omission of the other Party.
6.6.2 Upon a default, the non-defaulting Party shall give written notice of such default to
the defaulting Party. Except as provided in Article 6.6.3, the defaulting Party shall have 60
calendar days from receipt of the default notice within which to cure such default; provided
however, if such default is not capable of cure within 60 calendar days, the defaulting Party shall
commence efforts to cure within 20 calendar days after notice and continuously and diligently
pursue such cure within six months from receipt of the default notice; and, if cured within such
time, the default specified in such notice shall cease to exist.
6.6.3 If a default is not cured as provided in this Article, or if a default is not capable of being
cured within the period provided for herein, the non-defaulting Party shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement by written notice at any time until cure occurs, and be relieved of any
further obligation hereunder and, whether or not that Party terminates this Agreement, to recover
from the defaulting Party all amounts due hereunder, plus all other damages and remedies to
which it is entitled at law or in equity. The provisions of this Article will survive termination of this
Article 7. Insurance
The Interconnection Customer is not required to provide insurance coverage for utility damages beyond the
amounts listed in Section J of the Interconnection Requirements as part of this Agreement, nor is the
Interconnection Customer required to carry general liability insurance as part of this Agreement or any other Utility
requirement. It is, however, recommended that the Interconnection Customer protect itself with liability insurance.
Article 8. Dispute Resolution
Any dispute arising from or under the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the dispute resolution
procedures contained in section K of the Interconnection Requirements, under Dispute Resolution.
Article 9. Miscellaneous
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
9.1 Governing Law, Regulatory Authority, and Rules The validity, interpretation and enforcement of this
Agreement and each of its provisions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington (where
the Point of Interconnection is located), without regard to its conflicts of law principles. This Agreement is
subject to all applicable laws and regulations. Each Party expressly reserves the right to seek changes in,
appeal, or otherwise contest any laws, orders, or regulations of a governmental authority.
9.2 Amendment
The Parties may only amend this Agreement by a written instrument duly executed by both Parties.
9.3 No Third-Party Beneficiaries
This Agreement is not intended to and does not create rights, remedies, or benefits of any character
whatsoever in favor of any persons, corporations, associations, or entities other than the Parties, and the
obligations herein assumed are solely for the use and benefit of the Parties, their successors in interest,
and, where permitted, their assigns.
9.4 Waiver
9.4.1 The failure of a Party to this Agreement to insist, on any occasion, upon strict performance
of any provision of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of any obligation, right, or duty
of, or imposed upon, such Party.
9.4.2 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to this Agreement shall not
be deemed a continuing waiver or a waiver with respect to any failure to comply with any other
obligation, right, or duty of this Agreement. Termination or default of this Agreement for any
reason by the Interconnection Customer shall not constitute a waiver of the Interconnection
Customer’s legal rights to obtain an interconnection from the Utility. Any waiver of this Agreement
shall, if requested, be provided in writing.
9.5 Entire Agreement
This Agreement, including all exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties with
reference to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings or
agreements, oral or written, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.
There are no other agreements, representations, warranties, or covenants which constitute any part of
the consideration for, or any condition to, either Party’s compliance with its obligations under this
9.6 Multiple Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which is deemed an original but
all of which constitute one and the same Agreement.
9.7 No Partnership
This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture, agency
relationship, or partnership between the Parties nor to impose any partnership obligation or partnership
liability upon either Party. Neither Party shall have any right, power or authority to enter into any
agreement or undertaking for, or act on behalf of, or to act as or be an agent or representative of, or to
otherwise bind, the other Party.
9.8 Severability
If any provision or portion of this Agreement shall for any reason be held or adjudged to be invalid or
illegal or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction or other Governmental Authority, (1) such
portion or provision shall be deemed separate and independent, (2) the Parties shall negotiate in good
faith to restore, insofar as practicable, the benefits to each Party that were affected by such ruling, and (3)
the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
9.9 Environmental Releases
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
Each Party shall notify the other Party, first orally and then in writing, of the release any hazardous
substances, any asbestos or lead abatement activities, or any type of remediation activities related to the
Generating Facility or the Interconnection Facilities, each of which may reasonably be expected to affect
the other Party. The notifying Party shall (1) provide the notice as soon as practicable, provided such
Party makes a good faith effort to provide the notice no later than 24 hours after such Party becomes
aware of the occurrence, and (2) promptly furnish to the other Party copies of any publicly available
reports filed with any governmental authorities addressing such events.
9.10 Subcontractors
Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from utilizing the services of any subcontractor as it
deems appropriate to perform its obligations under this Agreement; provided, however, that each Party
shall require its subcontractors to comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement in
providing such services and each Party shall remain liable for the performance of such subcontractor.
9.10.1 The creation of any subcontract relationship shall not relieve the hiring Party of any of its
obligations under this Agreement. The hiring Party shall be fully responsible to the other Party for
the acts or omissions of any subcontractor the hiring Party hires as if no subcontract had been
made; provided, however, that in no event shall Utility be liable for the actions or inactions of the
Interconnection Customer or its subcontractors with respect to obligations of the Interconnection
Customer under this Agreement. Any applicable obligation imposed by this Agreement upon the
hiring Party shall be equally binding upon, and shall be construed as having application to, any
subcontractor of such Party.
9.10.2 The obligations under this Article will not be limited in any way by any limitation of
subcontractor’s insurance.
Article 10. Notices
10.1 General Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any written notice, demand, or request
required or authorized in connection with this Agreement (“Notice”) shall be deemed properly given if
delivered in person, delivered by recognized national currier service, or sent by first class mail, postage
prepaid, to the person specified below:
Interconnection Customer: _________________________________________________
Attention: _________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State:____________ Zip:____________
Phone: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Utility: Seattle City Light
Asset Management Division
Attention: Manager, System Planning Department
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
P.O. Box 34023 Seattle, WA 98124-4023
Phone: (206) 684-3556 Fax: (206) 684-3040
10.2 Billing and Payment
Billings and payments to Interconnection Customer shall be sent to the address provided in
Section 10.1 unless an alternative address is provided here:
Seattle City Light Interconnection Agreement (Level 2-4) Terms and Conditions
Interconnection Customer: _____________________________________________
Attention: __________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State:____________ Zip:____________
Phone: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________
10.3 Designated Operating Representative
The Parties may also designate operating representatives to conduct the communications which may be
necessary or convenient for the administration of this Agreement. This person will also serve as the point
of contact with respect to operations and maintenance of the Party’s facilities.
Interconnection Customer’s operating representative:_______________________
Attention: __________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State:____________ Zip:____________
Phone: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________
Utility’s Operating Representative:
System Control Center, Seattle City Light
Attention: Director, System Operations
Address: 614 NW 46th Street Seattle, WA 98107
Phone: (206) 706-0240 Fax: (206) 706-0144
Article 11. Signatures
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly
authorized representatives.
For Seattle City Light:
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Name (printed): ____________________________________________________
For the Interconnection Customer:
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Name (printed): _______________________________
Title: ___________________________________________