Secure Remote Access for Industrial Networks
Design Guide
September 2023
Cisco Systems, Inc.
All printed copies and duplicate soft copies of this document are considered uncontrolled. See the current online version for the latest version.
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Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Security Landscape ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Secure Remote Access Solutions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Virtual Private Networks ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Accessing Jump Servers with the Remote Desktop Protocol ....................................................................................................... 7
Zero Trust Network Access ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Verify Users .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Device Posture ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Least Privilege Access Control ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Auditing ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Secure Equipment Access Design Guidance ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Cisco Secure Equipment Access ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Cisco SEA Components ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Cisco SEA Architecture Guidance .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Cisco Duo ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Cisco Duo Components .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Validating User Trust with Cisco Duo .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Validating Device Trust when using the SEA Plus Access Method ............................................................................................ 18
Cisco Secure Endpoint ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Cisco Secure Endpoint Capabilities ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Secure Equipment Access Implementation Guidance .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Pre-Requisites ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Add Users to IoT OD ................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Create User Groups .................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Add Users to the User Group ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Enable Multi-factor Authentication .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Add SEA Agent to Network Device ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Add Connected Clients ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Add Access Methods .................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Add Access Methods to User Groups ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Verify SEA Connectivity .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Scheduling Access for a group ................................................................................................................................................... 24
SEA Plus ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Posture Check for SEA Plus ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Cisco Duo Policies ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Active Session Monitoring and Termination ................................................................................................................................ 28
Audit Logs ................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix A Mapping Cisco Secure Remote Access Capabilities to Common Industry Standards ........................................................................... 30
NIST 800-82r3 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
ISA/IEC 62443 3-3 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
NERC CIP-005-7 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 34
TSA Security Directive 1580/82-2022-01 .................................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix B Duo MFA for SEA Plus........................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Appendix C – Acronyms .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
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The pandemic normalized remote working. At the end of the pandemic, with a large section of employees still
favoring the flexibility offered by remote working, the work model is currently hybrid work. It allows employees,
partners, and vendors to work on site as well as at home, co-working spaces, and anywhere in between
wherever and however they work most productively.
This flexibility comes with a cost. Cyberattacks today have become more sophisticated and multipronged. At the
same time, the proliferation of user endpointsboth corporate and personal devices, whether managed or
unmanagedhas expanded the attack surface, leaving organizations and their end users vulnerable to malware
and ransomware attacks.
To combat these security challenges, organizations often purchase new tools to solve specific problems, and
may up with more security tools than they can effectively orchestrate or manage. This leads to tool sprawl
which can create too many alerts, reduce threat response time, and open security vulnerabilities.
Organizations need a solution that provides trusted hybrid / remote workers, contractors, and vendors with
secure access to the organization’s network, applications, data, machines, and other services. Access must be
granted to specific devices, only when needed, under flexible constraints to meet compliance needs.
Security Landscape
Today, attacks like phishing, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats are common, and no single product
can successfully secure your business from these risks. An architectural approach that addresses the full
rangefrom people, to devices, to applicationsis needed.
Complexity is one of the main challenges facing security professionals. Technology constantly fragments into
new uses, and organizations utilize dozens of products that do not interoperate seamlessly. This multiplies
attack surfaces, which in turn complicates defense. Bad actors exploit this weakness to develop advanced
threats for more lucrative schemes. The industry desperately needs a resource that simplifies the problem. The
solution must be comprehensive, credible, and about more than just products; it needs to focus on the threats
to your business.
The attack surface of an organization is anyone or anything that can be targeted. Any human, using any device,
on any network, accessing any application can be attacked. The attack surface needs to be secured by
appropriate capabilities. Each target may be part of a larger overall attack. By identifying a company’s business
flows which represent the company’s attack surface, proper security capabilities can be applied.
Remote access software provides IT/OT teams the ability to maintain remote assets at scale without time-
consuming and costly site visits. Industrial equipment from roadside cameras to robots on the manufacturing
floor frequently requires specialized technical support from their respective manufacturers for upgrades and
The increasing need for remote connectivity to critical equipment opens the attack surface to remote threat
actors. A yearly Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) analyzes thousands of incidents and
confirmed breaches from around the world so that security analysts can understand the most exploited
vulnerabilities across industries. According to the 2023 DBIR, over 83% of breaches were from external actors
and the top three primary ways in which attackers access an organization are stolen credentials, phishing, and
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exploitation of vulnerabilities, all of which present themselves in a remote access solution.
There are many great resources to access when learning about the techniques used to infiltrate industrial
networks. For example, MITRE ATT&CK for ICS
is a knowledge base useful for describing the actions an
adversary may take when operating within an Industrial Control System (ICS) network. ATT&CK is short for
Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge. Figure 1 shows relevant attack techniques used to
exploit elements that can accessed from a remote location.
Figure 1 Remote Access Attack Techniques used to Exploit Industrial Control System (ICS) networks
Initial Access is described by MITRE ATT&CK as an adversary attempting to penetrate an ICS environment. This
is traditionally accomplished by exploiting public facing applications, or the exploitation of remote services. The
Colonial Pipeline attack for example, while not an entry into the OT network, was a result of a forgotten Virtual
Private Network (VPN) termination point with stolen credentials and no Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
With many industrial sites using technologies such as VPN and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for remote
access services or implementing Industrial IoT (IIoT) gateways for data collection, it is critical that public facing
applications are implemented with security top of mind.
After initial access has been gained to the network, adversaries will try to maintain a foothold within the ICS
environment. This is known as persistence. This may be achieved using default or stolen system credentials or in
advanced scenarios the installation of malicious software to create a new backdoor into the system.
Once a foothold has been gained into the ICS network, the next step an attacker will take is to discover and
assess targets in the OT environment. Triton malware is an example of this where a python script was executed
in the network to discover Schneider Electric’s Triconex safety controllers. Triconex safety controllers used a
proprietary protocol on UDP port 1502, and Triton used this knowledge to scan the network for the devices. If
the device existed, the malware could then read the firmware version and use this information in the next
phase of an attack.
Lateral Movement refers to the adversary attempting to move through the ICS environment. This could involve
jumping to engineering workstations using RDP with weak or default credentials, or in the case of the WannaCry
vulnerability, using protocol exploits to hop across machines in the network. Machine builders often provide
their own means of remote access built into the machinery; another attack vector that leaves the door open to
an Initial Access attack. However, these access methods are commonly unknown to the end customer, and
lateral movement becomes easier as these backdoors bypass the upfront security controls an organization may
already have in place.
If remote access is not properly secured, an attacker may have the ability to impair process control
manipulating or disabling physical control processes. Adversaries may send unauthorized command messages
to instruct control system assets to perform actions outside of their indented functionality if the authorization
of a remote user is not correctly implemented.
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Secure Remote Access Solutions
Remote access solutions come in many forms, and it can often be confusing to understand which one will meet
business needs. This design guide explores virtual private networks, the remote desktop protocol, and the
evolution towards zero trust network access.
Virtual Private Networks
Virtual private networks, or VPNs, are a way to give remote users an encrypted connection over an Internet
network. The encrypted connection helps ensure that sensitive data is safely transmitted. It prevents
unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to conduct work remotely. VPN
technology is widely used in corporate environments. While logging into these networks helps users securely
and remotely access work resources and applications, they can be exploited by hackers seeking to steal login
Figure 2 Using a VPN to connect to the ICS network
VPNs do offer security benefits, but if not configured correctly, can give an adversary unrestricted access to the
Operational Technology (OT) network. With what is known about the risk of stolen credentials, using a Multi
Factor Authentication (MFA) solution must be used for any remote access solution. However, the additional risk
with VPN solutions is the potential for even a legitimate user to unknowingly bring malicious software into the
environment. Using a VPN, the network is extended to the remote user, which brings their machine as a remote
client to the network. If a device is not scanned before access is given, malicious software could unintentionally
be introduced to the OT network.
With a VPN solution, additional access control needs to be placed on the user to limit their actions to a pre-
determined scope of work. In the case of a vendor who is performing maintenance in a production
environment, the vendor needs access to a single machine, during the maintenance window, and should not
have the ability to laterally move to any other machine, neither intentionally nor unintentionally.
While all the necessary security checks and controls are possible with a traditional VPN based solution, the
operational overhead often leads to lackluster policies and wide-open access policies after remote access has
been granted. Additionally, VPN access is commonly maintained by a separate entity in the organization, which
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causes delays for vendor connectivity and slows down the line of business. As a result, even in the IT world,
there has been a shift towards looking for VPN alternatives.
Accessing Jump Servers with the Remote Desktop Protocol
RDP is a protocol that lets you take control of a computer remotely. For example, an employee can access all
their engineering workstations, project files and network resources from their home computer using RDP. It is
also often used by third party support to remotely access machines that need repair.
Figure 3 Using a Jump Server to connect to the ICS network
In OT networks, the server which grants access to the plant remotely is often known as a jump server (or a jump
box / jump host). The jump server solves the challenge an OT network can face with malicious software being
introduced to the network by a remote device. After a VPN connection is established, policy is placed on the
firewall to only allow users to access a set of jump servers that have been assigned to them. All activities
performed on the OT network must originate from the jump server, which is a trusted device fully controlled by
the networking team.
While jump servers solve one challenge, they do not help solve the challenge of controlling what a user can do
once they have access to the jump server. Best practices would leave jump servers in a quarantined state,
where they are denied any access to the OT network until called upon. As necessary, security administrators
open specific policies to control what a user can and cannot do from that server. Once again, the operational
burden can be overwhelming, and, in practice, jump servers expose themselves to the same frailties as the VPN
In 2020 hackers harvested and sold as many as 250,000 RDP server credentials in an underground marketplace
xDedic. These credentials gave buyers access to all the data on the servers and the ability to launch future
attacks using the servers.
Attacks against RDP grew by 768% in 2020, according to ESET.
Unrelated to security, jump servers are assets that will need to be managed, consuming power, and requiring
ongoing maintenance. Additionally, if licensed software is needed to perform a task such as the PLC
programming software, licensing must be purchased, that software must be maintained, and the cost and
complexity increases for the consumer.
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Zero Trust Network Access
Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security service that verifies users and grants access to specific
applications based on identity and context policies. Zero trust can be summed up as “never trust, always
verify.” Often when users log in to a VPN, they are granted complete access to the entire network. Alternatively,
ZTNA solutions connect authorized users directly to applications rather than to the networkand only to those
applications they are authorized to access on need-to-know-based policies.
Figure 4 Using ZTNA to connect to a single device on the ICS network
Adoption of zero trust can help address common security challenges in the workforce, such as phishing,
malware, credential theft, remote access, and device security. This is done by securing the three primary factors
that make up the workforce: users, their devices, and the applications they access.
Verify Users
Ensuring the trust of your users whenever they attempt to access applications remotely is the first step toward
secure remote access. The following capabilities aid in mitigating the threat that Initial Access exploits:
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Authentication based on usernames and passwords alone is unreliable
since users may have trouble storing, remembering, and managing them across multiple accounts, and
many reuse passwords across services and create passwords that lack complexity. Passwords also offer
weak security because of the ease of acquiring them through hacking, phishing, and malware. MFA requires
extra means of verification that unauthorized users will not have. Even if a threat actor can impersonate a
user with one piece of evidence, they will not be able to provide two or more.
Single Sign On (SSO) - SSO is an authentication process that provides users with one easy and consistent
login experience across all applications, eliminating the need to supply user credentials with every
application or access request. Using SSO, user experience is streamlined across multiple applications, while
security administrators can enforce strict user policies in a centralized location. MFA and user policy can be
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applied during SSO and eliminate the need to duplicate and maintain authentication policies across multiple
applications, such as remote access software.
Device Posture
If users are logging into your company applications with outdated devices, there is a chance they could also be
unwittingly spreading malware and using keyloggers to record your keystrokes. Meaning any data you type,
including your username or password, can be recorded, and sent to an attacker’s command and control servers.
As a result, your company’s data could be at risk if just one out-of-date device logs in, potentially spreading
malware throughout your environment. Or worse, spreading ransomware that will keep your files hostage until
a ransom is paid to decrypt them.
To protect the OT network from introducing malware to the environment, the remote access solution must
have the following capabilities:
Device Posture Assessment - The device posture assessment analyzes the device, assesses its security
posture, and reports it to the policy decision management system. Organizations need to enable secure and
direct access to business applications for a diverse set of users (remote workers, vendors, and contractors)
and their devices that typically reside outside of the control of corporate enterprise mobility management
(EMM) and mobile device management (MDM) solutions. Enforcing consistent security policies across
managed devices, bring your own devices (BYOD), corporate owned, personally enabled, and third-party
(contractor or partner) devices poses a significant challenge. IT security teams often lack insight and an
enforcement mechanism when making an access decision on endpoints, particularly among unmanaged
devices. This is when device trust is important to establish.
Anti-MalwareGenerally, the parameters of advanced malware are to penetrate a system and avoid
detection. Once loaded onto a computer system, advanced malware can self-replicate and insert itself into
other programs or files, infecting them in the process. Anti-malware protection should be implemented in
both the network (to prevent initial infection and detect attempts of spread) and in the endpoint (to
prevent endpoint infection and remove unwanted threats). For the purposes of this design guide, this
capability represents endpoint anti-malware.
Least Privilege Access Control
Zero trust requires that a user be given access only to the applications they need to do their job and no
more. Application access should be governed by adaptive access policies, created based on the sensitivity of the
data in the application. This granularity ensures that access is provided only to users or groups of users who
need it, from locations and devices that are trusted. To protect the network from discovery, lateral movement
and impairing process control, a remote access solution must provide the following capabilities:
Identity Authorization - Establish trust by verifying user and device identity at every access attempt. Least
privilege access should be assigned to every user and device on the network, meaning only the applications,
network resources and workload communications that are required should be permitted. Access to the full
network should never be granted.
Time-based AccessRemote access should not be an always-on feature. Access should be granted only
when needed and restricted to the resources required for a given access attempt. A remote access solution
for the OT network should be off by default, and access is granted at time of need, for a specified period
before being turned off by the system. If a session expires beyond the allocated window, a new session
must be created.
Many compliance standards will require that an audit trail be maintained for all activity that occurs from remote
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Authentication Logs Authentication logs show where and how users authenticate, with usernames,
location, time, device posture, and access logs.
Administration Logs Administration logs show the sessions that were created, who created the sessions,
and what access control measures were put in place for the end users.
Session Monitoring Enable an administrative user to supervise a remote session and view in real-time
what is happening during the session. For example, when an external technician delivers remote support for
an asset, an internal OT operators may want to overlook the actions taken during the remote access
Session Termination The ability for an administrator to terminate an active session that either should
never have become active in the first place, or while monitoring a session, the remote user attempts to
deviate from their permitted actions.
Session Recording The ability for remote sessions to be recorded and stored for use in an audit trail. If a
breach were to occur, having the ability to watch what remote users did to a system aids incident
Flow Analytics. Network Detection and Response (NDR) solutions leverage pre-existing infrastructure to
offer enterprise-wide, contextual visibility of network traffic. Flow information can be used to conduct
forensic analysis to aid in lateral threat movement investigations, ensure ongoing zero trust verification is
provided, and modern tools can even detect threats in encrypted traffic.
Secure Equipment Access Design
To address the secure remote access requirements outlined in the previous section, this Cisco Validated Design
(CVD) guide describes the following platforms and software to accomplish a comprehensive and secure remote
access for industrial networks design:
Cisco Secure Equipment Access (hosted by IoT Operations Dashboard)
Cisco Duo
Cisco Secure Endpoint
Cisco Secure Equipment Access
Cisco Secure Equipment Access (SEA) and SEA Plus are IoT Operations Dashboard services that enable
operations teams to easily connect to remote assets or machines for configuration, monitoring, and
troubleshooting. These services provide granular access controls that can easily be managed by an operations
administrator, and secure connectivity for authorized users, including internal employees and external workers.
The SEA services help organizations to improve efficiency by decreasing the time and cost required for travel to
remote sites for equipment maintenance or to respond to an emergency. For example, operations teams can
configure equipment such as traffic signal controllers, in-vehicle dispatch systems, cameras, and other systems
deployed in the field and connected using Cisco Industrial Routers
Using SEA, a worker can access a remote asset from anywhere simply by using a browser, without needing to
install any additional software on their laptop. The remote equipment can be accessed using either GUI- or CLI-
based methods. Supported protocols are HTTP(S), SSH, RDP for Windows-based systems, VNC, and Telnet.
Note: Although HTTP and Telnet are not recommended forms of communication due to their use of cleartext,
when used under the SEA construct they are wrapped in an encrypted session, and therefore the communication
only becomes cleartext at the other end of the proxy (SEA Agent). Precautions still need to be implemented
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between the SEA agent and the target endpoint.
SEA Plus provides further flexibility by enabling users to configure any type of equipment that supports IP
connectivity. With SEA Plus, a direct, secure data connection is created between client software on the user’s
computer and the remote asset, enabling the user to easily interact with and exchange files with the asset. SEA
Plus supports IPv4 TCP, UDP, and ICMP based protocols. The feature provides users with the advanced ability to
define specific channels for communications between a user and the remote system and block everything
Cisco SEA Components
SEA comprises a few elements that must be considered when architecting a secure remote access solution.
Figure 5 Components of Cisco SEA
IoT Operations Dashboard
Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard (IoT OD) is a cloud-based dashboard that empowers both operations teams and
IT support staff to securely deploy, monitor, and gain insights from networking devices and connected industrial
assets at massive scale. At the time of writing this guide, IoT OD supports the following services:
Edge Device Manager - configure, deploy, and monitor supported Cisco Industrial Routers.
Secure Equipment Access - securely connect to remote assets.
Cyber Vision - device visibility and security posture.
Edge Intelligence - enable edge to multi-cloud data orchestration.
Asset Vision - monitor assets and facilities using Cisco industrial sensors.
Industrial Wireless - configure and manage Cisco Industrial Wireless devices.
Note: The scope of this design guide is remote access using Secure Equipment Access and its relevant
integrations. For more information on any other IoT OD services see Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard
Secure Equipment Access Agent
IOx is a Cisco-developed end-to-end application framework that provides application hosting capabilities for
different application types on Cisco network platforms. The SEA agent is an IOx application that is installed on
supported network devices. The SEA agent creates a secure connection (TLS 1.3 over TCP port 443) to the IoT
OD cloud and provides a reverse proxy function from the SEA cloud to the devices in an OT network. The SEA
agent is supported on the following network devices:
The Cisco Catalyst IR1101 Rugged Series (IR1101) is Cisco's smallest modular industrial router. Built for
flexible deployment options via additional expansion modules, it supports multi-path LTE and 5G as well
as DSL WAN backhaul connectivity for mission critical IoT initiatives requiring highly secure data delivery
and redundant connectivity for fixed location applications. With up to two cellular modems, the IR1101
can concurrently connect to two cellular networks for high reliability or throughput, and/or to wired
connections such as fiber or DSL. Additional modules can be added to expand connectivity to serially
connected devices using various industry protocols as well as monitor and control connected devices
using general purpose I/O.
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The Cisco Catalyst IR1800 Rugged Series (IR1800) routers are secure, high-performance, 5G routers in a
modular design that support private LTE. The available modularity provides multi-path LTE and/or WAN
backhaul for mission critical IoT initiatives requiring highly secure data delivery, edge application
execution, and redundant connectivity. With dual 5G modems, the IR1800 can concurrently connect to
two cellular networks for high reliability, enhanced data throughputs, load balancing, and differentiated
services. Additional modules can be added to expand connectivity with Wi-Fi 6 and edge compute
Note: In the current version of this CVD, SEA is only supported on network devices that are being managed by
Edge Device Manager (EDM) on IoT OD. This will be changed in a future release and subsequent design guidance
will be added to an updated version of this guide. Reach out to your Cisco representative for more details.
Cisco SEA Architecture Guidance
The position that SEA components are placed in the architecture will depend on the architecture that remote
access is being granted.
Some use cases, such as distributed assets in a transportation network, will manage industrial routers in IoT OD
using a direct connection over a cellular interface.
Figure 6 Connecting the SEA Agent to IoT OD over a cellular channel
In this architecture, there is no interference between the SEA Agent sitting on the Industrial router and the IoT
OD cloud and no additional architectural considerations are required.
Cisco SEA provides benefits to more than just cellular connected devices. Industrial Automation networks, or
any network that has a Purdue model structure (OT - IDMZ - IT), typically deploy VPN solutions, accompanied by
Jump Servers in the ICS network. When pivoting to a ZTNA solution, a decision needs to be made on where the
SEA Agent will be installed.
The SEA Agent requires two connections. On the northside interface, the SEA Agent needs IP connectivity to the
IoT OD cloud. On the southside interface, the SEA Agent needs IP accessibility to the target endpoints.
The first architecture option is to place the SEA Agent(s) within the same subnet that the remote targets reside.
Figure 7 Connecting the SEA Agent through IT controlled network
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By deploying the SEA Agent within the same subnet as the target devices, the SEA Agent becomes part of the
same layer 2 domain and does not require any additional routes or security policies to be placed on the network
to reach the target devices. A secure connection is created from the SEA Agent in the process network (for
example, a Cell/Area Zone) and sent through IT controlled infrastructure to the IoT OD cloud. The SEA Agent
then proxies remote connections into the process network, and additional policy can be put in place on the
network device to contain all remote access sessions to the layer 2 domain where the SEA Agent resides.
Note: At time of writing this guide, the SEA agent supports only a single interface which means the IP address for
the SEA agent must have IP accessibility to both the IoT OD cloud and the target devices. When making an
architecture decision on where to place the SEA agent, it is important to make a decision that enables this type
of support.
The following TCP/UDP network ports and IP protocols must be opened on the network firewall to allow the
edge devices to communicate with Cisco IoT OD.
Table 1 Firewall Rules for IoT OD access
IP (Internet Protocol) of
assigned DNS (Domain
Name Service) Server
The network device must have access
to DNS resolution service
PnP server used to register the
network device with IoT OD
NTP Server
Network Time Protocol (NTP) server for
the device
HTTPS connection to access IoT OD and
for devices to register via PnP (Plug and
Bidirectional access is required for the
Internet Security Association and Key
management Protocol (ISAKMP) /
Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
Bidirectional access for IPsec NAT
(Network Address Translation) traversal
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Note: You only need to choose one between EU and US in your firewall rules depending on which cluster is
relevant to your deployment.
Note: If you require IP address filters instead of domain name filters see IoT OD Firewall Rules
for an up-to-date
list of IP addresses for each of the URLs specified in the table above.
In some instances, your organization may be using a web proxy in the IDMZ to proxy all web connection from
the OT network to the cloud.
Figure 1 Connecting SEA Agent to IoT OD via a transparent Web Proxy
Typically, when web proxies are used to secure web connections at an Internet edge, the web proxy is setup in
an implicit (transparent) mode, where the web cache communication protocol (WCCP) is used to redirect all
web traffic (for example, TCP port 80 and 443) from the edge firewall to a dedicated web proxy before leaving
the network. When managing a device in IoT OD, the network device will register with the cloud using a plug-in-
play service. The device registration occurs over HTTPS and therefore can be redirected through a web proxy.
Note: In this current version of the design guide, there is no support for using an explicit proxy for network
device registration.
After device registration, the network device establishes an IPsec tunnel with IoT OD, which is not sent through
a web proxy. Firewall rules are needed at the IDMZ to allow this communication to occur from each SEA Agent
that has been installed in the network.
Note: In a future release, Cisco SEA will be moving to a web socket deployment and will no longer require IPsec
tunnels to operate. At that time subsequent design guidance will be added to an updated version of this guide.
Contact your Cisco representative for more details.
The last architecture consideration that will be discussed in this guide is the placement of the SEA Agent in the
Figure 2 Placing SEA Agent in the IDMZ
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The IDMZ is designed to be the boundary between the IT and the OT network. Services that reside within the
IDMZ have interfaces into both parts of the network, which is appropriate for the SEA Agent. The advantage of
putting the SEA Agent in the IDMZ is that it tightly aligns with existing mechanisms that may already exist in the
network. Nothing in the OT domain should have a direct connection through the IDMZ. The SEA Agent is a
security appliance, and because it follows the principles of zero trust, the presence of the agent within the OT
network does not pose an additional security risk to the organization.
If the SEA Agent is to be placed in the IDMZ, the IP address of the agent will need IP connectivity to all potential
remote access targets in the OT network. The security administrator may need to establish additional policies to
ensure that the SEA agent is not blocked by additional firewall policies or switch access control lists.
Note: If your organization is following the segmentation guide from Cisco’s Industrial Security Design Guide
, the
recommendation is to provide a static SGT (Security Group Tag) assignment to the SEA Agent IP address and to
create SGACLs that allow the chosen tag to communicate with all other SGTs in the OT network.
If the organization is not yet ready to deviate from the traditional remote access solution, there may still be
challenges with controlling access to engineering workstations that SEA can help solve.
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Figure 3 Using SEA to complement the existing traditional remote access solution
Engineering workstations are placed throughout the ICS network to bring remote vendors down to the cell/area
zones to perform remote maintenance of their machines. One of the problems that arises from this is the
possibility of an always on connection, or the administrative overhead of managing both VPN credentials and
RDP access. By placing the SEA agent in the network, the product can be used to control vendor access to
engineering workstations and gain all the user authentication, access control, and auditing benefits the SEA
solution provides.
Cisco Duo
As discussed previously, a ZTNA solution is broken down into three key components: verifying users, verifying
devices, and least privilege access control. While SEA provides an extensive list of capabilities for least privilege
access control, Cisco Duo provides both user and device verification.
Duo integrates with SEA in two ways:
Single Sign On: SSO allows users to log in to IoT OD using their corporate account credentials. When a user
enters their email ID, they are redirected to your organization Identity Provider (IdP) authentication page.
After authentication, they are redirected back to IoT OD and logged in. By integrating Duo with the IdP, all
users who log in to IoT OD via SSO will be protected by Duo policy.
SEA Plus: Separately, Duo is natively integrated into SEA for the SEA Plus access method. SEA Plus enables
client-based access to the OT network, which requires extra caution to be taken on which devices can be
brought into the network.
Note: Both methods can be protected by the same Duo administration account but are two separate
integrations. The SSO is a function of IoT OD login, while SEA is an application within IoT OD. The Duo
integration that is embedded in the SEA user interface does not address user access to IoT OD.
Cisco Duo Components
Cisco Duo is a cloud-based solution but does comprise of some on-prem elements depending on the use case
for your Duo deployment. For this design guide only two components are required:
Duo Administration Panel
Duo Device Health Application
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Duo Administration Panel
The Duo Administration Panel is a software as a service (SaaS) where a Duo administrator can manage all
aspects of a Duo subscription such as enforce policy on protected applications, manage user and their devices
or monitor access activity.
An application in Duo is the mechanism to bind Duo protection to one or more of your services. For example, a
Duo administrator may add the Microsoft RDP
application to add MFA to their remote desktop logins or may
add the Microsoft Azure Active Directory application to add protection to Azure Active Directory logons.
For this design guide, integration is between two cloud services (such as Duo and IoT Operations Dashboard)
and therefore no distinctive design considerations are required.
Duo Device Health Application
Duo helps you control access to your applications through the policy system by restricting access when devices
do not meet particular security requirements. Users are prompted to download the Duo Device Health app
during the first log in attempt to a protected application with the Device Health application policy set to require
the app. After installing the Device Health application, Duo blocks access to applications through the Duo
browser-based authentication prompt if the device is unhealthy based on the Duo policy definition and informs
the user of the reason for denying the authentication.
For more information see Duo Device Health
Validating User Trust with Cisco Duo
Cisco Duo is built on the foundation of zero trust. Duo verifies the identity of users and protects against
breaches due to phishing and other password attacks with an advanced MFA solution, verifying trust in multiple
ways before granting access.
Multifactor Authentication adds a second layer of trust that your users are who they say they are. After
completing primary authentication (usually by entering a username and password), users verify their identity a
second time, through a different channel. This reduces the likelihood that someone else can log in, because
they would need both the password and their second factor to pose as the original user.
Duo provides flexible authentication options to fit a broad range of users, security profiles, and technical
backgrounds such as employees, frequent travelers, contractors, vendors, customers, and partners. For more
secure access to high-risk applications, require the use of:
Easy to use, out-of-band mobile push notifications
Phishing-proof Universal 2nd Factor security keys
Biometric-based WebAuthn
Other MFA methods support diverse user login scenarios:
Phone call-back for users who cannot receive texts
Mobile one-time passcodes for travelers while offline
Text message passcodes for users without Internet connectivity
Temporary bypass codes for users who temporarily cannot use their enrolled devices
With Duo, you can enforce contextual access policies allowing access to your applications with user-, device-,
and location-based controls. The context includes several aspects of their login attempt such as where they are
located, what role they have in your organization, what type of device, they are using, and so forth. With these
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policies, you can limit access to only what your users need to do their jobs and add stricter controls for access to
more sensitive applications without negatively impacting use workflows.
Validating Device Trust when using the SEA Plus Access Method
Duo verifies the security posture and management status of endpoints before granting access to your
applications, and blocks access if the device is unhealthy or does not meet your security requirements.
Before enabling client-based access, Duo can check the security health of all user devices attempting to access
your applications. By leveraging the visibility of devices connecting to your applications, you can establish
device-based access policies to prevent any risky or untrusted devices from accessing your applications. For
access to high-risk applications, you may require a device to be corporate-owned or managed by your
organization’s IT team.
Duo allows you to establish mobile device trust with or without the use of Mobile Device Management (MDM)
software. Users may object to installing MDMs on their personal devices due to privacy concerns, resulting in
lower overall adoption and reduced insight into their device security. And sometimes it is outside of your IT
team’s control to install an agent on the personal devices of third-party provider that may need access to your
Whether or not you have an MDM solution, Duo can allow you to block devices from accessing your
applications based on:
OS, browser, and plug-in versions, and how long they have been out of date
Status of enabled security features (configured or disabled)
Full disk encryption
Mobile device biometrics (face ID/touch ID)
Screen lock
Tampered (jailbroken, rooted, or failed Google SafetyNet)
Cisco Secure Endpoint
Cisco Secure Endpoint integrates prevention, detection, threat hunting, and response capabilities in a unified
solution leveraging the power of cloud-based analytics. Secure Endpoint will protect your Windows, Mac, Linux,
Android, and iOS devices through a public or private cloud deployment.
Note: SEA Plus is only supported on Windows (minimum version Windows 10 64-bit).
Duo and Secure Endpoint work together to provide stronger access security. With Duo and Secure Endpoint,
you have the tools in place to establish trust in users’ devices connecting to protected applications. Together,
they offer the ability to:
Prevent: Duo evaluates risk conditions, device health, and security status on every access attempt. Secure
Endpoint strengthens defenses using the best global threat intelligence and automatically blocks known
fileless and file-based malware.
Detect: Duo verifies whether the Secure Endpoint agent is running on the user’s device before granting
application access. Secure Endpoint detects stealthy threats by continuously monitoring file activity, while
allowing you to run advanced search on the endpoint.
Respond: Duo automates the response by leveraging telemetry from Secure Endpoint to block access from
devices infected with malware. Secure Endpoint rapidly contains the attack by isolating an infected
endpoint and accelerating remediation cycles.
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The Cisco Secure Endpoint integration verifies endpoint status and blocks access from Duo trusted endpoint
client systems that Cisco Secure Endpoint identifies as "compromised". By restricting SEA Plus access to only
those devices with a clean Secure Endpoint install, you can gain peace of mind that use cases such as file
transfer from remote users to OT devices will not contain hidden malware and cause a breach by an unwitting
threat actor.
Cisco Secure Endpoint Capabilities
In the rapidly evolving world of malware, threats are becoming harder and harder to detect. The most advanced
1% of these threats, those that will eventually enter and wreak havoc in your network, could potentially go
undetected. However, Secure Endpoint provides comprehensive protection against that 1%. Secure Endpoint
prevents breaches, blocks malware at the point of entry, and continuously monitors and analyses file and
process activity to rapidly detect, contain, and remediate threats that can evade front-line defenses.
Stopping threats at the earliest point in time ensures minimal damage to endpoints and less downtime after a
breach. Secure Endpoint employs a robust set of preventative technologies to stop malware, in real-time,
protecting endpoints against today’s most common attacks as well as emerging cyberthreats.
File Reputation: known malware is quickly and easily quarantined at the point of entry without any
processor-intensive scanning.
Antivirus: endpoints benefit from custom signature-based detection, allowing administrators to deliver
robust control capabilities and enforce blocklists.
Polymorphic malware detection: Malware actors will often write different variations of the same malware
to avoid common detection techniques. Secure Endpoint can detect these variants, or polymorphic
malware through loose fingerprinting. Loose fingerprinting will look for similarities between the suspicious
file content and the content of known malware families, and convict if there is a substantial match.
Machine Learning analysis: Machine learning capabilities in Secure Endpoint are fed by the comprehensive
data set of Cisco Talos to ensure a better, more accurate model. Together, the machine learning in Secure
Endpoint can help detect never-before-seen malware at the point of entry.
Exploit Prevention: Memory attacks can penetrate endpoints, and malware evades security defenses by
exploiting vulnerabilities in applications and operating system processes.
Script protection: provides enhanced visibility in Device Trajectory into scripts executing on your endpoints
and helps protect against script-based attacks commonly used by malware. Script control provides
additional protection by allowing the Exploit Prevention engine to prevent certain DLLs from being loaded
by some commonly exploited desktop applications and their child processes.
Behavioral protection: enhanced behavioral analysis continually monitors all user and endpoint activity to
protect against malicious behavior in real-time by matching a stream of activity records against a set of
attack activity patterns which are dynamically updated as threats evolve.
Device Control: lets you control the usage of USB mass storage devices and prevent attacks from these
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Secure Equipment Access
Implementation Guidance
The following section explains how to implement the Secure Remote Access solution described in this design
Note: The design guide will provide implementation guidance within the scope of this design guide. For a
complete list of IoT OD implementation steps, click here
The following deployment steps are pre-requisites for completing the deployment steps described in this guide.
Set up IoT Operations Dashboard
Onboard network devices. Note: At the time of publishing, the supported devices are the Cisco IR1101 and
IR1800 Rugged Routers family.
IoT OD Advantage license for these devices to gain access to Secure Equipment Access.
Add Users to IoT OD
IoT Operations Dashboard (OD) provides Roles and Permissions for users. A Role is defined as a collection of one
or more Permissions. IoT OD provides two default Roles with a specific set of pre-determined Permissions. The
default Roles and accompanying Permissions cannot be changed. The built-in Roles have the following
capabilities and privileges:
Tenant Admin: Manage users & sub-tenants (organizations).
Device Operator: Manage and troubleshoot devices.
Within IoT OD, each application then has its own set of roles and permission for their users. For the purposes of
this guide, the following built-in SEA roles will be used. A SEA System Admin should be created to add SEA
Agents to network devices, configure connected clients, and define the access methods to reach those clients.
The SEA System admin should also be assigned as a SEA Access Admin. An SEA Access admin has permissions to
both access remote sessions and manage user permissions to those sessions. SEA Users are the end users of the
remote access deployment. These users have no configuration privileges, but simply consume the product
within the boundaries set by the admins.
To add a user, as a Tenant Admin:
1. Click the organization dropdown menu in the top right of the IoT OD dashboard. Click Access Control.
2. Click Users > Add User.
3. Enter a valid email address.
o A welcome email with log in and password instructions is sent to this address.
o If your organization uses SSO (described later in the guide), users receive a confirmation email but
are not prompted to enter a password. They will use their corporate credentials to login instead.
4. Select one or more Roles to define the user’s access permissions.
5. Select Extend Roles to Sub-tenants to apply the same toles to any sub-organizations the user can access.
6. Click Save.
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Create User Groups
User groups are a mechanism in SEA to determine what access methods (discussed in a later section) are
available to SEA Users. To create a user group:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > Access Management.
2. In the Access Control Groups tab, click Add Group.
3. From the Add Group screen:
o Give a meaningful Name.
o (Optional) Provide a Description.
o (Optional) Enable Schedule Settings (described later in the implementation guide).
Note: By default, the Group Enabled toggle switch is set to Enabled. When a group is disabled, they will not
have access to remote sessions. As an SEA Admin, this option may be used to temporarily disable remote
access during a shutdown period without removing all the subsequent policies.
4. Click Save.
Add Users to the User Group
To add a user to the user group:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > Access Management.
2. Click on the User group in which users will be added.
3. Under the Users tab, click Add Users.
4. Select the users to add to the group and then click Save.
Note: Users can be added to multiple user groups. The design implications of this will be discussed in the chapter
Add Access Methods to User Groups.
Enable Multi-factor Authentication
Note: IoT OD offers MFA access to IoT OD for locally configured users (meaning your Organization’s Tenant
Admin adds users to your organization and grants roles/permissions to those users). In this scenario, the first
factor is username/password, and the second factor is a one-time password via email. The built-in MFA solution
to IoT OD is a free value add, and is more secure than no MFA at all, however this design guide recommends
using MFA with SSO. For more information on using MFA without SSO click here
Note: Cisco Duo offers three paid editions to choose from. For MFA and SSO protection, a Duo Essentials license
is required. For SEA Plus posture assessment, a Duo Advantage license is required. While Duo has a cost, it offers
more capabilities over a one-time password solution, providing more control over the users who access your
critical infrastructure. For more details see Duo editions and pricing
SSO allows users to log in using their corporate account credentials instead of locally configured credentials in
IoT OD. When a user enters their Email ID into IoT OD, IoT OD being the Service Provider (SP), they are
redirected to your organization's Identity Provider (IdP) authentication page. After authentication, they are
redirected back to the IoT Operations Dashboard (IoT OD) and logged in.
IoT OD can integrate with any SSO provider who uses the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0.
SAML is a protocol for authenticating web applications. It simplifies the login experience for users by allowing
access to multiple applications with one set of credentials. SAML is the underlying protocol that makes web-
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based SSO possible and provides a way for users to authenticate themselves when logging into third-party apps.
For more information on SAML. See What is SAML?
Cisco Duo is a cloud hosted SAML IdP that adds MFA and access policy enforcement to SSO logons. Duo SSO
offers generic connectors with the ability to provide metadata and connect to any app that supports the SAML
2.0 standard. However, Duo is not a primary IdP, so it does not have the ability to check the credentials
provided by a user. Duo must integrate with a primary IdP such as Microsoft Active Directory or a SAML IdP for
first-factor authentication. Protected cloud applications (for example, IoT OD) redirect users to Duo SSO,
authenticate your users using an existing primary authentication source for credential verification, and then
prompt for 2FA before permitting access to the application.
For more information on Duo SSO, including the implementation guidance, see Duo Single Sign-On
To add SSO to IoT OD you must ask your Cisco representative to integrate your account(s) with your corporate
identity provider. The Cisco support team will contact you to start the integration process, and you will need the
following information:
SAML metadata for the IdP (for example, metadata for Duo SSO)
Email domain(s) or email addresses that use SSO
For more information see Enable Single Sign-On
Add SEA Agent to Network Device
Note: The network device must be managed by EDM on IoT OD. This will be changed in a future release and
subsequent design guidance will be added to an updated version of this guide. Contact your Cisco representative
for more details.
To add the SEA agent to a network device that is managed by EDM:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > System Management.
2. In the Network Devices tab, click Add Network Device.
3. Select a network device from the list or search for it using the Search field. Click Next.
4. Enter a network device description, if needed, and click Add Network Device to start the installation of SEA
on the device.
5. Click Next.
6. Check the SEA Agent state of deployment associated with the network device
o SEA Agent should be changed to Installed. If the status does not change to Installed, then go to
network device listing and hover over the 3 dots in the Actions column and select Install SEA Agent.
Add Connected Clients
Connected clients refer to the endpoint devices that are IP accessible from the SEA Agent. By configuring a
connected client on the network device, you are choosing to proxy remote connectivity to that endpoint from
the chosen SEA Agent. If more than one SEA Agent exists on the network, make sure to assign the appropriate
connected clients to the appropriate SEA Agent.
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Figure 4 Multiple SEA Agents installed in the network
To add a connected client to an SEA Agent:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > System Management.
2. In the Network Devices tab, click the Network Device in which a connected client should be added to open
the network device details page.
3. Click Add Connected Client.
4. Click the dropdown box under Selection Method choose Manual entry
5. Add a meaningful Client Name and add the IP Address/Host Name of the target device. Click Add.
Note: To remove a connected client from a network device, hover your mouse over the 3 dots (…) in the Actions
column and then click Delete.
Add Access Methods
Access methods are the mechanisms by which an SEA user will interact with a connected client. To follow the
principles of least privilege access control, a user does not have full access to a device unless specified by an SEA
Admin. Access methods control what protocols a user can establish with a connected client. SEA incorporates
two groups of access methods:
SEA offers a clientless approach where a user can use a supported web-browser to communicate with
remote hosts and applications. Supported protocols are: SSH, RDP, VNC, HTTP(S) and Telnet.
SEA Plus is a client-based access method where a user installs an SEA Plus client on their local machine to
establish a secure communication channel with a remote system. SEA Plus supports any UDP, TCP, or ICMP
based protocol and can communicate with a remote host across any port.
To add an access method for the SEA Connected Clients:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > System Management.
2. In the Connected Clients tab, click the Connected Client in which you want to assign access methods to
open the connected client details page.
3. Click Add Access Method.
4. Click the dropdown link under Access Method Details and choose which protocol you would like to add.
Depending on the access method was chosen, fill in the appropriate fields.
Note: For more details on how to customize each access method see: SSH, RDP, VNC, Web App, Telnet,
5. Click Add Access Method.
6. Repeat the process for each access method you wish to assign to the device.
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Note: SEA Admins have the option to include login credentials for the SSH, RDP, VNC & Telnet access methods.
This option enables SEA Users to login to devices remotely without credentials being known to anybody other
than the system administrators. It is recommended to use this option to avoid password leak.
Add Access Methods to User Groups
After access methods have been established, an SEA Admin must determine which user groups have access to
these access methods. Distinct groups of users may have access to the same connected clients, but have
different privileges provided to them. For an example, a remote technician may be given access to a connected
client over a web interface, however, the application administrator may have access to the same connected
client over its web interface and an SSH connection or advanced troubleshooting.
To add access methods to user groups:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > Access Management.
2. Click on the User group in which a new access method should be added.
3. Under the Connected Client Access tab, click Add Connected Client Access.
4. Select the Connected Clients to add to the group and then click Save.
Note: A user can have access to one or more groups. It is recommended to create groups based on role. For
example, a network administrator may be part of a ‘Network Admin’ group which has permission to access
network devices over SSH and HTTPS. A third-party operator could be part of ‘Vendor A’ user group which has
access to a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) over the SEA Plus access method. If a user needs access to both
sets of resources, rather than create a new user group with extended permissions, it is recommended to add the
administrative user as a member to both user groups and then they will have access to both sets of connected
clients and their respective access methods.
Verify SEA Connectivity
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > Remote Sessions.
2. For each access method assigned to the logged-in user, a tile will exist. Click any tile to confirm connectivity
is successfully enabled.
Scheduling Access for a group
Remote access to an ICS network should not be an always on feature. Remote access should be purpose driven,
and there should be an outcome with each session that is granted. By leaving the door constantly open, it
leaves the systems open to an attack, and while defense-in-depth mechanisms may be put in place to prevent
those attacks from succeeding, the absolute best form of defense is to turn off access completely.
When a user group is created in SEA, an admin can schedule a specific time that those users gain access to
configured devices. To schedule a specific time to access remote devices:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > Access Management.
2. Click on the User group in which a time schedule will be added.
3. Click the pencil icon next to Group Details.
4. Click the Schedule Settings toggle button.
5. Select the Start time and End time for the SEA session.
6. Click Save.
If an SEA user logs in to the dashboard outside of the scheduled hours, they will still see which access methods
have been made available to them, but the boxes will be greyed out and unclickable.
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SEA Plus
When using SEA Plus to access remote systems, you can employ TCP, UDP, and ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol) protocols for data transfer across any port. As an SEA Admin you have the option to allow unrestricted
access to a connected client (such as, all ports are open to the user) or to restrict access to a defined set of ports
(such as, only allow communication over port 502). To create a protocol definition for use in the SEA Plus Access
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > System Management.
2. Under the SEA Plus Protocols tab select Add Protocol Definition.
3. Give a meaningful Name, and then click Add Protocol.
4. In the Network Protocol dropdown box choose TCP, UDP, or ICMP and the Port / Port Range for the
desired communication:
o For example, to enable Modbus communication from a remote device and a connected client, an
SEA Admin would choose to open TCP port 502 and assign it to a connected client. This would
enable a remote user to access the device with their own client machine over port 502, but
communication that falls outside of TCP port 502 would be denied by IoT OD.
5. Click Add Protocol.
6. Continue to add protocols under the full protocol definition has been defined.
7. When you are finished, click Save Protocol Definition.
To add the SEA Plus access method to a connected client:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > System Management.
2. Select a Network Device to open the network device details page.
3. Click on a Connected Client to open the associated access methods for that client.
4. Click Add Access Method.
5. Select SEA Plus.
6. Select either All (default) to access all ports on the connected client or Custom to add previously created
protocol definitions and provide restrictions to the SEA Plus session.
7. (Optional) Click Advanced Settings. The advanced settings tab allows you to automatically cross launch
additional services when connecting to a client over SEA Plus:
o Application Cross Launch URL (Uniform Resource Locator): Automatically open a web-based
application on the local browser that will be used to interact with the remote client. For example,
when a user clicks on a Human Machine Interface (HMI) using the SEA Plus access method,
automatically launch the web interface for that HMI.
o Application Cross Launch Path: Automatically launch an executable from the local machine. For
example, when a user clicks on the SEA Plus access method for a Rockwell PLC, automatically launch
FactoryTalk Studio.
o Application Cross Launch Advanced Parameters: Additional parameters that the cross-launch
services will use, such as a password to open the cross-launched application.
8. Provide a meaningful access Name and optional Description.
9. Click Add Access Method.
Posture Check for SEA Plus
As SEA Plus is a client-based remote access technology, it is critical that the client is checked for malware and
overall security health before being brought into the network. Remote access use cases covered by this product
include firmware upgrades to vendor machinery. You could rely on network checks for malicious files, however,
by applying policies directly on the machine, the Cisco solution stops malware at the source, and if any
malicious files or activities are present on the machine, the posture check performed by Duo will block access
immediately, even if the connection is not related to a file transfer.
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To setup the integration to Duo, the SEA system admin must have a Duo Admin account with a unique URL, or
the SEA system admin must work with a dedicated Duo administrator for their organization. The integration
between Duo and SEA Plus has two steps: creating the SEA Plus application in Duo and then adding the Duo
client ID and secret to SEA.
To configure the SEA Plus application in Duo:
1. In the Duo administration dashboard, navigate to Applications.
2. In the Applications page, select Web SDK and click Protect. Note: You can search for Web SDK in the search
3. In the newly-created Web SDK application page, take note of the Client ID, Client Secret and API Host
Note: It is recommended to change the name of the Web SDK application to something more meaningful such as
‘SEA Plus’. This can be done in the Settings tab at the bottom of the application details page.
To configure Duo for SEA Plus:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > System Management.
2. Under the External Integrations tab, click Add External Integration.
3. In the Integration Type dropdown menu, choose Duo.
4. Provide a meaningful Name to the integration and an optional Description.
5. Enter the Client ID, Client Secret and API Host from the previous step.
6. Click Add Integration.
Note: SEA Plus only allows one entry of the same integration type, although multiple Duo integrations can be
configured simultaneously. One use case for this feature is to introduce a new policy to the SEA Plus users while
maintaining the old policy. If there are problems with the new policy, the SEA Admin can revert to the old while
troubleshooting occurs. This will ensure posture is always checked, and security checks are not bypassed
between policy migrations.
Cisco Duo Policies
Duo provides the ability for security administrators to define and enforce rules on who can access what
applications under what conditions. After the SEA Plus application has been created in Duo, it is automatically
protected by the Duo global policy. The global policy is built-in and cannot be deleted. It always applies to all
applications, so it is only modified if there are settings that should be applied across all users and all
Because the scope of the SEA Plus integration is device posture assessment only, you must create a custom
policy and assign it to the SEA Plus application in Duo.
Note: When you view an application in Duo, the global policy settings are shown because these are the settings
applied to all applications unless they are superseded by a custom application or group policy.
To create a custom application policy for SEA Plus:
1. In the Duo administration dashboard, navigate to Policies.
2. Scroll down to Custom Policies and click New Policy.
3. Provide a meaningful Policy name.
Note: This design guide will provide a recommended policy set for SEA Plus protection. The policy can be
customized and tailored to the needs of your organization. For a full breakdown of the policies included in Duo
see Duo Custom Policies
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Example policy for SEA Plus:
1. Click Authentication Policy and choose Enforce 2FA. Note: Even though we choose Enforce 2FA, we will
disable it later in the policy. This setting is to force a user to use Duo, so they are subject to device posture
2. Click User location and choose the countries in which remote access should be enabled (choose No action
from the dropdown for the selected countries). For All other countries, choose Deny Access.
3. Click Device Health Application. Under Windows click Require users to have the app and at a minimum
require a firewall and a system password. It is highly recommended to also block access if an endpoint
security agent is not running. At the time of writing this guide, the following endpoint security agents are
Bitdefender Endpoint Security
Cisco Secure Endpoint (recommended)
Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor
McAfee Endpoint Security
Palo Alto Cortex XDR
Sophos AV
Symantec Endpoint Protection
Trend Micro Apex One
VMware Carbon Black Cloud
Windows Defender
Note: If you are interested in using Cisco Secure Endpoint and need design guidance to deploy, see the
Cisco Breach Defense Design Guide
4. Click Operating Systems and uncheck all boxes except for Allow Windows devices. SEA Plus is only
supported on Windows, so any authentication attempts that are not Windows would be suspicious
1. Encourage users to update If not up-to-date and when a version becomes out of date or end of life,
encourage users to update immediately.
2. Block version if end-of-life.
5. Click Authorized networks and in the Allow access without 2FA from these networks box enter This covers every network and ensures that nobody undergoes additional 2FA checks. If
additional 2FA is required for SEA Plus access, ignore this part of the policy.
Note: The reason to bypass 2FA is because we are only doing posture checks. 2FA should have already been
done during login to IoT OD. If you choose to enforce 2FA in this step, additional configuration is required. To
enable 2FA for SEA Plus see Appendix B
6. Click Anonymous networks and for users that request access through proxies, Tor, or VPN choose Deny
Access. This will ensure users cannot bypass the geo-restrictions provided previously in the policy. Note:
SEA Plus client does not work when using VPN as the SEA Plus client is a lightweight VPN client with split
tunnel configuration.
7. Click Authentication methods and choose WebAuthn, Duo Push and Hardware tokens. SMS passcodes are
not recommended.
8. Click Save Policy.
To add the custom application policy to SEA Plus:
1. In the Duo administration dashboard, navigate to Applications.
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2. Click on the SEA Plus application. Note: If you have not changed the name, it will be called Web SDK.
3. Click the Apply a policy to all users link.
4. Select the newly created SEA Plus policy from the dropdown menu.
5. Click Apply Policy.
6. Scroll down the bottom of the page and click Save.
Active Session Monitoring and Termination
Cisco SEA gives an SEA system admins or SEA access admin a list of all active remote sessions for their
organization. The session list will detail which connected clients are currently being access, who is accessing the
session and what access method they are currently using.
Joining a session allows an administrative user to supervise supported session types and view what happens
during the session. For example, when an external technician delivers remote support for an asset, an OT
person can control the technician’s actions and terminate the active session at any moment.
As an SEA Admin, to monitor and terminate active sessions:
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > Access Management.
2. Click on the Active Sessions tab to get a list of all current remote access sessions.
3. To monitor an active session, click on Join Session in the Monitor column. This action brings up a real-time
view into the user’s current activity.
4. To terminate a session, click on Terminate in the Security column. This action will terminate a user’s session
Note: Unless a user’s access method has been revoked in by policy, an SEA User will have the ability to click the
application again and regain immediate access. Make sure to disable the user’s access method privileges if your
intent is for permanent termination of the session.
Audit Logs
Audit logs help meet compliance standards and identify security risks to your organization. Between Cisco SEA,
and Cisco Duo, multiple sets of logs are available.
Cisco SEA offers audit logs for both system and user generated administrator logs. For example, you can see
what users have been added to the system and which user group they have been assigned to. Additionally, you
can see what connected clients have been added to the system and what access methods have been enabled
on the machine. To view SEA Audit logs:
1. In IoT OD, click the organization drop-down menu in the top-right of the dashboard and click Audit.
2. The Access Control tab provides insights to user accounts, user groups created by an SEA admin, and
system generated events such as feature flags that have been enabled for the organization.
3. The Secure Equipment Access tab provides insights into what users are doing in the SEA application. A log is
created for activity such as new network device added, new connected client, new access methods, and any
deletions that have been made to the system.
SEA audit logs also show remote access connection attempts; however, a more detailed view can be found
1. In IoT OD, navigate to Secure Equipment Access > Access Management.
2. Click the Session History tab.
3. The session history provides a breakdown of all remote access connections that have been made in the
system. The session history page tells the user:
o When the session started and ended
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o What was the target endpoint for the remote session
o What access method was used for the connection
o Who made the connection attempt
o Was the session terminated by an admin or closed by the user
4. In the Actions column, a user can hover over the 3 dots (…) to get a full audit report for every remote access
session in SEA Plus.
Cisco Duo offers a wide range of logging to supplement SEA deployments. By navigating to the Reports page in
the Duo administration dashboard, some of the following logs can be identified:
Device Health Deployment:
o Duo analyzes what is running on all your user’s devices, managed or unmanaged.
o An analysis of your users’ devices, including current device OS, browsers, Flash and Java versions.
o Security health trends of all devices accessing your remote applications, including which devices are
outdated or need to be updated by end users.
o The latest security events that may result in outdated devices, including a new browser or plugin
updated released by a software vendor.
Authentication Logs:
o Authentication logs show you where and how users authenticate, with metrics such as usernames,
location, time, and type of authentication factor.
o The success or denial of the authentication attempt along with detailed reasoning such as invalid
device, no 2FA response, or user disabled.
Policy Impact:
o The policy impact report shows how policies are impacting users.
o Get an overview of the major reasons causing authentications to be blocked, or drill down into
individual blocked authentications for more details.
o A users block by policies table shows the top users being blocked, the number of blocked
authentications, the reason(s), and the applications(s) they could not access.
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Appendix A Mapping Cisco Secure
Remote Access Capabilities to Common
Industry Standards
Depending on the industry, or geolocation that your organization resides, there may be a compliance standard
that must be met to successfully deploy a remote access solution. How a Cisco remote access solution
addresses some of these industry standards can be found below.
NIST 800-82r3
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a special publication labelled 800-82
revision 3 to provide guidance for establishing secure operational technology while addressing the unique
performance, reliability, and safety requirements encompassed by the OT. Chapter 6 discusses the application
of the cybersecurity framework to OT and outline capabilities to protect remote access connections. The
following table outlines how the Cisco remote access solution meets the requirements laid out by NIST.
Table 2 Meeting NIST 800-82r3 remote access requirements with a Cisco solution
NIST Requirement
Cisco Solution
A process should be developed and
communicated to the organization
for requesting and enabling remote
In Cisco SEA, an SEA System Admin
must provide access to specific
devices on the network which can
be further policed by scheduling
constraints. An always on
connection should not be provided
and remote access requests must go
through an SEA administrator.
Remote access should be provided
only if justified and limited to only
what is required to meet the
business need.
Remote access with Cisco SEA
enables access methods to be
specified so that any given user only
has access to the protocols and
ports that are needed to perform
their task. Access privileges are
explicit, and not implicit like a
traditional VPN solution can be.
Remote access should not
circumvent safety or security
controls (i.e., a solution should not
be put in place that bypasses
existing security mechanisms).
While we have the option to provide
SEA connectivity over a cellular
connection, the communication
between the SEA Agent and the IoT
OD cloud can traverse an IT owned
networking domain so that all
connections are known, policed, and
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Implementing unique username and
complex passwords.
IoT OD integrates with external IdPs
which can put policy on password
creation. More importantly, the use
of MFA mitigates the exploitation of
weak or stolen passwords.
Additionally, when configuring
access methods in SEA, the
username and password can be
provided in the setup, so a remote
user never needs to know the
password for the device they are
accessing. An administrator has
effectively entered the password on
their behalf.
Removing, disabling, or modifying
any default credentials.
This requirement is typically on the
onus of the endpoint. However, the
point on external IdP integration
and MFA still stands for accessing
the remote access sessions
Removing access when no longer
Cisco SEA provides the ability to
schedule access. Once the
scheduled session timeouts, the SEA
user no longer has access to the
remote machine until given access
Monitoring remote activities.
Cisco SEA can monitor, in real-time,
active sessions that occur in SEA. At
any point the administrator can
terminate a session if they see
activity that is outside the scope of
the agreed remote access activity.
Ensuring operations personnel are
aware of planned remote activity in
the OT environment.
Cisco SEA provides a list of all active
sessions to admin users of SEA.
Initiating the connection from the
OT environment.
The SEA Agent which proxys
communication between the IoT OD
cloud and the target devices resides
within the OT environment and the
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connection is established by the
agent to the cloud.
Labelling remote connection devices
so that operations may disconnect
quickly in the case of unauthorized
A dedicated remote access device,
such as the IR1101, can be deployed
in the network for the sole purpose
of being the remote access gateway
if this requirement is to be met
Alternatively, SEA can terminate
active sessions and disable remote
access from ever occurring without
unplugging the network device. This
would allow you to run the SEA
agent within active network
infrastructure, but the app can be
turned off to disable its features.
ISA/IEC 62443 3-3
The International Society of Automation (ISA) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) worked
together to put together a series of standards that address the issue of security for ICS networks known as
ISA/IEC 62443. The part of the series that discusses the requirements for a remote access solution is part 3-3
where there are a total of seven foundational requirements; identification and authentication control, use
control, system integrity, data confidentiality, restricted data flow, timely response to events, and resource
availability. The requirements for a remote access solution exist across many of the seven foundation
Table 3 Meeting ISA/IEC 62443 remote access requirements with a Cisco solution
ISA/IEC 62443 3-3 Requirement
Cisco Solution
Identification and authentication
Cisco SEA uses the principles of least
privilege when providing remote
access to the network. Cisco SEA
enables access methods to be
specified so that any given user only
has access to the protocols and
ports that are needed to perform
their task. Access privileges are
explicit, and not implicit like a
traditional VPN solution can be.
Multi-Factor Authentication
IoT OD can integrate with an
external IdP which is using MFA for
protecting user credentials. The
design guide shows the integration
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with Cisco Duo, but any MFA
integration to the IdP meets the
Alternatively, SEA provides native
MFA through email codes, which is
not as secure as app or hardware-
based MFA, however, technically
meets the requirement.
Authorization enforcement
Not only does Cisco SEA provide
granular access control to specific
devices in the network, Cisco SEA
also provides the ability to schedule
access. Once the scheduled session
timeouts, the SEA user no longer has
access to the remote machine until
given access again.
Remote session termination
Cisco SEA can monitor, in real-time,
active sessions that occur in SEA. At
any point the administrator can
terminate a session if they see
activity that is outside the scope of
the agreed remote access activity.
Auditable events
Between both SEA and Duo, audit
logs and reports can be generated
to show conformance to compliance
Communication integrity
The Cisco SEA agent communicates
to the IoT OD over TLS 1.3 to ensure
communication integrity between
client and proxy. After data leaves
the proxy, it is up to the user to only
enable access methods that remain
encrypted all the way to the
Although HTTP and Telnet are not
recommended forms of
communication due to their use of
cleartext, when used under the SEA
construct they are wrapped in an
encrypted session, and therefore
the communication only becomes
Secure Remote Access for Industrial Networks Design Guide
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cleartext at the other end of the
Data confidentiality
Extending upon the capabilities for
communication integrity, Cisco SEA
Admins have the option to include
login credentials for the SSH, RDP,
VNC & Telnet access methods. This
option enables SEA Users to login to
devices remotely without
credentials being known to anybody
other than the system
administrators. It is recommended
to use this option to avoid password
Restricted data flow
Remote access with Cisco SEA
enables access methods to be
specified so that any given user only
has access to the protocols and
ports that are needed to perform
their task. Access privileges are
explicit, and not implicit like a
traditional VPN solution can be.
Timely response to events
SEA administrators can monitor
sessions in real-time and at any
point the administrator can
terminate an active session if they
see activity that is outside the scope
of the agreed remote access activity.
NERC CIP-005-7
The focus of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC-CIP)
reporting and audit compliance program is achieving system-level cybersecurity from each utility operator
connected to the bulk electric systems (BES) in the United States and adjacent domains. CIP-005-7,
cybersecurity for the electronic security permitter (ESP), addresses the implementation of remote access to
protect BES cyber systems against compromise.
Table 4 Meeting NERC-CIP remote access requirements with a Cisco solution
NERC-CIP Requirement
Cisco Solution
Ensure that interactive remote
access is through an intermediate
system that is not inside an
The SEA Agent is a proxy solution
between the SEA cloud and the
remote target. The SEA Agent can be
Secure Remote Access for Industrial Networks Design Guide
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applicable ESP or ESZ (Electronic
Security Zone).
installed in a zone dedicated for
intermediate systems and proxy
remote connections between
remote users and the target device.
Alternatively, if the intermediary
system of choice is a jump server,
the SEA agent can provide all its
security capabilities to the
connection to the intermediary
system, and existing ESP boundary
protections can be used between
the jump server and the target
Protect the confidentiality and
integrity of interactive remote
access between the client and
intermediate system.
The connection between the SEA
Agent and IoT OD cloud uses TLS 1.3
and provides the confidentiality and
integrity required between the
client and intermediate system.
Require MFA to the intermediate
IoT OD can integrate with an
external IdP which is using MFA for
protecting user credentials. The
design guide shows the integration
with Cisco Duo, but any MFA
integration to the IdP meets the
Alternatively, SEA provides native
MFA through email codes, which is
not as secure as app or hardware-
based MFA, however, technically
meets the requirement from NERC-
C I P.
Have one or more methods for
determining active vendor remote
access sessions (including
interactive remote access and
system-to-system remote access).
Cisco SEA can monitor, in real-time,
active sessions that occur in SEA.
If using a jump-server as the
intermediate system in a dedicated
zone, Cisco Cyber Vision can be used
to monitor activity between the
intermediate zone and the ESZ.
Have one or more methods to
disable active vendor remote
At any point, an SEA administrator
can terminate an active session if
Secure Remote Access for Industrial Networks Design Guide
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they see activity that is outside the
scope of the agreed remote access
Intermediate system may only share
CPU, memory, or ESZ or ESP with
other intermediate systems.
The SEA agent can be installed in a
dedicated zone for intermediate
TSA Security Directive 1580/82-2022-01
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a security directive (SD) 1580/82-2022-01 due to the
ongoing cybersecurity threat to surface transportation systems and associated infrastructure. The SD requires
actions necessary to protect the national security, economy, and public health and safety of the United States
and its citizens from the impact of malicious cyber-intrusions affecting the nation’s railroads.
The cybersecurity measures mandated by the TSA for remote access, and the associated Cisco capabilities, can
be found in the table below.
Table 5 Meeting TSA SD 1580/82-2022-01 remote access requirements with a Cisco solution
TSA SD 1580/82-2022-01
Cisco Solution
Identification and authentication
policies and procedures designed to
prevent unauthorized access to
critical cyber systems.
IoT OD integrates with external IdPs
which can put policy on password
creation. More importantly, the use
of MFA mitigates the exploitation of
weak or stolen passwords.
Multi-Factor Authentication
IoT OD can integrate with an
external IdP which is using MFA for
protecting user credentials. The
design guide shows the integration
with Cisco Duo, but any MFA
integration to the IdP meets the
Alternatively, SEA provides native
MFA through email codes, which is
not as secure as app or hardware-
based MFA, however, technically
meets the requirement.
Policies and procedures to manage
access rights based on the principles
of least privilege and separation of
Remote access with Cisco SEA
enables access methods to be
specified so that any given user only
has access to the protocols and
ports that are needed to perform
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their task. Access privileges are
explicit, and not implicit like a
traditional VPN solution can be.
Enforcement of standards that limit
the availability and use of shared
While some of the onus for this
requirement is on the password
management for end devices, Cisco
SEA has the option to save
passwords for supported access
methods, so passwords are never
shared to the vendors that have
been given access. For example, if a
remote user has scheduled access to
an HMI over RDP, the network
administrator can include the HMI
credentials in the SEA configuration
so the password is never known by
the user who has been given access.
Of course, credentials are still
needed by the user to log into the
SEA cloud, but these credentials can
be protected by MFA to verify the
identity of a user.
Regularly updated schedule for
review of existing domain trust
relationships to ensure their
necessity and establish policies to
manage these relationships.
Cisco SEA provides a mechanism for
scheduling remote access over a
specified period. Upon expiration,
the user no longer has access to the
system. If it is deemed that the user
needs to extend their session, or be
granted access at a future date, an
administrator can make that
decision and re-instate their
privileges for another time period.
Provide documentation to establish
Between both SEA and Duo, logs
and reports can be generated to
show conformance to compliance
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Appendix B Duo MFA for SEA Plus
When enabling MFA access for SEA Plus considerations need to be made for the username accessing the
application, not just the device. An example policy for SEA Plus with 2FA can be found below.
To create a custom application policy for SEA Plus:
1. In the Duo administration dashboard, navigate to Policies.
2. Scroll down to Custom Policies and click New Policy.
3. Provide a meaningful Policy name.
Note: This design guide will provide a recommended policy set. The policy can be customized and tailored to the
needs of your organization. For a full breakdown of the policies included in Duo see Duo Custom Policies
Example policy for SEA Plus:
1. Click New User policy and choose Require enrollment.
2. Click Authentication Policy and choose Enforce 2FA.
3. Click User location and choose the countries in which remote access should be enabled (choose No action
from the dropdown for the selected countries). For All other countries, choose Deny Access.
4. Click Device Health Application. Under Windows click Require users to have the app and at a minimum
require a firewall and a system password. It is highly recommended to also block access if an endpoint
security agent is not running. At the time of writing this guide, the following endpoint security agents are
Bitdefender Endpoint Security
Cisco Secure Endpoint (recommended)
Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor
McAfee Endpoint Security
Palo Alto Cortex XDR
Sophos AV
Symantec Endpoint Protection
Trend Micro Apex One
VMware Carbon Black Cloud
Windows Defender
Note: If you are interested in using Cisco Secure Endpoint and need design guidance to deploy, see
the Cisco Breach Defense Design Guide
5. Click Operating Systems and uncheck all boxes except for Allow Windows devices. SEA Plus is only
supported on Windows, so any authentication attempts that are not Windows would be suspicious
Encourage users to update If not up-to-date and when a version becomes out of date or end of
life, encourage users to update immediately.
Block version if end-of-life.
6. Click Anonymous networks and for users that request access through proxies, Tor, or VPN choose Deny
Access. This will ensure users cannot bypass the geo-restrictions provided previously in the policy. Note:
SEA Plus client does not work when using VPN as the SEA Plus client is a lightweight VPN client with split
tunnel configuration.
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7. Click Authentication methods and choose WebAuthn, Duo Push and Hardware tokens. SMS passcodes are
not recommended.
8. Click Save Policy.
To add the custom application policy to SEA Plus:
1. In the Duo administration dashboard, navigate to Applications.
2. Click on the SEA Plus application. Note: If you have not changed the name, it will be called Web SDK.
3. Click the Apply a policy to all users link.
4. Select the newly created SEA Plus policy from the dropdown menu.
5. Click Apply Policy.
6. Scroll down the bottom of the page and click Save.
The additional steps beyond policy creation are to create the users who will have access to SEA Plus. When
users in SEA click the toggle button for SEA Plus access with a Duo integration enabled, the email address of the
user will be sent to Duo during the authentication request. For 2FA to be enabled, this email address must exist
in the Duo database.
1. In the Duo administration dashboard, navigate to Users.
2. Click Add User.
3. Enter the email address of the SEA Plus access user and click Add User.
4. Enter the same email address into the Email field of the newly created user page.
5. Click Save Changes.
6. Click the Send Enrollment Email button to pre-emptively enroll a user in Duo. Note: A user will be met with
an enrollment prompt the first time they click SEA Plus with SEA Plus if they have not yet enrolled.
7. Repeat for all users in SEA who require SEA Plus access.
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Appendix C Acronyms
The table below details the acronyms that were used throughout the design guide.
Table 6 Acronyms
Bulk Electric Systems
Bring Your Own Device
Cisco Validated Design
Data Breach Investigations Report
Edge Device Manager
Enterprise Mobility Management
Electronic Security Perimeter
Electronic Security Zone
Human Machine Interface
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Secure)
Internet Control Message Protocol
Industrial Control System
Industrial Demilitarized Zone
Identity Provider
International Electrotechnical Commission
Industrial Internet of Things
Internet Key Exchange
Internet of Things
Industrial Router
International Society of Automation
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
Information Technology
Mobile Device Management
Multi-Factor Authentication
Network Detection and Response
North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Network Time Protocol
Operations Dashboard
Operational Technology
Programmable Logic Controller
Remote Desktop Protocol
Software as a Service
Security Assertion Markup Language
Secure Equipment Access
Security Directive
Security Group Tag
Service Provider
Secure Service Shell
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Single Sign-On
Transmission Control Protocol
Transport Layer Security
Transport Security Administration
User Datagram Protocol
Virtual Network Computing
Virtual Private Network
Web Cache Communication Protocol
Zero Trust Network Access