ETSI TS 129 500
V16.5.0 (2020-11)
5G System;
Technical Realization of Service Based Architecture;
Stage 3
(3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16)
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Rele
ase 16
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ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
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In the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and
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Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................ 2
Legal Notice ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Modal verbs terminology .................................................................................................................................... 2
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
2 References ................................................................................................................................................ 9
3 Definitions and abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Special characters, operators and delimiters ..................................................................................................... 12
3.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.3.2 ABNF operators .......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.3 URI – reserved and special characters ........................................................................................................ 12
3.3.4 SBI specific usage of delimiters ................................................................................................................. 12
4 Service Based Architecture Overview.................................................................................................... 12
4.1 NF Services ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Service Based Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 NF Service Framework .................................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.3.2 NF Service Advertisement URI .................................................................................................................. 13
5 Protocols Over Service Based Interfaces ............................................................................................... 13
5.1 Protocol Stack Overview .................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2 HTTP/2 Protocol .............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
5.2.2 HTTP standard headers ............................................................................................................................... 14 General .................................................................................................................................................. 14 Mandatory to support HTTP standard headers ...................................................................................... 14
5.2.3 HTTP custom headers ................................................................................................................................. 16 General .................................................................................................................................................. 16 Mandatory to support custom headers................................................................................................... 17 General ............................................................................................................................................ 17 3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority .............................................................................................................. 18 3gpp-Sbi-Callback ........................................................................................................................... 19 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot ................................................................................................................. 19 3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding .............................................................................................................. 19 3gpp-Sbi-Binding ............................................................................................................................ 20 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery ......................................................................................................................... 22 3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id ...................................................................................................................... 23 3gpp-Sbi-Oci ................................................................................................................................... 23 3gpp-Sbi-Lci .................................................................................................................................... 25 3gpp-Sbi-Client-Credentials ............................................................................................................ 26 3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri ............................................................................................................................. 27 Optional to support custom headers ...................................................................................................... 28 General ............................................................................................................................................ 28 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp ........................................................................................................... 28 3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.4 HTTP error handling ................................................................................................................................... 28
5.2.5 HTTP/2 server push .................................................................................................................................... 28
5.2.6 HTTP/2 connection management ............................................................................................................... 29
5.2.7 HTTP status codes ...................................................................................................................................... 29 General .................................................................................................................................................. 29 NF as HTTP Server ............................................................................................................................... 30 NF as HTTP Client ............................................................................................................................... 34
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5.2.8 HTTP/2 request retries ................................................................................................................................ 35
5.2.9 Handling of unsupported query parameters ................................................................................................ 35
5.3 Transport Protocol ............................................................................................................................................ 36
5.4 Serialization Protocol ....................................................................................................................................... 36
5.5 Interface Definition Language .......................................................................................................................... 36
6 General Functionalities in Service Based Architecture .......................................................................... 36
6.1 Routing Mechanisms ........................................................................................................................................ 36
6.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
6.1.2 Identifying a target resource ....................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.3 Connecting inbound .................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.4 Pseudo-header setting ................................................................................................................................. 37 General .................................................................................................................................................. 37 Routing within a PLMN ........................................................................................................................ 37 Routing across PLMN ........................................................................................................................... 38 General ............................................................................................................................................ 38 Use of telescopic FQDN between NFs and SEPP within a PLMN ................................................. 38 Use of 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot between NFs and SEPP within a PLMN ..................................... 39 Routing between SEPPs .................................................................................................................. 39
6.1.5 Host header ................................................................................................................................................. 40
6.1.6 Message forwarding .................................................................................................................................... 40
6.2 Server-Initiated Communication ...................................................................................................................... 40
6.3 Load Control .................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
6.3.2 Load Control based on load signalled via the NRF .................................................................................... 41
6.3.3 Load Control based on LCI Header ............................................................................................................ 41 General .................................................................................................................................................. 41 Conveyance of Load Control Information ............................................................................................ 41 Frequency of Conveyance ..................................................................................................................... 41 Load Control Information ..................................................................................................................... 42 General Description ......................................................................................................................... 42 Load Control Timestamp ................................................................................................................. 42 Load Metric ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Scope of LCI ................................................................................................................................... 43 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 43 Scope of LCI signalled by an NF Service Producer ................................................................... 43 General ................................................................................................................................. 43 Additional scope parameters for S-NSSAI/DNN based load control by SMF ..................... 43 Scope of LCI signalled by an SCP ............................................................................................. 44 S-NSSAI/DNN Relative Capacity ................................................................................................... 44 LC-H feature support ............................................................................................................................ 44 Indicating supports for the LC-H feature ......................................................................................... 44 Utilizing the LC-H feature support indication ................................................................................. 45
6.4 Overload Control .............................................................................................................................................. 45
6.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 45
6.4.2 Overload Control based on HTTP status codes .......................................................................................... 45 General .................................................................................................................................................. 45 HTTP Status Code "503 Service Unavailable" ..................................................................................... 46 HTTP Status Code "429 Too Many Requests" ..................................................................................... 46 HTTP Status Code "307 Temporary Redirect" ..................................................................................... 46
6.4.3 Overload Control based on OCI Header ..................................................................................................... 47 General .................................................................................................................................................. 47 Conveyance of Overload Control Information ...................................................................................... 47 Frequency of Conveyance ..................................................................................................................... 47 Overload Control Information ............................................................................................................... 47 General Description ......................................................................................................................... 47 Overload Control Timestamp .......................................................................................................... 48 Overload Reduction Metric ............................................................................................................. 49 Overload Control Period of Validity ............................................................................................... 49 Scope of OCI ................................................................................................................................... 49 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 49 Scope of OCI signalled by an NF Service Producer .................................................................. 50
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16 General ................................................................................................................................. 50 Additional scope parameters for S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control by SMF .............. 50 Scope of OCI signalled by an NF Service Consumer ................................................................ 51 Scope of OCI signalled by an SCP ............................................................................................ 53 Overload Control Enforcement ............................................................................................................. 53 Message Throttling .......................................................................................................................... 53 Loss Algorithm ................................................................................................................................ 53 OLC-H feature support ......................................................................................................................... 54 Indicating supports for the OLC-H feature ...................................................................................... 54
6.5 Support of Stateless NFs .................................................................................................................................. 54
6.5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
6.5.2 Stateless AMFs ........................................................................................................................................... 54 General .................................................................................................................................................. 54 AMF as service consumer ..................................................................................................................... 54 AMF as service producer ...................................................................................................................... 55
6.5.3 Stateless NFs (for any 5GC NF type) ......................................................................................................... 56 General .................................................................................................................................................. 56 Stateless NF as service consumer .......................................................................................................... 56 Stateless NF as service producer ........................................................................................................... 56
6.6 Extensibility Mechanisms ................................................................................................................................ 57
6.6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 57
6.6.2 Feature negotiation ..................................................................................................................................... 57
6.6.3 Vendor-specific extensions ......................................................................................................................... 58
6.6.4 Extensibility for Query parameters ............................................................................................................. 59
6.7 Security Mechanisms ....................................................................................................................................... 59
6.7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 59
6.7.2 Transport layer security protection of messages ......................................................................................... 60
6.7.3 Authorization of NF service access ............................................................................................................ 60
6.7.4 Application layer security across PLMN .................................................................................................... 61 General .................................................................................................................................................. 61 N32 Procedures ..................................................................................................................................... 61
6.7.5 Client credentials assertion and authentication ........................................................................................... 61
6.8 SBI Message Priority Mechanism .................................................................................................................... 62
6.8.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
6.8.2 Message level priority ................................................................................................................................. 62
6.8.3 Stream priority ............................................................................................................................................ 62
6.8.4 Recommendations when defining SBI Message Priorities ......................................................................... 63
6.8.5 HTTP/2 client behaviour ............................................................................................................................ 63
6.8.6 HTTP/2 server behaviour ............................................................................................................................ 64
6.8.7 HTTP/2 proxy behaviour ............................................................................................................................ 64
6.8.8 DSCP marking of messages ........................................................................................................................ 64
6.9 Discovering the supported communication options ......................................................................................... 64
6.9.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
6.9.2 Discoverable communication options ......................................................................................................... 65 Content-encodings supported in HTTP requests ................................................................................... 65 Content-encodings supported in HTTP responses ................................................................................ 65
6.10 Support of Indirect Communication ................................................................................................................. 65
6.10.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 65
6.10.2 Routing Mechanisms with SCP Known to the NF ...................................................................................... 66 General .................................................................................................................................................. 66 HTTP/2 connection management .......................................................................................................... 66 Connecting inbound .............................................................................................................................. 66 Pseudo-header setting............................................................................................................................ 66 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header setting ............................................................................................... 68 Cache key (ck) query parameter ............................................................................................................ 68
6.10.2A Routing Mechanism with SCP Unknown to the NF ................................................................................... 69
6.10.2A.1 Connecting inbound .............................................................................................................................. 69
6.10.2A.2 HTTP/2 connection management .......................................................................................................... 69
6.10.2A.3 Pseudo-header setting............................................................................................................................ 69
6.10.3 NF Discovery and Selection for indirect communication with Delegated Discovery ................................ 69 General .................................................................................................................................................. 69 Conveyance of NF Discovery Factors................................................................................................... 70
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16 Notifications corresponding to default notification subscriptions ......................................................... 70 Returning the NF Service Producer ID to the NF Service Consumer ................................................... 71
6.10.4 Authority and/or deployment-specific string in apiRoot of resource URI .................................................. 71
6.10.5 NF / NF service instance selection for Indirect Communication without Delegated Discovery ................. 72 General .................................................................................................................................................. 72
6.10.6 Feature negotiation for Indirect Communication with Delegated Discovery ............................................. 72
6.10.7 Notification and callback requests sent with Indirect Communication ....................................................... 72
6.10.8 Error Handling ............................................................................................................................................ 73 General .................................................................................................................................................. 73 Requirements for the originator of an HTTP error response ................................................................. 73 Requirements for an SCP or SEPP relaying an HTTP error response .................................................. 73
6.10.9 HTTP redirection ........................................................................................................................................ 74 General .................................................................................................................................................. 74
6.11 Detection and handling of late arriving requests .............................................................................................. 74
6.11.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 74
6.11.2 Detection and handling of requests which have timed out at the HTTP client ........................................... 74 General .................................................................................................................................................. 74 Principles ............................................................................................................................................... 74
6.12 Binding between an NF Service Consumer and an NF Service Resource........................................................ 75
6.12.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 75
6.12.2 Binding created as part of a service response ............................................................................................. 76
6.12.3 Binding created as part of a service request ................................................................................................ 77
6.12.4 Binding for explicit or implicit subscription requests ................................................................................. 77
6.12.5 Binding for service requests creating a callback resource .......................................................................... 78
Annex A (informative): Client-side Adaptive Throttling for Overload Control .............................. 79
Annex B (normative): 3gpp-Sbi-Callback Types .............................................................................. 80
Annex C (informative): Internal NF Routing of HTTP Requests ...................................................... 81
Annex D (informative): Change history ............................................................................................... 82
History .............................................................................................................................................................. 85
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This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
x the first digit:
1 presented to TSG for information;
2 presented to TSG for approval;
3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
In the present document, modal verbs have the following meanings:
shall indicates a mandatory requirement to do something
shall not indicates an interdiction (prohibition) to do something
The constructions "shall" and "shall not" are confined to the context of normative provisions, and do not appear in
Technical Reports.
The constructions "must" and "must not" are not used as substitutes for "shall" and "shall not". Their use is avoided
insofar as possible, and they are not used in a normative context except in a direct citation from an external, referenced,
non-3GPP document, or so as to maintain continuity of style when extending or modifying the provisions of such a
referenced document.
should indicates a recommendation to do something
should not indicates a recommendation not to do something
may indicates permission to do something
need not indicates permission not to do something
The construction "may not" is ambiguous and is not used in normative elements. The unambiguous constructions
"might not" or "shall not" are used instead, depending upon the meaning intended.
can indicates that something is possible
cannot indicates that something is impossible
The constructions "can" and "cannot" are not substitutes for "may" and "need not".
will indicates that something is certain or expected to happen as a result of action taken by an agency
the behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
will not indicates that something is certain or expected not to happen as a result of action taken by an
agency the behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
might indicates a likelihood that something will happen as a result of action taken by some agency the
behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
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16.5.0 Release 16
might not indicates a likelihood that something will not happen as a result of action taken by some agency
the behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
In addition:
is (or any other verb in the indicative mood) indicates a statement of fact
is not (or any other negative verb in the indicative mood) indicates a statement of fact
The constructions "is" and "is not" do not indicate requirements.
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1 Scope
The present document specifies the technical realization of the 5GC Service Based Architecture, protocols supported
over the Service Based Interfaces, and the functionalities supported in the Service Based Architecture.
The service requirements for the 5G system are defined in 3GPP TS 22.261 [2]. The system architecture requirements
are defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [3] and the procedures and flows in 3GPP TS 23.502 [4].
The design principles and documentation guidelines for 5GC SBI APIs are specified in 3GPP TS 29.501 [5].
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
[2] 3GPP TS 22.261: "Service requirements for the 5G system; Stage 1".
[3] 3GPP TS 23.501: "System Architecture for the 5G System; Stage 2".
[4] 3GPP TS 23.502: "Procedures for the 5G System; Stage 2".
[5] 3GPP TS 29.501: "5G System; Principles and Guidelines for Services Definition; Stage 3".
[6] IETF RFC 793: "Transmission Control Protocol".
[7] IETF RFC 7540: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)".
[8] 3GPP TS 29.510: "5G System; Network Function Repository Services; Stage 3".
[9] OpenAPI: "OpenAPI 3.0.0 Specification",
[10] IETF RFC 8259: "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format".
[11] IETF RFC 7231: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content".
[12] IETF RFC 7230: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing".
[13] 3GPP TS 29.571: "5G System; Common Data Types for Service Based Interfaces Stage 3".
[14] IETF RFC 3986: "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax".
[15] 3GPP TS 23.003: "Numbering, addressing and identification".
[16] IETF RFC 5681: "TCP Congestion Control".
[17] 3GPP TS 33.501: "Security Architecture and Procedures for 5G System".
[18] IANA: "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes",
[19] IETF RFC 7944: "Diameter Routing Message Priority".
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[20] IETF RFC 7234: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching".
[21] IETF RFC 7235: " Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication".
[22] IETF RFC 6749: "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework".
[23] IETF RFC 6750: "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage".
[24] IETF RFC 7232: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests".
[25] IETF RFC 7516: "JSON Web Encryption (JWE)".
[26] IETF RFC 7515: "JSON Web Signature (JWS)".
[27] 3GPP TS 29.573: "5G System: Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) Interconnection; Stage 3".
[28] 3GPP TS 29.502: "5G System; Session Management Services; Stage 3".
[29] 3GPP TS 29.503: "5G System; Unified Data Management Services; Stage 3".
[30] Void.
[31] 3GPP TS 29.518: "5G System; Access and Mobility Management Services; Stage 3".
[32] 3GPP TS 29.531: "5G System; Network Slice Selection Services; Stage 3".
[33] IETF RFC 7694: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Client-Initiated Content-Encoding".
[34] IETF RFC 1952: "GZIP file format specification version 4.3".
[35] 3GPP TS 29.525: "5G System; UE Policy Control Service; Stage 3".
[36] IETF RFC 3040: "Internet Web Replication and Caching Taxonomy".
[37] IETF RFC 5322: "Internet Message Format".
[38] 3GPP TS 23.527: "5G System; Restoration Procedures".
[39] 3GPP TS 29.303: "Domain Name System Procedures; Stage 3".
[40] 3GPP TS 29.515: "5G System; GMLC Services; Stage 3".
[41] IETF RFC 7519: "JSON Web Token (JWT)".
[42] 3GPP TS 32.291: "5G System; charging service; Stage 3".
[43] IETF RFC 5234: "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF".
[44] 3GPP TS 29.526: "5G System; Network Slice-Specific Authentication and Authorization
(NSSAA) Services; Stage 3".
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1], 3GPP°TS°23.501°[3]
and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term,
if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].
Binding indication (consumer): Binding can be used by the NF Service Consumer to indicate suitable NF Service
Consumer instance(s) for notification target instance selection, reselection and routing of subsequent notification
requests associated with a specific notification subscription. Binding indication needs to be stored by the NF Service
Producer. Binding indication may also be used later if the NF Service Consumer starts acting as NF Service Producer,
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so that service requests can be sent to this NF Service Producer. See clauses 3.1 and in 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]. See
also Routing binding indication.
Binding indication (producer): Binding can be used to indicate suitable target NF Service Producer instance(s) for an
NF service instance selection, reselection and routing of subsequent requests associated with a specific NF Service
Producer resource (context) and NF service. Binding allows the NF Service Producer to indicate to the NF Service
Consumer if a particular context should be bound to an NF service instance, NF instance, NF service set or NF set.
Binding indication needs to be stored by the NF Service Consumer. See clauses 3.1 and in 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
See also Routing binding indication.
Binding entity: Either of the following identifiers: NF Service Instance, NF Service Set, NF Instance or an NF Set. The
relation between these are explained below.
Binding entity ID: An identification of a binding entity, i.e. NF Service Instance ID, NF Service Set ID, NF Instance
ID or an NF set ID.
Binding level: A parameter (bl) in "3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding" and "3gpp-Sbi-Binding" HTTP custom headers, which
indicates the binding entity towards which a preferred binding exists (i.e. either to NF Service Instance, NF Service Set,
NF Instance or an NF Set). Other binding entities in these headers, which do not correspond to the binding level
indicate alternative binding entities that can be reselected and that share the same resource contexts (see Table
in 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]).
Callback URI: URI to be used by an NF Service Producer to send notification or callback requests.
Endpoint address: An address in the format of an IP address, transport and port information, or FQDN, which is used
to determine the host/authority part of the target URI. This Target URI is used to access an NF service (i.e. to invoke
service operations) of an NF service producer or for notifications to an NF service consumer. See clauses 3.1
and of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
NF Instance: An identifiable instance of the NF. An NF Instance may provide services offered by one or more NF
Service instances.
NF Service Instance: An identifiable instance of the NF service.
NF Service Set: A group of interchangeable NF service instances of the same service type within an NF instance. The
NF service instances in the same NF Service Set have access to the same context data.
NF Set: A group of interchangeable NF instances of the same type, supporting the same services and the same Network
Slice(s). The NF instances in the same NF Set may be geographically distributed but have access to the same context
Notification endpoint: Notification endpoint is a destination URI of the network entity where the notification is sent.
See clause in 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
Routing binding indication: Information included in a request or notification and that can be used by the SCP for
discovery and associated selection to of a suitable target. See clauses 3.1, and 7.1.2 in 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
Routing binding indication has similar syntax as a binding indication, but it has different purpose. Routing binding
indication provides the receiver (i.e. SCP) with information enabling to route an HTTP request to an HTTP server that
can serve the request. Routing binding indication is not stored by the receiver.
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An
abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in
3GPP TR 21.905 [1].
LC-H Load Control based on LCI Header
LCI Load Control Information
MCX Mission Critical Service
MPS Multimedia Priority Service
OCI Overload Control Information
OLC-H Overload Control based on OCI Header
SCP Service Communication Proxy
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SEPP Security and Edge Protection ProxySMP SBI Message Priority
3.3 Special characters, operators and delimiters
3.3.1 General
A number of characters have special meaning and are used as delimiters in this document and also in other stage 3 SBI
specifications. Below clauses specify the usage of a selected set of the special characters. Full set of these special
characters are specified in the respective IETF specifications.
3.3.2 ABNF operators
/ Operator. The forward slash character separates alternatives. See clause 3.2 in IETF
RFC 5234 [43].
# Operator. The number sign character allows for compact definition of comma-separated lists,
similar to the "*" operator. See clause 1.2 in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
= Special character. The equal sign character separates an ABNF rule name from the rule elements.
See clause 2.2 in IETF RFC 5234 [43].
[ ] Operator. The square bracket characters enclose an optional element sequence. See clause 3.8 in
IETF RFC 5234 [43].
< > Special characters. The angle bracket characters typically enclose an ABNF rule element (they are
optional). See clause 2.1 in IETF RFC 5234 [43].
* Operator. The star character precedes an element and indicates the elements repetition. See
clause 3.6 in IETF RFC 5234 [43].
; Operator. Semicolon character indicates the start of a comment that continues to the end of line.
See clause 3.9 in IETF RFC 5234 [43].
NOTE: The same characters, like "/", "#", etc. lead to different processing in ABNF and URI grammars. For
instance, in URI syntax, ";" character separates parameter and its value, while in ABNF ";" starts a
comment. Besides, unlike URI syntax, neither "?", nor ":" operators are specified for ABNF.
3.3.3 URI – reserved and special characters
Special characters that are used as delimiters in URI syntax have somewhat different purpose from the same characters
when used by ABNF syntax. See clause 3.3.3 in 3GPP TS 29.501 [5].
3.3.4 SBI specific usage of delimiters
See clause 3.3.4 in 3GPP TS 29.501 [5].
4 Service Based Architecture Overview
4.1 NF Services
3GPP TS 23.501 [3] defines the 5G System Architecture as a Service Based Architecture, i.e. a system architecture in
which the system functionality is achieved by a set of NFs providing services to other authorized NFs to access their
Control Plane (CP) Network Functions in the 5G System architecture shall be based on the service based architecture.
A NF service is one type of capability exposed by a NF (NF Service Producer) to other authorized NF (NF Service
Consumer) through a service based interface. A NF service may support one or more NF service operation(s). See
clause 7 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
Network Functions may offer different functionalities and thus different NF services. Each of the NF services offered
by a Network Function shall be self-contained, acted upon and managed independently from other NF services offered
by the same Network Function (e.g. for scaling, healing).
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4.2 Service Based Interfaces
A service based interface represents how the set of services is provided or exposed by a given NF. This is the interface
where the NF service operations are invoked.
The service based Control Plane interfaces within the 5G Core Network are specified in 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
4.3 NF Service Framework
4.3.1 General
The Service Based Architecture shall support the NF Service Framework that enable the use of NF services as specified
in clause 7.1 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
The NF Service Framework includes the following mechanisms:
- NF service registration and de-registration: to make the NRF aware of the available NF instances and supported
services (see clause 7.1.5 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]);
- NF service discovery: to enable a NF Service Consumer to discover NF Service Producer instance(s) which
provide the expected NF service(s) (see clause 7.1.3 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]);
- NF service authorization: to ensure the NF Service Consumer is authorized to access the NF service provided by
the NF Service Producer (see clause 7.1.4 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]);
- Inter service communication: NF Service Consumers and NF Service Producers may communicate directly or
indirectly via a Service Communication Proxy (SCP). Whether a NF uses Direct Communication or Indirect
Communication via an SCP is based on configuration of the NF.
The stage 3 procedures for NF service registration and de-registration, NF service discovery and NF service
authorization are defined in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8].
4.3.2 NF Service Advertisement URI
When invoking a service operation of a NF Service Producer that use HTTP methods with a message body (i.e PUT,
POST and PATCH), the NF Service Consumer may provide NF Service Advertisement URL(s) in the service operation
request, based on operator policy, if it expects that the NF Service Producer may subsequently consume NF service(s)
which the NF Service Consumer can provide (as a NF Service Producer).
When receiving NF Service Advertisement URI(s) in a service operation request, the NF Service Producer may store
and use the Service Advertisement URL(s) to discover NF services produced by the NF Service Consumer in
subsequent procedures, based on operator policy.
The NF Service Advertisement URI identifies the nfInstance resource(s) in the NRF which are registered by NF Service
An example of NF Service Advertisement URI could be represented as:
NOTE: The NF Service Advertisement URI can be used e.g. when different NRFs are deployed in the PLMN.
When applicable, the NF Service Advertisement URI(s) shall be carried in HTTP message body.
5 Protocols Over Service Based Interfaces
5.1 Protocol Stack Overview
The protocol stack for the service based interfaces is shown on Figure 5.1-1.
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Figure 5.1-1: SBI Protocol Stack
The service based interfaces use HTTP/2 protocol (see clause 5.2) with JSON (see clause 5.4) as the application layer
serialization protocol. For the security protection at the transport layer, all 3GPP NFs shall support TLS and TLS shall
be used within a PLMN if network security is not provided by other means, as specified in 3GPP TS 33.501 [17].
5.2 HTTP/2 Protocol
5.2.1 General
HTTP/2 as described in IETF RFC 7540 [7] shall be used in Service based interface.
5.2.2 HTTP standard headers General
This clause lists the HTTP standard headers that shall be supported on SBI, other HTTP standard headers defined in
IETF RFCs may be supported by NF. Mandatory to support HTTP standard headers
The HTTP request standard headers and the HTTP response standard headers that shall be supported on SBI are defined
in Table and in Table respectively. Mandatory to support HTTP standard headers does not mean all
the HTTP requests and responses carry the identified request and response headers respectively. It only means it is
mandatory to support the processing of the identified headers in request and response message.
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Table Mandatory to support HTTP request standard headers
Accept IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header is used to specify response media types that are
Accept-Encoding IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header may be used to indicate what response content-
encodings (e.g gzip) are acceptable in the response.
Content-Length IETF RFC 7230 [12] This header is used to provide the anticipated size, as a decimal
number of octets, for a potential payload body.
Content-Type IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header is used to indicate the media type of the associated
Content-Encoding IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header may be used in some requests to indicate the
content encodings (e.g gzip) applied to the resource
representation beyond those inherent in the media type.
User-Agent IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header shall be mainly used to identify the NF type of the
HTTP/2 client.
The pattern of the content should start with the value of NF type
(e.g. udm, see NOTE 1) and followed by a "-" and any other
specific information if needed afterwards.
Cache-Control IETF RFC 7234 [20] This header may be used in some HTTP/2 requests to provide
the HTTP cache-control directives that the client is willing to
accept from the server.
If-Modified-Since IETF RFC 7232 [24] This header may be used in a conditional GET request, for
server revalidation. This is used in conjunction with the Last-
Modified server response header, to fetch content only if the
content has been modified from the cached version.
If-None-Match IETF RFC 7232 [24] This header may be used in a conditional GET request. This is
used in conjunction with the ETag server response header, to
fetch content only if the tag value of the resource on the server
differs from the tag value in the If-None-Match header.
If-Match IETF RFC 7232 [24] This header may be used in a conditional POST or PUT or
DELETE or PATCH request. This is used in conjunction with the
ETag server response header, to update / delete content only if
the tag value of the resource on the server matches the tag
value in the If-Match header.
Via IETF RFC 7230 [12] This header shall be inserted by HTTP proxies and it may be
inserted by an SCP and SEPP when relaying an HTTP request.
Authorization IETF RFC 7235 [21] This header shall be used if OAuth 2.0 based access
authorization with "Client Credentials" grant type is used as
specified in clause 13.4.1 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17], clause 7 of
IETF RFC 6749 [22] and IETF RFC 6750 [23].
NOTE 1: The value of NF type in the User-Agent header shall comply with the enumeration value of Table
in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8].
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Table Mandatory to support HTTP response standard headers
Content-Length IETF RFC 7230 [12] This header may be used to provide the anticipated size, as a
decimal number of octets, for a potential payload body.
Content-Type IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header shall be used to indicate the media type of the
associated representation.
Location IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header may be used in some responses to refer to a
specific resource in relation to the response.
Retry-After IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header may be used in some responses to indicate how
long the user agent ought to wait before making a follow-up
Content-Encoding IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header may be used in some responses to indicate to the
HTTP/2 client the content encodings (e.g gzip) applied to the
resource representation beyond those inherent in the media
Cache-Control IETF RFC 7234 [20] This header may be used in some responses (e.g. NRF
responses to queries) to provide HTTP response cache control
directives. The cache directives "no-cache", "no-store", "max-
age" and "must-revalidate" values shall be supported.
Age IETF RFC 7234 [20] This header may be inserted by HTTP proxies when returning a
cached response. The "Age" header field conveys the sender's
estimate of the amount of time since the response was
generated or successfully validated at the origin server. The
presence of an Age header field implies that the response was
not generated or validated by the origin server for this request.
Last-Modified IETF RFC 7232 [24] This header may be sent to allow for conditional GET with the If-
Modified-Since header.
ETag IETF RFC 7232 [24] This header may be sent to allow for conditional GET with the If-
If-None-Match header or a conditional POST / PUT / PATCH /
DELETE with the If-Match header.
Via IETF RFC 7230 [12] This header shall be inserted by HTTP proxies.
This header shall be inserted by an SCP or SEPP when relaying
an HTTP error response (see clause 6.10.8). It may be inserted
when relaying other HTTP responses.
When inserted by an SCP or SEPP, the pattern of the header
should be formatted as follows:
- "SCP-<SCP FQDN>" for an SCP
Allow IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header field shall be used to indicate methods supported by
the target resource.
WWW-Authenticate IETF RFC 7235 [21] This header field shall be included when an NF service producer
rejects a request with a "401 Unauthorized" status code (e.g
when a request is sent without an OAuth 2.0 access token or
with an invalid OAuth 2.0 access token).
Accept-Encoding IETF RFC 7694 [33] See clause 6.9 for the use of this header.
Server IETF RFC 7231 [11] This header should be inserted by the originator of an HTTP
error response (
see clause 6.10.8
). It may be inserted otherwise.
When inserted by an NF, an SCP or a SEPP, the pattern of the
header should be formatted as follows:
- "SCP-<SCP FQDN>" for an SCP
- "<NFType>-<NF Instance ID>" for an NF
5.2.3 HTTP custom headers General
The list of custom HTTP headers applicable to 3GPP Service Based NFs are specified below.
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The 3GPP NF Services shall support the HTTP custom headers specified in Table below. A description of
each custom header and the normative requirements on when to include them are also provided in Table
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Table Mandatory HTTP custom headers
3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority Clause This header is used to specify the HTTP/2 message priority for
3GPP service based interfaces. This header shall be included in
HTTP/2 messages when a priority for the message needs to be
conveyed (e.g HTTP/2 messages related to Multimedia Priority
3gpp-Sbi-Callback Clause This header is used to indicate if a HTTP/2 message is a
callback (e.g notification).
This header shall be included in HTTP POST messages for
callbacks towards NF service consumer(s) in another PLMN via
the SEPP (See 3GPP TS 29.573 [27]).
This header shall also be included in HTTP POST messages for
callbacks in indirect communication (See clause 6.10.7).
3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot Clause This header is used by an HTTP client to indicate the apiRoot of
the target URI when communicating indirectly with the HTTP
server via an SCP. This header is also used by SCP to indicate
the apiRoot of the target URI, if a new HTTP server is selected
or reselected and there is no Location header included in the
This header may also be used by an HTTP client towards its
local SEPP to indicate the apiRoot of the target URI towards
HTTP server in another PLMN.
This header may also be used between SEPPs to indicate the
apiRoot of the target URI towards HTTP server in another
PLMN, when TLS security with the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot
header is used between the SEPPs.
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding Clause This header is used in a service request to signal binding
information to direct the service request to an HTTP server
which has the targeted NF Service Resource context (see
clause 6.12).
3gpp-Sbi-Binding Clause This header is used to signal binding information related to an
NF Service Resource to a future consumer (HTTP client) of that
resource (see clause 6.12).
3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-* Clause Headers beginning with the prefix 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery- are used
in indirect communication mode for discovery and selection of a
suitable producer by the SCP. Such headers may be included in
any SBI message and include information allowing an SCP to
find a suitable producer as per the consumer's included
delegated discovery parameters.
3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id Clause This header is used in a service response from the SCP to the
NF Service Consumer, when using indirect communication, to
identify the NF service producer. See clause
3gpp-Sbi-Oci Clause This header may be used by an overloaded NF Service
Producer in a service response, or in a notification request to
signal Overload Control Information (OCI) to the NF Service
This header may also be used by an overloaded NF Service
Consumer in a notification response or in a service request to
signal Overload Control Information (OCI) to the NF Service
3gpp-Sbi-Lci Clause This header may be used by a NF Service Producer to send
Load Control Information (LCI) to the NF Service Consumer.
Clause This header may be used by an NF Service Consumer to send
Client Credentials Assertion to the NRF or to the NF Service
Producer. See clause 6.7.5.
3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri Clause This header may be used to indicate the NRF API URIs to be
used for a given service request, e.g. in indirect communication
with delegated discovery as a result of an NSSF query. 3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority
The header contains the HTTP/2 message priority value from 0 to 31, as defined in clause 6.8.4.
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
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3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority = "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" ":" OWS (DIGIT / %x31-32 DIGIT / "3" %x30-31)
A message with 3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority "0" has the highest priority.
An example is: 3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority: 10. 3gpp-Sbi-Callback
The header contains the type of notification. The value for the notification type is a string used identifing a particular
type of callback (e.g a notification, typically the name of the notify service operation).
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Callback header field = "3gpp-Sbi-Callback" ":" OWS cbtype *1( ";" OWS "apiversion=" majorversion)
cbtype = 1*cbchar
cbchar = "-" / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA
majorversion = *DIGIT
EXAMPLE 1: 3gpp-Sbi-Callback: Nnrf_NFManagement_NFStatusNotify
EXAMPLE 2: 3gpp-Sbi-Callback: Nudm_SDM_Notification; apiversion=2
The list of valid values for the cbtype is specified in Annex B.
The apiversion parameter should be present if the major version is higher than 1.
NOTE: The apiversion parameter can be used by the SEPP to identify the protection and modification policies
applicable to the API version of a notification or callback request, or by the SCP to select a notification
endpoint of a NF Service Consumer that supports the API version when forwarding a notification request
issued for a default notification subscription. 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot
The header contains the apiRoot of the target URI (see clause 4.4 of 3GPP TS 29.501 [5]) in a request sent to an SCP
when using Indirect Communication. This header contains the apiRoot of the selected or changed target URI in a
response sent to an HTTP client, when SCP selected or reselected a new HTTP server to route the request and no
Location HTTP header is included in the HTTP response. It may also be used in a request sent to a SEPP and in a
request between SEPPs (see clause
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header field = "3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot" ":" OWS scheme "://" authority [ prefix ]
scheme = "http" / "https"
authority = host [ ":" port ]
port = *DIGIT
prefix = path-absolute ; path-absolute production rule from IETF RFC 3986 [14], clause 3.3
An example is: 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot: 3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding
This header contains a Routing Binding Indication used to direct a service request to an HTTP server which has the
targeted NF service resource context (see clause 6.12).
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding = "3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding" ":" OWS "bl=" blvalue 1*(";" OWS parameter)
blvalue = "nf-instance" / "nf-set" / "nfservice-instance" / "nfservice-set"
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3GPP TS 29.500 v
ersion 16.5.0 Release 16
parameter = parametername "=" token
parametername = "nfinst" / "nfset" / "nfservinst" / "nfserviceset" / "servname"
The following parameters are defined:
- bl (binding level): the value of this parameter (blvalue) indicates a preferred binding to a binding entity, i.e.
either to an NF Instance, an NF set, an NF Service Instance or an NF Service Set. If the binding level is set to an
NF Service Instance (nfservice-instance), then either NF Service Set ID or NF Instance ID shall also be present
to unambiguously identify the NF Service Instance.
- nfinst (NF instance): indicates an NF Instance ID, as defined in clause in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8]. This
parameter shall be present if the binding level is set to "nf-instance", or if the binding level is set to "nfservice-
instance" and the nfserviceset parameter is not included.
- nfset (NF set): indicates an NF Set ID, as defined in clause 28.12 in 3GPP TS 23.003 [15]. This parameter shall
be present if the binding level is set to "nf-set". It may be present otherwise (see clause 6.12.1).
- nfservinst (NF service instance): indicates an NF Service Instance ID. This parameter shall be present if the
binding level is set to "nfservice-instance".
- nfserviceset (NF service set): indicates an NF Service Set ID as defined in clause 28.13 in 3GPP TS 23.003 [15].
This parameter shall be present if the binding level is set to "nfservice-set". It may be present if the binding level
is set to "nfservice-instance" (see clause 6.12.1).
- servname (service name): indicates the name of a service, as defined in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8], or a custom service
that handles a notification or a callback request. It may be present in a Routing Binding Indication in a
notification or a callback request.
See clause 3.2.6 of IETF RFC 7230 [12] for the "token" type definition. A token's value is a string, which contains a
binding entity ID or a service name.
EXAMPLE 1: Binding to SMF set 1 of MCC 345 and MNC 012:
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding: bl=nf-set; nfset=set1.smfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345
EXAMPLE 2: Binding to an SMF instance within SMF set of Example 1:
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding: bl=nf-instance; nfinst=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8;
EXAMPLE 3: Binding to a SMF Service Set "xyz" within an SMF instance within SMF set of Example 1:
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding: bl=nfservice-set; nfservset=setxyz.snnsmf-pdusession.nfi54804518-
4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; nfset=set1.smfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345
EXAMPLE 4: Binding to AMF set 1 within AMF region 48 (hexadecimal):
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding: bl=nf-set; nfset=set1.region48.amfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345
EXAMPLE 5: Binding for a subscription (i.e. notification requests) to AMF set 1 within AMF region 48
(hexadecimal) and Namf_Communication service:
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding: bl=nf-set; nfset= set1.region48.amfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345;
servname=namf-comm 3gpp-Sbi-Binding
This header contains a comma-delimited list of Binding Indications from an HTTP server for storage and subsequent
use by an HTTP client (see clause 6.12).
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Binding = "3gpp-Sbi-Binding" ":" 1#(OWS "bl=" blvalue 1*(";" OWS parameter) ";" OWS recoverytime)
blvalue = "nf-instance" / "nf-set" / "nfservice-instance" / "nfservice-set"
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parameter = parametername "=" token
parametername = "nfinst" / "nfset" / "nfservinst" / "nfserviceset" / "servname" / "scope"
recoverytime = "recoverytime=" OWS date-time
The following parameters are defined:
- scope: indicates the applicability of a Binding Indication in a service request. This may take one of the following
- "other-service": the binding information applies to other service(s) that the NF Service Consumer may later
on provide as an NF Service Producer (see clause 6.12.3);
- "subscription-events": the binding information applies to subscription change event notifications (see
clause 6.12.4);
- "callback": the binding information applies to notification or callback requests (see clauses 6.12.4 and
The absence of this parameter in a Binding Indication in a service request shall be interpreted as "callback".
Two scope parameters may be present in a Binding Indication if the binding information applies to
notification/callback requests and to other services.
- servname (service name): indicates the name of a service, as defined in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8], or a custom service,
- the name of the service that handles a notification or a callback request, when present in a Binding Indication
for a subscription or a callback, i.e. with a scope parameter absent or set to "callback"; or
- the name of the other service(s) for which the binding applies, when present in a Binding Indication in a
service request for the other services the NF Service Consumer can provide later on as an NF Service
Producer, i.e. with the scope parameter set to "other-service". More than one servname parameter may be
present to represent multiple such services. The absence of this parameter in a Binding Indication with the
scope parameter set to "other-service" shall be interpreted as binding information that applies to all the
services that the NF Service Consumer may provide later as an NF Service Producer.
- recoverytime: indicates the recovery timestamp of the entity corresponding to the highest resiliency level
supported for the resource, that is, the higher level binding entity indicated in the Binding Indication. See Table of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3] and clause 6.1 of 3GPP TS 23.527 [38]. The date-time type is specified in IETF
RFC 5322 [37] and clause of IETF RFC 7231 [11].
- for the definition and encoding of the blvalue, nfinst, nfset, nfservinst and nfserviceset see clause
EXAMPLES 1 to 5: Same as EXAMPLES 1 to 5 defined in clause, with the header name "3gpp-Sbi-
Binding" instead of "3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding".
EXAMPLE 6: Subscription request from one NF on behalf of another NF, with 2 binding indications:
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl= nf-set; nfset=set1.udmset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; servname=nudm-
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl= nf-set; nfset=set1.nefset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; servname=nnef-event-
EXAMPLE 7: Service request with 2 binding indications, for callback requests and for other services the NF
Service Consumer may provide later as an NF Service Producer:
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl=nf-instance; nfinst=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8;
nfset=set1.smfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; servname=nsmf-pdusession
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl=nf-instance; nfinst=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8;
nfset=set1.smfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; scope=other-service; servname=nsmf-event-exposure
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EXAMPLE 8: Service request with one binding indication applying to notification/callback requests and to any
other services the NF Service Consumer may provide later as an NF Service Producer:
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl=nf-set; nfset=set1.region48.amfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; scope=callback;
EXAMPLE 9: Service request with one binding indication applying to notification/callback requests together
with a recovery time stamp associated with the NF Set indicated in the binding indication and with
the binding level set to "nfset":
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl=nfset; nfset=set1.region48.amfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; scope=callback;
recoverytime= Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT
EXAMPLE 10: Service response with one binding indication applying to the session context with a recovery time
stamp associated with the NF Set indicated in "nfset" in the binding indication and with the
binding level set to "nfinstance":
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl= nfinstance; nfinst=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8;
nfset=set1.smfset.5gc.mnc012.mcc345; recoverytime= Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT
EXAMPLE 11: Service response with one binding indication applying to the session context with a recovery time
stamp associated with the NF Instance included the binding indication and with the binding level
set to nfserviceinstance:
3gpp-Sbi-Binding: bl=nfserviceinstance; nfservinst=xyz; nfinst=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-
ac631f953ed8; recoverytime= Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT
NOTE: Examples 6 and 7 are formatted as two distinct headers (which improves the readability), but they can
also be formatted as a single header with two Binding Indication values separated by a comma. 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery
These headers shall be used to convey NF service discovery factors to the SCP in indirect communication models. They
contain discovery parameters to be conveyed by an NF service consumer or an NF service producer to the SCP or by an
SCP to the next hop SCP and they shall be used by the SCP to select or reselect a suitable NF service producer instance
to create or update a (existing) resource context, or a suitable NF service consumer instance towards which to send a
notification or a callback request, e.g. by performing the NF service discovery procedure with the NRF on behalf of the
NF consumer in case of indirect communication with delegated discovery model.
The name of each NF service discovery factors header shall be constructed by concatenating the string "3gpp-Sbi-
Discovery-" with the name of the conveyed discovery parameter, i.e. "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-<discovery parameter>".
The discovery headers shall be used to include any of the discovery query parameters listed in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8],
Table The value of each NF service discovery header shall be encoded in the same way as the
corresponding discovery parameter (i.e. with the same data type and cardinality). Thus, the values of these headers may
be validated with the same data model as that of the corresponding discovery parameters. The discovery headers shall
comply with the condition of presence of the discovery parameters defined in Table of
3GPP TS 29.510 [8], e.g. discovery headers shall be included for discovery parameters defined as mandatory in this
table. Table lists examples of NF service discovery headers.
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Table NF service discovery factors headers examples
Header in request
Header value
Data Model
(TS 29.510 [8],
AMF NFType: Enumeration as of
TS 29.510 [8], Table
[{"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"}, {"sst":
1, "sd": "0023F1"}]
snssais (TS 29.510
[8], Table
[{"sst": 1, "sd":
"A08923"}, {"sst": 1,
"sd": "0023F1"}]
array(Snssai), where Snssai is
a structured data type as of
TS 29.571 [13], Table
instance-id: e553cf50-f32b-4638-
(TS 29.510 [8],
NfInstanceId: simple data type
as of TS 29.571 [13], Table
The 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-* header is not documented in OpenAPI specification files. It shall comply with the following
OpenAPI definition:
- name: 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-<Discovery parameter name>:
in: header
description: Discovery parameter defined in Table of 3GPP TS 29.510
type: <Data type defined in Table of 3GPP TS 29.510> 3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id
This header contains the NF Service Producer Instance ID (see clause
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id = "3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id" ":" OWS "nfinst=" nfInstanceIdvalue
The following parameter is defined:
- nfinst (NF instance): indicates a NF Instance ID, as defined in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8].
EXAMPLE: 3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id: nfinst=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8 3gpp-Sbi-Oci
The header contains a comma-delimited list of Overload Control Information (OCI). See clause 6.4.3.
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Oci = "3gpp-Sbi-Oci:" 1#(RWS timestamp ";" RWS validityPeriod ";" RWS olcMetric ";" RWS
timestamp = "Timestamp:" RWS DQUOTE date-time DQUOTE
Mandatory parameter. The date-time type is specified in IETF RFC 5322 [37] and clause of
IETF RFC 7231 [11]. It indicates the timestamp at which the overload control information was generated.
validityPeriod = "Period-of-Validity:" RWS 1*DIGIT "s"
Mandatory parameter. Period of validity is a timer that is measured in seconds. Once the timer expires, the OCI
becomes invalid.
olcMetric = "Overload-Reduction-Metric:" RWS (DIGIT / %x31-39 DIGIT / "100") "%"
Mandatory parameter. Overload-Reduction-Metric up to 3 digits long decimal string and the value range shall be from 0
to 100.
olcScope = nfProducerScope / nfConsumerScope / scpScope
Mandatory structured parameter, which in the actual header is replaced by its sub-parameters.
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
nfProducerScope = (("NF-Instance:" RWS nfinst)
/ ("NF-Set:" RWS nfset)
/ "(NF-Service-Instance:" RWS nfservinst)
/ ("NF-Service-Set:" RWS nfserviceset)) [";" RWS sNssai ";" RWS dnn]
nfConsumerScope = ("NF-Instance:" RWS nfinst [";" RWS "Service-Name:" RWS servname])
/ ("NF-Set:" RWS nfset [";" RWS "Service-Name:" RWS servname])
/ "(NF-Service-Instance:" RWS nfservinst)
/ ("NF-Service-Set:" RWS nfserviceset)
/ ("Callback-Uri:" RWS URI *( RWS "&" RWS URI))
scpScope = ("SCP-FQDN:" RWS fqdn)
See clause The nfinst, nfset, nfservinst, nfserviceset and servname parameters are defined in clause
fqdn shall encode an FQDN. URI is defined in clause 3 of IETF RFC 3986 [14].
dnn = "DNN:" RWS 1*tchar *(RWS "&" RWS 1*tchar)
Optional parameter used for S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control by SMF, see clause, that refers to one
or more specific DNN(s). DNN format is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [15].
sNssai= "S-NSSAI:" RWS snssai *(RWS "&" RWS snssai)
Optional parameter used for S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control by SMF, see clause, that refers to one
or more specific S-NSSAI(s)..
snssai = 1*tchar
S-NSSAI format is defined in clause of 3GPP TS 29.571 [13].
EXAMPLE 1: Overload Control Information for an NF Instance:
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 75s; Overload-
Reduction-Metric: 50%; NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8
EXAMPLE 2: Overload Control Information for an NF Service Set:
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 120s;
Overload-Reduction-Metric: 50%; NF-Service-Set: setxyz.snnsmf-pdusession.nfi54804518-4191-
EXAMPLE 3: Overload Control Information for an SMF instance related to a particular DNN of an S-NSSAI:
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 600s;
Overload-Reduction-Metric: 50%; NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8; S-
NSSAI: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"}; DNN: internet.mnc012.mcc345.gprs
EXAMPLE 4: Overload Control Information for an SMF instance related to a particular DNN shared by two S-
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 240s;
Overload-Reduction-Metric: 50%; NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8; S-
NSSAI: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"} & {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08924"}; DNN:
EXAMPLE 5: Overload Control Information sent by a NF service consumer with a scope set to a Callback-Uri:
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 120s;
Overload-Reduction-Metric: 25%; Callback-Uri:
EXAMPLE 6: Overload Control Information sent by a NF service consumer with a scope set to a specific NF
Instance and service:
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 120s;
Overload-Reduction-Metric: 25%; NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8;
Service-Name: nsmf-pdusession
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
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ase 16
EXAMPLE 7: Overload Control Information sent by an SCP:
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 120s;
Overload-Reduction-Metric: 25%; SCP-FQDN:
EXAMPLE 8: Example with two OCI values, one for an SMF Instance and another one for a specific DNN of an
S-NSSAI for the same SMF Instance:
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 75s; Overload-
Reduction-Metric: 50%; NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8
3gpp-Sbi-Oci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Period-of-Validity: 600s;
Overload-Reduction-Metric: 40%; NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8; S-
NSSAI: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"}; DNN: internet.mnc012.mcc345.gprs
NOTE: Example 8 is formatted as two distinct headers (which improves the readability), but it can also be
formatted as a single header with two OCI values separated by a comma. 3gpp-Sbi-Lci
The header contains a comma-delimited list (see IETF RFC 7230 [12]) of Load Control Information (LCI). See clause
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Lci = "3gpp-Sbi-Lci:" 1#(RWS timestamp ";" RWS lcMetric ";" RWS lcScope)
timestamp = "Timestamp:" RWS DQUOTE date-time DQUOTE
Mandatory parameter. The date-time type is specified in IETF RFC 5322 [37] and clause of
IETF RFC 7231 [11]. It indicates the timestamp associated with the load control information.
lcMetric = "Load-Metric:" RWS (DIGIT / %x31-39 DIGIT / "100") "%"
Mandatory parameter. Load-Metric is up to 3 digits long decimal string and the value range shall be from 0 to 100.
lcScope = nfProducerScope / scpScope
Mandatory structured parameter, which in the actual header is replaced by its sub-parameters.
nfProducerScope = (("NF-Instance:" RWS nfinst)
/ ("NF-Set:" RWS nfset)
/ "(NF-Service-Instance:" RWS nfservinst)
/ ("NF-Service-Set:" RWS nfserviceset)) [; RWS sNssai ";" RWS dnn; RWS relativeCapacity]
scpScope = ("SCP-FQDN:" RWS fqdn)
See clause The nfinst, nfset, nfservinst and nfserviceset parameters are defined in clause fqdn shall
encode an FQDN.
dnn = "DNN:" RWS 1*tchar *(RWS "&" RWS 1*tchar)
Optional parameter used for S-NSSAI/DNN based load control by SMF, see clause, that refers to one or
more specific DNN(s). DNN format is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [15].
sNssai= "S-NSSAI:" RWS snssai *(RWS "&" RWS snssai)
Optional parameter used for S-NSSAI/DNN based load control by SMF, see clause, that refers to one or
more specific S-NSSAI(s).
snssai = 1*tchar
S-NSSAI format is defined in clause of 3GPP TS 29.571 [13].
relativeCapacity = "Relative-Capacity:" RWS (1*2DIGIT / "100") "%"
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
Optional parameter used for S-NSSAI/DNN based load control by SMF, see clause Up to 3 digits long
decimal string with value range from 0 to 100. The value applies to all combinations of S-NSSAIs and DNNs indicated
in the LCI.
EXAMPLE 1: Load Control Information for an NF Instance:
3gpp-Sbi-Lci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Load-Metric: 25%; NF-Instance:
EXAMPLE 2: Load Control Information for an NF Service Set:
3gpp-Sbi-Lci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Load-Metric: 25%; NF-Service-
Set : setxyz.snnsmf-pdusession.nfi54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8.5gc.mnc012.mcc345
EXAMPLE 3: Load Control Information for an SMF instance related to a particular DNN of an S-NSSAI:
3gpp-Sbi-Lci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Load-Metric: 25%; NF-Instance:
54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8; S-Nssai: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"}; DNN:
internet.mnc012.mcc345.gprs; Relative-Capacity: 20%
EXAMPLE 4: Load Control Information for an SMF instance related to a particular S-NSSAI:
3gpp-Sbi-Lci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Load-Metric: 25%; NF-Instance:
54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8; S-Nssai: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"} & {"sst": 1, "sd":
"A08924"}; DNN: internet.mnc012.mcc345.gprs; Relative-Capacity: 20%
EXAMPLE 5: Load Control Information for SCP:
3gpp-Sbi-Lci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Load-Metric: 25%; SCP-FQDN:
EXAMPLE 6: Example with two LCI values, for different DNNs of a same S-NSSAI:
3gpp-Sbi-Lci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Load-Metric: 40%; NF-
Instance=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8; S-Nssai: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"}; DNN:
internet.mnc012.mcc345.gprs; Relative-Capacity: 30%
3gpp-Sbi-Lci: Timestamp: "Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:49:37 GMT"; Load-Metric: 70%; NF-
Instance=54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8; S-Nssai: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"}; DNN:
ciot.mnc012.mcc345.gprs; Relative-Capacity: 20%
NOTE: Example 6 is formatted as two distinct headers (which improves the readability), but it can also be
formatted as a single header with two LCI values separated by a comma. 3gpp-Sbi-Client-Credentials
The header contains client credentials assertion (see clause of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17]).
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Client-Credentials header field = "3gpp-Sbi-Client-Credentials" ":" OWS string
The client credentials assertion shall be a JSON Web Token (JWT) as specified in IETF RFC 7519 [41], digitally
signed using JWS as specified in IETF RFC 7515 [24] and in clause of 3GPP TS 33.501 [15]. It shall include:
- the claims defined in Table encoded as a JSON object; and
- one of the following JOSE headers:
- the X.509 URL (x5u) header (see clause 4.1.5 of IETF RFC 7515 [26]) referring to a resource for the X.509
public key certificate or certificate chain used for signing the client authentication assertion, or
- the X.509 Certificate Chain (x5c) header (see clause 4.1.5 of IETF RFC 7515 [26]) including the X.509
public key certificate or certificate chain used for signing the client authentication assertion.
The digitally signed client credentials assertion shall be converted to the JWS Compact Serialization encoding as a
string as specified in clause 7.1 of IETF RFC 7515 [24].
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3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
Table -1: Definition of type ClientCredentialsAssertion
Attribute name
Data type
sub NfInstanceId M 1 This IE shall contain the NF instance ID of the NF
service consumer, corresponding to the standard
"Subject" claim described in IETF RFC 7519 [41],
clause 4.1.2.
iat integer M 1 This IE shall indicate the time at which the JWT was
issued, corresponding to the standard "Issued At"
claim described in IETF RFC 7519 [41], clause 4.1.6.
This claim may be used to determine the age of the
exp integer M 1 This IE shall contain the expiration time after which
the client credentials assertion is considered to be
expired, corresponding to the standard "Expiration
Time" claim described in IETF RFC 7519 [41],
clause 4.1.4.
aud array(NFType) M 1..N This IE shall contain the NF type of the NF service
producer and/or "NRF", for which the claim is
applicable, corresponding to the standard
"Audience" claim described in IETF RFC 7519 [41],
clause 4.1.3.
The JSON object containing the client credentials assertion shall comply with the following OpenAPI definition:
description: The data structure for the client credentials assertion
type: object
- sub
- iat
- exp
- aud
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/NfInstanceId'
type: integer
type: integer
type: array
$ref: 'TS29510_Nnrf_NFManagement.yaml#/components/schemas/NFType'
minItems: 1 3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri
The header contains a list of NRF API URIs. See clauses and
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri= "3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri" ":" parameter *( OWS ";" parameter)
parameter = parametername ":" RWS parametervalue
parametername = "nnrf-disc" / "nnrf-nfm" / "nnrf-oauth2" / token
NOTE: token is defined for future extensibility.
parametervalue = DQUOTE URI DQUOTE
URI shall comply with the URI definition in IETF RFC 3986 [14].
EXAMPLE: Header with NRF NF Discovery, NF Management and Access Token API URIs:
3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri: nnrf-disc: ""; nnrf-nfm:
""; nnrf-oauth2: ""
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16 Optional to support custom headers General
The 3GPP NF Services may support the HTTP custom headers specified in Table below. A description of
each custom header and the normative requirements on when to include them are also provided in Table
Table Optional HTTP custom headers
Clause This header may be used to indicate the date and time (with a
millisecond granularity) at which an HTTP request or response is
originated. This may be used e.g. for measuring signalling
delays between different NF service instances.
3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time Clause This header may be used in a HTTP request to indicate the
duration during which the HTTP client waits for a response. See
clause 6.11.2. 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp
The header contains the date and time (with a millisecond granularity) at which an HTTP request or response is
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp = "3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp" ":" OWS day-name "," SP date1 SP time-of-day "."
milliseconds SP GMT
milliseconds = 3DIGIT
day-name, date1, time-of-day shall comply with the definition in clause of IETF RFC 7231 [11].
When a 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp header field is generated, the sender should generate its field value as the best
available approximation of the date and time of message generation.
NOTE: This is the same format as the Date header of clause of IETF RFC 7231 [11], but with the time
expressed with a millisecond granularity.
EXAMPLE: 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 08:49:37.845 GMT 3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time
The header indicates the duration, expressed in milliseconds since the request was originated, during which the HTTP
client waits for a response. See clause 6.8.2.
The encoding of the header follows the ABNF as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [12].
3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time = "3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time" ":" OWS 1*5DIGIT
EXAMPLE: 3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time: 10000
5.2.4 HTTP error handling
HTTP/2 connection error and stream error shall be supported as specified in clause 5.4 of IETF RFC 7540 [7].
Guidelines for error responses to the invocation of APIs of NF services are specified in clause 4.8 of
3GPP TS 29.501 [3]. API specific error responses are specified in the respective technical specifications.
5.2.5 HTTP/2 server push
HTTP/2 Server Push as specified in clause 8.2 of IETF RFC 7540 [7] may be supported and may be used by a NF
Service Producer to proactively push resources to a NF Service Consumer, see clause 4.9.5 of 3GPP TS 29.501 [5].
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A NF Service Consumer may choose to disable HTTP/2 Server Push by setting SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH to 0, as
specified in clause 8.2 of IETF RFC 7540 [7].
5.2.6 HTTP/2 connection management
The HTTP request / response exchange mechanism as specified in clause 8.1 of IETF RFC 7540 [7] shall be supported
between the 3GPP NFs. An HTTP/2 endpoint shall support establishing multiple HTTP/2 connections (at least two)
towards a peer HTTP/2 endpoint. The peer HTTP/2 endpoint is identified by host and port pair where the host is derived
from the target URI (see clause 6.1.1).
NOTE 1: HTTP/2 connection redundancy allows transporting messages through diverse IP paths and improve 5GC
As per clause 8.1 of IETF RFC 7540 [7] a HTTP request / response exchange fully consumes a single stream. When the
HTTP/2 Stream IDs on a given HTTP/2connection is exhausted, an HTTP/2 endpoint, shall establish another
HTTP/2connection towards that peer HTTP/2 endpoints.
NOTE 2: As per IETF RFC 7540 [7], a stream ID once closed cannot be reused on the same HTTP/2 connection.
The 3GPP NF shall take care to avoid simultaneous stream ID exhaustion on all the available HTTP/2 connections
towards each peer.
The 3GPP NF shall support gracefully shutdown of a HTTP/2 connection by sending a GOAWAY frame with "Error
Code" field set to "NO_ERROR (0x0)". The HTTP connection should remain "open" (by the sender and receiver of
GOAWAY frame) until all in-progress streams numbered lower or equal to the last stream identifier indicated by the
"Last-Stream-Id" field in the GOAWAY frame are completed. See clause 6.8 of IETF RFC 7540 [7].
An NF acting as an HTTP/2 client shall support testing whether a connection is still active by sending a PING frame.
An NF acting as an HTTP/2 server may test whether a connection is still active by sending a PING frame. An NF acting
as an HTTP/2 client or server shall respond to received PING frames as specified in clause 6.7 of IETF RFC 7540 [7].
When and how often a PING frame may be sent is implementation specific but shall be configurable by operator policy.
When HTTP server detects the connection failure, it shall follow connection error handling as defined in clause 5.4.1 of
RFC 7540 [7].
NOTE 1: The above requirement also applies to network entities such as SCP and SEPP.
A PING frame shall not be sent more often than every 60 s on each path.
5.2.7 HTTP status codes General
This clause describes the HTTP status codes usage on SBI.
HTTP status codes are carried in ":status" pseudo header field in HTTP/2, as defined in clause in
IETF RFC 7540 [7].
Table specifies HTTP status codes per HTTP method which shall be supported on SBI. Support of an HTTP
status code shall be:
- mandatory, which is marked in table as "M". This means that all 3GPP NFs shall support the processing of the
specific HTTP status code for the specific HTTP method, when received in a HTTP response message. In such
cases the 3GPP NF shall also support the handling of the "ProblemDetails" JSON object with the Content-Type
header field set to the value "application/problem+json" for HTTP status codes 4xx and 5xx, if the corresponding
API definition in the related technical specification does not specify another response body for the corresponding
status code;
- service specific, which is marked in table as "SS" and means that the requirement to process the HTTP status
code depends on the definition of the specific API; or
- not applicable, which is marked in table as "N/A". This means that the specific HTTP status code shall not be
used for the specific HTTP method within the 3GPP NFs.
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Table HTTP status code supported on SBI
HTTP status code
HTTP method
100 Continue N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
201 Created N/A N/A N/A SS SS N/A
202 Accepted SS N/A SS SS SS N/A
204 No Content (NOTE 2) M N/A SS SS SS SS
300 Multiple Choices N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
303 See Other SS SS N/A SS SS N/A
307 Temporary Redirect SS SS SS SS SS SS
308 Permanent Redirect SS SS SS SS SS SS
400 Bad Request M M M M M M
401 Unauthorized M M M M M M
403 Forbidden M M M M M M
404 Not Found M M M M M M
405 Method Not Allowed SS SS SS SS SS SS
406 Not Acceptable N/A M N/A N/A N/A SS
408 Request Timeout SS SS SS SS SS SS
409 Conflict N/A N/A SS SS SS N/A
410 Gone SS SS SS SS SS SS
411 Length Required N/A N/A M M M SS
412 Precondition Failed SS SS SS SS SS N/A
413 Payload Too Large N/A N/A M M M SS
414 URI Too Long N/A SS (NOTE 3) N/A N/A SS N/A
415 Unsupported Media Type N/A N/A M M M SS
429 Too Many Requests M M M M M M
500 Internal Server Error M M M M M M
501 Not Implemented SS SS SS SS SS SS
503 Service Unavailable M M M M M M
504 Gateway Timeout SS SS SS SS SS SS
NOTE 1: "200 OK" response used on SBI shall contain body.
NOTE 2: If the NF acting as an HTTP Client receives 2xx response code not appearing in table, the
NF shall treat the received 2xx response:
- as "204 No Content" if 2xx response does not contain body; and
- as "200 OK" if 2xx response contains body.
NOTE 3: If GET method includes any query parameter, the NF acting as an HTTP Client shall
support "414 URI Too Long" status code. NF as HTTP Server
A NF acting as an HTTP server shall be able to generate HTTP status codes specified in clause per indicated
HTTP method.
A request using an HTTP method which is not supported by any resource of a given 5GC SBI API shall be rejected
with the HTTP status code "501 Not Implemented".
NOTE 1: In this case, the NF does not need to include in the HTTP response the "cause" attribute indicating
corresponding error since the HTTP status code "501 Not Implemented" itself provides enough
information of the error, i.e. the NF does not recognize the HTTP method.
If the specified target resource does not exist, the NF shall reject the HTTP method with the HTTP status code "404 Not
If the NF supports the HTTP method for several resources in the API, but not for the target resource of a given HTTP
request, the NF shall reject the request with the HTTP status code "405 Method Not Allowed" and shall include in the
response an Allow header field containing the supported method(s) for that resource.
NOTE 2: In this case, the NF does not need to include in the HTTP response the "cause" attribute indicating
corresponding error since the HTTP status code "405 Method Not Allowed" itself provides enough
information of the error and hence the Allow header field lists HTTP method(s) supported by the target
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
If a received HTTP request contains unknown IEs, i.e. Information Elements within the JSON body, the NF may
discard such IEs and shall process the rest of the request message, unless the schema definition of the received message
prohibits the presence of additional IEs or constrains their types. There are cases (e.g. Nnrf_NFManagement API)
where the receiver of certain HTTP requests needs to process unknown IEs (e.g. to store in NRF an NF Profile
containing vendor-specific attributes, and send them in NFDiscovery results).
If a received HTTP request contains IEs or query parameters not compliant with the schema defined in the
corresponding OpenAPI specification, the NF should reject the request with the appropriate error code, e.g. "400 Bad
Request (INVALID_MSG_FORMAT)", even when the failed IEs are defined as optional by the schema.
If a received HTTP PATCH request contains a body with modification instruction(s) for unknown attribute(s) in
addition to modification instruction(s) for known attribute(s), the NF shall:
a) implement all the modification(s) for known attribute(s) and unknown attribute(s) if explicitly specified in the
corresponding specification of the API; or
b) otherwise, implement the modification(s) for known attribute(s) and discard those modification instruction(s) for
unknown attribute(s). The NF may additionally indicate in the response the result of the execution of the PATCH
request, i.e. which modification(s) are implemented and/or which modification(s) are discarded, using the
"PatchResult" JSON object as defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13].
If the NF supports the HTTP method by a target resource but the NF cannot successfully fulfil the received request, the
following requirements apply.
A NF as HTTP Server should map application errors to the most similar 3xx/4xx/5xx HTTP status code specified in
table If no such code is applicable, it should use "400 Bad Request" status code for errors caused by client
side or "500 Server Internal Error" status code for errors caused on server side.
If the received HTTP request contains unsupported payload format, the NF shall reject the HTTP request with the
HTTP status code "415 Unsupported Media Type". If the HTTP PATCH method is rejected due to unsupported patch
document, the NF shall include the Accept-Patch header field set to the value of supported patch document media types
for a target resource i.e. to "application/merge-patch+json" if the NF supports "JSON Merge Patch" and to
"application/json-patch+json" if the NF supports "JSON Patch". If the received HTTP PATCH request contains both
"JSON Merge Patch" and "JSON Patch" documents and the NF supports only one of them, the NF shall ignore
unsupported patch document.
NOTE 3: The format problem might be due to the request's indicated Content-Type or Content-Encoding header
fields, or as a result of inspecting the payload body directly.
If the received HTTP request contains payload body larger than the NF is able to process, the NF shall reject the HTTP
request with the HTTP status code "413 Payload Too Large".
If the result of the received HTTP POST request used for a resource creation would be equivalent to the existing
resource, the NF shall reject the HTTP request with the HTTP status code "303 See Other" and shall include in the
HTTP response a Location header field set to the URI of the existing resource.
Protocol and application errors common to several 5GC SBI API specifications for which the NF shall include in the
HTTP response a payload body ("ProblemDetails" data structure or application specific error data structure) with the
"cause" attribute indicating corresponding error are listed in table
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Table Protocol and application errors common to several 5GC SBI API specifications
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Protocol or application Error
HTTP status code
INVALID_API 400 Bad Request The HTTP request contains an unsupported
API name or API version in the URI.
INVALID_MSG_FORMAT 400 Bad Request The HTTP request has an invalid format.
INVALID_QUERY_PARAM 400 Bad Request The HTTP request contains an unsupported
query parameter in the URI. (NOTE 1)
MANDATORY_QUERY_PARAM_INCORRECT 400 Bad Request A mandatory query parameter, or a
conditional query parameter but mandatory
required, for an HTTP method was received
in the URI with semantically incorrect value.
(NOTE 1)
OPTIONAL_QUERY_PARAM_INCORRECT 400 Bad Request An optional query parameter for an HTTP
method was received in the URI with a
semantically incorrect value that prevents
successful processing of the service request.
(NOTE 1)
MANDATORY_QUERY_PARAM_MISSING 400 Bad Request Query parameter which is defined as
mandatory, or as conditional but mandatory
required, for an HTTP method is not included
in the URI of the request. (NOTE 1)
MANDATORY_IE_INCORRECT 400 Bad Request A mandatory IE (within the JSON body or
within a variable part of an
"apiSpecificResourceUriPart" or within an
HTTP header), or conditional IE but
mandatory required, for an HTTP method
was received with a semantically incorrect
value. (NOTE 1)
OPTIONAL_IE_INCORRECT 400 Bad Request An optional IE (within the JSON body or
within an HTTP header) for an HTTP method
was received with a semantically incorrect
value that prevents successful processing of
the service request. (NOTE 1)
MANDATORY_IE_MISSING 400 Bad Request A mandatory IE (within the JSON body or
within the variable part of an
"apiSpecificResourceUriPart" or within an
HTTP header), or conditional IE but
mandatory required, for an HTTP method is
not included in the request. (NOTE 1)
UNSPECIFIED_MSG_FAILURE 400 Bad Request The request is rejected due to unspecified
client error. (NOTE 2)
NF_DISCOVERY_FAILURE 400 Bad Request The request is rejected by the SCP because
no NF Service Producer can be found
matching the NF service discovery factors.
INVALID_DISCOVERY_PARAM 400 Bad Request The request is rejected by the SCP because
it contains an unsupported discovery
parameter (i.e. unknown 3gpp-Sbi-
Discovery-* header).
(NOTE 1)
RESOURCE_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND 400 Bad Request The notification request is rejected because
the callback URI still exists in the receiver of
the notification, but the specific resource
context identified within the notification
payloadis not found in the NF service
MODIFICATION_NOT_ALLOWED 403 Forbidden The request is rejected because the
contained modification instructions attempt to
modify IE which is not allowed to be
SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND 404 Not Found The request for modification or deletion of
subscription is rejected because the
subscription is not found in the NF.
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404 Not Found The request is rejected because a fixed part
after the first variable part of an
"apiSpecificResourceUriPart" (as defined in
clause 4.4.1 of 3GPP TS 29.501 [5]) is not
found in the NF.
This fixed part of the URI may represent a
sub-resource collection (e.g. contexts,
subscriptions, policies) or a custom
operation. (NOTE 5)
The request is rejected due to incorrect value
of a Content-length header field.
The request is rejected due to excessive
traffic which, if continued over time, may lead
to (or may increase) an overload situation.
The request is rejected due to insufficient
The request is rejected due to unspecified
reason at the NF. (NOTE 3)
SYSTEM_FAILURE 500 Internal Server
The request is rejected due to generic error
condition in the NF.
NF_FAILOVER 500 Internal Server
The request is rejected due to the
unavailability of the NF, and the requester
may trigger an immediate re-selection of an
alternative NF based on this information.
The SCP may also use it, as indication for
NF_SERVICE_FAILOVER 500 Internal Server
The request is rejected due to the
unavailability of the NF service, and the
requester may trigger an immediate re-
selection of an alternative NF service based
on this information.
The SCP may also use it, as indication for
The NF experiences congestion and
performs overload control, which does not
allow the request to be processed. (NOTE 4)
The request is rejected due a request that
has timed out at the HTTP client (see clause
308 Permanent
The request is redirected to a different SCP
(see clause 6.10.9).
NOTE 1: "invalidParams" attribute shall be included in the "ProblemDetails" data structure indicating unsupported,
missing or incorrect IE(s) or query parameter(s) or 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-* header(s).
NOTE 2: This application error indicates error in the HTTP request and there is no other application error value that
can be used instead.
NOTE 3: This application error indicates error condition in the NF and there is no other application error value that can
be used instead.
NOTE 4: If the reason for rejection is a temporary overload, the NF may include in the response a Retry-After header
field to indicate how long the service is expected to be unavailable.
NOTE 5: If the request is rejected because of an error in an URI before the first variable part of an
"apiSpecificResourceUriPart", the "404 Not Found" HTTP status code may be sent without "ProblemDetails"
data structure indicating protocol or application error. NF as HTTP Client
Besides the HTTP Status Codes defined in the API specification, a NF as HTTP client should support handling of 1xx,
3xx, 4xx and 5xx HTTP Status Codes specified in table, following the client behaviour in corresponding IETF
RFC where the received HTTP Status Code is defined.
When receiving a not recommended or not recognized 1xx, 3xx, 4xx or 5xx HTTP Status Code, a NF as HTTP client
should treat it as x00 status code of the class, as described in clause 6 of IETF RFC 7231 [11].
If 100, 200/204, 300, 400 or 500 response code is not defined by the API specification, the client may follow guidelines
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a) For 1xx (Informational):
1) Discard the response and wait for final response.
b) For 2xx (Successful):
1) Consider the service operation is successful if no mandatory information is expected from the response
payload in subsequent procedure.
2) If mandatory information is expected from response payload in subsequent procedure, parse the payload
following description in clause 6.2.1 of IETF RFC 7231 [11]. If parse is successful and mandatory
information is extracted, continue with subsequent procedure.
3) Otherwise, consider service operation has failure and start failure handling.
c) For 3xx (Redirection):
1) Retry the request towards the directed resource referred in the Location header, using same request method.
d) For 4xx (Client Error):
1) Validate the request message and make correction before resending. Otherwise, stop process and go to error
handling procedure.
e) For 5xx (Server Error):
1) Stop process and go to error handling process.
The handling of unknown, unexpected or erroneous HTTP request message IEs shall provide for the forward
compatibility of the HTTP APIs used for the service based interfaces. Therefore, the sending HTTP entity shall be able
to safely include in a message a new optional IE. Such an IE may also have a new type. A receiving HTTP entity shall
behave as specified in clause
5.2.8 HTTP/2 request retries
All NF services expose APIs across the service based interfaces and the APIs operate on resources. Invocation of an
API though a HTTP method may result in the change of state of a resource depending of the request type. When a
HTTP/2 client sends a request and it does not receive a response or it experiences a delay, it does not guarantee that the
HTTP/2 request has not been processed by the HTTP/2 server.
A HTTP/2 client may retry the same request that uses an idempotent method any time (see IETF RFC 7231 [11]
clause 4.2.2).
Retrying a non-idempotent HTTP/2 request on the same resource before a response for the previous request is received
may lead to state changes on the resource with unspecified behaviour. HTTP conditional requests, as specified in
IETF RFC 7232 [24] may be used to avoid such situations.
An NF acting as an HTTP/2 client should also retry non-idempotent request if the request has not been processed, i.e. if
the identifier of the stream corresponding to the request is larger than the Last-Stream-Id in a GOAWAY frame, or the
REFUSED_STREAM error code is included in a RST_STREAM frame for the stream corresponding to the request as
specified in clause 8.1.4 of IETF RFC 7540 [7]. API specific mechanisms as specified in respective technical
specifications may be used for reconciling the state of resources, if the retry is attempted through a new TCP connection
after a TCP connection failure.
The number of retry shall be limited. A client should always prefer to retry requests to an alternative server if the initial
server is overloaded. In case of general overload situation where all possible servers are overloaded retry mechanisms
should be disabled automatically.
5.2.9 Handling of unsupported query parameters
Unless specified otherwise for an API, a NF Service Producer that receives an HTTP request with one or more
unsupported (i.e. not comprehended) query parameters shall:
a) for safe HTTP methods (e.g. HTTP GET request):
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- ignore the unsupported query parameters and respond to the request based on the rest of the request (e.g.
other supported query parameters); or
- reject the HTTP request as specified below for non-safe HTTP methods, e.g. based on other query parameters
in the request or based on a response becoming very large;
b) for non-safe HTTP methods:
- reject the request with a 400 Bad Request including a ProblemDetails IE with:
- the cause attribute set to INVALID_QUERY_PARAM;
- the invalidParams attribute indicating the unsupported query parameters;
- the supportedFeatures attribute listing the features supported by the NF Service Producer, if any, set as
specified for HTTP responses in clause 6.6.2.
5.3 Transport Protocol
The Transmission Control Protocol as described in IETF RFC 793 [6] shall be used as transport protocol as required by
HTTP/2 (see IETF RFC 7540 [7]).
NOTE: When using TCP as the transport protocol, an HTTP/2 connection is mapped to a TCP connection.
If a Network Function does not register any port number to the NRF then it shall be prepared to receive connections on
default port numbers, i.e. TCP port 80 for "http" URIs and TCP port 443 for "https" URIs as specified in
IETF RFC 7540 [7].
5.4 Serialization Protocol
The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format as described in IETF RFC 8259 [10] shall be used as serialization
For transmitting large parts of opaque binary data along with JSON format, multipart messages shall be supported
- A multipart/related media type;
- 3gpp vendor specific content subtype; and
- Cross-referencing from the JSON payload using the Content-ID field.
Use of multipart messages is documented in specific specifications.
5.5 Interface Definition Language
OpenAPI Specification [9] shall be used as Interface Definition Language (IDL) of SBI.
6 General Functionalities in Service Based Architecture
6.1 Routing Mechanisms
6.1.1 General
This clause specifies the generic routing mechanisms in the 5GC. Specific requirements to support Indirect
Communication are further defined in clause 6.10.
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For HTTP message routing between Network Functions, the message routing mechanism as specified in clause 5 of
IETF RFC 7230 [12] is almost followed with some differences due to the adoption of HTTP/2 and to some 5G system
NOTE: The term "inbound" are defined in clause 2.3 of IETF RFC 7230 [12]. It describes a directional
requirement in relation to the request route: "inbound" means toward the origin server.
6.1.2 Identifying a target resource
The target resource is identified by a target URI (e.g. a Resource URI, a Custom operation URI or a Callback URI as
defined in clause 4.4 of 3GPP TS 29.501 [5]).
6.1.3 Connecting inbound
If the request is not satisfied by a local cache, then the client shall connect to an authority server for the target resource
or to a proxy.
If a proxy is applicable for the target URI, the client connects inbound by establishing (or reusing) a connection to that
proxy as defined in clause 5.2 of IETF RFC 7230 [12]. For connecting inbound to an authority not in the same PLMN,
the client connects to the Security Edge Protection Proxy.
If no proxy is applicable, then the client connects directly to an authority server for the target resource as defined in
IETF RFC 7230 [12].
6.1.4 Pseudo-header setting General
Once an inbound connection is obtained, the client sends a request message over the wire. The message starts with a
HEADERS frame containing the Pseudo-Header Fields identifying the request target. The ":method" pseudo-header is
always present.
When sending a request directly to an origin server or to a proxy, other than a CONNECT or server-wide OPTIONS
request, a client shall include the below pseudo-headers:
- ":scheme".
- ":authority".
- "path" includes the path and query components of the target URI. The path includes the optional deployment-
specific string of the Resource URI or Custom operation URI "apiRoot" part.
When sending a CONNECT request to a proxy, a client shall include the ":authority" pseudo-header. The ":scheme"
and ":path" ones shall be absent.
When sending a server-wide OPTIONS request to an origin server or to a proxy, a client shall include the below
- ":scheme".
- ":authority".
- "path" set with the value "*". Routing within a PLMN
For HTTP/2 request messages where the target URI authority component designates an origin server in the same PLMN
as the client, the ":authority" HTTP/2 pseudo-header field shall be set to:
":authority" = uri-host [":" port] as specified in clause of IETF RFC 7540 [7], excluding the [userinfo "@"]
information as specified in clause 3.2 of IETF RFC 3986 [14].
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Where the uri-host shall be:
- FQDN of the target NF service; or
- IP address of the target NF service
The FQDN of the target NF service need not contain the PLMN identifier. Routing across PLMN General
In order to reach the correct target NF service in the right PLMN and for HTTP/2 request messages where the target
URI authority component designates an origin server not in the same PLMN as the client, the ":authority" HTTP/2
pseudo-header shall contain the FQDN including the PLMN ID.
The ":authority" pseudo-header field in the HTTP/2 request message shall be set to:
":authority" = uri-host [":" port] as specified in clause of IETF RFC 7540 [7], excluding the [userinfo "@"]
information as specified in clause 3.2 of IETF RFC 3986 [14].
Where the uri-host shall be:
- FQDN of the target NF service or the FQDN (authority) part of a callback URI or a specified link relation
The FQDN of the target NF service or the FQDN (authority) part of a callback URI or a specified link relation shall
contain the PLMN identifier.
The format of the FQDN of target NF service is specified in clause 28.5 of 3GPP TS 23.003 [15].
To allow for TLS protection between the SEPP and Network Functions within a PLMN, the SEPP shall support:
- TLS wildcard certificate for its domain name and generation of telescopic FQDN, as specified in clause 13.1 of
3GPP TS 33.501 [17] and in clause; and
- forwarding HTTP requests originated by NFs within the SEPP's PLMN towards the remote PLMN using the
3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header as specified in clause
NOTE: Whether the SEPP and NFs within the SEPP's PLMN use telescopic FQDN or the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-
apiRoot header is based on PLMN operator's policy and is independent from the method supported and
used in the remote PLMN.
Both solutions for TLS protection between the SEPP and Network Functions within a PLMN may be used concurrently
in a PLMN, e.g. in the transient phase where not all NFs of the PLMN have been upgraded to support the 3gpp-Sbi-
Target-apiRoot header but when the PLMN operator would like to use the solution based on the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-
apiRoot header with upgraded NFs. In this case, the SEPP should skip converting URIs into telescopic FQDNs (and use
the solution based on 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header) in:
- HTTP responses received from the remote PLMN (e.g. including the FQDN of the target NF service) when the
corresponding HTTP request contains a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header;
- HTTP requests received from the remote PLMN (e.g. including callback URIs) using SEPP policies based on the
target URI (i.e. target FQDN). Use of telescopic FQDN between NFs and SEPP within a PLMN
When using TLS wildcard certificate and telescopic FQDN between the SEPP and NFs within the SEPP's PLMN, the
SEPP on the HTTP/2 client side shall form the telescopic FQDN, as specified in 3GPP TS 23.003 [15], for the
following cases:
- FQDN of the target NF service in HPLMN is modified into a telescopic FQDN by the SEPP in the VPLMN;
- FQDN of the target NF service in VPLMN is modified into a telescopic FQDN by the SEPP in the HPLMN;
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- FQDN (authority) part of callback URI of NF service resources in VPLMN is modified into a telescopic FQDN
by the SEPP in the HPLMN;
- FQDN (authority) part of callback URI of NF service resources in HPLMN is modified into a telescopic FQDN
by the SEPP in the VPLMN;
- FQDN (authority) part of link relation URI of NF service resources in VPLMN is modified into a telescopic
FQDN by the SEPP in the HPLMN;
- FQDN (authority) part of link relation URI of NF service resources in HPLMN is modified into a telescopic
FQDN by the SEPP in the VPLMN. Use of 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot between NFs and SEPP within a PLMN
When using the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header between the SEPP and NFs within the SEPP's PLMN, HTTP requests
between the NFs and the SEPP shall be routed as specified in clause 6.10.2 for indirect communications, with the SEPP
taking the role of the SCP.
When sending an HTTP request targeting a URI with an authority of a remote PLMN, NFs shall include the 3gpp-Sbi-
Target-apiRoot header in the HTTP request, containing the apiRoot of the target URI in the remote PLMN, and shall set
the apiRoot in the request URI to the apiRoot of the SEPP (or to the apiRoot of the SCP if the communication between
the NF and SEPP goes through an SCP). The apiRoot of the SEPP (or SCP) may include an optional deployment-
specific string of the SEPP (or SCP).
An SCP that receives an HTTP request targeting a URI with an authority of a remote PLMN shall route the HTTP
request towards the SEPP as specified in clause 6.10.2 for indirect communications, i.e. the SCP shall forward the 3gpp-
Sbi-Target-apiRoot header in the HTTP request it forwards to the SEPP, containing the apiRoot of the target URI in the
remote PLMN, and it shall set the apiRoot in the request URI to the apiRoot of the SEPP.
If the SEPP receives an HTTP request from a NF with a request URI containing a telescopic FQDN and with a 3gpp-
Sbi-Target-apiRoot header, the SEPP shall ignore the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header and route the request using the
telescopic FQDN.
NOTE 1: This is to address the case of a potentially malicious or misbehaving NF that would include the 3gpp-Sbi-
Target-apiRoot header and a request URI containing a telescopic FQDN when communicating with the
NOTE 2: This solution does not require the SEPP to support TLS wildcard certificate for its domain name, nor the
SEPP to modify URI attributes in HTTP request and response payloads with telescopic FQDNs.
NOTE 3: The communication between the NF and SEPP can be direct or go through an SCP. Routing between SEPPs
The 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header shall not be used between SEPPs if PRINS security is negotiated between the
SEPPs. The apiRoot of the Request URI of the HTTP request encapsulating the protected message shall be set to the
apiRoot of the remote SEPP. See clause of 3GPP TS 29.573 [27].
If TLS security is negotiated between the SEPPs and at least one SEPP does not indicate support of the 3gpp-Sbi-
Target-apiRoot header when negotiating the security policy, the SEPP shall use a pre-established TLS connection
towards the other SEPP to forward the HTTP/2 messages sent by the NF service producers and NF service consumers,
as is without reformatting. Additionally,
- if the NF uses the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot HTTP header in the HTTP Request to convey the target apiRoot to
the sending SEPP, the sending SEPP shall remove the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header and set the apiRoot of the
request URI it forwards on the N32-f interface to the apiRoot received in the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header
from the HTTP client;
- if the NF uses a telescopic FQDN in the HTTP Request to convey the target apiRoot to the sending SEPP, or if
TLS is not used between the NF and the sending SEPP, the sending SEPP shall set the apiRoot of the Request
URI in the HTTP Request towards the remote SEPP to the apiRoot of the target NF derived from the telescopic
FQDN or from the request URI respectively.
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If TLS security is negotiated between the SEPPs and both SEPPs indicate support of the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot
header when negotiating the security policy, HTTPS shall be used to forward messages between SEPPs. The sending
SEPP shall replace the apiRoot of the Request URI in the HTTP Request with the apiRoot of the receiving SEPP before
forwarding the HTTP Request on the N32 interface. Additionally,
- if the NF uses the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot HTTP header in the HTTP Request to convey the target apiRoot to
the sending SEPP, the sending SEPP shall forward the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header unmodified in the HTTP
request towards the remote SEPP;
- if the NF uses a telescopic FQDN in the HTTP Request to convey the target apiRoot to the sending SEPP, or if
TLS is not used between the NF and the sending SEPP, the sending SEPP shall insert the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-
apiRoot header in the HTTP request towards the remote SEPP and set it to the apiRoot of the target NF derived
from the telescopic FQDN or from the request URI respectively.
NOTE: Rel-15 compliant NFs and SEPP do not support the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header.
6.1.5 Host header
Clients that generate HTTP/2 requests shall use the ":authority" pseudo-header field instead of the Host header field.
6.1.6 Message forwarding
An HTTP/2 proxy shall use the ":authority" pseudo-header field to connect inbound to the origin server or another
proxy if the request cannot be satisfied by the proxy cache.
An HTTP/2 proxy may also use other headers and/or payload content to connect inbound to the origin server or another
proxy if the request cannot be satisfied by the proxy cache.
6.2 Server-Initiated Communication
The Subscribe-Notify service operations shall be supported between NFs as specified in clause 7.1.2 of
3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
Subscribe-Notify service operations require bidirectional communication between the NFs when the server needs to
initiate communication with the client.
Subscribe-Notify service operations shall be supported with two TCP connections, one per direction, as follows:
- NF service consumer acts as an HTTP client and NF service producer acts as an HTTP server when NF service
consumer subscribes to NF service producer's notifications;
- NF service producer acts as an HTTP client and NF service consumer acts as an HTTP server when NF service
producer delivers notifications to NF service consumer.
6.3 Load Control
6.3.1 General
Load control enables an NF Service Producer to signal its load information to NF Service Consumers, either via the
NRF (as defined in clause 6.3.2) or directly to the NF Service Consumer (as defined in clause 6.3.3). The load
information reflects the operating status of the resources of the NF Service Producer.
Load control allows for better balancing of the load across NF Service Producers, so as to attempt to prevent their
overload in first place (preventive action). Load control does not trigger overload mitigation actions, even if the NF
Service Producer reports a high load.
NOTE: the load information can be used along similar principles as those described for node-level load control in
clause 4A.2 in 3GPP TS 29.303 [39], but with the priority and capacity parameters of candidate NFs
obtained from the NRF.
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6.3.2 Load Control based on load signalled via the NRF
This clause specifies details of the Load Control based on load signalled via the NRF solution.
During NF discovery procedures (see clause 4.17.4 and 4.17.5 of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4]), the NRF may provide the NF
instance and/or the NF service instance information with the NF capacity information advertised during NF Service
Registration and/or NF Service Update procedures (see clause 4.17.1 and 4.17.2 of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4] and
clause 6.2.6 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]). The NRF may also provide load information of the NF instance and/or the NF
service instance in NF discovery response.
The NF service consumer that is discovering the NF service producer, may use the available information (e.g. NF
capacity information, load information) to select the appropriate NF instance as specified in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8].
6.3.3 Load Control based on LCI Header General
This clause specifies details of the Load Control based on LCI Header solution (LC-H). The solution extends the Load
Control based on load signalled via the NRF solution by enabling a direct exchange of the LCI between the NF Service
Producer and NF Service Consumer.
Support for the LC-H solution is optional, but if the feature is supported, the requirements specified in thefollowing
clauses shall apply.
NOTE 1: Load control and overload control can be supported and activated independently in the network, based on
operator policy.
An NF Service Producer that supports the LC-H feature shall signal its load information as further specified in this
clause. An NF Service Consumer supporting the LC-H feature shall utilize the load information, for a given scope, that
is received with the most recent timestamp from the NRF or from the NF Service Producer via direct signalling, to
adaptively balance the load across the candidate NF Service Producers according to their effective load e.g. when
creating a resource at an NF Service Producer.
NOTE 2: An NF Service Consumer supporting the LC-H feature can receive the load information without a
timestamp from the NRF and an LCI (with a timestamp) from the NF Service Producer. It is an
implementation matter how the NF Service Consumer determines which of these contains the most recent
load information.
An SCP that supports the LC-H feature may additionally piggyback its LCI with a scope set to the SCP FQDN, in
HTTP request or response messages, as further specified in this clause. An HTTP client supporting the LC-H feature
shall utilize the load information of the SCP, which is received with the most recent timestamp, to adaptively balance
the load across the available SCPs to reach the HTTP server. Conveyance of Load Control Information
LCI shall be conveyed within the 3gpp-Sbi-Lci HTTP header. When conditions for generating an LCI are met, an NF
Service Producer or SCP shall include the 3gpp-Sbi-Lci header, or LCI header, see clause to its peer entities
(NF Service Consumers). The LCI header shall be piggybacked on a signalling message that is sent to the NF Service
The NF Service Producer or SCP shall send the 3gpp-Sbi-Lci header, regardless of whether the peer NF Service
Consumer supports the feature (see clause The header is ignored by the NF Service Consumer if the latter does
not support the LC-H feature. Frequency of Conveyance
How often or when the sender conveys the LCI is implementation specific. The sender shall ensure that new or updated
Load Control Information is conveyed to the target receivers with an acceptable delay, such that the purpose of the
information (i.e. the effective load balancing) is achieved.
Considering the processing requirement of the receiver of the LCI (e.g. handling of the new information), the sender
should refrain from advertising every small variation (e.g. with the granularity of 1 or 2), in the Load Metric which does
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not result in useful improvement in NF service producer selection logic at the receiver. A larger variation in the Load
Metric, e.g. 5 or more units, should be considered as reasonable enough for advertising the new Load Control
Information. Load Control Information General Description
A NF Service Producer may include one or more LCI header(s) in a service response or in a notification/callback
request message sent to a NF Service Consumer. An NF Service Producer may report LCI with different scopes, e.g.:
- to report LCIs for an NF service instance, an NF service set and/or an NF instance;
- to report LCIs at the level of an SMF (service) instance or SMF (service) set, and for specific S-NSSAI/DNNs;
- to report LCIs for different S-NSSAI/DNNs of an SMF (service) instance or SMF (service) set.
A NF Service Producer may also include LCI header(s) with different scopes in different messages, e.g. an SMF may
report LCI for the SMF instance first, and then report LCI for both the SMF instance and for specific S-NSSAI/DNN(s),
if S-NSSAI/DNN based load control is enabled.
An NF Service Consumer that receives LCI headers with different scopes, in the same message or in different
messages, shall handle each LCI independently from each other. For instance, if an NF Service Consumer receives one
LCI with the scope of an NF (Service) Set and then another LCI with the scope of an NF (Service) instance that pertains
to the NF (Service) Set, the NF Service Consumer shall store the latter LCI and also consider that the former LCI is still
valid for the NF (Service) Set.
For S-NSSAI/DNN based load control (see clause, when signalling LCI for an SMF (service) instance or
an SMF (service) set in a message, the SMF shall always include the full set of load control information applicable to
the SMF (service) instance or SMF (service) set, i.e. LCI for the SMF (service) instance or the SMF (service) set level
and/or LCI for specific S-NSSAI/DNNs, even if only a subset of the LCI has changed; these LCIs shall contain the
same Load Control Timestamp.
An SCP may additionally include one LCI in a service request or response, or in a notification request or response, sent
towards a NF Service Consumer or NF Service Producer.
Each LCI shall always include the Timestamp, Load Metric and Scope parameters (see clause for the
complete list of parameters). Load Control Timestamp
The Timestamp parameter indicates the time when the LCI was generated. It shall be used by the receiver of the LCI to
properly collate out-of-order LCI, e.g. due to HTTP/2 stream multiplexing, prioritization and flow control, and to
determine whether the newly received load control information has changed compared to load control information
previously received for the same scope.
The receiver shall overwrite any stored load control information of a peer NF, NF set, NF service, NF service set or
SCP (according to the scope of the new received LCI) with the newly received load control information, if the new load
control information is more recent than the stored information. For instance, for S-NSSAI/DNN based load control, if
the receiver had stored LCI for a peer SMF instance and LCI for a specific S-NSSAI/DNN of that SMF instance, it shall
overwrite these LCIs with the new LCI received in a message carrying LCI for the same SMF instance.
If the newly received LCI has the same or an older Timestamp as the previously received LCI for the same scope (e.g.
from the same NF, NF Set, NF Service, NF Service Set or SCP), then the receiver shall discard the newly received LCI
whilst continuing to apply the load control procedures according to the previously stored value.
NOTE: An NF Service Consumer can receive LCI for the same target scope from different NF service producers,
when the scope of of the LCI corresponds to an NF set or NF service set. Load Metric
The Load Metric shall indicate the current load level for the scope of the LCI, e.g. current load level of the NF instance
if the scope indicated in the LCI indicates an NF instance, as a percentage within the range of 0 to100, where 0 means
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no or 0% load and 100 means maximum or 100% load reached (i.e. no further load is desirable). The computation of the
load metric is implementation specific. Scope of LCI Introduction
The scope of LCI indicates the applicability of the LCI, i.e. it identifies the components of the LCI sender to which the
LCI relates to.
The following clauses provide a detailed description of the parameters that define the scope of the LCI header. Scope of LCI signalled by an NF Service Producer General
The LCI sent by an NF Service Producer shall include one of the parameters defined in Table
Table Supported scopes for LCI signalled by an NF Service Producer
LCI scope (i.e. LCI applies to)
NF-Instance NF Instance ID All services of the NF instance identified
by the NF Instance ID.
NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-
NF-Set NF Set ID All services of all NF instances of the NF
set identified by the NF Set ID.
NF Service
Instance ID
The service instance identified by the NF
Service Instance ID.
NF-Service-Instance: serv1.smf1
NF-Service-Set NF Service Set
All service instances of the NF service
set identified by the NF service set ID.
NF-Service-Set: setxyz.snnsmf-
If an NF Service Consumer receives more than one LCI with overlapping scopes, i.e. one with NF (service) instance
scope and another with NF (service) Set scope, the NF Service Consumer should perform load balancing considering
the LCI received with the finer scope for each candidate NF instance or NF service instance (i.e. in this example the
load of the NF (service) instance). Additional scope parameters for S-NSSAI/DNN based load control by SMF
It is optional for the SMF to support S-NSSAI/DNN based load control. When supported, the following requirements
shall apply.
S-NSSAI/DNN level load control refers to advertising of the load information at S-NSSAI and DNN level granularity
and selection of the target SMF service instance based on this information. It helps to achieve an evenly load balanced
network at S-NSSAI/DNN granularity by the use of the dynamic load information provided within the Load Control
Information with the S-NSSAI/DNN scope. Only an SMF may advertise S-NSSAI/DNN level load information.
NOTE 1: When all the resources of an SMF (service) instance are available for all the S-NSSAI/DNNs served by
that SMF (service) instance, load control at SMF (service) set or SMF (service) instance level is exactly
the same as S-NSSAI/DNN level overload information of that SMF, for each of its S-NSSAIs/DNNs, and
hence, performing load control at SMF (service) set or SMF (service) instance level is sufficient.
The "Load Metric" shall indicate the current resource utilization for the indicated S-NSSAI/DNN(s), as a percentage, as
compared to the total resources configured for the indicated S-NSSAI/DNNs s at the SMF.
When performing S-NSSAI/DNN based load control, the LCI scope shall indicate, in addition to either an NF-Instance,
NF-Set, NF-Service-Instance or NF-Service-Set (see Table, the combinations of S-NSSAI and DNN
for which the LCI sender wants to advertise the load information using the following parameters:
- the S-NSSAI parameter, indicating one or more S-NSSAI values; and
- the DNN parameter, indicating one or more DNN values from the indicated S-NSSAI(s).
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NOTE 2: It is not allowed to report LCI for a DNN only or for an S-NSSAI only.
See Table
Table Additional scope parameters for S-NSSAI/DNN based load control by SMF
LCI scope (i.e. LCI applies to)
One or more S-
NSSAI values
DNN(s) from indicated S-NSSAI(s), for
the service(s) of NF instance(s) as
defined in Table
S-NSSAI: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"};
DNN: internet.mnc012.mcc345.gprs
One or more
DNN values
NOTE: Both the S-NSSAI and DNN parameters shall be present. The S-NSSAI and DNN parameters shall be
provided with either the NF-Instance, NF-Set, NF-Service-Instance or NF-Service-Set parameter (see
An SMF shall advertise S-NSSAI/DNN based load control for at most 10 DNNs.
NOTE 3: Considering various aspects such as the processing and storage requirements at the overloaded SMF
entity and the receiver, the number of important DNNs for which overload control advertisement could be
necessary, interoperability between the NFs of different vendors, it was chosen to define a limit on the
maximum number of DNNs for advertising the load control information.
The SMF may advertise load information for different DNNs of one or more S-NSSAIs in a single LCI header (if the
same LCI information, e.g. load metric or relative capacity, applies to all the DNNs of the S-NSSAI(s)) or in up to 10
LCI headers (if different LCI information needs to be advertized for different DNNs). Scope of LCI signalled by an SCP
The LCI sent by an SCP shall include one of the parameters defined in Table
Table Supported scopes for LCI signalled by an SCP
LCI scope (i.e. LCI applies to)
SCP-FQDN SCP FQDN SCP identified by the SCP FQDN
SCP-FQDN: S-NSSAI/DNN Relative Capacity
When applying S-NSSAI/DNN based load control (see clause, the LCI shall include the S-NSSAI/DNN
relative capacity indicating the resources configured for the combinations of S-NSSAIs and DNNs reported in the LCI,
compared to the total resources configured at the SMF (service) instance or SMF (service) set, as a percentage.
This parameter enables the NF selecting an SMF service instance to determine the available resources for a given S-
NSSAI/DNN for different candidate SMF service instances (considering the static capacity of the SMF service instance,
the S-NSSAI/DNN relative capacity and the load of the S-NSSAI/DNN). LC-H feature support Indicating supports for the LC-H feature
When registering with the NRF (NFRegister) or updating the NRF (NFUpdate), an NF that supports the LC-H feature
shall indicate the feature support (see clause in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8]).
When an NF Service Consumer queries an NRF (NFDiscover) to discover services offered by NF Service Producers,
the NRF shall indicate to the NF Service Consumer, if the NF Service Producers support the LC-H feature (see clause in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8]).
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
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When selecting an NF Service Producer that supports the LC-H feature, the NF Service Consumer should not subscribe
at the NRF to notifications triggered by the changes in the load of the selected NF Service Producer (see clause
in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8]).
6.4 Overload Control
6.4.1 General
Service Based Interfaces use HTTP/2 over TCP for communication between the NF Services. TCP provides transport
level congestion control mechanisms as specified in IETF RFC 5681 [16], which may be used for congestion control
between two TCP endpoints (i.e., hop by hop). HTTP/2 also provides flow control mechanisms and limitation of stream
concurrency that may be configured for connection level congestion control, as specified in IETF RFC 7540 [7].
In addition to TCP and HTTP/2 congestion control mechanisms, the following end to end application-level overload
control mechanisms are defined.
Overload control enables an NF Service Producer, an NF Service Consumer or an SCP becoming or being overloaded
to gracefully reduce its incoming signalling load, by instructing NF Service Consumers to reduce sending service
requests or by instructing NF Service Producers to reduce sending notification requests respectively, according to its
available signalling capacity to successfully process the requests. An NF Service Producer, NF Service Consumer or
SCP is in overload when it operates over its signalling capacity.
When being instructed by a NF Service Consumer to apply overload control, the NF Service Producer shall perform the
signaling reduction towards the NF Service Consumer only for the notifications or callback requests according to the
overload scope, and not for any NF services which may be produced by the same NF (for which separate OCI may be
advertised by the NF when acting as NF producer), even when the overload scope is on NF Instance level or NF Set
Overload control aims at shedding the incoming traffic as close to the traffic source as possible generally when an
overload has occurred (reactive action), so to avoid spreading the problem inside the network and to avoid using
resources of intermediate entities in the network for signalling that cannot anyhow be served by the overloaded entity.
Overload control should continue to allow for preferential treatment of priority users (e.g. MPS) and emergency
Overload control may be performed based on HTTP status codes returned in HTTP responses (as defined in clause
6.4.2) or based on Overload Control Information (OCI) signalled in HTTP request or response (as defined in clause
6.4.2 Overload Control based on HTTP status codes General
Overload control based on HTTP status code shall be supported per NF service / API according to the principles defined
in this clause.
An NF Service Producer may mitigate a potential overload status by sending the NF Service Consumer the following
HTTP status codes as a response to requests received during, or close to reaching, an overload situation:
- 503 Service Unavailable;
- 429 Too Many Requests; or
- 307 Temporary Redirect
The first 2 status codes (503 and 429) are intended to inform the NF Service Consumer that the server cannot handle the
current received traffic rate, so it shall abate the traffic sent to the NF Service Producer by throttling part of this traffic
locally at the NF Service Consumer, or diverting it to an alternative destination (another NF Service Producer where an
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alternative resource exists) that is not overloaded. If possible, traffic diversion shall always be preferred to throttling;
the result of the throttling is a permanent rejection of the transaction.
If the client needs to abate a certain part of the available traffic, it shall do it based on the determined priority of each
Depending on regional/national requirements and network operator policy, requests related to priority traffic (e.g. MPS)
and emergency shall be the last to be throttled by the client, and shall be exempted from throttling due to overload
control up to the point where the required traffic reduction cannot be achieved without throttling the priority requests.
The last status code (307) is intended to inform the NF Service Consumer about the availability of other endpoints
where the service offered by the NF Service Producer is available, so the NF Service Consumer does not need to discard
traffic locally. HTTP Status Code "503 Service Unavailable"
This status code should be sent when the NF Service Producer undergoes an overload situation, and it needs to reject
HTTP requests. The NF Service Producer may include detailed information about its status in the ProblemDetails JSON
element, in the HTTP response body. Also, the HTTP header field "Retry-After" may be added in the response to
convey an estimated time (in number of seconds) for the recovery of the service.
As for all 5xx status codes, this indicates a server-related issue (not limited to a specific client, or HTTP method), and it
indicates that the server is incapable of performing the request.
Upon receipt of a "503 Service Unavailable" status code, the NF Service Consumer shall monitor the amount of rejected
and timed-out traffic, in comparison to the accepted traffic by the NF Service Producer, and it shall abate (by divertion
or throttling) the traffic sent to the NF Service Producer in such a way that the rate between accepted and rejected traffic
improves with time, and eventually reaches a situation where the server accepts all requests once the overload status
ceases at the server. The mechanism to achieve this is implementation-specific; Annex A contains a description of an
example algorithm based on "adaptive throttling" of the traffic sent by the NF Service Consumer towards an NF Service
Producer. HTTP Status Code "429 Too Many Requests"
This status code may be sent, if supported by the server, when the NF Service Producer detects that a given NF Service
Consumer is sending excessive traffic which, if continued over time, may lead to (or may increase) an overload
situation in the NF Service Producer.
How the NF Service Producer detects that the incoming traffic comes from a same NF Service Consumer, and therefore
subject to a given traffic rate limit, is out of the scope of this specification. The HTTP header field "Retry-After" may
be added in the response to indicate how long the NF Service Consumer has to wait before making a new request.
As for all 4xx status codes, this indicates a client-related issue (not limited to a specific HTTP method), and it indicates
that the client seems to be misbehaving. HTTP Status Code "307 Temporary Redirect"
This status code should be sent when the NF Service Producer decides to redirect HTTP requests to another less loaded
server, or HTTP/2 end point, to offload some part of the incoming traffic, with the goal to avoid entering (or to
mitigate) an overload situation. The NF Service Producer shall not use it if it does not know the load status of the
alternative server.
How the NF Service Producer becomes aware of the load levels of other servers or HTTP/2 end points is deployment-
specific, and out of the scope of this specification. The URI for the temporary redirection shall be given by the Location
header field of the response.
As for all 3xx status codes (redirection), this indicates a client-related action; the client shall be responsible of the
detection of infinite redirection loops.
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6.4.3 Overload Control based on OCI Header General
This clause specifies details of the Overload Control based on OCI Header (OLC-H) solution. The solution is
independent from the Overload Control based on HTTP status codes solution.
Support of OLC-H is optional, but if the feature is supported, the requirements specified in the following clauses shall
Overload conditions are detected by an NF Service Producer/Consumer when the number of incoming service requests
exceeds the maximum number of messages supported by the receiving entity, e.g. when the internally available
resources of the NF Service Producer/Consumer, such as processing power or memory, are not sufficient to serve the
number of incoming requests. How an NF Service Producer/Consumer identifies that it is overloaded is implementation
When an NF Service Producer/Consumer reaches an implementation dependent overload threshold, the NF Service
Producer/Consumer shall convey the Overload Control Information (OCI, see clause to its peer entity
(Consumer or Producer, respectively). Based on the received OCI, the peer shall adjust the signaling it sends to the
overloaded entity according to the OCI as specified in clause The OCI is piggybacked in HTTP request or
response messages such that the exchange of the OCI does not trigger extra signaling.
An SCP experiencing an overload may additionally piggyback OCI with a scope set to the SCP FQDN in HTTP request
or response messages, so as to adapt the signaling traffic sent towards the SCP.
NOTE : Overload control and load control can be supported and activated independently in the network, based on
operator policy. Conveyance of Overload Control Information
OCI shall be conveyed within the 3gpp-Sbi-Oci HTTP header. When an NF Service Producer/Consumer/SCP detects
overload conditions, it shall send OCI within the 3gpp-Sbi-Oci HTTP header (i.e. OCI header, see clause to
the peer entity (Consumer or Producer, respectively). The OCI header shall be piggybacked on a signalling message that
is sent to the peer.
The NF Service Producer/Consumer/SCP shall send the "3gpp-Sbi-Oci" header, regardless of whether the peer supports
the feature (see clause The header is ignored by the receiver if the latter does not support the OLC-H feature. Frequency of Conveyance
How often or when the sender conveys the OCI is implementation specific. The sender shall ensure that new or updated
OCI is conveyed to the target receivers with an acceptable delay, such that the purpose of the information (i.e. effective
overload control protection) is achieved. The following are some of the potential approaches the sender may implement
for conveying the OCI:
- the sender may convey the OCI towards a receiver only when the new/changed value has not already been
conveyed to the given receiver;
- the sender may convey the OCI periodically;
- the sender may convey the OCI towards a receiver to restart the OCI period of validity.
The sender may also implement a combination of one or more of the above approaches. Overload Control Information General Description
A NF Service Producer may include one or more OCI header(s) in a service response with any HTTP status code (e.g.
2xx, 3xx, 4xx), or in a notification request message sent to a NF Service Consumer. An NF Service Producer may
report OCI for different scopes, e.g.:
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- to report OCIs for an NF service instance, an NF service set and/or an NF instance;
- to report OCIs at the level of an SMF (service) instance or SMF (service) set, and for specific S-NSSAI/DNNs;
- to report OCIs for different S-NSSAI/DNNs of an SMF (service) instance or SMF (service) set.
A NF Service Producer may also include OCI header(s) with different scopes in different messages, e.g. an SMF may
report OCI for the entire SMF instance first, and then for a specific S-NSSAI/DNN only, if the overload conditions have
changed and the SMF ends up with an overload only affecting a specific S-NSSAI/DNN.
An NF that receives OCI headers with different scopes, in the same message or in different messages, shall handle each
OCI independently from each other. For instance, if an NF service consumer receives one OCI with the scope of an NF
(Service) Set and then another OCI with the scope of an NF (Service) instance that pertains to the NF (Service) Set, the
NF shall store the latter OCI and also consider that the former OCI is still valid for the NF (Service) Set until the related
period of validity expires.
If an NF Service Consumer receives more than one OCI with overlapping scopes, e.g. one OCI with NF (service)
instance scope and another OCI with NF (service) Set scope, the NF Service Consumer should perform overload control
towards a target NF service instance considering the OCI received with the finer scope (i.e. in this example the overload
of the NF (service) instance). For instance, if an AMF receives one OCI with an SMF instance scope and with an
overload reduction metric of 20%, and one OCI with the scope of a specific SMF service set of the same SMF instance
and with an overload reduction of 50%, the AMF should throttle 50% of the traffic targeting the specific SMF service
set and 20% of the traffic targeting other SMF services instances of the SMF instance (if no valid OCI is available for
the other SMF service instances).
For S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control (see clause, when signalling OCI for an SMF (service)
instance or an SMF (service) set in a message, the SMF shall always include the full set of overload control information
applicable to the SMF (service) instance or SMF (service) set, i.e. OCI for the SMF (service) instance or an SMF
(service) set level and/or OCI for specific S-NSSAI/DNNs, even if only a subset of the OCI has changed; these OCIs
shall contain the same Overload Control Timestamp. When including OCI for some S-NSSAI/DNN(s), the SMF should
not provide any OCI for the SMF (service) instance or an SMF (service) set level unless OCI for such level is also
If an NF Service Consumer receives OCIs with overlapping scopes for an SMF (service) instance or an SMF (service)
set level and for specific S-NSSAI/DNNs, the NF Service Consumer should perform overload control towards a target
SMF service instance and S-NSSAI/DNN considering the OCI received with the finer scope. For instance, if an AMF
receives an OCI for an SMF instance with an overload reduction metric of 20%, and one OCI for a specific S-
NSSAI/DNN of the same SMF instance with an overload reduction of 50%, the AMF should throttle 50% of the traffic
targeting the specific S-NSSAI/DNN and 20% of the traffic targeting other S-NSSAI/DNNs of the SMF instance (if no
valid OCI is available for the other S-NSSAI/DNN).
A NF Service Consumer may include one OCI header in a notification response sent with any HTTP status code (e.g.
2xx, 3xx, 4xx), or in a service request sent to a NF Service Producer.
An SCP may additionally include one OCI in any service request or response, or notification request or response, sent
towards a NF Service Consumer or NF Service Producer.
The OCI shall always include the Overload Timestamp, Overload Reduction Metric, OCI Period of Validity and Scope
parameters (see clause for the complete list of parameters). Overload Control Timestamp
The Timestamp parameter indicates the time when the OCI was generated. It shall be used by the receiver of the OCI to
properly collate out-of-order OCI headers, e.g. due to HTTP/2 stream multiplexing, prioritization and flow control, and
to determine whether the newly received OCI has changed compared to the OCI previously received for the same scope.
The receiver shall overwrite any stored OCI for a peer NF, NF set, NF service, NF service set or Callback URI or SCP
(according to the scope of the new received OCI) with the newly received OCI, if the new OCI is more recent than the
stored information. For instance, for S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control, if the receiver had stored OCI for a peer
SMF instance and OCI for a specific S-NSSAI/DNN of that SMF instance, it shall overwrite these OCIs with the new
OCI received in a message carrying OCI for the same SMF instance.
If the newly received OCI has the same or an older Timestamp than the previously received OCI for the same scope
(e.g. for the same NF, NF Set, NF Service, NF Service Set, Callback URI or SCP), then the receiver shall discard the
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sion 16.5.0 Release 16
newly received OCI and continue to apply the overload control procedures based on the previously received OCI values
with the most recent Timestamp value.
NOTE: An NF Service Producer/Consumer can receive OCI for the same target scope from different NF service
Consumers/Producers, when the scope of of the OCI corresponds to an NF set or NF service set.
An entity generating an OCI shall update the Overload Control Timestamp whenever it modifies some information in
the OCI or whenever it wants to extend the period of validity of the OCI. The Overload Control Timestamp shall not be
updated otherwise. Overload Reduction Metric
The Overload Reduction Metric parameter shall have a value in the range from 0 to 100 and shall indicate the
percentage of traffic reduction the OCI sender requests the receiver to apply. An Overload Reduction Metric of "0"
indicates that the OCI sender is not overloaded (i.e. overload control enforcement procedures are not necessary). The
computation of the overload metric is implementation specific.
Considering the processing requirement of the OCI receiver, e.g. to perform overload control enforcement based on the
updated Overload Reduction Metric, the sender should refrain from advertising every small variation, e.g. with the
granularity up to 5 percentage units. Larger variations should be considered as reasonable enough for advertising a new
Overload Reduction Metric and thus justifying the processing requirement (to handle the new information) of the
receiver. The exact granularity of the Overload Reduction Metric is an implementation matter.
The conveyance of the OCI signals that an overload situation is occuring, unless the Overload Reduction Metric is set to
"0", which signals that the overload condition has ceased. Conversely, the absence of the OCI header in a message does
not mean that the overload has abated. Overload Control Period of Validity
The Period of Validity parameter is a timer, which shall indicate the length of time during which the overload condition
specified by the OCI header shall be considered as valid (unless overridden by subsequent new OCI).
An overload condition shall be considered as valid from the time the OCI is received until the Overload Control Period
of Validity expires or until another OCI with a new set of information (identified by a more recent Timestamp) is
received for the same scope. The timer corresponding to the Period of Validity shall be restarted each time an OCI with
a new set of information is received for the same scope. When this timer expires, the last received OCI shall be
considered outdated and obsolete (i.e. any associated overload condition shall be considered to have ceased) and the
overload control enforcement shall be stopped.
The Period of Validity parameter achieves the following:
- it avoids the need for the overloaded NF Service Producer/Consumer/SCP to convey the OCI frequently to its
peers when the overload state does not change. Therefore, this minimizes the processing required at the
overloaded NF Service Producer/Consumer/SCP and its peers upon sending/receiving HTTP/2 signalling;
- it allows to reset the overload condition after some time the NF Service Consumer/Producer having received an
overload indication from the overloaded peer, e.g. if no signalling traffic takes place between these HTTP peers
for some time due to overload mitigation actions. This also removes the need for the overloaded NF Service
Producer/Consumer/SCP to remember the list of its peers to which it has sent a non-null overload reduction
percentage and to which it would subsequently need to convey when the overload condition ceases. Scope of OCI Introduction
The scope of OCI indicates the service requests or notification requests to which the OCI applies, i.e. it identifies the
traffic that the OCI sender requests the receiver to process in accordance with the OCI.
The following clauses provide a detailed description of the parameters that define the scope of the OCI header.
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16 Scope of OCI signalled by an NF Service Producer General
The OCI sent by an NF Service Producer shall include one and only one of the parameters defined in Table
Table Supported scopes for OCI signalled by an NF Service Producer
OCI scope (i.e. OCI applies to)
NF-Instance NF Instance ID All services of the NF instance identified
by the NF Instance ID.
NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-
NF-Set NF Set ID All services of all NF instances of the NF
set identified by the NF Set ID.
NF Service
Instance ID
The service instance identified by the NF
Service Instance ID.
NF-Service-Instance: serv1.smf1
NF-Service-Set NF Service Set
All service instances of the NF service
set identified by the NF service set ID.
NF-Service-Set: setxyz.snnsmf-
ac631f953ed8.5gc.mnc012.mcc345 Additional scope parameters for S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control by SMF
It is optional for the SMF to support S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control. When supported, the following
requirements shall apply.
S-NSSAI/DNN level overload control refers to advertising of the overload information at S-NSSAI and DNN level
granularity and hence applying the mitigation policies based on this information to the signalling traffic related to this
S-NSSAI and DNN only. Only an SMF may advertise S-NSSAI/DNN level overload information when it detects
overload for certain S-NSSAI/DNNs, e.g. based on shortage of internal or external resources for an S-NSSAI/DNN (e.g.
IP address pool).
NOTE 1: When all the internal and external resources, applicable to the S-NSSAI/DNNs, are available for all the S-
NSSAI/DNNs served by an SMF, overload control at SMF (service) set or SMF (service) instance level is
exactly the same as S-NSSAI/DNN level overload information of that SMF, for each of its S-
NSSAIs/DNNs, and hence, performing overload control at SMF (service) set or SMF (service) instance
level is sufficient.
When performing S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control, the OCI scope shall indicate, in addition to either an NF-
Instance, NF-Set, NF-Service-Instance or NF-Service-Set (see Table, the combinations of S-NSSAI and
DNN for which the OCI sender wants to advertise the overload information using the following parameters: - the S-
NSSAI parameter, indicating one or more S-NSSAI values; and
- the DNN parameter, indicating one or more associated DNN values from the indicated S-NSSAI(s).
NOTE 2: It is not allowed to report OCI for a DNN only or for an S-NSSAI only.
See Table
Table Additional scope parameters for S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control by SMF
OCI scope (i.e. OCI applies to)
One or more S-
NSSAI values
DNN(s) from indicated S-NSSAI(s), for
the service(s) of NF instance(s) as
defined in Table
S-NSSAI: {"sst": 1, "sd": "A08923"};
DNN: internet.mnc012.mcc345.gprs
One or more
DNN values
NOTE: Both the S-NSSAI and DNN parameters shall be present. The S-NSSAI and DNN parameters shall be
provided with either the NF-Instance, NF-Set, NF-Service-Instance or NF-Service-Set parameter (see
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An SMF shall advertise S-NSSAI/DNN based overload control for at most 10 DNNs.
NOTE 3: Considering various aspects such as the processing and storage requirements at the overloaded SMF
entity and the receiver, the number of important DNNs for which overload control advertisement could be
necessary, interoperability between the NFs of different vendors, it was chosen to define a limit on the
maximum number of DNNss for advertising the overload control information.
The SMF may advertise overload information for different DNNs of one or more S-NSSAIs in a single OCI header (if
the same OCI information, e.g. overload reduction metric, applies to all the DNNs of the S-NSSAI(s)) or in up to 10
OCI headers (if different OCI information needs to be advertized for different DNNs).
An NF selecting an SMF service instance for a given S-NSSAI/DNN shall apply the S-NSSAI/DNN level overload
information, if available for that S-NSSAI/DNN. Scope of OCI signalled by an NF Service Consumer
The OCI sent by an NF Service Consumer shall include one and only one of the parameters defined in
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Table Supported scopes for OCI signalled by an NF Service Consumer
OCI scope (i.e. OCI applies to)
Callback-Uri One or more
URI(s) including
a scheme,
authority and an
optional path
All notifications (or callbacks) with a
notification (or callback) URI matching
the Callback-Uri parameter value.
(NOTE 1)
abc &
NF-Instance NF Instance ID All notifications (or callbacks) bound to:
- the NF Instance ID; or
- an NF service instance or an NF
service set of this NF Instance ID.
(NOTE 2)
NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-
NF-Set NF Set ID All notifications (or callbacks) bound to:
- the NF Set ID;
- an NF instance of the NF Set ID;
- an NF service instance or an NF
service set of an NF Instance of
the NF Set ID.
(NOTE 2)
NF Service
Instance ID
All notifications (or callbacks) bound to:
- the NF Service Instance ID.
(NOTE 2)
NF-Service-Instance: serv1.smf1
NF-Service-Set NF Service Set
All notifications (or callbacks) bound to:
- the NF Service Set ID; or
- an NF service instance of the NF
Service Set ID.
(NOTE 2)
NF-Service-Set: setxyz.snnsmf-
NF-Instance or
As defined
as defined for
servname in
All notifications (or callbacks) bound to
the service indicated in Service-Name
within the NF instance ID or NF Set ID,
as defined above
(NOTE 2)
NF-Instance: 54804518-4191-46b3-
955c-ac631f953ed8; Service-
NOTE 1: A notification (or callback) URI matches the Callback-Uri parameter value if the former contains the same
scheme, the same authority and has a path that encompasses the path of the latter.
NOTE 2: Notification (or callbacks) may be bound to an NF instance, an NF set, an NF service instance or an NF
service set by a request creating a subscription or a callback resource with a Binding Indication as specified
in clauses 6.12.4 and 6.12.5.
EXAMPLE 1: Assuming that a PCF has created the following subscriptions in an AMF:
- subscription 1: notification URI=
- subscription 2: notification URI=
- subscription 3: notification URI=
When experiencing overload, if the PCF signals the following OCI scope:
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- Callback-Uri=, the OCI applies to notifications of all the subscriptions;
- Callback-Uri=, the OCI applies to notifications of subscriptions 2 and 3;
- Callback-Uri=, the OCI applies to notifications of subscription 2.
EXAMPLE 2: Assuming that a PCF has created the following subscriptions in an AMF:
- subscription 1: notifications bound to PCF service set X, within PCF12 Instance ID, within PCF Set Z
- subscription 2: notifications bound to PCF service set Y, within PCF12 Instance ID, within PCF Set Z
- subscription 3: notifications bound to PCF12 Instance ID and service "def", within PCF Set Z
When experiencing overload, if the PCF signals the following OCI scope:
- NF-Instance=PCF12 Instance ID, the OCI applies to notifications of all the subscriptions;
- NF-Service-Set=Service Set Y of PCF12 Instance ID, the OCI applies to notifications of subscription 2;
- NF-Instance=PCF12 Instance ID and Service="def", the OCI applies to notifications of subscription 3. Scope of OCI signalled by an SCP
The OCI sent by an SCP shall include one and only one of the parameters defined in Table
Table Supported scopes for OCI signalled by an SCP
OCI scope (i.e. OCI applies to)
SCP-FQDN SCP FQDN All requests towards the SCP identified
by the SCP FQDN.
SCP-FQDN: Overload Control Enforcement Message Throttling
As part of the overload mitigation, an entity that receives OCI (with a non-null overload reduction metric) shall reduce
the total number of request messages, which would have been sent otherwise, towards the overloaded peer(s)
corresponding to the received scope, e.g. towards all the NF instances of the NF Set when the scope indicates an NF Set
ID and shall not redirect its requests to another entity pertaining to the same scope. This shall be achieved by discarding
a fraction of the service request messages in proportion to the overload level of the peer. This is called request message
Message throttling shall apply to HTTP requests only (any service request including notification request).
Network Functions shall support and use the "Loss" algorithm as specified in clause Loss Algorithm
An overloaded NF Service Producer/Consumer/SCP shall ask its peers to reduce the number of HTTP requests they
would otherwise send by conveying in the OCI header the requested traffic reduction percentage within the Overload
Reduction Metric parameter, as specified in clause
The recipients of the Overload Reduction Metric shall reduce the number of request messages by that percentage, either
by redirecting them to an alternate destination if possible (e.g. an HTTP POST request for the
Nsmf_PDUSession_CreateSMContext service operation can be sent to an alternate SMF in the same SMF set, if the
olcScope is at the NF instance level and the binding indication of the service resource is for an SMF set), or by failing
the request and treating it as if it was rejected by the destination entity.
NOTE: For example, if an NF Service Producer/Consumer/SCP requests a peer to reduce the traffic by 10%, then
that peer throttles 10% of the traffic that would have otherwise been sent to this NF Service
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e 16 OLC-H feature support Indicating supports for the OLC-H feature
When registering with the NRF (NFRegister) or updating the NRF (NFUpdate), an NF that supports the OLC-H feature
shall indicate the feature support (see clause in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8]).
When an NF Service Consumer queries an NRF (NFDiscover) to discover services offered by NF Service Producers,
the NRF shall indicate to the NF Service Consumer, if the NF Service Producers support the OLC-H feature (see clause in 3GPP TS 29.510 [8]).
6.5 Support of Stateless NFs
6.5.1 General
A NF may become stateless by decoupling the "compute" resource and "storage" resource as specified in clause 4.1 of
3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
6.5.2 Stateless AMFs General
AMF may become stateless by storing the UE related information in the UDSF. Procedures for AMF planned removal
or the AMF auto-recovery are specified in clauses and of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]. AMF as service consumer
1. When the AMF subscribes to notifications from another NF Service Producer, the AMF shall provide its
GUAMI to the NF Service Producer to enable the latter to discover AMFs within the AMF set, or information
about a backup AMF, in addition to Callback URI in the subscription resource.
The AMF may also provide the name of the AMF service to which these notifications are to be sent (this service
shall be one of the service produced by the AMF and registered in the NRF or a custom service registered in the
NRF for the purpose of receiving these notifications);
NOTE 1: Providing an AMF service name allows the NF Service Producer to find the endpoint address to deliver
the notifications (see bullet 2). The provided AMF service might not use itself the information received in
these notifications.
2. A NF service producer may also use the Nnrf_NFDiscovery service to discover AMFs within an AMF set or
backup AMF.
If the AMF provided the name of its service (see bullet 1), the NF Service Producer shall look up for the same
AMF service from the AMFs within the AMF set or from backup AMF, and use endpoint addresses (i.e. IP
addresses, transport and port information, or FQDN) of that service to send notifications (see bullet 6).
Otherwise, the notifications shall be sent to an endpoint address registered in the NF Profile of the AMF.
NOTE 2: The AMF can register different endpoint addresses in the NRF for different services.
3. An NF service producer may subscribe to GUAMI changes using the AMFStatusChange service operation of the
Namf_Communication service.
4. An NF service producer may become aware of AMF changes (at the time of the AMF change or subsequently
when sending signalling to the AMF) via Namf_Communication service AMFStatusChange Notifications, via
HTTP Error response from the old or a wrongly selected new AMF, via link level failures (e.g. no response from
the AMF), or via a notification from the NRF that the AMF has deregistered. The HTTP error response may be a
3xx redirect response pointing to a new AMF.
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NOTE 3:. AMFs are identified by GUAMIs. A GUAMI can point to an individual AMF or to some or all AMFs
within an AMF set. If a GUAMI points to several AMFs, and the UE is served by one of those, all those
AMFs can immediately handle communication for that service, and the NF service producer does not
need to be aware which of those AMFs is serving a UE.
5. When becoming aware of an AMF change, and the new AMF is not known, the NF service producer shall select
an AMF within the AMF set or the possibly earlier received backup AMF.
6. When becoming aware of an AMF change, the NF service producer shall exchange the authority part of the
Notification URI with new AMF information and shall use that URI in subsequent communication.
7. Each AMF within the AMF set shall be prepared to receive notifications from the NF service producer, by either
handling the notification to the Notification URI constructed according to bullet 6 with the own address as
authority part, or by replying with an HTTP 3xx redirect pointing to a new AMF, or by replying with another
HTTP error.
8. The NF service producer shall be prepared to receive updates to resources of the related service from any AMF
within the set.
9. If the UE moves to an AMF from a different AMF Set, or to an AMF from the same AMF set that does not
support handling the notification as specified in bullet 7, the new AMF should update peer NFs with the new
callback URI for the notification. AMF as service producer
1. When AMF receives request to establish a service, it may provide information about a backup AMF in a suitable
2. NF service consumer may also use the Nnrf_NFDiscovery service to discover AMFs within an AMF set.
3. An NF service consumer may subscribe to GUAMI changes using the AMFStatusChange service operation of
the Namf_Communication service.
4. An NF service consumer may become aware of AMF changes (at the time of the AMF change or subsequently
when sending signalling to the AMF) via Namf_Communication service AMFStatusChange Notifications, via
Error response from the old or a wrongly selected new AMF, via link level failures (e.g. no response from the
AMF), or via a notification from the NRF that the AMF has deregistered. The HTTP error response may be a
3xx redirect response pointing to a new AMF.
NOTE. AMFs are identified by GUAMIs. A GUAMI can point to an individual AMF or to some or all AMFs
within an AMF set. If a GUAMI points to several AMFs, and the UE is served by one of those, all those
AMFs can immediately handle communication for that service, and the NF service consumer does not
need to be aware which of those AMFs is serving a UE.
5. When becoming aware of an AMF change, and the new AMF is not known, the NF service consumer shall select
an AMF within the AMF set or the possibly earlier received backup AMF.
6. When becoming aware of an AMF change, the NF service consumer shall exchange the apiRoot of resource
URIs with new AMF's apiRoot and shall use that URI in subsequent communication.
7. Each AMF within the AMF set shall be prepared to receive updates for resources from the NF service consumer,
by either handling the updates to the resource URIs constructed according to step 6 with its ownapiRoot, or by
replying with an HTTP 3xx redirect pointing to a new AMF, or by replying with another HTTP error.
8. For a service that includes notifications from the AMF, the NF service consumer shall be prepared to receive for
the that service notifications from any AMF within the set.
NOTE: If the UE moves to an AMF from a different AMF Set, or to an AMF from the same AMF set that does
not support handling the updates as specified in bullet 7, but mechanisms exist to transfer information
related to the resource to the AMF, service specific mechanism can notify the NF service
consumer about the resource at the AMF. For instance, for the Namf_EventExposure service, information
and an event subscription is transferred to the new AMF in such a manner and the new AMF will then
report an event-change event.
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6.5.3 Stateless NFs (for any 5GC NF type) General
A NF may become stateless by storing its contexts in the UDSF, or in the UDR for UDM, PCF, NEF.
A NF may also be deployed such that several stateless network function instances are present within a set of NF
instances. Additionally, within a NF a NF service may have multiple instances grouped into a NF Service Set if they are
interchangeable with each other because they share the same context data. See clause 5.21 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
A UDM / AUSF / UDR / PCF group may consist of one or multiple UDM / AUSF / UDR / PCF sets. Stateless NF as service consumer
1. When the NF service consumer subscribes to notifications from another NF service producer, the NF service
consumer may provide a binding indication to the NF service producer as specified in clause of
3GPP TS 23.501 [3] and clause of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4], to enable the related notifications to be sent to
an alternative NF within the NF set, in addition to providing the Callback URI in the subscription resource.
2. A NF service producer or SCP may use the Nnrf_NFDiscovery service to discover NFs within an NF set.
3. An NF service producer may become aware of a NF service consumer change, via receiving an updated binding
information, or via an Error response to a notification, via link level failures (e.g. no response from the NF), or
via a notification from the NRF that the NF has deregistered. The HTTP error response may be a 3xx redirect
response pointing to a new NF.
4. When becoming aware of an NF service consumer change, and the new NF service consumer is not known, the
NF service producer shall select an NF according to the binding indication as specified in clause of
3GPP TS 23.501 [3] and clause of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4].
5. When becoming aware of an NF service consumer change, the NF service producer or SCP shall exchange the
authority part of the Notification URI with new NF service consumer information and shall use that URI in
subsequent communication.
6. When the NF service consumer is changed, and the new NF service consumer does not support handling the
notifications as specified in bullet 5, the new NF service consumer should update NF service producers with the
new Notification URI. For explicit subscriptions, the NF service consumer should update the subscription or
create a new subscription with the new callback URI, depending on the NF service producer's API. For implicit
subscriptions, the new Notification URI is carried in a service update request message.
7. Each NF within the NF set shall be prepared to receive notifications from the NF service producer, by either
handling the notifications to the Notification URI constructed according to bullet 5 with the own address as
authority part, or by handling the notifications to the Notification URI notified in bullet 6, or by replying with an
HTTP 3xx redirect pointing to a new NF or with another HTTP error.
8. The NF service producer shall be prepared to receive updates to resources of the related service from any NF
within the set. Stateless NF as service producer
1. When the NF service producer receives a request to establish a service, it may provide binding information as
specified in clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3] and clause 4.17.12 of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4] to establish a
binding between the NF service consumer and the NF service producer for subsequent related requests.
2. The NF service consumer or SCP may use the Nnrf_NFDiscovery service to discover NFs within an NF set or
NF services within a NF service set.
3. An NF service consumer may become aware of a NF service producer change, by receiving an updated binding
information, or via an Error response from the old or a selected new NF, via link level failures (e.g. no response
from the NF), or via a notification from the NRF that the NF has deregistered. The HTTP error response may be
a 3xx redirect response pointing to a new NF.
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4. When becoming aware of a NF service producer change, and the new NF service producer is not known, the NF
service consumer or SCP shall select an NF or NF service according to the binding information as specified in
clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
5. When becoming aware of a NF service producer change, the NF service consumer or SCP shall exchange the
apiRoot of resource URIs with new NF service producer's apiRoot and shall use that URI in subsequent
6. When the NF service producer changes, the new NF service producer may update the Subscription Correlation
ID by sending a notification to the NF service consumer. The new NF service producer may generate a new
resource URI and return it to the NF service consumer upon reception of a service request related to the resource
from that NF service consumer, e.g. the new NF service producer may reply with an HTTP 3xx redirect status
code pointing to the new location of the resource.
7. Each NF service producer within the NF set shall be prepared to receive updates for resources from the NF
service consumer, by either handling the updates to the resource URIs constructed according to step 5 with its
own apiRoot, or by handling the updates to the resource URIs notified in step 6, or by replying with an HTTP
3xx redirect pointing to a new NF, or by replying with another HTTP error.
8. For a service that includes notifications from the NF service producer, the NF service consumer shall be
prepared to receive for that service notifications from any NF service producer within the set.
6.6 Extensibility Mechanisms
6.6.1 General
This clause describes the extensibility mechanisms supported in the Service-Based Architecture in 3GPP 5GC, such as
feature negotiation, vendor-specific extensions, etc.
6.6.2 Feature negotiation
A versioning of services in the request URI shall be supported by 3GPP 5G APIs, but version upgrades shall only be
applied for non-backward compatible changes or the introduction of new mandatory features.
The following mechanism to negotiate applicable optional features shall be used by 5G APIs. This supported feature
mechanism shall be applied separately for each API.
For any API that defines resources, suitable resources associated to or representing the NF Service Consumer (e.g. a
top-level resource or a sub-resource representing the NF Service Consumer) shall be identified in each API to support
the negotiation of the applicable optional features between the NF Service Consumer and NF Service Producer for this
resource. Each such resource for a 5G API shall contain an attribute (e.g. "supportedFeatures") of the
SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] containing a bitmask to indicate supported features. The
features and their positions in that bitmask are defined separately for each API.
The HTTP client acting as NF service consumer shall include the attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in
3GPP TS 29.571 [13] in the HTTP PUT or POST requests to create the resource associated to or representing the NF
Service Consumer of 5G API. This attribute indicates which of the optional features defined for the corresponding
service are supported by the HTTP client. The HTTP server shall determine the supported features for the
corresponding resource by comparing the supported features indicated by the client with the supported features the
HTTP server supports. Features that are supported both by the client and the server are supported for that resource. The
HTTP server shall include the attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] indicating
those features in the representation of the resource it returns to the HTTP client in the HTTP response confirming the
creation of the resource.
The HTTP client acting as NF service consumer may include a query parameter (e.g. "supported-features") of the
SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] in HTTP GET requests to fetch resource(s) associated to
the NF Service Consumer of 5G API. This query parameter indicates which of the optional features defined for the
corresponding service are supported by the HTTP client. The HTTP server shall determine the supported features for
the corresponding resource(s) by comparing the supported features indicated by the client with the supported features
the HTTP server supports. Features that are supported both by the client and the server are supported for the
resource(s); attributes or enumerated values that are only of relevance to a feature unsupported by the requested
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resource(s) should be ommitted from the representation sent in the response. The HTTP Server shall include the
attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] indicating those features in the HTTP GET
response, if supported by the API definition.
The supported features for a resource associated to or representing the NF Service Consumer shall also be applicable to
all subordinate resources of that resource, and for all custom operations related to any of those resources. If any of those
resources is used for the subscription to notifications (see clause 4.6.2 of 3GPP TS 29.501 [5]), the supported features
shall also apply to those notifications.
Attributes used for the representation of a resource, particular values in enumerated data types, and/or procedural
description can be marked to relate to a particular supported feature. Such attributes shall not be mandated in data
structures. Such attributes or enumerated values shall only be sent and such procedures shall only be applied if the
corresponding feature is supported.
Unknown attributes and values shall be ignored by the receiving entity. Unsupported query parameters shall be handled
as specified in clause 5.2.9.
NOTE: The sender may send such information before the supported features for a resource have been determined.
For an API that does not define any resources, only custom operations without associated resources or notifications
without subscription will be used. For such APIs, if a feature negotiation is desired, the request and response bodies of a
suitable custom operation or notification need to be defined in such a manner that an attribute of the SupportedFeatures
data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] is included. The client invoking that custom operation or notification shall
indicate its supported features for that API within the corresponding HTTP request. The data structures to be included in
the HTTP request as defined for that API, shall include the attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in
3GPP TS 29.571 [13], preferably in the outermost data structure for cases where the body contains a complex structure
with several layers of JSON objects. The server shall determine the supported features by comparing the supported
features indicated by the client with its own supported features. Features that are supported both by the client and the
server are supported for subsequent custom operations and notifications of that API. The server shall include the
attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] indicating those features in the successful
response to the custom operation or notification. The data structures to be included in the HTTP response as defined for
that API, shall include the attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13], preferably in
the outermost data structure for cases where the body contains a complex structure with several layers of JSON objects.
The client and server shall only use those supported features in subsequent communication of that API between each
other until the supported feature negotiation performed as part of that communication yields a new result.
Additionally, a NF instance should register all the features it supports to the NRF, to enable NF Service Consumers to
discover NF Service Producers supporting specific features.
Specific requirements for support of Indirect Communication with Delegated Discovery are specified in clause 6.10.6.
6.6.3 Vendor-specific extensions
Information elements sent on the 3GPP 5GC APIs should be extensible with vendor-specific data. The definition of
JSON data structures using OpenAPI as Interface Definition Language (see OpenAPI Specification [9]) allows to
extend by default any JSON object with additional member elements, as long as no specific directives are included in
the schema definition preventing such extension (e.g., by setting "additionalProperties" to false).
NOTE 1: The only JSON data types that can be extended, by defining additional members, are JSON objects;
simple data types (and arrays of items of simple data types) cannot be extended in this way.
However, in order to avoid duplication of member names inside a same object (see 3GPP TS 29.501 [5], clause,
for the requirement of uniqueness of member names in JSON objects), it is necessary to comply with a naming scheme
for vendor-specific data elements, to avoid clashing names between vendors.
Vendor-specific member names in JSON objects shall be named in the following manner:
"vendorSpecific-nnnnnn": {
where the value "nnnnnn" is a fixed 6-digit string, using the IANA-assigned "SMI Network Management Private
Enterprise Codes" [18] value associated to a given vendor, and padding with leading digits "0" to complete a 6-digit
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NOTE 2: The content (value) of those vendor-specific member elements, and their usage, is not to be defined by
any of the 3GPP Technical Specifications. Also, the type of value assigned to these members is not
defined by 3GPP, and therefore, they can be any of the types allowed in the JSON specification: objects,
arrays, or simple types (string, number, Boolean, etc.). However, to allow future extensibility of these
values, it is recommended that they are defined as objects.
EXAMPLE: The vendor-specific member name for vendor "3GPP" would be:
"vendorSpecific-010415": {
6.6.4 Extensibility for Query parameters
New query parameters may be defined after the OpenAPI freeze of the first 3GPP release that contains an API.
A new feature should be defined in the API for any query parameter added in a new version of the API or for any new
functionality resulting in defining new query parameter(s). A single feature may be defined, if appropriate, when adding
multiple query parameters in a new version of the API.
Prior to using such a query parameter in an HTTP request, the NF Service Consumer should determine, if possible,
whether the query parameter is supported by the NF Service Producer, using the feature negotiation mechanism
specified in clause 6.6.2.
NOTE 1: Not doing so could result in the NF Service Producer rejecting the request if it does not support the query
parameters, see clause 5.2.9.
NOTE 2: A NF Service Consumer can discover the features (and therefore the query parameters) supported by a
NF Service Producer using the NRF, if the latter has registered the features it supports to the NRF.
If the NF Service Consumer includes the query parameter (e.g. "supported-features") of the SupportedFeatures data type
defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] in an HTTP GET request (see clause 6.6.2), the NF Service Producer shall include the
attribute (e.g. "supportedFeatures") of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] in the HTTP
GET response, set as defined for HTTP responses in clause 6.6.2, if supported by the API definition.
NOTE 3: This allows a NF Service Consumer to discover the features (and therefore the query parameters)
supported by the NF Service Producer when the first interaction with the NF Service Producer is an
HTTP GET request and the service was not discovered via the NRF, e.g. for a NF Discovery Request sent
to the NRF.
NOTE 4: Some APIs are designed to allow returning the attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in
3GPP TS 29.571 [13] in the HTTP GET response, regardless of whether the query parameter of the
SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] is present in the request.
If a NF Service Consumer uses such a query parameter in an HTTP GET request without prior knowledge of whether it
is supported by the NF Service Producer, the NF Service Consumer shall be prepared to receive a successful response
that may not match all the query parameters sent in the request, and to act accordingly. The NF Service Consumer may
use the attribute of the SupportedFeatures data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [13] returned by the NF Service
Producer in the HTTP GET response, if available, to determine the features (and thus query parameters) not supported
by the NF Service Producer.
When defining new query parameters in a new version of an API, it needs to be checked that the addition of the query
parameter does not cause backward compatibility problems with NF Service Producers complying with an earlier
version of the API, e.g. if the query parameter is ignored in a HTTP GET request. Otherwise, it needs to be ascertained
that the NF Service Consumer does not use such a query parameter without prior knowledge that it is supported by the
NF Service Producer.
6.7 Security Mechanisms
6.7.1 General
The security mechanisms for service based interfaces are specified in clause 13 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17].
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Security Protection Edge Proxy (SEPP), as specified in 3GPP TS 33.501 [17], shall be used between service based
interfaces across PLMNs. The NFs in a PLMN shall use the SEPP as a HTTP/2 proxy for the HTTP/2 messages that
carry ":authority" pseudo header with a uri-host formatted as specified in clause
6.7.2 Transport layer security protection of messages
As specified in clause 13.1 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17], TLS shall be used for the security protection of messages at the
transport layer for the service based interfaces if network security is not provided by other means.
6.7.3 Authorization of NF service access
As specified in clause 13.4.1 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17] OAuth 2.0 (see IETF RFC 6749 [22]) may be used for
authorization of NF service access. All NFs and the NRF shall support the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework with
"Client Credentials" grant type as specified in clause 4.4 of IETF RFC 6749 [22] , except that there is no
"Authorization" HTTP request header in the access token request.
The NRF shall act as the Authorization Server providing "Bearer" access tokens (IETF RFC 6750 [23]) to the NF
service consumers to access the services provided by the NF service providers.
If an NF service (i.e API) receives an OAuth 2.0 access token in the "Authorization" HTTP request header field, the NF
service shall validate the access token, its expiry and its access scope before allowing access to the requested resource,
as specified in clause 7 of IETF RFC 6749 [22].
The access scope required to get access to a given resource may be, based on local configuration of the NF service
producer, either:
- the service name of the NF Service; this scope grants generic access to a given API, for those operations on
resources that don't require a specific authorization, or
- both, the service name of the NF Service, and a string that uniquely represents the type of operation (e.g.
create/modify/read), the resource and the service; those two scopes, together, grant access to those operations on
resources that require a specific authorization.
An NF service consumer shall support OAuth 2.0.
For request/response semantics service operations and for the subscribe and unsubscribe operations of subscribe/notify
semantics service operations, an NF service consumer may use OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of the API access, based
on local configuration. The NF service consumer discovers the additional scopes (resource/operation-level scopes) that
might be required to invoke a certain service operation, based on the authorization information registered in NRF by the
NF service producer in its NF profile.
When Oauth2 authorization is used, the NF service consumer shall use the token received from NRF as a "Bearer"
token and include it in the Authorization header of the HTTP service requests, as described in IETF RFC 6750 [23]
clause 2.1.
An NF service producer shall decide to accept or reject an API request without the OAuth2.0 access token in the
"Authorization" HTTP request header field, based on local configuration.
If an NF service producer rejects an API request without the OAuth2.0 access token or an API request with an invalid
OAuth2.0 access token, it shall return the HTTP "401 Unauthorized" status code together with the "WWW-
Authenticate" header as specified in IETF RFC 7235 [21], where:
- the scheme for challenge in the "WWW-Authenticate" header shall be set to "Bearer" (IETF RFC 6750 [23]),
- the "realm" attribute shall be set to the URI of the service (i.e API URI) for which the access failed, in the case
of request / response service operations,
- the "error" attribute shall be set to "invalid_token", as described in IETF RFC 6750 [23], if the request contained
a token which was deemed as invalid by the NF service producer (e.g. it is expired, malformed...); if the request
did not contain a token, the "error" attribute shall not be included.
If an NF service producer rejects an API request with an OAuth2.0 access token not having the required scopes to
invoke the service operation, it shall return the HTTP "403 Forbidden" status code together with the "WWW-
Authenticate" header, where:
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- the scheme for challenge in the "WWW-Authenticate" header shall be set to "Bearer",
- the "realm" attribute shall be set to the URI of the service (i.e API URI) for which the access failed, in the case
of request / response service operations,
- the "error" attribute shall be set to "insufficient_scope" as described in IETF RFC 6750 [23],
- the "scope" attribute shall be set with the scope(s) necessary to access the protected resource.
For the notify operation of subscribe/notify semantics service operations, in this release of this specification OAuth 2.0
access token is not used.
When an NF service consumer receives a "401 Unauthorized" or a "403 Forbidden" status code with a "WWW-
Authenticate" header containing "Bearer" as the scheme for challenge it shall not repeat the same request without an
OAuth2.0 access token or with an access token that has been already used. The NF service consumer may repeat the
same request with a new OAuth 2.0 access token.
NOTE: If a NF service producer accepts a request without the OAuth 2.0 access token, based on local policy, it is
assumed that such accesses are allowed based on trust relationships and hence full access to the resource
as it would have been otherwise allowed, is provided.
6.7.4 Application layer security across PLMN General
HTTP/2 messages sent across the PLMN between the SEPPs shall follow the application layer security procedures
specified in clause 13.2 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17]. N32 Procedures
As specified in clause 13.2 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17], the following procedures shall be supported across N32
- Capability Negotiation Request and Response;
- Parameter Exchange Request and Response;
- forwarding of the JOSE (see IETF RFC 7516 [25] and IETF RFC 7515 [26]) protected messages over N32.
Based on the capability negotiation and parameters exchanged between the SEPPs, the service based interface messages
sent across N32 interface shall be subjected to JOSE based protection (see IETF RFC 7516 [25] and
IETF RFC 7515 [26]) as specified in clause 13.2.4 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17].
3GPP TS 29.573 [27] specifies protocol for the exchange of the messages described above over N32, the format of the
JOSE (see IETF RFC 7516 [25] and IETF RFC 7515 [26]) protected messages and the procedure for forwarding of the
JOSE protected messages over N32.
6.7.5 Client credentials assertion and authentication
The client credentials assertion and authentication procedure specified in clause 13.3.8 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17] may be
used to enable the NRF or the NF Service Producer to authenticate the NF Service Consumer, when using indirect
If so, an HTTP request shall include the 3gpp-Sbi-Client-Credentials header (see clause containing the client
credentials assertion. The verification of the client credentials assertion shall be performed by the receiving entity as
specified in clause of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17].
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6.8 SBI Message Priority Mechanism
6.8.1 General
The primary usage of SBI Message Priority (SMP) is to provide guidance to 5GC NF acting as HTTP/2 clients or
servers and HTTP/2 proxies when making throttling decisions related to overload control. The priority information may
also be used for routing in proxies. Eventually a server may use the priority information to process higher-priority
requests before lower-priority requests.
The SMP mechanism defined in this clause uses the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header defined in
clause to set and carry the message priority between the client and the server.
NOTE 1: The custom HTTP header enforces the message priority end to end between the client and the server
through one or more proxies.
The SMP mechanism should also use the stream priority mechanism specified in IETF RFC 7540 [7] clause 5.3.
NOTE 2: The stream priority enforces the message priority at the HTTP/2 connection level not end to end.
HTTP/2 clients, servers and proxies implementing SBIs shall support the custom HTTP header and should support the
stream priority.
6.8.2 Message level priority
A client, proxy and server shall use the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" value (see clause when setting or
evaluating the priority of a message.
The client shall assign the request priority by adding the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header (see clause to the message and setting its value.
If the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header is not present in a response message then the HTTP nodes
shall use the priority indicated in the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" of the associated request message.
If the server wants to assign a different priority to the response message than the request one then the server shall assign
the response priority by adding the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header to the message and setting its
6.8.3 Stream priority
The purpose of HTTP/2 stream priority is to allow an endpoint to prioritize streams for transmitting frames when there
is limited capacity for sending and to express how it would prefer its peer to allocate resources when managing
concurrent streams. Setting the stream priority ensures a priority treatment to a message between the two endpoints of
an HTTP/2 connection.
The stream priority applies to all frames in both directions. If it is not changed until the stream is closed then all frames
of the request and response messages will have the same priority. A client assigns a priority for a request and the
correspondent response by including dependency and Weight information in the HEADERS frame that opens the
stream carrying the message.
The stream dependency shall be set to 0.
If the stream priority is used then the stream priority Weight is mapped from the custom HTTP header. The mapping
algorithm shall respect the ordering of the priority. If message 1 has a priority of "x" and message 2 has a priority of "y"
where "x" is lower than "y" then the Weight of the stream carrying the message 1 shall be higher than the Weight of the
stream carrying the message 2.
If the server wants to change the priority of the response, it shall send a PRIORITY frame after the stream state became
"half-closed (remote)" or shall send the priority information in the HEADERS frame.
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6.8.4 Recommendations when defining SBI Message Priorities
The recommendations provided in this clause are compliant with clause 10 of IETF RFC 7944 [19]. The priority value
range defined over SBIs spans from 0 to 31 (decimal), where 0 indicates the highest priority, while 31 indicates the
lowest priority. They have been adapted to 5G services and Service Based Architecture.
The priorities defined for all messages across all SBIs used in an HTTP/2 administrative domain must be defined in a
consistent and coordinated fashion, taking the default priority (see below for default priority values) into account.
The following are some guidelines to be considered when defining the SMPs to be used in SBA networks that support
HTTP/2 nodes handling multiple services.
- As with any prioritization scheme, it is possible for higher-priority messages to block lower-priority messages
from ever being handled. In 5GC, this will often result in the messages being retried. This may result in more
traffic than the network would have handled without use of the SMP mechanism.
One potential guideline to prevent unwanted starving of lower-priority messages is to have higher-priority messages
represent a relatively small portion of messages handled by the 5GC under normal scenarios. Multimedia Priority
Service (see 3GPP TS 23.501 [5] clause 5.16.5) and Mission Critical Service (see 3GPP TS 23.501 [5] clause 5.16.6)
typically generate little traffic compared to the total traffic of a 5GC.
Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) or Mission Critical Service (MCX) requires the blocking of lower-priority services.
- When setting priorities for Multimedia Priority Services, Mission Critical Services or Emergency calls, it is
important to use the same priority values across all APIs and services exposed by the 5GC. For instance, if it is
defined that the MPS priority level of [1; n] shall be assigned the priority of [k; k+n-1] in the same order then it
shall be the same on all SBIs.
- Messages related to MPS, MCX and Emergency calls may be ranked according to their priority (e.g., based on
ARP priority level, 5QI priority level, MPS Priority) based on regional/national regulatory and operator policies
when it is known by the application sending the message. Otherwise MPS and MCX should have higher
priorities than Emergency calls. Emergency call related messages should have higher priority than the rest of the
NOTE: In some situations (e.g. REGISTRATION or SERVICE REQUEST procedure); it is possible to identify
that the message belongs to a procedure of a high priority user without knowing the identity of the
priority service. In such a case, all the messages sent over an SBI of these high priority procedures should
be given the same SBI message priority.
- Requests without the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" header shall be assigned the default priority value of "24".
- Streams without priority shall be assigned a Stream Dependency of 0x0 and the default Weight of 16.
- When defining priorities of the messages of a service it is needed to follow the same rules independently of the
application, the SBI and the service.
- When there is a series of request/response required to complete a procedure, it is appropriate to mark
request/response occurrences that occur later in the series at a higher priority than those that occur early in
the series.
- The requests that establish new sessions should have a lower priority than the ones that update or end a
- The requests that will result on deregistering users if they failed (authentication vector retrieval, update
location…) shall have a higher priority than the ones of a non-registered user.
- Request/response of optional procedure and delay tolerant services should have lower priority than those of
mandatory procedures.
6.8.5 HTTP/2 client behaviour
The client sending a request shall determine its required priority according to 6.8.4. It shall include a "3gpp-Sbi-
Message-Priority" header (see clause indicating the required priority level in the request and shall prioritise
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the requests according to the required priority level. If the client also uses the stream priority at the HTTP/2 connection
level then it shall map the header value into a Weight and include it in the HEADERS of the request message.
When the client receives a response with the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" header, it shall prioritise the received
response according to the priority level received, otherwise according to the priority level of the corresponding request.
This includes determining the order in which responses are handled and resources that are applied to the handling of the
responses. The client may use the stream priority to determine how to prioritize the response at the HTTP/2 connection
6.8.6 HTTP/2 server behaviour
The server should use the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" header (see clause and may use the stream priority
information to determine how to handle the request. This includes determining the order in which requests are handled
and resources that are applied to the handling of the request.
Servers should use "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" value when making overload throttling decisions.
Servers should use stream priority information when making overload throttling decisions at the connection level.
When the priority of the response message needs to have a different value than the request, a server shall include a
"3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" header in the response message which value is set to the response required priority level.
If a server has included "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" header in the response message it may also set the stream priority
as described in IETF RFC 7540 [7], via priority information in the HEADERS frame or in a PRIORITY frame. In both
cases the priority Weight value shall be mapped from the 3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" header value. When sending the
priority information with a PRIORITY frame the server shall send it before sending the HEADERS frame of the
response message. A server shall not send a PRIORITY frame after the HEADER one.
6.8.7 HTTP/2 proxy behaviour
A proxy should forward request and response without removing the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" header or changing its
While done only in exceptional circumstances, a proxy may modify priority information when relaying request and
response by changing the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" value. For example, a SEPP may modify the priority set by a
roaming partner.
Proxies should use the request priority information (respectively response priority information) according to the "3gpp-
Sbi-Message-Priority" value and may use the stream priority Weight value when making overload throttling decisions
to a request (respectively a response).
Proxies may use the priority information according to the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" value and may use the stream
priority Weight value when relaying a request or a response messages. This includes the selection of routes (only for the
requests) and the ordering of messages relayed.
6.8.8 DSCP marking of messages
A client, proxy or server may prioritize traffic at IP level by placing messages into different traffic classes and marking
them with an appropriate Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP).
Multiple HTTP/2 connections between two HTTP/2 end points are necessary: one per DSCP value. All messages sent
over a connection are assigned the same traffic class and receive the same DSCP marking. The "3gpp-Sbi-Message-
Priority" value shall be considered in the selection of the appropriate connection to send the message.
6.9 Discovering the supported communication options
6.9.1 General
The OPTIONS method, as described in clause 4.3.7 of IETF RFC 7231 [11], may be used by a NF Service Consumer to
determine the communication options supported by a NF Service Producer for a target resource.
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Clause describes example communication options that may be discovered using the OPTIONS method.
The Accept-Encoding header, as described in clause 5.3.4 of IETF RFC 7231 [11], may be used by a NF Service
Producer to determine the communication options supported by a NF Service Consumer.
Clause describes example communication options that may be discovered using the Accept-Encoding header.
6.9.2 Discoverable communication options Content-encodings supported in HTTP requests
Certain service operations may result in large HTTP request payloads, e.g. to register NF profiles in the NRF (see
3GPP TS 29.510 [8]) or to update the NSSF with the available S-NSSAIs supported by Tracking Areas (see
3GPP TS 29.531 [32]). Gzip coding (see IETF RFC 1952 [34]) may be supported to optimally reduce the payload size
of HTTP requests in this case.
A NF Service Consumer may determine the content-encodings supported by the NF Service Producer in HTTP requests
targeting a particular resource by:
- sending an HTTP OPTIONS request targeting the resource of the NF Service Producer; and/or
- receiving an "Accept-Encoding" header in HTTP responses from the NF Service Producer for requests targeting
the resource.
A NF Service Producer that receives an HTTP OPTIONS request for a target resource shall include an "Accept-
Encoding" header in the HTTP 200 OK response (see IETF RFC 7694 [33]), if specific content-encodings, e.g. Gzip
coding (e.g. see IETF RFC 1952 [34]) are supported in HTTP requests targeting the resource.
A NF Service Producer that receives an HTTP request with a content-encoding that it does not support shall reject the
request with the status code "415 Unsupported Media Type" and include an "Accept-Encoding" header in the response
indicating the supported encodings in HTTP requests, as described in clause 3 of IETF RFC 7694 [33].
A NF Service Producer may include an "Accept-Encoding" header in the HTTP 2xx response for requests other than
HTTP OPTIONS if specific content-encodings, e.g. Gzip coding (e.g. see IETF RFC 1952 [34]), are supported in HTTP
requests targeting the resource, to optimize future interactions, e.g. when the request payload was big enough to justify
use of a compression coding but the client did not do so. Content-encodings supported in HTTP responses
Certain service operations may result in large HTTP response payloads, e.g. to send NF profiles by the NRF (see
3GPP TS 29.510 [8]) or to send the available S-NSSAIs supported by Tracking Areas by the NSSF (see
3GPP TS 29.531 [32]). Gzip coding (see IETF RFC 1952 [34]) may be supported to optimally reduce the payload size
of HTTP responses in this case (see "Content-Encoding" header in Table
A NF Service Consumer may include an "Accept-Encoding" header in HTTP requests to indicate the content-
encodings, e.g. Gzip coding (e.g. see IETF RFC 1952 [34]), that are supported for the associated HTTP responses, as
specified in Table and in clause 5.3.4 of IETF RFC 7231 [11].
A NF Service Producer may determine the content-encodings supported by the NF Service Consumer in HTTP
responses by receiving an "Accept-Encoding" header in the associated HTTP requests from the NF Service Consumer.
6.10 Support of Indirect Communication
6.10.1 General
NF Service Consumers and NF Service Producers may support or be configured to use Indirect Communication models
via SCP as specified in clauses 6.3 and 7.1 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]. This clause defines specific requirements to support
Indirect Communication models.
An SCP may be known to the NF (e.g. SCP based on independent deployment units) or not (e.g. SCP based on service
mesh, with co-located NF and SCP within the same deployment unit). If the SCP is known to the NF, the NF shall be
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configured with a scheme, authority, and optionally a deployment-specific prefix of the SCP. The scheme may be "http"
or "https". If the scheme is "https" then the authority shall contain an FQDN and not a literal IP address. If the scheme is
"http" then the authority shall contain either an FQDN or a literal IP address. In either case, the authority may optionally
contain a port number. If the SCP is known to the NF, but the NF is not configured with a deployment-specific prefix of
the SCP, the NF shall consider the deployment-specific prefix of the SCP to be empty. If the SCP is unknown to the NF,
the NF may still be configured to use delegated discovery through the unknown SCP as detailed in Clause 6.10.2A.
NOTE: See Annex G of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3] for SCP deployment examples.
Indirect Communication models shall support the same level of security as Direct Communication ones. Security
requirements for Indirect Communications are specified in clauses and 13.3 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17]. TLS shall
be used between the SCP and NFs, if network security is not provided by other means. When co-located, the NF and
associated SCP may interact using HTTP. Clause 6.7.5 specifies how to support the client credentials assertion and
authentication procedure specified in clause 13.3.8 of 3GPP TS 33.501 [17].
More than one SCP may be present in the communication path between an NF Service Consumer and an NF Service
Producer. Clauses 6.2.19 and 6.3.16 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3] describe how to route messages through SCPs.
6.10.2 Routing Mechanisms with SCP Known to the NF General
The routing mechanisms specified in clause 6.1 shall apply for Indirect Communication models with the additions or
modifications specified in this clause. This routing mechanism shall be used when TLS is used between the NF and the
SCP, or between two SCPs. This routing mechanism may also be used when TLS is not used, i.e. when network
security is provided by other means. HTTP/2 connection management
Separate HTTP(S) connections shall be set up between the HTTP client and the SCP, between SCPs (if there is more
than one SCP in the communication path between the HTTP client and the HTTP server), and between the SCP and the
HTTP server. HTTP CONNECT requests shall not be used for Indirect Communication models.
The NFs and the SCP shall manage the HTTP/2 connections as defined in clause 5.2.6. Connecting inbound
If the request is not satisfied by a local cache, the NF (acting as an HTTP/2 client) shall connect inbound by establishing
(or reusing) a connection to an available SCP as defined in clause 5.2 of IETF RFC 7230 [12] when sending HTTP/2
When forwarding a request to another SCP, an SCP shall connect inbound by establishing (or reusing) a connection to
the next hop SCP.
When the SCP forwards the request to the HTTP server, the SCP (acting as an HTTP/2 client) shall connect inbound to
an authority server for the target resource. For connecting inbound to an authority not in the same PLMN, the SCP shall
connect to the Security Edge Protection Proxy. Pseudo-header setting
For Indirect Communications with or without delegated discovery, when sending a request to the SCP, the HTTP client
shall set the pseudo-headers as follows:
- ":scheme"set to "http" or "https";
- ":authority" set to the FQDN or IP address of the SCP (if the scheme is "http"), or to the FQDN of the SCP (if
the scheme is "https");
- ":path" including the optional deployment-specific string of the SCP and the path and query components of the
target URI excluding the optional deployment-specific string of the target URI.
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An HTTP client sending a notification or callback request cannot know whether the callback URI contains any
deployment specific string or not. Accordingly, it shall behave assuming that there is no deployment specific string in
the callback (i.e. target) URI. When an HTTP client sending a notification request corresponding to default notification
subscription where the target URI is unknown (e.g. for Indirect Communication with Delegated Discovery, as specified
in clause, it shall include the optional deployment-specific string of the SCP and the pseudo target URI for
default subscription ("/scp-default-sub-notify-uri") in the ":path".
Additionally, for HTTP requests for which an HTTP client may cache responses (e.g. GET request), the HTTP client
should include the cache key (ck) query parameter set to an implementation specific value that is bound to the target NF
(see clause
The HTTP client shall include the apiRoot of an authority server for the target resource (including the optional
deployment-specific string of the target URI), if available, in the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header (see clause 6.10. 2.5).
When forwarding a request to another SCP, an SCP shall replace the apiRoot of the SCP received in the request URI of
the incoming request by the apiRoot of the next hop SCP. The SCP shall include a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header set
to the apiRoot of an authority server for the target resource (including the optional deployment-specific string of the
target URI), if available, e.g. if the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header was received in the request. The SCP shall set the
pseudo-headers as specified in clause 6.1, with the following additions:
- the SCP shall modify the ":authority" HTTP/2 pseudo-header field to the FQDN of the next hop SCP.
- the SCP shall remove any optional deployment-specific string of the SCP in the ":path" HTTP/2 pseudo-header
and add any optional deployment-specific string of the next hop SCP;
- the SCP shall remove the cache key query parameter, if this parameter was received in the request;
- if the pseudo target URI for default subscription ("/scp-default-sub-notify-uri") is present in the ":path", the
SCP shall replace it with the real path of the target URI registered in the selected default subscription.
When forwarding a request to the HTTP server, the SCP shall replace the apiRoot of the SCP received in the request
URI of the incoming request by the apiRoot of the target NF service instance. If the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header
was received in the request, the SCP shall use it as the apiRoot of the target NF service instance, if the SCP does not
(re)select a different HTTP server, and regardless shall remove it from the forwarded request. The SCP shall set the
pseudo-headers as specified in clause 6.1, with the following additions:
- the SCP shall modify the ":authority" HTTP/2 pseudo-header field to the FQDN of the target NF service
- the SCP shall remove any optional deployment-specific string of the SCP in the ":path" HTTP/2 pseudo-header
and add any optional deployment-specific string of the target URI;
- the SCP shall remove the cache key query parameter, if this parameter was received in the request;
- f the pseudo target URI for default subscription ("/scp-default-sub-notify-uri") is present in the ":path", the SCP
shall replace it with the real path of the target URI registered in the selected default subscription.
EXAMPLE 1: For indirect communication without delegated discovery, if the NF Service Consumer needs to
send the request "GET{supi}/nssai" to the NF Service
Producer (represented by the FQDN "" and where "a/b/c" is the apiPrefix of the NF
service producer figured out from NRF discovery):
- the NF service consumer shall send the request "GET{supi}/nssai" to
the SCP (where "1/2/3" is the "apiPrefix" of the SCP), with the "3gpp-sbi-target-apiRoot" header set to
- the SCP shall send the request "GET{supi}/nssai" to the NF
Service Producer, without any "3gpp-sbi-target-apiRoot" header.
EXAMPLE 2: For indirect communication, if the NF Service Producer needs to send a notification request
"POST" to the NF Service Consumer (represented by the
FQDN "", i.e. the host part of the callback URI):
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- the NF service producer shall send the request "POST" to the SCP
(where "1/2/3" is the "apiPrefix" of the SCP), with the "3gpp-sbi-target-apiRoot" header set to
- the SCP shall send the request "POST" to the NF Service Consumer,
without any "3gpp-sbi-target-apiRoot" header.
EXAMPLE 3: For indirect communication with Delegated Discovery, if the NF Service Producer needs to send a
notification request to a default subscription and SCP selects a target default notification
subscription (with callback URI "" registered):
- the NF service producer shall send the request "POST" to the
SCP (where "1/2/3" is the "apiPrefix" of the SCP).
- the SCP shall send the request "POST" to the selected NF Service
Consumer. 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header setting
For Indirect Communications with or without delegated discovery, the HTTP client shall include a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-
apiRoot header set to the apiRoot of an authority server for the target resource, if available, in requests it sends to the
SCP. In particular:
- for Indirect Communication without Delegated Discovery, a service request sent to the SCP to create a resource
shall include a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header set to the apiRoot of the selected NF service instance of the NF
Service Producer, if the NF Service Consumer has indeed selected a specific NF service instance;
- after a resource has been created, subsequent service requests sent to the SCP and targeting the resource shall
include a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header set to the apiRoot received earlier in Location header of service
responses from the NF Service Producer;
- notifications or callbacks sent via the SCP shall include a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header set to the apiRoot of
the notification or callback URI (i.e. "http" or "https" scheme, the fixed string "://" and authority (host and
optional port) as defined in IETF RFC 3986 [14]).
An SCP shall include a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header set to the apiRoot of an authority server for the target resource,
if available, in requests it sends to the next hop SCP. In particular:
- if the received request does not include a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header containing the apiRoot of a selected
NF service instance, and NF service discovery is not delegated to a next hop SCP, then the SCP shall select a
target NF service instance (performing an NF service discovery with the NRF or based on local configuration
(i.e. without interacting with NRF) according to the received "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" request header(s)) and
insert a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header set to the apiRoot of the selected target NF service instance;
- if the received request includes a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header containing the apiRoot of a selected NF
service instance, but the SCP needs to reselect a different NF service instance, the SCP shall modify and set the
3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header to the apiRoot of the newly selected target NF service instance;
- if the received request includes a 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header containing the apiRoot of a selected NF
service instance and the SCP does not reselect a different NF service instance, the SCP shall forward the
received 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header to the next hop SCP.
When forwarding the request to the HTTP server, the SCP shall set the pseudo-headers as specified in clause Cache key (ck) query parameter
The cache key (ck) query parameter may be used by cache systems in the NF service consumer and/or in the SCP in
order to distinguish cache objects.
It shall be set to a string value that is linked to the apiRoot of the target NF, i.e. the same apiRoot shall always produce
the same value for the content of the ck parameter. The ck parameter may contain e.g. a short compact hash value of the
whole apiRoot of the target NF.
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The ck parameter shall only be used in HTTP requests between the NF service consumer and the SCP, it shall not be
sent to the actual NF service producer.
The ck parameter is not part of the actual service definition and therefore it is not documented in OpenAPI specification
files. It shall comply with the following OpenAPI definition:
- name: ck
in: query
description: cache key parameter
type: string
6.10.2A Routing Mechanism with SCP Unknown to the NF
6.10.2A.1 Connecting inbound
When indirect communication models are used and a NF sends an HTTP/2 request, this NF (acting as an HTTP/2
client) shall connect directly to an authority for the target resource via an available SCP, which then acts as an
"interception proxy" as defined in clause 2.5 of IETF RFC 3040 [36] and also referred to in clause 2.3 of
IETF RFC 7230 [12]. This routing mechanism is incompatible with and shall not be used when TLS is used between the
NF and the SCP.
6.10.2A.2 HTTP/2 connection management
The NF shall manage the HTTP/2 connections as defined in clause 5.2.6.
6.10.2A.3 Pseudo-header setting
The NF service consumer shall set the following pseudo-headers:
- ":scheme" pseudo-header shall be set to "http";
NOTE: When the SCP is implemented using service mesh technologies (e.g. as described in Annex G.2 in
3GPP TS 23.501 [3]), the SCP needs to be able to read the start line and the header fields of HTTP/2
messages, and https cannot be used by NFs. In this case, mutual authentication and TLS between a NF
and its associated SCP can be implicit by physical security; mutual authentication and TLS is then set up
between SCP interfaces.
- ":authority" pseudo-header shall be set as follows:
- if delegated discovery is used and has not yet been performed by the SCP, or if the NF Service Consumer
only selects a target NF (service) set when in Indirect Communication without delegated discovery: set based
on local configuration.
- if delegated discovery is not used or has already been performed by the SCP: set as specified in clause 6.1.4.
- ":path" pseudo-header shall include the path and query components of the target URI as specified in clause 6.1.4.
6.10.3 NF Discovery and Selection for indirect communication with
Delegated Discovery General
This clause specifies the requirements that shall apply when the discovery and associated selection of NF instances or
NF service instances is delegated to an SCP (see clause 6.3 and Model D in Annex E of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]).
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16 Conveyance of NF Discovery Factors
When the NF service consumer is configured to use delegated service discovery, it shall include in the HTTP/2 request
message the necessary NF service discovery factors to be used by the SCP to perform NF service discovery procedures
on behalf of the NF service consumer. The latter shall convey these NF service discovery factors using the"3gpp-Sbi-
Discovery-*" request headers. How to set the values of these "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" request headers is detailed in
clause The NF service consumer may indicate the NRF to use, e.g. as a result of an NSSF query, by including
the 3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri header with the NRF API URIs.
An NF service consumer may also include "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" headers in an HTTP/2 request targeting an existing
resource context in the NF service producer, if the "3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding" header is not included in the HTTP/2
request message (e.g. when no binding information was received from the NF service producer during the resource
creation, or if the NF service consumer does not support the binding procedures), to enable the SCP to reselect an NF
service producer instance, e.g. if the NF service producer instance indicated in the "3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot" header or
target URI is not reachable. See clause 6.5 of 3GPP TS 23.527 [38].
Likewise, an NF service producer may also include 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" headers in a notification or callback request,
if the "3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding" header is not included in the HTTP/2 request message, to enable the SCP to reselect
a different NF service consumer instance, e.g. if the NF service consumer instance indicated in the "3gpp-Sbi-Target-
apiRoot" header or target URI is not reachable. See clause 6.6 of 3GPP TS 23.527 [38].
Based on SCP configuration, an SCP deciding to address a next-hop SCP for a service request may delegate the NF
instance and/or service instance discovery and selection to subsequent SCPs, in which case it shall forward the "3gpp-
Sbi-Discovery-*" request headers to the next-hop SCP.
When receiving a request containing "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" request headers and a selection/reselection of the target
NF service instance is required, the SCP shall take into account all the NF service discovery factors contained in the
"3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" request headers to perform the selection or reselection. The SCP should use the NRF indicated
in the 3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri header if this header is present in the request. It is also possible for the SCP to be internally
configured to fulfil these service discovery tasks without interacting with the NRF.
If the service request contains "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" request header(s) that are not supported by the SCP, the latter
should include the corresponding query parameters in the discovery request to the NRF. Based on operator policy, the
SCP may alternatively reject the request and return a response with the status code "400 Bad Request" to the NF service
consumer with an "INVALID_DISCOVERY_PARAM" error. Notifications corresponding to default notification subscriptions
An NF may register default notification subscriptions in its NF profile or NF services in the NRF for notifications the
NF is prepared to consume, including for each type of notification the corresponding notification endpoint (i.e. callback
NOTE: This can be used e.g. by an AMF to discover the notification endpoint of other AMFs to forward N1 or
N2 messages, or by an AMF to notify location information to a GMLC, or by an UDR to notify data
change or removal to an UDM.
The following procedures may be used to support notifications corresponding to default notification subscriptions:
- an NF producer may perform a discovery request towards the NRF (possibly through an SCP) to discover default
notification subscriptions of an NF consumer, and if so, send notifications to the corresponding notification
endpoints, using routing mechanisms specified in clause 6.1; or
- an NF producer may be configured with the types of notifications corresponding to default notification
subscriptions it needs to generate, and send such notifications using delegated discovery, i.e with an SCP
discovering and selecting an NF service consumer with a corresponding default notification subscription. To
enable the latter, the NF producer shall include in the notification request:
- the 3gpp-Sbi-Callback header including the name of the notify or callback service operation and the API
major version if higher than 1;
- the 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-notification-type header set to the type of notification being set;
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- the 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-n1-msg-class header set to the N1 Message Class of the target default subscription if
notification type is "N1_MESSAGE", or the 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-n2-info-class header set to the N2
Information Class of the target default subscription if the notification type is "N2_INFORMATION";
- the 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-target-nf-type header indicating the type of the consumer NF;
- optionally, additional NF service discovery factors header to be used by the SCP to discover and select the
consumer NF. Returning the NF Service Producer ID to the NF Service Consumer
The following requirements shall apply when using indirect communication with delegated discovery, or indirect
communication without delegated discovery when the NF service consumer only selects an NF set and delegates the
selection of the NF service instance to the SCP (see clause
- an SCP that (re)selected the target NF service instance shall include the 3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id header in the
HTTP response it forwards towards the NF Service Consumer, containing the NF Instance ID of the NF Service
Producer selected by the SCP (see clause;
- If the 3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id header is already present in an HTTP response (e.g. in scenarios with multiple SCPs
between the NF service consumer and NF service producer), the SCP shall forward the header unmodified in the
response towards the HTTP client (without adding any new such header).
NOTE 1: This allows to support deployments where not all NF Service Producers or NF Service Consumers have
been upgraded to support the binding procedures.
NOTE 2: In scenarios where the same NF Service Producer needs to be selected when creating new resources, e.g.
when the AMF needs to establish a new PDU session towards the same SMF as the one selected for a
previous PDU session, the NF Service Consumer can include the 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-target-nf-instance-
id header set to the NF Instance ID of the NF Service Producer in the request creating the new resource.
NOTE 3: An SCP needs not insert a 3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id header in an HTTP response if it received a 3gpp-Sbi-
Target-apiRoot header in the related HTTP request and it did not reselect a different NF Service Producer.
6.10.4 Authority and/or deployment-specific string in apiRoot of resource
For Indirect Communications with or without delegated discovery, the SCP may select or reselect the specific NF
(service) instance towards which to send a request.
NOTE 1: For Indirect Communications without delegated discovery, the SCP selects for instance a specific
(service) instance within a NF (Service) Set that was selected by the NF Service Consumer.
Consequently, NF as HTTP client shall be capable to receive and process an authority and/or deployment-specific string
in the apiRoot of the created or updated resource URI that differs from the authority and/or deployment-specific string
of the apiRoot of the Request URI.
If the NF Service Producer includes a relative URI (see IETF RFC 3986 [14]) in the "Location" header of an HTTP
response creating a resource, the SCP shall resolve the URI reference using the target URI included in the HTTP POST
request sent to the NF Service Producer as base URI, and return an absolute URI in the "Location" header in the HTTP
response sent to the NF Service consumer, unless the SCP did not change the target URI when forwarding the HTTP
POST request from the NF Service Consumer to the NF Service Producer.
NOTE 2: The target URI can remain unchanged when forwarding an HTTP POST request from the NF Service
Consumer to the NF Service Producer if indirect communication without delegated discovery and without
TLS is used between the NF Service Consumer and the SCP, and the SCP uses the NF (service) instance
of the NF Service Producer that is selected by the NF Service Consumer.
If the SCP changed the target URI when forwarding the request from the HTTP client to HTTP server and no
"Location" header is included in the HTTP response (e.g. subsequent service request towards a created resource), the
SCP shall include a "3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot" header with value set to the apiRoot of the target HTTP server when
forwarding the HTTP response to the NF as HTTP client.
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NOTE 3: To avoid further reselection of HTTP server by SCP, the NF as HTTP client updates the locally stored
URI (e.g. resource URI or notification callback URI) used in the request with the target apiRoot received
in the HTTP response, and thus send subsequent request to the updated target URI.
6.10.5 NF / NF service instance selection for Indirect Communication
without Delegated Discovery General
For Indirect Communication without Delegated Discovery, the NF Service Consumer performs the discovery procedure
by querying the NRF and the selection of a NF (Service) Set or a specific NF (service) instance. The selection of the
target NF service instance may hence be done either by the NF Service Consumer or the SCP (e.g. based on NF
(Service) Set information received from the NF Service Consumer).
The NF Service Consumer shall send its request to the SCP containing:
- the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header set to the apiRoot of the selected NF service instance, if the SCP is known
to the NF Service Consumer and if the NF Service Consumer has selected a specific NF service instance;
- the identity of the selected NF (Service) Set in the associated "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" request header(s) (see
clause, if the NF Service Consumer has selected a target NF (Service) Set ID.
The NF service consumer may indicate the NRF to use, e.g. as a result of an NSSF query, by including the 3gpp-Sbi-
Nrf-Uri header with the NRF API URIs.
If the request does not include the apiRoot of a selected NF service instance, or if the SCP needs to reselect a different
NF service instance, the SCP shall select an NF service instance using the NF (Service) Set ID received in the
corresponding "3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-*" request header(s), if available. If the SCP is to invoke NF service discovery
towards the NRF to fulfil this task, the SCP should use the NRF indicated in the 3gpp-Sbi-Nrf-Uri header if this header
is present in the request.The SCP that reselected the target NF service instance shall include the 3gpp-Sbi-Producer-Id
header in the HTTP response it forwards towards the NF Service Consumer, containing the NF Instance ID of the NF
Service Producer selected by the SCP, as specified in clause
The SCP shall then route the request to the selected NF service instance of the target NF service producer.
6.10.6 Feature negotiation for Indirect Communication with Delegated
The requirements specified in clause 6.6.2 for feature negotiation shall apply with the following additions.
With Indirect Communications with Delegated Discovery, the NF Service Consumer cannot discover the features
supported by the NF Service Producer via the NRF.
The NF Service Consumer shall include in HTTP PUT or POST requests to create a resource that requires specific
features to be supported by the NF Service Producer, the 3gpp-Sbi-Discovery-required-features header set to the
required features to be supported.
The SCP shall reject the request with the HTTP status code "400 Bad Request" and the protocol error
"NF_DISCOVERY_FAILURE" if no NF Service Producer supporting the required features can be discovered.
6.10.7 Notification and callback requests sent with Indirect Communication
Notification and callback requests that are sent using indirect communication shall include a 3gpp-Sbi-Callback header
including the name of the notify or callback service operation (see Annex B) and the API major version if higher than 1.
The SCP may derive from the presence of this header that a service request is a notification or callback request.
NOTE: This can be used by the SCP to apply differentiated treatments for notification and callback requests
compared to other service requests, e.g. for authorization (access token is not used in notification /
callback, see clause 6.7.3).
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6.10.8 Error Handling General
A request from an HTTP client (i.e. a service request from an NF service consumer, or a notification request from an
NF service producer) may traverse one or more SCPs and/or SEPPs and may fail at an SCP, SEPP or at the HTTP
The HTTP client should be able to figure out whether the request failed at its next hop SCP or SEPP, or at the HTTP
server, e.g. to be able to adapt its behaviour for the on-going request or subsequent request accordingly. For instance,
the HTTP client may retry the request or send subsequent requests towards the same HTTP server via a different SCP or
SEPP if an SCP or SEPP rejected a request due to insufficient resources, or towards a different HTTP server (via the
same or a different SCP or SEPP) if the HTTP server rejected the request due to insufficient resources.
NOTE: An SCP or SEPP can also retry a request towards a different SCP or SEPP, or towards a different HTTP
server, instead of relaying the response back to the originator, if a next hop SCP or SEPP or if the HTTP
server rejected a request e.g. due to insufficient resources. Requirements for the originator of an HTTP error response
To enable an HTTP client to determine the originator of an HTTP error response, the originator of an error (e.g. HTTP
server, SCP or SEPP) should include a Server header in the HTTP error response with the following information:
- the type of the NF or network entity generating the error, set to the NFType value as defined in clause
of 3GPP TS 29.510 [8], e.g. "SCP", "SEPP", "SMF";
- the identity of the NF or network entity generating the error, set to the FQDN of the SCP or SEPP, or to the NF
Instance ID of the HTTP server.
NOTE: The information carried in the Server header can also be useful for trouble-shooting.
EXAMPLE 1: Error generated by an SCP: Server:
EXAMPLE 2: Error generated by a SEPP: Server:
EXAMPLE 3: Error generated by an SMF: Server: SMF-54804518-4191-46b3-955c-ac631f953ed8
The presence of a Server header set to the next hop SCP or SEPP or to the HTTP server in an HTTP error response shall
be an indication for the HTTP client that the next hop SCP or SEPP or the HTTP server is the originator of the error. Requirements for an SCP or SEPP relaying an HTTP error response
To enable an HTTP client to determine the originator of an HTTP error response, e.g. when an HTTP server does not
include a Server header in an HTTP error response, the SCP or SEPP that forwards the HTTP error response towards
the HTTP client shall include a Via header in the HTTP error response with the following information:
- the type of the network entity forwarding the error, set to the NFType value as defined in clause of
3GPP TS 29.510 [8], i.e. "SCP" or "SEPP";
- the identity of the network entity forwarding the error, set to the FQDN of the SCP or SEPP.
NOTE: The information carried in the Via header can also be useful for trouble-shooting.
EXAMPLE 1: Error forwarded by an SCP: Via:
EXAMPLE 2: Error forwarded by a SEPP: Via:
The presence of a Via header set to the next hop SCP or SEPP in an HTTP error response shall be an indication for the
HTTP client that the next hop SCP or SEPP is not the originator of the error.
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6.10.9 HTTP redirection General
An HTTP request sent using indirect communication may be redirected to a different target NF service instance (from a
same NF service set or NF set) and/or a different SCP.
When an HTTP server or SCP redirects an HTTP request to a different target NF service instance, the URI of the target
NF service instance towards which the request is redirected shall be given by the Location header field of the 307
Temporary Redirect or 308 Permanent Redirect response. The HTTP client should then send the HTTP request towards
the new target NF service instance using the same or a different SCP. Based on local policies, when appropriate (e.g.
HTTP request creating a resource), the SCP may send the HTTP request towards the new target NF service instance
instead of forwarding the 307/308 response to the HTTP client.
An SCP may redirect an HTTP request towards a different SCP by sending a 307 Temporary Redirect or 308 Permanent
Redirect response to the HTTP client including a ProblemDetails data structure with the cause attribute set to
"SCP_REDIRECTION" and with the targetSCP attribute indicating the apiRoot of the SCP towards which the request
is redirected. The HTTP client should then send the HTTP request towards the target NF service instance using the SCP
indicated in the response.
6.11 Detection and handling of late arriving requests
6.11.1 General
The procedures specified in this clause aim at handling more efficiently requests which may arrive late at upstreams
entities, e.g. in networks experiencing processing or transport delays.
These procedures are optional to support. When supported, the use of these procedures is dependent on operator policy.
6.11.2 Detection and handling of requests which have timed out at the
HTTP client General
This procedure enables an HTTP server which receives a request to know when the request times out at the HTTP
client, and to stop further processing, at the receiver and further upstream NFs, a request which has timed out at the
HTTP client.
The HTTP client and HTTP server shall be NTP synchronized. This procedure may be used between NFs pertaining to
the same PLMN, and if allowed by operator policy, between NFs pertaining to different PLMNs. Principles
An HTTP client originating a request may include in the request the 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp and the 3gpp-Sbi-
Max-Rsp-Time headers indicating respectively the absolute time at which the request is originated and the maximum
time period to complete the processing of the request; both headers together indicate the absolute time at which the
request times out at the HTTP client.
When forwarding a request that includes the 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp and the 3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time headers, the
SCP may forward these headers unmodified; if the SCP modifies and sets the 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp to the time
when it forwards the request, it shall adjust the 3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time accordingly such as to properly reflect the
time until which the HTTP client waits for a response.
Upon receipt of a request which contains the 3gpp-Sbi-Sender-Timestamp and the 3gpp-Sbi-Max-Rsp-Time headers,
the HTTP server should check that the request has not already timed out at the originating HTTP client. The HTTP
server may perform additional similar checks during the processing of the request, e.g. upon receipt of a response from
the next upstream NF service.
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Based on local configuration, the HTTP server may reject a request that is known to have timed out with the HTTP
status code "504 Gateway Timeout" and the protocol error "TIMED_OUT_REQUEST"; it may alternatively drop the
request. If so, the HTTP server should initiate the release of any resource it may have successfully created towards an
upstream entity, to avoid hanging resources in the network.
6.12 Binding between an NF Service Consumer and an NF
Service Resource
6.12.1 General
A Binding Indication for an NF Service Resource may be provided to an NF Service Consumer of the resource as part
of the Direct or Indirect Communication procedures, to be used in subsequent related service requests. This allows the
NF Service Resource owner to indicate that the NF Service Consumer, for a particular resource, should be bound to an
NF service instance, NF instance, NF service set or NF set. See clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3] and
clause 4.17.12 of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4].
A binding may be established or updated as part of a:
1) service response creating or modifying a resource, to be used for subsequent requests targeting this resource (see
clause of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4]), for any API that defines resources;
2) service request, if the NF Service Consumer can also act as an NF Service Producer for later communication
from the contacted NF Service Producer, to be used for subsequent service requests initiated by the contacted NF
Service Producer (see clause of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4]);
3) service request creating or modifying an explicit or an implicit subscription, or as part of a notification response,
to be used for subsequent notification requests initiated by the NF Service Producer (see clause of
3GPP TS 23.502 [4]);
4) service response creating an implicit or explicit subscription or updating a subscription, or as part of a
notification request, to be used for subsequent operations on the subscription (see clause of
3GPP TS 23.502 [4]);
5) service request creating a callback (other than notification) resource (e.g. V-SMF or I-SMF callback URI sent to
the H-SMF or SMF), or as part of a callback response, to be used for subsequent callback requests initiated by
the NF Service Producer (e.g. H-SMF or SMF initiated PDU session modification).
Two types of binding information are defined to manage the binding between an NF Service Consumer and an NF
Service Resource:
1) A Binding Indication conveys binding information for a resource which must be stored by the consumer (client)
of that resource and used by the client to direct future requests to the resource. When contained in a service
request, the binding information is associated with a resource owned by the NF Service Consumer for the current
transaction. When contained in a service response, the binding information is associated with a resource owned
by the NF Service Producer for the current transaction.
2) A Routing Binding Indication conveys binding information to direct a request from a client to a server which has
the context. A Routing Binding Indication shall only be contained in an HTTP request.
A same service request may convey more than one Binding Indication, e.g.:
- to provide bindings for notification or callback (i.e. bullets 3 or 5) and for other services that the NF service
consumer can provide later as a NF Service Producer (i.e. bullet 2); or
- to provide binding information for different event notifications, when creating a subscription on behalf of
another NF (see clause 6.12.4).
The scope parameter in a Binding Indication in a service request identifies the applicability of (i.e. scenario associated
with) the binding information.
A service request may convey one or more Binding Indications as described above using a 3gpp-Sbi-Binding header
and/or include a Binding Routing Indication to influence routing of the request e.g. to an appropriate set of NF Service
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Producers or to an appropriate service set of the NF Service Producer using a 3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding header. A
service response may convey a Binding Indication for a resource using a 3gpp-Sbi-Binding header.
NOTE 1: An HTTP request can contain for instance one 3gpp-Sbi-Binding header containing two Binding
Indications for other services and for callbacks, and one 3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding header conveying a
Routing Binding Indication.
If an SCP receives a Routing Binding Indication within a service or notification request and decides to forward that
request to a next-hop SCP, it shall include the Routing Binding Indication in the forwarded request. The SCP shall
remove the Routing Binding Indication if it forwards the request to the target NF.
Binding Indications and Routing Binding Indications shall include the Binding level and one or more Binding entity IDs
representing all NF service instances that are capable to serve service requests targeting the resource, i.e. that share the
same resource contexts.
The Binding Level indicates a preferred binding to either a NF Instance, a NF set, a NF Service Instance or a NF
Service Set. When sending a request targeting the resource, the binding entity corresponding to the binding level shall
be selected whenever possible. If this is not possible, e.g. because the preferred binding entity is not reachable, the
request should be sent to any other Binding entity signalled in the Binding Indication or Routing Binding Indication, in
the following decreasing order of priority:
- select an NF service instance in the same NF service set, if a NF service Set ID was signalled in the Binding
Indication or Routing Binding Indication;
- select an equivalent NF service instance in the same NF instance, if an NF instance ID was signalled in the
Binding Indication or Routing Binding Indication;
- select an NF service instance in an equivalent NF service set of another NF instance of the NF set, if an NF
Service Set ID and an NF Set ID were signalled in the Binding Indication or Routing Binding Indication;
- select an equivalent NF service instance in another NF instance of the NF Set, if an NF Set ID was signalled in
the Binding Indication or Routing Binding Indication.
NOTE 2: NF service instances from different NF instances are equivalent NF service instances if they share the
same MCC, MNC, NID (for SNPN), ServiceName, API version, and, if applicable, NF Service Set ID
(see clause 28.13 of 3GPP TS 23.003 [15]).
Binding Indications shall not be used if a particular resource can only be served by a specific NF service instance of an
NF instance, i.e. if NF service instances of a same NF service are not capable to share resource inside the NF Instance.
A resource for which no Binding Indication or Routing Binding Indication is signalled shall be considered to be bound
exclusively to one NF service instance, unless the NF Service resource owner instance is part of an NF set (or AMF set)
or an NF service set, or unless its NF profile in the NRF indicates that its supports NF service persistence within the NF
instance (see clause 6.5 of 3GPP TS 23.527 [38]).
6.12.2 Binding created as part of a service response
An NF Service Producer may provide a Binding Indication in a service response by including a 3gpp-Sbi-Binding
header (see clause in the HTTP response with:
- the binding level (bl) parameter indicating a preferred binding to either a NF Service Instance, a NF Service Set,
a NF Instance or a NF set;
- at least one of the NF Service Instance (nfservinst), NF Service Set (nfservset), NF instance (nfinst) and NF Set
(nfset) parameters, set to a NF Service Instance ID, NF Service Set ID, NF Instance ID and NF Set ID
respectively, as described in Table of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
The NF Service Consumer shall store the Binding Indication received from the NF Service Producer and include it in a
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding header in subsequent related service requests targeting the NF Service Resource. The NF
Service Consumer or the SCP shall use this information for selecting or reselecting an NF Service Producer which has
access to the NF Service Resource context, for direct or indirect communication respectively, as specified in
clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
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NOTE: The Binding Indication can be part of an HTTP response with or without payload body, e.g. in a 204 No
Content. The Routing Binding Indication can be part of an HTTP request with or without payload body,
e.g. in a DELETE request.
6.12.3 Binding created as part of a service request
An NF Service Consumer may provide a Binding Indication in a service request by including a 3gpp-Sbi- Binding
header (see clause in an HTTP request with:
- the binding level (bl) parameter indicating a preferred binding to either a NF Service Instance, a NF Service Set,
a NF Instance or a NF set;
- at least one of the NF Service Instance (nfservinst), NF Service Set (nfservset), NF instance (nfinst) and NF Set
(nfset) parameters, set to a NF Service Instance ID, NF Service Set ID, NF Instance ID and NF Set ID
respectively, as described in Table of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3];
- the scope parameter indicating "other-service";
- optionally the service name parameter indicating the service(s) for which the binding information applies. If no
service name is indicated in the Binding Indication, the binding information applies to any service that the NF
Service Consumer can provide as an NF Service Producer.
The NF Service Producer shall store the Binding Indication received from the NF Service Consumer and include it in a
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding header in subsequent service requests it sends, where the NF Service Consumer acts as an
NF Service Producer. The NF Service Producer (when acting as a NF service consumer) or the SCP shall use this
information for selecting or reselecting an NF Service Producer which has access to the original consumer's NF Service
Resource context, for direct or indirect communication respectively, as specified in clause of
3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
6.12.4 Binding for explicit or implicit subscription requests
A NF Service Consumer may provide a Binding Indication in a service request creating an explicit or an implicit
subscription by including a 3gpp-Sbi-Binding header (see clause in an HTTP request, or provide a Binding
Indication value for a default notification subscription in its NF profile in NRF (see clause of
3GPP TS 29.510 [8]), with:
- the binding level (bl) parameter indicating a preferred binding to either a NF Service Instance, a NF Service Set,
a NF Instance or a NF set;
- at least one of the NF Service Instance (nfservinst), NF Service Set (nfservset), NF instance (nfinst) and NF Set
(nfset) parameters, set to a NF Service Instance ID, NF Service Set ID, NF Instance ID and NF Set ID
respectively, as described in Table of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3];
- the scope parameter indicating "subscription-events" if the binding information is applicable to subscription
change event notification (see clause of 3GPP TS 23.502 [4]);
- optionally, the scope parameter indicating "callback" if the binding information is applicable to notification and
callback requests; the absence of this parameter shall also be interpreted as binding information is applicable to
callback (i.e. notification) requests;
- optionally the service name parameter indicating the service that will handle the notification.
When binding information is applicable to notification/callback requests, corresponding notifications are bound to:
- the NF instance or NF set (according to the binding level), if no service name was received;
- the specific service (indicated by the service name parameter) of the NF instance or NF set (according to the
binding level), if a service name was received; or
- the NF service instance or NF service set (according to the binding level).
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
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on 16.5.0 Release 16
NOTE 1: The NF Service Consumer in a NF Instance or NF Set can be identified by the NF Instance Id or NF Set
Id, with or without a service name parameter, or a NF Service Instance Id (together with the NF Instance
Id or the NF Service Set Id) or a NF Service Set Id, where the service can be either a standardised service
or a custom service.
NOTE 2: A notification can be sent to a service instance of any binding entity included in the Binding Indication,
i.e. the binding entity may be other than the one(s) indicated by the binding level, if the latter(s) are not
reachable. For instance, if the Binding Indication contains an NF Set ID, an NF Instance ID and a binding
level is set to NF Instance, the notification can be sent to any NF instance of the NF set if the NF instance
identified by the NF Instance ID is not reachable. See clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3].
The NF Service Producer shall store the Binding Indication received from the NF Service Consumer and include it in a
3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding header in subsequent notification requests it sends to the NF Service Consumer (that acts as
an HTTP server) related to this subscription. For a default notification subscription, the NF Service Producer shall fetch
the Binding Indication value (if available) from the NF profile of the NF Service Consumer and include it in a 3gpp-
Sbi-Routing-Binding header in related notification requests. For notifications corresponding to default notification
subscriptions using Indirect Communication with Delegated Discovery (see clause, when the notification is
targeting a specific NF instance/NF service instance, the SCP shall fetch the Binding Indication value (if available) for
the default notification subscription from the NF profile of the NF Service Consumer. The NF Service Producer or the
SCP shall use this information for selecting or reselecting an NF Service Consumer (HTTP server) which has access to
the original consumer's NF Service Resource context, for direct or indirect communication respectively, as specified in
clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [3]. If the notification endpoint provided in the subscription is not reachable, the NF
Service Producer or SCP shall look up for an alternative notification endpoint address at the service level (i.e. NF
Service registered in NRF) if the Binding Indication contains a service name or a binding to an NF Service Instance or
NF Service Set, or at the NF instance level (i.e. NF Profile registered in NRF) otherwise. The NF Service Producer or
SCP shall exchange the authority part of the notification URI (or callback URI) with the new notification endpoint
address and shall use that URI in subsequent notifications.
The NF Service Consumer may provide an updated Binding Indication to the NF Service Producer in a service request
modifying the subscription or in a notification response.
The NF Service Producer may also provide a Binding Indication in a service response creating or modifying an explicit
or an implicit subscription by including a 3gpp-Sbi-Binding header (see clause in the HTTP response as
specified in clause 6.12.2. If the service request creates a resource and a subscription, the Binding Indication returned in
the HTTP response shall apply to both the NF Service Resource and the subscription, i.e. the created resource and
subscription shall be bound to the same (service) set of producers or producer instance. The NF Service Consumer shall
store the Binding Indication received from the NF Service Producer and include it in a 3gpp-Sbi-Routing-Binding
header in subsequent related service requests as specified in clause 6.12.2.
For a default notification subscription, a NF Service Consumer shall update the Binding Indication value in NF profile
when binding information of the default notification subscription has changed.
A subscription request may also contain a Routing Binding Indication that can be used in case of indirect
communication by the SCP to route the message to the NF Service Producer.
A service request creating an explicit subscription on behalf of another NF (e.g. UDM subscribing to an AMF event on
behalf of the NEF) may include a Binding Indication for subscription change event notification (e.g. notifications to
UDM upon AMF change) and a Binding Indication for the event notifications to the other NF (e.g. AMF notification to
the NEF). The scope parameter shall be set to "subscription-events" in the former Binding Indication and it shall be set
to "callback" or be absent in the latter Binding Indication.
6.12.5 Binding for service requests creating a callback resource
A NF Service Consumer may provide a Binding Indication in a service request creating a callback (other than
notification) resource (e.g. V-SMF or I-SMF callback URI sent to the H-SMF or SMF), by including a 3gpp-Sbi-
Binding header (see clause in an HTTP request as specified in clause 6.12.4, with the scope parameter being
absent or indicating "callback".
The NF Service Producer shall behave as specified in clause 6.12.4, with the "notification endpoint" being replaced by
the callback endpoint.
The NF Service Consumer may provide an updated Binding Indication as part of a callback response, to be used for
subsequent callback requests initiated by the NF Service Producer.
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
Annex A (informative):
Client-side Adaptive Throttling for Overload Control
This clause contains an example algorithm to make an NF Service Consumer adjust the traffic rate sent to an NF
Service Producer based on the number of received "rejects" of HTTP requests with a status code "503 Service
Unavailable", or requests that have timed-out and the response was never received. This algorithm is described in the
book "Betsy Beyer, et al; Google: Site Reliability Engineering" (, chapter 21,
"Handling Overload".
NOTE: The reference link provided to the book can change and hence the name of the book is expected to be used
for referring to the latest edition.
Each client (NF Service Consumer) keeps track of the following counters during a certain time window:
- Requests: The number of requests that the client (NF Service Consumer) needs to handle. Under normal
operation (no overload), all these requests are sent to the server (NF Service Producer). Under an overload
situation, part of these requests are locally rejected by the client (and not sent to the server), and the rest of the
requests are sent to the server.
- Accepts: The number of requests accepted by the server (i.e., requests for which a response has been effectively
received at the client, with a status code other than "503 Service Unavailable").
When there is no server overload, these values are equal.
When there is an overload status in the server, the rate between "Accepts" and "Requests" decreases progressively.
When this rate falls below a certain point (given by an algorithm parameter named "K"), the client shall start dropping
some requests locally and not send them to the server.
The local rejection of requests can be done by calculating a "Client request rejection probability", as:
So, for example, assuming that the K parameter is set at 1.5:
- if the server accepts >67% of the traffic, and rejects <33% of the traffic, the client does not take any throttling
action, and keeps sending to the server all the traffic it has available for processing
- if, during a first time-window, the server accepts, e.g., only 60% of the requests, and rejects 40% due to
overload, the application of this algorithm implies that the client must drop locally 10% of the requests
(probabilistically), and only send to the server the remainder 90% of its traffic.
- if, during a second time-window, the client keeps the same amount of available traffic to handle, but the server
continues rejecting requests with same rate as before (40%) of the received requests, the application of the
algorithm again, results in increasing the drop rate to 14.5%, and sending to the server only 85.5% of the
available traffic.
The value of the parameter K, along with the size of the time window during which the total number of "requests" and
"accepts" is accounted for, has a fundamental role on how the algorithm behaves. If K is higher, the algorithm is more
"permissive", and the client does not start dropping requests locally until the rejection rate is higher (e.g., >50%, for K =
2); if K is lower, the algorithm is more "aggressive", and the client starts dropping requests sooner (e.g., K = 1.1 implies
to start dropping requests as soon as the server rejects >10% of the requests).
500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
Annex B (normative):
3gpp-Sbi-Callback Types
This annex specifies the list of allowed 3GPP SBI callback type values for the 3gpp-Sbi-Callback HTTP custom header
specified in clause
Table B-1 specifies callbacks that are invoked across PLMN.
Table B-1: Values for 3gpp-Sbi-Callback Custom HTTP Header
Value for 3gpp
Callback Custom HTTP Header
"Nsmf_PDUSession_Update" 3GPP TS 29.502 [28], Clause,, and
"Nsmf_PDUSession_StatusNotify" 3GPP TS 29.502 [28], Clause
"Nudm_SDM_Notification" 3GPP TS 29.503 [29], Clause
"Nudm_UECM_DeregistrationNotification" 3GPP TS 29.503 [29], Clause
"Nudm_UECM_PCSCFRestorationNotification" 3GPP TS 29.503 [29], Clause
"Nnrf_NFManagement_NFStatusNotify" 3GPP TS 29.510 [8], Clause
"Namf_EventExposure_Notify" 3GPP TS 29.518 [31], Clause
"Npcf_UEPolicyControl_UpdateNotify" 3GPP TS 29.525 [35], Clauses 4.2.4, 5.5.2 and 5.5.3.
"Nnssf_NSSAIAvailability_Notification" 3GPP TS 29.531 [32], Clause
"Namf_Communication_AMFStatusChangeNotify" 3GPP TS 29.518 [31], Clause
"Ngmlc_Location_EventNotify" 3GPP TS 29.515 [40], Clause
"Nchf_ConvergedCharging_Notify" 3GPP TS 32.291 [42], Clause
"Nnssaaf_NSSAA_ReAuthentication" 3GPP TS 29.526 [44], Clause
"Nnssaaf_NSSAA_Revocation" 3GPP TS 29.526 [44], Clause
For notification and callback service operations (used across PLMNs or within a PLMN) that are not part of Table B.1,
the value of the header shall be constructed as follows:
"N<NF>_<service name>_<name of the callback service operation in the corresponding OpenAPI specification file>"
EXAMPLE: Nsmf_PDUSession_smContextStatusNotification (for the Notify SM Context Status service operation)
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
Annex C (informative):
Internal NF Routing of HTTP Requests
The internal details of the architecture of a Network Function instance is out of the scope of 3GPP and are entirely
implementation-specific. This annex describes how an instance of an NF Service Producer can route internally HTTP
requests received on a given Service-Based Interface.
Figure C-1 illustrates an example component architecture where incoming HTTP requests are received and processed in
a component named as "Ingress Proxy" module and route them to the appropriate computing resource in the NF.
NF Service
NF Service Producer
Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource N
Figure C-1: Internal message routing inside NF Service Producer
The Ingress Proxy may parse any of the different components in the HTTP request, but typically it may parse the path
of the URI (i.e. the :path pseudo-header in the HTTP/2 request). Parsing of other component in the request message,
such as the HTTP body, is also possible but it is not desirable as it requires the parsing of the entire body (i.e. a JSON
document) which is a much more computing-intensive task.
The path component of the URI contains the service name of the requested SBA service, so frequently the routing is
done based on this component.
It is also frequent to inspect other components of the path (i.e. path segments), to do a more fine-grained routing and
direct requests done on a specific HTTP resource(s) towards a given computing resource(s).
It can be noted that the path components used to determine the target computing resource typically do not need to be
statically defined but are frequently defined in terms of "variables", or placeholders, similarly to how they are defined in
the OpenAPI specification language (a mechanism usually known as "path templating"). See:
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
Annex D (informative):
Change history
Change history
C4-175246 TR skeleton 0.1.0
C4-175390 Implementation of pCRs agreed at CT4#80. 0.2.0
C4-176433 Implementation of pCRs agreed at CT4#81. 0.3.0
C4-181387 Implementation of pCRs agreed at CT4#82. 0.4.0
C4-182430 Implementation of pCRs agreed at CT4#83. 0.5.0
CT#79 CP-180028 Presented for information 1.0.0
C4-183512 Implementation of pCRs agreed at CT4#84. 1.1.0
C4-184617 Implementation of pCRs agreed at CT4#85. The following
pCRs are implemented. C4-184589, C4-184580, C4-
184347, C4-184590, C4-184338, C4-184591, C4-184349,
C4-184490, C4-184350, C4-184579, C4-184577 and C4-
CT#80 CP-181098 Presented for approval 2.0.0
CT#80 Apprvoed in CT#80 15.0.0
CT#81 CP-182053 0001 4 F OAuth2.0 Clarifications 15.1.0
CT#81 CP-182053 0002 2 B Specifying N32 Aspects 15.1.0
CT#81 CP-182053 0003 1 F Determination of SBI message priorities 15.1.0
CT#81 CP-182053 0004 5 F Stateless AMF support 15.1.0
CT#81 CP-182053 0005 F Support of status code "501 Not implemented" 15.1.0
CT#81 CP-182053 0006 2 B Default port number 15.1.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0009 3 F Keep-alive on idle HTTP connections 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0010 1 F Stream Concurrency for overload control 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0011 1 F Update of missing status code 429 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0012 1 F Correction of the entity upon which content encoding is
CT#82 CP-183011 0013 2 F Custom header for notifications 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0014 3 F Routing across PLMN 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0015 F HTTP status code "406 Not Acceptable" 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0016 1 F Support of HTTP status code "414 URI Too Long" 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0018 F HTTP status code "414 URI Too Long" on PUT method 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183011 0020 1 F Correction of Stream Priority in HTTP/2 Server Behaviour 15.2.0
CT#82 CP-183194 0022 2 F Change 403 to mandatory and clarify conditional headers 15.2.0
Change history annex number corected 15.2.1
CT#83 CP-190016 0023 1 F Extensibility mechanism for Query parameters 15.3.0
CT#83 CP-190016 0024 1 F Bearer Tokens 15.3.0
CT#83 CP-190016 0025 1 F Handling of Incorrect IEs 15.3.0
CT#83 CP-190016 0026 2 F Clarification on Handling of Incorrect Optional IEs 15.3.0
CT#83 CP-190016 0027 F Status Codes 15.3.0
CT#84 CP-191027 0030 1 F Content-encodings supported in HTTP requests 15.4.0
CT#84 CP-191027 0031 3 F Missing Application Error Codes 15.4.0
CT#84 CP-191027 0032 2 F Correction on Feature Negotiation 15.4.0
CT#84 CP-191027 0037 1 F Allowed values of 3gpp-Sbi-Callback header field 15.4.0
CT#84 CP-191027 0038 1 F Adding the Control Plane interfaces that support service
based interface
CT#84 CP-191055 0033 1 B Support of Indirect Communication (General) 16.0.0
CT#84 CP-191055 0034 2 B Support of Indirect Communication (Routing to SCP) 16.0.0
CT#84 CP-191055 0035 1 B Support of Indirect Communication (NF discovery and
CT#84 CP-191057 0036 2 B Partially implemented PATCH 16.0.0
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release
CT#85 CP-192194 0040 2 B Support of stateless NFs 16.1.0
CT#85 CP-192194 0041 1 B Routing mechanisms for Indirect Communication 16.1.0
CT#85 CP-192194 0042 1 B Routing extensions for Indirect Communication 16.1.0
CT#85 CP-192194 0043 - B Authority and/or deployment-specific string in apiRoot of
resource URI for Indirect Communication
CT#85 CP-192194 0044 1 B NF / NF service instance selection for Indirect
Communication without Delegated Discovery
CT#85 CP-192194 0045 - B Feature negotiation for Indirect Communication with
Delegated Discovery
CT#85 CP-192194 0053 2 B Routing for indirect Communication with HTTP between
NFs and SCP
CT#85 CP-192123 0046 - B Timestamp in HTTP messages 16.1.0
CT#85 CP-19212 0047 1 B Handling of timed out requests 16.1.0
CT#85 CP-19212 0049 1 B Indicating partially implemented PATCH 16.1.0
CT#85 CP-19212 0052 2 F Adding the Control Plane interfaces that support service
based interface
CT#86 CP-193036 0059 1 F Load Info used for Load Control 16.2.0
CT#86 CP-193036 0062 - F Informative description of internal NF routing of HTTP
CT#86 CP-193057 0039 5 B Binding between NF Service Consumer and NF Service
CT#86 CP-193057 0056 2 B Routing of Indirect Communication with TLS between NFs
and SCP
CT#86 CP-193057 0057 2 B Routing of Indirect Communication without TLS between
NFs and SCP
CT#86 CP-193057 0060 3 B Conveyance of Delegated Discovery Parameters in HTTP/2
CT#86 CP-193057 0064 1 B Binding indication for subscribe/notify 16.2.0
CT#86 CP-193057 0065 - B General Introduction for Delegated Discovery 16.2.0
CT#86 CP-193057 0067 1 B Handling of relative URIs with indirect communication 16.2.0
CT#86 CP-193057 0068 2 B Use of 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header in HTTP requests
from NFs to SEPP
CT#86 CP-193057 0069 2 B Returning NF Producer ID to NF Consumer when using
Delegated Discovery
CT#86 CP-193057 0066 1 B Handling of default notification subscriptions with
Delegated Discovery
CT#86 CP-193063 0063 1 F Clarification of Cause MANDATORY_IE_INCORRECT 16.2.0
6.10.7 was removed (same as 6.10.2A0 16.2.1
CT#87e CP-200025 0074 6 B Description of the 3GPP Rel-16 OLC 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200025 0081 6 B Dynamic Load Control 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200016 0085 2 F Security requirements for Indirect Communication 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200016 0086 3 F Corrections to routing mechanism with TLS between NF
and SCP
CT#87e CP-200016 0087 4 F Binding procedures 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200016 0088 3 F Notifications sent with indirect communication 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200016 0089 4 F Handling of Discovery headers not supported by the SCP 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200016 0091 2 F Clarification to the SBI priority range 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200016 0095 2 F Indirect Communication Configuration Fixes With or
Without TLS
CT#87e CP-200016 0096 1 B Stateless Network Functions 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200016 0097 2 F NF set / NF service set usage in Indirect Communication
CT#87e CP-200016 0100 - F Complement to 3gpp-Sbi-Callback Types in Annex B 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200020 0090 2 B Failover cause 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200020 0098 1 B Usage of compression for HTTP responses 16.3.0
CT#87e CP-200039 0092 2 D Editorial fixes 16.3.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0104 2 F Essential definitions for the binding concept 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0106 1 F Correction of references 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0107 - F ABNF definition of 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header 16.4.0
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
CT#88e CP-201030 0108 1 F Error handling for indirect communications 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0113 1 B Populating Recovery Information in the Binding Indication 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0114 1 B Binding Indication sent from a Service Consumer 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0118 - F Binding indications / headers 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0119 1 F HTTP redirection for indirect communication 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0121 3 F Clarifications for scenarios with more than one SCP 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0124 2 F Service instance binding level 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0127 2 F Binding header clarification 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0128 - F Correcting parameter names in the binding headers 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0134 - F Clarifications of Binding concepts 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0135 1 B Client credentials assertion and authentication 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0136 - F URI used in communications after an NF Service Producer
CT#88e CP-201030 0137 - F Discovery parameters 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201030 0138 - F Support of Nchf_ConvergedCharging_Notify in 3gpp-Sbi-
CT#88e CP-201030 0139 1 F Complete the description of custom headers 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201039 0109 1 B Scope of OCI signalled by an NF service consumer 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201039 0110 1 B Load and Overload Control for Indirect Communications 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201039 0111 1 B S-NSSAI/DNN based Load/Overload Control 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201039 0112 1 Handling of multiple LCI/OCIs with different scopes 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201039 0116 1 F The Overload Control clarification when OCI sent from a
Service Consumer
CT#88e CP-201071 0122 2 F Failure detection on idle HTTP connections by NFs acting
as HTTP/2 server
CT#88e CP-201071 0142 1 F Missing abbreviations 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201034 0120 1 B Resource-Level Authorization 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201034 0123 2 F Delimiters - ABNF specific 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201034 0140 1 F HTTP Connection management and HTTP Retry 16.4.0
CT#88e CP-201034 0141 1 B Definition of error
CT#88e CP-201047 0132 - B NSSAA Callback 16.4.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0148 1 F Custom headers related to indirect communication 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0150 1 F TLS security with the 3gpp-Sbi-Target-apiRoot header on
CT#89e CP-202119 0151 1 F Determining the NF Service Producer Identity without
support of binding procedures
CT#89e CP-202119 0152 1 F Clarifications for Indirect Communications 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0153 - F Incorrect references and editorial errors 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0154 - F Sending the NRF API URIs to the SCP for indirect
CT#89e CP-202119 0157 - F Discovery Headers 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0158 1 F Reselection with indirect communication 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0159 2 F API Root Change Handling 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0160 2 F Notification Binding for Default Subscription 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202119 0161 1 F Notification for Default Subscriptions 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202117 0156 - F 3gpp-Sbi-Oci and 3gpp-Sbi-Lci headers 16.5.0
CT#89e CP-202110 0163 2 F Corrections on expressions based on ABNF 16.5.0
ETSI TS 129 500 V16.5.0 (2020
3GPP TS 29.500 version 16.5.0 Release 16
Document history
V16.4.0 November 2020 Publication
V16.5.0 November 2020 Publication