- Volume 18, Number 6 - 7 December 2011 - January 2012
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Veterans of Foreign Wars
John Lyon Post #3150
2116 North 19
Arlington VA 22201
703-525-0108/fax 703-525-8055
The John Lyon Gazette: Winner of 1999, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011 Clair B. Poff Public
Relations Award for Outstanding Newsletter, and Winner of National Awards for 2010, 2011
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah,
and a Happy New Year!
From all the Members of
John Lyon VFW Post 3150 and the Auxiliaries,
our very best wishes for the Holidays.
From The Commander:
Dear friends, No pressure… but by the time you sit down to read this, there will be fewer than 30 shopping days
left till Christmas! And the New Year will be just around the corner, laden with hopes of a better year for us all.
As we look forward to the new year, I invite you to take a quick glance back at these past six months and tally
up what the Post has accomplished thus far: membership stands right around 95% and all scheduled reports
have been duly submitted. The Post has supported the Arlington Base Ball Little League, the Boy Scouts, the
Cub Scouts, the Arlington Soccer Association, the AF JROTC, the Voice of Democracy, the Patriot’s Pen, the
National Home for Children, and the VFW’s National Military Service program. The Post celebrated the Army
– Marine – Navy – Air Force, and Coast Guard birthdays, the Nation’s birthday, the Post’s, the Ladies
Auxiliary’s, the Men’s Auxiliary’s and the VFW’s birthdays. Post members have participated in highway
cleanups, hospital visits, Buddy Poppy and membership recruiting drives. The Post observed remembrance
ceremonies for POW/MIA Day, Patriot Day (9/11), Purple Heart Day, the end of WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam
War. This is just a short partial list but no doubt you get the idea.
To be sure, there’ll be plenty of things to do in 2012. But as with any team effort, the more team members
available - the easier it is to get the job done. So if there’s an event or activity you’d like to get involved in, just
let us know and we’ll pull up a chair for you.
On that note I’d like to recognize some of the people that quietly help keep the Post going strong. Next time you
see them, join me in saying thanks to: Gary Woods and Mike McCartney for keeping the main room’s floor
looking great! Say thanks to Connie, Lola, Karen and Charlene for participating in November’s Buddy Poppy
drive (which helps sustain our Post’s Relief Fund), and to Doc and Cathy for braving the elements and
recruiting up at Ft Myer. Say thanks to Dennis, Wauleah, Walt, Lola, Jay and Mike for helping with
September’s hospital visit. Also say thanks to Fuzzy, Mike and Gary for helping with October’s highway
And a very special and personal thanks to John Lundquist who takes the time and regularly participates in our
activities. So far this year he’s taken part in the Memorial Day ceremonies, the hospital visits, and the highway
cleanups. John is also a regular at the House Committee and the Post monthly meetings. We would all do well
to emulate the zeal and dedication displayed by John. Oh, by the way, he was 86 on his last birthday in April!
I’m sure that Santa and his helpers will make many a child happy with plenty of toys, balls and bicycles these
holidays. So let’s be extra careful and on the lookout for the ‘little ones’ as we’re driving about.
May St Nick fill your stockings with everything you need, and even some of the stuff you want!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Feliz Navidad, Happy Holidays, and
a Happy New Year to all!
Yours in comradeship,
Nelson Betancourt, Commander
John Lyon – VFW Post 3150
“Relinquishing the benefits of doing what you want to do and instead doing what you must do is at the crux of
service to the community”. Col Jack Jacobs, US Army, Medal of Honor Recipient
From the President of the Ladies
Dear Comrades and Auxiliary Members:
I am writing this in November for December and
January. Today, the New Year seems so far away.
There are so many things left to do this year;
prepare & deliver the Thanksgiving food baskets to
the USO families; organize and prepare Christmas
food baskets and Christmas party for the families
and their children; prepare for the Hospital visit. As
always, review the calendar on the back of this
Newsletter to see where you might want to help.
Thank you in advance to those who do the work.
Many members give up their time to make these
activities very special.
Arnold Dixon, Service Officer, VFW 3150, and I
are going to start visiting Homeless Shelters to
address the needs of our Veterans. Doesn't that just
punch you in the stomach that a Veteran is
homeless? It hurts that anyone is homeless. I took
notes while he was talking to me about the obstacles
that the Veteran and the Shelters face. It sounds
like a humongous task to undertake, however, one
step-at-a-time is better than no-steps-at-all. Every
effort we make will make a difference. We would
welcome your help in this process.
Being a member of the Post, Ladies Auxiliary and
Men's Auxiliary is all about help. You visit the
Post, you have a meal, you pay, you leave a tip, you
place a donation in the Buddy Poppy Can, you
renew your dues, you pay someone else's dues.
Those motions make a difference and the money
goes in many different directions for the good.
Being a member of either group helps. Being active
at our Post is your choice. You are welcome in any
capacity. The most important thing to remember is
helping our Veterans. You either joined because
you are a Veteran or you want to help the Veteran.
There certainly are many ways to reach out to them,
check out www.vfwvaaux.org. My wish is that you
find a program that touches you and you step up and
make a difference.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, come visit
the Post over the Holidays, please don't be alone.
Remember our Service Personnel and their families,
and pray for their continued Safety. Let's hit the
ground running in January and make a difference.
See you soon.
Lola D. Kane, President, Ladies Auxiliary 3150
PS: New Years Resolution: Recruit, Recruit,
and Recruit
From the President of the Men’s
Holiday Greetings from the President of the Men’s
Well, it’s that time of year again to spend quality
time with our family, friends, and neighbors and to
spread some Holiday cheer. Break out the eggnog,
candy canes, dust off those decorations, and let’s
celebrate the season and the New Year!
We are all very busy this time of year but each of us
needs to take a few moments to reflect back on our
year; praise your accomplishments and learn from
the events that you wished had a different outcome.
How did this year stack up with those in the past?
If it was a heck of a good year, pat yourself on the
back. If not, think of ways to make 2012 a better
year. We all need to occasionally reassess
ourselves and what better time to do that when we
are surrounded by the ones we love and endear.
It is also a time to reflect on those friends and
family that passed from our lives. The John Lyon
family lost some very special patriots in 2011 and
they will be sorely missed. For me, I recall two
such members who touched my heart in special
ways with their kindness and caring. Take a few
moments to praise them and keep them in your
thoughts in the upcoming year. They all favorably
impacted many lives in many ways and we each
have much to learn from their good deeds and
And let us never forget the sacrifice of our valiant
soldiers at home and abroad. We owe them and the
ones who answered the call before them our most
sincere respect and gratitude. The sacrifices they
make every day often go unnoticed but without their
ever-vigilant efforts, our country would not be the
greatest nation in the world. Many soldiers can’t be
home to celebrate the season with their families so
the rest of us need to step up to the plate and extend
ourselves to their families and embrace them during
the holidays and throughout the year. Many of us
know how difficult a holiday season can be
spending time away from your family and loved
ones. Think of ways you can extend yourself to
those families that are separated from their soldiers
this season. It will go a very long way in making
their season a little brighter.
The Men’s Auxiliary is looking forward to
participating in all the Christmas activities planned
at the Post this year. The USO Christmas party will
surely be a very special event again this year. I’ll
never forget what a good time the kids had last year
at the Christmas Party. It was a very happy event
for all…and that is the true spirit of the Holiday
Season. Give back something of yourself to those
that need a little help along the way. Isn’t that why
we are all part of the John Lyon family?
I want to remind all the Post membership and
friends that the Men’s and Lady’s Auxiliaries will
be hosting a Fund Raiser Dinner on January 14,
2012 from 4 – 7 PM. The menu has not yet been
finalized but we are considering serving stuffed
pork chops with all the fixings’. Keep your eyes
open for the table display ad and sign up sheet at the
canteen. Also note that the Auxiliaries conduct
these fund raiser dinners to help support many
worthwhile charities and organizations. We
sincerely appreciate your participation in the fund
raiser dinners as your contribution helps us to help
others. Plus you get the added benefit of dining
with friends and eating a very tasty meal. Please
consider joining us and don’t forget to invite your
family and friends. The dinner is open to all who
want to attend.
Finally, as the spokesperson for the Men’s
Auxiliary, I want to extend our most sincere
Holiday greetings to all the John Lyon family and
friends. We hope that all of you have a safe and
festive season. HO-HO-HO!!!
Mike Lowe (Red), President, Men’s Auxiliary, John
Lyon Post #3150
From Your Post Service Officer:
Arnold Dixon
Handling Stress, continued
Last month we covered the necessity to recognize and
handle stress; this month some thoughts on ways to
handle it.
Things to think about:
* Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon,
and some days you're the statue!
* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in
case you have to eat them.
* Always read stuff that will make you look good if
you die in the middle of it.
* Drive carefully... It's not only cars that can be
recalled by their Maker.
* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to
be vague.
* If you lend someone $20 and never see that
person again, it was probably worth it.
* It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
to serve as a warning to others.
* Never buy a car you can't push.
* The second mouse gets the cheese.
* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same
time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.
* Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up
and dance.
* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the
bird, sleep late.
* When everything's coming your way, you're in the
wrong lane.
* Birthdays are good for you. The more you have,
the longer you live.
* You may be only one person in the world, but you
may also be the world to one person.
* We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are
sharp, some are pretty and some are dull, some have
weird names and all are different colors, but they all
live in the same box.
* A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the
scenery on a detour.
* Save the earth.....It's the only planet with
chocolate !
Pig Roast to Benefit Toys for Tots
The Post will host a pig roast on Saturday, 10
December from 4 to 7 pm. The only cost will be a
$5 donation to Toys for Tots for the US Marine
Corps program for underprivileged children. A box
will also be available the week before for those who
prefer to donate new unwrapped toys. Those who
wish to donate an additional amount may make
checks out to "Toys for Tots". With their
purchasing power, this is often a better way to
contribute as the Marines can obtain more toys per
dollar donated. Those unable to attend Saturday
night are invited to the Sunday morning brunch the
next day, when the Marines will be invited about
noon to accept the toys and donations collected.
Welcome to Our New Members
Welcome to new Post members Jeffrey Duvall
(Army – Vietnam), Michael Falls (Army –
GWOTEM), Pat Haggerty (USMC – Iraq), Thomas
Harper (Army – Afghanistan), Bryan Heiss (Navy –
Iraq), Douglas Jackson (Army – Desert Storm),
Ethan Jones (Army – Desert Storm/Iraq), Ray List
(USMC - Iraq), Sabrina Nagel (USAF – Korea
Service GWOTEM), William Morales (USAF -
Afghanistan) (Life), Matthew R. Sasse (USMC –
Bosnia/Iraq/AfghanistanX3/Korea), Gustavo
Sequeira-Mercado (Army – Iraq), Jason Torpy
(Army – Iraq) (Life Trans), Allen Watts (Army –
Afghanistan/GWOTEM); and new Ladies Auxiliary
member Patricia Bowers, all whose paperwork is
complete and who were elected at the November
Children’s Christmas Party
The annual Christmas Party for children of junior
enlisted personnel at Fort Myer is scheduled for 11
am to 1 pm on Saturday, 17 December. Santa and
Mrs Claus are expected as special guests. Come
down and join in the fun! Santa’s helpers are always
needed. Anyone who would like Santa to give their
child a toy, please bring one with you and place it
under the Christmas tree for presentation. The Post
will also prepare Christmas food baskets for these
same families on Friday, 16 December at 7:30 pm.
Heard a Good Rumor Lately?
The gossip mill is alive and wreaking havoc again.
You remember the old telephone game of passing
info from one to another and how the ending story
bears little resemblance to the one at the beginning?
Don’t pass along things which are likely changed
from the truth and hurt someone / something else as
well as making you a gossip. Before saying it,
check with the Commander or the individual to see
if it is true. Or just keep it to yourself!
Christmas Hospital Visit
The yearly Christmas visit to the VA Hospital
Nursing Home in Washington, DC is scheduled for
Saturday, 3 December. John Lyon members (and
Santa) will meet at the Post Home about 8:15 am
and proceed to the hospital to distribute fresh fruit
and other goodies for the residents. You are
encouraged to join in this most rewarding event and
help bring a smile to the faces of our veterans at the
Life Membership Drawing Winners
We missed getting this story in last month’s
newsletter and some of you are wondering about the
results. Our apologies.
Congratulations to the following winners of the
Life Membership drawings held at the Early Bird
Dinner in October.
Group A (>70): Ray Baird, Arlington, VA
Group B (61-70): Richard Daley, Alexandria, VA
Group C (51-60): Karen Komar, Alexandria, VA
Group D (41-50): Dewey Carter, Falls Church, VA
Group E (31-40): Andrew Palisin, Rockville, MD
Group F (<31): Grant Vaught, Ft Myer, VA
Auxiliaries Dinner
The Ladies and Men’s Auxiliaries will hold a dinner
on 14 January from 4 – 7 pm. Menu possibly
stuffed pork chops, but exact details are still to be
worked out, so check with the Post early next
A John Lyon Hello …
To Walt Landry recovering from a recent illness. To
the many members who helped out around the Post
and made Veterans Day 2011 a memorable occasion
for our many members and guests from across the
country. And to the “John Lyon Team” of Scott
Clendaniel and Michael Hoffman, Peter East,
Richard Hoffman, and Belle Woods who all
completed either the 26 mile or 10K courses at the
Marine Corps Marathon.
Scout of the Year
Scout of the Year: Any Eagle Scout, Girl Scout,
Venture Silver Award recipient, or Sea Scout
Quartermaster may qualify. Deadline is March 1,
2012. Early submission --- or declared intent to do
so --- by 31 December may provide opportunity for
additional trip to Valley Forge for Scout.
Further information, including entry forms,
brochures, and back ground, are available at
www.vfw.org, then Community, then Programs,
then Scout of the Year. Forms may also be
obtained at http://www.vfwva.org/reports.htm, then
Programs or Forms. Or call Post 3150 after 3 pm at
703-525-0108 for further information.
Sunday Brunch $7.00
9 am - 12 noon
Kids under 10 years eat free
NO Brunch Dec 25
As is usual, there will be NO Sunday brunch when
it falls between Christmas and New Years, this year
on 25 December. We’ll see you on 8 January
Tenth District Meeting
The Tenth District Meeting will be held on Sunday,
4 December, at Leesburg Post 1177, 401 Old
Waterford Road, Leesburg, (Phone 703-297-6537).
Meeting will begin at 1 pm, following lunch at 12
noon. All VFW members are urged to attend this
meeting. The Ladies Auxiliary will NOT meet in
Post Christmas Party
The Post / Auxiliaries Christmas Party is scheduled
for Saturday, 17 December, starting at 4 pm.
Christmas Gift Idea
If you need a last minute idea for a Christmas gift
for your spouse, consider a Life Membership to the
VFW or Ladies Auxiliary. And remember that the
wife of a VFW member is eligible for membership
in the Ladies Auxiliary. Contact the Post for
High Schoolers: Art Contest
The Ladies Auxiliary yearly holds the Young
American Creative Patriotic Art contest for grades
9, 10, 11 or 12. Deadline is March 31, 2012. See
, then Programs, then
Scholarships, then Young American Creative
Patriotic Art Brochure.
Richard Lewis Funeral
The funeral for recently deceased Post member
Richard Lewis is scheduled for Thursday, 1 Decem-
ber at 3 pm at Arlington National Cemetery. It is
advised to arrive 30 minutes early.
Hours for Post Canteen
The Post Canteen is open as follows:
Sun (1
, 3
, 5
) 12 noon – 9pm
Sun (2
, 4
,”Brunch”) 9 am – 9 pm
Mon - Thurs 3 – 9 pm
Fri 3 10 pm
Sat 12 noon–10 pm
Holidays open 12 noon
VFW ‘Legislative Day on the Hill’ in
The VFW Department of Virginia is likely to
conduct its annual ‘Legislative Day on the Hill’ in
Richmond on Thursday, 19 January 2012. Check
the January General Orders at the VFW Virginia
website (http://www.vfwva.com/) for additional
information. The Legislative Day on the Hill is a
time for VFW members to meet with state
legislators on matters affecting veterans. Everyone
is invited to join this effort to promote veterans’
issues to the state legislators. See “Doc” Crouch for
more information.
Winter Council Meeting
The annual Winter Council Meeting will be held
20-22 January 2012, at the Crown Plaza
Williamsburg at Ft Magruder, 6945 Pocahontas
Trail, Williamsburg VA 23185, telephone 1-800-
227-6963. Reserve by 28 December for VFW rates
of $68 per night. All members of the VFW and
Auxiliaries are invited to attend and see their
organizations at the state level. Saturday night
banquet features Braised Beef Short Ribs or Braised
Chicken with Herbed Cream Sauce, and salad,
vegetables, dessert, etc. Notify Adjutant Wagner of
choice by 3 January.
Upcoming Next Month
Not counting Sunday brunches and the normal
meetings, the following are the highlights of next
month’s calendar. See next month’s newsletter for
more details.
Sun, 5 Feb: Superbowl Party, 6 pm
Sat, 11 Feb: Highway Cleanup 8:30 am (tentative)
Sun, 19 Feb: Ladies Auxiliary 3150 77
cake cutting (time TBD)
Sun, 19 Feb Tenth District Meeting, McLean
Post 8241, 1 pm (lunch at 12 noon)
Pearl Harbor Day
Remembrance Ceremony
Wed, 7 December, 7:00 pm
Take it easy when shoveling snow
Thanks to the Troops
In lieu of Christmas cards sent to “Any soldier”
(which will not be accepted), send as many cards as
you like to Holiday Mail for Heroes, P.O. Box
5456, Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456. Absolutely
NO inserts of any kind. Must be postmarked by 9
December. Cards (no glitter) must be signed but no
email or snail addresses on cards. They will be
screened for offensive content. See
for more info.
Youth, Teacher and Emergency
Responders Awards
While the winners will be announced after we go to
press, the awards will be presented on Saturday, 14
January, starting with lunch at 12 noon at the Post
Home. All members are invited and urged to attend
and honor these special citizens. Snow date will be
28 January at 12 noon.
New VA Website
A new website has just been launched by the VA.
It’s called Make The Connection
http://maketheconnection.net/. This may be the
most helpful site for vets the VA has come up with,
featuring a huge amount of information in one
easily accessible place. It is tailored by gender and
war from Afghanistan and Iraq to World War II and
it includes signs and symptoms, self-analysis,
resources, conditions, life events and experiences,
etc. It is worth checking out.
Seated in the veterans section at >>>
Arlington’s Patrick Henry Elementary School
Veterans Day Salute are (front) Shawn Poulin,
Charles Reddoor, (second row) Lola Kane, and
J.Gary Wagner. Also there was photographer
Nelson Betancourt. The yearly event, which
instills patriotism and appreciation for veterans
in its young students, salutes veteran parents
and school friends. Post 3150 has attended for
several years on the day before Veterans Day.
U.S. Marine Corps Birthday
<<< Sgt Jerry Holloran and 1LT Ashley-
Anne East, the oldest and youngest Marines
present, cut into the cake commemorating
the 236
birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps
on 10 November. Richard Hoffman, as the
Guest of Honor, looks on from the left.
Holloran was a visitor to the Post and East is
the wife of Post member Peter East.
Post 77
Among those attending the 77
Birthday >>>
of John Lyon Post 3150 were Commander
Nelson Betancourt and Past Commanders
J.Gary Wagner and Eric Anderson who make
the first cut into the cake.
John Lyon members and friends attended the two Veterans Day wreath laying ceremonies at the Cherrydale War
Memorial (aka the “John Lyon Memorial”), left, and the Clarendon War Memorial. Post members were joined
by AF JROTC cadets and Barbara Favola of the Arlington County Board in this photo. The “John Lyon
Memorial” has been so named as John Lyon’s is the first of several names on the memorial of Arlingtonians
killed in World War I.
Commander Nelson Betancourt and Senior Vice Commander Dewey Carter present the Post wreath at Clarendon
War Memorial on Veterans Day. The Ladies Auxiliary wreath was presented by President Lola Kane and Senior
Vice President Charlene Spollen. Past Commander Charles Reddoor assists Secretary Dennis Gerrity to present
the Men’s Auxiliary wreath during the ceremonies which included three American Legion posts and civic
Other Veterans Day week activities included Buddy Poppy distribution, attendance at school and civic events,
and Post 3150’s hosting members, veterans and their families who visited the Washington area from around the
VFW 3150
December 2011
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Movie Night
Christmas VA
Hospital Visit
Meet at Post
8:15 am
VFW 10
Post 1177
Leesburg 1 pm
/ Post O
Call 7:30 p
Pearl Harbor
Day, 7 pm
Movie Night,
Post Meeting
7:30 pm
Toys for Tots
Benefit Pig
Roast 4 - 7 pm
Sunday Brunch
9 am - 12 n
Toys for Tots
12 noon
Men’s Auxiliary
Meeting 7:30 p
Movie Night
Ladies Auxiliary
Meeting 7:30 p
Basket Prep
7:30 pm
Party 11 - 1
Party 4 pm
Movie Night
Movie Night
VFW 3150
January 2012
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Movie Night
9 am - 12 n
1:30 pm
Committee /
Post O Call
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Movie Night
Post Meeting
7:30 pm
Post Awards
12 noon
4 – 7 p m
Movie Night
Virginia Day on
the Hill -
Richmond (tent)
Ladies Auxiliary
7:30 pm
9 am - 12 n
Movie Night
Signing of
7:30 p
Post Awards
12 noon
(snow date)
5 Feb ----->>
Party 6 - 9
703-525-0108 for info or reservations
“All American Post”
Veterans of Foreign Wars
2116 North 19
Arlington, Virginia 22201-3514
Dated Material Please Do Not Delay
Address Service Requested
December 2011
Members of the John Lyon family arrive at nearby Fort Myer with 13 Thanksgiving “baskets” for
area junior enlisted soldiers and their families, as selected by the USO. Ready to deliver the
“baskets” are Shelton Ellison, Dewey Carter, Richard Hoffman, Wilbur Rawlings, Nelson
Betancourt, Gail Hoffman, and Nancy Weeks. .A group of Post, Auxiliaries, and family members
assembled the boxes, containing turkeys and all the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner and breakfast
or lunch, at the Post earlier in the day before they were delivered to the selected families.
Merrifield, VA
Permit No. 9209