Recently I got involved in trying to upgrade the
power unit on my electric powered Morris the Knife. I
quickly found that when working with higher voltage
circuits there are some differences from the power
requirements of, say, a Slo Stik,using two or three Lipo
cells and a 150 watt motor. One of these differences lies in
selecting an ESC unit to control the speed of your motor.
Warren Oliver recently wrote about his experiences
electrifying an SPA model* and I found some answers to a
few my questions. I think that some of you might
appreciate the article I found in the November issue of
AMA Insider on ESCs. At least I found it helpful in
understanding some of the terms used.. It was reprinted
from a British publication and very readable.. Jim ▄
*Warren's article was passed around the KCRC mail list a
couple times and is definitely worth reading.
October 28
marked the date of another KCRC
sponsored indoor fly In at the hangar at McGee Tyson
airport. This was the third or fourth edition and probably
the most successful, as Boy Scouts from around the area
were in attendance to garner some aeronautical
knowledge and expertise. KCRC member John Bobrek did
a write up and posted a video at his website
( HTTP/ ) . There is also a write up
and photographs on the website
There was almost 100 in attendance, and according to the
video, everyone had a good time. ▄
On Sunday, November 1
, a hungry group of
KCRC members gathered at KCRC field to burn some
grease and ingest a lot of cholesterol as a result of the
House Mountain Fun Fly cancellation. Due to the
abundance of rain the previous week. It was felt the threat
of messing up the House Mountain field was too great.
However, that just served as an opportunity to get together
at KCRC field and cook up some hot dogs and
hamburgers. Pictures of the activities are posted on the
new website. ▄
Crashing is an option
In the November issue of Model Aviation, Don
Apostolico of Don's Hobby Shop in Salinas, Kansas, wrote
an article stating that "Crashing is not an option". I'm afraid
that I must disagree; Crashing is always an option. It's not
that a crash is inevitable, but they will happen if you give
then half a chance. Back when I started RC in the late
fifties and early sixties, we flew on one 27 mhz channel
called the “ citizen's band “. Every one flew on this one
frequency and there were many crashes because of radio
interference. These were unavoidable in most cases. Later
when we got extra channels in the 27 mhz band things got
a lot better, but we still had a lot of radio interference. Not
until we were given the 72 mhz frequencies in the late
sixties along with vast improvements in radio technology
did real radio dependability come along. In those early
Knoxville,TN AMA#594
Editor.... Jim
Website Jeff Prosise
Safety......Scott Anderson,,,,,
Historian......................June Cope
NEWSLETTER December 2009
Vice President...............................Gary Lindner
Secretary........................................Donald Eiler
Treasurer...........................................Joel Hebert
Jeff Prosise, Karl Gerth , Phil Spelt
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish
each and every one of you and your families the
very best for a Very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
days, we could truthfully say that if you flew often enough.
you WOULD crash.
In his article, Mr. Apostolico went over many ways
to prevent crashes, and I'm sure they all work. Mostly they
had to do with getting the proper equipment and learning
to fly. The biggest tip was to keep your mind on what you
were doing. My models do not cost very much in money
but represent a considerable investment of time and I don't
enjoy crashes any more than the modeler with the $6000
model does.
I don't worry much about radio problems anymore
and equipment failures are extremely rare. If I don't screw
up, then generally I don't crash, but human error is the big
bugaboo and it is a fact of life. I don't think you can
legislate it out of existence or ignore it out of existence. It's
there and regardless of the amount of money you spend,
or how many check lists you use, I think there is going to
be a time when you screw up. Veteran modelers still take
off with a control reversed, or weak batteries, or some
other kind of iffy condition. They just want to get in this one
flight. I think a screw-up is almost required every so often,
sorta like a sacrifice to the RC gods. I remember one time
in a much more stupid age when I took a newly completed
model of a Dave Platt designed SE-5 to the field for it's
first flight. After a hot, pains taking hour of assembly,
connecting functional flying wires and such, I found that
the ailerons were reversed. You couldn't reverse the
controls then with a switch on the tranny and the thought
of taking everything apart and putting it back together
helped me make a terrible decision; I just had to
remember that left was right and right was left. I learned a
couple of the hard lessons that day that stay with you. .
On the other hand, if there were no possibility of a
crash, I don't think we'd get nearly as much fun out of it.
The first flight on a new model always gets my juices
flowing and my knees shaking, and I bet it does with you,
too. ..Jim ▄
President Dennis Drone called the
meeting to order at 7:00 PM on Tuesday,
November 10 at the Fellowship Church. There
were 22 members and Brewster present.
Minutes for the October meeting were
approved as printed in the November
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Joel
Hebert and approved. Budgeted expenditures
are tracking very well with the 2009 budget. A
copy of the report is available from Joel or the
Safety Officer Scott Anderson reported
that the water tank fire extinguisher has been
received. A secure storage container will be
provided for it.
Scott also reported that new AMA Safety
Code was published in the October Model
Aviation, to take effect Jan. 1, 2010. There may
be some impact on our draft rules. A motion was
made, seconded, and approved to leave the
draft rules as written for the December approval
Scott reminded everyone to discharge Li-
Po batteries to 3.8-3.9 volts per cell for storage.
Bill Dodge reported that the netting for the
east safety fence has been ordered. Total
project cost will be about $150 with the netting
being $65.
Dennis Drone reported that the RV
electrical hookup installation will be delayed a
little longer (next week) due to his work
Charles Wilson reported for the
Nominating Committee. All of the incumbents
have agreed to run for reelection. In addition,
Rick Hampton is going to run for president.
Gene Waters has agreed to run for Board of
Directors and Ed Hartley was nominated from
the floor at the meeting for the Board of
Anyone not having a user name and
password for the new KCRC web site should
contact Jeff Prosise.
Dennis Drone reported that the October
Hangar Fly had over 96 attendees, with 19
registered pilots. With food being donated, and
meals for non-Scout and non-KCRC attendees
being charged at $3 (hot dogs) or $4
(hamburgers), the club netted about $30.
Dennis is investigating new venues for future
Hangar Flys. A larger hangar at TYS may
become available. Also Thompson-Boling Arena
is being investigated. Dennis is to contact
Performance Sports & Hobby concerning their
participation in the hangar flys.
It was moved, seconded, and approved
that dues for 2010 remain the same as 2009 -
$60 for individuals, $75 for families, and $30 for
Phil Cope reported that he had recently
talked to Skip Dishner and Skip was in ICU and
not doing well. However Phil got word just
before the meeting that Skip was doing much
better. He was out of ICU and they were looking
at a rehab program for him.
George Campbell had very nice KCRC
logos for anyone who wanted them.
Scott Anderson is working on short kits of
the Flying Pizza Box that flew very well at the
Hangar Fly.
Bill Dodge has fuel available.
Bud Weisser displayed his latest design,
a tractor canard called the “Doll Fly”. It featured
patio umbrella ribs being recycled for fuselage
longerons, a fuel tank a long way from the
engine, and several Coroplast parts made from
material supplied by Memphis Lawn Service.
Another design feature is the ability to convert
the model to pusher propulsion.
Larry Hayes won the MOM competition
with his Giant Super Decathlon built from the
Dynaflite kit. The model weighs 16 lb. with an
Enya 1.20 from Gene Water’s collection.
Covering is Solartex.
Dennis Drone was the only entry. He
displayed the remains of the fuselage of his
indoor 3D electric model. Dennis impacted
Mother Earth when he flew toward the ground
when he meant to fly away from it.
The meeting adjourned at 7:39 PM.
Minutes submitted by Don Eiler, KCRC
Pictures by Gary Lindner
Here is the list of candidates for the
December election. The bylaws call for at least
two candidates for each office and Charles
Wilson and the committee has done an
outstanding job in securing some great folks to
vote for. You can come to the meeting at 8000
Middlebrook Pike and vote in person or you can
write out your choices on a piece of paper and
mail it to Gary Lindner at 988 Dewitt Drive,
Lenoir City, TN 37772, or, since Ed Hartley has
arranged for online voting, you can do it there.
No one has an excuse for not casting a vote.
Here is the web address for voting and don't
forget to vote for the safety rules update. To
read the rules changes, go to the September
2009 issue of the newsletter on the kcrctn
Received a note from Scott Anderson,
KCRC safety officer about a new Pattern Forum.
Are you interested in the classic pattern
planes of past? Have you heard of the Senior
Pattern Association, Ballistic Pattern Association,
Vintage R/C Society?
We have created a NEW forum to put all
these organizations under one roof with several
others for you to use! No fees! There is a free
selling area and an area for the vendors there is
an area to list your business and post a link.
Banner ads are available for a small fee and will
rotate with other vendors.
If you’re interested check out
So let’s get some threads started!
We are interested in your ideas and feel free to
email them thru the forum...
PatternPilot1 Administrator▄
From the Presidents Corner:
The year is drawing to a close. We are
blessed to have no major problems at KCRC
and I hope the same has occurred with all of you
as well. I am looking forward to the upcoming
election and our annual January KCRC Dinner.
Please pass along any restaraunts that you
might like to attend. I will be sure to wear the
"Presidents Hat" and perhaps pass it on to the
next generation. This upcoming year, I will be
learning to fly Pattern....what will your New Years
resolution be? ..Dennis Drone KCRC President
I have been involved off and on in KCRC
since the late sixties before we were even KCRC
and I can't remember a time when we didn't have
good officers who took good care of club business.
Looking at the list of candidates for 2010 just tells me
that you can't go wrong whoever you vote for, so do
your duty and vote. THEN SUPPORT WHOEVER
2010 will be upon us before very long, and
since this is the last edition of the newsletter for
2009, I'd like to wish all of you a happy and
successful year to come. May each of you get all
the flying you want without screwing up too
much and messing up those pretty models
Dennis Drone
Rick Hampton
Vice President
Gary Lindner
Ed Hartley
Don Eiler
Larry Hayes
Joel Herbert
Larry Weston
Board of Directors
Phil Spelt
Jeff Prosise
Karl Gerth
Gene Waters