Topic #625-000-002
FDOT Design Manual
325-Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
325 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
325.1 General
Signing and Pavement Marking (S&PM) Plans are usually a component set of plans.
Component plans are assembled as a separate plans set complete with a Key Sheet,
Tabulation of Quantities, and all other required signing and pavement marking sheets.
Number the component plans with the sheet numbers prefixed by the letter “S”; e.g.,
S-1, S-2, S-3.
Projects with minimal signing and pavement marking improvements may show these
features on signing and pavement marking sheets in the roadway plan set (lead
component), or detailed on the Roadway Plan sheets. Do not use the prefix letter “S”
when including signing and pavement marking sheets in the roadway plan set. See
FDM 307.1 for placing Tabulation of Quantities sheet in the Roadway plan set.
Comply with the requirements in FDM 230 in the selection of the permanent pavement
marking materials to be used.
325.1.1 Signs Mounted on Signal Installations
Show, detail, and tabulate signs mounted on signal span wires or mast arms in the
Signalization plans.
Modification for Non-Conventional Projects:
Delete the second sentence from the above paragraph and replace with the following:
Component plans are assembled as a separate plans set complete with a Key Sheet
and all other required signing and pavement marking sheets.
Modification for Non-Conventional Projects:
Delete the last sentence from the above paragraph
January 1, 2018
Topic #625-000-002
FDOT Design Manual
325-Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
325.2 Key Sheet
The Key Sheet is the first sheet in the component plans set. The location map and
Contract Plans Components list are not required on this sheet. Show the Index of S&PM
Plans on the left side of the sheet. Assemble S&PM plans in the following order:
(1) Key Sheet
(2) Signature Sheet (if required)
(3) Summary of Pay Items (when lead component)
(4) Tabulation of Quantities
(5) General Notes (if required)
(6) S&PM Plan
(7) Guide Sign Worksheet (if required)
(8) Overhead Sign Cross Section (if required)
(9) Overhead Sign Support Design (if required)
(10) Foundation Details (if required)
(11) Boring Data (if required)
Modification for Non-Conventional Projects:
Delete item number (3) above.
Signing and pavement marking plans may require insertion of sheets that were prepared
early, or prior to the design process; i.e. early works. See FDM 302.6.1 for instructions
on including early works sheets.
See FDM 302 for other Key Sheet requirements and Exhibit 302-3 as an example
Component Key Sheet.
325.3 Signature Sheet
See FDM 303 for Signature Sheet requirements.
January 1, 2018
Topic #625-000-002
FDOT Design Manual
325-Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
325.4 Tabulation of Quantities and Pay Item Notes
Prepare the Tabulation of Quantities sheet using the standard plan format showing
quantities, standard sign numbers, pay item numbers (except for pavement markings pay
items) and size of sign for all pay items. The sign size and standard sign number is not
required if shown in the plans sheets. List pay items in numerical order and tabulate
quantities per sheet or by station. When the number of pay item numbers exceed one
page, the additional sheet is to be labeled using an alphabetic suffix; e.g., S-3 and S-3A,
S-4 and S-4A. Provisions must be made to show the original and final quantities.
On contracts with multiple Financial Project ID numbers, or Federal Aid and non-Federal Aid
quantities, provisions must be made to tabulate and summarize their respective quantities.
Show pay item notes and standard notes that refer to item numbers on this sheet.
For pay item 710-90 (Painted Pavement Markings (Final Surface) Lump Sum), the
Tabulation of Quantities sheet should show the detailed description of the pay item and the
quantities for each pay item, except in lieu of the pay item number substitute an “*” in the
Bid Item Number Column (see FDM 325.4.1).
When there is not a roadway component, see FDM 307.1 for placing Summary of
Quantities sheets in the Signing and Pavement Marking plan set.
325.4.1 Standard Notes
Add the following note at the bottom of the Tabulation of Quantities sheet:
* These quantities are paid for under Painted Pavement Markings (Final Surface),
Lump Sum - Item No. 710-90. The quantities shown are for one application; see
Specification 710 for the number of applications required.
Modification for Non-Conventional Projects:
Delete FDM 325.4
325.5 General Notes Sheet
Show general notes on a separate General Notes sheet. See FDM 311 for instruction in
creating a General Notes sheet.
January 1, 2018
Topic #625-000-002
FDOT Design Manual
325-Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
325.6 S&PM Plan Sheets
Prepare S&PM Plan sheets on a standard plan format. The scale should be such that all
details are clear and legible. See the requirements of FDM 312.1 as a guide. For simple
projects, or for narrow sections of a project, it may be possible to "stack" two plans on
one sheet, one below the other. Stationing is to progress from left to right and be stacked
from top to bottom.
Typical drawings may be used on rural projects with long sections of roadway that show
only edge and lane delineation lines. Detail sheets should be used to depict markings at
intersections. Signs may be tabulated to indicate location and disposition.
325.6.1 Required Information
The basic information pertaining to roadway geometrics and project limits required on the
signing and pavement marking plan sheets is the same as that required on the plan
portion of the plan-profile sheets. Topography and construction details need not be
Provide the following on the S&PM Plan sheet:
(1) Flag and station the begin and end of the signing and pavement marking limits.
(2) Place a north arrow and scale at a point of maximum visibility on the sheet. If two
plans are "stacked" on one sheet, then show a north arrow and scale on each plan
(3) Show regulatory, warning and directional signs at the proper locations. Show each
sign face in close proximity to its respective sign with a leader line connecting the
sign location and sign face. Orient each sign face on the plan sheet to be read as
viewed from the direction of travel along the roadway. Indicate the location of all
signs by station or milepost.
(4) Provide sign placement (offset) when installation may be in conflict with utilities,
drainage, lighting, sidewalks, driveways, and landscape feature.
(5) Indicate the pay item number, sign size, standard designation, or assigned number
if nonstandard for each sign.
(6) Show and label permanent pavement markings specifying width, color and
spacing. Indicate begin and end pavement marking stations including offsets, or
begin pavement marking station including offset and the total length of roadway
pavement marking.
January 1, 2018
Topic #625-000-002
FDOT Design Manual
325-Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
(7) Indicate location of raised pavement markers and delineators by specifying the
type, color, spacing, and limits of application by stations.
Modification for Non-Conventional Projects:
Replace number (5) with the following:
(5) Indicate size, standard designation, or assigned number if nonstandard for each
325.6.2 Typical Pavement Marking Sheet
For simple projects, or sections of a project, it may be possible to show signing and
pavement marking plan details schematically using straight-line format with station limits
and typical markings. Show and identify all signs at their graphic location on the straight-
line diagram. Show and label pavement markings on a typical marking plan. Include all
necessary details for special areas; e.g., median crossovers, turn lanes.
325.7 Guide Sign Worksheet
Show the sign face, with the complete message layout with legend spacing (vertical and
horizontal), margins, border widths, and corner radii on the guide sign worksheet.
Cross sections are not required for multi-support roadside signs; however the support
data (size and average length) for each sign must be tabulated on the guide sign
This sheet should be prepared on the standard plan sheet format to any convenient scale
that will preserve clarity and legibility. The number of signs that may be shown on a single
sheet depends on the sign size and complexity. The format of the sheet is flexible as
long as the information listed above is shown. Output from the Transoft GuidSign
Program, or a similar format may be used.
325.8 Multi-Post Sign Supports
Standard foundations for multi-post signs are provided in the Standard Plans. These
foundations are based on the sign support size; however, the post size and length are not
included in the Standard Plans and must be included as a part of the design and shown
in the plans.
January 1, 2018
Topic #625-000-002
FDOT Design Manual
325-Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
325.9 Overhead Sign Cross Section and Support Structure
The Sign Cross Section sheet shows the location of overhead sign(s) in cross section. A
standard profile format should be utilized. Show and fully dimension the cross section of
the roadway at the sign location.
The recommended scale for the cross section is 1" = 10' horizontally and vertically.
The design of the support truss, columns and foundations, along with the boring data
information, must be included in the signing and pavement marking plans. The
“Cantilever Sign Structures Data Table” and the “Span Sign Structures Data Table” work
in conjunction with of the Standard Plans, Indexes 700-040 and 700-041. These tables
include the information noted above and should be completed by the Structures Engineer
of Record (EOR) and inserted as a sheet in the plans.
A computer program for the design of overhead cantilever sign structures and a program
for the design of overhead span sign structures are available. The programs were
developed by the Structures Design Office and may be downloaded from the Structures
Design web site.
The design of the attachment system for signs mounted on bridge structures is the
responsibility of the Structures EOR. Include the design of the attachment system in the
structures plans if bridge work is included in the project. If bridge work is not in the project,
place the design details in the signing and pavement marking plans.
January 1, 2018