1 August 2023
Cross-Organization Funding
Some travelers perform TDY travel, but another organization funds the trip. The process to
create the authorization, make reservations, and add expenses is the same. The difference is
assigning the Line of Accounting (LOA) to the document. In the Defense Travel System (DTS), the
Cross-Organization (X-Org) Funding feature allows an organization to release access of a LOA, to
make funding available to another organization or to a specific traveler.
*In this information paper, “you” are a Defense Travel Administrator (DTA) who can complete
and/or assist with cross-org funding actions. Additionally, covered are document actions by a
traveler or anyone who creates trips for a traveler, when the LOA is cross-org’d.
To release LOA access to an organization or traveler outside of your organization hierarchy,
follow the steps below:
Beginning on the DTS Dashboard, select the DTA Maintenance Tool quick link.
1. On the DTA Maintenance Home page, select Lines of Accounting from the drop-down list
(Figure 1).
Figure 1: DTA Maintenance Tool Screen
2. The Search Lines of Accounting screen opens. The Organization Name field pre-populates
with your main organization’s name (Figure 2). You may select a different organization name
or check the box to Include Sub-Organizations.
INFORMATION PAPER: Cross-Organization Funding
Defense Travel Management Office 2 August 2023
Figure 2: Search Lines of Accounting Screen
3. Select Search. The Lines of Accounting (Search Results) screen opens. The available LOAs
for the organization and sub-organizations (if checked) display If you indicate that you drove
from your residence, then additional options appear (see examples below). Select whether
you normally drive or incur a cost to commute, and the applicable mileage or cost.
4. Select X-Org Funding next to the LOA label (Figure 3). The Search Cross Org screen opens
(Figure 4).
Figure 3: Lines of Accounting (X-Org Funding option)
INFORMATION PAPER: Cross-Organization Funding
Defense Travel Management Office 3 August 2023
Figure 4: Search Cross Org Screen
5. Search for the organization or traveler that will use the LOA by completing one of the two
text fields:
a. Cross Org For Funding: Enter a complete DTS organization name to allow all
travelers who belong to that organization to use the LOA.
b. Search Cross Org By Traveler SSN: Enter a Social Security number (SSN) to limit use
of the LOA to a specific traveler.
6. Select Search. The Cross Org screen displays (Figures 5 and 6) with details.
Figure 5: Cross Org Screen (Cross Organization for Funding)
INFORMATION PAPER: Cross-Organization Funding
Defense Travel Management Office 4 August 2023
Figure 6: Cross Org Screen (Cross Organization Search by Traveler SSN)
Select Save Org or Save Selected SSN, as applicable. The Search Cross Org screen opens (Figure
7), showing the saved organizations and/or traveler names in the Organization/Traveler box.
Figure 7: Search Cross Org with Results Screen
Travel documents route based upon the identified routing list associated to the traveler’s
assigned organization. Even if another organization funds the trip, typically the usual routing list
rules apply. However, DTS does provide the option to associate the cross organization LOA with
a specific routing list. This routing list functions as if it were the traveler’s default. In other
words, when a traveler selects the cross organization LOA, the associated routing list initially
appears on the document, though the traveler can change the routing list. Note: Follow your
local business rules for using routing lists.
Designate a
LOA Routing
INFORMATION PAPER: Cross-Organization Funding
Defense Travel Management Office 5 August 2023
To associate a routing list to a cross-organization LOA, follow the steps below:
1. From the Search Cross Org screen, select the Document Type from the drop-down list
(Figure 8).
Figure 8: Search Cross Org (Document Type Drop-Down List)
2. Select the Routing List name from the drop-down list name (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Search Cross Org (Routing List Drop-Down List)
3. Select Save Routing List. The document type and routing list name appear in the Selected
Routing List box (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Search Cross Org (One Routing List Selected)
Our example shows authorizations that use the “23 Training” LOA use the “Training” routing list
as the default, though travelers can change it in their travel document. For more information on
Cross-Organization Funding, see the DTA Manual, Chapter 8: LOAs.
Designate a
LOA Routing
INFORMATION PAPER: Cross-Organization Funding
Defense Travel Management Office 6 August 2023
Before creating the authorization, verify if the funding organization is willing to pay for all travel
costs or only certain expenses. Note: Normally, the traveler receives a funding
document/notification with expected covered expenses and the NTE amount for the trip.
Even when another organization pays for the trip costs, the authorization creation (e.g.,
itinerary, reservations, and expenses) is standard up to the point of adding the LOA. For more
information on document creation, see the DTS Guide 2: Authorizations. The cross org’d LOA
doesn’t automatically populate into the trip. Instead, the traveler must search for and apply the
LOA to the document. Here is how to add the Cross Org LOA.
1. On the Accounting screen, look to see if there is a default LOA assigned automatically to the
trip (Figure 11). If the traveler’s assigned organization is paying for part of the travel cost,
ensure the correct LOA appears on the document. Later, allocate the expenses to the
appropriate LOAs. However, if the funding organization assumes the full cost of the trip,
remove the traveler’s default LOA. See remove LOA steps further below.
Figure 11: Accounting Screen
2. To add the funding org’s LOA, select the Add LOA (Figure 11). The window opens with the
3. Select Cross Org LOA. Choose the LOA label (Figure 12). Note: 23 Training LOA, funding org
Adding a
LOA to a Trip
INFORMATION PAPER: Cross-Organization Funding
Defense Travel Management Office 7 August 2023
Figure 12: Cross Org LOA - Accounting Screen
4. If the traveler has a default LOA assigned in the profile, then the Cross-Org LOA and the
Default LOA display on the document. Based upon the specific trip determine if one or more
LOAs are necessary for travel. If not, remove the Default LOA (Figure 13).
Figure 13: LOAs (Remove)
5. Under options (3-dots icon), select Remove to delete the traveler’s default LOA. A Confirm
message appears, select Ok (Figure 14).
Adding a
LOA to a Trip
INFORMATION PAPER: Cross-Organization Funding
Defense Travel Management Office 8 August 2023
Figure 14: Confirm Message (Delete)
6. The Accounting screen updates with only the funding org’s LOA (Figure 15).
Figure 15: Accounting Screen
7. Finalize the document, justify any Pre-Audit flags, Reason Codes, Add Comments (if
needed), and sign the document to route for AO approval. Once travel is complete, voucher
timely using the standard voucher process.
The DTMO website provides several travel resources. To see the full list, go to the main Training
page and search the Training Search Tool. Below are some references.
DTS Guide 2:
DTS Guide 3:
Adding a
LOA to a Trip