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Incorporating Software Assurance into
Department of Defense Acquisition Contracts
Working Paper, November 15, 2017
Department of Defense (DoD) Software Assurance (SwA)
Community of Practice (CoP) Contract Language Working Group
Working Group Chair: John R. Marien
Co-Chair: Robert A. Martin
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Systems Engineering
Washington, D.C.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
Department of Defense (DoD) Software Assurance (SwA) Community of Practice (CoP) Contract
Language Working Group. Incorporating Software Assurance into Department of Defense Acquisition
Contracts. Working paper. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Systems Engineering, November 15, 2017.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Systems Engineering
3030 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3030
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Confidence ............................................................................................................................... 2
Functions as Intended ............................................................................................................... 3
Free of Vulnerabilities .............................................................................................................. 4
Inserting Software Assurance into Contract Language ................................................................... 7
Section I ................................................................................................................................. 11
Section C Example ................................................................................................................. 11
Sections L and M Examples ................................................................................................... 12
Use of Automated Detection Software Tools ................................................................................. 15
Deliverables (from EM RFP) ........................................................................................................ 17
Attachment 1: Software Assurance Evaluation Report Template (from EM RFP) .............. 17
4.1.1 Assessment Report ...................................................................................................... 17
4.1.2 Executive Summary .................................................................................................... 17
Software Assurance in CDRL ................................................................................................ 18
Incentive and Award Fees ............................................................................................................. 20
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................. 21
References ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Figure 1. Confidence ............................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2. Functions as Intended ............................................................................................................ 4
Figure 3. Free of Vulnerabilities ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4. Notional SOO Items .............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 5. Typical Contract Structure..................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6. Contract Process for Existing Contract in Development or in Sustainment .......................... 7
Figure 7. Contract Process .................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8. Contract Process During Proposal ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 9. Contract Process RFP ............................................................................................................ 9
Figure 10. RFP Structure .................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 11. Sample Output of Static Analysis Tools Used .................................................................. 12
Figure 12. Guidance Coverage Comparisons ..................................................................................... 14
Figure 13. Using CWE Coverage Claims ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 14. Covering the Most Important CWEs .................................................................................. 16
Table 1. CDRL List ............................................................................................................................. 17
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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This document provides a discussion of ways Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition efforts, both
new and existing, may incorporate language regarding software assurance (SwA) concepts and
deliverables into new or existing contracts. The goal is to ensure delivery of software to the operators
that behaves securely and is resilient to hazards and attack while fulfilling the mission that the
software supports.
All programs use software to some extent. The examples here are not intended as copy-and-paste
contract language but rather as samples that programs may use and tailor for their particular
contracts. Ideally, SwA language should be included in the Request for Proposals (RFP); however,
as many programs are already under contract, this document also addresses how and where to apply
SwA contract language throughout the software development life cycle.
The introduction in Section 1 discusses the definition and interpretation of software assurance.
Section 2 highlights the locations in the RFP and contract where programs should consider inserting
software assurance-related language. Section 3 discusses automated software vulnerability detection
tools. Section 4 focuses on language relating to deliverables, and Section 5 provides examples of
incentives and award structures.
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering (DASD(SE))
sponsors this effort, which is organized through the DoD SwA Community of Practice (CoP)
Contract Language Working Group. ODASD(SE) published the initial working paper in February
2016. This 2017 version addresses comments from the office of Defense Procurement and
Acquisition Policy, provides an updated sample Data Item Description (DID), and includes updates
to the reference information. Further revisions are forthcoming to incorporate new insights, feedback,
from practitioners, and to address ideas that have been developed in the DoD, other parts of the
government, and industry.
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Common industry practice and Section 933 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2013 (Public Law 112-239) [1] define software assurance (SwA) as
The level of confidence that software functions as intended and is free of
vulnerabilities, either intentionally or unintentionally designed or inserted as part of
the software, throughout the life cycle.
The DoD Program Protection Plan (PPP) Outline and Guidance [2] Software Assurance Table [2, 3] and
the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) Chapter 9, Program Protection [4], describe measures and
approaches defense acquisition programs can use to conduct SwA for a system.
This document suggests language that programs might tailor for use in RFP packages and contracts
to provide the program office with insight into software development activities of its contractors and
to provide assurance regarding the developed software’s ability to meet mission needs. With so much
of today’s mission functionality realized through software—both traditional software used for
planning, management, and logistics as well as software used directly in weapon systems, vehicles,
infrastructure management, and utilities—the need for assurance about that software continues
to grow.
The applicable language generally will appear in Sections C, L, and M of the standard format RFP
and contract. When there are Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) or Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS) clauses related to SwA, they will appear in Section I.
The following subsections examine each part of the definition of software assurance: confidence in a
system, that the system functions as intended, and that the system is free of vulnerabilities. The
succeeding sections further discuss how applicable language can be used in an RFP and contract to
address the three key concepts of the SwA definition. This document addresses only detectable
vulnerabilities, as undetectable vulnerabilities could not be used by an adversary.
Confidence regarding contractors’ assurance activities comes from obtaining appropriate information
that a program office and others can understand and that supports the claims about the functionality of
the software as well as the addressing of exploitable constructs in the system. The use of standardized
collections of weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and attack patterns makes the understanding of contractors’
assurance actions easier and more consistent and offers opportunities for reuse of that approach to
provide similar confidence in other systems needed and in other contractors. There are several points
in the life cycle of a system when insights into the risks and the mitigation of those risks can be
obtained and the PPP Software Assurance Table calls out several of them explicitly, as shown in Figure
1, so that the appropriate information can be collected and reviewed at the earliest stage of
development supporting risk management decision making.
1 Introduction
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Figure 1. Confidence
We build confidence in the software system through static analysis, design inspection, code
inspections, and penetration testing during the development process. Each of these activities
identifies weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the software and its design and allows easy, and early,
correction at minimal cost and time.
Functions as Intended
Determining whether a system “functions as intended” requires both showing through testing that the
intended functionality is there and through test coverage and metrics understanding the system does
not perform unrequired functions. As with the confidence measures discussed above, there are several
points where insights into the risks and the mitigation of those risks regarding a systems ability to
“function as intended” can be obtained. The PPP Software Assurance Table calls out several of them
explicitly, as shown in Figure 2, so that the appropriate information can be planned for, collected, and
reviewed at the appropriate stage of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The Common
Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC) [5, 6] contains a collection of patterns of
attacks that can be used to describe misuse and abuse testing done on a system either through
automated tools or through pen test team activities.
1 Introduction
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Figure 2. Functions as Intended
We assert that the software functions as intended, and only as intended, through application of
CAPECs, penetration testing, test coverage, and through the use of multiple-redundant
implementations of critical elements by different suppliers and having the system failover to an
alternate implementation. Each of these activities allows us to identify that the software is indeed
functioning as intended without functioning, or being made to function, in unintended ways.
Free of Vulnerabilities
It is common practice in industry [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] to refer to the Common Weakness
Enumeration (CWE) [16, 17, 18] catalogue when assessing whether software is “free of
vulnerabilities.” This approach allows others to understand both what was “looked for” and what was
not but could have been “looked for.”
Similarly, for commercial software packages (proprietary and open source) used as part of a system,
the collection of publicly known vulnerabilities in these types of software, called the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) [19, 21] dictionary, is almost always used as a reference source to
determine if known issues have been mitigated.
We assert that the software is free of vulnerabilities by validating that those CVE and CWE items
that are most dangerous to the mission are absent from the software and that the software operates at
the least privilege required to complete its task.
1 Introduction
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Figure 3 shows how the listed types of information can give insights into activities and their results
with respect to determining whether a system is “Free of Vulnerabilities” as outlined in the PPP
Software Assurance Table and explained in DAG Chapter 9. Of course, obtaining these findings and
informational items for a particular system during its design, development, test, and post-deployment
sustainment activities will require that the contract provide for the contractor to collect the necessary
information or provide the Government with the opportunity to collect it directly.
Figure 3. Free of Vulnerabilities
Other parts of a contract will guide or require these different artifacts and activities from a contractor,
and it is critical that the contract fully describe and specify what is expected from the contractor’s
development activity. The System Performance Specification, the Statement of Work, Systems
Engineering Plan, Incentive Plan, Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRL) and other parts of a
contract all have their appropriate part in expressing the expectations and performance of the
developing organization and ensuring that they and their DoD customer meet each other’s
expectations and concerns; however, these activities are all predicated on the Government having
access to the custom and reused software for independent inspection, testing, and evaluation, so
including a paragraph about delivery of the source code, all libraries, and frameworks is crucial.
A notional Statement of Objectives (SOO), as shown in Figure 4, could cover software assurance-
related activities for the software development, the software interfaces, and the use of software tools
and metrics.
1 Introduction
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Software Development:
It is the Governments objective for the contractor to develop secure, reliable, resilient, assured software:
The contractor shall develop a secure coding guide which specifies language, required
constructs/practices/patterns, prohibited constructs/practices/patterns, software comment requirements
The contractor shall implement formal (e.g., Fagan) design and code inspections
The contractor shall verify all code against the CWE, CVE, OWASP
The contractor shall perform an origin analysis of all third-party libraries and frameworks used and ensure
the versions used in the delivered software have no publicly known vulnerabilities and continue to review
for newly reported vulnerabilities throughout the sustainment of the delivered software
The contractor shall ensure all developers are trained and held accountable for development of secure code
Software Interfaces:
It is the Governments objective for all software interfaces to be completely documented and utilize strong
typing and range checking
Software Tools:
It is the Governments objective for the contractor to utilize automated tools to maximize efficiency and
The contractor shall utilize automated tools to support software configuration control
The contractor shall utilize automated testing tools to support regression testing for all custom code with at
least 90% statement coverage.
The contractor shall utilize at least 2 different commercial static analysis tools to measure software quality
and access vulnerabilities. Multiple tools are to be used to improve detection of software quality issues and
vulnerabilities as each tool uses different detection methods.
Software Metrics:
Figure 4. Notional SOO Items
Working from the System Description document, we can map these concepts to typical contract
sections as illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Typical Contract Structure
Using the SOO, we can identify notional SOO items related to SwA. The specific wording for each
SOO item should be adjusted as required for a specific contract.
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Inserting Software Assurance into Contract Language
Figures 6 through 9 illustrate that if SwA activities are to be followed throughout the life cycle, they
must be inserted into the appropriate contract points through the contracting process. SwA must be
applied throughout the software life cycle and therefore must be addressed in contract vehicles from
the RFP through sustainment.
If a program has an existing contract in development or in sustainment and needs to add SwA items,
the changes must be inserted through a bilateral contract modification agreed to by the contractor, as
illustrated in Figure 6. Adding these types of risk reduction activities and measurement opportunities
to an existing contract can be disruptive and costly. The risk to the operational system posed by the
unknown and unexpected vulnerabilities and frailties must be considered against the potential cost
and perturbation to the project of identifying and removing them.
Figure 6. Contract Process for Existing Contract in Development or in Sustainment
Whether a program has an existing contract or is in the process of establishing one as shown in
Figures 7 through 9, the allocation of liability for software defects and vulnerabilities must either be
put in the contract directly through the mechanisms described in the subsequent parts of this
document and the referenced examples, or the program can try to rely on normal liability protections
from either the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) if there is a case that the software in question is
“goods” versus a “service” and the developer may be subject to suit under a strict liability theory of
tort for residual vulnerabilities and susceptibility to hazards and attacks.
2 Inserting SwA into Contract Language
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The program office’s concerns about liability have to be explicitly described, and must be discussed
so both the developer and the Government have a clear understanding, in advance, of what is and is
not the result when flaws are found in the operational system and fixes are needed or the impact from
a failure needs to be addressed.
For those interested in understanding the general liability issues surrounding software, two good
starting points on the question of contractor liability for software issues is the May 26, 1990, article
posted at the Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ) Volume 5 Issue 1, “Software Product
Liability: Understanding and Minimizing the Risks” [21] by Lawrence B. Levy and Suzanne Y. Bel,
and the article by Michael D. Scott, “Tort Liability for Vendors of Insecure Software: Has the Time
Finally Come?” [22].
The question of whether the development team is liable for fixing the residual issues in their
software, or if they hold liability for the damage or fall-out from the vulnerable and/or unreliable
nature of the software allowed to happen or caused, is still open. Until such time as penalties are
levied against software vendors and developers who release faulty code, there will be insufficient
incentive for software vendors and developers to build security into their software. The only current
alternative is to explicitly state what faults are to be repaired by the software vendor/developer in the
contract agreed to by both parties.
In a new procurement, the program office will need to make sure the appropriate parts of the contract
include the right language. To do so the program will have to make sure that the Source Selection
process as shown in Figure 7 results in a contract with the needed language in the right parts. To do
that, the appropriate language needs to be part of the selected proposal or proposals, as shown in
Figure 8, which means it needs to be included in the RFP and addressed by the criteria used to
evaluate those proposals, as shown in Figure 9.
2 Inserting SwA into Contract Language
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Figure 7. Contract Process
Figure 8. Contract Process
During Proposal
Figure 9. Contract Process RFP
2 Inserting SwA into Contract Language
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For a new procurement to incorporate the appropriate software assurance activities into the contract
there must be a clear articulation by the Government about what is required.
In addition, the selection criteria in the final award, the source selection process, and the performance
criteria and incentive plan for the awarded contract all must include a clear statement of the
requirements for software quality and verification thereof.
Within the traditional RFP package, the appropriate language to be inserted goes in Section C, and
Sections L and M, as highlighted in Figure 10.
Figure 10. RFP Structure
The subsequent examples and other procurement language examples target the above-mentioned RFP
Section by name. For example, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC),
AFLCMC/EZC – “Engineering Model RFP” (EM RFP) [23] language package provides modules
with suggested items for several sections of an RFP to address different issue areas. These areas
include modules on Software Assurance, Software Engineering, Software Metrics, and Supply Chain
Risk Management (SCRM), Independent Verification and Validation, Quality Assurance, System
Security Engineering, Configuration Management, Anti-Tamper, Firmware, and Internal and
External Interfaces.
Some of the examples do not offer specific language but discuss the issues that need to be addressed,
while others are examples of existing contract language in use by DoD Components or other
Government agencies to address some SwA issues.
The important point to remember is that if a program wants a contractor to follow a particular
approach or report and discuss issues dealing with software assurance in a particular manner, the
2 Inserting SwA into Contract Language
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program must specify that approach or report and require the discussion of those items in the
contract, deliverables, and incentive plan. DoD must show to the contractor that the Government
values quality and assurance by explicitly tying the delivery of quality software and software free of
vulnerabilities to financial rewards and delivery criteria.
We must not sacrifice critical aspects of quality for reduced cost or improved schedule when those
diluted requirements put the operational integrity of the software in question. In order for software to
support the mission(s) it is planned to support, we must give the contractor good technical
requirements (e.g., develop resilient design), require good practices (e.g., use code inspections),
structure deliverables to require reporting issues in a standards-based manner (with CVEs, CWEs,
and CAPECs), and support quality both initially at the time of delivery and in operation and
Section I
Section I contains clauses defining the rights and responsibilities of the contracting parties and
clauses required by procurement regulations or laws that pertain to the procurement.
Section C Example
A sample Section C would include instructions to the offeror to require that all SwA requirements
applied to the Prime contractor also be applied by the Prime contractor to all subcontractors, or
flow-down. Example entries for section C could be:
Section C:
The software assurance requirements detailed in this RFP shall apply to all of the software
delivered by the Prime contractor. Should the Prime contractor employ subcontractors, then the
Prime contractor shall require all of the software assurance requirements detailed in this RFP
from each subcontractor they employ for use on this contract.
All software assurance requirements defined herein shall apply to all reused code included and
delivered by the Prime contractor and its subcontractors.
All software assurance requirements defined herein shall apply to all reused objects, both
proprietary and open source, and their originating reused source code, whether that code was
included and delivered by the Prime contractor and its subcontractors or just referred to by them
as the source of the reused object.
The Government will provide to the Prime contractor a list of the Top-n most important CWEs.
All software delivered by the Prime contractor shall be free of all of the CWEs in the
Government’s Top-n CWE list. If a CWE in the Government’s Top-n CWE list is found to be
Department of Defense COR Handbook. Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, OUSD(AT&L),
March 22, 2012. http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/cpic/cp/docs/USA001390-12_DoD_COR_Handbook_Signed.pdf
2 Inserting SwA into Contract Language
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present in the delivered software, the Prime contractor shall be liable only to repair the defect
within XX-days at the contractor’s expense.
The Joint Federated Assurance Center (JFAC) SwA community is developing and applying
innovative approaches to incorporating requirements in their RFPs. The successor to this document
will report both requirements and strategies that have proven workable, and those to avoid.
Sections L and M Examples
It is important that for each instruction, condition, and notice to offerors included in Section L of an
RFP that there be a corresponding paragraph in Section M indicating how to evaluate the item from
Section L. An example entry for section L is:
Section L: Paragraph XX: Software Assurance Sample Report:
The Offeror shall provide a report titled “Software Assurance Analysis.”
The “Software Assurance Analysis” report shall contain two sections:
o Section 1: Details how static analysis for Software Assurance is used within the offeror’s
development life cycle in writing and in diagrammatic form for illustrative purposes.
o Section 2: Contained within a spreadsheet file, details the output from a minimum of two
software static analysis tools used by the offeror according to the following table (not
including the two samples provided):
or Grade
Violation Description
Violation Location
Improper Neutralization of
Special Elements used in an SQL
Command (SQL Injection)
ZY.cs [line:23]
Assigning instead of Comparing
ZY.cs [line:203]
Figure 11. Sample Output of Static Analysis Tools Used
The “Software Assurance Analysis” report shall provide a static analysis of the legacy
(Government-furnished information (GFI)) code provided.
[Make this section as specific as possible to include file names or code groups where possible.]
The Software Assurance Analysis report shall have a primary sort on Column 1 so that all
CWE-### entries are at the top of the report in ascending order by CWE #
The Software Assurance Analysis report shall have a secondary sort on Column 2 so that the
highest priority results are at the top of the report
Section M: Paragraph XX: The Government has run a static analysis tool on the specified code to
serve as a baseline to spot-check known violations in the sample source code provided by the
2 Inserting SwA into Contract Language
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Government as part of the bidder’s library. The Software Assurance report will be graded as follows
(100 points total + bonus points):
Report named correctly (10 points)
Report formatted correctly (10 points)
Report covers the specified source code from Section L paragraph 23 and provides text
describing detailing how, and in which part(s) of the software development life cycle, static
analysis for software assurance is used (10 points)
[This Section M item corresponds exactly to the specified Section L item.]
Report entries include CWE numbers (60 points)
o 1-5 unique CWE entries (10 points)
o 6-10 unique CWE entries (20 points)
o 11+ unique CWE entries (30 points)
Report entries include non-CWE labeled violations (10 points)
Bonus: 10 points if each of the following 10 CWEs are identified in the sample source code.
Note that there is no guarantee that the following CWEs are present in the sample source code:
[This is a good place to insert the program’s Top-N CWE list]
1. CWE-xxx
2. CWE-xxx
3. CWE-xxx
4. CWE-xxx
5. CWE-xxx
6. CWE-xxx
7. CWE-xxx
8. CWE-xxx
9. CWE-xxx
10. CWE-xxx
The challenge of gaining assurance about the software is not unique to DoD contracting. Many have
attempted to bring the risk from insecure and brittle software under control and these previous efforts
have covered some portion of what is now known as software assurance. We have reviewed many of
these previous works [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33], as shown in Figure 11, and believe that
many of them created content that could be incorporated within todays software assurance efforts as
appropriate material for programs to consider when looking for ideas on managing these risks, rather
than starting from scratch.
2 Inserting SwA into Contract Language
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C- Description
J – Top-Level Schedule
J Prelim. Performance Spec.
J Program WBS
J – List of Attachments
L – Instruction to Offerors
M – Evaluation Factors
P Coverage
[25] Suggested Language to Incorporate
System Security Engineering for Trusted
Systems and Networks into Department of
Defense Requests for Proposals
[26] Software Assurance in Acquisition and
Contract Language
[27] Guide for Integrating Systems
Engineering into DoD Acquisition Contracts
[28] DoD Open Systems Architecture
Contract Guidebook
[29] Software Assurance in Acquisition:
Mitigating Risks to the Enterprise
[30] Recommended Software Assurance
Acquisition Language for Space & Missile
Systems Center
[31] Cyber Security Language for
Information Technology (IT) Requirements
[32] DoD/VA integrated Electronic Health
Record (iEHR) Technical Specifications
[33] OWASP Secure Software Contract
Figure 12. Guidance Coverage Comparisons
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Use of Automated Detection Software Tools
Identifying most CWEs by hand, or visual inspection, is difficult, time-consuming, and error-prone.
Automated tools are needed to effectively find these types of issues in software. DoD contracts
should say this explicitly, but the tools must be supplemented with other types of assessment as well,
such as: attack surface analysis, a security review of the CONOPs for the application, an architecture
review, a design review, fuzz testing, running misuse and abuse test cases, dynamic analysis and web
testing, and pen testing, as well as blue and red team assessment testing of the live application. The
goal is to document the weaknesses targeted by these activities or the attack patterns
emulated/simulated/practiced, and to account for the coverage/completeness of the weakness/attack
spaces being addressed [34, 35].
By understanding the coverage of various types of assessment, as shown in Figure 12, a combination
can be constructed to cover the CWEs of most concern, i.e., the Top-N CWEs that are important to
you and the mission the application is supporting, as illustrated in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Using CWE Coverage Claims
3 Use of Automated Detection Software Tools
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Figure 14. Covering the Most Important CWEs
Automated SwA tools must be executed on the entire code base, and other assessment approaches
may need access to other aspects of the system. Frequently, a contract may cover only an incremental
addition to an existing code base or a subsystem. In these cases the SwA assessment approaches used
should still be applied to the entire code base and the full system even though the development
contract for the new additional section of software code/functionality would only require the repair of
defects in the newly written code. The point of assessing all of the system with the software
assurance assessment is for the Government to gain insight into the SwA defects in the entire system.
This provides the program manager with the insight to existing risk within the software release. In a
similar vein, the same issues and responsibilities exist for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) code releases
as for U.S. Government use software releases.
The DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG) Sections 5 and 5.4 [36] advise that
automatic static analysis should be applied to all of the source code to identify hidden vulnerabilities
and weaknesses in the code base.
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Deliverables (from EM RFP)
Table 1 is an example list of CDRLs and associated Data Item Descriptions (DID) a program office
might include. The selection of the CDRLs can be tailored by the chief engineer based on individual
program needs and requirements.
Table 1. CDRL List
CDRL # CDRL Title Data Item Description (see ASSIST)
Technical Report/Study Services
(Software Assurance Evaluation Report)
Technical Report/Study Services
(Software Assurance Case)
Technical Report/Study Services
(Vulnerability Assessment Report)
Security Test Plan
Technical Report/Study Services
(Security Test Report)
Attachment 1: Software Assurance Evaluation Report Template
(from EM RFP)
4.1.1 Assessment Report
Executive Summary
Objectives and Technical Scope
Assessment Approach
Report of Findings
Vulnerability Descriptions
Recommendations for Mitigation
4.1.2 Executive Summary
Technical Scope
Assessment Approach
4 Deliverables
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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System Overview
Security Analysis
Critical Findings
Major Findings
Minor Findings
Application Risk Assessment Recommendations
Detailed Risk Assessment (DRA) Recommendations
Software Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) Recommendations
Database Security and Compliance Recommendations
Appendix A: Extract of Software Application Tool Scan Results
Appendix B: Extract of Database Tool Scan Results
Appendix C: Security Findings Issue Descriptions
Appendix D: Glossary of Terms
Software Assurance in CDRL
The CDRL review should occur before software acceptance, and at each delivered software set for
Alpha release
Beta release
Release candidate(s)
Release builds delivered to the Government
Modify list as needed
The CDRL documents which CWEs, CVEs, CAPECs and software assurance critical violations are
absent and present in the delivery-candidate source code. This requires the Government to have
assessed and defined which CWEs are most important to the project in rank order prior to the CDRL
definition. Once this ranked-list of CWEs is created, it can be modified throughout the software
development life cycle as needed by the specific program. An example of why a program would
change the ordered list of CWE might be the discovery of a new critical CWE that affects the
program. This new CWE did not exist during the creation of the first Top-N CWE list for the
program but is a critical issue that needs to be resolved. This ranked CWE Top-N list must be placed
on contract (with appropriately defined Contract Language). The ranked CWE list is sublisted to
include a schedule of:
1. CWEs must not be present in the released software.
2. CWEs should be removed from the released software.
3. CWEs can be removed from the released software.
4. All other CWEs are considered acceptable risks by the Government team.
4 Deliverables
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
The above categories can be tied to award fee, or appropriate incentive fee, for the contractor to use
in guiding them to produce the highest quality software within the budget and time constraints of
the project.
A milestone event should be added to the development milestone list, which occurs after Critical
Design Review (CDR) and before Test Readiness Review (TRR) (and software acceptance). This
milestone event would contain the following entrance and exit criteria:
Entrance Criteria: The software developer must submit a report/Contract Data
Requirements List (CDRL) item to the Government entitled “Software Assurance,” which
defines how the software was developed and verified for software assurance and provides a
detailed report of the Common Weakness Enumerations (CWE), and critical vulnerabilities,
present in the delivered software with an adjudication of each CWE, and software assurance
critical vulnerability, in the software.
Exit Criteria: The Government validates that all of the CWEs, and software assurance
critical violations, as defined by the Government on contract, are absent from the delivered
source code. If the software delivered as described in the report satisfies the Government
requirements (on contract) then the exit criteria has been met. If the exit criteria have not
been met then this milestone remains open and the contractor must repair the software per the
Government’s direction to remove the noted CWEs and software assurance critical violations
and both update the CDRL and resubmit the software and report for evaluation.
The Government is responsible for defining which CWEs, in priority order, are to be absent from
the delivered software as well as what constitutes a software assurance critical vulnerability.
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
Incentive and Award Fees
There are several methods to create incentives for software development contractors to produce
higher quality code through software assurance. Each method depends on the contract type being
used. For example, one method for an award fee contract is to tie the award fee to the proven absence
of your specific Top-N CWEs from your Top- 25 CWE list.
X% of the Award Fee for the Contractor is tied to the proven eradication of all items
on the Top-25 list.
Top-1 through Top-5
of X%
Top-1 through Top-10
of X%
Top-1 through Top-15
of X%
Top-1 through Top-20
of X%
Top-1 through Top-25
of X%
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
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Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
Berkeley Technology Law Journal
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification
Critical Design Review
Contract Data Requirements List
Concept of Operations
Community of Practice
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Common Weakness Enumeration
Defense Acquisition Guidebook
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
Data Item Description
Defense Information Systems Agency
Department of Defense
Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy
Detailed Risk Assessment
Engineering Model
Federal Acquisition Regulation
Foreign Military Sales
Government-Furnished Information
Integrated Electronic Health Record
Information Technology
Joint Federated Assurance Center
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering
Open Web Application Security Project
Program Protection Plan
Request for Proposals
Supply Chain Risk Management
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
System Development Life Cycle
Systems Engineering Plan
Statement of Objectives
Security Technical Implementation Guide
Software Vulnerability Analysis
Software Assurance
Test Readiness Review
Uniform Commercial Code
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
Work Breakdown Structure
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 112th Congress. Public Law 112–239,
Section 933, January 2013.
USD(AT&L) Memorandum, Document Streamlining–Program Protection Plan (PPP), July 18, 2011.
Program Protection Plan Outline and Guidance version 1.0, July 2011.
Defense Acquisition Guidebook Chapter 9, Program Protection.
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC™). A publicly available,
community-developed list of common attack patterns along with a comprehensive schema and
classification taxonomy - to analyze environments, code, and interfaces for common destructive
attack patterns,
CAPEC is a catalog of attack patterns along with a comprehensive schema and classification
taxonomy focused on enhancing security throughout the software development life cycle, and to
support the needs of developers, testers and educators. By providing a standard mechanism for
identifying, collecting, refining, and sharing attack patterns among the software community, CAPEC
provides for a more complete and thorough review of the strength of our systems from the point-of-
view of attackers.
ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU, X.1544 Series X: Data Networks, Open
System Communications and Security, Cybersecurity information exchange
Event/incident/heuristics exchange, Common attack pattern enumeration and classification, April
2014. http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.1544-201304-I
Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development: A Guide to the Most Effective Secure
Development Practices in Use Today, February 2011
Practical Security Stories and Security Tasks for Agile Development Environments, July 2012.
ISO/IEC TR 20004: 2015, Information technology — Security techniques — Refining Software
vulnerability analysis under ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045, 2015
NIST SP800-51 revision 1, Guide to Using Vulnerability Naming Schemes, February 2011.
NIST SP800-53 revision 4, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and
Organizations, April 2013.
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (ODASD) Systems Engineering (SE) Trusted
Systems and Networks (TSN) Analysis, June 2014.
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (ODASD) Systems Engineering (SE) Software
Assurance Countermeasures in Program Protection Planning, March 2014.
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
Defense Acquisition Guidebook Chapter 9, “Program Protection,” August 21, 2017.
Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) State-of-the-Art Resources (SOAR) for Software Vulnerability
Detection, Test, and Evaluation 2016.
Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) - A Community-Developed Dictionary of Software
Weakness Types - to examine software architectures, designs, and source code for weaknesses.
Targeted to developers and security practitioners, CWE) is a formal or dictionary of common
software weaknesses created to serve as a common language for describing software security
weaknesses in architecture, design, or code; serve as a standard measuring stick for software security
tools targeting these weaknesses, and to provide a common baseline standard for weakness
identification, mitigation, and prevention efforts.
ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU, X.1524 Series X: Data Networks, Open
System Communications and Security, Cybersecurity information exchange
Event/incident/heuristics exchange, Common weakness enumeration, March 2012.
CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors
The Top 25 is a consensus list of the most significant software errors that can lead to serious
software vulnerabilities. The errors are dangerous because they frequently will allow attackers to
completely take over the software, steal data, or prevent the software from working at all. The Top
25 is the result of collaboration between the SANS Institute, MITRE, and many top software security
experts in the US and Europe and leverages experiences in the development of the SANS Top 20
attack vectors and MITRE’s CWE.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE
) - The Standard for Information Security
Vulnerability Names. http://cve.mitre.org/
International in scope and free for public use, CVE is a dictionary of publicly known information
security vulnerabilities and exposures. CVE’s common identifiers enable data exchange between
security products and provide a baseline index point for evaluating coverage of tools and services.
ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU, X.1520 Series X: Data Networks, Open
System Communications and Security, Cybersecurity information exchange
Event/incident/heuristics exchange, Common vulnerabilities and exposures, January 2014
Lawrence B. Levy, Suzanne Y. Bell, Software Product Liability: Understanding and Minimizing the
Risks, Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ) Volume 5, Issue 1, 1990.
Michael D. Scott, Tort Liability for Vendors of Insecure Software: Has the Time Finally Come? 67
Md. L. Rev. 425, 2008
AFLCMC/EZC Engineering Model RFP Language, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA,
November 2012.
Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, OUSD(AT&L), Department of Defense COR
Handbook. Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, OUSD(AT&L), March 22, 2012.
Incorporating SwA into DoD Acquisition Contracts Working Paper Nov 15, 2017
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering (DASD(SE)), “Suggested Language
to Incorporate System Security Engineering for Trusted Systems and Networks into Department of
Defense Requests for Proposals.”
Software Assurance in Acquisition and Contract Language Acquisition and Outsourcing, Volume I,
Version 1.1, July 31, 2009.
Guide for Integrating Systems Engineering into DoD Acquisition Contracts, version 1.0, December
11, 2006.
DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook, version 1.1, June 2013
Software Assurance in Acquisition: Mitigating Risks to the Enterprise, National Defense University
Press. Polydys, M. & Wisseman, S., 2009
Recommended Software Assurance Acquisition Language for Space and Missile Systems Center.
Headquarters Space and Missile Systems Center, SMC/ENP, September 2015.
USTRANSCOM–Information Assurance/Cyberspace Operations Defense Functional Requirements,
Cyber Security Language for Information Technology (IT) Requirements.
DoD/VA integrated Electronic Health Record (iEHR) Technical Specifications Summary, sections
6.5.1 through 6.5.7, Version 2.2, June 17, 2013.
Open Web Application Security Project, OWASP Secure Software Contract Annex,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering and Department of Defense Chief
Information Officer, Software Assurance Countermeasures in Program Protection Planning, March
2014. https://www.acq.osd.mil/se/docs/SwA-CM-in-PPP.pdf
Integrated Analysis and Reporting in Multiple Tools: What Cybersecurity and Robustness Testing
Tool Manufacturers Should Be Building Towards, 2015.
https://interact.gsa.gov/sites/default/files/Mon AM2-Integrated Analysis and Reporting In Multiple
Tools V 8-30-2015_MVE -RAM.pdf
DISA Application Security and Development Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG),
Version 3, Rel.10,” January 23, 2015.
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Incorporating Software Assurance into Department of Defense Acquisition Contracts
Working paper, November 2017
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Systems Engineering
3030 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3030