Practical Guidance
Software Development Agreement
Negotiating and Drafting
A Practical Guidance
Practice Note by Sonia Baldia, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Sonia Baldia
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
A software development agreement is a contract for the
design, development, testing, installation, and implementation
of new or customized software, including modification
of currently existing software (collectively, referred to as
custom software”). Ongoing maintenance for the custom
software may also be included in the agreement, depending
on the scope of the project.
This practice note addresses key issues in drafting and
negotiating an agreement for the development of custom
software between a customer and a company engaged in the
business of software development (“developer”).
In situations where the customer engages an independent
contractor or hires an employee for ongoing software
development consulting, you should use an independent
contractor or employment agreement, as applicable.
In addition, this practice note addresses only software that a
customer controls and uses on its systems. This practice note
does not address situations when the customer:
Controls or uses the software on a system hosted by the
software developer or any third party
Is a government entity
Must comply with industry-specific regulations, laws, or
restrictions to use the software
Uses or accesses the software outside of the United
The Software Development
Lifecycle (SDLC)
Software developers typically determine the parties’
operational objectives, roles, and responsibilities over
the course of the project using an evaluative roadmap or
framework called the Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC). The SDLC sets out the tasks that the parties perform
in a series of phases to achieve certain defined milestones
during the software development process, as well as the
order in which those tasks are performed. You should attach
the agreed-upon SDLC Statement of Work (“SOW”) as an
exhibit to the agreement to more easily locate and refer to
during the project and to ensure that the obligations of the
parties set out in the SDLC SOW are made subject to the
terms of the agreement.
The SDLC generally contains the following development
Requirements gathering and analysis
Testing (also known as Quality Assurance)
Requirements Gathering and Analysis
Before designing any software, the developer and customer
typically gather and document a set of requirements
describing the customer’s business objectives and the role
the software will play in meeting those objectives.
While customers sometimes develop these business
requirements on their own, often each party’s senior
employees or project leads meet over a specified period of
time to exchange ideas and gather key information, including:
The scope of the project
The customer’s project budget
The customer’ project schedule
The features and functionality of the software
The security requirements for the software
The intended users of the software
How the users will use the software
User interface
Data flow
Data storage
Data inputs and outputs
Hardware interface
Software interface
System interface (either as standalone software or
integrated with another system)
Software and system response times
Portability of the software
Data security and privacy considerations
The final result of this analysis is a mutually agreed-upon list
of specifications that summarize how the software product
as a whole will function to meet the customer’s business
requirements. These specifications guide the developer in
designing the technical and operational functions of the
The developer designs the software from the functional
specifications created during the requirements gathering and
analysis phase. In the design phase, the parties determine the
technical details of how the software will perform and create
a set of software design documents on which the developer
will rely to build the software. The design documents usually
describe the:
Software architecture
Data flow within the software architecture
Organization of the software system
Components that comprise the system
Behavior of each component
Communication between the components with each other
and with the outside world
In this phase, the developer produces the actual source code
for the software based on the detailed design documents.
The developer usually determines the programming language
it uses for coding the software based on a variety of factors,
including the:
Industry in which the customer operates
Complexity of the software
Operating environment of the software product
Testing (Quality Assurance)
After the software is built, the developer performs quality
assurance testing on the software. The quality assurance
team tests the code against the requirements in a static
environment to make sure that the product is functioning
in accordance with the specifications agreed on during the
requirements gathering and analysis phase. Testing can
also reveal any programming bugs or design defects in the
Structure this phase as an iterative process, where the
developer tracks and reports any deficiencies, bugs, or
defects uncovered during quality assurance testing, and then
fixes and re-tests the software until it resolves the problems.
Once the software is tested, the developer deploys the
software on the customer’s systems in the production
environment or in a replica of the production environment
created for user acceptance testing. Upon the customer’s
sign-off, the software is deployed in “go-live.” Depending on
the customer’s business strategy, the developer may deploy
the software in stages by releasing it to only a limited number
of the target users at a time (Pilot Testing).
During Pilot Testing, end users provide feedback on their
experiences using the software. The parties evaluate the
feedback and mutually agree on any necessary modifications
that the developer should make before re-releasing the
software back to the end users. The parties repeat this
process for every deployment with the goal of making each
new iteration of the software run more effectively than the
previous version. After the parties release the final version,
the developer will update software that the existing customer
base used during Pilot Testing to the latest version.
After the software is deployed in the “go-live” production
environment, the developer may provide ongoing bug fixes,
improvements, updates and enhanced functionality via
patches and new version releases.
SDLC Models
The parties may use different project management practices and methodologies for the software development project. Two
common approaches are waterfall and agile, with each having pros and cons that should be considered at the outset of the
contracting process as the approach selected by the parties can materially impact the drafting and negotiations of some of the
key provisions in the software development agreement, such as acceptance and testing, milestones, pricing, warranties and
termination rights, to name a few.
Waterfall Model
This is a linear, sequential approach to the SDLC that divides the software development activity into distinct phases that are
completed step by step. Each phase consists of a series of tasks and objectives, and each phase must be completed in entirety
before the next phase can begin, similar to the direction of water flows over the edge of a cliff (as shown in Figure 1 below).
Each phase is dependent on the output of the preceding phase and cannot be changed after completion without a formal change
order. The lack of flexibility for mid-cycle changes can often lead to incremental price adjustments and project delays.
Figure 1: Waterfall model
Generally, this model is suitable for projects with fixed or unchanging requirements that can be precisely defined upfront with
minimum probability for changes between the time the software is requisitioned and when it is delivered. While this rigid model
provides a clear view of the deliverables, timelines, and accountability for each phase upfront and makes the project easily
manageable, it is however not suitable if project requirements are uncertain or frequently changing, or if they require creativity
during the development cycle. Typically, the customer has little interaction with the developer during the process so problem
identification and resolution does not typically occur until the software is completed.
Agile Model
This approach to project management for the SDLC is centered around incremental and iterative development cycles to
complete the project, in which multiple phases can run in parallel, as reflected in Figure 2 below. The software product is broken
into small incremental builds (aka “sprints”) and items from a list of product features are prioritized and developed (such a list
is referred to as the “product backlog”). The goal of each sprint is to produce a working code, with the complete integrated
product delivered at the end of the final sprint. A typical sprint can last for about 2–8 weeks.
Using Milestones in Software
Development Agreements
An effective software development agreement guides the
parties through the stages of the development process by
defining key milestones in an effective project plan to reflect
the life cycle of the project. Parties use milestones as a tool
Track, monitor and measure the progress of the project
Minimize the risk of miscommunication by incentivizing
each party to provide the other with ongoing feedback
Identify and resolve problems in the project early on
Evaluate the potential impacts of a change on the
project’s schedule and cost
The parties also use milestones to define the crucial
project tasks or specific deliverables to be completed
during project planning, as well as to specify the activities
to be performed and completed by the parties at certain
key points throughout the life cycle of the project. The
milestones (including deliverables) are typically tied to
customer acceptance and payment triggers, and in some
instances impose penalties for failure to meet the milestones
and/or incentives for early delivery of desired outcomes.
Smaller projects usually have fewer milestones (such as the
project start date and end date) whereas complex or longer
duration projects tend to have multiple milestones that
may be broken down into interim and critical deliverables.
Generally, milestones are more common in projects using
the traditional waterfall approach due to the linear nature
of the development cycle and the ability to define detailed
specifications at the outset, unlike in agile projects where
the development is more fluid with focus on short iterations
or sprints requiring collaboration between the customer and
Key Provisions of a Software
Development Agreement
Software development agreements typically include the
following key provisions. The approach to drafting and
negotiating some of these contractual provisions may differ
based on the waterfall or agile methodology used by the
parties to develop the software.
Ancillary Expenses
Change Requests
Acceptance Testing
Intellectual Property Rights
Representations and Warranties
Limitation on Liability
Customer Responsibilities Parties sometimes prefer to draft
business terms in a separate Statement of Work (SOW),
attached as an exhibit to the agreement in order to locate
and refer to it more easily during the project. Examples of key
provisions include:
Description and the scope of the services to be provided
Detailed project plan
Project milestones
Project deliverables
Testing and acceptance criteria
Payment schedule and pricing methodology (e.g., fixed
fees, T&M)
Project organization and personnel requirements
Deliverables are a list of tangible items that the parties
(typically, developer) deliver during the software development
process. The parties typically refer to project milestones,
previously agreed on, to create this list. A milestone denotes
a key point of accomplishment in the software development
lifecycle. A deliverable is a measurable and verifiable item
Figure 2: Agile model
This flexible model is increasingly favored over the rigid waterfall model as it allows for closer collaboration between the client
and developer to swiftly adjust the code and adapt to changes and operational needs at the end of each iteration. The parties
no not rely on creating comprehensive specifications upfront. Instead, the client and developer teams commence work based
on a high-level product concept, and define and manage a fluid product backlog as the work progresses. Testing and acceptance
occurs in increments at the end of each sprint, unlike in a waterfall project where the entire code is tested at the backend after
it is completed.
that a party undertakes to help achieve that milestone. The
parties may need to produce one or more deliverables to
achieve a specific milestone. You can either incorporate this
list within the agreement or attach it as an exhibit.
The developer typically prepares the list of deliverables
after the parties agree on the requirements specifications
and includes specific due dates for the completion of each
deliverable. Deliverables often include:
Project plan approval
Functional specifications review
Detailed design review
Executable software modules delivered for a specific
Test plan review
Software deployment
Iteration/sprint process and duration based on the
product backlog (in case of agile projects)
The parties often need to modify the deliverables
throughout the software development process. For
example, you may need to adjust the developer’s estimated
deliverable due dates because the customer fails to provide
relevant information to the developer in a timely manner.
Alternatively, parties sometimes discover that they need
to add new deliverables to the list during the project. It is
critical to ensure that the Change Request section of the
software development agreement (discussed below) allows
for efficiently making changes to the deliverables and their
due dates. A project plan with detailed milestones is a key
staple of a waterfall project, unlike an agile project in which
the product concept guides the parties to create and maintain
the product backlog and its subsequent iterations.
For the customer: The customer should tie the completion
of a set of deliverables or the achievement of a key milestone
to a progress payment to the developer to incentivize the
developer to work efficiently while producing a successful
outcome. Ensure that the interim deliverables are complete
and accurate before allowing the developer to commence
further work.
For complex projects, consider including a provision allowing
a third-party consultant to review and verify the deliverables.
In addition, insist that the developer deliverables be provided
in short time cycles (e.g., every 5–10 days), as appropriate.
With shorter time cycles, the customer can more easily
evaluate the project’s progression and can provide timely
feedback to the developer for any changes or adjustments in
real time.
For the developer: If the parties structure the agreement
to include progress payments, ensure that the successful
delivery of the items described in the deliverables are
determined by objective specifications or criteria that the
parties have mutually agreed on, not the subjective opinion of
the customer.
The developer also should avoid arbitrary deliverable delivery
dates, and instead negotiate dates that realistically reflect
the time needed for each party to perform its respective
obligations to complete every deliverable. In addition, the
developer should require the customer to comply with
the Acceptance Testing procedure (discussed below) for
reviewing each deliverable so that the:
Customer provides clear acceptance or rejection of each
deliverable within a reasonable period of time
Parties can address issues as they occur instead of later in
the project when remedying an issue may be more time-
consuming and costly for the developer
Developer can more quickly invoice and collect a progress
payment from the customer
The parties usually negotiate pricing for software
development services on either a time and materials or
fixed price basis. For time and materials arrangements, the
developer charges the customer by the hour for its services
and for any equipment and materials it purchases specifically
to undertake the customer’s project.
In fixed price arrangements, the customer pays a defined
price to the developer for its services, regardless of how
many hours the developer spends on the project.
The parties can also negotiate variations on these pricing
methods. For example, the parties could agree that the
customer pays the developer on a time and materials basis,
but with a fixed cap on the total amount payable.
Generally, fixed pricing is conducive for a waterfall project as
the parties are able to precisely scope out the specifications
and the level of effort required by the developer at the
beginning of the contracting process. In an agile project,
however, while the developer may be able to provide some
cost estimates for the prioritized items in the “product
backlog” or a fixed price “not to exceed” per sprint, the
developer has difficulty in accurately estimating the required
level of effort for the entire project. Therefore, a time and
materials approach (subject to appropriate limits) tends
to work better for agile projects. Other hybrid pricing
approaches may also be considered depending on the project
For the customer: Time and materials may be a very
inefficient and expensive pricing model for a customer
because it does not typically include a fixed limit on how
many hours the developer spends on the project. Be aware
of the developer attempting to increase its profit margin by
assigning its least experienced employees on the project,
while charging the customer its standard hourly rate.
To incentivize the developer to maximize work output,
consider capping the total amount payable to the developer.
Also consider including “holdback” amount (e.g., 20%–25%
of fees) that the customer withholds from accrued payments
until the entire project is completed, discount for delayed
sprints, and incentive payments that reward the developer
for successfully completing a deliverable before its due date.
In fixed pricing projects, the customer may also consider
negotiating a “pool” of certain number of development hours
baked into the project pricing that the customer may use at
its discretion.
While fixed price arrangements help provide budgetary
certainty for the customer, the developer often charges
a much higher internal hourly rate to protect its profit
margin in case the developer exceeds the amount of hours it
estimates to undertake the project.
In addition, the developer may limit the scope of the project
where the customer would need to pay the developer on a
time and materials basis for additional deliverables required
to finish the project.
For the developer: Time and materials may be the most
profitable pricing model for the developer because it is
difficult to estimate the amount of time needed to undertake
a software development arrangement. If the customer insists
on a cap when the developer charges a time and materials
rate, consider negotiating bonus payments for successfully
completing deliverables before the applicable due dates to
help increase the potential revenue.
Ancillary Expenses
The developer should ensure that the agreement addresses
additional fees for any ancillary services that the customer
desires. Examples include:
Out-of-pocket expenses
Training on how to use the software
Maintenance and support of the software
Consulting on projects related to the software
development agreement
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
Regardless of whether a time and materials or fixed priced
model is used, developers often require reimbursement from
the customer for at least some of the developer’s reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the
project, including:
Travel and travel-related expenses
Media costs
Communication costs (i.e., telephone, postage)
Federal and state taxes, duties, levies, and assessments on
the product or services delivered
The customer may want the developer to provide training
services for the customer and its employees on how to use
the software. Address the following issues when negotiating a
provision for training services:
Price the developer charges for training (either as a fixed
price or time and materials rate)
Number of training hours/days to which the developer
Number of the customer’s employees the developer trains
Location of the training
Qualifications and expertise of the training instructors
Number of instructors that the developer provides
Maintenance and Support
The parties may negotiate maintenance services that the
developer provides for the software. The parties can include
the terms of these services in a separate maintenance
agreement or in the software development agreement.
When drafting maintenance services terms in the software
development agreement, consider addressing:
Price of the maintenance services (either as a fixed price
or time and materials rate)
The developer’s obligations for maintenance (e.g., to
correct any reproducible bug fixes, or to ensure that the
software remains in compliance with the specifications)
Start date of the maintenance period (e.g., after the
expiration of any warranty period set out in the software
development agreement)
Frequency of the maintenance
Whether the developer provides telephone, email, live
chat, or on-site maintenance support
Consulting Services
Depending on the nature of the project, the customer may
request that the developer provide consulting services for
separate projects (such as adding new features) related to
the developed software. While the parties usually negotiate
a standalone consulting agreement for these services, they
can also include the terms in the software development
agreement and structure the agreement in a way that allows
the parties to add SOWs after the contract execution.
While the pricing section specifies how much the customer
pays the developer for its services, the payment section
defines when and how the customer pays the developer.
For time and materials contracts, the developer typically
submits an invoice or itemized statement for the number of
hours worked on the project, in addition to any out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in connection with the project as discussed
below. Barring any payment disputes or objections by the
customer, the customer makes payment to the developer
within a certain amount of time from the date of the invoice
or itemized statement (e.g., 30 days from the date of invoice).
For fixed price arrangements, the customer usually pays the
developer in installments that are tied to the completion and
acceptance of a deliverable, a set of deliverables, or in regular
intervals under a payment schedule. In addition, parties
typically negotiate for the customer to pay an initial deposit
upon the execution of the agreement, and a final payment or
holdback upon project completion (e.g., 25% on execution of
the agreement, and 25% on deployment of the software).
For the customer: Periodic payments throughout the term
of the agreement may motivate the developer to complete
the project on schedule and should be tied to the successful
completion of specific deliverables or milestones. For fixed
price arrangements, try to limit the amount of the initial
deposit (usually 5–10% of the overall price), and backload
the amount of the final payment that the customer remits on
deployment of the software (35–50% of the overall price).
For the developer: Because software development projects
can be lengthy, waiting for a single lump payment at the
end of the project involves significant financial risk for
the developer. As a result, you should negotiate periodic
payments that the customer makes throughout the term
of the agreement (e.g., after the successful completion of
each project milestone, or in regular monthly installments).
In addition, the developer should negotiate a larger upfront
initial payment to minimize risk to its cash flow and working
capital needs while undertaking the project (e.g., 25–50% of
the overall price).
Change Requests
During the course of the project, the customer may want to
make changes to the requirements or specifications in a way
that impacts the project’s scope, schedule, or cost. You should
include a provision governing how the customer can request
modifications to the requirements or specifications. This is
often known as a formal change order provision and typically
requires that:
A requested change must be described in writing
The request can only be agreed to by an authorized
representative of the other party
The other party must accept or reject the requested
change within a certain period of time
In addition, consider including an escalation clause that
Require designated executives of each party to meet
and attempt in good faith to resolve a dispute over any
proposed change order
Set a time limit for resolving the dispute
Allow the parties to end the agreement in accordance
with its termination and wind down provisions if the
parties cannot resolve the dispute
For the customer: If the agreement was originally negotiated
on a fixed price basis, the developer may attempt to charge
the customer for the requested change(s) on a time and
materials basis. You should maintain pricing consistency to
protect against overcharging and unintended accounting
If the parties cannot reach an agreement on the change
request, the customer should be obligated to pay the
developer only for any work product that has been completed
and accepted by the customer, and delivered to the customer.
Include a provision that the customer owns all such work
product and any IP rights in the work product, including any
For the developer: The developer should include a provision
that gives them the right to refuse a change request that
preemptively limits the amount the developer can charge for
the request. To avoid the risk that this provision becomes a
backdoor termination right for the customer, consider limiting
the situations in which the customer can terminate the
agreement if the parties cannot agree on a change request.
For example, restrict the customer from terminating the
agreement for requested changes:
To deliverables that the customer has already accepted
When the estimated price for the changes would exceed a
designated amount
When the changes would materially change the timeline
for completing the project
If the parties cannot reach an agreement on the change
request, the customer should pay the developer for any work
product that has been completed and in progress. Consider
retaining ownership and all IP rights in the work product to
disincentivize the customer from early termination.
Acceptance Testing
A software development agreement should include an
acceptance procedure for the customer to review and
approve each deliverable before the developer proceeds to
the next deliverable. Typically, the developer submits the
necessary documentation (and any other relevant materials)
to the other party to review once the developer determines
that it has successfully produced the deliverable. In an agile
project, the unfinished or unaccepted work may shift into the
next iteration, which can create complexity for warranty and
pricing terms tied to each iteration. The agreement should
therefore clearly describe how such situations will be handled
by the parties.
For the customer: The software development agreement
often provides the customer a specific period of time to
review and to respond in writing to the submission. Ensure
that the provision allows a sufficient amount of time to test
the deliverable (usually 10–15 days). Consider including
a provision that requires written notice of acceptance
to minimize the risk of the developer relying on oral
communications by any of the customer’s employees who are
not authorized to provide approval.
In addition, you should describe the customer’s remedies
in a situation when the deliverable fails its acceptance test,
Requiring that the developer fix the deliverable within
a specific period of time at no additional cost to the
Allowing the customer to terminate the agreement
Requiring the developer to remit a partial refund or credit
against any amounts paid by the customer
Defining a repeated failure to submit a deliverable as a
material breach of the contract, enabling the customer to
recover damages from the developer
For the developer: To prevent delays and to encourage
prompt responses, you can include a provision stating that
the submission is deemed approved if the reviewing party
does not respond within the specified time frame, or when
the customer makes the software available for end users.
Consider whether the customer should have sole discretion
to approve or reject a submission, or if that party can object
to the submission only for specific reasons (e.g., the customer
can reject a deliverable only if it materially deviates from the
requirements specifications).
Include only objective standards for acceptance testing.
Disputes often arise when the customer rejects a deliverable
for a subjective reason, such as a perception of how the
deliverable should operate or the customer’s internal
expectation of functionality. Instead, require that the
customer perform acceptance tests using the requirements
specifications or detailed design documents.
Ensure that the customer cannot reject any deliverable that
failed due to any third-party software or hardware unless the
developer recommended or required that the customer use
that software or hardware.
You should also require that the customer:
Begin acceptance testing immediately upon the
developer’s submission of the deliverable
Provide notice of its determination immediately to the
Include a detailed explanation of its rejection in sufficient
detail to enable the developer to recreate and to verify
the noncompliance
In the event a deliverable has failed acceptance testing, limit
the remedies available to the customer by:
Allowing the developer to fix and to re-submit a
deliverable (usually three attempts)
Allow the customer to terminate the contract if the
developer cannot successfully produce a deliverable, and
Prohibit the customer from recovering monetary damages
aside from a partial refund of any fees paid up to the date
of termination
Intellectual Property Rights
The agreement must address which party owns the software
and all intellectual property (IP) rights, including:
Right, title and interest in the software
Software source and object code, all related
documentation, and manuals for the software (including
all IP rights in these items)
Developer’s work product created during the project
(e.g., scripts, product concept, product backlog, internal
software, and data used for testing)
Developer’s own pre-existing work product used in the
development of the software
All related copyrights, patents, designs, trademarks, and
trade secrets
The types of software ownership models that the parties may
negotiate depending on the project specifics include:
Customer Ownership. The customer solely owns the
software created by the developer under the agreement,
including all IP rights in and to the software.
Non-Exclusive License to the Developer. The customer
solely owns the software, but grants the developer a non-
exclusive license to use it. Customers sometimes limit the
scope of the license so that the developer can only use
the software for specific purposes or with third parties
that are not competitors of the customer. As the license is
non-exclusive, the customer is free to license the software
to any third parties.
Exclusive License to the Customer. The developer
owns the software and grants the customer an exclusive
license to use it. The developer cannot use or license the
software to any third parties.
Non-Exclusive License to the Customer. The developer
owns the software and grants the customer a non-
exclusive license to the software. As the license is non-
exclusive, the developer is free to license the software to
any third parties. The developer is restricted from using
the feedback and proprietary ideas contributed by the
Joint Ownership. Under this arrangement, both parties
own the software and can license it to third parties,
subject to any contractual restrictions agreed by the
customer and developer.
IP rights give the owner full control over use of the software
and any future revenue that it may exploit from this use.
Copyright in the software is important especially to the party
that desires to make changes to, create derivative works
from, adapt, reproduce, and distribute the software.
Because the developer is the creator/author of the software,
copyright law automatically grants rights in the software to
the developer, even though the software was developed for
and paid by the customer. To transfer rights in the copyright
to the customer, the software development agreement should
include an assignment provision. The agreement should also
detail whether the non-owning party will be granted a license
to use the software.
For the customer: To transfer or assign ownership of the
software effectively, ensure the provision refers to:
A present grant of assignment
The software, including both source code and object code
All associated documentation developed under the
All ideas, processes, and other know-how developed in
connection with the project
All IP rights in and to the software and documentation
While software agreements frequently include a standard
declaration that the developed software is a “work made
for hire,” it may not actually qualify as such. Thus, to ensure
proper transfer to the customer, also include a statement
that, to the extent the software is not a “work made for hire,
the developer hereby assigns all ownership rights to the
customer. For a more detailed discussion, see Works Made
for Hire.
The customer also should require the developer to:
Execute any and all necessary agreements, documents
or instruments to perfect the customer’s IP rights in the
License any of the developer’s pre-existing work product,
to the extent necessary to be able to use or to modify the
In the event the software incorporates any third-party IP
Rights, acquire any and all necessary rights or licenses on
behalf of the customer
For the developer: Developers usually rely on their own pre-
existing, proprietary techniques, know-how, methodologies,
utilities, processes, algorithms, and tools to develop software
for multiple customers. As a result, you should ensure that
the developer retains ownership of all such pre-existing work
product, and all IP rights in such work product.
In addition, you should clarify that the developer can use
its pre-existing work product in the development of other
software for future clients, free and clear of any ownership
claims, liens, or approval rights of the customer. If any pre-
existing work product is incorporated in the software, you
should grant a limited license to the customer to use that
work product solely to use the software, and not to use or
otherwise exploit it on a standalone basis.
You also should include a clause stating that the developer is
not obligated to transfer ownership of the software (or any
related IP rights) until the customer has fully paid for the
work performed under the agreement.
Representations and Warranties
Parties to a software development agreement typically tailor
this provision to address issues that may impair either party’s
ability to perform its obligations or imperil the customer’s
ability to use the software freely.
Standard Representations and Warranties.
Examples of general representations and warranties in a
software development agreement include:
The developer has or will have and maintain sufficient
resources, facilities, capacity, and personnel to assure
that all work will be provided in a timely and workmanlike
There are no commitments, obligations, or agreements
with any third party that would conflict with either party’s
obligations under the software development agreement,
or otherwise restrict a party from entering into the
software development agreement.
During the term of the software development agreement,
neither party will enter into any commitment, obligation
or agreement that conflicts with its duties under the
software development agreement.
Each party has obtained all licenses and permits
required to perform its obligations under the software
development agreement.
Each party will comply with all applicable laws, rules, or
regulations during the term of the software development
Warranty of Software Performance
Many developers of off-the-shelf software sold to a mass
market provide the software “as-is.” However, customers who
contract for custom software development often aggressively
negotiate for a warranty that the software will work as it is
intended once it is deployed on the customer’s systems. To
the extent that developers offer a warranty, they use only
objective standards to measure the software’s performance
(e.g., software specifications). Developers typically do not
offer performance warranties that use subjective standards
to measure the operational effectiveness of the software (e.g.,
the software is operating to the reasonable satisfaction of
the customer). A performance warranty tied to the software
specifications is rather typical in a waterfall project but it
can be a “mis-fit” in an agile project where the specifications
are not pre-determined. In such projects, the performance
warranty can be tied to the working code from each iteration
meeting the specifications for that iteration, and to the
“integrated” working code at the end of the project meeting
the collective specifications from each iteration.
For the customer: Ensure that the agreement includes
a warranty that the software performs “substantially” in
conformance with the functional specifications. This warranty
should commence on the final deployment of the software
and last for a specific period of time (usually between 30–
90 days, factoring in any seasonality or other variations
in demand/use). In addition, consider including a warranty
that the software will be free of defects (i.e., free from
interruption, programming errors, faults, failures, viruses, and
For the developer: You should limit the warranty to a
“material” conformance with the specifications so that the
developer is responsible only for fixing significant errors/
bugs that significantly impair the customer’s ability to use the
The developer should also avoid warranting that the software
will operate uninterrupted, or be free of defects. While
developers are often diligent in checking for defects when
building and testing the software, providing a warranty can
substantially burden any developer who must audit millions
of lines of software code to verify compliance.
In addition, any performance warranty offered by the
developer should not cover:
Unauthorized modifications of the software by the
customer or any third party of customer
Use of the software with third-party software or
hardware, or in an environment, or in a manner not
originally contemplated by the parties
Errors or misuse of the software by the customer, its
employees, or agents
Warranty Against IP Infringement and Open Source
In the process of developing the software, the developer may
purposely or inadvertently incorporate open source code
or the IP of a third party without that party’s authorization.
Because a customer risks being prohibited from using the
software if a third party successfully claims an infringement
of its IP rights, the customer should require the developer
to warrant that the software does not (or will not) infringe
or violate any third-party IP rights and that it will not use
unapproved open source code in the project.
Software developers often provide indemnification for:
Personal injury or property damage caused by the
developer’s personnel or agents, in situations where the
developer is performing on-site work
Any claim that the software infringes on a third party’s IP
Breach of specific representations and warranties
Gross negligence or willful misconduct of the developer’s
employees or agents
Ensure that the indemnification provision also addresses
the mechanics of providing indemnity to the other party,
The indemnified party’s obligation to notify the
indemnifying party promptly of the pending or threatened
Requiring the indemnified party to provide cooperation
and technical assistance to the indemnifying party
Selection of counsel and control of defense of the case
Whether the indemnifying party may settle the case
unilaterally, or only with the indemnified party’s approval
Monetary caps on indemnity (including attorneys’ fees), if
When negotiating an indemnity provision, developers
should exclude claims made due (in whole or in part) to the
customer’s own unauthorized acts. Examples include:
Modifications to the software without the developer’s
prior written approval
Failure to install updates or upgrades to the software that
would have avoided the infringement
Suggested changes to the specifications or software that
cause the infringement
Use of the software with any third-party hardware and
software not authorized by the developer
Use of the software for any reason other than intended
Gross negligence or willful misconduct of the customer’s
employees or agents
In lieu of paying damages for IP infringement, software
developers typically procure for the customer the right
to continue using the software, or modify or replace the
software so that it is not infringing. Customers should ensure
that any replacements or modifications perform substantially
the same as the original software.
While developers usually offer only to refund any fees paid
by a customer if they cannot replace or modify the software,
customers should include language allowing recovery for all
losses resulting from any IP infringement claim.
Limitation on Liability
A limitation of liability clause generally limits the:
Types of damages recoverable by a party (e.g., special
damages, consequential damages, or lost profits)
Amount of damages recoverable by a party (e.g., a fixed
amount, a multiple of fees paid, or an amount recoverable
only over a specific period of time)
For the customer: Seek a less restrictive limitation of liability
provision because you face less exposure to risk through you
own conduct, and more exposure to risk through the conduct
of the developer. You should consider:
Excluding indemnity damages and costs from any
limitations on liability
Avoiding caps on liability for actions resulting in losses
that are hard to quantify (e.g., breach of confidentiality,
misuse of IP, gross negligence or willful misconduct, or
violations of applicable laws)
Allowing liability caps only for damages that exceed the
other party’s insurance coverage
For the developer: Seek a more restrictive limitation of
liability provision because you face more exposure to risk
through you own conduct, and less exposure to risk through
the conduct of the customer. As a result, you should consider:
Capping potential liability to a fixed amount, or a certain
amount of revenue generated over a fixed period of time
(e.g., fees paid over the past 12 months, or fees paid
under the SOW giving rise to the claim)
Setting a statute of limitations on recoverable damages
(e.g., prohibit any action brought more than 12 months
after the initial event giving rise to the alleged liability)
Tying any indemnity remedies to the limitation of liability
clause to narrow the scope and amount recoverable
Capping the aggregate amount of attorneys’ fees that a
party may recover in a dispute
Including an aggregate cap that limits total amount
recoverable from a party over the life of the contract
During the course of the software development project,
each party will most likely exchange, provide, or disclose
information to the other party it deems proprietary and
confidential, including:
Trade secrets
Research and development materials
Data used in connection with the software
Work product created by the developer
The software, including specifications and documentation
Customer and vendor lists
Internal personnel, financial, and marketing information
Manner and method of conducting business
Strategic, operations and other business plans and
If the parties have already entered into a separate
confidentiality agreement, you should include a brief
provision that references the executed confidentiality
agreement and incorporates its terms as part of the software
development agreement. Otherwise, you should include a
confidentiality clause that prohibits either party from using
or disclosing the other party’s proprietary and confidential
information to third parties. For a more detailed discussion
on confidentiality agreements and tips on negotiating
confidentiality provisions, see Confidentiality Agreements.
Because software developers often rely on key employees
who have a specialized skillset or expertise, customers
typically require developers to commit to assigning specific
individuals to the project. This clause should list out the
employees’ names, titles, roles and contact information.
For complex projects where the parties need to complete
many deliverables, the parties may identify the individuals
directly responsible for managing the completion of these
deliverables. Parties usually create this roster of directly
responsible individuals (DRI) as an exhibit to the agreement
or the applicable SOW.
You should also include the name and contact information of
specific personnel who will act as the official points of contact
for each side. The parties can set out a single person who
manages communications, or a schedule of individuals who
are responsible for responding to specific types of inquiries.
In addition, a software development agreement often
includes a decision tree for managing and escalating day-to-
day questions, disputes, and unforeseen issues. Alternatively,
each party can designate a project manager to manage the
decision-making process.
The customer typically wants continuity of developer
resources for the entire project term but dedicated fixed
staffing can be challenging or present additional “bench” costs
to the customer in agile projects where the workflow and
future requirements are uncertain and may be determined
on sprint by sprint basis. The additional cost for the dedicated
developer resources should be weighed against the need for
continuity on a project by project basis.
For the customer: Include language ensuring developer
staffing continuity for the entire project and allowing the
customer to require the removal and replacement of a
particular project member if, for example, that person violates
the customer’s on-site work policies, poses a security risk, or
engages in any other type of negligent behavior.
For the developer: Refrain from committing specific
personnel exclusively to a project. In addition, consider
limiting the circumstances under which the customer can
require the removal and replacement of a particular project
member, such as for repeated offenses or constant poor
work performance. You should also avoid providing a specific
number of employees that will be staffed on the project to
maintain flexibility in undertaking multiple projects at the
same time.
Developers often agree to maintain the following customary
business liability insurance for at least the duration of the
software development agreement:
Commercial general liability insurance covering personal
injury and property damage caused by the developer
during any on-site work
Automobile insurance for vehicles owned or operated by
the developer
Worker’s compensation in an amount required under
the laws of the states where the developer provides the
Errors and omission insurance
Excess liability insurance (also known as Umbrella
Cyber liability insurance if the software interacts with
or stores any of customer’s Personally Identifiable
Information (PII), or otherwise be used in mission-critical
applications where third-party intrusions or outages could
cause significant economic loss
For the customer: This provision should list out the
monetary coverage limits of each type of insurance that
the developer maintains. Other important requirements to
consider include:
Survival. Require that the developer’s coverage continue
after the expiration or termination of the agreement to
cover claims that the customer would otherwise have the
right to make.
Additional Insured. Each insurance policy should
specifically name the customer, its agents and employees
as additional insureds for all claims arising under the
Certificates. Ensure that the developer provides you
with certificates evidencing the coverages and additional
insured designations.
Insurance Carrier Rating. Insist that the insurance is
from a reputable and highly rated carrier (e.g., A Best
Notice of Change. The developer should notify you in
advance of any cancellation, non-renewal, or material
modification of any of the coverages (usually 30 days).
For the developer: If you are providing any services at the
customer’s premises, you should make this provision mutual
to cover any damage sustained to your property or injury to
your employees.
A software development agreement inherently offers the
opportunity for essential personnel of each party to interact
and to collaborate closely on a daily basis. As a result,
companies typically attempt to lower the risk of losing
valuable employees by including a non-solicitation provision.
This clause generally prohibits a party from hiring any of
the other party’s employees working on the project without
written consent during the term of the agreement and for a
specific period of time after termination (usually 12 months).
Larger companies usually seek to include certain exceptions
to this provision to help make compliance practical. Common
exceptions include when an employee:
Responds to a public advertisement or job posting not
specifically targeted to the other party’s employees
Was involuntarily terminated by the original employer
prior to the solicitation
Voluntarily terminated their employment not less than a
certain number of days prior to the solicitation (usually 90
days, but for specialized employees or key management
you should set a period of 180 days)
The scope of termination rights and consequences of
termination are critical in a software development agreement.
The developer usually limits the customer’s right to terminate
for cause only, whereas the customer usually insists on
broader termination triggers. The customary termination
for cause enables a party to terminate the agreement or
the relevant SOW for the other party’s material breach
that remains uncured (say, for 30 days) after notice thereof.
Upon such circumstance, the non-breaching party may
seek to recover incurred damages, subject of course to
any limitations of liability agreed by the parties. Other
termination triggers include a party’s insolvency or change of
The customer can usually terminate the agreement for
convenience by paying an early termination or exit fee. In
T&M projects, however, a termination fee is atypical unless
of course the customer has agreed to pay “bench costs” for
dedicated staffing. Similarly, in agile projects the customer
usually has the flexibility to terminate at the end of each
iteration with no termination fee.
The customer may obligate the developer to knowledge
transfer or provide termination assistance to successfully
transition the work product to the customer or its successor
developer. The parties should pay particular attention to the
consequences of termination and the surviving terms.
Customer’s Responsibilities
To help perform the services in a complete and timely
manner, developers usually include a provision detailing the
customer’s obligations to cooperate with and to assist the
developer during the project. Examples include:
Designating a team project coordinator who is
knowledgeable about the project and authorized to make
binding decisions for the customer
Access to the customer’s staff, facilities, working space,
and equipment
Access to computers, software, data, and customer
information (even if operated by a third party for the
benefit of the customer)
Securing any necessary third-party authorizations to
undertake the services
Backing up all data, files, and information prior to
the commencement of any work, and assuming sole
responsibility for this content
Preparing the customer’s systems for the implementation
and deployment of the software
In situations where the customer uses or allows access to the
software outside of the U.S., the developer should include a
provision requiring the customer to comply with all applicable
U.S. export laws and regulations. In addition, consider
including a requirement for the customer to comply with all
import/export laws of any foreign jurisdictions when using or
allowing access to the software.
Source Code Escrow
Parties to a software development agreement that involves
customizing and maintaining the developer’s or third-party
software usually execute a source code escrow agreement
to protect the customer in the event the developer is unable
to continue to develop, or later to support, the software.
Under this agreement, the developer provides copies of the
software source code to a third-party escrow agent as it
is being developed. The agreement authorizes the escrow
agent to release the source code to the customer on the
occurrence of certain triggering events (e.g., the developer
going out of business, laying off a significant portion of its
staff, or discontinuing support and/or maintenance for the
Software Support Services
This ancillary agreement often accompanies a software
development agreement, and provides for the ongoing
support of the software by the developer for a certain
amount of time after project completion. Support can
include providing bug fixes, new versions, or upgrades to the
software. Alternatively, the developer’s support obligations
may be included in the software development agreement or
an SOW thereto.
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Sonia Baldia, Partner, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Sonia Baldia brings business and technology savvy to her global practice, which encompasses U.S. and international commercial, transactional,
and intellectual property (IP) expertise across multiple industries including life sciences, banking and finance, healthcare, energy, information
technology (IT), manufacturing, and software. She advises on a wide array of sourcing, technology, and other commercial transactions and helps
companies navigate legal issues raised by data, emerging technologies, and digital transformation, both on the buyer and provider side. Sonia
routinely advises clients on IP strategy, management, and monetization arrangements, leveraging her technology background and registered
patent attorney credentials.
In addition to her U.S. bar admissions, Sonia is also qualified to practice law in India and she leverages that combined experience on behalf of
clients in India-related matters.
Prior to rejoining the firm, Sonia was a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of an international law firm where she was part of its technology,
IP, international commercial, and India practices. Sonia has also served as a consultant to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
and the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C. where she advised foreign governments on IT, telecom and IP-related development
projects. She has also served as associate professor of law, teaching courses in IP, technology transfer, and corporate law.
Sonia was ranked in 2022 and prior years by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business in Technology & Outsourcing and in
2020, she was recognized for her expertise in outsourcing deals involving India and her broader technology expertise. She has also been
consistently recognized by Legal 500 amongst the leading practitioners in its technology, media, and telecom outsourcing category (2009-2022;
and as a “New Generation Partner” in 2020 and a “Leading Lawyer” in 2021-2022). Sonia was recognized in The Best Lawyers in America®
for Information Technology Law in 2022 and 2023. She is a frequent speaker and writer on digital transformation, global sourcing, IP, and
technology topics and she has authored many articles and book chapters.