s Anto
ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
Abstract. We report an experiment in which we test the relationship between gender
and number in subject-predicate agreement. We also test the link between two
different number-agreement relations—subject-verb and subject–predicative
adjective. Participants saw first an unmarked adjective and then a sentence fragment
consisting of a complex subject with a head noun and a modifier containing a second
noun and were asked to make a whole sentence using the adjective with the proper
gender and number markings. The gender of the subject head and the gender and
number of the attractor noun were manipulated. Number errors in the verb and number
and gender errors in the predicative adjective were measured. The results suggest
gender agreement is computed independently of number agreement. In contrast,
subject-verb number agreement and subject–predicative adjective number agreement
are a unitary process. The implications for psycholinguistic and linguistic theories of
gender and number are discussed.
1. Introduction
There is a fair amount of psycholinguistic literature on agreement processing.
The research has focused mainly on number agreement in different
languages: English (Bock & Miller 1991; Bock & Cutting 1992; Bock &
Eberhard 1993; Vigliocco, Butterworth & Garrett 1996; Vigliocco & Nicol
1998), Spanish (Vigliocco, Butterworth & Garrett 1996; Anto´n-Me´ndez
1996), Italian (Vigliocco, Butterworth & Semenza 1995), French (Vigliocco,
Hartsuiker, Jarema & Kolk 1996), and Dutch (Vigliocco et al. 1996;
Hartsuiker, Anto´n-Me´ndez & Van Zee 2001). Another type of agreement that
has come recently to the forefront is gender agreement. Because English
lacks grammatical gender specification on nouns, the research has been
carried out in Italian (Vigliocco & Franck 1999), French (Vigliocco & Franck
1999), and Spanish (Vigliocco, Anto´n-Me´ndez, Franck & Collina 1999).
The purpose of the experiment reported here is to explore the relationship
between several forms of agreement. On the one hand, we investigate the
relationship between gender and number—whether gender and number
features associated with a given noun behave independently of each other.
And, on the other hand, we study the relationship between different
agreement relations concerning a single feature—whether number agreement
with different elements in the sentence is a single or multiple process, that is,
whether number agreement of the subject head with the verb occurs
separately from number agreement of the head noun with a predicative
Syntax 5:1, April 2002, 1–25
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 2002. Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
1.1 Agreement in Spanish
The language chosen to study these relationships between different forms of
agreement is Spanish. In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine.
There are also two levels of gender specification: grammatical and semantic.
Nouns referring to objects and concepts have grammatical gender that is
arbitrary, has no semantic import, and is not a property that differentiates
between linguistic opposites:
(1) molino
(2) venta
On the other hand, the gender of nouns referring to animate beings is mostly
semantically meaningful:
(3) duen
MASC (refers to a male)
(4) duen
FEM (refers to a female)
But there are some exceptions—there are some nouns whose referents are
humans or animals but whose gender is independent of their biological sex:
(5) Don Quijote fue la
´ctima de una imaginacio´n
MASC Quixote was the.FEM victim.FEM of a.FEM imagination.FEM
As can be seen in the previous examples, many of the masculine nouns end in
-o and many of the feminine nouns end in -a. They are the morphologically
regular nouns and constitute the majority of the nouns (68.15%). There are
also other nouns that end in other vowels or in a consonant, or that end in -o
and are feminine or in -a and are masculine. We will not be concerned with
these morphologically irregular nouns.
Gender and number agreement is required between nouns and their
adjectives, determiners, and quantifiers. But number agreement also holds
between nouns and verbs. For the purposes of this experiment, we are
interested in the gender agreement between the subject noun and a
predicative adjective, and in number agreement between the subject noun
and both the verb and the predicative adjective.
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s Anto
ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
1.2 Psycholinguistics of Number and Gender Agreement
Most of the psycholinguistic literature on number agreement is based on the
relation between the subject noun and the verb in a sentence. The
experimental results have shown that, when sentence beginnings (or
‘preambles’’) containing two nouns—a subject head noun, and a second
‘attractor’’ noun in a phrasal or clausal modifier of the subject head—had to
be completed, more verb-number errors occurred for preambles where the
two nouns in the subject phrase mismatched in number. Furthermore, this
mismatch effect (which we refer to as the ‘congruency effect’’) was
significantly greater when the head noun was singular and the attractor was
plural (Bock & Miller 1991, Bock & Cutting 1992, Bock & Eberhard 1993).
This asymmetrical pattern of results has been found to hold for languages
other than English, like Dutch and Spanish (Vigliocco et al. 1996; Vigliocco,
Butterworth & Garrett 1996; Anto´n-Me´ndez 1996). It has been interpreted as
a reflection of an underlying asymmetry in the way number is specified: there
is a default or unmarked number—singular, and a marked one—plural
(Eberhard 1993). Speakers are more likely to make an error when the
attractor’s number is a marked plural and thus more salient than the singular
unmarked head noun.
The experimental research on gender agreement is less copious. It has
largely been concerned with the relation between the subject noun and a
predicative adjective. Results indicate that there is no default gender for
subject-predicate agreement in languages such as Italian (Vigliocco & Franck
1999) and Spanish (Anto´n-Me´ndez 1999, Vigliocco et al. 1999). The
congruency effect, on the other hand, has also been a consistent finding in all
the gender-agreement experiments, which suggests that a similar mechanism
is responsible for both types of agreement or, at least, for both types of errors.
The question of interest here is whether the same mechanism processes both
types of agreement simultaneously and over all the sentential elements that
require agreement.
It is pertinent to note that the rates of number and gender agreement errors
within a language could differ considerably, which could be interpreted as
evidence for different agreement mechanisms. For example, the proportion of
number agreement errors in Spanish has been reported at 8.4% by Anto´n-
Me´ndez (1996), whereas the proportion of gender agreement errors (found in
experiment 1 in Anto´n-Me´ndez 1999) is only 3.0%. Nicol and O’Donnell
(1999) found the same difference between gender and number errors in
English. In their experiment, participants had to repeat and add tag questions
to sentences with a complex subject (e.g., The girl behind the headmaster got
punished, didn’t she?), in which the number and gender of the two nouns
inside the subject were manipulated. They looked at the error rates for the tag
pronouns. They found that tag-pronoun errors involving number were far
greater (7.4%) than those involving gender (4%). However, it is also true that
the proportion of number agreement errors also varies across experiments
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 3
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(e.g., the error proportion in Vigliocco, Butterworth & Garrett’s [1996]
Spanish experiment is only 5.2%), and, although some of the differences
could be due to different presentation procedures, the instructions received by
the participants, or their overall level of education (Bock, Eberhard, Cutting
& Meyer 2001), this makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions from
comparisons of error rates.
There is other psycholinguistic evidence that gender and number are
independent. Igoa, Garcı´a-Albea, and Sa´nchez-Casas (1999) compared gender
and number both with respect to how they are represented and with respect to
how they are processed in the course of language production. In their view,
which they call the Dissociation Hypothesis, grammatical gender, one of the
two levels of gender, is part of the lemma (the part of a word’s representation
that contains the syntactic and semantic information; Kempen & Hoenkamp
1987), whereas number is determined independently of the lemma. They
looked at speech-error data to determine whether there was a difference in the
way the two features behaved. They hypothesized that if gender is more tightly
linked to the word stem than number is, it should be stranded less often; that is,
whenever there is an error involving an exchange between two words in a
sentence, gender would be more likely to appear with the stem in the erroneous
position, whereas number would be more likely to be stranded, accompanying
the wrong stem. This is indeed what they found—gender is more likely to be
moved with the nouns in word exchanges, as in the following error taken from
the Spanish corpus of Del Viso, Igoa, and Garcı´a-Albea (1987):
(6) Estos son los coches de la llave.
MASC.PL are the.MASC.PL cars.MASC.PL of the.FEM.SG key.FEM.SG
cf. Estas son las llaves del coche.
FEM.PL are the.FEM.PL keys.FEM.PL of-the.MASC.SG car.MASC.SG
Also, gender morphemes are unlikely to be part of an exchange (see also
Garcı´a-Albea, Del Viso & Igoa 1989) probably because a nonword would be
created, as in the error in (7) (from Igoa, Garcı´a-Albea & Sa´nchez-Casas
1999), where the two words affected by the gender exchange turn into
(7) He cantado ´neo y binga.
I-have cried line.
MASC and bingo.FEM
cf. He cantado ´nea y bingo.
I-have cried line.
FEM and bingo.MASC
In addition to the analysis of speech errors, Igoa, Garcı´a-Albea, and Sa´nchez-
Casas (1999) also report the results of an experiment in which they elicited
morpheme exchanges by giving participants complex NPs with two nouns
(unos gatos de la nin˜a, ‘some.
MASC.PL cats.MASC.PL of the.FEM.SG girl.FEM.SG’)
and asking them to exchange the two nouns in their response (una nin˜a de los
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ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
gatos, ‘a.FEM.SG girl.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL cats-MASC.PL’). If there is a stronger
relationship between the noun stem and the gender affix than between the
noun stem and the number affix, number would be more likely stranded and
gender would be more likely to move with the noun stem. As expected, they
found that number stranding was far more likely than gender stranding. They
also found differences between the levels of gender, with gender stranding
being more common for nouns carrying semantic gender (el nin˜o/la nin˜a, ‘the
boy/the girl’) and less common for nouns carrying purely grammatical gender
(el libro/la libra, ‘the book/the pound’). These results are evidence of the
independence of the two types of features with respect to how they are
specified on the noun—that is, the link between the noun stem and the two
features. The question of how agreement implementation proceeds from here
is a different one.
An interesting report in this regard is that of Centeno and Obler (1994),
who studied number and gender impairment in a Spanish-speaking
agrammatic subject. The patient and a matched control had to describe
pictures using an article, a noun, and an adjective. The agrammatic patient
showed equal preservation of number on nouns, adjectives, and articles, but
her preservation of gender was significantly higher for adjectives than
articles. The authors concluded that the patient was economizing on effort
because of limited resources and that, given that an adjective conveys more
information than an article in this task, she chose to focus on adjectives.
What is also interesting about these results is the fact that number and
gender behaved differently. Their overall preservation was similar, but
whereas the preservation of number was not limited to any one particular
syntactic class, gender was differentially preserved on the two different
agreement targets. The difference in preservation patterns for the two may
mean that gender agreement is carried out separately from number
agreement. Alternatively, the difference may be due to differences in the
way the two noun properties are specified and their susceptibility to decay in
memory during processing. The gender-preservation pattern also indicates
that agreement with different targets is not a single process; that is, the
process that determines article-noun agreement seems to be independent of
the one that determines adjective-noun agreement, instead of there being one
single process determining article-noun-adjective agreement.
With respect to how agreement errors arise, it could be that features from
the wrong noun are transferred to the verb (e.g., Eberhard 1993, Vigliocco &
Nicol 1998, Bock et al. 2001) via feature ‘percolation.’ Another possibility
is that the wrong noun is misselected as the subject head, which is the
implication of models of language production where no syntactic hierarchical
organization is assumed (Bates & McWhinney 1989; Fayol, Largy &
Lemaire 1994). Most of the experimental results support the former
hypothesis. For example, if the errors were due to head misselection, the
closer to the verb an attractor noun is, the more active it would be in short-
term memory at the time of producing the verb and the more agreement errors
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 5
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it would be expected to induce. But Vigliocco and Nicol (1998) found that
what most influenced error rates on the verb was not how linearly close the
attractor and the verb were but, rather, how syntactically close they were.
When they asked participants to produce questions (e.g., Is the helicopter for
the flights safe?), the verb-number error rate was similar to when participants
had to produce simple sentences (e.g., The helicopter for the flight is safe)
even though in the first case the attractor is not close to the verb.
Furthermore, if what mattered for error rate was the distance between the
attractor and the verb, the syntactic function of the former would not have
any impact on errors when the surface distance is not altered. Bock and
Cutting (1992), however, found more errors for sentence preambles such as
The report of the destructive fires than for preambles such as The report that
they controlled the fires, where the attractor’s distance to the verb is the same.
Another strong piece of evidence against the head-misselection hypothesis is
the finding that the suitability of the attractor as subject of the verb does not
affect errors. Bock and Eberhard (1993) found that manipulating the animacy
of the nouns did not influence error rate, even though animate nouns are more
likely to be subject heads than inanimate nouns. Our experiment would
distinguish between the two possibilities: Head misselection would predict no
independence of gender and number agreement errors in predicative
adjectives because, given that it is a theory that postulates the
misremembering of the subject head, it implies that the wrong noun is taken
as the head with all its features; whereas an account of errors based on feature
percolation would be more compatible with gender and number features
being independent of each other.
1.3 Linguistic Theories of Number and Gender
In the linguistics literature, there are basically two different proposals about
how gender and number are represented syntactically within a generativist
framework. Picallo (1991), for example, argues for each feature heading its
own projection in the syntactic tree, on the basis of evidence from Catalan.
(Arrows indicate the movement of the noun to acquire the appropriate
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In contrast, Ritter (1993) proposes that number heads its own projection but
that gender appears either attached to the number phrase or as part of the
lexical entry of the noun, depending on the language. For languages such as
Hebrew, where gender can be considered a derivational suffix, it will be
considered part of the lexical entry:
For languages in which gender is not a derivational suffix, such as Spanish or
Italian (for nouns with grammatical gender), gender will be part of the
number phrase:
Di Domenico (1995) offers a similar structural analysis, with only a number
phrase headed by the number features, and no gender phrase. The difference
between her proposal and Ritter’s is that for Di Domenico, whether gender is
attached to the number phrase or is part of the lexical entry depends on the
level of gender, grammatical gender would be part of the lexical entry and
would, therefore, accompany the noun (as in (9)), and semantic gender would
be projected under the number phrase (as in (10)). The reason that Di
Domenico does not postulate a gender phrase for the syntactic projection of
semantic gender is that this would mean that the speaker would need to
choose a different phrasal structure for nouns that have grammatical or
semantic gender. She finds this solution undesirable and appeals to the strong
connection between gender and number (Greenberg 1966) to justify her
hypothesis that semantic gender is projected together with number under the
number phrase. But her analysis is based on evidence from Italian, in which
semantic gender is not morphologically independent from number, which
makes it more plausible that both of them share a projection. What is
attractive about this proposal is that it supports a different treatment of the
two levels of gender nouns at a structural level, which makes it compatible
with empirical results in this respect in Italian (Vigliocco & Franck 1999) and
N + gender
Num + gender
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 7
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Spanish (Igoa, Garcı´a-Albea & Sa´nchez-Casas 1999; experiment 1 in Anto´n-
Me´ndez 1999).
Picallo’s proposal is also postulated to apply to Spanish, which has a similar
structure to Catalan with respect to gender and number morphology, and would
predict complete independence of the two features for the purpose of agreement.
The alternative analysis by Ritter for Romance languages would, on the other
hand, predict dependence of the two in Spanish. Finally, Di Domenico’s account
would predict a difference between the two levels of gender, with grammatical
—but not semantic—gender being independent of number.
In the experiment reported here, we address this question of the relation
between the two types of features—gender and number—with respect to
agreement, and the relation between different types of agreement. We are
assessing primarily (1) whether an error derived from the mismatched gender
of an attractor will be accompanied by an error from the mismatched number
in the same attractor, and (2) whether a number error in the verb is always
accompanied by a number error in the predicative adjective. We also analyze
the effects of gender congruency and number congruency on the different
response categories as a control to ensure that the errors found are indeed the
expected attraction errors (those found after preambles with two mismatched
nouns as compared with the matched counterparts, which provide a baseline
for error occurrence). Finally, and mainly for comparison with previous
experiments reported in the literature, we also study the effect of gender.
2. Method
2.1 Participants
Thirty-two native Spanish speakers participated in this experiment. Most of
them were students at the Instituto Tecnolo´gico de Nogales, in Mexico; some
were from the University of Arizona. The ages of the participants ranged
from 18 to 42, with a mean age of 23.1. Of the 31 participants for which there
are language questionnaire data (one of the language questionnaires was
missing), 14 were also relatively fluent in English; the rest were monolingual
Spanish speakers.
2.2 Materials
There were 64 experimental quadruplets. Items consisted of a complex
sentence subject with a head noun and a prepositional modifier of the head.
These sentence preambles were preceded by an adjective stem, without the
morphemes specifying either gender or number. Half of the items were
formed with two nouns with grammatical gender (gr-nouns), and half were
formed with two nouns with semantic gender (se-nouns); all the heads were
singular, but half were masculine, and half feminine. The attractors and head
nouns were either matched or mismatched for gender (G/MA and G/MS,
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respectively) or number (N/MA means matched for number, and N/MS
means mismatched for number) or both gender and number. All the nouns
were morphologically regular.
An example of an item quadruplet with gr-nouns and a masculine head,
followed by a quadruplet with a feminine head can be seen in Table 1. An
example with se-nouns appears in Table 2.
Items were counterbalanced across four presentation lists.
There was also a set of 64 filler items with the same structure as the
experimental items. All the head nouns in the fillers were plural; half of them
had a plural attractor, and half had a singular attractor. They were also
equally divided into preambles with gr-nouns or se-nouns, feminine or
masculine heads, and matched or mismatched for gender.
2.3 Procedure
Participants were seated in front of a computer screen. They first went
through six practice items with the experimenter still in the room. For the
main part of the experiment, participants were left alone.
The presentation of the items was carried out on a computer-controlled
video display using the DMastr system developed by K. I. Forster and J. C.
Forster at the University of Arizona.
Table 1: Example of two gr-items; one quadruplet with masculine nouns and
another with feminine nouns
Condition Adjective Preamble
Masc-G/MA-N/MA alejad- el terreno del establo
remote the.
Masc-G/MA-N/MS el terreno de los establos
Masc-G/MS-N/MA el terreno de la cuadra
Masc-G/MS-N/MS el terreno de las cuadras
Fem-G/MA-N/MA bonit- la vista de la playa
pretty the.
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.FEM.SG
Fem-G/MA-N/MS la vista de las playas
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.FEM.PL
Fem-G/MS-N/MA la vista del puerto
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of-the.MASC.SG
Fem-G/MS-N/MS la vista de los puertos
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 9
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For each item, participants first saw an adjective (stripped of its gender and
number morphemes) for approximately 600 ms on the center of the screen. The
adjective stem then disappeared. Participants had been instructed not to read
the adjectives aloud but to hold them in memory in order to use them in the
completion of the subsequent sentence. After a brief pause of 400 ms, a
sentence preamble appeared in the center of the screen. Participants had to
repeat the preamble aloud and complete the sentence by using the adjective
stem they had previously seen, properly inflected. Sentence preambles
remained on the screen until the participant was ready for a new item, at which
point he or she was to press the spacebar. Items were presented in a different
random order for each participant. All responses were tape-recorded.
A summary of the method is given in Table 3.
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Table 2: Example of two se-items; one quadruplet with masculine nouns and
another with feminine nouns
Condition Adjective Preamble
Masc-G/MA-N/MA enfados- el suegro del molinero
tiring the.
MASC.SG father-in-law.MASC.SG of-the.MASC.
Masc-G/MA-N/MS el suegro de los molineros
MASC.SG father-in-law.MASC.SG of-the.MASC.
Masc-G/MS-N/MA el suegro de la molinera
MASC.SG father-in-law.MASC.SG of the.FEM.SG
Masc-G/MS-N/MS el suegro de las molineras
MASC.SG father-in-law.MASC.SG of the.FEM.PL
Fem-G/MA-N/MA aburrid- la prima del pastelero
boring the.
FEM.SG cousin.FEM.SG of the.FEM.SG pastry-
Fem-G/MA-N/MS la prima de las pasteleras
FEM.SG cousin.FEM.SG of the.FEM.PL pastry-
Fem-G/MS-N/MA la prima del pastelero
FEM.SG cousin.FEM.SG of-the.MASC.SG pastry-
Fem-G/MS-N/MS la prima de los pasteleros
FEM.SG cousin.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL pastry-
Table 3: Method overview
Item display
First Second Subject response
Spanish alejad- el terreno del establo el terreno del establo esta
English gloss remote the.
MASC.SG stable. the.MASC.SG stable.MASC.SG
is remote.MASC.SG
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2.4 Predictions
There are two results of primary interest. First, if gender and number are not
independent of each other for the purposes of agreement between noun and
adjective, all errors involving one would also involve the other, which means
that errors elicited in conditions where the attractor mismatches the head in
both gender and number should be double errors—gender and number
errors—and this would be evidence in favor of a head-misselection
mechanism of agreement errors. Second, if number agreement with different
targets is a single process, all number agreement errors in one target should
be accompanied by number agreement errors in the other target—that is, verb
and predicative adjective should always have the same number, whether it is
the correct one or not.
2.5 Results
The responses were all transcribed and coded in the following manner:
CO = Correct responses—utterances in which the preamble and the adjective
were acceptably uttered, that is, they had been read correctly or, if any
word was misread, the resulting word was a grammatically acceptable
substitute with the same gender and number as the target (e.g.,
enfermera, ‘nurse’, instead of enferma, ‘sick-woman’), and the
agreement was carried out correctly
GenAdj = Gender agreement errors in adjective—utterances in which the
preamble and the adjective were acceptably uttered (as defined above
for correct responses), but the adjective had the wrong gender marking
Gen&NumAdj = Gender and number agreement errors in adjec-
tive—utterances in which the preamble and the adjective were
acceptably uttered, and the adjective was incorrectly inflected for both
gender and number
Gen&NumAdj&Verb = Gender and number agreement errors in adjective
and verb—utterances in which the preamble and the adjective were
acceptably uttered, and where there was both gender misagreement
with the adjective and number misagreement with adjective and verb
NumAdj&Verb = Number agreement errors in adjective and verb—
utterances in which the preamble and the adjective were acceptably
uttered, and where both the adjective and the verb were incorrectly
inflected for number
NumAdj = Number agreement errors in adjective—utterances in which the
preamble and the adjective were acceptably uttered, and the adjective
had the wrong number marking
NumVerb = Number agreement errors in verb—utterances in which the
preamble and the adjective were acceptably uttered, and the verb was
incorrectly inflected for number
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 11
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Mix = Miscellaneous responses—missed items, or utterances in which some
other sort of unclassifiable response was given
Examples of possible responses in the different categories are given in Table
4. The distribution of responses in the different categories for preambles with
gr-nouns is given in Table 5, and for preambles with se-nouns in Table 6.
Given that the pattern of results for the two levels of gender are very
similar and none of the other factors (gender, gender congruency, and number
congruency) interacted with level of gender (all p’s > .05), all the results for
gr- and se-nouns were pooled to simplify the analyses and to enhance the
statistical power.
Of the total of 2048 responses, there were 1676 (81.8%) correct responses,
88 (4.3%) gender agreement errors, 34 (1.6%) number agreement errors in
adjective and verb, 240 (11.7%) miscellaneous responses, and 9 (0.4%)
responses in the other categories combined.
Multiple-factor analyses of variance were performed for all the response
categories except those where most of the cells contained no responses at
all—NumAdj, NumVerb, Gen&NumAdj, and Gen&NumAdj&Verb.
2.5.1 Analyses of Correct Responses
A main effect of gender was found (F1(1, 31) = 22.0, p < .01; F2(1, 61) =
13.4, p < .01), due to conditions with feminine head nouns containing fewer
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Table 4: Examples of possible responses for the different coding categories
Type Example sentence
CO la vista de los puertos es bonita
of the.
is pretty.
GenAdj la vista de los puertos es bonito
the.FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL is.SG pretty.
Gen&NumAdj la vista de los puertos es bonitos
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL is.SG pretty.
Gen&NumAdj&Verb la vista de los puertos son bonitos
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL are.PL
NumAdj&Verb la vista de los puertos son bonitas
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL are.PL
NumAdj la vista de los puertos es bonitas
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL is.SG pretty.
NumVerb la vista de los puertos son bonita
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL are.PL
Mix la vista de los puertos encanta
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL charms.SG
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Table 5: Gr-nouns: All response categories. Number of responses and percentages per condition in each response category. Total number of
responses: 1024. Number of responses per condition: 128.
Condition CO Gen Adj Gen&Num Adj Gen& Num NumAdj&Verb Num Adj NumVerb Mix
Masc-G/MA-N/MA 116 1 0 0 0 0 0 11
90.6% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.6%
Masc-G/MA-N/MS 109 0 0 1 4 0 0 14
85.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 3.1% 0.0% 0.0% 10.9%
Masc-G/MS-N/MA 111 14 0 0 0 0 0 3
86.7% 10.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3%
Masc-G/MS-N/MS 112 7 0 0 1 0 0 8
87.5% 5.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 6.3%
Fem-G/MA-N/MA 112 1 0 0 2 0 0 13
87.5% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 10.2%
Fem-G/MA-N/MS 98 3 0 0 8 2 0 17
76.6% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 6.3% 1.6% 0.0% 13.4%
Fem-G/MS-N/MA 90 21 0 0 1 0 0 16
70.3% 16.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5%
Fem-G/MS-N/MS 103 5 0 3 4 0 0 12
80.5% 3.9% 0.0% 2.3% 3.1% 0.0% 0.0% 9.4%
Totals 851 52 0 4 20 2 0 94
83.1% 5.1% 0.0% 0.4% 2.0% 0.2% 0.0% 9.2%
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 13
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Table 6: Se-nouns: All response categories. Number of responses and percentages per condition in each response category. Total number of
responses: 1024. Number of responses per condition: 128.
Condition CO Gen Adj Gen&Num Adj Gen& Num NumAdj&Verb Num Adj NumVerb Mix
Masc-G/MA-N/MA 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
90.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.4%
Masc-G/MA-N/MS 103 0 0 0 2 0 0 23
80.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 18.0%
Masc-G/MS-N/MA 100 12 0 0 0 0 0 16
78.1% 9.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5%
Masc-G/MS-N/MS 107 2 0 2 4 0 0 13
83.6% 1.6% 0.0% 1.6% 3.1% 0.0% 0.0% 10.2%
Fem-G/MA-N/MA 109 1 0 0 1 0 0 17
85.2% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 13.3%
Fem-G/MA-N/MS 99 2 0 0 6 0 0 21
77.3% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 4.7% 0.0% 0.0% 16.4%
Fem-G/MS-N/MA 93 13 0 0 0 0 0 22
92.7% 10.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.1%
Fem-G/MS-N/MS 98 6 0 1 1 0 0 22
76.6% 4.7% 0.0% 0.8% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 17.2%
Totals 825 36 0 3 14 0 0 146
80.6% 3.5% 0.0% 0.3% 1.4% 0.0% 0.0% 14.3%
14 Ine
s Anto
ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
correct responses; gender congruency was significant as well (F1(1, 31) =
7.1, p < .05; F2(1, 61) = 8.4, p < .01); and there was also a significant
interaction between gender congruency and number congruency (F1(1, 31) =
16.2, p < .01; F2(1, 61) = 12.4, p < .01) since number mismatch has opposite
effects on correct responses, depending on whether there is also a gender
2.5.2 Analyses of Gender Agreement Errors in Adjective (GenAdj)
There was a main effect of gender congruency (F1(1, 31) = 28.1, p < .01;
F2(1, 61) = 53.4, p < .01), where the mismatched conditions elicited the most
errors; and there was also an effect of number congruency (F1(1, 31) = 22.8,
p < .01; F2(1, 61) = 13.5, p < .01), where the mismatched conditions elicited
fewer errors; the interaction was also significant (F1(1,31) = 19.4, p < .01;
F2(1, 61) = 14.6, p < .01) because for gender matched conditions the ones
with number mismatch generated the most errors, whereas the opposite was
true for gender-mismatched conditions.
2.5.3 Analyses of Number Agreement Errors in Adjective and Verb
There was a main effect of number congruency (F1(1, 31) = 13.0, p < .01;
F2(1, 61) = 13.9, p < .01), since the mismatched conditions contained the most
errors; there was also an effect of gender in the subjects analysis (F1(1, 31) =
7.7, p < .01; F2(1, 61) = 2.4, p = .13), with more errors for feminine items.
2.5.4 Analyses of Miscellaneous Responses (Mix)
A main effect of gender was found (F1(1, 31) = 19.0, p < .01; F2(1, 61) = 4.1,
p < .05) with more cases for items with feminine heads.
The comparison of gender-matched and gender-mismatched sentences with
gr-nouns is carried out across sentences containing different nouns. Given the
nature of grammatical gender, this could not be avoided. The comparisons of
items with feminine and masculine heads were also across items containing
different nouns. This was also unavoidable for items with gr-nouns and not
avoided for items with se-nouns in order to make the two sets of items more
comparable and also to minimize the number of lists and the amount or
repetition within lists (otherwise participants would have encountered two
instances of all the head se-nouns but only one instance of each gr-noun
head). Because some contrasts involved thus preambles containing different
sets of words, we compared item sets on the frequency of occurrence of the
words within them, on the assumption that preambles containing infrequent
words might give rise to more errors. In line with studies that have shown
frequency to have little effect on error occurrence (Barker 2001), we found no
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 15
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Table 7: All nouns pooled: All response categories. Number of responses and percentages per condition in each response category. Total
number of responses: 2048. Number of responses per condition: 256.
Condition CO Gen Adj Gen&Num Adj Gen& Num NumAdj&Verb Num Adj NumVerb Mix
Masc-G/MA-N/MA 232 1 0 0 0 0 0 23
90.6% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.0%
Masc-G/MA-N/MS 212 0 0 1 6 0 0 37
82.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 14.5%
Masc-G/MS-N/MA 211 26 0 0 0 0 0 19
82.4% 10.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.4%
Masc-G/MS-N/MS 219 9 0 2 5 0 0 21
85.5% 3.5% 0.0% 0.8% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.2%
Fem-G/MA-N/MA 221 2 0 0 3 0 0 30
86.3% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 11.7%
Fem-G/MA-N/MS 197 5 0 0 14 2 0 38
77.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.6% 0.8% 0.0% 14.8%
Fem-G/MS-N/MA 183 34 0 0 1 0 0 38
71.5% 13.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 14.8%
Fem-G/MS-N/MS 201 11 0 4 5 0 0 34
78.5% 4.3% 0.0% 1.6% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.3%
Totals 1676 88 0 7 34 2 0 240
81.8% 4.3% 0.0% 0.3% 1.6% 0.1% 0.0% 11.7%
16 Ine
s Anto
ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
significant differences between the masculine and feminine attractors in
items with gr-nouns, between feminine and masculine heads, or between
masculine and feminine forms of the adjectives: all p’s > 0.23.
To focus on the two main questions, we will pool some pertinent response
categories that show no statistical differences. With respect to the first
question—whether gender and number are processed independently—we are
interested in total number of gender errors alone, total number of number
errors alone, and total number of double errors. Table 8 shows the distribution
of responses, disregarding whether the number errors were detected on the
adjective or the verb. That is, the columns labeled Gen&NumAdj and
Gen&NumAdj&Verb in Table 7 are now a single column labeled Gen and
the columns labeled NumAdj&Verb, NumAdj, and NumVerb in Table 7 form
now the column labeled Num. The statistical analyses of the new response
categories is given below.
2.5.5 Analysis of Gender and Number Agreement Errors (Gen&Num)
The analysis of gender and number agreement errors showed a reliable effect
of number congruency (F1(1, 31) = 7.7, p < .01; F2(1, 61) = 6.9, p < .05) with
more errors in the number-mismatched conditions. Other two effects were
significant in the subjects analysis but only marginally so in the items
analysis: gender congruency (F1(1, 31) = 4.2, p < .05; F2(1, 61) = 3.8, p =
Table 8: Response categories pooled according to error features, with the three
columns of interest shaded. Number of responses and percentages per condition
in each response category. Total number of responses: 2048. Number of responses
per condition: 256.
Condition CO GenAdj Gen& Num Mix
Masc-G/MA-N/MA 232 1 0 0 23
90.6% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 9.0%
Masc-G/MA-N/MS 212 0 1 6 37
82.8% 0.0% 0.4% 1.6% 14.5%
Masc-G/MS-N/MA 211 26 0 0 19
82.4% 10.2% 0.0% 0.0% 7.4%
Masc-G/MS-N/MS 219 9 2 5 21
85.5% 3.5% 0.8% 2.7% 8.2%
Fem-G/MA-N/MA 221 2 0 3 30
86.3% 0.8% 0.0% 0.4% 11.7%
Fem-G/MA-N/MS 197 5 0 16 38
77.0% 2.0% 0.0% 6.6% 14.9%
Fem-G/MS-N/MA 183 34 0 1 38
71.5% 13.3% 0.0% 1.2% 14.9%
Fem-G/MS-N/MS 201 11 4 5 34
78.5% 4.3% 1.6% 1.6% 13.3%
Totals 1676 88 7 36 240
81.8% 4.3% 0.3% 1.7% 11.7%
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 17
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.06) due to more errors for gender-mismatched conditions, and the interaction
of gender congruency and number congruency (F1(1, 31) = 4.2, p < .05;
F2(1, 61) = 3.8, p < .06) due to the fact that there were considerably more
errors in the conditions where both gender and number mismatched.
2.5.6 Analysis of Number Agreement Errors (Num)
For number agreement errors, there was a significant main effect of number
congruency (F1(1, 31) = 13.8, p < .01; F2(1, 61) = 14.3, p < .01), given that
number-mismatched conditions elicited more errors. Two of the effects were
only partially significant: gender in the subjects analysis (F1(1, 31) = 9.1, p <
.01; F2(1, 61) = 2.8, p = .10) reflecting the higher number of errors for items
with feminine heads, and gender congruency in the items analysis (F1(1, 31)
= 2.8, p = .11; F2(1, 61) = 4.7, p < .05) because more errors are present for
the gender-matched conditions.
To see whether the combined gender and number errors were the result of the
independent occurrence of a gender error and a number error, a chi-square
test was done comparing the observed combined errors with the number of
combined errors for each condition that would have been expected if the
gender and number features were independent. This was calculated by
multiplying the probability of occurrence of the two independent errors (the
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Table 9: Response categories pooled according to target of number agreement
errors, with the three columns of interest shaded. Number of responses and
percentages per condition in each response category. Total number of responses:
2048. Number of responses per condition: 256.
Condition CO Gen Num Num Num Mix
Adj Adj Adj& Verb
Masc-G/MA-N/MA 232 1 0 0 0 23
90.6% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.0%
Masc-G/MA-N/MS 212 0 0 7 0 37
82.8% 0.0% 0.0% 2.7% 0.0% 14.5%
Masc-G/MS-N/MA 211 26 0 0 0 19
82.4% 10.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.4%
Masc-G/MS-N/MS 219 9 0 7 0 21
85.5% 3.5% 0.0% 2.7% 0.0% 8.2%
Fem-G/MA-N/MA 221 2 0 3 0 30
86.3% 0.8% 0.0% 1.2% 0.0% 11.7%
Fem-G/MA-N/MS 197 5 2 14 0 38
77.0% 2.0% 0.8% 5.5% 0.0% 14.9%
Fem-G/MS-N/MA 183 34 0 1 0 38
71.5% 13.3% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 14.9%
Fem-G/MS-N/MS 201 11 0 9 0 34
78.5% 4.3% 0.0% 3.5% 0.0% 13.3%
Totals 1676 88 2 41 0 240
81.8% 4.3% 0.1% 2.0% 0.0% 11.7%
18 Ine
s Anto
ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
product of the error probabilities for gender errors alone and for number
errors alone) by the total of responses per condition. The analysis shows that
the expected number of combined errors is not significantly different from
the observed number of combined errors; that is, it shows that the two
features behave independently in relation to error elicitation (v
=2.43, p > .5).
With respect to the second question—whether number agreement with
verb and predicative adjective is a single process—we are interested in
whether the number errors are present in the adjective alone, in the verb
alone, or in both. Table 9 shows the distribution of number errors
disregarding whether gender errors were or not present in the same
responses. In this table, the column labeled NumAdj is the sum of the
columns labeled Gen&NumAdj and NumAdj (Table 7); and the column
labeled NumAdj&Verb is the sum of the columns previously labeled
Gen&NumAdj&Verb and NumAdj&Verb (Table 7). The statistical
analyses of the new response categories follow.
2.5.7 Analysis of Number Agreement Errors in Adjective (NumAdj)
For number agreement errors in adjective, no analysis was performed because
there were too few errors.
2.5.8 Analysis of Number Agreement Errors in Adjective and Verb
Analyses of number agreement errors in adjective and verb showed a strong
effect of number congruency (F1(1, 31) = 19.7, p < .01; F2(1, 61) = 16.4, p <
.01) due to more errors for number-mismatched conditions. The effect of
gender was significant only in the items analysis (F1(1, 31) = 2.5, p = .12;
F2(1, 61) = 5.7, p < .05); this significant effect reflects the greater number of
errors for items with a feminine head.
To address the second question directly by means of a statistical test is hardly
possible, given that two of the three columns of interest consist almost
entirely of empty cells. But it could be argued that this lack of number errors
in either the adjective alone or the verb alone, and the fact that all the number
errors affect both targets simultaneously obviates the need for any further
statistical analysis.
3. Discussion
The results of principal interest are as follows:
The number of combined gender and number errors is as expected if the
two features were processed independently.
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 19
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The number of combined number errors in adjective and verb is much
greater than would be expected if the errors in both targets occurred
Gender agreement errors (in the adjective) are sensitive to gender
congruency and to number congruency, whereas number agreement
errors are most clearly sensitive to number congruency but also
marginally to gender congruency.
Lastly, the correct responses show a consistent effect of gender, with
more correct responses when the gender of the head noun is masculine.
Before proceeding with the discussion, let us address here a possible
objection to the interpretation of the results. The design of the experiment
necessarily required the comparison of sentences containing different nouns
for the study of grammatical gender, given that gr-nouns do not have an
opposite gender counterpart (el establo, ‘the stable’; la establa is a nonword).
This raises the question of whether the results obtained are due to differences
in plausibility between the different sentences in the different conditions
instead of to the variable manipulated (i.e., gender). Although this is a
possibility in this and all experiments with sentences as stimuli (and even
when the independent variable only alters the sentence minimally), there are
two reasons why we consider this factor an unlikely confound. First, if
plausibility differences were responsible for the effects found in the critical
error categories, they would be also expected to reproduce the pattern of
results in the miscellaneous responses. For both types of items (with gr- and
se-nouns), the miscellaneous responses only showed a gender effect, with
more miscellaneous responses for items with feminine heads. But the most
critical effect of gender congruency was not significant in this category.
Second, previous studies have failed to find any relation between preamble
plausibility and error induction. For example, a post hoc plausibility test for
another experiment of similar characteristics (Anto´n-Me´ndez 1999,
experiment 1—an study of attraction errors comparing grammatical and
semantic gender) clearly showed no effect of plausibility (see also Franck,
Vigliocco & Nicol, in press).
With respect to the two main questions addressed in this experiment, the
answers are clear. As to whether gender and number are linked or
independent of each other for the purposes of agreement, the results show
that they are independent. If they were linked, the adjective would have been
expected to show a combined number and gender error whenever both
properties mismatched in the attractor and the head nouns, but actually there
were only as many combined errors as would have been expected if the two
noun features, gender and number, were being processed independently. An
alternative explanation is that the reduced number of combined errors is due
to differential detection during a postproduction monitoring phase (Levelt
1989). This would imply that double errors are easier to detect and correct
than single errors, thus the gender error in la vista de los puertos es bonito
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20 Ine
s Anto
ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
(‘The.FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL ports.MASC.PL is.SG pretty.MASC.SG’)
would be more difficult to detect than the gender and number error in la vista
de los puertos son bonitos (The.
FEM.SG view.FEM.SG of the.MASC.PL
ports.MASC.PL are.PL pretty.MASC.PL’). This is, however, quite counterintuitive
to any native speaker in the sense that, given those two sentences, a hearer
would be more likely to detect the first error than the second (and
presumably, monitoring one’s own speech is akin to monitoring the speech of
others). Further, the fact that the distribution of combined errors so closely
matches that of expected independent double errors supports the claim that
this reduced number of observed double errors is indeed due to the lower
probability of occurrence of two independent events.
The independence of gender and number demonstrated by these results is
more compatible with the theory of agreement that postulates features to be the
source of the errors (Eberhard 1993, Vigliocco & Nicol 1998) as opposed to
head misselection (Bates & McWhinney 1989; Fayol, Largy & Lemaire 1994).
The results are also in accordance with previous studies (Igoa, Garcı´a-Albea &
Sa´nchez-Casas 1999; Centeno & Obler, 1994), and they are compatible with
theoretical accounts that consider this independence, such as Picallo’s (1991).
As to whether agreement between one source (subject head) and several
targets (verb and predicative adjective) is carried out separately, the answer
seems to be that it is not. If it were, there would have been number agreement
errors in the adjective independently of number agreement errors in the verb
(see columns NumAdj and NumVerb in Table 9), but almost no errors of this
sort were found. The overwhelming majority of number errors affected both
the adjective and the verb in the same sentence (see column NumAdj&Verb
in Table 9). The conclusion is that the same agreement mechanism is
responsible for specifying the number features in both targets.
Alternatively, it could be postulated that the number in one of the two
targets is specified directly from the subject head, whereas the number on the
other target is determined from the number in the former one. In this case, it
is most natural to think that the number agreement in the verb would be
determined by the subject head and that the number in the predicative
adjective would be determined by the verb, given that all sentences have a
verb agreeing with the subject in number but only a subset of sentences
contain a predicative adjective. Although this is a viable alternative
hypothesis, it seems unnecessarily complicated, given that we know from
linguistic analysis that the source or controller of the number agreement is the
noun (see, for example, Corbett 1991), and it would imply that the verb is
transformed from target of the agreement relation to source.
Number agreement errors showed the usual sensitivity to number
mismatch, and the gender agreement errors showed the expected sensitivity
to gender mismatch. However, the pattern of results for the single gender or
number agreement errors was not altogether as expected. Given that gender
and number appear to be processed independently (as discussed earlier), it
seems strange that the pattern of gender errors showed a clear sensitivity to
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 21
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number mismatch and that number errors appeared to be somewhat sensitive
to gender mismatch at least in the items analysis. Gender agreement errors in
the adjective (GenAdj) are more common when the numbers of the two nouns
in the preamble are matched—that is, when both nouns are singular. Number
agreement errors (Num in Table 8) are also more common when the genders
of the two nouns match.
This apparent paradox—that gender and number are processed independently
but are also mutually sensitive to each other—can be easily resolved. The
independence result applies to the way the two features are processed in order to
establish agreement with a target that needs to agree in both gender and number
with the head (predicative adjective, in this case), whether they are treated as a
package, or whether the predicative adjective gets each of the features apart from
the other one. This question needs to be answered by comparing the probabilities
of combined errors with the probabilities of single errors, and this comparison
shows that the two features are independently transferred or applied to the
adjective. A different issue is whether the features present in the source of the
agreement—subject head noun—affect the number of single errors in the target;
that is, whether the presence of an agreement feature makes the erroneous
transfer of another one more difficult. Here, the answer seems to be affirmative
—errors of one type increase if the source of the agreement and the element
introducing confusion (the attractor) are more similar in other respects. This
result conforms well with the theory of head misselection, which would predict
that the greater the similarity of attractor and head, the greater the likelihood of
causing confusion. This conclusion contrasts with the conclusion extracted from
the result of feature independence stated earlier, which supports a theory of
feature percolation. However, the pattern for single errors being sensitive to the
other feature in the source can also be explained by the performance of a
monitoring system (Levelt 1989), for which the same prediction holds—the
greater the similarity between the two nouns, the greater the likelihood that the
error would pass unnoticed.
The fact that both levels of gender behave similarly, not interacting with
any of the other factors in the experiment, might seem surprising in light of
previous empirical studies (Igoa, Gar´a-Albea & Sa´nchez-Casas 1999; Elı´as-
Cintro´n 1995) and theoretical proposals (Di Domenico 1995, Elı´as-Cintro´n
1995) in support of the differences between grammatical and semantic
gender. But a possible difference between the two levels of gender would not
necessarily imply that they have a different relation with number, and the
results of this experiment indicate that, indeed, both grammatical gender
agreement and semantic gender agreement are equally independent from
number agreement.
The gender of se-nouns is more similar to number, and it might have been
expected to be linked to number, as reflected in some linguistic theories, like
that of Di Domenico (1995). Recall that she postulates that the semantic
gender and number are very strongly associated and even share a position in
the syntactic tree. In contrast, Picallo (1991) considers the two types of
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22 Ine
s Anto
ndez, Janet L. Nicol, and Merrill F. Garrett
features to be independent. The empirical results reported here offer support
for the latter rather than the former analysis.
A point to bear in mind, however, is that the analysis of Di Domenico is
based mainly on Italian, whereas the one of Picallo is based mainly on
Catalan, although both are claimed to apply to Spanish. Given that Italian, on
the one hand, and Spanish and Catalan, on the other, differ morphologically
in the sense that gender and number share a morpheme in Italian but are
realized by different morphemes in Spanish, it is possible that the degree of
independence of the two is indeed different in the two languages. It would be
interesting in this respect to conduct the same experiment in Italian.
A gender effect—a difference between masculine and feminine genders—
was found for the correct response category. Although masculine gender has
been considered the default gender in theoretical accounts (Harris 1991), a
difference between the genders was not necessarily expected from a psycho-
linguistic perspective, because both genders can be thought to be specified (as
opposed to having one gender left unspecified—the default—and the other
marked, as is the case with number). In fact, no asymmetry in gender marking
was found in most empirical studies on gender (in Italian [Vigliocco and
Franck 1999]; in Spanish [Igoa, Garcı´a-Albea & Sa´nchez-Casas 1999; Anto´n-
Me´ndez 1999, experiment 1]), nor in the analysis of spontaneous speech
errors in Spanish (Igoa, Garcı´a-Albea & Sa´nchez-Casas 1999). But an effect
of gender has been reported for French (Vigliocco & Franck 1999).
The gender result is puzzling because the direction of the asymmetry is
opposite to that found in studies of number agreement with respect to the
default number. This may be because the default number is unmarked, but the
default gender does not seem to be unmarked. Masculine gender is considered
the default because it is applied to new nouns, it is more common than
feminine agreement, and, furthermore, it is the agreement choice in unclear
cases—that is, when the subject is not specific and is left unmentioned, as in
fue azaroso (‘it was hazardous.
MASC’, where ‘it’ can be the adventure, the day,
etc.), or mixed cases, such as when there are two conjoined heads with
different genders, as in el barbero y su mujer parecı
an enojados (‘the.
barber.MASC and his wife.FEM looked angry.MASC.PL’). Therefore, what may be
happening in these cases where a gender effect was found is not so much the
result of having asymmetrically marked genders, as of speakers’ tendency to
impose masculine agreement whenever in doubt. Another possibility, given
that the item sets with masculine and feminine nouns were different, is that the
sentences with feminine heads were more difficult in some way that we have
not been able to detect, which would be consistent with the fact that the
miscellaneous responses also showed a gender effect.
But why is this effect so variable, being found in some response categories
and not others? And why was it not found in Italian? One possibility is that the
effect is a small one and will only be found when the number of responses in a
given category is large enough; it is possible that, in some experiments, the
effect was not found because of a floor effect. This explanation is supported by
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 23
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the fact that a trend can be found in the results from the experiments or
response categories where the effect is not statistically significant.
In sum, the results in this experiment show that gender and number
agreement are carried out independently, but number agreement with one
target—the verb—is related to number agreement with another target—the
predicate adjective. Furthermore, it has been found that single gender or
number errors are sensitive to the other feature’s congruency, which could be
the result of postproduction error correction.
NDEZ, I. 1996. Clitics and attraction errors: An experimental study of
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s Anto
Gansstraat 113
3582 EE Utrecht
The Netherlands
Janet L. Nicol
University of Arizona
Psychology 312
Tucson, AZ 85721
Merrill F. Garrett
University of Arizona
Psychology 312
Tucson, AZ 85721
The Relation between Gender and Number Agreement Processing 25
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