The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and number
agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish
Nuria Sagarra
, Julia Herschensohn
The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, 231 Burrowes Building, University Park, PA 16802, United States
University of Washington, United States
1. Introduction
Universal Grammar (UG) approaches to second language acquisition (L2A) are representational in that they examine the
nature of the interlanguage grammar compared to the native grammar of the target language (cf. Herschensohn, 2000;
Hawkins, 2001; White, 2003). Computational approaches complement these studies by investigating the implementation of
the grammar in real-time production and perception (cf. Doughty and Long, 2003; Do
rnyei, 2009). During acquisition of the
native language (L1), the child must develop computational procedures in tandem with the growing grammatical
competence to facilitate split-second processing in adult speech and comprehension. In both of these realms, recent research
has fallen into two general approaches that predict opposing possibilities for ultimate attainment of grammatical features in
adult interlanguage grammars: deficit and accessibility approaches. Representational deficit approaches (e.g., Hawkins and
Chan, 1997; Franceschina, 2001, 2002, 2005; Hawkins and Franceschina, 2004; Tsimpli and Dimitrakopoulou, 2007) posit
that adult second language (L2) learners cannot gain grammatical (uninterpretable) features of functional categories (e.g.,
tense, gender, number) absent in the L1 due to impaired underlying syntactic competence. Along the same lines, certain
computational deficit scholars (e.g., Clahsen and Felser, 2006) argue that adult L2 learners’ parsing is quite distinct from that
Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
Article history:
Received 29 August 2009
Received in revised form 11 February 2010
Accepted 11 February 2010
Available online xxx
Grammatical gender
Grammatical number
L2 Spanish
Adjective agreement
Language processing
Working memory
Most adult learners cannot attain native competence in a second language (L2). Some
approaches maintain that L2 learners cannot access features unavailable in L1 after
puberty (Hawkins and Franceschina, 2004) and that they process only superficial
structures (Clahsen and Felser, 2006), due to a maturationally constrained critical period
for L2 acquisition. In contrast, other approaches hold that late learners may acquire all L2
grammatical features (White et al., 2004) and that they may gain complex structural
processing (Hopp, 2007). This study aims to test these models and to investigate the role of
language proficiency and working memory on adult L2 acquisition. Beginning and
intermediate adult English-speaking learners of Spanish and Spanish monolinguals
completed a self-paced reading (online) and a grammaticality judgment task (offline)
containing sentences with noun–adjective gender/number agreement/disagreement. The
results revealed that all participants were highly accurate in the offline task, but only
intermediates and Spanish monolinguals showed sensitivity to gender and number
violations in the online task. In addition, intermediates with higher working memory were
more accurate on some comprehension questions. These findings indicate that adult
learners can develop processing patterns qua litatively similar to those of native speakers
and that proficiency and working memory influence their acquisition.
ß 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 814 865 4252; fax: +1 814 863 7944.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Sagarra).
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
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of native speakers (who rely heavily on abstract hierarchical syntactic structure) in that it lacks grammatical detail and
favors shallow over deep processing (i.e., lexical, semantic and pragmatic cues as opposed to syntactic cues). In contrast to
deficit approaches, representational accessibility approaches such as Full Transfer Full Access (Schwartz and Sprouse, 1996)
predict possible accessibility of new L2 grammatical features (e.g., White et al., 2004; Leung, 2005) and link L2 morphological
errors to performance/mapping problems in morphological realization. Similarly, computational accessibility approaches
(e.g., Hopp, 2007; Frenck-Mestre et al., 2009) hold that late learners are capable of gaining native-like grammatical
representation and processing.
The L2A of grammatical gender and number agreement has been a fruitful research arena for both representational
and computational models in the last decade (e.g., Friederici et al., 1999; Bartning, 2000; White et al., 2004; Hawkins
and Franceschina, 2004; Granfeldt, 2005; Ayoun, 2007; Bordag, 2007; Bordag and Pechmann, 2007; Blom et al., 2008;
a, 2009), a topic of particular interest when the L1 and L2 grammars differ on this point. Recent studies have looked
at L2 learners’ abilities to implement determiner phrase (DP) agreement of grammatical gender and number in languages that
require it (e.g.,French, Spanish, Dutch, German) by learners whose L1 does or does not requireconcord (e.g., Liceras et al., 2008).
Most studies on gender and number agreement in L2 Spanish focus exclusively on production data (Franceschina, 2001;
Hawkins and Franceschina, 2004; Bruhn de Garavito and White, 2002; Foote, 2008), some combine perception and production
tasks (Franceschina, 2002; McCarthy, 2008; Montrul et al., 2008; White et al., 2004), and only few employ online tasks to
measure real-time processing during comprehension (Alarco
n, 2006, 2009; Gillon-Dowens et al., 2008, 2009; Keating, 2009;
Sagarra, 2007; Tokowicz and MacWhinney, 2005).
The present study includes both offline (grammaticality judgments) and online (non-cumulative self-paced reading)
tasks to address the dual nature of linguistic competence: knowledge of grammar and the ability to implement it in real-time
computation (Hopp, 2007; Jin et al., 2007; Foucart, 2008; Juffs and Harrington, 1995, 1996; Juffs, 2004; Marinis et al., 2005).
Online tasks are necessary to directly evaluate possible deficits in underlying competence, the main factor responsible for
limited attainment in older L2 learners, according to certain models (Sato and Felser, 2007). This combination of offline and
online measures also allows us to complement previous research entirely based on grammaticality judgments (which are
inadequate as single measures, according to Birdsong, 1989; Sorace, 1996), as well as to use multiple tasks to tap linguistic
competence (White, 2003). We use these two types of tasks to investigate whether adult English-speaking learners of
Spanish can gain gender and number agreement properties for adjectives in Spanish L2, and whether they process gender
and number agreement differently.
Offline and online studies with Spanish monolinguals and adult learners of L2 Spanish suggest that processing
grammatical gender is cognitively more difficult than number, and that these representational differences influence
agreement mechanisms (e.g., Spanish monolinguals: Anto
ndez et al., 2002; Barber and Carreiras, 2003, 2005; Faussart
et al., 1999; Spanish late learners: Bruhn de Garavito and White, 2002; Gillon-Dowens et al., 2004, 2009; McCarthy, 2008;
Tokowicz and MacWhinney, 2005; White et al., 2004). Most of these studies focus on native speakers of English—a language
with number agreement on nouns (N), on some determiners (D) such as this/these, that/those but no number agreement on
adjectives (A) and no gender agreement on D or A—and are thus unable to determine whether learners’ increased difficulty
with gender is due to L1 transfer or processing demands. Gillo
n-Dowens et al.’s (2008, in press) results show that native
speakers of languages with and without D–N number agreement show the same gender–number differences, a result that
led them to speculate that such differences are not the result of L1 transfer but of cognitive demands linked to working
memory (i.e., an individual’s limited capacity to process and store information during complex cognitive tasks, Baddeley,
2003, 2007; Just and Carpenter, 1992). While Gillo
n and colleagues did not measure working memory, their hypothesis is in
line with lexical and syntactic accounts of gender, which claim that gender is cognitively more complex than number (e.g.,
ndez et al., 2002), as well as with
Sagarra’s (2007) findings that English–Spanish learners with higher working
memory span are more sensitive to noun–adjective (N–A) gender agreement violations than those with lower memory span.
The inclusion of working memory in our study will shed light into the role of this variable in the processing of determiner
phrase (DP) agreement processes.
In sum, the current investigation explores the role of age of acquisition (whether late learners can show native-like
processing patterns), language proficiency (whether higher proficiency learners show more native-like patterns than lower
proficiency ones), and processing demands (whether late learners process gender agreement differently from number
agreement and, if they do, whether the increased difficulty of one over the other is influenced by working memory). Despite
much research on adult L2A of gender and number agreement, the relative importance and interaction of these factors is still
unclear and online studies examining these issues with N–A agreement are scarce. To address these questions, we examine
how Spanish monolinguals and beginning and intermediate English–Spanish learners process N–A gender and number
agreement, by means of online and offline techniques (non-cumulative self-paced reading and grammaticality judgments).
2. Background
2.1. Gender and number agreement in Spanish DPs
In Spanish, nouns carry number and gender features (Carroll, 1989; Dewaele and Ve
ronique, 2000, 2001). In Spanish,
nouns are marked as either masculine or feminine, with a natural criterion for assigning gender to animate nouns, based on
biological sex, and an arbitrary criterion for inanimate nouns (Corbett, 1991). Gender is generally realized
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
morphosyntactically with the inflectional morphemes /-o/ for mascul ine (M) nouns (libro book-M’) and /-a/ for feminine (F)
nouns (blusa ‘blouse-F’) (transparent gender) (Green, 1988). Some exceptions include M nouns ending in /-a/ (
a day-M’),
F nouns ending in /-o/ (radio ‘radio-F’), and M and F nouns ending in /-o/ and /-a/ (el/la testigo the-M/F witness- M/F’), /-e/
(puente ‘bridge-M,’ fuente ‘fountain-F’), or consonant (cartel ‘poster-M,’ pared ‘wall-F’). In addition to being [+/ feminine],
Spanish nouns are [+/ plural]. Plurality (P) signals quantity of the semantic referent and is formed by adding /-s/
to singular (S) count nouns (libros ‘books-MP’), /-es/ to nouns ending in a consonant ( pared es ‘walls-FP’), and seldom /Ø/
(atlas ‘atlas-MP’).
According to Corbett (1991), the existence of gender and number in a language is indicated by agreement. In Spanish,
determiners, adjectives, pronouns and past participles vary their gender and number according to the noun to which they
refer, a procedure called agreement or concord (Carroll, 1999; Zagona, 2002)(el libro blanco ‘the-MS white-MS book-MS,’ los
libros blancos ‘the-MP white-MP books-MP,’ la blusa blanca ‘the-FS white-FS blouses-FS,’ las blusas blancas ‘the-FP white-FP
blouses-FP’). Thus, agreement is a syntactic mechanism that reflects both semantic features (biological sex of animate
referents and quantity of animate and inanimate referents) and grammatical co-referential relations (through morpho-
phonological markers) necessary to comprehend sentences. In contrast, English has no gender marking on nouns (nouns like
waiter/waitress bear no gender feature and denote a female in the same way that the proper name Alice conventionally does),
limited gender–number agreement between nouns and determiners (this-these, that-those) and no gender–number
agreement between nouns and adjectives. Therefore, English–Spanish learners must gain the gender features for inanimate
nouns and agreement on determiners and adjectives in the L2.
Gender concord is not simply a redundant agreement phenomenon in gendered languages, but rather is a facilitating
factor for native speakers to access lexical items and concord relationships with greater speed, a factor known as congruency.
The gender congruency effect refers to the facilitation that gender-marked items other than nouns have on processing:
congruent gender concord speeds up and incongruent concord slows down processing of the noun and its modifiers. The
gender congruency effect is widely documented with monolinguals both with behavioral data (Anto
ndez et al., 2002;
Cacciari and Padovani, 2007; Cole
and Se
gui, 1994; Schriefers, 1993; Schriefers and Teruel, 2000; Vainio et al., 2003; but see
Miozzo et al., 2000, for behavioral evidence that the gender congruency effect is obtained in Romance but not Germanic
languages) and neurocognitive data (Barber and Carreiras, 2005; Foucart, 2008; Gillon-Dowens et al., 2004; Gunter et al.,
2000; Hagoort and Brown, 1999). However, it is not clear whether it is also present in adult L2 learners of ungendered L1s or
2.2. Syntactic representation of L2 gender and number agreement
UG approaches to L2A presuppose that learners build an interlanguage grammar using at least the available input and the
innate language predisposition (UG) that guides L1A and defines universal properties of languages in general. Given a
minimalist framework (Chomsky, 2000, 2001, 2002), grammatical competence in a mature native speaker comprises lexical
categories (e.g., verbs, nouns) and functional categories (e.g., auxiliaries, determiners) instantiating grammatical features
(e.g., gender, number) that can be semantically interpretable or grammatical (uninterpretable). Interpretable features
(e.g., [+/
plural]) are semantically necessary and may be linked to grammatical uninterpretable [ufeatures] (e.g., [unumber])
on syntactically linked items such as subject–verb agreement or noun adjective concord.
In minimalist terms, the operation
Agree matches interpretable and ufeatures, deleting the latter. In the case of gender and number agreement, [+/ feminine],
[+/ plural] interpretable features of N check and delete the grammatical [ugender], [unumber] Det, Adj features in close
enough proximity, hypothetically in nominal projections above N (Carstens, 2000, 2003). The question of whether adult L2
learners can acquire ufeatures absent in their L1 differentiates deficit from accessibility approaches to adult L2A.
2.2.1. Deficit approaches
As mentioned earlier, deficit approaches posit that ufeatures can only be acquired during the critical period (cf. Tsimpli
and Roussou, 1991). These L1 ufeatures remain available through adulthood, but new L2 values that differ from L1 cannot be
acquired (unlike interpretable features which are available through adulthood). Thus, adult Anglophone learners of L2
Romance languages like Spanish can gain interpretable number on nouns, interpretable gender on L2 animate nouns, and
(presumably) [unumber] for number on D (given English agreement such as this-these), but not [ugender] on D, A because it is
not instantiated in English. Hawkins, Franceschina and others have argued that several elicited production and reaction time
(RT) studies support this claim. In terms of processing, the Shallow Structure Hypothesis ( Clahsen and Felser, 2006) holds
that adult L2 learners’ parsing relies less on morphosyntactic cues than on lexical ones (thus favoring ‘‘shallow’’ over deep
processing). Silva and Clahsen (2008) demonstrate a difference between native Anglophones’ sensitivity to priming of
inflectional and derivational morphology and L2 learners’ lack of sensitivity to the same (cf. Neubauer and Clahsen, 2009).
Elicited production studies with English–French (Hawkins, 1998) and English–Spanish (Franceschina, 2001) late learners
reveal accuracy rates on gender and number agreement on D and A above 90% but more gender than number agreement
errors and overuse of the masculine form, facts they claim corroborate the establishment of gender on the basis of phonology
and the consequent unavailability of [ugender]. Nevertheless, the learners did not produce perfect number concord with D,
We adopt the accepted label ‘‘interpretable,’’ although strictly speaking a given feature may not always impart the same ‘‘interpretation’’ depending on
the context (cf. Carstens, 2000 on gender).
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
which the transfer of L1 [unumber] would predict. Later on, Franceschina (2001) and Hawkins and Franceschina (2004)
reported that adult L2 learners of Spanish of a gendered (Italian) or ungendered (English) L1 only made few errors with
gender or number agreement of D and A, and, of the errors they made, Italian speakers made fewer gender agreement errors
than English speakers, favoring representational deficit approaches. Franceschina (2002) explored the same question using
perception tasks and concluded that all participants were accurate at interpreting number agreement and that Spanish
monolinguals were better than the L1 ungendered group but the same as the L1 gendered group, bolstering the
representational deficit claim that [ugender] features are only acquirable if present in the L1.
These studies have used offline data that can fall short at assessing underlying competence (Jin et al., 2007; Juffs and
Harrington, 1995, 1996; Marinis et al., 2005; Hopp, 2007). As Sato and Felser (2007) note, online comprehension studies can
help to empirically differentiate representational and computational accounts to adult L2A. Monolinguals with gender
concord have demonstrated congruency/incongruency effects by showing faster recognition of nouns with congruent than
incongruent gender marking on determiners and adjectives (for French and Spanish monolinguals, see Anto
ndez et al.,
2002; Grosjean et al., 1994; Jacubowicz and Faussart, 1998). For bilinguals, Guillelmon and Grosjean’s (2001) auditory word
repetition task revealed that monolinguals and early (5 year old) but not late (24 year old) English–French bilinguals
demonstrated congruency/incongruency effects (see Foote, 2008, for similar findings with early and late English–Spanish
learners). These data suggest that early bilinguals behave more similarly to monolinguals than their late counterparts.
2.2.2. Feature accessibility approaches
Claims in support of the deficit hypothesis have been challenged by studies suggesting that late bilinguals can achieve
native-like grammatical competence in the L2. These approaches often maintain that adult L2 learners initially transfer L1
morphosyntactic settings (cf. Schwartz and Sprouse, 1996) but eventually may gain L2 ufeatures through gradual
restructuring (e.g., White et al., 2004; Leung, 2005). There is no critical period functional deficit to examine since L2A is
similar for children and adults. Syntactic competence is not directly reflected by mastery of morphological inflection,
because mistakes relate to matching difficulties between syntactic terminal nodes and surface morphology. This line of
research attributes L2 morphology errors to problems with morphological mapping rather than impaired underlying
syntactic competence, a tradition that draws on missing surface inflection (Haznedar and Schwartz, 1997; Lardiere, 1998,
2000; Pre
vost and White, 2000). Thus, adult English speakers of L2 Romance languages like Spanish initially transfer L1
properties and may reset nominal features to the L2 values, eventually gaining both [ugender] and [unumber] on D and A
(Gess and Herschensohn, 2001; Herschensohn, 2001; Bruhn de Garavito and White, 2002; Pre
vost, 2004; White et al., 2004;
Herschensohn and Arteaga-Capen, 2007). While number is morphologically marked on English nouns and vaguely on
English determiners (e.g., this-these), there is no [unum] feature on English adjectives, which show no concord in gender or
2.3. Processing gender and number concord
2.3.1. L2 Spanish noun concord effects
Offline studies indicate that adult learners of different proficiency levels are highly accurate at perceiving and producing
D–N and N–A gender and number agreement, independently of whether or not these features have been instantiated in their
L1 (e.g., Ferna
a, 1999; Bruhn de Garavito and White, 2002; McCarthy, 2008; White et al., 2004, for perception and
production data with French–Spanish and English–Spanish learners). These studies also reveal that beginning and
intermediate learners of gendered and ungendered L1s are more accurate at number than gender agreement. These findings
are in line with results from L2 processing studies.
For example, lexical decision and eyetracking studies reveal that native speakers and advanced late learners are
sensitive to both grammatical gender disagreement (e.g., monolinguals; Anto
ndez et al., 2002; Co le
et al., 2003;
advanced late learners: Alarco
n, 2009; Foucart, 2008; Herschensohn and Frenck-Mestre, 2005; Lew-Williams and
Fernald, 2007) and number disagreement in noun phrases (e.g., monolinguals: Hartsuiker et al., 2001; Anto
et al., 2002). Such sensitivity has also been reported in electrophysiological studies and neuroimaging studies with
respect to both grammatical gender disagreement (e.g., monolinguals: Barber and Carreiras, 2005; Carreiras et al.,
2010; Hammer et al., 2007; advanced late learners: Gillon-Dowens et al., 2009; Rossi et al., 2006; Sabourin
et al., 2006; Tokowicz and MacWhinney, 2005) and number disagreement (e.g., monolinguals: Carreiras et al., 2010;
Barber and Carreiras, 2005; advanced late learners: Rossi et al., 2006; Osterhout et al., 2008; Gillon-Dowens et al.,
It is important to note that advanced learners’ sensitivity to gender/number agreement violations is absent in low
proficient learners, suggesting that sensitivity to such discord partly depends on their L2 proficiency (e.g., RT data: Alarco
2009; Keating, 2009; Sagarra, 2007; event-related potential (ERP) data: Osterhout et al., 2008; Tokowicz and MacWhinney,
2005). For example, the latter study revealed that beginning late learners were sensitive (P600 effect) to violations of L2
features that are formed similarly in the L1 but not of features that are nonexistent or formed differently in the L1. This study
also showed a clear divergence between implicit (brain responses to grammatical violations) and explicit measures
(grammaticality judgments) of L2 learning. In summary, offline and online studies have argued that three important factors
to learners’ sensitivity to grammatical concord of gender and number are age of acquisition, L1 feature inventory, and L2
proficiency level.
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
2.3.2. Cognitive differences in gender and number agreement processing
Empirical evidence on whether gender and number agreement are represented differently at the lexical level and, if they
are, how and when these representational differences affect agreement mechanisms during L1 and L2 syntactic processing is
mixed. Some monolingual studies claim that gender and number are processed similarly. For example, Cole
and Segui (1994)
and Lukatela et al. (1987) found no differences between gender and number agreement in grammatical priming with word
pairs. Osterhout and Mobley’s (1995) ERP data are compatible with these findings: gender and number agreement violations
produced the same effects (i.e., P600 effect, related to grammatical anomalies), and both were different from semantic
violations (semantic violations produced a N400 effect, which is linked to semantic anomalies).
In contrast, other studies reveal that monolinguals have more difficulty processing gender than number agreement
(De Vincenzi, 1999; De Vincenzi and Di Domenico, 1999). For example, speech-error studies show that monolinguals make
more grammatical gender than number errors (Anto
ndez, 1996; Vigliocco et al., 1996; Nicol and O’Donnell, 1999;
ndez et al., 2002). In turn, lexical decision studies reveal longer RTs when words disagree in gender than in number
(Faussart et al., 1999). Finally, Spanish ERP data show that gender agreement violations produce longer latencies than
number agreement violations (Barber and Carreiras, 2003, 2005). The results of these studies support both lexical and
syntactic accounts to gender. If gender is a stem inherent feature that is accessed from the full word form and number is a
morphological feature that combines with the stem of the word (lexical accounts to gender) (e.g., Domı
nguez et al., 1999;
Igoa et al., 1999), gender disagreement should be more cognitively taxing than number disagreement because gender failure
forces the processor to go back to the lexical identification stage in order to check if the right entry had been chosen vs.
number failure that only requires the system to check the final processes of syntactic recognition without having to return to
the initial processes of lexical access. Similarly, even if gender and number are affixal (e.g., Sereno and Jongman, 1997; Sicuro
Correa et al., 2004), gender disagreement should be more cognitively demanding than number disagreement because
irregular grammatical items are more difficult to process than regular grammatical ones ( Herna
ndez et al., 2007)
(as mentioned earlier, number marking is consistently marked with s or es, whereas gender marking is only partially
predictable because many nouns violate the rule of using o for masculine and a for feminine).
2.3.3. Working memory
In line with these studies, research examining how native speakers of gendered and ungendered languages process and
produce gender and number agreement in L2 Spanish suggests that gender is cognitively more difficult than number. Offline
studies show that beginning and intermediate French–Spanish and English–Spanish learners are more accurate at perceiving
and producing number than gender agreement (Bruhn de Garavito and White, 2002; Franceschina, 2002; McCarthy, 2008;
White et al., 2004). As for online studies, Gillon-Dowens et al.’s (2008, 2009) ERP data reveal that highly proficient English–
Spanish and Chinese–Spanish learners behave like Spanish monolinguals (biphasic LAN-P600 pattern indicating the
presence of both automatic and repair processes) for D–N number disagreement but the learners lack the P600 effect for
gender disagreement. Because these gender–number differences are present in learners of an L1 with (English) and without
(Chinese) D–N number agreement, they conclude that such differences are not due to L1 transfer but to cognitive factors,
such as individual differences in working memory. Their interpretation of the findings follows previous research suggesting a
link between the LAN effect and some kind of verbal working memory (Kluender and Kutas, 1993).
Working memory, the cognitive resources needed to temporarily store and process information during complex cognitive
actions (King and Just, 1991; Geva and Ryan, 1993; Ellis and Sinclair, 1996; Baddeley, 2003, 2007), is limited ( Just and
Carpenter, 1992; Vos et al., 2001), and tasks that deplete a person’s working memory capacity can result in less storage and
slower processing (cf. MacDonald et al., 1992; Fiebach et al., 2002; Mackey et al., 2002). Current models of L2 acquisition
agree that learning a language as an adult is a daunting task that consumes a great amount of cognitive resources (Hasegawa
et al., 2002; Walter, 2004) and that these processing demands affect knowledge and implementation of linguistic
information, such as gender agreement (e.g., Lardiere, 2007; Hopp, 2007 ). There is mounting evidence that working memory
is associated with L2 lexical retrieval and morphosyntactic processing (e.g., Havik et al., 2009; Michael and Gollan, 2005;
Miyake and Friedman, 1998; Miyake et al., 1994; Sagarra, 2007
) and evidence has begun to accrue that working memory is
linked to L2 gender agreement processing even at low proficiency levels. For example, Sagarra (2007) found that English–
Spanish beginning learners were insensitive to gender agreement violations but that those with higher working memory
capacity showed sensitivity to the violations. Heeding previous empirical evidence indicating that late learners of
ungendered L1s show (a) greater difficulty with gender than number agreement regardless of the presence or absence of D–N
number agreement in their native language (Gillon-Dowens et al., 2008, 2009) and (b) increased sensitivity to gender
agreement violations with higher working memory (Sagarra, 2007), we investigate whether working memory affects the
processing of gender and number agreement by learners of different proficiency levels.
3. The study
3.1. Research questions
As shown in the literature review, research on adult acquisition of gender and number agreement in L2 Spanish is
abundant but it is still unclear whether adults can gain grammatical features absent in their L1 and whether greater
difficulties in processing gender than number agreement are modulated by cognitive demands. The present study aims to
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
shed light on the role of age of acquisition (whether late learners can show native-like processing patterns), language
proficiency (whether higher proficiency learners show more native-like patterns than lower proficiency ones), and
processing demands (whether working memory influences the processing of gender and number agreement and whether it
modulates possible differences between gender and number agreement) on the processing of N–A grammatical gender and
number agreement by Spanish monolinguals and beginning and intermediate English–Spanish learners. The study uses
online and offline techniques (non-cumulative self-paced reading and grammaticality judgments, respectively) to explore
these issues. We investigate N–A rather than D–N agreement because research on the former is scarce (cf. Herna
1984, on child acquisition) and we examine beginning and intermediate learners because studies on the representation and
computation of L2 gender and number agreement in low proficiency levels are few.
Lastly, we combine online (non-cumulative self-paced reading) and offline (grammaticality judgments) methodologies
because linguistic competence entails both grammatical knowledge and implicit grammatical computation: comprehension
and production data cannot speak to grammatical representation—since it is impossible to know where competence ends
and performance begins—whereas behavioral data permit the direct comparison of L2 learners and monolinguals to
ascertain computational procedures. Differences between online and offline data obtained in previous studies (De Mulder,
2006; Montrul et al., 2008) confirm the need to include both techniques within the same sample pool. Furthermore, learners’
superior performance on self-paced over timed tasks (Sabourin, 2003) and on written over oral tasks (Montrul et al., 2008)
led us to decide to use self-paced and written tasks (the higher processing demands of timed and oral tasks could hinder
sensitivity to adjectival morphology).
The specific research questions of the study are
Based on online and offline data, do Spanish monolinguals, and intermediate and beginning L2 learners show gender and number
congruency effects? We predict that beginning learners will not be sensitive to gender or number agreement violations (no
differences between agreement and disagreement conditions) but that intermediate learners and Spanish monolinguals
will show sensitivity to both types of agreement violations (longer RTs on the self-paced reading task and lower accuracy
on the grammaticality judgment task). This prediction follows accessibility approaches to adult L2A, which assume that
gender features can be acquired in adulthood independently of the L1 (e.g., representational models: White et al., 2004;
Leung, 2005; computational accounts: Hopp, 2007; Foucart and Frenck-Mestre, 2004). The lack of gender congruency
effects in beginners may relate to transfer of L1 values, to less optimal lexical mastery, or to cognitive factors such as
individual differences in working memory. The latter is examined in the second research question.
Based on online and offline data, do Spanish monolinguals, and intermediate and beginning L2 learners process gender
agreement differently from number agreement? And if they do, is the increased difficulty of one over the other influenced by
working memory? We predict that beginners will show no differences, but that intermediates and Spanish monolinguals
will spend more time processing gender agreement violations than number agreement violations. This hypothesis is
based on previous studies with Spanish monolinguals (Anto
ndez et al., 2002; Barber and Carreiras, 2003, 2005;
Faussart et al., 1999) and Spanish late bilinguals (Bruhn de Garavito and White, 2002; Gillon-Dowens et al., 2008, 2009;
McCarthy, 2008; Tokowicz and MacWhinney, 2005; White et al., 2004) and is in line with lexical and syntactic accounts of
gender, which claim that computation of gender agreement is cognitively more demanding than number agreement.
Furthermore, we expect L2 learners with higher working memory to be more sensitive to N–A agreement violations,
particularly gender ones, following research showing that working memory modulates L2 lexical retrieval and
morphosyntactic processing (e.g., Havik et al., 2009; Michael and Gollan, 2005; Miyake and Friedman, 1998), as well as
processing of grammatical gender agreement in L2 Spanish (Sagarra, 2007).
3.2. Participants
A pool of 196 university students received 10 euros (63 Spanish monolinguals) or extra credit (69 beginning and 64
intermediate L2 learners) for participating in the study. To be included, participants could not have spent more than one month
in a foreign language country or a bilingual Spanish province, and they needed to score above 60% in the comprehension
questions of the self-paced reading task.
The Spanish monolingual group consisted of Spaniards with university education in
areas other than linguistics. A language background questionnaire indicated that they were born and raised in Andalucia, they
didnotspeak any other foreign languages,andtheydidnot studyEnglish outsidethe required courses in middleschool and high
school. Studiesindicating that Spanish highschoolers have one of the lowest L2 English proficiency levelsof the European Union
(Bonnet, 2002; CEDEFOP, 2004) and the monolinguals’ self-ratings of their functional proficiency in English as low suggest that
their proficiency level in this language was too low to have any effect on L1 processing.
The L2 groups comprised English native speakers enrolled in a third-semester (beginners) or seventh- or eighth-semester
(intermediates) Spanish course at a North American university. A language background questionnaire for L2 learners
determined that they began learning Spanish post-puberty, once their L1 syntax had been established (e.g., Guasti, 2002;
Crain and Lillo-Martin, 1999; Hawkins and Franceschina, 2004; Herschensohn, 2007) and that they had no knowledge of
While a 60% cutoff may not seem conservative at first glance, it is important to take into consideration (a) that many psycholinguistic studies follow the
‘‘above chance cutoff’’ (i.e., 51%), (b) that even the lowest mean was actually high (8.32 over 10 for the 69 beginners: see Table 2), and (c) that we included a
comprehension question after every sentence (whereas many studies include comprehension questions randomly).
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
other languages. In addition to the language history questionnaire, L2 learners completed a Spanish proficiency test, with
those scoring below or above 3 standard deviations from the mean being excluded from the study. Finally, L2 learners
needed to obtain a perfect score in the diagnostic gender/number agreement and vocabulary tests to ensure that lack of
morphological or semantic knowledge of the target nouns and adjectives did not produce longer latencies that could bias our
3.3. Materials and procedure
As shown in Fig. 1, participants performed seven tests in two sessions one week apart. The language background
questionnaire, the Spanish proficiency test, and the self-paced reading task were conducted in the first session, and the
grammaticality judgment task, the Spanish vocabulary test, the Spanish grammar test, and the working memory test in the
second session. The Spanish vocabulary and grammar tests were administered later to ensure that the explicitness of these
two tests did not bias the outcome of the self-paced reading or the grammaticality judgment task. Spanish monolinguals
completed all the tests except the Spanish proficiency test, the Spanish vocabulary test, and the Spanish grammar test.
3.3.1. Language background questionnaire
Two versions of th e language background questionnaire were administered: one for the L2 learners and one for the
Spanish monolinguals. The questionnaire revealed that none of the participants had lived in a foreign-speaking country
for more t han one month and that the L2 learners received a similar amount of L2 instruction (three semesters for
beginners and eight for intermediates). In addition, the questionnaire for Spanish monolinguals included self-ratings of
English proficiency in each of the four skills using a Likert scale (1 = minimum ability; 10 = native proficiency) (see
Bonnet, 2002, for evidence that self evaluations correlate with L2 proficiency). The questionnaire showed that Spanish
monolinguals had a low functional proficiency in English (the means f or the four skills ranged between 3.13 and 4.21 out
of 10).
3.3.2. Spanish proficiency test
After the language background questionnaire, the L2 learners completed the Spanish proficiency test, which consisted of
the grammar section of the Diploma de Espan
ol como Lengua Extranjera for intermediate learners. In this test, learners have to
read isolated sentences (30 points) and a passage in Spanish (20 points) and fill in the blanks with one of four options
provided per item. Correct answers received 1 point and incorrect answers 0 points. An independent-samples t test indicated
that the intermediates (M = 20.65, SD = 3.00) were more proficient in Spanish than the beginners (M = 7.04, SD = 2.89):
t (125) = 22.667, p < .01 (Levene’s F = .000, p > .05).
3.3.3. Self-paced reading and grammaticality judgment tasks
For each task, participants read four practice sentences (half grammatical, half ungrammatical), 30 experimental
sentences (10 per condition), and 80 filler sentences (70 well-formed, 10 with gender disagreement with animate nouns
reported in another study). The conditions for the experimental sentences were: (1) gender and number agreement, (2)
gender agreement violation (feminine for masculine), and (3) number agreement violation (plural for singular). Sentences
combining gender and number agreement violations were excluded because Rossi et al. (2006) found that late L2 learners
treat these errors as semantic rather than grammatical violations, regardless of proficiency level.
Fig. 1. Materials and procedure.
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
(1) El ingeniero presenta el prototipo famoso en la conferencia.
The engineer presents the prototype-MS famous-MS at the conference.
(2) *El ingeniero presenta el prototipo famosa en la conferencia.
*The engineer presents the prototype-MS famous-FS at the conference.
(3) *El ingeniero presenta el prototipo famosos en la conferencia.
*The engineer presents the prototype-MS famous-MP at the conference.
The following measures were taken to divert participants from discovering the goal of the study and focusing on the
target structure. First, approximately two thirds of the sentences were fillers, and all sentences (experimental and fillers)
were similar in length (9–15 words), syntactic structure, and lexicon (cognates and vocabulary typical of basic Spanish
textbooks; see Appendix A for complete list of target nouns and adjectives). Second, sentences were randomized to avoid
having two experimental sentences appear consecutively. Third, participants were not told that they would encounter
ungrammatical sentences in the self-paced reading task. Finally, the same nouns and adjectives were used in both tasks for
comparability purposes but in different noun–adjective combinations to avoid practice effects.
The target nouns consisted of 2–4 syllable masculine singular countable nouns with transparent gender and the target
adjectives were 2–4 syllables long and also had transparent gender endings. The NP1 nouns were masculine singular ending
in /-o/ to avoid possible gender or number biases on the NP2 nouns. Gender-inflected pairs such as puerto-puerta
, door
and fruto-fruta ‘fruit
masc, fem
were excluded to avoid conceptual and grammatical relationships with
the feminine noun (the processing of the masculine noun could activate the feminine noun resulting in shorter RTs at the
feminine adjective that could hinder gender congruency effects). Also, Spanish uncountable nouns and Spanish countable
nouns that are uncountable in English were not considered either, in order to ensure trial homogeneity (all nouns were
countable) and avoid comprehension or L1 interference issues related to mass nouns lacking the number feature.
We used the unmarked form of gender (masculine: Harris, 1991; transparent: Anto
ndez, 1999) and number
(singular: Eberhard, 1997) due to several reasons. First, we wanted to develop a solid baseline to explore gender/number
concord/discord that excludes variables irrelevant to our research (e.g., masculine/feminine, transparent/opaque, singular/
plural, marked/unmarked), which would significantly increase the number of sentences, making the experiment logistically
unfeasible. Second, previous research indicates that a noun’s gender or number does not influence RTs of congruent/
incongruent D/A in native speakers and late learners of Romance languages (e.g., Alarco
n, 2009; Anto
ndez et al., 2002;
De Mulder, 2006; Keating, 2009). Still, to ensure that longer RTs at the adjective were due to sensitivity to disagreement
rather than reaction to the marked form of gender and number, we ran statistical analyses on the fillers with N–A gender and
number agreement based on feminine singular (FS) (k = 10), masculine plural (MP) (k = 10), and feminine plural (FP) nouns
(k = 10) with transparent gender (see Results for more information). In the non-default form (F, P) latencies were a function
of discord, not non-default status. Another consideration was that we are examining how processing of gender and number
agreement takes place at early stages of acquisition, so we focused on the area where grammaticalization might first appear,
in the transparent unmarked case. McCarthy (2008) has shown that L2 learners (manipulating Spanish gender and number)
are more accurate for default (M, S) than marked (F, P) forms in both comprehension and production, a tendency suggesting
that grammatical representation may be established earlier in default morphology. An anonymous reviewer questions our
use of the default forms. Assuming that representation and computation necessarily interface (i.e., underlying grammatical
competence and online processing), we seek to see this in the unmarked case since it should be diagnostic, the first place we
predict to see evidence of grammatical sensitivity. We would also predict less sensitivity in the marked F, P if we were to run
a similar test, but that is beyond the scope of the present study. Finally, we concentrated on contiguous N–A concord/discord,
following previous studies indicating that longer structural distance between the noun and the modifying adjective results
in decreased sensitivity to grammatical gender discord (L2 French: Myles, 1995; L2 Spanish: Keating, 2009; see Almor et al.,
2001, for similar findings with subject–verb agreement violations in English monolinguals).
For the moving window task, participants read Spanish sentences silently on a computer screen, word-by-word, and
answered yes-no comprehension questions (half with yes, half with no target answers) after each sentence. As illustrated in
Fig. 2, each sentence began with a 500-ms fixation marker ‘+’ that appeared at the center of the screen, followed by dashes
Fig. 2. Example of a trial for the self-paced reading task.
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
(dashes helped make reading more natu ral). Each dash represented a letter, and wor ds were separat ed with spaces to
present the visible characters normally available during natural reading. When participants pressed the space bar key, the
first word of the sentence a ppeared, replacing the dashes for that word. By pressing the space bar key each time, the
previous word was removed and the subsequent word was revealed. Pressing the key on the last word of the sentence
prompted a comprehension question about the sentence they had just read, and participants indicated the answer by
pressing a ‘‘yes’’ or a ‘‘no’’ button. Comprehension questions were included to ensure that low proficiency learners attended
to the meaning of the sentences and that longer RTs at the adjective were due to sensitivity to agreement violations instead
of lack of understanding. To avoid biasing the participants’ attention to the adjective, the questions excluded the adjective
and did not evaluate their knowledge of gender/number marking or agreement. Examples of yes and no questions for
sentences (1)–(3) above are:
Elingenieropresentaelprototipo? ‘‘Does the engineer present the prototype?’’ (Answer: Yes)
sico presenta el prototipo? ‘‘Does the physicist present the prototype?’’ (Answer: No). The instructions emphasized
the importance of accuracy in responding to the comprehension questions, and participants received 1 point for correct
responses a nd 0 for incorrect ones.
The grammaticality judgment task was administered one week after the self-paced reading task and required
participants to classify sentences as correct or incorrect, to identify the source of the error in incorrect sentences w ith a
circle on the incorrect word(s), and to rate how confident they were about their answer in a 5-point Likert scale. Only
confidence ratings of sentences with correct grammaticality judgments were used for statistical analyses, and the ratings
were included because previous studies have shown that mu ltiple judgment tasks are more informative than single
judgment tasks (Schu
tze, 1996) and that confidence ratings made on a continuous scale are closely r elated to
grammaticality (Tunney, 200 5). Furthermore, the combination of grammaticality and confidence judgments allowed us to
differentiate between performance (accuracy score and source of the error score) and awareness (confidence score)
(Tunney and Shanks, 2003).
3.3.4. Spanish vocabulary and grammar tests
Following the grammaticality judgment test, L2 learners completed a vocabulary and a grammar test to control for
familiarity with the meaning of the target nouns and adjectives and the target structure. For the vocabulary test, participants
matched the nouns and adjectives in Spanish to their translation in English. For the grammar test, they identified the gender
and number of a series of nouns that were counterbalanced for gender and number. Masculine singular nouns were based on
the nouns used for the experimental sentences of the self-paced and grammaticality judgment task, and the rest
corresponded to the nouns of filler sentences containing correct gender and number agreement with feminine singular
nouns, masculine plural nouns and feminine plural nouns.
3.3.5. Working memory test
Following Waters and Caplan’s (1996) reading span test, participants read sets of plausible and implausible sentences on
a computer screen at a fast pace, one by one, indicated whether that sentence was plausible by pressing a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’
button, and wrote down the final word of each sentence at the end of each set of sentences. The test was given in the
participants’ L1 because working memory seems to be language-independent (Osaka and Osaka, 1992; Xue et al., 2004) and
because deficits in L2 knowledge could affect the results of a test conducted in the target language.
3.3.6. Scoring
Participants received 1 point per correct answer and 0 per incorrect answer for all the measures except the mean RTs of
the self-paced reading task and the confidence ratings of the grammaticality judgment task. The self-paced reading task
produced two scores: mean RTs at the adjectives and accuracy on comprehension questions. Mean RTs, the mean of all word
RTs within a condition, corresponded to the time spent between the appearance of a word on the screen and the press of a
spacebar key. Word RTs faster than 200 ms and slower than 2000 ms were excluded because Anglophone college students
need between 225 and 300 ms to process single words (Rayner and Pollatsek, 1989). As mentioned earlier, accuracy on
comprehension questions was based on a binary score of 1 point for correct answers and 0 for incorrect answers and
participants needed to be accurate above 60% to be included in the study. Only sentences with correct responses to the
comprehension questions were taken into consideration for statistical analyses to minimize the possibility of reading
latencies due to lack of understanding. The grammaticality judgment task also generated two scores: accuracy on identifying
sentences as correct or incorrect and a confidence rating. For the accuracy score, participants received 1 point for identifying
correct sentences as correct or identifying incorrect ones as incorrect and identifying the error accurately. The confidence
rating score was based on a 5-point continuous score ranging from 1 (not sure at all) to 5 (completely sure). Finally, for the
working memory test, participants received one point per sentence with both correct plausibility judgment and accurate
recall of the final word.
3.4. Results
The study followed a mixed design with one within-subjects variable, condition (gender/number agreement, gender
violation, number violation), and two between-subjects variables, namely group (beginners, intermediates, monolinguals)
and working memory (high and low working memory).
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
3.4.1. Self-paced reading task
The statistical analyses for the self-paced reading task included four repeated-measures ANOVAs with a 3 (agreement:
gender/number agreement, gender violation, number violation) 3 (group: beginners, intermediate, Spanish monolinguals)
factorial design: one for the word immediately preceding the adjective, one for the adjective, one for the word immediately
following the adjective, and one for accuracy on the comprehension questions. Table 1 displays descriptive statistics for the
word preceding the adjective, the adjective, and the word following the adjective and Table 2 the descriptive statistics for
accuracy on comprehension questions. Mean RTs at the word preceding the adjective were analyzed to ensure that latencies
on the adjective were exclusively due to the variables under investigation. In turn, mean RTs at the word following the
adjective were examined to measure possible residual effects in processing the adjective. Late latencies are important
because the onset of L2 processing is delayed (e.g., Weber-Fox and Neville, 1996) and because differences between gender
and number agreement have only been found in late measures (Barber and Carreiras, 2005). Finally, accuracy on
comprehension questions were included to guarantee that participants understood the sentences they read and Table 2
shows that all participants had a good level of understanding (the lowest mean was 8.29 over 10).
The repeated-measures ANOVA conducted on the word immediately preceding the adjective showed no main effect for
condition (F(2,386) = 2.910, p > .05) and no interaction of condition group (F(4,386) = 1.813, p > .05), but there was a main
significant effect for group (F(2,193) = 84.992, p < .01). Bonferroni post hoc tests revealed that beginners were slower readers
than intermediates and that beginners and intermediates were in turn slower than Spanish monolinguals (all p < .01). These
results indicate that higher L2 proficiency results in faster reading (see Clahsen and Felser, 2006, for similar findings).
The repeated-measures ANOVAs carried out for the mean RTs at the adjective, the word following the adjective, and
accuracy on comprehension questions revealed a significant main effect for condition (adjective: F(2,386) = 16.608, p < .01;
adjective + 1: F(2,386) = 11.887, p < .01; comprehension questions: F(2,386) = 4.282, p < .05) and group (adjective: F(2,193)
= 54.995, p < .01; adjective + 1: F(2,193) = 27.129, p < .01; comprehension questions: F(2,193) = 16.258, p < .01), as well as a
significant interaction of condition group (adjective: F(4,386) = 2.407, p < .05; adjective + 1: F(4, 386) = 7.923, p < .01;
comprehension questions: F(4,386) = 4.075,
p < .01). Bonferroni post hoc tests showed no significant differences in RTs or
accuracy among conditions for beginners (all p > .05). However, intermediates and Spanish monolinguals showed longer RTs
in sentences with gender or number violations than with gender/number agreement (all p < .01), and Spanish monolinguals
were in turn more accurate answering questions about sentences with gender/number agreement than gender
disagreement (p < .01). In addition, no RT or accuracy differences were found between gender and number violations,
except for Spanish monolinguals who were more accurate answering questions about sentences with number than gender
violations (p < .01). Finally, as expected, between-group comparisons showed longer RTs and higher accuracy in Spanish
monolinguals than intermediates and beginners, and in intermediates than beginners in sentences with gender/number
agreement (all p < .05).
Table 1
Mean RTs at the noun (N 1) and at the adjective (N) in milliseconds, in the moving window test.
Gender/number agreement Gender violation Number violation
Mean RTs at the word immediately preceding the adjective (N 1)
Beginners 1033.97 450.69 1020.69 375.66 956.92 368.42
Intermediates 890.84 314.95 835.41 291.43 819.15 287.70
Spanish monolinguals 469.35 168.09 492.75 175.23 495.15 174.81
Mean RTs at the adjective (N)
Beginners 901.32 332.83 911.36 310.13 952.47 359.71
Intermediates 708.83 207.43 823.82 276.62 855.64 258.98
Spanish monolinguals 465.34 115.06 554.96 189.89 546.39 166.88
Mean RTs at the word immediately following the adjective (N +1)
Beginners 550.52 144.00 530.54 120.70 521.27 138.85
Intermediates 445.70 85.48 536.43 137.73 514.80 120.42
Spanish monolinguals 385.97 70.99 449.71 111.25 433.78 80.65
Note: n = 69 for beginners, n = 64 for intermediates, and n = 63 for Spanish monolinguals. K = 10.
Table 2
Accuracy on the comprehension questions of the moving window test.
Gender/number agreement Gender violation Number violation
Beginners 8.67 1.23 8.57 1.05 8.32 1.18
Intermediates 8.80 1.28 8.72 1.19 8.75 1.20
Spanish monolinguals 9.49 .64 8.84 .99 9.44 .64
Note: n = 69 for beginners, n = 64 for intermediates, and n = 63 for Spanish monolinguals. K = 10.
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
Because native speakers are by definition from a different population, it could be claimed that the significant main and
interaction effects obtained at the adjective, adjective + 1, and comprehension questions were caused by this group. Three
additional 3 (condition) 2 (group: beginners, intermediates) repeated-measures ANOVAs revealed identical findings to
those obtained in the 3 3 ANOVAs reported above for RTs at the adjective and the word following the adjective, namely, a
significant main effect for condition (adjective: F(2,262) = 8.911, p < .01; adjective + 1: F(2,262) = 3.820, p < .05) and group
(adjective: F(1,131) = 2.288, p < .01; adjective + 1: F(1,131) = 4.716, p < .05), as well as a significant interaction of
condition group (adjective: F(2,262) = 3.001, p < .05; adjective + 1: F(2,262) = 11.175, p < .01). Bonferroni post hoc tests
showed the same significant differences as those reported in the 3 3 ANOVAs, demonstrating that the differences between
the two L2 groups were not caused by the Spanish monolingual group. The only discrepancy between the 3 3 and the 3 2
ANOVAs was the expected lack of significant differences between beginners and intermediates in the comprehension
questions: condition (F(2,262) = 1.286, p > .05), group: F(2,262) = .923, p > 05, and condition group: F(4,386) = 4.075,
p > .05).
As mentioned earlier, to ensure that longer RTs at the adjective were due to sensitivity to agreement violations rather
than markedness, we conducted an additional 5 (condition) 3 (group) repeated-measures ANOVA on the mean RTs at the
adjective in the following conditions: gender/number agreement with unmarked gender/number (MS-MS experimental
sentences), gender/number agreement with marked gender and number (FS-FS, MP-MP filler sentences), and gender/
number disagreement with marked gender/number (MS-*FS, MS-*MP experimental sentences). Means and standard
deviations can be found in Table 1, except for filler sentences with FS-FS and MP-MP: beginners FS-FS: M = 855.58(242.18),
beginners MP-MP: M = 852.19(237.00), intermediates FS-FS: M = 691.12(192.25); intermediates MP-MP: M = 683.61
(189.78), Spanish monolinguals FS-FS: M = 455.28(97.87), and Spanish monolinguals MP-MP: M = 448.34(87.07). The results
showed a significant main effect for condition (F(4,756) = 31.793, p < .01) and group (F
(4,756) = 31.793, p < .01), and a
significant interaction of condition group (F(4,756) = 31.793, p < .01). Bonferroni post hoc tests revealed no significant
differences for beginners but longer RTs in sentences with gender/number disagreement (MS-*FS, MS-*MP) than those with
gender/number agreement, regardless of gender/number markedness (MS-MS, FS-FS, MP-MP). These findings suggest that
longer RTs obtained in sentences with gender/number violations are due to sensitivity to grammatical incongruencies rather
than to markedness.
3.4.2. Grammaticality judgment task
As mentioned earlier, the grammaticality judgment task generated two scores: accuracy on identifying sentences as
correct or incorrect and a confidence rating. The means and standard deviations for each score divided into group and
condition can be found in Table 3.
For each score, we conducted a repeated-measures ANOVA with the same 3 3 factorial design. The ANOVAs showed a
significant main effect for condition (accurate grammaticality judgments: F(2,330) = 95.218, p < .01; confidence rating: F
(2,330) = 47.665, p < .01) and group (accurate grammaticality judgments: F(2,165) = 137.259, p < .01; confidence rating: F
(2,165) = 125.199, p < .01), and a significant interaction between condition and group (accurate grammaticality judgments:
F(4,330) = 45.113, p < .01; confidence rating: F(4,330) = 16.993, p < .01). In line with previous research (e.g., Herschensohn,
2000), Bonferroni post hoc tests revealed that L2 learners were more accurate at classifying sentences with gender/number
agreement as correct than those with gender or number disagreement as incorrect (all at least p < .05), suggesting that,
when in doubt, low proficient learners tend to assume that L2 sentences are grammatical. The sole exception, non-significant
differences between number agreement and disagreement in the intermediate group, can be explained by ceiling effects. As
for confidence ratings, beginners felt equally confident about their answers to sentences with gender/number agreement
and gender disagreement. With regard to differences between gender and number violations, L2 learners were more
confident and more accurate at classifying sentences with number disagreement than gender disagreement, and more
accurate at identifying number errors than gender errors (all at least p < .05). There were no differences across conditions in
the Spanish monolingual group due to ceiling effects. Finally, between-group comparisons indicated that beginners and
Table 3
Mean and standard deviations of the grammaticality judgment test.
Gender/number agreement Gender violation Number violation
Accuracy identifying sentences as correct or incorrect (k = 10)
Beginners 8.73 1.51 2.92 4.11 5.94 2.51
Intermediates 8.26 1.32 6.47 3.40 7.98 1.54
Spanish monolinguals 10.00 .00 10.00 .00 10.00 .00
Confidence rating (k = 5) (1 = not sure at all; 5 = completely sure)
Beginners 3.51 .85 3.56 .91 3.97 .82
Intermediates 3.54 .67 3.97 .72 4.42 .60
Spanish monolinguals 5.00 .00 5.00 .00 5.00 .00
Note: n = 52 for beginners, n = 53 for intermediates, and n = 63 for Spanish monolinguals. The sample size varied slightly because some L2 learners did not
complete the grammaticality judgment test.
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
intermediates were equally accurate at classifying sentences with gender/number agreement and gender disagreement and
equally confident in sentences with gender/number agreement. However, intermediates were more accurate than beginners
at classifying sentences with number disagreement and identifying gender and number errors, and they were more
confident than beginners in sentences with gender or number disagreement (all at least p < .05). As expected, Spanish
monolinguals were more accurate and confident than L2 learners across conditions (all p < .01).
3.4.3. Working memory
To assess whether working memory affects processing of gender/number agreement/disagreement, multiple bivariate
correlations were carried out for each variable and group. The results revealed that working memory positively correlated
with sentences with gender agreement violations in the intermediate group (RTs at adjectives: r = .334, p < .01; accuracy on
grammaticality judgments: r = .290, p < .05). These findings indicate that intermediate learners with higher working
memory capacity were more sensitive to gender disagreement than those with lower memory. No significant correlations
were obtained for Spanish monolinguals due to ceiling effects. With regard to beginners, the lack of significant effects can be
explained by the low working memory mean of the group. In effect, a one-way ANOVA showed that the intermediate group
had a higher working memory level (M = 56.64, SD = 12.78) than beginners (M = 44.99, SD = 12.80) and Spanish
monolinguals (M = 42.94, SD = 11.88) (F(2, 193) = 22.443, p < .01).
4. Discussion
4.1. Research question 1
The first research question of the study investigated whether Spanish monolinguals, and beginning and intermediate
adult L2 learners show sensitivity to gender and number agreement violations, based on online and offline data. The RT
and grammaticality judgment data showed that beginners were not sensitive to gender or number agreement violations
but intermediates and Spanish monolinguals showed sensitivity to both violation types (i.e., longer RTs for discord than
concord). The results of Spanish monolinguals (at ceiling) and beginning learners (at floor) are in keeping with previous
research. In representational terms, beginners’ insensitivity could be expected in the early stages of L2A, as both UG
approaches discussed earlier suggest. In contrast to the beginners, the intermediates are not completely insensitive to
gender and number discord on the S panish adjective, indicating a developing procedural sensitivity t o gender
and number agreement violations that should reflect the developing interlanguage grammar. In line with models such
as Full Transfer Full Access, this could be indicative of the restructuring of the values of grammatical features of
adjectives for L2 Spanish by Anglophone learners (cf. Herschensohn, 2000, 2001; Bruhn de Garavito and White, 2002;
White et al. , 2004).
A possible objection to this interpretation of the results is that longer RTs in incongruent sentences might be due to a
reaction to the marked form of gender (feminine) and number (plural) in the adjective. There are two reasons why we
consider this option unlikely. First, if non-default forms were responsible for reading latencies in feminine and plural
adjectives in incongruent sentences, they should also be expected to produce reading latencies in feminine and plural
adjectives in congruent sentences. However, statistical analyses comparing adjectives presented in the non-default form
(feminine for gender, plural for number) in both congruent and incongruent sentences revealed latencies to be a function of
discord, not non-default status. Indeed, the analyses showed longer RTs in FS and MP adjectives that disagreed with the noun
than with FS and MP adjectives that agreed with it for both intermediate learners and Spanish monolinguals. Second,
previous studies have failed to find any relation between a noun’s gender or number and processing of agreement/
disagreement in Romance languages as L1 or L2 (e.g., Alarco
n, 2009; Anto
ndez et al., 2002; De Mulder, 2006; Keating,
4.2. Research question 2
The second research question examined whether Spanish monolinguals, and intermediate and beginning L2 learners
process gender agreement differently from number agreement, based on online and offline data, and if they do, whether the
increased difficulty of one over the other was influenced by working memory. The data of the self-paced reading task (RTs
and accuracy on comprehension questions) revealed no significant differences between gender and number concord/discord
for any of the three groups. In the case of beginners and Spanish monolinguals, the lack of differences can be explained in
terms of floor and ceiling effects, respectively. As for intermediate learners, the similarity between gender and number
agreement could be due to several factors that we discuss in detail in the General Discussion section. These findings
contradict models claiming that gender agreement is cognitively more demanding than number agreement (Faussart et al.,
In contrast, the data of the grammaticality judgment task indicated that beginners and intermediates were more accurate
at identifying number agreement errors (beginners were accurate 59.4% of the time and intermediates 79.8% of the time)
than gender agreement errors (beginners were accurate 26.2% of the time and intermediates 56.4% of the time). Furthermore,
beginners and intermediates were more confident in sentences with number discord than gender discord. These findings
suggest that learners process number disagreement more easily than gender disagreement and are in line with models
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
claiming that processing gender agreement is cognitively more demanding than number disagreement. As for the Spanish
monolingual group, as expected, ceiling effects produced no differences between gender and number violations for any of the
measures of the grammaticality judgment test. Finally, we found that working memory was indeed significant at the
intermediate level and also mediated the differences between gender and number concord processing, a topic we explore
4.3. General discussion
Given native sensitivity to concord violations (which induce longer RTs in processing), this study has examined two
research questions: whether learners whose L1 lacks gender/number concord with adjectives can acquire these features in
the L2, and if so, whether the two features are distinct or similar with respect to processing and interpretation. We also
consider the roles of proficiency level and working memory to the computation of gender and number concord. These
research questions address two orthogonal theoretical issues, the accessibility of L2 grammatical features to non-advanced
learners and the significance of the gender–number distinction. Table 4 summarizes the results for the self-paced reading
and grammaticality judgment tasks.
As expected, the native controls show significantly longer RTs to sentences with gender/number violations than to those
with concord, and as we predicted, beginners in our study did not show sensitivity to gender or number agreement violations
in the self-paced reading task (where reaction time was equivalent for concord/discord) or the grammaticality judgment task
(where subjects were at floor). Assuming initial transfer of L1 English grammatical features ( Hawkins, 2001; White, 2003),
these beginning learners are not expected to transfer grammatical features of [ugender] or [unumber] for adjectives because
English only has an interpretable feature for number on nouns. Given the fact that concord is explicitly taught and that the
learners could presumably learn it, they should (if teaching resulted in accurate representation and processing procedures)
be 100% accurate. The fact that they aren’t indicates that positive and negative evidence for concord is not sufficient for
beginning L2 Spanish learners, and that more L2 exposure is required. In effect, learners with more L2 experience (the
intermediates) are beginning to respond like the native speakers.
It is the intermediate group whose responses serve to differentiate between deficit and accessibility approaches. This
group shows significantly longer RTs on violations of both gender and number concord than on non-violations
(agreement) on the adjectives in the self-paced reading test. These results indicate a growing sensitivity in the
intermediates to gender and number concord/discord in Spanish adjectives. A strictly shallow structure deficit view of
processing is unsupported in that the intermediates—in contrast to t he beginners—do not appear to be using lexical,
semantic and pragmatic cues as opposed to morphosyntactic cues. Unlike the L2 learners (whose L2 target environment
stay is measured in months) in Silva and Clahsen’s (2008) study, our subjects are not totally indifferent to inflectional
morphology. Silva and Clahsen conclude that further studies with more advanced learners are needed to ascertain the
extent of the morphological insensitivity. While we do not want to exaggerate the native-like processing of our
intermediate learners, their incipient sensitivity to discord points to development of target-like computation.
they are more accurate and have faster RTs with inanimate (no semantic-pragmatic cue) than animate nouns (Sagarra
and Herschensohn, 2011), an indication that they are developing the grammatical features [ugender] and [unumber].
This development favors accessibility over deficit approaches to representation (cf. Hawkins, 2009) since the learners
gain L2 uninterpretable as well as interpretable gender and number, even though grammatical features are unnecessary
for interpretation (Chomsky, 2002). An anonymous reviewer not es that the fact that the intermediate learners show
emergent sensitivity to a feature that is neither in the L1, nor needed at LF, is encouraging. The sentences of the task are
Table 4
Summary of results for experiments 1 (moving window) and 2 (grammaticality judgment).
Moving window test (ms. on adj.) Grammaticality judgment test
Correct–incorrect Confidence rating
Gender agreement vs. gender violation
Beginners agree = violation agree > violation agree = violation
Intermediates agree < violation agree > violation agree < violation
Monolinguals agree < violation agree = violation agree = violation
Number agreement vs. number violation
Beginners agree = violation agree > violation agree < violation
Intermediates agree < violation agree = violation agree < violation
Monolinguals agree < violation agree = violation agree = violation
Gender violation vs. number violation
Beginners gender = number gender < number gender < number
Intermediates gender = number gender < number gender < number
Monolinguals gender = number gender = number gender = number
A further difference is the task, a 30–60 ms priming task for Silva and Clahsen, as opposed to much later reaction time in our experiment.
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
novel in that they aren’t sentences that the subjects have had likelihood to encounter (and have memorized), so the
sequences are all new combinations, yet the intermediates and monolinguals distinguish between discord and concord.
While their interlanguage grammars are still developing, and while their processing skills are slower than natives’, they
nevertheless manifest sensitivity t o noun–adjective agreement in an online task. These results imply that L2 learners
can gain grammatical features on L2 adjectives after puberty.
The second research question tested the relationship between two types of agreement, gender and number,
examining possible differences between the two. As we noted in the initial section, there are differing views of the
correct analysis of gender and number representation and processing in Spanish. According to Do
nguez et al. (1999),
psycholinguistic models diverge in their view of gender as a process achieved through a whole-word representation
a ‘girl’) or across the stem of the word (nin
-a ‘girl’). Furthermore, there are differences in processing both gender and
number in term s of gr ammatical category, between D and A (cf. Centeno et al., 2007). In any case, the facts support a
distinction between gender and number storage and processing in monolin gual Spanish. We predicted that
intermediates would process number more efficiently than gender for two reasons: their L1 English grammaticalizes
number but not gend er on nouns and de terminers, and several studies show that Spanish mono linguals process number
more efficiently than gender.
Our hypothesis that there would be no differences for beginners due to floor effects was confirmed. In contrast, our
prediction that gender agreement v iolations would produce longer RTs at the adjective than number agreement violations
for the intermediate learners and the Spanish monolinguals was not supported. Several factors could cause the lack of
significant differences bet wee n gender and number agreement in the intermediate group. For example, delayed processing
effects not visible in the mean RTs at the adjectives could explain the similarity between gender and number discord, but
this possibility is refuted by the lack of significant differences obtained in the statistical analyses conducted at the word
immediately following the adjective. Another possible explanation could be that the self-paced reading task is sensitive to
the i dentification of grammatical incongruencies (concord-discor d com pariso ns) but no t sensitive enough to the
processing of grammatical violations that consume more or less attentional resources (gender discord-number discord
comparison), an issue w e address in terms of working memory. Recall that working memory positively correlated with
intermediates’ ability to notice gender disagreement but not number disagreement, suggesting that gender disagreement
is cognitively more taxing than number disagreement. Finally, the intermediate learners could have been using their
metalinguistic knowledge t o read the sentences of the self-paced reading task. Since the two structures are covered in class,
they would be equally sensitive to the two types of disagreement. The data from the grammaticality judgment test let us
address this option. In effect, the results of the grammaticality judgment test revealed that judgments on number are more
accurate than those on gender, and confidence is higher on number than gender for all groups. These results together with
the working memory findings c orroborate lexical and syntactic models claiming that processing gender agreement is
cognitively more demanding than number disagreement. They may also relate to the transfer of interpretable number on N
from L1 English.
Finally, Spanish monolinguals showed ceiling effects both for the self-paced reading task and the grammaticality
judgment task, indicating that our instrument is not sensitive enough to capture the distinction between gender and number
agreement reported in the literature (see Barber and Carreiras, 2005, for ERP evidence of differences in the processing of
gender and number disagreement in native Spanish). As for working memory effects in the Spanish monolingual and
beginner groups, there were no significant correlations due to ceiling effects in Spanish monolinguals and the low working
memory mean of beginners. In contrast, the intermediate group—the one that shows the emerging ability to compute gender
concord—is also the bellwether for working memory. At this intermediate level, working memory can be a significant factor
whereas it is essentially irrelevant at ceiling.
5. Conclusion
This study of processing of L2 Spanish gender and number agreement and disagreement on adjectives confirms
monolingual patterns at intermediate L2 levels and shows insensitivity to concord/discord at beginning L2 stages. In terms of
representational and computational accounts, our data for intermediate learners—whose results both in the self-paced
reading and grammaticality judgment tasks demonstrate an emerging sensitivity to adjective concord/discord in L2
Spanish—favor models which allow eventual acquisition of grammatical features of [ugender] and [unumber] on adjective.
Furthermore, our results also confirm a distinction between gender and number, manifested both in the working memory of
intermediate learners (higher working memory yields higher sensitivity to gender but not number agreement violations)
and in the grammaticality judgments of beginning and intermediate learners (more accuracy and confidence in sentences
with number than gender agreement violations). We interpret these working memory and grammaticality judgment
findings as indicative of the differential representation and processing of the two features similar to that of Spanish
monolinguals. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that adult learners with a certain proficiency level can
demonstrate grammatical knowledge and implementation that is qualitatively comparable to that of native speakers; that
gender agreement is cognitively more taxing than number disagreement; and that working memory facilitates gaining
sensitivity to adjective morphology. Future research may tease out further details of why gender agreement consumes more
attentional resources than number agreement and how learner cognitive individual differences such as working memory
modulate agreement processes.
N. Sagarra, J. Herschensohn / Lingua xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
LINGUA-1647; No of Pages 18
Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004
Appendix A
List of the nouns and adjectives used in the moving window and the grammaticality judgment tasks.
Inanimate nouns (k = 40): acuario, acueducto, anillo, aparato, archivo, armario, auto, concierto, contrato, cuestionario,
cuchillo, desayuno, dibujo, dinosaurio, documento, edificio, escritorio, gra
fico, helado, instrumento, me
todo, momento, mono
museo, negocio, panfleto, partido, perio
dico, pescado, prototipo, proyecto, regalo, sombrero, tele
fono, torneo, trabajo, vehı
verano, vestido, zapato.
Adjectives (k = 40): agresivo
, bajo, bueno, caro, co
mico, complicado, creativo, curioso, dina
mico, divertido, fabuloso, famoso,
stico, favorito, feo, limpio, loco, lo
gico, malicioso, malo, mediano, moderno, nuevo, ocupado, ortodoxo, pacı
fico, pequen
perfecto, preferido, ra
pido, rico, roma
ntico, serio, silencioso, simpa
tico, sucio,
pico, tra
gico, tranquilo, viejo.
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Please cite this article in press as: Sagarra, N., Herschensohn, J., The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and
number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish. Lingua (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2010.02.004