Vendor Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (8.4.3) 6/21/2018 Page 1 of 2
Supplier Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Special Process Certification
A certificate shall be issued with each shipment and must state that special processes demonstrate compliance with the
drawing requirements, specifications or purchase order, and is performed by a Spectrum Aeromed Authority, and/or
government approved source. The certificate shall contain the signature of an authorized representative of the supplier.
Certification of Compliance (Catalog parts)
Certification documents are required from supplier & sub-tier supplier, shall be identified with, and include the following:
a. The Spectrum Aeromed purchase order number and item number.
b. Quantity, Lot and/or Serial Numbers
c. Date of Manufacture (D.O.M.)
d. Part Number and Revision as specified on purchase order.
e. Signature, Title, and Date by an authorized representative of the issuing organization.
Raw Material Traceability
All items manufactured under this purchase order shall be traceable to raw materials used. Traceability and inspection
records shall be available upon request by Spectrum Aeromed or customer representatives. Identification of raw materials
used, shall include, as applicable, but not limited to, the following types of information lot number, material type,
specification, heat number, etc. In any case, supplier shall record sufficient identification information to adequately
identify all material in such a manner that full traceability of raw materials used is included.
Certificate of Calibration
A certificate of calibration to NIST standards is required of suppliers performing calibration of Spectrum Aeromed’s tools.
Quality Management System
Quality System Requirements
The supplier shall implement and maintain a system that provides adequate inspection to verify that the product supplied
is in full compliance with the purchase order requirements and all applicable specifications.
Compliance with these requires are subject to audit by Spectrum Aeromed.
The supplier shall flow down to all levels of sub-tier suppliers the applicable requirements in the purchasing documents,
including key characteristics where required.
Supplier shall insure that persons are aware of their contribution to product/service conformity & product safety and the
importance of ethical behavior.
Quality Records (Applies to all Purchase Orders)
All Quality Records are to be legible, reproducible, and identifiable to the purchase order. Quality Records are to be stored
and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to minimize
deterioration or damage and to prevent loss. This applies to our suppliers and any lower-tier suppliers. Retention period
for Quality Records are 5 years unless otherwise specified. Spectrum Aeromed, our customers, Government, or Regulatory
Agency representative shall have access to review quality records as they pertain to this order.
Vendor Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (8.4.3) 6/21/2018 Page 2 of 2
Right of Entry
Spectrum Aeromed reserves the right to review control methods and inspect material included in this order at the
supplier’s plant and at any sub-tier plant at any level of the supply chain. Access rights shall be extended to our customer
and Government or Regulatory Agency representatives.
Subcontracted Services
Requested services are to be performed by the contracted supplier. Supplier is not permitted to flow down services to a
Sub-tier(s) without prior written approval of Spectrum Aeromed. If/when approved by Spectrum Aeromed, all Spectrum
Aeromed requirements will be flowed down to the sub-tier supplier(s). The use customer designated or approved external
providers, including process sources (i.e special processes)
Product Requirements
Nonconforming Product Controls, Recalls, & Escape Notification:
Subcontractors are required to report any failure, malfunction, or defect in any product, part, process or article that is
manufactured and delivered to Spectrum Aeromed obtain approval prior to shipment.
Conflict Minerals (Section 1502 Dodd-Frank act)
The supplier must certify they do not knowingly or actively procure, source, purchase, or otherwise acquire metals,
components, or other products containing “Conflict Minerals” in accordance with section 1502 of the “Dodd-Frank” Act.
Configuration Management
Supplier shall notify the buyer immediately of any changes to the characteristics or configuration of the products and/or
processes or venues used to manufacture the product. Supplier shall obtain written approval of changes from Spectrum
Counterfeit Parts
- The Supplier warrants that Counterfeit Supplies shall not be supplied to the Purchaser or installed in the Purchaser's
products by the Supplier. The Supplier warrants that only new, unused, authentic, genuine and legitimate Items shall form
part of the products supplied to the Purchaser. The Supplier may only purchase or source Items directly from Original
Component Manufacturers ("OCM"), OCM authorized (e.g. franchised) distributors or aftermarket manufacturers.
Other Requirements
Precedence of Requirements
In the case of conflicting requirements, the following order of precedence will apply Spectrum Aeromed Purchase Order,
Spectrum Aeromed Quality Clauses, Drawing, Material & Process Specification then General Terms & Conditions.
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials, as defined by the EPA, shall be packaged and clearly identified in such manner as to include any and
all special handling, packaging, storage, environmental, or other requirements imposed by statue or regulation.
Product intended for delivery to Spectrum Aeromed shall be handled and packaged in manner as necessary to prevent
damage during handling and transit.
Limited shelf life material
The seller shall identify each item, package, or container of limited-calendar-life material with the cure of manufacture
date, storage temperature, special handling conditions and requirements, in addition to the normal identification
requirement of name, part number, specification number, type, size, quantity and manufacturing recommended shelf life.
This identification, including special handling conditions and requirements, shall be recorded on certifications and shipping
documents for the material.