HP 496/698
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Department of Human Performance
Sport Management Program
Name: Your name
Week: 3
Faculty Supervisor: Your Supervisors name
I. Please indicate the times you worked:
Date Day Time Hours
May 16, 2009 Saturday 2pm- 10:30pm 8.5 hours
May 17, 2009 Sunday 9am- 4:30pm 7.5 hours
May 18, 2009 Monday 5:30am-6:30 & 8:30am-3:30pm 8 hours
May 19, 2009 Tuesday 11:30am-1pm & 2pm-10:30pm 10 hours
May 20, 2009 Wednesday 3pm-10:15pm 7.25 hours
May 21, 2009 Thursday 2pm-10:15pm 8.25 hours
May 22, 2009 Friday 8:45am-11am & 2pm-11pm 11.25 hours
Total Hours for Week: 60.75 hours
Total Hours for internship: 125.75 hours
II. Field Experience Location: Quad City River Bandits Stadium- Modern Woodmen Park, Mall in
Davenport Iowa, Mall in Betendorf Illinois, Special Olympics in Betendorf Illinois, and an elementary
school in Rock Island Illinois.
III. Evaluation of Week’s Experiences:
A. A concise description of what you did each day:
Since this is still one of my first weeks of my internship with the Bandits I was still getting to
know the ballpark, the Quad Cities area, all of the on field promotions, and getting use to my duties to
do in the office. This week began with a night game. Before the game I gave a tour of the stadium, then
attended a pre-game meeting, and began working the game by handing out our monthly Play Ball
magazines at the front gates. I then worked four innings doing on field promotions, sold tennis balls for
a charity for two innings, and worked the concierge desk for the last three innings. The on field
promotions that I got to do that day were 1
pitches, find and help the play ball kid, pizza scream, and
Biaggie’s fan of the game. Throughout everything I did during the game I also had to interact with the
crowd and help with anything else I could do. After the game ended I had to work the charity tennis ball
toss and work the gates for exit giveaways.
My second day I worked I had to set up promotional items before the game, handed out Play
Ball magazines when the gates opened, worked the concierge desk for 3 innings, and did on field
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promotions for the rest of the game. I also attended pre-game and post game meetings. After the game
ended I had to hand out Dick’s Sporting Goods coupons for player of the game.
On Monday May 18 I had to be at the stadium at 5:30am to wrap 3,000 hotdogs for Book
Buddies that afternoon. I then worked in the office helping the community relations coordinator with
setting up community events that were going to happen within the next few weeks. My duties consisted
of calling companies, schools, National Anthem singers to sing at the games, parents setting up birthday
events at the ball park and scheduling their events. That night we then had a game at 7pm and I did the
same things at the game as the prior nights.
On Tuesday I helped tape a video for a firework countdown for two River Bandit players and a
grade class in a school in Rock Island Illinois. The firework countdown was for the countdown we play
before the fireworks every Friday we have a home game. After that I did some marketing in a mall in
Davenport Iowa. Then that night we had a game and I once again attended pre and post game meetings,
worked the gates handing out promotions prior to and after the game, did on field promotions and
worked the concierge desk.
On Wednesday May 20 I worked in the office setting up promotional things for the game and
then continued to work the game that night. The following day, Thursday, I went to a mall in Bentendorf
Illinois and did some marketing there. After I worked a night game and did the same things as I did in the
past games.
Friday May 22 I took two River Bandits players to the Special Olympics to help work the games
and promote our team. Then that afternoon I worked in the office setting up promotional things like
wrapping the tennis balls for the charity toss. Then that night I worked another game doing pre and post
game meetings, on field promotions, and concierge desk. After the game was finished I helped with the
charity ball toss and worked the firework event.
B. New experiences:
I learned many new experiences this week because it was one of my first weeks working for the
River Bandits. It was very exciting and I really enjoy working for this team. I learned how to give tours at
our ballpark, act professionally when calling members of the community to set up community relations
events, how to market to the community at the malls, and how attending a community event with the
mascot and the players works. I cannot wait to do more marketing in the community with Rascal our
mascot and the players. I look forward the rest of the summer interning with the Quad City River
C. Skills and knowledge used:
The skills I used while working the games and community events were my knowledge of working
past promotions for a sport team, my ability to be outgoing to fans coming and leaving the stadium and
my ability to think quickly and be on my toes for on field promotions and working the concierge desk.
D. Skills and knowledge areas in which you felt deficient:
Because this was one of my first weeks of interning for the River Bandits I do need to learn a few
more things. It will take time but I need to understand where everything in the stadium is. Some
examples are the ATM, bathrooms, where certain sections are, and the tunnels under the stadium for
short cuts to on field promotions.
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E. Comments concerning your feelings and experiences:
I really enjoy interning for the River Bandits and this is a great learning experience. I am applying a
lot of what I learned in previous human performance and sport management classes and it is great to do
F. Plans for improving your performance:
To improve my performance I plan on learning where everything is in the stadium. Majority of the
promotions we do are self explanatory and I caught on quickly to what had to be done. I just need to
learn the tunnels under the stadium and where other services around the stadium are so I can provide
information to the fans.
G. Situations you observed during the week that were interesting and/or
beneficial to your pre-professional development:
The situations I had the opportunity to observe during the week were following my supervisor
Maggie McCoy around and doing marketing with her in the community. Her position is manager of
Community and Client Relations so she does a lot with the members of the team in the community and
some marketing as well. I really enjoyed shadowing her and I learned a lot. A position like this is very
interesting and could be a possibility in my future.
H. Weekly SBJ Journal:
This week in the Sports Business Journal an article titled, USOC to Open Marketing Office in New
York, has to do with marketing and relates to the marketing I’ve been doing in the community. This
article explains how the USOC is adding another office in New York on top of their already existing office
in Colorado. They are opening an office in New York because they want to be able to market to a
different area and hopefully add more and new partners. They would also like to sign with more and
new sponsors (Mickle) I believe this article somewhat relates to what I have been doing this past week
with marketing. Obviously the River Bandits aren’t opening any new marketing offices but we are trying
to market our team and our products to new areas and hopefully find some sponsors on the way. So far
many people have seemed interested in coming to a River Bandits game and we have had quite a few
groups contact us about group sales for the games. I feel that because of this outcome we have done
well with marketing to a new area and I hope to continue to do so.
Mickle, Tripp. "USOC to Open Marketing Office in New York." Sports Business Journal Vol. 12 1-7 Jun
2009 Web. 1 Jun 2009. <http://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/article/62664>.